the philosophy of exotischism listening to your heart 248 in a situation like the one above where a...

The Philosophy of Exotischism Listening To Your Heart 1 In a situation like the one above where a man with normal spiritual abilities finally decides that he is tired of exchanging large amounts of hostile spiritual energy

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In a situation like the one above where a man with normal spiritual abilities finally decides that he is tired of exchanging large amounts of hostile spiritual energy  

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with the types of men who he has stolen spiritual power from in the past, he will need to come up with a strategy for severing his emotional ties with those men.  He knows that these men have similar backgrounds to his own. 

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In other words they probably grew up in families that were somewhat similar to his family in terms of what the basic beliefs of the families were.  He does not have a strong connection with the men in terms of the amounts

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of spiritual energy that are being exchanged but they do have a strong connection in terms of the fact that the spiritual energy being exchanged is of a very deep, subconscious type (it is the type of spiritual energy that

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gets exchanged between people who have similar sorts of backgrounds). 

For this example let's assume that both the man with normal spiritual abilities and the spiritually and

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psychologically vulnerable men who he is trying to sever his emotional ties with all grew up in middle to upper middle class families in one of the developed countries of the world.  All of the men had spiritual energy coming into

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them from their community early in life that cemented into their souls a firm belief in the idea that "you should not give a sucker an even break".  All of these men knew that most cultures in the world have a certain

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amount of sympathy with that somewhat cynical view of life, but they also knew that being as their spiritual group was somewhat more affluent than most of the other spiritual groups in the world, that their spiritual group not only

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believed that "you should not give a sucker an even break" but that you should also, if possible, make every effort you can possibly make to "break" (or destroy) anybody who is a sucker, and anybody

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who is weak (or who is not affluent).  They felt that this was necessary in order to ensure that their spiritual group maintained its position as one of the more affluent spiritual groups in the world

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(and that the spiritual groups that were less affluent would not have a chance to catch up with them).

During the early years of life the man with normal spiritual abilities learns how to

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harness and focus his spiritual energy.  Although as the years go by he still firmly believes in the idea that you should crush suckers, foolish airheads, and people who are not affluent, he knows that sometimes you are more

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effective in your dealings with the people who you are trying to hurt if you learn to filter out the hostile feelings that you have towards them during the periods of time that you are actually with them.  Your dealings with

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them will go more smoothly if while you are talking to them you guard yourself from showing how you really feel about them. 

During the early years of life the spiritually and

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psychologically vulnerable men in the same spiritual group as the man with normal spiritual abilities will start to increasingly send distorted and confusing spiritual signals to the people they meet.  After their first

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couple of experiences having their spiritual power stolen by men with normal spiritual abilities who they know in their own spiritual group, they may actively seek out people from other spiritual groups, hoping they will find

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acceptance from those people.  They might think that they must have some sort of a spiritual bond with people from spiritual groups that their own spiritual group considers to be unacceptable because people in their own

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spiritual group who have normal spiritual abilities laugh at people from spiritual groups that they consider to be weaker and less affluent than their own and because these same people from their

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own spiritual group who have normal spiritual abilities also laugh at them.

There is a good chance that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable men will find that their efforts

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to become accepted by people from other spiritual groups (groups that their own spiritual group looks down on) will meet with failure.  In fact, these people may be so hostile towards these initiatives of friendship that

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the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person may decide that they really do belong in their own spiritual group.  They will start to once again think of themselves as being firm members of their own

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original spiritual group.  They will tone down their efforts to reach out to people who don't seem to accept them and they will realize that because of the elitist sorts of beliefs that their own spiritual group holds towards spiritual

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groups that they consider to be weaker (or less affluent) than their own, it is natural for these people to distrust them.  Everything will seem to be under control.  As long as they remember who they

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are (firm members of their own spiritual group), they will be not feel the need to reach out to people from other spiritual groups who (for no good apparent reason) seem to not like them very well.

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As the years go by, however, the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person will run into more and more situations where people with normal spiritual abilities in their own spiritual group will steal more and more of

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their spiritual power.  Each time this happens they will become convinced that they should reach out to people from other spiritual groups and each time they try to do this they will be once again rejected.  They will go back

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and forth between thinking of themselves as firm members of their own spiritual group (snobbish elitists) or perhaps potential members of spiritual groups that their own spiritual group looks

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down on (thinking of themselves at these times as maybe being champions of freedom who have been cast out of their spiritual group).

It seems that spiritually and psychologically vulnerable

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people in the situation described above are safer during the times that they view themselves as members of their own original spiritual group.  They understand at these times why people from other spiritual groups might

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distrust them.  They are less scary to people from other spiritual groups at those times because they don't try to "come on" to them too strongly at those times.  But as the years go by, eventually the men and women in their

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own spiritual group who they have been exchanging low levels of spiritual energy with may decide to cut back on the amounts of spiritual energy that are being exchanged.  The spiritually and psychologically

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vulnerable people will find it hard to think of themselves as snobbish elitists when the snobbish elitists are ignoring them, and they will find that people from spiritual groups that the snobbish elitists

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look down on will still not consider them to be champions of freedom and will still not welcome them with open arms.

As they approach this frightening new world where

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they are ignored by members of their own spiritual group and are distrusted by members of other spiritual groups for no good apparent reason, it might be helpful for them to consider that through

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the years they may have been subconsciously (and unintentionally) sending negative and hostile feelings of spiritual energy to people in other spiritual groups (and they may have been sending

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out those feelings unfiltered).  The people in their own original spiritual group with normal spiritual abilities were able to control (and filter) the amount of negative and hostile spiritual energy they sent to people

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from other spiritual groups.  But the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people (who had the same elitist spiritual ideas pumped into their souls at an early age as did the people with normal spiritual abilities

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in their own spiritual group) were never able to learn to control their spiritual energy.  They may have tried to reach out to people from their own spiritual group and also to people from other spiritual groups in an effort to

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avoid the spiritual and psychological situation that they presently find themselves in, but they were not successful.

