the paducah evening sun. (paducah, ky) 1910-06-22 [p...

r r VOfUHT t TAKKII h h- OJt 20 YUAIIS I i IJoro I is p loiter that WP nlncorelj ask every wader of The Sun to rend If fjoa suffer from catarrh or any nod treat or snug ntlm nt read It ovdr tfl coLand then consider If jou can gftcmnffo Ignore a prescription i with thSiRca inB virtue of Hyomol t pronounce it Ittgh o met Booths Hyomol Co nuffalo X Y GentlemenOIl suffered terribly with catarrh In tho head for twenty years and I tried ninny proscriptions but never found relief I have used weeks and find t f Hyomol for two r i tho Lest preparation I have over used for catarrh Every cold I would catch eeemed to go to my throat and 1 had to UM gargles for days at a time Now when I catch a cold In the throat I um my Hyomel Inhaler and thli toreneea disappears over night Hyomcl has put me on thot t good road to getting rid of my ca ¬ tarrh and If you want to use tlik lot ter to publfih In your advertising doI I fo Perhapc It win help tome other t t- rutrfrrrW K Knglo 7C Walnut Ft t Heading Pa Oct 5 1009 Complete outfit 100 extra bot- tle ru cnta at druggists everywhere And at Huberts drug store FAVORABLE CROP- OUTLOOK NOW GOVERNMENT JtKIORTS INIII GATE iMrKOVKMKNT THE I PAST wiinic i i I Washington June 22 Growing crops the pant week wore given tho j Lest weather they have had this season according to the national t weekly weather bulletin In reviewI I Ing the weather for the week endr t lug yesterday It says Much needed sunshine and In ¬ I creased warmth favored all portions of the corn and winter wheat group ¬ ing states It Is becoming somfc what dry In portions of Kansas Ne- braska ¬ and Iowa but over the rg mainlng portions of these districts there Is generally sulllclent moisture for present needs Over the north ¬ ern tier of states embracing tho spring wheat region much needed I warmth prevailed and where moist ¬ ure was sufficient vegetation made rapid progress But little rainfall occurred however and especially in Wisconsin Minnesota eastern por- tions ¬ of tho Dakotns and northern Iowa where the soil Is already de- pleted ¬ of moisture and the hot dry weather of the past week over these districts was very trying to vegeta ¬ tion already deficient In vitality on account of tho previous adverse con- ditions ¬ Over most of the wostern portion of tho spring wheat districts CODll11tlOll8 shawltllrlt Is In tho grasp a tho northwost the bureau got re- ports ¬ of temperatures as high as 105 and they pointed to threatened damage to crops It was 100 In Washington yoster day afternoon u KMIKltOlt XVILUAMS YACHT HKSTIii > 11Y AX AMKIlirlN Kiel Gnrmany June 2lWIw- ard Afixander Ooohran Smith of Nw York owner defeated the kaiMT yacht Meteor 1 In the rare at the KW regatta today Hamburg was tlikd- Everyone deeply respects A person who is guided By cool judgment And common sense If one finds that habits Of food or drink are producing Hints of disease he should Heed Natures warnings and Adjust his diet to keep the Human machinery in order One doesnt always know Where to commence To correct a diet But one thing to stop is coffee i An alluring insidious enemy That sings one to sleep and I i then knifes him The slow but sure effect of Caffeinethe active drug jn Coffeeon the heart finally Produces weak pulse and a Deranged nervous system Which grows slowly but Steadily more pronounced And ends in some fixed organic disease Unless the cause be removed POSTUMI1 I ofI Is scientifically made Selected parts of the grains That yield the phosphates Which rebuild and give Vital energy to body and 1 1 brainTheres a Reason WI I TAFT AND LEADERS POINT TO RECORD STATEMENT SIIOWIXO JUIPUIIU CAN PARTY KKIT VOIll Ilst of Inn KvMony Tlmt 1resl dent and COIIKIW have Keen acute- r NEW I WS AVKRE PASSED Waihlngton D C Juno 22- IYhn congress adjourns within a tew days President Taft and tho lead ore of the two bodlo undoubtedly will agree upon a statement to Uie public showing the Hopubllcan party be the party of accomplishment This statement will be fo framed as to demonstrate that a great ma jority of tho campaign pledges of the party either have been