the paducah evening sun. (paducah, ky) 1908-04-21 [p...

3ry pa 1 J t r rn 1- r t n uen btniug I nn IVOL XXIII NO 8G PADUCAH KY TUESDAY EVENING APRIL 21 1908 TEN CENTS PER WEEK MRS MEADOWS FALLS VICTIM TO FULTON SCANDAL Womans Husband Charged Preacher With Alienating Her Affections Believed That Young Man of Clinton Was Murdered omov OOUXTV MAX WAKXKI Fulton Ky I April 21 After an illness extending over n period ol more than a year tits Llnnlo Mead own wife of w W Meadows of UiU city breathed hbr lout In St l mikes hospital at St Louis where she had been a pntluilt ulnttj leaving Fulton Taxi summer HIT father A T MUchull was at hor bedsldo at dnatli The attending phyiilctaiw or that In stituttnn say that the disease cuftcn Ing of ttiu brain which reunited In death this mornliiK had been preying upon her i for a number of years The HKMdRtt bearing the sad tidings wax mclved by air Meadows this morning who lent for Bt Louis on the first tide iircnmpunled by ids daughter Miss Mary The remains will be sent to North Mlddlitown Ky for Interment I1JI the d < coaxed had a number of tins ox piPMed a desire to bo burled there Mm Meadows whit be remembered iu the woman In the MendowBHnwIoy t ase In which the husband accused the I Iluv I Prank hawley of alienating lLts I Meadows affections Counter suits for 100000 damages were en It rod and compromised The scandal I if considered responsible for Mrs Meadows death Tom White Not found Clinton I Ky April 21Tgai- Ntdte the young tuna who myster ¬ iously dtakMared In Hlckmnn county ten daya ago leaving his your wife and child In timer pretty countr > homo between Orutchflold and Clin ¬ ton has nut boon loantud yet t nnd nil bOIlIIn far that ho has bean murdered and hta holy hidden It Is wolf knownI that he had quite a mini of his person tho morning ho dlrop Mnrt d Time day before he sold n tine- patr l of inukw to Woodford Illngo and Tom Drewry at Clinton for which hit received J400 It Su understood that he was to deposit the money wlih another large sum at Moscow the next day and It was between his homo and Moscow that in Is believed ho met with foul play Mr White fntlier of the young man who isa wealthy farmer residing near Cayce In Fulton county will not give up tho search and ho will bo assisted by Dave Thrown the father of time young mans wife as well as others who are Interested J Tow White Is one of the must popular young men of Hlckman county and his mysterious disappear ¬ ance has created quite an excitement llunllrk QiiltM HuslmfK Union City April 2IJ C Bur dick of Union City one of the oldest and matt prominent merchants of Oblon county received a pepper signed iilsiit riders warning him to close- out his business nnd leave the com ipiinlty at once Mr Uunllck through an agreement with J C Hurrls own ¬ er of Heelfoot lake has had a monop ¬ oly on the nth autvut since tho last niHng of the leglelaturo and the fish- ermen ¬ becoming Incensed at being forced to accept Hurdlcks prices fur their fish adopted the methods ot tho night riders and after destroying several fish docks on pie lake are eeeklng vindication In the destruction of the property of Mr Uurdlck We learn trout a reliable source that Bur dick will sell out and quit the busi- ness IliifKlnry lit llnnhvrll FitftonKjp April 21A tele phono mesBago was received from IJardwell last night I by CJlef Kaker requesting him to look out for burg ¬ lars who broke Into the Uardwell Hardware companys taro and stole about 22 razors nail 27 fine pocket- knives I the only trace loft was n black derby hat slro 7e and a whlto felt hot was taken front the store The pocket knives nro stamped on the blades llardwcll Hardware Co and razors bearing the Keen Kutter brand made by the Simmons Hard ¬ ware Co i BRYAN AND HARMON Cincinnati April 21Dryan has chosen Judson Harmon illl his run- ning ¬ mate on the presidential ticket according to Harmons friends More- over ¬ ho promised Harmon If the Democratic ticket Is elected he will ask congress to make the vicepresi ¬ dent ex offlclo a cabinet member 4 > I I r Murray Harris is Caught at Home by Constable Clint Drinkard Who Has Been Chasing Calloway Riders I Judge Wells Appears at Louis vile But Ho Declines to be Interviewed on Subject by Newspaper Men Ixmlsvlllo Kjr April SIflpeel- milCouimly Judge Well of Cal Imvuy iiiiinly Is hen He refills Co talk of tin sit uatlun except to sal liu hellevoN the Imrklmiie of the night rliliTM N broken He IN not going to l hriinkfort ntul tins nut wen Dm gov rrnor The Cincinnati Enquirer h this morn lute said Judge Wells win HiMIng from night riders and this Incensed hint Murray Ky April 21Special Murray Harris Is In the custody of the county olllclals again and will testify before the grand Jury against I the night rider bands on the west- side I of time county Harris In the young nuts who confessed and Impli ¬ cated other members of the band which has been operating around KIrkeey Afterwards the night riders made such bold threats that his own family drove him Into exile to pro ¬ tect Ids life and theirs Ills capture was effected by Constable Clint Drinkard the bravo oltlcor whose whosetl1otse ing with a rile Drinkard has do voted his time since tho burning of hg store to running down the night riders In his neighborhood He brought Harris Into town this morn Ing Harris testimony was abso ¬ lutely necessary In the chain of evi- dence ¬ against the Klrksey night riders He will not be allowed out of the surveillance of the filters and ho will be protected by a guard KrMc Kirk Captured Murray I Ky April 1SpeclalT- he arrest last night of KeUlo Kirk on the bank of the Tennessee rlvor on three charges of night rid ¬ ing was one of the most gratifying since the Calloway county grand Jury first reported Kelslo who Is a wild young fellow was ono of the first Indicted but he had fled to Trigs county and was hard to find Ills arrest by Kolmrt Innltor a special deputy also shows how well organ ¬ ized the forces of the county are under Judge ells Sheriff Edwards and Major Albrocht 1aMter Is ono of the men natrolllng the river and ho was to report when KeUle Kirk harm crossed