the pirate press vol 5 num 2 (1982)

THE ilRA E PRE, SS le0 Student Council members chosen by Rhonda llenser and Christy Rheu Twenty IIMS studonts will serve Lho studonb body as Studont Council reprosentatlvos lor the 1982-83 scbool year. On October 26, two students from oach homeroon were elected by secrot baIlot. The Student Counci1 members from the 8th grade are as follows: (Hovskarnp) Doidra GIlsson, Kim Potts i (Shelton) Scotty Romaln, Ivy Monse; (Nage1) I'161ani6 Nelson, Kevln Lanler; (liaury; 8111 Lynn; ulka Kel-ley! and (Long) Tracl Thompson, Shannon Benton. The Studont Council rnembers from the lth grade &re &s follows: ( i.'letcher ) Carl Summers, Garry HaIIi (neyer) ShBn€ Shelby, Suz16 MoBsi (Blackwell ) Vlctorla A1oxandor, EPlc Jones; (t'eiter) Tera Ashley, Joseph Lelirenrood; and (Kenoedy) Joey l4arshaI1, Jody Troy6r. The officors of tho Student Council sre Prosl,dent, Vice-Prosldent Treasuror, Socrotary, .Ind Re porter. Th6 duties of the Proslclent are to be iri charge of org.1nlzj.n8 or calling a meeting, prosidln8 ove the meetlngst and delegatlng co@rlttees. The dutles of Vi,ce-Presldent are to work c1-oso1y wlth ttre Presid€nt, sot the date for: th€ meatings, and' preslds over the meetlng when tho Prosidont is absent. The dutles of tho Trea- suror are to koep finicisl reports. The dutlos of the SecretarY ane to koep tho mlnutes and ro11 caLL. The dutles of tho Roporter are to keaP the newspapor inforlled about the happenings of the Student Council. The Cuties of the members of the student counciL are t o listen, discuss, and voto on motlons. Also they are to roport the l-nformation back to their homerooms . ffi s* .,-,,xs >:-I* ""ff Nelson,Romain take charge! ! by Lorl Rarna6e and Marla Stone Aftor a long anticipation of waiting, th6 studont body linally heard tho resuLts of tho student council offlcor election held ln the gyn l.Iednesday, Nov. lrd. After listening to ertch candld- Lte dollver a speech, HMS studonts elected for presldent }iol-anio llelson, for vlco-president Scotty Romain, for secretary T6ra Ashley, for trelsurer Kevin Lanier, ald for roporter Bill Lynn. Tho studonts voted by secret ballot ln their fifth hour. Each of th6 candidates also wor6 lnterviewad by Marla Stone at tho &ssembl-y. Th6 other candidates were Shannon Benton, Mlka Ko116y, Joey i{a.rshaII, Ivy Morse , arld Doldra Gllsson. In her speoch I*Ie 1anj. e llelson thanked God for thiis opportunlty to run a.nd cornrentod that she was vory norvous. Scotty Romain named somo of the duties of h1s office. Ho also added e note of humor statlng that he enjoyed rrflirting wlth the gi.rlstr. 0rl th6 serious si-de he addod that running for bhls office was a challenge. All nomimles showod good sporte- manship by lrj-shing his or her opponent good Iuck. Beta club to use committees by Chuck Ingram and )amon }lartin Ttrls year the B€ta Club is dividlng into connlttoes, as declded ln the l{ov. 6 Beta Cl-ub meeting ln Iirs. iloye r t s classroom. Thors 1s to be certain cormittoe for eacLr month. Tho connltteo for tho month thj-nks ol somethlng to do for the Bota Club or IIMS. For lnst3"nco, th6 l.iovombor cor,lxlttee is collecti.ns lor lhe Telethon of Stars. 'Jhe n each- c omni t teeJEffii-6f-s-o-m6l thlng to do, they bring 1t up in front of th€ c1ub. The cl-ub motlons It and 1t comca lnto effect. -.. rlt ,i-i. ( a t ,/l i v\i { tH I

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Student newspaper from Heath Middle School, West Paducah, KY


Page 1: The Pirate Press Vol 5 Num 2 (1982)



Student Council memberschosen

by Rhonda llenserand

Christy Rheu

Twenty IIMS studonts will serveLho studonb body as Studont Councilreprosentatlvos lor the 1982-83scbool year. On October 26, twostudents from oach homeroon wereelected by secrot baIlot.

The Student Counci1 membersfrom the 8th grade are as follows:(Hovskarnp) Doidra GIlsson, Kim Potts i(Shelton) Scotty Romaln, Ivy Monse;(Nage1) I'161ani6 Nelson, Kevln Lanler;(liaury; 8111 Lynn; ulka Kel-ley! and(Long) Tracl Thompson, Shannon Benton.

The Studont Council rnembersfrom the lth grade &re &s follows:( i.'letcher ) Carl Summers, Garry HaIIi(neyer) ShBn€ Shelby, Suz16 MoBsi(Blackwell ) Vlctorla A1oxandor, EPlcJones; (t'eiter) Tera Ashley, JosephLelirenrood; and (Kenoedy) Joeyl4arshaI1, Jody Troy6r.

The officors of tho StudentCouncil sre Prosl,dent, Vice-ProsldentTreasuror, Socrotary, .Ind Re porter.Th6 duties of the Proslclent are tobe iri charge of org.1nlzj.n8 or callinga meeting, prosidln8 ove the meetlngstand delegatlng co@rlttees. Thedutles of Vi,ce-Presldent are to workc1-oso1y wlth ttre Presid€nt, sot thedate for: th€ meatings, and' presldsover the meetlng when tho Prosidontis absent. The dutles of tho Trea-suror are to koep finicisl reports.The dutlos of the SecretarY ane tokoep tho mlnutes and ro11 caLL. Thedutles of tho Roporter are to keaPthe newspapor inforlled about thehappenings of the Student Council.The Cuties of the members of thestudent counciL are t o listen,discuss, and voto on motlons. Alsothey are to roport the l-nformationback to their homerooms .

ffis* .,-,,xs

>:-I* ""ff

Nelson,Romain take charge! !by Lorl Rarna6e

andMarla Stone

Aftor a long anticipation ofwaiting, th6 studont body linallyheard tho resuLts of tho studentcouncil offlcor election held lnthe gyn l.Iednesday, Nov. lrd.

After listening to ertch candld-Lte dollver a speech, HMS studontselected for presldent }iol-anio llelson,for vlco-president Scotty Romain,for secretary T6ra Ashley, fortrelsurer Kevin Lanier, ald forroporter Bill Lynn. Tho studontsvoted by secret ballot ln theirfifth hour.

Each of th6 candidates alsowor6 lnterviewad by Marla Stone attho &ssembl-y. Th6 other candidateswere Shannon Benton, Mlka Ko116y,Joey i{a.rshaII, Ivy Morse , arld DoldraGllsson.

