the paisano volume 49 issue 4

Amelia Reyes Intern [email protected] UTSA’s enrollment policies will be changing to improve overall quality and effective- ness. ese changes are in- tended to help students who have faced graduation issues as a result of enrollment policies. “I was wait-listed for a pres- ervation theory class last se- mester, but I did not realize the wait-list period for a class was short,” recent graduate Clau- dia Reyes said. “So when I was dropped from the list I had to register for a class I didn’t need, and the Financial Aid Services charged me because I was tak- ing an additional course.” Starting fall 2014, UTSA is changing drop-course dates to the end of the ninth week and improving its registration pri- ority system based on the credit hours students have completed. Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio Volume 49 Issue 4 {WWW.PAISANO-ONLINE.COM} {SINCE 1981} } { Higher Ed Blackboard Learn is planning to create a virtual bookstore that will be acces- sible via Blackboard and will automati- cally compile stu- dent materials for easy checkout. San Antonio SAPD Police Chief William McMa- nus confirmed last Wednesday, Jan. 29, that the attack in the Leon Creek Green- way was fabricated by the alleged vic- tim. Texas Six immigration reform activists were arrested Monday, Feb. 3, after blocking Travis County Jail as a form of civil dis- obedience against a controversial finger printing initiative. U.S. Award-winning actor Philip Sey- mour Hoffman was found dead in his NY apartment early Sunday morning, Feb. 2. Hoffman al- legedly overdosed on heroin. World Scarlett Johansson’s Superbowl commer- cial for Soda Stream received criticism from pro-Palestinian groups as a result of the company’s fac- tory location outside of Jerusalem. Sports UTSA Women’s bas- keteball will host the Tulane Green Wave on Saturday, Feb. 8 at 4 p.m. in the Con- vocation Center. UTSA falls short against LA Tech 87-72 page 8 Year of the horse entertains and educates at Asian Festival page 7 February 4, 2014 Brittney Lopez Intern [email protected], a “Sugar Daddy/Mommy” dating website, gives college students an unorthodox way to pay for college by creating mutually beneficial arrangements be- tween wealthy benefactors and students seeking financial as- sistance or companionship. Rising tuition and living ex- penses have forced students to seek alternative methods of financial assistance. With the government tightening re- quirements on student loans, parents withholding financial support and employment be- coming harder to obtain, stu- dents have discovered a more personal way to mitigate their financial burdens. Founded in 2005 by Brandon Wade, SeekingArrangement. com claims to be the world’s largest Sugar Daddy dating website and resurfaces as its popularity increases. Members are able to create a detailed profile, including a description of who they are, where they are from and what their lifestyle expectations are. “It’s totally un- derstandable. Times are tough. Viktoria Zerda Junior, UTSA Student See ENROLLMENT, Page 4 Studnets are finding alternative solutions to pay for rising tuition costs. sees their numbers increase annually, many at Texas universities. Rafael Gutierrez/ The Paisano Helping students graduate Sarah Gibbens News Editor [email protected] Students looking to vote early during the March prima- ries will not be able to vote at UTSA. On ursday, Jan. 30, stu- dent organization MOVE (Mobilize, Organize, Vote, Empower) started a petition to make UTSA a voting site for the primary elections. e pe- tition amassed 690 signatures but was closed after MOVE re- ceived notice from UTSA that the university did not have the capacity to house an early pri- mary election site. “It was such a tight window that we had to plan this,” As- sistant Director of Student Ac- tivities for Student Leadership John Montoya said. UTSA had not considered applying to be an early voting location for the primary election because stu- dents had not voiced a desire in advance. Montoya, however, counts the petition as a success because “students’ voices were still heard.” UTSA has traditionally been an early voting location for general elections but has yet to offer voting on campus for pri- mary elections. e County Commissioner’s Office has the final say on which applicants are approved to be voting sites however, according to Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Student Activi- ties Barry McKinney, the Office of External Affairs is in charge of requesting and coordinating voting on campus. In order to facilitate civic engagement among students, who may not have access to off-campus locations, the Stu- dent Government Association will sponsor a shuttle to take students from UTSA to the Igo Library polling site, which is located off of Hausman Rd. MOVE-UTSA President Viktoria Zerda explained that the petition to make UTSA an early voting location was in- tended to make voting acces- sible to students. “We under- stand the challenge of juggling school, work, internships and more. ere should be no rea- son as to why any students cannot make it to a poll, espe- cially due to a lack of time or resources.” Students fight for early voting site Anthony Mendoza Contributing Writer news@paisan is past Friday, Jan. 31, UTSA became a National Cen- ter for Accelerated Schools. During the official ribbon cut- ting ceremony, President Ri- cardo Romo remarked that he “never dreamed (UTSA) would be a national center,” and that “we aim to do a great job and work hard as this is just one more pillar toward our Tier One vision.“ Dr. Henry Levin founded the Center for Accelerated Schools program in 1986 with the in- tention of helping low-income schools access the same qual- ity education found in affluent neighborhoods. e program’s focus is “to bring culture and climate to a higher level involving all stake- holders of parents, staff and students,” explained Assistant Director for the NCAS Sandra Mendoza, and “extract things that are working in (affluent) environments and apply them to your more at-risk environ- ments.” Doing so requires the imple- mentation of what the program calls “best practices.” ese best practices are the NCAS’s foun- dation and include learner-centered, authentic instruc- tion, inclusiveness, interactive and continuous learn- ing. Instruction will focus on students’ interests and is intended to pro- mote discussion and input from ev- ery student and to create self-gener- ated motivation to learn. Moreover, teaching methods will use practical examples and in- tertwine subjects so that learning material is one continuous stream instead of multiple subjects conflicting with one another. UTSA launches education initiative UTSA President Dr. Ricardo Romo along with UTSA leaders ceremoniously cut the ribbon for the National Center for Accelerated Schools. Courtesy of Jo Ann Jones UTSA UTSA UTSA UTSA Seeking: sugar daddy See ARRANGEMENTS, Page 4 See EDUCATION, Page 3

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Page 1: The Paisano Volume 49 Issue 4

Amelia Reyes Intern [email protected]

UTSA’s enrollment policies will be changing to improve overall quality and effective-ness. These changes are in-tended to help students who have faced graduation issues as a result of enrollment policies.

“I was wait-listed for a pres-ervation theory class last se-mester, but I did not realize the wait-list period for a class was short,” recent graduate Clau-dia Reyes said. “So when I was dropped from the list I had to register for a class I didn’t need, and the Financial Aid Services charged me because I was tak-ing an additional course.”

Starting fall 2014, UTSA is changing drop-course dates to the end of the ninth week and improving its registration pri-ority system based on the credit hours students have completed.

Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

Volume 49 Issue 4 {WWW.PAISANO-ONLINE.COM}{SINCE 1981}

} {

Higher EdBlackboard Learn is planning to create a virtual bookstore that will be acces-

sible via Blackboard and will automati-cally compile stu-dent materials for

easy checkout.

San AntonioSAPD Police Chief

William McMa-nus confirmed last

Wednesday, Jan. 29, that the attack in the Leon Creek Green-way was fabricated by the alleged vic-


TexasSix immigration

reform activists were arrested Monday,

Feb. 3, after blocking Travis County Jail as

a form of civil dis-obedience against a controversial finger printing initiative.

U.S.Award-winning actor Philip Sey-

mour Hoffman was found dead in his

NY apartment early Sunday morning,

Feb. 2. Hoffman al-legedly overdosed on


WorldScarlett Johansson’s Superbowl commer-cial for Soda Stream

received criticism from pro-Palestinian groups as a result of the company’s fac-

tory location outside of Jerusalem.

SportsUTSA Women’s bas-keteball will host the Tulane Green Wave on Saturday, Feb. 8

at 4 p.m. in the Con-vocation Center.