Lasltcr made the ar rest himself at a Cnlloway town Just as Kolsle was preparing to cross hack Into Trlgg county Ho had been visit- ing ¬ homo folks Ho was locked up default ot bond I in Tells Why He Should ho for Party in- stead ¬ of Against Probable Nominee Tho following circular letter was sent out by Senatorelect W O Brad ¬ icy My Dear Sir In my Judgment oMIng to the opposition of the labor union and negroes the election of Taft If ho should bo nominated be greatly endangered The federal officeholders appear to be almost for Tuft be ¬ cause they t generally seem to fear that they will be removed from olllco If they should oppose him They may rest assured that no such removal will lie made on this account as every citizen has a right to his oplntoi Combinations of federal officeholders may SEe trouble but those exercising their Individual opinions will not be molettted 1 lhollO that you will go to your ward convention on April 25 and see that your friends also attend and that you will Instruct your delegates to vote for the nomination of Mr Fair ¬ who can command tho support of all elements of our party and who has ben kind to the people of Please see yoiir friends In your ward and urge tOiat they immediately pro to work for Fairbanks blear In mind that this struggle does not In anywise Involve the ad ¬ ministrations of the city of I Louis ¬ ville and Jefferson county No city or county ofllcers are to be elected this year Vote for delegates pledged for Fairbanks and do not suffer yourselves to bo turned front this pur lioso by campaign cries uttered tot time purpose of deceiving Republicans Emma Williams appeared In Mur ¬ ray and gave bond Kelslo Kirk Is considered one of the most active members of tho east side band it Is charged that he has participated In forcing a number to take the oath of allegiance to the night riders and seldom to bo present when something was doing on the pike at night Ho was at ono time a street car motorman In Padu ¬ cah and Is well known In Calloway county and thoso adjoining It Is salt that Kelslo Kirk Is the ono who saved the life of Deputy Sheriff John Rolland a short time ago when ono of the men now In Jail was hiding under a building along tho highway to shoot Rolland as ho passed Kelsle Kirk who Is kind of heart notified Holland of his danger and Holland returned to his home by another route The 52 Indictments returned are against 33 men all members of the east side band It Is understood that time leaders of that aggregation are all Indicted and the grand Jury Is now engaged In the cases on the west- side This accounts for the activity of the soldiers Saturday night In their effort to find Murray Harris Quarterly Coiifcmire lit liromlvay presldlag ¬ hold the second quarterly conference or the Broadway Methodist rliurch to night at 745 oclock at the church All the officials of the church are ex ¬ pected to be present WINS Washington April 21 Special The draft of the omnibus building bill completed Includes the 1 20000 Im- provement ¬ and repairs for the federal building at Ikaduca- hMAYSVILLE STRIKE MaysvHIo I Ky April 21 < Sp clalI The High school strike 1 not changtul Clinton was hissed by pupils when he tried to address them The new teacher in tho place of Professor Coryell was dill rharged ns he was unable to handle the classes CAIRO IAn election to determine whether the city of Cairo will be wet or dry for the next three years Is being In that city today Several l1eldI ans went to Cairo last night and will r emaln over until the votes aro counted HENRY L STONE MAKES REPLY TO LETTER OF SENATORELECT BRADLEY Fight- ing Jleitublican bitter would unanimously banks KentuckI failed PADUCAII Superintendent ELECTION COL I I will thank you to answer me at C04 Kentucky Title Building Yours etc W O BRADLEY CWT Stones Kesponse Ono copy was recelwd by Col lien ry L Stone who made time followng response The lion W O Bradley r04 Ken tuck Title Building pityDear Sir Your printed circular letter of tho 10 1n lSt t requesting me to 6iip ort del- egates Instructed for time nomination of Mr l Fairbanks tar president nt tho convention In my ward on the 2Sth hist has been duly received and your reasons for uch action lave been tel I ly noted FIrstYou advocate opposition to Secretary Taft for president because ir your Judgment owing to the bitter opposition of Oho labor unions and no groes his election if he should bo nominated would bo greatly ondnn gored I have no knowledge or Information that such opposltfon to Secretary Taft exists to such an extent as to weaken him as a canddate before all the vot- ers ¬ of tho United States Certainly nothing he has said or done In public or private life Justifies any such oppo sltlon as you must kpow full well and Instead of Inculcating or fostering by speeches and letters the conviction that either or both of these elements will oppose his election thus giving aid end eomfprt to the followers of Mr Bryan in my Opinion your time nbor and Influence would be better employed in the Interest of the Repub Jean party locally and nationally as Continued on Page Four Kicked Hy Mule Alex Davis n farmer whose homo Is two anti a halt miles from Mother was kicked In time stomach by a mule Just before noon today His Injuries are not considered serious but ho ylll probably be laid up for several days ft fhw w SHOOTS HIMSELF AFTER FASTENING ROPE ABOUT NECK George Bcardon of Ballard County Makes Certain of Death Fall Breaks Rope But Bullet I Ends Ills Ufo I PltKIMKKU FOIt illS FUNKRAft After bathing and carefully dress Ing himself for burial and writing a note to his wife explaining the prepa ¬ rations George L licardon of tinge Ballard county took a rope and climbed onto a rafter In his tobacco houseIlie fashioned double barrel pistol Ho fastened one end of the rope securely to another rafter and made a noose which he fitted about his own neck Then he poised himself on the elge of the beam and fired a hullet Into his brain lie fell oft the ratter on his face breaking the rope with the i i weight of his body and was found I stone cold In death by his family hour or more later Time