In her speoch I*Ie 1anj. e llelsonthanked God for thiis opportunlty torun a.nd cornrentod that she was vorynorvous.

Scotty Romain named somo of theduties of h1s office. Ho also addede note of humor statlng that heenjoyed rrflirting wlth the gi.rlstr.0rl th6 serious si-de he addod thatrunning for bhls office was achallenge.

All nomimles showod good sporte-manship by lrj-shing his or her opponentgood Iuck.

Beta club to use committeesby Chuck Ingram

and)amon }lartin

Ttrls year the B€ta Club isdividlng into connlttoes, as decldedln the l{ov. 6 Beta Cl-ub meeting lnIirs. iloye r t s classroom.

Thors 1s to be certain cormittoefor eacLr month. Tho connltteo fortho month thj-nks ol somethlng to dofor the Bota Club or IIMS. For

lnst3"nco, th6 l.iovombor cor,lxlttee iscollecti.ns lor lhe Telethon of Stars.'Jhe n each- c omni t teeJEffii-6f-s-o-m6lthlng to do, they bring 1t up infront of th€ c1ub. The cl-ub motlonsIt and 1t comca lnto effect.

-.. rlt

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Page 2: The Pirate Press Vol 5 Num 2 (1982)

Six 51p6.nts made straight A,s

by Rhonda M"rl"", t

Tbe slx weeks ended November5 and thls meant that report car-swould c orne out on tho 10th of Nov.TSfr time only s1x students madestra18h1, 4tg.

Tho elghth gredors Lead thesevo-nth graders wlth four ma.kingperfect grades. They are phyllisDowdy, tori Ee:rris, james Eo6by,and John Lewis. The seventh 6i6.aersare Slrayne ChumbLor aad BoblnSu@ers.

HMS yea(books orderedby Reglna Rtchards

andJennlfor Lulgs

Tbe Heath Ultldle School yean-booka were ondcred Tuesday, Oct. 12,Plrate Troasuro wl11 lncludc schoolEdEffiECs-6f-Eus. The yearbookscost $U.50 on $12.00 wlth a plastlcc ovor .

I1r. Mabry sponEors th6 yearbook.Ihe yearbook staff lncludes: ShauneB6y6t , Tl,ns Fondan, Wl11 I'reeman,Veronica Gatliff, KeUey Easklns,!,lon1ca E1nes, Mercle Elnton, JotrnLerle, Connle Mltchel)., Klm Potts,Temnls Bced, Tracey Thompson, KlmTuraor, John Wrlght, and JoellynYoung.

fhe yearbook staff ls nowcollectlng money for tho yearbooks;however, the deadllne for buylng thenrhas not been set yet.

Kids score high on T.I.P. Test

by Damon Martlnaad

PauI MayfleLd

Patrick Wood, Strannon Wray,Budcly Dowdym Brad Edwards,, Mequol Barnes, Ci.ndy Vled,Stevsn Davis, Shayna Chumbler, DavldEooper, and Richard Fralzer allhave the I am€ thlDg ln cor@on, thatls, they are lnvolved ln the Talentfndentlflcatlon Program, othorlrlseknown as T.I. P.

Thls 1s e .group of klds thathave scored 97% or above on ttrairechlevement tosts ln the slxth grade.They had to score ft,€ 97% perc€nt1leon Total Readlng, Readlng Comprehen-sion, Languege, Total Math, endTotal Rattery.

Then, aftor bsing selected toteko th6 A.C.T. Test, and lf theynake above 97fi o thi.t test, theycen got a scholarship to DukeUnlver s 1ty.

Fletcherls studentsto watch weatherby Tabatha Bart lott

andConnlo Gala.

Thls falI Mr. li,letchorrs oighthgrade students are enJoying theliopportunity to pr€Cict lnd for6castwe attre r.

ltr . Fl-e tchor r s goal for theelghth grade students ls to j.ntrod_uce students to meteorology and tofamlLlarlzo them with some- technlquesfor forecastln8 weather.

IIe feels thls rrl1L ho1p tho tstudents 16arn to forecast ieathen6ven though no ono cen be 10OS sureof hls predlction. r.rom thls projectthe students r,r1ll know what[sblBh &nd 1ow pressure syslems andcol-d fronts hrtve on our weather.

In thls proJect the studentshave reali,zod that most of themdontt watch tho televislon w6atherforecaat nor pay Lny ettentlon toweather patterns or .;hy ihey occur.So, thls is sonething new Uo thern.

The students have €nj oyedwatchln8 T.V. r,roathsn and-c6l-1ect1ngweather mir.p s .

Stamp Club elects officersby Kevln Eortor:

- Meeting Oct. 12, the Stanp Clubelected offl,cers to preside oven the82-Bl year. The offlcors sro:I9"fol Hlnes, Prosldent; Kev!n IIorton,Vlce_President; Benny Cur, Secr€ tB.ry;and Dee Doe Wright, Prognam Dfrector.Mr. F611on told the rlght w&y tohend16 stamps and the propor ways ofstoring them. Ee said th;t st&;pcollectlng can cost as much or asIl-tt1e as you went t6 pay. He alsotold about Lccessorl€s that you mi6htneed, such_ as a performatlon 6"rg"]a watermark det6ctor, tonqs, iatii_'Ioguos, and more.

The next meeting wt11 b€ h€Idllov . 9.

Class favorites electedby Jennlf€r Luigs

andRegl,na Rlctrards

The EMS class favorites weree1ected.. November 1!. Repre sentlngthe elghth gr&de g1rls, the class-favorltos are as follows: KeIIyHasklns,-,Iiika Kelley, Ivy Morse,Melenio Nolson, and Shen6 Wilsoi.The elghth grsde boys cless favoritasare_: Shennon Benton, K€vin Lanier,Bi11. Lynn, Reggle Mirshal1, andScotty Romain.. - Represeqting the seventh grade

g1r.1s class favorltes are: Teri. AshlevShayna Chunbler, Lara Dowdy, n.cirei--"J,ynn, and Allison Gray. The seventhgr.ade boys class farorites are DallonCrebtroe, Tod,d l..armer, Eric Jonos,


Jooy IriarshalJ-, snd Shine Shelby. '

Page 3: The Pirate Press Vol 5 Num 2 (1982)

Newspaper entertains Yearbook

by 116Ll s sa BroyleBJennifer LuigsRsgina Rlchards

Mrs. Cooper I s newspap6r classperformes two mernorizatlons & semesterMrs. Coopor glves tho class a dateas to whsn thoy are to know th61r!momorlzatlons. tben they penfornin front of the class and get agrade. Sho plcks some students toperfom in front of Mn. Mabryrs year-book staff. Sh6 sald that 1i. thaycan perform 1n front of thelr clais-mates, th6y can porform ln front ofalmos t B.nyon6 .

