the outbreak of war

The Outbreak of War

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The Outbreak of War. Focus Question. How should a country best prepare for war?. Election of Lincoln spurred Secession. In December 1860, South Carolina seceded Followed swiftly by six states in the Deep South Formed a new nation, the Confederate States of America (CSA) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Outbreak of War

The Outbreak of War

Page 2: The Outbreak of War

Focus Question

How should a country best prepare for war?

Page 3: The Outbreak of War

Election of Lincoln spurred Secession In December 1860, South Carolina

seceded Followed swiftly by six states in the Deep South Formed a new nation, the Confederate States of

America (CSA)▪ Elected Jefferson Davis President▪ Formed a government▪ Formed an army

Page 4: The Outbreak of War

Negotiations along the Border 8 slave states had not seceded Border Whigs attempted a

compromise Lincoln Administration entered

negotiations with the border states Many watched and waited.

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Fort Sumter

By April 1861, the U.S. held only three forts in the South Most federal installations were handed

over Fort Sumter sat commanding

Charleston Harbor CSA determined to have it Lincoln determined to

hold it

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Relief of Sumter

Lincoln decided to send supplies to Fort Sumter Informed Confederates of his intent Ships fired upon and withdrew

Fort Sumter bombarded, April 12, 1861

“And the war began”

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Lincoln called for volunteers Called for 75,000 men to put down

the rebellion Suspended habeas corpus in

Maryland Four states of the Upper South


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First Battle of Bull Run

Both sides thought “One Big Battle” would end the war

Met in Northern Virginia on July 21, 1861 Southerners proved victorious

Both sides hunkered down for a long war

Page 9: The Outbreak of War

Advantages and Disadvantages Identify three advantages held by

the North Identify three advantages held by

the South Identify three disadvantages held by

the North Identify three disadvantages held by

the South

Page 10: The Outbreak of War

Strategies of the War

Union Plan Anaconda Plan

Designed by Winfield Scott

1. Blockade the South2. Seize control of the Mississippi3. Capture Richmond

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Strategies of the War

Southern Plan “Active Defense”

1. Defend Southern territory2. Active when holding the advantage3. Encourage foreign support Prolong the War

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The Course of the War

Page 14: The Outbreak of War

Confederates TriumphantPeninsular Campaign June – JulySecond Bull Run August Antietam September 17Fredericksburg December

The War in the East 1862

Page 15: The Outbreak of War

Confederates at BayChancellorsville May Gettysburg July

The War in the East 1863

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Confederate DeclineWilderness May 5-7Spotsylvania May 8-21Cold Harbor June 1-12Petersburg June 15 – April 1865Appomattox April 9

The War in the East 1864

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Union Conquest of the MississippiShiloh April 1862New Orleans April 1862Perryville KY October 1862Corinth TN October 1862Vicksburg May -- July 1863

The War in the West 1862-1863

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Push to the SeaChickamauga September 1863Chattanooga November 1863Atlanta July – September 1864March to the Sea

September – December 1864

The War in the West 1863-1865