carried out or are well on tho road to execution It wlI be aborted that since tile Taft administration entered lute pow fir the president nail congress have been active with tho rojult that they have placed a great deal of construe the legislation upon tho statute books rats Hundred mid Twenty New Laitft Including the special voi lon and the first regular sselon about to ex ¬ pare In the neighborhood of 220 hew laws have been adopted or wlttola the pext few days will bo prosvnlod to the president for approval Tho list Include Teriftt law Is on tho statute books which It will be repeated It the beet that has ever been enact ¬ ed and the revenue producing qual Ity of which has justified the revision An appropriation of 250 000 has been made to enable the president to Investigate tho whole subject of the tariff wMh a vlow of recommending a scientific ronhjou l of schedule Ilalrosd Further stringent reg ulation has been provided wMeh I will Insure better treatment for tilt shipper establishment ami mainten ance of reasonable freight fates sup prosrion of discrimination and more effective control over railroad oper ¬ ation A commission has Lien ere ated to Investigate the subject of railroad stocks end bond I hues and to devise a law for their future sue pervisionTiidcr Federal Regulation Telephone Telegraph and Cable Llne9For the tint time In the his- tory ¬ of the government companies transmitting telegrams have been placed under federal regulation bef1II pasnsl making postofllcaa banking In Cfntlontr for the people va4efi wit offer them eonwntoat defloeStcrlee for their mosey and eaaotiroKe tjitiu i to thrift Ralroad Employee A eonMtu t tonal employers liability law and a safety appliance itatul both have been adopted Natural ResourcesThe potter a r withdrawal of public lands and con ¬ servation of aatnra4ri ouree5besuB ender the last administration and I continued by Mr Taft has been ap- proved by law and atltlwrfty hat been givers for the costlawnnjM o this policy An Iwue of 30000400 in certificates late been allowod for the execution of authorised reclama ¬ tion projects Army dAd Xay Measures have been pad to Increase the efficiency of these servVcet and auUiorizlaR joint maneuvers of the army and ml lltta all designed to put the country In condition to defend Itself agalnt l war amen of Mines Created Mines and lInatA bureau i In tho interests of the great mineral in ¬ dustries of tho country haa been cre ated Now Mexico and Arizona Provte Ion baa about been made granting statehood to these territories White Slave TralneA law haa been paaced to suppress the trafHc In women for Immoral purpoioa The Mninen appropriation hat been made for raising the wreck ofi this vewcl and for the proper burr of the bodies therein In Arlington cemetery Lighthouse Service Tho control of this Important branch or the got ¬ eminent has been removed from the navy and confided to civilian Departmental l Reform Molar w have been takon to Increase the efll riency of the departments and to In ¬ troduce economy In administration Wlierw AflinlnUtintloii JlIlhtl I The t t litflthe njatform promliiid and the president recommended Currency Heorgajilzatlon of th flnaaciBl crstam of the country tt meet the changed needs of trade Th natlomil monetary commlMlon haa Inoolgakln ¬ reportI t UIII nothing will lie dour until the next congress TrustsNo legislation dealing with monopolies has boon enacted I tho president and congress waRtng for the declrion of the supromq court 1In tho oases Standard Oil and tobacco AntiInjunction Xotblng ha peen done In this mattor Natural ncource9 congress re ¬ fused to classify public lands grant t r ter fL f r I St Vacataomi Necessaties mm ADlataK Vacatuoa sabsirasaerrtemesersrr ceSSI s m J11ly5jp CncffinVSlntUle 1fJJrrtUlIr5d1V9 Frflday 1 l 1 a of in Matting Hand Llaga sfto < 1 T Oxford shape Hand Dags with good lock and enlchOU 1 Walrus ling slzo 1C l I Vfis covered brass trim mud I I n p I federal control of water power aka and provide for the toeaing of min iral lands to prevent Merchant Marine No skip sub ub dr tc Mataa Ira bWra elad- hates of comniMtea report hat