deed anI I done about 430 oclock Monday noon as the shot was heard by a neighborI I between 50 and CO years oil and leaves a wife and four grown sons one of whom Urey licardon for merly lived at Paducah but Is now In Princeton The note left by Mr Deardon was brief lie said he was prepared for burial and he left In ¬ structions concerning the funeral but he hinted at no cause for his rash act The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoonCONTRACTOR HAS SELF INDICTED ON OWN EVIDENCE Perhaps tho most accommodating man who has ever been presented be ¬ fore a federal grand jury In Paducah Is D B Wilson of the firm of Wilson I Bondurant contractors who In the absence of the prosecuting witness yesterday appeared before the grand Jury and gave evidence on which In ¬ dictments were returned against his firm and V Carpenter and J D Walker all contractors working on the Hlckman levee and charged with violating tho eight hour law r wanted to get the case over with said Mr Wilson They were shy a Juryman Just at the moment and I even offered to fill his place lung enough to Indict us JIM HOWARDS CASE Former District Attorney W M Smith of Louisville Is lit the city at- tending ¬ federal court lie Is attor- ney for Jim Howard and while not Intending to anticipate the gov ¬ ernors action ho expressed confi ¬ dence that the proof of his clients Innocence was placed so clearly bit fore the governor that a pardon will bo granted Grain Market St Louis April 21Whlat 07 corn GS oats 5n 4 WEATHER I PLEASANT I Generally fair tonight mud Wednes ¬ day Itlsluc temperature Ugliest I temperature yesterday 78 lowest to day liD Brig Gen Roger Williams Comes to Paducah to Assume Commandof Troops on Duty in the Black Patch I This City Will bo Headquarters of Military Operations Here ¬ after Aggressive Campaign X Now on- Frankfort Kj April 21 Specal Brigadier General Roger D VII lUiniK of Lexington com hander of the Kentucky national guard has been ordered to Paducah to take command of the troops In the Black Patch He held ar conference with the governor at Frankfort and It Is understood he has authority to use the entire force of time state In his discretion to stamp out night riding Ills headquarters will be In Paducah It is evident from this that the stair authorities Intend to take advantage of the bronchi made In Calloway coun- ty ¬ to break up time night rider bands beIClJrrll1I tin Brat battalion of the Third regl irent and Major a W AlbVucjit ol the Second regiment who has been commanding the dctatliment on duty 1111 the Black Patch left Hopktiusvllle lilt 1120 oclock this morning presum ably to report to General Williams at PaducahGeneral Williams was commander for many years of the Second regl meat nil Is one of the most efficient officers of time mllltla In the United states When the state militia was organized into a brigade Colonel Wil ¬ liams was made brigadier general and placed In command < client Williams Here Brigadier General Williams has ar ¬ rived In Paducah and assumed com ¬ mand of the troops He declined to be Interviewed CANT GET NAMES Memphis Tenn April 21Four Italians wero killed and forty Injured this morning by the premature ex ¬ plosion of blasting powder at a con ¬ struction pap near Heber Ark The Interpreter was killed and names are not obtainable Cyclone Suit The suit of tile Smith sisters against J M White for 4000 damages as a result of millinery being destroyed by the collapse of a wall of tho building formerly occupied by the Scott Hard ¬ ware company has been on trial in federal court today a large number of witnesses being Introduced The Smith sisters are represented by At- torneys ¬ Crlce Rose while Campbell F Campbell H S Corbett ot Padu ¬ can and City Attorney James Rich aids of Louisville represent Captain White The contention of the plaintiff Is that Capt White was responsible for the damage by allowing the walls which had been rendered unsafe and dangerous by a fire to stand The de- fense ¬ claims that the collapse was caused by a tornado or In legal terms an not of God Practically every contractor and bulder In the city are witnesses and other witnesses are Weather Observer Uorncman and A I K Lagerwahl and the others Injured In the collapse of the building Will Meadows 17 years old and Birdie Mason 1C years old both of Barlow Ky are n pair of practical Jokers Not because they really en ¬ tertained any serious notion of get ¬ ting married or because they wanted to frighten their relatives but rather because they wanted to play a good Joke upon their relatives they ran away fro mhomo and came to Padu ¬ cah Sunday afternoon leaving word that when they returned It would bo- as man and wife Whether they actually applied for a license to marry at the court house In this city Is not known but after remaining at the homo of a relative In Paducah Sunday night they took the steamer Dick Fowler yesterday morning for Metropolis In the mean ¬ time the frightened relatives at Bar low who could not see the point of Ito good reason that neither of them Is of a marriageable ago At Metropolis they were met by an officer who called the young wo- man ¬ by name and asked theni both If they were looking for the court house They were too foxy for the Metropolis policeman however and tho girl denied her name and both declared that they simply came to tfl i tijt u LET ALL ENTER ON NORTHERN TRACK SAYS M N BURNS A1 special and Informal melting of tho board of aldermen was held In time council chambers at the city hall tills afternoon to give the members of the board und such citizens who de ¬ sired to Attend an opi ortunlty to hear the address of iM N Burns of St Louts upon the proposition for the granting of a railway franchise to tho Paducah Northern railroad Alder men Shorrlll linker Hannan Miller Oehlschlaegcr and Stewart and about 25 well known citizens n wero present Mr I Burns who Is the president of he Toledo St Louis New Orleans nllway objected to the proposed Pa lucah Northern franchise on the grounds that it would shut out tin han < cor any railroads to get Into Paducah He offered a typewritten imendment to the proposed