the philippian · those early jitters are beginning to fade. so far we have learned about what...

The Philippian The Monthly Newsletter of St. Philip’s Lutheran Church of Hastings, Minnesota Come and Worship...Come and Serve...Come and Learn...Come as you are …Philip said to him, “Come and see” John 1:46 October 2019 October at St. Philip’s Augsburg Centennial Singers Concert October 5 Circle Bible Study October 10 Sharing and Caring Hands October 12 Preschool Fun Night October 25 Confirmation and High School Retreats October 25-27 Reformation Sunday October 27 Downtown Halloween Fun Event October 31

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Page 1: The Philippian · those early jitters are beginning to fade. So far we have learned about what makes each of us special, how to make new friends, and pets. At the end of September,

The Philippian The Monthly Newsletter of St. Philip’s Lutheran Church of Hastings, Minnesota

Come and Worship...Come and Serve...Come and Learn...Come as you are

…Philip said to him, “Come and see” John 1:46

October 2019

October at St. Philip’s

Augsburg Centennial Singers Concert

October 5

Circle Bible Study

October 10

Sharing and Caring Hands

October 12

Preschool Fun Night

October 25

Confirmation and High School Retreats

October 25-27

Reformation Sunday

October 27

Downtown Halloween Fun Event

October 31

Page 2: The Philippian · those early jitters are beginning to fade. So far we have learned about what makes each of us special, how to make new friends, and pets. At the end of September,

2 THE PHILIPPIAN October 2019

5 You shall love

the LORD your God with

all your heart, and with all

your soul, and with all your

might. 6 Keep these words

that I am commanding you

today in your heart. 7 Recite

them to your children and

talk about them when you

are at home and when you

are away, when you lie down and when you

rise. 8 Bind them as a sign on your hand, fix them as

an emblem on your forehead, 9 and write them on the

doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9

from the lesson for October 6th

There is nothing easy about being a parent. Even in the absolute best of circumstances when your baby starts sleeping through the night as soon as they get home from the hospital, and then always model respect and obedience as they grow through the stages of toddler, elementary, adolescence, and into adulthood. Actually, that is all pure fiction, but that is kind of the point isn’t it? There is nothing easy about being a parent. And yet it is perhaps the highest calling in that how we parent has immediate and long term effects in our communities and on our culture. These verses from Deuteronomy form a manual for the high calling in the raising children to the Lord. Parents are first reminded of the relationship they are to have with the Lord, which is to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, and strength. That devotion to God is the first thing parents are to witness to their children. With the commandments rooted deeply in the heart and mind, the same is to be shared with their children. Any time and any place is the right time and place to talk about God. While talking, sitting, walking, lying down, or getting up, the commandments are to be on your mind and freely expressed.

I am admittedly disturbed by the growing prevalence of parents who are of the opinion that, “We don’t want to influence our child but want them to decide for themselves what they believe.” REALLY?!? I am willing to wager that they want to influence their children when it comes to matters of personal hygiene and the importance of washing your hands after using the bathroom or brushing your teeth twice a day. I am sure they want to influence their children when it comes going to school and do your best, even if they think it is boring. And yet so many are hesitant to share the difference Jesus has made in their life. With God’s gift of children, parents are given responsibilities. The highest call for a parent is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and might and to share that with your children through words and actions. We do not give our children faith. That is a gift of the Holy Spirit. But that same Holy Spirit works through our love and our witness so that they may believe and have eternal life in Jesus’ name. This is true for parents and grandparents and our whole family of faith. Have you talked with the Lord today? Have you talked with a child about the Lord today?