not been madP on tills ubjeet by sinter bottle Heforni of Medial Prorutlure This lma rccotvAd no Health Not h Sen has beet dose In reXereaeo to There Is rfmnee that bill will i Mmpainn and expend Itures but this may die In confer list will be by reforenSo to tho onro kept dowel Xo tine bees made It will bo asserted whloh has not beet subjected to time otaMtrt scrutiny The only i Iodgei not ol > served are those In reference to the currency of railroad Havo you paid your city aces prix The penalty IKI on soon you know and you might nvcrUxik tills 11111 tier It would lie JtKl to look sifter lhls today i IXIVIXR cui TO HIMX fiouiD of Gould System JIvc ItnutlPnl Gift New York Juno 22At tho lould mansion In lilies listen Miller Gould was with loving cup by tho of the Could system In the south ¬ west In of hor Interest In their welfare nod her efforts to Letter their condition At the lame tlmo Muss Gould was prewnted with a vnliuno of letters bound In Morocco with sliver from railroad anti an equal number of tho higher ofllclnls of tho Gould lines tIt was Miss Goulds birthday nUll she was taken by sure pr f on the I in > Tho best shirt on the market todny In white or colored plnlted bosom Tho host shirt for ordinary usnio satin In good colors mill plaited amid Traveling at Pt ices Note few the offered this sale HAND 95price 50l 50IJr monopoly PoKageA connWeratlon- IUbH ttbjeoet luhUtIyOlIlrlhlllllllllo ofr contributions DCOI oHablishcs strengthened appropriation campaign supervision lillaUoni Kmployes Irvington presented omployos appreciation handsomely trimmings twentyfifo associations completely Bargain Tables Are Maim Kfoor rn- eeuad raflimes Metros Furnishing department 00Illuoa Trwmks SMts Cases Begs Special Specials 50IDlu BAGS fl I Walrus ling Mae H boo t Mlo priesUn00 1 Alllfutor Hag Ui IIII 000 value 7J sale price It 1 Hog 1C In also kid II 00I anl I 1C In Hans allKhtly 00h 1 T d 81 in Indlos Trunk can- vas entered Fran trine ¬ tiled 2 tsjte t henry loather strntw strung leek I n a a a I > j 4 h r SIVH x iunitKi KIILCATOUS AT TUB COXVKXTIOX Alumni SPshm of Kentucky IttllllWl taurllNMiadan Henderson Kj Jua 22Saves hus4Td Uackars net drlgate l were ptreseat at ebe oiMiWnjt ef tN thirty nlnlh annual meeting of tba KMN Lucky FMxioatloaal a ociatoa today la the Park theater The thys program was opened by the rend M ION of a song of welcome br the Hiplls of the Web school The Invocation was by the lien James A Caaadtor of the First Methodist church President T C Cherry thee Introduced the IJoa N Powell Tay ¬ lor who welcomed the teachers in a taoat cordial sand eUHue it manoer Tills was ruSKMded to by President- State dtarry 9 p rtntMHleat RlleworUI Itaajetistftn delivered an MldreM tit Uee iHornlnc scsaion Among the promlaent dIgatet parent are fret IC 11 Mark of Uiaoivtlla J A Croaae of 1aiu cab Ir J C OMbbe ot Rlehmend Dr It II Orottfleld of Traasrtvaala Ualrerslty JAXiRatOa I lcUy Itliodei of Owensboro IlartfaAttf Hamlott of HepRlnaviHa llaraln Uica of iMHfcvllte John J Tlgert of 11esleysa college VlntlieM r awl A C Reutnrtv of MayfioW The ioindns club Kflll give a re ceptloa to the vlsltlig teacliera to morrow sftotnooB L iov WIINon Louvos for Trip to tin lint 1rankfofC Ky June UGoer ¬ nor WUIson heft this mornlag for New York to attest the dlnnor and other rereinnuloa ntteadtMU upon the IlooreveM homecoin Ing and will wo- pay a visit to Harvard cortege while In the eatLIwit Cow Cox will eomq to Ihlfort from Mayi vV and set ai governor during the ten days of Cow Wllltons absence Your rlly dirty are due n sliiiulil bo lurid nt once to ntoli he penalty Acnd to It liMlnr i < tvtfa to arbitrate titan to 11 a wok in the lin nlfal n Y A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE Not only Is Mothers Friend a safe and simple remedy but tho comfort and healthful condition Us uso produces makes it of inestimable value to every expectant mother Mothers on the different ligaments overcomes nausea by counteraction prevents back- ache and numbness of limbs soothes the Inflammation of tho breast glands and In every way aids in preserving tile health and comfort of