Ono memorizatlon ls over lrithand tho people w6ro plcked. No onehad to perform 1n front of Mr. Mabrvr rclass unl-ess they wanted to. Those-who dellvored th€1r momorlzatlonsthls timo were a.s follows: Tabs.thaIlartlott (rtThe Poon Man and the RlchIianrt), Hoattror Bnolrne (rprayer befor.eBlrthrr ), Deanne Dlck(selecti,on fromJaws ), Jennlfer Lulgs and ReglnaffiEards ( solection from llxodis).Tracy Mageo ( seloctlon frffiTE6'Premature Burialrr), Rhonda Menser(selectlon from rtThe Promature Burla1{llelanie NeIson (r'Supen-Duper Marketrr )and Marla Stone (nThe Drlving Lossonnl.


Stamp Club membersto strive for rankings

by Kovln Eorton

,, PresLdent llonlca Hlnes caIlodthe Stemp Club to order at tho thlrdmeotlng of the Stamp Club on oct. 9.

Th6 St Club sponsor, Mr.FelLer., told them about the rankingEthey rouId. b6 trylng to echolvs:boginner, Junlor, end s6nj.o!'. Onlya few elghth graders trave completedths beglnner rank so far.

Mr. Fe11er asked for volunteergto work the concesslon stand at fourbasketball gam6s. Ee also sbowod a



f1]m ca11ed SCard.

Beta to orgirruze wdayby Paula Glisson

Beta Club Presldont, TraceyThorapson, calIed th6 m6eting to orderNov. J1 to make plans fon December.

The December c omnl t tee talkeclabout what they planned to do forthe month of Decembor. They areplanning a. dress up day'for DecembenIJ, the last day of school. Alsothe whole student body w111 go 1nthe gym and sing Chrlstmas carols.

The Beta Club talkod about tsk-1ng a red line tour and also touringP.C.C. The club ls golng to exchangcgeg gifts, Just for fun.

Th6 B6ta Club also dlscussed apossible Februany d.anc6.

.M.S. skating party enjoyed by manyby Ghuck Ingram

'rTho skatln8 P&rtY wes ono rb&dlpartyri was how Solene Long JescrlboC -ths ovent spons ored by the H.1.1. S .Yearbook Class hsld Nov. B, atKinlsway Skato 1and.

Tho party lastod from I to 6:00I'.I'1., and students particlpated insuch gamos {rs spoblight and limbo,oven bhe sponsor Mr. Mabry.

AL1 students onJoyed thoms€ 1ve s .Melanie llefson surnned up the experi-6nc6 as rrtong of funrr, and sher.ri,sh€s thore could be one every woek.



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Page 4: The Pirate Press Vol 5 Num 2 (1982)



Book Fair held in library Computers come to HNISby Phyllis Dowdy

andTracy Mageo

Tuosday Nov. 16 started thoweek of the Book iralr that H.M.S.sponsorod, in the lj-brary, and con-tlnued until Nov. 19.

Sorro of the different types ofbooks lncluded adventure, mystery,rom&nce, Lnd scienco fj-ctlon. Someof th6 authors lncluded Judy Blurno,Beverly Cleary, Louis Lamoui,, andf1na11y ttro cartoonist that everyoneIoves, Jj.m Davis.

-The prices ra.nged from .i1.25 -$l .g! and Garfleld ranged I'rom ,i;i+.95ro $7.95.


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Band members go to euad Stateby Amy C1aus

andLorl Ro.mag€

-_ Elght band mernbers left H.M.S.on Monday r. November 22 af TtOO particlpato 1n tbe euad StatoBand Contest held at H.S.U.- Out of the 2000 name s entened100 were plcked at ra.ndom from thefour gtate area incIud1nf, Kentuckv-T€nnoss6e, I1linois, and-Miseouri'.'

Those states have three bandse& f lve songs.

The band membens ;ttend1n8 thlscontost were: phyI1le Dowdy, SoanneD1ck, Reglna Rlchards, Tori-Harrls,Jennlfer" Lulgs, Tracy }Iagoe, .foeiii.,Young, and K1E RJraJr.

by i.le annei Dlckand .l

Se16na. Long

_ - Aro',rnd the ond of October Mr.Feiler recelved a computer for hisroom.ft is a TRS-80 Model III comDubeThe school purchased it i"".-n"ji5*"-Shack.

^. ,-,tr. Fe11er seys this will stayac EI{s permanentlv._ Algebra teacf,er, Mlss Kennedy

11:9 got e computer. - srie got her"sa rew weeks before Mr. Felfer. Miss .fenSedyt s l.ra.s just on loan so-i;-hea.Eo-_oo returned. Miss Kennodyts w&sa Mod-91 IIf Mlcro computor.

M:r. Feiler has two Rnmes Dro-gramm€d ln on hls. ffre y"a re -si"if."r,

nnd Swamp War. If you went to Dlevri, gane, lt costs sy' i,or each ca;e-"'lne money will be used to for the computor.Among_ the many tapes Mr. t-ellc-

L1l:-lo" Algobra, English, Number--Liue s sl'ng, Sclonce Studles-of DlnosoursAn Engllsh tape of tfre peris ;i";;;;;;is also being ordored. -- -- vvvuvr-




The Pirate pn6ia ls edj.ted and publlshed by the elghth gnad.ocom.miTETi6i?TraiT.Editorlals eIrd guost features (such. as pooms, storles, ert .[ork,or games ) wlII be coisldered for puUficatron.Tha Mccnackon county Board oi Educatton d.oes not dlscrr.mate onthe.besls of race, co1on, netlonel o"igi", relrgron, -""i1'*iaZoo

handlc eppod 1n lts educ abloner. p*ogn"mr-"ia "rpioyr6"i

-pi*J'ir""" .Staff: . Tabatha _Bant16t t, Heafhen Brolrn, ilelissa Sioyio",

!fr-Lst!-ne tsuchanan, Julie Burnett, Amv c1;;;; cir"i"-oiiil]"o""r*.Dlck, phy-I,is Dordy, Bllly Gaia, con,ie G;i;; ;;1;;I 6ii"^ii", r"ur"G11sson, K6v1n llorto3r_ Frinf Ingra.n, Selena_iong, .l"r_:.iei-iutgs,..Tracy Magee, Chris Maltory, Dafron l,lartin, fauf"llayfieli,-nio.ra.Mensar, Me1an16 Nelson, _Loi.i n_araage, crr,rity ni..-"r"n"ii.i ficnaras,Deanne Rogors, Klmberlf Ryan, Kelf,h'sciruett6r, l,rrir" - 3i.i" ,'o.rr* r{hit6,Advlsor: lyancas Cooler'Typlst: Botty Owens-


.'+ .