Your Servant in Christ,

Pastor Geier


Congratulations to… Arden Sanstead as she celebrates her 90th birthday on October 6. Birthday greetings can be sent to her at 6995 80th Street South, Cottage Grove, MN 55016 Jay and Jane Hammes on their 35th wedding anniversary on October 13 Tom and Kim Hoffbeck on their 25th wedding anniversary on October 22 Mason John Zimmerman (son of David and Kristen Zimmerman) blessings on his baptism

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THE PHILIPPIAN October 2019 3

Preschool Chatter

What a busy and wonderful start we have had to our school year! Children are settling into the routines and those early jitters are beginning to fade. So far we have learned about what makes each of us special, how to make new friends, and pets. At the end of September, during our pet week, the children will get to see the Rio Gran agility team perform with their dogs. Some other highlights this month would be Pete the Cat stories, “All About Me” take home bag project, painting with friends, caring for stuffed pets in our dramatic play and (of course) enjoying playground time!

We as a staff are truly blessed to able to be a part of St. Philips ministry through the preschool. Each day is a new adventure and we look forward to all this school year has to offer.

Becky Kaphing and Lorelei Rein Preschool Co-Directors


October 6: Deuteronomy 5:1-21; 6:4-9 Hear O Israel

October 13: Ruth 1:1-17 Ruth

October 20: 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 6:1-5 David Anointed King

October 27: 1 Kings 12:1-17, 25-29 Kingdom Divided


scholarship has been given for the past 6 years to a number of women in St. Philip’s who were attending a post-secondary school in the upcoming year. This year the $2,000 scholarship was awarded to Jenna

Dale. AND due to the growth in the fund a request by the Mary Fischer family for additional $250 scholarships were made available and awarded to Elizabeth Barker, Claire Glade, Miranda Hanson, Emily Mathison and Sydni Nelson. Congratulations!

THANK YOU to the extreme generosity of the

whole congregation, after our third year of collecting school supplies for them, 119 backpacks of school supplies were delivered to the Lutheran World Relief Midwest warehouse in South Saint Paul. You blew us away with your generosity! Stephanie planned for 60, I thought we could do 80, Gerry Cardinal challenged all of us to get to 100 and we packed 119 on Sunday, September 8. Special thanks to those who sewed the fabric backpacks according to LWR's specifications: Luann Roiger, Melissa Campbell, Joyce Boeff, Barb Jorenby, Darla Kimmes, Maria Gathje, Jonlee Brown, Vickie Pavlish and Gerry Cardinal. Several people made up more than 1 "kit" and Vickie and Gerry even came up with extra cord for straps, which was especially important as Gerry and I madly sewed more bags this last week as we saw how generous you had been with the supplies. Donations any time during the year to the "Do Days" group of sturdy 1/4" cording for straps or denim to light upholstery weight fabric will help us get ready to do this again next year. Thank you again to all on behalf of many students you have helped get another year of education! Jennie Orr Thomas

QUESTION…Will you be making an announcement during the worship? Please note… 1. Respectfully notify the pastor before Sunday.

2. Introduce yourself and state whom you are


3. Prepare written notes and try to limit your

announcement to less than 90 seconds.

4. Use the hand mike correctly. Hold it up to your

mouth rather than below your mouth, or 6 or

more inches away from your mouth. Speaking

without a mike excludes those who are not

sitting directly in front.

5. Because we want to be inviting and inclusive,

avoid private jokes and references to ethnic


Thank you!

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4 THE PHILIPPIAN October 2019

SUNDAY SCHOOL MINUTE With classes in session again, St. Philip’s is buzzing with church family of all ages. In the Sunday School classrooms we are working with Augsburg Fortress’s Spark curriculum with grades preschool-4th grade. This curriculum focuses on Bible skills, appreciation of format of Bible stories, making connections, and prayer—all at different levels to be developmentally appropriate. Our 5th and 6th graders (56rs) will be working with Colaborate this year, a new to us curriculum our 56rs teacher are excited to use. Colaborate focuses on interactive learning about Lutheran history and catechism. Curriculum is a great foundation for learning—it gives our teachers a place to start, but it’s our awesome Sunday School teachers who take the words on the paper and make them into experiences that help our kids learn, grow, and ask questions as their faith develops. Not everyone is comfortable teaching Sunday School—we all have different gifts and that’s great. But as we support our kiddos on their faith journeys, please consider your role.