prospective mothers Mothers Friend Is a liniment for external massage which by lubricating and- s expanding the different muscles and membranes thoroughly prepares the system for babys coming without danger to the mother Mothers Friend Is cold at drug stores Write for our free book for expectant mothers THE BRADFIELD CO ATLANTA GAi OG- 1e sell the best sock for man on t TRUNKS ami bolts with heavy Handle saleQ9 Fn- evv 1 Nice 15CI abovef 8DtlIDJUne1ton illIl17dSsrltlUlIrdtaty MOTHERS FRIEND rama 50Alno 17nCsielnl UlenclMNl I Turkish Ana 1 q EVENING SUNSDAILY MARKET S IOOAI IHODUCI t Corrc tod dally by ooUoJkI I flowers d1 comima- yIIM PMM U cents flatter pacMac stock II tests Hggs dozen 1C c Ba Inv tack I LoalsviHe K > June 22Qaota tine Prim report steers 170 725 ra pptag steers Cff C7 beef steers llWOflM fat heifer 1C ff t II fat cow tSWft t canon JSOOS 5I eallerl f SIT + f029 bulls IU15 fodTi i576ry 550 Ptnrkert ttIho4p tnilcb pews li ft 15 CAHI m n to nietHam 17R ns- Calverltecclptt 2 4 for the two days M1 l the market ruled ataady with the best 70c wme foray signer Hwdtuw 6 fi7c common S16 Wfcc Hogs K eetpts 455 for the two days this week 1S7S the market opened early and trading ruled 1 ae UOOTH IlltltltS AXD IIAUKK You ran to doubt recall u eel ¬ lection of roots lntlts and barks your grandmother mad every fall for lhr fimiy nteMrln chest- It I t Inter tlq In note that tile most nmronfnl rtnusl I IIIr fcmael- ie I bad Its ormiii nx than nit > ear- ago < In one of the I limni mrdlno- rhets i and l lia K Ixikhnmi V c Nh1omlII1 l inn I t tnihiv n quantit is rt nun tho lame tMI I uinl i iiils II ili Ittrinii Ufo lIrK < v roux nO 1 ilintiinii WASH TIKS Wo are now ready for you At lilt solo wo havo 1C ilniun Wnsh Tina tome with small 25liloelni C SUIT inrni opvoroil Suit One yCpiliwlfll Canvas covered Slit Cue OCpspvelnl A No 1 loather Suit Cnso situ 24 IsAUiur straits all amumt good bur as lock 50fAlttlJ i E M In Trunk canvas f8a 10ItItre TofNia axtrn see15c shade mmenKp CASES Knathor Stilt Catty ala 1lt t llnon HniKl 2 atrnpt All aramul trnnc hnndlaa 00boUa IIXTUA VALUU IJI I 1folll I 1 r 1enott I I 1 t t I UlMtlMtl TurkJala Tettei tuslastSr 12 ilc values sal = 1 Oc i ire with prw a dint belter the M hop ICS lb and tip aelllag at + S 9 a to 1CS lb IfCt llxlit nips UGerotlalt IU downt aM add sad market closed I etuady Acep and I Jimb reps 2 a7 for the two days this week s l 7 the market was rather aloe In ipealBK vt wme ebntre IIWha sold I i shad higher other grade were- steady we qwus top UmiM i0- t t ye with the talk of Ike false a- lEVr second k Ole calls ind butihor lambs 1051 t e tat sheep tyr down roMntoa sleep sad rashcnI lambii dull fair Inipilrr for choke lock ewee is Sf LoutsCaUletternlyla l 0 p i eon Inrluding 4 MO C TJfk stawlr irr1ee Mart tf H rrf fl7SlfJK2S cows snil betters UU1M atatkars cad frnlr 1 JSCZ5 IVxaa sad Indian i I e i teen j ITAt0673 cows and bcKfrrt 3S eC nits in rarla d UiU J5 6041 775 Jloga lUc4 lp i 9 tlrI atarhct i01ea klflavr Ida and- hlabta UfI7 > packers 9 r IICt 4 I ifl baUber sad I tM b avy s Mi 0975 Stiorp ItWlpti GOO market steady native HHIUODS tttt t aJ Mite975fflaWI 5 Tmu M well with our Hisrr service that you will employ It sjtala aal sflrn One of the ways we taks Is I e make our charts so reasonable thel you villl not deprive yourself of tbs pleasure of a drlvs on account ot the expense Suppose you take ass fea day If the wsathar prmitat f 4l1S xniiTjX Z TBHX oa lteororatljj I 4th A Ky Ave Roth Paaasa 4tB w CITY TRANSFER CO e C L VnnMotor Alnnna r I All Kinds of Hauling Storage Packing and louse Cleaning Vacuum House Cleaning Prices on Application Phone 499ei It n 4J BOXING BOXING BOXING f All Kinds of Boxing for All KindsJ 1 of Purposes at All Kinds of Pricest t LanqstaffOrm MfgCo i Incorporated > Before doing your spring repairing let us show pelt what we have to offer and we can save you money We are in better position to attend to the wants of our customers than ever bt fore and in trading with us you havo tho largest stock in Western Kentucky front which to satisfy your needs Como and see us or call either phone No 26 7- I

