the post standard, syracuse, ny

, Weather Regional forecast, Page 18. Official SlIracuu Area: Weather Snow today; fair and cool Mrs. Rose Kennedy Grieves for Deap. Son R MA ssinalion . In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this Twenty Third Day of November the Veal' of Our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Si ty-Three, and 01 Ute in· depelldence of the U'lited ate. of America Ute One Hundred and Eighty·Eigh . Lyndon B. Johnson. Now, therefore, I, Lyndon B. Johnson, presi· dent of the United States of America, do appoint Monday next, November 25, the day of the funeral service of President Kennedy, to be a national day of mourning throughout the United States. I ear· nestly recommend the people to assemble on that day in their respective places of divine worship, there to bow down in submission to the will of aI· mightly God, and to pay their homage of love and reverence to the memory, of the great and good man. I invile the people 0 the world who share our grief to join us in this da of mourning and rededi· cktion. Mourns SYRACUSE, N. Y., SUNDAY, NOVE¥BER 24, 1963 'Nation WASHINGTON (AP)-President Johnson Issued Saturday the following proclamation to Ute people of Ute United States: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th president of the United States, has been taken from us by an act which outrages decent men everywhere. He upheld the faiUt of our fathers, which Is freedom for all men. He broadened the frontiers of Utat faiUt, and backed it wiUt Ute energy and the courage which are Ute mark of Ute nation he led. A man of wisdom, strength, .and peace, he molded and the power of our nation in the service of a world or growing liberty and order. All who love freedom will mourn his death. As he did not shrink from his responsibilities, but welcomed them, so he would not have us shrink from carrying on his work beyond this hour of na· tional tragedy. He said it himself: "The energy, Ute faith, Ute devotion which we bring to Uti. endeavor will light our country and aU who serve-and the glow from that fir. can truly light Ute world." r) THE POST- STANDARD * * President Lyndon B. Johnson Proclaims Day 01 Mourning * * * Quiz Second Man in As 'OSWALD I ***** FINAL AUBURN. FINGER LAKES I. DALLAS, Tex. (AP) - Dist. Atty. Henry Wad. saId Saturday he is confident of getting the ,Ieath pen- Old Cabl e net alt) for 1.<'0 Harvey Oswald. charged WIth murder in the assassination of President Kennedy. ·'Th;s man killed the President." said homICIde j ICapt Will Fritz positivelY'. Oswal<\, 24. a 'Tlan pouc W · -II It · say. is proud of bemg alS C'lt!1;i"t. ... .enied he I . I . rod anyone. He is als<\'(' • god ·,;l!r. r in tne ,_ tj:lg (If 2 Dallets po1.ctr \ f I Wade salli Oswald will ldod flfst-probably 10 W · th J h' mid·JC\nuary-in the death 0 the President. I 0 nson "If we get the deaUt penalty as expected, there . . will be no need to try him in the other case." said i I Wade. He has prosecuted 24 murder case and ob· \ WASHINGTON (AP) - President Johnso. asked tained Ute death penalty 23 times. He got a life ver· members of the Kennedy cabinet to stay on the jObj diet the other time. saturday, and got their pledge to remain as long as I Officers continued questioning a second man de· , he wants them. scribed as a known subversive and friend of Oswal<L The new chief executive held a full·scale session who was discharged as undersirable by the Marine of Ute official family on his first full day in office, and Corps resen·e. renewed the request he had made to most o( the mem· But Fntz said "We are con. bers just after his return to the capital Friday night. vinced beyond any doubt that I White Housf! Press Secretary ( Oswald is our man." * * * PielTe Salinger said the meet· lie added: "Without going in· ing lasted about 25 minutes. to the evidence, I can tell you K dL a He said Johnson opened it this-this case is a cinch. This enne Y les with a minute of silent prayer man killed the President." He for slain President John F_ brushed aside all other ques- Kennedy_ tions. In State at Then, Salinger said. Johnson I President Kenned}t was killed asked cabinet members to con- from ambush Friday by a gun- tinue to serve, "saying he need-" man who snapped off II rapid ed their help in the time ahead." ,-olley of shots that also wound- Wh 't H Secretary of state Dean Rusk ed Gov. John Connally of Tex· Ie ouse and U.N. Ambassador Adiai as. Stevenson responded, Salinger The Defeose Depariment an· said. nounced in Washington that Os' WASHING!ON (AP) . -John F. Kennedy came back 18 death cabinet and 5aid the cabinet f\. ureman probes the ruins of the Golden Age undesirab)e discharge re- Saturday to the White House -- nursing home near Norwalk, Ohio, where about 60 versed. and the homage of the mighty, (Contlnud 011 Par.2, Col. 5) This raised a new question- on a dull, gray dripping pa lents of the rest hom. perished when the ,,·hether the real target was And a new president. Lyndon All F dD d Kennedy or Connally. The two eare eo Capt Will Fritz a national go'-ernment dazed by 6 shots ripped from a bigh-pow· Case 'Is Cinched' the slaYing of its chief. 3 M·. . BI ered rifle on the sixth floor of .-------- __ The towering Texan conferred a building o"erloolting thel- with Seccetary 01 Stale Dean 1551 n9 In aze mOlo'eade as it leU downtown Inside P-S Today Rusk, Secretary of Defense Dallas. Robert S. McNamara and for· Chief of Police Jesse CUrrJI--------...:.- mer President Dwight D. Ei· said: .. (think his actual target SEtTION 1 senhower, perhaps In indication was the Pl·esidenl. I say this . Page of questions of de- Aldous' . Huxley, NORWALK, Ohio (AP)-Six· because he hit the President Telegraph 1·2·5·8·16 fense and national unity ty.three persons were missing twice from about a 75·yard Editorial 4 most on his mind. and presumed dead Saturday In distance on a slant. and ap· Political Front 4 t:ack a lire that swept a path of de\'a- partly he was an expert .::::::::::: : the helm of government with a Auth station through a nursing home last Off Tuesday Kennedy in the Sunday's Crossword 6 plea for God's help slipped . 0 r "es for the aged, infirm and men· head one in the neck Another Literary Journal 6 away to S1. John's Episcopal ., II tally ill. Twenty-four others slug' tore through Connally'S Society 9-10.11 th: . the OAPE C\NAVERAL, Fla.\taur which burns of the Church LOS ANGELES lJ'l - Author- a godless, mechan· year-old Golden Age Nursing CAP)-An Alias-Centaur rocket liquid hydrogen in its second Saturday. Around the Paddock .•... 11 -DISCiples of Ch.nst. s.cholar, Aldous Huxley. 69. the society where .e\"en babies Home near Fitch,·il1e, 15 miles and an Interplanetary Monitor.'stage, will be launched on a test Oswald sharply denied both Theaters 12 Johnson Monday, member on.e. of arnve on a produchon Une. southeast of here. The one-story IDa Platform-fMP _ both Vital flight intended to determine ef. shootings. "I didn't kill the l\lusic 13 or Kennedy s funeral, a foremost Accurately he foresaw tele. concrete building burned quick. . .. President. I didn't kill anybody" The Arts 13 national day of lies, died of cancer Fnday mght. vision, jet planes, tranquilizing ly, fed by a propane gas lank stepPing &tones in the Umted fectL'eness of extensive deSign he told reporters. lladio & TV Listings ..•... 14 ordered ali ofllces In "Private services have al. drugs and other medical ad. and tar roofing A brisk wind Stites' goal of manned conquest changes made since the first Oswald was arrested "IUlln Birds .............. •. , ... 14 ;nd h out of Washmgton closed ready been conducted," said a vances. fanned the flames of the· moon-are scheduled for lest fhght vehIcle exploded an hour after the PreSident dIed Rambling 'Round ...... •.. 14 e dar th I f th brief announcement from a Huxley wrote more than 40 But there was no explanalJon leuncbmg here Tuesday above Cape Canaveral 18 Police dragged him screammg 'Radio & TV News J5 wo Id 18 1e he pcop e 0 daughter·m·law, Judith Huxley. books, Includmg a dozen novels for the flre's ongm About Here's the lineup for· the slg. months ago and struggling from a movie Prize Puzzle Solution •••• 15 th r Pw d 't'are our l gne, Huxley's physlCJan, Dr Max Of these, "Pomt Counter·pomt" am Gov James A Rhodes. nlflt:apt space doubleheader If 11 k II h C -- Astrological Forecast •... 15 e rcS! amallon Cutler, saId he had been 111 for "Eyeless m Gaza" and who new to the scene from his Centaru, forerunner of ":'ill t (Continued on Pare 5, Col 3) Puzzle Quiz 15 (Continued 011 Page 2 Col 2) about three years of cancer of1Many a Summer Dies the Columblfs office, ordered a f.u11 a vehicle destgned to land un· earth g e SEtTlON 2 -:=======' :::' :;-I the mouth, "which had ex· Swan" were Widely acclaimed m\'esugatlon by the OhIO Htgb- manned Explorers on the moon News . r tended." and read. way Pattol and the state flrf! ad"ance of manned expediJ The and S T d State News 18.19 APARTMENT The British-born titan of let· Aldous Leonard Huxley was office.. tlons. is schedulE'd for firing be· f hsted now 0 oy Markets 21-22 ters had made his home in,born July 26 1894 in Godalm. Amut the stones of horror- .een 10 a.m. and 4 p_m. "es.e our pnmary test ob· A Business Post 22 Southern California since 1937. 'ing, Surrey, the of Leonard elderly persons trapped in the -IlIP is Sf't 10 blast off atop JectlVes: nd Colder SPOrts 23-24.25 HOUSE The forthright author. wholand Julia Arnold Huxley. beds, other crippled or too weak a Delta rocket between 9:50 1. Demonstrate ability of the Kceping Posted 23 blazed a wide path tllrough the His paternal grandfather was to walk and siill others crushed C.JJ;I. and 11:20 p.m. to so· A.t I a s·Centaur, structure to Snow Hurries wiU hit the l'portsman's Corner ..... 24 LIVING' world of ·in the 1920s and the great naturalist Thomas by the collapsing roof T two ar radialion which threatens wtthstand aerodynamic loads. Syracuse area today. Pm Points 25 '305.. had a life·long pastime: Huxley and he was' the elder heroes emerged. They th f,Slronaut lunar journeys. The 2.. Demonstrate performance The high today will be 34 Dealh Record ...•........ 26 A New Facet taking n:'an .apart to see what of biologist Julian who were satellite's main assignment. of. flrst·and second·slage separ, and the low 25 degrees. Winds Just Tell John 26 in American, him tick. . Huxley. drtvmg by on U.S. 250 and ent be to evaluate whether orblt1ng allan system. from the west at 20 to 30 miles Apartment SectL.m .. 27.28-29 Family Life! HIS best known worl was HUlr.ley leaves his widow Lau- into the butldJng to save .lives. htStruments can be used tb pre· 3. Demonstrate ability of Cen· an 'hour will diminish later 1n Classified. 30·31.32-33 "Brave :V0rtd," whicll sold ra Archera Huxley; a son: "Mat-. The. two who risl;ed their Jj"es diet when great flares will taur liquid hydrogen propulsion the day. .. of the Week 34 Far Detaill See copies .fnce Its thew, Washington, D.C.. and m the deadly smoke and n9me"jon the $un's surface. xpewmg system to start successfully and There will be fatr skies and Stamps ............ •.••.. 34 Pages 27 to 29 10 1932. . two grandchildren, Trevenen are Henry Dahman, a truck giant c lou et s of dangerous achieve stable operation. ICOOI temperatures tomorrow.· Your ChUd's Health 34 In It Huxley __ -- cosmic onto space. 4. Evaluate accuracy of the The high yesterday was 6f Stars Above 34 25th century, draWIng a chill (Coatlltud OD Pale!. Col. I) (CoDUaued 0. Page 2, Col. I) The long-sufferinc Atlas·Cen· guidance system. " degrees with a low of 51. \ Post Scripts ...•••••••••.• 3 , / T i , t!! .• . Samsonite Cord Tables Skil Power Tools Smith·Corono TyPewriters Taylor.tot High Choirs Waltham Watchel Westinghouse Radios and Appliances Westinghouse Stereo-Phono Wilson Sporting Goods Sunbeam Shaven and many other quality namel. Gilbert TOyl Gorham Sterling Gruen Watches Vocuum Cleaners Kodak Cameros Lady Pepperell Sheets Marlin Fire Arms Mattei Toys Magnus Orgonl Norelco Shovers Oneido Silverplote Panasonic Radios Polaroid Cameros Quaker Servettes Remington Shovers Ronson Lighters plenty of customer parking space adjacent to our showroom. Air Guide Weather I nstrument·s Aglbros Watches Amity B;llfolds Aiwa Tope Recorders Bell & Howell Cameras Coleman Stoves 6" Lanterns Casco Play Pens Dormeyer Applionces F. W. Pool Tables General Electric Radios & Appliances . General Electric Toast-R·Oven time for the Pay the Lowest Prices in America at QUALITY BRANDS Select from the thousands of quality brand items listed in our catalog ••• Here are just a few of the nationally famous and guar- anteed brands. In NEXT DOOR TO ROTHSCHILD'S DRUGS Corner of North Geddes Street fREE SOUVENIRS E DOOR PRIZES AND VALUABL OBLIGATION ON YOUR PART. NOTHING TO BUY - NO ""AME TO BE ELIGIBLE, EGISTER YOUR ,-. JUST COME IN AND R AWINGS TO ADULTS ONLY, SORRY, WE MUST RESTRICT DR DISTRIBUTING CORP. Wo Genesee Street -Corner of No Geddes St. FREE PARKING - COME IN FOR YOUR COPY OF OUR NEW CATALOG Chdfmas seasonl Complete Your Christmas Shopping iiJ just a matter of minutes. 0 Quolily 8'tIuttIJ beautiful new showroom 965 West Genesee Street Come into our convenient showroom •.. select_ your items from our complete catalog ••• fill out a simple, convenient order blank • • • and your order will be filled immediately! MORTIMER J. ADLER. Last Strongholds White Supremists Refuse to Bend 16 THE J' PERTH. Scotland of a brand new home for Capt. Donald J. Coleman, who is 10,000 miles away in the Ant· arctic island of South Georgia, JOHANNESBURG, South AI- ment will have no part of the are being assembled in 1,500 rica (AP) -The Republic of Portuguese idea of multiracial packages here. South Africa and the Portu- territories In Africa. An Ango- At the end of this month the guess possessions of Angola and Ian government spokesmen. on packages, with their 270 tons of Mozambique have one thing in the olber hand, .&aid: building materials. wilt leave eommon. They are the last "We in Angola and Mouun· London by ahip for South Geor. .trongholds or white supremacy bique belleve the solution to gta, where Capl Coleman Is In this massively black conti- our problem lies in multlra· senior administrator of the nenl cial rsociety. We have little in British-governed island. I Arrican nationalism Is going common with South Africa apart Sailing with the material" will to lind it tough to change the from the delerminatlon to stay be eight men who will erect the domlnating white of these terri- in the only home we have ever new house, which will have six tories to black. Both seem ada- known-in our case Angola. We rooms, central heating and mant on one ·point-they will not do, however, fight a common Medalist means of melting the snow on Bill C. Burnett, 39, dis. too independent Africa. the white man out or Africa." plays the Purple Heart he Every item for the house has Although South Africa and Few outsiders can be found to got in the mail Wednes· to be shipped from here. In· : day for injuries suffered over by African nationalism, racia1.1sm 11 right for the terri. in 1943 in the Battle of chose the drapes and the rugs they do eye to eye on the tories they govern. Whites In the Solomons. He got the on a recent vislt to Perth. practical application of white both countries seem determined medal after his son wrote The Colemans ha.... lived on minority rule. at this .lage not to budge from another man hurt in that South Georgia since 1159. White South Africa is solidly their government's policies no battle _ the late Presl. The nearest civilization to the dent John F. Kennedy. tlon of its various population sure becomes. (AP Wirephoto) 700 miles away, in the Falkland groups· whites, Africans, Indi-l----'-'==------------'---Iislands off Argentina. Three ans and coloreds (mixed bloods). whaling fleets use South Geor· Po,tugal's p,ovinees of Ango· CrlOtlOes and .Proponents gia - Japanese, Argentine and )a and Mozambique fa'-or a mul- Norwegian. tiracial society. with integra· ----- tion of their white, African and C S Tiff Kentucky Opens Into civil and ontm O ue eaway 0 Angola's thr....year-oJd "little Wood-use Center DETROIT '" _ Is the It. McCann. "We are makiDI more six per cent of the t.rritory, has Lawrence Seaway a boon or 8 of a dent"e;r year. Bdut it will burden? t;: at Quicksand willi the hope It po ·cr When the sprawling Inland T1me for the economy of our can help revive tIte economy in Yk d hit tr waterway opened in 1959 it was nation to grow so that It aches the del?ressed mountain. area. .ac oops, hailed as a "miracle of trans· with the need of more transpor- The center Is in a regiOn of eqUlPp;.d h7\th same. portation" by officials all along tation facilities, and time for the Appalacian Mountain h a r.d. t: f ters the Lakes. Transportation'." !lumber demonstration facility. side 'in factories and stores. But It hasn t worked Wounded black and white troops as are qwck tO!r . are treated In the ,arne hospi. POlOt out Cntics a,goethat the ... eat Tdeas from tals Seaway 15n't paYlng Its own I 1.1 there are posters and may never be .able to hG tB ],,.., sbowing clasped white and clImb out from undec It, 1130 t e rea OOftO .. black hands as a symbol of ra- million .debt to the U.S. Treas- cial u ·ty Postage stamps have ury which Is compounded an· blacks, whites and nually at the rate of per .A GREAT THINKER LOOKS AT un coloreds. ce!1 t : The has $10 Dr. rtlortLmu J. Adler Is recognized as .. of the great Many white Portuguese set· million this doesn t even original thlnkel1l of the 20th century. After rcoctriag his Ph. D. tiers in Angola do menial jobs cover the mtereest on the loan. from Columbia University 1n 1928, Dr. Adler JiIDed Robert M. or road diggeJ'S and even shoe· with his fin· Hulchins at tbe University of Cbicago, where y Introduced shine boys. Although litUe out· ger 10 the dike IS Joseph H. Me· courses based on readiDg and discussing the t Books. I. ward evidence of racial dis· Cann, who was appointed ad· 1946 tbls acth'ity was extended to adulls lbrough Great BO?b crimination is apparent, a hard ministrator of the St. Lawrence Foundation. Dr. Adler now is director of tbe 1 e for Phd. economic barrier tends to segrc.. S:eaway Corpora· SophlC31 Researcb in Cbicago. gale Africans from whites. Few tion by President Kennedy. -- m: :4m:ttt: is creating more a.nd emas or restaurants. go behind original projecti.OD5 for people. This can ob1o'lously be used to goad Portugal bas an estimated 40,· in its first four years of opera- What have the great given us that might g GOO. strong army In ita Mrican tion. But as the waterway .po individually and coUecUvely u society. III territories. Each man Is a "pby· proaches the end of Its flfth timet cbo-social" soldier. He I. expect. year, McCann feels there is lots JAMES R. ed not only to wage war against of room for optimism. t01 VI a terrorists but to propagate the With the 1963 season coming Syracuse. multiracial line amongst the AJ· to a close, McCann says 28.5 Dear IUr. Buchanan: rlcans and win them over to the million tons (last year's high) .Most mature people, if they were asked whether woul.d Portugese ideology of racial in· have already passed through be happy idle all the time, would reply in the nega . their tegration. the maze of locks as of Oct. answer would be the same, though perhaps if is in marked contrast to 31. By the Dec. 1 closing date, they were asked i! would be playmg aIDUS!ng South Africa's apartheid. 1m· he expects this figure to ap- themselves all their hves long. domg nOthi?,g .... plaXmg posed and enforcro by law. The proach or surpass 30 million represent for most people the malO aspects of free tIIIle - South African military forces tons. the waking hours in which they iD"e frfe" from wort. are for all practical purposes In answer to Seaway alOes, In an. era the amount completely white. There is, how· McCann says that original es. of free time has mcreased so ever, 8 move to build up a timates or tonnage proiectlons greatly, the common attitude small colored army contingent were too high, and that many that our "off" time should be and non·whites are extensively businessmen have been slow to devoted chieOy to idleness and used in the police fcrce. take advantage of the Seaway's amusement raises an alarming Apart from association. 1m. low toll rates. Another prob. prospect. One envisions mil· posed by working needs in a lem that has slowed Seaway lions of people at their wits' end country where the mass of the growth is the fact that the trying to think of something to labor force is African, there is Great Lakes ports are open fill up thei: time, to "kill time," minimum contact between black only nine months, from April as the saYing goes. and white. Africans cannot use to December. The Greek philosopher Aris· white bars. hotels, restaurants. McCann says he is seeking a totle would have considered suctl cinemas, swimming pools or two-week extension of the Dec. an attitude ridiculous and im- transportation. They have their 1 closing date. He says this tional. As he saw it, free time own segregated entertainment would allow many ships to is the precious portion of our and transportation arrange· make an additional trip to lives in which we can engage in ments. Nowhere can black and Great Lakes ports and provide the intrinsically valuable activl· white together In public. millions of dollars In added ties of learning, and White clerks serve in all the big bUsiness. public $ervice. These are the stores, even though most of The Seaway is capable of activities that make life worth these do business with all races. carrying 50 million tons an· living and which fulfill us as There Is simmering discontent nually, says McCann.. He ex· human beings. ....mong the more politically con· pects a 10 c.ent in<:t"ease in Tbese acUvltle. sclous Africans. There have tonnage until the maXlmum Is what Aristotle called "leisure." Buchanall been a few bombings and dyna- reached sometime In 1970. As he uses the term leisure is not synonymous with &ee time mitings which briefly"'disrupted "We ou.ght to be paying off as itla for most of today, but it is one of the waya JD which .communications, but none on a the prinCIpal of the bonds by we use free time. Play and idleness are among the other ways large scale such as occurred then," he says. in which we use free time. Aristotle considered play • good frequently d\lring the commu- But a lot of work remains to thing, when pursued in moderation, because It provides recrea. nist rebellion in Malaya. Asmall be done. McCann aU Sea- tion from the fatigues of work and thought and aIforda pleasur- number of whites have been way ports lDust do their part to able enjoyment. killed in tsolated outrages. But p!'omote the Seaway and. P:o- If we apply Aristotle's recipe to our present situation, we South Africa so far has not had Vide adequate harbor facilities would divide our time in the following manner. Ftrst would to cope wIth an organized and ca.n accommodate come the economic activities which are necessary to proVide us effective armed uprising like gOlOg shIps. Some ue laggmg with the mateclal of exis.lenee. Then would come play CONVENIENT SHOWROOM HOURS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING the terrorist war m Angola or behind, Includmg and physical relaxation to prOVide us WIth recreation and reo the Mau Mau rebellion that tied .In rebruary pubhc hearl.ngs cuperation. Finally, and most valuable. would come the leisure ' down thousands of white troops will be held in both the Uroted activities which help us to grow as individuals and 81 members . 9 10 in Kenya for eight years States and Canada to set Sea· of the community OPEN WEEKDAYS AND SATURDAYS A"· UNTIL P ... The country" ,trictly toll ,,£es. This will be the la tha lattec ;'tego,y beloag our cultu,,1 activities, 'uch os .m. .m. security laws make it hard for fll'st toU smce the Sea- serious study and artistic production _ for their own sake, not African nationalists to organize way open . to make a living. To the works of leisure also belong our social politically or to build up any- problem Is another and political activities - again amateur, not professional _ for thing like an effective armed malor Issue that has confused the common good. Leisure is the productive use of free time. and rebellion. 8.o-called subvers.iv:: its fruits are t.he development and perfection of the mind and suspects can be thrown into lad rt ti f d t of the commumty_ brought to trial. Many anti- s H:rt of Michi. during our waking hours. On the contrary, higher even than apartheid politicos•.white and gan and ;rank Lausche of Ohio i:, what!! "rest," and have caUed "quiet." black. have found Uungs 50 hot are expected to hold heating or sundar terms. By rest, I mean the great, pre· for them here that they have on rates and other Seaway prob. holy Sabbath.moment,. when we have cess.ed from useful quit the country· .' lems in early 1964. - both the and the leisure k.llld - and are The government clauns Its In the meantime McCann Simply open to the highest reaUty, to the baSIS ad eare' of stroOng army, navy and feels Seaway rates become things. "Rest" th.e time of prayer. or worship air force, dedicated to defend lower as larger sbips are en. :- those non·utllitarJan whIch all of us must resort to white supremacy and befter abled to carry more cargo. m order to complete ourselves. equipped and armed than an.r "Right now" says McCann I would divide the time of our lives, tben, into tbese five parts other forces in sub·Sahara Mn· "Seaway are often or activities: (1) sleep, (2) working for a living,. (3) play, (4) ca, ara. capable of dealing with significant they can mean the leisure, and (5) "rest," in the Sabbath sense. It IS the last two any threat from within our out- difference between losing or that are the essentially human activities, whereby we perfect aide her borders. . keeping .' customer, between ourselves as human beings. The South Afncan govern· profit and loss_" . For example, he cites the ELECfRONIC new European market for Yo.u can win a U.volume let of the Great Books of tile West- BENTON, Ky. (AP) _ Vol frozen tart red cherries grown era World by writing a leUer, not to exceed 150 Words. IDcor· Kidd has a backache and his in Michigan and Wisconsin. poratfog a queslio. or geueral Interest for Dr. Adler to con· 1165 wife suffers {rom arthritis but More than three mUlion pounds sider (or Inclusloa la this columa. Eaeb week he will select 7 they solved the problem of who were shipped in on. month, he first prize winners the writers of the three best letten. He will would go out to the highway to said. use ONE Df these letten 81 a basis for a future columD and wlr let the mall by installing an McCann says motl and more answer it In terms of the Intellectual heritage of the Great Books electrle motor to draw the mail· markets abroad are openlng......f43 worb by 74 alltbon, spaanlag 3G centuries of thought box up to their front porch and every day. Address the letten to Dr. Mortimer J. Adler in care of TIle Post I .• return it. "It's ••low process." laid StaDdarcL ."

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Nov. 24, 1963


Page 1: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY



Regional forecast, Page 18.

Official SlIracuu Area: WeatherSnow today; fair and cool t~

Mrs. Rose KennedyGrieves for Deap. Son

R MAssinalion

.In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand

and caused the seal of the United States of America

to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington this Twenty

Third Day of November the Veal' of Our Lord

Nineteen Hundred and Si ty-Three, and 01 Ute in·

depelldence of the U'lited ate. of America Ute One

Hundred and Eighty·Eigh

. Lyndon B. Johnson.

Now, therefore, I, Lyndon B. Johnson, presi·

dent of the United States of America, do appoint

Monday next, November 25, the day of the funeral

service of President Kennedy, to be a national day

of mourning throughout the United States. I ear·

nestly recommend the people to assemble on that

day in their respective places of divine worship,

there to bow down in submission to the will of aI·

mightly God, and to pay their homage of love and

reverence to the memory, of the great and good

man. I invile the people 0 the world who share our

grief to join us in this da of mourning and rededi·


MournsSYRACUSE, N. Y., SUNDAY, NOVE¥BER 24, 1963

'NationWASHINGTON (AP)-President Johnson Issued

Saturday the following proclamation to Ute people

of Ute United States:

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th president of the

United States, has been taken from us by an act

which outrages decent men everywhere.

He upheld the faiUt of our fathers, which Is

freedom for all men. He broadened the frontiers of

Utat faiUt, and backed it wiUt Ute energy and the

courage which are Ute mark of Ute nation he led.

A man of wisdom, strength, .and peace, he

molded and mov~d. the power of our nation in the

service of a world or growing liberty and order.

All who love freedom will mourn his death.

As he did not shrink from his responsibilities,

but welcomed them, so he would not have us shrink

from carrying on his work beyond this hour of na·

tional tragedy.

He said it himself: "The energy, Ute faith, Ute

devotion which we bring to Uti. endeavor will light

our country and aU who serve-and the glow from

that fir. can truly light Ute world."




President Lyndon B. JohnsonProclaims Day 01 Mourning

* * *Quiz Second Man in As



I . DALLAS, Tex. (AP) - Dist. Atty. Henry Wad.saId Saturday he is confident of getting the ,Ieath pen-

Old Cable net alt) for 1.<'0 Harvey Oswald. charged WIth murder inthe assassination of President Kennedy.

·'Th;s man killed the President." said homICIde

jICapt Will Fritz positivelY'. Oswal<\, 24. a 'Tlan pouc

W·-II It · say. is proud of bemg alS C'lt!1;i"t. ...~ .enied he

I . ~mift'\I . rod anyone. He is als<\'(' • god ·,;l!r. m~.u r in tne,_ tj:lg (If 2 Dallets po1.ctr n~ \ f

I Wade salli Oswald will ldod flfst-probably 10

W·th J h' mid·JC\nuary-in the death 0 the President.

I 0 nson "If we get the deaUt penalty as expected, there. . will be no need to try him in the other case." saidi I Wade. He has prosecuted 24 murder case and ob·\ WASHINGTON (AP) - President Johnso. asked tained Ute death penalty 23 times. He got a life ver·

members of the Kennedy cabinet to stay on the jObj diet the other time.saturday, and got their pledge to remain as long as I Officers continued questioning a second man de· ,he wants them. scribed as a known subversive and friend of Oswal<L

The new chief executive held a full·scale session who was discharged as undersirable by the Marineof Ute official family on his first full day in office, and Corps resen·e.renewed the request he had made to most o( the mem· But Fntz said "We are con.bers just after his return to the capital Friday night. vinced beyond any doubt that

IWhite Housf! Press Secretary ( Oswald is our man."* * * PielTe Salinger said the meet· lie added: "Without going in·

ing lasted about 25 minutes. to the evidence, I can tell you

K d La He said Johnson opened it this-this case is a cinch. This

enne Y les with a minute of silent prayer man killed the President." Hefor slain President John F_ brushed aside all other ques-Kennedy_ tions.

In State at Then, Salinger said. Johnson I President Kenned}t was killedasked cabinet members to con- from ambush Friday by a gun-tinue to serve, "saying he need-" man who snapped off II rapided their help in the time ahead." ,-olley of shots that also wound-

Wh't H Secretary of state Dean Rusk ed Gov. John Connally of Tex·Ie ouse and U.N. Ambassador Adiai as.Stevenson responded, Salinger The Defeose Depariment an·said. nounced in Washington that Os'

WASHING!ON (AP) . -John "P~:d::Jdt~~S~u~~~rtSte:,en~~~ ;;~~ :~~:ia~~~~~dit~g~~~a~\~F. Kennedy came back 18 death cabinet and 5aid the cabinet f\. ureman probes the ruins of the Golden Age undesirab)e discharge b~ re-Saturday to the White House -- nursing home near Norwalk, Ohio, where about 60 versed.and the homage of the mighty, (Contlnud 011 Par• .2, Col. 5) t· This raised a new question-on a dull, gray dripping d~y. pa lents of the rest hom. perished when the ,,·hether the real target was

And a new president. Lyndon All F d D d Kennedy or Connally. The two

~~1t~~n:~~' t~~U~;kgro~v:~rIY~~: eare eo ;~~r~r~~ii;:n~~thC~e~h:~\"f;r~~ Capt Will Fritza national go'-ernment dazed by 6 shots ripped from a bigh-pow· Case 'Is Cinched'the slaYing of its chief. 3 M·. . BI ered rifle on the sixth floor of .--------__The towering Texan conferred a building o"erloolting thel-with Seccetary 01 Stale Dean 1551n9 In aze mOlo'eade as it leU downtown Inside P-S TodayRusk, Secretary of Defense Dallas.Robert S. McNamara and for· Chief of Police Jesse CUrrJI--------...:.-mer President Dwight D. Ei· said: .. (think his actual target SEtTION 1senhower, perhaps In indication ~ was the Pl·esidenl. I say this . Pageof questions of statecraft~ de- Aldous'.Huxley, NORWALK, Ohio (AP)-Six· because he hit the President Telegraph 1·2·5·8·16fense and national unity upp~r· ty.three persons were missing twice from about a 75·yard Editorial 4most on his mind. and presumed dead Saturday In distance on a slant. and ap· Political Front 4

qul~edt~eUtir:si,d~e ~a~~~~~ t:ack a lire that swept a path of de\'a- partly he was an expert Z~~'~i~~:r:f:U.::::::::::: :

the helm of government with a Auth D· station through a nursing home last Off Tuesday m~~es~~~t"hit Kennedy in the Sunday's Crossword 6plea for God's help slipped . 0 r "es for the aged, infirm and men· head one in the neck Another Literary Journal 6away to S1. John's Episcopal ., II tally ill. Twenty-four others slug' tore through Connally'S Society 9-10.11

~~i~~h'H~~sste. a;:~.~~ro~s th: . w~~e r~~~~~destrOYed the lo.~ OAPE C\NAVERAL, Fla.\taur which burns high. energy ~~~ds~a~~it~:f:~~~~yH~;~~ti:~ ~~~~:rt~.esK;::t~~.:::::::: 1~meI!'~r of the Ch~lshan Church LOS ANGELES lJ'l - Author- ~Icture ~r a godless, mechan· year-old Golden Age Nursing CAP)-An Alias-Centaur rocket liquid hydrogen in its second Saturday. Around the Paddock .•... 11-DISCiples of Ch.nst. s.cholar, Aldous Huxley. 69. the Ize~ society where .e\"en babies Home near Fitch,·il1e, 15 miles and an Interplanetary Monitor.'stage, will be launched on a test Oswald sharply denied both Theaters 12

Johnson proclalm~ Monday, h!era~~ member o~ on.e. of th~ arnve on a produchon Une. southeast of here. The one-story IDa Platform-fMP _ both Vital flight intended to determine ef. shootings. "I didn't kill the l\lusic or Kennedy s funeral, a ~orld ~ foremost sCI~n_tlhc f~ml' Accurately he foresaw tele. concrete building burned quick. . .. President. I didn't kill anybody" The Arts 13national day of mourni~g a~d lies, died of cancer Fnday mght. vision, jet planes, tranquilizing ly, fed by a propane gas lank stepPing &tones in the Umted fectL'eness of extensive deSign he told reporters. lladio & TV Listings ..•... 14ordered ali feder~1 ofllces In "Private services have al. drugs and other medical ad. and tar roofing A brisk wind Stites' goal of manned conquest changes made since the first Oswald was arrested "IUlln Birds ..............•. , ... 14;nd hout of Washmgton closed ready been conducted," said a vances. fanned the flames of the· moon-are scheduled for lest fhght vehIcle exploded an hour after the PreSident dIed Rambling 'Round ......•.. 14o~'It e dar th I f th brief announcement from a Huxley wrote more than 40 But there was no explanalJon leuncbmg here Tuesday above Cape Canaveral 18 Police dragged him screammg 'Radio & TV News J5

wo Id 181e he pcop e 0 f'~ daughter·m·law, Judith Huxley. books, Includmg a dozen novels for the flre's ongm About 4:~ Here's the lineup for· the slg. months ago and struggling from a movie Prize Puzzle Solution •••• 15th r P w d 't'are ourl gne, Huxley's physlCJan, Dr Max Of these, "Pomt Counter·pomt" am Gov James A Rhodes. nlflt:apt space doubleheader If 11 k II h C -- Astrological Forecast •... 15

e rcS! ~roc amallon Cutler, saId he had been 111 for "Eyeless m Gaza" and "Aft~r who new to the scene from his ~as Centaru, forerunner of seco~d ~~~ ~ ":'ill t :rhl~nt~~r (Continued on Pare 5, Col 3) Puzzle Quiz 15(Continued 011 Page 2 Col 2) about three years of cancer of1Many a Summer Dies the Columblfs office, ordered a f.u11 a vehicle destgned to land un· earth g e SEtTlON 2-:=======':::':;-I the mouth, "which had ex· Swan" were Widely acclaimed m\'esugatlon by the OhIO Htgb- manned Explorers on the moon S~Tacuse News ~ .r tended." and read. way Pattol and the state flrf! ad"ance of manned expediJ The Nation~I.AerO~autlcs. and S T d State News 18.19

APARTMENT The British-born titan of let· Aldous Leonard Huxley was mars~al's office.. tlons. is schedulE'd for firing be· ~ace f Admm~stration hsted now 0 oy Markets 21-22ters had made his home in,born July 26 1894 in Godalm. Amut the stones of horror- .een 10 a.m. and 4 p_m. "es.e our pnmary test ob· A Business Post 22Southern California since 1937. 'ing, Surrey, the so~ of Leonard elderly persons trapped in the -IlIP is Sf't 10 blast off atop JectlVes: nd Colder SPOrts 23-24.25HOUSE The forthright author. wholand Julia Arnold Huxley. beds, other crippled or too weak a Delta rocket between 9:50 1. Demonstrate ability of the Kceping Posted 23blazed a wide path tllrough the His paternal grandfather was to walk and siill others crushed C.JJ;I. and 11:20 p.m. to stud~' so· A.t I a s·Centaur, structure to Snow Hurries wiU hit the l'portsman's Corner •..... 24LIVING' world of letter~ ·in the 1920s and the great naturalist Thomas by the collapsing roof T two ar radialion which threatens wtthstand aerodynamic loads. Syracuse area today. Pm Points 25

• '305.. had a life·long pastime: Huxley and he was' the elder heroes emerged. They we.~'e th f,Slronaut lunar journeys. The 2.. Demonstrate performance The high today will be 34 Dealh Record ...•........ 26A New Facet taking n:'an .apart to see what brolhe~ of biologist Julian G~~ Samari~ans who were satellite's main assignment. ~ill of. flrst·and second·slage separ, and the low 25 degrees. Winds Just Tell John 26in American, ma~es him tick. . Huxley. drtvmg by on U.S. 250 and ent be to evaluate whether orblt1ng allan system. from the west at 20 to 30 miles Apartment SectL.m .. 27.28-29Family Life! HIS best known worl was HUlr.ley leaves his widow Lau- into the butldJng to save .lives. htStruments can be used tb pre· 3. Demonstrate ability of Cen· an 'hour will diminish later 1n Classified. 30·31.32-33

"Brave Ne~ :V0rtd," whicll sold ra Archera Huxley; a son: "Mat-. The. two who risl;ed their Jj"es diet when great flares will er~pt taur liquid hydrogen propulsion the day. .. I~ouse of the Week 34Far Detaill See near~y ~ m~l.on copies .fnce Its thew, Washington, D.C.. and m the deadly smoke and n9me"jon the $un's surface. xpewmg system to start successfully and There will be fatr skies and Stamps ............•.••.. 34Pages 27 to 29 pubhc~tlOn 10 1932. . two grandchildren, Trevenen are Henry Dahman, a truck giant c lou et s of dangerous achieve stable operation. ICOOI temperatures tomorrow.· Your ChUd's Health 34

In It Huxley pr~vlewed ~el __ -- cosmic ra~'s onto space. 4. Evaluate accuracy of the The high yesterday was 6f Stars Above 3425th century, draWIng a chill (Coatlltud OD Pale!. Col. I) (CoDUaued 0. Page 2, Col. I) The long-sufferinc Atlas·Cen· guidance system. " degrees with a low of 51. \ Post Scripts ...•••••••••.• 3

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Last Strongholds

White SupremistsRefuse to Bend

16 THE


PERTH. Scotland l~Partsof a brand new home for Capt.Donald J. Coleman, who is10,000 miles away in the Ant·arctic island of South Georgia,

JOHANNESBURG, South AI- ment will have no part of the are being assembled in 1,500rica (AP) -The Republic of Portuguese idea of multiracial packages here.South Africa and the Portu- territories In Africa. An Ango- At the end of this month theguess possessions of Angola and Ian government spokesmen. on packages, with their 270 tons ofMozambique have one thing in the olber hand, .&aid: building materials. wilt leaveeommon. They are the last "We in Angola and Mouun· London by ahip for South Geor..trongholds or white supremacy bique belleve the solution to gta, where Capl Coleman IsIn this massively black conti- our problem lies in • multlra· senior administrator of thenenl cial rsociety. We have little in British-governed island. I

Arrican nationalism Is going common with South Africa apart Sailing with the material" willto lind it tough to change the from the delerminatlon to stay be eight men who will erect thedomlnating white of these terri- in the only home we have ever new house, which will have sixtories to black. Both seem ada- known-in our case Angola. We rooms, central heating andmant on one ·point-they will not do, however, fight a common Medalist means of melting the snow on

~:~dstofo~rr~ea~~~~~~~~iS~la~~ ~heo~:'Onl~~~~~ht ~~ti~n~~~~p Bill C. Burnett, 39, dis. ~~s~~~ ~er:~~g~;.becomes tooindependent Africa. the white man out or Africa." plays the Purple Heart he Every item for the house has

Although South Africa and Few outsiders can be found to got in the mail Wednes· to be shipped from here. In·

~~~~e ~u:s~ : ~r:: :f:tit~dw~~th~~~,:c~~~~ day for injuries suffered ~~ddin~~l~:to-~~ ~fee~:~over by African nationalism, racia1.1sm 11 right for the terri. in 1943 in the Battle of chose the drapes and the rugsthey do eye to eye on the tories they govern. Whites In the Solomons. He got the on a recent vislt to Perth.practical application of white both countries seem determined medal after his son wrote The Colemans ha.... lived onminority rule. at this .lage not to budge from another man hurt in that South Georgia since 1159.

White South Africa is solidly their government's policies no battle _ the late Presl. The nearest civilization to the

~~~~:~~It~ta~~=rtbhyei~eg~:~:: ~:~~~rsth~~ ~~~ee~ati~~a~anpr~~: dent John F. Kennedy. ~:l~is:g_J~~~hd,~,sell~:',rt~l~~:rl~tlon of its various population sure becomes. (AP Wirephoto) 700 miles away, in the Falklandgroups· whites, Africans, Indi-l----'-'==------------'---Iislands off Argentina. Threeans and coloreds (mixed bloods). whaling fleets use South Geor·

Po,tugal's p,ovinees of Ango· CrlOtlOes and .Proponents gia - Japanese, Argentine and)a and Mozambique fa'-or a mul- Norwegian.tiracial society. with integra· -----

tion of their white, African and C S Tiff Kentucky Opens:l~;::" ~~PI" Into civil and ontmOue eaway 0

Angola's thr....year-oJd "little Wood-use Center:~~~~~:: ':c~o~~ DETROIT '" _ Is the It. McCann. "We are makiDI more JAC~ON, KY~ ~ Uoo~~six per cent of the t.rritory, has Lawrence Seaway a boon or 8 of a dent"e;r year. Bdut it will ~=.uses deor:~~on ee~terun~oub~e:P:~~ ~~~~~:1 burden? ~~~s~~~Ji~e t;: ~e:~t~ at Quicksand willi the hope Itpo ·cr When the sprawling Inland T1me for the economy of our can help revive tIte economy inSO~lt Yk d hit tr waterway opened in 1959 it was nation to grow so that It aches the del?ressed mountain. area.

.ac ~n ~'e oops, hailed as a "miracle of trans· with the need of more transpor- The center Is in a regiOn ofeqUlPp;.d h7\th ~ same. t~i~ o~ portation" by officials all along tation facilities, and time for the Appalacian Mountain h a r.d.

~~:i ~~ndso~~l~r ~~al~~ :~e ~tla~~~O·O~~nSyt~e~e'~oe~d~a~ ~:~:: t:f c~~~ u~Ii:~ t~f :OO~~n~;/~~or ~:~~s& a~~m~W~i~: ~.o\n:;~fa~~n~~~kB~~~ a~~ ters o~ the ~reat Lakes. Transportation'." !lumber demonstration facility.

side 'in factories and stores. But It hasn t worked ou~ thatl~~~~~;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;~~;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;~;:;;;;;:;;;;~:;9i'Wounded black and white troops w~y, as detr~:tors are qwck tO!r . ~~\\;.ia>~are treated In the ,arne hospi. POlOt out Cntics a,goethat the Q· Tdeas fromtals Seaway 15n't paYlng Its own ~ I 1.1E~erywhere there are posters w~y, and may never be .able to h G tB ],,..,

sbowing clasped white and clImb out from undec It, 1130 t e rea hands as a symbol of ra- million .debt to the U.S. Treas-cial u ·ty Postage stamps have ury which Is compounded an·portra~s ~ blacks, whites and nually at the rate of 3~ per .A GREAT THINKER LOOKS AT uncoloreds. ce!1t: The Seaw~y has !e~ald $10 Dr. rtlortLmu J. Adler Is recognized as .. of the great

Many white Portuguese set· million b~t this doesn t even original thlnkel1l of the 20th century. After rcoctriag his Ph. D.tiers in Angola do menial jobs cover the mtereest on the loan. from Columbia University 1n 1928, Dr. Adler JiIDed Robert M.or road diggeJ'S and even shoe· St~nding ~ir~ly with his fin· Hulchins at tbe University of Cbicago, where y Introducedshine boys. Although litUe out· ger 10 the dike IS Joseph H. Me· courses based on readiDg and discussing the t Books. I.ward evidence of racial dis· Cann, who was appointed ad· 1946 tbls acth'ity was extended to adulls lbrough Great BO?bcrimination is apparent, a hard ministrator of the St. Lawrence Foundation. Dr. Adler now is director of tbe 1 e for Phd.economic barrier tends to segrc.. S:eaway Dev~lopment Corpora· SophlC31 Researcb in Cbicago.gale Africans from whites. Few tion by President Kennedy. --

:~~~~i::tk::t~m: :4m:ttt: ~rt:~ ~~: Dear~~·a~~:f:automauo~ is creating more a.ndemas or restaurants. go behind original projecti.OD5 for people. This can ob1o'lously be used to goad

Portugal bas an estimated 40,· in its first four years of opera- What have the great ~ds given us that might gGOO. strong army In ita Mrican tion. But as the waterway .po individually and coUecUvely u • society. III tII~territories. Each man Is a "pby· proaches the end of Its flfth timet •cbo-social" soldier. He I. expect. year, McCann feels there is lots JAMES R. B~CIIed not only to wage war against of room for optimism. t01 VI aterrorists but to propagate the With the 1963 season coming Syracuse.multiracial line amongst the AJ· to a close, McCann says 28.5 Dear IUr. Buchanan:rlcans and win them over to the million tons (last year's high) .Most mature people, if they were asked whether woul.dPortugese ideology of racial in· have already passed through be happy idle all the time, would reply in the nega . theirtegration. the maze of locks as of Oct. answer would be the same, though perhaps '?l0r~,. if~his is in marked contrast to 31. By the Dec. 1 closing date, they were asked i! t~ey would be hap~y playmg aIDUS!ng

South Africa's apartheid. 1m· he expects this figure to ap- themselves all their hves long. Y~t domg nOthi?,g .... plaXmgposed and enforcro by law. The proach or surpass 30 million represent for most people the malO aspects of free tIIIle -South African military forces tons. the waking hours in which they iD"e frfe" from wort.are for all practical purposes In answer to Seaway alOes, In an. era wbe~ the amountcompletely white. There is, how· McCann says that original es. of free time has mcreased soever, 8 move to build up a timates or tonnage proiectlons greatly, the common attitudesmall colored army contingent were too high, and that many that our "off" time should beand non·whites are extensively businessmen have been slow to devoted chieOy to idleness andused in the police fcrce. take advantage of the Seaway's amusement raises an alarming

Apart from association. 1m. low toll rates. Another prob. prospect. One envisions mil·posed by working needs in a lem that has slowed Seaway lions of people at their wits' endcountry where the mass of the growth is the fact that the trying to think of something tolabor force is African, there is Great Lakes ports are open fill up thei: time, to "kill time,"minimum contact between black only nine months, from April as the saYing goes.and white. Africans cannot use to December. The Greek philosopher Aris·white bars. hotels, restaurants. McCann says he is seeking a totle would have considered suctlcinemas, swimming pools or two-week extension of the Dec. an attitude ridiculous and im­transportation. They have their 1 closing date. He says this tional. As he saw it, free timeown segregated entertainment would allow many ships to is the precious portion of ourand transportation arrange· make an additional trip to lives in which we can engage inments. Nowhere can black and Great Lakes ports and provide the intrinsically valuable activl·white sit~ together In public. millions of dollars In added ties of thoug~t, learning, andWhite clerks serve in all the big bUsiness. public $ervice. These are thestores, even though most of The Seaway is capable of activities that make life worththese do business with all races. carrying 50 million tons an· living and which fulfill us as

There Is simmering discontent nually, says McCann.. He ex· human beings.....mong the more politically con· pects a 10 ~er c.ent in<:t"ease in Tbese acUvltle. ~mprlsesclous Africans. There have tonnage until the maXlmum Is what Aristotle called "leisure." Buchanallbeen a few bombings and dyna- reached sometime In 1970. As he uses the term leisure is not synonymous with &ee timemitings which briefly"'disrupted "We ou.ght to be paying off as itla for most of ~s today, but it is one of the waya JD which.communications, but none on a the prinCIpal of the bonds by we use free time. Play and idleness are among the other wayslarge scale such as occurred then," he says. in which we use free time. Aristotle considered play • goodfrequently d\lring the commu- But a lot of work remains to thing, when pursued in moderation, because It provides recrea.nist rebellion in Malaya. A small be done. McCann say~ aU Sea- tion from the fatigues of work and thought and aIforda pleasur­number of whites have been way ports lDust do their part to able enjoyment.killed in tsolated outrages. But p!'omote the Seaway and. P:o- If we apply Aristotle's recipe to our present situation, weSouth Africa so far has not had Vide adequate harbor facilities would divide our time in the following manner. Ftrst wouldto cope wIth an organized and W~ich ca.n accommodate come the economic activities which are necessary to proVide useffective armed uprising like gOlOg shIps. Some ue laggmg with the mateclal m~ans of exis.lenee. Then would come play CONVENIENT SHOWROOM HOURS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPINGthe terrorist war m Angola or behind, Includmg D~trolt. and physical relaxation to prOVide us WIth recreation and reothe Mau Mau rebellion that tied .In rebruary pubhc hearl.ngs cuperation. Finally, and most valuable. would come the leisure 'down thousands of white troops will be held in both the Uroted activities which help us to grow as individuals and 81 members . 9 10in Kenya for eight years States and Canada to set Sea· of the community OPEN WEEKDAYS AND SATURDAYS A"· UNTIL P ...