How can you support a Sunday Schooler? ▪ Notice them—We have kids all over at St.

Philip’s—wave to them, smile at them, and introduce yourself.

▪ Ask about their lesson—What did you learn about today?

▪ Ask about their teacher—Who is leading your class? Any teenagers?

▪ Ask about their classmates—Who did you sit next to today?

▪ Ask about their class time—Did you make anything today? Snack? Play a game? Read a story?

▪ Share about your education time or something you learned today—Something cool in worship? Share it. Something thoughtful in adult ed? Share it. They will appreciate that education never stops.

▪ Pray for them—keep our kiddos and teachers in prayer.

SHOEBOX SEASON IS ALMOST HERE! In just two short months we will again be collecting shoeboxes for Samaritan Purse’s Operation Christmas Child outreach program. Take advantage of the school supply sales and clearances to purchase greatly needed school supply items for your shoeboxes! National Collection Week is November 18-25.

PRESCHOOL FUN NIGHT! The Preschool will be holding a Pizza and PJ fun night for our families. The event will be held October 25. We will have dinner, crafts, movie, book fair and a silent auction. If anyone is interested in donating a basket or item please contact Becky or Lorelei at [email protected]. We are asking for any donations to be in no later than October 13. Auction will be up Sunday, October 20 for the congregation to bid on as well.

SAVE THE DATE - Plans are underway for the 17th annual all-congregational Bake Sale and Soup Lunch. There are opportunities for ALL members of the congregation to participate. The event will take place on Saturday, November 23 at 10 am - 1:30 pm. Sign-up sheets will be available in the church narthex.

Lefse making will happen on these dates: - Wednesday, October 16 at 9 am - Monday, October 21 at 6 pm - Saturday, November 2 at 9 am

Be watching for sign-ups for soup making, set-up, hosting, selling and clean-up. If you are unable to help in any way, be sure to attend the lunch. Soups will be Ham and Bean, Turkey Wild Rice (both gluten-free) and Vegetable Beef. Prices remain the same - $5.50 for soup, roll, crackers, Rice Krispie treat and beverage; and take-out quarts are $8.

Plan now what you will be baking and preserving for the sale. We can always use Scandinavian delicacies, cookies, breads, bars, candies, cakes, pies and home canned goods.

This event is part of our mission and outreach. Proceeds go towards Bible Story Books for 3-year olds, Bibles for 3rd graders, a scholarship for a high school girl in Tanzania, Camp Noah and other youth mission projects.

Stay tuned for more details as we move closer to November 23.

OCTOBER SHARING AND CARING HANDS – St. Philip’s, along with Our Saviour’s, will be serving and providing a meal at Sharing and Caring Hands on Saturday, October 12. This month’s meal is spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, French bread, pineapple chunks and desserts. A sign-up sheet is on the kiosk for food items that are needed.

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THE PHILIPPIAN October 2019 5

STAFF MINISTRY TEAM UPDATE - Our Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries, Stephanie Becken has accepted a position with Hastings Community Education, (part of the Hastings Public School System) as their Enrichment and Youth Development Coordinator. This is an awesome opportunity for her and is perfectly suited to her gifts. Her last day will be October 10. Stephanie has been an integral part of our staff ministry team for the last four years and she will be missed as a member of our staff. Nevertheless, she and her family are still part of our family of faith at St. Philip’s Lutheran Church and we will love and support her in this new adventure. However, even though she is transitioning back to being a lay member, I have asked her to take a break from all things related to serving in any way in our Faith Formation ministries for at least a year. That means we don’t ask her to help with Sunday School or VBS or the Italian Dinner or anything else in that universe. It also means that Stephanie is not the person to ask what is going on in any of those areas of ministry. On Sunday, October 6, we will thank and recognize Stephanie for her ministry at both worship services. Meanwhile, I will meet with our Human Resources Ministry Team and Executive Ministry Team and Council as we decide how to best move forward in finding our next Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries. God has already prepared someone. It is just a matter of time for her or him to be revealed to us. Please keep Stephanie, our staff and our congregation in your prayers.