UTSA falls short against LA Tech 87-72page 8

Year of the horse entertains and

educates at Asian Festival

page 7

February 4, 2014

Brittney Lopez Intern [email protected], a “Sugar Daddy/Mommy” dating website, gives college students an unorthodox way to pay for college by creating mutually beneficial arrangements be-

tween wealthy benefactors and students seeking financial as-sistance or companionship.

Rising tuition and living ex-penses have forced students to seek alternative methods of financial assistance. With the government tightening re-quirements on student loans, parents withholding financial support and employment be-coming harder to obtain, stu-dents have discovered a more

personal way to mitigate their financial burdens.

Founded in 2005 by Brandon Wade, claims to be the world’s largest Sugar Daddy dating website and resurfaces as its popularity increases.

Members are able to create a detailed profile, including a description of who they are, where they are from and what their lifestyle expectations are.

“It’s totally un-derstandable. Times are tough.”Viktoria Zerda Junior, UTSA Student


Studnets are finding alternative solutions to pay for rising tuition costs. sees their numbers increase annually, many at Texas universities.

Rafael Gutierrez/ The Paisano

Helping students graduate

Sarah Gibbens News Editor [email protected]

Students looking to vote early during the March prima-ries will not be able to vote at UTSA.

On Thursday, Jan. 30, stu-dent organization MOVE (Mobilize, Organize, Vote, Empower) started a petition to make UTSA a voting site for the primary elections. The pe-tition amassed 690 signatures

but was closed after MOVE re-ceived notice from UTSA that the university did not have the capacity to house an early pri-mary election site.

“It was such a tight window that we had to plan this,” As-sistant Director of Student Ac-tivities for Student Leadership John Montoya said. UTSA had not considered applying to be an early voting location for the primary election because stu-dents had not voiced a desire in advance. Montoya, however, counts the petition as a success because “students’ voices were still heard.”

UTSA has traditionally been

an early voting location for general elections but has yet to offer voting on campus for pri-mary elections.

The County Commissioner’s Office has the final say on which applicants are approved to be voting sites however, according to Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Student Activi-ties Barry McKinney, the Office of External Affairs is in charge of requesting and coordinating voting on campus.

In order to facilitate civic engagement among students, who may not have access to off-campus locations, the Stu-dent Government Association

will sponsor a shuttle to take students from UTSA to the Igo Library polling site, which is located off of Hausman Rd.

MOVE-UTSA President Viktoria Zerda explained that the petition to make UTSA an early voting location was in-tended to make voting acces-sible to students. “We under-stand the challenge of juggling school, work, internships and more. There should be no rea-son as to why any students cannot make it to a poll, espe-cially due to a lack of time or resources.”

Students fight for early voting site

Anthony Mendoza Contributing Writer news@paisan

This past Friday, Jan. 31, UTSA became a National Cen-ter for Accelerated Schools. During the official ribbon cut-ting ceremony, President Ri-cardo Romo remarked that he “never dreamed (UTSA) would be a national center,” and that “we aim to do a great job and work hard as this is just one more pillar toward our Tier One vision.“

Dr. Henry Levin founded the Center for Accelerated Schools program in 1986 with the in-tention of helping low-income schools access the same qual-ity education found in affluent neighborhoods.

The program’s focus is “to bring culture and climate to a higher level involving all stake-

holders of parents, staff and students,” explained Assistant Director for the NCAS Sandra Mendoza, and “extract things

that are working in (affluent) environments and apply them to your more at-risk environ-ments.”

Doing so requires the imple-mentation of what the program calls “best practices.” These best practices are the NCAS’s foun-

dation and include learner-centered, authentic instruc-tion, inclusiveness, interactive and continuous learn-ing.

Instruction will focus on students’ interests and is intended to pro-mote discussion and input from ev-ery student and to create self-gener-ated motivation to learn. Moreover, teaching methods will use practical examples and in-tertwine subjects so that learning material is one continuous stream instead of multiple

subjects conflicting with one another.

UTSA launches education initiative

UTSA President Dr. Ricardo Romo along with UTSA leaders ceremoniously cut the ribbon for the National Center for Accelerated Schools.



of J

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Seeking: sugar daddy



Page 2: The Paisano Volume 49 Issue 4

Lorenzo Garcia Staff Writer [email protected]

Last Tuesday, President Barack Obama delivered his annual State of the Union ad-dress to a gridlocked Congress. Despite his 42 percent approval rating, the president was op-timistic of the coming year, which he called a “year of ac-tion.”

President Obama spoke about the economy, unem-ployment and minimum wage, education and job training, im-migration and women’s rights, foreign affairs and the Afford-able Care Act — similar to 2013’s State of the Union Ad-dress.

However, in contrast to his previous address, the presi-dent made it clear to Congress that progress would be made — with or without bipartisan agreement. In his introduc-tion, the president stated, “The question for everyone in this chamber, running through ev-ery decision we make this year, is whether we are going to help or hinder this progress.”

The first item of focus was unemployment — a problem that has plagued our nation since the latest economic re-cession. As he promised dur-ing his campaign, the president pledged continued federal sup-port for small businesses — es-pecially high tech enterprises — and to continue to work with

multinational corporations to bring outsourced jobs back to the United States.

Later in his address, the pres-ident placed Republican law-makers in the spotlight for their failure to restore an unemploy-ment insurance bill. With the sly tone of a parent reprimand-ing a child, he told House Re-publicans, “Congress needs to restore the unemployment in-surance you just let expire for 1.6 million people.”

The next subject he discussed was energy and the environ-ment. He described natural gas as the “bridge fuel” from oil to renewable resources and restat-ed his long-standing support of clean energy sources. Obama also proudly announced that

the United States has reduced its carbon footprint more than any other nation in the past ten years.

Many liberals criticized Obama for the brevity of his discussion on immigration. Al-though he told Congress that “…it is time to heed the call of business leaders, labor leaders, faith leaders and law enforce-ment – and fix our broken immigration system,” he did not announce any initiative to move the issue forward.

His discussion on education was considerably more thor-ough. He revealed that Vice President Joe Biden will be leading an “across the board re-form of America’s training pro-grams to make sure they have

one mission — train Americans with skills that employers need and match them to good jobs that need to be filled right now.”

The president then contin-ued to public education, calling for Congress to reform pub-lic education funding. He also emphasized the importance of providing a good education in the STEM fields, revealed a program to provide over 12,000 schools with broadband access within two years and observed that standardized testing may not be the correct way to as-sess the academic progression of students.

Obama asked Congress to support Pre-K initiatives across the nation, stating, “One of the best investments we can make

in a child’s life is high quality early education.” He will also be creating a congressional taskforce to help push this issue in Congress. Briefly speaking on higher education, he asked Congress to make sure that “the American Dream doesn’t look like an empty promise,” by of-fering incentives to public col-leges to lower the cost of tuition and the creation of debt man-agement programs.

After a clean segue, the presi-dent made a fiery appeal for equal pay for women. “Today women make up about half our work force. But, they still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. That is wrong, and in 2014 that is an embarrassment. Women deserve equal pay for equal work.”

Receiving a great reaction from the women of congress, he continued, asking for guar-anteed maternity leave. “It is time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a ‘Mad Men’ episode,” joked the presi-dent. “I believe when women succeed, America succeeds.”

Keeping with the theme of inequality, Obama then dis-cussed the proposition to in-crease the national minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $10.10 an hour. “Give America a raise,” the president asked of Congress. To show his com-mitment to this proposal, he announced his intention to cre-ate an executive order that will require federal contractors to pay their employees a wage of at least $10.10 an hour.

Grouping the controver-sial subjects together, Obama changed the discussion to

healthcare. “I do not expect to convince my Republican friends of the merits of this law,” he conceded. He defended the Affordable Care Act, pointing out the high number of people who have registered, and how no American can be denied coverage. He asked citizens ev-erywhere to help their friends and family register by March 31.