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Page 1: The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1910-06-22 [p ] · r r VOfUHT t TAKKII hh- OJt 20 YUAIISI i IJoro Iis p loiter that WP nlncorelj




iIJoro Iis p loiter that WP nlncorelj

ask every wader of The Sun to rend

If fjoa suffer from catarrh or any

nod treat or snug ntlm nt read It

ovdr tfl coLand then consider If joucan gftcmnffo Ignore a prescription


with thSiRca inB virtue of Hyomol tpronounce it Ittgh o met

Booths Hyomol Co nuffalo X Y

GentlemenOIl suffered terribly

with catarrh In tho head for twenty

years and I tried ninny proscriptions

but never found relief I have usedweeks and find tfHyomol for two r


tho Lest preparation I have over used

for catarrh Every cold I would

catch eeemed to go to my throat and

1 had to UM gargles for days at a

time Now when I catch a cold In

the throat I um my Hyomel Inhaler

and thli toreneea disappears over

night Hyomcl has put me on thottgood road to getting rid of my ca ¬

tarrh and If you want to use tlik lotter to publfih In your advertising doII

fo Perhapc It win help tome other tt-

rutrfrrrW K Knglo 7C WalnutFtt Heading Pa Oct 5 1009

Complete outfit 100 extra bot-

tle ru cnta at druggists everywhere

And at Huberts drug store





PAST wiinic ii


Washington June 22 Growing

crops the pant week wore given tho j

Lest weather they have had this

season according to the national t

weekly weather bulletin In reviewII

Ing the weather for the week endrt

lug yesterday It saysMuch needed sunshine and In ¬


creased warmth favored all portions

of the corn and winter wheat group ¬

ing states It Is becoming somfcwhat dry In portions of Kansas Ne-



and Iowa but over the rgmainlng portions of these districtsthere Is generally sulllclent moisturefor present needs Over the north ¬

ern tier of states embracing thospring wheat region much needed I

warmth prevailed and where moist ¬

ure was sufficient vegetation made

rapid progress But little rainfalloccurred however and especially in

Wisconsin Minnesota eastern por-



of tho Dakotns and northernIowa where the soil Is already de-



of moisture and the hot dryweather of the past week over thesedistricts was very trying to vegeta ¬

tion already deficient In vitality on

account of tho previous adverse con-



Over most of the wosternportion of tho spring wheat districts

CODll11tlOll8shawltllrltIs In tho grasp atho northwost the bureau got re-


of temperatures as high as105 and they pointed to threateneddamage to crops

It was 100 In Washington yosterday afternoon



Kiel Gnrmany June 2lWIw-ard Afixander Ooohran Smith ofNw York owner defeated thekaiMT yacht Meteor1 In the rareat the KW regatta today Hamburgwas tlikd-

Everyone deeply respectsA person who is guidedBy cool judgmentAnd common sense

If one finds that habitsOf food or drink are producingHints of disease he shouldHeed Natures warnings andAdjust his diet to keep theHuman machinery in order

One doesnt always knowWhere to commenceTo correct a dietBut one thing to stop is coffee i

An alluring insidious enemyThat sings one to sleep andIi

then knifes him

The slow but sure effect ofCaffeinethe active drugjnCoffeeon the heart finallyProduces weak pulse and aDeranged nervous systemWhich grows slowly butSteadily more pronouncedAnd ends in somefixed organic diseaseUnless the cause be removed


ofIIs scientifically madeSelected parts of the grainsThat yield the phosphatesWhich rebuild and giveVital energy to body and11

brainTheresa Reason






Ilst of Inn KvMony Tlmt 1resldent and COIIKIW have Keen



Waihlngton D C Juno 22-

IYhn congress adjourns within atew days President Taft and tho leadore of the two bodlo undoubtedlywill agree upon a statement to Uiepublic showing the Hopubllcan party

be the party of accomplishmentThis statement will be fo framed

as to demonstrate that a great majority of tho campaign pledges of theparty either have been carried out orare well on tho road to execution