franchise vhlch If adopted as1 a part of the In¬ strument will permit any road seek ng admission to this city to come nto the city on the tracks of the Pa beau Northern r 7DE SAGAN TALKS Paris April 21Prlnce de Sagan loft for Italy today Madame Could Is due In Naples Thursday and will meoB him there He spokq with un ¬ expected Eood humor of what he terms his persecution by American tapers nnd public Questioned as to he approaching marriage ho said The future Is In Gods hand and you know whom besides ituumvayon Ilrondwny A runaway that might have proved serious took place on Broadway near Twelfth street about C30 oclock this mornlii when a mule owned byj l E P Gllson ran away throwing the driver a negro out of his seat and dumping tho wagon In the gutter The driver kept hold of the lines and brought the animal to a stop without serious damage to the mule or the vehicle A passing bicyclist how ¬ ever had a narrow escape from being run ove- rDECORATE CHURCH The Ramsey society of tho Broad- way Methodist church last night closed the contract with Bogard Son church decorators of Chlcago to decorate the auditorium of the church and the work will begin on Monday It will be completed In a month Green will be the prevailing tint of the walls The firm stands high as artists in their line of work and has Just completed the frescoing of the Methodist and Christian churches In Mayfield Miss Sophia Baker ot South Twelfth street who was stricken with paralysis last week Is resting better today r II IIIt Was A Joke They Played = C CJ alldIto see the sights of the town but were not particularly Interested In seeing the court house Tho officer was not convinced and seating himself upon the outside steps of the court house he kept a faithful watch until the steamer started back for Paducah During this period the young couple several times ap- proached the court house steps but each tlmo when they saw the waiting officer they turned about and walked In a different direction When the boat left for Paducah in tho afternoon they embarked again without a license and without being married Upon their arrival at tho wharfboat In this city they wero ac- costed by Detective Moore who had also received a telephone message from the little girls father at Bar ¬ low and she was accompanied to Mrs Pryors boarding house on BroadwayBoth they were simply playing a Joke and the boy asked the officer If he might go along Later the evening Detective Moore took of them to the G15 oclock Iin and conveyed them back to where they were turned over I to their proper guardians On the way home they told the detective all about their Joke and Judging from the slzo of the crowd that me them at Barlow station everybody must JI have seen tho point f J M t > OBJECTIONS TO PAD NORTHTRN RAILROAD PLANS Bridge at Brookport Not Fens ¬ ible and Proposed Route Only One Possible Promoter Owns Land at Brook port IJUSIXKSS MIV OIVB ItEA SONS The principal objections to tho Paducah Northern propositions as admitted by the organ of opposition Inspired by a promoter of another railroad seeking entrance Into tho city said a business man today Is that Paducah can not obtain a direct route to the north without a bridge at this point and that the construc- tion ¬ of a bridge at Metropolis will make tho extension from that town to Paducah a mere jerkwater route that roads seeking a southern outlet would go on from Metropolis there- by ¬ leaving Paducah on q mere branchThe statements are ridiculous The roads seeking entrance Into Pa ¬ ducah are the Big Four and time Frisco Both of these roads have lines Into Cairo and a map with any degree of Intelligence knows they would find It more profitable to build from that point south If that was their object- It Is the Intention of these roads If they get the Paducah entrance to make tralllc arrangements with tho Nashville Chattanooga St Louis for their southern outletsa propo ¬ sition which will be appreciated by any one who studies It fora moment and which Is verified by the fact that us soon as the Paducah Northern proposition was broached the Lous vllle Nanhvllle which Is the con ¬ trolling factor In the Nashville Chat- tanooga ¬ St Louis abandoned Its contemplated line from a point near Murray to Cairo where It would con ¬ nect with these two roads To consider the bridge proposi- tion ¬ Every one agrees It would be a nice thing to have a bridge across tho Ohio here but It Is not as pract- icable and It Is the practical things that appeal to the monied Interest boo fore the merely nice Railroad en ¬ gineers have Investigated the brldgo Continued oa Page FiveI I S s FOUNTAIN AVE CHURCH Stewards of the Trimble Street Methodist church met last night arid FounI ¬ will be erected nt Fountain avenue and Monroe street and the work of construction will commence about Juno 1- FORTY BODIES RECOVERED Melbourne Australia April 21 Forty two bodies were taken from the ruins of the Baybrook Junction wreck It Is believed that several others are under the burned cars The Injured number 88 Bendlgo the train engineer says tho brakes failed to work- GRAND I n JURYS WORK The McCrackcn county grand Jury which Is still in session will not make Its next report until court sits again and this may not be until Judge Reed opens the civil term next Mon- day ¬ It may be however that sons day toward the latter part of tho present week will be appointed as sentence day In which event tho grand Jury will be given an oppor- tunity to report upon Indictments rendered It Is understood that some of the night rider letter writers will be Indicted I KING THANKS RESCUERS Madrid April lKlng Alfonso gave a street car motorman ten dol- lars ¬ for saving the kings life yester- day ¬ The auto In which the king was riding collided with a street car The motormans action prevented a seri ¬ ous accident Tho king gave his thanks In addition to tho money Mutcli for JIll lui >e London April 21 Hackcn schmUlts manager announced Lord Lonsdale and A G Vanderbilt offered a purs of 10000 for a match bet tween Hackensthnildt anti notch bef- ore August either In England or an a neutral soil < i t 4 y