CIRCLE BIBLE STUDY meets monthly on the second Thursday of the month through May at 9:30 am in the Youth Room. There is a social time and business meeting starting at 9:30 am and the study starts around 10:00 am, running until about 11:15 am. The study materials used comes in the monthly magazine "Gather". Subscriptions are available, but three free copies are available monthly in the WELCA mailbox by the church office. First come basis. This fall the study centers on looking for God in times of deep emotions - happy and sad. All are welcome! Any questions? call Susan Cruse at 437-1767.

HALLOWEEN FUN - St. Philip’s will be joining the Hastings downtown businesses for Halloween fun. Last year we served over 600 cups of hot chocolate, several bushels of apples, loads of candy, and hosted families while they colored and connected. We’ve been asked back this year to host an area October 31. More details will be coming as the event gets closer (some times are still being finalized), however, please put the evening on your calendar. You’ll be able to sign up for a time to participate mid-October. Last year was a blast—and it guarantees you’ll see Trick or Treaters.

In the meantime, donations are very welcome. Most appreciated from last year:

Hot chocolate mix (milk chocolate Swiss Miss

or something similar works great as we pre-mix

the cocoa and serve it out of large thermoses)

Mini Marshmallows

Individually wrapped candy

Paper towels

Plastic spoons


October 25-27

Confirmands, we are heading to Gustavus Adolphus for our annual Confirmation Retreat. This will be a very intentional time of learning, fellowship, connection, and fun. This is a new venue for us, but Gustavus is so excited to host us. Information and packing lists will be going out during confirmation in early October. There is no additional cost for confirmands—this is part of our confirmation curriculum.

HIGH SCHOOL RETREAT 10th, 11th and 12th GRADE

October 25-27

At the request of our high schoolers, this year St. Philip’s is hosting a retreat for high schoolers in addition to our confirmation retreat. Students in 10th, 11th and 12th grade are encouraged to attend this retreat. We will share some programming with the confirmands, but High Schoolers will also have programming with the Gustavus Adolphus youth team. The bus will leave St. Philip’s about 5:15 pm and return Sunday by 3:00 pm. All accommodations, meals, programming, and transportation is provided! A $50 donation is requested to help cover the costs for those attending the High School retreat. Scholarships are available. Registration forms will be on the welcome center in October and need to be turned in by October 20.

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6 THE PHILIPPIAN October 2019

How are they connected?

Stewardship Commitment Sunday

November 24 with Reception

SHINING GOD’S LIGHT ON OUR GIVING HEARTS Grace and Peace to you, fellow members and dear friends. One of several things I enjoy doing at St. Philip's is being the chair of the Stewardship Ministry Team. I'm surrounded by wonderful fellow faith-servants, Gerri Lundby, Al Todnem, Ron Wegener, LuAnn Rechtzigel, Jerry Cardinal and Sam Willis. Pastor Geier sits with us and greatly inspires our thinking. In the past weeks, the Team has exposed the visual logo (see below) of our stewardship emphasis. It came from readings I had found which Al Todnem put into meaningful form. We'll now be framing the message in the logo more frequently as we highlight the meaning of "God, Grace, and Gratitude, How are they Connected?" For me, the message in the logo translates into what motivates me to entrust a percentage of my monthly financial income to St. Philips' ministries. I believe in having my giving be a significant stretch which demands that things I may want to acquire, or things I know should be fixed or improved for me personally, are postponed or forgotten. I believe what helps me stretch my giving is accomplished through God's grace living within me, which means my giving is done with joy, never anxiety. When one serves on a ministry team, you uncover the back-room facts about how things are going. In the case of Financial and Stewardship ministries, both teams are aware that giving toward St. Philip's General Fund is $8,000 less than it was last year at this time. This kind of information concerns me greatly because the staff and operating costs of St. Philip's are our responsibility. It will be necessary that by year's end we see that the shortfall is made up and that all ministry and building operating costs are met. In the coming weeks, may we all be attentive to Word, Prayers and Sacrament while in worship. It is God's presence in our lives that will comfort us and give us joy in our giving responses. In November we'll be more intentional in our messaging about stewardship. At least three fellow members will be sharing their feelings about finding Christ in their hearts and minds through the people and ministries of our St. Philip's congregation.