It wlI be aborted that since tileTaft administration entered lute powfir the president nail congress havebeen active with tho rojult that theyhave placed a great deal of construethe legislation upon tho statutebooksrats Hundred mid Twenty New Laitft

Including the special voi lon andthe first regular sselon about to ex ¬

pare In the neighborhood of 220 hewlaws have been adopted or wlttola thepext few days will bo prosvnlod tothe president for approval Tho listInclude

Teriftt law Is on tho statutebooks which It will be repeated It

the beet that has ever been enact ¬

ed and the revenue producing qualIty of which has justified the revision

An appropriation of 250000 has been made to enable thepresident to Investigate tho wholesubject of the tariff wMh a vlow ofrecommending a scientific ronhjou lof schedule

Ilalrosd Further stringent regulation has been provided wMeh Iwill Insure better treatment for tiltshipper establishment ami maintenance of reasonable freight fates supprosrion of discrimination and moreeffective control over railroad oper¬

ation A commission has Lien ereated to Investigate the subject ofrailroad stocks end bond Ihues andto devise a law for their future sue

pervisionTiidcrFederal Regulation

Telephone Telegraph and CableLlne9For the tint time In the his-tory


of the government companiestransmitting telegrams have beenplaced under federal regulationbef1IIpasnsl making postofllcaa banking InCfntlontr for the people va4efi witoffer them eonwntoat defloeStcrleefor their mosey and eaaotiroKe tjitiu ito thrift

Ralroad Employee A eonMtuttonal employers liability law and asafety appliance itatul both havebeen adopted

Natural ResourcesThe potter a r

withdrawal of public lands and con ¬

servation of aatnra4ri ouree5besuBender the last administration andI

continued by Mr Taft has been ap-proved by law and atltlwrfty hatbeen givers for the costlawnnjM othis policy An Iwue of 30000400in certificates late been allowod forthe execution of authorised reclama ¬

tion projectsArmy dAd Xay Measures have

been pad to Increase the efficiencyof these servVcet and auUiorizlaRjoint maneuvers of the army and mllltta all designed to put the countryIn condition to defend Itself agalntlwar

amen of Mines CreatedMines and lInatA bureau iIn

tho interests of the great mineral in ¬

dustries of tho country haa been created

Now Mexico and Arizona ProvteIon baa about been made grantingstatehood to these territories

White Slave TralneA law haabeen paaced to suppress the trafHc Inwomen for Immoral purpoioa

The Mninen appropriation hatbeen made for raising the wreck ofithis vewcl and for the proper burrof the bodies therein In Arlingtoncemetery

Lighthouse Service Tho controlof this Important branch or the got¬

eminent has been removed from thenavy and confided to civilian

Departmental l Reform Molarwhave been takon to Increase the efllriency of the departments and to In ¬

troduce economy In administrationWlierw AflinlnUtintloii JlIlhtlI

The ttlitflthenjatform promliiid and the presidentrecommended

Currency Heorgajilzatlon of thflnaaciBl crstam of the country tt

meet the changed needs of trade Thnatlomil monetary commlMlon haaInoolgakln ¬reportItUIIInothing will liedour until the next congress

TrustsNo legislation dealingwith monopolies has boon enactedI

tho president and congress waRtngfor the declrion of the supromq court

1In thooases

Standard Oil and tobacco

AntiInjunction Xotblng hapeen done In this mattor

Natural ncource9 congress re ¬

fused to classify public lands grantt




I StVacataomi Necessaties mmADlataK



m J11ly5jp CncffinVSlntUle 1fJJrrtUlIr5d1V9 Frflday 1

l1 a of in

Matting Hand Llaga sfto<


Oxford shape Hand Dagswith good lock and enlchOU

1 Walrus ling slzo 1C


Vfis covered brass trim mud

II np


federal control of water power akaand provide for the toeaing of miniral lands to prevent

Merchant Marine No skip subub dr tc Mataa Ira bWra elad-

hates of comniMteareport hat not been madP on tillsubjeet by sinter bottle

Heforni of Medial ProrutlureThis lma rccotvAd no

Health Not h Sen has beetdose In reXereaeo to

There Is rfmnee that bill willi

Mmpainn and expendItures but this may die In confer

list will beby reforenSo to tho onro kept dowelXo tine bees made Itwill bo asserted whloh has not beetsubjected to time otaMtrt scrutiny

