the oransre emocrat, · 2011. 1. 7. · tics have had their day and vanished from the earth,...

The Oransre ¦ A DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL DEVOTED TO T "Vol. I. ORANGEBTJKG, S. O,, F emocrat, ¦i- TERESTS OF ORANGEBURG COUNTY. JANUARY 3, 1879 INo. 1. SHERIDAN & SIMS, Proprio SüdsöAtption. One Ye»ir.ivUiUmtt«»». 'Six Months.a.....-...-.;..».>. Ministers of the Oospcl-.-.». ADVEUTISEilEHTB. First Instertlon. ...n»»»u....»». Kneh Subsequent Insertion. Liberal contracts nmtlu for 3 m| and over. ? 33i mmmm -. « is $n&$£fa:ft4o 6o am. kinds per- e be ) in'o p un¬ it is a n the .state untie;; iy,wbo rengtb, [.y thing it such cxcep- ir miui- Of the confess ns seem ences at political ly to religion devil with urning their tern." ng to say of carry a uurse fraud and injue BETTER TO BE RIGHT AND fiAIL THAN WRONG AND 8UCCE f L'Vom tho Bnptlat tjourlor, There is such a thing, wo a n ami cd, despite appcarancesi lleve, though some may bo di&osed to smile at our credulity, th^there are men who every year go d the arena and come smirched ; men who feel tha; serious thing to have a hand conduct of government for c or nation, who walk humb the weight of their responsU seek divine guidance nnctf and whose souls loathe M false, hollow and unjust men, it must bo admitted tion&l. May God multipl ber, for they are tho couutry. It is humiliating to have that, as a rule, even Christ] agreed to leave their con home when they go into contest. "Everything is fy'r in love, wai nnd politics," is. thrje-accepted principle; and the r .very protest of^mon is. "You^-fiTnwt flprh '_ Ire/' or,'**We are on >wn weapons against Now, we have no] ^the course of one poetical party more than another, norfe f the particular ends sought to bJ^/jUained by this aide or that. ^,#Ave do mean to say that 'HhercJwjffimething nobler than victory ; at J^s better to fail With cleaA hnjfis thanj to succeed by dishonest and/ignoble inenns, because such succesßnvill prove in the long run the w/n-st of failures, and will a ourse with itl How much .justice was'practiced all over Ibis broad land dnjring the late .campaign and election It is impossi-' ble to say. We have no reason to believe that there was more than is ioinmon In times of grbat political pxcitement and conflict. ! It is not of recent events that we write, it is o /principles which apply to all times "and all parties. Govenment is of God, and every man who baa anything to do with gov srnment, from tne most ignorant and obscure laborer whoso highest glory is to cast a vote, to tho gr-ondesfand mightiest offlciSl.frpm the rice fields ery one is bouqd to use his political privileges «nd powers in the fear of iGod. How has it come to pass that IWashington City iscommonlylspoken of by intelligent foreigners, Vnd by honest men among oursi lvcsf&s a den of thieves? How is it that State capitals are so often regarded as Isinks of corruption, and many city /governments as fiendish machines [controlled by powerful "rings" for ¦their own vile, selfish erdsj? What ias brought about this state J>f things, nit the almost universal exjerciee of ihe.f njidanee of passion or sellisWfWHSBHhout the olighest regard to the suggestions of conscience? Any kind or Agreed of villiany appears to be expect ed in the conduct of political affairs. ] And the men who practice (are they treated by society, the best1 society ? even the church? (for they are some¬ times religious profession.) Are they scorned and acouted ? Are they dealt with as yot would deal with your neighbor who md told you a lie or practiced some fraud upon you in your social reflations? No, truly. Th^y arc petted, they are lionized, their names are .blazon¬ ed everywhere, and their wcWiderful speeches heard tvith shouts of ap^ |lause by admiring thousand^. Noth- ig is too good for them,/no glory great for them. Accordingly, we <d the vilest men in plac/es of honor trust, men who are rofadly ambi- or meanly greed§ oft gain. ?body sees it, everybody la- It, everybody denounce.-! couq- jgislatnre, Congress.and yet mass of the -people continue to political privilege/s without once ig to conscience, Here s my .-be thou ray guide I ppose it were .otherwise, j Snp- every man in; tho eountlry dc- with what \ political party he act, and winnt candidates he support, t/pon conscientious unds, with thei fear of God tbeforc Suppose that eyery^ one, went tr> tho ballot-box, re- 8 must give account vote, just as surely as deed of his life, and h a pure conscience? tion we should present- volution which would slice, impurttgAnd kna- up truth, homBR virtue, ese, solid prosperity/ We man supported fo r of- character could not bear ; no more selfish, scheming i in legislative and congres- lls. . Our representatives men in whom all have con- and our statesmen above ;sus- O, blessed oyes that ; hall day. i ther one party or another snail tho preponderance is not/ the r of first conseqonce in a eyun- iko ours, however important it sometimes be. Far more mo- us is it that each man ose his icol privileges always unselfish- eligiously, with a conscience void offence towards God and men. tan Those aro golden words of Frederick Robertson's: "Better is it to sup¬ port a wrong causo conscientiously, than a right one insincerely. Better is it to bo a true roan on the side of wrong, than a false man on tho side r,t right." There is something above all party to which our loyalty is due, some¬ thing which shall live when all par- tics have had their day and vanished from the earth, something which shall survive the grave a~d meet us at the judgment. God help ms to be loval ilrst of all to conscience. C. Swindling the Negroes. While