The president also announced the creation of “myRA,” a new federal program for creating a retirement fund. The new sys-tem will allow for automated IRA in addition to several other features that will be announced soon. More details on this new program will be revealed over the next few months.

The final topic discussed was the military and foreign affairs. President Obama promised that the remaining 180,000 troops in Iraq and Afghanistan would be removed by the end of the year, except for a select few who will assist with the training of the Afghani military.

Further, the president en-couraged the use of diplomacy in both present and future in-ternational affairs. Rounding off the address, Obama pledged continued support for Syria and Israel, reported that the dis-mantling of the Iranian nuclear program is still on track and ap-pealed for support for Ukraine.

“America has never come easy,” the president concluded, “But if we work together… with our feet planted firmly in today but our eyes cast toward to-morrow, I know it’s within our reach. Believe it. God bless you, and God bless America.”

2 NEWSFebruary 4, 2014

During his fifth State of the Union Address, President Obama discussed debated issues such as unemployment, minimum wage, education.



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State of the Union: Obama’s promises for 2014UTSA

Page 3: The Paisano Volume 49 Issue 4

NEWSFebruary 4, 2014


Continued from page 1

Edidiong Adiakpan Staff Writer [email protected]

On Jan. 28, Randi Zuckerberg hosted a presentation on social media at the H-E-B University Center Ballroom. The event was part of the Speaker’s Series sponsored by the Air Force Re-serve in partnership with the UTSA Career Center. The pre-sentation, “10 Trends Creating Opportunities for Utilities,” was free to the public.

Zuckerberg’s speech focused on the progression of her career, taking risks and utilizing social media. She also encouraged the students in attendance to be

involved in the Science, Tech-nology, Engineering and Math (STEM) field.

“Not only was she able to pro-vide valuable information in a humorous manner, but she did it with high energy.” said Otis Scott, the Assistant Director of Career Services and an atten-dant to the event.

Ms. Zuckerberg also focused on how she broke into the mar-keting field. She talked about how getting into marketing was a risk, and one she felt was go-ing to be a dead end. However, it turned out to be a worthwhile risk with huge results after her brother’s venture on Facebook took off.

She went on to discuss the “10 Trends Creating Opportunities for Utilities,” which included: The New Customer Service,

Thinking Like a Media Compa-ny, Crowd Sourcing For Change, Controlling the Mobile, The Maker Movement, Gamifica-tion for Motivation, Community Giving, Fear of Missing Out and Being Cool To Unplug.

Otis Scott believed Ms. Zuck-erberg’s presence at UTSA was important because “she pro-vided invaluable tips for those seeking to break into her field and those seeking an entrepre-neurial path on their own.”

In addition, “it provided stu-dents a chance to hear from someone who has been highly successful in different indus-tries and allowed the students to hear about opportunities that they might not have considered through the Air Force Reserve, especially in the cyberspace arena.”

Director of the UTSA Career Center, Audrey Magnuson, said that one of the parts of the dis-cussion that stood out to her was learning about projects, “like the Giant QR codes on top of the FB building where people can scan from airplanes and find out about jobs at Facebook” and learning about how Zuckerberg created Facebook Live.

Zuckerberg concluded the event with highlights of her discussion and invited the indi-viduals in attendance to speak with the Air Force Reserve. She also provided photo ops and au-tographs for her book after the presentation.

“I thought it was a great event. She was approachable, very warm and had a friendly person-ality,” said Magnuson.

The business of social media

Erica Gonzales Intern [email protected]

On Thursday, Jan. 30, the John Peace Library opened its doors to faculty members for the grand opening of the Fac-ulty Center.

UTSA President Dr. Ricardo Romo described the space as “state-of-the-art” during the grand opening.

UTSA’s new Faculty Cen-ter consists of small meeting rooms, which seat six, nine, or

12 people; conference rooms, which seat 20 people; and a digital studio, which seats 18 people.

The facility can be used for faculty meetings or casual and formal events. The UTSA Li-braries, UTSA Research and the Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Support partnered with the faculty to establish the center.

Dr. Krisellen Mahoney, Dean of Libraries, explained there were two reasons for creating the center for UTSA faculty. “UTSA is changing so fast. We are doing two things: Gradu-ation Rate Improvement Plan

(GRIP) and moving to be a Tier One university,” Mahoney said.

UTSA has many faculty op-portunities, but, according to Mahoney, “they’re scattered and hard to find.”

The Faculty Center will benefit the faculty because it provides a venue where they can collaborate. The site will host a variety of workshops for faculty members, includ-ing sessions on incorporating technology.

According to Mahoney, funding for the development of the center came from Library Resources fees from years past and Permanent University

Funds provided by the UT Sys-tem. UTSA is one of few uni-versities to create a center in which faculty can interact with each other and develop differ-ent strategies.

“I think it is great,” Dr. Jesse Zapata, Vice Provost for Aca-demic and Faculty Support, said. “The faculty are normally not together.” Dr. Bernard Aru-lanandam, Assistant Vice Pres-ident for Research Support, said, “UTSA always wanted a place to engage in meaningful conversations with faculty and to learn from each other.”

UTSA opens faculty centerUTSA


Education: college of education helps low-income schools

Likewise, centers provide ex-perienced educators, principals and trainers who coach and help schools become quality in-stitutions. In his speech, Levin addressed dropout rates putting emphasis on high school reform so that “students feel they are part of their school community, that if they’re not there some-one notices.”

Levin noted that increases in high school completion are crucial in order to reverse the negative costs linked to dropout rates such as crime, health risks, lack of opportunity for drop-outs, tax-payer cost and greater government spending.

However, creating signifi-cant improvements in educa-tional quality requires schools to acknowledge change, and the NCAS assists in this endeavor through three core principles: empowerment with responsi-bility, building on strengths and having a unity of purpose.

“In a regular school, every-body is pointing a different way,” says Assistant Director Sandra Mendoza, “(But) in an acceler-ated school we’re all pointing toward the student (and) in-stead of a top-down approach to leadership we flatten it so ev-eryone has a shared vision.” The NCAS’s principles regard the students as key components to-ward success and acknowledge

improvement of strengths rath-er than identifying weaknesses.

Currently, the NCAS has de-veloped relationships with 11 charter schools in the San Anto-nio community and works with pre-K through twelfth-grade. Complications with state stan-dardized tests and strict educa-tional curriculum requirements could pose significant hurdles for the NCAS. “We need a vi-sion. Not a vision statement,” said Dr. Levin. “(And) I’m not arguing that the state doesn’t have a right to do whatever it does, but beyond that we can’t say that’s good education simply because it’s required.”

Levin suggests certain im-provements for institutions, such as active student participa-tion, allowing students to inter-pret primary sources of litera-ture rather than absorb watered down versions and peer-to-peer interaction. So, what specific goals are set for San Antonio?

“The impact we would like to make is for every school in San Antonio to be an accelerated school, instead of remediation acceleration,” says Mendoza, “(because) the traditional school says we test you and if you quali-fy we put you over here and ap-ply GT strategies; we’re saying apply those strategies to all kids so that all kids can reach unlim-ited potential.”

Page 4: The Paisano Volume 49 Issue 4

4 __NEWSFebruary 4, 2014

S I G N & S AV E $ 2 5 0 W I T H R E D U C E D F E E S

great locations–walk to class + on shuttle bus route + townhome floor plans available + fully furnishedprivate bedrooms & bathrooms + full-size washer & dryer included + computer centers + 24-hr fitness centers

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Rates & fees subject to change. Limited time only. See office for details.


These criterion helps Sugar Daddies and Mommies seek out their Sugar Baby by finding someone with similar charac-teristics and expectations.