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Womans Husband ChargedPreacher With Alienating

Her Affections

Believed That Young Man of

Clinton Was Murdered


Fulton KyI April 21 After anillness extending over n period olmore than a year tits Llnnlo Meadown wife of w W Meadows of UiUcity breathed hbr lout In St lmikeshospital at St Louis where she hadbeen a pntluilt ulnttj leaving FultonTaxi summer HIT father A TMUchull was at hor bedsldo at dnatliThe attending phyiilctaiw or that Instituttnn say that the disease cuftcnIng of ttiu brain which reunited Indeath this mornliiK had been preyingupon heri for a number of years TheHKMdRtt bearing the sad tidings waxmclved by air Meadows this morningwho lent for Bt Louis on the firsttide iircnmpunled by ids daughterMiss Mary

The remains will be sent to NorthMlddlitown Ky for Interment I1JI thed < coaxed had a number of tins oxpiPMed a desire to bo burled there

Mm Meadows whit be rememberediu the woman In the MendowBHnwIoyt ase In which the husband accusedtheI Iluv IPrank hawley of alienatinglLtsI Meadows affections Countersuits for 100000 damages were enIt rod and compromised The scandalIif considered responsible for MrsMeadows death

Tom White Not foundClinton IKy April 21Tgai-

Ntdte the young tuna who myster ¬

iously dtakMared In Hlckmnn countyten daya ago leaving his your wifeand child In timer pretty countr >

homo between Orutchflold and Clin ¬

ton has nut boon loantud yett nnd nilbOIlIInfar that ho has bean murdered andhta holy hidden It Is wolf knownIthat he had quite a mini ofhis person tho morning ho dlropMnrt d Time day before he sold n tine-

patrl of inukw to Woodford Illngo andTom Drewry at Clinton for whichhit received J400 It Su understoodthat he was to deposit the moneywlih another large sum at Moscow thenext day and It was between hishomo and Moscow that in Is believedho met with foul play Mr Whitefntlier of the young man who isawealthy farmer residing near Cayce

In Fulton county will not give up thosearch and ho will bo assisted byDave Thrown the father of time youngmans wife as well as others who areInterestedJ Tow White Is one of themust popular young men of Hlckmancounty and his mysterious disappear ¬

ance has created quite an excitement

llunllrk QiiltM HuslmfKUnion City April 2IJ C Bur

dick of Union City one of the oldestand matt prominent merchants ofOblon county received a pepper signed

iilsiit riders warning him to close-

out his business nnd leave the comipiinlty at once Mr Uunllck throughan agreement with J C Hurrls own ¬

er of Heelfoot lake has had a monop ¬

oly on the nth autvut since tho lastniHng of the leglelaturo and the fish-



becoming Incensed at being

forced to accept Hurdlcks prices furtheir fish adopted the methods ot tho

night riders and after destroyingseveral fish docks on pie lake areeeeklng vindication In the destructionof the property of Mr Uurdlck We

learn trout a reliable source that Burdick will sell out and quit the busi-


IliifKlnry lit llnnhvrllFitftonKjp April 21A tele

phono mesBago was received fromIJardwell last night Iby CJlef Kakerrequesting him to look out for burg ¬

lars who broke Into the UardwellHardware companys taro and stoleabout 22 razors nail 27 fine pocket-


the only trace loft was n

black derby hat slro 7e and a whltofelt hot was taken front the store Thepocket knives nro stamped on theblades llardwcll Hardware Co andrazors bearing the Keen Kutterbrand made by the Simmons Hard ¬

ware Co



Cincinnati April 21Dryan haschosen Judson Harmon illl his run-


mate on the presidential ticketaccording to Harmons friends More-


ho promised Harmon If theDemocratic ticket Is elected he will

ask congress to make the vicepresi ¬

dent ex offlclo a cabinet member

4 > I I r

Murray Harris is Caught at Home

by Constable Clint Drinkard Who

Has Been Chasing Calloway RidersI

Judge Wells Appears at Louis

vile But Ho Declines to be

Interviewed on Subject by

Newspaper Men

Ixmlsvlllo Kjr April SIflpeel-milCouimly Judge Well of CalImvuy iiiiinly Is hen He refills Co

talk of tin sit uatlun except to sal liuhellevoN the Imrklmiie of the nightrliliTM N broken He IN not going tolhriinkfort ntul tins nut wen Dm govrrnor

The Cincinnati Enquirerh this mornlute said Judge Wells win HiMIng fromnight riders and this Incensed hint

Murray Ky April 21SpecialMurray Harris Is In the custody of

the county olllclals again and willtestify before the grand Jury against

I the night rider bands on the west-

sideI of time county Harris In theyoung nuts who confessed and Impli¬

cated other members of the bandwhich has been operating aroundKIrkeey Afterwards the night ridersmade such bold threats that his ownfamily drove him Into exile to pro ¬

tect Ids life and theirs Ills capturewas effected by Constable ClintDrinkard the bravo oltlcor whose

whosetl1otseing with a rile Drinkard has dovoted his time since tho burning ofhg store to running down the nightriders In his neighborhood Hebrought Harris Into town this mornIng Harris testimony was abso¬

lutely necessary In the chain of evi-


against the Klrksey nightriders He will not be allowed out ofthe surveillance of the filters and howill be protected by a guard

