the portfolio of jaren walker


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Post on 10-Apr-2016




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I created this porfolio to show of the work I created in my Graphic Design class (COMM 130)


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Buisness Card

Web Page


Event Ad




LOGOSDescription: Logo for my personal mark

Date: 10/31/15

Course/Instructor: COMM 130-07, Brother Pingel

Programs, Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator

Objectives: Create a variety of vogos to fit a company

or a personal image. Use the basic tools of Adobe Illus-


Process: I’ve had the idea of using a star in a circle as

my own mark for some time, but all the ones I’ve tried

to come up with were somewhat lack luster. However,

when I got this assignment, it really got my creative

juices flowing. My rough I tried a few different varia-

tions, but I was right the first time as most voted for my

first logo. So in my final draft, I refined it further, adding

the starburst from my third design, and making the

star somewhat 3D.

LETTERHEADDescription: Design of a new letterhead for my Dad’s

Dental Office, in conjunction with the buisness card.

Date: 11/5/15

Course/Instructor: COMM 130-07, Brother Pingel

Programs, Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe


Objectives: Create a new logo to fit a company or per-

sonal image.Design consistent layouts for a business

card and letterhead.Use the basic tools of Illustrator &


Process: I liked this project because I was helping

out my Dad. His original logo and sign were decidedly

lackluster, so I helped him spruce it up. I used Adobe

Illustrator to create the logo, and then inserted the logo

into Adobe InDesign, where I laid out the final product,

added text, and then exported both. Indesign was a

clunky program to use, but if you know her ways, you

can work wonders.

BUISNESS CARDDescription: Design of a new letterhead for my Dad’s

Dental Office, in conjunction with the buisness card.

Date: 11/5/15

Course/Instructor: COMM 130-07, Brother Pingel

Programs, Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator,

Adobe InDesign

Objectives: Create a new logo to fit a company or per-

sonal image.Design consistent layouts for a business

card and letterhead.Use the basic tools of Illustrator &


Process: Just like the letter head, Dad’s buisness card

needed some sprucing up. Creating a 3x1.5 inch

buisness card was the easy part, then it was just a

matter of adding the details with the logo, the name,

and all the buisness information. The best part is that

Dad may use these in the future

WEBPAGEDescription: Webpage advertising a new logo I created.

Date: 11/21/15

Course/Instructor: COMM 130-07, Brother Pingel

Programs, Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator, CSS, HTML, and

Notepad ++

Objectives: Size and optimize an original logo as a .png

for a web page.Write content to describe the process of

creating your logo and how it appeals to a target audience.

Design a web page using HTML to display a logo and con-

tent.Acquire a working knowledge of HTML and basicunder-

standing of CSS.Identify hex colors for web design.Com-

press multiple files in a zipped folder to attach as one file

Process: Coding was a daunting prospect at first, but the

more I got into it, the more I found it came easy to me. Af-

ter Designing the Logo in Illustrator, I created the webpage

slowly but surely. The hardest part was getting the form-

mating right, as the code got trickier, but with some help

from tutors, I figured it out, and created a thing of beauty.

BROCHUREDescription: a stylized threefold brochure for a clas-

sic car company.

Date: 12/5/15

Course/Instructor: COMM 130-07, Brother Pingel

Programs, Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photo-

shop, Adobe InDesign

Objectives: Set up and align a two-sided, folded doc-

ument.Learn how to wrap text around an image.Use

paragraph styles in InDesign.

Process: This was a fun project. Inspired by the retro

futuristic videogame, “Fallout 4”, I decided to create a

brochure advertising a line of classic atomic powered

cars. I first created the logo in Illustrator, and found

and refined the Images in Photoshop, then I took them

to InDesign, where I created the layout, and put every-

thing together. By far the hardest part was turning the

car on the front panel from white to red. I used alot of

filters, and clever brush work to make that possible. In

the end, its a classic design for some classic cars.

For over 50 years, We at Red Rocket Motors have been committed to the future, and the development of the automobile. From the chugging, oil burning, mostrosities of your grandfathers age, to the sleek atomic beauties of today.

Thanks to the innovations at General Atomic, We truly have created the car of the future.

Using only the best Detroit Steel, Chicago Manpower, and Fusion Cells from General Atomic Reactors in Texas; Only Red Rocket Motors can truly say that we are THE American automobile



• For more information, please call 1(541)234-5678. And keep your eye out for your local Red Rocket.

EVENT ADDescription: A advertisment for a On Campus event

Date: 10/10/15

Course/Instructor: COMM 130-07, Brother Pingel

Programs, Tools Used: Microsoft Word

Objectives: Find, scan and import a high-quality im-

age.Create a full-bleed designUse text boxes for layout

in Word. Insert and edit images in Word

Process: Firstly, this is where some of my designs get

a little lackluster. I am pleased with how this turned

out, but it could have been better. Firstly, after taking a

picture of my roommate and his fiance, I took the im-

age to word, found a border, and tried to make it look

as frilly as possible, focusing on making look some-

what like a wedding invatation.

IMAGINGDescription: A personal photo, Edited in Photoshop

Date: 10/13/15

Course/Instructor: COMM 130-07, Brother Pingel

Programs, Tools Used: Adobe Photoshop

Objectives: Learn basic photography skills.Use a digital

camera to take a quality image, then download it.Size

and crop the image. Adjust image brightness, contrast,

hue and saturation levels.Use a selection tool to isolate

a portion of the image.Desaturate the selected portion

of the image.Use a filter or colorize a portion of the



Special thanks to my Uncle Collin who gave me these

souvenirs, from when I toured Disney Studios. I ar-

ranged all my souviners on my bed, took the picture,

and brought it into photoshop, where I enhanced , and

brightened the image. The sharpen tool was a little

difficult to use, especially on this one, mainly because

I had no idea what I was doing, but I found it enhance

the lines on some of the drawings very well.

FLIERDescription: A flier for a On-Campus program

Date: 10/3/15

Course/Instructor: COMM 130-07, Brother Pingel

Programs, Tools Used:

Objectives: Apply the design principles and use ap-

propriate typography.Incorporate basic InDesign skills

to improve basic fier layout.Create a project folder with

image, logo and InDesigndocument to keep links in-


Process: This design project was fun to work on. When

I discovered more about Capoeria, the first word that

popped into my head was “Exotic” I tried to give it that

exotic feel without, seeming too foreign or threatening.

THe end result was good, but with the skills I have now,

I could’ve done alot more.


Bi Weekly Workshops

Tuesdays at 8 P.M. in Kirkham 232

Saturdays at 1 P.M. in Hart 234

Classroom attire

Learn the Brazlian Art of Self-Defense!ALL STUDENTS WELCOME!


MOVIE POSTERDescription: Logo for my personal mark

Date: 11/20/15

Course/Instructor: COMM 130-07, Brother Pingel

Programs, Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Objectives: Extra Credit

Process: Being a James Bond Fan, I wanted to create a new

poster for one of the movies. I first brought in a image of a

textured gold circle and overlayed the bond gunbarrel logo

onto it. Then I input some other photohoped images of lo-

cations, characters, and setpieces, with me in the middle,

I then added several other layers to it, including the movie

title, and credits.