* +.




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Page 5: The Pirate Press Vol 5 Num 2 (1982)

ET}ITORIALSTampered pills, treats

bring danger to our livesby Ue11ssa. Broyle s

anclPaula GLlsson

People are afrald to +- ake themedlclne they need. Kids ars afraldto take a blte out of s pleco ofcandy. It I s al]. of a ferbail people in thls worLd !

R6c6nt1y, in the news, we traveall treard of the Tylenol d.oaths,drugs or razor blades in chlldronrscandy, and tamperlng in othor medlc-ines.

Some people aro laughing at themattor. But they wontt wLren theytake a bite out of somethlng andfind a neatlle or razor ln it. Thentheyrll thlnk twlcs bofore thoy 1augh.

Sclentist are wor:klng hat:derto make tampon proof bottles endtablets. Unfortunately, thls wll.l-caus6 prlces to go up. Eopefullyby th6 tlme we are grown up, thlsproblem will be solvod uncl ttrosepeople w111 bo caught I

'fhanksgiving Scrambleby Christy Rhew

Christmas,is it taken for granted

by Phyl1ls Dowdy

lily mothor aluays says thatnobody thlnks of Chrl8tnes as thoyshould. Poopl€ these days thlnk thatChrlstmas ls Just a t1m€ of glvlngor r€cel,vlng .glf ts. WoII, ln nyoplnlon, Chrlstmas sbould b6 e tlncto think about the blnth of Jesusend thank Elm fon all the wontlerfulthi.ngs Ee has done for you.

Hy nottrer teIls m6, n It doesnttmatter lf you got very nany glftson Ch:rlstmag becausc that is not thoroason for thlE very spoclel ho11day.n

HMS prefers [,.f.






rl gmpLl


p6 i pinkrpu

dnlans i

PmtouhlyokcR - - - -/----

Moviss:1. E.T.2. Frlday ths 13tb.

Pent lII in 3-D3. ilelloween II1+. Annls

T.V. Showg:

1. Knl8ht Rld6r2. Square Pegs3. Famel+. Saturday Nl8ht Llve

Roc ords :1. Eye of the Tlgor2. Jeck and Dlan€). Abracadabral+. Take me Dorrn

KnigUt Bidcr,"Eye of theTiger"by Paula GIls son

andTracy Ma8ee

The Plrato ?resE took aln 0ctober ove!. tlre favorlt6,shows, and necords.

The vrinnor of the Dovies 1s E.T.and tho contest of tho TV showg riE--v€rv c 1os6 vrlth Knlfrt Rlder flrstthen Square Pens. tdhen lt c amo torecords, n Elre of the Ilgerr b&roIybeat rJack and Dlanerr by 6 votes.

Out of the 2l1P students thettook the poIl, here ere th6 flnalre su]-t s :





4cog qq,nour.(Id ' 5 ETTBTPUI 'te1d ul4drund 'f X,e{.rn? '7 tu1"r811d '1

4 steps snggstedto make good grades

by Robln Sulnmo!'s

Hany people wonden how to getgood grades in school. Well ltrseasy. Al-l you have to do 1s rtlearnto loarn'r. In othor lrords, Justkeep your mind on Your uork.

Ileret s four easy steps tofollow to make good grades:

1. Llst€n ln c1&ss.2. Dontt goof off in cl"asa.I . Ge t all of Your homo:,rork f ini sh-

ed.11. Bone up f or tests.

So lear"n rr11 of these stoPs andf j.nd a i1&ppy roport card and happyparont s I







Page 6: The Pirate Press Vol 5 Num 2 (1982)


FEAIURESRhew pictures first Thanksgiving Day

by Chrlsty RheH

The flrst Thanksglvlng tookplec€ rrhon tbe Pl1Ar1;s erilved atPlynouth Rock and becamo frlendswlth the IndlanE. fn thc fel1 ,thcy lnvlted th6 over ior eblg feast under tbe otd hickonytroe. Tbe fndlens brought corn andbread;. the Pllgrans prepaned turkey,many dlfferent klnds of vegetables,cek6s, ples, cranberry sauCe, Jellierand more. But boforo they began toeat, they made a speclal then[s toGod. for glvlng tbom tho opportunltyto be here todey, and a plentlful:gPply of the th1n8s they nEed..Tlen they feasted and had. a JolJ_yt1m€ B.f terward!.

1g-llr favor:1te ga1t. The,ocldc- the wlnnen by which frorJe Soes!I€ ya1k, trot, and''f"""-c"itthe best.

Students involved inhorseback ridine

by BlUy Gata -and

K"l le y,<or'; /

Kelth Schuetter .

Horseback ,:ldlnA 1s a verv-popular hobby at E.H;S. IIarIa" Stons.lvl.elen16-_Nel son, Chrlsty Rhew, andt(nonoa menser 6nJoy the hohby ofhortebeck rlding. Many have saidth6y enJoy horseback ridine in woodoaneas and flelds. Most of -thesestudents have bsen rldinE iive orInoro ysars.. The popular rldj-ngh,orse ls tire quartor horse. S;rrenave even partlclpat,ed in races orshows .

-__ ,-Chi"ty Rhew hes b€6n rldlngror 5 yeers. She 1s golng to st;rtbarrel. racing in sprlig. -sire is-ais,golng-to train hen quarter horse forDaryo].. recln8 1n sprlng.^ Rhonda lr:ens€r has-been rldincfor about 10 years. Sh6 1; i;--"'country pleasure and barrel raclng.Rhonda has been rldlng L" "o"rri"y'-pleasure fo:r about one year arld. irasbeen bar:reI riding fon i.bout onemonth.1.



^_- -_?q.I.l raclng is when you r&cearound three barrels ln a tiiengularshapo. Barrel raclng ls a r.ace" -ag-alnst tlmo. Country pl€asuro lsiikl:e your hor:se waric,' i";a;-;e-




rrarlAous 'OT seurac .(prrB c .66eATe 'g spels'l s8u14oo1s .9

sluese.rd .5 SuTTlts .+l seIoToT .6EIITqAoUE 'Z S3r[lET.rqC .I : SJerrrBuv


Winter Word Scrambleby Tracy Magee

nrstcaiht!rasoblnlssc 1lce11s8kn1etEprnsetnE c osglkdselsvesLonaycd c snaemOrurtgflA


Page 7: The Pirate Press Vol 5 Num 2 (1982)

All I tvant for Christmas is... Student remembers frierul


by Tracy I,lB.Be6

L'or Mr. Ilovekanp to 6et his halrcut in a Mohqwk (tsrenne 0ak1ey)

to see I.1r. Hovekamp and VoronlceG&tliff kiss undor the mi.stletoe( Jolona Long)

to see l1r. Nalel drlnk his Tylopop( Paula Glisson)

s6e Christy Buchanan g6t marrl€dBenny Curl (Ktm Ryan)

I'or my lnd hour Engllsh cless to beablo to follow dl!.octlons (l,Ir. poller)

to make fun of Mr. Hovekamp at thebasketball bonquot 1lko he dld nolast year (Kevin Lanier )

soc lirs. Beyer make a mistake 1!kodo gomebimes (Rhonda Gi11)

seo IIr. Ilovekamp bo imperfoct ll.keis (Lana Dowdy )

by Sherrl lla1l

My dog, Patchesr was e verysmart, bright and verY PlaYful dog.W6 hed lots of fun. When rry molwas &t horne, I would let h1m 1n.We watchrd T.V. togethor. We walkedtogether. We rldo blkes together.Patches lras a very specl&I dog. Ilewas the one that was thero when Ineedod hln.