KrMc Kirk CapturedMurray IKy April 1SpeclalT-he arrest last night of KeUlo

Kirk on the bank of the Tennesseerlvor on three charges of night rid ¬

ing was one of the most gratifyingsince the Calloway county grandJury first reported Kelslo who Is awild young fellow was ono of thefirst Indicted but he had fled to Trigscounty and was hard to find Illsarrest by Kolmrt Innltor a specialdeputy also shows how well organ ¬

ized the forces of the county areunder Judge ells Sheriff Edwardsand Major Albrocht 1aMter Is onoof the men natrolllng the river andho was to report when KeUle Kirkharm crossed Lasltcr made the arrest himself at a Cnlloway town Justas Kolsle was preparing to cross hackInto Trlgg county Ho had been visit-ing


homo folks Ho was locked updefault ot bond


Tells Why He Should ho

for Party in-



of Against ProbableNominee

Tho following circular letter wassent out by Senatorelect W O Brad ¬

icyMy Dear Sir In my Judgment

oMIng to the opposition of thelabor union and negroes the electionof Taft If ho should bo nominated

be greatly endangeredThe federal officeholders appear to

be almost for Tuft be ¬

cause theyt generally seem to fear thatthey will be removed from olllco Ifthey should oppose him They mayrest assured that no such removalwill lie made on this account as everycitizen has a right to his oplntoiCombinations of federal officeholdersmay SEe trouble but those exercisingtheir Individual opinions will not bemolettted

1lhollO that you will go to yourward convention on April 25 and seethat your friends also attend and thatyou will Instruct your delegates tovote for the nomination of Mr Fair ¬

who can command tho supportof all elements of our party andwho has ben kind to the people of

Please see yoiir friends In yourward and urge tOiat they immediatelypro to work for Fairbanks

blear In mind that this struggledoes not In anywise Involve the ad ¬

ministrations of the city of ILouis ¬

ville and Jefferson county No cityor county ofllcers are to be electedthis year Vote for delegates pledgedfor Fairbanks and do not sufferyourselves to bo turned front this purlioso by campaign cries uttered tottime purpose of deceiving Republicans

Emma Williams appeared In Mur¬

ray and gave bondKelslo Kirk Is considered one of

the most active members of tho eastside band it Is charged that he hasparticipated In forcing a number totake the oath of allegiance to thenight riders and seldom to bopresent when something was doingon the pike at night Ho was at onotime a street car motorman In Padu ¬

cah and Is well known In Callowaycounty and thoso adjoining

It Is salt that Kelslo Kirk Is theono who saved the life of DeputySheriff John Rolland a short timeago when ono of the men now InJail was hiding under a buildingalong tho highway to shoot Rollandas ho passed Kelsle Kirk who Iskind of heart notified Holland of hisdanger and Holland returned to hishome by another route

The 52 Indictments returned areagainst 33 men all members of theeast side band It Is understood thattime leaders of that aggregation areall Indicted and the grand Jury Isnow engaged In the cases on the west-side This accounts for the activityof the soldiers Saturday night Intheir effort to find Murray Harris

Quarterly Coiifcmire lit liromlvaypresldlag ¬

hold the second quarterly conferenceor the Broadway Methodist rliurch tonight at 745 oclock at the churchAll the officials of the church are ex ¬

pected to be present


Washington April 21 SpecialThe draft of the omnibus building billcompleted Includes the 1 20000 Im-


and repairs for the federalbuilding at Ikaduca-


MaysvHIo IKy April 21 < SpclalIThe High school strike 1

not changtul Clintonwas hissed by pupils when he tried toaddress them The new teacher intho place of Professor Coryell was dillrharged ns he was unable to handlethe classes


IAn election to determine whetherthe city of Cairo will be wet or dryfor the next three years Is beingIn that city today Several l1eldI

ans went to Cairo last night and willremaln over until the votes arocounted



Fight-ing Jleitublican











II will thank you to answer me atC04 Kentucky Title Building Yoursetc W O BRADLEY

CWT Stones KesponseOno copy was recelwd by Col lien

ry L Stone who made time followngresponse

The lion W O Bradley r04 Kentuck Title Building pityDear SirYour printed circular letter of tho10 1nlStt requesting me to 6iip ort del-

egates Instructed for time nominationof Mr lFairbanks tar president nt thoconvention In my ward on the 2Sthhist has been duly received and yourreasons for uch action lave been telIly noted

FIrstYou advocate opposition toSecretary Taft for president becauseir your Judgment owing to the bitteropposition of Oho labor unions and nogroes his election if he should bo

nominated would bo greatly ondnngored

I have no knowledge or Informationthat such opposltfon to Secretary Taftexists to such an extent as to weakenhim as a canddate before all the vot-


of tho United States Certainlynothing he has said or done In publicor private life Justifies any such opposltlon as you must kpow full welland Instead of Inculcating or fosteringby speeches and letters the convictionthat either or both of these elementswill oppose his election thus givingaid end eomfprt to the followers ofMr Bryan in my Opinion your timenbor and Influence would be better

employed in the Interest of the RepubJean party locally and nationally as

Continued on Page Four

Kicked Hy MuleAlex Davis n farmer whose homo

Is two anti a halt miles from Motherwas kicked In time stomach by a muleJust before noon today His Injuriesare not considered serious but ho ylllprobably be laid up for several days

ft fhw w




George Bcardon of BallardCounty Makes Certain of


Fall Breaks Rope But Bullet

I Ends Ills Ufo



After bathing and carefully dressIng himself for burial and writing anote to his wife explaining the prepa ¬

rations George L licardon of tingeBallard county took a rope andclimbed onto a rafter In his tobacco