The country" ,trictly a~plied ~ay toll ,,£es. This will be the la tha lattec ;'tego,y beloag our cultu,,1 activities, 'uch os .m. laws make it hard for fll'st toU ~vlew smce the Sea- serious study and artistic production _ for their own sake, notAfrican nationalists to organize way open . to make a living. To the works of leisure also belong our socialpolitically or to build up any- T~e ~ate problem Is another and political activities - again amateur, not professional _ forthing like an effective armed malor Issue that has confused the common good. Leisure is the productive use of free time. andrebellion. 8.o-called subvers.iv:: ~~:eaYc:~O&[r~s:; ~:r:n~rs~~~~ its fruits are t.he development and perfection of the mind andsuspects can be thrown into lad rt ti f d t of the commumty_

~~~ou~eld be%~ostch~~~~nite~~ ~c:. ~nts ~~tl~r~:o~~:~ doesT~~St :;It;t~~:tn ~~:a::~: :t'w~:s ~~e~ ~U~;rd~i~~'S~~~~h~~gbrought to trial. Many anti- s S~~~t~rex:~!ufp H:rt of Michi. during our waking hours. On the contrary, higher even thanapartheid politicos•.white and gan and ;rank Lausche of Ohio !~i~ure i:, what!! "rest," and ~?at o~ers have caUed "quiet."black. have found Uungs 50 hot are expected to hold heating ~dence. or sundar terms. By rest, I mean the great, pre·for them here that they have on rates and other Seaway prob. CI0~S~ holy Sabbath.moment,. when we have cess.ed from usefulquit the country· .' lems in early 1964. a~tlVlty - both the e~onomlc and the leisure k.llld - and are

The government clauns Its In the meantime McCann Simply open to the highest reaUty, to the baSIS ad eare' ofstroOng all,whlt~ army, navy and feels Seaway rates ~ become things. "Rest" i~ th.e time of .conte~plation, prayer. or worshipair force, dedicated to defend lower as larger sbips are en. :- those non·utllitarJan actfvit~s whIch all of us must resort towhite supremacy and befter abled to carry more cargo. m order to complete ourselves.equipped and armed than an.r "Right now" says McCann I would divide the time of our lives, tben, into tbese five partsother forces in sub·Sahara Mn· "Seaway sa~gs are often s~ or activities: (1) sleep, (2) working for a living,. (3) play, (4)ca, ara. capable of dealing with significant they can mean the leisure, and (5) "rest," in the Sabbath sense. It IS the last twoany threat from within our out- difference between losing or that are the essentially human activities, whereby we perfectaide her borders. . keeping .' customer, between ourselves as human beings.

The South Afncan govern· profit and loss_". For example, he cites the

ELECfRONIC ~lAIL new European market for Yo.u can win a U.volume let of the Great Books of tile West-BENTON, Ky. (AP) _ Vol frozen tart red cherries grown era World by writing a leUer, not to exceed 150 Words. IDcor·

Kidd has a backache and his in Michigan and Wisconsin. poratfog a queslio. or geueral Interest for Dr. Adler to con· 1165wife suffers {rom arthritis but More than three mUlion pounds sider (or Inclusloa la this columa. Eaeb week he will select a~ 7they solved the problem of who were shipped in on. month, he first prize winners the writers of the three best letten. He willwould go out to the highway to said. use ONE Df these letten 81 a basis for a future columD and wlrlet the mall by installing an McCann says motl and more answer it In terms of the Intellectual heritage of the Great Bookselectrle motor to draw the mail· markets abroad are openlng......f43 worb by 74 alltbon, spaanlag 3G centuries of thought

box up to their front porch and every day. Address the letten to Dr. Mortimer J. Adler in care of TIle Post I§i~~~~~~:::=~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§1.•return it. "It's ••low process." laid StaDdarcL .".~ ~ ~\

Page 2: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY



celebrated Thanksgh'ing to thedelight of their Greek guests.

"I could find no pumpkin, nosquash, no tomatoes nor evenlettuce in the markets," Pan'incommented. "We used arti­chokes and Cried leeks for veg­etables and I mashed ozanots tolook like sweet potatoes. ~[y

f ami I y love pecan pie forThanksgi"ing dessert, so I madethem of tasty wainuts."

Living in a \'ery'ing atmcsphereon the shoreof a shnoy blue sea-theKnightons and their guests triedto visuallze the American scene.In honor of their guests, Parvinincluded a typical casserole theG r e e k s lo\'e-cheese, groundbeef, a sauce and herbs.

Memories of the Novemberholiday in foreign lands makeit more meaningful to Ameri·cans. No matter how diHicult itIs to reproduce lhe Thanksgivingholiday, it is part of the Amer·ican beritage.


graduate work in business education. She is dressedin a native outfit of cherry silk brocade high-waistedskirt and jacket. Rather than restrict herself tospencling the holidays with her special family, theJ. M. Beckermans, Betty will broaden her scope byvisiting another family in Palmyra where she willbe a part of the Thanksgiving Day celebration.

A Thanksgiving dinner tabledecorated with sweet aromaticoranges, pomegranites andQuince accented by tufts of pineis a far cry from a Central NewYork holiday table.

Parvin Knighton wife of Maj.Ralph Knighton at HancockAFB used what Greece had tooffer in the way of decorations,but she did have a fine, fat tur·key. The Knighlons, Mark andReginald, who lived in Alhens,

Really had two celflbrations­one American and one British.Mary Hickman was impre;;;sedby the l\lidland traditions. "Thepeople would decorate thechurches with all the har­vest produce-corn, wheat and\'egetable5."

Mary Hickma.'1 invited aneighboring English family toshare their Tbanksgiving. As theguests were more accustomed toroast goose. they loved the suc.culent turkey. "We had to orderour turkey from Denmark asthey fire restricted in England."


ister, Sharon, join withH. Rich, in a prayer of

f the Church of Jesus, the Riches strengthenily that prays together,clice this belief.

THE BRlTISH PEOPLE donot celebrate Thanksgiving, butthey observe Harvest Day, alsoin Novemb4lr. Col. David E.Hickman, 1)eputy Base Com·mander at Hancock, Mrs. Hick·man, and tbeir children, Brenda,David and Lavina Jane, oncespent Thanksgiving in England.

The Hickman family lived Intlie Midlan4s, a farming countryclose "to tile North Sea. They

bursting with the special scent ofroast sturred turkey, althuughthe Swedish oven -was barelybig enough to hold it.

Mrs. Scbmidt recalls the prob­lems of preparing a traditionalme~. "Vegetables were scarceand we made do witb Jerusalemcelery. (hllge roots) and frOlenpeas. I ordered mushrooms inSwedisb and lOt 10 pounds ofthem by mistake. Potatoes wereso small, it took all day to peelthem."

Miss Betty Park of Seoul, Korea makes arrange·ments for her Thanksgiving vacation with Mrs.Frederick C. Wall in the Hospitaiity Committee of.fice of World Affairs Council at Syracuse Univer·&.it)'. An alumna of Ewha Women's University,Seoul, where she majored in English literalure,Betty has been living here nine months and Is doing

ular work day tor scbool chil.dren. Col. and Mrs. James K.SchmIdt had to gel permission toallow their children to celebrateThanksgiving. Col. Schmidt, U.S.Army Attache in Sweden, nowas sign e d to the NortbernNew York Sector Reserve Pro­gram, and his family lived inDjurholm, a diplOJllalic secUonjust outside of Stockholm, forfour years.

Their children, John (who wasborn in Sweden) James, Katb­erine and Elizabeth. loved thepreparations for Thanksgiving.It was due to their mother's per­lIistance In finding a turkey thatthe family had aD AmericanThanksgiving dinner.

Wben the Schmidts first livedin Sweden, turkeys were hard tocome by-few and far between.Mrs. Schmidt managed to get'one-but to her dismay, it was

~nne~ls~:I:t~~. r~;::n~:i~~~: /

to· Share·, Thanksgiving Family

Take Thanksgiving Around the


lavtted Germ8ll frleacls aDd theirehlldren to have a typical Amer·Icaa ThungtvIng dinner."'

Gen. and Mrs. Whitehouse andson, Wink. and daughter,Wendy, Jived in Lanzburg. ·Ba·varia, where they had a veryspecial maid, well·educated.born into royalty and regardedone of the family. Sbe too satdown to partake of stuffed ttlr·key. and all the flXin's.

Anne Whitehouse recalls shemade three pies: a pumpkinchiffon pie from Mamie Eisen­hower's cookbook, an apple pbecause it is her husband's fav­orite, and mincemeat for tradi·tion.

And as customary in Ameri­can Thanksgivings, AM'S tableIn Germany was completed b)' ahorn·of-plenty. spilling out fruitand vegetables.


a perilous j~urney, became ourrevered forefathers.

Also in Leydon there is a mu·seum where a collection 01 arti­cles of clothing, furniture andpersonal possessions were leUbehind when the Pilgrims sailedaway.

Wbile Thanksgiving is typical·lY American, in these days ofmany Americans livilll abroad,the holiday often requires com­promises and inventiveness toprovide a traditional ThanksgiV­Ing. Among the Americans like- ­ly tp spend Thanksgiving in lor.

. ei~ lands are our service faml·lies.

Ann Wblteboulle, wife of Gen.Thomas Whitehouse. commanderof the Air Defense Sector atHancock Air Force Base, reomembers a Thanksgiving inGermany.

"I made it as American as apopie pie," Anne rem:nlsces. "We

Military WivesBy NOBMA STONE

MI LLION S OF Americans-at hOOle or abroad-celebrateThanksgivlnl in the tradition ofour forefathers.

Many countries celebrate therall harvest bounties but onetown in Europe joins with us inobservation of Thantslivingday. Each year on the lastThunday in November. a littletown in Holland bas a speciallervlce.

Dignitaries, townspeople andAmerican tourists in Leydon ob­serve Thanksgiving day in St.Peterskirk, the town church.This is the town where the Purl..tans fled to escape religious per­secution in England. There theytarried until they could maketheir way across the Atlantic to• r:ew way of life and freedom.

There is a plaque on tbechurCh waU commemorating theamaH band of people who after


Our Oldest ~oliday

By HELEN RENSHAW lin. Frank Cbunlna Soule 61 Fo,jtUevWe. who Jill. 'P!lllh Ud her! hed a 101 of lime on Clpe Cod, says Thanksglvlnl dlnner there ofle

THANKSGIVING is our oldest American a ay, . C s included a corn pudding, actuaU, a souffie, for a "egetable dJbe f tb oud trad1tion inherent in It. Part 'of thiS Thanks· .

cause 0 e pr I r t tarted in the Plymouth A seafood cotktall preeeded dinner and the turkey mlgiving eelebraUon II tht annua eas. s boast a delicious chestnut stuffing. Dessert, naluraUy enou

colony in lUI. I I I would be a cranberry sherbet or special tce box cakes, rnaIt wasn't unUl 1883 that Thanksgiving was regu ar y c~ e- with cranberries and figs in a lady finger mold and a topp

brated throughout the nat ion :~tsP~i~~~J:a~:~~~~:: of whipped cream.brought about maJ?ly by ~e err Mrs. Ray R. Dirt of 210 DeWitt Road was brougbt up

editor of a woman s :aga:::. a surprIR to the Pilrrlma. Minnesota, daulhler of Scandinavian parents.

Tbe first Tbanks~ III esls would bring 10 "We 81n)'l forgot oar uaUve dlshes 011 Thanksgiving,"The aettlen diu t bow their ladIaD gu U' rememben. "My panola came from Swedea and waated

maay aabowa roods and would do most of the cooking as we . tbu uythlq else to be true Amerlcam.

The ~e was an Indian summer day iI\~~:~d~:e~;:::~ "The family alwaYs gathered after church for R lradiUMassasott of the Wampanoags and Capt. • j American Thanksgiving dinner much the same as I've alwa)'lthat the first han'est, although. m~ager. should be celebrated by served my own family-turke~. mashed potatoes and gravy.the small intrepid colony of Pdgnms. squash, cranberries and mince or pumpkin pie."

History recounts that the groaning festive bo~rd held oysters Mrs. William C..Egan of Maple Drive and ber family spentand clams, fish, wild fowl, "1~jUn" ..~r~a~:, Indian corn, beans several years in Houston, Tex., and remembers that the holidayand peas, wild cranberries (called l-blmJ or sour berry, .by often was associated with a big football game.

the Indians), nuts and pu~p~~Everything was baked Indian "Texans afe crazy about footItaJl," said Mrs. Egan, "utifashion, under the ground 10 p . f I very often eat out on Thaaksglvtas before or alter the game.

'I'Iuulbglvlng Is • noslalgic tlDie. the time or renew ng There's never any suow", .he added. "III fact, It's apt to befamllJ' Ues and counting blesslnp. raJaln«."

The aroma oC roasling turkey drifting from the kitcben Foods served are much the same as here with the possiblebrings vivid memories of childhood - grandmother'S. hou~e, a addition of black.eyed peas, though many pe~ple used to drttable decked wtth candles, gleaming snver and spark~ng linen; to Galveston for a seafood dinner.the family with clasped hands and bowed heads (while grand-

asked the blessin ) and tantalizing peeks that made the Mrs. Arthur Rich of Fayetteville ~ew up I~ Payson. Utah.fath~ b bl g a little town just south of Salt Lake City, and JS a member ofwaiting un eara e. the Mormon church.

ALTHOUGH TURKEY SEEMS to have remained the tradi. "We always went &0 grandmother's house," Mrs. Rich lIald,tional main course throughout the nation, folks who grew up in "I remember there were always 30 or 40 members of the famO,

ther arts of the country remember. with mouth·watering gathered for lurtey with !lage stuffing, candled yams-sado p th if 11Th ksgi I f asls always, a special relish made with raw cranberries and orangeaPlea=:~, Wt;lla~W;y::aOf H::t La:e~gF:yett~ViJ1eJ wbo spent ground together."her childhood In Elba, deep In Alabama, recalls the meal always Mrs. Rich explained the Mormon chur~h does not have senstarted with an oyster cocktail. The turkey usually had a corn- lees on Thanksgiving, but that eacb family conducts a prabread stuffing, there was a green vegetable. peas or string beans, service as a unit in their own hom.e.and of course, candled yams. "We always try to see that those in the church wbo do not

Waldorf salad was a southern Thanksgiving tradition-but have famUfes of their own, older people or service men, are­made with southern pecans rather than the walnuts used here. taken care of and Included in a family celebriltion.For dessert-Lady Baltimore cake or ambrosia-a combination "We feel this Is a day to share wltb someone", she ex.of fresh oranges, freshly ,rated coconut, pineapple and topped plained. ,. IIL__• .-. _ .......~with whipped cream. ~ Mn, Rich, whose family still lives out "'est, has two daugb-

"Our Thanksgiving was a very religious boliday," Mrs. lers and plans &0 in\'lle lueral servlc:emen for dinner, "so we'UBynum recalls. "We always went to grandmother's-it was a at least have a family of eight."real gathering of the clan, probably a bold-over from the old Families of the Mormon faith believe many of the problemcplantation days. But first we always went to church and stopped concerning young people today could be eliminated if familiesat Shiloh, the little family cemetery, to place flowers on family work, play and pray .together, and they try to pause at lemgraves." ONCE A DAY, not only on Thanksgiving, to gi\'e thanks to God.:

By MARY ANNE YOUNG In their thanks giving, stu· be a pleasant day .of ~xc:hang- invitations for the holiday Week-leat regard ~,race. creed. or po. r.e\'isit their hosts: Some faml; takes place for wivf:S of f~reign There also are five volunteersWHEN READS ARE BOWED dents will remember the HOllpi· mg Ide~s a~d recalhng Jncl~e~ts end. IItlcal belief, a couadl spotes- lies ~ave entertamed s!udent5 students and thelr children. who assist in orflce duties once

Thanksgiving Day in gratitude talily Committee of tbe World of family bfe and Thanksgwmg ~olunteers in the committee iliad asserted. . rel~tlVes years after their grad. The y may attend English a week. They are Mrs. Russellfor His many benefits and bless· A(' -' . customs. office assigned students to fam- Thus the work of the Hospi. uation. classes, baby care courses and. .'jngs foreign students fro m th faJr~ ;aiJ~fll.t i~· It is SEVERAL WEEKS AGO dies, keeping in mind nationall. tality Committee gives the in. In addition to tlie home has- also participate in clothing and Seredmcky. Mrs. Da\ld D. SCD-Syr~cuse University will lift thn:u~ ~ ~ °t


o be~p MEMBERS f th H itaUt ties, common interests and ternationaJ students 2 new lease pitaJity program, the commit. furniture excbanges. field, Mrs. Frederick Webster.their hearts and voices In a e s u en.s ave e~ .In· . . 0 _ e osp y fields of activity. on life. Rather than leading tee plans other activities for Involved in this work are Mrs. Floyd C. Carlson and Mrs."adopted" family circles. ~ted..~ share m lban~ilV1~~ Co~~ltt~ matled letlers to 500 uWhen bome hospitality II ar. purely academic lives, family foreign students. There are teas Mrs. Frederick C. Wall. exec. Josef Bjron.Hanson.Th" 10 a orne away :am ome. families In Onondaga County relationships are developed every Wednesday for American ulive secretary of the World Af- There are 612: students repre-a e lnternation~ st';ldents _Some students.will ~ear 08· who ~ave expressed interest in ra.aged It. 15 with the expedll. from mere pleasant friendships. and international students. fairs Council, and Mrs. Charles senting 11 countries enrolled at~ y offer prayer In. their na· tive costumes w~cb will add to the lOternatio~aI program at Uea that an hosts eatertalnlq Following completion of work Wives of faculty members are O. Maxwell and Mrs. Gordon the Uni.ersity. The largest na-.tiffe :dngue or join 10 prayers ~e. color and g3Jety. of Thanks- Syracuse Umverl1ty. S~ul- bttenaatloaaJ vtsltora wl1l reo for graduate degrees, many stu· hostesses. Bowles, hospitality committee tional groups are from Canada.o er '1 their bosts. 11VU1g Day celebration. It will taneoual1 100 studenb recelved celve &HIll .. iDdJ'fIdaaII wf&b. dents return to this area and Once a month a special event adminlstratora. China and India.

600 Foreign


Servicemen Guard Casket of Late PresidentOn View In East Room of the White House."

Executive Office BUilding. It was thenew President's first p hot 0 in 8business conference. (UPI Telephoto)

2 THE ·PElM'·STANDARD, Syracuse, N. Y. Sunday, No..mber 24, 1963~'-_"::="':'~:"::':~==-;====~:::-'-:::::-"::":_--":";'--------:i" ~.

Basic PoliciesFor DefenseSeen Stable

WASHh'lGTON (AP) - Little She wanted it to stimulateWASHINGTON (AP) - The John and Caroline Kennedy were~Lheir sense of history and their

Kennedy "&dmin1stration's basic tol.d the sad news of th~ir fa~. :~dde t~n ~~~i:un~r;~;~:e Ij~~tdefense polides probably wiD er s death and wetn With their "Many !irst families loved thismarch forward under President mother to a private Mass in the house _ and that each and everyJohnson without breaking stride. great East Ballroom of the one left something of themselves

But one major polJcy-mvolv- White House Saturday. behind in it •.."tng the U.S. military role in Mrs. Jacqueline Renned)', lI~rs. J:<ennedy w.ilIlt3Ve muchapa~8Y change direction. whose courage had been reo behind. In We W.hlte House, but

t Johnson has indicated h~ f~- marked at bv all who saw her'Is.he will take With her the ter-~- =;~~cr:as::cethe::~= tried to console her children. rlble remem~rance of the two:- which, under the late President Alter all she had been great tragedies that struck her: Kennedy, took second place to through the 34 _ year _ old 1i!e in the past three months.! civilian space exploration. The widow' of President John F. There wa~ the death last; Pentagon position has been that Kennedy still faced the ordeal Au~st,of an Infant son, ~nd then

of the funeral, with the hoods Friday s shock of havmg herE space weapons could do mOe of many states coming to pay hus~and sh~t to death as he. sat§ :~~tP~~~ a;::~e;~~:n: tribute to the (allen leder. beSide her m an open car In a::' can do it far more cheaply. -Mrs. Kennedy will riee Sun. Dallas Motorcade.

Secretary of Defense Robert day in a slow. mournful proces-~,_ S. McNamara probably wUlslay sion as a caisoon, drawn by- in the Johnson Cabinet. Johnson seven horses, carries Kennedy's- bas spoken admiringly of MeNa- body-to rest in state in the roo~ mara, calling him the strongest lunda of the Capitaol, where she;- man in the Kennedy Cabinet. used to send him hot lunches::. There is no indication that when he served in the Senate.

; ~:~:~~H:~~~ lI~o;:a;~:~ This picture, made moments after Pres I- to M J h C 11 'f of T e x a s' be~~ !\~O~~r:'f:~~~::ie~~~~~~z ::~:: ~~i:an~o~ef~nesej=ta~ dent Kennedy was shot in Dallas Friday, gove:~~r, °dUnCk:;n~uJ~t~~te ~~r~~e J~~n:~~h~i~l o~(~~~d ~h~

lishment. shows his limousine speeding toward Park- (AP Wirephoto) funeral Mass.- Associates said McNamara's For more than 16 hours arier

relations with Johnson have ...... - 63 M her husband was shot Mrs. Ken-been very friendly althOllgh the ,'ssl'ng nedy refused to leave the body,two have not been particularly •• accompanying the casket on the

i tn~~:nara, as the senior Cab- (Concluded from Page 1) o\'er in InInp~:y~~~ p~ ~~n~yjOi~:: (Concluded from Page 1) t~ ~~~~ ai~d~~sth~k~~b~a~~~Inet officer present in Washing· said, "to loin us in this day of sharp features Deputy P 'ce a limousine in DaDa blood prayers were offered up also in. -- thesda Naval Ifospital Frida)'

- ton. met Johnson when be ar- mourmng and rededication" Chief M W. Stevenson said s· streaming from In his St. Peter's at the Vatican. d~ver from Sarber, Pa.. and night to be prepared for burial.rivetf from Texas Friday night. Strock down by an assassin's wald was arraigned late F ay head and neck...f In many lands, as in this CIiIrord French..21, a graduate She had little sleep. It was

- rifle fire in Dallas. Tex.. Friday night on a charge of murd ng At the Dallas ital to country, sports events were s.tudent !rom ~Jdwes~ern ~ap- after 4 a.m. when she againKennedy Jay in a closed. Bronze Kennedy. wbich Kennedy rushed, called oIf, business came to a tist Semlllary In Ponliac. Ahch. rode the ambulance to bring

E C d D' ct casket in the famed East Room Justice of the Peace \'e Mrs. Kennedy had »resed as standstill. bars were closed, oa· frenCh "'as he~ded .to bi~ h0!I'e Kennedy's body back to theo eIre S of the White House. Jobnston ordered him held ·th· final kiss on his Jips.,allpped her tlonal legislatures adjourned. m ~ooster, OhiO, With hiS wile, While House to lie in state in- In ahppier moments. this \'ast out bond. ring onto his Hng asked Here in America. Negroes Elaine. 22. , the East Room. Fifteen close~ ,FI D' I beautiful room is the scene of A presidential jet brou the a priest to "pray .... mourned the death of Kennedy Both Dahman. and Frenc~ relatives and friends joined inag ISP oy concerts. dances and gay fes- dead President and the ng Her .husband gone, the as the passing of a second Abra· ~ent to work:-<lulckly and eUI'la short prayer. Abou~ 75 attend.

tivities. President back to Wash on tra~edY was etch her face. ham Uncoln. Two Southern gov· Clently-resClung many of the ed the Mass later.

I M . Saturday, candle light flick- Friday night. and ~ '. H~~ B ,nzaJez, D· croon wh~ ~at~ed Kennedy bit- pa~~n~ and h~spital empl.oyes. Throughout it all, Mrs. Ken-n ourn,ng ered on a casket. Priests Johnson went into a s of Ta.• ~.atd I t bear to terlyy on 0:ffl :,ghts spoke more Twent)-one patJ~n.ts made It outlnedy bore up bravely but was:t" prayed. An honor guard stood conferences with defense, . i. watch. klndJ, of him In death. .. s~eJY, ~n additIon to three ISO. dazed that she would not per-.:.: WASHINGTON (AP)-Displayat attention. Relatives, friends tary and congressional I en1 Mrs. Kennedy t tbe night Gov. Ross Barnett of MISSlS' nurses. :)Ome surrercd second· mit anyone to help her clean or (Concluded from Page 1)~ of the Bag b civilians In mourn- and assoC18tes of the dead Pres- -after promISing to do hi t at the naval has in Bethes. SiPpi said he was "profoundly and third-degree burns and change her bloodstained plOk __- Ing for President Kennedy is Ident, government omCialdom, and asklOg the help ol aad da. then rode 10 ambulance shocked and deeply" distressed were taken to Flsher·Tltus Me'lsmt She wore It all through the and Teresa Huxley. Also slll"Viv-;: provided tn a code adopted in diplomats, a former preSident, the American people. that brought casket and at the cou'ardly act of assas monal Hospital. Fou: were ust-1lo'ng hours, a symbol of her 109 are the brother. Srr Julian.i 1924 by veteran and 0 t be r fJ.Jed by 1D mournful tribute Kennedy's 1:JocI;y' was ta n to bo<!Y tq the House at Iinatlon. Gov. George C. Wal· ed in serious condition tragedy and two haIr.brothers. DaVidi patriotic organizations. A bundred yards -away. in the the naval bospital In a. 4.2~ a. M. Jace"of Alabama said the assas- It was more than elgbt hours The White House did not c~m- and Andrew, of Lonc!on.i The rocedure Is not covered west wmg of the executh'e man- lid. for preparations f hing She sUD wore pmk SUit lID must be filled Wlth umver- after the predawn ~I~e before ment today on how )Irs Ken- His Belgian-born first Wife

by f~ statute, but tn gen.. sion, Johnson came to work. to In state and burial. In black sbe bad 011 in , stal~ed .... malae. toward all " firemen an,d other oIrlclals could n~y was bearmg up There the former ),tana Nys, died of~:_ eral It Is IlimUar to that used. consult and be consulted on the houn before dawn. nedy willi the lIfe-bl ber d)'U1g begm mOl 109 bodies from the were unconflr~ed reports tbat canCi!r m 1955 afk'r 36 years of- the milita m8S!1ve problems that pressed came back to the WId House~ Cb. smoldenng structure she was prepanng to meet With mamage. In 1956 the 6 foot.4

by ry down upon him from the fnstant for the latt time Aa..honar' til Marines a ,net Bodies ....Tapped m green plas- Mrs Lyndon B Johnson to dis-l t ed t Italian.:; The Bag Is fltst run up to the Kennedy died. paced the amb u •• tic bags ""ere taken to a morgue cuss transfer of tbe White Jouse wn er was mam a h

top or em of • nag pole or From tbe breadth of • diU With ~e .to~clsm. 5 wi- Wldte H cIrJ~wQ' set up In a cafetena and gym. premises to KEnnedy's succes- born \'Iobrust Laura cera.flag staff and then towered to stu ed rid f dow. Jacqueline. was .;Itb hill Th "III d • (Coacluded from Page 1) naslum or the Fltchville grade sor On April 4,1962•..o\ldous lluxlevthe traditional half-staff post- dJJl

DnWO ':desDges

C! con- * * *.. · ro et wal __ school IdentlhcatIon was a dlf- ThiS also would be a sad task t:POlte to a capacity aUdIeac.e ottlon. 'Whendt II reb:ieved after H ence ~trea~ to the ~te ~ked de th was prepared to lIerve the hcult task. Bodies were charred for Mrs Kennedy who as FirS 1 200 persons in Heildncksdisplay, tbe"llag apln 11 boIIt¥ a:earoa: the ;~m~::, :c led f en I President as long as he wanted: and shriveled beyond recogm. Lady had de\oted herseU to the Chapel, Syracuse Unwerslty. In

from lI'-s1atf pOatlOD e without ham E e w eepia m. them to serve" lion and the rest home's rec. pro~ect of restoring and refur. a speech sponsored by thepeak a ~en 1 • othe ~.:t out by II 0 a Inger said all members 'Of ords were consumed In the fire blshlng the historiC White HutchlOgs Society and the De-

. moval ~ J W~ a.... the , (b Kenoed~ cabinet were~ nursIng bome supervisor House parlment of Psychiatry

t The mllitlr1"8 services -"" «J th~ tlrst setWlon ~ the ,Pa~ts ~d In the Whlte House gUIdebook He spoke on "VISionary Ex.vide ~or '. pPlacfIIJ 1D SoViet' Premier Khrushcb • 10 :.\ I' ltite hosplta'tj s!\n Inaugurate~ Mrs Kenjnedy penence" and hq\v It could bemourmng wh e D us b'l garbed lD black hurried to ~q .. r addition. Salincer let of them had no noted the v.:or~ had been done attained by such methods as

'f marcldng troops, a custom not American In Moscow ftii r:~es • these oIficials were on h8 t: known relaUves and seldom reo "for all the people y,;ho VI,~lt the sobtude, Intense concentratlon'lE applk:able to ordinary clvWan to express his sympathy. WASHINGTON (AP) _ JtpIare !.;":o at Theodore Sorensen, sped;aI celved ViSitOrs, she Slid White House each year The hypnOSIs and psycho-ohysliJ dIS p la y. In this case, t 1t' a Khrusbch who eb s dent Kennedy win be burlel! ho At the h of the counseJ to the PreSIdent, Jer- The \1ctlm!t _ almost evenly number bad come to a record of methods such as the br JIg

.5: streamers ob black crepe about Kennedy m:viJeld d~t:;,uin h~ ArUngton Nationa CemeteJ7 ~ a Navy U ant wi ed orne B Wiesner,. SCience ad dlvld!!d between men and wom over a minIOn while the Ken- exerCIses 10 Yoga and direct~ 7 feet long and 12 incbes wide band, said that· "the Wish ol the ramily'" vlser to Kennedy, Waller W. en-were in a least 13 rooms of nedys were there chemical lneans ~i ~as~:ted to the peat of the "The death of President Ken- This was announced Saturday Two th ds :fl~~rE:~~::nA3~st:r~;C~~: tJle spra.... hng L-shaped Luild-

. .:; nedy is a hard blow to all peo by Pierre SaUnger, WhIte Bouse bowed,. et oth J RIOrdan secretary of iog h K · ~ lk: pIe who cbenshed the cause of press secretary. He said he on loW' lNlal!hes. prayi tly the'cablOet Budszet Director "Tar was melting as fire l .- No Involvement peace and SoVlet·Amerlcan co- could not pinpoint at tbIa time for the ftftt Roman to KermIt Go~on William Moy- mo~~ back through the bUlld- rlS Ins 0- operation." the exact site of the IJ1IYe. reach tb« ....esJdeney. ers. deputy dlre~tor of the peace mg. said Emmett E\ege, 49 a- Se . 51' The bJg unanswered question Kennedy wiD become the sec- An eDOl!lllous spray co s and a close Jobnson as. pallent at the borne for three '"t en In aYlng How will Khrushchev get along ond president to be buried in lWes and earnatIons so~ate George Reedy Special \·ears He and hiS roommate. L k d· G· if

WIth Johnson? the wooded. rolling cemetery the west II4e of the e assl ta~t to the Vice ~esldent Ross Hopkms, 61. were the last OC e In rleWASHINGTON CIt - State De- In DaUas,_a young man With Just across the Potomac from StartiDI at 10 am, on and\aUn er. p , to get out. he ~ald

partment authorities said Sat· an attachment to the Soviet Un- the capitol city. Former Prest- through the day. me of a Sahngefdid not say but SIOCi! E\'ege saId limbers were fall.urday they bave no evIdence 1JI.. ion was charged With the deed dent William Howard Taft Is famn,. IUt has known ,of Stevenson jotned Rust in prom- jog from the roof as h~ tried to DUGANSTOWN. Ireland (AP)[farm at Duganstown the lnshdica~ tnvolvem~of ~ ~ that sent a shock wave of hor- buned at Arhngton, the site of great mceess and n- ising to remain as lona: as John- rescue some patients Some of -The Wldow Ryan wept and Kennedy's and Ryans lomed the~et on or any If Orelglt ror around the globe. the Tomb of the Unknowm:. a1 traa'idr. intimate f and son Wishes the pledge appar- the folks came out of their could not be comforted. For Widow In common mourmng.power In the assanlDatlon of Lee Harvey Oswald insisted Up to the time of the aDo UfiOdata of the Ken and ently cov~ the other Ken- rooms, but got confused an~ young John Kennedy. her third They had come here on a day~~eoo~d f that '1 did not kill the Prest· ftouncement there had beta al- offic:ials from all b of nedy advisers ""ho like the went back to the rooms agam, COUSin was dead Just five months ago to .....elcome

f'!1 thra ormer denl I did !tot kill anyone I most a presumption that burial gove1'lUllellt moved U N ambassador ~e not act. he said Kennedys and Ryan and PreSIdent Kennedy when be re--:~~et~~ :e Ybrs

don't know what thiS is all would be m Kennedy's naUve Sunday and Monday oreb· uaJly cabinet m~mbers I fnends and neighbors gathered turned to the land of hiS fore.cf1carged With th

mn~ha:t~n ~~ abouL" Massachusetts after some cere- Q8J')'peopleKennedy will Johnson set up the cabmet F . Ch' f around and put comforung fathers The \\ldow and tbe oth.

Dauas Tes Fnda g Dist. Atly Henry Wade who many in Boston have their opportumty honor meeting on short notice orelgn Ie S hands on her. but nothlOg they er cousms and distant relathesStat~ D' en! authonties filed the assasslOation - murder Kennedy's body Will be taken him. His body wlll lie" ltale, He was a minute late leav- k said or did could staunch the reh\ed Chat day last summer,

said they~ow of no eVl· charges agamst Oswald. 24, told to ArlfngtDll Immediately after =.the ~tions of t~er· In 109 the VIce preSidential offices As ed to Stay now of tears. the sobhmg saYing orten "00 you remem.deuce that Cuba was involved 10 reporters Richard Cardmal Cushmg 01 Cap~ rotunda SO ndMr US In the executive office bUlldmg For Duganstown the birth- ber ?"

the assassmation "There is no one else but Boston, a personal fnend of the 1. I :mncraoon u_'7"'" until across the street, his 'buSlOesS WASHINGTON (AP) _ Presl- place of the dad Prestdent's They remembered how theyhun." assassmated chief executive. of· Aa.m. a y headquarters most of the dav dent Jobnson has asked allinsh lmmlgrant great·grandfa. had put out long tables 'ilolth

Oswald worked in the school flelates at a Solemn ReqUiem t ecomparued by ~'al for the 2: 30 pm seSSIOD at ui~ chiefs of US foreign missions ther. Patrick Kennedy. was deep cakes and pies for the biggestSTOCK EXCHANGE CLOSED textbook warehouse from which Mass in WashlOglon's St. Mat· ~~ the mllil~fDrces, White House proper. to stay on the Job and not sub In tcars and mourmng And so party tbe place had c\er kno.... n

NEW YORK (AP)-The malar police said the bullets that thew's Cathedral Monday :b fan wn calst~on :....~ take Secret ServIce agenlJ and a mit the usual resignations was New Ross, down the road. And how the widow bad servedItoct markets of the United snuffed out Kennedy's life were In addition to the funeral serv- th: Wb: ';r'lde~ ~hbol& 'rOj bandful of aldes made the short The State Department an and Du~lm. and Cork and \Vex. John tea They called him SeanStates will remam closed Mon- flTed.---A rifle was found there 1Ci!, there Will be graveside ntes and then OlIse dO Ie Qip 10 walk With him nounced thiS Saturday, mcreas· ford and Limenck and he took two lumps of sugarday as the nation mourns the - Oswald lived In Moscow for at the cemetery. services a~Mon t~{ to fiDeral The cabinet meeting broke ing the belief Jobnson IS eager The Widow 1.Iary Ann Ryan. a In bls tea, ate a sandWIch andslain PreSident Kennedy. The three years, mamed a Russian Salinger said the route of the CathObC-CatblJ:al lers t:~n up a few mlOutes after S pm to empbaslze a continuatIon of Kennedy before ber marnage, cut the cake that Mary bakedNew York and American Stock gIrl, tried to give up hiS Amen· funeral procession will be an- nortb of the Whit ';0 ew s and the PreSident returned to the foreign POhClf'.s of President was John F Kennedy's crosest for hImExchanges announced early can citizenship in 1959, and be- nounced Sunday Johnson woo h use. ed his of(fee 10 the executive of£Jce Kennedy. who was assassmated relalJ\'e m Ireland, and 'I:latly Remembermg made the gnefSaturday that there will be no longed to a pro-Castro orgamza- \ He also reported that the fam- fully reco' red f as pr~=c ,-b-;;u~II'",..n..:g=--"";;-"""C-:-::-:-7Fc;r,..'d..:'y,...:-:-=_' -'::p;-ro-;u;;;d"O"f"",..1=At",the ancestral deepertrading in securities of any tion called "Fair Play for Dy may permIt teleVISion and ta k he ~f edr~m t~55 at· r " ilil:~liii.iii!"'!I.kind by any brokers through Cuba". radlo broadcasts of the funeral th~ nightS t et~ h n b' apent .. < _ JO '#

the.ll" facilities Authonties said the trall led Mass Pl~ as v~ce ~re~I~:ntelD~~ ~ '"'" " ~ '.Spring Valley section of BOrth· <{ .·fIwest Wasblngton.

It was 8:55 when he,..uacbedthe Wrote House Sattfl'thl,. morn.Jng.

Shortly after noon, the Presi­dent and his wife. both ill black.drove to special church WVleeat Sl John's and heardlbe rec­tor, tbe Rev. John C. Harper,ask God to grant the Presidentthe "authority, wisdom andstrength to know and to do thywiIJ."

The rector told reporters thatthe service was arranged at therequest of Johnson.

Mrs. Kennedy and her dUJ­dren, Caroline and John Jr.• at·tended a private Mass in theWhite House, along with 75 rela­tives and friends.

Pi:'~~e ~li~:rP:l~~dren were told Friday night oftheir falber's death, but 5alIn­ger· said be did not know whoIold them.

In Hyannis Port, Mass.• Ke.neely's mother went alone toMm at 7 a. m. and remaiDedthrough a second one at 8. Thenshe breakfasted with Joseph P.Kennedy, the late Presideat's;emi·invalid father.

The tl'agic news had beenkept from the elder KeDMdyuntil Saturday morning. Re 101­fered a stroke in December.lHl. aDd never hu reCoveredcomplolol7. .

Page 3: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY


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0Dt'1l DI.!I,. • AM I.' r.)(

X.LoR,. 'uU... rHTIIEE PAJlKl1iG-A.'ir CL'''-U

Soviet Radio THE POST STA:DARD :yraeuse N Y, Sunday November 24 1963

Says Shooting Psy~hla!rlsts ~robe Re~sonWas Political MotIvatmg Smper Slaymgs

Viet (ong Hit8'Outposts


Oswald s FamilyThe family of Lee Harvey 05\' aId arrIves at theDallas Police Station Saturday for more questlomngabout the man held In the assassmatlon of PreSIdentKennedy Fnday Leadmg 1S hiS mother Mr$iMarguerlte Oswald caIT) 109 hiS infant childBehmd her IS Oswald s wife Marma and m therear hIS brother Robert (i\.P Wirephoto)

Assassinationof anPortraitLee Oswald--Loner and Marxist

DALLAS lJ'ex (AP)-He wasa loner and kept pretty much tohimself all hiS life He held radleal VIews but wasn t regardedas a troublemaker Deep WIth n NEW YORK (AP) - W hat Amencan Psychiatnc Assocla Currenl stresses In the na

~b~~~er~e~:o;~1Ji :~~~ MOSCOW (AP) _ Moscow ~a::e:~ assaSSID to squeeze the ~:~not;h:~~ a~:l~~~~an~~s ~~~r:nr ~I~nl~r: t~~; ~a~r~ti:~:e:h':alien ideology enunCiated a cen radiO charged Saturday mght Can m 0 r e assassmatlons be olds 9iho transfer their own m there IS less national an ety andtury ago by Krl Marx thal nghtist elements m Amer prevented? ncr problems 10 others particu phenomena of rapId change Re-

Th S was the portrait that ~~a are attemptmg to cast the Promment psychlatnsts gave larly to people of pronunence actions to change brmg out theemerged Saturday of Lee Har arne for PreSident Kennedy s these vtews In telephone inter such as world leaders They "1Jlnerable people who are'Yey Oswald, 24 accused of the assassination on the Com v lew s With The Ass 0 c Ia t ed make the leaders the victims of fr ghtened8ssassmation FrIday of Pres mumsts Press rumor espec alb of a slander We are deahng w th some.

deD~taosh~01C'CK~~~rIesse Cur s~:r:a::,o n~~ltelie~e:I~~: =- Dr Karl Men n 1 n g e r of the ~:ss:ea~~: r:~ :n~slcal Violence ~::ssl:~r:n ~~a~ ;~rd~~m~ry s8Jd Oswald has readily ad lice verSion about the responSI ~enntng~~ Foundatlo~ T~peka It IS logical to belte\ assas homiCide and is not too differ

mltted he s a Commumst :~~ss~~a\e~~s~~~e~:n~s f~~r f~hre sej~es wh:tm~:~ e:~ ~~n o~: ~ n~dya~:~:l~~~1~~ut~ ~:r~o~rs~~~~;~tsot~~sn~bel::pa:eng;~u::~ pro~~r~ ther results of the ID\ estiga spo~s bil ty 10 this temble trag be members of a persecuted dayadded He dldn t try to lion eel) group The) go beyond reasonl \\ e need more ser oushide Il The rad 0 commentar on the There IS no sIn g I e s mple or log c thought and research Into anti

Although formally charged arrest of Lee Harvard )Oswald cause for VIolence Whatever 1\ mam defense IS agamst social aggress \e behav10r AsWith the murder of Kennedy an avowed MarXISt and former becomes known about the man any form of extremle:m By the we ha\ e an opportun ty to learnOswald has WIthstood all efforts defector of the Sovet Un on who pUlled the trIgger the dan ory thIS type of action stemslabout the assassIn of PreSidentby authorlt es to gain any ad stated The head of the Dallas gee IS that in our angcr and an from unsolved anx et es amonglKennedY we mlght help unmlSS on from him of any lnnd n pol ce s3..ld thai Oswald aUe gUish we will seek a scapegoat masses of people A defense IS prove SOCiety to some degreethe assasstnat on edly admJtted that he was Jl:a I don t th nk ~e have e\er to get theIr conf dence We need 1t mlghl help mobilize aclion

He has told newsmen J did member of the CommunJst ar taken the problem of crime sen more study of how we can subh Can we learn anyullng construcnot kill PreSIdent Kennedy I ty but the more details anlan ouslyenough Cnme 18 a great mate or subst tute for thel! anti tlve out of this shocking tragdid not kill anyone nouncements are made the problem In thiS country in big SOCial dr \es edy

Oswald Is 5 feet 9 weighs 160 more susp c ous and dark th s form and little formpounds He has a f rm Jaw reg Charged as Kennedy s AssaSSin case appears We assume Violence 111 hu

~~~ ~~a~~~s de:~~b~t asb~~~~ State Department offICials never seemed to get any maillh dden some\\here landlord It sa d that Oswald a ~~~ ~:~nfSm~s~n:fe;t:~I~egoo;:and def ant -even arrogant at said that fhe r records sho \ He was al\\ays polte and a Johnson sa d charged wtth Kennedy s slay ng sn ttimes _ under uesllontn But that 0 Nov 2 1909 In Mosco\\ gentleman sa d h s landlady I Dallas D st AUy HeRr,}' Wade after 10 hour... of mterrogat on Ihe can smile ea~IY g Oswald turned III hs American Mrs Johnson but..he ddntjSaJd after quesLioRlng Os\\ald Ibut there was no eVidence Every President has been

What k nd 01 a man was Os ~:'::e':frt fn:ff ~nl::[~~lta~~ ~e:r~s trorh~~eo~~y :; :~dsIn~;: 1 don l think he Is a nul T ~:~Ch could prove this accusa ~~s~s~r~~tedBOrt~rlh~~:~~~~ ~~Jwald before h s arrest glance s to the Sovet SOCial st t y y th nk he Is sane J don t mean Th I thOs t II e th ngs ha\ e be"n sa dLa

He ~~~ b~~n 1~9::ewa~Jle:~~ c Republ c es ;he housekeeper Earlene ~~etr~e ~u~~~~~ Dve~ut ~~:Jln} olve euie° ~:ma;~tu~i n:ar~~ I~f about each preSidentlater OswaJd marned a RUSSl8nlROberlS 58 recalled 1 told and he IS sharp the Uruted States m the assas- Personal vlluperatlon of the

1\[y father d ed before I was gll'l Manna N cholae\na an at myself 1hat he was a peculiarl Mr.. Oswald also was ques jSlnauon of the Pres dent It PreSident tends to In fl ue n ce)orn tractive pet te blonde who man I took It for granted iliat tioned-through a RUSSian Inter s3..ld people who are suggestible who

HIS WIdowed mother brought wS~rked 111 a hospital m Mmsk he didn t care for people But preter because she speaks only For the fU'St time Saturda ~11l ~splaceUlo ~he r~son of;:eher family to Fort Worth and e was pregnant WIth the r he never bothered anyone Ibroken Enghsh She bore m her the So\"Iet news report men; re."1 ent ate e IRgs I eyset about at a var et) of lobs to ~~s; ~hlld when m January 14nother roomer said I didn tarruS her two months old sec tl00ed that Oswald aUegedJt ~~ve agamsttio1her d~Ple n~.upport three sons T swald wrote to Sen John know hun by name E\ erybody ond daughter The first 1$ two wss In the Soviet Umon f err ammOS1 es an ates an

Mrs Howard Green Wife of o~er R Tex 8S disenchant left h malone I)ears old IThe young ex 1anne defe ears• Texas Slate representatl\ e m!f:tt set III Oswald s landlord Johnson Brought from Fort Worth was ed to the SOVIet Uruon m 1 Jt IS an easy step from fantaught Oswald m the sixth grade Se defector pleaded s;ud he al\lo ays talked In a for Oswald s mother a short \\om but returned home In 1962 w th tasy to achon for somt! peopleof Forth Worth s R dgely Ele- IRce Julv 20 1960 I haH

1elgnlanguage when he talked an WIth gray salt and pepper a RUSSian Wife and b b Hate frustration hurt pnde and

mentary school HIS grades unsuccessfullv applied for a So- on the phone-a was eIther Ger ha r daughter a a bllter feel ngs lead them on towere below a\erage and her de- Vlet eXIt usa to leave th s coun man or RUSSian I \liould sa She S31d of her son He pull the triggerscnption of him from her mem jtry The Soviets refused 0 per y doesn t come around any more foscow radio commentato Dr Sandor Lorand New YorkOlJ was in mtro\ut, bookISh mIt me and mv So\let wUe to Durmg the fndav noon hour I ha\ent st'en him 10 a }ear \alentin Zorln countered Cltv Whatever the assassnsa loner lea\'e the So",et Un on I am a :\frs Roberts the housekeeper She added that the stigma of charges thai was he was a father

A Fort Worth policeman ask ICltizen of the Uruted Stata; of a§ watching a teleVISion re Oswald s Russ an ad\enture \ICtim of a Ielng that his name not be used 1\menca and I beseech ,}'ou port of the shoot ng of President bothers him a)"11Ig Thosel!i31d he knew Oswald from firth Sen Towcr to nse (SIC) a ques Kenned.}' 'He ne\er saId "hy he doesn I ilie secunty of Many normal people are fuUgrade until his entry mto AIhng 110n of holding by the Sov et Un She s3..ld of Oswald He came come to the house ht< J know nedy IS orgamred Imow that 1 of v olenee We learn to controlton He ghts High School in Fori Ion of a CItizen of the Uruted 1Il nmmng llke the dickens and ~Irs Os\\ald continued It s be- IS not poSSlble for a fanatic to It When the controls breakWorth States ag8Jnst hiS will and ex I said to hun You sure are m cause he doesn t want them 10 commll such an assasSUlaUon down a person can want to at

The former classmate re pressed deStre. a hurn but he dJdn l say anv persecute me They all It if not aCCIdental that 1t tack the \lihole commumty andea11ed 'He was alwa}'s opposed Tower's oU ce referre« the let thing-Just ran to his room and\tumed thelr backs on me beJore took lace m the South e\er one he thmks IS mistreatto any kind of diSCIpline He ter to the State Department and got a short tan coat and ran and the~ will turn thetr backs slates hleh are well kno as mg him He thmks of hlmseUseemed to hold 1t agamst peo tn Februrarv 1962 it was de back out on me agarn He knows a steo hold of raost and other as a fIgurehead sa\lng thepIe up ther~any authontv He Clded after a reView that Os Police cia m that a search of how they ve treated me He Fasci m It IS preclselv worldnever was like any other kid He 9iald ne\'er had actually Oswald s room turned up Com wanted to shoulder It huuself here at (Anzona Sen Barn) The responslbilitv I es m alldidn t asSOCiate hardly at aU achle\'ed SoVlet CItizenship mun st hterature I fm broken hearted aboullGOldW ter who s ooe of the of us 10 rna ntam and strengthen 2 SBLI s qucllty protection It IS sub-but he wasn t a trouble maker Tllerefore he was gIven a pass We had ne\~r seen those thIS He IS really a good bo} conte e for the presldenc} the controls o\er our Violence a Ject to the some str ct State lows 05He talked a good b t in high port and prOVIded With the cus books He must ha\e kept them she declared get! lUPPOt1.. It I es particularly With Ihoseschool about how th ngs should tomary loan aV3..llabie to Amer leaders \\ hoever 1hey be Vi ho any other life nsuronce company andbe pcans stranded abroad - in 1h s * * disrup the normal adjustment IS superv sed by both the Stote Bonk

In an altercalion \'1th the case $435 It Is not clear \\heth of mdl\1duals by preach ng \ 0- Ina Deportment ond the Stote Insurcoach of the school s B football er the money ever \\as repa d 10 M I lence v;ho encoura<7e Ihe \ ew once Deportmentteam the pol ceman recalled Back III this country Oswald Uran __ that Tebell on anl OPPO" tionOS9iald shouting turned up in hiS native New Or • • • ale all nght "ven f carr ed to 3 SBLI IS exclus ve Soy ngs Bonk L fa

It s supposed to be da .!r~e ~~~~rbere ~'::tt fUDe 25 he re (Concluded from Page 1) ~"hen the President was shot Ihalf features and tI e: pOint of violence The, \ 0 • lnsuranc~ s ova loble at th s bonkcounLt:,y a man s suppose U,I e Y app or ~ passport __ \ 11le assasswaUon wcapoq W , m tn t presses U~ht1y to tnce hat to break through and only to people who I ve Or worka~e to do what he w~nts Id ~~\ re~lU~~o to Europe and the theater in a shoppt\lg distrt found partIy hidden bchln ~e r 'tIhe 1 angry and de \\ e ~ust nol be led b hose In New York State Once you buyre~:~v~fs ~:I~:f in fr:::om ~y Meanwhn~ he became In where they had gone In pursu books and amid scraps of fried fl ho tr) to dlsr pt vho express saLi of course you own It even f~, own admiSSion hiS conver volved In a dispute WIth an anti of a man who had gunned down1chlcken on the sixth noor The So",ehow~urry docsn t kno\\ viole Ice Pres dent Kenne<h was you should move out of the StatelIon to communism already was Caslro Cuban Carlos Bnngu er a Dallas pohceman a few police homlc de bureau s3..Id il-oswald reached the Oak CI ff far from challenging people to WHY IS SBll lOW.COST?

ell al who sa d minutes earlier was a 65 mm bolt act on TIne sect on across the Trlmt}' R \ 'o'lOlence He bet C\ed m comwHe s:~g he became mterested He offered hlIl1seU as a for DlSt Ally Hcnrv Wade apparent!) of Hal an make er fro rl"wntown Dallas prom '!'if>

in Marxism at the age of 15 mer Mar ne to tram Cubans for f~arJee:f1'o°s~a~t~l~ mU~der 'dlp Curry tOldt


A"bocllaled The ch ef bebevcs T pp t the Dr Konneth Appel Ph ladelwhen a CommunISt pamphlet an R\ as on I was susp c ous of e S 0 enne y an I ress repor er e c e "slain off r spotted Oswald ph a past presIdent of thefell nto hiS hands Later he dis hjm from the start franklv I pol1ceman J D T pplt Oswald carned the r ne to work from hJ~ broadcast descr pllon Amencan Psvchlatrlc Ase:oc acovered Marx s Das Kap tal thought he mIght be an agent Os\\a1d returned about a vear \\ith h m Fnday mormng and and stopped him for quest on 110n \\e ha\e ha.d a 101 morethe b ble of comrnun sm from the FBI or the CIA trying ago from a three lear sla} n passed It off as wmdow shades lag OS'ol.ald fIred a p stol and a sass nations than Ens;:la Id

At the age of 17 Oswald With to flRd out what we might be,:UsSla where he marned alwrapped In hea\y broy,n paper tbe offlcrr dropped dead A elt \\helber thiS go('~ y, th h gh emdrew from school 23 days after up to uss an woman to the man "ho gave h m a rideltzen name unkno\\n later phasls on 10dl Iduallt) and al;starting 10 high school He 'Then a few days later J en Four )ears ago he s\\ore al downtown called for help on the police-Igressl\eness and a hl~h cnmepromptly ]0 ned the Mannes countered him on Canal Street leg-lance to the SO\'1et Umon and The first susp CIon of the slim man s pro"1 car rad 0 Irale and lack of respect for

HIS military career Vias not 8 distrIbutmg Viva Castro I tera tned to renounce h sUS Clti black haIred maq \\as b) a po. T I authonty as compared Withluecess TwIce he faced courts llure We took all hIS propagan IzenshlP II ceman who saw Oswald In the hen a susp ClOUS character En land needs to be thoughtmartial for !Dfract ons of regu da away from hun Then the The Stale Department later building lunchroom The officer was reported In the Texas the- thr~u h Encouraging the Idealations His occupation specialty police came and arrested the held he: was stili a cItizen and pulled a gun on Oswald but ater S J: ofhcers entered and a ~son can do anythmg hewas electromcs operator He lot 0' us ICOUld return to Amenca Oswald when the manager sa d Oswald found OSll.ald 10 a seal near Ihel wa: to do Is unwiseserved overseas In Japan but Oswald appeared on. radio says he IS now a member of thelworked there he was allowed to rearne\'er rose above the rank of program IR New Orleans In Fa r Play for Cuba Committee go This 1S Jl, Oswald s3..ld In England there IS morepnvate first class IwhlCh he descrIbed himself as Curry said Oswald readdv A. bUilding porter saId he took spring10g from hIS seal He tolerance more respect for au

A man who sen;ed with hun a Marxist but not a Communist admitted he is a Communist Oswald to the sL'tth noor In an grabbed hiS plStol but it faUedlthont) and more of a feehngAllen D Gray Buffalo N Y Howe\er Dallas Police Ch ef and apparenUy is proud of It ele\ator When he got out Os to hre for gradual changesaid He was a lonely lOtro Cum saJd He sa d the second man ques wald asked the porler to send The officers dragged OS\\ald Compared With the usualverted aloof boy He "as b tterl Actuallj Oswald has never tioned worked n the same place the car back up for him The out in handcuffs murdprer Appel said the a"sasabout the tough time his moth drawn any distmct on between as Oswald a pri\ate fIrm which porter went to the ground noor Curn sa d Os\\ald dechned to sm has more background of

erO~~~I~~fa~n~~~~~~~seOnded th~h~~ouse CommIttee on Un l~:~~o~~ores and dis:nbutes ~~d:atch the Kennedy motor I~~:ffl~ et:s~ecl~ra~~s\oH~:t~: :r;~:~~~:ll~ftl;r:~l~~~:Sept 11 1958 when he was re Amencan ActiVities hsts Os The chief sa d FBI agents re After that Curry sa d It is mme from powder resIdue tlon and severe nfenor ty Heleased from act\e duty to aId \\ald m ts records as secretary ported after Oswalds arrest known that Os\\ald descended. whether Os\\ald had fired a gun had fnends shoL It IS the same ARE THERE OTHER ADVANTAGESin the support of hiS mother HelOf the New Orleans chapter Oflthat they had Intervtewed hIm a/and left the building on fool were pOe:ltlVe. ThIS meant Os sorl of personarhty TO SBll",was put mthe Inactive reserve a group called Fair Play for week or so ago But he sa d h" n thin minutes police broad _aid had fired a weapOn WIth Dr Damel Bla n of Pennsylbut later receIved an undes ra Cuba had not confirmed th s cast a descrIption of him He Is in a short Ume before he was varna Hospital PhiladelphIa Indeed there are Quant ty d scounts ore

bl~ ~~~~~rra~r Oswald was In T InLe~Uf~l~on~ Ydir:c~::v:t ~e lru~~~~e~~ s:;:: ~kal~~~~o~e:e:~~~s 5a~:: 1:0m~~~a~~I:;: :a~~s~e;en ~r::::nZe l~r ~O~~d former medical dlredor of the avalloble on amounts of 55000 or moreMoscow On Oct 30 1909 he FaIr Play for Cuba organ zalion tol~r both They wouldn t say 0 vldends are payable as earned startingappeared at the Amer can Em said Oswald was ordered held Warren Cancels the f rst yeor L berol cash and loon valuesbassy where be announced hiS We have never Issued a Without bond by Justice of the on 011 SBlI pollc es except Term

~:~IS~~z~~s~~ouncehis Amen ~~~~e~ 13s~~~~ ~rc: ~e:~:/ Peace David Johnston COU rt SessionHe told offiCials I am 8 He could be There is no one

Mannst however named Oswald who ISLater Oswald was quoted in an off c al of the comm Uee

an nterv1ew as saying Cap anvwere 0 the Un ted Statestal sm has passed ItS peak I On Sept 26 Pres dent Kennewould Itke to spend the rest or dy S plans for a VISit to Dallasmy lUe here were announced A few days

later Oswald got a job at theTexas school book depos tory as

a ~h~~r::lw~;r~I~~~s~ ;o~kesTruly said He was a prettyqu et indiVidual His work wasf ne and I had no reason to behe e-no Idea the man had everbeen In RUSSia He was \ eryqwet with n ce manners and amce appearance

On Oct 14 With just a satcheland a few dothes on coaU angers In h s possess on Oswaldrented an S8 a Vieek room fromMr and Mrs A C Johnson onDallas North Becklev Streetlt was a barren 5 by 12 foot

room devOId of pIctures furnIshed WIth a small stand an anclent dresser and a smallclothesholder The walls werepainted baby blue White curtams covered the Vo'tndows Twothrow rugs were on the noor

Regularly between 9 30 and10 p m Oswald retired for themght to I sten for a Lime to h Ssmall radio He kept hiS roomneat and clean although hebrought 1D fruit to eat and madesandWlches and coffee for hIm.elf

Oswald kept fe\\ clothes In theroom and never spent weekends

Offtcer Paul Bentley ~~se;~~a;e~rn~~~e~n~~~~d~y~Arrested Oswald He liked to read Westerns He

Rlehlman AssOils Chicago's$64 Million 'RaId' on Treasury


Those are tough words tougher still when \ Olcedhy the usually mild mannered soft 1spoken R II alter Rlehlman OnondagaCounty sable r..epresentative m Congress

Rlehlman a Republican has hiSdander up 0\ er what he apparentlvfeels 1S a $64 million federal giveaway tothe Clly of Chicago long a Democraticstronghold

The House of Representallves Pubhc Works CommIttee has voted onStrIct party lines to reimburse ChIcago Blhento the tune of $64 million for the bond fmanced ChIcago Skyway Project a cIty bUllt to" bridge whichhas now become a part of the federal Interstate HIghway System

Rlchlman has been stnv ng for years Withoutsuccess to get Congress to appro\ e reimbursementto New York Slate for the 500 miles of lhe bond IInanced New York State Thruway a toll highway 'lheThruway was SUbsequently deSignated a part of thefederal Interstale Highway Syslem

The Congressman report<: hiS bills to achieve thiSpurpose ha\e conSIStently been rejected hv the Public Works CommIttee because the Congress has notrecogmzed the prlOcIple of reimbursement

Rlehlman pledged rr thiS bill to reimburse Chicago 15 brought before the House I will use everymeans at my disposal to defeat It It IS nothmg morethan a blatant polillcal raid on the Treasury

rr Congress IS gOlOg to change Its polic) Riehlman stated It should do so for all the states" biehha\e bUilt hlgh\\ays With theIr own money and al10\\ ed them to become part of the mterstate S) stemEvery state sbould be treated allke


to merge duplicating and 0' erlaplimg Clt'\ and countydepartments?

Local \ oters were led to belle\ e that \\ hen Wil1Iam F Walsh became mayor and John H Mulroycounty executh e great strIdes \\ ould be taken to consoltdate some city and county functIOns to promoteeconom) and effiCiency


\\ eek \\ hen they heard some of those mvolved In theplannmg are talking about a $12 millIOn OnondagaCommumty College campus mslead of the $6 millionl,}utlay ongmally discussed


around to\\n because pohce officers of top commandrank-notably chloI and deputy ctaefs-are scarcerUlan hens teeth around police headquarters on \\ eekends At one tIme lasL weekend the top rankmg manat headquarters was a sergeant

Pollee Chief Patrick V Murph) explamed that thedepartment has deVIsed an elaborate duty systemwhereb) a chIef or deputy chief IS ah\ ays only a telephone call 3\\ ay at all times Local reSIdents can tforget however that some of the earlier pohce department problems stemmed hom a lack of constanton the spot supervlslOn by top command per... :mnel

Reporters have noted le....ently too that ChIefMurphy IS seen more and more frequently aloundheadquartel s In CIvil an clothes When he fITst camehere qUite a pomt was made of the fact that the chiefmtended to exeIClse hiS command functIons In fullpollee unifOlm complete" Ith stars

Just a Slight DIscrepancy'IT S S~IALL I\O:\DER THi\.T ORDIIHRY

folks can t understand the fIscal shenmgans In Albanv E\ en the state s top fiscal experts can t a!rree

It \\ ould seem that a dollar IS a dollar ev;n 10

~lban) and that 1110 top state offiCIals ought \0 beable to agree on "hat happened to It e\en if one IS aRepuhllcan and the other a Democrat But they can \or at least they don t

State Comptroller i\.rthur LeVitt a Democrat hascompIled and Circulated hiS 1963 annual report onstate fmances

Gov Nelson A Rockefeller RepublIcan has ISsued hIS annual New York State BUdget Summary1963 64 Rockefeller s fIscal experl who prO\odes thefigures Rocky uses In the report IS State Budget Dlrec~or T Norman Hurd also a Republican

Figures m both repOrts among other thmgs aresupposed to reflect inCome and expenditures for thefIScal) ear endmg March 31 1963

The h' 0 reports agrefi" that In round figures thestate spent aboul $2 59-1 000 000 10 the fIscal year\\hlCh ended March 31 thIS }eaT

But they are $41 million apart on hOIl muchmoney v. as taken In Le\ Itt sets the total Income IJ1

round I1gures at S2 056 000 000 The Rockefeller Hurdlotal mcome I1gore IS $2 59; 000 000-$41 000 000higher

Rockefeller" mamtams the state ended the yearWIth a $3 million surplus LeVItt contends ho\\everthat expenditures exceeded mcome by $38 000 000 Ontop of that the comptroller lOSlSts net cash outgo forfirst Instance advances from the CapItal Construction

~~n~:~~ted the total excess of outgo 0' er lOcome to

Slate taxpa)ers might lIell demand the top stat~offICials explam '\ hy theJr figures are so far apart­$41 million m one case $66 million m another

PoliticilFrontbll(JusBlivell /'


1964 seSSIon to Dass a bill curbmg the flow of C3nadian made bread mto border communities such asBuffalo the NIagara FrontIer Watertown Massenaand OgdeJISburg


Kennedv enJo~ed tell ng \\hen Pnme MlnJsterLester Pearson of Canada \\as about to seehim at Hyannis Port

Naturall) one remembers the nc dentsthat are personal I recall another Inc dentwhen 1 ~ as dinmg at lhe '\\ hlle House at astate function In honor of PreSIdent Betancourt of \ e.nezue.:a

\fter" ard the \ lee Pree: dent now Presdent Johnson told me of a Uille con\ ersaiion~ hlCh took plaC't> upstairs bet'" een PreSidentsKennedv and Betancourt

When \\ e go do\\ nSUllrs Kennedy toldBetaneourl .. ou ~dl meet a newspaperman\\ho has been a great friend of '\ours-Dre"Pearson I WIsh that he was as fnendl) to meas he IS to ,}'ou

In 'enezuela replied Betancourt }ouhave a much better press than 1 do too

I had a hard t me Pres dent K nnedsaid explammg that this \\as a paper len0\ er from the Truman Adm mstratlOn and thatthe Pearson referred to "as Dre\\

THERE WAS A~ IMPORT\<\T DIFfERenee between Jack Kennedl and h s brotherBobby If anyth ng Robert Kenned} IS moreefflc ent than his late brother He \orks evenharder knows go.. ernment extremely "ellBut Bobb.. lacks the \\armth the understandng of human nature that featured h seider

brolhcrIt was th s great understandmg of human

Ity that prompted Kenned} s dm e for CI\ IInghts and hiS C'hamplone:hlp or the underdogSome people \liondered how a )oung man sofull of life who lo\ed galet} who enJo\ed hiSfr ends from Ho11\1\\ood could be so ser ousso detenmned In hiS crusade for the Negroesand Ule le§s pnvdeged

I am sure It \\ as the long penod he spent10 hosp tats reco\ ermg from hIS back InJurvwhen he had noth1Og to do but renect on theproillems of mankind

Sometimes 1 have thought that the Ulmgthat ga\e the late Pres dent hiS depth of understanding "as h s suffer ng 10 \\orId WarII Before that he "as I ke the voung ClnddebonaIr Frankhn D Roose ell b~fort" h " altack of polio But WIth gre~t human suffer ngRoosevelt took on stature Ihat c\ entually madeh m one of lhe great PreSidents of the UnttedStates

CONGRESS II \S BY 0 MEA N S At­lo\\ed the queslionable behav or department tobe monopolized by the executive branch Infact the b ggest headline getter n that areahas been the Senate s former maJonty secretary Robert G (Bobb ) Baker too Is one ofthe celebrated reS1gnees produced In th~ fallof 1963

The House has run a poor third In pro­dUClng headlmes comparable to the abo\ eexamples

T"o Texas COl gressmen did manage tostage a m nor f ght The) \\ ere Rep Ed forman a Republican and Rep Henry B GonzaJes a Democral One e 1 the r pushed orsho\ed the other vhen Foreman called Gonzales pmk and Gonzales objected

Soon after that altercation Rep \Va,}'neHayes (D Oh 0) found himself under attackbecause he took the head\\3Jter of the HousedmIng room to Pans as a member of theoff c al U S delegalion to the NATO parliamentanan s conference

milled to Iv ng abo t how he used a CRr herented for $18 on off Clal gove nment business

Thellon Henderson who left the depa tment No\ I at f rst lRaccurately lold b ssuperiors that he did not use tI c car to dr \ ethe Re\ Martin Luther K ng Negro c v Inghts leader fom Brmngham Ala toSelma AI.-: on Oct I:>

Except for the Alabama Congress onal delegahon s loud obJeclions Ihe Henderson af a rhas not been treated as an equal to the Otepkacase or Korth s res gnallon

tion Stuns Te xans

I REMEMBER INTROQVCING 11m BEfore about 800 people at a '" Brothers dmnerWith the usual introduction, "Ladles and gen

t1emQ~ c~h~s~erl:~th~f c:lb~~e: StatesI trust he sa d tblt the bre\:lly of

Drew s mtroduct on \\ as dictated by com ention I was hop ng to get h1:6l on the record

Edwin J Saffop!

Some Red Faces in WashingtonBy EDWIN J SAFFORD

From The Post Staadard BureauWASIIINGTON-IN THE PAST 30 DAlS

r ve offle al5 10 !hI ee federal agenc es haveres gned or ha\e been dlsmlued. as the resultof questionable behaVIOr '

Onl} In one case-the d1amissal of S tat e DepartmentCh ef of Evaluat ons 0 t t 0 FOtepka - have formal charpsbeen made

Otepka s case ho \ever hasaccounted for t"o more of thefn e res gnat ons John F ReiUyDeputv ASSistant Secretary ofState for Secunh and hiS su~

ordinate Elmer D Hdl head ofthe DIVIS on of Techmcal Se" SaffordIceS resIgned last :\fondaJ

Reilly and Ii II have been charged Withposs ble penury before the Senafe s InternalSeetlnty Subcommittee by the u nit s Vicechairman Sen Thomas J Dodd (D-Conn )

TIlE BJGHEST RANKING OF TIlE RE­slgnees IS former Na\y Secretary Fred KorthFormerly a member of a Tl!.{as bank s boardof dll'ectors Korth resigned when hiS use ofNa\y Department slat Olcrv for letters to thebank s clients was quesLi.Oned

Korth also allegedly used the Na\y s }achtSequOia to private fr ends and

prospective clients of the same bankThe fifth man to resign was a 29 year old

attorney 1D the Justice Department ho ad


key measures With unaccustamedspeed

*THUS IF PRESIDENT JOHNSONasks for any particular legISlatIon thatMr Kennedy had been urgmg such asthe tax reduction bill It IS very likelyto be enacted

Whether Mr Johnson "ill see fIt toretrench materIally on foreign aid andtry to balance the budget to meet thetax loss 15 a blg question that remamsto be answered

On CIvil fights the new PreSident Ishkely to be more persuasn e \II dh blsSouthern colleagoes tban Mr Kennedyever was

POSSibly because he bchcves Infundamental buman fairness President Johnson may be able to obtamthe passage of human fights legislabon which will not cause tbe Soutbto revolt

*ON THE ISSUE of international relations - which means specifically theU S attitude toward the communis"orld - Mr Johnson IS sure to flOd thathe responsibIlities of the PreSIdencyput him m a most unenViable posItion

Nlltita Khrushchev while profcssmgrief over the death of PreSident Kennedy }S almost certam to be probmand testmg the strength and willpoweof Lyndon Johnson

Alter the first flush of grief wears 0

around the world we will probably sesome 50\ let contrived CrIses deSIgned tdiscover how far the new PreSIdent cbe sho' ed around

\\ e thmk Mr Johnson must realizthat the only thing the Soviet UnlOrespects IS strength He \\ ill have hIpeople "Ith hIm If he stands firm 0

every test - "hether m Cuba on thAutobahn In South Vietnam Laoswhere\er

And bere again the memory ofJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy rna, prOle avaluable all~ 111 establi~hlng firm andconsistent mternahonaJ pohc) Hereagam his memory rna, be strongerthan were bls achons under the constramt of a nuclear tbreat to mankinct,


State Budget ProposalRepublican leaders propose a constI

tutIonal amendment to specify that theslate bUdget must be submlltcd by thesecond Tuesday 10 January each )earThis would enhance the present February 1 deadline by several weeks to permit more time for study

The change should be made as soonas pOSSIble LegIslators don t havenearly enough time to examine thebudget It IS becoming more and morecomplex and the budget elisputes thatarose durmg the 1963 legislative seSSIOnemphaSize the need for additional time

While they are about It Republicanleaders also should resoh e to conductopen budget hear10gs These hearmgsnow gomg on are closed to the Demo­crats and the press Why should theybe barred? This IS the public s busmess

Partisan and secret conSideratIon ofthe budget can t be Justilled The taxpayers '" ho prOVide the funds are entitled to know \\ hat IS gomg on

The deadline advance must be approved by the Legislature lD 1964 and196;> then by the voters 1!1 November196;> before It can become effective buta shift to open budget hearmgs couldbe made any time It should be donenow


I U..".1-"'i1iO

m.adell.·.bla6u;u tund..

AVAn.ABU3 Mea. I lola'40$1 .US

215 .15



ON T ANALYSfSj the completely unpredictable IMl political sitDation it would appear that on the Re­publican Side Senator Barry Goldwaterhas lost an Important advantage andthat Governor Nelson A Rockefeller hastherefore become relatively stronger

This conclUSIOn IS based on three obVIOUS factors

1 Lyndon B Johnson will aJmost automatically have first chOIce for theDemocratic nommation to succeed hunself It would be strange politics tonommate two Southerners to opposeeach other for preSident

2 The anti Kennedy sentunent whichhad been expected to turn the solidSouth toward Goldwater has nowevaporated as a political factor AIthough some of the arch conservativeSouthern states may not be exactlybappy With PreSident Johnson s personal Cl\ iI fights poliCIes they" ouldcertainly be more mclined to supportbun than to have backed Mr Kennedy

So No longer would much of the electorate conSider a race between theDemocratic Presldenland New York 5governor merely a contest betweentwo men of sunllar pbllosopbles Lyndon Jobnson IS not regarded to be asliberal as Mr Kennedy was Someconservative strength might swmgtoward the new PreSident especlall,from New York state s Rockefellerhatmg clement

Rockefeller Stronger?

1964 Political Picture Confusedregular em~..t Pl.rty or~a pfor his pobtica; support

PresIdent Kennedy and his brotherAttorney General Robert Kennedy hadtheir own personal network In key spotsthroughout the country Mr Johnson hasno such mdlVldual support except possibly In his home state of Texas

On the other hand early Indlcatinnsare tbat President Jobnson will depend on the present cahlDet aDd keyofhcers of government to stay withhim in the Dew administration IfUtere IS any Significant cbange it ISmost IIkelv to be ID the PresIdent spersonal WhIte House staff and It willbe tbe cbolce of these ad,lsen "bicbwill be most closely watched by tbeexperts

*FOR THE REPUBIJCANS althoughRichard M NIJWD has conslstentl) pro­tested that be IS not a candidate recentdevelopments may push hIm furthermto the political spotlight

Much will depend on "hether Conservative Republicans who will go toany length to defeat Governor Rockefeller appear to be swmglllg moretoward NIXon than toward PreSIdentJohnson

ObVIOusly lhere will be no swing Ineither direction unhl and unless theConsen atlves become convinced theycan not put Barr) Goldwater across

BmfjJ H Keller Publuhn­J Lumard Gorman Editor

M4no ROSS1 Managing Edlt01'Lortm Bn lev t\ e10S Ed tor

John N Whltnev CltV Editor

THE POST- STANDARD" Sunday November 24 1963


*NO ONE CAN PREDICT WIth anyconfIdence what may happen on thepolitical horizon but speculatIOn ISmevltable

For one thmg It seems clear thatPreSident Johnson will turn more to the

Published Every Dav 1n the Year by_ THE POST STANDA-RD COMPANY

300 East Favette Str~Syracuse 1 N Y

Tb. Standar(! 1829 The Post 1894The PO:'lt Standard leoo

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Power from the Grave •

Martyrdom May Speed Leg islationFROM THE GRAVE John Fitzgerald

Kennedy the Martyred PreSident, mayexerCIse an even greater influence onthe affarrs of thIS nabon than he wasable to Wield from the WhIte House

For Now he belongs to the agesr- His martyrdom has enshnned him m

the hearts and mmds of the Amer canpeople as no livlOg act of hiS could posslbly bave done

His assassmation has silenced hIS po­"litical enemies and hIS personal Critics• Around the globe - even 10 unfriendly

lands - mJlhoDS hail hiS memory andthe causes for whICh he fought

HIS struggle to mamtain peace withbonor b,s battle for greater bumanequality aud for Civil fights even blspersonal pbilosopby In domestlc affairs-aU these suddenly bave becomeSauCtifled by the death of a youngPresident wbo bad beltned In these)lI'lDclples

*AS THE NATION MOURNS hiS deaththe people tend to glorify - almost todeify - hiS memory

Just as Abraham LIDcoln became,., virtually a national samt after he was

assassmated m 1865 and Just as hISmemory has stoed as a symbol of human freedom for nearly a century sois John F Kennedy likely to be regardedby hlSto!'lans of tomorrow

The tremendous psychologIcal reaction to Mr Kennedy s death botb 10 thegovernment and among the masses ofthe American people will give anenormous boost to those political almsWlth which he was Identified

A surge of bl partisanship - of to­getherness lJ1 the emergency - IS almost sure to sweep the Congress \\ hlchhad been almost deaf and blind toMr Kennedy s urgent pleas for what heconsidered essential legl5.latlon

nere will be almost certainly auatmosphere of ensls in these weeksIDlm.wately ahead and In this spiritof co-operation and self reproacb athaving Ignored the late president forso mauy munths the House and theSenate may weU pusb througb a few

Page 4: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY

KennedyOied Noyemb<r 22, ,963BOtn M.y 29, 1911

John Fitzger I

For, asaddress II

Reta" Trade Bureau,Syracuse Chamber of Commerce

In Tribute to Our Dead PreSident, John F. Kennedy

In the words of President Johnson's proclamation,"John Fitzgerald Kennedy •.. upheld the faith of ourfathers, which is freedom for all men. He broadenedthe frontiers of that faith ... All who love freedom willmourn his death."

Monday, November 25, 1963, has thus been pro­claimed a day of national mourning.

We grieve with all Americans in the death of JohnF. Kennedy.

With them we offer our prayers for our late Presi­dent's bereaved family.

And we join our fellow Americans in offering ourpatriotic support to our new president, Lyndon B.Johnson.

President Kennedy said in his inaugural. the trumpet summons us again ..." On

this day and on the morrow of national mourning••• Monday, November 25.

PersonalityAnd Sex TopicOf This Book

tbeR. Plas Many Otber FineBGob Are Amiable forYear Beadlnl: Plea-ure al

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side of lbe USA. to bong newtdt>a... to stir up, to break withpa"t habits. Let us put someaclion into the \irords "Let'skeep America beaubful."

GOTIffiLF F. FRICHE.J4AA Salt Springs Road.Syracu"e

Foreign Method UrgedTo Beautify SyracuseTo frEd; or _/ TI:r~ POII·5tonJuJ

With RTeat interest' lollowthe letters written by DeanKertnt'th G Bartlrtl. "Ice­pre~ldrnt of Syracu e Unt'·er·Sit,.· ly family and I are cib­zens of Ui.. U S. and we arerroud to be rt>'i1denl.s of Syra·CU1:e ~ince 195fj

'aturally .... e feel a part ofUuJ community, and as suchwe haH a responsibility tothlS commumty We watch"ery clo t'ly the ruture de"el­opment of "our city."

I quote from Mr. Bartlett'sletter: "Flowers are every·"'here--one rtally e Inn 0 t

:::1~;blb:~~e::su~0:~7::s('1( the flower boxes in Lon·don. etc· ••"

Ir. Bartlett expressed ('x·aClly our f('('lInls how .... tcould upgrade the Ippeannceof Syracust'. Let Ut: growtrct'.'i. IN us pUI now('rI, INU5 build water founlalns. l!'tus build rt>!lit banks·ever there b ample S(lace.

Our aard!!n clubs are domgalready a line Job to growno...·ers in the downtown area.Tourists ",,'11I \'Isit our city irUie City IS ,,"ith flowers beau·tifled. and clean. This is an·other chapter and I think It I.orthwhile 10 mention It 1ftconnection With Mr. Bartleu'sJetter

We ha'·e Hry decln Citiesright here in the l,;. S. I re-­turned rectntly from Cali·forma and 'Isltoo 58" Fran·cisco. Thr city of S!traCll~e­

and we <b re<;;ldents-ha\'e tobe ashamed to Stt San Fran·CbO clean and our CIty dirty.

Mrs. Farr from the CityCouncil does almost every.thin' po~sible to get a c1~an­ job in OtiS city, but whatshe needs is the eooperallOnor every citizen, of e,'erystore owner. of every homeowner in the City, in thecounly.

f was raised in a smalltown In norUiern Germanywith the name Lingenern",.near the Dutch border. Ire·member this. Each Saturdayafternoon 1 had to sweep withmy sister in front of our prop·erly until the middle of thestreet, and if necessary wehad to hoae down our part ofthe slreet.

In the late afternoon the citypoliceman ""ould walk alongthe street and check {or clean·liness. A friendly reminderwould help in most caseswhere the elunin. was notdone. The habit of cleaningthe streets comes actuallyfrom the Netherlands wherethis Is practiced (or centuries.

Applied to Syracuse. ltwould be ne:essary to changethe city ordinance. but to havcSyracuse clean an yeararound it would be ...orth·while 10 do it.

I think it was a smart mo"('to lent some uperts abroadto ~ wbat is loin&: Oft out·

Mory BowenWe must not mourn har ,one!A pebble dropped in quiet

.....atersSpreads ripples to the farthest

shoreSo does HER Iile of .entle

radiance.For those who knew and

loyed her.Go on ... and .'·ar on.

BETH DUVALL RUSSELL. I•••II!I•••••••••••••••Syracuse. II

Leave Without Pay Urged IL· ·For Campaigning Rocky JlteraryTflInt EJilor 0/ TIlE P.Jj·SltmJorJ: tilion would not ha"e thl' Pri".j Journal

Ha\"e been I reader or your lIege to look for a be~ter lobvalu,ed paper for 37 years and on the company tune-heduring that lime you have been would be docked o.r fired.good enough to let me alr my Furthermore T might as wenviews, through lhe "Morning's get the rest .out of ~ ~)'stem)faiJ" column. It has betn said before Gabriel blo\\5 hiS hornlhe best way to find out any. for me. Will someoroe tell mething is to ask questions. AI. why Congressmen, Judges _orthough I'm 61 years old and anyone employe~ by or holdlOgshould be prniol for a sWlrt a. goo;ernment Job .ha,'e theand eao;;y death. instead I asn nght to mcrea ..e theJ: salaneseuriOU'i and too busy tn;n; to Just by a motion bemg madefind an answer to what's "buR:- and ~coonded? _ .

ging" me. rl~~~:'u,r:yn~o~~~t'~~t:":hU:~~All peo~l~ who have &Overn· sel\'t'~ a mere 25c or aGe an

ment posllions whether Cny. hour it's an) rrom $100 Syracu!;an :\tanfred F. De­County. Slate or. Federal re- to $1.000 a month, without bat. Martino. a practicmg p'r­Cf.ive their lalane~ from tax Hng an eyelash. Tht>n when cltologist and holder of anreYl!flue. Taxes are paid by the go'·ernment "kitty" or M.A. degree 10 clinieal psy.the people so they really ar: "J:l'avy bowl" runs low, tht'y chology from S}'Tacuse Urn.employes of the people. RIghI. work their heads-not fingers ,terslty. has as....embled in this

How come then so many of -to the bone thinking up new '"olume many discusc::ions of:he heads of Government, City, ways to gouge and lax the !icxual behavior as It is reoState or Federal. take time off people. Don't they realize laled to human personality.for p,pr5onal rea~ons and still there is a "boHom" to every· Cc::ntnbutors include Albertreceive their salaries? I refer thing? Ellis. A. H. Maslow, Hugo parlfcuJar to GO"ernor Nel- When a ch'ilian office or fae· Biegel. CUlford R. Adams,s(ln Rockefeller. tory e.mploye wants a rabe. it Leon Salzman, Karl M. Bow·

He is supposed to be "keep- ha.. to be O.K'd by the em· man. Wallt>r R. Stokes andJng store" at Albany and not player fir Sometimes they Gustave Newman.ron all over creation trying to must ~lrike and by the time !\Ir DeMartino ba~es his ownsell himseJr lor a bettcr job at thc unions and employers j%ct chapter entitled "Dominance·the laxpalers' expense. Some· to~etht>r. the employe has IOH Feclin~, Spcurity·In..ecurityone wiU say the Li!!utenanl more than he can e,'er make and Sexual Behavior in Worn·

~:,~;oJo t:;:5jobV~hyOd~"wl~ ~~a::du~O~o a l~:wpr~~~~s a~nd ~~~e~~ ~~~'I~:SqU~'~~hon:~hne to have a Governor? cost of Ii...·ing. in dt'lall.

If he is so persistent to be· Can anyone tell me where In Tht> book is more con·come Pre'ildenl, try i n g to our Con s tit uti on, BtU of C'ernoo wth what klOd of in·"charm" the people then why Rlti:hts. b)··laws or amend- di"lduals engage m certaindoesn't he take a leave of abo ments can be. found a law that practices. rather than tn theseRce without pay for the time sanctions. approves and sup. statistics of how many.he "Ki.!;hes to eampal~? I for ports the acts of the above Thert> are many case hi,.one would gladly consent to ('lected or chosen gO"ernment torie~. and those readers seek·ginn$:: hIm time off perma· h('ads? m~ the lewd or thl' prurientn~ntl)' MRS. EDITH G SCHULTZ. Will lint'! ~uch passages. but

A p,prfion emplo)'ed In a fac· 213 Eldorado St. tht' j:len"ral approach IS digm·tory. oHkt or any civihan po- S)·rscu ..e. hed and scholarly and unobo---'------'----'-----------, J(, tionable to mature. normal

mmdsThe book is intrnded primar·

U" for ltudf'nt~ of human psy.ehology. not for ~r"otli seek·Ing a ':'1carious thrtll.

Series SuggestedT.,IIE £J,'or./ Tltf Pt»I·St«tJo,.J:

In )'our editorial on ~unday.Nov. 17, concerning the dis·mtuaJ of the charges lIair)stdille who committed <:ivydiIobedience for the cause ofcivil rta:bls. you made the fo1·Iowiq slltements: "Most ofu.s want to fight discrimina.UDn lD Syracuse" and, "There.... m,ny ways of showingI1IIlpathy and support for thertabts of our Negro citizens."