A couplo of months ago he gotvery s1ck. one n18ht aftor ttrY

grandmother dlad, he dled. It wasvery sad for me b€cause both of mY

friends died.liy dog was burlecl bohlnd !ry

house. I rrill sti1l love hlm.

ffi,tr'11, towe


to see JaronDowdy (Lori e

Crabtree marry Ls.reS o 11enbo rger )


health and happiness to 6veryon6(Mr. Chunbler ) tq-I'or l1r. Hoveknxlp to :let his halr" lnan &fro evon though he .Joosntt haveerrouth hair (Jl11 Llme s )

for !Irs. 31ack*e1L to Leern a newjoka (Rachel Lynrr)

llor the sevonth grade boys baskotballteam to 3o undofeated (Mark Sholby)


The Christmas Crossword


Paula Gllsson

Itrs cold and whiteThey fly ln the alrPeople tran8 it ov6rwhon they c ome 1n.



The nl8ht before X-mas clay ls X-masA 1ittl€ fat rns.n in a rod sult that eaye horhoho.

TLre season that comes &ftor f411.The holiday I.r€ ceI€brato ln tronorof Chrl st bi.rth.

and come out of the sky.guldlng Santat s s1e1gh.the door, and klgg somson€

'!his is a song The irlrst?. You docorato this wlth decora-

tions and llghts10. Those rj.n8 and J1n81e.

s 11e'..i ' 0TsnBIC aluBs '6 e^e

eeJl 'l Ioou'B eol eTls Ttu

.5 sBnr? s TJqC'9 JoepuIe.I

JeluTt4 'Z :rllro(AOrI6 'I : SSOjICV

: s.: ar'rsuv



Page 8: The Pirate Press Vol 5 Num 2 (1982)


Page I fho Plrabs Press







Finish the songby Ptiy1lls Dowdy

on th€



Days of

E.T. craze slyeeps nationby I'lol-&nio Nelson

E.T. has swept the nabion.Evo rlrrbore you go you see tlrat rwinnlng smi1o, thosB brown eyes,and that l,r1nkl6d body of his. E.T.1s oa posters, shlrts, buttons,dol1s, shoostrlngs, nightllghts, an,other mlscells.neous items.

HMS studonts have variodoplnions e,bout E.T. Tracey Toy sei(she trIoved ttre movj.eri, but-TraclMcKlnnoy d.ldntt like tt et a1I!Kevln Lanler coEtrentod he was gladE.T. went homo. Deanne Dlck broko 'i,out 1n smlIes nnd said, rtE.T. 1s socut6 end cuddly It

Greg Armstrong had the nostlrnl quo lmpres8lon of E.f . , ttg6looks Ilke &n overgrolrn wormrt.

Roses are red;

Violets are blue.

y'? Bananas are yellow,And Pac-man

is too !

The Day It Happenedby Jonathan Mehta

It happened 1n Novembor,In the y€ar of r6J.It was a ter:r.lbIe thing bhet happonoiThe death of Kennocly !

Ee was rldj,ng ln a motorcade,On his waXr to make a sp€ech.Thore was a large crowd,On each slde of tho str66t.There was laughing and shoutlng;The was full of cheer:.Th€y dldnrt know that vory soon,Tho natlon would loose someono so der

When the ghots were flred,Mrs. Kenne aly cr1ed, n 0h t No lnThe motorcade drove to the hospltal,As fast as lt cou1d. go.

Th6 alr waE ft11ed wlth sadness;Prayers rrere belng sald.Thcn the bed n6r,s lront around the

net 1on iKe nne cty wag dead.

Yes, 1t happened ln Novamber,In the year of 163.It was e terrlble thing that happonedThe deeth of Kennedy.

- top

Tre o

01d Nicholas



Town of

You C hr l- s tms. $



the Angel s

10. C oma

.Trv'o .or Burs 'pTorBE T;*:i':'a.d.aae11'y'qe1fi 'B ueqelq4eg 'oI11T.I 'l

1u1eg '.(1{of .9 BBra+sTIqC 'O '5EBurqsTxqC t ealeng, 't lueTtS '6

eu{g 'p1ny .Z esnog tdg .I :sJeAsuV

New Year celebrated with manycustoms "

by Phyllts Dowdy

January 1of every yoar lscalIed New Yeart s Day. The nlghtbefore 1s New Yearrs Eve.

l{ew Yearts ls celebrated allover the wor1d. In different lang-uagos ldB !r Ysars 1s seld ln Hewallrr IIauoJ i Makahlkl lloun , and In Gernanytrcutea Neues Je,hrn.

Eore 1n the U.S. Eome tradltionson New Yearrs Eve are to go to church,be wlth falIllly and frlend.s, slngAuld Lang Syne, have partj-es toweLcome the old year: out and the neuy6ar 1n, glve a 116l, Yearrs resoLutionsand havo a New Y€artg Day parade.







Page 9: The Pirate Press Vol 5 Num 2 (1982)

:Pop" Hobby directs band

by ChrlstY Buchananand

Dana White

Jlm IIobbY, Eeath Mldttle SchoolBand Dlroctor, knows his muslc well IEc haa playcd the trump€t slnce flftbgrade and all through hLgh schoolend colIege.rPopr Eobby, as he 1s affectlon-et6ly cal1ed by hls students Ls agood' band dlrector. l,lho l1kes rrtrork-1ng wltb young peoplerr. Davld Crassadds tbat ho is also xa good Pa1n.

I'1r. Eobbyrs j.ntsrests also1nc1ud6 reeclngr sportsr end fishinS.

Ho v111 Leed the EMS band 1nconc€rt parforned for thls school,Concord, and lleath Elementary Dec.1!r16rand 1J.