the stalwart organs of.the North are pretending to believe that the colored man does uot under any circumstances, vole tho Democratic ticket, they seem to forget tho sad lesson the negro has learned from his experience with the carpet-bagger and with the freedman's bank swindle. In order to make him turn thorough¬ ly a licpublican, the negro was told that his loyalty, so called, if carried) .Out pessistently nod certainly, would entitle him to foity acres and a mule. This promise inllamcd the simple mind of the freed man, and he was loyal for a year or two to an extent that surprised even the carpet-bag¬ gers and led the stalwarts to believe that his devotion wou. j be eternal. But the negro was swindled. He was cheated on every hand. Agents of the freedman's bureau walked off with with his small earnings, and loyal peddlers of patent pills came around for the purpose of scooping ing up his money. Not content with this, the loyalists of the North invent¬ ed a trap for catching the small change of the colored man, and right well it succeeded. The frcedman fell an easy prey to loyal rapacity. They flocked to the branch offices of the bank and deposited their sums with a confidence that was child-like and bland, considering the fact that it was tho deliberate purpose of the managers at the start to swindle the negroes. And they did swindle them. They swindled them from the beginning to the end, and when the rotten concern got ready to fail, the funds ol the Southern negroes were gobbled up as remorselessly as if no such people existed. Then, when [ifr* ^rmfrWvr-rrff npjrctovrn W In¬ vestigate the affairs of the concern, and to wind up its affairs, had been appointed, the cheat still continued. One inefficient clerk did all the work, aud the more than incidence*: commis sioners drew their salaries with an emphasis and an unction truly re¬ freshing. To be brief nearly every honest and thrifty negro in the South was swindled and robbed by these dishonest Republican conspirators; aud'yet tbc most of them, even the thieves themselves, pretended to the last to be the friends of the colored people. With all these plain facts in sight, the Republicans pretend that the ne¬ gro would vote the Republican ticket. Do they take the Sou'hern negro for) a fool? Do they think he ia «"tjr,cj; without intelligence? they are reckoning with] The negro is not only is is shrewd, and he kn| the next, man when robbed..Atlanta Const The Tissue Bal A scoffing contcmpor" that the News and Cot! discovered that the tit were invented for the cratic negroes and that tKURfid not amount to anything nnywBwill de¬ cide next week that theseWssuo bal-! lots "were stuffed in by wicked Rad¬ icals, who wished to damage the char¬ acter of the Democratic party." Quite likely. Wo discovered yester¬ day that E. W. M. Mackey, who is accepted as authority on the subject, had 10,000 tissue tickets printed in Charleston on election day, or the day before. We leave itte»our pro¬ phetical contemporary to decide what use was made of them..Ntws and Courier. A Washington special says : "The attention of the Blaino outrage com¬ mittee will be called in due time to the fact that E. W. M. Mack'?y, the defeated Radical candidate for Con¬ gress in South Carolina, had ten thousand tissue tickets printed in Charleston just before the election. All tho information as to the tissue ballot-Stuffing in South Carolina over which Mr. Blainc and his congeners have been making such a funs came from Mackey. While investigating this subject it will be in order for the committee to call Mr. Mnckey and inquire what use he made of his tick* ets. A Republican member of the committee intimates that it will not] be the policy of the majority of the committee to summon many witness- ee, and among them lie thinks there! will be very few colored persons. What they think will be the best plan is to call a number of the Radical white politicians in the South, and such Federal officials who can be re¬ lied upon, to give such testimony as is wanted." If" a man is on his way to the woods to commit suicide and a bull suddenly gives chase, the chances arc that he will run for his life. SuusciuuE for Tub-Democrat. THE UNIVERSAL CHRISTMAS. .o. PEACE ON EAUTH AND GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN. For nearly nineteen centuries Christmas day has been bcld up to mankind as the one especial time when good will should pievnil, and peace brood over the earth. The martyrs chanted it. The monks preached it. The pulpit of tho press is tilled this day with those who talk of it and write of it. And with rea¬ son. Religion apart, no nobler life than that of Him of Nazareth, in its power, its sorrow and its unselfish- ness, has been given to mankind as a warning and an example. A warn¬ ing that there is oftentimes most strength in seeming weakness, nnd an example that infinite might itself can oftentimes best accomplish its wise purpose by submission to inferi¬ or forces. There was in Him of Nazareth no oogerness to exercise the omnipotence with which He was endowed. Man in appearance, a perfect roan, his methods were human. His were the annoyances and vexatious of ordina¬ ry childhood. His were the hard¬ ships of the poor in early manhood. The divinity that was His sharpened the keen edge of the winter's blast, and quickened the pangs of hunger. Throughout His precious life it was His part to teach what no man had taught, and to stiller as no man had suffered. Had He said but the word, His Father, which is in Heavcny would have given him ten legions of angels. It was His mission to show that holy living and holy dying are more po¬ tent than