Lifestyle expectations rep-resent the member’s financial expectations from the Sugar Daddy or Sugar Mommy. This ranges from “Negotiable” to “High,” which is defined as more than $10,000 in monthly assistance.

According to, the average Sugar Baby receives approxi-mately $3,000 per month.

Typically, college students sign up as Sugar Babies to meet rich men and women who are willing to help pay for expenses such as tuition, books or gas in exchange for friendship, com-panionship and/or romance.

Students are able to upgrade to a free Premium Member-ship by registering with their .edu email address. This mem-bership, which designates each participant as a “College Sug-arBaby,” provides full access to the site’s features.

According to the website, college students make up 42 percent of its members.

Each year releases a list of the fastest growing Sugar Baby schools in the country. Texas State University makes the list at #10 with 189 new signups in 2013, a 92 percent increase from the previous year. The University of Texas ranks #30

totaling 88 new members in 2013.

Texas universities also on the list are the University of North Texas, ranked at #24; UT–Arlington, ranked at #55; and the University of Houston, ranked at #68.

The top Sugar Baby school in the country is the University of Central Florida, with 470 members.

While UTSA did not make the list of schools that com-monly use, it may only be a matter of time before the school’s rising tuition rates prompt an interest among stu-dents.

Junior UTSA student Vik-toria Zerda shared her opin-ion about the subject. “It’s totally understandable. Times are tough. I can’t say that I wouldn’t do it, so I’m not go-ing to judge people who are. Your personal business is your personal business, and if you are responsible and mature and paying for school then no judging. As long as it’s at their discretion, then I don’t see any problem with it.

“As long as the Sugar Daddies and Sugar Mamas are not abusing their power like when it comes to sex or sex-ual things, then I see nothing wrong with this, but if there is a trend with people being tak-ing advantage of then I can see where there’s a problem.”

According to the New York Times, controversy over the

site has spread over the years and some people have claimed the site is a form of prostitu-tion. However, Wade stated otherwise, “Money for sex is prostitution, but money ex-changed within a context of a relationship is not prostitu-tion.”

Wade also stated, “I think I’m empowering women.”

“While this lifestyle is not for everyone, the benefits of sugar are boundless,” according to the website’s blog.

A 37-year-old Sugar Dad-dy living in Houston stated on his profile, “I have met so many quality young women via this site. It has taken all of the games and drama out of the (Sugar Baby/Sugar Dad-dy) equation. The rules of ‘ar-rangement’ are almost univer-sally understood. This system has produced amazing results for me.”

Melanie Berliet went un-dercover for Vanity Fair and shared her experience with RT News. “I met people who total-ly misrepresented themselves, as I’m sure, you know, happens on any Internet dating site, and I met total gentlemen who I count as friends to this day. I think each relationship de-pends upon the two parties in-volved. The site sort of encour-ages you to outline the terms on your own. I think it totally depends on each individual’s desire and how to manage the relationship.”

Arrangements: finding alternatives to pay tuition

Enrollment: policy to help students graduate

“The thought behind this was that the present policy of (drop-ping courses at) the end of the semester promotes re-taking courses as a success strategy for our students because they are stringing it out longer and prolonging their degree comple-tion,” said Dr. Joe DeCristoforo, associate vice president and uni-versity registrar.

Originally the drop rate change was meant for freshmen, but a university committee de-cided to expand it for all under-graduates. Institutional research data showed the later drop date did not have a significant impact on the students or their grades. UTSA believes that this earlier date will help students be pro-active in deciding which courses are helping them.

Students will be notified of this change before registering for Fall 2014 classes and in the information bulletin published in late spring. The academic ad-vising community will also be informing students of the new drop-date.

Another change is that all courses will have a waitlist that will be extended until the late registration deadline. “Students who register, or try to register, for a class that’s closed will be given the opportunity to waitlist for the class based on timing,”

said DeCristoforo. The advantage for students

on a waitlist is that when a seat is available they are notified and have 24 hours to make a deci-sion. If students do not make a decision they will lose their place in the waitlist.

The university is unable to cre-ate additional sections for class-es because of limited resources. Availability of faculty and space, and the time of day students are willing to take classes is also a factor.

“A lot of students prefer to have classes at the peak demand time, which is 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and we can’t offer everything during that time; just before and after that time (frame),” says De-Cristoforo.

Another change occurring in UTSA’s enrollment policy is a limit on the number of times students can attempt gateway courses.

A gateway course is a critical course that students must pass to advance towards their degree and are considered must-pass courses.

“If students do not pass these courses, then it could have a det-rimental effect on their timely pursuit of an academic major,” explains DeCristoforo.

The university has decided that departments will designate

four courses as gateway cours-es. If a student fails to earn the minimum required grade for a course in two attempts he or she must change majors.

UTSA will also require stu-dents who are on financial aid and who want to withdraw from the university to first counsel with Financial Aid Services. One reason for the requirement is because students may not know possible benefits that can prevent them from withdraw-ing.

DeCristoforo believes Finan-cial Aid can help students re-consider leaving school by pro-viding resources to help those students stay and complete their courses.

The Office of the Registrar is planning to change the order in which students register for their classes. In the future, registra-tion priority will be given to stu-dents based on how many credit hours they have completed.

“There’s a strong push nation-ally, and also in Texas, to incen-tivize students to graduate in a timely manner, and there’s been a lot of thought and careful con-sideration on how to encourage students to succeed academi-cally,” says DeCristoforo.

Continued from page 1

Continued from page 1

Page 5: The Paisano Volume 49 Issue 4

August 26, 2008 The Paisano Opinion 5

Looking for the usual comic? It’s not here. We need you to

create one!

The Paisano welcomes new comic


{The Paisano}Editor-in-Chief: Matthew DuarteManaging Editor:J. Corey FrancoNews Editor:Sarah GibbensArts Editor:Jennifer AlejosSports Editor:Jakob LopezWeb Editor:Michael TurniniSpecial Issues Editor:Erin BorenBusiness Manager:Jenelle DuffSenior Copy Editor:Beth MarshallPhoto Editor:Rafael Gutierrez

{Staff Writers}Edidiong Adiakpan, Mo-hamed Ahmed, Alejandra Barazza, Jazzment Brown, Nick Castillo, Christina Coyne, Victor Gonzalez, Shelby Hodges, Randy Lopez, Patrick Martinez, Rafael Mendoza, Mario Nava, Chaney Shadrock, Lorenzo Garcia, Rebecca Conejo

{Staff Photographers}Matthew Trevino, Daryl Smith, Vicente Cardenas, Marcus Connolly

{Contributing Writers}Julian Montez, Jose Quin-tero, Mary Caithn Scott, Chance McDevitt, Chris Rodriguez, Rico Marti-nez, Matt Trevino, Marco Aquino, Kelsey Moreno, Megan Ball, Rohit Chan-don, Kristen Carreon, Bi-anca Montanez, Matthew Tavares, Brittney Davila, Taylor Bird, Jillian Price

{Contributing Photographers}Scott Cochran, Katherine Kish, Craig Garrison

{Interns}Erica Gonzalez, Paul Mc-Intier, Tania Kahn, Amelia Reyes, Kristen Carreon, Kevin Femmel, Brittney Lopez

{Ads Manager} Kevyn Kirven

{Advisor} Diane Abdo

{Advisory Board}Steven Kellman, Mansour El-Kikhia, Jack Himelblau, Sandy Norman, Stefanie Arias

The Paisano is published by the Paisano Educational Trust, a non-profit, tax exempt, edu-cational organization. The Paisano is operated by mem-bers of the Student Newspa-per Association, a registered student organization. The Paisano is NOT sponsored, fi-nanced or endorsed by UTSA. New issues are published ev-ery Tuesday during the fall and spring semesters, exclud-ing holidays and exam peri-ods. All revenues are gener-ated through advertising and donations. Advertising inqui-ries and donations should be directed towards:

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{Letters to the Editor}Letters must be less than 400 words and include the writer’s name, classification or title and telephone num-ber. The Paisano reserves the right to edit all submis-sions.Send letters to:[email protected]

February 4, 2014

{Come join the team!}We are always looking for innovative writers, photogra-

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Last Tuesday, President Obama addressed the nation in his fifth State of the Union speech since his inauguration in 2009. He laid out a set of am-bitious goals for the future of our great country, as well as the concrete steps needed to take us there.