A now type of glrl , start€d byl,:oon Unit Zappa, has beon born inthe San Fernendo Va11ey ln CaliforniaShe 1s rtyalley g1r1rr, a gj.r1 whogoes around, ln wlerd clothes, andtalks er1ual1y wi"erd. Vsin8 suchexpresslons as rrtotelly awesom6r!,rgeg me wlth a spoonrr, nfer sure,fer sure[, and nob rlght, Lrurt me, Ihurt me.r'

Hero, IIlilS students gr-..-e thelrcomnonta on rrva1"ley girls'r:Tony Peyton - Val1ey t1rls aro totalll

t ecky.Brent Jordan - Va11ey glr'-s aro cool .Benny CurI - Va1ley glrls meko me

want to technicolor yawn,Mr. Eobby - Va11ey glrls are funny.8111 Lynn- VBLIey talk funny.Aaron llolt - Val1ey glrls aro Broadyto tha max.Reggle Mershall - Valley g1rIs have

more ac t lon.Scotty Romain - Val1ey girl-s w6er1

too-much mako-up.K6vln Lanler - Val1ey girls are

tota)-1y groady.Chrls Jordan - Ya11ey girls 81vo itall thoyrve got.Shsnnon Benton - Val1ey girls stlnk.Eeether Browno - Val1oy girl-s are

11ke, well Ilke, totally tublarlI mean ltke, canrt handle ! Like

Students comment on 6'valley girls"

by De anne Dlckand

Kim Ryan)'..-(\

- --1\-)

New Year's Resolutisrsby Eoather Brorrno

Kis RyirnDe anne Dlck

Kitlt Ryag - To go with Gregg Bobobeione tho Yeer ls over.

Traci MoKinneY - To 8o wlth Gregg.Bobo, beiore Klm RYan gets-hitt'

Joev Mershall - To betrave ln aIl hi'8- clesses, lf Posslble.tsrent Jordan - To lmProve bis base-

ball (catchlhg) skllls.Carl Sumners - Never to flirt wltb

another 81rIr un198s n€cossarY'Mr. Ilobby - I{ever to Put enothor-

ple6e of gun undor his chelkboard.

Eeethor Browne - To marrY numbor lJ,(TonY Dorsett) of the DallasConboYs, algo to become a DallasConboYs Chccrleadcr.



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Page 10: The Pirate Press Vol 5 Num 2 (1982)

Pace ro Tno Eltato pr6ss-...r4..-!--

Pirates take over Hounds

a Reidlardyard I1ne.a touchdorn,


Pirates pound Houndsby Carole Davis

8,ndSolena Long

EI'IS t s sevontb grade took charSoover Reldland by leadlng the flrstcluarter 5-0.

Janle Jones and Richlo Crenshawrnaio a f6H €xcellent runs bo helPJooy }iarshall score Heathr s flrstt ouchdown.

Jamie Jon€s trled for the con-vorsion, but no Bo. At the end ofthe flrit stanza, Eeath Ied 6 toReidland I s z lp.

llrent Jordan, qu&rter back, ranthe ball l0 yards. Coach Fletcherin his new stratogy, wsnt out totalk to the teem. Evldently, ltworked t Joey Marshall ran !0 yardsfor anotber oxcltln8 touchdown.Aftor the second quarter, ttro scorew&s Plrates 12, and Reidla.nd 0.

To be8ln the second half, Ileatbklcked off to Reld1and. Reld1snd$tarted from their orvn 30 yard 1lne.A flve yard ponalty was ca1led Heeth.n€1dIand galnod ground but fumbled.Boath recovened. At thls,both coaches went out on the fleldto t alk to each t6am.

0n the flrst play for scrltleage,Piratos scored a touchdown. Thebal.1 was carrlod by numbe r 16, JoeyMarsha1l, and a two polnt conversionwas scored after the touchdown.

In tb6 fourth quarter tho be1lwas rgcovered by the Plretos. Carl3unmers caught a p&as and made atouchdown to mak6 the f1neI score,3l+-0.

- Laton on Kovin Sk1nn6r, tackledby about 6 players, sat out for awhi 16 .

Is Kovln Sklnner out of thegame? We shall see.During the second quartor

Shanrlon Benton thn6w an oxcell,enttouchdown pass to Kevln Lanlen. ieatfralso took the c onversion.

Now t,hat Kevln Skinner was sit-ii"g 9,1!, Greg Arrostrong got to puntto Reidland. Reldland trfaa to iratea complete pass, but 1s was knockeddown by Kovin Lanier. So Roidlanddecltted. to punt to the ff,rates, Uutnever fear ttArmstrong ts horer. fhepJlI i{es blocked by creg Anmstront.brna.t a spectacula.r p1ay. The halitLne score was plrales-fB, no"na"-g.

. At the bs8lnntng of the thlrdquarter, SkJ.nner, bac[ 1n the qana -$rent out to punt. Roggle Marsfal1'lntercepted rmd Rerdliid pr"""a-iiBlv6 Ileath the ba11. Shannon Aontonroade arrothen touchdown pass. Eeathmade a two polnt convorslon. leavtncthe score Heath 115, Eounds

^- ^.X"Ii, Sklnner punted to Reldland)cotry i.tomej.n tackled th€ nocoiver^putting. h1m out temponarll y_ Late 1n the fourth qrli"t"",Reldl&nd started to galn yards.'Coe-ch !,letchor loft fo" "ioifr"" puptalk. . Heath intorcepted Refdfanis.pass, but nthsners tlre "o""tao""i-tU,;\t,',', I Heath wins ovor Reidland

by Clrole Davlaand

Selena Long

- . ._Eeathts olghth gnade boys letReldland score oarly-ln tho ilrstquartsr. Reidlandr s playors alsogot the convoraion..- . Reldland pInX"6 to lloatb.. ReggleMarshall r6co1ved. After a few plivsK6v1n Sklnner matte a touch down.Plrates also mad.e a two polng con-ve rslon.

Rog61e Marshall ran for twomo-re touchdorns plug one convorgion,glklng th6 score of the flnst quart5r22-B, _PJrates 1eadlng._ E:'Ily ln the soCond 'quarter,Kevin Sklnner brok€ two tackles ior:un for a touchdown. Wlth the con_v€ralon, IIeath 1ed l0-8.

8111 Lynn roc ovenedfumbLe and ran to the !Shannon Benton trled forbut got tec kl-ed.



Page 11: The Pirate Press Vol 5 Num 2 (1982)

Lone Oak slips bY Pirates

by Deld:ra Gllsson' andSelena Long

Lono Oak moved the beII wel-legainst tho Pirates defense. Butwhen they woro clcso to scor1n8,the ileath dofonse tou8honod up aJrddldnrt ellow Lone Oak to score.

At the end of th6 flrst ha1f,Lone Oak moved the ball down to tho1! yard 1lne before lleath shut th€mdovrn sgain as time ran out.