the irresistible inlluence which compels an acquiescence which is far from being consent. A wish of the Father or the Son would have changed the wholo world ; but the world then would have been saved in opite of itself. Tho angers were made perfect, and Lucifer an I his hosts are lost. For them there' is no uprising. Man was created in the Lord's own image, and he fell. For him there is a higher life than' that of Eden, but a life that he must work opt for himself, in the sweat of his browT-and the bitterness of his heart. One majestic lesson of the New helped must help themselves, and that they who help themselves shall be helped. B«t the paramount lesson is conveyed ii\ the sweet sad knowl edge that the miracles wrought by the Son .of David were always for others, and never for Himself. Du¬ ring the fasting in tfie desett, during the bloody sweat in the garden, while bound and buffeted, when pierced with the cruel thorns, while tottering under the burden of the tree of Cav¬ alry, when racked with thirst and agonized with pain, there was no manifestation of strength <livine. It was otherwise at Cana and when the widow's son was sleeping, when the multitude were hungry and when the fishermen despaired, when ilia atoms ^WfU^UiU^hen the centurion en- fljPT saving word be BBffuic voice of the Lorn KBmd there was plenteous- HHHValing, safety and new lifle. ¦or Himself, for others He was Bpnli8 sight an hundred years are Hr as yesterday, and all days are Bnke. To those who acknowledge niim to be the Ixml, the anniversary of the day when the angels sang their glorious song to the shepherds' of Bethlehem is the first of days, but it is not His day, in very truth, unless are made like unto it each day in the existence of every one. And, when on this blessed day, something more done lor other;; than we ever at tempt to do for ourselves, and sacri¬ fices are made for others in act or in feeling, that we would not consent to for ourselves, then do we begin to understand the mission of Christ, and enter into the fullness of the spirit of this most gracious time. It is something to give a day or an hour to beholding one's own j >y in the bliss of others. Such is Christ¬ mas. But it serves little, at last,:if the kindliness of to-day be followed by harshness to-morrow, if grudging come swiftly afUr giving, if unchari- tablencss go fast after tenderness and mere}*, if the whiteness of these few hours make more distinct the black¬ ness of daily life 1 To bo a truo Christmas, this day, whatever its course in former years, must be the prccurser of a round twelve mouths of gracious acts and kindly thoughts, of bearing and forbearing. Resting amid the leaves, unnoticed if not for¬ gotten, such a Christmas will give Iragrance and benediction to the book of our life. So let us think of Christmas this time, if never before, and if the day when Christ was born come only once a year, the lesaons He taught will be with us each and every day, and, in our hearts and lives, there will be peace and good will, renewing and renewed forever. .A'etoa and Courier. The private hearing of Edison's electric light patent case was resum¬ ed yesterday. Tho solicitor general decided that Edison should be allow¬ ed to proceed with his application. It is expected that the Edison patent will Sie sealed in a few days, unlc: further opposition is offered. The]Chanflo a Plan*. General Grant* it is J&>w announc¬ ed, has concluded to gf'dto Asia, and to remain abroad U present. This is as wj^Ho fto expected. When it was given oc,-v thnL ho was about to come !i K that a sue-1 cession of entert bad been prepared to be ., u alter bis arrival,there wer indications of popular dlsserit. The construction put? vv the mana¬ gers upon these signs <;>(>iliaapproba¬ tion was that they rofoirryTl merely to the lime of Gericrr:3, ijpvui'o return, and they drew (he concision that it would bo more pru/jenuitor him to postpone his coming. Herclu they err. There is no un>- fricndlincss to General Gigant, and no one objects to his reiUriVl\p What dif¬ ference does it raakptj.J)) anybwly whether he be in Asia/)- America-^ whether he bo tanninim-Ioather or hauling wood? The hostility rests lijson}something more substantial. It fa t<t having all tho usagos and traditions!which have controlled the elecliona'pf President set aside. This objection will retain perma¬ nently, and wiil apply'Jb General Grant as a candidate .au ill times. Whether he come homo m\Vt' or go to Asia first will not make tl\e sligbest ditference.. New York'SvU. -r~0$- The Distress in England. The distress in Knglaodinnd Scot¬ land, says the News and .Courier, is alarming. Through the dullness and unprofitableness of trade tens of thou¬ sands of persons, in evcry^branch of business, have been thrown out of work, and this unavoidable! injury has been aggravated by strike underta¬ ken in the hope that employers would bo willing to make/goods to sell at a loss. Relief fur. h; are in contemplation, but this wi ll be a hard winter in Great Britain at^well as in the United States. In Great Britain there 1 is been no c ntraction of the currency, and the gold-bug is as unknown a&f.ho silver lunatic. Yet tho distress tho fail¬ ures, and the paralysis jpr? manufac¬ tures are fully as 8CYC.ce 3*.in this country. If tho Greenback party were in the habit of loekiiW boyoud tbr.eml/.nj.^rv-v-^:"1^ -V.V.