the origin of the guanches

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  • 7/29/2019 The Origin of the Guanches


    Vol. 5,Issue 2004



    Reinhard Prahl


    Dr. Joann Fleteber, Prof. Don Brotbwell, University of York., and Joyce.....J..""',"'" of examined an about 500 years old Guancbe mummy from theIslands. They found simiJarities to in

    Thc methods were up to now regarded as unique and bave only beenIr'I'IH'lP'lI1 to Egyptian mummies, mummified 1.070 Be. The research results with

    .....'r... , 'nt l l" a l ~ C ( ~ I ) t e ( l f l i l """"", of settlement ofi m i m i l ~ M ! l t i o , n waves from Northafrica to tbe lslands bave

    "' ......... n 1.100 Be. Due to tbis reason as weil as to further cultural e.g.experts come (0 tbe tbat contacts between Egypt and thelslJmdls, had existed. Both cultures, might have had

    THE PYRAMlDS of Guimar onhave world-famous ThorHeyerdahl's have beendescribed and examinedlast few years. LittLe has known asyet, cultural an religious

    an about 500 years oldmummy at the University of07.March1999 and came to very

    sent in 2001: "Cave MummiesCanaries"l. The teamcould throw a completely newon the prehistory of the Canaries,similarities between the

    J results are published in H.: In Search ofthe Immortals: Mummies, Death and the

    2001, p. 160-17080

  • 7/29/2019 The Origin of the Guanches


    VaL 5, Tsme 2004

    21 stdynasty and the so

    111Guanche mummy

    were discovered.

    on theseresponsible JorperSlms did

    lived in

    Of course this is a veryand the

    to find verymethods also on the

    repeatedly Geheimnis der Mumien", p. 1624 Ban;os, Jose,

  • 7/29/2019 The Origin of the Guanches


    with them was avoid, because they wereUf / l v } " , n a impure, since occupied with the

    emptying copses, On Ihe other hand Ihetrue embalmers proper, task it was 10embabn the corpses, couldcilizen 's For ancient Egypt it wasthe historian Diodorus who pointed to theunpopularity ofthe corpses openers. hadbeen so unpopular that they to hide

    work not to be 6 Diodorus'has even been the pattern for the famousnovet: "Uarda", the German author G.

    ANCIENT Canarian mummificationdetermined by Fletcher and her

    look typically Egyptian: the Guanches,the exeeuted a cut on the leftregion and removed the

    organs. were cleaned and theninto the abdomial carity ofthe mummies. 7 Thecut was then stitched up cleanly in the

    sutures , wereEgyptians. But this is

    not an indication another mummificationtechnology: the Guanches (for geographicalreasons) did not have access to the samematerials. There was only some farming onthe Plants to produce clothes, werenon same stock farming.Cows were unknown, the nativesthe Canaries used goatskins or kid-Ieather.Understandably is circumstance

    in mummification practiees.Whereas inhabitants of the Nile country

    linen bandages, made c10thingthe GlIanehes were only able to lIse

    was at their disposal: up to 15 layers ofAt last the fmgernails toe

    were attaehed with threads. The waswith beeswax and Perhaps

    5 Schmidt, p. 84, translated !Tom German to6 Hawass, p.138 7 cf. de Tenerife, p. 35 Braem pp. P. 44, F,

    VoL 5, Lrsue Number 2004

    most important parallel to the Egyptianmummies of the 21 sr dynasty can be seen mthe fact that the Guancheused subcutaneouscorpses. practiee is known elsewhereon[y from aneient Egypt, and was in vogue

    after 1070

    Sueh an unusal treatment corpses 1S notunique on the Canary Tslands. we can reade.g. in the exhibition catalog ofArqueologico y der..,,,npl'.1 topart 0/ the rites of the

    different child ofoperation per/ormed onlhe corpses: washing,and treatment with

    desiccalion and covering. 8 Al1da little below: To some 0/UU;HU,r tCt ' . ) .

    annotation the bodies wereeviscarated, even with extraction thebrain. 9

    LOOKED at superficially were alsoinstances of difterence in mununificationtechnologies. The did notsame and anointingembalming as the

    used inthe Canary Islands. The bandages showdissimilarities for the same reasons. Inexaminations offound up to 15 layers . It is

    the Egyptians did not use goatskinsbandages of cloth. But obvisouly what clothfabries were the Egyptians, namely

    burial material, were forThe paralleis then altogether

    seem to be quite Caution

    p- 4782

  • 7/29/2019 The Origin of the Guanches


    19,2004Vol. 5, lJsue&



  • 7/29/2019 The Origin of the Guanches


    Migration & Diffusion, VoL 5, Issue Number 19, 2004

    Reconstructed Head from a Guanche; Museo Arqueologico y Etnografico de Tenerife; catalog, p.36.


  • 7/29/2019 The Origin of the Guanches


    Vol. ), Issue Number 2004

    necessary, saysGermer. Availabletoo

    e.g. Renateto our own

    that the preservation corpses doesn't allowtoo many possibilities, dehydration ist the fIrstsupreme dictate. So it would seem only logicalworldwide have

    contaets. For quitemanner of stuffing


    been madenewspapers articles.

    about the missingAfrica and America In

    Thor Heyerdahl, inis it meanwhile hard to seewith pyramids,

    the giganticAll

    volcanic rock,mainly basalt.on T eneriffa islong the

    a base of 35 x 16meters and 6 is just 12 meters high.Braem and Walter R Hhnel indicate an

    pyramidsverage meters forof 10 x 20 meters,another one 9 x meters. comparisionwith the chufupyramid with ist meters

    rectangular but uneqllally

    of height and 23 0 m ofbuildings on theIn other it

    onthe Canary Islands cannot be compared tomonumental pyramids of Egypt. are notincidentally only on pyramids,but also on Canaria and Las Palmas.