Commitment Sunday for members to respond with their giving plan for 2020 will be at both services on November 24, with a reception to celebrate our fellowship with one another. In His Service, Glenda Schnirring






AUGSBURG CENTENNIAL SINGERS – You are cordially invited to St. Philip’s Lutheran Church for a concert by the Augsburg Centennial Singers on Saturday, October 5 at 6:30 pm. A 50 voice men’s chorus, the Singers’ concert features well known gospel music, folk songs, familiar hymns, sacred selections and a spiritual or two. The Singers are men of faith and conviction. Through their music listeners are encouraged to establish and deepen a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Come for an entertaining and inspiring evening.

LADIES NIGHT OUT IDEAS NEEDED - Do you have a fun, interesting idea for a night out for the ladies at St. Philip’s? We are starting the thinking process about something that we can do mid-winter. Share those ideas with Camille Nelson, chair of the Fellowship Ministry team.

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NEW MEMBER INFORMATION SESSION NOVEMBER 17 - It's always with great joy and anticipation that we conduct a new member session. A New Member information session will be held Sunday, November 17, beginning at 11:40 am (immediately following second service). Information about many aspects of St. Philip's is shared, along with instructions about the receiving of new members at both services, December 8.

It is helpful but not mandatory to advise either Pastor Geier, the office or Glenda Schnirring if you plan to attend. A form can be found at the Welcome Center which we ask to be completed to the level one is able. It is good to bring a completed form to the information session. A tasty lunch is provided for all in attendance, and of course children are welcome for the entire session.

For those who cannot be present on these dates, an individual session can be arranged. Contact Glenda Schnirring at [email protected] or the church office at 651-437-6246.

Join Pastor Geier and the Adult Spiritual Growth Ministry Team and explore the Use and Means of Grace! Meet between services in the Learning Room and study what we believe, what we do and why we do it. If you did not “grow up” Lutheran this is an excellent opportunity to gain a better understanding of how we understand God is working through the preached Word as well as Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. If you did grow up Lutheran it will be a great refresher. We will be providing the ELCA handout/ booklet, “The Use of the Means of Grace: A Statement on the Practice of Word and Sacrament”. If you can’t attend all sessions, come when you can!

September 29: Holy Baptism and the Christian Assembly

October 6: Holy Communion: What is it? Who is it for?

October 13: Holy Communion: How is it done? October 20: The Means of Grace and Christian


PIE AND ICE CREAM EVENT ON AUGUST 25 DOES WELL UNDER A CLOUDY SKY. On a day highly expected to rain and the sky completely overcast, the band set up at Historic LeDuc and St. Phillip's volunteers arrived with 31 pies and 4 pails of ice cream to carry out the business of the night.

Good publicity had taken place, the music of the "Double Down Daredevils" promised to be good resulting in a crowd of about 150 people coming to enjoy the final outdoor concert. Proceeds resulted in $638 which was strong given the potential for an event like this.

Huge thanks to the 25 pie bakers, cashiers, pie servers and ice cream scoopers who came to set up and take down the beautiful display of homemade pies.

This event is typically earmarked as a way to insure St. Philip's budgeted support to Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota. Grateful thanks to all who participated in the event.