^.V,' lead them to doubt the truth; of their doctrine that the preparatio ns fur re sumption are the causes o!f all our troubles. The whole world Urns been advancing too rapidly, and ifxpansion would,Vt best, have only postponed the evil day. The country Uias seen the woist, and will soou Begin to mend. Gov. Hampton's Kind fiVart. Governor Hampton's fcjlings for the colored, race is illustrated by writer in the Springfield Repnblican, who declares that the Gorcrhor is '.all soul." This writer ikys that Hampton, when riding, during the campaign of 187(3, amonu^ihe rice fields, hod bis carriage' stopped by a furious colored, woman wl,o held a pine knot in her.hand, and swore she would kill him. "The Go vector took a-five dollar notp and banned it to the wretch. £»ue',ga/.ed atfiiim and then ut his money.'" * «Yunty \ he paid, 'that is not to buy yourVOM.' 'What is it for?' asked the stupefiu woman, 'I, as a child, slept many ail hour in my old colored nurse's arms, a'iJü^.I feel kind for your race. I^m your friend, but you do not know it.' Tears ran down that swarthy face ; she ran to the field near by with all her speed, and led her husband back by the hand. 'Man,' sho said, 'Gov. Hampton gib ine dis five dollars. 'Tis de fust money 1 bad gib to me since freedom. Rebel or no rebel, God bless him. If you don't vote for him, I'll quit yon.' Such is tho man. He is all soul." Senator Butler's Maiden Speech. The Record brings us nisi* the full report of Senator Butler's mahlen speech in the Senate on Monday. As an instrument for tho confusion of Mr. Blainc the speech w»fr* admira¬ bly prepared, but it was something more than that. It was not only a manly and clear defence of Mr. But¬ ler's own State, but a cool and cour¬ teous one also; and a Senator from South Carolina is entitled to unusal credit who could letain bis coolness and his courtesy in defending his State front charges so monstrous as have been brought against hor for the purpose of subjecting her again to the odious and scandalous despotism to which she was for ten years sub¬ jected. Governor Hampton will have a worthy colleague, as South Carolina a real representative, in Mr. Butler...Yew York World. Wert thou never in straits before,! and did He not deliver thee? Go to the river of thine experience; and pull up a few bulrushes and plait them into an nrk, wheiein thine infant faith may lloat safely on tho stream. Forget not what God has done for thee ; consider the days of old. Gu back then a little wuy to the choice mercies of yesterday, and though all may bo dark, light up tho camps of t.'.ie past; they auoll glitter] through the darkness, and thou shall trust in tho Lord until the day breakjs and the shadows fleo away..Spurge^n, Speak ttie truth ahvay AN IMPORTANT MATTER. WHAT THE UNITED STATES OWES SOUTH CAROLINA. Tho following clipping take from tho Richmond Dispatch. It will doubtless bo gratifying to South Carolina to know that the United States Government owes her 8200,000 in cash, whethor she ever receives a cent of it or not. This matter shows how true South Carolina was to the Government in the past and how true she may be in the future. If Democ¬ racy controls she will doubtless be repaid the full amount: "Last session General II on ton, of Virginia, introduced a bill for a re- computation of the amounts due by the Federal Government to the States ol Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Delawure, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Now York, and money advanced to carry on the war of 1812. The bill was referred to tho .Military Com mittee, and by it turned over to a sub-committee, of which Mr. Evfns, of South Carolina is chairman. Mr. Evins has, after an exhaustive inves¬ tigation, prepared a report, which having met the approval of the com¬ mittee, he will lay beforo the House for its action whenever the Military Committee shall be culled. In this he shows that a most arbitrary and unjust mode of computation was adopted by the officers of the United States in settling with the States. For instance, instead of letting any payment they doled out going to¬ wards keeping down the interest, they actually credited the principal by it, and when they made the next p*3'- ment they calculated tho interest on the last payment in order to otlset the interest due a Slate. In 1857 the State of Maryland rebelled against this and obtained a resettle¬ ment of her case on legal principals, and the result was that she secured 3270,000. In 1858 Congress directed Secretary Howell Cobb to report whut amounts would be due the rcmainin: States upon a similar recomputation, and he showed that Virginia was en¬ titled to 81,07G,600, South Carolina to 8202,000, Pennsylvania to 8218,- 000, and the other States already named to much smaller sums. Noth* < ing was done, however, towards pay- < '-ahfeak-JkWQ MaJnj»^tHtafcu \ chuseUs were paid nearly. 8800,000 for their advances on the precedent set in the case of Maryland, and now the committee say it is just and proper that Virginia and the ether States should be treated in the same way. Tho committee only made one amendment to General Hunton's bill, and that was that scrip of the denomi¬ nation of 8100, 8500 and $1,000, run¬ ning ten years and bearing interest at the rate of 3.G5 per annum, shall be issued in payment of these war claims. It is claimed that the Govcrnmcut has an offset, but not to a very large amount, against Virginia's claim. Our delegation is very earnestly inter¬ ested in the bill, and will do their best to secure its passage. What a Woman's Glove Hoids. A woman's glove is to her what his vest pocket is Lo a man. Hut it is more capacious,*-and in ni .ety-nine instances out of one hundred it is much better regulated. A man wiil carry two dollars' worth of small change, four matches, half a dozen tooth-picks, a short pencil and a pack of business cards in his vest pocket and yet never be able to find a nickel