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Farid K. Muzaki, S.Si., M.Si Jurusan BIOLOGI FMIPA – ITS Surabaya THE PARAZOA THE PARAZOA P O R I F E R A Taxonomy of Animalia – SB091321

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Farid K. Muzaki, S.Si., M.Si

Jurusan BIOLOGIFMIPA – ITS Surabaya



Taxonomy of Animalia – SB091321

Characters (1)

Have no true tissue; adults asymmetrical or superficially radially Have no true tissue; adults asymmetrical or superficially radially symmetrical

Cells totipotent

With i fl ll t d ll h t th t d i t With unique flagellated cells—choanocytes—that drive water through canals and chambers constituting the aquiferous system

Adults are sessile suspension feeders; larval stages are motile and usually lecithotrophic

Characters (2)

Outer and inner cell layers lack a basement membrane (except perhaps in the subclass Homoscleromorpha)

Middle layer—the mesohyl—variable, but always includes motile cells and usually some skeletal materialy

Skeletal elements, when present, composed of calcium carbonate or silicon dioxide (typically in the form of spicules), and/or collagen fibers

Body Structure



Outer surface cells: pinacoderm / pinacocytesInner surface cells: choanoderm / choanocytes B t t d i f h lBetween outer and inner surface: mesohylpinacoderm is perforated by small holes called dermal pores orostia

Pinacoderm cells that line internal canals are called endopinacocytes

The one-cell thick choanoderm may remain simple and continuous (the asconoid condition), or it may become folded (the syconoid condition), or it may become greatly subdivided into separate condition), or it may become greatly subdivided into separate flagellated chambers (the leuconoid condition)

ASCON system (2)

The thin walls enclose a central cavity called the atrium (=

y ( )

The thin walls enclose a central cavity called the atrium (= spongocoel), which opens to the outside via a single osculum

The pinacoderm of asconoid sponges has specialized cells called porocytes

The external opening of the porocyte canal is called an ostium orincurrent poreincurrent pore

The choanoderm is a simple, unfolded layer of choanocytes lining the entire atriumWater moving through an asconoid sponge flows through the following structures: ostium →spongocoel (over the choanoderm)


ASCON system (2)y

Flow direction of water in an Asconoid spongessponges

SYCON system (1)

choanocytes are restricted to specific chambers or diverticula of


choanocytes are restricted to specific chambers or diverticula of the atrium called choanocyte chambers (or flagellated chambers, or radial canals)Each choanocyte chamber opens to the atrium by a wide aperture called an apopyle

Syconoid sponges with a thick cortex possess a system of channels Syconoid sponges with a thick cortex possess a system of channels or incurrent canals that lead from the dermal pores through the mesohyl to the choanocyte chambersThe openings from these channels to the choanocyte chambers are called prosopyles

t i t (d l) i t l l route: incurrent (dermal) pore →incurrent canal → prosopyle →choanocyte chamber → apopyle →atrium →osculum

SYCON system (2)y

Flow direction of water in sponge with Sycon systemSycon system

LEUCON system (1)y

The atrium is reduced to a series of excurrent canals (or exhalent canals) that carry water from the choanocytechambers to the osculachambers to the osculaThe flow of water through a leuconoid sponge is: dermal pore →incurrent canal → prosopyle → choanocyte p p py ychamber → apopyle →excurrent canal →osculumLeuconoid organization is typical of most calcareous

d ll b f th D isponges and all members of the Demospongiae

LEUCON system (1)y

Flow direction of water in sponge with Leucon systemLeucon system

The diversity

Class CALCAREA (calcareous sponges)


Class CALCAREA (calcareous sponges)

spikula berupa kalsium karbonat (dalam bentuk kalsit); spikula berjari 1, 3 atau 4; all marine; ex: Clathrina, Scypha

Class HEXACTINELLIDA (glass sponge)

spikula berupa silika; biasanya berjari 6; marine, deep-water; ex: Hyalonema, spikula berupa silika; biasanya berjari 6; marine, deep water; ex: Hyalonema, Rosella, Hexactinella


spikula berupa silika, biasanya berjari 6; kadang disertai atau diganti dengan spongin; marine, brackish or freshwater; ex: Haliclona, Spongia, Plakortis


ClathrinaExamples of class Calcarea



HexactinellaExamples of class Hexactinellida







The CRITERIA (morphology & anatomy):( p gy y)Growth form

Color alive

Color in ETOH


Texture e u e

Surface ornamentation

Choanosomal skeleton

Ectosomal skeleton


Microscleres Microscleres

Growth form

Example: branching, encrusting, foliaceus foliaceus, tubular cylindrical, etc.

Growth form

Example: branching, encrusting, foliaceus foliaceus, tubular cylindrical, etc.

Surface structure

Example: areolate, corrugated, spiny fibrous spiny fibrous, papillate, etc.

Surface structure

Example: areolate, corrugated, spiny fibrous spiny fibrous, papillate, etc.

Additional aspectsp

Very sensitive to suspended sediments in their environment, but y p ,seem to be quite resistant to hydrocarbon, heavy metal and detergent contaminationBi h i l Biochemical agentex: anticancer from Aaptos, anti-malaria from Xestospongia, antimicrobial agent from Siphonodictyon, anti-herpes virus from antimicrobial agent from Siphonodictyon, anti herpes virus from Cryptotethya crypta, antitumor from Halichondria and Pandaros, antibacteria and analgesic from Luffariella variabilis

Further readingg

Hooper, J.N.A. 2003. Sponguide: Guide to Sponge Collection p , p g p gand Identification. Queensland Museum.Moore, J. 2006. An Introduction to the Invertebrates, Second Edi i N Y k C b id U i i PEdition. New York: Cambridge University Press.Pechenik, J.A. 2004. Biology of Invertebrates, Fifth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Inc.New York: McGraw Hill Inc.

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