May we suggest that youimplement these statementsby a series or articles or edi·torials on the widespread'" 'io­lalion of the state law againstdtacrimination. for exampletbe dJscrimlftation practicedb,. real e.'Uate men in Syra·.....


now a dar to day r'elahationbet.em lite ('Quotn..... flf the~e.....

an Arab J would 11k,. to"ee this prindplt' applied tot ,.1 __hos. radIO ~inC'f' 1'48

heft" attackina all thel"-rl or Arab countri~ un·1_ ~'r te.i'l c:on'liders them

t'OmmUnlltts' It IS OOle·to mpntlon th,t the

of Q:.lro did attack theIt.Alm wt» "·u con"ld·a pro-communist. Anti

or pre-communlu 1$ not Intil. DI tho RadJo or,t:it ,'" '~":~

on cb a t'n! "Nasser',10te-nU, expanl"lomst poll·

cle,." f chaUE'nJ;e .Ir. Le,,"i~

tG IPHl an ('xRmple l':JO'pt'!lirol~ In Ih, Ar~bs' drh'e forunity l!ii only the ilcceptanceor rduaal of tht" initial atepsbkf'n etther by S~'ria or Iraqor both. This Is trut> anti anat fad beknt)\I. n rrom thehl~or1 of Arab unm' 5ince-Expan Ion 10 the M.lddleEast Is only conceived fromIsrael ."hleh is not contentwith the territory Ri"en to herby the U.N. 1948 resolu·tion (as it actually occupiesmore). .nd had attac!liedE~'pt in 1956 and declaredthat Iftai ls • pan of Israel.At that hme neuher en.G rue n In g nor Mr I.e"iscalled IhlS an expam'lon ptll.fey and a~ked for cutting the~.S. aId to Israel

Fmally. mst~ad of sayingthat John Bordeau IS bia.sedin Egypt's favor. it would bemor!' rauonal 10 ask our el'·eswhy e"ery U.S. ambassadorto Eg)l)t takes thiS position.}o'acts are the only answer,and If the~ faet5 are knownto ev!'ry American. all theU.S. cittzens will like the U.S.ambassador's posihon.

But what can we do aboutthe hiased U,S. press thatcOllceal~ the facts and cin~suntnle picture of the situationin Eg)'pt and other Arabcountries? To give the N!:aderan Idea about this attitude. Irecommend the reading of thereligious magazine "Christi.anity Today" February issue,concerning the ney' anti.Chris·Uan wave that sweeps Isr.el,but 1$ not mentioned as itshould be In the U.S. news­papers.

One cannot help but wonderbow the American presswould react hid similar actserupted In any part of theArab world

AHMED EL GmIAlNG.U.A.R. Student at S.U.

e church seen in the bock..the Presbyterian Chun:h.

h celebrated its one hun..niversory in 1945, for onr 23. 1845, ot 11 o'clock 0

s held in the new meeting..

"r..' JOIW ,,_Il. M.!.... I.r- &MT.... .,e.-m-

loe Mile Creek Associotionod in 1831 ond in 1832 the

miles long, was was sold to the Conol Com­rs to serve os a fe.e.Mr for the

I. In 1922 0 heavy c1oud­complotaly filled the conolwhich washed down from the

above that its usefulnes.s WQS

Historic CentralNewYork~~cLrW

~~'~Jmboy,~,.' ~ 'f."


Sunday Crossword PuzzleTawtloa.

now exists. If for one blissfulmoment yOu thought you werebeing noble, forget iL The peo.pie of Srracuse have had atax (sales) for quite a fewyt>aT5. Has it ht>Ipt>d"l

You m the city enjoy. 24hour dun' cycle paid pclicedCPL. a funtime lire depart­ment. You enjoy trash collec·tion which is included in yourtans. You have sidewalks towalk on. a million. so it seems;tralfic liJ!hts and school cross·ing guards to protect )'ourchildren during the off schoolhours.

You ha,-e quite a .few publicparks, swimming pools andfIf.'Ople to staf! them. In sum·mer they wa5ft down )'ourstrttU and pick up yourleans in the fall. \ YOllhave a dept. of public work!i.esped,Uy the executive eche-­Ion. These all ha"e to be paidfor. You cry o,'er a hole in amud puddle and expt>ct theD.P.W. to have it filled whenyou return home from wher·ever you are. Read the gripecolumn in The Post·Standard.

You enjoy a sewage disposalfor which the to.....ns art as·sessed but do not get any ben·efit from. You have more pub·lie officials. experts in theirUne. I imagine than rve gotslones in my driveway. Theydon't li"e on peanut.. either.Why don't you try doing some.tiling for yourseh"es for achange?

We 1ft the town" I think Tcan safeb· and wllh • clearconscience !'By. an notplea:o;ro "ith our tax ~ltua·

bon which has probably grownabout 100 or 400 per cent Inthe past 15 year!i_ But ifs n«.'C·es:o;ary and we do the best ..-ecan. And we're doing all nghtand taking care. of our 01fft.

Our supenisors had nothm,to do with your sales tax. yetlours had the gaU to try to putit through for us. What', mineis mine and 3o'ours is mine too

Wby are town sUPf'l'Visonnot eligible to vote in matterspertajnin, to city busineu. )·..ttbey have a "oice 1ft oun. Ifroa care to be noble. lr')' G·et'tiTlK a UttJe .xplanatinn in\bat nold.

Beaorstll1, ..hynol. try holl>lnIllr. Kennedy' Such pubhcmdeavon would be appred·&1111. U .. want chana:es...... w...... fullY quaJifted_... _-

urpooe. U,.,. <all ..... "".wrecialo lite efrort, but ~.'t

Jund.. UI.&wIulIllII Ii lip lrilb'. IlOep

7otD' nose oat of out affairs.JOlIN SOBECKI.

--------- -------~


The Morning's Mail

Sift CriticismOf Teachers,Parents Urged

Opponent of ~ales TaxCites City Advantages,....u••, TIw P.·$t.nJ."J:III reply to the Jaycees'

amamenu and public-spiritedattitude In reprds to help forOnondaga County'S tax prob­lema. I have these rew wordsto ..y.

You will never. never al­IeYiate th_ U:J: probleM as it

To 1M Eli,.., Tilt P.w...s,.,.d.dJ

John Doe Is while. J'OU are• Nf.'KI'O. but DGe doft notknow you: he doelll't eventalk to you,

_ .... 11 ... Inwlnd. ItIs just tit.. then', no encoan·tel" and thr.-efore no opportll·!lily to Yisit

You could provide opportu.mly. lhoueh, JUII by allend·1nI events at Doe'1 dIurcb.y ...·d not be cball.....,d, IIhis church I. Ute most othersin Syracu.w, for brotherhoodhu tweome a feature of theDivine Party Line. (Which isnot to ..y that every pari"h­loner I"DIbes to shake thebands 01 newcomers).

AttendlnI a white serviet,of eoane. loses you the bene-­fit of Nesro SeTViees ocror·!"lnI' at the same lime. Youfof'elO ltearing a Negro pas·tor bemoaning the plight ofNegroes, you forego anypleuure tn feeling martyredIn company of othert of yournee.

And you defy at teast onelocal egro minister whom. 11m told, condemns 8S traitorsany of hts noele who attend.·hlte services. (Perish thethought that he speaks fromlo.e of tithes).

Church events Ire not lim·Ited to religious services.There are occasional publicsuppers. for example, as an­nounced in local ,hoppeMl'weeklies If not also in ThePost·S..ndard.

Spiritual and psbic boonsIslde. scatteTlnr among whiteehurches can bring Negroes

Inddental b • n e fit-whichwould deftlop tn this way:

About three months ago Jtried in persuade a whitechurch member to rent a natto a Negro-which he refusedto do. At about the sametime I dined at a .upper puton by his ehurcb-tlnd saw noNegroes clininl. If on futurechurch occasion this bndlordbecame aequa1nted ...t.h He­croes. obaerYocI _ ihey .....wle himself and hi, chums1DIIht he not thea rent to-,

That same church Is part of.,. America-wide stet .·hichhas teeftlt!J decided to strivefor "!lacia) JllStice Now." ,door is open., wai\1ng for )·outo enter. to see artd to beseen. Chatting about cab·baces and kings with tb6 par­tsltioaen could lead, after afew weeks, to I house or anQU'tmtlat for )'OUr famOy!


6 TRII POST-STANDARD. N••• 24, 1963

T.IIM EJ_., Tlte P..I.SIonJ.,J t

'The treatment of ourtuc:hen today I. appalling.They are stiOed In their at·tempt. to give Ole servicestbey are capable of. Manybave left this dedicated prafes­,ion because of criUcism ofpupil and parent alike.

Too often a parent blamesteacher beuuse 8 child failedto ,tudy, or perhaps teachergave • repri­mand. So Instead of s~klng

aut the reason teacher is re­ported to the prinCipal orlehooI board

We who were pnvileged totnow these wonderful peopleor our time remember themas friend. coon. elor. mother,guide and rOT many other at­tributes. To carry home an un·kind remark about teachermeant a tnp to the 'Woodshed.

Into their hands every yearaur young ont's are entrusted.To a little one thrust out intoa hostile world it can br afrighteDi~ elCT"f:rience. Butthe teacher ~mes mother tomany cbild~. and many ac:hild become.. attached be­aUle or conditions at home

Eve.ry nation is only umoral. eu1tural or progressiveas its teachms. )fany of ourteadbtI citiHnl have attn~

atfd thftr SUttnl to a teacher.So if Jolnmy cGDles home

and eomplatns about teachf'rdon't listen to him. Find outthe fada, then Kive him tilem...... wbf.'RdwilldDtbe............ Ihne .......-.a teacher to crit:ll~;lf' a wu merited.'I1loY ...._-_......._.......,.. ......_._Job __...... S!IPPott and _r"~~~~;~-'-

lila __

aIt;r "-J GAIO

-==-' ....Benefits SeenFor Negro atWhite Church

Page 5: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY

Each year thousands of families and individuals

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ficials calling to pay their respectsto the dead President, J 0 h n F.Keuuedy, shot fatally in Dallas.

(AP Wirephoto)

Former Presideot Dwight D. Eisen­hower arrives at the ~orth Porticoentrance to the White House Saturdayto head the line of distinguishedpresent and former government of-


President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.Others in the background are notidentified. (AP Wirephoto)

Former President Harry S. Trumanarrives at the White House yesterdayto pay his respects to assassinated

8 THE POST·STANDARD, Syracuse, N. Y., Sunday, November 24, 1963

Humble and Great .Paying Final HomageWASHINGTON (AP)-Like a magnet of tragedy,

the closed, f1ag·enveloped casket of John F. Kennedyis attracting the great and humble of America, andleaders from across the seas.

Paying homage Saturday 8'i --------­the slain President lay In theler material, because an Ameri.historic East Room of the White can flag draped it completelyHou!'~ was a taut-tn-ced DW~ht Beneath the stars of the nag reo~. EI~enhowcr. and sorrowing posed the handsome head struckmcludmg the new President. by lhe assassin's gunfire.Lyndon B. Johnson.. Two priests knelt at praying

Also: ror~er President. Harry benches nearby. their eyesS. Truman, three poss!bUUies downcast In silent supplicationfor ~he .Republlcan presuiential for the President's soul. At the~~~k~~~fen; ~~vs.N::lsO;ort four corners of the ca~ket stoodGeorge W. Romney of Michi. e!1hsted men-Army, Nav)~, Ma·

gan and Wi~liam W. Scranton of ~1:~:lSang~e:~in~ors~~~h~~ ~~~:d;'~Y\~~::~cs~ndc~i~I~S~r g:~: r1ickcrlng light of four tall can·George C. Wallace of Alabama. ~e~~er~~d the glow of the chan·

Sunday, and. on. Monday .morning, common folk, mallJ' of Against .t~e casketl8:Ya spraywhom cried In the ~treets 01' of white hiles and white carna­hearing the news of Kenned.v'e tion~. and behind it on 8 m~n­assassination. will have ~i, telplcce was a nreat vase withturn to pray silently at l.he·'iClr "hododendron, the sheen. of theIn the great rotunda of the ~re,.n leaves set off agamst theCapito!. Ilght walls.

Then on lo.'londay, at the fu· At I p.m. Sunday a caissonneral servlce<;. the bowed heads drawn by sven white horseswill be those of such men as: wllI take the body to the Capi­

President Charles de GaaDe of tol. Ceremonial troops, militaryFrance, his differences with musicians with murned drums.Kennedy dissolved by deatb. the Joint Chiefs of Staft will be

Sir Alex Douglas-Home. ne~ In the minister of Britabl. andl Treading behind the caissonPrince Philip, rep~ting will go a single servicemanQueen Elizabeth II. =:bearing the presidential nag.

King Baudouin of Be . Then motor cars carryingChancellor Ludwig E d of Jacqueline Kennedy, other

West Germany and M.,... Wi!- members of the family. Presi·lie Brandt of West BedID. dent Johnson and his wife, Lady

Foreign ~finister Muaro~hl Bird.Ohira of Japan. The same procf'ssion will ac-

Anastas I. ~likoyan, BrIt drp- company the body when it isut" chairman of the Concll of taken on MondaY to Sf. ~rat·

~Iinisters of the U.S SA thews for the ~ra'5~ Eisenhower CallsAnd from the Old Sod of Ken· In accord with what is con­

nedy's ar.ccstors. Prestdfnt Ea· sidered seemly, President John­mon de Y.i1era of Ireland. the son did not set up his headquar­81·year-old rebel VihOit lPirit is tf'n in the White House on Sat-still indomitable d failing urday. But he \'isited it severaleYf'si~hl. times, to pray at the casket. to

The funeral servi had not study the stale or world affairsbeen fully determi b«!yond In the map·lined "situationa Requiem. lass to lebrat· room" where secret reports' S h SIC F'ed at noon Monday I. ~lat·from around the globe are ymlnat Y ent annan Irethews Cathedral b' Richard screened. I JfCardilla! Cush!og, ar shop of And Ihen again he and . Irs. S,'gnals Gr,'ef

IBostOL JohnJOn. shielded by umbrellas.

But President Joh n pro· dashed across the rain·drenched B TZh h h ,~

Ra;n Soaked "Jlourner'~ ~~~edm~~: ~or e~~~;:~~:I[~~mS~~eVi~~-::e~~~~~~~ ). l~ rus c ev Of New TarkII • 1'~~ ~ and invited the worl people.aslunctioning. 10 greet formcr ALBA:-IY ll'-A cannon

1~~::I~m' ~o:..::nallh~rlid ~.!ree.,pr~:oernt 1i:~~s:d~hO;I~~ked their MOSCOW W-Premier Khru. one and only meeting With Ken. boomed e'o'ery half hour from

K Wh- H V- -Ii Coming in ~ of steady,theell: 85 the man who preceded shch~\", the man \loho faced ned~-a conference on cold Viar the lawn of the state capitol

eep ..te ouse '2"1 cool rain that imd m lhejKennedY litcpped out of ~ large prcsl~en.t Kennedy in the cold IS<;UCS In Vienna in 1961. a~d. ~ov. Rockefeller flew to, II • II II \great white pi s White black llmousine. war-I'1 the Cuban crlm and Then with Foreign ~Jinister \\ ashmgton Saturday to express

1 House nprth a tbel His face solemn and his bear_'thc tenSions in BerHn-mOUClied .\ndrei A. Gromyko 2t his side. thp sorro..... of New YorkersImourn....w. h Obn In~ ereely 11.11 old soldier Ei~e{I-lhls western opponent Saturday Khrushche\' signed a book of upon the df'ath of President

WASHINGTON (AP)-Stand.and wbere now an honor guard onally across the et. where to be forgetten, :hower would S3Y to newsmen,and said IllS death was a blow condolences set up ncar Ken.\Kenned,y. ..lng and staring in the rajn, alof ~arines stood at rigid at-lin 1951. a Wh.ite ~ouse guard l In the mJ~dle of the (,,,,,as: "I came to pay my rc- lo those who work ~Ol' pcace·,lled~··s photograph in the hall of In commumtles across thecrowd of several hundred keptjtention before a doorway drap- had glYen hiS life to save,Room, wllh ltS priceless spects." In an extraordinar)' \'ISIt of con- Ko!ller's residence. Ipopulus state, ~he normallyvigll outside the White House1ed in blaek bunting. !pres,ld,ent Truman from an as'lchandeliers overhead. 5 AmonJit other callers drivlng,d,olence to tl.le, U. S, emba'-sY'j Khrushchev sent messages 10 b.rISk lempo of dally life slowedSa~y, as a 10~K nf lim· In the gathering gloom as the S3ssm s bullet. catafalque draped In blae uP. to th~ north portico Khrus~chcv said .he and ~Is na- President Lyndon B, Johnson to the somber pace of mourn-OU5Jnes bore digmtarles to the afternoon rain wore on, the And still the crowd hung on"vet. On It rested the cas Chief Justice Earl Warren and tlon \\:crc deepl) bcrea\cd. and Mrs, Jacqualine Kenned}' Illg; .bier of the slain President. White House grounds looked'silent and solemn, in the rain One could not tell wheth rs. Warren. Tears were e1,'i· The SO\'ict leader IOtcrrupted lie told Johnson: I. ~cw Y~rk reSIdents of all ~e·

Some of the mourners bad strangely desolate. Uniformed on Pennsylvama A\'enue. Sun- casket was bronze, or som dent on Mrs. Warren's cheeks, a tour m the So\·let Vnion anti. "Th h' us . ti n of hglO~s faiths fl~ked to specialbeen there since the earliest guards moved silentlv through day, up the avenue at thel dressed m black, called on U. S, h Uelt~I~~ t as;ass!~a to t sernces at their churches andmorning hours when the body of the sodden leaves and' tele\'islon 'Capitol, they would be per- * Ambassador Ro}' D. Kohler to ten. a es resl en a a synagogues. to pray for theJohn Fitzgerald Kennedr was cameramen huddled under plas. mitt~ to file past th~ fallen * express his sorrow. For 20 min- ~melt w~en i' , ~here t1?P:are~'}'Ou~g,Presldent felled by an as-taken from the U.S, Naval Has- tic cloths beneath the barren President for the last time. utes he recalled to Kohler his . gn~ 0 r~ axall~n 0 In crnat ,sas~m s bullet.pital at Bethesda, Md... to the trees but a sense of emptiness hon ~enslon ~n f a pros~c, N~merous athletic and otherust room of the White House. 'ded th h I has. n open or lmprovmg I public events were canceled or

As a heavy rain pelted down perva . e w .0 e scene. relations between the .U.S.S.H., postponed, Dances, parties andout of a gray leaden sky, the No tounsts mO\led through the ~n~ the .Umted States ~.. okes the other social aHairs were calledcrowd gathered beneath the: east gate to. see !he changes mdl~nation of th~ Soviet .people off as grief·strlcken New York·trees in Lafayette Park ot' hud. that Jacq~ehn.e Ker1!'edy had ag.amst the culprtts of thiS base ers retreated from public lifedied under umbrellas and folded.~rought. ..No slgh~eelflg buses enme. to the privacy of contemplation.oewspapers behind a rope along'lined up In the. s~de st;eet. ~y "The SO\'iet government and A rabid fan of the New Yorkthe sidewalk on Pennsylvania ~he treasurr l':o. VISIt· the So,;et people share the G ian t s professional footballAvenue. Silent for the most part,!ng delegation waIted an~C1ously grief of the ..\merican people team summed up the feelingsand still seemingly stunned, they1m the ro~e garden. No helicopter 0\ er this great loss . . of many when he was told thatkept track of the comings and st~ p?lSed

hondthe south ~wn. "The dealh of President Ken· Sunda)"s game would not be

goings of the cabinet members'i~ I?- t e ~wn.r~r J ~r?" nedy is a hea\,' blow to all telecast.~ me s S'o\lOgs an 0 n· 0 n s people who cherish the cause hIt's all right," he said. hI

er dignitaries through the north sand box. stood dese~ed. of peace and Soviet-American ha\'e no heart for an}1hing likegate via transistor radios. For a time, a lone J;llck~t mo\'- cooperation." Ihat right now."

What little conversation the!el~ along ,Pennsylvalll~ A\'enue Khrushchev expressed hope .Slate Education Commis· still rellected under diS' lust oUlsl~e the White H0l;lSe that the "!!iearch for setUinJ:l dis. slOner James E. Allen Jr. saidbelief at this gross national gale carrymg a homemade sign putable questions a search to that. while he. had no authoritytragedy. Mor~ than 24 hoW'S att· that read., "1 w~ne~ J.F.K. and which President i F. Kennedv to order public schools closeder the PreSident was gunned;God purnshed hun. made a tangible contribution Monda)', the day of the Presl-down by a sniper" bullet firedi "How could you? How could would be continued in the in: dent's. funeral. it would be "ap-from the wmdow of a. Dallas iyou? Have }'ou no shame," 8 terests of peace, for the beneH! propnate" for local officials towarehouse, the man. m the, woman. in lears, screamed at of mankind." close them for part or all ofstreet. The man standmg and bim. K cd h'd 'the day "where feasible."staring in the rai~ on Pennsyl- Police hustled bim off to the " enn Yi be Jal 'tl ,~as 'h

a)Iany. comflIumties already

~~~: t:;:I~~\ti~~I~ec~~~~m~~;~~:~e s~: o:ai;af:::~tew~::~ r::I~:~~a~y. a~~:ss~~u t~~ si~ua~ hago~~cR~~k:~lreors~~d orderedof the crime and of the nation's away most of his message. He tlon ~n~edtrled t:lo flOdt wa~s :~r. all slate go\'ernrnent officesloss. identified himself as the Rev. !lego a, se emen so. e: closed Monday, and Chief Judge

".1 just. can't ~.ring .myself to Sidney La,nsing of the Church ~~~r~~~i~:altheP~:~f:,~ \\ hleh Charles. S. Desmond. of the Slatebelieve It yet, said street of Crusadiana in Norfolk, Va, " Court of Appeals directed thatcleaner Floyd Johnson, sweep- Lansing said he had pro- To ?!lrs. Kennedy, Khrushchev all courts in the state be closed.tng the leaves from the gutter phesied the President's death wrote: as well,in front of the north gate. ':Just warned him that "if he tested "All people who knew him In Albany, the president oflast week I saw the Preslde~t bombs in the atmosph~re God greatly respected hIm and 1 the local Chamber of Commercecome riding out that gate m would see and remember and shall always keep the memory urged businessmen to shut'<lownhis car, smiling as usual, full punish." of my meetings with him. Ac· during the noon hour Mondayof youth and vigor. How could The pall of mourning ex- cept my most sincere condo, so that employes could attendthis be?" tended 'beyond the lighted win- lences and expressions of church services in conjunction

Others echoed Johnson's dis· dows in the east room, where wholehearted sympathy with with the funeral.belief. In between the bleating the President lay in repose. It your grievous bereavement." The New York State Teacher'sof the traffic along the av~nue seemed to hang in the air and Khrushchev's wife. Nina, also Association said Monday's open-and, the crackle of t~anslstor reach up to. the heavens, like me~sagcd rt'lrs. Kennedy. say· Ing session or the annual housera?ios, a murmured litany of ~he gray emmence of ~h~ Wash- Ing: "I ask you to accept at of delegates convention ingnef ran throug~ th~ crowd. Itilngton monument nSlOg up this hour of sorrow my sincere Rochester would be restrictedcaught the ear m disconnected through, the barren branches of condolences and sympath\' with to necessary business, A lunch-fr~~ments and snatches: the W~lte House trees. <?r like you and your entire famiiy," Jeon and various social events

U only the weather had been the ram-soaked flag f1ymg at zOrdinary Russians joined the planned for the day were can-like this in Dallas, they'd have hali staff on Blair House, dlag- stream of diplomats and others celed.p~t the bubble u~, and he'd be who called at Spasso House to Many churches In the statea~~e today . C be. sign the book of condolences. tolled their bells In recognition

I was getting on a bus .wh,en U a ommlttee The first were four young men of the 30·day period of mourn·a woman leaned out a taxt W1n- Led by Reds from the Moscow Engineering-ling proclaimed by the gover~dow and cried that the Pres!- PhySics Institute. They said nor yesterday.dent was ~ead. I felt ~,y arms . . they had come as lndi"o'iduals to At Rockefeller's direction. theI~.stiff Wl~ shock. . . r:;EW YORK. (AP)-1'!te F~ pay their respects. Nallonal Guard began firing a

A tragiC and unnecessary P I a y for Cub a Committee. lfl Americans in Moscow were single·gun salute at half-hourdeath ... why don't they put wh.lch Lee Har.ver Oswald engulf~ by an outpourin~ or'inte.nals. from 8 a,m. to sun-those., ..crackpots away some c1alDled mem~r~hlp, IS a pro- sympathy from Russians e"ery-Jdown Saturday, from the lawnpl~c:. . ~astro orgamzation de~ounced where. lin front of the state capitol.

StU of our 36 preSidents m the U: S. Senate as hna.need "How could such a think hap- On Monday. the firing bat·have been shot at and lour of and dommated by C(lmmumsts. pen in A.merica'·' asked one'terv wlll deliver a 91·gun salutethem killed.. It does no good to ,But V~ncent Theodore Lee. ,na- shocked 'elderly ~·oman. "Andlat -noon and a 5O.;n salute at,ay these things happen. Why tional dlfeclor of the orgJ3mza- to such a fine man:' sundown. A memorfal servicedo they h~ppen?" tion. said in Buffalo. N. Y.: Thousands of Muscovite~ also "''ill be conducted at the~nd while ther wond~red ~nd "~e have never issued.a char· alerted to the Presidents death capitol Monday.

whtIe .they . waited, limOUSine ~r In tha~ area. I don t know by radio reports Friday night. Rockefeller. accompanied byafter limOUSine. pulled up un~er If Oswald IS a ~ember. He could Arrive to Pay Respects stood. in line to buy newspapers his wife, flew from the West.the north portico of the White be ... There 15 no one, .how- containing reports of the as- chester County airport to Wash-Bouse, where t~e Kennedys e.v:r~ named Oswald ~ho IS an Gov. arid Mrs. Rockefeller and Sen. Jacob K. Javl'ts ts to 1 te d K d sassination. Newsstands were Ing!on to view the President'.used to greet thelr guests lor offlclal of the committee any- pay respec a Presi ent enne y. sold out minutes after they body at the White House thilPJ and sparkline receptions where in the United States." (R-N.Y.) arrive at the White House yesterday to (UPI Telephoto) opened. afternoon.

Stunned and Silent

Page 6: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY


SPEAKING AT SCHOOLM~mbers of John A. Nichols

School Par e n t Organizationwill meet at 7::i0 p.m. TuesdayIn the school basement. Mrs.Oli\'e Erwin, probation super·visor of the juvenile probationdepartment or Onondaga Coun·ty, will discuss "Youth andTheir Problems." Fifth grademothers will serve refresh·ments and an award will begiven to the class with thehighest rel'resentation.

MiSS Helen Adelle Pulsifer isengaged to Stephen Hill Alvenof 421 Douglas St., son of Mr.and Mrs. Alfons Ah'en..o( Dallas,Texas, formerly 01 S)T8cuse.The bride·elect Is the daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Al!cn H. Pulsi.fer of Johnstown.

Miss Pulsifer is an alumna ofMount Holyoke College. She isa candidate for a master'~ de·gree in English education a.tSyracuse University.

Mr. Ah'cn wa~ graduated fromPebble Hill School and Dart­mouth College. He is associatedwith Conklin, Lab:;; & Beebe,Inc.


jPulsifer -Alven

THE POST-STANDARD. Nov. 24, 1963-------'-'-

Mrs. Michael'R. Byrne

Miss DuvalTakes Vows

Miss Mary Margaret Duvaland John Patrick Henneberryexchanged nuptial vows In Most Holy RosaryChurch. The Rev. Robert Bren·nan officiated at the 10 a.m.service.

The bride is the daug;hter ofMr. and Mrs. Edward Duval of313 Elliot St. and the bride·groom Is the son of Mrs. MarionHenneberry of 1219 Park St. andthe late John P. Henneberry.

The newlyweds departed forNeW' York City after a receptionin the Pastime Club. They willlmake their home at 701 CourtSl.

Miss Patricia Straub washonor attendant. Mis SandraOttinger, Miss Patricia O'Gradyand Miss Linda Terrell werebridesmaids.

Edward Conan was best man.John O'Brien. Thomas Dottererand Robert Hollemback ushered.

tiS!; Carol Ann Tracey.daughter of Mr. and !'olrs. Sam'uel J. Tracey of Cicero. Is en·

:;g~~r.toa~aui,r:~re:;~~k~·er~~ ( inicky of 203 Wells Ave., North Mrs. William R. Bond

Syracuse. Ri~~~:n:,la~a;h~~ed:~~~~~ ~:They will be married Dec. Mr. and Mrs. Edward McKeon

28. Miss Patricia A. Haley of Nedrow. was married )·ester·-='--C.--------"""lr-------I A gradu~te of North Syracuse Mr. and Mrs. Domenick De- day to William R. Bond of Rich.

C.nltraCltHlg~ School ~ndtif~n. Lorio of Seneca Beach Drh'e, land. son of :'tlr. and )Irs. Br.Jcet~ I Y ustne~s ns u~, Baldwins\'iUe announce the be. R. Bond of Cusick. Wash.1I11ss. Trace~: attended the Unto trothal of th~ir daughter. ~liss The Re\·. Francis E. Horrigan\"erslty of ~hama. C.oral Gables. Patricia Ann Halev. to Pvt. performed the U a.m. ceremonyFla. Sh.e IS ~mployed by Syra'IRonald F. Padden. USA. son of and celebrated a nuptial .Iassense Umverslly Research Corp. Mrs. Catherine Padden of 211 in St. James (Catholic) Church.

Ulster St. Miss Haley was grad· :\lrs. and Mrs. Bond went touated from Baldwins\;Ue High New York City, following are·Scbool and is employed by John ception in Fayette\'ilIe Inn. TheyHancock Life Insurance Co. P"L will Ji\'e in Richland,Padden is stationed at Fort Dix Bridesmaids were Miss Linda,N.J. ' MJSS Margaret and Miss ~tau·

reen McKeon, also sisters of thebride.

Mrs. John P. Henneberry

Constance Brown WedAt Double Ring Service

"ardC1l 81udlo.

Mrs. Paul Watson Jr.

Mrs. Arnold R. Redhead

Miss Duell of Mexico

laround the paddocklBy LEILA WOOD I

There's no mistaking the sharp thin notes that stirUke wild magic iIi the autumn air. It is the weep ofthe huntsman's horn, a signal of GO for members ofLimestone Creek Hunt Club who met for the secondtime this season last weekend. The long dry spelleaUed a halt during the past few weeks of aU buntingactivity, but thanks to an abundance of recent rain,all activity happily was resumed.

\l'ith Mark Thompson doing ----------\an excellent job as master, as.\ Argentina arrh·ed with fiveIisfed by Debby Tho~pson. ~s horses, but only two were fit

:dd ~~~erO:::n P;~iP~~~,~~s~o~f r;:~~~t:~~a~:~' t~~~1~ ~Iiss Constance May Brown,brother of the bridegroom"hounds moved off from tile 10 was the worst fO.rIO .of virus he ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don'lus;:tr:~in a breakfast in the8.m. meet had encountered In Olne years of aid C. Brown of 127 W. Matson I 1

RidJDg ber sbow horse·hunter, inlernational competition. Ave became the bride yester. bride~m's ~rent'.s ~o':llh't a


KlDg Charles, Debby Thompson - day"of Cpl. Gary Alan Springs. ~~~~on was gtven In rig on':~:hP~~:p~:~::lof::n~~ee~~:::;s~~:r.USMC, 50n of Mr. and Mrs. The newlyweds will resid~ Infield behbld the rlne range and days. Each year students at St. George Springs of 3158 Midland Norfolk., Va. w~~re the bride·OD the Troop K pounds. Charles School of Equitation in Ave. groom IS staUon~.

After a pause it was a~ross Hinckler, Ohio organize .a The Rev. William Esposito of.the creek onto Elkh~rn Sp;mgs, C hr is t mas party for th~lr ficiated at the double: ring cere· Havens _Foisiaw:ntroperty of MISS Mildred ~o~~~: ~~ist~~~e pi~ f~~~la~ mony In St: Anthony of Padua .

Circling back behind the Cav· platter or their hands. Church. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Havens ofairy Club after over an hour of -2 handfuls of sweel feM Miss Lorraine Stolusky was Taunton Heights Drive make Ialmost complete galloping the 4 carrots honor attendant and Miss 5hnr· known the engagement of theirgroup made it back for Inter· 2 apples on Cappy of Cortland and Mrs. daughter Miss Loretta Marie T1~en .8tudlo

vale Farm and a welcome hunt 1 stalk celery Jo~n Bradley, siste~ of .the Havens,,' to Lawrence .rosePhjl Mht. ouglas R. ChJShOlmlbreakfast at the clubhouse. 2 tablespoons sugar bndegroom. .....ere bndesmalds. .. lIiss Patricia Ann Balon,

The gala cllma! to the bunt 4 handfuls oats .John Mulhern was best man. FOlsla, ~on of Mr. and Mrs. .1Beason II the day after Thanks· 1 handful corn Paul Morgan and David Springs, John Wilson of 411 Marcellus dauahter of Mr. and Mrs. Raygiving, ,..heD boots and spurs 1 handful bran St. mond M. Balon of 153 Lau:e11are enhanced for danclnl slip· Dice carrots, apples, c.elet:Y M T z.. The future bride Is an alumna Ave., Liverpool, was marr~ed;:ir. 8t the annual Junior Hunt and ~!x ~'iLh I~lt~ce. MIX U1 iss ezy,c of West Genesee Central High yesterday to Douglas Roderick Fimento .. Parks

Beginninc with a punch party remammg mgredlen s. Ch h School and Pauldine's Beauty Chbholm, son of Mr. and the home of Chris and Cindy UTC Bride School. She Is a hair stylist at Robert Chish?lm of 1209 05. 1 MISS A I b e r fa J Fm\ento. M L d Le L h Thanksgl\lng tea will follo\9

~:r~~' ~m\o~~dm~~~\h~~n~~ .. Onondaga Coiff~res;. W1':e~~~ia~~v~::O~iace at 10 ~~~~~~roff·~~u:~.di:I~~fi~~~~~ ~s:. a~~ ?\:rs. ReaIPha~.PL::~ ~t I.30.p.m. Mrs. John A.guests) members and their Mls.s Patncia Ann Tezyk was The prospectl\"e bridegroom a.m, In Immaculate Heart of to Robert Thomas Parks. son lphere or 905 E. Molloy Road I"_'--C.eh_a_"_m_a_n. _friends will proceed by char· ~;rne: riest~~d~t 1~ An~Ony is employed by the City of Mary Church, Liverpool. The of Mrs. Ann Parks' of 115 Fourth Mattydale announce the engage:tered bus to Drumlin,s for dinner GI ~ar I ~na ~ e e.v·

I1i;ter Syrac~se department or trans· Rev. Edward Ryan officiated. North St. mcnt of their daughter. Miss

and dancing. Music will be fur· ~ ~ c~ c .r~t th a ~UPtl~ bl ass portahon. Miss Anne Costa was honor They will be married in the Linda Lee Lamphere. to Eugene Inished by Jack Kreisher's or· ~n es o~he e I a~~ ess· lttendanl. Miss Annette Ba:lon summer. IRaymond Cook, son of 1Ilr. andlchcstra. 109 upon e ;:ouP ~ ~o cere· 1M Miss Dawn Anne Childs Miss Fimento is employed in i\lr!\. Eugene E. Cook of Smoky

~o~~a~:f~ P~~~~~h~~Ch. a.m. were bridesmaids. . the credit department of Sea~s 110110"': Road. Baldwinsville. 1\1;.A horse wltb lots of beart and gu Charles Bradey of Ene. Pa., Roebuck and Company. She IS1Cook IS a gr,aduate of PhoeOlx

a rider with skUl to bun ... this Parents of the couple are Mr. wu best man. George Usher· jan alumna or Auburn Central Central School and emplo)'edta &he wlnnlns combioaUoD or and lt~rs. John Joseph Tezyk of wood and Philip Childs ushered. High School. by General Electric Co.! .t ue;·'.~Apollo and Sharea Clark that 554 Hickok Ave. and Mr. and The bridc'~ parents were hosts Mr. Parks served three yearsl ~-oi.;.;._i;;;;_;;;; .,pat Syracuse OD the map at the Mrs. Josepb Donad of 507 N. at • reception in PLAV hall. with the Army and is associ· rMad1Icm Square Garden Hone McBride St. taler The ne.....lyweda: left for a aled. with Merchants parcels


Sltow. In a class or 94 hones, Mr. and Mrs. Tezyk enter· haDeymoon. Servtce, Inc.

~D~:u:terfO:~hlnlDth~U~: ~i~~a~~ rat:ie:~:s~i~~e:h~: -- . by- dasses. Competing against TildeU Studio ceplion In LeMoyne Manor. The COR RECTION I M e:: ::=.~th~;CC;~:' I~n fi~b Miss Anna Hajney . ~ne~i:-~~r~~i~yl:~df~illam~:~ • r. amp!n ladles workln~ hunter and Mr. and Mrs. George P. HaJ' their home at US Linwell Ter. IN OUR ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE 10fifth again. 18 OPCD working ney of 101 Rich St. ~nnounce Miss Peggy Ozogar was maid IN TODAY'S PICTORIAL ROTO SECTION $150class. the engagement of thClr dau8.h. of honor. )fis~ Joanne Milhaus·

- ter. Mi,;s Anna Hajney. to Air· en of Auburn, Miss Eleanor Dal. ITEM SHOULD READ-A new Virus, or pel'haps the man 2.C. Edward H. McConnell. kiewicz and Miss Patricia Del.

old one, struek again at the USAF, son 01 .Ir. and Mrs. Ed· Vecchio. niece 01 the bride- WASTE KING UNDER COUNTER NO APPOLlIlTMENT NECE~SARYRoyal Winler Fair In Canada. ward C. McConnell 01 7302 groom were bridesmaids. DISHWASHER ~~~~E $18995:m~~~0r:,~e:~~~~::a~:r~ ~:::.n~r: ~:;:~y ~~~h g~:~~: If )'~'re having a la~e GLAMOUR CENTERman Jumpers. and all but one of al~ from Blodgett Vocational party, give one room your big- MODERN KITCHENS OF SYRACUSE, INC. HaIr Stylist.the nine United. Statu team High School and is employed by gest decorative splash 10 it be- 111 w. Jeff"" 8&.-. lb' N... York TeiaphoDo eo. ..... 1Ilo IlUtr _"

Byrne-Labbe NuptialsMiss Weir Joseph Tatusko Weds In St. Brigid's Church

Bride of Mr. Redhead. Is Married Miss Elizabeth Tilley ¥~~i:{~I~~I~k~~~~~~~: !.;~::::~d~~EP~~:I:~::!l!~~~The marriage of Miss MarilynlMiSS Suzanne Pachoud and Mll;S MISS Lmda WeIr and Paul . A_ 8t Brigid's Church Daniel ReiHey escorted his niece to the

Mamie Duell and Arnold R Red. Donna Rouse were bridesmaids Watson Jr......ere married yes· ~1iss Elizabeth Anne Tilley heard UP: exchange of \'ows ~nd aliar .

head took place at 1 p.m. ;ester. ~~~ ~~~:esa~t t~~d~rj~e~r~~~: t~rday in ~mmanuel Episcopal ~~~:~e A~eT:r~~:O,y~::~rAl~~ ~~~~"tt: ~~~PI;a~~le ~~;~t~l~ 'ft1~ bride is the daughter OflehaUd were flower girls andday 1n First Methodist were flower girls. C~urc~ b~ the Rev. Robert and Mrs. Stephen. Tatusko of took~ In St H~go of. the ~~I'.9:;d A~::;' E1~~~dg:n~a~~:Michael B)'rne was rin~ bearer.l'exico. The Rev. Calvin Ztm'l Charles Duell, brother of the Llgtion. . 261 Holland St. She IS thedaug~. Hills reb. Bloomfield Hills. brItegroom 15 the ,;on of Mr. Richard Byrne was hiS broth·mer offlciated.b':ide. wa.s best man. Ch~ster The bride is the daughter of ter of Mr. a~ Mr~, J. C. Til· M~ss oberta Wollmers of arid rs. Geor e R. Byrne of 128 er's best man. George Byrne"

The bride is the daughter of Nleczkoski and Werner Pittorf Donald G. Weir of 403 McCool ley of Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Jadis e. Fla., was mal.d of Hud~on 5t g another brother and Wavne Mkh.~l ~or.;~oMr..and Mrs. Lori~g Duell ~f u~hered. . .. A\'e., East Syracuse and the The Rev. Gerald Flanigan hon~r. Helen Sa~vettl of Mrs. Arthur Walker was honorlFox ushered.' . Mr.s. Frank B. ~tilleMexiCO and the bnde~room IS .~ lun~heon \las sened m,late Mrs. Helen Weir. Ha'H N. J .• ~tlSS Sally attendant. Mrs. George Martin, A reception was given in flo· Marned :yesterday In ;\Iostthe Ion of Mrs. Merion Red· Salisbury s t:test~uraTl:l 'fhej The bridegroom i~ the son Of! S h diS E~\'1n Neptune. N..J.. and sister of the bridegroom, and tel Syracuse Country Hou~e. Holy Ro!\ary Chapel were hS5head of Central Square. newlyweds will h"e In No~ l\lr. and Mrs. Paul Watson of C e u e Ml.o;s Gr.adY of Rochester :\1. Sandra Dobkowski were The newlyweds ha\"e departed. lareia Curtin and Frank

Miss Nancy Due.ll. sister of Syracuse after. a boneymoon In 110 N. Highland A\Te., East The 5t: VI~cent de Paul Ro- were maids. brN,esmaids. for a honeymoon at Niagara R. Stille. The Rev. William )£.the bride, was maId of bonor. Ole Adirondacks. Syracuse. sary Society IS plannulJt Its an· Step ,ft. Tatusko was best Michelle Martin, niece or the Falls. They will live in Lake· Kelley offiCIated at the 10 a.m.

Miss Marilyn Thoma! was,nual Christmas. party Tuesday. ~an ~his brother. Edward bridegroom. and Jo.Ann hh. land. nuptials.maid of honor. Miss Judith Wat· Dec. 3 In Manon Hall. A cov· J • Cal_'. of Scarsdale. Robert The bride is the daughter of~on. sister of the bridegroom. ered dish supper -:'111 be sen'ed Gall ~ Bath and Salvatore B 'd ~lrs. Francis ClHford Curtin ofand Miss Linda K. Smith were and ~ts e-xchan~ed. Pullano~uFsheTir~ll' JambeShM. MI"SS Tracey WI'II Be rl e I32ClairmonteAve..andtbela~ebridesmaids. Specl.81 guests will be the Re\'. and D . ey, rot ers . Ii'. Curtin. The bndegroom IS

Gilbert Walter was best man Edwin T. Comeskey. modcr· of the ,sen'ed on the Of M S d" 1-... D 28 'the son of Mr. and )trs. Frank

~~t::o~er~s~~:~~sand Wayne ~:~o~~~=,P·a~; ::'R~e: al~:~ ""eds ~eft .for Can. r. ere nZCIQj ec. Stt:fs:fp6~~~:d~:;~~h a~d MissFollo"'ing a reception In the Adam R. Smalley. Ptlembe~!i ada after receptionB;n FO~7J Mr Serednicky was graduated Elizabeth Curlin of Cambridge,

parish hall Mr. and Mrs. Wat· of t~e school. gl~ club WIU Lakes Club, oomfle from' Christian Brothers Aca. :\1ass., sisters of the wereson departed for the south. proVide entertamment. ,HillS. demy and Officer Candidate:attendants. Donald Kmght "·as

School. Lackland Air Force best man and Donald PaulusBase, San Antonio. Texas. ushered. .

He served in France with the ':' b.reakf~~t ~·ash~::·ed In theU8th TaclJcal Fighter Squadron bnde s mo er s .and presently is with the 174thT act i c a I Fighter Group.. iYA~G. Hancock Field. Theprospecth'e bride.ll:room Is asenior mathematics major atSyracuse University.

lot! of fresh cranben-y 5:1Ueo

and vavy •••• special

fideetion of polatOClll and 'f"eretahlet••• and, of conne, harvestfrait eop •.• hot roll••••many holiday ..extr....

••• all topped of{

with ere.tm1Pumpkin pl'e.


Mrs. William K. Shaver

Spactous banquetfacilitiesa\--alla-jle

This year, let everyone enjoy

ThanksgivingDinner (and ..e do the dishes)

Free Ample Parking For Reservations Call: 4-54·92H­

Complete Dinner, 3.25Child's Portion, 1.95

Thanksgiving i' a time for

tndition and feastin; ••• why

not make rhu the ThanksIiTin;the entire family enjoyed

••• alrtlly mazlorable holid.1y.Our nmpltloo5 Thanksgiving

dioDer includes •••teoder rout turkey, ••

Judith HamiltonBecomes Bride

A breakfast and reception in

Liverpool Country Club follow· Shaver ~ Creaser Weddl"nged the wedding yesterday of -Miss Judith Anne Hamilton and •

~~~'::~~ ~itz:~i~i"J; :e~~or~:~ Rites in FayettevIlle Churchthe 10 a.m. ceremony in St.1Lucy'S C~urc.h. A reception in the LinCklaenlWiIli~m W. S.haver uf S14 Fay.

The bride IS the daughter of House, Cazenovia followed the,cltc\"llle.Manhus Road.

~1~~. ~:~I:n~~~~l~;id~g;~~:oi~: marriage yesterday of "Ii~s ',at~~~~'a~;o~~~d "~li~~1 ;i~: ~~~~the son of Mr. and 1ilrs. Edward Kathryn Ann Creaser and WII"and Miss Harriet Hatlee wereN. Ripley of 125 Hickok Ave. lliam K. Shaver. The couple ex· bridesmaids.

Miss Aliece M. Thompson was changed vows at 11 a.m. in thel Daniel Apgar Jr. was besthonor aUendant and, Miss Kath· United Church of Fayetteville. man. Richard La Rose andleen Ripley and MISS pameIa\The Rev. Ross Blake performed Robert F. Apgar USh.cred.Hall were bridesmalds. the ceremony. I ~Ir. and Mrs. Shaver will live:

Robert Purple was best man Parenls of the couple are Mr. In the Beech Haven Apts., Man­and Elmer E. Soper and Alan and )lrs. Howard e. Creaser of lius aIter a weddmg trip toHahn ushered. !Chittenango and Mr. and Mrs. Miam_i_B_ea_e_h,_F_la_. _


New Furniture andRecoYering

formerly auoelated withG. Y. Bentley Studio

m RiChland SlSyracuse 8, N. Y.Phone ''l'2-!1U

Constance Lloyd Jones to he Bride0/ Timothy Prynne 0/ Looe, England

Mrs. Richard A. Ripley

Bridegroom's FatherOfficiates 'at Ceremony

A breakIast and reception iRjbridegroom is the son of theLeMoyne Manor roUawed the late Mrs. Catherine Manningmarriage yesterday of Miss Vincent. IPhyllis Frances Daniszewski Miss Mary Schneid was maidand Joseph Manning Vinceln of of honor. Bridesmaids werelUll James St. The wedding Mrs. James Smith. Miss Dolores,service took place at 10 a.m. in Ostrowski. Miss Elizabeth\Sacred Heart Church. Pierce and Miss Judy Killoran.

The Rev. Bernard J. Vincent Brian J. Vincent was bestof Portchesler, father of thel man for his brother. Ushersbridegroom. heard the exchange;were Robert E. Vincent. anotherof vows and the Rev. James A.'hrother, Joseph Daniszewski.McCloskey, director of Conrra·,brother of the bride, Patrickternily of Christian Doctrine, Vitacolonna and Ronald Barnell.celrbrated a nuptial Mass. The newly.....eds ha"e left for

The bride is tRe daughter 0(' a trip to Bermuda and willMr. and Mrs. Joseph Daniszew· reside at the James Street ad·ski of 514 Hamilton St. and the dress.


Pirro ~ Cox

Vuden 8~lldl~

Mrs. Richard S. Corriero

POST.STANDARD, Syracu~, N. Y., Sunday, November 24, 1963

Carriero ~ La Rose NuptialsIn St. John the Evangelist

Family TogethernessIn Our Town

Miss Diane Pirro, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Pirro

The Papal blessing. was be· LeMoyne Manor. Later :Mr. of 113 Colony Park Drive, is The Rev. Robert Overmier

~~~~:: ~fo;1i~eS~~r~~:g~I~~s; :::: ;~~:n;:rr~~:yd~~r;~ef~~engaged to Pfc. Stephen G. heard the exchange of nup~alLaRose and Richard S. Cor· Cox. USA, son of Mr. and Mrs. vows ;yesterday between 'Musriero. The Rev. Thomas Doran Ro~ester. . , Roy E. Cox of Rockford, Ill. Suzanne Lee Skinner and Don·

~~:~~~t.aio~~e th~ ~~~~g~~~ m~~s~f 1i~~~er~e ?\~:;~~~: ;:t~ Miss Pirro was graduat,ed aId Richard Price. The cere·Church. Ikiewicz, Miss Carol Maurer and, from North Syracuse Ce~~l money was perfonned iD Evan·

Parents of Uie couple are Mr. ~ss P:iscilla Sutor we r e High School and is associated gelical United Brethren Church.and Mrs. Francis James La· bndesmaJds. Kathleen Clarke, with Lincoln National Bank aad Parents of the couple are Mr.Rose of 126 Fayette Blvd. and niece of. the bridegroom, was Trust Company of Central New and Mrs. William E. Skinner

~I:;o a:rdR~~~st~.lvatore cor-If1~o~er~U~abn was best man. York. . of 225 Matty Ave.• MaU)'daleThe bride's parents ente.r. Ralph y~~. Fred Lester and .p\.t. Cox Is servmg at Fort and lli. and Mrs. DoDald D.

tained at a buffet luncheon In Foster DiFIore ushered. Dlx. N. J.

B\' l\JURIEL T. KERR I~,:aloney. Dr. and Mrs. Edward ;\Irs. Peter J. Re~nolds, ~lr. andBETTER SIT~ lJ-P and take notice gals in the Mullin. ~Ir. 2nd :\1rs. James. :'tl.l;\lrs. John 1\Ia~'Walt and :\Jr. and

Elmer V. Perry. family the .head of th~ hous~h'oid oflen!~~~~ii~k~~I~'I:.n:n~l~·rs~Vi~~:\~;ni~~t~Re~hilel; at Hotel Syr.shares the cooking chores, In fact he always stuffs the erick Sacbs, . Jr. and :\1rs. Ber· acuse Country House ""ill be turkey ... and has been doing it ever since theinard Smith, Jr. and :\Ir. and ano :\lrs. Joseph F. Scott, :\Ir.first year of their marriage. ,.\frs. James ,Cuddy.. :\Ir. and and Mrs. Thomas J. Hughes,

k. T d·· l\1r. Perry doesn't like highly seasoned tuff 't ~Jrs. Arthur Karpens~ and :\Ir.IJr.. :\1r. and :'tfrs. Joseph F. Me-

Th . g ra Itlon . . s mg ... 1 and Mrs. H. W. Hemmgway all :'t1ullen and Mr. and Mrs. Josepbon SglVln spoilsthe true navor of the bird, he thinks, so he makes 01 Auburn. !)ICAVOy. Jr.. 01 Bullalo.hiS With bread and butter ... and walnuts ... that's' )Ir. and I'Ilrs. RJchard Pepper

By JERRY GENT~Y ~~~tof~s; a~~: o~~ ~ur~egreeIRe:~nd~ :=!5~Chool board, Mrs. all. HPurely sell·defense." Mrs. Perry says, but admits will entertain JUr. and fUrs.SKANEATELES: HIstory _ YOU could start 8 petition for the dressing is really delicious. Frederick Car g ian, 31r. and

is very much alive! Con- Planning to move into Skane- your favorite candidate. A tel. . Sheelagh Perry, sophomore at Ohio \Vesley~n. ar· ~~~~: t~~~cJsD~~'::;., fl~I;. :~~sider the evidence written ateles about Thanksgh~ng ~re ephone call to the school office rives home Wednesday to spend the weekend With her )Irs. Tbomas Perr". )Ir. andon our annual calendar the parents of the Phillip Cnm· will acquaint you with the legal parents. 1 I;urs. John GOdrre)' and il1r. andholidays. mDeonnns,·s fcarm"milYm'on~s[r, ~haOn~il1lt:r.:~ ruDleoSn!torwafi,.ltinugn·lil 'lay'. Mrs. Perry entertained at a the first and last Friday of each ;'I[rs. William P. Collins. I

~, miscellaneous shower Thursday month-through Apnl For thel Dr and Mrs Rob e r t C.Because Washington was on Academy street half of the for Constance Lloy d Jones, Tuscarora Golf Club w 0 men, Reichert are giVing a dlnnl',

the father of his country, year and 10 Dallas, Texas. the ice d h f M plans are afoot for a da\'t1me party In their home for Dr andwe celebrate hIS birthda remaJnlng haIf. They will come IS collecting clothing In conne<:· al,1g ter 0 • rand :'tIrs. John bowhng leagu~you don t'ha\e Mrs George l\J Millert, Mr. andl

Ch ttY' he\"~ from Worcester, Mass tiCVl, with our Thanksglvlnr ob· . f 203''R . Sf: Pr!d ,Jones......ho will be mar· to be a golfer to join u~\\llh,Mrs . .(Qhn Reichert and ~lr and

Because nst 15 Wrl en 1\elcomeaJsoto Mr. and Mrs. t!fvance thlS year ~The iLm. nee 0 ,..." -\' Saturday to TlmoijlYopemng meeUng date In March ),i~s Donald RctchULinto the annals of history, Webb Abbott and family who mumty at large IS Invited to Mattydale. ynne of LoO(!, Cornwall, Eng· _ )t~. and l'lrs James O.....ens'we have Christmas. arrived last week from Gull· help In thiS effort which wilt Mrs Nicholas DeTor as land. ~uesls. at the party were Fflends who play b rid g elguests for cocklalls Will be 'MISS

B th Pi I . ford, Coan. They make High· benefit persons all over U1e matron of honor )!I~s ConOie S co,"'orkers at Syracuse together once a month. WIll have Betty Boyle and her hance, C.ecause e g r ~ m 5 land Avenue their address. world through the Lutheran Ru hes Miss Patricia Umverslty Library. their annual pre·hollday part~ hlsl c Zican, and MISS Sandra

weathered a fearful wmter ,- , World Rehef program Dona· g • !\Irs. Perr) has been elected party for their husband!; Sal· Furslnss and Ernest CUI ran,in Massachusetts 343 years 81. Mary s of th~ Lake san· tlons of clothing may be made and Mrs Wilham R S vJc~ chairman and Mrs. JameSluFdav Dec 14 This )ear the both of Rochesterago and then prospered the nual ThanksgIVIng card party is at the church or to Mrs Ru· were bridesmaids LlRda She p par d. president. of the WIIlI~~ Heldens \\ III be hosts atl i'lr and Mrs FranCIS L. Os.

f U1 scheduled at 8 pm Tuesday m dolph ShiRlay, Wife of the and Balbara FranCIS ~ere Lal\les Benefit AssoclaUon of cocktails before dinner tn theltrom Jr have invltcd friends to

o owmg year, we ce e· the church pastor lor attendants Christ Church, 71lanhus 'Irs ICavalrY Club ha\'e' co~ktalls \\ith thrm The)'brate therr day WIth therr Open to the people of the com· - Sheppard succeeds Mrs. Thomasl Cou les auendlO v.i11 be :\1r. arl': Mr. and ;'IIrs. C bar I e Skind of ThanksgIvmg feast. mumty, who are asked to take About noon e.. ery Tuesday DaVid Pnce was best man for Walllngrord. The Walhnglords d tr Ed"" l Dw hI Flo-I M d M R 11

theu own cards the party v.J11 Skaneateles sees the wet headed hts brother Roy Hughes, Fred. move next month to Princeton, an "rs ar yer. r. Cu.; ler. r an rs. usse IIn a sense, we Interpret thiS offer dessert, b~dge and pnzes return of these :young matrons erick Miller and WlUlam R. N. J. and Mrs Russell Gray. Mr and J. Greene, '[r. and lItrs. Joseph Mrs RIchard J. Krick

as the trtumph of good over accordmg to Mrs John P a u I who spend the mormng keepmg Skmner. brother of the bride,1 The Rev and Mrs Almon W. ~Irs Pierce Goold Mr. and Claln. Mr. and 'Irs. Charles Fevil, of tenaclty and persever· DaVidson, chairman physlcall}' fit through shmnas· usheced. Leonard Ski nne r. Babbitt have m\lted the Walling. Mrs Marl..1n ~off, Mr and Mrs IScherzlDger, Mr. and Mrs. EI Kral'sance over tragedy. tics team games and SWim·I Robert Shlp\lay. Mr and Mrs James Connell. Edmund Ostrom, eanor

The people of India. too. cele. Her comrDlltee mcludes Mrs mm' at the YMCA 001 m Au. nephew of the bnde, was rlDglfOrds, the Sheppards and the Nelson Hork)', ?lIr and !\Irs Ar'IMISs Rosemary Finle). Dr. Tim·brate the tnumph of good over James ~ussell. Mrs. ?eorge bur: p bearer d M I f I Perrys to dmner Friday mght thur Schal and :\tr. and Mrs oth~· Galin an and 31iss VIrginia B S Brl'deevtl at thiS time of year W1th Evans, ?t~rs William 'Warbur- Mrs Da\ld Shlnaman Mrs Mr an rs Price e t or for a farewell get.together. Wilham F. Gremke Jr. who Cabill ecome~elr Dussehra and Dewall fes ~~~::dsF~~ba:;~g~~e~,} c:' L. l'!lcholson III, Mrs 'J~mes ~~~:~e ~t~~. a T::~~t:ftn 11:: - have sent out 100 lnvltatlo~s t~ Mr and ~Irs John F Lawton M.r. and ),1rs Richard J.tivals. Ch Mr w·m Cott GlOpohs. Mrs. Donald H. Sauer. t 114 S Fl 'd R d M U. Mr. and Mrs. James H. their c<ocktail party next week land. "Ir. and ~rs. Joseph F. Krick who were marned yes.

Each In his own way, Amerl"M asey s. R .~ ~r:' J hr.. frs. John Walsh. ),Irs. William ~ I . Ort a oa. a y Sweeney Jr. who've just re· end. Lav.ton. Jr. Will be hosts at tcrda; will honevmoon in Wash.cans welcome the warmth ofI' rs. ranCJs at , • rs. ? n Talbot. Mrs. William Maybee, a e. turned after a whirlwind two'l - cocktails in the latters' home. ington' DC'Thanksghing. And yet. the tra· Sarto, Mrs. Charles K. Se\er· lIrs. Thomas Simms, Mrs. Ro1>-' week tflP to Europe-Paris. In addlUon to those we men- Attending will be ~tr. and ),Irs '.' ..ditional way centers around the son, Mrs. Ja.mes Doyle. Mrs. ert J. Bastian, Mrs. Jam e s Geneva and London-v.ill leave;tioned In last week's colum~ sev· Robert B)Tnes. Mr. and )lrs. ;'Itrs. K~lck. ~he f~J11.ler. :'tfissgatherings of families and,~~sfP~l Tuo~Yb ~rStiDonal~1H. Wallon. Mrs. James G. Walton, ~hc Manlius area Dec. 4 to Ih·e,eral other cocktail and dmner,Angelo Grosso. ::'.tr. and )Irs. Eleanor Ka~he7ne ~ra~, IS th~friends. and the feast itself. IJ Ih· VrsQ. .01e nson, • rs. Mrs. Russell 2:echman, "lrs. AI. In Westchester ... or lowerlparlies have be.en planned be· GregoQ' P. Dunn. )Ir. and :l1rs. d~Ug.hter

l° d oSthep I ral~r 0

i\[r. and )lrs. Homer Ackles 0 n . wg ey. fred Luhks. Connecticut. !lIr. Sweeney has fore the Catholic Autumn Alum· George Rickert. ~lr. and )Irs. ~n'erpco an e ate • rs.

~~is~o~W2IH~ltl~nvll~t1\~fddls~~~~~ Beginning In 1944, four Skane· ~~~~ ~::r~Sf:rr~~~. ~rs~~\\~~e~;i~~fph ~~~se.Fnday in Ran·~~~aJ:. J~ro~~o~~:~1! ·~f~. :~~;K~~:. bridegroom is the son ofThanksgiving and then go on to ateles. wome~. whose husbands was guest of honor Friday at a' - ':\Ir~: William J. Dacp~: and Mr,,)lrs. Anne Krick of 824 .T~alla weekend \'islt with Mr. and were

tld StrvI~~ travt~lIed. a luncheon gi\'en by Mrs. Robert Trinity College alums and their, and Mrs. James J: o·.conilor. 'I. "e. and the late Jerome Knc~.

!\lrs. Loyd Dunning, formerly of rea all eat' s d t me~mfh 10· W. Bourke. husbands meeting for COCktailSl1ur. and Mrs. WlllJam G. Cas. The couple exchanged \·ows InFayetteville now residents of o~~ y tthf 0 eac ti8 eri _ and dinner in Randolph House sidv Jr. will entertam Dr. aoci Immaculate Heart of ~IaryDarien, C~n. ree? e our are s . par Lillian Milner, grandaugbler will be Mr. and .Mrs. Frank :\lrs: Gerald F. Stiner, Mr. andlchurch. Lh'erpool.

Turkey and all the trimmings f.f today ~ gro~i whosethnunble of !'tlrs. William J. Thorne and Clark. Mr. and Mrs. John Eng· Mrs John E. Ferris. )lr. and Mrs. ~hchael Percy was hon·will be present when Mr. and ,?g~rs p y ne . es as e eve· fllr. and Mrs. Oscar F. Soule, !ish, Mr. and Mrs. Will i a m Mrs: Thomas J. Johnston. Jr. of or attendant. Mrs. D.av~d Kr..isMrs. William Talbot celebrate mng s read~r gUl1.~~ then;. ~?wn will sing with tbe Oratorio So- Houston, Mr. and Mrs. GeOrgel'FUltOn and )Ir. and Mrs. Joseph1and :'IIiss JOdnne Rcals were ~~I~:t~~ ~~r~~adoinfi~~~~' lC lon, :lr~~'p ~re~~~~e~~e: l\r~~DSi~~ ~~~:~d,~~ri/~~l~{i~s.W~~:'~ E~:~n~~/tl:~~~~t at RandoIPb~br~:~:~iC~~iCk was be:lt manand her sister, Mrs. Gerald Devoid of a ~onstuutlon. of!l. Dec. 15 in Rochester. Daugh. T. Robbins, Unuse for cocktails are Mr. and and 1\Iichael Percy and BernardWhiter of Ilion. rer,;.., e\·en Without a ."Chrls, ter of the B. C. l\JiIners of Port Also Mr. and Mrs. Francis iIIrs. Richard D. Perry. Mr. andlKrick ushered.

_ Uan name. the club hkes It Washington. L. I.. Lillian. al------Always a close·knit family, that way, and boasts a pleas. June graduate of Wells College. r-__=~"""'''''''''''-'''''''''-~7r--~~-~----:-'''''

the Harold W. Dandos will be ant, relaxed atmosphere, a het· Is teaching at the Batavia

::~b~r~h:n~I:~cho~n:5wi~i~d~~:~dg~le~~~lIt:r~Ou~Ui~fth:o~~~ School for the Blind.

a portion of Thanksgiving feast of the Individuals or the moods Miss Paula G. Steinbach The Eugene C. Whites of Man·to their grandmother in her OfTthh.e moment. 1 t k t ~, hus, who are planning their thirdhome on Fennell Street. IS group met as ,:,ee a PI S' R' annual pre·holiday co c k tat I

All are Central New Yorkers Mrs. Cha~les M. Ev~ns ho~e. . .....n1!'!l b~llll,OlI an prIng lies party Dec. 6, will spend Thanks.and they include \'tlr. and 1'Ilrs. At a prevIOus month s meeting, MISS Kathleen A.. Donegan giving in Johnstown withAlfred Pitman and daughter Mrs. ~harles Rounds, one of .the F A May wedding Is planned by her and sister,Norma, Mr. and Mrs. Rexford ~~U~~l~!er~~a~~;e~~ilfenn a~~c1: Donegan.. ram Miss Paula Gertrude Steinbach Mr. and Mrs. Wallace D.

~:::o~:bL~~:lr~~re~U~I~i,ld~~~: banker in .New Hampshire. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. and James Wallace Mitchell, Pickett. _and Mrs. Barry Pickard and Items like thl~ .can a~d do .Iead Done an of 428 Stolp Ave. an. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace The William G. Currans willdaughter, Amy 10, and little to gOO? political, diSCUSSions. g . A. :Mitchell of Mexico. be hosls today at cocktails. TheyJimmy Keech from the Cayuga Who saId a woman. s group c~n. flOunce the engagement of thelf The future bride is the daugh'also entertained last week. The

I County Home. . . ~t?get together wlthou't gossIp- daughler. Miss Kathleen Ann ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hermann'Raymond W. Cummings had aMrs. D~ndo puts the spmt of ~he members are Miss Irene Donegan, to James D. Fram, Stei~bach ~f Mansonville, P. Q. cocktall·buffet last night and are

the day lI~tO words w~en she Arthur Mrs Samuel Townsend son of Mr. and Mrs. James W. MISS Steinbach was gradua~ed having a second Saturda~· night. Isays. "Being ~ogether IS more II M' G:lb rt H cd M Fram of Constantia. from Royal Victoria Hospital -than the trappings." Ed.....a:~· He:n:ann :lrsY'Les;:; A spring wedding is planned. School of Nursing, Montreal. The William B. Starks invited

The The.odore Ha.nsburys Tucker !'oirs Wi1ii~m' Moore Miss Donegan was graduated P. Q., and is a stafr nurse there. a group of friends to dine withwatch the big parade In New Mrs. 'H~rvi~ . ianss. Mrs: from Centr~l Technical High M:. Mitchell is a four~h ~·ea.r thE'm last night at Bellevue

. --.. Charles M. Evans and Mrs. School and IS employed by the med~cal student at M~Gill Urn· Country Club.york City ~h.anksglV1ng m?rn· Ch I R d Marine Midland Trust Company verSlty, Montreal. He IS a alum. -109 on teleV1~lon. for It bn!'gs ?t~r esR ou~ s. tl tired of Central New York. nus of Mexico Academy and Beginning Friday, the Univer·b~ck fond chlldh~ me~~nes. fro~Sthe °S~~;;t~~=~ l crh 0 0 I Mr. Fram is an alumnus of Hamilton College. ' sity Club will sen'e fish buffetsD';Mer, a family trad~tional board and a teacher by train. Central Square Central School\r;;o.;o;;o.;o"'"""""''-''''''''--__'"''''''"~...........~~~~,

~~ids~~ :~3 :~ ::~e~n ing. po~ted out that Mrs..G.or. fsnd :~~?at:th ~~ A~:~e~~ RAY BOBlUrs. Hansbury makes her don Elbert, only remal~n~ Motors Corp. BENDER & WHITING

apple,s~'eet potato casserole, ac. woman on the board (an~ lOCI·cording to tbis recipe, a week in dentally, a tea~er, too, In an·ad"ance and freezes it for use other school), will complete her TO SPEAK L~ DEWmon Than.ksgtvlng: ~b~ ~~t 1i~cio~~t:n~;·~~~~~b. Mrs. Bertha Campbell, nurs·

ca~::~~ ~~~t~~:~~~:. ta~r~ Is there not another qualified ery school teacher·director atof sliced sweet potato sprinkled and interested woman in the Brockport State Teachers Col·with salt and dots of butler, and community who would consider lege, will speak tomorrow at thelayers of peeled sliced apples, running for this post? Women, Association for Nursery Educa·

~~~~::f ~~ha ?:;:;.nof s~~:;i d~f~~~e~i~ni~~b~~~gSh~~c:. tion meeti?g. It ,:ilI take pla.cepotatoes. Pour in enough apple tlonal, and can therefore con, at 8 p.m. to DeWttt Commumtycider to reach top level of sweet tribute to the over all effective· Church. 1...._,;;.. --'

Page 7: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY

Fru Parkin,THEATER



SlIrQCUII' SlImphClnJl

SAT., DEC. 1~

. Syr~/cu.,e'Swnpltcny

Punster WayneFinds New LineOn Trip in Spain




S3.00, t.5G, %.00


In )Iclfiory or Prcsiden( Kenncd.'


THE POST·STANDARD, Nov. 24, 1963


FORD CARell'an 01 ""sicthe iolk and jazz wing-ding


"Lilie.l 01 the Field""Lilies o( the Field," which won awards at theBerlin Film Festival, will open Wednesday at theRiviera Cinema. Above is a scene from Ute filmwhich stars SIdney Poilier. Lilla Skala aud StanleyAdams.

IRoles ListedFor 'Diary ofAnne Frank'


9,800 Pupils to View'Tom Edison' Musical

Jack Lemmon as Hogan, the landlord. uses astethoscope to listen in on the conversation of ten·ants, Carol LynIey and Dean Jones, in this scene(rom HUnder the Yum Yum Tree," comedy at theEckel.