or a match or a-tooth pick or a pencil or a card, when he wants it. Not so with a woman. She has the least hit of a glove, and in that glove she carries the tiniest little hand and a wad of bills and memoranda for her intended purchases and dress goods samples and car tickets and maybe a diminutive powder rag. We have no idea how she does she man¬ ages to squeeze those thousand and one things into that wee space. But she does it every time, and the gloV'* never looks the least bit discomposed or plethoric or ruftled. And when the woman wants any article conceal¬ ed about that glove she doesn't seem to have the least trouble in the world gocting at it. All that is required is a simple turn of tho wrist, the mo¬ mentary disappearance of two fairy fingers and the desired article is brought to light. It is a wonder that no savant can explain !.St. Louis Journal. A Thirty-Six Pounder. The Wilmington Star says : "Talk¬ ing about big potatoes, Mr. W. T. Moore, of Marion County, S. C, writes to a friond in this city, as said friend informed us, that he has a po¬ tato, raised on his farm, which turns the scales at the enormous weight of thirty-six pounds, and it was not a g(»od day for 'diggin' tater»' cither, when that was brought to the surface. That is what may tie called a combi¬ nation of a whole patch in one huge potato." Tho man who started the above tale is certainly eutitlcd to the championship. "Brave men, wise men, true men 1" shouts the Newark Journal, "to tho front 1" Thank you, thank you kind¬ ly. Now if the usher will please show us right up to tho orchestra chairs. This is the cheapest paper ever published in Orange burg. A Romanoe of the War. A gentleman well acquainted with Colonel Realf (who recently commit* ted suicide in California), and an ar¬ dent admirer of his poetry, relates a story told by himself when the two spent a night in conversation, criti¬ cism and recollections, so dear to his kind, ovor a cosy Are and warm de¬ coctions. He spoke of tho night be¬ fore the battle at which General W. S. Lylle fell. The two (Realf and Lytle) lay together in the general's ten*. They were both given to wri- ing poetry at such times, and each ttiad in unfinished poem on hand, and they read and criticised each others eifortb humorously for some time, when said Lytle: M 'Realf, I shall never live to finish that poem.' " "Nonsense," said. I, "you will live to write a volume of sncli stulf." " 'A feeling hn9 suddenly come over me,' continued the general, sol¬ emnly, 'which is more startling than a prophesy, that 1 shall be killed in to-morrow's fight. As I spoke to you 1 saw the green hills of the Ohio as if I stood ninong them. They be¬ gan to recede from mo in a weird way, and as they disappeared the con¬ viction flashed through me like the lightning's shock that I would never see them again.'" "I rallied him for his superstition, but the belief had become strangely impressed upon his mind, and be suc¬ ceeded in so far thrilling me with his own unnatural fear that I begged him to finish his poem before he slept, that such tine work might not be lost to the world." "In the small hours the general awakened me from a slumber into which 1 ha*! fallen to read to me that beautiful poem, which must live us long as literature survives, begin- - oing:" "I rtm dying, E:rypr,»dyhijr; ' Ebb* the criiiMou life blood fast." "My eyes filled with tears as he read. He said not a word as he con¬ cluded, but placed the manuscript in his pocket and lay down to sleep." "Before dawn came the call to arms. When I next saw poor Lytle ho was cold in death among the heaps uf slain. 1 thought of the poem, and, searching the pocket where I had ;Ay&RW V was forwarded among other things to his friends." Can't be Done. The latest sentimental ballad is entitled "Give me the homo of mv childhood." Bicss your soul, we'd do it In a minute, but.why, haven't you heard? Old Tndgers closed out three mortgages on it in 1867 and '8, and the next year it was seized for debt in the summer following, then your oldest brother claimed that it belonged to bis wile and brought suit in her name to recover, and before that was through they found an old Haw in the title and in trying to straighten that out, it transpired that your grandfather, bad no government patent on it all, but bad stolen it bodily from the Indians ; and now two half-breeds have brought suit to recover the property as the heirs. Tho house was burned down about two years ago and the neighbors have used the fences for kindling wood ; your wife's cousin is trying to get hold of the lot and your half-brother jumped the property one night, put up a little shanty on tho alley corner, and is now in possession. There doesn't seem to be much show for you, but you might flic your "papers, buy a lawyer and sail in..Ilaiokeye. Tin: Appropriation Bill as passed appropriates $150,525 for the Janua¬ ry and July, 1879, interest on the Consolidation securities, recognized by the Bond Commission, and those which have been found valid by the Court of Claims, and those which have been issued during the past year in exchanue for bonds an * stock issued prior to 18G6. The In¬ terest fund now in the Treasury is to be appl cd iirst to the payment of this interest, and to the interest on the Deficiency bonds and stock, amount¬ ing to 827,350. There is, therefore, no reason why the interest on the acknowledged Consolidation debt ishall not be promptly and regularly! paid. Indeed the failure to acknowl¬ edge the bulk of the Consolidation debt enhances the value of the dein which is acknowledged by all parties. [iWuM ami Courier. WoKOKitrui. are the beauties of our