The thlrd quarter began withthe kick-off from Lone Oak to Eeath.neggie llarsha11 received on the l5yard 1lne.

Nsarin8 the end of the thlrdquartor, Aaron troIt funbled to glvetne bau. to ton6 Oek. The !-lashcarrleal the ball to thoir own 20 yardl1no .

The beginning of the fourth, quartor, thE Game was atlll scoreless,Hith 6:30 left in the, KevlnRav stopped an almost touchdown etrhl 5 y;i.d lino. Lone oek tri6de6ain, but the Piretos Pushed themback.

Scotty Romain nadlo an excellenttackle lritn 1:OB l-eft in tkre 88rn6.the Pirates wor€ maklng the !'lashe strfizzlerr. t'rith 2l secontis 1n thegame, Regglo Marshall carried thef,aII-to ione Oakts 28 Yard 1ine.

In or,'er t imo , Reggle made atouchdown Pass to Scotty Rom&in.Heath trlod for tho converslon butfai,1e d .

Lone Oak movod the baLl toth6ir own 11 )'ard Ilne. Lons oakscored and made tha conversion.Final scoro was 3-6, Lone Oak ln

tryouts concluded

by Chrlsty Buchananand l,Jhlto

october $rss tho month lor basket-ball tryouts. Teams of 1-2-11 were-seloctod during th6 wo6ks of oct. ]8.2afor tho girls 1nd Oct'. 25-29 for thoboys .

Coaclies Fletcher and HovekarnPfeel thts'season will be a good one.IlaDy players foel they have a ch&ncofor the charnpionship. Joey Marshal)-,soventh grade player, sums uP hl3feelings about tho Eeath Pirates astTotally awe s ome Ir

Lone Oak downs

Piratesby Carole Davls

andHelanle NeLson

In the flrst quartsr the Eovonthgttedo Plrates klcked off to tho Lon6Oak !-Lashes. Jooy Marshall ta.ckl-edtholn rec61ver. In th6 flrst dornLono Oak threw an lmcomplete pess.Tb6n ln thg fourth down the ballwas turned to Heath, but tho plratosfurubled and tho Flashes recovered.

In the socond quarter and thefirot down, Bront Jordon lntercsptedth6 ba1I. Jamlo Jones ran eLevenyards. The Plrates r€turneal the ballto Lone Oak on the first down. Exclte-mont fllled the stands agein &s Eeathintercepted, and thero was a penaltyon the Flashes.

Ilolthor team was 8.b1e to s coretho first ha1f.

To begln the secoad half LoneOak kj.cked off to lleath. Recelving,Janlo Jones ran for a touchdorn. Theattempt for the extra polnt r"rasunsuccessful. Lone Oak scored atouchdown on a pass. Lone Oak mlss€dtho extra polnt.

An off sides penalty aBalnstth6 Plratos was caIled. Lone Oaktook over: on their own l8 yard l-lne.After the thlrd quarter, the scorewas 5 all.

Ileath stoppod Lon€ Oakrs drlveand got the ball l)ack on tholr own[5 yard 1lne wlth ].5 seconds left1n bhe gam6, Lono oak scored a touch-down, to broak th6 tlo. The sttemptfor the e xtna polnt was nulllfledby an llIega1 motioB. Flna.l scorewas 5-12, Lone Oakts fB.vor.

Vikings sneak by piratesby Deldra Gl1ss.on

andAmy Claus

- Scorlng 28 points, Heath elghthBrada boys were defoated by the 5t.Mgylt Vlkings in tb.etr ganeof tho soason.

At tho end of the finst quar:t6r-th€ Pirates wer:e ahe ad. 7-5. Scottv 'Romain 1ed the flnst quarier wlth '4 polnts, Greg Armstrong wlth 2 andtrovln Lenier wlth a frce throw.

The score at halfttrne wae 1Z-9wlth Heeth winnlng by 8 polnts.. scor€rs ln the second quarten rreroJlnmy Ilobby r.rlth 2 f1eId goal.s,Roggle Manshall wlth l and Cre!Armstrong wlth 1 a1so.

The thlrd quarter bnought theVlklngs 11 polnts rhl1e tho plratosscored only I wlth Arnstrong andl{arshall wlth one flold goal a piecc.

Shannon Benton scored throefleld goals and one free throw tomake the score a the buzzer 28-31St. Marytg favor.


Basketbal I








rso1l : ffi

Page 12: The Pirate Press Vol 5 Num 2 (1982)

Basketball Line-upEIGHTE ORADE

by H€ether Browneand

Klm Ryan


5 '4u5,3"t'6\u5r)+\"5,7",r6\"5'l+'9,6,5tl+u

by Phy111s Dowtlyand

. Selena Long

The elghth grade glrls baELet-ball teem of Ledy Plrateg playeila.Bel,nst tho St . Mary Viklngs Nov . 22at St. Marys.

To start off the flrst quarter,Trecl McKlnJIey out Juraped St. Us.ry I rcenter to Blv6 lleath the baLL.Deldra Gllsson Bcor.ed the flrst twopolnts of tho game. then o'lt of theb1ue, llelanie Nelson rlpped the n6tfor two mone polnts. Traci McKlnneygot fouled to score 1 polnt. ThenSt. l{ary took the be11 and scored9 points. At the entl of the flr8tguarter, Viklngs led 9 to 7.

During the gecond stanza, Ileethscored only three freethrows, 2 by

Sendl Griffes, and 1 by Any C1arr.s,But the Viklnga scored 1 field goaland 2 freethrows which nade the score,

i --9t--thq !q1f , -]0-*!9 11 , vlklngs.


by De anne Dlckand

Klm Ryan


Kevln Len16rTerry Johns onD&vld BrownJl.rray liobbyShannon BentonRodney SparksIte ggle ArmstrongTodd lllteScotty RonainWill FreemenKevln SkinnorAaron lIoltI'lanager: Shaun l{avrkins

The thlrd quarter Et&rted off!r1th-G11sson scorlng one field goal .The Vlkings scored 6 points early inthe quarter. Then Gatliff scoroh[- notnts 1n the thj.ral qu&rtor.The VlklnBS scored 3 mone to makethe 16-22, I/iktnBs._ Deldra GLlsson scored, the only2 potnts 1n tho fourth quarter for"Heath. But St. Mary scored 5 pointsto make the fina.l score, 18 to-28,Vlklngs.^ Indlvidual scor6: Deldra Glisson-U

polnts, Me1a.n1e lielson 2 polnts,Voronlca Gatliff I points, i,my C15,usL polnt, Sandi Griffes 2 poinis,Tracl McKlnney 1 polnt.