The only iIodgei not ol >

served are those In reference to thecurrency of railroad

Havo you paid your city acesprix The penalty IKI on soon youknow and you might nvcrUxik tills11111 tier It would lie JtKl to looksifter lhls today i


of Gould System JIvcItnutlPnl Gift

New York Juno 22At tholould mansion In lilieslisten Miller Gould waswith loving cup by thoof the Could system In the south ¬

west In of hor InterestIn their welfare nod her efforts toLetter their condition

At the lame tlmo Muss Gould wasprewnted with a vnliuno of letters

bound In Morocco withsliver fromrailroad anti an equalnumber of tho higher ofllclnls of thoGould lines

tIt was Miss Goulds birthday nUll

she was taken by surepr f

on the I

in >

Tho best shirt on the market todny

In white or colored plnlted bosom

Tho host shirt for ordinary usniosatin In good colors mill plaited

amid Traveling at PticesNote few the offered this sale








DCOIoHablishcs strengthened








handsomelytrimmings twentyfifo



Bargain Tables Are Maim Kfoorrn-

eeuad raflimes Metros Furnishing department


Trwmks SMts Cases Begs SpecialSpecials



flI Walrus ling Mae Hboot

Mlo priesUn001 Alllfutor Hag Ui IIII000 value 7Jsale price It

1 Hog 1C In also kidII00IanlI

1C In Hans allKhtly00h1


d81 in Indlos Trunk can-vas entered Fran trine ¬

tiled 2 tsjte t henryloather strntw strung leek



a a








Alumni SPshm of Kentucky IttllllWl

taurllNMiadanHenderson Kj Jua 22Saves

hus4Td Uackars net drlgatel wereptreseat at ebe oiMiWnjt ef tN thirtynlnlh annual meeting of tba KMN

Lucky FMxioatloaal a ociatoa todayla the Park theater

The thys program was opened bythe rend M ION of a song of welcome brthe Hiplls of the Web school TheInvocation was by the lien JamesA Caaadtor of the First Methodistchurch President T C Cherry theeIntroduced the IJoa N Powell Tay ¬

lor who welcomed the teachers in ataoat cordial sand eUHue it manoerTills was ruSKMded to by President-


9 p rtntMHleat RlleworUIItaajetistftn delivered an MldreM titUee iHornlnc scsaion

Among the promlaent dIgatetparent are fret IC 11 Mark ofUiaoivtlla J A Croaae of 1aiucab Ir J C OMbbe ot RlehmendDr It II Orottfleld of TraasrtvaalaUalrerslty JAXiRatOaI lcUyItliodei of Owensboro IlartfaAttfHamlott of HepRlnaviHa llaralnUica of iMHfcvllte John J Tlgertof 11esleysa college VlntlieM r awlA C Reutnrtv of MayfioW

The ioindns club Kflll give a receptloa to the vlsltlig teacliera tomorrow sftotnooB


iov WIINon Louvos for Trip to tinlint

1rankfofC Ky June UGoer ¬

nor WUIson heft this mornlag forNew York to attest the dlnnor andother rereinnuloa ntteadtMU upon theIlooreveM homecoin Ing and will wo-pay a visit to Harvard cortege whileIn the eatLIwit Cow Cox willeomq to Ihlfort from Mayi vVand set ai governor during the tendays of Cow Wllltons absence

Your rlly dirty are due n

sliiiulil bo lurid nt once to ntoli hepenalty Acnd to It liMlnr

i < tvtfa to arbitrate titan to11 a wok in the lin nlfalnY

A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USENot only Is Mothers Friend a safe and simple remedy but

tho comfort and healthful condition Us uso produces makes itof inestimable value to every expectant mother Mothers

on the different ligaments overcomes nausea by counteraction prevents back-

ache and numbness of limbs soothes the Inflammation of tho breast glands andIn every way aids in preserving tile health and comfort of prospective mothers

Mothers Friend Is a liniment for external massage which by lubricating and-

sexpanding the different muscles and membranes thoroughly prepares the system

for babys coming without danger to the mother Mothers Friend Is cold atdrug stores Write for our free book for expectant mothers