legislative appointments. Philadel¬ phia with 70,000 Republican voters elects thirty-one members of the Leg¬ islature, and the Democra'a with 56,500 elect seven. That is, 2,300 Republicans votes elect a member of the House, while it tuke 8,000 Demo¬ cratic votes to secure a like resu)t. And yet the Republican talk of dis- franchiseraent South. We have it in Pennsylvania..Mont rose Democrat. It having been discovered that the exclamation "Dear me 1" is a corrup¬ tion of a cuss word, the ladies are at u loss to give proper expression to their feelings on important occasions. We would suggest, when they want to bo particularly emphatic, to say, "By George Francis Train's brains 1" This Would not tft conti ary to the Bible, for it worrUT not be swearing by «TVything that exists*.' A KINGDOM ruil ULYSSES. GEN. G R A N. I', S A ID TO ÜAV K ItElW PROPO&ftp FOK TUE THRONE Ol* BULGARIA. London-, Nov. 29.«--The Standard" Philippopolis corf'e&pom graphs on tho highest atilr attaches no imporVance to that Gen. Grant has been as a candidate for th" Bi throne. It seems, however, there Is some foundation for port. Under the provisions of first and third articles of tho of Berlin, Bulgaria is constituted automatic tributary principality, i der the suzerainty of tb'J Sultan, willig a Christian govern ment and a nnluiti- al militia. The Prince is to be elect¬ ed by the population, and their choice is to bo opproved and continued hy* the Porte, and by England, France Germany, Russia, Austria and Italy. No member of any reigning European dynasty is eligible to the post, anil' this provision of the treaty has great¬ ly limited the number of eligible can-" didato*. Gen. Grant's reputation as a so dicr and a ruler, it is said, has led the Bulgarian nobles, who nfi- debating among themselves the ques-' tion of a ruler and detail* of tho new constitution, to look upon him as ti; most desirable Prince. It is nrged. that he is eminently fitted fur tho post. Under the provisions oft lief treaty of Berlin, perfect equality in political and religious rights is to lie. extended to all the inhabitants of Bulgaria, and it is thought that t? wholly impartial foroigner like Gen¬ eral Grant can best secure the execu¬ tion of laws designed to secure tbhf equ al i ty..Graphic. "Tho Nation's Wards."' ""Tire .New York Gjuirddn Jtäjjfj^jj hT ~ a significant fact that there is not a I single negro elected to the next Con¬ gress, although there are undeniable Republican majorities in several of the Southern St ilcs. f , And what of it? Why, nothing but. this i The white Republicans do not; care to give place to their colored brethren. In the only two Districts in this State where a Republican has;' any chance of election to Congress^'.]' two white, men, e;u p;;<-baugcra at' that, were nominated* and the c was elected. But there arc Republican majorities and many col- ' ored men in the Northern States. la. Pennsylvania, there are thousands of "American cit'uiCriS of African de " "cent," and as a Cirtss" IHcy rt>c far^ superior to the Southern rfCgV/jes! e'£" specially those of the Cotton Statea. If, therefore, the Republicans have so much sympathy for, and desire1 a see colored men advanced, Wlty d,o% they not elect them to Congress in the Northern States, where they have the power to do it, and lack only the inclination? The fact is not a negro comes from' the North, where they have Fred.* Douglas, Prof. Langston, ami divers'' others that nre a credit to the nice ; nor is it likely that one ever will be sent from that section to Congress. These fellows remind us very much of the patriotism of Artenias WarjlV who was willing to sacrifice all of'his "wife's relations" to sustain the Union cause. They want the fVegW to go to Congress ; hut they see to it' that he shall represent none but1 Southern constitunencies, since riotae" of "t'je free and enlightened*' wtbfe'rfV of the Northern Republican States' are willing to have stich Representa¬ tives-in ^'ongrers..iiiVicA6«'gr Vir-'' yinian. The Bill to facilitate the collectioir-^ of taxes, which is now a law. will pro. vent it is believed, the tendering of Consolidation coupons^tad of bills of the Bank of the State for taxes/ Holders of the coupons or bank' hills can pay their taxes, in' monoy, under protest and bring ao-. lion against the County Treasurer for the monoy so paid. The grant¬ ing or issuing of any writ of manda¬ mus, compelling the reception for* taxes of any funds, currency or bank bills not authorized to be received by law, is prohibited, and the collection of taxes shall not be stayed by rfny^. Court..JYeito anu Courier. Horses are absurdly cheap fn ITm-' s'u just now, for, owing to l]ie demo¬ bilisation of the army, the surplus cavalry horses' are fnerfig goto off rtf/ auction at ridiculous prices. par-* ty from Prussia; recently attended 'the' sales and recrossed the frontier with' 1,000 htfsea,' which they had pur¬ chased for ?85* roubles, or rather leas* than 25'öffrits"eacn." Tb* Kftisslan Invalide puts tnänriW' her of troops engaged in actual fight¬ ing during the last war at 282,000 in¬ fantry, 37.000 cavalry, or 319,000 men with 1,288 field guns. The artil¬ lery used 204,923' charg3s, and tho/ infantry and cavalry 10,057,764 car-" fridges. The Turks'are reported to have lost altogether' rieafly' 150,000' killed atftS'woftidedv A\\ editor recently Attended' the" funeral of a delinquent, subscriber.' As the cbffru was opened at the grave' he BÖlehYhty atnf tearfully advhficcd' and deposited in it a atraw hat,'a* linen duster, a palmetto fan and such* other" ai rlcies as may he needed in a warVrf climaio. Do you sec' the point,* delinqntn'tj?

