the path of the way

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  • 8/6/2019 The Path of the Way


    The Path of the Way

    During the early stage of study, I can recall my perception upon Aikido as a

    form of martial art, the way of self-defense. Year after year, now I realize that

    technical knowledge is way too easy to conquer. My pursue of technical knowledge

    end up in boredom, besides lack of chances to test my technical skill in real-street

    situation (as I cant refer this to real-life situation, since we did face real-life

    situation in every second of our life), I found out that the art had somehow sharpen

    my sensitivity in avoiding negative tendencies, one could call this pure luck, as I

    often easily avoided trouble when my intuition often told me to avoid certain place

    or certain person.

    Later on, these experiences brought me back to my senses of the nature of

    martial arts, one study martial art to avoid conflicts or fights, not the other way

    around. To me, the most successful martial artists are those who rarely fought

    physically, one may be a ring fighter, but the real fight is actually unseen by the

    naked eye, where the most important aspect of a fighter is their mentality.

    The benefit of Aikido study is, I could say the best spiritual studies in a

    package of martial art study. Aikido is a spiritual study, as Ueshiba O-sensei told,

    that This is not a way of throwing or pinning, this is a way of love and compassion

    Based on my experiences, below are the steps I passed in realizing the true

    meaning of the path I took. The steps also includes the three principle stages of

    study in Aikido, those stages are tanren, keiko, and shugyo:

    1. To understand the movements of ones physical body (To know oneself)

    Technical aspects are important, this is a starting point, where concepts for

    further studies are given in order to allow a practitioner begin their journey. The

    technical level manifests in form of tanren, a study process based on repetition.

    Like a travelling scholar, technical aspects are ones map, a guide which allows

    them to start, and later on, to choose which way they prefer to take in fulfilling

    their journey to understand their pursues in life, to understand the heart desire

    and the limit of our own mind, to later able us to conquer them.

    In the first step, we will easily find how difficult our body to move in certain

    manner, in terms of Aikido, to carry out movements, not even techniques, for

    most beginners, even to do simple movements such as ikkyo-undo is relatively

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    hard, why? Because we are not use to it, despite of it being simple and natural

    motions, our body used to stick on one habit, memorizing movements.

    Memorizing movements restrict us in adapting our physique to a new set of

    movement; we restrict our physical potentials in a process called learning We

    need to learn something before our body got used to something. By depending

    ourselves to this, we limit our capability of understanding, we are blocking our

    senses, blocking our ability to feel, later on, resulting a slow learning process.

    Aikido explores the ability of our own physical realm, but rather showing what

    we cannot do; Aikido opens our view toward every possibility. All movements in

    Aikido are those of natural, it is philosophically said, as natural as the universe

    itself, so how come these natural movements are so difficult to do? It is because

    the mind culture of our time has the tendency in creating boundaries between

    the mind and body, because we are not in control of our own movements and

    physical reactions or reflexes. That is why we cannot fathom the so called

    extraordinary abilities Because when we did one, the mind is not in control of

    it, rather the opposite, it takes control of us, it does things that made us all


    Similar to meditations, Yoga, Taiji, and most of eastern practices, Aikido is the

    way of liberation. It educates the mind to become free, free of limitations, free of

    doubt, close to nature, and harmonized thoroughly. It trains us to feel, sharpens

    the senses through it methods. During the first step of realization, we will find

    out that we really are not in control of our own physical body. Training will lead

    us closer to the ability of mind over body And when we are finally able to

    regain control of our body, this is also the first step of liberation, we will arrive to

    the understanding of the entirety of our physique, we will be more sensitive in

    physical senses, know how far our body can move, know when it about to get

    sick, sensitive towards external threats, and etc.

    In terms of Aikido, we learn through movements. In the first step, to train in slow

    manner will brought more benefits, it will leads to the realization of movements

    quicker, because when we move slower, we have more time to sense our

    motions, and continuously reminding our mind to stop thinking of the

    unnecessary. In this process, our mind will be able to sense the body impulses,

    motions, even our internal organs. Therefore it is not only brought us to benefits

    in terms of movements only, but also senses, the practice then will start brought

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    benefits in sharpening the senses. The practice of tanren will lead towards

    realizations, it does not mean to entrap us in this manner of practice, it only act

    as a gate, a catalyst towards higher aims. And all we need is to free our mind, to

    make everything possible.

    2. To understand the movements of others physical body (To know others)

    The physical body is different one to another, there are no two persons alike,

    and each and everyone are different in terms of length of reach, steps, flexibility

    and suppleness, threshold of pain, heights, weight, size, muscular form, and

    many other physical traits. It is important to realize how technical aspects

    shaped our and others motions. Understanding the physical body is a starting

    point to understand the variety of the human nature individually.

    When a teacher understands the unique traits of each of their pupil, they would

    never force any teachings other than the very basic standards applied. A good

    teacher understands that each and every person is unique, and they will pursue

    a teaching model that one could best pursue as a disciple.