The President championed a long-overdue hourly minimum wage increase to $10.10, order-ing an immediate pay raise for federal contractors and push-ing Congress to quickly pass a similar measure for all Ameri-can workers.

Recent Washington Post and Gallup polls have found that two-thirds and 76% of Ameri-cans, respectively, supported increasing the minimum wage. Obama’s position — that no American who works full-time should be forced to live below the poverty line — represents this widespread view.

In his speech, President Obama also took a staunch pro-education stance in the face of an austere Republican opposi-tion. Calling for universal ac-cess to pre-school, the Presi-dent gave the proverbial nod towards our children’s future. If America wants to remain the world’s premier superpower, we must start by cultivating su-perior brainpower in the class-room.

President Obama also en-couraged Congress to break down the barriers that prevent poorer students from attending institutions of higher educa-tion. This message of equal op-portunity illuminates UTSA’s core mission of becoming a top-tier institution accessible to underrepresented groups.

When analyzed point-by-point, it is clear that the Presi-dent’s State of the Union ad-dress exemplifies the voice of both college students and young people everywhere. Many stu-dents, who work in minimum wage positions, depend on the strength of our nation’s infra-structure of opportunity — one in which UTSA plays a crucial role.

The University of Texas at San Antonio, a renowned in-stitution that serves a diverse array of people, would greatly benefit from all of the Presi-dent’s policy proposals. It is with this in mind that I believe we, as a student body, should rally around President Obama’s message of educational and economic progress.

Danny KhalilSenior, Political Science/Anthropology National Membership Director, College Democrats

Letter to the EditorH o l l o w P r o m i s e s

Presi-d e n t Obama’s S t a t e of the U n i o n address was a b eaut i -

fully delivered speech promising warranted reforms and progressive initiatives that I believe would ben-efit this country immensely. I also believe that most of it will never come to fruition.

Five years ago, Barack Obama entered the White House with dreams of sweeping reforms after eight years of conservative lawmak-ing. The day of this address he woke up to gridlock in the House and a Republican party threatening to take control of the Senate after the mid-term elections later this year.

Underneath the relaxed tem-perament and calculated tone dis-played during the address is a man intensely worried about the future of his presidency. His willingness to resort to executive orders is a quiet confession of his limited ability to

push legislation through Congress.With Congress becoming in-

creasingly focused on the upcom-ing election cycle, executive orders may be the only way the president might be able to progress an agen-da. If that is the path the president chooses to take, he will find himself confined by the limited scope of the executive.

An executive order does not cre-ate legislation. Without the support of Congress, the president cannot hope to fix his healthcare law, in-crease the minimum wage or re-form the nation’s tax laws. Most im-portantly, an executive order is not binding. If a Republican is elected after the next presidential election, there is little doubt Obama’s orders would be struck down.

Republicans are already criticiz-ing Obama’s emphasis on executive action. They are ready to tell the Re-publican base that Obama is trying to grab power and ignore the con-stitutional limits of the executive.

Just hours before the speech, House Speaker John Boehner said “We’re going to watch very closely because there’s a Constitution that

we all take an oath to, including him, and following that Constitu-tion is the basis for our Republic and we shouldn’t put that in jeop-ardy.”

Although his fellow Democrats have shown support for the presi-dent using executive orders, this only defends the opinion of existing Democrats from the negative press he would receive from Republicans. The last thing Obama would like to do now is further damage his ap-proval ratings with moderates and conservatives.

President Obama is in a difficult spot: either he must compromise his reputation through the use of executive action or be remembered for his inactivity. While there is always the possibility of an unfore-seen solution to the gridlock in the House, for now I am worried about the legacy of Barack Obama.

Lorenzo GarciaStaff Writer



On Feb. 18, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz will visit UTSA’s campus for the first time. The con-troversial politician — whom some suspect has his eyes on the White House — will likely discuss a school voucher pro-gram and may also address the role of government (or lack thereof) in higher education.

But while a politician glow-ing in the national spotlight is taking time to engage students at UTSA, the university is still struggling to gain a stronger foothold in in the local political sphere.

Although UTSA’s stand-ing within the community has grown in recent years, it will not be an early voting site for this year’s primary election. Though reasons for the deci-sion are valid (poor parking and other logistics are a legitimate concern) these challenges are not insurmountable, as proven by UTSA’s status as a voting lo-cation in the past.

While UTSA does not need a voting location to demonstrate that it is a bastion of political activity — we have already been consistently at or very near the

top of national voter registra-tion efforts, among other ac-complishments — being able to host a voting site would help solidify UTSA’s reputation as a center of political activity and activism. A petition responding to the news received 690 signa-tures seemingly overnight, em-phasizing the desire of UTSA students to be a politically en-gaged. This all says nothing of the challenges presented to stu-dents who lack a car and must rely on a friend or shuttle to get them to the voting booth.

Additionally, voting sites are

traditionally often located at the metaphorical heart of a com-munity, places such as libraries and fire stations. As UTSA con-tinues to grow and expand into an integral part of San Antonio, as well as the culture of its im-mediate neighborhood around the Main Campus, it would only be appropriate to have a voting site at what is becoming one of the cultural hubs of the San Antonio community.

There is a perception that young people are disinterested in politics, but when a petition to be more politically engaged

can approach 700 signatures is that really the case? Students at UTSA have demonstrated that they can be an active force in politics, and UTSA itself has more than proven that it is an integral part of San Antonio’s cultural fabric.

UTSA should be a site for voting in any election, not only because of its standing in the community, but also to encour-age its students to be more po-litically engaged.

Primary problems: a better site for UTSA’s reputation

Page 6: The Paisano Volume 49 Issue 4

August 26, 2008 The Paisano 1ARTS&LIFE6

Amelia ReyesStaff [email protected]

On Saturday, Feb. 1, TEDx debuted its first intimate, par-ticipatory discussion on rede-fining beauty. TEDx volunteers used salon in its original mean-ing, showcasing and defining the art of beauty.

Events kicked off when Mol-ly Cox, lead announcer, set the tone of the workshop by play-ing Jennifer Seibel Newsom’s TEDx talk video. Newsom is the woman behind The Rep-resentation Project — with the help of her team she created the 2011 documentary “Miss Representation.”

Newsom’s talk centered around how the media cre-ates self-consciousness for both women and men. New-som used her children as an example of how the media has created an unequal image for women and men.

“I had an epiphany. Where-upon in opening yet another package for Hunter, I discov-ered a blue t-shirt with messag-ing in large caps ‘future presi-dent’… Montana, our eldest, but also our girl, didn’t even receive the suggestion that she too could be president or her opportunities in life were lim-itless.”

Newsom points out that American teens consume about 10 hours and 45 min-utes of media per day and that affects their perception of beauty. A clip from “Miss Rep-resentation” showed two news media segments where the re-porters focus on how old Hill-ary Clinton looks and another reporter asks Sarah Palin if she had breast implants recently.

Newsom and The Repre-sentation Project team are also preparing a new docu-

mentary focused on masculin-ity in America. “The Mask You Live In” focuses on how men are taught at a young age to meet certain expectations that are conveyed by the phrase “be a man.”

Newsom suggests that the media can change how people perceive beauty behind the camera. If the media creates a culture shift, then it would be beneficial to prevent warped perceptions of beauty by sup-porting the good media that uplifts all while ignoring the bad media.