A real "Wheeler Dealer" doesn't wheel and deal formoney. Money is jUst the way he keeps score.And James Gamer knows the score in "The Wheel­er Dealers," a comedy now playing at Loew·s. Withattractive Lee Remick as his co-funster. Garnermakes his point that oil. collected with drill orbrush, comes in handy for lh'mg high on the hog.

"The Wheeler Dealers"

"Unde, the rum rum Tree"

Wheeler Dealers l PlacedIn Romantic Comedy Ranks

~~~s ::ss~~pl~.~~~rL~)t~:I:~~~r;~ ~~w~ag;:egehi~a.r e~~TuesdaY and Wednesda)' forliments with electricity. and fl'fwe performances of "Young naUy his dramatic and lOgenious )'fiss HlrneUe Robinson willTom Edi..on," a musical "uslon demonstrauon of his ability as a appear in the role of Mr!, Frank:

~fm~~ca~:~os~a~ted°fs~:us~ te~a~~:; featuffs 14 longs .'hen the S yTh:a~:rs :re~~:1and Im·entors. tn the cast arl' AUan Scharr as "The Diary ofTomOrTo~'s pedormauce.s of Tom Edison, plus. hcbel Re Anne F ran k"

··Youn~ Tom EdlsoD" ha,'e bel'B gao, Charles Hull. Inna Rogers. Friday and Satur.postponed a wetk due to Ute Armand Brown. Cynthia Benne- day e,·enings allaUonal day or moumlll' for field. Art Ostrm and larilyn St the Unh'er<;ltyresldtnt K"nned)". The per· James Walter htehell Cree j- Regent Theater_

·ormantts "ill ~ Jlt:htn at 9_ mu~ieal director. She h a ..'1:40 a.m.. and 1:31 p.m. onl Jar Harnlck and Robert K worked. with the-'londa~, nee. 2. Adam". th@ team that dirtcte(' ST.." GE Play-

Bue;t~, wtll be mtt at l. 'otting- and produced "Y~un~ Tom Edi· en. Kl!n Bowieham 1I1~h School by women ..on," came to children'!\: tht"ater and the Snacuseguide.'; supplied b~· ,the member- from a vaned backRTound In ~1I~s Itobtnsonwttle Theater inship of Clvle.Mornmg Mu!'icals, prore~!"ionall'ntertalnment..Har. "The Guardsman." "Harvey"and u~hered mto pre"''lou~ly dl's, mck now directs th@ Chlca~o and "Arsenic and Old Lace." Asl2Rated sections of the hall. Melody Top and the New MUSIC a graduate of Theil College 5heTeachers are aecompanyingl'Tt"nt in Milwaukee.. has studied at the Ply~ouththeir classes to the event. Adams. formerly nahonal pro· Rock Center of Music and

A well-coordinated transport duction manager of. NBC, reo Drama.plan has been worked out with <:ently ~roduced mU~lcals at thethe combined eHort<; of Frank Uruvefslty Regent Theater andLise; principal of Charles An_,has toured such musicals a,dre~s S ch 001 and Ravmond, "West Side Story," "Kbmet"lI~~~rl~n~f ti~~'I:~~~~~:ST:,a~~i~ and "The Student Prln~,"

B~~ad~;nE~~~~8~~' in grades, 'French' Actress~~:I~C t~~~~:I~, s~~mo~r~~';a~~:~ Never Saw Paris I9,800 'AU! see the play .... hich Willi Fjfj D'Ors8Y, the explosive •,be pre!\enled at 9 and 10.40 a.m "French" star disco"·ered by

~~ ~;~ ~\T':dn~~d~;.n~~~~;;u~:; ;~illf~a~~~~ in~92;O:hd ~~~~:I Elalu LI'Da Lecoaard Jacobsno aflernoon show on Wednes-' FOx's "What a Way to Go! ", Casl tn the rol@of Margot, thelday. Ire\'ealed she is writina her au· sophisticated aister or Anne, Is

"Young Tom Edison" Is the toblograpby. Elaine Lena. Mi55 Lena altended l

story of Edison at 15, just 1001 Entitled "I Nl'ver Saw par.,' l:lica 01111"1" where she worked)·urs ago. We see his aUemptto Is," the name refers to her in· with tM Gasllghters pla~1ngfly. I playmate by feeding .hlm troductlon to thepubUc who was, the partol Moll Shane; In "GiveSeldlitz Powders. Later Edison told at the time she was a na- Us Ti_ to Sing." She has ap­is shown on the job as a candy t1\'e Parisl~nne. In reality, Miss peared 1D "An Italian StrawbUlcher and new~boy (he PriDtrd~I;D·Orsa,. was bo.rn in Canada. Hal" ,. the Svracu5e U tiehi!\: own paper) on the Grand which fact was disclosrel I year Thntre .

ITrunk Railroad. and the ,.xplo- later Mr Dlluel, the fidgety Ind

!'OmetiJDII comical man whoa.J v 1F. ,7_. j01n~ the Franks and the Vao'{ORiOn1: IV1[£Clf. reports Oft D.. ~ th." hidln, f,om lI1e

TLlfE An IT§ ~e::n~ns in~~a~aYja;~ berl ,~ ~r~ J 5 is a graduate of

The b.-ht romantic comedies grade. "That Touch of . hnk" I.A' o~'lIe Coil I" g e wben be

are at the bos .~ffie:t! ~~~ r:l~k23~~~o~n~~d,~:;;: An inlere~ung e:dubioon. or paintings by Frank Goodnow ~~~~~e::~ :fel'~r~: t~~~h:~ra.nd 'The Wheeler Dealers no.... , eptember" with Rock Hud on contemporary American paint· and Cart Raters from U1e School hI torY at. GilleUf' Road Jun- Rehearse for Symphony ProgramIt Loew's is in this category. and Gina Lol1obrigida scored Ini on loan from. hdtown, ~raa. of. Art faMllty and I .portralt ~~ ior HJ2h hool 10 .' 0 rt hSla~~. as a Texas "Wheeler 24R pt'r cen "Irma La Douce" n:~a~~r:ri~:r~~ =~~:;\ ~;;a~b:~~~.,~ ~\~ Syracu e. Director James de Blaisis (left) stage music to be performed Dec. 6 and 7

Deal~r lS ~a~es Garner wh~ With J~ck Lemmon ~nd Shirl,.)' 'ew York Clt\. collection of prmts and pa~nun, ----- ec or (or the Syracuse Symphony by the S)'racuse ymphony. Actorsmade._ bit In 'Thrill ~.f ~t All MacI.alne was the b~e t. non I~ on \iew at the W111 be on new thrOUR:h Nonm. frl.ars orchestra has a rehearsal session will) (ro mIen are ,!aU Breakey. enactingopPOsite DO;,lS Day. In \\h«ler road.sho,:" atuacuon III Uruted Lowe Art Center ber. Lowe Art Cl'nter is (our actors who w1H read verses {rom Oberon; Lucille . farkson. Titama;De a I e r s be romane!!'s Lee \rhsts hlstor~. at S)TaCU I" Uni. dally from' Lo 5 and 7 II 10 G G th dRemick. Curre.ntly III to~ are two \.er itv. In addi. Saturday' to 5 and Sa II d I)' resent "A .1tdc;ummer l. ~lght's Dream" by inger ra,·in as e Fairy; an

A f.1m whlcb doe! good. a,er· other ll.e:ht comedies on theIr bon it "eril's of t to 5 Shakespeare with the .Iendelssobn Bet5Y Drew as Puck,a~e busines~ is rated as ha"IIl~ way onr the 100 per c.(Onl mark new' prlnl, and . 1__-========achie\'ed a box offlce mark of-"Take Her. She's~llDe" \Hth otht>r retent ac- GallervODeIa~.lItl...... ge VI·eW I C bloopelcent.... Jam'~,~,e,,""ands;>ndraDee I qm"tions (rommJr.~·p,ec ...hibll1onof"mi.' ..... stud.nt Symphony to om .·ne

On ~at .basls The Thrill of and .. U.ndEr tht' \'um Yum the uniyersity nor master" European drawinRIt All hit the 206 per cent Tree ",tb Jack Lemmon. GonI.. Mad C'Ollection a 1 I 0 from the lith to the Itth ~.' 1M

art' belll.t! sho\\ n. turie~. On \'iew to J)(oc 20, UII drama of 8tat~ {;n1\·..rSlty B d d M d I hThe most impr...h·, ..orb on exh'bl110n Is on loan from lb. Coli... 'W.' "'" pr"enl aran en e sso n

\ito'" ue the print' of ~JAaonard Xew \'ork Dra.lOa Shop on.\rth l~r·. twO-Bet play. "A8a~lnn. A et'l"!f"!\ of 10 ~rbly Madison A,,·enue. "VII'.... nt Brldtl;e," It R 301 Ietched portnlls repf('~cntln.t! A beautirul exhibition and well pm.: 8 and 7 at tht" S'ra· Oppntng U,e S)rlcuse ~ m Gin 'f'~ GravI\tls altne p n HOI I YWOOD (\P) _ Cle<ht8a~kln'!t fa\'l)rltr .artfst~of the instaUed, t~e intimate draw, ("U \ l' ily Regent Theater rhOIl)'5 set"Ond !11h~crlptlon ~;:c S,r:~l~e.t! ]'·IU~l~C:; ;;ra~: John \\'~, nl" Vi Ith ellher the brstpa~l. show thl IRtf'rnabonally Ings In pencil. chalk and ink Burt. house manager conccrt" on Fndav and Sutur· Co and the EJUnge GuUd -or \\or~t [)\.In of thr :!>ear He

Ik~own American Prlntmaker at are admirably suited to t~llI for . m~'tTllt)· Regent Thea· da\' Dec & ami 7 at t Incoln Beby Drew, a ne"'come:- to i~ m SpklO making . CIrcushts ",.ry be t, Baskan first and hand.lioms !lmall gaU~ry. For teq d tIe appearance of thr alldltonum, 'Alii be an unU5U8j )r8 u coun 10 ...ears 01 World" for Samuel Bronston/on'm~t I. a maloter craftsman a)"one col1~cunR' drswlIlS''>, or 81. ar~ ht're is the, flr~t step presentatIOn of thf' muslt' t~ ,..-\ profe~<;~~~al theater 6.~n('nce Production"\\ lth unusual abiJzue a a ~ensl' for lbo'le v.ho appreciate exqUi' ~\ SJnC"U'~ Univer~I. in e~tab- .lldsummpr ~ &hl s Drl'am ' by a a dancer. aC"trc sand JliG- On a locauon night Bron;,ton

ltn·e and a!l,,<hsccrmnR draul;hts- filte dra.UR:~hmanstup <¥ another h.shillil a . f'VII York Stale l(lur· :\Irndel ohn. ut::!r in her bac:kl::l'ound She arranR,ed for a ~urprise prevIewman. The rcoplenl of man}' rna· I'ra, thIS IS a "ery rewardmg Ine CUlt of drama grOU~5 In addit:on to "ocal 'iOlolst5 .... as a mcmbc-r of the RadIO of ".I<:UrW>ek." Wa\nc's latestJor a\\ards and fello9..!lhlP5 both exhlbltJon. . froa variOUS coUl'ees and unl' and C'horu four at tors: Will Clt\· ':\Iu.!ic Hall Ballet Co. as rno\."e. aboard the and abroad. 8a IOn I~ pro- Th,. range or 51JbJee:t material,v~s rrad ~clected 'er es from the ~octate producer of Pilgrim Pro, TI nd Dukfes~or of pnntmakinJ:' at Smith and style \"aries Jtrl'at.Jy from WIle on th~ Syracuse Uni\"er- pla~ as a tribute to the 400th ductlons Theater for Children mo\.l~m~~: ~~~:~e~ seat t:.Colle~e. . _ po r t r a i t "ItUdies to quJd: 111 Climpu the Oswego troupe anOl'..er5arr of Sbakf'SPf'are, in.·('\I.'" York Clt~" bette;" view it. He !'at down be-

One. of the most prohbc of 5ketc~es, rrom reU,lous and II· wtD gue ts at a one-act p!ar Cnder the direcuon of Jlmt'5 .Iatt Bruker, a student at Side a ",oman drinkJn~ coffee.Amencan contemporal?' artist!. legoncal themes to the utrava· to ~re.'iented by Syracuse Unt·:\1. deBla.sls, 5ymphony $tage OnQndaRa Community ColIl!J:;e, The .....oman got so uened thatBa km IS a ~cuJptor, pnnunaker, gant baroque qualllie'i often"''''' students, director. wtll be Luctlle Mark· has a prared in leadin roles she ~pllled the coffee aU over~cher a.n~ book pubh~her (1fe found 10 17tb and 18th Cen., .;on portraying TJtania. GIrt8er with trl" GE Players. the Syra- Duke.'A:1~1 be gnen a large retros~c· tury French landscape painting, I t SU Grann a the Fall1', Bets)· <."Un L ttie Theater. the Cnlc • e onf' man show a.t the Mu· . fy parbcular favont Include er a Dr,.w 8!'1 Puck and ~Iatt Break. Co. and the FaYI'Uenlle Play. It :,"a~ hot,ter 1han hl'll.seu!6 of .fod,.rn Art In lK4) an "Ingre hie" ....oman·s char· I ey as Oberon. hou~e. S8J·S "aYDe, so I Jumped up.

We are very fortunatt< In be- ~al portrait by a 18th CenturyI • luclll,. .larKson. acU,'e in Also on the Dec,S and 7 pro- lo~t z:n)' balance ..and took a10' able to ee thiS late!'-t port· French "rtl~t. Ihf' Emde IA'\"}' Children ,,·irtl:Iallr all pha'ie'i of theatl'r gram ". be R1chard trauss' ~ptJ! In the al~le.r~llo of prtnts from the um,·e.r· pencil drlWtn~ tJtled 'The Salon work With thl! Kl'n BO\li'lrs com- ··TIl Eul~nspjegf"l's ~I err} \\hen tile plane,landed.· collectIon th4t how Ba..kIR JlU?"" the \\dlJam Von i\obf'1' panv. this lleason directed Prank:,>" and RaH1 s "Daphrus walked off 1I1th hiS SUIt_SPOtted10 lop fonn.. 11 ~rucular .fa. serna landscape, the Italiln O. "R~mP<'lfiuJl<;kln." et ChiN' Suites 1 and :! and torn. Someone a~ked hun\'onll'~ are tbe Introspecu",e GuerClno's ink wa h drawlD ns penlng what happenedGO)'a. the broodlP~ Barladt and ··The Repentant .Iagdalene· '"You might sa'·... quinpt'd.the superbly dl'taUed GIOtzlus and the red chalk drawlRg of I R 01· Ma esc W'II S·lng Duke, ,·th.1t the Wa)·nt m Spamand SrI' din portraits, One of the ceremonial seenI' by Pam Bor· Tht S~,.al'Ufie U~i\'ersity Chil- OS 10 r 0 I falls mamly on the plane:'..tronge t mflut.ncp<; In Amertcan done (Italian 1571). dren'1 Tht"ater W111 sta~e the T' I I' 0 IT IpnntmaJun.. Ba kin c1earl)· Each "ork on vi... IS b.auti· 3ro'lle" Crimm', famous slo,,· It e Ro e In pera oscajShows ",hy lR the..e beauWul 6· (ully framed or matted 1n a ."Ide of SanJel and Gretel as adapted

~p~~:~ l:i~~l~f ~~ently ac" ~~~ed o~e~~~;Sa:~a~~~e:h:'h~~ :~JI~:~e 2~m: :::'J~::r~i:; Syrac:u~1' Intrr·City Opera, nr.\wam will play C ~aradofi"i,qUITI'd prints by the (a,"Ulty 01 lector of drawingl. IRecent Theater. ,Xicholas Guahllo dIrector. an· Mal"ro has sung fn leading operathe MlOneapolis School of Art lSI _ It will be thl' Rfoup's first pro- nounces that Ro~aha Ma!'es~a ~ouses around the world mclud-al~o on \'Iew, Roy SimmOn! Jr. Is to bf' con. ducuon under the dJrection of will sing the tit I e role. In 109 La Scala and the Royal Op- KARL KRITZ, Coodador. The loan exhibition of paJnt·,gratulated for the Sklll and tat;te. rl'l. Fay Golden, director of "Tosca" on ~aturday en'~ing, en and Hayward, a y~admR FRI.. SAT.; DEC. 6-7mRS at the Lowe, C e n t e r is repre~enled thus far In chooslO$:' the Chlldren'l Thealer since Dec. 14, in LlOcoln AuditOrium ~!et tenor, has sung \\Ith the -:..::;"-:'====..::.....:....-soml''Ahat lIne\"l"n 10 quahty. cxhibilions (or Gallery One. It lfi Septembrr. tlIiss Mart<sca made her debut NBC ~pera. ~Iontreal Opera ~USIC rrom . ,

-------------------1 Two powerful drawings, state· a P I I' a sur e to see a "com. At Tufts University she and as "Tosca" IR 195'l at the Teatro'and Philadelphia Grand O!lera. Midsummer Night s Dream

B d B S ments of high qualily and con, muc!al" gallery in our area set h~r husband. Dr. Josrph Golden. j 'uo,o in Milan. She was ae· 'i)-he it 1'or·C'hltbhroa way ox core ccpt by Rica Le Brun. are truly up WIth ca1c:uJatl'd simplicity so,asSOCiate professor of drama at c1alO\~d by both press and pub· c.~f..n~. sC'.~~u Cb.~~

. ~:g7~rl:~tlr~~e I;e~~d~:a~~~ ~~:~k~:r ~~;elroT~e I::~~iti~~~ '6r~~;~he~~f~uf~~~~:r~~~~1 }:~~Th~e~e\li' 5~;~~S~m~~V~~~~ Til EulenspiegelNEW YORK If't-The critical happen if a person's fondest poorly orRanized. lchost<n by Mr. Simmons shoUld1f>xpUu'nental theater for chil-IStates Soprano Hailed'\'> Giulio Llnl.":otn AUditorium, 8:40 P_11.

thumbs werl' down la.5t wcek on, wish could come true. for. 24 Ink drawings on cloth by Pres· Ih.elp to educate Syracuo;e area dreD-first or Its kind In thelCalfoOlerl, 1.lalY's leading critic, t1.MflO~fri:l:.;:.b~_ ;;~~u:,1 .~Broadway show arnvals. Two hours. Other performers under'ltoPlRO are per:o.onal and imagi· art patrons by showing the besl Unlled Slates, in EpOea wrote, "Maresca withproductions opened-i!lRd bothBeginald Denham's dlrectlon nallve. "The Conference" is al,m drawings and prints from the The play wilt be given at her f.inesse lR phrasmg. her ca·closed, .....ere.Ralph Dunn, Russell Nype'lPSftlCUlarlY movmg work. past and of the present. Gallery 10:38 a,m Dec. J4 and 21, Sat· llaclty to vary colors, her scenic

"The Golden Age:' at thelB.onme J.ones, DorothY Sands Leon G~ldln, an 8.rllst I ha\-e;One Is open Tuesday through urdays, and at 2 p.m. Dec. 15. bearing or great expressive no·Lyceum, received only one vote and Martin Ross. Designed and long admired, I~ reprpsentl'd by Friday (rom 1 to 5. Sunday. Marlow Burt, house bllity came forth as an extraor-of approval from among rep- hJt:hted by Feder; costumes by two deccpti\'ely Simple land·I - manager for the Regent. saId dinary 'To'!ca'"resentati\'es or the city's six A.udre. Produced. by J~hn Sur· scape paintinJ,t:li showmg sensu· An. exhibit/no of graphics the prices will be 50 cents for Philip Maero wlll appear asnewspapers and closed afterlg.'"oand Bruno DI Cohsml. I. ous pamt quality and lush color opens today at Muggleton Gal'lchildren, 25 cents for adults. Baron Scarpla and Thomas Hay·eight performances. ff·Broadway, t e cr hcs that 5u~Rests a very close con.!lcry In Auburn. Artists repre. - ---

An entertainment de\;sed by ~~d ~~ O~~e~f f~~~l:~~~~~~,la:.~ 'A:ith nalure: "Yellow Mead·1reseoted include Leonard Bas·Richard John~on out or poems. Clay" at Writers Stage was o~ lfi. refr.~~hlng lR .Its cl~ar ~lh. B:aque, Bernard Burte!.diamonds and <;JK'eches from I k 'd b 32' R' . coloration. Purple Flcld wah oroth~ Hoyt, Robert Man"the era of England's Elizabeth 0

1ad~ tha C· ,ote~f e~~cts ~- RocJt.o;" is a hne In t u it i ...--e.J'nedlaender. R I" n 0 i r andl

I, the offering was lX'rformed O~Phe~, ~ur~:e~~'A~: b~t ~i; paintin~, . . 'Rpualt. This is a superi.or eX_hi"b" four actors three vocalists . _ "S M t· A h Selgfrll.d.Remhardt lr. contrast,bition of graphiCS 'Ahlch will;and a quartet 'of instrumental. es~~mer~b /rn He 0dj S 'Iis a mtlJcu!ou, realist whopntmue on view throu~h Dec,lst es. at e an .us, sa.p' !painls \li·ith great skill and pre- 21. Muggleton Galltry is open'~warm and Humorous" a pro.,·ed bY,~1I .rn·e of Its appr3l~; clsion. Reinhardt C'an be a mag· daily except Wedne!"da)' from 10

proved the Times. "un~spe~ ::~icha~:Sl l~s~lel_ISn s~re~ed, nif.icent painter but the two

lto 5 and on Sundays from 2 to 5

edIy SIURgish" declared _ the' "Tambourines to Glory." gos- ~~~~g~~d 'b~:e~relnmo:Uerf~: The current-;;l exhibition I':Hrrald-Tribune;, The AlI!lOC18ted ~ sonR-drama at Broadway's treatment than others I ha,-e,tbe Minoa Free Library ft<atureslPrtss rat,e. it" A genteel, IUb-'ILltUe Theater, closrel after 25,,! e e n. "Ex:altation", however. ,the work of pror. If'rlln Pollock'dued exhibIt. . performances. lhas amaling passages of greatlOf Syracus@ UniversIty in a fine

The cast included Douglas' ,beauty. shOWing of rect!nt paintings andCampbell. w~o also directed; C h'll A Ja~on Schoener Is represented sketches. Pol1ock has been ther\ancy WickWire. Douglas RalO og I t.o ppea rIb'. three pain,tin~s that ,'erge reciPle.nt 'Jf many a.....ard'! lnInd Lester Rav..lins. Produced A UC L from the seml·abstract to the'area regtonal exhibitions. He Isby E. E, Fogelson and Arthur t ecture richly pamled abstract "Moun_jrepresenled in the pt"rmanentCantor. tam Pass" that is beautiful in collec:tJons of run..on~Wllhams-

"Once ror the Ask!ng:' co~e- .Eugene Coghill, first solo horn tts warm range of colors. Proctor Institute, E,-erson ~ lu·dy ~t the Booth. failed to fmd 'A,th the S~racue;e S)'IIlphony Or· George Grosz is represented seum. Syracuse Unh·erslty. Art•. smgle supporter, and "''-as chestr~. will be.featured 1O'5.~' by a waler color.and a ~attricall' luseum Of. N'e.... Britain, conn.Wlthdrawn after one perform· mentalist at the Dec. 2 meetlllg lithograph titled "The Forgottl!n and Washburn Gallery III To·anee, "Ab}smal" snorted 1h of the Prelude to the S~"lDphony 'tan". These are strong <:barae- peka, RanPost. The AP said: "Labored I e c: t u r e senes at Urn'·er· teristic works. (Work by Mr. This e"hlbltion is open dail

~~:i~~cKay llJld Jan Sterling fil~o~~e~:~ performed \\ith the ~:s~~c~",:ho;~I~tit:~ 1~~g~~:~!~~~:ue1i:~a~e~O~~:g~d D\\e~headed the cast of the play by National Symphony orche,;tra ent In New York Ctty.) '15. The exhibition was pJanne I

Owen G. Anao about what might land the Toronlo Symphony. Recent acquisitions include and arranged by George Kunak.

by Sandra Dee and her boyfnend.played by Philippe Fnrquel. TheCmemaScope, DeLuxe color comedyis playing at the Paramount.

ert resort. Among weekenders whopaIr off are fat leftl Troy Donahueand Ste(anie Powers and (at right)Conme Stevens and Robert Conrad.

Music in the Round


~xCllttn ..SOOl:lItrf'HIwtorrthe Ed




Dt'libi's: S~ Ivla & Coppella Dean Dixon condltcUntt Rund~

Ballet ,ultt's: Anatole Fi5tOU' run k S)hlphony Orche'ilra;Ian and Geor.e:e Sebasltan con- Pathetique: Srm.'dueting the RIAS SymPhony Or· phony No, 6 (E"erest Stereo)chestra, (Everest. stereo) •• ~l... Xcgro Dixon could not ~ct

~~:S;87:,~I~~d ;:~:c:·~:~e~a~~ j~:er::.~~~ntc~;c~~C~~g ~:~r~ifestations of the Uth Century. conscious America and so h.popular works of music pro-,took himself to Europe whereduced In a period when patron· he is conducting SOr.1e of theage was no lonl'!er the source of finest orchestras of the world.U,,'elihood for composf'rs. Flamboyant and unorthodox

They.were forced to rely on in dres:» he is ultra cxactingpo,pulant~· of theIr m~slc. [n and con.'enati"e as conductor.thiS excellent. fUI~-\'olced reo Hc I~ almo!>t totallv lacking incordl~R, Flstoulan IS one of thr l~e mannerisms ~e a~SOC'laleworld <; leading co?ductors and With Ihe more famous and tern.has toured the Umted State<; J)('raml'ntal mae tros. C. S.

~~e~Cf:i~~'e ~oorin~n:r~al~~~ ~~~':1~~I;on, a~~t b~~i~o~~:mUS1C. Sebastian IS an equally tn- and would hke some da" toskllled conductor, kno"n best In return to it. He turns lR a ~·on..Europe, He w~ presented to Iderlul account of him~elf in thtS

:~·I~~iS~~~les~~: ~G~ea~a~l~~~lperformance of Pathetique..

lof the World.." No 0111' In T"'hb World Is LikeDon Franks (Kapp) .. 1f off·

Winner OrUfes' Cl«te Award PuUfur Prlze Drama beat entertal~ent pro\'lded by

SYRACUSE UTILE THEATRE ;,~~:s;,,:~\~~ 1~0~0~~:~pr6UIu one either. He J1;t'nuineJr fefls

that he has lom!!"hlOg to saWhat controversy he'll create ISquestionable.


The Three Suns

"Take Her, She's Mine"James tewart (nghll as DanielBoone at a co!'tume ball in Pans fmdsthat his costume IS disintegrating,Lookmg on are hIS daughter enacled


"Palm Springs Weekend"In "Palm Spring, Weekend," openingWednesdav at RKO Kelth·s, hundredsof collegians seek fun. adventure andromance at the famed CaHiornia des-

Palm Springs, Nuns, PresleyFeatured tn Films to Open

Dlrce~d by ,In. W.rt~n FensterOn Stage at University Regent Theatre Lh,. and S'AinJ\:lnJ\:: Dakota

Nov. 29 and 30 (Fri. and Sat.) 8:30 P.M. Stallon (Cnlled ArU"is Stneo)TICKETS ON SALE NOW . lakes ,.OU rI,h' ,. 111•. ·e"·

$1.50 $2 $2.50 r.~0~3d;:::</::dv~~bD:~~lblle~~et:b~~I~;;~eo~d:trti!tw~drend many of the Jazz fa'·orites:..:;;;;;;;;;. L. ..;,;~~;.;.;~..;,;,;,;;;;.~;;;;.;..;.;.. .....Broadway... "Misty;' etc.

'Cleopatra'The (our maIO prln4: als o( "Cleopatra," now play.

'Fun in Acapulco' ing at Shoppingtown theater, ha~e been drawn byElvis Presley and Elsa Cardenas are shown in a the caricaturist Cristiano In their respecth'e gUisesscene from the new Technicolor musical, "Fun in for the Todd·AO romantic spectacle, Not in costumeAcapulco." filmed in lIIeXlco and opening Wednes· and seated in the dlreclor', chair is Joseph L. lIIan·day at the DeWitt Drive·ln. kiewicz surrounded by his three stars, Rex Harrison

ANKA IN POL~ND I B8.\NDO AS HAYDE " (Julius Caesar), Elizabeth Ta 'lor (Cleopatra) andPaul Anka will be the first Marloo Brando b being tal P.d Richard Burton (Mark Antony." "Grt Morl' Out of 1..1£1'.•• , tT.AKESHORE DRf\·E·I .... _' To "LIlliE'S of the field" openlnA;

entert.ainer f.rom thiS. of for a motion plctu~e ver· Go Ollt 10 a 'Io"le'" I Hell and Back" i 15 pm W,.dne~da\ at the RIl'If'ra Cln·SlOg In Poland at the IOvltatum Slon of Stcrhn~ Hayden 5 IUto· N A Feb· I . 'The Out"ider' g 16 pm' ~o cma Thratt'r. Is an aml1<,jD~of the Polish government. He is Ibiography. "WandNer" about ew rt arm om Ines Now Playing 'fan Is an Ic;land" 11 10 pm and IHt:ht hearlt'd stOI1 of anon hiS fifth mternatlona132'CltYIHaydt>n's life as a ~iJor andl LOEl\ S-'The "heel r Deal HOUl'WOOD - "Spl'C1al SCI~eJ·GI \\bo come'5 upon and as·

___~._~ tour of the continent. ,hlm 15tar. ! Visual, Electronic Methods I ~£~t"2 ~~lt~ ~s ~~~o~,.30J~. ;n:-~,~cb~1 o\? IM:b:~~ ~~~ 1~~lx:an~O~:na:J in O~U1?d~:a:

~ 1 d 7 '7 .30 pm' The lam Attrac chapl'l In the heart of the Arl~LAST' "ITE~•.•_ .", NOW! DOOR," 12 Noen . 4 """ • p~: • 110n' 8 pm ,<0" d"rl

R-:!t 1 CINEMA: OPE~ Wilhelm Kirch!it:ae _ I palO- hI." work as a painter. Even PARA'tO~.'? Take H r I The him 'Aon three A:l._____ thou h him was uhlized as the She s . hne ~ ..2 05. 2 OS, 4 05J1J.sountSAu""sr.~Gle 4021 .; SJa ~ tu, bas de\·eloped I M art. .e: . ' 1S.05 7~ and 8. 51 pm, . New Shows Open at th! reu'nt Berlin Film Fesu·

II " _ ..~ ~DI fonn which combmK I and ~,ehclie. he d.~ not cOnsider . HOPPI'GTOWS _ "Cleo. ,al. t",o of th,.m specW Clla·SUPERB! ViI.....~ ,qalV electronic t~hhlqU He has Pentagramm a motion PIC' patra' 2 and ; 30 pm WED'"ESO.\Y _ RKO Kellh'~, uons and the Wrd gOlO~ to Sld~

-tlFE $aN D~ been tnnt~ to "bow hi pro- ture. Rf\·IER.\ n,'"E'U - '·Lord of P:;Jm Sf'lnn~! Wee ·end.· Dey POll er for best pErform·1\D8 ducbon .'Penta •• at F The producbon. which Is a FUes 2.3:;5.5:10.6 4$, WED. 'ESOAY-DI'WiU Dnl'e. anct". lit'! I~ the .only actor I1l

UA~'D**** .,...,.. m "'~nday Drc 1. a1 G' ford lynthesu: of musIC and nsual 529 and 1 55 pm fn.· fun.n Acapulco." history of the f tint to r~cene.:::~'::'l.. :tnhtonum it B Crou Hall art. was conceived In 19.51 alter RKO KEITH'S- The Haunted WED'\"ESD1Y _ Ril'lera the honor tWIce Ills pre\IOl'5

af Tar£FlA-rR...·~· aVp HED ~~~:u~~it~l\·er It)' ~ :~ch~r~ Sc f,l~:::r; (;re,:~~ i:~~m I:! ~lo3m"S, '~~.:;:t ma ··Lillie<; of the FIeld" ~;:t~~o:. htl part In ·The

IVIiiI IV, .. ttY r" techni tuc:b nf hl~ work plre 201. S 11 and 2D p m. '\t Easterlime wmf> 11....

ShES M-HE GKirchgaesser a ~ 0 :t 'us actomp! hrel In the labnra· ECKF.L- L'udcr \he '\ um '\ urn <;tudenlS from all O'er the I:his Pr:e,lr~· ud hi~ ~Iutar

"'rU1laa", • ........ al tn.... I ennany. bU n I c tones of Bayer and Ad'a at Tree 12 1 Sil, J SC, S Sf. lnitt'd ' tates floc),,; to that 10 to 'Ieaco ror bi lair t mu~_&raW .,rib... ml'at15 "hlc v. para e to Lev,.r1tusen 7 52 and 1 50 pm. uon) r~rt; and thafs the ical. '·f'UD La Ac:apul o' In

1'rt4.: "UU... el 01.. " ..101- '\t the hm~ of producUnn t FIt\ ~KU' - • Thf' T ro I a D badgrouDd aDd ourCt.' of ~tory Tecbni~lf)r, OPf'Dlnc W"mesowas not pos Iblf' to produce col Hor e . 130, 5 lS and I pm for "Palm prln~ Wrekend" da~ at tbe DcW"1U Orh,·111.on by electrol1ie mUM and II "The Mongols 3 IS al3d 7 oJM' lfedaesday It RKO Thf' hIm beg1nS U lth a beau·. as n~essan- to apply color pm Keith'$. ulul al!'riaI shot of A •':a!lualJy to t"ach of the 10000 IB,LLET GEE EE - ·'The Thfl starring cast compnses and then narro I down l£I a

fram of the rom. Each i'i Long t Day. 1 U, S and Tr HardlO as a husky Teun )ac:ht crosS1nl the t..:. \\"oe ~

lhf'".fore an ori~ and not a 5 10 pm.. turned 11 0 II y '*0 0 d 'it'lntman; tOg on l1l1s yacht :s E1\'I~ P!"<;-copy OE"ln ORn£.I·- Rtng ofTror Donahue as lhf' capwnJev an e"·lrapea~ ar1i!1 ha. ITerror' '; 15 and, P m. of a co1l!!'t:e ba'Sketball team recently dropped b s brothu

"Blood Feast 533 and 11 ~ Jet h>Q<e m tht< re~ort; Conn:e dunn thelr acl. cau .,~ him to

Strapping Actor P,U\CE- Cartoons '1 5Q pm d:ngasn : l; p~e~~rtbu~~;~:e }~IJ~C:~e E~:~~dP::~h~Was Polio Victim a~e.::mnget Da)" 2.25 '~~~~re~I~~theSr~ ;;r~' r{~~i:;t5b~g~~~ o~n: f~~~t;:Ron It r 'i g :0 IUT'~ ORTII oRnE·I' - RQ("i \. D;,ke as a coUegian "'lth Ca!'>a- Andre<~ .... ho pla)1s the SOCial

RII"\'Ue cnntn ('t a lor a a B~t< Bab\' 7.15 p m ~ Thrce no\'8 notions. and Ste.Jame direclor of 8 rl' on hotel E1\'lsmJ'ln\alld at the a~e of IwO VlOll'n! r,.n'·, J3 pm "Doo·' PO",'(!J'"!'> 8~ the daughter of the 5mgs 10 ne'A fiOn;:S and oue oldh,.n h,. was strul"'k down b}' Ghe lp tht< ShIp' 11 pm. loC'al"chicl of police fa"ontp1110. -

Tods a!l a guest star tn-'SI",!"." the Dec 11 se'gmento( ''The Vlrgtnlan." Hay f' I

~~~~: :~d u~;~~~~ .~gJe~tndt~~1anylhlO'- but an in\'alJeI

:Jllil'~llIllIIj~l(M; :i CbU'nD Caftr tJ pan Ii nu lS·CA& BUTE" i

,!LAKESHOREo:rf~"''-!I LA~T TJ){f; 'to'o'1GBT I, • Gr:r:.:~aG"'~a-:;Tr- i! (I) ;:--J·~:m;BAC1t" iI All'" nr:'!~...:c-#:~~._. I~ ~"••~<f~~~. ~I."~"I~~"~" IjlrU,.,. 8l1li .... '. 3.......11 TI'....... I

I .'.11 I J111\.. "',

iNORTH }t~':.~~.. I~ ._~~~g:tTO~i._1 1I <u ...l&~~~.."~v·~~\Br ii m'~~'GI~ul!;a~r~· iI m ~~";:~~-? ~~lr'• aau1lo. it".... un.'

IUanager. or dO'llfntov. nmovie hooses have anDounc.edthat tbe day of mourningM 1 all thealers will bedD5ed UDtU • p.m.

This 11'111 Include Lotw·.,ParamOQot, Ke.lth's, aDd Ektl.

Howenr, the moUOD pldureh.,uses ..Ill be open as usualtoday.


12 THE POST·ST~ARD,Syracuse, N. Y" Sunday, November 24, 1963

Theaters to CloseIMonday Until 6


$iS." WARDROBEEdie Adams....ho is starring

In "Under the Yum Yum Trrt>"and "Irs a lad. Mad. Mad.Mad World" opt'ned her act thisv;eek at the Rinera Hotel. LasYe$::as, with a bit:' number en·titled. '']1'5 a . lad. lad. Mad.Mad World." She wdl wear fursvalued at $i5.000. including full·length sable pajamas made (orher by widely known designerGalann!. and coats of chinchilla,leopard and sable.

Ji..... Run PN.-w TheatN

~~BOX OFFICE orES 7 P..){.

r .... ta.c:ar H... t .....



Page 8: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY


THE POST·STANDARD. Syra":"'. N Y. Sunday, November 24, 1963 15

Jackpot Hits $2,475In P-S Puzzle Game

Manlius School ReviewTo Honor New CadetsA colorful tradition at The us shield to a new cadet rnem

Manlius School wl1l be observed ber from each companv Folon the Ichool parade grounds lowmg thiS ceremony Ll Col

at 4 30 pm today when some ~:a:t~r~c;c~~~~ana~do~ss~r115 new cadets will be honored Sedgewtck commandant 0 fm tb, annual Recogmtion Re- cadets will pass through ranksvIew afflXUlg the tnslgma on the

Thil II the ceremony at other new cadets tF TODAY ll§ YOUR BraT'BDAY You can WU1 $2 475 this weekwhIch all DeW cadets at the i5- The tradItional parade will Wd=":ndtl';g:.;:&t..~~~·,;~ In the cash pnze crossword

year-old military preparatory :.~~~e anu:t~emr::~~:~ hc:a~ bot.b to use. • • • pUG~\e g~~~eskake thiS the bigschool are ofhClally accepted quarters band In the event of Christmas In your lifeas fun fledged members of the Inclement weather the reVIew tomorro" s Post Standardcadet ba1tahon The reco:nu will be staged in Barber gym With the new entry rules and a

tion becomes Imal v;hen "Ute naslum ~~t t~:n~~~~]O~m:e~ ~~~~school Insigma IS attached to WED 63 YEARS the big jackpotthe new cadets uniforms and Mr and Mrs N F Ernest of Here IS the fmal que"tion 18

they pus In reVIew before the 233 Medford Road celebrated Mano Pel the noted hngwst the , ..00 bonus Puzzle QutZ forentire battalion and school of thetr ttJrd 'A edding anniversary calls Swahih the wortbJesl and~: wtth tomorrow 5 entrvf1clals Thursday RIght a1 the Schmtt most dignified of alI African 0 II the .uthor of the Keel>

Brig Gen James K Wilson elbank with (rlends and reJa Negro tongues" He recom mg Posted column~Jr school president, will make tives Mr Ernest 11 a retired mends It as a national language

~~~~s:~a;:~f~~ ::~O~;f the Ntagara. Mer ~~can nationJ aouth of thel~s..~-p-ar-'-2-3-1-0r-lb-a-A-nsw-ar-,

haJJ" WIth a flick of the WrIst Hisbusmess IS boommg WIth turkey.earvmg time a few days away

Edgy~ - Yes and NoThIS man, who sharpens knives forrestaurants, exhibIts the nonchalanceof a boulevardier as be plies his tradeIn view of passersby. He <:an cut a

Radio and Television News'The Cowboy and the Tiger'

Crackerjack Thief Really Nice ManBy HARVEY PACK lasy enl1tled "The Cowboy and Texas boy anxious to own a a ftw thmgs and went west"

NEW YORK -Statistics tell the Tiger' at 2 30 p m Thurs horse befriends the tiger and He landed a part In 'Meet the W R d .--/ ~u, tha A:uencan peopla do no :~::l.a~dSS"h~~~~:u~~~~~nd' Iba wild animal" bi':~~~~':va;b>Ch was a click on oman ea er Explanation of Cluesdevour their Thanksgiving Day keep the youngsters out of the The boy Is played by Paul Jack clauns the role of • tiger Clues Across Clues Downdinners at a set time Some way while pop attempts to 0 Keefe the narrator is DaVId really carne easy to him be Wl'ns Sl00 Pr· S CROCKS not frocks The 1 MANLY not datly or earlyfamillel pther round the bird carve the b1rd, or mom e1eans Wayne and the mean uger IS the cause he IS a great arnmal iml Ize clue word 'replaCE:menl,' fa It Js work to do early' rathera1 noon. otliers tn mid afternoon up the mess depending on cracker]ack man Jack Gilford lator which he prot;mnently vors CROCKS Frocks are not than 'early work to do Heand In a few homes the feast which Side of thE! day the tn I ve been working steady on pro,ed by expertly mJmlClng the Of Consolatl'on replaced In the direct sense presumably has daily work totakes place In the early evenmg diVldual family eats Broadwa~ for the past eight raCial exprpsslons of about five th~t CROCKS rna)' be do dunng the work week and

ABC IS making a gallant at The tiger In the title rerers years, explained hger Jack breeds of dogs 1 HARRY not carry It sa' rna} well hale MANLY v;orktempt to catch most of us away1to a feroCiOUS beast who escapes and I ve appeared on many In fact thiS ability may land The Jackpot In the gigantic nUisance to have to HARRY to do'from the table by presentmg alfrom the zoo and while the TV shows But III the past SlX him a role In a highly touted cash prize crossword puzzle WIll men but It IS a burden, rather 2 DRINKS not drunks ConThanksglvmg Day musical fan whole Clty IS terrorIZed a httle months I ve suddenly become TV senes where he would pla~ than a' a ce to sldered 1e tt f-=====-'---:------'-----'-----'-~~.:::...:::::.:.::::=-.:...:=Ifamous chtldren ask me for a fIreman who lo\es the fIre chmb to $2475 thiS week have to ~~;, ~~~ n Parryjtaste fa,;~:gt~R~\,~a erce~

my autograph I ve even house s dalmatian and also Get tomorrow s Post Standard lS not good tam drunks are unquestionablybeen recogmzed by feUow pa looks lIke the caRIne With the new entry rules and 8 BOYS no boss His BOYS unpleasanttrons In restaurant restrooms Audiences thIS theatregoer In ~~tw~~ all the words you need ma)' have more money' HIS 4 ROOF not room StressIDg

and all because of the eluded mvarlably v;alk out of ACTOR HARLaN BRANDO boss presumably, has 'more' a buIlder' pomts to ROOFcrackerjack commerCials" A Funny Thmg Happened to jOins l~g motion picture You have until 9 30 a m money conSidering one kmd structur'

Gilford Is currently breaking Me on the Way to the Forum' s tar s. producers directors Thursday to get your completed 9 PLANS not plane or plant ally superior to another Theup audiences on Broadwav in noting that only ex burlesque :~~~ri:afl~~di~~~~~~gfr~h~ enines ':: ~h\Pfst ~tand~d ModiI1calions to a plane or comparative ments of different

~":sl~a~~el~u~~I::: andAbaF~~~ ~:~~D~~:~ldI~:~~~Yw:::~:~ the Welt Coast to POints yo~rm~~t;lese ae C{tUe~ri;ut~eln; ;~al~ p~~n1e~~~~ b;n;~ h~; ~~~coJo~oo~~ha~eb~I~~Clf:~

Thmg Happened to Me on the to burlesque 5ald Jack but ~~tswo~:ve;1~~ ;~sf Re wee~ Thur~dlaJ is T~anksgJ.vl (f e techlUcal personnel would parUcular

~~~ ifos~le J~~~smc~ms:er:~~al~n~dI U::asus~l~ :o~~~al;mha~~e~~ Hollyw~: at 730 ;: ~:II ;%h;~ul:SI ay Wit speCia ~~~~tto ~:~~:e ~~~~~~~t ;~:; 5 COST not cast Doubt!has even helped the hit musl hour theatre CIrCUit They were WednesdaY' on WHEN TV We don t payoff In turkeys would hardly be ill advised' about the COST are a questJoncal s pubhclty because whene\er a bIg thmg m the old days If If lOU WID you 11 get cold hard (defined as done Without duel of ~~Islntss ~t~t I~ m~~ no~ b~It s shoun on Johnny Carson s you showed up at the thcatre cash consideratIOn) PLANS IS the poss ease e ou a aushoy, the audience applauds and cQrnpeted you receIved 3Top Games Ncver entered thiS contest be most apt m the context of the the casl In a ~uSlneSSllkle manand Johnny tosses In a gratu $150 the winner got S5 second fore? Give It a try Work out clue ner cting or examp e mayItOUS plug for GIUord and the was good for $3 and third a solution Just as you would for 15 SPARE not spa c e or be the/roblem which IS qUIteshow For th:)se of you who only meant $250 J thmk we had ,to any crossword puzzle There IS spade Since a SPARE IS pro ~~::tse~~~ anythmg In a bus·watch hard sell deodorant roes pay commiSSIon out of that Scheduled 0 one exception-we supply a list vlded for a future requirement 6 SOLE not some SOLE 15sages In the crackenack spot Gillord s wonderful face has al n contalmng among others all this Jinks up espeCially well t th d thJack pIa,s the nasty daddy who so been employed by the Metro the words you need to Win With the Idea of foreSight ~~~eth~t e::~~t:s~~~~ ~aresteals hiS kid s crackerjacks politan Opera for thelr pro There IS a wmner every Space and spade lack this par acter \ery often chan es •and tries to wolf them aU down duction of Fledermaus and TV lIursd week The wIDner of last tlcular aptness smce either Some could represenj verygJim.before he is caught the fact he was the first non ay v;eek I Sl00 consolation prize could easllyhave been needed' lted res nS1bllit a h h

You don t have to hit people singer to playa major role in was Mrs Mary DIXon 13g Cool because of newly de\eloped would h.::'dI ha;e ~/.u: ~~over the head to sell 'explamed an opera that of Frosch the tdge Ave who sUbmItt,ed an en, working conditions say Implied tn th~ clue Thus s~meJack Sales are up cne third drunken jailer Is one of Jack I The Gr~ Bay Packers bat try Wlth fJve errors ,Frocks 11 SCOT not spot "A tough would need to be better uali.Since they began the campaIgn proudest boasts He also stages tlIDg for their thlJ'd 5traJght Na mstead of crocks boss in SCOT of course • caD be fled qI might add thiS has been ac the comedy sequences for the tional Fooa.n League cham stea~ of bo~~, 'loaf mstead formidable' (defined as that 12 GAME not name GAMEcomphshea wllhout m;:ntiomng Met plonshlp meet the Detrolt Lions or ,!oad ,car, mstead of ts to be feared or dreaded OflLs mort: satisfactory It ts morethe pme lD e' ery box I In any event your young at TIger Stadium DetrOIt ID a bar and tries instead ofal~ strength Size, difft a question of a familv, say go.

Gilford Is a Brooklyn bon: ae l:lotus won t be frightened by the tradilJonal ThanksglVlng Dav trees ~ty ), if the occasion at1ses mg back to remote times ratherlor v;ho couldn t make It 011 tiger m ABC s The Cowboy game to be br03dcast at noon The runners up WIth stX. er A tough spot 1S esselltlaJly than Its nameBroadway until he went to Cali and the Tiger·' on Thanks81vmg Thursday OD WHEN 1"\ rors each were Mrs Bernard' fOrmJdable Shot and slot are 13 ZEST not rest He :needs'forma 'I heard about a re\'lle Day because lI's played by U del ted U Hand, 211 Draper Ave Solvay too vague ZEST when "ra d lth

Santa Comes to Channel 9 In Los Angeles that was gOlngla ruce gentleman whose onl)' Tex~'i ~~nbd nu~:::I~ne ~~ Leo J MOWlns, 311 Mildred Ave 19 LOAD not loaf LOAD Is'hard work' If ~ac:; ~o~~Santa Claus arrives at 10 p m Thursday on WNYS to cross the country and maybe knO",-rJ vice 11 stealing cracker the naUon ad already named and Ellen M Heath FreeVille apt The deU, enng of JUst one ately WIth a hard day's work, '

TV t d J fcome to New York so I hocked Jacks host team for the Cotton Bowl Each week no perfect solution loaf to a restaurant seems It mdlcstes the begmnulg of a

I} rea etters rom the boys and gIrls and to game meets traditional nval is submitted, $100 will be qwte unllkel) and therefore,' day' presumably after aentertain them WIth cartoons and to) s Thereafter VA t M °1 Q t- - Texas Atif at: Kyle FJeld Col ~wa~ed to the thcontes\an~ ~r should be further qua1ifJed m mght's rest Thus b" wouldSanta WIll be seen-from 3 30 to 4 P m each weekday 0 01 ues IonnOires lage Sta"... Texas or, Thanks- w~~ ,ub~~~n a~t~n:'~h ':!.e 1b;4 cTIruSE b 'ncad a rast after do"'g It._

_O_n_WN_Y_S ----l TAil P , R _. ra\-~:g t~a~ ':road~~A r~tball ke) words correct and the few A.\!USE them ~otm:re~~esomT: T~t ;~~t ~: ~u: oilingo enslon eClplents Thursday 011 EN~ pm esl arrors among tha ramauung!bing Ibat tha school laacher or pilmg Th< manner 01 bemg

TV K M °lba Th D B words IS not p3Jd to do (Ie 'Its'qualifled" favors ~Gey 01 9 In the lS.,..'ounty area served address sbould be copied exact- Kans~ CI; ~~~c:~:n:m~re t I~ad:ltiOnj $l:Opo~ilI;:e~:: ~rdl~ hart of his job ') even which takes cert..,tn skiU andby tIM! Syracuse VA Regionally as it appears on the fonn Ican Foo eague WIll meet J:cJ..;t a~~~ ~~morrow Ii entI') ..;:gab e ftta

ydo 1150 at, times 1r8.lntng to do properly Filing,

By STEVEN R SCHEUER Iday Whlc.h of us is rlgbt" _ R S Office some 19000 annual in This early distribution Pigott IR a Thanks ng Day game tn ~'l~l be $1900 with bonuses of thing h~s~os~ ~~ln~t~~ S~oo~~ ~~~';;:;I~I~ilJn:Je~~dI~ C:~~~Questloo-Wbo Is th.~ Dew Lake AHred Flor come questionnaires will be fla;~ ~a:rm:~ ~~~:n~ ~:~~a~mty I~~~~~~day The $f1l5 available not do crrcumstanC:s which ar~ not

comedienne ~ tbe Jackie Answer - It's a draw You matled wtth Nov 30 penston cards at once while those with p mover S TV t at 3 30 The largest bonus IS $.500 for 2;:1 GIN not gun The 1dea of ob\Jous In the clue:= ::0:a.~~~~~;ss~~: ~~~sbo~m~gh~:o~~~~ ~l~~S checks according to James E earRings or changIng Incomes The 64th nual Army Na'V ~:b~h~un~xthda~rr~~z:l~sQ~~~:~~~:y SU~~~IN~~~tearnd rnb~6e m~6htS:o~t~en;lT~U;;aten~h~ttme back? I personaU" think/and older women who watch the Pigott manager ~ay ~I~ tall until ~helr flet :CibaU ga ~n be broadca~t questions together With a per case of a gun there are ques ce~talnl) There s many a.'s the beat tlliq to happeD soap operas and Ute late holir These annual Income ques- tlJon th orms or 0 er In or- TV ~m ay on WHEN fecl solutIOn lions of SUitability etc it IS schoolgirl that studies

tile GleBlOD Sbow" • l0D8jmoVles lfowever thIS ooly cov tlonnalres go to veterans 8Od::.m. ~~u:::nln order 10 among: avy IS tir~nted uecond FOI home dehvery of The not just a question of bU~'Ulg Latm to be able to form an opm

e~, V., CaIDm~ ~e~=~n~~ ~~t;r~~ dependents of deceased~"" VeteraiJs and d~ndents re-- ~ ~~~ I~gl~: ~~:~lSt:~:a~~k f~~lItheH~~~I~~an It' because he hked It on Thus Labn does not swt

~~SWer-B ra HeUer Is welcome mdeed) cOnSists of all alll on the VA I non celving pension under the law In annual ce classtc at Phlla lion department OutSide of "D 0 c K S the clue hreference to the av.talented pei'former s name types of fans, from an old man connected penSton rolls and to eUect prior to JuJr 1. 1980 are delphia' MUniCipal Stadium Syracuse and Onondaga County A R R Y 0 0 0 er~leT~E~~glrlt tri S tl

55 Heller bu appeared prl who wants to know the address parents of deceased veterans required to report oniy their an may W bring the Winner a consult )our telephone directory N lOY 5 L ki f n~ es b tnc ymanly on the stage and JD ~f ;:;:;ev.::',~~r~:: ~~ who are receIVIng dependency ~~ ~~:;n~e ::~:~:: I:; 1~~ ~~~:a bowl game in for the 1isUng of thE! circulation P LAN S F H E :f~~ n:e~er~lt l~e~anlt e~;l~t r:h:n~:~les~~n~~~:e the pnvate life of Ann Margret and indemnity compensation Wf'nt mtp effect July I, 1860 office In your community Y K G- z. 0 theoretICally hal e been done atShe e;;as done some TV work • • • The que ~ t Ion n a Ire s are must also fill m a net worth NII k St . 5 PAR E B the first attempt, hence sev.but was never a runmng char Questlom-I saw a mo'le on punched cards which must be Item as reqUired by law e or allan Dual Roles I M C I~~~s~~s af~~ a~:olu~~:aeler on any lenes TV c~Ued 'Tbe Three Murder filled out With the reqUired In Laws go\ernlnJl nonservlce! LOA 0 satisfactory q

• • • esses and would like to know formation and returned to the connect.eC! penSion pa'ments re N T M E T R 20 Ci\R t b CAR 1Question-Who pla}ed tbewho lhc handsome young man VA before the deadhne-Jan qutre that the VA receIVe thiS ames wo en Of" A t I T c J E a seclal~~a ar f Imples

dark haired girl on the • Lle~1R tbe film Is I think thiS rum 31 - or paYments \llll be sus Income mformallOn every year ,ers c or N 0 A A!t4[U 5 E I tro~ble A b~~ Isora/o~l:&eIlaDt" segment In v;hich Gar] rna\ ha\-e origlnall} been a for pended H after suspenSIOn no Payment of penSion depends on As M E I NOB T 5 place as anv In whlcb gto beLockwood bee a m e Invol'fed elgn film but It was dubbed In questionna1re IS submitted the the Indl\ Idual s need as deter anagers xc,Otement I found mcapabl Wwith an officer's lonely wife" English when I saw It-D T pensIOner Will be reqUired to mIRed by the amount of Jncome Puzzle Solution 424 mote e ar IS reWun t she in • mo\le WI Galnes\i1Ie, Ga pay back all payments re- recened annually from 50urces ,\~====:::====:=-~_-:-_--:-__-:-_Paa.I Newman and Joanne Answer-A.lam Delon Is the celved In 1963 other than penSion E ereIt Dual roles are ~Ice as diff~:Woodward a couple of years actor Sooce he made Three These forms are machine Parents of deceased veterans :m Wren was .ppomted cult but tWice as exciting re St, Andrew1sqo"-a S Newport, Art -Murderesses he has mo'ed up punched The VA requests these who are receiving dependency gent a.:oanager of the North ports Martin Milner v;ho por

Answer 'Ina Balln Is the ac m mternational film cueles He cards be handIed Wtth care so and Jndemmty compensation are e~ Itati Network and local trays a ruthless assassm in adtress Sh-; appeared WIth New has appeared m manv of the they can be processed through remmded that VA insurance ~coc:.- o~ w~~ last v;eek dttion to his ~egular To Mark Itsman and MISS Woodward 18 top films made in Italy and tabulating machines when they benef1ts 5houJd be reported as esideat Erdman Stiles in the Route.'From the Terrace France tncluding 'Rocco and are returned They must not be mcome rh N.f the finn ownmg I m Here to Kill a Kmg atr

• • • Hls~rothers Eclipse Pur folded tnmmedormutilatedm Additional assistance and in sl:n:'oI'J.V~tBanddWOLF divi mg at 830 pm Friday 0 60th YearQuestloD--Are they kidding pie Noon and the current Burt any manner formation may be secured from At the • roa casting Co WHEN TV 1'------- '

1II'\&h tbe oew show Laughs for Lancaster starrer The teop-I They should be returned the VA Contact Office Room Newton arne time Nicholas Aetuallv Marty reportsSale"" I caD't nmember a ard He is, currently filmmg promptly to the address tn the 1015 Chtmes BUildIng S]ra sales was appomted general dual roles v;here lOU are pla)more ridlcolous show e\'er be Love Cage 'A'lth Jane Fonda upper right hanll corner ThIS cuse WOLFlDaUger of Northeast and mg two entirely different cherIng on TV And they toot a A natlYe of Denver Acters are not as dlquiz show off for tbls piece of a graduate of tnf! Unnerjunk -N M New Britain, Conn Den\er Be and hIS wile Gwen

Answer-ABC seems to be and thefr four children WIll re character I playIlDxed WIth thIs ~unday night Side In Manlius not only looks like Tod Stiles QlUtime spot ..First, 100 Grand Newtoa recen~ his college but Is so Identi Brm

~d now ~ughs for Sale education at Pomona <:allege Isms that he fools even100 Grand lasted a qUick and lbe Uruversity of Santa (Glenn Corbett) who is T=~~s h~n10r~:leWIll teU Clara. wttb .dvanced studies at best friend Rule. cese of Central New York

g. • • City College of New York and The episode marks the first CANC£R (June n-Jul7 211 nne ASSisting the Rev George EQnesUoo-Who p I a y f'; d the New York University He and time since he started Route 66 b,n~l~~t ~~:ce~b~:a ea~ Bates rector at the Thursday

part of the nlet In the movie ~~~l;~f~~~~~:s~ children wUl ~~~e:h~~sofl;.rS S~~:o~~ ~~~~~ m~~. ~:v3 ~~Jt;!~~t:~'~~1 ~~ be~~cbea:~ ~ee~n~~vch~:::~~up ret t y G I r I' with Robert With an assassm '" ho St John s Church m PhoenIXCummings and Joao Crawford? COLLEGE CUTIES 10 kill an Arab kmg who Mr SIlbaugh graduated frornI recently &aW this film on TV Joy ce Buhlant who guest mg Niagara Falls The Amherst has a master s m Engand thought It "Was very fllDny, star" in th Beyond His Reach meehng between Tod hsh from Cornell UmverSJtyandespeclall)' the man who played episode of Chanmng has thiS assasSIn who looks hIS bachelor of diVInity degree::ia~~et-Mrs RE, Wbltlng to say about college cUlles A him to be hiS tWIlJ from the Episcopal The 0 log y

Answer-You have the title of ~~ae: ;I~eba~~~~es~~;ss ~Iat~se ~~~PII~t~tea~aJt~~:~~a~l~I~~i c~u~~ School at Cambfldgethe ftim and the female star but. COoed WIth class goes to dent~fh~gpett;0~~r1 ,C:~~~~ V:I~~ the professor shead • Chevrolet sponsors the sefles

in the rJlm was played by Mel ...ville Cooper veteran actor offUms, stage ~n~ T.V I

QauUon-Did Burt Lancasterever have a TV le.ries of hisown 1D the early days or televb:icm" I seem to connect blm"dh a show In which be playeda detecth e who smoked a pipeAm I rlfht or am I thinklD&' ofanother: &(,tor' Has Burt Lancas­ter eve.r done any TV work'_L. D.. rtlanahattan Kansa.s

Answer - Lancaster has notbad any TV exposure to apeakof he clicked In tibns at 'ustebout the .me time TV W3I!Ii

begummg to make a bId for thepublic s: attention Lancaster 1S

currently one of the bIg boxoffice names in tilJn3 and goesfrom ODe tUm to another WIth'1;~ little time ott In betv.--eenHu current release is "IbeLeopard and hu 1a working In

"The Train"

QDesUOD - I ban a bet with1IlJ' pi frleDd _oat the type ofletters 10U neei've the most I&:en..gera write asking for

me TV Itan' addressespIdaret- .ad Ibe ..,.S that

t:..~cun::.=:ft~to • ihIII watcll TV aD




allow for


\ Rambling 'Round






President Kennedy





following the death of


Stations ConcentratingOn Presidential News

WNYS·TV Channel 9WHEN·TV Channel 5

Saturday Evening TeleVIsion

THE POST·STANDARD, Syracuse, N. Y. Sunday, November 24, 1963/

Week'5 Radio -TVWSYR·TV Channel 3

8 3G-Wl\-YS-Dance Party7 OO-WNYS-ABC Reports7 15-WSYR-5ander Vanocur7 3G-WHEN-JackJe Gleason


• 3G-WSYP.-Joev Bishop (C)WHEN-DefendersWNYS-LaVorence Welk

, OG-WSYR-Mo\ ie Count Your Bless-


Nov~:erJ?Ea ~m~l:r man l~e~~ remember what we say

made warmth Judglng by the man y linecoffee pot of ste COpies of the address en\ elope-simmering sou encased seen do.... ntown that

Radio and teleVISIOn listmgs for coverage of the President's dealh and ~~r chill ~::II/ n~~~n~r a~';[ar~;::b='~~today and tomorrow <10 not appear funeral timNao voarm,baurl'laan 1what he Sald __

In The Post Standard today because bO~e~V~rr~~o~:a;~:~d~~ these sta r1eIds griPped Also noted tbalday was thelocal stations and networks are de Syracuse radIO stations have dis by the chilling Imposlng new addItion to the

Tuesday Evening TelevIsIon voting programmg to events related continued their regular programmg Iro,~ and ampty j Onondaga Counly SOHng, Bank

• OO-WSYR WHEN WNYS-N e W I, Weatbu IShot but actually he only works 111 a to President Kennedy s death until after the funeral Penodic news ~~~; ~~dl~~~~S =~~h It~eth~arS~~n~nbk~p~~~~~Sports cannery WSYR, WHEN and WNYS, Syra reports will be broadcast today and tempest tossed trees being planted on old Van

8 3G-WSYR-News HunUey Brmkley Report WHEN-Petticoat Junction A railroad cuse's three teleVISion stations, will tomo(l'ow Syracuse UmversIty radio No 'ember s a Joe Adam. derbJlt Square And tn the same

:~~t'ii:::II;::a~;reCro.;~~teHumuhu ~:~~~~b~l1c~n~ee~o~~try to Junk the, continue to omit entertamment pro station WAER FM has discontinued ~~c~~di::al~st~ lowering 5kv ~rre:pp~I\~O~~~n~II~I~o~~dl:C~~munukunukuapuaa Kid A v;oman mar l\NI5-Greatest Shov; on Earth (C) grams and commercials until after Its regular programmg until after and puffs of smoke from wmd history is the 'cnerable Larnedrles a fortune hunter A former Circus star Is dYing and\ Prestdent Kennedy'S funeral tomor the PreSIdent 5 funeral Memorial sv;cpt blinds v;here hunters In Building

70G-WSIR-lUo\le The Accused' A she asks Slate to get some fnends to row mUSJC 'nll be presented by the sta ambush he -

~~~~.:;~~::~:~~a::Jh~ot:~:\~.: 939-::~:~f~a~kla~~;:~t Ja)na Man,llald, ,__T_h_e_st_ati_o_n_s_w_il_l_c_a_r...:rY~J_,e_l\_\O_r_k__ti_on_to_d_a-=-y_a_n_d_t_o_rn_o_rr_o_w £~:~F~:::'I~::7i;:'i~:?:~! d~~~:d~i::,~~:i~:t:;~~~~WIIEN-i\lr Dlstrld AHorne)' The DA 100G-WN\S-Fuglfne Kimble tS badly Welk, Top Com'lc SWirling gales sweeping the minute r boarded a southboundmvestlgates a burglary nng burned when he rescues some children runty earth bus and \lo alked nght Into an

'3O-WNYS-COmbat German and Amertcan from a burRing school bus Keeping Up It s a llme when the SOli has 'lther gabfest The dnver \laspatrols are sent out to secure the film WSYR-Andy llilliams (C) La.rence WI'III'ams' Guest gone to seed and now lies 5lum telUng another he hadllt had aof a downed Allied reconnatssance Welk and Phil Hams guest With The benng yet out of the seed and smgle aCCident for 21 yearsplane WHEN-Garry 111 0 0 r e R 0 Ii e mar y the soU Will come the mJIacie Then one day I had a beaut '

~~~;~a::~:~s~I~~O in~um~~:[e~,~s 11 Oo-~~~:yWHn~N B~I~C~S~~ ::~~eather, Bird5 Lawrence Welk plays the ac bIrth of spnng_ ~1~:atdAn~~eat:~e :f7 ~so:~:hdence Sports ~~~o~lsa~:p~~~:r~~~~~dd::~~ The other day I found the No- he felt It was about time he hit

" Oo-WREN-Red Skelton George Gobel and 11 15-WNYS-Steve Allen when they are guests on NBC- vember air mVJgoratmg enough anotherJules Munshm guest 11 30-" HEN-Uo, Ie The Prisoner' A car TV $ The Andv Wllilams to enable me to nose out a 1yn - -

8 3G--WNYS-!\lcHale s Na\] A man steals dmal In an Iron Curtam country IS put P BURn Sho\l color "pcclal at 10 pm court bus m a race to the Mid But I arrhed safel) at Larrythe PT boat and puts McHale In ]all In Jail Alec Gumess and Jack Ha.... k • Tuesda on WSYR TV land Col\ m corner Husso s emponum on 'alley

8 OO-WSYR-Rlchard Bonne Some MeXican illS AndyYopcns the show slngmg Bv somehow breakmg mto alDnve and picked urm) o'\nbuspeople think a monthly VISitor Is a b1g \\S\ R-Johnny Carson (C) Feeder survey The lIut .... eek A towhee was seen in Fred Cockc)ed OptimIst then m ~~I~~o~eonn:a~Unn:ht~~a~:~~e~u~ t~:on~n~~t ~; :r~:np:;~:~~ral~~

In No'ember nIanY or vou tal Schanck s yard In DeWllt Mrs troduces hiS S:luetss .... 110 Jom had Just enough gleen light and hue to put them In lhe books

Wednesday Event ng Teievision ~I~~r ~:r~y~~S n~ar~~dsa~~e~e~~~;:~\1~~11U: :;JP~~vosp~~~~~~~Tr ~u~ec;~f~~~~~~et~a~~ a ~~:a~~al:;~tt~e~~~~~nSllP~°intl~t~ tn~~a~ie:e~~~~~~ta~~o::~: i~:8 Ol)-WSYR WilEN WNYS-News, Weather WNYS-Prlce Is Right Troy Donahue m the hst The result belo.... are t~rashers were reported by a lI;ockOfslandli.~ne mgen 0 er resuscltaung doze untIl almost Bruce orchards now "Ith only

Sports guests for 100 reports p rson near Krums Corners Ith Dunng the mformal spot downtown I was aVoakened by a the charred remains of the stor8 30-WSYR-Ne~s Huntley Bnnkley Re- 9 Oo-WNY8-Beo Casey An opera star has English Sparrows • usual aca but the wnter did not sign Welk accompames the Osmond loud gabfest as other tU! em age plant 5tandmg alter a dIS

port to have an eye operation were most abundant With 1550 h1S name Brothers and Andy in Sweet ployes got aboard astrous fire It happened at theWHEN-News Walter Cronkite WSYR-Esplonage A Christian leads individuals ThiS II IOme\l hat Bohemian _axwlngs ow ere and Low Alone the Osmonds The matn tOPIC ~as the wound peak of apple plckmg time andlfNYS-Rawalian E)'e The boys track demonstrations agamst an Arab nation s more than the normal \'alue listed on several reports The slOg the Auctioneer s Sang 109 of Mike De John former must hale entailed a great loss

regime Next came starlings with their cedar and Bohemian wax"lng Then Andy slOgs II s a Good Syracuse hea\":rwelght m a unle'Ss there wa'S a demand fordown an embezzler WHEN-Be\'erly HlUbUlies Elly May usual numbers or about 600 The are practically Identical WhilelOav and talks bnefly about Flonda brawl But he couldlDaked apples But I \e watched