houseIliefashioned double barrel pistol Hofastened one end of the rope securelyto another rafter and made a noosewhich he fitted about his own neckThen he poised himself on the elge ofthe beam and fired a hullet Into hisbrain lie fell oft the ratter on hisface breaking the rope with the ii

weight of his body and was foundI

stone cold In death by his familyhour or more later Time deed anII

done about 430 oclock Mondaynoon as the shot was heard by aneighborII

between 50 and CO years oil andleaves a wife and four grown sonsone of whom Urey licardon formerly lived at Paducah but Is nowIn Princeton The note left by MrDeardon was brief lie said he wasprepared for burial and he left In ¬

structions concerning the funeral buthe hinted at no cause for his rash act

The funeral will be held tomorrow





Perhaps tho most accommodatingman who has ever been presented be¬

fore a federal grand jury In PaducahIs D B Wilson of the firm of Wilson

I Bondurant contractors who In theabsence of the prosecuting witnessyesterday appeared before the grandJury and gave evidence on which In ¬

dictments were returned against hisfirm and V Carpenter and J D

Walker all contractors working onthe Hlckman levee and charged withviolating tho eight hour law rwanted to get the case over withsaid Mr Wilson They were shy aJuryman Just at the moment and Ieven offered to fill his place lungenough to Indict us


Former District Attorney W MSmith of Louisville Is lit the city at-


federal court lie Is attor-ney for Jim Howard and while notIntending to anticipate the gov ¬

ernors action ho expressed confi ¬

dence that the proof of his clientsInnocence was placed so clearly bitfore the governor that a pardon willbo granted

Grain MarketSt Louis April 21Whlat 07

corn GS oats 5n 4


I PLEASANTI Generally fair tonight mud Wednes ¬

day Itlsluc temperature UgliestI

temperature yesterday 78 lowest today liD

Brig Gen Roger Williams Comes

to Paducah to Assume Commandof

Troops on Duty in the Black PatchI

This City Will bo Headquartersof Military Operations Here ¬

after Aggressive CampaignX

Now on-

Frankfort Kj April 21 SpecalBrigadier General Roger D VII

lUiniK of Lexington com hander ofthe Kentucky national guard has beenordered to Paducah to take commandof the troops In the Black Patch Heheld ar conference with the governorat Frankfort and It Is understood hehas authority to use the entire forceof time state In his discretion to stampout night riding Ills headquarterswill be In Paducah

It is evident from this that the stairauthorities Intend to take advantageof the bronchi made In Calloway coun-ty


to break up time night rider bands

beIClJrrll1Itin Brat battalion of the Third reglirent and Major a W AlbVucjit olthe Second regiment who has beencommanding the dctatliment on duty

1111 the Black Patch left Hopktiusvllle

lilt 1120 oclock this morning presumably to report to General Williams at

PaducahGeneralWilliams was commander

for many years of the Second reglmeat nil Is one of the most efficientofficers of time mllltla In the Unitedstates When the state militia wasorganized into a brigade Colonel Wil ¬

liams was made brigadier general andplaced In command

<client Williams HereBrigadier General Williams has ar¬

rived In Paducah and assumed com ¬

mand of the troops He declined tobe Interviewed


Memphis Tenn April 21FourItalians wero killed and forty Injuredthis morning by the premature ex ¬

plosion of blasting powder at a con ¬

struction pap near Heber Ark TheInterpreter was killed and names arenot obtainable

Cyclone SuitThe suit of tile Smith sisters against

J M White for 4000 damages as aresult of millinery being destroyed bythe collapse of a wall of tho buildingformerly occupied by the Scott Hard ¬

ware company has been on trial infederal court today a large numberof witnesses being Introduced TheSmith sisters are represented by At-torneys


Crlce Rose while CampbellF Campbell H S Corbett ot Padu ¬

can and City Attorney James Richaids of Louisville represent CaptainWhite

The contention of the plaintiff Is

that Capt White was responsible forthe damage by allowing the wallswhich had been rendered unsafe anddangerous by a fire to stand The de-


claims that the collapse wascaused by a tornado or In legal terms

an not of God Practically everycontractor and bulder In the city arewitnesses and other witnesses areWeather Observer Uorncman and AIK Lagerwahl and the others InjuredIn the collapse of the building

Will Meadows 17 years old andBirdie Mason 1C years old both of

Barlow Ky are n pair of practical

Jokers Not because they really en ¬

tertained any serious notion of get ¬

ting married or because they wantedto frighten their relatives but ratherbecause they wanted to play a good

Joke upon their relatives they ranaway fro mhomo and came to Padu ¬

cah Sunday afternoon leaving wordthat when they returned It would bo-

as man and wifeWhether they actually applied for

a license to marry at the court houseIn this city Is not known but afterremaining at the homo of a relativeIn Paducah Sunday night they tookthe steamer Dick Fowler yesterdaymorning for Metropolis In the mean ¬

time the frightened relatives at Barlow who could not see the point of


good reason that neither of them Is

of a marriageable agoAt Metropolis they were met by

an officer who called the young wo-


by name and asked theni bothIf they were looking for the courthouse They were too foxy for theMetropolis policeman however andtho girl denied her name and bothdeclared that they simply came to

tfl i tijt





A1 special and Informal melting oftho board of aldermen was held Intime council chambers at the city halltills afternoon to give the members ofthe board und such citizens who de ¬

sired to Attend an opi ortunlty to hearthe address of iM N Burns of StLouts upon the proposition for thegranting of a railway franchise to thoPaducah Northern railroad Aldermen Shorrlll linker Hannan MillerOehlschlaegcr and Stewart and about25 well known citizensn wero present

