______the partnership _____ voyage data recorders: practical experiences in vdrs, potential spin-...

______The Partnership _____ Voyage Data Recorders: Practical experiences in VDRs, potential spin-offs and the future IMCC Chris Winkley Managing Partner - The MHC Partnership

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Partnership _____

Voyage Data Recorders:

Practical experiences in VDRs, potential spin-offs and the future


Chris WinkleyManaging Partner - The MHC Partnership


Partnership _____

Fire Drill


Partnership _____

Voyage Data Recorders:

Practical experiences in VDRs, potential spin-offs and the future


Chris WinkleyManaging Partner - The MHC Partnership ?


Partnership _____

Voyage Data Recorders

• Practicalities


Partnership _____

Voyage Data Recorders

• Practicalities

• A brief history:


Partnership _____

Key Criteria


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Key Criteria

• All types of incident


Partnership _____

Key Criteria

• All types of incident

• Produce hard data


Partnership _____

Key Criteria

• All types of incident

• Produce hard data

• User friendly/accessible in real time


Partnership _____

Key Criteria

• All types of incident

• Produce hard data

• User friendly/accessible in real time

• For any type of vessel


Partnership _____

Items to be recorded

• Bridge Audio


Partnership _____

Items to be recorded

• Bridge Audio

• Date and Time


Partnership _____

Items to be recorded

• Bridge Audio

• Date and Time

• Ship’s position


Partnership _____

Items to be recorded

• Bridge Audio

• Date and Time

• Ship’s position

• Speed


Partnership _____

Items to be recorded

• Bridge Audio

• Date and Time

• Ship’s position

• Speed

• Heading


Partnership _____

Items to be recorded

• Bridge Audio

• Date and Time

• Ship’s position

• Speed

• Heading

• Radar


Partnership _____

• Ship’s VHF communications• Echo Sounder• Bridge Alarms status• Rudder angle demand and response }• Hull openings status }• Watertight and fire door status }• Hull stress monitor outputs }• Wind speed and direction }

Additional Items to be recorded

Where appropriate


Partnership _____

• IMO Resolution A.861(20)

- Adopted on 27 November 1997 -• Performance Standards for Shipborne Voyage Data Recorders


Voyage Data Recorders and the IMO


Partnership _____

• Existing vessels

Simplified Voyage Data Recorders


Partnership _____

• Existing vessels

• Costs – Number of ships involved

Simplified Voyage Data Recorders


Partnership _____

• Existing vessels

• Costs – Number of ships involved

• Technical difficulties

Simplified Voyage Data Recorders


Partnership _____

• Bridge Audio

• Date and Time

• Ship’s position

• Speed

• Heading

• Radar

Simplified Voyage Data Recorders


Partnership _____



Partnership _____



Partnership _____

What Benefits

• Incident investigation


Partnership _____

What Benefits

• Incident investigation

• Training and monitoring


Partnership _____

What Benefits

• Incident investigation

• Training and monitoring

• Assessment of response to emergencies


Partnership _____

What Benefits

• Incident investigation

• Training and monitoring

• Assessment of response to emergencies

• Promoting best practice


Partnership _____

What Benefits

• Incident investigation

• Training and monitoring

• Assessment of response to emergencies

• Promoting best practice



Partnership _____

Summary of incidents where VDR evidence has been used

• A vessel berthing at the builders yard for guarantee dry docking hit a jetty when under yard pilotage, sustaining $150,000 steel damage

• A vessel dragged its anchor in high winds and touched another ship anchored to leeward.

• A high speed craft incurred a close quarters incident with HM warship.

• Vessel entering port in narrow channel struck an underwater object.

• Vessel leaving N.W European port hit coaster glancing blow, with limited damage.


Partnership _____

Ownership of VDR recorded data


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• ……… Information contained in a VDR should be made available to both the Administrator and the shipowner ………….

• The EU adds in its Directive :-

Ownership of VDR recorded data: IMO A.861(20)


Partnership _____

• ………. Data which has been collected from a VDR system shall be

made available to the member State concerned in the event……..

This was followed up by the issue by IMO of Guidelines on Ownership and Recovery

which laid down 5 basic rules covering :-

Ownership of VDR recorded data:EU 2002/59/EC


Partnership _____

• Ownership

VDR recorded data


Partnership _____

• Ownership

• Recovery

VDR recorded data


Partnership _____

• Ownership

• Recovery

• Custody

VDR recorded data


Partnership _____

• Ownership

• Recovery

• Custody

• Read-Out

VDR recorded data


Partnership _____

• Ownership

• Recovery

• Custody

• Read-Out

• Access

VDR recorded data


Partnership _____

• Revisit standards in light of :-

• Experience gained

• Advances in technology

The Future of VDRs


Partnership _____

VDRs – The Future

• Widening of carriage Requirements

• Tonnage

• Voyage Routes


Partnership _____

VDRs – The Future


• MSC meeting Oct 2007


Partnership _____

VDRs – The Future


• EMDM Project


Partnership _____

• Accident Investigators

• Maritime Lawyer

• Maritime Union

• Naval Architect

• VDR Specialists

EMDM – Experts Group


Partnership _____

• Maritime Insurance & Underwriter

EMDM – Experts Group:


Partnership _____

• The end of the beginning

• A practical approach to improved marine safety

Voyage Data Recorders


Partnership _____

Voyage Data Recorders


Chris WinkleyManaging Partner - The MHC Partnership


Partnership _____



Partnership _____

Voyage Data Recorders:

Practical experiences in VDRs, potential spin-offs and the future


Chris WinkleyManaging Partner - The MHC Partnership