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RALLY DAY RECAP The last few years, we have been blessed with beautiful weather for Rally Day. That trend stopped this year as we had a soggy day—but we still had so much fun. Students of all ages brought backpacks for blessing during worship and were given special backpack key chains. Between services, fellowship bubbled as people packed backpacks for Lutheran World Relief (120+), crafted with marker dobbers, made delicious cookies, painted sun catchers, played games, and even bounced on a just-right-for-inside bounce house. There were even yummy apples to munch and students customized their key chains. Sometimes it’s sad to say goodbye to one season, especially one as fun as summer, but changing seasons is so much better when we can bounce into it with church family.

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Abundance vs. Leftovers

by Gene Nagel is the Treasurer of Peace Lutheran Church in Bowling Green, Ohio

Pastor Jerry Hoffman talks about abundance and scarcity, and that we need to think about giving out of abundance and not out of scarcity.

When we think about giving out of abundance we first of all need to think about what God has given us in his abundance. Out of his abundance, God created the world for us to be caretakers of, and what he created was good.

Again out of his abundance and love for us, he gave us his Son, Jesus, so we could be again, be one with him.

It was not the leftovers that God gave us, but the abundance.

Our commitment back to God should also be out of our abundance and not the leftovers. We give because God has first given to us. There are many degrees of commitment and if we could put them on a scale of 1 to 10, who would come close to the 10?

Maybe Abraham would come close, as he was willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac, back to God. And maybe Jesus' disciples would come close, since they left job, home, and family to be a part of Jesus' ministry. And maybe Paul who devoted his life to converting people to Christianity. Many more examples are in the Bible of people being committed to God, that make our commitments look more like a number one on the scale.

But thank goodness God doesn't measure us on a scale of 1 to 10. Out of his abundance and because of Christ, we all rate a number 10. Instead we should ask ourselves if we are making our commitments with our abundance or are we making our commitments with the leftovers.

Each of us have already made commitments out of our abundance, but we may not think of them as such. When we agreed to make house payments, car payments, cable TV, cell phone, electric bill, etc., we made commitments.

These are commitments we made, and promised to pay, whenever those bills come due. These are commitments taken off the top of our paychecks, or the abundance of our paychecks, and not what was leftover at the end of the month.

Most of our expenses are really made for ourselves or for selfish reasons. If my offering to the church was only for my or our benefit, I would have a difficult time in giving. But when we are focusing on bringing others to Christ, we are making a commitment of our faith back to God.

We have the good news and we don't need to hoard it. Go and make disciples of all nations, was his command. Isn't that what we are to be about? Next month each of us will be asked to make a commitment to our ministry.

Hopefully these commitments will not be from the leftovers but be out of the abundance that we have.

CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE - Consideration is being made to provide an opportunity to worship on Christmas Day. Such a service would be held at 9:30 am, with the Christmas Eve sermon being preached. If this service would fulfill your worship needs, please indicate your willingness to attend and note in what position(s) you would serve as worship leader. A sign-up sheet can be found on the kiosk through October 20 with a decision to be made by November 6.

The Worship and Music Ministry Team

October 13

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7th Grade

Introduction to

Confirmation with

Acolyte Training

On August 25 the 7th Graders were

given an introduction to

Confirmation along with a training in being an acolyte

for Sunday services. Pastor Geier and Becky

Raimann assisted.

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ST. PHILIP’S STAFF Gregory Geier, Pastor [email protected] Noreen Swanson, Organist Ellen Diischer, Music Director [email protected] Nathan Griner [email protected] Stephanie Becken, Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries [email protected] John Bergland, Business Manager [email protected] John Diischer, Sound Board Technician [email protected] Becky Kaphing, Preschool Co-Director [email protected] Lorelei Rein, Preschool Co-Director [email protected] Lista Klocow, Office Manager [email protected]

ST. PHILIP’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 1401 West 15th Street Hastings, Minnesota 651-437-6541


Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Worship Service Times: 8:30 and 10:30 am

Holy Communion offered every Sunday