    showswith the pyramids on Canarythree sides it is sOllrrounded by 8 small

    it builtof the 1. dynasty, who is

    to have lived arollnd 2910 RC. Thishas, however, probably been sitllatedcirca 4 meters depth, and

    Though this tomb wasof mud-bricks of 6 meters

    veryit been

    It Is SllPPOSedAdjib, 7111

    nobody wou Id

    have lookedpyramids, hadground.A rather directobserved the 11.a;:>la'ua;:>

    Can it then

    WELL-KNOWN experts likeof thc

    II Hhnel, p.359l2 Institutum Austria, telephone callfrom 26. March 2004


  • 7/29/2019 The Origin of the Guanches


    V l l y , r aW 'H t & Val. 5, Issue Number 2004

    ldllmlsr.lnstitutum Vcklabruck (Austria),Waltel' B. Hhnel, ALMOGAREN, p.367.


  • 7/29/2019 The Origin of the Guanches


    IVllPral'ZOn L /41 I f l J , ;VN, Val. 5, iJ'me 19,2004

    Some of the Most Important Pyramid Forms; Institutum Canarium Vcklabruck (Austria), Walter B. Hhnel, p.368.


  • 7/29/2019 The Origin of the Guanches


    Vol. 5, Issue Number 19, 2004

    Econ, Lehner, "Das Geheimnis der Pyramiden" p.St.

    even theirthe pyramids have

    Some (mostly 13 Hhne], p. 36288

  • 7/29/2019 The Origin of the Guanches



    built in an exactmanner and, moreover, cornerstones have

    cut to which wereessential for the general form, orconfiguration, of these buildings.

    the pyramidsas yet, notannot be dated

    As yet no method is known to atleast approximately determine wh ich has

    lt is also not 10 use the covering ofwhich is extremelyon

    light and humidity. Guimar one findsscarcely lichen on the rocks and slones, Iheclimate is ,,15On the other the form or

    uJ{\,r la'f1 byge()IO!!lC:il age of the material

    but this is forat which point in time the stone

    by man. Organic material,been used for C 14

    climateCanary Islands volcanic rock,

    weathers only very slowly.of ,heespecially

    monuments of an as yet unknownshow not only with

    but also with the Megalithic culturesThere, these

    been between 4500Islands same

    period?Also low age most of themummies there, between 500 Re. and the

    aAD J6 , not neeessariJy speak

    age Guanche ( Iaraldfollows:foundR.P.) in theroofed overthat they werefamily. 10 ccJrbon dating theskeletons were aboul a Ihousand years old

    Braem says about the C14-dated"Exaclly 34 skeletons

    (near Lachamber, wh ich had

    not very much fornot very useful U t ; ' ~ U L ' ' ' ' ' ' """WAU"')c:,discontinuedtradition to useifto lme ,17

    Till today the earliestIslands by is thoughtquite late lS.

    on and a seeond onMore reeent researches date thefar back as the

    16 Kelley and Smeenk17 tanslated from18 Rafael

    dates the first settlement of theHhnel p. 362 Islands by man about 500 p. 14315 translated from German, p.364 19 private communication with Mr. Ulbrich


  • 7/29/2019 The Origin of the Guanches


    Vol.5, Number 19, 2004

    Verneau,- has a


    often somewhat higher built.23


    they are exactly in ( ' " , ~ i - " , r t ndescribed racial type.

    23 taken from p. 89 f. 24 Congreso p. p. 7 I 25 indication from H. Ulbrich

    There can

    20 Schmidt, p. 65 Schmidt, p. 78

    22 Kutzer p.5026 far eXlUDDIe


  • 7/29/2019 The Origin of the Guanches


    Vol. 5, IsJue NutJiber 2004

    Another for the origin of Guanchesmay be seen in the famous "whistle language"

    Canary calIed "el-Silbo". Wenot a kind of in the

    use of which " wordswhisperEspecially interesting in this cormection isfact as late even as our present this

    kindamong the of(wh ich has ever been part of

    communication has

    same marmer 111 1S still used onGomera, to communicate overd istances. 29

    we are here on the of thepartial and C O I ' r e : ; p c m d e m ~ e s betweenthe cultures of Egypt, and theGuanches of Islands. In the samemanner, in which it can be madecertain that the Canarian

    North Africanfor thefinds Nabta Playa in the Libyandated to the millennium

    In thishad never been a

    but have beencomposed of Nubian andgroupS30. If one those immigration wavesto Canary Islands which have tenetativelybeen dated to 1100 BC, from North

    the cultural wouldconstitute no great

    28 Schmidt,p.8J

    30 see the important article ofKaiser MDAIKor Egypt


  • 7/29/2019 The Origin of the Guanches


    & Vol. 5, hsue Number 2004

    goes to Dr. RenateDr. Fleteher,as well as

    aulrmlJlige """lI'"''''.''''''''''''''' Z. B. im l:'y,nunillleoba1u,es Kontakte zwi'iichen


    D-44225 Dortmund

    Tel: 0049-231-97-614-94


  • 7/29/2019 The Origin of the Guanches


    & Val. 5, Issue Number 19, 2004



    awu',-'/o;;v de Museo Arqueologico y Etnografico pn'>r .TP Momias, los sccretos dei l J a ~ ' a " " . J ,J.

    Paul: Weltgeschichte in Kln,o.J.Prestel, MnchenfN.Y. 1997

    dies. : Mumien - ArtemisNeuausgabe 2001

    Erhart: MitteJgyptische Grammatik fur Anfanger, 4. Aufl., 1994Walter . Die von Tenerife, in: XVII, Institutum Canarium

    1996, S.


    Londonder Wissenschaft Dossier:

    1996mummies of the