The first half of this salon approached both sides of how women and men define beauty, suggesting the images attached to each sex are unfair as well as unrealistic. The next TEDx talk brought representatives who supported this idea in Re-nee Engeln’s talk, Epidemic of Beauty Sickness.

“What struck me was that (women’s) quest for beauty seemed at least at times to overrule, to overwhelm every other goal or interest they had,” says Engeln. There is a saying that heightens women’s insecu-rity: “smart women know bet-ter.”

Engeln points out in her talk that it is true that all women and men know that the models in advertisements do not accu-rately represent them, and they know that no regular person looks like a model in real life. But it is not a failure in intelli-gence if women and men want to look like models — this is something called beauty sick-ness.

“Women are hurt when they are bombarded with these three messages. One, ‘beauti-ful is the most important, most powerful thing a girl or woman can be; two, women are pres-

sured to look like models; and three, women cannot look like models.”

Engeln also explains that women live in a world where they are taught that their pri-mary form of currency is their appearance. Over time, wom-en become very conscious of their body and internalize the thought that their bodies are always on display.

She also addresses how beau-ty can be perceived as a power. “If women can get things — valuable things — from this culture by being beautiful shouldn’t we embrace that as a power unique to women? But what kind of power expires at 30?”

Engeln points out that want-ing to be beautiful is not the problem, the problem is that all young girls and women want to be “so much more than hot.” She suggests that our cul-

ture can resolve this problem by investing in things that last and by thinking one’s body as a whole: the body is not meant for looking at but for doing things.

After the video talks, the volunteers separated the audi-ence into groups to discuss the videos. They commented that their resolution to change the definition of beauty for men and women was to establish a balance in their lives where it is okay not noly to feel beautiful, but also appreciate the charac-teristics that outshine physical appearances.

The groups expressed that in order to promote success-ful businesswomen, businesses should form support groups. The power of speaking against typical beauty standards in me-dia seemed to be the audience’s response on how beauty can be changed.

The last speaker was Kar-en Walrond, a journalist and TEDx speaker, who wrote a book called “The Beauty of Dif-ferent.” Walrond was inspired to write her book because as a young girl she never saw her-self in the media and wanted to change that.

Walrond’s talk led the last event of TEDx San Antonio, “Selfie SA.” Audience members were asked to write a manifesto — a letter to their past or fu-ture selves — tweet a selfie and record a message. The purpose of this last event was to build confidence and true beauty with the audience.

These pictures and videos will be revealed at the next TEDx San Antonio on March 18 at Say Sí from 6:30-9 p.m.

February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 410 a.m.-4 p.m. Fine Art: “Robert Indiana: Beyond LOVE””The McNay Art Museum (6000 N. New Braunfels Ave.) presents pop art from Robert Indiana in the exhibit “Robert Indiana: Beyond LOVE.” Indiana, who is most recognized by his giant sculpture featuring the word “Love” that stands outside of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, is considered one of the top artists in the pop art movement. The exhibit features over 90 works from Indiana includ-ing paintings sculptures and prints. Admission is $10-$15. For more information, visit

Wednesday, January 297 p.m. Event: “BYOV: Bring Your Own Vinyl at Hi-Tones”Hi-Tones (621 E. Dewey St.) presents a night of music with its weekly edition of “BYOV: Bring Your Own Vinyl.” Guests will be able to serve as DJs for the night by contributing their music tastes to the turntable. Admission is free. For more information, visit

Thursday, January 308 p.m. Music: “Led Zeppelin 2”The White Rabbit (2410 N. St. Mary’s St.) welcomes cover band Led Zeppelin 2 to its stage with a live reenactment of the legendary rock group. Admission is $12. For more information, visit

Friday, January 318 p.m. Theatre: “Suds”The Cameo Theatre (1123 E. Commerce St.) presents a 1960s influenced musical titled “Suds.” Starring Jovi Gonzalez and Jona-than Pennington, this pop-eccentric musical recounts the story of one girl’s mission to find love — but here’s the catch, all of the action takes place in a laundromat. Ad-mission ranges from $15-$35. For more information, visit

{Local Events}

TEDx seminar explores beauty standards in media

C r e a t i v e W r i t i n g S u b m i s s i o nJillian PriceContributing Writer [email protected]


“Just hop in Lolita, and tell Sam the Man all your prob-

lems,” Sam said, leaning out of his car window and unleashing

a toothy smile.Sam and Whit have been

best friends since Sam threw a live frog at Whit in second

grade. Sam named his car Lo-lita because it’s eleven-years-

old and a tease; it never started the first time you tried.

“You can’t refer to yourself as Sam the Man if no one else calls you Sam the Man. Also, I’ve lost my sense of smell.” Whit said, swooping in to Sam’s huge Buick Regal.

Sam stared at him in stunned silence before quickly

shaking his head.“Wait, what? How? Maybe

you have nose cancer, they’re gonna have to amputate that schnoz of yours. You could look like Voldemort!” Sam

shouted excitedly.“Don’t use the dark lord’s

name so casually,” Whit said, shuddering. “I suffered from some head trauma a couple

of weeks ago and my sense of smell faded away.”

“What kind of head trauma? Like flipping off a dirt bike during a stunt kind of head

trauma?” “No, a different kind. I sort

of…fell off my bed,” Whit said, trying to keep his eyes fixed on

the road.Sam whipped his head to

the right, mouth agape, and

whipped it back to the road, swallowing a laugh.

“Are you going to get it back?” He asked. “Your sense

of smell, I mean, not your dignity.”

“The doctor told me I could start smelling again spontane-

ously, as for my dignity-”Before Whit could finish his

sentence, Sam whipped into a parking space and slammed

on his breaks in front of a building with bright red neon letters that spelled out ‘Sharp

Shooters.’Sharp Shooters is a pool

hall that Sam and Whit had yet to play pool at. It was full

with old biker men whose faces match the texture of their

leather jackets, and bleach-blonde girls in their twenties with the voices of seventy-

year-old chain smokers. They figured that this was the only

place in town where they could be the most attractive guys in

the room.They sat at the bar, and the

bartender, an older woman named Birdie, shuffled over and gave them two cans of

root beer.“Thank you Birdie,” Sam

said. “I must say, you’re looking quite ravishing today.”

“Call me when you aren’t old enough to be my grandson,” she replied with a wink and walked to the other end of

the bar to refill the beers of a drunken couple cooing at each

other.Sam followed a blonde girl

wearing head-to-toe black leather and bright red lipstick

with his eyes as she walked past the bar and he sighed

deeply. “I bet that girl would love

a piece of Sam the Man, but sadly, girls who wear red lip-stick are not to be trusted,” he

reverted his eyes back to Whit, “too unpredictable.”

“If you keep calling yourself Sam the Man you will end up alone in your parent’s base-

ment surrounded by newspa-pers from the fifties and empty

cans of sardines,” Whit said, pulling the tab off his soda

can and dropping it in his root beer.

“Well the joke’s on you because my parents don’t even

have a basement.”A band finished setting

up their instruments on the small stage in the corner of

the pool hall, and introduced themselves as The Fist-faces. The lead singer proceeded to scream-sing into the micro-phone about a girl named

Tiffany and how she broke his heart.

“Well, you don’t have to be able to smell to know that’s crap music,” Sam said. “Let’s

get out of here.”On the highway, a black

Escalade cut Sam off and he hit the brakes so hard Whit’s face smashed into the dashboard, causing his nose to spurt with

blood.Whit’s mom was a legal

secretary turned late-blooming hippie who had a knack for turning delicious food dis-gusting. Tonight she made

patchouli and tofu lasagna for dinner, and to Whit’s delight, it smelled awful. He ate seconds.


or B





Taylor BirdStaff Writer [email protected]

Flower Jesus Quintet consists of Josh “J Man,” on drums and vocals, Louis Davila on guitar and vocals, Danzig “Dan,” on bass, Torrin on guitar and key-board and Roberto on guitar and vocals. Catch them Thurs-day, Feb.13 at Bottom Bracket Social Club. Doors open at 8 p.m. Admission is free. They also perform on Sunday, Feb. 9 at Limelight with Cosmonauts, Dark Planes, Creatura, and Rabbit in Owl. Doors open at 8:30 p.m., for guest 18 and up admission is $7.