7 OO-WSYR-Dea'h Valley Davs (C) A. boy becomes attached to the ThanksgJ' mg above tv;o specIes are almost the average BohemIan IS larg Thanksgmng hit said one 'And so can I that orchard Jtrow from a fewtnes to avenge the death of Davy turkey and can t bear to have It killed ahlo3vs in greatest .bundance ler the tv;o species overlap Phil Harris and the dancers saId another if the other gu) sapl:.ngs on a hillside and It s noCrocketl 9 3G-WlfE~-Dlck Van Dyke Rob and Jerr~ More IOterestin~ are those \l hlch and !l;lze IS not a certam held offer The South Rampart Just stands there applesauce to say the progresWilEN-Biography Documentar\ of bu) a boat together come next For the IIrst time mark Street Parade for thetr pro - - <:lve Bruces like tl1e trees v;illTruman s )ears In the WhIte House 10 OG-lfSI R-Ele\enth Hour A father learns red"lnned blackblnls v;ere I n The only sare and certain wf Iductlon number Andy and PhU With loflter thoughts tban that blO!'iSom out next spring, bigger

13G-WS1R-'lrgIOlan (C) A \10 ealthY hIS boy IS about to become a father thtrdplace There were 4;:1 about ference bet"een the two Is In jom them on They Alwavs I crossed o\er to Lincoln ;\a and betterv;oman faUs for the' Irglman and goes mto a bhnd rage four urnes as many as "p nor the color of the undertaJl CO\ Pick 011 Me Floatmg Dov;n tlOnal Bank and lust mSlde the -----WHEN-CBS Reports Story of motion lfJlEN-DanD\ Ka)e Mahalia Jackh'n Mally see on No\embcr sunev lert~ These are feathers \lhlch the Old Green River Fall entrance an attractl\:e gal 10pictures exodus from Hollywood to for and Nanc~ Walker guest Cedar wax"m~s were fourth e-ctend from the bodv out under Rner Line • Row Row qUire<:! sweetlY \\ould vou hke REQUEST FOR HAZEL, L~C'elgn countries lfN1S-Channlng A man holds a pro With 375 ThiS IS the hlJ!hest the tall The] are ",hlte on the RO\li and S.... anee After a Lmcoln s Gettvsburg Address" Screen Gems producerc; ofWNYS-Ouie and Harnet June IS late feswr to blame in the death of a fnend ~ovember count In the fnt! cedar waxnmg and rusty red on repnse of the parade number Yes please 1 said and thl> exceptlonalh succeufulf:rc~le~tnner engagement With Da\e and II OO-\\SlR lfHE~ ll~YS-News, We8lher'l\cars this survey has been con the Bohemian waulng 4nd doses V;lth Amenca the v;hen I got the address I \\'lshed Hazel TV serle!) starnng Sf-Jr·

IOO-WNYS-Patty Duke The director of a 11 15--~~r~s-s( All tinued In general cedar Voax BohemIan \Ioax-wm,gs are seen BeauUlul ' II could write to hun and teU ley Booth seen here at 930 pmI e\e en " \10 mgs have been IncreaSing but from time to lime and I would him that he is and alwavs has Thursda~ on "SY:R T\ has re-

high school play v;ants Patty to play 11 3~WHE~-:'tI;Vle Sprlngflel~ Ri~e A thiS 'ear there an about three be especlall) mterested to learn SA~OAL S,\LES SOAR been the greatesL And the hum cel\ed a request b' a large nathe lead major as IS men retreat v; en t ey are hmes as many as our a, erage of Any that are spotted Please The bl_gest craze 1.0 hn To- bl~t too as WItness the hne tlonal cham of domestic em·

83G-WREN-Glynls Ke1th has mformanon ~ttacked Gary Cooper and Ph)lhs count let me knov; If the color of the k)o sIDce the Dale) Crockett that stands out as much as an' plovment agencies The outhl,about an undernorld boss and Gl)ms 1\~a;~~ b Next came c ckadees at 338 under tall COlerts v;as "cen DId caps IS \Ogl Bear sandals More other In thal masterpIece of \lhlch speclaltzes m IT:aJ.ds andhires a bod)guard to protect him 0 nn) Carson (C) JaH at 2S4 and jancos at 19S any of tho<:e \lho hsted the Bo than t\\O million paJrs ha\p masterpieces of 100 \ears ago jhousekeepers v;ants to change

Cardmals v;ere IOmcwhal le"~ hemlan for the feeder sun.:ey see been sold smce July The "orld will bttle note nor Its name to Hazel Inc

Thursday Evening TeleVISion ~It;:::d~~~ ~~~hl hV:ra~h~~ l~~: ~~~of~~~e{s:a~~~k:l~:et~~~IlIilllIlI~••••".IiI.IilIlIlIiIIIII•••iI1•••~1• OG-WSl'R WIJEN, Weather, to propose to Sally three ~ear" befo that The reI official I

Sports 8 Ol)-WHEN-Perrv Mason A Sick woman ati\ely mtld v;mter may have Tuftert btm1b: areRs~" arT~nd83G-WSIR-News Huntley BnnkJev Report. makes out a \10111 to lea'e e\er)thlng to kept some bl s In the North II~ns~:d s~':n': a~sBre~e~n ~~

WHEN-Ne"s Walter Cronkite her nurse Isuch as the re nged black IS1"bee ami Mrs S Tillotsen"mS-Hawallan Eye A woman thmks WNYS-Jlmmv Dean The :\tagwre SlS bird, and have a wed others (spotted some of the Bald.....,nsI]er husband s acc1dent \liasn t acci ters and Don Adams guest thke the cardma to hnd food ville flock Mrs Manm Landersdental S 3G-WSVR-Hazel (C) Harold loses faith eaSily and not he It necesFiry of Auburn had two Titmice hale

f Ol)-WSY!l-TBA In hIS (ather \lhen a \Isltor says he to come to lel;!derl': As the .... in lbetn reported from these areasWHEN-Man Wltbout 8 Gun A woman licked t6 father "hen lhe~ were ~Ids jh?r counts come ~e can see before A new location was atsees a murder and IS threatened by the 100G-WSYR-Arthur GOOfre) 'lhanbghlnglWhether the car a' pulatlon Mexico where Mrs Lucy Salle}killer Shn.... (C) Tony Bennett Carol La\\ has at last Ie' el orr 01 had one at her feeder

730-"Sl.'R-Temple Houston A "'oman s rence Shan Le.... ls and Ur.a MmnelU .... hether It IS sull rl as Itl Th{" complett tally \loas Canhusband dies and leaves hiS ranch to his guest J,as for the past 10 ,. ada Goose 125 mallard 4 sharpforeman WHEN-Nur!les Gall encounters re l:falry woodpecker.. w more shin 2 redtall 3 harner 1 kestWHEN-Password James Ste\\art sentment .... hen she goes Into the SIUmSjabUndant than usual and 10 W(>I C rei 2 grouse 3 pheasant 99guests to heir an expectmg woman the chickadees Goldf ll1,bes ar(> killdeer 10 hcrnng gull 32WNYS-Fllntstones (C) Fred takes l\NI5-Sld Caesar here In about tWice their usuaJ1nngbllled gull 15 mournmgPebbles shOPPing 10 30-WNYS-HolJ)wood and the Stars Stor) nllmbers dove 6 screech owl 1 horned

8 OO-WHEN-Rawhlde A man POStng as of the great lovers of molJon Pictures I There "ere no low counta onlOWI I PII"ated 1 redbelhedFavor sells the herd II OG-l\SlR WN\S l'HEN-Sel\s, Weather, our usual bIrds WIth tb.Dcep ,",oodpecker 1 sapsucker 2WNYS-Donna Reed Jeff tnes to get a Sports lion of the Engh<:h spar.row It hairy woodpecker 10.. downyfnend to help him out but the fnend 11 l~WNYS-SteYe Allen IS difficult to know whether thel136 kmgblrd 1 lay 284 cow 202wants no part of It 11 3~1\ HEN-lto\ Ie To.... n on Tnal A Enghsh sparro" populaUon on chIckadee 338 titmouse 11 wiUte

I 3G-WSYR-Dr Kildare Kildare v;ants to woman IS strangled John Mills and the feeder "un ey I~ accurate or brea!itcd nuthatch 153 redget nd of old hospital supplies Charles Coburn Inot I :o;uspect manv penons do breasted nuthatch 13 creeper

WNYS-My Three Sons Mike deCides WSYR-Jobnny Carson (C) :~t :r;~u;:I;"~~~~:O~~s ~11~3, ~:-dth~st:rts~::~t ~~~~\Ioays 5Omev;hat lov; It WOUldl3 oU'e backed thrush 1 blue

Friday EvenIng TeleVISion be he1pfullf eHr'lOne would m bmi J golden crowned kmgelude an estimate of the Enghsh let 6 rub\ crowned Innglet 3

6 OG-WSl'R WJlEr\ WNVS-News, Weather, 9 3G-WS\ R-UarC) s Girls The gIrls try to sparrow population Are there waX\\Ins:: 37;:1 shnke 1 starlingSports fmd Harry a \lIfe 100 SO 70 or 10" Description.. 601 myrtle "'arbler 4 palm v;ar

8 30-WS1 R-Ne"s Buntle) Brmkley Report WHEN-Twilight Zone A spaceman IS such as a blR flock or mil bier 1 English sparrow 1530"UE~-:'\E\ls Walter Cronkite stranded on anolher planet hons are figures that cannot meado.... lark 7 red.... 109 455 rusWN\ S-Hawahan Eye A "oman s hus WN\ S-Farmer s Daughter Glen a d be used Sometimes one can ty blackbird 18 grackle 62 cowband IS murdered Katv have to stay o\ermght m the ho~e esumate a flock bv countln~ a bird 135 cardmal 104 dlCkcls

f OO-:S:~;~~:~u:t ~~~s: :u:~g~rRedl of a Justice of the peace Ismail patch and then e!l;Umallng c;el 1 e'emng grosbeak ll4 pur

WHEN-Robin Hood A man IS asked to 10 OO-"S\ R-Jack Paar (C) Dody Goodman :;; er;.~;:~~~:('~nt~~:::; I~ r~; ~~:e:1 s~:;~e: s::;:~~~hescort a man s baniShed brother out of and Barbra Strelsand guest lrough value can be obtained fori Junco 195 tree sparrow 73 chipthe family manor WHEN-AHred Hitchcock A college s birds that came In larie num ping sparro\lo 9 field sparrow 11

,. 3G-WNY~77 Sunset StriP A policeman foothaU hero turnlS out to be an alco- bers wblte crowned 5 \lhite throat 11accused of taking a bribe seeks Stu s hohc E\erllog grosbeak 'I1tP (ount fox !'parrow J6 song sparrow 58help In prO~lng hiS mnocence WNl: S-B(lxlng Jose Stable (W 22 L-2 was 114 Tn big nl~ht years I snow bunllng 3"SYR-Internahonal Showtlme KO s 6) versus Graland Randall (338 usually get about 250 When the 1.WHEN-Young People s Concert Leon 413) Ifhghts are smal1 20 to 30 IS thel Ch h S .~~ Bernstem s first speCial of the sea if ~t:N~w1~~~~ J~~~~reews Weather h~~~l ben:nm~:~lIn:r:~esor~p~~~s UTe ervlce

8 3Q-WSYR-Bob Jlope (C) A Bnltsh mtel 11 I5-S\'~No'\'S'-S1 All Ipect that thls will probably be a To Be Broadcasthgence agent suspects a war hero of '1 e\ e en f I d r thgmng secrets to the Soviets 11 30-WHEN-:\to\les 1he Hunchback of aJ;h~ grOe~OI~~a~n o~,e~~:e:;~~ :----------WHEN-Route 66 An assassm tries to Notre Dame" Story of a deformed beli becks came from scaltered 10 The Secret of Genuinemurder a Middle East ruler at Niagara rlllger Gma LoIlobrlgld~ and Anthony catIOns such as Tupper Lake Th!mks.l:;lvlng \10111 be the serFalls QUinn Night Club Girl A brothel and Wlutne POint New Berhn mon subject of the Rev ErnestWNYS-Burke s Law Burke gets a call h:s sister go to HolI~ wood Edward Comfe: T\lexlco Oneonta Nor I Laycock when the Northfrom a psychiatrist that one of hlS pa NorriS and Vivian AusUn wlch Manetta and FJveltevllie Syracuse Baptist Church servtienls plans to murder hun WSYR-Jobnny Carson (C) Most of them sct'm to be still ~~~r'swl~e:~d Ra;di~l ~~ J~~I~~

S d D T I ~t~~:gf;:J~~:l ~~~~I~S~V~~ynot vis Choir directed by Mrs RIchardatur oy aytlme e eVISIOn !\Irs James Otlllle\l and Mrs Clark and the Semor ChOir led

8 55-WREN-Sign On 10 30-WSYR-Fmeball-XLS WNYS-Flicka C Maxwell each reported 25 ~m~lc~;:: ~~ro~~~n b~11I t~~

7 OG-~'~~~t;Sunrlse :=~~~~:;~~; Mouse 1 30-~~\~"j~~~~~1~; (C) ~p~le~10~;0~IS~a~a~9 n;~~e I ~I~; or:1arn Lavcock also will :e th:725--WSYR-Devotlons 20G-nNYS-Mo\le Danger pose the a\erage number wa" 110'1 of BIble Impact at 909173G-nSYR-Jamboree Six 11 Ol)-"SYR-Denms the ]s My Busmes so h nd 9 or 10 01

Gun Gold Menace llS;R_Mo'less

VaHey re~~~v ~~~pa~~ummd thaTsr:ael~ pm today over WFBLII HEN-Flicker Fun WNYS-Casper of the Sun and Black renorts are Just as Important as -----

7 5G-WNYS-Hi Kids (C) l\ HEN-Rm Tm Tin beard of the Pratne large ones In telhn~ us some IRON1' FALLS ON STARS I8 Oo-Wr\lS-Lone Ranger 11 30-WSYR-Fury 2 SG-"NYS-Movie The thmg about the populatIons of We noted recentlv the Irony

WIIEN-Capt Kangaroo WNYS-Beame and Cvclops' the \anous kmds of blJ'd" Re- of Red Skelton s bemg made an8 3G-WSYR-Popeye CeCil 4 OG-WNYS-FootbaJl The ports are welcome e' en If only honorary flre chief-while at

WNYS-Wilham Tell WHEN-Roy Rogers Grey Cup t\lO speCies are listed the same moment hiS house• OG-WHEN-Ahm Show 12 OG-lfSYR-Sgt Preston WIIEN-College S core FIfteen people reported. spe was burmng to the ground weill

WNY8-Afncan Patrol WNl: 5-Bugs Bunny board cles not seen by anyone else A last week the Beverly IlI11bliS 3G-WNYS-Funny Co (C) 1\HEN-5ky King 415--WHEN-eBS All Amen hamer was spoued by JOhnlhes Irene Ryan smashed a

WHEN-Tennessee 12 3D-llSYR-Bullwmkle (C) can Team Longyear III of Hamilton A fender on her new car whlieTuxedo WIIE~-CoUeglate Kick 4 45--WIIEN-~lovie Herod screech owl was spotted b' Mr rushmg to make a 'safe dm

10 OG-~~t:~~Ulck Draw 1 Oo-~HEN-FotbaU Arm y ~I~: ~¥:~a~ and IO\ls :~~ ;t~~rn':o ;:Imb~ ~ ~I~~~~a Ing tape for the A~A IlfNYS-5uperman \S Navy 5 00-1\SYR-NF L lhghhghts topher of Homcr MIS LambWSYR-Hector Heath PiNYS-:\laglc Land of 5 3G-nSl R-)lovle Bom also had the only pileated wood "NSWER TO TOUY'S PUZZlEcote (C> AlIakazan bar<her ' pecker seen W E Benning of T

Clyde had a red beUled woodpecker

Mrs B W RCifenstein reings POrted a kingbird m her ya'"dWHEN-Phil Slhers :\lrs DaVid Reed of Central

9 30-WNIS-Jerry LeWIS Square had a catbird A 'Aood10 OG-WHEN-Gunsmoke thrush was seen by Mrs MonII OG-WSYR WHEN-Ne.... s son and a bluebird bv MrsII 3G-WSl: R-Mo' Ie Gun Runners Boward Eckerlin near Manhus I

WHEN-l\lo\les Operation Pacific Helen Gregory or Conifer reoand Good Mormng Judge POrted a shnke and a dickCisselWN1S-:\1ovles She Gods of Shark Mrs Henry Feele of Oneida hadReef and The H)notic Eye a palm warbler j

Page 9: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY

I ,




(Continued on Page 26)


requJem wUl be celebrated at730 pm

An open prayer service willbe conducted at 11 a m tomor.roYo In the l\ORTIl SYRACUSEBAPTIST CII RCH 'Yo Ith theRe\ Ernest La)cock palor of·flClatlng

FAIRl\IOUr<iT COMMUr<iITYCHURCH "ill conduct a memo­rial sen ice at 10 30 a m tomor·row for PreSident Kennedy the




toCity to Follow NptionIn Day of Mourning

Riehlmall OffersFinal Respects

Goes to White House

A CIty mourns Its preSidentTomorrow, Jommg the entire country m paymg

tnbute to President John F Kennedy, Syracuse \\U1close many of Its busmesses, fmancIa1 mstltuhons, re­tail stores and government offices

Theaters will remam closed until 6 p m TeleVISionstations are devoting all time to the death of thePreSIdent I

Sytacusans will pray board will be open to recel\ eChurches and synogogues emergency calls and cert8Jn de­

throughout the area will be partments wdl have minimumconducting sef'1nces for the na staffmg to handle such emergen­tion s martyred leader toda) cles"and tomorrow I AU state and Cederal opera· -

The military 10 Svracuse will tions WIU also be shut down asoffiCially ob:.en e a day of much as poSSible

~~~r~~~~c~I~r~~r:~li:~n ~~~ The l'ew York State DIVlslonday off A Hancock Fleld of Emplovment announced per·spokesman said only those per lsons scheduled to be seen tOosons essenual for mamtammg morrow may report either Tues-­an alert status will be kept onl day or Wednesday Road testsduty Gnffiss AFB Rome, will and vehicle bearings tn Syra.follow SUit euse Os"ego Oneida and Au·

Thousands of Syracu"ans will burn hale been canceled byhave the day off-a three day the Department of :Motor \ ehl'"eekend There Will be nolclesgalet... as the CIty fpels the bur tan, to.... n and Village gO\(dcn of bereavement at the pass crnment offices In the countyIns of a great leader of men 1\\ III also be shut do" n for theThere \\111 be no Republicans day

nOA&e~~~~~~;~~s~ff~~~r:;.ef~e The f;u~[Oc~m~~~~o~~ n 1J. h: 0"unly will close for the t»\)' snlngs blHlk.) III Svr1:lC' \ \\ II

t e.x' epl thOloe necessary to ~~o tclo~e from 11 a m until m\ Idc essential servIces Unl!!ss the state procl \ ms a

Mayor Wdham F Walsh led bank holiday thf: lnstltubor.sthe closlllg of go\ernment and canot close for the entire daybusiness services Fnday night Nearly all downtown retailWith an announcement closmg stores \\ III not open tomorrowCity Hall and all Clt~ offIces, at all The malor food storemcluding schools chams m lhe area wdl dose

All parochial schools Will be from 11 to 2closed and pflvate schools Will A number of manufacturlD~either shut down or curtail all concerns Will close for the dayBcll\ lties or part of the da\

Onondaga Countv Execulive Included ID the hst are Car·John H Mulro) yesterdav pro rler Corp Bnstol Laboratones,claimed Monday' as a day Of1the. Gray S~racuse Co Vega In.mournmg m Onondaga Countv dusUles 0 M Edwards Cofor our deceased President Inc Onondaga POllen theCount\ offices under my super Caldwell and Ward Brass CoVISion \\,11 be offiCially closed land the Tag 0 matlc Machm8except Ihose whleb are necesICosarv to matnwn essential serv GE UndecidedIce The General ElectriC Co ,es·

Minimum Staffs"The county telephone SWitch (Continued on Page %6)

A requiem !\lass 'Yo W be celebrated at DOOIl tomorrow ill STPETER S CHURCH, i09 JamesSt , and a solemn high Mass of

Special memonal ServlCf!Swill be conducted at all threeregular serVIces of TRINITYEPISCOPAL CHURCH today

ST PAUL S E P , S CO PALCHURCH will conduct a memonal celebratlon of the Hoi)'Communion at noon tomorrow,the time set for Washington,DC, serVlces

P A U L RUSSIAN ORTBODOX CHURCH, 401 Hamilton St ,Yo III conduct two services - oneat noon todaY llnd another at8 pm With the Very RevAlexander A Warnecke offlclat109

1\11 Orlhodox Christian studentsat S)racuse University ha\ebeen urged to attend a requiemsen lee at 6 p m today InCHAPEL HOUSE on the campus. Tbe Very Rev Ale:a:anderA Warnecke, chaplain to thegroup, will officiate.SAINTS PETER AND


Darnel C Harnett pastor of SLFranCIS Church the Rev KeithShmaman, pastor of First Presbytenan Church the RevGeorge K Norton pastor ofFrrst MethodIst Church and theRe\ M DenniS Lee rector ofSt John s Episcopal Church

At 7 45 pm today a speCialservice \,,11 be conduct€d at theZION METHODIST CHURCH,the Rev Almon Babbitt oH1CIatIng All )oung people are urgedto attend

Woman TellsMemories of'Uncle Jack'


Business Places

of the Syracuse Area Council ofChurches the Rev DaVId Norcolt pastor of St Joseph sChurch the Rev Dr WilliamH McConaghy chairman of theInterfaith Comnuttee and theRev GIles R Wnght pastor ofHopps Memonal CME Church

In addition to the cltyv.ldesen: Ices the follo~ mg churchesand groups have scheduledmemOrial services

An mterfalth service Yo ill beconducted at 4 pm todav m theMARCELLUS ffiGH SCHOOLAUDITORIU!'I1 PartlClpahng Inthe ser\ Ice Will be the Rev


** *


Syracuse Unnerslty HendricksChapel Chorr and the LeMovneCollege Glee Clubs OrgamstWill be Dr Arthur POlster ofSU

Ma)or Wilham F Walsh willtake part In the sen Ice, deliver109 a personal tribute Amongthe clerg) men partiCipatmg "iltbe the Rt Re\ Walter M Higley bishop of the EpIscopalDiocese of Syracuse, the RtRev Msgr Charles J Brad\drrector of the Bishop FaeryFoundatlon Rabbi Theodore SLevy of the Temple ConcordSoCiety, the Rev Bruce Roberts




War Memorial Rite to Lead City Mourning

City Thundered ReceptionTo '60 Candidate Johnson

* * *1,500 Pacl{ CathedralAt President's Mass



A oty WIde mterdenonnnational memorial servl~ forPreSident John F Kennedy willbe conducted at 4 pm today Inthe Onondaga County WarMemOrial by the Syracuse Interfalth Committee on RellglO,lIand Race

The ser\'lce wUl be conductedby represenlattves of all malorfallhs m the area mcludmg allProtestant denonunatlons Eastern Orthodox Roman Catholicand JeWish

MUSIC for the service whichis open to all poople of all(3.Iths, will be prOVided by the


About 1500 persons, man) O(!ShUffling and rustling were con Yesterday's Cathedral Massthem non Catholics crowded SPICUOUS{y absent, and even the \\as the ofhclal Mass of the!

~fe ~~c~nO~t~: aI:m~~ I~~eb~:ess;l~m~:: ~~e~:t o~o Diocese of S~'facuse In memoryterda" to partiCIpate In a sol, caslon and reframed (rom cry 10f the lale President Churchesemn pontifical requiem Mass mg In the diocese .....ilt have Masses(or Prestdent John F Kennedy SorrO"ful Faces for their own panshlOners on

All 1 200 seats m the Catheoral Most of those who attended dates and at times they willwere OceuPled 10 mmutes before the Mass registered therr sor announcethe Mass bcgan Many of those row plainly In therr faces as the The Pnests ChOIr sang atwho arrIved later 1med the three/ Mass progressed Maru-men ~esterday s Mass Before theatsles, two rows to an aisle and women ahke---unashamedly Mass the organ played Amerfrom the commuruon rail to Wiped tears from their cheeks Ica The Beautiful ' and as thethe back of the church The as the Mass reached the three Mass concluded 'The S taroverflow congregated 111 the POints v.: here there was speCifiC Spangled Banner"rear of the church and In the reference to the late president The Rt Rev Msgr Robert Evestibule In the fonn of • thy servantlDllion pastor of Blessed Sacra

Many members of the Protes John" These were the Col ment church was celebrant 01tant and J ewtsh (8Jths lomed lett, the Secret Prayer and the the Mass The archpnest was thelCatholic commUntcants at the Post Commumon prayer And Rt Rev Msgr Richard "'­Mass and Republicans appear fmall) , III the Absolution prayerl Clark pastor of St Charlesed to be as plentiful as Demo- at the end of the Mass the late Borromeo church Icrats PreSident was referred to by The deacon was the Rev

The sadness and gnef felt by hiS full name John Fitzgerald Joseph:M Champlin The sub­the entire communth because of Kf'nnedy The Mass was mark !deacon was lhe Re" John Sthe slaYing of the PreSident Fri ed by the recltahon of the Fmnegan and the master ofday was mirrored in the faces IPrayer of Archbishop Carroll ceremomes was the Rev Josephof those who attended the Ca Ilor church and civil authorities F Kane The Rev Edward JIthedral Mass yesterday The Archbishop Carroll was the first .Haycs reCited speoial pra~erscheery gatheflngs usuallv ex Cathohc bl"hop In the United from the pulJlll The last four Fnends 01 John F. Kechanged In lront of the church States and the first bishop oflare all assistant pasto[~ of lhebE"fore and after M3!':S werl' Ballimore q\ \cathedrill of ltoe: 11'l~;C'U1ate ~cn John F i~t14IncC1.J :.,;,.~mls.slng Everyone was in al While most of those 8tteri«ftng Conceptton Hundreds of parISh I Torbert McDonald daughtersomber mood The church was the Mass controlled theIr grleJ lOners paid their respects to thep~rtieularly qUIet during thej a few 50bbed qUIetly. lind sev late President by receiving Holy George W Seiler of BaldwmMass The customsr) coughing, eral wept openl) Communion a testimomal dInner honor

husband. Congressman M

A Bald\\lnS\llle \\oman whoseBy LlITHER F BLI\iEN la sound truck and delivered an/systems In other parts of the son 10 law roomed wllh Pre"l

Pre5ldent Lyndon B Johnson unscheduled speech hotel to enable hundreds who dent Kennedv at Han ard URI

was g1\ en a thunderous recep- 'We re Going To Will' f:u~~~: gh~~ mt~t~e p~~~~~e~ ~;I~~r:e~~::l~ed :,~~~a~a~~~rtion when he ViSited Syracuse, Johnson told his cheenng ~e applause that greeted Johnson grandchildren) called • UncleNo\ 2,191)0, in the closing da~s1:=O~1~e:~er~r Sidew:o~av~e re and his wife when thev entered Jack'of the liM presidential cam gomg to WUl" ,the ballroom delayed the start The daughter of Mrs Georgep81gn of the speaking program sev IW Seiler II W Genesee Street

S;::~~~lyhewh~~;oh:I~:t 1~~I~~:~I!:h1rri;a~:~~~~0r:leralm=~::d at Turnout ~d;~~D~~~~o~t~;n~~ iJ~:hTexas to meet the late Presl due downtown but confldenUy The now PreSident Johnson term as a ~fassachqseUs Condent John F Kennedy to cam declann he Voas om to bel was amazed at the size of the gJ"esslOnal repre.'1entati\epalgn In the Lone Star state elected gVlce presl~entg said turnout at the rally In hiS honor After frraduatio I from collegeJohnson was agam tra\ehng· if you II mVlte'me I U I dldn t expect thiS kmd of ~lcDonald tra~eled extensl\ely\\-'lth Kennedy In Texas Fnday come.. back to Syracuse we Ii a cro.... d In "hat we thought had With Kennedv Both voung menwhen the late PreSident was have more time and we II cook one time been Republican ter were mlensely mterested in thekilled and Johnson ascended to the old red roos'er ' ntory" he declared ~~~l~~~mental Yoorklngs of otherthe presidency Hurned downtown in a big In hiS speech here Johnson l\[ D ld I

Johnson was a candIdate for motorcade Johnson was greet- mixed folky stones sahre and c on~ a so was With Kenthe Vlce presidency when he ed at the Hotel Onondaga by a humor With a rip roaring attack n~dY as e ~a~n~~edhthe poilUVl5lted Syracuse He was ac crowd of about 2000 yelling on Republican failures He took ~res~d:::; K:nned r~~ f~~~: SpKlol f. Tn. Pod StondorJ /Rlehlman said the formal \lsitcompamed by his Vo1fe, Mrs cheenng stomping Kennedy sWipes at former President Senate and McD~ald for a WASHINGTON-Rep R Wal of respect was very shortClaudia Alta (Lady Bird) John Johnson backers Dwight D Eisenhower and Ken Hous~ of Representatives eat ter R I e him a n of 1'u11~ Onon Honor Guardson The two of them cap He spoke In the grand ball nedy's Republican opponent. on the same platform In 1~53 daga Count~ flew here Satur The Congressmen Rlehlman~"ed th; hearts and JoyalheS room bUl other room15 were -- Aided Jackie Mrs George W Seiler of 3aldwlnsville yesterday dav from Syracuse to call at the said passed bcl.... een an honor:ntf;eama~;o~:~~bl~~an:P~~~ eqUlppcd Wlth pubhc ~ddress (Continued on Page 26) 'Jackie was timId ahout cam remInisced over a picture of her daughter Phyllis, WhIle Hou~e and pay hiS fmal f~~rd oJ sef\lccmen out~d~ theJudging by subsequent election ralgnlng so my daughler Phyl and her husband Rep Torbert McDonald talking ~ehsP;c~s to ~e late PreSIdent hvolteabr~~~~ e~tl~~n~e v.:ente~~results /:C~~~ded her out Mrs Sellcr With tnc late Pl eSldent Kennedy The occaSIOn \\ as °M:mber:n;f

et~e U S Senate through the White House s mam

The th:n~~~a~w~:~ator and Mrs McDonald as Phvllls a testimOnial dinner In Malden, Mass, McDonald s and House.. of Representatives enhance The ConglossmcnSenate MaJonty Leader had Brooks had appeared on Broad district where Mr Kennedy then a sen a tOT, .... CIC pClmlHed to call between ~~~et~~~s;:~~~Jhl~lt~h~~eR~al~tbeen handed the task of mak M~ga~~th ~~~I~lanMe:~'lIlm:3~ praised guest of honor McDonald as an outstandmg 2 ~tea~~;n~amga h~spt~~tl~~n \\as Room where tl ey hied past the109 the wmdup campaign swing lIt If1 d dId k tacross Upstate Ne\\ York on :a~~e~~I~~s :coc~r~~~~gt:e~~~ egis a or :~~oa7~~W~g~~SthR~~ C1r:.::~ t~~m~a~~e ~~J; O~asth~ ~:~~behalf of the Kennedy Johnson mother get 110 many handsome chll Mrs Seller declared referring der Plrme of Utica Rep HarOJdlpreSldentprT~~en~~n~~~eiohnllon earn • All my four grandchildren dren?" the Presldent greeted to Kennedy s war Injury C Ostertag of Attica, and Mrs Large candlcs bUlned one. atpalgn planners mItially had some had lunched With the president the Congressman and hIS brood 'Phyllis told me of having Cathenne Mav a Congresswom elthel end of tne casket RIehl.qualms when the upstate tour S~I~: White House,' said Mrs After gl,lng smdmg credit to dinner "Ith the PreSident She ~o~ (rom the State of Washing· ~n~; li:~dts ~h~~e s~:~I~~~ ~~s~

~:~,\:b~~~::~n~~~~:c1~EJ T::;e.'(e;r":t:n;l~s ~~dfa~~~, ~ n:;' ~:'~:;~Ul :;~dehl'R~:~, ~~: he~e o~~~:d'h·~lp::~~ct:::B~~d~~gm:'ndt:~~eH;~~~nO:~c: ~~O~c:'nh:C:rh;:~'~~~~~:;v~~~~upstate because he was a south and a student at i\ndo\er Acad whom he had not met before he had to hale Once Ph~lhslpolllt near the White House by tfte Kenned\ ~ occupied th e

erner, or westerner WIth a con e",l\h~n~~~~~r i\~ar~;n 10 Years I 'w Tosst'd Hf'r In A:: said Mr Kennedy e}ed the other IRlehl~~I:k~:~1~~e Blocks W~~:r~o::: a CTUCl£tx on theslderably more conservative old lunched WIth hIS father and ell there s Roblll he ex dinnus and said McDonald [d The Rlehlman group had to casket Rlehlm~n said An hO,lorbackground than the late Presl the PreSident Mrs SCIler said claimed Thf' little gIrl In pmk gIve vou m) bank account for a1lght from their car about three. guard of st'f\ Il (,'11en stood atdent Kennedy PJcture Takcn organd) dress and white gloves that steak" blocks fro m the White House aUentIon one af each corner ofT But the smiling drawling "The President sat Bnan In curtsied and said 'How do you Laun ~lcDonald 16 IS Mrs and walk the rest of the "ay the casket and one near theB~an",~doe:~ ~:r:.~n~~~~ hiS own chaIr and a PiC do Mr President' Seller s other grandchild The traffiC Jam near the White head of the casketthey went The Johnson party lure was taken of the httle boy The taU man laughed picked Mrs Seiler s husband general House \\as so heav) no vehIcleI The mourners hl('d steadllv.

had appeared in Rochester be ~d~ ~nsd (~~er~~~~:: :;; ~: ~:~ :::' t~~ ~~~ as~n:n~~~s~ ~a~ag~~eOffo:~~h~:~,at~er~co~:hf~ta~e~~~~e~la:erewasl¥~~r:lo:~ n~astst~~~In:as~~~(ore coming to Syracuse and other do pretty well alld how do sou two and a hali years ago Our a tremendous number of peOPlelcaSket was not opentheir plane was 45 minutes late Then the President said, do? • mg bls illness his Widow said assembled In a big park across Rlehlman said that \\hlle hearrtvlng at Hancock FIeld here Well young man you d better 'He wai alwa)$ wonderful' He got a wonderful, wonderful the street from the White House was In the White House nobecause of a big turnout at the hop down from there It s not an Itke that to hiS fnends ' RoblD's letter from Jack' Some of them had apparently members of the Kennedy faml.Johnson rally in Rochester easy seat to SIt In .. Mrs Seller grandmother rernlR1sc~ yester Mrs Seiler said she last saw been standing the r e for hours Iy \\ ere Ul slnht nor were anybl;Oh~~ Va::;Qvr~d S~~:l~~d, ~: recalled sadly dav Mr Kennedy at a testimOnial lust Voatchlng the stream of top cabmet members present

waved hiS big Texas hat alofl PI~t~:: ::SC;;I~~ at~~ ~~~~~ k:~~s J~~~e;el~~~d ~~~:uygh~~ ~n~~~c~l~:~ ~;:s:ae:h~~~t~ ~~~ l~~~t~t ~~a:~ ,~~~~I:u~ur In H~~~ ar~~t'~I~~~~e ~~d W:~:as he emerged gnnmng from fnend from the PreSident fore either of thclr husbanos cn lator spoke I The \lewers had to remam cro.... ded \\Ith Secret Servicethe plane Some who had re Here Three Years Ago Robm McDonald no.... 7 met tercd poliUcs McDonald ushered We also had a long talk "Ithlacross the street from the White men FBI agents and ne.... smencaUed the heart aHack he had the President at a lunchcon al Ihe Sept 12 1953 wedding OfjhIIR \\hen he spoke at the Syra House They couldn t cross the 1 herh \\as a tremendous amountsuffered earlier hall expected PreSIdent Lyndon B Jobnson and hiS wife, Lady prevIous to a reception at the/JOhn Kennedy and Jacquehne cuse Unlverslly commencement street or approach the Whlte/Of tele\IS10n camera eqUIpment,he would walk slowly and avoid Bird, pIctured m Syracuse In 1960 when Johnson Italian Embassy In Washlhgnm BOUVIer Ih 19:i7,' she recalled IHouse entrance \\Ithout proper Rlehlman slated A black bunt.undu. exertion They were 5UI' "'here her lather was to be Cites Back Iidury" The \\orld has lost a great Identification 109 o.,:er the entrance to theprised when 1M strode brIskly was campaIgnmg for election as VIce pre61dent. honored 'That man went through eight and dedicated young man," Mrs Once he and hiS g r 0 u p White House ,er...ed formal no--.crOJl the (leld, clambered atop l' "Say, McDonald, how dId youlyean of agony with his back," Seiler .aId yesterday reached the White H 0 u Ii e, hc;:e of mournlni




GR 9-7082Call U. Day or Nlrbt

622 Burnet Ave.


the rooms as a den Basement lS Ia.cated beneath the entire liVIng areaor the house

,,- -, - #-4-,

FLOOR PLAJ'I The baste area of thishouse IS a modest 1100 square feetOptional wall diVIdes the t"o familybedrooms, or else deSignates one of

IC7heHouse ofthe UfekB7 IlAJUO ROSSI

Posl ScrIpts


The World InStamps


When Pre sid e n t Roosevelt1tones They moved as thoughdied there '" as widespread In a daze Thev asked them

mourning of a deeply personal ~:~:s.m~:nh~"~e': :~~Id v~~nat u r e and~ theIr brother or son ormany an Amen !rather suddenlv passed 3\l;aycan "'as mo\ed And they shed tears at the cruel

~~ ~~mh~~t gt~:~ ~ ~ :,::er In which death hadwas akm to the • • •reactIon heV;OUld~~ 1et Job. F Kennedv didex pee I up 0 n X'" oot I~ad these people throughlearnmg of the "a "ar. (though he acted courpassmg of some- ageoush when hiS counlryone '" h 0 had teetered precariously 011 thebeen very close brink) He did not fact. a deto hun This \\ as Marlo Rossi pression ",Itb them he did

By SHERftlAN WALKER due I thmk only In part not, through tbe for~e of his.]J1plter Is the champlOn planet In regard to satellites 1% to Roose\ elt s personallt) true ton, Inject himself direct I)

havmg beet) discovered so far Four of ~se were dlSCO\ered by he had the so called common l'lto their "cry personal eXistGahleo m 1610 when he frrst used a telescope to study the skies touch but not to a degree that ence Things Just dldn t "orkSatellites numbered 9 10 11 and 12 were discovered by Amen obViated the baSIC aristocracy out tbal ~a)' He had a multican astronomer Seth B Nicholson who passed away lust thiS of hiS nature tude of problems that aHectedlast summer Dr Nicholson "as sometimes mtroduced a~ the the naUoD and even one In II the open floor plan of thiS elegant little two or threesecond man In history to discover 4 satelhtes of Jupiter People so r r 0 \\ e d 0\ er but hiS otrlclal Ide did not 1-.::.-----,:-:-:-----,-:-:--·-----,:-:--~-_:_-_:_:::_:_7:"___;_---_,____;_;;_--__;_

The frrst four moons "ere gnen names from claSSical m) ROflsevelt as the.,.... did not parallel that of RooscHU s in Thl t Ish li I A cathedral cellI n g, gotls' space savmg skill IS Just enough hall space tothology but when the fifth "as dlsco\ered thiS system \\as aban merely because of his person to'rm of D II out t th. S s yl tt e ranch which follows the roof hne the kitchen servIcmg count permit easy clrculatIondoned In fa\ or of numbers They are numbered m order of diS s a a oge er type home was deSigned es 'covery and not accordmg to distance so that readmg outward :~I~;e ":,~k~::: f~~~ ~~~e t:e~ ness witb th: pecIally for modest SIzed tncreases the feeling of spa er It prOVides handy ac The hQuse contaIns, a fulltrom Jupiter they 8re as follows V, I n, III IV, VI, VII, X, h.ld been through so much Consldenng thiS one can be- IncomeS, but Its con tempo CIOusness 10 the combma cess to the dmmg room, basement-but It Isn t JustXII, VIII and IX "lIh him In a sense of to gm to grasp the true mark of ddt ht tIOn hvmg room and dinmg gIves additional countertop another dleary cellar, farwhJl~aie~I~~eh~;ea~:O~~tha:~I;ee~~~~~ ~~~ne ~\~eth~so~~:~~u::e 1;etherness" There "as a the man He was the kmd Ofl;~:\~ardesI~~ oa~ :r~~I~ge area ThIS IS further en work area, and can be us~d flom It Th1S basement hasvery small The four most dIstant moons have retrograde mo bitter dcpresslon and he human being who made you feel t k t d 1 f hanced by floor to ceiling as a built m breakfast bar s II dIn g glass wmdowstion meaning the~ orbit from east to west opposite to the others I cached Into their lives with that you had shaken hiS hand :nen ~h rna e I I et or four sectIOnal pIcture WIn Another benefIt of the above grade lev~l, allowmg

Why these four should orbit back.... ard lS unknown but there hi\< federal programs of as an~ hsten4 t0knhun ~n personl wToho her uses as we do\\s wIth bottom venbJat open serving counter IS that plenty of natmal light and

~ser~dtht:r~I~~:I~~:YJu~~~rh:~d :~~: ~;~ur~~e~~I~o~~; \\an :~~~t~~' c~h:::r:~~rat::o::e~ ~~OUg~O~o: h~d o~~ lSe~~hl~v~~ exce~e~tU~:c~~~l~:aeke-a~mg hmged sashes at the It permIts a Vlew of the air so that It becomes, In

It was the moons of Juplter that led to the discover) of the and he pushed for social se· teleVISion and read aboul hIm m lakeSide or mountam re- rear of the livmg room IbaCkyard directly across effect, bonus hvmg areaspeed of light A Danish astrono"!er named 0 Roemer (1644 clIflty, and finally, there \\as the newspapers You .... eren tit t t bl f The kitchen IS located at the livmg, room The front The area can be developed1710) noticed that when 'the earth ",as In the part of Its orbit ~I:r e~~~~ 3:~~:in3~~;c~~m~~t bound tOblhlm by economiC 0" ~ea SUI a de or a~y tlm~ the front of the house an yard of course IS VISible to the owner's taste for rec.

~~~~stt~~tJ~~~e~~~~:;~~e3ff~~e~~e~oor;:ec~:~d:~e~:f"t~=feeled their lives Thus when ~a~ry pr~ec::~ ::ua~~;e~ \~~l~l~llf~:~: a;r I~nywO:e ~e Ideal arrangement '\hJCblthro~gh the WIn'dow above reatlOn, storage and laun-because hght took less lime to cross lhe shorter distance he died he "as more than a him face to (ace yel lOU Ideal for retirement not so puts both the mam entry,the double smk dry facilities

_ _ NE......X_T_W_E_E_K_T_he_Se_a_h_'o_ns_'e_' 1 ~;~:II:,en~o:: t~~~ a~ye~:~ thought of hIm as a fflend barge It \\ ould bU~den a foyer and a SIde sen Ice en The bedroom are a IS The garage IS smgle carmore tban a leader, he \\as "Wb iii ••• housekeeper but Wit h trance only a few steps nicely laId out with an Width but It also has built·a man "'bose existence had h e I er ,oa agreed with plent of' h th a\\ay An excellent featureIabundance of closet space In storage space because otbeen Intertwmed wllh the des h:: s:J~~c;~/:m~:~n~~:u~o granJchl1~:mc ~;~ t ~ and fme example of ChIr- excellent ventilation and ItS extra length A separatetintes of aU mistakable Ii u .. a n It , 'ou VISit I,..... door at the rear tS handy

liked his de"oIlOll to hisfam: : for putting away gardenThis same feeltng that the tI) You felt lie ud the com A key feature of the de The Post·Standard, 300 E, Fayette St., Syracusl!l, N.Y.: tools. lawn chairs and the _

The United Nations Postal IgaUon Co was deSigned b~ man was more than a PreSident mon tOQcb •• without affecta Sign IS an optional \\ all : ' ltke

~~II~S~ti~~u:a:a:d~~:~ ~::\3C6~~a~~~~1 ~~~v 1~~d ~h~s d:3:e:~a~~:ne;Jd~n:nnU:yn ~~t~d ~ ::-:t~t~:~'A~:ru ~:~h aWt:~ ~:dr:~e~ ~: HOUSE OF THE WEEK EDITOR : 1----------,

h~~~gJ~e 1~3 ~:~'::as~~::r l~~ur~n~~~~~ ~1~~eI~e~eers~~a:oss w:~e :~f lea",:n ~rms "ctourage and three bedroom home If a: : A t~~ :~A~~~oomter Go v ern map of the Israel coast wa-= deep and human and emo- ~::'" it~e e~O:le ~O:UI~nd ~:~ master bedroom IS all that: Endosed IS SOc plelJse send me Q copy of : ranet! contammg one fullmental Maritime Pnnting was In small sheets lional People wept m thel so \OU wepl ••• not for a a famliy reqUires the "all , the study pion to, The House ot the Week H 4 . bath combmation hvmgConsultati~e Or of 12 stamps \\Ith three descnp- streets They found It diHlcult s\mbol al"ne ••• but for a still could be built and the; - : room kitchen fo)'er fullg a n I % a t Ion ti ...e tabs adjacent to the bottom to eat They spoke m muted Ulan additIonal room converted: : ~:::ml~~m:r:~~w::'1 f~o

:ftC~)N st~~:: r::e:~ ~~a~t ~;'':~nl0: d~fe mto a den : NAME (Pleose Prrnt) ••••••••• : square fee t not countingof 1964 were de to be. announced The house IS desIgn 4 H : STREET : 312 square foot garage and&Ignro b) Henry The (our Israeli fish stamps In the weekly s e r I e s a I • • • •• • •••••• I 312 square foot breezewav

Bencsath of New agam depicting species from ---By 1"1'11 ....... product of archItect \Vl1 :, CITY/TOWN ST 0TE : Basement is 1100 squareYork though the the Red Sea were desJ.gned by AM 1 G Ch t Its b ••••••• I' ZONE, "" • • , feet 0\ er all dtmensJonstmblem Incorpo Bru.n-.. Jr 1\1 and 0 Shamrr, also of Tell lam Irgo IS aSJC : •• ", are 504" wid e by 3210"rated in the design IS attrIbut A\I\ M.cIlUl o...d_, ewe.,. Mk area IS 1,100 square feet: :1 deep angled garage pro-able to Olav Mathiesen of Den I The stamps were produced 1n not countmg the breezewaj , , lection adds 16mark small sheets of 15 stamps With d d '- -1

An Initial rmhn order for five descrIph\e tabs at the bot In Chicago we are planmng per cent of the I bo dan garage, ImenSlOns K' \265n noo of the 5 c;nt and 2 110m Denommations are 2 6 8 to do tuberculin tests on about guls shOWing o~e t~~c:cnu Iare 32'10" deep by 504' - #C 1--:----:-'-'----'!"-'---:,-"--,--"--=.:.R;J=~:g;::g;1400000 of the 11 cent stamps and 12 agorot I01tla1 Issuance 50 000 or more pubhc school lin tests and oth communlile5 wId e mclud1ng the 14 ~,'J hha; been placed With COUrvOI will be at Elat on an unan 'children In low Income areas shOWing as htlle s 3 per cent breezeway. and the angled ~;:;;<,ir}'*"~'"':'~=:;~~:=;==~~'g~::El;;sler S A of SWllzerland The nounced date We are expecting pm ate phy of the children Ith I>OSltl\ e garage proJects another 16~ .'.~.~ Iw.,Jstamps will be produced by the Sunnam did not renew Its :~It~~ \OhedOs~~:~f ~~~:~r:~ ~~e ~7:es\\~~:n c~~u k al these The architect s treatment';/. r.~~t:sgravure process In f 0 u r ~0t"~ri~~ WI~~;~~) sur;l:l~r ~~~ cause any family which can af luberculosJs IS a a~~:~~~b~~~ of the garage and breeze" ( R~oM :J R~~OM

W hen the Umted Nallons' ernmentaJ Philatelic Corp New ford m cd I c a I care certalnlv In our United Sta way deserve speCial men "I e 0 XIO 0 t 8 0 X10'0UNTEA stamp was released York) and The Netherlands should have ItS own family doc How can we find e~ adults tion The breezeway IS at C! ,:Oct 1 there were 222280 first PIT has resumed foreign sales tor Wh) are we gomg to do who have tuberculo and are the level ~f the main floor ~day co\ers ser\lced It was nghts or- Sunnam s tam p S thiS big program? spreadmg It to cbUdren? If a fC!w ste s above rad~ ~ (~ " a.also announced that an addi which It held pflor to 1959 ThiS We are fmdlng that there ate the children are ~ed inl p g :.. ....! HAtional mtlhon of the 30 cent rcg change was eHechve Oct 30 open active cases of tubercu schools and In doctol'l offices level and can be screen~d ""iIIO - LLular postage stamps were or On that date five semi postal 10SIS espeCially among adults and those sho.... mg a poslliv! or enclosed as an extensIOn :.;...~ a BATH -_dered durmg August stamps were Jssued for child hVlng In poor crowded areas test are sclected (or tblloYo up of the hvmg area .,~

ve~: Vold~: Nc~~~;~m~~63 ~~~t ;:lf~r~n~~~~~~~ngre~:mrli~ ~~~: ~~e;hC~:v:d~~~e:c°ulo~~; ~ostr:f ~:~ult:as:anol;C~~~ Placed at an angle, thesingles of each stamp Issued Surmam Denommations and and are Infecting children \\ho under treatmenl In other Yoords!garage adds mterest to thethiS year Will become a\allable subJeclS are 8 plus 3 cents In live m the same house or chll the children \\111 lead us to the contemporary facade of theDec 10 '($135) On the same dJan girl 10 plus 4 cents Bush dren who VISit them frequently ladulls who ha\e tuberculOSIS !house becoming a part ofday the !!l61 souvemr folders Negro grrl 15 plus 10 cents Cases and deaths from tuber Things to Reme.mber the deSign rather t han($12;,) Will be ",thdrawn from Hmdustan gul 20 plus 10 cents culosls In Chlcago and I sup-I Here are some facts \\hlch 1 dsale Orders WIth return post IndoneSian 81rl and 40 plus 20 pose m other big cltles are wIll help you to understand the mere Y an appen ageage added may be sent to the cents Chmese grrl Igreater In poor neighborhoods/prOblem I Additional DetailsU N Po~tal AdmInistration Sunnam (also spelled Sur! than In higher 1Ocome areas 1 A boy or 81rl With a po!'! The free and unclutteredUmted Nallons NY name) 10lned With the motherl Inore In CIties ti\e skm test for tuberculo'il!l exterIOr of the house IS tn

.~~ ~~n~e°h~~:e:;~~ ~~~~~~ ~~nt~:Sq~:~~::~alno~a~~n: anI: ~~~~ru~~~:le:r':u;;IC~~~~~:~:dtoh::: It~e~:~; a~ti\\~; perfect harmony With thetion of Human Rlghts, the UN Netherlands 10dependence by cago we found more positive or whether the natural body de open liVing pattern wlthm­will release 5 and 11 cent Issumg a 10 cents stamp depict tuberculin tests In children In are handling the mfec a pattern charactenzed bYIstamps Dec 10 The adhesl\,es,!mg the arnval of the Pnnce of the public schools than m pa tion Also from time to time a maXJ1rtum use of everydeSIgned by Rashid ud Dm of Orange at SchevenInge.n ac rochlal schools and more chil repeat x ray of the chest should Isquare Coot of floor spacePakistan and prmted in Tokyo cordmg to The Wesley Associ dren With posItive tests m the be done These x rays should bel __-_~_~~....~~~_;--_~_(eature a flame They will re ates Inc city than m the smaller to.... ns taken m a wav that protects ~-maIO on sale one year onl)-not Four sheets of the "b 1a c k ThiS results from less cro"dmg the 0\ anes and testes from t ~18 months as usual for com swan" deSign (1860) of Western and a higher economic standard ~ess X ray exposurememoratives Australla-beheved to be the of livmg for chlidren m small 2 The family of the bov or

When the 5-cent Eleanor only ones kno"n to eXlsl-ha\e towns gul who sho\\ed a posllhe tu i~~::ps ::se A:Slc:~:~m:~a~a~: ~~~e I~:~eda:) e~h~b~~~s\~;~! As a commumty changes ~:;~hnA~~~gSh~~ldada~~~ ~o~ein Washl.llglon Oct 11 a total held thiS weekend IR Canberra from a high lor middle economic turberculosls will be found thanof 860 155 first day covers was Australia area to a ow economic area 111 the general population Icanceled In all, there Voere 1 This loan display hlghhghts ~~~~:I~:SI~:~I~~;: I~tc:o~~o=t When tUberculo~s IS /ound081743 stamps sold that da}, the fact that there have been ucation and lack of early ef early there IS lia ance A~:~ ~With • value of $54087 15 but 22 speCIal (commemora rest almost a .....cases e

T"o speCial stamps yet re- live) BrItish Issues smce the fectlve mtedlcal ;:re ~hhe are present time It Is killing moremam to appear thiS year The Wembley Exhibition set of 1924~ les \'01 as g as 30 people than p.1110, menm~tis5 cent John James Audubon totahng 57 stamps m all In encephalitis, and many other

~~A~ee~l::et:~n;~~~'atS~~~e~s ~:lte~~~te~9h~:a~el::~~ddm~:I~disc:~\e~ho~~dA~tb:~~~~r~ed~n dlse~s::lth Tip of the Weekson, Ky Fnday with ute 5 t han 460 commemoratlVel Commemorative medals as Regular exerClse can makecent Sam Houston commemora stamps not mcluding airmails groups, Include the Hall of people lhe longer ThIS Is truetive to appcar Dec 13 at Hous Prescott H Thorp of Netcong Fame for Great f\mencans, for children and even more trueton Texas N J author of The Complete preSidents statehoods, signers for adults

Nationalist China has an GUide to Stamp Collecting l<DefJarallOn of Independence) Ever~one IS susceptible to thenounced that difficulties In com (Mmkus PublicatIOns Inc) and outstalldmg coin deslJ:ners common cold To help your chllpletlng • preparator) arrange has been nommated for the The Sixth and last In the lalter dren "hen they conti act thesements" have led to a po,stpone preSidency of the American group WIll appear ncxt year menacmg colds thiS fall andment of the 'Land to the Till Stamp Dealers AssocIation The and wdl commemorale James winter read Dr Abrams free X>ffl ~ers' commemorative stamp annual meeting of thiS group Longacre and George Morgan leaflet' The Common Cold To SAVER A servmg counter used as a breakfast bar The doorscheduled (or release Nov 12 will be held Dec 6 In New - obtam your free mpy send a orIers handy access from the kItchen barely VISIble at left leads to the shel

~:unc~~w date has been an Y~~'~h:~~~~~::n:f~~~~s L N fd~~7kec~;;:~tf ~:::~e~tl~r:~~ f~~P:th ~~~adr~qe~:~ toen~~ to the dirung room, and also can be tered breezeway. at nght IS the foyer

The directorate general of and M Williams have teamed lin 0 Roosevelt came IIItO ex lrvmg Abrams. Dept SPS 80x I \Posts, Taipei. has released a In produclRg 'Scott s GUIde Istence m 1946 and have been 957, Des Momes, Io"a 50304 P M h St t f 'S k'Chmese versIOn of Supplement!book to Stamp Collecting" (Sl mmted each year smce IR Phil rogress arc a e 0 asna~vn of the Postage Stamp Cata mon and Schuster-$395) ladelPhla Denver and San Fran 'SOUND' OF PROFITS ... H R d S' ONL" NEWlogue of the Repub~c of Chllla' __ c,~co The mill' maek when" NEW YORK (AP) - The Turns Way Back as 00 19" ,y

f~~~ US), embracmg Issues Of j The COin World r:~~~ ~~i~a~s o~n ~~e ~~;~r~~ ~~g~~t of ~~~~~~ '~~~Ic~~ur~~ ELLSWORTH Kan (~P)_ WICHITA Kan (AP)-Some- WILLIAMSONIsrael s arrangements for the Commemorati\e medals are the left Broad"ay annals ended Its Sometimes the march of progres body goofed m the stale high []' "

Issuance of a 1 pound Shalom not as desrrable as com memo Present \aluations are given White Way engagement \l;lth a goes m Circles way shop \\here hlgh"a) Signs - Seal-Tite¥- warm aicommemoratl\e and four ne" ratl\e coms but thev are nec only for rolls of 50 unCirculated Droflt of $2'1.1 million on a $500, ~ A hvcr} stable In Ellsworth are pamted ..z..... %Red Sea £lsh stamps are still essarv to (ill the gap left when ~OIRS In bnlllant new condition 1000 mvestment \\hlch "as converted to an auto One sign on a porhon of stale heatLng Unl.tsnot set according to the mJnlS the go\ernment deClded to dis IThe most sought after rolls are "Sound" racked up a record~repalr shop some "'ears ago has Hlghwav 96 running throUJ!"h .;..stry of posts The stamp mark continue the nunting of SpeClai 19.f9 plam and S mmt, 195G-S of 1,443 performances lust be jbeen taken o\er by the countYjWlchlta notes that the highwa) I ~l give yo the tin~.,,_'l-o,1,(ing the m8Jden vo~age o( the1half dollars 1951 S, and 1948 plain, In that blno "My Fair Lady," • Okla blstoTical sOCletv for converSlon lS In Sasnak-Kansas spelled "years ah d"; ei:C1

nag ship of the ZIM Israel Nav In recent years such medals order homal" and' South Padflc" to a Il\ery stable backward .... for econo:y ~m:~tio:nhave been authoTlzed by where space 18 at a pre t

StaInp a Com leeal s'a'e, mUnletpal NEED A The s1eok new two-l4.. bl"'"authonty They are struck us • dust-tight-a.s much "at bome~

Tradincr Guide ually m slive, and bronze and POSlnON AVAILABLE home as any othee smart m)If sometimes m platinum and the GARAGE?! newapp

i!:r~Q:::IFI'::..,..~"f'T:::,,~I?":!'.so~Ji~·6..m,m..•..~:.~\l,~'::'~e·\~~be::L:~~~~~yIl~~I~~da~~ AS SUPERINTENDENT OF RECREATION • IOlOIIOC Your WILLIAMSON Dea ,

"" • T s,sOOpOla0ti'nu'm'SOO sli'er and '0 to FOR THE CITY OF FULTO.'. I.'.... We Have a Large Selection ot Custom Madebr~~:~eme~~1 mf:~kl~;ath~l~ena ~i~;II~:III~~e:s~.::afl~:b;~II:~ ~=m~:;r::~ Ortlee lrJ Garages from S6DD. Send for Our Free "" I

I,enmal of statehood 10' Nevada, IBrochure. 5 Years to Pay. Call Us Today! Ito be observed next,...year In Signed

anothee senes the IIIs'oneal RECREATION COMMISSION L 0 PAULLUMBER CO INCSodaly of Ne.. Jeraoy off'Clally ., •

,~_iiiii_p;_~=:.Iide'ermllled that Tbomu AI.. . OR 9-20S1-MARCELLUS, N. Y

Page 10: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY

AUBURN COUPLE EN·GAGED-Mr and Mrs An·drew Mannelh of 18 BakerA\'e hale announced the en·gagement of their daughter,Rosalte M , to RIchard Gallo,son of Mr. and Mrs AnthonyGallo of 8 Chapel St MISSMannelh IS a graduate ofWest H1gh School and IS em·ployed by Dr. Edwald S.Platt Mr Gallo graduatedlrom Holy Family High Schooland Auburn Commumty Col·lege, and attended SyracuseUruverslty. He IS employed byT. J Ogar. optIcian Thecouple plan a spring weddmg.


Auburn Community College

apon5ored by

New York State Council of the Arts


Oliver OC 4 Crawlerl with angle dozer blade and

cargo winch. Very good condition.


One Only - New Jamesway lote model Silo

Unloader, for 14' SIlo, with 5 h.p. motor.


THE POST·STANDARD, S1ra.use, N, Y, Sunday, Nov.mber 24, 1963


28 Will Be Honored

in Auburn Plan


Churches ListMoravia School D dl' StServices for ea me eSlow Progress For Dentists'

Thanksgiving INEWARK-Thank,glving ~ill Upsets Officia s Ess'ay Contest

be observed tn Ne"'ark with SpCCllll fit The Pod-SlfltlJIl,JspeCial s e r \' ice s in se\'en MORAVIA-School offiCials reo held up almost ali progress ROCHESTER _ The Seventhchurches and a uOlon service at portedly are becommg con· It was hoped that the strlJctur· Dental Society has set March 1.First Baptist Church. Icerned WIth the slowness of al steel "ould be erected by 1964, as the deadline (or essay

Th R J h Le t erection of steel at the new ele- now so the bUlldmg ,",ould be entnes ID two professional com.e e~. 0 n wlen. pas or mentary school site. covered to allow more work In petitions for dentists.

of the First Methodist Ch~rch Members of the Board of Ed· the "'IDler. . The awards are the "Seventhwill preach on "A Nation GIVes ucation have not changed theIr The Wallace Steel Co. IS re· DIstrict Dental Soetety PrIZeThanks" at the union community hopes 01 havmg the school com· sponslble Cor supplymg ~e steel Award" and the "Frank RillerservIce at the First Baptist pleled by Aug 1, 1964 but the to the Detor Construction Co. MemorIal Award for Denusts."Church at 7'30 pm on Wednes. lack of steel lor the building has ~~ld~~ner~h~onS~:e~to~lr~r ~~: The latter IS awarded by theday. Pians for the uRlon servIce gI\'en ~any reasons for the de. Roc~ester Academy of Medlcmeare made annually by the New· PI't' IP t· la In su I ID the steel or. and IS open to any dentist hvmgark MlDlSters AssoClatlon The 0I lea ar les dir.ed but~ ~s ~esponslble only or prachcmg 10 the elght·countyRev. J. PhilIp French, host pas· to Ih~ conslructlon hrm dlstnct which !Deludes the coun·tor. will preSIde and lead the WI'II Be Topl'c Board ofhclals have made If ties of M.:mroe. Wayne. LlVJng·service. clear they have no mtentlon of ston, Ontano, Cayuga. Seneca,

There Will be an anthem by havmg the proJed shut down Yates and Steubenthe First Baptist ChOir, and a for the wlOter or Will they pay The Seventh Dlstnct Award ISvocal duet by the Rev. and Mrs. AUBURN-A timely analysIs any exlra mo~ey due to the de. reslrlcted to members of theAlbert Kamm of Chfton Sprmgs. of the role 01 the)hlrd parhes m lay. dIstrict dental society. lEach ofThe oHermg Will be use~ for Amencan politlc.s Will open the Rcpresentatives of the board, the essay compeUUons caTtIf'S aWayne County migrant mlmstry 195364 FaeU1ty Lecture SerIes at the Beardsley & Beardsley ar. $200 cash pnze and certlflcate

Redeemer Lutheran Church Auburn Commumty College. chltects the Detor ConstrucUon Essays are on tOPICS of 1m·Will hold a service on Wednes· Charles Groat, chairman of Co.• Sh;lmer Plumbmg _ Heat. porLance and Interest to the at 7 30 pm The pastor. the SOCial Department at ACC. will 109, Steele Plpmg Corp, Bergan tal profeSSIOn and the WinningRev. Ralph C. Egolf, wiJI preach dISCUSS the tOPIC at 11 a m Mon· ElectriC Co and Eckerhn & enlnes are offered for publica.on "0 u r Lor d 's Two·Fold day 10 the college audltJroum. Klepper Consulting Engmeers tlon m profeSSIOnal Journals 01

Members of the Auburn Lodge of man of tile v lsi t; and William J. ThanksglvlOg ProclamaUon." The Faculty Lecture Senes IS met Fnday With a schedule forlthe State Dental Soclety andElks get together WIth stale and na· O'Donnell of Seneca Falls, dIstrIct ~he Cooperative Pansh of open to the public WIthout ad· progress apparently drawn up other sClentlhc Journals

b Falf\'llle and East Pal m y r a miSSion charge The school bulldiru::s are over. The entnes are Judged by ational offiCials to. plan the Dec. 4 vIsll deputy; rear, committee mem ers, A. Prcsbyterlan Churches Will hold Professor Groat holds a mas- crowded and It IS almost 1mper· committee of three Auburn of Ronald J. Dunn. grand Joseph Ford, PhilIp J. Conboy. Ex- a service o~ Holy CommuOlon at ter's degree from Albany State tlve that the school be........r..eady Drs Maunce H DankoH, Woll Jobless Claimsexalted ruler of the Elks. Seated are aIled Ruler John R McMahon and 7 30 pm. "ednesdav 1D the East College. and a doctorai degree for occupancy by September of B Lasker and Robert L. Pekar.

Hugh L. Linner. left, of Geneva, state Willalm Kahl A class of 100 will be ~:III~y~~yc;:;~r~~ J~~e~::: ~~ ~:~~h:;e:~~x;~~I~~h~~~~sCI~tnext year. school oHlclals say. sky. . Rise as;:....:..P~a.u::.:l_F_._B_r_o_ok...:s:...,_ch_a_t!_.__I_n_lt_'a_te_d_l_n_to_lh_e_l_od...:g:,e_l_o_r_th_e_Vt_St_I.__1mer pastor of the Marion Pres· Syracuse University Start in Wayne

byterlan. Church, Will conduct Prior to comlOg to ACC in Parade Plannedthe sen'1ce 19S8. he taught at the Rensse·I:....::..:..=..:::.;:...:....:.;:.:..:.:.;~:..