They will now find that people from their own original

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spiritual group who they deal with may be afraid of them because they are sending out unfiltered negative and hostile spiritual messages to people from other spiritual groups saying something like

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"you are a sucker, and you are weak, and I will make every effort to break (or destroy) you".  In a complex world where people mix with people from other spiritual groups every day, most people feel that they cannot

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afford to be associated with someone who sends out frightening spiritual messages to people from other spiritual groups (and the fact that these people from their own original

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spiritual group [who are now frightened of them] helped to create the situation that they are in does not mean that these people are now going to help them get out of the situation that they are in).

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It might be useful if spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people in this situation could start to think of themselves as people who were in fact born into a snobbish elitist spiritual group and that early in life

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ideas were cemented into their souls (through the automatic and real-time exchange of spiritual energy with other people) telling them that people from spiritual groups that were less affluent than their own

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were actually suckers who were weak and who did not deserve an even break in life.  They also learned to believe at a very early age that they should make every effort to break (or destroy) those people from other

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spiritual groups so that those people would never be allowed to become strong enough to catch up with their own group.  When they understand this, they should be able to start to control the unfiltered negative and

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hostile spiritual energy that they may unintentionally be sending to people from other spiritual groups.  This should help them to develop better relationships with people from other spiritual groups and also help them to

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develop better relationships with people from their own original spiritual group.

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Spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people also have a tendency to send out unfiltered negative and hostile spiritual energy to other spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people.  When

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they eventually reach the point where they realize that they are not being accepted by members of their own spiritual group and that they are not being accepted by members of other spiritual groups, they may decide to

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try to reach out to other people who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable.  When they do this they are likely to run into the same problems they experience when they try to reach out to people from

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other spiritual groups (spiritual groups other than the one that they were born into).  In a manner similar to their interactions with people from other spiritual groups, they will not realize that they are sending out negative and

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hostile spiritual messages to those other spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people (spiritual messages saying something like "you are a sucker, and you are weak, and I will make every

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effort to break [or destroy] you").  They will also have trouble understanding why these people don't seem to want to accept them.  They know that people from their own spiritual group look down on these other

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spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people and that people from their own spiritual group also look down on them personally.  On the surface that might seem to be a good

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basis for developing a relationship.  But they will not realize that while other people from their own spiritual group send negative and hostile spiritual messages to people who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable,

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those messages are filtered so that the person receiving the messages does not become too angry.  When a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person tries to get to know another spiritually and

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psychologically vulnerable person, they will send those negative and hostile spiritual messages out unfiltered and they are likely to not only fail to make a new friend, but they are likely to also make that other spiritually and

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psychologically vulnerable person become very defensive and very angry.

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Other Spiritually & Psychologically

Vulnerable People

People From Their Own Spiritual Group

The Spiritually & Psychologically

Vulnerable Person

People From Other Spiritual Groups

People From Their Own Spiritual Group

People From Other Spiritual Groups

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The man with normal spiritual abilities and the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable men described above (men who grew up in middle to upper middle class families), had ideas cemented into their souls at an early

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age saying that a man should be as tough as nails, that a man should never give a sucker an even break, and that a man should make every effort to break down (or destroy) anybody who is a sucker and anybody who is

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weak.  But they also had ideas cemented into their souls at an early age saying that a man should have a surface personality that said to the world that they were a kind, good, and compassionate person.

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During the early years of life, as the man with normal spiritual abilities learns how to harness and focus his spiritual energy, he is careful to mask his aggressive nature with a surface personality that says to the world that he

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is a kind, good, and compassionate person.  And if anybody tries to say or infer that he is not a kind, good, and compassionate person, he will make every effort that he can to try to destroy that person. 

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During the early years of life the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable men in the same spiritual group as the man with normal spiritual abilities will find that their efforts to become

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accepted by others as being people who are as tough as nails below the surface while being kind, good, and compassionate on the surface will be rejected.  They may go through periods of time when they think that

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they need to act tougher in order to succeed because they sense that they are being rejected because people think that they are "too nice".  But when they try acting tougher they will find

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that this approach will also not succeed.

What spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people in this situation may not realize is that they are constantly sending off

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spiritual messages to other people saying that they are a person who is as tough as nails below the surface but who pretends to be kind, good, and compassionate so that they will be able to get away with deceiving and

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hurting other people every time they get an opportunity to do so.  That is probably the reason that they are being rejected.  They may find this confusing because people with normal spiritual abilities in their own spiritual

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group appear to send out the same spiritual messages to other people but they don't seem to suffer from rejection as much as does the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person.  The key difference is

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that the people with normal spiritual abilities learn to harness and focus their spiritual energy so that they are able to control (and filter) the spiritual messages that they send out to other people.

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The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable men in the example above are fighting a war on two fronts.  They have to be careful when dealing with people from other spiritual groups than the one that they

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were born into because they are constantly sending out spiritual messages to these people saying something like "you are a sucker, and you are weak, and I will make every effort to break [or destroy] you").  And they are

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also constantly sending out spiritual messages to everyone they meet (people from their own spiritual group and people from other spiritual groups) that say "I am a person who is as tough

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as nails below the surface but I pretend to be kind, good, and compassionate so that I will be able to get away with deceiving and hurting you".  There are people in the world who are able to get

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away with sending out filtered spiritual messages such as these to other people, but nobody gets away with sending out spiritual messages such as these unfiltered.