the organizing function. what is organizing? organizing is the deployment of organizational...

The Organizing Function

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Page 1: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

The Organizing Function

Page 2: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

What is Organizing?

Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals.

Page 3: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Organizing the Vertical StructureOrganization Structure

it is defined as; (1) a set of formal tasks assigned to individuals and departments, (2) formal reporting relationships, including lines of authority, decision responsibility, number of hierarchical levels and span of manager’s control; and (3) and the design of systems to ensure effective coordination of employees across departments.

Page 4: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Organization Chart :• The characteristics of vertical structure are

portrayed in the organization structure.• It is the visual representation of an organization’s

structure. • A sample organization chart of a company is

illustrated in the next slide.

Page 5: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Organization ChartGeneral manager





R & Dmanager

Creativity Advertising sales

purchasing Plant Supervisor


Quality control

Page 6: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Work Specialization:• Also called division of labor, is the degree to

which organizational tasks are sub-divided in separate jobs.

• For instance, the production tasks are divided into bottling, quality control and maintenance. When work specialization is extensive, employees specialize in a single task. Jobs are small, but they can be performed efficiently.

Page 7: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Chain of Command: • The chain of command is an unbroken line of

authority that links all persons in an organization and shows who reports to whom.

• There are two underlying principles. Unity of Command which means that each employee is held accountable to only one supervisor. The scalar principle refers to a clearly defined line of authority in the organization which includes all employees.

Page 8: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Authority, Responsibility, Accountability and Delegation:

1. AuthorityIs a formal and legitimate right of a manager to make decisions, issue orders and allocate resources to achieve organizationally desired outcomes. Characteristics of Authority:

a. Authority is vested in organizational positions not people.b. Authority is accepted by employees.c. Authority flows down the vertical hierarchy

Page 9: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

2. Responsibility: • is the duty/obligation to perform the task or

activity an employee has been assigned.• Managers must be assigned authority

commensurate with responsibility.• When managers have responsibility for task

outcomes but little authority, the job is possible but difficult.

Page 10: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

3. Accountability:The fact that the people with authority and responsibility are subject to reporting and justifying task outcomes to those above them in the chain of command.

Page 11: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

4. Delegation: • Is the process that managers use to transfer

authority and responsibility to positions below them in the hierarchy.

• Line authority: means that people in the management positions have formal authority to direct and control immediate employees

• Staff Authority: is the right to advise, recommend and counsel in the staff specialist's areas of expert.

Page 12: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Span of Management: • Also called the span of control, is the number

of employees reporting to one supervisor. It determines how closely a supervisor can monitor employees.

• Traditional view 7 employees per manager.• Today 30, 40 or even higher.

Page 13: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

• Wide Span of Management:– when a large number of employees is reporting to the same

manager or supervisor (Less no. of managers)– The organization is called a Flat organization

• Narrow Span of Management:– when a small number of employees is reporting to the same

manager or supervisor (Large no. of managers)– The organization is called a Tall organization

Page 14: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Tall Versus Flat Structure:

• The span of control used in an organization determines whether the structure is tall or flat.

• A tall structure has an overall narrow span and more hierarchical levels.

• A flat structure has a wide span, is horizontally dispersed and has fewer hierarchical levels.

Page 15: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Narrow span






Page 16: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Wide span






Page 17: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Narrow and Wide Span of Control

TALL ORGANIZATION Close control Superiors tend to get involved

in subordinates’ work. Many levels of management Excessive distance between

lowest and top level.

FLAT ORGANOZATION More load on superior level

of management, Not many levels of

management Danger of superiors loss of

control Requires exceptional

qualities of managers.

Page 18: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Centralization and Decentralization:

• Centralization means that the decision authority is located near the top of the organization.

• Decentralization means decision authority is pushed downward to lower organization levels.

Page 19: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals


Departmentalization is the process of grouping positions into departments and departments into total organization.

Page 20: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Methods of Departmentalization

Functional Departmentalization:• Grouped by skills & work;

Product Departmentalization:• Grouped by products;

Process Departmentalization: • Grouped by equipments ;

Customer Departmentalization:• Grouped by customers;

Geographic Departmentalization:• Grouped by Geographic Area;

Page 21: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Functional Departmentalization

This is the most formal division of business activities, based on the different functions it performs.

A = Production department B = Purchase department C = Marketing department D = Accounts department

E = Sales Department

Page 22: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Functional Departmentation

Page 23: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Customer Departmentation

In this type of departmentation, activities are grouped

according to the types of customer. Example: A large readymade store may have separate departments Women Men Children

Page 24: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Customer Departmentation

Page 25: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Product Departmentation

When a firm produces a large number of products then internal organization can be divided on the basis of different products it produces.

Page 26: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Product departmentation

Page 27: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Process Departmentation

The activities of a department may be divided into sub activities.

Example: the production department of a textile mill may be

divided on the basis of processes like Designing deptt Spinning deptt Weaving deptt

Page 28: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Process Departmentation

Page 29: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

Geographical Departmentation

Page 30: The Organizing Function. What is Organizing? Organizing is the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals

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