Services on ThanksgIVing naYllaer Polytechmc Institute in A. NEWARK - Seasonal mclude two Masses at St. Troy. Oswego State UmversllY S t CI t rr e in the food processing and con·Michael's Catholic Church. onejColiege and Cato·Mendian Cen· an a aus 0 IV structlon Industries are 9 a m and the other at 10 tral School.• m 109 in gradual IOcreases in the.A Chapel sernce 01 praise and Wd d . A b number or claimants fllmg for

~~:,~k~f.;~~:;i1~~~~~ld.;n9~~ Change Selection e nes ay m u urn ~;:;:'~IO~::~~. insur.nce In

M · I S·· ~a~to;:I~~~~~c~~~~~h~e~~~en, ALB R!'\ - The Chnslmas Wtiham Street. The Auburn The Newark and Sodu!emorla ervlces The Rev. George R. Harland Of Rnce Judges ~ea50nWIIIOfhcialiYbegJ.nwed·IHigh Schools marci'ling Band claims load increased shghtlyof Phelps. retired. Will conduct"" ~esday when Santa Claus ar· wtll lead the march down Gene· dUring the past week due to thethe sen 'ce at 10 a.m. In thel rives In Auburn With a parade see Street. seasonal layoffs. The KewarkPark P. esbyterlan Church in the NEWARK _ A new system and do.....ntown reception After the parade. the float ofhce of ihe State. Employment

AU BUR N -1\I;eoty· elght\recuon of Mrs. Caesar trubha'IAshley M. Con~don, Arthur Y. absence of the pastor, the Rev for selectiDg judges on ~ na. Riding on a 27.foot noat, WIll be taken to Exchange Street Sen'ice reported 345 claimantsmembers of the Auburn Lodge The Rev Richard Blocker pas· Schnoop, John N Ross. John N Walter R. Hobkirk. 't fa Santa \,\:111 arri"e at 3 pm at where Santa will be parked un· as compared With 298 for theof Elks who died wlthm the past tor of Sand Beach Church'. \1;111/ DavIs. Kenneth A Colton. John The Ch r i s t ian Reformed flonal b. I s-as con es nts the city limits on E. Genesee ul 8 pm. and gre~t the young· previous "'eek and 435 a rearyear Will be honored at the an- J Lane. the Rev. Dr. Ralph A. Church of East Palmyra wUllhave been n the past-has been Street and WIll be greeted by sters and gIVe them Iree pres· ago. The Sodus office IlSled 378llual memonal services in the give the IDvocation, while Ra?bl Philbrook, Edward P. vander.jhOld a service at 1,0 a.m. with Instituted the Sterling Bo" I city offictals and represenla. ents for their VISit. c1almants as against 350 forlodge rooms at 7 30 pm. next Aaron ShapirO of Congregation bosch Jr. Joseph L. Wa"TO, the Rev. John \\ Itt. pastor. Tournam the only nattonaluves of the C~arnber of Com. Members of the Clt)" police the prenous week and 398 a

SUJ.daJ~mes Monahan, Immedi. :;~~o~ael, will gI\ e the ben· ~~~~n~~~ E~a~~~~~~t~u:;~I~~C:~~ the ThanksllVinglfiower a ~gtng competition. mT;,C: retad merchants division ~~~arii:e~'~slt ~~~ ~~f~~:~~: )'ear ago.ate past exalted ruler of the The Elks' toast wtll be given )larkson, Raymond E Baler, Holy Eucharist \\'111 be cele· Co·spo red by the Jackson (If the chamber and Grand Un. an escort from the city hmlls th~hNer:;~ ~Tr:~~: ~:\r:a~~ o~lodge, IS general chairman of by Exalted Ruler John R Mc·IJames J. Hocy. J. Fredenck brated at St Mark's Episcopal & Perkin Co. and Ihe Sterlinglton are co.sponsorlOg the pro- and also dunng the parade. county.wlde Jobless tota! .,f i23the program and has announced Mahon, who along With hiS fel· Van Housen, Leonard F Mead'IChurch at 1030 a m. with the Silversrni s Guild of Amenca, gram. TraffiC on Exchange Street ",11 to compare With 648 for thethe EerVlce IS open to the pub'l low ofhcers..... ill conduct thelG C. Morton. F(ed H. Gleason, Rev. Bernard D. Granger con·I t t At 3 30 pm a parade .....111 not be permitted Wednesday precedmg week and,'133 a yearlic. with a speCial iD\·!taUon to ntual PartlClpatlng will be John D Hubert. Stanley L In· ducllng the service the tour men, now en enng!start f~om Horrman Street and afternoon. although the National ago.the famili~s of those belDg hon· George M Frank, esteemed1gans. Paul Lockwood. Wliham ltS mnth Cit, has brought to- proceed down Genesee Street to Bank parking lot will be acces.

,ored leadmg J..--rught; James PlOck· L. Axton. Clarence peacock"W I h'. 'gether t tation's most out· Sible from Exchange Street MI1Il'OR FmEThe maIO speaker will be the ney, esteemed loyal knight, land Warren 1\1 Brinkerhoff. ho s W 0 L,StSlstanding 0 er arrangers in a Last )ear, the chamber spon· WATERTOWN F

-Rev Michael F. Conboy, aSSist· Charles E. Geherin, esteemed Workmg With Monahan are • j f W N s sored the arn .. al of Santa only 1 - Iremen werapnt . pastor of Holy Tnmty lectUring kmght, A. Joseph Thomas H Brogan, William C of C Execuf,V'e c0t1!petition at IS a ~a or ea· ayne arne then he came by hehcopter With called to Ashkar's grocery.Churcb In Webster. He IS the Ford. secretary, Faye Treat, Hlserodt, James E. Cortlgan, ture of ~ \\ose Fes.lval held thousands of youngsters1par. store, 383 Flower A\e. E, atJ;on 01 Philip Conboy. a PER, of treasurer, and FranCls R. 1I10r· Andlcw G Tarb,'"" Charles m ~ 17·qf~~' J;lckson & Per· Scout leader ents on hand. 10.38 a m Saturday. ~he flre,the Auburn Lodge and aJsq ph)!. tiler. Dowd an~ Wilham y;. Ganey. AUBUR T_The ~th edjljon kll'1 !ifl JM;f. garden. It fs expeeted that j t as apparently due to a lort cir.'Past state vice president. Ford will read the 1l$1 of Ushers wUl be Frederick J. of the world Wlib s Wh~1h I 4 com~etttlon win be many will be on hand Wednes. CUlt, was conllDed to a fusa, Partlcipatmg Will be the GIrls' tho s e belDg honored: W. Welch, Lester Brew Sr, John Commerce and Industry tn· h lut:!ng the middle of the day to witness the parade. panel~nsemble Irom St. Peter's Palmer Snow, Charles W F. Brennan and Joseph P. c1udeli the Ilsti~g of Michael L Festival on June 24. NEWARK _ Wayne County\ ;:;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;~EplScopal Church under the dl· Stubbs. John J. :Madden Sr, Cuddy Peduto. executive manager of Judge GCQrgp B Parsons. l;::=::::::::::::::::::::=::;I-:-'---=-:----:--'--=-:--:--~~---·I the Auburn C ham b e r of 0' lE CANCELED man of the W<ll'np County Boy NY'

Acc.'dent I'n Fal'r Haven c~~~c~~iorial board of the CA-The movie. "Th.Seout DIS'"cl. has announced ew ork City Opera CompanyA N book employs an IDvestigat!\,e One." scheduled for Sun· the ~pPOJntment of Carl Conklinrea ews sta£( which recommends fmal d tn Strebel Student Cenl!':'" of I\ewark as chha"diman of ad· presents I

I P . S I U f b t 25 000 t Utica College has been un· \'al1cement lor t e stnct IBriefs nJ'ures air eriously l:re~a~~~~;:" namesl~. th;o:~~:;;~~~~[e~:.~'~:f~~ liLA TRAVIATAll

Wayne Countv.SUPPER PLAl'iNED FAIR HAVEN _ T\,\:o of the suffered multiple cuts and bruis. P '1' A He succeeds Robert Lowe of I

NORTH ROSE - Th. Ph, three persons Injured in a two. '" and pOSSIbl. lntcrnai mJu"es. Up' S TTOW PalmlTa who has served ., THURSDAY, DEC. 5, 1963.Kappa Pi class of North Rose car head·on collISIon on Route Charles C. O·Connor. 37. of chairman for the past two years

M.thodist Church wtll hold. 104·A In Fa>< Haven V,llage the sam••ddress. and ddlng And He Treats lassmates ~~"~~t c~~~~\h~~~~S C~~k~~~ EMERSON AUDITORIUMaupper meeting at 6.30 pm. early Saturday were taken to with O'Connor, suffered a f.rac· and all problems related to ad.

Tuesday at the home of Mrs ~:e~ncJ7:I~~ ~::P:~~rt:e~~ ::bl~k~~ie~:ft~~::n~~~s and NEWARK-The occupational~ Whiz nut bread. cabbage ~~~ce:~~dr~111 t:ep:~~~:d to':7J:fazel Harps ASSisting the senous. Both are unconClous, ac- Larry W. Shaffer, 24, of 213 education class at Newark Sen. salad. milk, cranberry sauce.' g .ltostess Win be Mildred Donlon, cording to pohce Genesee St, Auburn, dnver of . h S h I Will be treated homemade cookie bars and IceF~~~-A\;:S~'Ella Phillips and Mildred. Pow· Harold Lee 0 Connor. 36. of Os· the other car, recel\:ed a pos. lor Hig . coo.. cream. tIlI:. '"ell. wego RD 2. dn\"er of one car. Sible chest IDJury and faClallto a veOlson Thanksgl\:lng din· Most of the cookmg will be R Every Family Can ~

I 'cuts HIS condition, according to ncr next Tuesday-thanks to one done by the glrls-co~enng sell· & Afford This 'dt Tickeb' S1.%5. 12.00 and $Z.50 _ On sale at Auburn Com-HOLIDAY DJSl\I1SSAL M K· I' 'II police. IS satisfactory of Its members. eral days of prcparaUon In thela • on muult:)" Collere MOIL thru Fri. II a m._1 pm: lUon and

RED CREEK-Students at C In ey 5 KI er Investigation of the aCCident Robert Sprong went deer hunt- meantime the bo)s are making.:t! MOYie Camera' ~ Wed ... 1:45 p.m.-8:t5 pm. iUAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED.

Red Creek Centrai School wlli. 11& bemg contmued by TTooper.s ing for the fIrst time The 17.,lDdIVldual place cards of .....ood ;.;~;~~~~~. Di"; i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'be dismiSsed at the regular diS' Defiant to End· D W. Frost and~l J Poleon of year·old student m l\hchael Kra· The gtrls Will portray Pilgnm ~.... ~missal ttme Wednesday for , 1 Auburn substation ham's class took hiS !Irst shot "omen and the boys, naturall,.,:~.~n~~%~ lo~:~~~~nm~~~~~ 'I Am Not Sorry . at a deer-and down It ~am:h will'Thbe the rllgnm men d h :. NEW'Dec. 2, at the usual tune AUBURN _ The last words College Groups bO':v°~~~ ~~~~ ~~\~~~e :Ias te:ch:"~ '~~/I~di~~,':' SaJ t e ~.:. ----- -_!!

- of Leon F Czolgosz,281'ear·old T G' C t only 10 yards away Irom the Place mats drawn by the bol's l::;9~Tr::~~I~S;s;i.1UIROSE PROGRA~t assasslD of PreSident l\IcKmley. 0 Ive oncer deer which caught the steel ar· feature a picture of the May· . Ne-tV"

ROSE-A family rught dinner accordlOg to the Auburn Daily CATO-Tickets Will go on sale rowhead in the neck. nower. The table will be decor·l-- •and program sponsored by the Advertiser, were thiS week for the Umon Skld. EXCIted" Who wouldn't be aled wlth~ a cornucopia contain·Rose Councd of Amencan Bap· "1 killed the preSident be- more concert set for Dec 6 at With such a "llrst" in the deer 109 gourds. com, and fall IrUits JUST .uNOUIlCEO IT 10011 ....tist Women will be at 7 pm cause he was an enemy of the Cato·Mendlan Central School. country . A small mural of the hrst A HII NOW!Tuesday, at the Rose Baptist good people _ the workmg peo· The concert IS spOnsored by The first thlOg the youth ThanksgiVing WIll add to the l\IIO AVAlt IU .-J IIGMT-Church pie I am not sorry for my the Faculty Association for the thought of was hIS classmates room decoratIOn which Wilt also

cnme" benefit of the Robert Hardy "The treat's on me." he said J n c Iud e paper turkeys and ~~

CADET TEACHER Czoigosz made the statement ScholarshIp Fund and was ar· The.students themselves wIII ThBnksglVJng llgures ~~_RED CREEK-John Joyce, a as he was bemg strapped to the langed by WIlham Ha\ens, a prepare the meal The menu Will And all because young Sprong ..;r;:

seDlor at State UniverSIty at electnc chair Oct 29 1901, at graduate of C·M. who is a stu· mclude [rult punch, \'elllSOI1 deCided to share hiS deer WithOswego. IS servmg as a cadet Auburn Pnson, lor the assas· dent at URlon College. roast, green beans, whipped po· hIS clas~mates

,teacher 10 industnal arts durmg smatJon of the presIdent m the ROY A. TUTTLEthe second quarter of the school Temple of MUSIC at the Pan· M . I M PI d'year at Red Creek Central Amellcan Grounds m Buffalo. emofla asses anne • H P.O. BOX 336, KING FERRY, N. Y.School When the preSident was shot .

TO GIVE PROGRA~I ~~efg~:~~~ at;~n~r~;mo: B.~\~~; 0res.-dent's Death Halts BROWNIE-r'. .. Sa.uvv1l!!!!!P!ho!n!'!P!oP!ta!r!R!'!dg!'~3!61!'8!31!1!0!r !36!4'!80!6!'~~~t NORTH ROSE-K. A Mac· The detectIve answered. "I C....... I TUN\.!.KenZie Will present a program fear 1'OU are." M • Con "The Wonders of LIqUid AIr" Presldent McKlOley died Sept. oVle amera gICllllll1l1[(lCtllllfllllll[]III1I1J1UIl[]lIl1l1lf1l11[]J1l1l11l11llDlIIlIlIlIlII[]llIIlIIlIm~

~~~l~f~;rN~~~~::,~~~i~~~i14'lOOI. Cayuga County Events ::r~t~i1:~:~::!:!t I 33rd ANNIVERSARY ~~~ua~e;;:,,~'~~ ~~h~':~lS\~~n~~: School Chooses N.w ',owo', F,o 5"" Mo;', ~ 1930. 1963 ~day noon The first bus ",11 de· AUBURN - The assassmatlon planned With two solemn high a sen'lce 10 memory of the late ;:;:~ts~Yt"'~ok~~ki: ~~t~ht~ns~i;;; C ~

part at 1205 pm, and the sec· DAR Contestant of PreSIdent John F Kennedy reqUIem Masses to be said In P~:~I~~ and county offIces Will mOYleS your famlly WIlt I,easurel § THREE FLOORS of better furniture for less ~fanr

d;~~I:~~I ~~ ~~~O~lmwlne~~~ halted all activIties tn Cayuga memory of PreSident Kennedy also be closed Monday and Cay. Camera IS preclslon.made by § Heritage _ Kittinger _ Drexel _ Jamestown _ ~

6ume Monday. Dec. 2. accord· WATERLOO-Momca Dadson. County over the weekend and l\layor MaUrice I Schwartz uga County Board of Supervls ~b~a~~c;.,~I;~ ~:o,.:~$ofc~:;:r~~ [] G d R d =

ing to Prmclpal Paui J Ed· daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul ail schools .....iII be closed Mon· pubbcly requested all busmesses ors Chairman Frederick E Por· WIth a toll of Kodaduom. "E ron opi s, etc. Einger. Dadson of Brewer Road and a day. m Auburn close unlll at least 2 ten ann(.ounCi!d Monday's ses· .Movie F'Jlm ortd a fu".fllled book 5 a. ~~~~r~~:::t~~e~:~~:~ ~:~ e~ts.s~;:~e~n~oro;~~~~~o:naJ ~e~t ~~~::~ ~~m~~~ 1:~tie~~ :~~n h~Jhb~~:r~s~:onn~ ~oee~ of BIOviHnoking ideo.. ~ g OPEN ON THE "T" NIGHTS ~

Sennett left school in the annual DAR good Sunday were canceled by the reo was heard by noon .Saturday, later date. ~ All at Our Low $19'5 ~ E Tuesday. Thursday ~ SaTurday ;;;Citizen contest. spective orgaDlzations shortly \\'lth some announcmg they It was expected Catholic I( Price !5=c__===_=

Moruca has been active In after the announcement of the would be closed all day Mon· churches throughout the county ~ 8maIJ Do~'D Payment »1= until 9 P.M.

Wh P extra·currlcular activIUes. In late PreSIdent's death Fnday. day. would hold memorial Masses I LAY.AlVAI' ?<I·OW FOR liDit out ower her sophmore and JUDlor years Malcoim H. Reed and Ray· WJiham H. McKeon, Cayuga Monday and the times of the CHRISUlAS IE Closed Wednesday Afternoons

:~~r;::/o;a~~~y cl~=:rl:~:er~:;t~ub~rnsa;~bh~uP:~;r~:~n~:~~~~ra~~dch~~~a:'o~:s~~a~: ~~~~sservices Sunday. SEAL'S Ii RIDE A LITTLE - SAVE A LOT ~=-SENNETl' - ReSidents of participant In the Hobart semlO· county schools respectively. moned to Washington Saturday Rev Msgr. James 0 ~ §

Sennett were without power and! ar program. announced JOintly Saturday that morrung to Jom dignitaries lD pastor of SI Mary's ~ :: ::telephone sernce early Satur· ThIS )ear she IS secretary of ail public and parochlal schools Viewing t.,'Je body of the late and dean of the Cayuga CAM ERA S TOR E i E IVAN H. SPANGLER c_==

day after a tree was blown onto the NatIOnal Honor Society. ad· 10 the county would be closed PreSIdent Saturday afternoon deanery, announced Saturday a It! 11 Sorlh St AL3.3112! E'Vt'lres on Turnpike Road \'ertlSIng manager for the Skol· Monday. Also canceled were all and also attend services Mon· "olemn high Mass Will be offer· III: AUBURN, N. Y. }'l g B H _

Crews of workers were sent "lase Yearbook and semor class actlvllles pianned by the schools day. ed at 10 a m. Monday m hiS i The Belt Place I.e iAtl~ Be Thrrftll- ug ere Ehere by New York Electnc & representative on the Student and their orgamzations Monday. In First Methodist C IJ'clt church for anyone WIShing to till: Buy a Ca.mera Because I =: Wayside Furniture Store _ Dryden

lN. Y. Q

Gas Corp. and the New York CouncIl. However, the retreat schedul·Saturday morning. clerg en attend. There'Wlll be a slmdarL::-We Guarantee Service =Telephone Co, to repcur the Miss DadsoD plans to be a ed for students at Mount Car· from the Auburn Protes t Mass at 8 a.m. in Holy Family With ALL Salea Q Pie.. Look Elsewhere Flnt ~lines. teacher. mel Higb School will be beld 85 CoUDCil of Churches condu Church. __ IlIlJDRIIIIIIIIIIDtUIilllliIDliUllDllUDJJllIlIIlIlID.UIIOUlIlJD .nllllfftcllllllllli




• ~'." i-

Rocky RoadandLong

'Bless the lord r

Topic of Sermon

First Proposal Squeaks Through ,~. "II~'~

Reassessment for Auburn Faces

18 THE POST·STANDARD, Syracuse, N. Y, Sunday, November 24, 1965

B DAVE DeLORENZO It must also be realized that Before they do It was deflR1- views" the Council ">'ill mak~ czyk for a ruling on the resolu- that many wdl admIt that total Oropallo argued that the ae- It appears at present thatI Y SlAJlf COrTUpOndt,d the entire Republican ticket thiS tely stated Thur;day that a pu- theIr decIsIon on which one to tlon th~t was on the floor. ask· reassessment "IS not only pro· tion was not needed at all. say· there will be enough votes to

AUBURN - A very rocky past campaign used the reasess· bUe hearing will be held, even select. There is no mention 10 tng If It did not mean that If a per, but also absolutely neces· 109 that such appratsal firms pass the program after Jan. I,road to the flDal approval of to- sment program as a plaUorm though it IS not required by law the resolution of the firms sub· favorable contract was submit· sary" could be contracted.. wIthout a but 60 .days can change the so­tal reassessment for the citX 01 plank and Mayor Maurice I. Back m 1958 when the Demo· mltting an estimate 01 cost, but ted by one 01 the fIrms. reassess· The attempts of OropalJo and resolution. to come io and ap· Ions mmds. as can the pubheAuburn was verv eVJdent Thurs· Schwartz backed this up Thurs· cratic City Council apparently undoubtedly thIS will mcluded 10 ment would be undertaken Marren to have the Issue put pear before Council oplnlon that WIU be expressedday as the lruh31 proposal bare· day wIth hIS unqualified support supported reassessment. a hear· the dicusslons. Howev~r. Rybarczyk said that over untd, the new members Of those present, Nm Ferlen·co:;;n"t",h.;;;;m:;;at",t'",r.;===;;;;;;;;Iy made it through the City of the prOject . 109 was conducted PreiuDinarv estimates show 10 hiS oplOlOn It was no such ac· come on \,\:ere bypassed. Thurs· da, president of the Cayuga II

Council sessIOn. Important Decision Whether the outcome of the that reassessment is an $85,000 tlon, only the entenng of an day as Dr. DeFuno and Mayor County Board of Realtors, spokeAt the present time it IS be· H1S other two runmng mates, heaTIng made any ImpreSSIOn proJect. agreement to allow the city man· Schwartz saId time was of the for himself when he expressed

lieved that there are two more Allan H. MIskell and Leonard on the counCil members IS not Th(' procedure to the fmal ager to consult wlth firms domg essence. Also bypassed was a dlS~PPOlntment In the CounCil,hurdles to be made. and posslb· R Greene. will JOID the counCil known but when It came up for goal IS not altogether clear a t the work proposal ~f Marren for poSSIble ~ction and a!~o surprise ?n theIy more, before the reassess· Jan. 1 and take the place 0 f \'ote 10 Fecruary. 1959, the reo present. but It is believed the City offICIals vIewed the work Jommg wltr ~~'Uga tCounty for lit~e action mcluded In thejment program IS completed and Democrats Harry A OrapaHo oluhon was defeated by a 3·2 council has two more votes on done recently in nearby Sennett ~eap~ral~a ~ F e en Ir~ ~~ry' re~o UtlO~ th I' ledby the imtial reaction Thurs· and Robert P Marren who vo- vote. the matte,r belore It becomes 8 where a profeSSional hrm under. 0 t s r. e UriO sal, I we e sal e peop e "ere . Iday, the supporters of the pro· ted "abstam" and "present" The action Thursday only al· reality. one. to undergo a com. look the reassessment.. and also walt fo~, them, we wtil never to bellev.~ that the council wa~~ect have a fight ahead of them. respectively Thursday lows City Manager Ohver S. plete reassessment program' 10 nearby Flemmg where reass. have it. g~~ng to approve wholehearted

However. the pnme mover of These two newcomers to the Ta)'lor to contact appraisal hrms and two to hire an apprals~l essment was undertaken by the The proponent of the program ~ t~~i l;eas~~sment Thurs-the project. Councilman Dr Council will be faced wdh proh- to determine If they 8re mteres· firm • town assessors and a furor arose mentioned urban renewal pro- ay, u a It I was enter aThomas L. DeFuno, showed ably the most Important. deClS· ted 10 the Auburn proJect, With. Grle\'ance Procedure resulting in the complete ouster grams when he said that these study.Thursday that he IS wIlhng to Ion they will be asked to make m the 50·day period, he must of the Town Board in Novem. take assessed properUes off the The problem of reassessmentfight long and hard to reach the 10 their entire term of offIce m gel at least three to come to the If the program reachef thiS ber's elecUon asssesment rolls and compound has long been discussed locallygoal, espeClally with his presen· the hrst month ,of their tenure CounCil to present their methods :tate, th~ re~r'd~IS8~eW~:tha~e Reassessment has been called the many ineqUIties In proper. WIth owners of new homes com.tation of a very strong statement as the resoluhon Thursday cal· and procedures m undertaking 10 e s~ m~ e 1~5 Th Y I~ "pohhcal SUicide" b t Dr De ties plamlng they are overassesseddirected right 'to hiS fellow coun· led lor a report wlthm 60 days the proJect. batterl t ad an' th . ey WI t Funo argued Thur~ay that "It Dr KarplOskl saId the coun. as are the owners of bUIldingsell members Thl.s would mean by Jan 21 From these personal "lOter- r~Ilt :~J th:~ a J:nga~Sr~~~~:~e IS the sign of great courage for cil was forgettlOg the general in the downtown area Mean'l

~ procedure wdl begm a legislator to be for or agalllst publie In thiS move and h~ In. while, owners of the older homes'.. a resolution whIch affects pro. slstec on heating their views and also those that have made

I 0 0 -D· 'PI dills not known at present If perty holder In the City oC Au- on the malter, pro or con. He Improvements or renovatednee ver Inner anne the City CounCil must accept the burn" asked them to send their opln. them Into two·famlly dwelllOgs,

T F t B t assessments before they are . Attempts Bypassed Ions to Clly Hall but appeared are learmg that thiS program

L' htl 0 e e 00 ers replaced on the rolls or not. l1e added that the vote was a satlshed with the announcementi'W~'~ll~r~a,~se~l~h~..~r~as~s~es~sm~.~n~ts~.~~~ii.ii~~~~~g- Ig Y RED CREEK _ As a trih- The other member of the "test of our courage," With each by Mayor Schwartz that he 1~.J:SJ::m='::U:=l'i~~)e;;lOb:iJi::f.\m~:~:b':6)t;;;O=:lJlSilt$l~~~ute to the undeleated varSIty Council who WID be on the dOing what they feel lit and would call for a pubhc heanng ~ b\

S:JE~:R::~L::'~~~SCar. soccer team at Red Creek CounCil next. year. Dr Arthur proper. The doctor also said before the program IS voted on I CHRISTMAS ONE MONTH AWAY! nnegle may have wntten the Central School, winners of the ~hu~~i;.I~~~. h;n:~~\.sI~o ~ne:~ It! • .Ibook. "How to Wm Fnends and Class "C" Section 5 cham· the opinIon of the people on reo Ii0 n~ NE\\ATS ~ If Y P I Ch' C d H l!Influence peo~ plonshlp, a testimoRlal dinner assessment before be approves 'l-J. ~ ~ I Ii. our ersona rlstrnos ar save!pIe," b~t Sheriff will be given at 6' 30 pm It He did vote "yes" on the reo R ,. WNOd I 5 U 0 »G. Ken net h Tuesday. Dec 17, at Auburn solution, only If it meant the Georgc K. Swayze, Statc Edttor • George ,-arr. A~L i ot Been r ered, Pease ee s at nee iAWayne obviousl;y Inn. Coach Don Hartley's preliminary study and not the ~ 0 Alb ~live, the parI squad wa, the first to c.pture program ,tself AUBURN • SENECA FALLS • WATERLOO. and Look Over ur 30 ums II•

.''!oeyedm0thre. thRaO~ :t~l~~c:c h~~~r:~ the school's Oropallo said his main con· W ~

.... Reservations may b~ se. cern was opmions of the appral· -- \1 "tory Club mm· ,.1 fm", of are.. of the clly '" HALLMARK, GIBSON "slrels the othe cured from Pnoclpal Ralph wbere propert}' values are nOI ~ !mght and when DeMas at the Red Creek School as high as otherL Be saId thiS "Y AI G• K And Other Leading Makers 0/ »Sh.riff w. y n., office. H. ,." "This fm. d.futitely 'hould be condidered, OU ways aln ~ Ch,,"lma, Card, illgroup of boys have done t n1 th al .f b Itattired in his bal· themselves. school and com- nth°.yos~nd.e v UI ouses as! \l ,Jenna pink With Jones G ' " tf

matching .ccessori., (including :::'Ut;';'J.r,:~.:: t~:~.:;O:'k Requesled 8uIlng Fre. at aney S AL ~~~'S42 • Th DOUGLASS BOOKSTORE I:~ce~~a~ ~: :fn~,~rwC:f~ tion:,~:~ueroJ:=edJ.CoR~~~: Delivery J~ e !Have Danced All NIght." hIS Stryker Ave have announced Area Weather 'Ii 116 Genesee St. Auburn

lN, Y. ~

~:strib~tl~~r~l~£:orth~ ca~:1 ~~:h~e~,a gs~~:U n t~~.the:~ SELL EASE ~~~~i>::'~~¥$:!~~ldB:f~fo:~au#~c:~ wonder the gu\. polled ;~~e:~: ~~~~~o'RS:~:~oM;i an~undc~'de;arl=:tl: e~:~::::: F~~~~.J$>=:=.£bl~~~~'7.603 votes on Election Day. 29 Wood St. The future bnde snow flurries hkely. High, 38 W S NTAS 11

And speaking of dancmg, graduated from Mount Car· to 4%. Winds, gust)' west to tf SMART A "Howard Burtless came out of r~· mel High School and IS em· southwest. IS fa 30, grUuan,. No. 0 _ 8-lb. $2.98 ~.... l!tirement (and hIS bankmg cubl· ployed at G W. Ockenlels becoming west to J( Bde) to prove he too could Book Store. Her fiance gradu· and dJmf.nlshing somewhat 110 1 12 Ib S3 98 ! GIVE 11d.nce" , light f.ntastic"-. I. .ted from West HIgh S,hool • - •• • ~ "

Fred Aslarre! We might add. and attended Auburn Com· M II 2 lSlb $429 If, A PHILCO TV III"He cut quite a figure!" munity College. He is em· ore Local News o. - -. , ..ployed at Randco Inc., Union ,

..~':.m th:o"ti~bi~~~h ~:~~ l~r::;g:-.;;:;~c;uPI' plan an Pages 19 & 20 110. 3 - 20·lb. 54.69 i 1,!eritly found Norman (Hork) Get. 110 5 25 Ib S5 69 ~.~ '>iman, the Ovid buslnessm.n, .n· • - •• • ! 0"11.' \ COOL CHASSIS ~

iO~~~:a~~s~~a:;S;"tand, h. Church Council ~i COME MIRRO ALUMINUM ROASTERS • N"" C t D t TV l!andl' essocmtes go hunting on ff i omes 0 ecora or ~the t d.y of the ,e,'on K ed !"l TO ~"'R ,- HO 14.16,lbs. J>blong ' ". . .. $8,95 II "Ifls fe willlngly make' the onors enn yrY f VlY I $ $ i ~san .ch., for her husband. "i Ope". oast Pans , .•••. , •• 3,49- 3.95 ..

But, before the hunting party "FOR !! their destination, some· AUBURN - Auburn Counell ~ ROASTER SPECIAL $1 98 II !bow the sandwiches have dlsap· of Churches p.ud homage to the! THANKSGIVING - [Ipeared. One or more ate them. memory 01 PreSident John F.rEId 12 Ib I If l!

Last Monday, G.tman, as w. Kenn.dy at a memor'al .ervlce name e -. ova . . . . . . • ~ ~

b.ard It, I.ft hIS ,.ndw,ches In Saturday in First Methodist GLASS BASTER FREE ~ "one car and he made the trip Church OV 28 iWIth another groU{j 10 another Nearly 250 Auburnlans and of. THURSDAY, N • with every roaster sold until Thanksgiving IS Ifw';;o~;rr~:~~~g~h~'~'t~:i.~d: ~~er~t:.:~:dembers of the coun· ~ Star Bright! Portable Light I t\WI<;hes wer•. agam consumed Th. R.v. Augustus N Peck. l MENU: Native Turkey with stuffing, 9 W. D. Ganey __ Hardware ~ Telestand! !Upon mqwrlng of hIS buddies h t f h h hd~! J!h th 1ked th k d am, pas or 0 t e c urc • an j, and cranberry SGuce and roast Tend_","" i ~

G;~ma~Yw~at wase~~ t~:~~s e.. ;~~~ldr:a~SI:~:rg~~e ~~e ~~~~:' of 8eel-$3.25. ' 31 Genesee St. Auburn, N.- Y. i -Dog food and mayonalse. tion. scnplure lessons and pro. • I

qwpped the good humor man. nounced the benediction. t Children 12 or Under, $1 Less Ii aw:'o~cl~Jo~~~li:;;a::~I:\~~k Democrat Chief I' Served from 1 to 7 P,M. LOWEST' ~ Imto the football picture. is col· Be.:rvaUODI Appnclated _ OV 1·1116 I tf !leg. baIt His 20 touchdown, for To Attend Rites ", I II1:e ~t~ (~~~~y~ seasons) can't K~~B~R1iubm:.illi~~~~:i~~ : NOW OPEN: i I

state chairman. will attend 1: ~k~J.~Pr'~~dN'm1.:=;;rL~~ch;Dp==: PRICEil !Count your blessings: Come the funeral of PreSident John J ' Domdike Atmosphere tor Weddm, Becepllons. , iAthis Thursday, we will aU pause F K.ennedy ' --_ _ _-........ I Ito give thanks-but Howard Mil· McKeon left Auburn Safur· N i "l:.:m~:"~n~·ekh.dre.'onto ~:~.d'~OCi;gr:~;ro~·At~;: SHERWOOD IN EVER I, i

With hiS wife. Shirley, forced Gen Robert F Kennedy. a • Ito the Sidelines due to surgery brother of the assassmated Our 158th Year 1805 - 1.63 I I~~l~r~i ~~;c~:n~eass:;de~7; PresIdent SKANEATELES, N. Y. i Ifound htmself WIthout hiS "Help. W~ye t~e;.a~h~~o~ork on his ¥ i I

2~~~:~r:o~~J.~1~;;g:~~f~~"""lMPOmD..cHiNATO",,:ssm ~ forvEANADSUZYERWrInA'pgpeLrIWAasNcheErss I j~~, ~*~~;~ '~r:e~f~~iJt;~i BEAUTIFY YOUR THANKSGIVING TABLE at ~ jLot' have volunieered their Beautiful SPODE CHINA from England, 0 .o"S1 0995 ~i ~!,,.mces to man the co~~ter ROSENTHAL from Germany BAVARIAN, and Many ~.~~:s~~~:tb~~~~edays, each Do· .Other Choice Pieces of China to Make Your

A hVlRg example of "The Thanksgiving Table One of Unforgettable Distinction -WITH PUMP- \'l ~

brotherhood of man"-right? , All the features for new w.shday i ~ORIENTAL RUGS speed.ndcDnvemenceet.mazmgly ~ ~

TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME ~:'he~:~/~~:';:W~~~:~'::; \1 ~E . H dEl f H d ft cleantr, l'I'I1iter, brighter! Deep CUS~ I $15995 .,

_ X; New A~,rv~l~ KIn rolls on eigl1t,posltlDn wnnger tf III

spring .part It the tooth of the R$afety release. Modern deSIgn, duro If

~ew Crea.loDI Of able construction throughout for ~ • Long Ufe patented COOL CHASSIS. Fresh New iAUBURN - The Sunday WALL TO WALL CARPETING ~~fs~sthfe.ndfreedomfromservict W ~~~~~~e:nt~fy~lnlil.F~~:nvCo~tro~s~I~s:c.~ur.::::~~ ~

morning servtce in Second By Hardwick, Mogee, Rouschenberg, Roxburyl If:! • VIVId VIsion and white picture. Bullt.ln ~Presbyterian Church will be a Monarch, and Many Others u: DIpole Pivotenna· • Non·glare tinted Safety Glass i;ilThanksg1V1ng family service & tIIter .Tmk ~

with the p.stor, the WE'RE READY FOR SANTA WITH I 90 DAY SERVICE at no cost to you BRichard R Northrop. REAUTIFUL GIFTS ~ :~~~n;:r~~n::p~rt~!~~I~~~il~;ZN~et~e$~:).:,':~:Op~~)'~:r::. IS~~e~B~~~S at~:nd i fa.~~~.E-.:I·.:'~m:;"r,~..b:I~~,o,~,:..t~om,:o·:,;!~"'~~o"ri;"~••d:,,,~,I.:~wl:' ••~11~.·.;,'I'.oil;l. ~Here'. Your Chance to Shop Ear/II for Gift. That Will Give tI. It: ... , "... ~ w, ,. _.. ~ice With theIr parents and the Lift to Everyone in Your Chrl.tma.J 514995 ! !'R.v. Jame, H. Irwm Jr., as· MANY, MANY NEW GIFT ITEMS EASY SPIN DRYERS _ ".ist.ot paslor, will give the chil'l HANDCUT CRYSTAL and WEST GERMANY MASTERPIECES fro" ...T. i SMALL DOWN PAYMENT- idr1~'~ ~::,o~. Protestant Stu. GE~~~N~ 1~~~I~L1~:KuNU's~l~':~~ B~~~fr:tLF~~~~ES 1-Year Free Service On Any Washer \1 EASY TERMS-36 MONTHS TO PAY! !

~nt..;~~o~~:iPRe~ ;:~~ ~~ ~ VAN DUZER ~Walsh, Roman Catholic chap. COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND i "lam at Auburn Community Col· LOOK OVER THE GIFTS, •• GIFTS THAT WILL VAN DUZER APPLIANCES ~ !I.g. who will discuss, "What THRILL YOUR RELATIVES AND FRIENDS • ~Ro';an Catholics Bellev," All ! APPLIANCE CO. :post high .chool young people BALIA~'S "THE BEST Dr APPUAl\'CES" • :

ar~e;;e~~~~tte will lead the I~ 23 North St'l

Corner Water, Auburn w: 23 North St' l Corner Water I~~cu~~~~h~~.·:'S;~~~g~~:nF~~e~' RUGS, 1.11\"E~S., CHINA and GIFTS I Aubum, N. Y. AL 2-3422 I~fdl". FSohruarmon mD••ni• ts

el ·willt 'bP• Tn.)n GENESEE and WILLIAM STREETS AUBURN, N, Y, AL 2-3422 If "THE BEST IN APPLIANCES" I• Op.n F,id~,.. fro.. 9:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. 1-'" gch.l\rge of the workshop servtce.I~""''''..'''S"S..S"'S'''SS'''S'''SlSlIDS~mS~..wm,.s,sm"''''''''"lSlI"''''s''S'''.iS.'''S",,"lSlIS'"i_iSSSS!_S '1..__• .~__~~~~Bal¥9::l~~~BI:!!Ci::(~""

Page 11: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY


317 State 'tower Bldl'.Phone BA t-187&


from all 1174 of us

A J!eartfelt"Thank You"

132 Cortland Avenue, GR 5·1626, Syracuse, N. Y.

THE POST-STANDARD, Syracuse, N. Y., Sunday, November 24, 1963

In 1929 we ,Iarted our bu,ine<s with one man, a couple of

machines, plus Ihe conviction thaI S)TaCUSe and the area

needed a dependable, economi~al industrial laundry rental


It will be our aim to continue to pro"ide good sen'ice at a

fair price. ":

As we approach the beginning of our 35th year in business,

we want to thank all of you wbo ha"e been most loyal and

helped to make our business a success. We appreciate your

faith and confidence.

Industrial S)TaCUSe and our business have grown o"er the

years. We are thankful Ll,at today our family numbers 1,174

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throughout the Eastern United States, Puerto Rico. Barbados

and Latin America.

Syracuse's ONLY Industrial Laundry"



Market Plummets Alter News of Assassination* * *Exchanges Close

NEW YORK (AP)-8bocked by President Ken­nedy's assassination, the stock market this weektook its worst loss in 17 months.

Not since the week ended June 23, 1962-whenthe big market plunge of that spring bottomed out-had stocks undergone sucQ a decline.

This week the Dow Jones industrial averagefeU 28.51 to 711.49, compared with the faU of 38.99in the June '62 week. .

The Associated Press average of 60 stocks thisweek feU 9.9 to 268.3. its biggest faU since the 11.6loss of the same June '62 week.

The decline, however, probably would havebeen far worse had the New York Stock Excha:nge-and other exchanges throughout the nation-notsuspended trading a half hour after the first newscame that the President had been shot. Trading wasstopped an bour and 20 minutes before the usualclosing time.

What might have happened can be iUessed hythe extent of the decline on Sept. 26, 1955, whenPresident Eisenhower suffered a heart attack. Onthat day-a full session-the dow industrials lost31.89 and the AP average 11.4.

The news of the President's death came to aWall Street which had been jittery,most or the week.

Of 1.496 issues traded this week. 1,195 declinedand 187 advanced.

Volume was 26,862,771 shares compared with26,664,551 the previous week. It was the largestsince the week euded Nov. 2 when 28,722,840 shares Ichanged hands. ,

[CompleteStocks:)NEW Y01Ul: fAP>-PoIlC1ril:l: 'J • teel­

Dl.ete record o! the I,oeb lndfld thIS


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For the hair beAuty you want in the time youhave. Twice 88 fast as gun type models. Threeheat selections - plus a Ilcool". Large bGutfantbonnet fila over largest roUers. Reach-in lophelps reiUlale drying and leta you check yourhair as it dries. Styled in mint green withmatching bonnet. Antique white carrying case.

PLUS··r,rms or Charge Account!ndable, Prompt Service!Sale Backed by Auburn's

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.• Drink mixerGtIa<hment



fjAPPLIANCGenoa YorkersVisit Seaway

Church CouncilPlans Service

-=2:.::..-0_T_HE POST·STANDARD, Syracuse, N. Y., Sunday, November 24. 1963 -N-e-w-ar-k-S-tu-di-es- Auburn Teen Theater College Program Goals of BiologyMayor Urges Legion Women Plan ::::i;~:r~~ Ends Workshop Series Set for Pupils Workshop TopicPPR d Gift Shop for Veterans AUBURN-The Tecn Theaterlsummer Night's Dream." :'llan!!'an NEWARK -They're already of Ihe Au bur n Children's techniques in body control and AUBUR~-T.he Cayuga Coun- Spedlll to TIre Pol!·SlatfJonl

AOBURN-Represcntatives of sist with the outside wrapping thinking of putting more teeth Theater program completed its balance were practiced. ty 4·H Club w~1l spon?or a pro· nOCHE-STER - A t .....o-<1aythe Amencan legion AUXIliaries or parcels for mailing· d d ei~ht. wee~ worshop session The g r 0 u p also attended a gram for pup~s looking ahead workshop on "long range goals

L TASSIgned from the vanous In .the re~ently a~oPte og thiS .week With a class demon- class in fencing at Wells College to college at 7.30 p.m. Tuesd~y. of biology in space" will be

onger erms In Caruga County that are work, posts are Mrs Rice and Mrs ordinance In the village. stration at the stage annex of and viewed a fencing demon. Dec. 3, at Auburn Commumty held at the Unh'ersily of Ro·Ing on the annual gift shop for Ann MacDavi.U W. ?!h'ndersc A bone of ccntention appears the CayUga Museum. stration Thev used this In their College. chesler Monday and Tuesday,

~TEWARK _ Permanent per- Cana.ndai~ua.yelerans Hospital Rice Post: Mrs: Helen Raesler that one section pertaining to Sce~~~.r~?m "Mac~e.t.h," "O~r program at the theater. Rescrva,tions m!Jst be f,iled at More tJ:'~n 30 representatives orsonal registration and 4-year the fIrst \\eek In December have and Mrs. Sue Sylcox. Crmbrak. the ordinance needs an addi. Town. ~n~, L~dY. The MI~; Participating in ,the program the count) 4·H office by \\ ednes· ~nlverslhes and .gove~nment andterms of office for mayor and becn announced. Fallat Post; Mrs. Lorraine Wal· ti acle .~Vorker: Tom S~,wyer, were: Carol and Susan Beards· day. mdustrial agencies Will attend.trustees may be future to ics of Mrs. Raymond Schaffer ~r drOll, George Ingersoll Post of on.. . . and The King and I, were ley, Melisa Coleman, Eleanor Guest speaker will be Warren The conrerence Is under thed' . t ill Pb d Waterloo has been named to dl· Fair Haven' Mrs Theodore Pohce ClllCf EdWin La..... ton presented. Coomber Pat ric i a Delaney Taylor director of admissions auspices of the American Insl'~:~~i~~~n a _v age oar ~~ct the work~h.op this year ~y Wright and t-frs. Wa'lson Foster. has suggested the follOWing ad. h Th~ Teen Theater Workshop Diane D~dey. Andrea Glauber: at ACe, who conducted a simi- lute of Biological Sciences :t

Ma 'or' Milton Elzufon said ~ rs. John. ~ul~tnk, st~te auxll· Donald R. Ward Post, Cayuga: dition or amendment to the as ccn conducted by Theo- man, Carol Hood, Faith lIow· Iar program last year. All high is supported by the Nati~nalthat two trustees will be elected la2' r~habl~ltabon chairman. Mrs. Laura Stevens and ,Mrs. section' "After the chief has dore Bear~ls~? J~;"' drama. di- land, Caroline O'Connor, Kath· scho?1 p'uplls planning on college Aeronautics and Space Adminis·in the \. i II a e election next all ucte a~1nually by the Alverta Buda, Rowe-ChurchIU' Irector, ~n rs. eorge Baird. erine Robie. Jean Rowoth, Nan· are m\'lted. tration in co·operation with the:March and it ~as his fce1i~ wO~f'n of. th~ SL"cth Amencan L Post, Mora\'ia: Mrs. Olive Em· served an order upon the de· Emp~aSlS was placed .on the cy Ruschak. Emily Smith, Jane University of Rochester S acethat the time has arrived fO~ Leil~n Dlstnct, the shop offers body, Clark-Heck Post, Wceds· fendant, and he lalls to comply phYsIcal elements or acting. Smyth. Barbara Sterling, SaJly . Science Center. Pthe villa:ge to elect its mayor and ~~~iC~:~e~~~~ :r~h3~aC~eJ°b~,el:~; port: . Irs. Mary Ann Johnson with order, there is no penalty Sh~~:s~e~~e~: :~~iOng a~7t~p:~ Unde~·ood. Deborah Wall and LODGE TO I!"\STALL Prof. .Phili? Morrison, or Cor·trustees on a 4-year basis in· women. P . I~~l ~~rs~' P~:;~v::~.n~~~s J~rr~ for not complying. I feel thai reading and acting of "A )IM'ISYlvia Zi~heteUa.. . WEEDSPORT-The past mas· nel~ Umverslty ,Will gIve t h 8

:;~=s :: o:~~e present 2·year ~he~ make.their sele~tions for,ginia M~tt and M~s.. Peg an inrormation.should be madel ELECTED TO BOARD fO~~~ ;:'~dU~~i~: or.~~f::~:~~ ~;;, ~~t~~e~s:~h~ l~f1:~t~,~:~I:~~~~ssLi'f:h~nGr~a~h~x;Elzufon said' each political t~elr ImmedIate relau\'es an~ Squires. Coleman DalY.PhiliPsj ~y the complamant berore the NEWARK-Mrs. James Beale Beauty," on Dec. 14 when open the lodge at their scheduled Planets," ~Ionday evening.

party is burdened with two eJec. ~e voJ.unteers wrap a.n~ mailIPost, Sennett.. . JUdg~ and a warrant Issued by,of Newark was elected member· auditions will be conducted at1meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m.. aC-j c:o.chairmen of L'te conferencetions each year I e artIcles to the reCIpient al Among the Items to be a\'all· the Judge to brmg the defend· at·large on the Board of Direc· the museum. Eligible for try. ,cording to Cortland Ketcham are WoU \'ishniac nrofessor or

"It's a pressi~g problem," he nOM~~~t j~s;h~ ve~eran. able .for the 1.700 p.atlents at !hel· ant int~ court to.~ dealt with tors of the .Seven Lakes Girl oUls are a II members of the l\I.aster. Following the meeting:.biology at the Urli\'ersity ofsaid. "I don't think we're gel. Av p Rice of Grant hospital Dec. 2-6 WIll be cl.othmg accordIng to la\\: . jSco!Jt CounCil for a two·year Teen Workshop, Wagon Play. shdes of the progress of the Rochester, and Da\id Bonner.ting the turnout we should at h ~~~e ~as been ~amed the reo .~or. mc?, \V.omcn an~. children. Avery B. Robmson•. vll~age ~erlod at the annual meeting rs, ~nd all teen . agei'S who New York World's Fair will bel'professor of biology at the Uni·eJections." Ca. I I at~n .c h a I r m a ~ forIJe .... ~lr~. to)s..tOllet al tlcles. cos· attorney, had. ~o objections m the Canandaigua Methodist have been connected with the, shown and refreshments will be, versity of California at San

He was advised by Aver)' B. a.mga ounty and she Will as- meUcs and tnnkets. agamst the addition. Church. Auburn ChUdren's Theater. served. lDiego.

Robinson that 4--year term wouldbe subject to a referendum inMarch.

Harold Drake. chairman orthe Arcadia Republican Com·mittee, said he has been study·ing this matter for some time.

"There's more to it than 4·year terms." said Drake, a for·ml."r member of the villageboard. "It should be done assoon as possible."

Edward Jennings, chairman ofthe Arcadia Democratic Com·milee. said he was definHeiy infavor of the 4--year term of of·fice for mayor and four trustees.

"Village government is bigbusiness now," said Jennings."You should go in for the 4-yearterm. I would also like tohave the question of permanentregistration considered."

GE:;.lOA - Eighteen membersof lhe Salmon Creek YorkerClub of Genoa Central Schooland their facuIty adviser, Mrs.Ethel Marr. took a two.().ay tripto the St. Lawrence Seaway re­cently.

The group left Genoa by busSunday morning, stayed over­night at a motel near Massenaand returned via Canada andthe Thousand Islands Bridge.thu! ha\ting the experience ofpassing through the immigra·tion and customs stations.

Their trip included visits tothe EI~;nhower and Snell LoCkS!

~:~. t ~de~O:aeatlh~1~S:;orr::~;~;to see large boats passingthrough the locks.

The Yorker Club travelers in­cluded the following: MargaretAbet. Edward Ausborn, BonnieBaker, Joan Bickel, LindaClark, Timothy Devine. DavidDriscoll. Gregory Driscoll, Mar­garet Ecker, Patty Gunn, Wil·liam Halloway. Ethel Nettleton,Carl Stack, Edward Stevens,Jackie Townsend. Karl Wilson.Richard Woodhouse and ChrisZawacki.

WEEDSPORT-The WeedsportCouncil of Churches will conducttheir annual Thanksgiving eveservice at 8 p.m. Wednesday inWeedsport Baptist Church.

The Rev. Frederick Schlm·mer. pastor of Weedsport Pres·byterian Church. will give thesennon, "Gratitude is a Virtue."

Combined choirs from thechurches will pro\'ide specialmusic for the service. They will

~~,;\~_r~hm_e~r_sal _the_same nightl:;;::===~lAUUilT=rOiKM;;jAiiJ1iIC:;-I'f;::::::T=:i-;===~:::;~U=====-

~IRS.~~~t~~~tER FI ST NEW GRILL andNILE5-:'llrs. Anna Corrigan BLENDER

Helmer, 73, of Cream Hollow WAFFLERoad. Town of Niles. "'dow ofJames Helmer, died Saturday DEStGin Auburn Memorial Hospital NIN BAKER fafter a short illoess. Mrs. Hel· rommer, a life resident of Niles,

was a memher of Sl. Ann's 23 YEA'RS GEN E RALChurch, Owasco.Mrs. Helmer attended the

Moravia Training School for E L ECTRICTeachers and was a graduateof Oswego State Teachers Col­lege. She taught in the Moraviaschool many years.

Her onl)' sun-i\'ors are twonieces and two nephews.

Services will be at 8:30 a.m_Tuesday in the Langham Fun·eral Home. Auburn. and at 9a.m. In St. Ann's Church. Burialwill be in S1. Joseph's Cemetery.

Calling hours arc 3 to 5 and 7to 9 p.m. Monday at the funeralbome, 91 E. Genesee St.


AUBURN-Miss Anicla Koch·man, 71, of 174 State St., died

~~~p~~~trd~:it~~~n ~Ie~o~~a~ BLENDERKowalczyk Memorial Chapel.lpending arrangements for servo Model BL-lices and burial. _ Easy and Fun to Use

OFFICES CLOSED • Chrome Plated Base -ONEIDA-Burroughs Marsh. Glass 1ar

all, chairman of the Madison _ Unique Design - Only

;~~~~~c~;a~:tu;~aySu:h~iS~:;t lOW' Highall county offices wilt be closed • Stores Compactly-Monday out of respect for Presi- Always Ready for Workdent Kennedy.

Page 12: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY

•InNebraska Whips Ol<lahoma

Orange CageTeam VictorOver Cousy's

Figure SkatersExempt 28 in

Tille GameTennessee Hits ~ IOrange BowlHard to Blank I Spot EarnedKentucky, 19-0 IBy VictorsLEXINGTON Kv (AP) J Big 8 Champs

~nlll~;e:tt:CkPI:et~dngaUpS~~~~~1 Down Soonerstouchdo~n passes to defeat B 29 20 T IIKentucky 19 0 In a Southeast I Y - a Yem Conference football gameSaturday LINCOL"I Neb (AP)-

cl~:dH~~~n:nt~in~Ia~~a~~~~ Nebraska ' ..on Its fIrst Bigchell and Pat Can n set up the Eight Conference footballtouchdo\\ns Wantland passed ChampIOnshIp m 23 yearsfour vards to Bob Petrella for Saturday bv master ngthe Vals r rsl score n the open Oklahoma s Sixth ranked

~~gll~~o~r~s~~ssf~~ ;~e\~~~ Sooners 2920 and movedtouchdo n Fa rcloth passed 26 mto the Orange Bowl New

SCrimmage ~:~~~d t~o~usdc~cF sher for the Y~~fa~o~:; fumbles a dev

Three former outstanding professional In Manley Fieldhouse LeWIS coach op~~~ ~~~vn~ h~:~nf~~s~~e~~~ ~~~~;;d r::~~a::~fd~~e:;eJ::ndbasketball players - Fred LeWIS Bob at Syracuse and Cousy coach at backs runn ng from the s ngle son Wile Ross Denn s ClarCousy and Paul Seymour (from left) Boston College later watched theIr w ng Tennessee kel t to Its Notre Dame football players soberly The IrIsh were at Iowa CIty for a dge and Kent McCloughan

- met pnor to yesterday s Syracuse teams In a closed scnmmage seSSIOn ~ount ~ta~k un~1 it fO~ed !ile!oreoutatOfSthtaeteChuaruPevlerOsfltSvt oTfholmO\Vaas game WIth the Iowa Hawkeyes WhICh ~:anr~~/hr~~ ctory Into a fourthBoston College basketball scrImmage opoes:ed° ~~ ~~~~~ctygO~ef;n~~ U '\as cancelled as were many sports The v dory rounded out a 91

-------------------IWlth passes Saturday after attending a speCial events throughout the country season overall 70 n the B g

.5; ~ The \01 defense put a strong Mass for the late President Kennedy (UPI Telephoto) E ght and automatically put the

""',..~~t ~~r~~nt~nCt~~ce~~~~e~~~~ ~~r\nr~~k~~~mln the Orange; ~~@$'iH~1j'A\5'J©.;!\~@ of hIS pa·s.s and fore ng him 10 L d M O.lahnma "th a "nd

,~ ~I c; ~~:~:eo~a~a~~~~~ a~f:t~~kge~ ports ea ers ourn ~iateg~:ebea~~}n:J t~~la,:==Sunday November 24 1963 23 started stands 2 for the season and

PresJdent John Os'" aid 0 a--l n the conference The Soon

Keeping Posted~::;i~~:~~;~ai::~;:t~~ ass·,ng of Pres·,dent ~~~~~~~~:~s~~~~~:6r:wle:dt::cel\ed se\eral protest calls But haHt me Nebraska cap tal zed

SYracuse Urnvers ty s vars ty With Bill Reddy ~t:~~~~~~ b~n;:e:h~~fd~~~ ~~a?k~a~~~t :ar~:~~ ~ea ~~basketball team outscored Bos the game By WILL GRIMSLEY Amenca In uncounted ways words at such a time but the ond half tackle Llo}d Vo s re-ton College 104 81 In a p esea ThiS IS the biggest thrill of my life said the At a halftime memor al ser Associated Press Sports Writer he said We shall remain for Iworld of CIvilization shares lhe covenng on '1klahoma s 15son scr mmage carr ed out un young man whose life had been dotted WIth a succes ce the massed bands of Ken The sports world lost a cham ever consc ous of the new mean po gnancy of th s monumental Johnso~ '!lade tI e short dr veder game condit ons at Manley f th ill tucky and Tennessee pla}cd the d f d I th tr 109 and Significance he gave to traged) As a former comrade good on a one yard plunge andF eld House here yesterday SlOn 0 r s Star Spangled Banner and br ef ~eC;::ha~f P~esrde:nt J~hn eF :~c the mportance of be ng ph}S In arms h s death kills some oranlies ra ned onto the f eld asmorn ng It '\as two years ago in New York eulogIes 10 Kennedy were gwen call f t and rna ntam ng a th ng '" th n me the near capaCItv crowd of 38

John A.ust n 511 sophomOle:oF CIty and you would be mclmed to thmk by Oswald Gov Bert Combs ~hdYna~ports I~a~e~s ~rOUghout so nd bod as a base for an Col Donald Hull ex-ecut ve dl J85 savc cd the Orange Bowlstar from Washington D C that Errne DaVIS was talkmg about hIS and the Rev Donald Herren a e on sa a ur a alen m nd rector of the \AU called Ken prospectsled all scorers With 38 potnts selection as the 1 ner of the Hel Lex ngton m ruster From the c ladels of e>;ery Kennc<!J \\as a subsutute on nedy a great d nam c leader Nebraska aga nus ng a fumas he paced the team coached w n sman Tennessee had four chances major ~port-baseball football the Hanard freshman football th an nlerest m sports hie to advantage added sevenby Bob COUS) former Boston Trophy the fIrst Negro e\ er to be chosen to score 10 the Crst half but \\ as goU d the sprawling colleg team while an undergraduate HIS loss certamlv \\ II be rr.ore po nts m the wild fourthCelt cs ace as the fmest college football player In able to cash only one as Fred ate gram-cam" express ons at Cambr dge and he and h s slrongl\' felt, Hull added quarter on Clar dge s one )ard

Top po nl aelter for Coach the nation that year He was In New York Martin missed tViO fJeld goals of ~ck and sorro\lo over the fam Iy populanzed touch foot Uke e\'eljone else the "'orId plunge and lacked on t",o moreFred LewlS ;mners was Chuck to accept that trophy It was Tennessee s fourth VIC pas of a man "'ho empha ball as a pastime dur ng Infor over we n sports w111 miss thejtouchdO\\-'1lS m .the game s closRichards 68 transfer from tory of the year The game fi SlZ. the Importance of bu ld mal gathenngs at the Wh te Pres dent greaUy mg mmutes The late NebraskaArmy Vi ho netted 33 po nts For the second time In as many sea nal of the season for Kentucky 109 e body as well as thelHouse and at therr home In Pete Rozelle commlSS oner OfjtOUChdowns were scored by !laic-Da~e B ng Viho pla~ed agamst sons the bnlliant Syracuse halfback had left the WUdcats With • 3-6-1 ml Ryann s Port ~[ass lthe National Football League Laughan and Fred DudaAustin as a schoolboy 0 the Bm Reddy been named to the All Amencan football record all feel a deep loss and The 80th Harvard 'Yale game expressed himseU as deeply Oklahoma pacll.ed ts three

;:~~alb~S::a~:edsl~el~:~ i: team He was the obJect of a strrrmg contest among ~: lbe f~maeJ~~h~p~r~:ss~~~~ was the frrst cancelled when the ~~~c:e:: J::dA~=s:o;:t~::; :~~ch~~m~a~:/o:~~ ~~:srebounds and se eral asSiSts pro football teams for his future semces He had been this uld happen n our coun ltrag c ne"'s of the president s League ",hich postponed lts after hnd ng Is ground gameB ng rated the top soph on the acclaimed by fans and sports wnters ever)"Where But t~k" ld Ford Fr ck commlS death from a sn per s bullet "'eekend games c:a d strapped.Orange squad was double Erme wasn t thinking about any of those thmgs ~'rr(lr basebaU We af"9 all f1~Shet0 er the '" r~ f It s d fficult at this time to The Sooners lost a net of f eteamed much of the time by the To thmk he marveled that the preSIdent of T NbS keCl ahd n deer sorrow h oeu eVSexeGcultir\~4 ctor 0 comprehend the full Impact of )ards lo the f rst quae er andEagles and he passed off reg \ _ 0 ewe me ne of the faVOrite p ctures leo ssoc at on Pres dent Kenned s loss as a ere held to a to~l offense ofularly to of{se that t pc of de the Umted Stales v, auld go out of hIS way to see me lOinFr ck s Rockefeller Plaza of said man as ell as tl e head of our 28 a ds n the fust halffense Ernie and President John F Kenncd had a bit of trouble ( ce sl o~ s the late pres dent I President Kennedy s con government The magn tude of Oklaloma covered 5 ards

The Orangemen S\\ ep nto a gcUlng togctl er - a mix p In schedules - b t when the _ _ bare headed and stanel g cern for the total man-for his h s loss can only be n easured on ts f r~t toud do n dr e2511 lead at the start and were )0 ng football pla)er on his second cross town trip In a two-- In Auss eF Iwh Ic looking at a foul ball n body a~ ell as his braJn an I by Orne and h s accomplish a ded b a 35 }ard pass fromnever n trouble hour span caught up with the young president the two had I Ina the WashlnRton D C park Be splr l-ga e a tremendous 1 ftlments as a hero c service man Bobby Page to end John Por

a brief cordial chat ordered all baseball off ces to the nat onal health He left and de oted servant of our terf eld A 22 yard pass fromThe deotfty of the team with which Ernie would sign for closed until after the funeral both a legaC'} and a challenge country Ronald Fletcher to John Flynn

pro football badn t been revealed In fact Ernie shU hadn t ADELAIDE Australia ( Monday Ifor eery red blooded Amen I Keen About 01 mples prOVIded the score.flOlshed out his college career with that final come-from behind Dennis Ralston heartsick Kennedy was an ardent base- can Walter Kenned pres dent of r",o more Nebraska touchdJspla" for victory In the Liberty Bowl But the president news of the death of Pres! ball f d th t th f t The late president played golf the National Basketball \ssoCIa downs lOtervened beCore Oklaasked him in confidence about l"blch team be would Jolo Kennedy bowed to Aus baseb:n a: thre:e:p:~mg:a~:slregularIY but seldom took time bon sa d he felt keen!\' o\'er the homa dosed out the game onand Ernie told blm John Newcombe Saturday in tilt 1Jl the naUon s ca lIai to go a full round loss because of a personal fnend two talues by Wes Skidgel on a

That ",as about three l"eeks before the announcement fmals of the South AustralJa Joe Cron n pre:ldent of the He s the best golfer of an ShIp With the late pres dent 22) aId run and a 2a--} ard passwas n ade that Davis would sign with the Cleveland BrownJ Tenn s Champlonsh ps A L d of our many golf ng prest and he added from Tomm PanncllSo ~hough they met oni} once and br efly tbe} shared a The 23 Jear-old UOIvers ty ., d~e~~:.:ass~~fo~ o~~~~ O~R den a Xe 1>On R I pro H s leadership was mearnng The onlv score n the f rst half

01 . T t c10s I guarded secret Southern Cahforn a studelll ch ef execut e a tra c af fes.. onal once sa d If he took ful to Amer ran sports n so was Da e The sen s 2 }ardymp'c es s ~o~od could have foreseen as these t",o llta! oung men from Bakersf eld Cal f went faIr and dded g t me he could be an SO hoot rnam ",a s and his brm d rec f eld goal lo the f... st per cd" chatted so happ I that time ",old be so short for both of them down 61 63 15-17 61 afte~ He sur:lv vas one of the er ton Il be sadlv ro ssed

This year the He sn an--;;h race seems to be all but ~ ~~illu~~dB~~tl;a~~e tnes C:~ greatest sports enthus asts e er a';:n b D~e~~~ ~aa~~r;~~;,. t \~rt:~~C~:~~f ~~~ stist ~ec~ LSU 81 kCLEVELA~D (AP)-The us "'Tapped up though e electors ha en t vet recel ed our ballots bassador to Austral a It ",ashlsl to Ii e In the \Vh te House He tlte ~tt>~ NCAA f\AU d spUIC P c Comn ttee sa d \\~rld an s

F gure Skat ng I\.ssoc allon Pennsylvan ans and some from Ne." Jersey are root ng f I A t I b k knew a lot about sports th ngs •named 28 skaters Saturday ",ho hard for the select on of Pr nceton sf ne sen or fullback Coc:mo rSouruse~~r~n ~:~r:c dis you \\ouldn t expect and he en ~~~~ t~~~~tU;:dfo~l:~ ~~v~~ec SpO{~~ ~~: aWsJe:p:~u:h~~kee~d bvWIll ha\ie a chance to try for laca\ aZl! In the South and particularlY around Atlanta there s tressed over the news of the Joved swapp ng sports sto es d this ne vs Lentz s81d Pres TI 10 0the 1964 U S Olymp c f guee strong support for Georgia Tech s br I1iant all around quarter PreSident s assassination 80b Warren G Ies Nat onal grnr to IMrsth~~~:r ~ull ty or dent Kenned had a love for all Uane _skating team here Jan 9 12 back performer Billy Lothr dge However there seems I ttle Kelleher of Los Angeles ca League president said rea ze s rts and h~ was dee Inter ,Without hav10g to qualify in re doubt that the award w II be voted to Roger Staubach the sen lain of the U S Davis Cu tea: Wh Ie aU c t1zens of the na e~ed 10 the 01 m c ~o~ementg onal competitions now under sational Navy quarterback If he IS chosen the youngster from Said Denny d do t p know tion 'itre crushed by the loss of NBA Standings wh ch fostered ygO~ w 11 among BATON ROUGE La (AP)-way C nc nnati w 11 be only the second un or named for this COl eted wnether he should play or not our PreSident we 10 sports are nations LoulSlana State used Its TUnn ng

The 12 member OIymp c team award the f rst hav ng been Doc Blanchard the great Army The American player f nany espec ally I add e ned and Tom HamIlton drrector of the po"'el and the toe of Doug Mo-will be selected after the nat onIfullback assented alter Ambassador Bat shocked EASTERN mvt5ION 8 SIX Conference on the Pacil reau to down Tulane 200 Satural champ onshlps and Olymp c Staubach s performances have been so spectacular that he Ue a personal fnend of the late John l' Kennedy was aWL Pct IC1&Coast sa d the Pres dent s da} 10 the season fmale for thetrials at the Cleveland Skat ng could even stub hIS toe n the Army Na 'Y game In Ph ladelph a PreSident assured h m that H sports:nan and a fnend of base Boston 1'1 1 923 death "'as a tremendous loss Southeastern Conference teamClub - events v. h ch will see Saturday and he d still get the b g vote n the HelSman balloting would have heen the wish of the ball \\ ords seem so out of pro Cincinnati 10 8 ~S6 :\hster Kenned was most In Don Sch",ab broke throughmore than 100 of the nation s next "'eek late pres dent port on to one s feel ngs as \I e Philadelphia 6 8 429 tcrested In the Olymp C5 and aU nght tackle and ran 66 yardstop skaters compete -- E\en 50 twas ob\ ous to the renect on the trag c INe\\ York 6 12 233 other s rts Ham Hon sa d for one touchdown Dann) Le

On the list of 28 exempt from The first All America team J \e seen so (ar the 1"\ Guide gallery of 6000 at the Memorial almost unbel e\eable Clrcum I Art RPO f th N Blanc cracked 0 er from the 3qual fYIng becauc:e they PlaCed/ All America not only has Staubacn at quarterback but names Park courts that Ralston was slances caus ng hIS death The WESTERNDlVISION t onal Fa:t~allo ~:~~e s ~ tt~ Ifor the other Schv. ab theamong the first SIX In semor or him as Back of the lear merelv golOg through the mo- ~aUonal League shares tbelLos \ngcles 10 7 583 bur h Steelers called It a ter games top rusher pIcked upfrrst three 10 Jumor diVIS ODS n Among others on that team chosen well before the sea tions He \\ as onl) a shadow or gr ef of this trag c loss and our St Lo Is 10 8 SaG bIg t d d D d (S 154 ards ID 20 carr esthe national champ onsh ps a son s f naJ. games are mo "ho pla~ed against Syracuse this the player '" ho swept to s ncerest sympathy goes out to San FranCISco 8 7 533 ~I C"r:t1 \ ar~slde~t of ~~ Moreau booted h 0 f eld goalsvear ago are four defending na season They are halfback Gayle Sa)ers of Kansas (whose Ithe New South Wales ul1c a !\Irs Kennedy and hiS family jDclrolt 9 3;, N,:Jj \o~k Yet/Of the Amer can lo the third quarter from 40 andtional sen or champ ons They running was a major factor In the Javba",kers win oyer the week ago and beat Roy EIDer Walter B}ers executi e d Bait more 10 "31 F tb 11 L d t 31 yards outare Thomas LitZ of Hershev Orange) and Vern Burke brlllhlOt Oregon State and whose son Austral a s No 1 star en rector of the National Colleg tOO eda feague sla :s a

lTulane ",hleb "'ound up With

Pa n men s s ngles Lorrame pass catching ab lIty ma4c him dangerous In eery game route to the f nals here ate Athlet c Assoc aUon sa d Results Last N ra~ f rt 0 nnato°':: /~oi~~h~~ld 1 8 1 season record held the THanlon of Boston 10 lad es s n TI ere s another on the team of interest here too That s Newcombe 19 }e-ar old Aus all peop e must be stunned b Detroit at Ne v Yorkabe ~cdsP r

tf n t fa gers to one loucl do~ n In the

gles and Jumanne and Jerry Jim KeU) p cked at end along with Burke Kelly Is a record Iral an Jun or champ on and an shock d sbel ef and the tJ ought Cincinnati at Sf Louis e caln~e P o~dOt res\~~rbl ~ f rst half close enough fo DonFoUler ngill of Tacoma Wash sett ng receh er for Notre Dame one of many Irish players outs der up to nov. In the Aus such a th ng could happen n o~~ d a e re en Br ght to tr) t 0 f eld goalsIn pall'S who 11 bear watchIng l hen NO plays S, racuse In Yankee traJ an Dav s Cup plans Amer ca Gan es Tonhtht a e Both were short

Montv Hoyt of Denver 1962 Stad m Thursday wh pped through the f rst two Pres dent Kennedy contr b St Louis at Cincinnati ( , II Thkc dct~rv gtha eT

LSU a t7h3men s t tI st who lost to L tz last sets w th ease utcd to the advancement of Boston at Detroit mar an cpt e gers eyear also IS among the exempt A basketeer as a young e S}racusan Ph I Feldman s 0 ege runn ng for a bowl b d28 round ng up every Scranton an for m les around to cheer for .A LSU p led up ,,14 ,ards on Ie

S x former national Jum Un vers ty of Scranton when t plays Le~rovne College here a P S h I F tb II ground a d held Tulane toor champ ons also are on the "'eek from toda~ Scranton comes here after playmg Can s us rep C 00 00 a F b II nus 1 LSU accumulated iI st released todav bv Spencer n Buffalo Saturday rught Ph I s brother Ch c Fcldman 15 the C .... t yards n the air Tulane saCram general chauman of the \eteran sports editor of The Scrantoruan Tr bune and ChiC wIll oach Describes H,s Qualities 00 a ;,ch",ab s fourth per od touchnational meet Thev are B By accompan the basketball team on ts tr p down "'as the game s outChapel of Los Angeles lo men s mCldentall) se er-etl hundred Scranton ans recently paJd Uah ')5 ULah State 23 I()tand ng pIa The 1~ pounds ngles Chr stine HaIgler of tnbute to Chic as the man pr nClpally respOns ble for making \\ ALUNGFORD Conn CAP)llf he thought he was r ght he Harold Tinkp.r no?; retired Br gham louog 24 Cor. State fullback appeared momc I ar IyColorado Spr ngs and A.lbertl11a/the Scranton Jew sh \\ar Veterans hosp tal program the best - He was not an All \menca stood up for them WIth all h s thought he had a f ne fla r for "0 c:topped alter three Gn:('n of Bosto n lad es sm tn the state for the second sucre .. ve vear by any means sa d Pres dent rmght \\T tlng even though he was a l'iebra k Z9 Oklah 20 met h m when he slanted 0 f

Ie Sand \ n d Ro aid J I -- Kenned s prep school football \ lot of people have asked poor speller A b s;1 FI d ~~~ 15 tackle but he t Isted free ani:ep1 of HI~:I~: Park mO

Friends of Emil (Foxey) ~ageboro mav not ha\f~ heard that coach But he made up for me If I thought he "'ould be- Tmker remembe.led h s pupil L~Uu~~ TUlanO;10

2 a e ran by the surpnsed Tulane c:eEI zabeth and Paul George Ofl he IS a pahent In Un l'ersity Hospital He has heart trouble lack of nati e ab I ty With great come President and I must sa" as bright cle\er shre",d 'anderbllt 31 Geor e Wash ondaryBoston and C"-nthia and Ronald and I m sure he d be glad to recehe cards Foxe a flne pitch determmat on that I ne er thought he would "th a good sense of fun and In ton 0 g Ten LSU sen ors sa'" the rKauffman of Seattle n pairs er for the Spilt Rock club In The Pest Standard League bad Earl Lienbach who was young But he "as voted the boy most good natured denltrv ~ 19 K t k 0 last scheduled act on 10clud lig

Other pa rs go ng mo the na ::~~~e keenly mterested In howling after his diamond career ~~~k ~sen~~yr~~::~e~~=~~r~s ~ka~l:s to succeed by h s class Jo~~e C~::te ~~ad~~s~~ursa~l B:n~~::ee Gree:n

')~c Xa\ ler ~~~:Bcf. .g~a;h~n~oBa~s~; rte~dtionals v thout need for qual Choate School descr bed the He \\as ery popular", th Perhaps not for "'eeks 01 (0) 15 man Fullback Buddy Hamlcfytng are Patt Gustafson of youngster he remembered as both classmates and teachers months w II Amer ca recogn ze Arka sas 27 Texas Tech ')0 a lOth sen or has been s del nedLynn Mass and Peter Kollen Ak N' C f F never at a loss for words here at Choate how much It vas g en b} Ken Ohio U 1 Marshall 0 s nce m d seasonof Ann Arbor M ch and Joan r ansas IpS on erence oe always a boy who had the cour On the "'a I beh nd Le nbach ned, Regar Hess of part;,: Kent State ')3 Dayton 0 E ght T la e sen ors bo edHeckert and Gary Clark of Eastl age of h s conv ct ons was a photograph of the late of pol tics or personal ties veI lout ndud ng sta ters quarterLans ng M ch Ff\YETIEVILLE Ark (AP) back Ben Elledge who scored He was light for a football Pres dent v th the lOser pt on have had a Pres dent "'ho stood B /- back Al Burgu eres end Clem

Round nt out the bst of 28 are -A kansas ~ rapped a break the r th rd touchdown on a player but he was a typ cal To Cappy Le nbach \V tb by h 5 conv ct ons n the 0 wing Dellcnger guard Russ Gall anoScott Allen of Smoke R se N J e en football season Saturday short run Irishman as far as f ghl was best w shes and regards Jack strength of vh ch the free world and tackle l\I ke CalamanGary V scont of Detro t Bud by edg ng Texas Tech n a Jack Brasuell sophomore concerned Le nbach said Kennedy has felt proud and secure _

~r~:c:f ~a~~~~:d ~~VldB~~y ;~U~hd~~~heru:e g~t :~:rt2e4r~:~: ~;nan~4 ~:~dato~~ ~~~~ee sl;~~~ Li~:l~nf:~u~~ p ~~e:IS f~i~~ call~ a ~~ud~~~ a L~b:alh ~ey andM~%ur;:e ~~\ ~a:~; f~rs::~ Laf'ayl ~~~n~<;~~:so Jolla Harverd Yaleg~u~~lh:~ ~s ;:::~~~er R ~ha~d B¥reG~~~ansans Jumped 1Oto :f[~~ B~b~;e N:;cos~~reauar~~~ ~~b:ft~o~~hth~e cl~s:s O~0:9;~ :~d H~rk~s]u:~ e~~~:g~O s~t ~~~torch which he has passed 1:l,.::~. r;: II Firl niP••1" oos. Set for Nov 30and Tim Wood of Detro t-all n the front'" th three touchdowns for the A.rkansas Razorbacks outstanding student ne\er held dent Choate is also the Oldl RESET FOR THURSDAY NEW HA\ EN Conn (\P)_men s singles and L"-nn Thorn one on an 83 }lard punt return near the end of the f rst penod a class off ce and as Le nbach However at Har ard He got school of Ambassador W A, DURHA..'f N C (AP) _ The The Harvard Yale football gameas of PhiJadelph a 11)Tna 80- b~ Kennv Half eld before the from one }ard out after quar noted was not a supenor ath under wa) and revealed the lo erell Harr man former go er I:'iorth Carolma at Duke foot ",h ch was put off Saturda;,: outdek of Detro t Jo)a Utermoh Texas Tech Red Ra ders rut pa} lerback Fred Marshall had set lete tellectual br n ance that result nor of Ne y York and Adlai ball game postponed by the of respect for the memor)' oflen of Ne York and PeilD d rt Rut then the RaIders un It up "itb runs of "2 yards Yet E en as a youngster ed 10 his graduaung cumlSte\enson U S Ambassador tolassassmat on of Pres dent Ken !pres dent Kennedy ",ill beFlemmg of Los A.ngeles 10 worn leashed a t\i\o touchdo",n aer al topped by h s 12 }ard pass to Lembach Said he had the laude Lembach scud the Uruted Nauons and former ncdy has been rescheduled for played next Saturday m the "ialeen I s ngles blast engIneered by quarter end Jerry Lamb courage of his conv ctions atf I know his En.a:Ush teacher governor of lllino s IThanksg1l'1ng afternoon Bowl ;.