MrI Burns who Is the president ofhe Toledo St Louis New Orleansnllway objected to the proposed Palucah Northern franchise on thegrounds that it would shut out tinhan <cor any railroads to get Into

Paducah He offered a typewrittenimendment to the proposed franchisevhlch If adopted as1 a part of the In¬

strument will permit any road seekng admission to this city to comento the city on the tracks of the Pabeau Northern r


Paris April 21Prlnce de Saganloft for Italy today Madame CouldIs due In Naples Thursday and willmeoB him there He spokq with un ¬

expected Eood humor of what heterms his persecution by Americantapers nnd public Questioned as to

he approaching marriage ho saidThe future Is In Gods hand and you

know whom besides

ituumvayon IlrondwnyA runaway that might have proved

serious took place on Broadway nearTwelfth street about C30 oclockthis mornlii when a mule owned byjlE P Gllson ran away throwing thedriver a negro out of his seat anddumping tho wagon In the gutterThe driver kept hold of the lines andbrought the animal to a stop withoutserious damage to the mule or thevehicle A passing bicyclist how ¬

ever had a narrow escape frombeing run ove-


The Ramsey society of tho Broad-

way Methodist church last nightclosed the contract with BogardSon church decorators of Chlcago todecorate the auditorium of the churchand the work will begin on MondayIt will be completed In a monthGreen will be the prevailing tint ofthe walls The firm stands high as

artists in their line of work and hasJust completed the frescoing of theMethodist and Christian churches InMayfield

Miss Sophia Baker ot SouthTwelfth street who was stricken withparalysis last week Is resting bettertoday


IIIIIt Was A Joke They Played= C CJ


see the sights of the town but werenot particularly Interested In seeingthe court house

Tho officer was not convinced andseating himself upon the outside stepsof the court house he kept a faithfulwatch until the steamer started backfor Paducah During this period theyoung couple several times ap-proached the court house steps buteach tlmo when they saw the waitingofficer they turned about and walkedIn a different direction

When the boat left for Paducah intho afternoon they embarked againwithout a license and without beingmarried Upon their arrival at thowharfboat In this city they wero ac-costed by Detective Moore who hadalso received a telephone messagefrom the little girls father at Bar ¬

low and she was accompanied toMrs Pryors boarding house on

BroadwayBoththey were simply

playing a Joke and the boy asked theofficer If he might go along Later

the evening Detective Moore tookof them to the G15 oclockIinand conveyed them back to

where they were turned overI to their proper guardians On theway home they told the detective allabout their Joke and Judging fromthe slzo of the crowd that me themat Barlow station everybody must

JIhave seen tho pointfJ Mt





Bridge at Brookport Not Fens ¬

ible and Proposed RouteOnly One Possible

Promoter Owns Land at Brookport


The principal objections to thoPaducah Northern propositions asadmitted by the organ of oppositionInspired by a promoter of anotherrailroad seeking entrance Into thocity said a business man today Isthat Paducah can not obtain a directroute to the north without a bridgeat this point and that the construc-tion


of a bridge at Metropolis willmake tho extension from that townto Paducah a mere jerkwater routethat roads seeking a southern outletwould go on from Metropolis there-by


leaving Paducah on q mere

branchThestatements are ridiculous

The roads seeking entrance Into Pa ¬

ducah are the Big Four and time

Frisco Both of these roads havelines Into Cairo and a map with anydegree of Intelligence knows theywould find It more profitable to buildfrom that point south If that wastheir object-

It Is the Intention of these roadsIf they get the Paducah entrance tomake tralllc arrangements with thoNashville Chattanooga St Louisfor their southern outletsa propo ¬

sition which will be appreciated byany one who studies It fora momentand which Is verified by the fact thatus soon as the Paducah Northernproposition was broached the Lousvllle Nanhvllle which Is the con ¬

trolling factor In the Nashville Chat-tanooga


St Louis abandoned Itscontemplated line from a point nearMurray to Cairo where It would con ¬

nect with these two roadsTo consider the bridge proposi-


Every one agrees It would bea nice thing to have a bridge acrosstho Ohio here but It Is not as pract-icable and It Is the practical thingsthat appeal to the monied Interest boofore the merely nice Railroad en ¬

gineers have Investigated the brldgo

Continued oa PageFiveI

I S s


Stewards of the Trimble StreetMethodist church met last night aridFounI ¬

will be erected nt Fountain avenueand Monroe street and the work ofconstruction will commence aboutJuno 1-


Melbourne Australia April 21Forty two bodies were taken fromthe ruins of the Baybrook Junctionwreck It Is believed that severalothers are under the burned carsThe Injured number 88 Bendlgothe train engineer says tho brakesfailed to work-




The McCrackcn county grand Jurywhich Is still in session will notmake Its next report until court sitsagain and this may not be until JudgeReed opens the civil term next Mon-day


It may be however that sonsday toward the latter part of thopresent week will be appointed assentence day In which event thogrand Jury will be given an oppor-tunity to report upon Indictmentsrendered It Is understood that someof the night rider letter writers willbe Indicted



Madrid April lKlng Alfonsogave a street car motorman ten dol-lars


for saving the kings life yester-day


The auto In which the king wasriding collided with a street car Themotormans action prevented a seri ¬

ous accident Tho king gave histhanks In addition to tho money

Mutcli for JIll lui>e

London April 21 HackcnschmUlts manager announced LordLonsdale and A G Vanderbilt offereda purs of 10000 for a match bettween Hackensthnildt anti notch bef-ore August either In England or ana neutral soil

< it4 y