Q: You all just released Massive Cave, your new EP, on cassette, which is pretty

unique and low-fi. What motivated that?

A: First off, it’s inexpensive. It has become popular for DIY musicians to use cassette for that reason. But also, cassettes carry a certain nostalgia for our generation. (Rob) My grandfa-ther used to produce music and perform in his studio off of Hil-

debrand and Blanco, and there are stacks of cassettes of his songs which I remember find-ing as a kid. Since his passing we have used his equipment to record Massive Cave, carrying on a tradition. The recordings are analog rather than digital, and the nature of analog pro-duces a very raw sound, which we want to maintain through-out our future releases. We use older equipment to produce authentic sounds, like Rob’s original whammy bar from the 1950s, when rock and roll was just starting.

Q: What is the creative process for writing music for

Flower Jesus?

A: Rob and Louis write a lot of the lyrics, but when you take an idea into a room with four oth-er people you come out with something that everyone has contributed to. We do not tell each other how to play. There is communication of course, but each of us individually bring something unique that shapes the song. We are personally responsible for our limits and pushing those limits.

Q: What was your inspira-tion for Massive Cave?

A: Originally it was a single, but when we decided to use cassettes and the older equip-ment, it opened the gates for experimentation, and we had ideas for interludes and a spe-cial edition B-side that would be rarer to have. We wanted to challenge ourselves to fill the tape and take it to its fullest potential.

Q: What advice can you share with local musicians?

A: Invest a lot of time and stay active with performing and marketing online (and to your dearest fans who are often your closest friends). We are all employed full-time, but right when five o’clock rolls around we head over to That Place of Evergreen or one of our places and practice for hours. We pre-pared for the Massive Cave re-lease for months, which meant setting our personal standards high and meeting deadlines, which enabled everything — the posters, each cassette, the sound, the equipment — to come together when the time came. It was an incredible turn-out and we were satisfied.

Q: If you could sum up

Flower Jesus Quintet in a sentence, what would it be?

A: Spooky alien lives sunshine texturally.

(to continue reading this article, go to

Common stereotypes of women in media were challenged in the TEDx seminar on body image on Saturday, Feb. 1.


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Page 7: The Paisano Volume 49 Issue 4

August 26, 20082 The PaisanoARTS&LIFE 7February 4, 2014

A s i a n F e s t i v a l 2 0 1 4

F i l l i n g

u p a t t h e

S t a t i o n

C a f e


Do you relish working outdoors and being active? If so, then The Wash Tub Car Wash h as the job for you! The Wash Tub is looking for enthusiastic people to clean our customer’s cars with a smile! Customer Service is our business and we need YOU to succeed. If you have the ambition and desire, then come see us today! NO EXPERIENCE NECESSA RY!

Apply in person at: THE WASH TUB 1534 N Loop 1604 E (Corner of 1604/281)

Kristen CarreonStaff [email protected]

Situated in the heart of the King William District, the Sta-tion Cafe is the type of spot that keeps to itself but brings magic to the table.

Once inside, floral printed wallpaper decorates the walls while pastel-colored paint ac-cents opposite walls, floors and tabletops. The feeling of walking into a garden detracts from the closed-in interior of the room, creating a sense of homeliness and peace. The fresh decoration is not the only amenity to give credence to the restaurant’s eco-friendly vibe. Posters plastered on the wall for The Lexicon of Sustainability to support local farms give the idea that Station Cafe’s food will be just as fresh.

Station Cafe’s menu boasts a perplexing amount of original hot sandwiches served on their own homemade buns. The toasted sandwich roll is coated in fine grains that add to the

flavor of the d e l i c i o u s , fluffy inside of the bread. There’s no need to bite hard since the bun can be torn into with ease and allows the cus-tomer to en-joy the fresh, perfectly-baked bread on his or her own.

However, what makes the sandwiches spectacular are the fillings that range from creamy sauces to fresh cheese and veg-gies to piled-on meat. Spicy, creamy, Cajun, Creole and Ital-ian: whatever flavor is desired on a sandwich has been created at the Station Cafe.

The Turkey Chupacabra is a fan favorite, made with a sweet and spicy Serrano sauce, lots of smoked turkey, melted cheddar and garden-fresh lettuce and tomato. Although the Chupa-cabra sauce is made from Ser-rano peppers, which contain

double the heat of jalapeños, the sauce tastes surprisingly sugary so the spiciness is not overwhelming.

For those who crave a little more heat, there are spicier sandwiches served with haba-nero sauce. Pele’s Fire sandwich steps it up another notch with its ghost pepper topping. To tone the spice down, jalapeño sauce is offered with some sandwiches.

On the other side of the spectrum, savory sandwiches such as the White Buffalo Beef and the Station Reubenation are offered for the customer with a more complex palate.

The Pesto Turkey Sandwich is a delicious alternative for those who have a pasta craving. The sandwich is made with melted provolone, lettuce, tomato and smoked turkey but stands out with its amazing pesto sauce.

Kettle chips can be pur-chased as a side. Station Cafe also offers appetizing soups and organic salads, which can be ordered as sides or entrées.

However, the real hidden gem is the pizza. Station Cafe offers cheese, pepperoni, su-preme, southwestern and veg-etarian pizza. Individual pizza slices can be purchased as well. Make it a combo with salad or

soup. In addition to the oh-so-fresh

ingredients, the pizza dough is homemade. The dough comes out soft and malleable so it is easy to fold the pizza. Al-though the dough is thin, it has the same grainy texture as the homemade sandwich rolls, which adds flavor to an already amazing food item. Despite the presentation of squishy dough, the crust is toasted for a crunchy finish.

Water and soda are offered as beverages, along with sweet tea, green tea and hibiscus mint tea. The pink-colored hibiscus mint tea stands out from the

rest, although the ice inside the canister waters the bever-age down a bit. However, it is delicious enough to necessitate a refill.

The Station Cafe is a neces-sary go-to when visiting down-town, and is a five-minute commute from the Downtown Campus. The restaurant’s de-lectable and affordable menu items cannot disappoint any customer, with their sandwich-es under $5.75 and their indi-vidual pizza slices under $2.75.

The Station Cafe is located at 108 King William St. For more information on menu items, visit

Fresh homemade buns and spectacular sauces, The Station Cafe serves up some of San Antonio’s best sandwiches and pizza.


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This year’s annual Asian festival “Year of the Horse” went off with a bang. The event featured various performances from local groups in San Antonio, authentic Asian cuisine

and vendors selling artwork. To view more photos, go to

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Join the Paisano arts team!

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Page 8: The Paisano Volume 49 Issue 4

8February 4, 2014



UTSA valiantly falls to LA Tech, 87-72, at home

{Sports Events}Wednesday, February 5

7 p.m. UTSA Women’s BasketballThe Roadrunners host the Florida International Panthers at the Convocation Center in San Antonio, Texas.

Thursday, February 6

3 p.m. UTSA Women’s Tennis The Roadrunners host the Texas A&M Corpus Christi Islanders at the UTSA tennis facilities in San Antonio Texas.

6 p.m. UTSA Men’s BasketballThe Roadrunners head to Norfolk, Virginia, to take on the Old Dominion Monarchs.

Saturday, February 8

10 a.m. UTSA Men’s TennisThe Roadrunners host the St. Edwards Hilltoppers at the UTSA Tennis Facilities in San Antonio, Texas, and later host the Trinity Tigers at 2 p.m.