    In Aikido, practitioners will engage in pair exercise. Non-technically, this is a

    method of gaining knowledge about the other person, a tori serves as a bridge of

    thoughts between uke and nage, therefore allowing information exchange, and

    allowing further understanding of each others nature. In this step, the tanren

    stage is still taking place, but the practice is rather utilized in different manner.

    The practice of movements done in pair will reveals restrictions and limitations,

    uke will be asked to defend in certain manner, creating conflict, a base for nage

    to learn how to resolve a problem by understanding the physical nature of


    In pair exercises, nage will carry out techniques in tanren stage, and uke will

    learn to understand the limitations they create, properly adding the level of

    conflict for nage to resolve regarding the certain technique. In this way, nage will

    gradually achieve the level of understanding towards uke, sharpening the senses

    in sensing motions and intentions derived from external sources.

    After passing the proper process in previous step, a practitioner will move

    forward to train their sensitivity towards stimulations from external source, in

    terms of Aikido, an attack given by uke. A proper training will still involve slow

    and silent process of sensing, sensing the skin contact, sensing pulses, body

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    impulses, even breathing, these continue to sensing the motions, directions, and

    even the will of others. All of these are translatable into daily life, it is said that

    ones technique is a mirror of their personal character and traits. Deepen the

    understanding of physical sensations will deliver us into a deeper understanding

    of others, this is a highly valuable knowledge to be applied in daily life, skill of

    understanding other will easily inspire us towards a mutually benefit solutions

    upon any problems that might arise.

    3. To understand the nature of action and reaction (To understand the basic law

    of the universe)

    From an action comes reaction, this is the universal law. One should study the

    principle thoroughly, as this would lead to an understanding in facing others in a

    more effective way, not only in terms of technical aspects, but also in mental

    and emotional aspects. We face conflicts mostly in our daily activities, is when

    we are socializing with other people, rarely on a ring or fighting arena. What we

    give, we will receive, what we persist will resist, what goes around, comes

    around. The final attainment of this understanding is generosity, surrender, and

    acceptance, as one will understand that abundance is inevitable.

    4. To understand how the physical body connected to the natural surroundings

    (To realize the physical nature)

    Our physical body is a part of the natural surroundings. We consume and use

    some parts of the nature, the nature take back what we dont or didnt use

    anymore. In the older times, human live coexist with the nature, mutually

    beneficial. Perhaps one reason why such people like Ueshiba O-sensei exist in

    this earth may be to remind us how to return to our true nature, to coexist with

    the nature.

    5. To understand how the soul and spirit work through the physical body (To

    know ones and others true self)

    Spiritually speaking, our physical body is only an a single aspect of our outer

    self, other aspects are our name, our birthplace, our status, our occupations, our

    spouse, our parents, our skills, but when all of them disappears, who are we?

    Surpassing the points 1, 2, 3, and 4, brought me to an understanding of my

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    existence as a non-form being, a soul fueled by spirit that keeps the physical

    body running. During this stage, I began to release my dependence towards

    technical aspects and began to dig deeper what lies beyond the techniques, to

    feel myself as to feel others as well simultaneously.

    6. To understand how the soul and spirit connected to the universe (To realize

    the oneness with the universe)

    As every soul connected to the universe, all abilities beyond human

    comprehension are possible, since soul and spirit works beyond the capability of

    physical boundaries. I could say, to arrive at this stage is an option, although

    even the steps 1-5 is already surpassed, some still enjoy the illusion of physical

    abilities, strictly speaking, the technical aspects. However, I cannot judge, like I

    said, to arrive at this stage is an option.

    One may choose to stay within the limit of physical realm, so called the logical

    mind, some would say stick to our senses, or to criticize something beyond

    comprehension by saying it doesnt make any sense, which is the word

    sense is always misused. Sense is not mind, therefore by using our sense,

    we diminish the usage of mind, recognizing that there is something beyond

    comprehension and we know it is true. By using our sense, we open our eyes

    towards every possibility, destroying the boundaries set by our mind. The minds

    of no boundaries are those minds connected to the universe, as it opens as wide

    as possible to receive the understanding of the universe, which is what makes

    sense is what is always illogical

    7. To understand the existence of higher self, conscious, and aware of the

    relationship with the supreme being (To realize the oneness with God)

    All spiritual studies leads to God, surpassing steps 1-6 is only a beginning of

    further journey of this stage, however, I could say, I really enjoy this stage.

    To arrive at step 6, brings us to realization of Gods existence, of where it all

    came, the primary source, the beginning and the end, the alpha and the

    omega Virtue, kindness, compassion, love, benevolence, honesty, strength, are

    all traits of God. The knowledge of Aiki contains all of those traits, by knowing,

    understanding, and keeping those traits, we draw ourselves closer to God.