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Page 1: The Oransre emocrat, · 2011. 1. 7. · tics have had their day and vanished from the earth, something which shall survive the grave a~d meet us at thejudgment. God help ms to be

The Oransre¦





JANUARY 3, 1879 INo. 1.

SHERIDAN & SIMS, ProprioSüdsöAtption.

One Ye»ir.ivUiUmtt«»».'Six Months.a.....-...-.;..».>.Ministers of the Oospcl-.-.».

ADVEUTISEilEHTB.First Instertlon. ...n»»»u....»».Kneh Subsequent Insertion.Liberal contracts nmtlu for 3 m|and over.

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devil withurning their

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f L'Vom tho Bnptlat tjourlor,There is such a thing, wo a

n ami cd, despite appcarancesilleve, though some may bo di&osedto smile at our credulity, th^thereare men who every year go dthe arena and comesmirched ; men who feel tha;serious thing to have a handconduct ofgovernment for cor nation, who walk humbthe weight of their responsUseek divine guidance nnctfand whose souls loathe Mfalse, hollow and unjustmen, it must bo admittedtion&l. May God multiplber, for they are thocouutry.

It is humiliating to havethat, as a rule, even Christ]agreed to leave their conhome when they go intocontest. "Everything is fy'r in love,wai nnd politics," is. thrje-acceptedprinciple; and the r

.very protest of^monis. "You^-fiTnwt flprh '_Ire/' or,'**We are on>wn weapons againstNow, we have no]^the course of one poetical party more

than another, norfe f the particularends sought to bJ^/jUained by thisaide or that. ^,#Ave do mean tosay that 'HhercJwjffimething noblerthan victory ; at J^s better to failWith cleaA hnjfis thanj to succeed bydishonest and/ignoble inenns, becausesuch succesßnvill prove in the longrun the w/n-st of failures, and will

a ourse with itl How much.justice was'practiced all

over Ibis broad land dnjring the late.campaign and election It is impossi-'ble to say. We have no reason tobelieve that there was more than isioinmon In times of grbat politicalpxcitement and conflict. ! It is not ofrecent events that we write, it is o/principles which apply to all times"and all parties.

Govenment is of God, and everyman who baa anything to do with govsrnment, from tne most ignorant andobscure laborer whoso highest gloryis to cast a vote, to tho gr-ondesfandmightiest offlciSl.frpm the rice fields

ery one is bouqd to use his politicalprivileges «nd powers in the fear ofiGod.How has it come to pass thatIWashington City iscommonlylspokenof by intelligent foreigners, Vnd byhonest men among oursi lvcsf&s a denof thieves? How is it that State

capitals are so often regarded asIsinks of corruption, and many city/governments as fiendish machines[controlled by powerful "rings" for¦their own vile, selfish erdsj? Whatias brought about this state J>f things,nit the almost universal exjerciee of

ihe.fnjidanee ofpassion or sellisWfWHSBHhout theolighest regard to the suggestions ofconscience? Any kind or Agreed ofvilliany appears to be expect ed in theconduct of political affairs. ] And themen who practice (are theytreated by society, the best1 society ?even the church? (for they are some¬times religious profession.)Are they scorned and acouted ?Are they dealt with as yot woulddeal with your neighbor who md toldyou a lie or practiced some fraudupon you in your social reflations?No, truly. Th^y arc petted, theyare lionized, their names are .blazon¬ed everywhere, and their wcWiderfulspeeches heard tvith shouts of ap^|lause by admiring thousand^. Noth-ig is too good for them,/no glory

great for them. Accordingly, we<d the vilest men in plac/es of honor

trust, men who are rofadly ambi-or meanly greed§ oft gain.?body sees it, everybody la-

It, everybody denounce.-! couq-

jgislatnre, Congress.and yetmass of the -people continue topolitical privilege/s without once

ig to conscience, Here s my.-be thou ray guide Ippose it were .otherwise, j Snp-every man in; tho eountlry dc-with what \ political party heact, and winnt candidates hesupport, t/pon conscientious

unds, with thei fear of God tbeforcSuppose that eyery^ one,

went tr> tho ballot-box, re-8 must give account

vote, just as surely asdeed of his life, andh a pure conscience?

tion we should present-volution which wouldslice, impurttgAnd kna-up truth, homBR virtue,

ese, solid prosperity/ Weman supported fo r of-

character could not bear; no more selfish, scheming

i in legislative and congres-lls. . Our representativesmen in whom all have con-

and our statesmen above ;sus-O, blessed oyes that ; hall

day. ither one party or another snailtho preponderance is not/ ther of first conseqonce in a eyun-iko ours, however important itsometimes be. Far more mo-us is it that each man ose his

icol privileges always unselfish-eligiously, with a conscience voidoffence towards God and men.


Those aro golden words of FrederickRobertson's: "Better is it to sup¬port a wrong causo conscientiously,than a right one insincerely. Betteris it to bo a true roan on the side ofwrong, than a false man on tho sider,t right."There is something above all party

to which our loyalty is due, some¬thing which shall live when all par-tics have had their day and vanishedfrom the earth, something whichshall survive the grave a~d meet usat the judgment. God help ms to beloval ilrst of all to conscience. C.

Swindling the Negroes.While the stalwart organs of.the

North are pretending to believe thatthe colored man does uot under anycircumstances, vole tho Democraticticket, they seem to forget tho sadlesson the negro has learned from hisexperience with the carpet-baggerand with the freedman's bank swindle.In order to make him turn thorough¬ly a licpublican, the negro was toldthat his loyalty, so called, if carried).Out pessistently nod certainly, wouldentitle him to foity acres and a mule.This promise inllamcd the simplemind of the freedman, and he was

loyal for a year or two to an extentthat surprised even the carpet-bag¬gers and led the stalwarts to believethat his devotion wou. j be eternal.But the negro was swindled. He

was cheated on every hand. Agentsof the freedman's bureau walked offwith with his small earnings, andloyal peddlers of patent pills camearound for the purpose of scoopinging up his money. Not content withthis, the loyalists of the North invent¬ed a trap for catching the smallchange of the colored man, and rightwell it succeeded. The frcedman fellan easy prey to loyal rapacity. Theyflocked to the branch offices of thebank and deposited their sums witha confidence that was child-like andbland, considering the fact that itwas tho deliberate purpose of themanagers at the start to swindle thenegroes. And they did swindlethem. They swindled them from thebeginning to the end, and when therotten concern got ready to fail, thefunds ol the Southern negroes weregobbled up as remorselessly as if nosuch people existed. Then, when