1e sell the best sock for man on


TRUNKSami bolts with heavyHandle saleQ9 Fn-evv1Nice15CI






UlenclMNl I Turkish Ana1







Corrc tod dally by ooUoJkI I

flowers d1 comima-yIIM PMM U centsflatter pacMac stock II testsHggs dozen 1C c Ba

Inv tackI LoalsviHe K > June 22Qaotatine Prim report steers 170725 ra pptag steers Cff C7 beefsteers llWOflM fat heifer 1Cff tII fat cow tSWft t canonJSOOS 5I eallerlf SIT + f029bulls IU15 fodTi i576ry550 Ptnrkert ttIho4p tnilcbpews li ft 15 CAHI m n to nietHam17R ns-

Calverltecclptt 2 4 for the twodays M1l the market ruled ataadywith the best 70c wme foray

signer Hwdtuw 6 fi7ccommon S16 Wfcc

Hogs K eetpts 455 for the twodays this week 1S7S the marketopened early and trading ruled1 ae

UOOTH IlltltltS AXD IIAUKKYou ran to doubt recall u eel ¬

lection of roots lntlts and barksyour grandmother mad every fallfor lhr fimiy nteMrln chest-

It It Inter tlq In note that tilemost nmronfnl rtnuslIIIIr fcmael-ie I

bad Its ormiii nx than nit > ear-ago


In one of the I limni mrdlno-rhets


and llia K Ixikhnmi V c

Nh1omlII1l inn I t tnihiv nquantit is rt nun tho lame

tMII uinli iiils II ili Ittrinii UfolIrK < v roux nO1 ilintiinii

WASH TIKS Wo are now ready

for you At lilt solo wo havo 1C

ilniun Wnsh Tina tome with small

25liloelni C

SUITinrni opvoroil Suit One

yCpiliwlfllCanvas covered Slit Cue

OCpspvelnlA No 1 loather Suit Cnsositu 24 IsAUiur straits allamumt good bur as lock


EM In Trunk canvas f8a10ItItre

TofNia axtrnsee15c




Knathor Stilt Catty ala1lt tllnon HniKl 2 atrnpt All

aramul trnnc hnndlaa





1enottI I




UlMtlMtl TurkJala Tettei tuslastSr12 ilc values sal= 1 Oc


ire with prw a dint belter theM hop ICS lb and tip aelllag at

+ S 9a to 1CS lb IfCt llxlitnips UGerotlalt IU downt aM

add sad market closedI etuady

Acep and I Jimb reps 2

a7 for the two days this week sl 7 the market was rather aloe InipealBK vt wme ebntre IIWha soldIi shad higher other grade were-

steady we qwus top UmiM i0-tt ye with the talk of Ike false a-

lEVr second k Ole callsind butihor lambs 1051t e tatsheep tyr down roMntoa sleep sadrashcnI lambii dull fair Inipilrr

for choke lock ewee isSf LoutsCaUletternlylal 0 p i

eon Inrluding 4 MO CTJfkstawlr irr1ee Mart tfH rrf fl7SlfJK2S cows snil bettersUU1M atatkars cad frnlr

1 JSCZ5 IVxaa sad Indian iIe i


ITAt0673 cows and bcKfrrt3S eC nits in rarla d UiU

J5 6041 775 Jloga lUc4 lp i 9 tlrIatarhct i01ea klflavr Ida and-

hlabta UfI7 > packers 9 r IICt4

I ifl baUber sad ItM b avy s Mi

0975 Stiorp ItWlpti GOOmarket steady native HHIUODS ttttt


5Tmu M well with our Hisrr servicethat you will employ It sjtala aalsflrn One of the ways we taks Is I emake our charts so reasonable thelyou villl not deprive yourself of tbspleasure of a drlvs on account ot theexpense Suppose you take ass feaday If the wsathar prmitatf4l1S xniiTjX Z TBHX oa

lteororatljj I4th A Ky Ave Roth Paaasa 4tB



C L VnnMotor Alnnna r I

All Kinds of Hauling Storage Packingand louse Cleaning

Vacuum House Cleaning Prices on ApplicationPhone 499ei It




All Kinds of Boxing for All KindsJ 1

of Purposes at All Kinds of PricesttLanqstaffOrm MfgCo i

Incorporated >

Before doing your spring repairing let us show pelt what we have to offer andwe can save you money

We are in better position to attend to the wants of our customers than ever btfore and in trading with us you havo tho largest stock in Western Kentucky frontwhich to satisfy your needs Como and see us or call either phone No 26