USINESS pOST IArea Eco~omy"hold(jrobtllO I Looks Bnghtl1merican Stock ooExchange]

THE POST STANDARD Syracuse, N Y Sunday November 24 196322

Page 13: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY






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Orange Eager for Vic~ory Over No~re DameWin Could I Former Stars j Auburn Wins 21-15 I VO Defends-- I B?ok 36 Ho~e

I Final of CaJun

G' H'II ~r JOl'n I'n T'b t I AUBURN. Ala (AP) - Jim· ,pnnt. endm. an S2·yard drivelconcluded from PreeedmgPagc Classl'c Todaylye I men rl Uemy Sidle, who may become the The 200 pound JUnior from -nation's No 1 ball carner, Birmingham, who leads the a 12 3 average Coach Johnscored ~three touchdoldns Satur· Southeastern Conference In to-,Hannoo also has 6.0 Gar~' LAFAYETTE. La CAP) - A

Bowl Spot ~/'"S To Andreas ~~:n1~0 Paa~ll~f5 ~~~C~;~D;\~r .~~ ~o~fl:~~~h::v:co~~e:~o~ :~: Sharpe, 6-0 Pete Contento. 5·10 ~~~~~eybaf~el~ :;~O~~~O 1C2J~~~. F10nda State Semmoles. second Quarter. and bulled his':ll.ike McE\oy and 510 Gene Classic, the fmal PGA goll lour..

\ With Sidle in the game. Au- way into the end zone fro.m se\'· Patriarco back from last year, namenl of 1963Syracuse Will . d' burn had the dm'e needed to en yards oul for the final Au· and DIck Marglson. Chuck PGA offiCials called oft Sat-

re~~~lsoia~~~~~:s'a~e~~~:~us~~~rnca~~~zeth~n i~:de~re;: bu,~:~e:re'Voodall booted the KJempka and Bill Powers from ~;~:I~;tl~Onu~1 ;rC:s~~:n~f ~een~:Teke 41 Men University: Will be honored With W1thOut him, the Tigers were In three extra pomts, bUl .missed the Jayvees. Both big men, Gee dy

T N Y k a testimomal dinner at the Hotel trouble. t\\O held goal attempts after and Kubn, ha\-e been nurSing With 36 holes scheduled Sun·~-o ew or Srracuse Thursday. January 9. The Semmoles, badly out- touchdo\lo'n dnves bogged down InJunes and Hannon hopes both day. It boosled the chances of

S Yr a C U Se University's ~_--=-...-=- Sponsored by Syracuse Umver· nlayed for the Drst hall. stif- Auburn's defense was marve· will be ready for wednesdaY'slJaCk Nicklaus, who was six

slty. the dinner will be a tribute fened their defense after the In- lous at limes, not so good at oth- opE:ner WIth CBA strokes off lhe pace after Fri·high scormg football teamj.-:: ,...._ to Andreas' long career on the 11SSIon and made It more ers Fullback Doc Gnffith NOTTINGHAM OO·4l-The day's second round The gruel.had a rare Saturday of ' HIli He has been on the athle· and more difficult for Auburn to hauled down one of FSU quar- Bu dogs have lost the big hng test should be Just SUIted

non-combat yesterday, but • ~~e~~~ :;n~~hl~~~~S ~~t~~Y:is 1~:Cae~t:~~o~~~e ~:nIJ~dl:~:s o~; ~e::a::ve S:;:~feTI:eer~SI~~sie~~f~ ~~r~~s;n~~~;i;~~~·rn C:,~yTe~~~ ~~r :n:o~~~~~~I~ Nicklaus' pow.

~~~k O;:n~~::;~n to\~~rr;\~ ~;~In~~~~~~osna~~no~enc~9J7he~:I~~ ;~~~I11;u~i~~~r~ltypu~n~he~ 51~ ~~C~:db~~lu~~I~~~ b:::t~:e th~~ ~:~~~ga;li:en~ta5r~ hI:: c~;:~teJ;:==::==:::::=;WIth Just one goal ill rnmd retire In January. IlOsltlon (or another They made the next play. Griffith kept the leplacements In Bill Pomeroy. LEARN _ LEARN-Beat Notre Dame! Former players dUring An· both of them good. drive gOing by recovermg an Morns Torres. Jeff Menter, Announcing Cla.sse5

dreas' long reign as basketball Sidle gOl the first score early Auburn fumble lo keep lhe bali Dave Clapp, !'oIike Maloney and 1~::t:u~~~~uMln., fll~oJ~:j:.

n::-:'lS t~~u~~::ge~~~nk~:~v:n= coach from 1924 lo 1950 are ex· In the game WIth an elght·yard out of Seminole hands Doug Roberts, but he needsI LEARNl'l'NNOUNCING

chance to accompltsh a number ~:;~e~I~~:e:'~hh~~\~aftc~:c~~~: • :~reo:e~~eocrs~~:d bo:~~s. G~~~I B~~:t"':~~u:;adlO AlljjLS~~~1o~~..~mf~'lof vt~~~ryCa~Ve~ll~~~ Inend" felow alhleUc directors Greater Syracuse Bowling League fsaac•• Arlen Tompkms, D'ckl c... "" '"Ftghtmg Irish and dlgnatanes, Henry and Tom Castleman. Frill Audliioll

Frrst of all, Syracuse would AnAdr

1e9a2; :~~d~a~en~fl~y;:oCtb~~i ~~ ~~~~X; '--t A\I I

complete Its finest regular sea- V" .......

son smce the 1959 squad went To Be Honored at Testimonial :~C~~c~he:e~~'eba~~e:~l~:~;~~~ ~!:~~I1;:=:t. n ~1 1~~:~:~~n 1~ ~~I~~~~ti~':erg~~~: LeWIS P. Andreas, retirmg Syracuse Umverslty High School before returning to ~rio~.DcL~:OTj a-,Dr~. W·~ B~ :O~Dame would gIve SU an 82


athletic director, WIll be honored at a testimonial ~~sa:l:~k~ll~~I~~~b~~c':4ver th~ ~~g~l!~D~Ml~t1 :: i~ ii :mm~~~e~nlh~ea1~=:~~~ng '59 caro. dmner m Hotel Syracuse Jan. 9. He will retire 10 His court teams were amon~ FT~lcht. l~ l~ r~P818n, Syracuse was 7-2 In 1950, January after servmg 24 years as athletic director. the natlon's best They won 355 :: .. i~l... ~: ..... ~~7 . 3 (not mcludmg a Liberty Andreas coacHed basketball for 26 years before games. while losmg only 134 for . H" ::" m 'Bowl Win) in 1961, and then 5-5 retinng m 1950. a v.mnlng average of 73 per 10', 1&1....toll ~ 12a year ago cenL HiS 1925-25 teams. starring .l.. Z3 .JIll \ 10'...

Also S~raeuse could gaUl a V1C Hanson, was recognized as Hi~h ~ 3101 H.fa:h \eUtl 3 ::;:':..~::~'.. ...~measure of re\ enge for Its o\'e"- Inational champions During the= 3 can:.ea IlJa Rtt:b \e&1:ll ...m~ .u:utr" IOU

time 1961 loss to the Irish That penod from 1927 through 1929. B~ ~u=~~:~~~ :':~I:ll~, ~~~~ meontes saw Nolre Dame gel a Andreas was head foolball . J'Gd~'-~~aJ AnrUeisecond field goal chan~ after coach. £..H.nlf.n 3D 200

g:~ ~:~e e-:tote: D~ms;lc~e~~~~~ Spector. bot~ former basketball ~=;m ~: mtriumph m~:~rs..:; ~ m

Within a few days ail of or- the dtnner. Eric WIll and An- ~ i~

~~:ald:: eag~~n tha~I~~'::o~~ Utony Henmnger are honoan', 1 ~: :~

second field goal attempt How- Cb~~~ren committee chairmefJ ~:;~ ~ mever. the score rematned un

- .' Ire: Prof Donald Kibbey, pro· ~~a.l' ~ ;~changed !!ram George Brenneman. IIC-.. • ~ 1"

Pracltce Tomorrow kets and seatlrtlt. Wilham Ga :.: yr.. It 1':An Orange triumph mtght also bor. former pla~ers: Ronald R.eI.l!IIlIIItb J'I 118

place the Orangemen In conten Prolli decoraUons James 30 tr-tion for a bo\\l berth. especIaU) "HE LOOKS Jt:ST AS GOOD NOW AS HE DID Deck::" pubhctly. Jos'eph spec-~! h.- *In~na~~e;,t;o~;-~rn~e:~l~r:n~lt~ when he was at hiS peak," said one of the spectators tor. gtfts; Horace Landr~, :1;1l1tt ~tee watched the Syracuse _ Pltll at Ukrainian Lanes last Monday whIle watchmg John treasurer JOgame earher 10 the sea50n (SmItty) RutkowskI, a charter member The Rev. Charles ~ob~e.Sdea; 0 K~ n

Orange coach Ben Schwartz- of Syracuse's BowlIng Hall of Fame as I of He~drickS tChapeill a be y~he;"" • ~~~~~~r t~la~~:o ~~k af::'~~~ he anchored the Burzynski LIquor t~am l~aS~ma~l;~ersly, w Rom. ~JIJ f~Notre Dame frar ,m a close match WIt hthe MeIer & Ranz ~ ~:f

The Hillmen will practice here qumtet. I V d b'lt Ed\. ~~ 13tomorrow and Tuesday. then nyl When the spectator said It Rutkowskl an er I n( ) t 3) mto New City for a seS~lOn atl was on a stnke lrmg at the 'start of hiS ", 1: rlzlo 21 M l:~ : ::t '&1 ft :~

~r~~:~:~nSt~1~~;n aO~ :~n~~la?-1 thud game He knocked them all down LOS' f ~oI ~ r'EpoUJ<) 1''' Y.t~ at ~~~ 8; :::~o ...~I::';£I: e~i·t~~8;11,j: :~out al the stadium thl' Orange for seven straIght strIkes but the contrast oSlng tnng t t, I "'-ron. PAC C ... Mall' 1.1

men Will set up he~dqu~rters at came m the eIghth when he missed the I w,:~::r::: ::111:' 1.:1: ~l'.l:· 1': 1k'.~1e;.1'Iugii:ilt::.IOllJOn ... Morri.l

th~y~~~~~e!Snn41:~~~rr;ql~=r. allheadPlO, left up four pms, and nllssed the Ed Reddy I NA.SHVILLE. Tenn (AP)- ur~!f.r~uTt~h5~o:h~:~:I)flE;:~ :~IIB~'~};1or~/~~htmleast tentatively, will mclude 16 spare. Though he came back WIth another double, Rut·lflred _ up Vanderb11t fOOW\_ ,.. Gallo.l BO'&I·1Nor !'.~ti.mll \.. OUl\ler.~ PU!.m~ A C

backs and 25 linemen Thelkowski had to settle for a 245 game. The fourth man ill tcam won Its first ~ame of di - IOrange wlll ' be four·deep atj the Burzynskl lineup, Len Banach, chIpped m WIth a season Saturday by turnlnaeight positions and wlil have strike-studded..257 In the same game back George Washm~ton, :n... Woodcutterthree men available at left and . before a ChlUed crowd of tUOO J ,rIght guard and inSIde tackle AFTER THElU.4.TCII, RUT- saddened by the death of PnI- ",.;:;;.........,.........

Unless practice injuries pop kowski was talkl1lg about how finished 16th In a field of 192 'Ident Kennedy Spareup, and Schwartzwalder has his qUlcklv bow I I n g scores can with such ace as Don Carter Vanderbilt shut out the GJ1D..fingers crossed on that score, change and Dick Weber being ellmi· ruals m the 5tadIUm where Ken·Bill Orange will go With an un- " . nated earl). For his final nine ned)' packed In a crowd of more Th tchanged starting hne-up for t.l:ie P dLook what ~iPr,e:ed to Le~ games on the closing day of than 30000 last )'lay In a Speechl aflrst time smce early in the cam- o:t u~~a re~~ )d ,e ~O~fl~ the c\cnt, Vito aHra"qed ap· ,commemoratlnli: the university.patgn, . n a on a) Dig e proximately 210 \Lith his besl 90th anm\'er!\"ar\' OffICials de- B kI

A strengthned operung for- ';"led. a ~oo ~~me and a 706/ game being 245. eided to y,o' a'h'ead With the ac

ward waH '\\illlist Co·Capt Dick Ip e In t e It)' Lea~ue. n lJ!ame Since the Washington •Bowman an.d JI~ CTiPPS at the ~~: ~~tr:;~~~\~e:ea~~~l~ft~~ ED IIANIFAN BOOSTED IllS team was en route here whenends, Gerr) E\erhng and Bob T1J P t St d del I average to 203 to regam the the PreSident's death W8'§ an·:Meehan at the tackles, .Tack Le~ue~~d ~~d~ames ~~~58e Ilead In the mdi,\ldual ranklngs nounced

~~~rn~t a~~ C~;:S: ~~~ ~~z~ 203 and 147 for aO

;)02 t~tal" ' ~re~l~r ~~~~;~'Itl::gu:fHa~:1 co~t~~meto c~f:;~;le~f ~~;~::yw:; t~en~e: CoS~~b~n ~~~ o~ac~~e;a~fb~le; ::~o;~:I~~n~~~?h~n~~ l:t~~r ~l ~~: ~a:tta~~~i1~'ba~~Thee" byfense. IRutkowski Cit e d the case of straight triples over 600 lo climb The Commodores clearly out-

Kins; l'tta)' Start Stanely Boots, one of a small,to 202 Last ~Ionday. howe\er.1played the punchless Colonials.In the backfteld, t,he C1ln- group of S~Tacusans who ha\ e Hamfan's 564 triple upped htm whose one touchdown was nul.

stantly - Improving Rich Klns bov.:led triples of /00 or better to 203 and back on top lifted b) a penalh'Is expected to get the nod at m .the.~BC Tournament Johnny , - . Fullback Bdl W~ldrup scoredquarterback, although Jumor satd, Back m 1948. a day orl THERE" ILL BE NO TELE· three Vanderbilt touchdownsclassmate Walley Mahle will al- two before he left for the ABS nsed bowhng programs today d lu ed in a sparkling work ""th the first unil tournament, he couldn't hit 500 Local fans have been look· fennslv/

nerformance. aided by

The other Orange backfIeld in a three-game league senes. fng forward to watching the th p of halfback Tobystarters wdl be BIUy Hunter and Then he got that big 119 score clash between the stellar W~t Q~~~~rback Da\'e WallerMike Koski at the halfback In the ABC, came back home southpaws, Syracusan !\larty b ed th f th t hposts, and burly Jim Nance at and, In his nexl league start, he Piraino and Butralo's NiD An. dntn ul 33.:ardous~amp~~cl­fullback Nance came oU t~e got another 400 sertes" g,elo in tbe Ulica Club New t::

nC~~I~ riilnute. Waldru~

llijured list for last weekend Sl Rutko\\sk.1. the major domo '\ ork State BowllnA: Cham- 0 ened thegscormg With a louchgame With Richmond and gave at the Pohsh Home, doesn't pions Tournament. The sho~- d~wn In the second quarter andthe Hill squad a real !tfl. burden hl~ me m 0 r y com- Ing of the match has been scored a aln in the thtrd and

The Orange depth for the ND1

pletely Wit h bowling Items. postponed until nex( Sunday. r th g

ga~~t 10~~d IikB~~~an, Brad ~~~~D:: ~~~~:~op~~~d J~~n~s; Sh~~owl~r~o~'~~~:c~~:ceBt~d~~: o~;Jlt'made a 3Q·yard field goal

Clarke, Howie McCard, Pete hasn't forgotte~ a ca;d that's ~on ~essler IS the "king of the ~~ath~I~~~~dc~f:~~~1 ~~~:~~bae:kColmo been played since they took 0111 The matches are set P

Left guard Sale Ino, DenniS down the cannon which used ahead one week and Kessle lI?a~V HIOII~td, one of the na-Reilly, John Pagllo to stand in the little park Will face Alex PandoZZI next l on s ea Ing passers, was

Center' Slaby. Conti, Pat Kil- acro§s from Sacred Heart Sunday In one semIfinal while rushed by the Commodore hnelorm, Jack von BlschoHshausen. Chufch. two blight slars. Andy PIrainO and had several of hIS passes

Right guard Mazurek, Paul He has an excellent memory and Greg Grtffo, meet in thel"__'_er_ce-'-p_ted1Houle, Joe Duekonskl for 700 triples in the ABC be. other semifinal

InSide tackle, Everhng, Tom cause he notched one of thcse - en In good physical condition.Wilhelm. Tony Scibelli. big scores himself m the na- TilE NATION'S BOWLERS And undouhtedly he appre·

Outside lackle' Meehan, Hen· llOnal claSSIC Included amon are JOined In mourning lor Pres· elated many olher aspects ofrv Buettner, Dave Archer, Bob other Syracusans to hit 0\ er th; Ident Ken~edy - a man who tbe game - the demonstra­Ahtchell. 1700 10 the ABC are Ron Van shared their idea of keeping tion of organized units work-

Right end Cnpps. George 111 art e r. the late Bdl Shaul phYSically fIt lng logether for beneficial rea·Falr. Hams Elliott, Walt SofSJ' Andy PlratnO II And Sellln'l When the president talked sons. the good fello"shlpan Gre Griffo and Joe D~mento. ',about thiS natIon "becoming a shoun. the notable \\ork of the

T~UH%~~~\ialKR~'ney~1ahle, fl Pl!~~~ Il~; ~~e~e~:n~~edt~~r. ~~:lo~f~~T1~ec~to~~:'le~Se ~~~ ~h~"~e::er"~~y ci~i~~~Snhlpa~~Lett halfback Hunter, Charlie li:U chalked up 705 lrl I t IdoubtedlY he apprecIated thel the millions or bowlers \\ho

Brown, Jack Humphreys, Gus share fourth place In t:ee~lna~ place that the game of bowling operate under Ihe rules of ,Glardl. . ABC tournament standings for plays In keeping men and wom- fair play.

Fr~:h;o~~~~d~;, ~:~~~~ :oa:. that year

trabe~ki.... . I ASK E D ff CO:<DfTfONS Only ° ° °Ful.baek. :\~nce, BIU Schoon- \\ere more difficult than usual Eb '1 B I' Ce 1 I

over, Ron Oyer. Roger the nattonal profeSSIOnal onl e OW log ner I. bowlers assoc1ation tournament

Bndgeport Club PlanS1la" weekend at Garden C,ty. can give you 37 years experience.

Turkey Shoot Today 1;"':,~e~'I~s~',:~e?~~I:I~d~~dl First grade Ebonite balls made in

CI~ge\\,~rh~~~~la~~~al~ur~~;:;:~; ~~~g~e~~eds:~~al~a:e~s U. S. A. - Drilled while you woitshoot from 10 a.m to 5 pm There were a lot of "laps" on Reg. 1850today at the club. Tom Sitnik apparently good s t r ike hItsclub offiCIal, has announced that Some of the entrants seemed to 24.95~:~: :h~tb~l~e s~~~gualnP~~~grl~~ng~' thq:l~eth: :11~:tS ~ere "run- Block

d i Satell'te 2195 Plastl'c R,EOOGB'CY 2888an p ate. Tille shoot, quadl CaiOla had Ihe key to tbelock and other events conditions, howe\'er, surpass· 541 N. Salina St. GR 1.7693

..n1h~en~~s~:;t~~h~ the club ~~i~~?Se~~:~~ ~O~I~~~ ~ t~: 1•••••••••••••••II.liq~'



Post-StandardClassic League

AFL WillExtend SlateOne WeekNEW YORK (AP) - The

Amencan Football League,which postponed Sunday's com..plete slate of four games, willextend its !eason one week withregular season games Sunda)-.Dec. 22

The extentlon will mean thatthe championship game, origi.nally scherluled for Dec. 22. "'Inbe moved bac. A deciSion on thedate Will be made later byleague offiCIals

Jack HOrrlgan, publiCity di­rector of the league. saId theleague was trying to work outthe problem of reschedulingSunday's games, Each club willmake Jts own announcementHorrigan said the league Willannounced a complele realign­ment of the schedule Sunday orMonday. I

It IS pOSSible that some of thegame,; orglnally !cheduled Sun­day will be played ThanksglVlngDay

"There are many factors m.voh'ed." saId HorTlgan. "WeWill announce our rev1<;edschedule as soon as pOSSIble:'

Goodyear Service Store

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, ~h~1~';h' $ 95• Gra\'el


Salt and Ice will soonbe here to rust your car


Enroll indiyidually, with friends, small clubs orgraups for short leogue season.

For Further Informa.twn Colt HA I-Sill

For the Finest in Bowling


• FREE NURSERY SERVICERelax and Hon Fun at-

SYRACUSE BgWLINB CENTER, 105& W. B.nts.. llli~••••••••••••[ISjTBV~ ,,''1) nu t ... A.KD '.1' P.x.&AT. AND lUX. 1-4 r M.".£Ii SKATI!'fG .UnR GA.~

Prelim 5:30 P_'I(.-Broomball Game

sTrRS'VS:' LXCHINrBRAVES"~-of Montreal

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Chllllr,. tlD4e~ I'-'S. PUBLIC SKATINGlln'rT,UouJl1!'-".'


)THE POST-STANDARD, Syracuse, N. Y~ Sunday, No.ember 24, 196324

Parochial, Ci~y Baske~ball Seasons ~o OpenBapfist Seeks VO Defends3rd Straight Crown inParish Title ' City LeagueImpellizieri and North-OswegoBill Hassett Are Open CampaignOnly New Coac Tuesday Night I

By LARRY EILERSt. John the Baptlst. go· By GARY VAN DUSEN

ht ti Although he has lost hIS'ing for Its third stralg . enllre slarlmg Uneup andftie in the Parochial High four reserves, VocationalSchool BasketbaU League, coach Ken Huffman IS sllllis In for a strong run (hIS optImIStic aboul the Vlk·season - which opens Fri· ings' chances 8S the curtam

· day- if pre-season indica- nears raiSing time in the· ttOns mean anything. CIty High School Basket·

Coached by Frank SaWin, the ball League.Baptists have won two consecu· The league opens. Tuesdaytive league championshIps, and when Oswego hosts North at

4 Jast year topped of( a 16·1 sea· 6 45 p.m Four games are

~~hW:~l~e~\~2'tyo~e:m~entral Prepare for Opening Cage Tilt ~~~~~~ ~:nes~::ir~lth .re~~SIX pl~yers are back from Vocational basketball coach Ken and Huffman; back row, James C91• clashing in the War Memonal

riJ~~~~~~~~7~~s:';j'::'~~ ~':;:f~~~~~:st~:;~:~~~n~ip~~~:~~ ~~:; ~~ ~:~td~~S~\~~O~~~~~'I~I~~~~: :~;~::~~:~~~t~r~:~~~n::; James Princetan CaptainHowever. Sacred Heart, which to defend Hs CJty League hIgh school er Wednesday mght. Clty League from last year's varsity, and Doug James, who graduated from Fayetteville.

posted a 13-4 record last year, title. Members of the team WIth Huff· gets under \,ay Tuesday mght with ha5 four jUniors, two soph- Manlius last June, was elected honorary captaln

• ~~~u:~~~nst:~I;gs~ea~i~~~~'~ man are, from left, front: Larry Oswego hosting North. ~~sor;:a;~dll~~anfr~~~d~n~~ of the Prmceton Umverslty freshman football team,~ also have several returnees Burke, David Palmetert Dand Kay some, thiS would Indicate a which completed ltS season With a 2-4 record.• aplecl!.. I year of rebunding, but Huff- James, a three-time County League all-star, played

The foor teams are figured as Ch- LIS man sa)'s, "I'm kind of optl- tailback and was called "a fine team leader" byrop choices for first place. ac· lcago oyo a een ml,Uc, The hoys h3\'e lookedcording to Informal opinions of pretty good In practice.." coach Walter McCarthy, shown with him, Jamesthe coaches. The most Ukely contenders is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul James of 817

, There are two new coaches, for the Viking's throne appear Oakwood Drive, Fayetteville. A.....

• hoth announcedprevlously. They T C II · t Q. to be CBA, Central Tech, Corl· ':,~,

'i£~~;~~:~F~~:~~~~'::£i Op 0 egla e ulntet :~~{ In The __coach at ;\f05t Holv Rosary. andj NEW YORK (AP) Th R th - . were AII,Clty choices last sta· ZIFrank rmpellizlerl, who takes - - e am-I learn al upset Clncmnati l'llfOr Ihe season opemng Saturday son. Coa('h Frank Cappelletti iHover at Assumption bl.ers .of Chicago Lo~-ola are anlthe NCAA final la"it Mard1. t.,~ mghL Of the rema,,_. SIX ha"i six olher returnees plus ~n

- Hassett replaces Lou Snow o\er\\helnnng choice to WIn the Ramblers poUed 335 of a pow-fnamed them second, three for ~e\'eral memberc; from la'it Hl,dI3 ... r.:~1.. who retired, and ImpelJizien national ~legl.ste basketball,ble 350 points in Thl' ASSOCiated thjrd. three for fourth pd onl' )~ar's champIon JV squad ~ ..,1:49

takes o\er in place of the Rev champIOnship for the second Press pre-season poll. for fifth Central ha"i two of its start. HI~h n~r.o,~, "OJ·.1 Jvuk i~~

: ~::::~o~Sl'::~;~o~at~ ~~~~: st~~:~~o~arAU-AmeTica Jerry ~.~~~e~~ P~~:~d~s3t~~~~25ia:a~~I~~nes~e:n~ ~eo:~ h:~E~~n:~~ d:~~k. C:~I~nl~ I, .04 Hunter GrtHo fND~:DA~~L A\ £IL\GE~ Atn.. ton. N J ,Harkness missmg from the picked the Ramblers as No 1 Umt:er51ty Violets. \\ho at out only one membl'r of the 1962- ~:;;~ ~: .0 R ~..;

Each of the league's 10 teamsl Ctn~nnati and the D Blue &3 squad. and lottmgham has . !!l:t:;r. JJ JJ I~)• w111 play 17 games. Five double- 0 diS BPA Dey,ls for the runner-up spoL experience but lacks height ARE THERE MORE BIRDSldorn the deer or Its KfJ!t:1ll. ~ ~~ ~~• headers are scheduled in the ua rang e, tate NYU. Whlch has Its e·two A rundown of these teams: tins year or are there fewer? \'alue as \eruson. aceonhng to ~:g:~;~ ;; ~• War "lemonal• .the first Dec 81 punch of Barry Kram and VOCATIONAL (12.-t)-Trans- Thalls the QU lion partridge a report by Paul Kelsey, senior ~r:!M 10 :4 ,~

;~e~~s:;~~~~~t:r~~~~~ Pin Tourney ~~p~rrstH:t:°~'ot:Ck, JKj~I~ ~~ ~~::n~ ~:stt~~s~h~PSC:~~~ ~~~:r~'h:~:~:;I~:yutfCa~te~.ach::~~~~nb~~:::m~; the con-I~~ H ! i~faces Sl Lucy's. Hartack Up ti got two first plaee~ aDd took Hullman will chose from hold- My figures mdicate that tilerel - ~~. J2 71 UT

AU games will be played , Dates LOst d third with 243 points. e, ex·lovers De\'e Palmeiter. Dave,are more In fact, accordlng to, R•.\CCOONS ARE BEING ~ ;; m" either Friday nigbt or Sunday! I e peeted to be strong d le the Ka~yn<;1ri. Jerry Vmcent and 1my s~atistlcs, we are still on the1hunted and trapped across the II ~~ i;:• afternoon, and the season will WO Ft 'ty. loss of Art Heyman, Clvedll.arry Burke and newcomers!uPswln2 of the cye!e ,slate but few people know howl 27 21 l~~

end Feb. 28. Ins uuri The pnze fund for the third three firsts and 224 m~1 .lIm Qolhns. Petc 'OW)-j and But. although 1 do dcvote to cook them An extreml'ly ~I. ~~ ~ l~Reportstn fIve of the te~ms annual New York State Bowl.1 The Wichita Wirer et'l' 9 fro"h .Joe R~dr:hck for hIS much of m)' early season hunt·!slmple set of directions camehr1ano 2. " I·~

lolloW,"1 last year's record 109 Proprietors Assoe!auo l"il1t star Dave Sta,ll"ott 1tartlR.!:! l'neup Others all lhe 109 time to partndRe and d01 1n flom an old MaIne gUIde the :~a:'d H ~ :~~.. Indicated, theY teams Will be BALnMOR E(AP) - Jockc~' At ' JI n'turnlng and favored by lni'1 ~l"uad Include Ed lu~ial o:en. travel hundred.. o( mIles to send otber d:(y that make lt sound CAPJI 3'0 JJ Ii"'/• presented later thIS week IBIII Htlrtack substituted for WII_ en s andicap Tournament. an dethrone Cmcinnati In the t jor trtlM"fer 5tud~nt r rom a load of shot Jusl t",o Inches In ea.<;.ler than opening a can of '-un"".:,rlal Lanel'l.. BAPTIST (16-1)-Satahn says he Shoemaker on Rokeby event that paid out better than SOUT! Valley Conference Ian SacrC'd Hpart, ,fohn Sands, back of qUIte a few bIrds. r beans. 1- 2 ",. Rwa'Hant 1" R&d·

~ he ''hopes to be in there" He'Stable's Quadrangle and earned $21,000 In prIzes last season, is liIth place with 191 point Rilndy Hall and Bob mo'St certainly couldn't qualtfy :\Her the 'coon IS skinned 1tl 3- 1'1 So.tu" !'rllexpects the league WIll be "well· himself $1l,000 by wmrung the expected to £,0 over the $30,000 e1udmg one fIrst-place \ote. Collins and Stroman. bot h al; an expert or even as a com· should be soaked overnight in 5- 6- Wli CbI1'ro11t v.. 8th..fu

• balanced" this season, W1th any Rich Plmllco Futunty, featured mark next s nn Arizona Stat U. lophs, and JUnior Sands are the plele source saJt alld bakmg soda The ne,;t ';. a-B~I1'.. ~ nu 1'. Twin TaN!

one of the tour or five teams event of the only .horse racmg. p g Ohi S 11 ~ nl\'ersl~ talec;t at 6·1 Here, howe\'er, fs how my day you cut of( all fat, thenI Ruuurant.. ftnding fJ.rst Returrung are all- eard fn the nation Saturday. J SlX weekends, from May" to andoortate• if1~lgan, ~ent~~ CBA (11-3) _ SparJ..lllug Russ partridge diary for the past. Wipe dry, stull and roast as you ~Th t'~P~'"" star JIm Satalin (6-2), Ken Ft· The $110,01250 frrst prize was une 14, have been set aSIde egon a e roun ou - S-7, and 6-0 sharpshoot. three rears stacks up, wouJd a turkey. -= low (6-3), F ran k Panlo, Joe the third highest in the race for ~; the competitio~ thiS season. re-season Top Ten in that or· er Bob Bregard are the key rl:!- In 1961 by November 25 I had _ ~.of\~E. fJOn""1"19,

Mulhenn, Bob Passarelli and 2.·year·olds, fIrst run In 1921. e. team event .,ill be held at er. rnees Cusano. a b rill Iant hunted 72 mdes and had flushed CLUB NEWS q,: T %.Al Branca. Up from the JV: Hartack collected 10 per cent One1da Recreahon, Oneula, The Arizona State Sun Devf1a floor leader, made the AU,Cltyl140 partridge. Th1S a\'erages FayeUeville-Manbus Rod and ;:;,0:- C'IIf'5 PI"S ~Jim Grooms. RIch Riccelli, Paul Quadrangle, whose best prev- hWILh doubles and Singles at MOo We t favored Ito romp In first team last season Brcaard out to 1 9 bIrds per mile. IG u n C I u b holds Its November /? ..~cw..s AWNC>6 ~Byrnes, Dave K 0 n d r a, Joe lOUS shOWIng was second In the awk Lanes, Rome. both estab- es ern Ath ellc Conference ade the Sl'cond squ~d are'l _ thIS Wednesdav In the -J T1IOPMlD PI,AQC,IU ~Mathews, Joe Englehardt. Jim Mayflower Stakes at SuttolktliShments b~ing memb~rs of the OhiO State and Michigan are co- lard a\'Cr3e-ed IS 1. CU5ano 12" L'W 1962 B1' NOVE'lBER 25 Whetstone Road clubhouse. ~Ian-:- ~Il~::fb c~:~{~aJ ...,O'Brien Jerry Wallace 1S the Down~, won over Mrs John W. Mohawk Valley. Bowhng Pro_.tavorltes In the Big Ten. Keq.. CapprUrtti will all>o rely on <;en· I had co-.:ered 755 mIles of part- hu!\. Ftlms WIll be meludt!d m C Ionly new player Hanes Breakspar before ajPTletors AssoCiallon. llucky Is expected to bounce Inr!> Ralph DepPI<;o Rendy. fc. Tld2e co\'er and had put out 205 the program. or Sorensen

EVANGELIST (10·7) - Four cro\\d of 14.318. fn addition to regular cash back from a sad seac;on and be E1rath. ,John DeFrancl';co Jim birds. ThiS' \\as 27 per mJe. kaneateles Rod and Gun Club L. G. Balfour Co.sophomores and one senior form The cro\\d was about 6,00~ be· prizes for the \\mnmg handi. a contender 10 the Soulhradl'tn Mac a II a ir and Joe Smith and This season. up through No\ has set Dec. 7 as thl' date ci thej rnl1'~,""II .. P 0 Bltl•.the probable starung team for low nonnal, but It was raining cap and scratch teams. the Conference.. and Oregon Stale Is junior Kevin Harm'an. up from ~O. I ha\e shufflcd lhro:JGh an orgamzation's Annual Smoker. ~!ll !. CreDM .h~coach Bob Felasko. who says m addition to the pall cast on New York State Bowling Pro.lrated the top indepl'ndent on the JV, Oth'!r~ to watch are e\en SO mtles of briars. thorn. Ph~G~I~'__he hopes for a good record, but sports by the death of PresIdent prietors Association WIll span. the PaCifIC Coast !selor holdo\er Cal Fallon. and apple and other partldge tern·figures this IS a "butldlng year" Kennedy lsor them In tldO nauonal cham. S1~ts Gl.II's Beaver~ from Cor· u-]ayvee jUnior!> Terry O'BTlen lory and have routed out 160.Tom Downey, counted on as a Quadran~le returned $8 40, $4 plonshlp tourneys. The win- \'~IS gamed the :\0 10 slot Marty Domres, Tom Niland, 6.5 blT(is This ads up to an averageleader, broke his leg early m and $3.60 m beating 1.3 other mng team on a handicap basis With 40 pomts just l'nough to Bill Mastlne and l\Uke 0 wen s of 3.2 partridge per mile..practice, and will not be ready slarters, .Br~kspar patd $3.80 wiU Vle for the f1,500 first pnze edge UCLA,. With 38. and Kan· Cappallettl say s the Brothers The totalat least until early January. and P.8? while Mrs. Manon R. in the BPAA National ...Team sas Sta.te, WIth sa North Caro- would "like to try and improve this season IS reduced becauseIRich Como. a senior, will start Frankel. Bupers returned $4 Randleap ChampionsbJn at lina, WIth U, and San Francis- last year's record" the drought elimmated almostalong with 50phs John Zyek, AI tor show. Wichita, Itan.. next August..~. with 33, also were In contea. C E N T R A L TECH (105)- aU of my October hunting. ButDenti, Bill Jackson snd ~Im While Plmlico conducted tts ~hUe the Winning scratch com. tion tor the last spot in the ToPIMalnstSys of last season's play. that IS when the panndge areMurphy. Others on the varsIty regular mna-race card Satur- bme wm compete for the $2.000 Ten_ orr champs figure to be a quar· even more numerous so, con.John l.lichelis, N1ck Purcell, Joelday, 1t ~I be closed Monday top award In the BPAA Na. VIC Rouse. Les Runter. John tet of seniors-&-3 Bill Noel. 6-4 ceivably. U I had hunled moreRusso. Mark A dam s, Tom when PreSIdent Kennedy 15 to be ti~nal Team Match Game Cham. Egan and Ron Miller are the Andy Dobreskl. 5-9 Tom LeWlS in OClober that blrds.per-mileO'Shea. buned plonshtp )!l Delrolt, Mlch, in lour returning regular!> on and $-10 Bob Dobreski. Noel, a figure could be even hIgher.

ROSARY (g.8)-Hassett says C' B I- December. 1964 Coach George Ireland's cham.lsecond·team All·Clty me m b e r How do your figures add Up7he's "satisfied With the progress lty OW Ing Entry blanks have been diS· plonshlp Losola club It wasllast season. was second In scor- -so far,'" and that the players trtbuted throughout the state Rouse who tossed In the Win' ing for the Techmen With an 11.7 DUCK HUN TIN G JlOt;RS.are "sick of bemg the doormats and may be secured at any mng basketball 10 overtime laSlla\,erage. and IS con sis ten t1y from sunrise until sunset, forof the league-elght years With· Loop Averages member estabhshment or by March in the Ramblers' comt'· strong oll the boards Dobres· the next several days are asout gaining the playoffs" John wntmg to Geor,l!e Burton. Exe- from-behind 60-58 title victory ki hit 11 3 points a game even follows(JJ) Maher, ca p ta In, leads cutlVe DIrector, New York Slate o\er Cincmnati though ineligtble the flrsl half of Toda;y. 7'08 a m until •. 35seven returnees. Others' ~Ill Van Wle Ch~ol.\ ~ 1, AeV1 BPA, Po!>t Ollice Box ~2, Lath- Loyola was the hlghl'st scor· the season Coach Ed Lukens P Dl. Monday. 7 09 a m untilSchmidt, Jerry Pollack (6,2). Twin Trees .Rest. 25 8lIJ am. N.V mg collegIate team with an avo likes the looks of new co m e rs 4 34 pm' Tuesda) 7 11 amTom Murphy, John Lazarski, ~~u~'~ ..::' ~ 1t m ReservatIons may be made erage of 918 pomts per game Blil SWift, Ed Bullard and John untJl 434 pm 'WednesdayJim Kanaley, Pat Maroun Noel ~n: .. :::: R l~ nl until March 10 and entries close whde comPIling a 29·2 record \yagner and may c h 0 os e hiS 7 12 a muntil 4'33 pm: ThUlS:1Byrne, a 6,2 sophomore, 15 up :.:: l~ ,I,: mon April 10 There Will be fl\'e The Ramblers play their fmit fifth man from am 0 n g them. day. 7'13 a m until 4 33 pm, ~~n~~~ ~~;~~ :'. ii~ W\~ =~~~mSl~~~~d~Q:~~s ~1:Chd~~~~~~ ~~~th D~tl:ta ::aO~~ 2 against ~~~~~ ~;Nagh~e:~e:~ la:~nh~~~ Friday, 7 14 a~untIl 4 32 p mDolan Others' Jun Phelan, Phil If;: ~" mday and Sunday between May For comparison purposes Vince Stefanski. and Mike Par- A NICE FLIGHT OF DUCKCharleboiS, John PatrIck, Gary I~ M ~1 9 and June 14. The event IS here's the final Associated Milo, ChriS NadJul. John Miller, stamps has come In from WII'IO'Malley. ~ tl88 sanet}oned by thE: American Press poll for last season I, Steve Spaulding and Jim Mc- ham Little and Albert J

SAC RED HEART 03·4) - VI.fI Will. Bowlmg Congress and also has Cmcmnatl 2, Duke. 3. Loyola 4, Cann Doughty, Syracuse.Coach Adam MarkowskI reo t11 BPAA Tournament Approval. Atizona State 5 Wlchlta 6 CORTLAND (68)-The Tigers _ports, "If we get gOing, we'U Padu· lIIissisSIPPI State '7 OhiO State' should Impro\'e on last year's SKJN TUMORS ON DEER

~~~~t~;.e~~I~'m~~~gdO~~t'h:: Parish Coaches 8, nhnols 9, NYU. 10, Colorado' ~:~\a~: s~:so~r~~t~;: atl~~~ are fairly common but are sel·to "get gOlOg" With is five start- 'nIll WI ie&.SOn Too 10 .11b r1r,t Ille.ce mtact. A pair of 6·6 sk)·scrap.ers. three of whom were all· Meeting Reset ='~no~~~~~;1'f~~~I~ ers. John Gee and Gary Kuhn. BRUCE FRUIT FARMstar chOices Jody Markowski I 2!l2 Pn and 6·1 JIm Lathrop. 5·11 John Rte. ll-A, 1 7\11 ~ or C:l.rdlrfand Len Banach are the "small" The Parochial Lea ue h':z. 1$-! ~ Conlento and 5·10 AJ Andreheadl OPEN FOR BUSINESSmen at 5·11 and 6 feet Mar· rules Jnter r t ' g coae es t . . ~ thIS delegatIon Gee led the On Our Front PorchkowskI was a first team all·star stpo d F P de ation ht ~eetmg. ~ .. '" ill TIgers In sconng tn 62·63 With for Winter Months

:~ct ~~c~en~ers~e:hn: T~~~k: ne thnOrYp~~~ldl'n:c~~~~ i- . ".:...:: ~ Apples and Cobbage

~;!~~all~n::s~~~~~le(6~)ntlon :th~~s:~~1:~~r;t ~ .,. ~:IIIroi(iCoiiniltniuiedioi°niiiNi"i,~p~agiei)~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i'GUARANTEE0~~~rte~la~:~ ci~~rs ar~enry LADIES'~~~~ls~~~eSQ:~z~n~d ~:~ NEW DAYTIME LEAGUERoberts. USED SNOWST. VINCENT'S (l5·2)-Coach Now Being Formed for Beginning Bowlers TIRESJohn Dobberlm figures his clubwill be "on the road every MONOAY 1 p, M, - FRIOAY 10 A, M,game" Since Its home gamesWIll be played at Nottinghamrather than the minute Vees'

~U~~r"I~I:~~fd~I~O~~~ bt~~ ~ IHyoung coach thinks. AlI·star Bob MATCD'E11 IHughes and co-captains Ton y ~ DIner n SOl\'A}

~Ill~~rta~?o~g P~~~ko~~~+~.::n~w".~=Hurder and Mike Kawa John 1'tJt~ 'II<tIl1Uer Fllel. n Van WleGannon returns to the varsity. Rut. n. lndUll-

::N:. ~;coO~:,s ;~h~ ~~le~: ~~.or: T1rtro Tre~ ft. Le.~OYDIBJU Shaw, Rocco LUClano and \'~~ i..~~BUrQ"DU..l UQUOt' I'lII ee.Tom Smith. ~~ ~'I'OmID$ De14 .. M.lI1 Ar.- FREE PARKING!'L.-_-~;;;;;;,;:;.:.,;;;.;;:;:...;;~.....Jt------ I"' -,!

Page 14: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY



15 Minutes to Downtown

~~o~:s~:ti, ~oS'K~::~esS~t'l:::"left on Kilm8, follow aigna.

463·6032 For Appt. 446-2475

Owned and Managed by

G. &W. Builders

• Large Private Terraces

• Carpeted Stairway.

• Panelled Halls

• Many Bldgs. lor A.dults Only

THE POST·STANDARD, Syracuse, N. Y. Sunday, November 24, 1963 27

TIYiillIIK~ O\./]r:-----~featurin9

One, Two-Bedroom Apts.


+ PLUS +v Swimming Pool, Cobonasv Tennis Courts, Separate Children's

Playgroundv Zoned Heat Control, Barbecue Area

v Shrubbed Parks. Paved Streets andCurbed Sidewalks

v Ideal Landscaping, Babysitting Available

v Recreation, Meeting Rooms in Each Bldg.

convenience•••ideal menu andatmosphere forentertaining•• 4

efficient cateringand room service.,

'The Garden Room l

and lounge offer

THE ULTIMATE IN~.k1.J1- F"m fu. ,~".

,_.. •..- ou. lobby to the

dream apartmentswith private ter­race and garden• • • all the be stcomIorts of re si­dential apartmentliving••• at mod ..erate rental.

Ever-convenient.Courteous door­men, garageattendants andse rvice t commis.sary, beautysalon, maid-valet,

»" many others.


IMPERIAL. GARDENSCome in or call 47Z-9187. 989 JAMES

New Roads ana Apartments Suit All Needs


Garden ApartmentsFranklin Park, a new conc~pt in gardenapartments in Syracuse is designed to meetboth he needs of country living and conven·ient access to advantages of city comfort.Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wiesner, theone and two·bedroom apartments are cre­ated for those who seek a comfortable areaand are designed for privacy, simpLic!ty,and convenience. The resident will findcomplete hallway carpeting and paneling,barbeque areas and a park beautifullyshrubbed. A large swimming pool and tenniscourt will be available for tenants and asmaller private pool and playground forcbildren.

Apartment LifeT TT· Syracuse is a Changing/of the city like throbbing living habits. This growth town area. The new traf.\apartments on the fringe ofl The Syracusan, ChooSingldiUm and high·rise build-.IS nanntneSs city. The new lnterstateve.ins reform the muscula·lsrefiecledlatheupsurgeoffic artprles have made itthe city with all the ad-from a wide assortment ofings can find one to suit:rr highway and ths ThrUwaYlture of S)·racuse. I t possible to build gracious vantages of suburbia. apartments in small. me- every need.

Happiness is living in an Wh~n the children are darting out from the heart As the city changes. so do ap;~e~eenare ~g~ny reasons\i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

aPI~rit~:~:ie of freedom from :pa::~~n~r1i~7ni I:tl:~~o:,~: , . for "back to apartment

responsibility of unexpected pen.ive and moce conveni· Manager sJob Important Post Ii,"i~g.'· To many .tha con·rep81rs, snow removal andjent. I- vemence of a locatlon closefinancial uncertainty over Ap~rtment dwellers are "Apartment bu i I din g tenants satisfied. keep the to downtown offlces, thea.!next year's .tax;e~. .. all .dlffer~nt ages and have management" is receiving careta~er pacified and, in ters and stores is highly de'l

Apartmen. Imng IS IdealfvarlOus mterests but theY greater emphasis than ever many cases, keep the owner sirable. ThIs has resultedfor busy p:ople who enjoy all choose an apartment for before. The man or learn of gratiried. In an increase in the nurn.spo.rts. mUSIC, g~o~ conver· the sa1?e reasons-c01?fort, people in charge or manage· To be a good apartment bel' of apartment buildingssatlon a.nd good hvmg. relaxation and convemence. ment are responsible for the building manager, the indio being erected close to the

Vacatlons for ap.artment welfare of the apartment vidual must be ore of those downtown area where stalelydwellers are relaXing be· dweller. exceptional people who canl homes once &lood.cause they lknow they do Compact Their job is to keep the get along with all kinds of Yet apartment living is~~~d:~:~. t~h:yor;:n :~j~: building occupied, keep the people. not restricted to the down·

life to the fullest. LI·Y.·n9Career girls moving to a

~~~r~t~o~r f~~~di~~a~t~e~t Compact Hving and can·life perfect. There is no venience are the essence ofhouse to clean and the Ii· apartment dwelUng. Apart.nancial burden is at a mini· ments are comfortable, with

m~:;ple with jobs that in. well·lighted. airy rooms.valve frequent transfers find Sy~acuse and other com­apartments provide security mumtles have moder.n. ~ell.

and community life for their heated and well·malntalnedfamilies. apartment houses. most of

Alter the happy honey- them with excellent parkingmoon days are over, newly- facilities. .weds usually return to an Most apartment bulldmgsapartment for the early are only a few steps fromyears of their married life. bus stops so they are minutes

Heat, appliances, lauQdry away from the downtownequipment and sometimes business section for shopping.garages and picnic areas To apartment dwellers, Iiv·provide convenience and ing in these buildings meanspleasure. , more recreation'}! time, more

They also save the down leisure, more time just forpayment for their future sitting and relaxing.home in which to raise their One apartment d well e rfamilies. Apartment living summed it up nicely when-also means Ihe beginning of he said:new friends. such as the "Apartment living can becouple nert door. fun."




1217 N, Salina OR '·2349

Robert J. aan.. k. JobD r.o....MEMORIAL CHAPEL

104 Fordham RoadHO 3-6161


80 ,·nllt ~12 S SaUna St 80 '-~10I



F"lJ"NmAL aOME21fH SOuth sa.U"a SL OR I·IUt


.500 W. 1St OR '-.5101

Garfield Funeral Home, Inc.Rlcil.aTd M Oartle\~

us Wnteotl S-t OR 0I_S..541

Giminski Funeral HomeJOHN A. OrLI0ENT. LIC. MOR

1320 W. OEl'o"ESEE ST. RA 2-M187

Greenleaf Funeral Home50l w ONOl\"l:>AOA I5T

R. R OR~'U:AP JR..• uc MQR.

MURPHY & KNIGHTlOl CoUH at. RA 2·:t:iJ.

PIRRO & SONS--&1I!iI. Stale Sl. HA2_24l1

Schumacher-Whelan Bros.I f'PNERAL RO~

Jell W Otlondua S~ OR &.113'7


llroll W. Genesee at.. HO e·ssu

Welter Funeral HomeHot. JAMES STREBTU'·2'lOl

Services ror Norbert J. Fink·ler will take place at !I a.m

Itomorrow at the .family hOI:le.1 Onondaga SL, Tully. and at9:30 am. in S~. Leo's Church. G'Tully_ Burial will be in St.

I~tatj..s Cemetery. DeWitt.

Active bearers will be DonaldRoth, Royce Riehlman. LeeMcDowell. Edward WorUey,Bruce Barlholomew and Rich·ard Woods.

to the Late President


So That Our Employes

(!)WI"'"II 'OloeASf;0.- _ ..~ .MO.g,&~: Wd:j ....!t! mUll" UII. 01 SLUT

From 12 Noon· 'til 2:00 P.M.

the Following Banks Will Be


Suoday willfjndparts of the Appala­

r Southern Florida and. ic Northwest. Coider

the East and West(UPI Telephoto Map)


of Central New York

May Attend Services in Respect



and TRUST Co.





City Thundered--

WEATHER FVltEtAscattered snow fiurrichlans, with sbowersover sections of theweather Is In store fcoasts.

HONOR INDUCTIONServices for ~HIUP PRIG· The East Syracuse Chapter of

(Concluded from Page 17) Democratic candidate for Con- OFF. 66, a former Syracuse !.he National Honor Society willgress. resident, were Thursday in Chat. hold its annual induction cere·

former Vice President Richard Wilson introduced Johnson as tanooga. Tenn. mony at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at

M. Nix~n. Jo.~ns~n l1~~ed Nix~n ;~rn~Sn;~~h:~~rtS;~~ ~~esa~sn;~ S~l:~u~~ig:~~r. ;~\?e~'a~o b06~~~ ~~~fo~f~:yracuse High Schoolfor ~el~g stnpped. of" h~s the south. and talks the sa~e tanooga 40 years ago, died Wed. _ __"convictions of a llletime IR way to all races and all relig- nesday at his home, 4229 Bell. DEATHSthe historic Nixon midnight ions." . voir D,:,ive. BOEHM 7meeting with New York Gov Th~ Johnso~ party st<lyed here RabbI Jose~h Renov and Can- l;d,..t.rd

Nelson A. Rockefeller jUs~ be- ~~r~~~~~ gu~~nngt ~Py ~~~:e~~~eJ ;~~~~:; ~ub~ne O~~~~~\ed o~t ~~: ~ifi:--fore th~ RepubUcan National took of[ the next day for Texas Bryan Funeral Horne. BurialConventIOn opened In 1980.. to join the late President Ken· was in B'nai Zion Cemetery.. ~ocke~eller caught•• NL\:on nedy in a last drive for Texas Chattanooga. "

With .hls planks down, . John· votes in the 1960 presidential Mr. Prigoff was a member ofson qUIpped. If an inezReJ1enced election. Mount Sinal MasonJc Lodge in COLWAYN~w Yor~, g~vernor coUld caus~ Syracuse. Bertha B. Col

~Ixon to .flIp nOp 18G &lagrees Surviving are his wife, Mrs. y;~~e~u:v~~'~In 2 midntg~, P tform Unitarians Plan Sarah S. Prigof[; two sons, Mrs: Rleblrdconference,. what would .Khru· Earl Prigoff of Chattanooga andshchev do If he ha~..h1m m the M t' T d Robert Prigof[ of Chicago; akitchen all day. Johnson ee In9 0 oy daughter, Mrs. Morris Kress of

a;;ked. Loved Lad,. Bini . The adult foru..m of May Me- ~~~~go:M~~~fn br~~~ersJe;:o~~The crowd ~ov~ ~ Bird, morial Unitarian Church wi 1Prigo[f, aU of Syracuse; a sis­

now the nation s fi.rj& lady. meet at 10 a.m. today at Ever- ter. Miss .Dorothy Prigoff ofThe)' chanted repeatedJflorhher son Mus~um to discuss " A Syracuse; and ·fj\·e grandcbild-to step up to the miCiOp one .. . ",ren. DOBROWOLSKIand speak, and she finally Memonal Society for Syracuse. I _obligated while LBJ 'beamed Members of such societies I Se vices for !IIRS. RHENAproudly. She spoke brijOY and ~rom Ithaca and Rochester will CRO~IN 83 who died Friday in

PI~:~~~I~ ~ aasKf~~=c:~~ ;>articip.ate, as wlU a l?c~1 fU-!h~r h~m~, 3~ Tappan S.t., Bald·his Syracuse speech by4erome leral director. The public IS In- wIRsvllle. WIll be at 8.30 a.m.

M. (J err y) Wi Iso Do ... then vited. ~:~r}f;m:~ i~eG;o~:r~t~~~~~:winsvillc. and at 9 a.m. in 51. J

~~a~:s lIfahrf~hce~~::~).~vi~al~~ FINKLERwinsville.

A Phoenix native, Mrs. Cron·in lived in the BaldwinsvillEarea 46 years. She was a com­municant of 5t. Mary's Church.

Surviving are several niecesand nephews.

Friends may call from 2 to 4and 7 to 9 p.m. today at thefuneral h"mc.

(COnclU~(~O~ag!~ ~~~n~I~~~~~ffi~~~ln~~JI11leatl)!5I~:m~~alo~::Jterday bad nof decided on clos- tional Day of Mourning for his l\IRS. ET":EL GLA~STONE Yiog tomorrow and the Turnstedl predecessor. of 165 ~oodbtne Ave; died ~es· . "DiviSion of General Motors will Three of Syracuse' fOUf col- terday In St.. Joseph 5 HOspItal Rerpresentahves of memonclose for the day at noon. leges and universities have sus- ftef ~ long Illness. . societies in Rochester and Utic

C (\ m rn elf cia 1 Bdvertiz-- pended classes and meetings A Binghamton native, she hv- and a local undertaker wiCommercial advertizments fo rthe day, Syracuse University ed her,e .33 years. speak at 10 a.m. today at th

placed by the large retail down- will sl/.spend classes f!om 11 Survl~l~g are a daughter, Everson Museum, N. State antown stores have been with· a.m. to 2 p.m. Mrs. Wilham L~mbert; a broth· James Streets, to penions ildrawn for today and throj.lgh Two insurance companies have er, Go!"don RI~; and two lerested in forming an aretomorrow morning. announced closings. They are grand~hildre~. memorial society.

Retail e-nd management oHi- Aetna Casualty and Surety and S:rvlces Will be at 11 a.m. to- The meeting is sponsored b.cials yesterday expected a large Aetna Life ,and Hartford Insur· mOlrOW at the Goddard & Cran· First Universalist Church. Memnumber of other companies also ance Co. dal Funeral Home, 3D1 J~mes bers of other denominations arcto close tomorrow. They agreed All union barber shops in St.~ .th~ Rev. ':Ierher.t Loom!s invi.ed to altend.the trend was given added im- Syracuse will be closed until 2 offiCiating. Burial will be m :Memorial societies are orpetus by the proclamation by p.m. Woo~lawn Cemetery. ganized to furnish simple bu.

Fnends may call from 2 to 4 dignified burials for members.and no 9 p.m. today at the fu.neral home.


assigned to observe the intersectiondaily for traffic violators and to de·termine the need for a gua;rd.

However, the chief tells us the re­quest for crossing guards is alwaysin'excess of the number provided forIn the police budget. Therefore, theguards available must be assignedon the the basis of the greatest need.

~* * *Dear John:

We bave a condition at 923 and 929W. Belden Ave. wbere tbe waterstands In tbe street four or five incbes

\ deep usually aU summer and some·limes It smells bad. In freezingweatber. when cars drive througb,water is thrown on the sidewalk andIce causes danger to pedestrians.

We tblnk that a new cateb basinwould be l!!e answer to tbe problem.

Mr. and Mrs. E. P., Syracuse.Dear Mr. and Mrs. E.P.:

We have transfen·ed your requestfor a new basin to the public 'workscommissioner's office for action.

Got • problem, Need help'Jut kU JOb ..• HI.I eolWlUl appean

each Tbunday ind Sunday In The POI\­Standard.

A rrtpe or an,. lel"ltlmal4l request toruststance will be welcome. JUlt writeto John. care of The Post-Slandard. Syra.­case. N.Y. He'll ret the aoawer for youand publish It in ~ls column, "Just TellJohn."

Fall name and address mlllt be iII­e1aded in your letter as evidence of ,004faith. but will be wlthhe.ld It you request IL

," ,


Dear John:We bave a place of business ap·

proximately two blocks nortb of adrive-In restaurant located in theValley Plaza Sbopping Center. Tbekids especially will just about bavefinisbed their mjJk sbakes by tbe timetbey walk by our localion and dis·card their paper cups and· straws,ele., on our sidewalk and property.

Could a city·owned rnbblsb can beplaced at the curb In our area? AlsoI am wondering about the policeprowl cars arresting a few of tbe of­fenders for littering.

S.T.H., Syracuse.Dear S.T.H.:

Public Works Commissioner RayDodge is checking on your request fora rubbish can.

Police either warn litterbugs whenthey see them, or issue pink ticketsfor fines up to $50.

* * *Dear John:How can we get a crossing guard

at the intersection of Fayette Streetand Seeley Road? I bave personallybeen there at 8 a.m. and found itvirtually impossible to cross witboutthe assistance of a guard.

}I.... R.E.P., Syracuse.Dear Mrs. R.E.P.:

We took this matter up. with PoliceChief Patrick V. Murphy. He in·formed us that the matter had al·ready been brought to his attenlionThe chief said an officer has been

Memorial Services--

26 THE

Pink-Ticketed Kids,Won't Litter Area

* * *Dear Jobn:The block of Craddock Street run·

n1ng from G1euwood to ElmwoodAvenues bas a bad curve In It • . •

I defy you or anyone else to walkthis block after dark. The sidewalkruns only on one side . . . needs reapair . • • there are absolutely noligbts. A person could be rapped onthe bead at 7:30 p.m. and not be dis·covered until morning.

K.C.G. Sr., Syracuse.Dear K.C.G. Sr.:

D e put y Transportation Commls·sioner Lionel Marquisee told us hewill check that block to see If ligbtsare warranted. Tbe Public WorksDepartment said no sidewalk r~'palrs

can be made until spring. wben theywill be the responsibility of properlyowners.