Shauna BeyerDoldre GllasonVeronl'ca GatllffSolene LongJulLe BurnottAmy ClausIracy KlnneyMeLanle NelsonSand.'f Grl ff e sClndy EveretteE:rlsty Ball


9'2"5,7"5'2u6t6t5,l+"5tgu5'to'5r 3"Managers: Cindy Peeler



Jackle EstogShayna ChumblorA111son GrayVeronlca FutrellKsron Davl8Susle M6ssJulle coleBobblo C 01116 rLorl Gat1lnRhonda GilIArlanda HamlltonRhonda Mes sey

Managor: Jackle Gaines


Brent JordanShane ShelbyScott EarrlsonJamle Jon€ sChad. SchultzDavLd. WalloceJoey MershallCarl SununorsDaron Crabtr:e6Mark ShelbyJeff GllsgonAnthony G&1neE

Managen: Todd Faruer

5 r l+'e"<r x)+,, ),l+t7u5'6"51 6,( t )fi

l+t Bu5,5u5,r,5tlul+t 11u

5r 6\,5rl+Lu' l+t lLu5'2n5'2"512\"5, )nl+t 9u5'2\"5'2\"5t 3"5t

Yiking,s sink Pirate ship



il!ffi- .----ffi6,-FI',FEE-w


Page 13: The Pirate Press Vol 5 Num 2 (1982)

'Liily Pirates whip Hounds

by }lar1a Stone

November 29 the elElrth gradeLady Plrates made dog-burgers out oftho Reldlc-nd Greyhounds rrith a 13polnt Iead, the Pirates r.rl nnlng37 ro 24.

The flrst quarter Heath tooka lead with McKlnney, G1lsson, NeLsonand Gatllff chlpplng-ln 9 polnts wltha scoro of 9 to 6.

Ileath hel-d on to the lead with15 to 1l+ at half time }IcKinney,G1j.sson, trnd llverette our c1aim.

The thlrd qua.rtor swung aroundfast r{lth 2l to 16, H6ath 1n the 1oad.llcKlnney, Glisson, Gat11ff, andGriffos put up the baskots thls t1me.

Then the fina.l pe:rlod c wlthMcKlrmey, Nelson, and Grlffes acttlngin ths.t winnlng quanter.

Hourds nip Piratesby Chris l"ia11ory

In the first stanza Heath wasahaad l-2, Dav:-d Wallace maklng ouronly polnts.

In the second part of the flrsthalf the Hounds camo b&ck to takothe leo'd 15-19. The leaders wereJoey llarsha1i and J&mle Jon€s rrlth7 points. Brent Jordan added 2.

After halftlne both teams lnade11 polnts to make * 26-30 wlth Jo€ylIarsha11 leadlng the scorers wlth 5.Jamle Jones ancl Brent Jordan bothnelted 2 and Chad Schultz 1.

In the flvo minutes Roid-l-and nade 3 fleLd goels wh1le wowere held to two baskets. Th6y lreremad.e by Joey l,larshal-l and JamieJones. The Ilounds won J0-J6. JoeyIlarshall- was the l6ed scorer wlth12, followed by Jamie Jones with 8.Rront Jorden lrad I and Davld Wa]-1acecontrlbed 3. Chad Schultz added 1.

Reidland grabs Yictoryfrom Pirates

by Jennlfor Luigsand

Reglna Rlchards

On November 30, at Hoaths homecourt, Reidland romped tho gi.r1s by a score of 1l to 50.Flnst quertor actlon rssultedln Reldl;indl s edvantage of 2 to 12.In tho second quarter lt was lleath 5and Reidland 2!. The lrd quartorrasulted in Reidlend having a l0polnt rrdvantale 61'61. Heath wlth th6score 9 to 39.

The final score waa 1l-50 Reld-land over Eeath. The highest scorerfor th€ Plrates lrs.s Jackle Est6sscoring 5 for the Plratas, A111sonGrsy witir l+ anC Ju1le Cole and RhondaGiIl wlth 2 polnt! epleco.

Hounds slip by HMSby Any Claus

Reidlancl Greyhounds went tovlctory agalnst EMS elshth crade bovsNov. 2! on thelr second gane of the-sea.son.

As the flrst qu&rt6r endedHoath was down ?-9.. The scorenswere Shannon Benton ulth 2 Dolnts.GreS Arnstrong wlth I anct Siotty 'Romaln wlth 1 free throw.

Endlng tho socond, qu&rter: Beathgcored 10 polnts but ras stj.11 downby two at helftlme wlth tho Bcorobelng 17-19 Reidlandts favor.Reggle Mershall nad6 thro6 fleldgoals while Benton and Armstrongsc orod one ap.Ioce .. ..Ileath made elght polnts comparetlto the Greyhounds flfteen wlthShannon Boaton and Jlrmy llobby wlth1.,r. polnts each.

Scotty Romaln tosEod 1n elghtpolnts snd-Regg16 MarshaLl slx. GrcgArrnstrong flnlstrod the scorlng wlth-] polnts, bui it wasnrt enoug[ asReld1and w6nt up by flve to Eol.dolto the lead, the flnel score belnglt2 -l+7 Heathr e 1oss.

Tornadoes sweep up piratesby Paul l{ayflcld

The nL6ht of Dec. 2 the EeathPlretos wer6 hosts to the Paducabl11ddIe SchooL.

Woether condltl,ons wero c old,and gloomy and th6 fansr splrlt rasno better as the Plratee wer.e bcatby the Tornadoes 19-38.

To stert tho gamc H6ath got tbeflrst .jump ball and after Heathhmlssed lts first ! shots, VeronlcaGatliff c srn6 up with a st6a1 at l+:12left irn flrst quarter.

But vrlth I minutes left ln thelst quarter Paduceh c amo up wlth 111unanswered. polnts to mak€ tho scor:eHeath 2, Paducah 1! at the end ofthe flrst quarter:.

To start the second Bot the lump baLl and wlthl1:!B left in tho second, Ju11eBurnett h1t a 1l footer to make thoscoro Heath 5 and Paducah 15 and wbenl:11.1 was l-eft Deldra cllsson h1t a! footer to mako the score Eeath 8and Paducah 16. At tho end of th6flrst ha1f the score was lleath 10,Paducah 18.

To st&rt the second half paducahgot th€ jump ball and wlth lt s oasy1ay up and Sandl Griffes blt a 10footer wlth l+:18 left. And ulth2:25 lett 1n the third qus.rter Ju1teBurnett hlt a layup to nake thoscor6 Heeth 15, Paducah jO and thescoro stayed the same t111 thc endof third quarter.. - - Paducah came up wlth th6 J umpball in the fourth stanza and. icoi.ed5 strai.ght points to make Heath IJand Paducah 15. 0h1-y Melanie [elsonend Veronlca Gatl-1ff scored et thocharity strlpe hlttln one a pleoeto make the scoro Eeath 19 arrdPaduca:r lB. ft stood that way t111end ol the Bane.