11 a.m. UTSA Women’s TennisThe Roadrunners face the Incarnate Word Cardinals at the Clarence Mabry Tennis Center in San Antonio, Texas.

1 p.m. UTSA Women’s SoftballlThe Roadrunners host Lamar in a double header starting at 1:00 p.m. and ending at 3:15 p.m.

4 p.m. UTSA Women’s BasketballThe Roadrunners host the Tulane Green Wave at the Convocation Center in San Antonio, Texas.

4 p.m. UTSA Men’s BasketballThe Roadrunners head to Greenville, North Carolina, to take on the East Carolina Pirates at Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum.

Saturday, February 9

11 a.m. UTSA Women’s TennisThe Roadrunners host the Univeristy of Louisiana-Lafayette Ragin Cajuns at the UTSA Tennis Facilities in San Antonio, Texas.

TCTCM is a college of Texas Health and

Science University




MS in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

BS in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Jonathan Garza Staff [email protected]

The UTSA Roadrunners (7-13, 3-4 C-USA) were over-powered Saturday, Feb. 3, at the Convocation Center as they were defeated by conference juggernauts LA Tech (18-5, 6-2) 87-72.

The Roadrunners looked to be keeping pace with the Bull-dogs early on, as each scored one after the other. But the back-and-forth game would be over in the blink of an eye.

LA Tech jumped off to an ear-ly 22-8 lead, the team as a whole making 50 percent of their shots. The Roadrunners looked out of sync and were contested on every play. LA Tech’s full press defense seemed to give the Runners a few problems.

LA Tech converted 15 points off of turnovers in the first half and added seven steals.

The Bulldogs dominated ev-ery aspect of the ball in the first half, going on a 19-8 run and shooting 20-for-32 from the floor. They would also shoot 54.5 percent from 3-point land, with guard Kenyon McNeail going 5-for-8 from three-point land.

“I thought our defense looked a little flat,” said UTSA Head Coach Brooks Thompson about the team’s performance in the first half.

At halftime, the Bulldogs had a commanding 57-26 lead, go-ing into the locker room.

Despite the outcome of the first half, the Roadrunners came out with tons of energy and the will to compete.

After allowing LA Tech to score three points, the Road-

runners would go on an 18-3 run and pull within nine points, the smallest margin since the start of the game.

As the Roadrunners chipped away at the lead the energy in the Convocation Center came alive. Roadrunner guard Keon Lewis led the charge, attack-ing the basket and getting to the line with every possession. Lewis would end the game with 24 points, two rebounds, and two assists while shooting a perfect 9-for-9 from the free throw line.

The Roadrunners showed much character, with players stepping up and delivering big plays. UTSA forward Phillip Jones would add a key block that sent the fans in an uproar, and forward Jordan Sims would add two back-to-back treys to keep UTSA’s hopes alive.

It was the Roadrunners’ stout

defense that held their rally to-gether, forcing LA Tech to miss five consecutive shot attempts and extracting three turnovers.

Although UTSA put up a val-iant effort, they were never able to catch up with the Bulldogs. With every Roadrunner basket made, Bulldog forward Chris Anderson and guard Kenyon McNeail would answer.

McNeail gave the Bulldogs 15 points from the bench, with all of them coming from downtown; he would shoot 62 percent from 3-point range. LA Tech would collectively go 9-for-19 from beyond the arc.

Anderson dominated the paint, scoring a career-high 26 points. LA Tech would out-score UTSA 42-28 on points in the paint.

Both offenses would have their moments to open up the game, but it was LA Tech that

pulled away down the stretch. With a few minutes left, they would go on a 14-6 run to fin-ish the game 87-72. LA Tech looked too fast at times, and gave UTSA a little too much to handle early on.

LA Tech looked to bury the Roadrunners after the first half, but UTSA showed heart and proved that they had the char-acter to keep playing.

“Yeah, I am little disappoint-ed in our guys from the first 20 minutes, but I’m also proud of them for coming out and still fighting,” said Thompson after the game. “We can keep up with the top teams; we just need to stay focused and stay confident.”

The Roadrunners will take to the road and look to bounce back against Old Dominion (10-11, 4-2 C-USA) Thursday, Feb. 6 at 6 pm.

Senior forward Jordan Sims pulls up for a corner three-pointer against the opposing Louisiana Tech Bulldogs. Sims shot 2-for-4 from three-point range, ending the game with six points and six rebounds.

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SPORTS 9February 4, 2014

Home opener ends in 4-3 defeat to UTEPUTSA WOMEN’S TENNIS

Roadrunner Miriam Rosell Canudas focuses on the ball during her singles win against Davina Meza. The freshman would win her match 6-2, 6-1.

Patrick Martinez Staff [email protected]

The UTSA Roadrunners (1-4) fell to the UTEP Miners (1-2) 4-3 as the Miners racked up their first win of the season in San Antonio on a chilly Sunday, Feb. 3, at the UTSA Tennis Fa-cilities.

UTSA, coming off their first win of the season with an im-pressive 5-2 victory over the McNeese State Cowgirls (1-1) on Saturday, found the shivery temperatures almost unbear-able from the beginning. The start of the match was delayed by an hour due to the inclement weather, but the players pow-ered through the elements like warriors.

The Roadrunners struggled early on, when they were able to win only one of their three doubles matches. Roadrunners Lina Hallgren and Isabelle Jon-sson stormed to a 6-1 victory against the UTEP duo of Mat-ilda Rose Tench and Daphne Visscher. However, the Road-

runners duo of Jacobea Junger and Miriam Rosell Canudas weren’t so successful, losing a close match 7-5.

The UTEP Miners were able to fight off the slight UTSA run with singles wins at the number one, four and five spots.

Jonsson capped off her im-peccable weekend with a 6-2, 6-3 conquest against Marie LeBlond on the third court, while Canudas defeated Davina Meza, 6-2, 6-1 at the No. 2 po-sition.

Junior Roadrunner Irene Gandara Gonzalez won with great forehand swings against Tench in straight sets 6-3 and 6-1.

“It (the weather) affected me. It was hard to move,” junior Gonzalez said after the game. “The wind was bad. You would think the ball is going one place and it would end up in another. You have to be quick and be fo-cused.”

UTSA will end its three-match home stand on Thurs-day, Feb. 6, when the Roadrun-ners host Texas A&M-Corpus Christi (1-1) at 3 p.m.

UTSA Track & Field The UTSA Men’s and Wom-

en’s Track & Field teams did well over the weekend, enjoying a successful Howie Ryan Invita-tional & Multis.

Senior Roadrunner Ernestine Cray placed second in the long jump, setting a career-long 19-7 (5.97m) to finish ahead of 20 other jumpers.

Senior Roadrunner Mike Medrano finished third in the 800 meters, setting a personal-record time of 1:55.40.

UTSA will head to New York City next weekend to compete in the Armory Collegiate Invi-tational. The two-day meet is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 6.

UTSA Women’s BasketballThe UTSA Women’s Basket-

ball team (11-9, 2-5 C-USA) was handed their fifth conference loss as they fell 71-50 against the Louisiana Tech Bulldogs (7-13, 2-5 C-USA) in Ruston, Louisiana, at the Thomas As-sembly Center.

Senior guard Miki Turner led UTSA with 12 points on 6-of-11 shooting. Freshman center Tesha Smith added 10 points to help the Roadrunners.

LA Tech Bulldog JaQuan Jackson led all scorers with 22 points, including four 3-point-ers. Bulldog Whitney Frazier had a double-double with 19 points and 11 rebounds.

The Roadrunners will look to get back to their winning ways as they host the Florida Inter-national Panthers (10-10, 4-3 C-USA) on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. at the Convocation Center.

Roadrunners on the Road


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ADVERTISEMENT10 February 4, 2014