(Concluded from Page 17) ervice of the Episcopal Church Episcopal chaplain, assisted byIt Syracuse University and he Rev. Walter N. Welsh, Grace

~~~ia~~:~les Bartlett. pastor, Grace Episcopal Church at noon 'ector. _

tomorrow at Grace Church. 8UI A memorial service for 811A requiem Eucharist will be Madison St. Celebrant will be Protestant churches In the Eas

offered at a joint memorial the Rev. Robert C. Ayers, SU Syracuse·Mlnoa School Dlstrlc------''----------------1 pill be conducted at 7:30 p.m.

tomorrow in MINOA METl!OD

T R d . G· rST CHURCH. The Rev. Wi]ax e uctlons Iven ~r,~t ~'e~i,~f~~;nJChu'• Syracuse, will give the

T 7 P t 0 Prayer will be offeredo roper y wners Rev. Paul de Meum•• pa.torof North Manhus Federated

Corporation Counsel Stewart Rudolph Bros. Inc., 432·448 S. ~~::~h~i~e;:~u~t::re.area min-F. Hancock Jr. yesterday an- Salina St., a reduction of $53,· _nounced settlements in seven 600, from $412,000 to $358,400, a A Syracuse University mem­more certiorari actions brought reduction of 13 per cent. orial service will be. conducted

by downto~n Syracu~e property Estate of David Alper, 201·203 ~tIC~~~n ~~<;~~w ~~th H.rg~~~owners a?-amst the City of Syra· N. Salina St:~Army and N~vy Charles C. Noble presiding.~~~i~~:~mg tax assessment re- Store). was granted a reduction Participating will be the. Rev.

The settlements agreed on by o~ $2,000, from $25,625 to $23,- ~~;%~~S ~~dgO~On1R~b~e;;,~~~~,foa;ti;:o~Ont~~rn~s~::m:~~ 625, a reduction of 7.80 per cent. Bigler. .

rolls. The Council on Tuesdayl "iiiiMii~iWIl~:~'M~~iWIl~tliiii~iWIliji~!i:,~.11will be asked to approve the set_ I:-1•tlcments.

At present. the city has set-.tIed approximately 65 of -theoriginal 103 actions institutedagainst It. It is continuing nego- :.tiations In others.' .

Percentages of reductionsrange from 7.8 per cent to 13 :.'PIr cent.

Addis Co., 447 S. SaUna Str, ..was granted a reduction of $31,­500. from an assessment of$393,300 to $361,800, for a reduc- ••Uon of 8 per cent; Addis Co.,449-453 S. Salina St., a reductionof $32,900. from I $411,800 to·· f

$378,900, a reduction of 7.99 percent, and Addis Co., 155 E. On· :-.ondaga St.• a reduction of $6,­800, from $85,000 to $78.200, areduction of 8 per cent.

Estate of Edith L. Betts, 334S. Salina St. (Wells & Caverly, .tenant), was granted a reduc..tion of ~9,200, from $490,100 to

:~~~,.900, for a reduction of 8 per :. Contact Our Circulation Department

Flah at Co., 415-421 S. Salina By Mail or Phone Syracuse HA 2-1431 MonnmeDtsSt.. a reduction of $38.300, from :'. , swur WOODS Io!BKORtlL CV:i7;:~OO~~ =:80~, a reducuonl••!!lliI_~Il!!i.."'_[liklilf:i.."'iOil~ilf:i.."'iOil!'l.'.. ~-------------- ~!'II----~..I.~~~M~V~~~~"L

Page 15: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY


It's the


• maid ,;ervice• all utilities• furnished• linens 8uppiied• kitchenettes• no'lease required



In the Heartof the city


Washers and dryers poseno problem for the apart­ment dweller. She does nothave to worry about ex.pense and upkeep 8S themachines are usually on thepremises and at her db.posal.

, ,

Sundoy,-1 P,M, to 9 P:M.


Mrs. "Dee" La Parte, Res. Mg,.

Rental Office Open Doily

8 A.M, to 9 P.M,

PHONE GR 4-3773

l~ 'of ct:i 1v.wk...~t

THE POST-STANDARD, Sunday, November 24, 1963

Most Beautiful

Luxury Apartment House

4OTOWERSTo those people who demand the ultimate in apartment living ... who in.sist on added comfort and convenience •.. and a prestige address ••• TheTowers Apartment was especially designed for you.

1·2·3·Bedroom Apts. All With Outside Terrrces

• Spacious Apts. • Health and Pool Club

• One and two Baths • Unifonned Doorman

• Walk·in Closets • Ree3 Phannacy

• Individual Rm. Temp. Control • Towers Hair Fashions

• 24-Hour Reception Desk • Meltzer's Sandwich Shop

• 24-Hour Garage Service


Elegantly AppointedDesigned for Your Comfort, Convenience

An Address of Distinction. , , 770 James St.


o. \

600 James St.

This Is ReallyPhone Serivce





Open 6-8 Weekdoy,-Open 2·6DIKECTIONS, Turn onlo S2900 block Erie Blvd., E.), cblock -apartment on right ~ Or callHA 2·1111 days or 446·0978 _JJings.

( , .

Towers Presents ImageOfCouR_try Club LifeIt is like Country Club liv· The lobby has Vermont blue around the clock. A te1,ephone ~

ing in the middle of a metro- and gray slate floor. Ameri- answering service recei

polilan city a~ ~he Towers ~~~ 7o~I:t~~nP~~~~e:n.w~~~a~ ~:~d~;ise~she:n ~hee~a~~s out.Apartment bUlldmg at 'Z70 tor fQyers feature burnished The garage. two subterra.

summerlike conditions while Ja~~: i~~ge is sustained by ;~~sa;~ :h~;~y ~~c;;ielhe ~:~~ 1:::lsat7eh~~~n~0~:~v~~~winter winds howl outdoors. The a heated swimming pool Trained maids are avail a- and a uniformed doormanbubble is held down by 100 sun terrace apd cabanas o~ ble for domestic service, A lends patrons a helpinganchors around its base and is the second li"oor of the res- maintenance crew is busy hand.

d b . taurant wing and reflected rsupporte yaIr p.r_e_s_su_r_e· ,from its fountain garden on

the lobby level to its highest S " f" ld G d"\ ", ho,i,on tmace on the 15th prmg Ie ar ens

'"'" n~~~iden(jal r~n"'l manager Largest Development'L'sa ~plorrst'e,Wiliiam (Dee) Is BI"g Development Springfield Gardens, in the Town of DeWitt

The Towers is the 0 n I y and overlooking Syracuse, is one of the:~a~r~~n~TOd;e\~~~r:ai~e~f~ One of the largest. multi· erated, ~1r. and lItjrs. Rich- largest multiple developments in the area.swim'ming pool. pie m the ~~~~~~;l~fn~:~~ :~~\~~l:~~ The building accom~odates 310 apartments

Further contributing to the area IS Spnngheld Gardens; 1952. Salt Springs and Le- with th:cee, four or five rooms each.Towers Apartments is a pri- across from Le Moyne Col· Moyne College buses leave Onondaga St., E.vate club for the resldenls of lege overlooking Syracuse. for downtown Syracuse. and lion of suburban livmg Wlth\Ples - at Warrenthe Towers and the Skyhne The 310 apartments have school buses pick up children all city convemences Sprmg- Many young profeSSionals, SyracuseTI he arts-audlto,num wJiI be three, four and five rooms at the door. Shoppmg centers field IS attractive to two types phYSICians, lawyers. teachers GR 1-8396Imlted to a number of ou1- are only mmutes away of families couples wit hand engmeers live at Sprmg-~~~~s~o~S~enI~~~f~~::~I~~ ea~thls locally owned and op ThiS IS a perfect combma :;mall chlld;en and older cou· field ~conjunction wi1h beauty sa-lon facilities.

Also. a wining and diningarea, adjacent to pool, tel'·race, and locker rooms, willsoon be open to the residentsand general public. LOUISVILLE. t~Return.

10~~: ~~~t~: :~~~n~~ }~~ ing home from Cumberlandmeetings and parties of var- Falls, Mrs. John D. Sten~elied dimensions and purposes. noticed a sepdacular diS­Colorful wallpaper, tasteful play of big red flowers, likefurnishings an~ an ape I I a poppies, in a farmer's yard.door are combmed. . Mrs. Stengel, president of

ho~rz~.~t~:~~c~~e ~:~f~gW~~ a lo~al garden club, decidedther Jame:; or the hills!o the to fmd out what they were.south. Closets have alumi· Her call had to go throughnum·white louvered doors; Lexington but therekitchens are appointed with delay in completing the con­pastel appliances (Freezer, burners, built in ovens, While waiting she men­dish washers and disposats). tioned the nature of the callThere are laundry facilities to the operator who volun­on every residential floor. teered this information:Carpeting covers the residen· "Forget it. The flowerstial corridors. are artificial."


!. !

Plastic Bubble for PoolThis 2,500-pound plastic bubble,left, was installed over the newswimming pool and terrace ofthe Thunderbird Club at theTowers Apartments and offers

Luxury UnitOffers FineArea View

garden apartments, inc.


PHONE 446-6140

Springfield Road


Carefree Livingat a price you Can Afford

One·Two-Three·Bedroom Apartment_Heated

That is why our 310 Apartments ore always indemand by friends and relatives of .our formertenants.

A Very Friendly Place to Live

Weare proud of ou-r reputationFOR

""James ApartmentsR. N. Groves Co. Inc. manages the JamesApartments, 600 James Sf. The management GRANT VILLAGEfunction of the company has been kept small ~R;~"l~~t:~O~f:~·. ~j~

in order to give personal attention to prop· :~~lo~k~~~tl~~~J;~~2i~d~mn :P?nerty and tenants. ~r-::'w~t.~~~~/lf~~~1!(UJln~~;:

utu do.nto...n.) C1lt!1! to ICr.OOIl.COOL CLEANUP Ivacuum cleaner and remove ehutcllu; withIn valkln. dl.ltanu

I Warm weather puts quite the dust and dirt that accu· ~on~ l':~~~h ~::~, il!~te:'5'a1J~:~. . mulates on the condenser. t P.M:. til 4P.M.

• load on the family refng- This is the unit n ear the HO 3-5900

::a~:~oe~ ~~; ,ha;ae:~t ~~:; ~~o: st:~te~~OkS something ORANT Ii;'L~l::?sA~T. AREA


A colorful view of Central .-<.New York's countryside Is Jj>'.available to visitors and ten- .A(;ants at the Imperial Gardens l..,..Jj.~·on upper James Street. ~

Built in 1960, the 116- .<fA;;."

apartment showplace has !r1d11 stories and rooftop pent- ".house. Each unit opens to a r-rprivate terrace through f;z.1

, sliding glass doors. Kitch·~ens are full)' electrical withbuilt-in ovens and ranges,electric dishwashers, dis·posals and combination re­frigerator-freezers.

Guest room facilities are

~~:~ ~":n:~~~n~ a;:a~~; Swank Showplaceshop, commissary and res- Imperial Gardens on upper James Street

~~~~~?~p~~edd~~~d~nt~a:: offer a colorful view of Central New Yorkand lounge offers fine cui- to all tenants and visitors. The ll-storysine and atmosphere for apattment building was built in 1960 and hastenants and their guests. 116 apartments. Each unit opens to a pri­

edOt~;r ~e~~~~r::lr~;~~~ vale terrace through sliding glass -doors andman, parking attendants, ser:vices are provided by a uniformed door­maids and valets. man, parking- attendants. maids and valets.

f__ .! _ .1 _


753 James

Mrs. Cox: Rental Director

Rental Office Open Daily

8 A.M, to 9 P,M,

Sundoy 1 P,M. to 9 P,M.

THE NEW VIEWHandsomely furnished andremodeled apartments. Cor_ridor carpeting. Paintbrightening inside and out.New luxury for the lobby.

Featuring large kitchensExcellem transportation

Close to shopping and SchoclsPlaygrounds-Laundry Facilities

hy 2-0230

Bus Benefits, Maid,Laundry Facilities,


228--0n and Two-Bedroom Heated ApartmentsFurnished or UnfurnishedVery Reasonable Rents

Coloniol Style Exterior-Spacious Lawns. In mostdesirable South Side location. Designed to give youthe feeling of living in a single home - withApartment Convemences.

Every facet of City Living_for residents of The Skyline.The Skyline Lounge and ThIu:'si~l Bar ... Lincoln Bank ...Skyline Food Market _. , Sky­line Beauty Salon ... DianeJewelers ... Swan Cleaners ...Skyline Barber Shop", Doc­tors (M,D, and D,D,S,),.,Business offices

1/1111 liIIIl

111 bridget circleI

I onondaga garden1I1I1I apartments-..~

Skyline Residents AreCordially Invited to Join the

Thunderbird Club

Cosmopolitan Luxury Livingin the Heart of Uptown SyracuseHigh above the city's heart­beat. residents of The Skylineare very much at hom e inapartments designed for in­dividual expression: Thetwo bedrooms and one bath bedroom and completekitchen.,. one bedroom andpuUman kitchen ... and studioapartments.

200 B{'\"crl~' Dr.orr W. Genf'see

Fairmollnt.&105 )ronthFeatu.ring

Jlodern 3 Room.Full 8at.h5

Comblnl\tlon Stoveand ne(ril::erator

rnitAmple Parkln~



Malcolm A.

DeWitt Heights GlitterDeWitt Heights Apattments glitter with amodern touch throughout as they show anew concept in apartment living. Theseapartments, located near LeMoyne College,are designed for one or two adults, TheII)odel is open from 5 to 9 p,m. weekdaysand from 2 to 6 p,m, weekends.



The company . • ,

At the Sutton Company, our representative who

gives you apartment and management advice does

not work alone. He or she is part of a team. Daily

meetings with management and supervisory per.

sonnel provide them with up-to·the-minute infor­

mation on apartment opportunities.

Sutton Management provides 45 years of expe.

rience. Knowledge of the market and careful

planning of income and expenses assures owner

of successful projects.

Cente.nnial Gardens Willowbrook Garaen!

Sunnycrest Gardens University Gardens

Belvedere Apartments Oak Lin Gardens

Tallman Apartmenh Pork Side Gardens

Westcott House Georgetown Apartments

Foil Haven (Ithaca)

Loew Bldg,Phono HA 2-3111

THE POST-STANDARD, Syracuse, N. Y, Sunday, November 24, 196328



COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BESTA brand new home of your own with no mainten­ance problems! Each unit has an extra large livingr<?Om with window wall..complet~r~pped dreamkitchen, first floor powder room} master bedroomplus a second bedroom and ceramIC tile bath up; anabundance ot closets and a full basement of yourown. Why don't YOU Ilee them today! -

Only Five Left-Immediate Possession

D~ out Wel:O~R~e~~~ fJLrmount to Ras-

This is tbe Centennial' Gardens by Sutton,one of the many garden and luxury apart­ments managed by the Sutton Co. The com­pany also manages downtown office build­

ings l a parking garage and industrial andwarehouse property.



2 and 3 Bedrooms-Powder RoomAn fde.a1 loc~t1on tor Elect,ronlcs ?ark personnel andh~~rn~~ec~l~e~~: ;~ f~: ~~~~~~atI ~~ ~trh~ecT{~~~~Y~~HinJ~~~FhI;v~ ~ai~I1ab:~~~~i ~~ t~~room or hobby shop.

Drive out to cente~no~~vSt;':eol Village, turn J'ight

In 30th Year

117 Montgomery St.

Sutton Is Marking30th Year in City

_~ _L,__ ..._..... _......•.... ._

,Marking its 30th year of ton Management Division are

business in Syracuse is the trained to provide manYIMalcolm A. Sutton Co., a services. Every propertyleader in apartment house managed by the firm is in­management. spected daily. Regular semi.

The Sutton Co. man,ages monthly meetings with themany gar den and luxury superintendents and the along with major agement staff a":r 1'~~)~~d(:~~11'downtown office buildings, a cuss methods cparking garage, and indus- better' service.trial and warehouse proper- The Sutton Company's ofties. fices are at 700 Loew Build

The personnel of the Sut- ing.

'_,skyline Stresses,:' Ease of Living

Among the conveniences cleaners. The staff is com­." offered at the Skyline Apart- petent and courteous.

: menh, 753 James St., are an~h~P~~~in~o~O~k~;~I~~~::;:" maid lI8rvlce, automatic for good £0'00, expertly.... washen and dryers easily served in a delightful atmos·

accessible to tenants. and a phere. The Skyline Foodcomplete service for clean- Mart handles a complete linelng. pressing and altera- of fine foods.tiona provIded by Swan Other features of the mod-. ern apartment house are the

F S Ibeauty salon, Diana Jewelry,

I'rm pec'la fy, an oHice or tho Lincoln Na­tional Bank: and Trust Co.and professional offices of-Is Appraisals ~:~~ ~~~:'Iet. m.dical and

Head of the firm of R. N. fa~Si~ie:a;~:ed::~IYP~~~:s~Groves Co. Inc. is R. N. sible from the lobby.Groves, certified. property The lobby and halls - B ·,d N tmanager and ~mor memo newly decorated _ include UI er 0 esber of the Society of Real carpetini and modern fix- R d D dEstate Appraisers. tures. SkyI' A ea y eman Syracuse's first co·opera-th;h:o:~~~~g~:n~e:~~e~~ .The Skyli~e comprises spa· me partments live apartment de\Telopmenlpurposefully small, so per· C10u~ furmshed and un- Skyline offers an abundance of conveniences With the increasing num- under the Mutual Housing-:ional attention could be furnLShed aile and two b~d- and comfort in its spacious furnished and bel' of luxurious apartment Plan is at 1019 James St. I

•- given to the properties and r~o~ apartments,. cQmple .e- unfurnished one and two _ bedroom apart- Shuvriladciungse' ae,'ciaSlinagnd inmatnh,: SUbscripUons are now be.tenants. The properties in- ~). flrepro~f and With all utll· Ivolved, have been under the,_lt_Ie_,_r_Ur_nl_Sh_e_d, m__en_t_s. Imore planned for the near ing taken for membership.firm for about 20 years. I future, the question arises: Sponsors announced thel

The appraisal part of the "Will the supply be (ar official prospectus has beenbusiness, begun about 1948, Igr~~~~rrd\~~n ~~e ~em;~:~~: approved by t~e St~te At.~~t ~o;: ~tatb~::in~~s~~~ known leader In the con. torney General s office sois operated by R. N. Groves :struction business. the r e the service agency, Mutual land his associate, John Mar- will always be a continuing Home Development andtin. demand· lor apartments. to Management Corp.. can ob-I~1I types of appraisals accommodate the growmg tain the membership sub.

have been made during this population. scriptions. Itime, from one family houses The development is urban renewal projects, signed primarily for peopleand general service proper- Apartment of middle age who desire toties. . adjust their housing arrange·

All types at appraIsals • d ments so that they can ob·have been made throughout Deslgne tain m a ~ I m t:t m ~enentsthe state and adjoining from theJr fmanClal reostates by Groves. FAd It sou.res .w.ithout the burden Oflor u S mamtammg a house.

An Ideal Spot A new concept in apart·ment U,'ing Is heing pre· Kitchen GetsFor Newlyweds I sented by Thomas M. Daml· ,

The demand for apert-an?, owner or DeWitt Ladies OkayHeights apartment proJect.

ments has been greatly in- These apartments are es- What the lady of the fam-fluenced by the trend to· pecially designed for eilher ily appreciates most inward young marriage. one or two adults who .....anl apartment living Is Ihe com-

With both parlners work· ~). new. well-located apart- pact la\'out of the kitchening apartment living is the & ':t+_.~ menlS;. attractively furnish· .....hich 'is us u a II y fullyideal arrangement for the ~ ed y;;th all utilities includ· equipped and convenient forearly years. Modern apar.t· Onondaga Gardens ed. in, on~ modest rental preparing meals in a jiffy.ments are keyed to the needs paymeat.. The monthly And without hesitation. sheof these young married cou- The colonial trimness of Onon- look when a new swimming pool rental f $99.95 includes a agrees there 1s less work.

_pl_e'_, d_a_g_a_G_a_rd_e_n_s_w_ill_ta_ke on a new is ready for residents' use. ~~i~~~;e! furniture and aUIr"S=U=B"U=R=B=A"N==;

Onondaga Gardens BUI'ld-inT~': :\;~1l5~eight' proj-ect. I ted near LeMo~'ne LIVI NG

T t IS' . P I Colleg.. el .01 Smith St.enan S wlmmmg 00 The pubUc I, invited to In· THEspect D)Ollel apartment

A new swimming pool Is the south side off Onondaga which S\ pile!' ""eekda~'s BEVERLYunder construction at Onon. Creek boule\'ard. from 5 to 9 'p m. and week·daga Garden Apartments, ends r,om 210 6 p,m, APARTMENTSill Bridget Circle.

Onondaga Gardens re­sembles a community park,having streets of two-storyhomes with well-kept lawns,and boasts a colonial ap­pearance.

The apartments are espe·cially planned with family­sized kitchens, pleasant andbright rooms with plenty ofclosets. Each apartment hasthree or four rooms, and lheyare available furnished orunfurnished.

The Onondaga Gardens areonly 10 minutes from Syracuse with excellentbus service. They have am.pie play area for children,easy shopping.

They are Syracuse-ownedand operated and located on

Page 16: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY


for Western New Yorkcorruralcd bo'X ractory ofwell cstablished nationalconcern.Good knOWledge of U1'tire cornlgated operation

G'~~d ~~~:t,;~o~'la:;iljdliberal frLnj'e benefit$.

General Foreman

• J :'1


Monday, X'o'·emMr .!S

Phone 9 A..:\!. to • P _'I.

31r. D. C. Anderson, GR 4·0016

100 Carlson Road, Roehester :I, ~ew YorkAa£o.uIOpPOrt.II11Y.Ill"IOJ'.r


TEST EQUIPMENT DESIGN&culln Ulluluu lD Ir.Dllltorlud dreult desir'll. tute<lOlplIltnl dul,a 1.1111 ID dublll' procednn 10 mu... renoliabUlir If drcalt umDOllfIll.. IIbnld hnc nrnp.t.IICIIn SlIrn"lill" Icrblll."CI b> Ib~ nl.lll·HcclI.d UJlIt III~ I._~Ihillr .el.r IInc tol1c and IranUDl..I." drullrr. BSU:..llb mlDlmulD t Ulr" u"ulnee..

Pioneer in


Slro..,bur.Carboa .... amollr the IIul t. I. lal. fon'lcaI,.rod.clloa .1 ~ I• ~ I r • n I c ....Itdllllr 1'l,,'p...ut-... ltllD\''''AL()(ilot, the 5·C 11"0 .f cledr"nle Id.phoaa Itrd·Ilcll. Efforts 10 Vloa,ul our CIIItDllllt hue becn uIIII.....0111. \"011 can 1l&,tlch,l\cno.laaduacu IlIlhll o:rcll~IIC'" !illd Ir la "lh.r arcat lIt;serlbd b.lo•.It lonr nllr~ It.hUlIt and thc otlllorillaltr tor ImlDedl.l,&contrlb.Uoa 10 1..·,ndJiar lICT.h''''''~1I1 proru.... IPPCI.oIto tn. ...·e Inylle "0. I" lurn mor. abnt an .a.rintcrlu01 admlDbtntlvc ureu at 6Iromber,-Car"on.


F.r InlUal a~inll!lnt In ,r&d.cll.a JllanDUlr .1Id Itl..dll!.lar. Ile<lah-u HJ'ItC ..curo....d I" uta P..teastDI iK.b-Dillausad ., ••th....atle&lllCCb.I...1 tor 1,,1"',., cia.11.1 JLtoa.lru)lBA••rllll ....Ub t rUII' UI>.rteoee.


ACCOUNTANTSNew ExpanSionNew Challenge



ACCQl;XTA."\'"TST. _ull III «In acco.sU!lt". ac••lres as la Bluln.,.. Ad.mIIlIUratl... pin 1 rur .ltllulalU-

Immediate OpeningsIN ENGINEERING

LOGIC DESIGSTo d••lrn hlrh .o«d dlrU.1 drCllll1 for n~ «Immerd.lIlld mllll.". J.llehlnr .nlem.. an"lnl n~rltntc IIII...Uclllnr l(>Itt, nm".lcr orrallballOIl. lerle rnlnllllluUolt.IcchDI,uu IIlII 1..llslotor drC1lI "rilld"ln. BSU pllll tr,....· n"ulell~.

MICROWAVE DESIGNTo worll In adl"anced dcnlo,m~nl on 4cllp 01 loUt .~~U

mlcnnl'uc c"mm"nleIUoll d•• lrel. Ruulru dlll,>I u~ri.~p(e on liP comoon.nll .nd ..uc ruldl .uembllci. DSEIl"h" IIrcarl' n"rll.llce,



:::~N~;' :'D~~~::;~r:~i :~.:~:111.110". Rnllollilble r'r Ilal"lnllr"t~d In luchln •. :'1111'1b ...e A D.,\...crcdllallon. SII.a". O,tn. N'mm~nlllul ....llhuperlenu and 1.111111,.. Llberslbendllpnrnm.PI.e",u ...rlle In cemplelc «Inti·d~ftrr rhlnl pUlonal and Hbh410,1., 10 8011 D·lt,). POU·Slandard.



Experienced ArcWelders. Must be obleto layout work fromblueprints.

Press Brake Operators.Must have set experi~

ence and be able toread blueprints.

for Wulern Sew Yorkcorru(aled plant of lure

In\W':k~:'OOb:~:dle otmachine required andpre\'lous expoerienee pre­ferred. Salary. c:ommen­cunt~ wit h experienceand ,ood fringe bene/Ita.

Sen d ruume atatin(qualltlcallons and Alaryrequirenlents toBox X"'75, Post·Standard

Credit DepartmentImmediate openlnls rorqualified "omen in cx'pandlnl: department.


BIlling MachineOperator

Excellent bendlt prorram.'l~;===~::~::::::~~==~AJlPly PersonnelDepartment

Sears, Roebuck & Co.1300 S. S.lIn. SI, THERAPEUTIC


I Send. reply to boxnumber G-3S4, Post­Standard.






Central New York In­dustr)' has Immediateopen!pf1l for


with a minimum of S I:;~~~~~~~to 5 years' e:c:perlenee

:~(.a~IY::f(na~~ :~~~: OORRUGATORe.s chanres. problems

~o.:~~~~~~ O:ev~~~: FOREMANQpenlnp to Project

lUanarer Le\'e1Available

Salary Open .. _Qualified applicants

mal' submit a restmleof eduration and

e%pcrienee to:

DESIGNERS AND DRAFTSMENPermane.nt position in an expandln.. archltC(:tural, en­.-lneerlng firm .Deslrn plumblDl', heatinr and air conditlonJnl' systemsfor buildings. .Pleue state education, experience and salary require·ments.

Send resume to:

Sargent, Webster, Crenshaw, FolleyArchitects. Enraneen, Planners

2112 Erie Bl.d., E.Syrac;use, N. Y.

Ex cell e n t opportunitywllh local employer.Plcase send post cardwith name, address andtelephone number. De·llCrlbe experience and eil-

~~~~~~~iiil:11 uClltion.

~~~'!' I ~I~ op~~~~:s~~~:, Hclaru in Upper Xew

~--:-----'-,I~:~:lIrSta:~w~t1~~d::tCar reouired. Write Indeta.n J'l"inr back(f"oundboth personal and busl·ne6S. .,.Iary requirement..k






Personnel OfficeLower LeVlISlocum Hall


SERVICE• Dining holl

supervisor• Snock bar monager• Counter women



Syracuse University~;II"",==~~~~'7'~~~~~=~==~ IExperienced wltb various

79 CERAMIC _TILE ~~r: e~~:F;.:~r:~~J:~:gMECHANIC ~~~I::~~ CI;~ti~r/lmPle

Experienced; Top Wares Send resume witb salaryAPply in Person requirements or contact

Richmark Furniture (GR 4·1071) personnel de·16U E. Genesee 81. parlment.

1~~G~ii,ii1'~~F.'I~...iiii"'''''''''''''iiiCll R. E. Dietz CompanyMEN Z25 Wilkinson St,Syracuse, ?to. Y.

Inter\'lew can be arran,edfor Friday, November 29.

KNEWjLYTOSUR Automobiles For Sale 16 Truc:U aDd Buses for Sale 18FAU! STATION WAGON ,,-n..'A .......



~;:;'""h'~~: ! Learn Beauty~le;h'r~' w:.:~~ I

N , A Career With 0 Future ..•BUICK CO. i '~

.... W.ONOh"DAOur.GR.·31.. i BEAUX ART,T"Ji>E:f~W~~~~~~~e&~·~~~~.4Uik i School of Beauty Culture, r

STEVE ALOI-FORD i In•.1\~ 'M~~z.?6'JiB'f2'T i (07 Soutb Warren st. BA 2:-6535~"TlA.C-'» Star Ch!d. 4-600r. i DAY AND EVE!'Il'11\G CLASSESun llO"'B"",&1f,B~TERA"U"T;"O·.. ···S1IlS i Call. Write oJ'Visit

..."iOn. b th "-cw York Slat.1~ ~o~M~m~·U88i O.p.&rlmea& 01 UOcatiOD

RAMBLER, IKe.~/~~=-~o& 'TIL~ 1>~


f40~~~.~t:.~~.,:~r~fo;~ caretul o.,.-nn




G~~~~i:~rSAVE UP TO


Boats-Servlces. Suppllu ]01KliImRELL'S MARINE





GR 4-7851



1963·s. Many differentmodels. AU fullyequipped.. "arlcty ofcolors. AU must be&Old this week. Hurryand ...

SAVE $ $ $


'63 DEMOS.


!IS lV. ){an]ius St-.

• Chc\"Tolet Impalas.BelAlra, Chery U's,Corvalrs.

• Hardtops, Sedans.Station Walons.

• Very low mllea.ce. JostUke new, ncw-carwllrrnnt)'.

Buy Now ond Save!Hundreds of DoHan


59 Chev. SI095Impala 4-Dr. Hardtop.

~;~~r~~'e;;;:::'b:k::'radio. two-tone!

63 ValiantSI897

63 Plym. S20979-Pass. Sta. War. V·8.

61 Chev. SI645Impala -I-door Se.dan.S·c)·linelc.r. Powerrllde,power ste~rinr. powc.r~io;2:-tone.

60 Chev. S 1495Imp a la CODnrtibleV·8. Powcr~lide. powcrst~ninr. power brakes,radio.


COST63 Chrys, S21974~Dr. Automatic trans.,heater, power steerln{,


63 Chrys. S2897Convertible.Full equipment.

Station Wagon.Full equipment.




DOWN Oeliveu Any Nl!w or Used Cor Even IfYou Owe on Your Present Cor.





$1995Monu 2-DGor Sport Coupe, 6-c)·!lndcr••·speedtrans.. radio. bucket seats. \'Cry low mUeare.Like new.


COLONY Wagon$4409 I!3209

PARK Air CioadllloalJl.l

Monterey i 2·Dr. Sedan I $3379 I !2491

Monterey ,I Sedan $3639 I !2629

Monterey I Convertible $3992 I !3143

COMET I Convertible $2927 I !2390Alilo. Bu,lId Se"

Comet v-a I Convertible $3223 I !25748 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM AT COMPARABLE SAVINGS


900 W. Genesee St. OPEN EVENINGS

62 Corv'r SI695

62 Chev. SI9504-l)r. Station W.Jlr0n,V-.8. powcrrlldt'. pow·er stt'erlnr. radio.

SAVE63 Chrys. S 1200"300" Hardtop.FuJI equipment.


63 Fnry S2097Converllhle.Full equipment.

SAVE63 Valiant S900Convertlbie.Full equipment.63 Plvm. S 19974·Dr. Automatic trans.,radio. heatcr. powersteerin(.




14 Cars to Choose FromNEW, USED and DEMONSTRATORSAll Cars Carr" A N erf) Car Guarantee

62 T -Bird S2650Hdtp. Black. red leatherinterior, 18,000 miles. Like


T·BIRDS62 T-Bird S2350 62 T-Bird S2750Hardtop. Green. Excellent Lan d. u Hardtoll. FuJI

orlrinal pondltlon. power, air conditioned.62 T-Blrd S2600 ~,h'::".:;';~.,.,.,, 1 .wu-Hardtl>p. 'Whlt~, red inte­rior, tull)' equipped In·eludlnr air condltloninr.

60 T-Bird SI550White, red Interior.


LEWIS GOODMAN ,••Uutat.·. Lannt V ..llanl.·

1'1,....0.1... Chr,lltr. ImperialD",l~r. .

917 W. Genesee BA !·72/i8

2-ton 18-ft·. van. Insulatedaiuminum bodr. V-8. !.speed axle. 900x20 tire&.


'Cost New f6,3S0 "t':~REc'f.~~il~~lt~_O~~:~~A~HWio~~~Now Only S5100 AND T·BIRDS HAVE BEEN FURTHER RE­


EAST CHEVROLETSSYRACUSE 62 Chev. SI575 61 Chev. SI050CHEVROLET B....yn•••"".,. '-D,. G".... "d.

I 0 ... E.... .HE '·3311 62..·Cloh..e


1.,S·...1075 61' Corvair S I 050

1~"'ii'ii16iiw....Mii·iiniill..ioiisiil....~ I ' 4-Door Sedan. 700 model,Cornlr 2-Dr., a std., Intn 4-speed tra.n.s., white with

62 Chev. S 1850 "d lnl,,,.,.EXPRESS (mp.l. '-D,. Hdlp. Sup" 59 Chev. S575Sports. 8 auto .. black ex- Bl.scayne ".Dr.. 8 auto.SERVICE ::~~ nitb crun bucket Blue and white, r .. h.

61 Chev. SI075 58 Chev. S240Tune.. Ups - Brakes Col"Vatr Panel truck Del Ray 2-Dr. BU$lnessMufflers-Tail Pipes C.up•. Blu•.

M' R' 61 Chev. S 1375 58 Chev. S375rnor epalrs Station Waron, (Tey. 1IReason"able Prices auto. 4-Dr. rarkwood. Ra- Impala Z·Dr. Hardtop, "!

dlo and heater. auto., blue. Needs littleAlso CoUlslon Service work price reducedAll Chey,l" P,.du" 61 Corvair S850 58' .

Specialists 700 Stallon Waron. Chev. $415Red ",nd white. Impala Z·Dr. Hardtop.Good condillon. 8 aulo. Bl&ck.


P\i"'JtS&--&IIal/. IOUlld on south6al1ll. &~. O'Imer Ide1ntfr.

OR 8·0011

THE POST·STANDARD, Nov. 24; 1963

50 Golden YearsMr. and Mrs. James S. Wickham of 104 HinsdaleRoad, Mattydale, will celebrate tlleir 50th wedding~nniversary at a dinner today at Southern PinesRestaurant. The Wickhams were married Nov. 26,1918. Mr. Wickham was employed by OberdorferFoundries Inc. 'before his retirement. The dinnerwith 15 relatives is being coordinated by Mr. andMrs. Wickham's daughter, Mrs. Virginia Balitzand her daughter, Miss Janice BaUtz.

Engineer NamedAs Liaison AgentThurman O. Ruettinger, an

engineer with New Process GearDivision o( Chrysler Corp., hasb.een named liaison representa.tive (or the Syracuse·Bingham·ton-Elmira·Utica are a for the19M SAE Automotive Engineer­ing Congress and Exposition to

e held Jan. 13·17 in Cabo Hallll.

The appointmen t was an·

~:S~e:~i~ ~V~.,C~h:iirnm~~n~:~~Iyracuse section of the Societyf Automotive Engineers.Ruettinger will direct a pro·

gram to inform area engineersabout the congress and exposi­tion. The (ive~day event is

help engineers. manufactur·n g executives, and scientistseep up with advances in the

hnology of aU automotive ve­hicles. Attendance is expectedto top 20,000.

If.20W.GUiesee St

.GR2-9,., ~ rORO2Y.~~!2~~.~,~ ~.lrNIJ[DS..·

.f... than '00 New Yo,k Seltzer because of his distin· TREMENDOUS 1639 E,i. BI.d. E. at Teallarea journalists - and future guished service to his cit~· and SAVINGS!

journalists - are expected to state through journalism. f~-~~-~-~~-~-~~-~, ;G;R~2-~4;4~46~jDjiNiiiffiiR1m~~o~p~e~n;E;.~es~.attend the 29th annual School of "We also want to recognize ...-.-------..-.-..Journalism banquet at 1:.3C p.m. his personal distinction as a ~- S~:~ i,:; Uni,ersity's :~:~:~, ,;;~;~r'CI~i~O~'ai:~d 62 Buick S3995 DAN CURTIN' i•••1II1

Commemorating the 60th an· Special guest will be most of ~~:~"1~:~,Dr~ ~:~:

~~~:~r, °ihe t~ail~nb~~r~~:I~fn~~~~ ~~~Y1~~a~~t:~~d :~:~. ~~:rltu~tesU,~:~the e,'ent will have Frank .J. founder, Irving Templeton, nov. tlnlsh. This car 'was driv-

~~~\~:,.=~~:~r a~f ?~Om~~~;~~i~~~e:rPle~:, ~~~~~l ~~ ~~iT~: r~::dl~lo:x~~speaker. His iopic will be ''My Templeton. :n9ftea~,1 ~~ O{~~~Ptl~Life with the Press." The newspaper is printing a condition.

The School for Journalism special anniversary edition fo be

~~e'~~e~~~~:r~;h~a~;J~di~~~~J~d~ ~l:ob~q~e~dl! to 'ipOO71IYrgitlklfWilliam P. Tolley to Louis B. several outstanmng students. LIDcob>·~ttn"',C"'clSeltzer, the nationally known ed· These include the Borden Com- 321 W. Onondara St.

ito~e~/~. C~r~~~tP~h~' will ~:~~a1fsC:::~d~~on Th:t:a~g~: p;iiiiii~Gi;iRi;;;'i;;;-'i;il;ii"i;;;-iiiiiiii~- 60 Falcon sa95

~~v~a~lt~a\~~:~s~~:~alth~~ ~md:~~~la:~~iPt.~~ar~SSeil 1960 JEEP ~~oo:~3~;:~darcL RadIoI FC-ISO PICKUP 62-FalconS1295

II Direct.or Named at UC :::;~~g:n~;1·';;5~de&9n·5~1'.~I.u':;. 6~"'L~~k~dS;95.~dOOr \'-8. Stand. !rans.

In Social Welfare Area Bill Rapp Pontiac !'~ln~'~~~,?lrll~~9~Appointment of Stephen B. University College in two areas! 0 573 ~AST GtnG~e'~fI sped (rans., radio and

Plumer o( Rochester as pro. _ social work and social wei. pen ves. ~ heater.,.,-_--=-=o='<am .dministeal., in lhe fields raee. 1--- 61 Chrys. S 1595of social work. and social wei· Plumer recieved bis BA from HERE 'T.S Windsor f-door. Radio,(are at. College, adult Brooklyn College in 19;i2 and, heater. "-8. AutolDlltlC,ea~eati~n diVISion of Syracuse his 1\[5 from New York School 1962 BUick $2495 po,!!!,_-,-_~==Umverslty, was announced to· of Social Work, Columbia Unl'l :~~I~~~I ::~. ~~I°.a.ll:'U~n: $995 60 -Plym. SI095day by Dean Alexander N. Char· versity, in 1954. He served as blark Ilr"ul,.. 9 pa,· WBJ'on. A 10. Sta. Waron ••door V-lI.ters. . . 19roup leader In a number of ROBERT E. SLEETH u. Auto.• radio, beater and

At the same time, appomt- centers including CoJonY House OLDSMOBnE 59-';;1 k S995 power.ment of P~u!Uer as an assislaf!t Day Care Center, B·rooklyn.1 N~Il'i!,~,,~~WEaTOSC~~~ - C 62 D:-d~~S~13~9~5

~~lP;~:~~~:~~~~:e ~~k~:;~:~~f~; AJi:!;~~~~~r~~:'I~c=n~~~='.~~~.~.i~I::~F:=.:"~S~'~I~;;;;.~1"~'. ~.:~~:~O:loHa::d ~~:~ °p:~~or. AulD.


. Gundy. Brooklyn In 1954 he was head ~&lfon. 8-QL. aUlO. Ab5ohnfl,.

umer will come to Syracuse counselo~ at Cam p Wooden FRED'S j\"tO'si mil AN CURTIN DOlnD.G.E,from Ro~bester wher~ he. has Acres. Montreal. Que. In Octo. A.~ 0; ~~'30been assistant. executive dlrec· ber 1959 he became program dj- If!3 1m ~ USED Rtor of the J,ewlsh Y?U~g Men'S rector of the Young Men's and Ub.e v., 1;:. CA DEPARTMENTand Women s ASSOCIations. Be· Women's Hebrew Association in COIlcl, W. Gettnee ot Plum GR 1-6433

~~=rn::n~n~~oe~·e:·;~eeC~i~~s i~~b~~g~l!P~;~J::tewS:h:a:e~r~ ~:I~~==============~~IIPlu.m.e: will de"ote part time t~ Social Work at the University of fiO=. ~~, ;~~da t:~~ ~:::.. a~laCil;~ti~Saji~r S~~~~. Plumer'sjPittsburgh. . IBA BUICK CO YN delUxe.time at University College will Plumer "":!s appomted as~is. 3'B W. o!\"'O!'o'"DAG.... ST: OR 6-31&:1 PEPPE ==-----be devoted to development oftant execu~ve of the J,ewlsh ~Ln"-tt55 4-Door ~an. R AUTO SALES, Inc. 61 Chevi Sl795tn·service training programs for Yo~ni. Me~ S and Wome~ s As.! . '* Impala Z.door Hardtopprofessional social workers i n,sOCIabons 10 Rochester 1n Sep- . kn ......011. Over 30,000 Satisfied Customers \'-8. Po\\"urlide. powerprivate and public welfare agen-j tember 1~1. He is a ~(mber 51,~ ~ sturtn.r. radio.

lcies. He also wm .ssist in. Ih,·r Ih. N.ti.nal Assocl.lIon • r YM I·OWNER TRADES ON THE 64'sdevelopment of new programs SOCIal Wor~er6 and Js tr~asurer Every Car X. Y. S.lnspeded and

lin the area of continuing educa. ol ~e National Association 0 ( Leon arpenter, Inc. Completely Wlnteruedlion lor women In the social Jewl~h Center Workers. I!e 1s PAYE.TrEVILt..E.. N. T. h"El·3101 ~~or I/OU1' thopping comfort Ihc.c car. arc on di.pfallwork area being set up under a marned .and. has two children. CORVAIR SPECIALS In OUr h~t"cd .holt~room.

gean' room the Camegi, F.un· They "SId. m R.ches'... 'I -i',;. t~ 61 Chev. SI399 60 Chev, SI299

da~~~Ording to Dean Charters, ANNOUNCEMENTS ~i;:'h:;r~ Bel A.1r 2·Dr. Sedan. Parkwood Waron. AuIO.Radio, beater. Aulo. Heater, powe.r steering.

the addition of Plumer to the If]· .... ll'79~Is'aff maeks Ihe .xpansion or oe ombard 61 Comet SI099 60 Comet S899

AUTO SALES De Luxe 2-Dr. Radio. De Luxe 2~Dr. Radio. 11=~!~~~~jijij~~JI!~!1320 Erie Blvd., E. GR 5.8323 heater. Auto. heal"r. Auto.

1i:'..;:.-t'i:,~~k%~.1.~~~ 60 Dodge S99960 Plym. S999C·Dr. Suburban. 2·Dr. Station WILl". Radio DISCOUNT SALE'

r~~~~I;-·~;;.DrOn~Je.~; Radio. heater. and hellter. Auto. Power _oeSTEVE~bi~'FO~DU steering.RThJk ~~&a!ia'f" 60 R~mbler S699 59 Pontiac S899 ALL '63'srAl.OO' 4-Dr·h~:~~~~·t.o~l\dIO, Ch.',t't.I~.'AU'I-.D.'p'.R,.'.~o.I'"''''"';l.I.~&U~::atJc~taeroor.W~3ro '. .~ B &" S MOTORS 60 Ford S 12991 :'U::=:<''---:-:---=-__

1tC ERIE BLVD.. E. OR '·'812 ~~r:rYalld~~~fer.9-X~::: 594_Dr.~~~X:r.Ra~I?99k~~·:~~1 Power ateerlnr. heater. Auto.

A.i;:x~~ 100 Other Finl! Automobiles to Choose From

o,.~f<?'r2~;'h~~'~~." I FROM S95 up901 N. 6At.IN~f ST~n"" U2-266ll We will payoff any balance owned on your prcsentFOii.D=i~~tIC~ car. E·Z bank terms. 1'."0 CASH DOWN needed. All

;~~; .f<.. '~"I ···'·p""Ecarryp"PEpPPEREIZEDR"warranty.

'-lon. dle&t>. AUTOFaR:~':~-=,.;- SALES:::::':unl.r7 ~-:~I LARGEST PLYMOUTH-VALIANT DEALER~~l~:~ 2rthBt&~ • 30 Ycar. Same Location

REYNOLDS FORD 103S W. Gene,e. SI. GR 1-6135 Sgmu..•• Old"~, Ch,g,[" C"p. D,.[" I~JR.A~m"''-;~:.'~'-:Ir--'----'.1

1~113f~~""'~'6~;~R:a~':....~'R~r.~;~T~TEALL~:I;~!!=!! !!~III!!!III!!!III!!!~!ili!!ii~'1 1401 E,ie Blvd., E. GR S-OI71 1!~0Ii

DE~O~S~~~~RS ~!l1D!O:'~..!~!!~ I 63 PONTIACS [SP~EiViCE""ll.E~I~~EJ.:a:~;er1n:i~'b~:~~~·\fr:~; Many models to choose i E..-pert aulomol!\,e sprlnr relluUdlng and re-arCblnr.; CAR PAYMENTSfinish. "'hlte top. In lip Irom. Low r·Ueare. One All 1\ork .ruaranteed and tast installation Largest ~top condition. owner cars~ . ~:'k";:r~~sseDrer car and truek 5JIrlnrs in Central TOO HIGH?ALAN BYER SAVE ~ $1000 I.SHOCK ABSORBERS INSTALLED • :;:.:'~'.::'.:I.f,;:': :::~::

~~l£'11 ~~:O.~~;E:~;~~. IGURW'~'rnl' MARE M 0 N 't ~i ::; ::,~':.:~,~:.::{ ,::';'"t'S FORD nu w'.'·Gl"U·a.':.E.AlGUR 1.6'0' l.-. BYER'S SALES

-..fa A"llTEALL - - PONTIAC SPRING SERVICE . ' ..V"._Dlllm .

2~Gl~1eluse P~~~ 2--1431 GR8l~ GmcGe:~'859 Montromery anel Bun S1. GR 5·2187 820 WB~E~~~~E ST.

Senior CitizensClub Will MeetClub Four or the Senior CUi·

Izens League will meet at 7 p.m.Wednesday at the state head·


quarters. 220 E. Washington SlAll clubs of the 34th Congres·

sional District will meet at 7p.m. Saturday. after a 5: 30p.m. supper at the headquar·

ILausche to Speak

ISchool of JournalismPlans Dinner on Dec. 7





















Page 17: The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY


a iVal·Park




9A.M. to 9 P.M.

Licensed Real. Estate Brok.erPhone HO 9-4215 or HY 2-1663





COL. DDYT ·McGINNIS. Auctioneer

AUCTIONSaturday, November 30, 2 P. M.

301 Grace Place, SouthwoOd Tract, Off E. Seneca Tnpk.

One-f.",", lollnplow tYlle bome, rOllr looma _"d ftnt ftoo..nd I.rlll bedroom 110. G... beat, _Ie. rnatn, .2!0 deUrieUr, Iarleul.cbedl.ra~., nlee eon"!r lot.Alfumaltle $4,000 b.nk mon,an. ter__llI~ do,", at tl"'e of.-1ft .Dd ea.h .bon lbe In 1IO da,..., deed.BrlnJ )'"nlt.Opu for lnapeeUo1l to A.:lI. day of ..Ie Or 117 f;Jlecl.1 aDpolDtm~t....7 time.

The Perfect ChristmasGift •.


DIRECTIONS: Take Route 298 to Car- ,-----'"'-1rier Circle to Bridgeport, or Route 81 to

and Route 31 to Bridgeport.






$10,000 Total Price Includes:'", Lot Size 65'x120' ", Community Sewer

'': <Minimum} System.... Wall-te-Wall .... Notural Gas

Carpeting ",2"x411 Studding.... Tile Bath' Thruout(16"O,CJ

", Birch Cabinets Y'~h~~~h~~n:~d.... Floor Tile Schools", City Water ", A Shopping Center", Paved Streets • in Progress


THE POST-STANDARD, Syracuse, N_ Y•• Sunday, November 24, 1963 33



OF YEAR&e.ullllll .. bed r~o '"hom~ wilh den. l~i

bath" modern kitchen,lood barn, beautlfulworkahop tor man ofthe houle,! ear •• SchOOl dIs­trict. Call1lir. Ry.n. 80S-23.J5 or GR 4-74U.

Be Listed Here Today!

The One You Want Could





BLACKBURN APTS.Brlck-565 Valley Dr.

2: bedrooms. healed, furnishedor IIntu.nlllhed. Garhale dla·

r!r~r:;~~li:~!~~~:~~c.,\~::t: Pomeroy Organization I~A ....n.ble. privileged to show you an

GR 9.6440 autbentic Cottage Gothic

II"~~~~~~~~II:;~:~ll%hlU:~~~O~~~~~date-1'S45. Partly wooded5etting, 325' deep, withold carriage house. HomeJs stru~luraJly sound, withmagnificent woodw 0 r k,genuine Delffl t.lles, 3M!baths, I:'U heat.. fmportedstained glass \\:1ndolVS,diamond paned. For thetamlly of discriminatingtaste-for you who appre-

~::e o~heQ::~q~iC:~:f:.;world.

Cilin Roberllon_OL S·8610Cuello.ta RealBllate

Sq. Yd.REG. $3,00




REG, $49,00







NOW - lAVE 14

E~elrE~~~~~ ~~~LC;~.II.~;-::c.:=::~~.c:::,=,~=B Erla 81.15.. W. GB 1-14&l

REG. lSc EA.

),' ,!



WALL-PANEL!4"x4x8 sheets


41 x81

VINYL TILEGreaseproof, 9x9 10¢ ea.









9"x9" 51J2¢COLORS REG. 8c EA,




...............~_.L;,_......... .-. ... ~ ...... _ .• ~._ ..... ~ ........ __ .. _ .... a. ...............

Cut YOllr Own orReady Cut

Fill Your Home


PIZZAFor All Yael'

Holiday Partia

6CBOO~H01\IE.OFFIOE, CLUBSBuffet Lun&;:es


THOR ;:~'I~~~The ~Iolnr Thu Will

$ltSO"'!IUd State Contracton

Equipment. Inc.GR4-8715

With Music

Come to Stagnilla',J\lUSJC STORE

744 X. Salina GR 1.1915"The Houst! of ,I1Ul!lic"

For Your :'thl$leal Girt


BILLIARD TABLESOrd(r no.. for delivery bdonCh.rblmu.

F1n.neln .. lluUableWrltfo:

119 Baller Rd .. N. Phone 4~I-0082

Most eomplele line ofMarine Supplies in Cen­lral X. y, Visit our an­nual barpln sale andsave up to 50~.

Kimbrell's Marine1628 Erie BLvd., E­

GR 2-6500ODen Mnn.-Frl. E..e~ 'Ill • r..M.

1'1enlt ot P.rkln.


WI!: ALSO 1(,\\'£ \\ RLATBSA"-U 1'I:1'o'S BOUGHS




Beautify YourRome (or Christml\.8With an Annstrong

~O;'~mC~~~~~ ISyracuse Oeiling Co. I


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29Starting 12:30 P.M. - Merchandise

Dairy 2 P.M.Calves and Beef 4:30 P.M.

ClearanceG,E. WASHERS

Dryers ond Stereos1963 Models at

BIG SAVINGS!Lombord's Appliances3U3 BurneL An. 431-482:

RAY BOLES. AuctioneerTully NX 6~2821 LaMIng LF S...(1S3

(;;11.• of• Ll~ln .. Room Sullta• Bedroom Sulln.:'lallrnau• Juvenile PornliureSAVIXGS TO 40'1:EAST CREDIT TElt)fS

George Grunder &; Sons81)0 s. Salin. 51. llA l!-~38'

Due to Thanksgiving this week we will bold our sale


Last week's market about steady with beef appearinga little stronger.


Order Now-Don't. Delay....r..~ S~lee(!on ofSltln and Ptlr~,

Hyland G;fl ShapLa,-",wGfrllle~:I'lmas

Gl(..5-~OO l~S.Geddtt81.


A u.;;.D.r (Wt Onl)'~u~~ '~r::~rie:·~t $12


.Ill.. W'. Onondar. 8t. GR .... 11lS

GIrt W,."II!'d.656-8839


Sam's Hobby & Toy Center, Inc.-2 STORES-





Refreshments Available

Toys -- Hobbies -- Art Supplies I~r5TA~:J~~~j~Ji~~AT BELOW WHOLESALE COST!



10 A. M. thru DEC. 7th


A Xeu.u to HUSbands,Sweetheal1.4l, Brotben

Order HerExclwdve Jewelry from

DOLL CLOTHESlor lH~ In. Barhle. Tina, elt.dolls. O~er 300 dlfferUI oul­lib on hand

al $1.00 'eachCuslom Orders Flltd

Clfl P.ekaledFAY E. TRYONCO:\'~TA:STIA. RD I

:'>IA3''l3H 1\IA 3-71rn

Give A PET ...


"PET" PORTRAITS~ Will Hold 'Til Chrislmas li HOLns l'Oll CIIRISTMAS DELIVERYDON'T FORGET YOUR PET Also Stud Service "You Don't Pay More at (;oss-l'ou .lust Gel More"

A A..~:-:~~W: :::::~:! kTHt~"~E'~,HH,'~~·:~~,"~H~·~DI!.,~, GOSS PIANO and ORGAN CO.Piano and Organ Center of Ce"tral 1\'e,iO York

Penn, La~1e6.L~7010fra"htr Ilf;:~~"~U~'-~"~"~=~~~'~"~":\~\'A~"":E~'~S~T'~=ir=.;:~:;,::;!G~H~"§"~'"~~~J For the Littlest Cowboy E UP Make 11 Il ftfuliical Gift

~~;~e~IT}~~~~rFo;,~~a: IT'S ~~~ - : ~E;t~~~~I::~:nl~~~sle Bos«

Horseman & His Horse BUYING TIME Com"lele LI)I~!-I~1

Naylor', ~~~'I=.~:'L11~:::~r~;~'i~::~; Onondaga Music Co,Stoneybrook Farm aulnorbed ur~lto st&otlo.. In 119 W. ,Jefferson St.Ransom Rd., JamenUle. Central New l'ork. HA 2-84.23

1109-1156 Sperry Craft Shoppe109 w. T.tlo. Ft. C&6-0614

In observanoe of Thanksgi\'ing, we will hold oursales next week on Weiinesday and Frida)', Xo\,.27th and 29t·h. Please note that on both of theseda)'s we will sell ealves first. 59 please make It. apoint to gel your calves In before noon if possible.We wlJl be unable t.o accept cah'es after 1 p.m. onWednesday and 5 p.m. on Friday.

Burton Livestock Exchange, Inc.VERNON, N. Y. PHONE TA 9-5105

Gift CertificaEes forBOWLING BALLS


BOWLER'S PRO SHOP$13 W. Genuee81.

"" !-45Gl


Every Wednesday and Every Thurs.1 P.M. SHARP 1 P.M. SHARP


BRA~"1) :OO'EW tlncl.lmrd rlaUSewln.. Machine In .I\r.rlh·eeablllel, equh'l'ed for ,H Itl''''KI'_KIlI ,e1ll'11l1. FUllr ..uaun_teed.Purchase this ChrLsbnasBuy for the lay-awaybalance or 548 ar 6 pay·ments of sa. Call:LIIY-A·W"'~ DEM. U'·MM

NORWICHCommission SaleNorwich Fairgrounds II,~~~"'-'~~-~

TUES., NOV. 26Beginning 12 Noon

Straight datry this weekhom 1\lr. Harold Stock­brldce of KJrkl:Yld. N, Y.,cons.ll.ting at 16 head, all1I0lsteins except one redand white cow. Thismuloh herd has 7 cowsstrictly fresh, 1 baggingclose and 7 baggi.n!:, duehl December. Also all out­standln!:, Holstein serviceb<lli. This dairy IsREALLY TOPS IN PRO­DUCTION wilh m a. n y

producln2: up to 70 Ibs. lififfi"",:iia-,~~ffi""'ffi""~~~~ffiffii'lThey ha\'e everything -II

site, condition and pro·ducln2' ahlUt)·.There will be other con­signme.nLs of dair)' cattleinclUded, springers, freshcows and he.lfers and p(lS~

sibly & load of WesternNew York baggingheifers.

Bee] Cattle.ond Calves

The market was aboutsteady week with anaverage supply of cattle.Call us early (or truckingsen-ice. It. 15 still a nicetlmc 10 mo\'e those non·profit cows and takehome some of our excel­lent. dairy replacemenls.We wlJl also ~ave a Da\!idBradley mower and othermiscellaneous ltams ofmachinery. poultry andpl'oduce.

EVANS & EVANSAue£ioneers


MONDAYNOV. 25, 1963

10 A.M.



NORWARD, inc.701 Nichols Ave'r Syracuse, N. Y.



PHONE NE 5-6021 ar NE 5-5728





Due to other business interests, have laId far.m locatedon Kingdom Road 6 ml. South Wut of Baldwlnsvllle.4 ml. West or Rt. 31, 18 mi. North West of Syracuse.Thruway to Exit 39 turn Illrt on Rt. 48 to 31 in Bald­winsville, Watch for 81'ro\\"s.

MACHINERYFarmall !\todel 300 traclor torque amplifier, LP1'O andQuiok Tack, new rubber and palDt job. 2 boltom 16"mountlnj: plow. 12' hanow. 1951 Ford tractor and 2bottom 14" plow. Tractor haa Shennan transmission,recently overh::.uled, 13".x24" rubber JD 999 2 [OWplanter 3 pt. hit.oh. 194.9 Fannall H tractor, loader,2 row cuJU\'alor. tnt. 7' tractor mower, 9' harrow, Bril­lion hay conditioner. Guard 'I" rtltary chopper. Case4 bar side rake on rubnt.r, tnt. 50 T baler wilh powerunit, Ontario 16 hoe drill on rubber, 26' Klnl;WY5eelel-ator. Papec chopper, corn head. PapeD,40' pipe. JD hca'ry duly RT wagon, converted rubbertired wagon. 2 cbopper boxes, dee. unloadin( unit.Case 125 bu. spreader-PTO, Danson double barrelspra.yer. new pump. 30 ral. Cen-Pe-Co :30 011, steelland roller, 12 bags 20<"0 fertUber. p.I drums, bencbvise., ben"h grinder. elec. heater, bolt cutters. tarale=jacks &Dd large quantity SInall tools, h)'dnuille

FURNITUREWestinghouse elec. dr)·~r. Easy Splndry washel',dining room l;ulte with china and cabinet, 6 cbalrs.L.R. suite, bed and otheT uUcles.ORDER OF SALE-Furniture, Small Tools, .)fachinery,Produce, Cattle.

TERMS: Cash or Good Cheek. - Lunch Served

Pursuant. to an order by the HoD. Da.vid J. Goldstein,U. S. Referee in Bankruptcy:

SAT., NOV. 3D, 10:00 A.M.47 - HOLSTEINS - 47

34 cows, S line back cows, I Reg., 18 fresh or close up.

~~~an~ael~~i~~~~.~ \~~J:~s~~e~ar/:rSf~~~g~~ l:~b~n~yearlings. 2 small heifers. Seveul cows mllkinl!' 65-75Ibs. daily. Last. year's avel'1lge 11,097 lb. milk. This isan outstanding dairy with 51te and condition. Allanimals examined for pregnancy .and shot. for shippingfever.

MILK EQUIPMENT - PRODUCEFrigidaire 7 can cooler, ZO milk can.ll. i\IIlker putnp

~~b~::k.'\;at~:~de~~~O~alJ~u~d~tr~lne~~~ec~o~I~~~11"~g~;;o;-===~1Ipen>. 1,000 bu. heavy Russell oats, 600 bu. ear corn,300 bu. old corn, 3,000 bales mb:ed alfalfa·clover_tim_othy hay sold 10 3 lots--earl)' cut. and conditioned. 200bales second cuttinl:' alt.• 100 bale., 3rd cuHill1:' alf., 300bales wheat straw. 24 Sliver Cross hens and 2 roosters.

Desks, tabletl, typewriter, exec. chair, Addox addlnrmachine, tiles, checkwrlter, alenor. chain.

Prosperity 68 dry cleaning machine. with tllter andstili and piping; Cessl tIIters, Comlco bulkheads: Pros­perity 132 P. C, press; Prosperit.y n(l dry cleaning unll;Hoyt reclaiming tumbler; Prosperity 845 Prd· drycleaninr presses; Cissell .ir pants topper; ~ewhouse

basket seales; coln-op. carts, Ae\'eral thousand dollarsin parts, steel shelving, parts bini, .teel bencbes, pipe/"dies, diamond &Crew plate set; cellophane bags andpaper goods; power vise, elC(:trlo holst, Randcylinders and mIse. poweramlc parts, eabinets.

Georgetown, N. Y.

Tuesday, Noy. 26,' 11 A. M.Located on Da.\·enport Road Just. ort Rle. Z6, 1}~ mlJessouth of Georgetown, 6 miles nortb of South OtseUc.Watch for auction arrows.

33 HlilL5TEIN CATTLE 33Five just. fresh, 18 handlinl!' and bagging cows, balancein aU stages of lactation. A good gr01Jp of cows thathave not been pushed, they have size and condItIon.

MACHINERYThree tracwn. I Cletrae Oliver, AG6 "tUb hydrauJieHell dOler blade, I. H. Model L\f., new rubber; I. H.1\lodel H. In good shape; I. H. loader with blade andbucket, I. H. cultivator, J. D. No.6 mower, quick hitch,:'\'ew Idea 4·bar side rake and tedder, BrUHn ba)' con·dHloner, I. H. No. 50 motor driven baler, Z wagonswith racks, A. C. combine, 6-ft. cut. motor driven wllhlart;"e scour clean and bin, 3 )'ears old; Ontario 16-discdrllJ, 1\'ew Holland motor dtiven cll0pper, with j:rasshead, 3 years old: Tlcck vacuum hlower. with 50·f!. ofpipe: I. n. 14" three-bottom trip plows, one two-bottomtrip plow. two three-section harrows, lime sower, two·row horsedrawn corn planters, horsedrawn manurespreader, nearly new.

SMALL TOOLSBuzz saw, electric portable all' compressol', Forueyelectric arc welder with attachments. 1 year old; 2extension ladders, 5-ln. vtce with mnd, old silo IIn­loader with 3 bp. motor; 10j: chains, two sets of t.ra<:torchains, 200 ft_ at 2 - In. steel pipe, Z .eu ot platformscales, some chicken equlpment, slip scraper. gT'lnder.several sets ot horse bobslelgM, torb, shovels, 2 en­silage carts, etc.

MILKING EQUIPMENTiv:o Conde milkers, paUs. strainers, etc.

PRODUCETwo thousand bales o( hay.TERi\ or goad checks. Lunc.h anUable.


IAuctioneer and Salesmonager

IPhane Dryden VI 4-4696

PS: Mr. and Mrs. Davenport have been farming hereall tbelr lite and have a fine gTOtIp ot eattle and equip-

• ment. be on time.



located Z mUes south or i\!ora"ia on Route 38





RAY BOLES, Auctioneer

SATURDAY, NOV. 30, 1963



to scttle the C!ltate of the late Clifford H. Wilcox





COMPLETE DISPERSAL,Monday, Dec. 2·· 12:30 P. M.


8 ton straw, 900 bu. oats, 12 ton eaT corn, 100 ton cornensilage in 2 sUos, about 60 ton good hay.


TERl\lS-eash or Good 1 Way Check.


Registered HOLSTEIN DISPERSALFriday, Dec. 6, 1963, at f 2 Noon

51 - PUREBRED AYRSHIRES -5128 cows and 1st calf heifers. 9 breeding age heifers,10 Sr. heifer calves. 4. young heifer calves. This i.s aCall rresheninr herd that has alwB)'s been heavilyculled and is in top producing condition. 8 cowsfreshened in Dec., 8 in Oct.. 3 in Nov., 6 due in Dec.Top buUs have always been used~ There are 5 dang-h·ten of l\'YABC "iUDt.ACLE BULL", Selwood Betty'sConunander (116 daughters, 149 records, avg.: 12.74&."[-4.08%-521 F). 4 by :lHeredith Prediction (2.47 daus..484 recs., avg.: 10,8611\01----4.14%-449 F), 11 by Green­range Flirting Sailor (polled), whose dam ha,.c; manyrecords Inc). (13,93&.11-4.02%-589 F). 8 d&ughten otother top proven sires Included.,8 polls, 3 cows. " open heifers, 1 heifer call. Veryrood DID a.nd HT reecrds for many years.Health: calfhood vaccinated, TB &Dd blood tested, in­oculated against shipping tever within 30 days priorto sale. .

MACHINERY SALE 10 A.M.m rtf trac.tor with % row cultivators; rn 300 tractor,tor parts; lH 2 pt. hitch mowing machine, 2 JD 3 sec­tion hikh harrow, m 3 section harrow, AC com picker,3 ~ood rt wagons and racks with ensilage unloader.ID horse drawn spreader, l;'ood; 2 JD 2 bottom plows,IH field chopper, Geh1 ensilage blower, AC Model 66PTO combine with bin; Model 45 PTO ha)' press, Bril­lion 12 ft. double cultipactor, JO Model 894 side rake.Sam l\tulky ele\'ator and motor, horse drawn' eralndrill Meyer ha.y crusher, 6"x75' drive belt. all smalltoolS tound on tarm ineludinr Stel\-71rt cow dippers,fo:rks, shovels, brooms, etc.

MILKING EQUIPMENTUniversal milker pump, 3 Universal mllken with newpulsators; m 4 can milk cooler, double wash tank,water heater, milk .lIcales.

Receiver Attorneys tor ReceiverA. S. MENTER PAUL J. SHEA and

RICHARD McMAHON - PEDIGREES I!F:;:::;;:::;:::;;:::;:::;;:::;:::;;:::;:::;;:::;:::;;:::;:::;;::RE::;;U::;;B::;;EN:;:::;;::G::;;RA::;;S::;;S::;;':;:::;;:::;:::;;:::;:;;HQ:\IER P19·3038 II

HAROLD B. LEE, Auctioneer Charles and Josephine DavenportCAZENOVIA, N, Y. COMPLETE DISPERSAL


SK 3-0004 McGraw 836-4301

The 58.le will be at. the farm, on Larson Rd" just oftRt. 14, 1% mUe north of N. Y. S. ThMlway Exit 41,6 miles soutb of Clyde, 7 miles north of Waterloo, N. Y.

60 - REGISTERED HOLSTEINS - 60Curreni DEUA Ave. 30.9 lad. 1&1291\1 3.8% SIOF

The complete dispersal of this outstanding tarmer­breeder herd. feat.uring Hallcrest Dunloggin Adcenda(VG-88) daughter of Follo"-\" On Laird from "EX-GM"Clo\'ercourt. Carnat.ion Slogan Bess (160,000 lifetime).Cows selling with current la.etatlon records to 825 fat.11 daughters of Hallcrest Follow On Leader (VG-87).lIell, be t.he Res.-AII New York Jr. Yrlg. bun at 1957.He is now in heavy service at. East Tennessee Breed­en' Assodation, daughters .lIell with rcecrds to 2 yrs. 34 cow'S of milking age, 5 bnd heifers and 22open yearlings &Dd calves. The herd Is ring certified,T. B. accredited and calfhood vaccinated.


CATALOGS ON REQUEST.Luncb Available Trucking ArTaIlI'ed

LoeaUon: Xenodocha Farm, Cortland, N. y., betweenCortland and McGraw, 1 rnUe east on N. Y. 41. Just.east. at new Polk"!Ue Rl 81 inttrchan&,e. mldwa.ybeh'f'een Syracuse and Binghamton. Signs.

~i:S0:~v~~ ~~heth~on~~~:c~r:h\~~ymrak'::; ;~~tl~~my tarm

60 - REGISTERED HOLSTEINS - 60AbOut to mUch cows. the balance in bred heifers andcalves. Cattle sell in families. Daughters of thesepopula.r and outstanding sires selling: High MeadowFarm 1\Iast.erpiece, Sears, Crete. Clyde, Bur, Roburke,Jlex, Mooseheart Leader. J\bJlary Audacious. SkokieCreation i\tister. and many more ..• 2 outstanding

/ bulls, one a. service age son of Poestenkill ModelOrm.sby, tram a 650 lb. fat 2-year--old daughter of ""isInsignia, the other a show calt by J\IaJlary Audacious,from a high record daughter of Dean. Many animalsin the sale true direcUy to the NYABC "Sadie" cow,3 reoords over 1,000 fat. A Pabst bred herd, all mIlchcows are recently fresh or close springers. The cattleare young, with type, production and sound udders.

~7y at: ~yo~~s~nd .~~~~yff~e a;:co~~sI~~!rtt~u~e:~owners. Several 4-R Club prospects. All mature ani­mals carry the service ot a son of Pabst. MeJlow or ason at Ideal Burke Elsie Leader. SEVERAL OUT­STANDING GRADE COWS SELLING. l\take yourplaru; now to attend this sale and buv top toundationanimals. Inspect any time. All records and catalogsavailable at. ringside. Eligible to ship anywhere, vetexamined, caIrhood vaccinated, T8 accredited.Also selUD2:' very nice black pony gelding and saddle.

TERMS-Cash or good checkJ. Sale in comfortabletent. Lunch. Credit representatives available at sale.