[ifr* ^rmfrWvr-rrff npjrctovrn W In¬vestigate the affairs of the concern,and to wind up its affairs, had beenappointed, the cheat still continued.One inefficient clerk did all the work,aud the more than incidence*: commissioners drew their salaries with an

emphasis and an unction truly re¬freshing. To be brief nearly everyhonest and thrifty negro in the Southwas swindled and robbed by thesedishonest Republican conspirators;aud'yet tbc most of them, even thethieves themselves, pretended to thelast to be the friends of the coloredpeople.With all these plain facts in sight,the Republicans pretend that the ne¬

gro would vote the Republican ticket.Do they take the Sou'hern negro for)a fool? Do they think he ia «"tjr,cj;without intelligence?they are reckoning with]The negro is not onlyis is shrewd, and he kn|the next, man whenrobbed..Atlanta Const

The Tissue BalA scoffing contcmpor"

that the News and Cot!discovered that the titwere invented for thecratic negroes and that tKURfid notamount to anything nnywBwill de¬cide next week that theseWssuo bal-!lots "were stuffed in by wicked Rad¬icals, who wished to damage the char¬acter of the Democratic party."Quite likely. Wo discovered yester¬day that E. W. M. Mackey, who isaccepted as authority on the subject,had 10,000 tissue tickets printed inCharleston on election day, or theday before. We leave itte»our pro¬phetical contemporary to decide whatuse was made of them..Ntws andCourier.A Washington special says : "The

attention of the Blaino outrage com¬mittee will be called in due time tothe fact that E. W. M. Mack'?y, thedefeated Radical candidate for Con¬gress in South Carolina, had tenthousand tissue tickets printed inCharleston just before the election.All tho information as to the tissueballot-Stuffing in South Carolina overwhich Mr. Blainc and his congenershave been making such a funs camefrom Mackey. While investigatingthis subject it will be in order for thecommittee to call Mr. Mnckey andinquire what use he made of his tick*ets. A Republican member of thecommittee intimates that it will not]be the policy of the majority of thecommittee to summon many witness-ee, and among them lie thinks there!will be very few colored persons.What they think will be the best planis to call a number of the Radicalwhite politicians in the South, andsuch Federal officials who can be re¬lied upon, to give such testimony asis wanted."

If" a man is on his way to thewoods to commit suicide and a bullsuddenly gives chase, the chances arcthat he will run for his life.

SuusciuuE for Tub-Democrat.



For nearly nineteen centuriesChristmas day has been bcld up tomankind as the one especial timewhen good will should pievnil, andpeace brood over the earth. Themartyrs chanted it. The monkspreached it. The pulpit of tho pressis tilled this day with those who talkof it and write of it. And with rea¬son. Religion apart, no nobler lifethan that of Him of Nazareth, in itspower, its sorrow and its unselfish-ness, has been given to mankind asa warning and an example. A warn¬ing that there is oftentimes moststrength in seeming weakness, nndan example that infinite might itselfcan oftentimes best accomplish itswise purpose by submission to inferi¬or forces.There was in Him of Nazareth no

oogerness to exercise the omnipotencewith which He was endowed. Manin appearance, a perfect roan, hismethods were human. His were theannoyances and vexatious of ordina¬ry childhood. His were the hard¬ships of the poor in early manhood.The divinity that was His sharpenedthe keen edge of the winter's blast,and quickened the pangs of hunger.Throughout His precious life it wasHis part to teach what no man hadtaught, and to stiller as no man hadsuffered.Had He said but the word, His

Father, which is in Heavcny wouldhave given him ten legions of angels.It was His mission to show that holyliving and holy dying are more po¬tent than the irresistible inlluencewhich compels an acquiescence whichis far from being consent. A wish ofthe Father or the Son would havechanged the wholo world ; but theworld then would have been savedin opite of itself. Tho angerswere made perfect, and Lucifer an Ihis hosts are lost. For them there'is no uprising. Man was created inthe Lord's own image, and he fell.For him there is a higher life than'that of Eden, but a life that he mustwork opt for himself, in the sweat ofhis browT-and the bitterness of hisheart.One majestic lesson of the New

helped must help themselves, andthat they who help themselves shallbe helped. B«t the paramount lessonis conveyed ii\ the sweet sad knowledge that the miracles wrought bythe Son .of David were always forothers, and never for Himself. Du¬ring the fasting in tfie desett, duringthe bloody sweat in the garden, whilebound and buffeted, when piercedwith the cruel thorns, while totteringunder the burden of the tree of Cav¬alry, when racked with thirst andagonized with pain, there was nomanifestation of strength <livine. Itwas otherwise at Cana and when thewidow's son was sleeping, when themultitude were hungry and when thefishermen despaired, when ilia atoms^WfU^UiU^hen the centurion en-

fljPT saving word beBBffuic voice of the LornKBmd there was plenteous-

HHHValing, safety and new lifle.¦or Himself, for others He was

Bpnli8 sight an hundred years areHr as yesterday, and all days areBnke. To those who acknowledgeniim to be the Ixml, the anniversaryof the day when the angels sang theirglorious song to the shepherds' ofBethlehem is the first of days, but itis not His day, in very truth, unlessare made like unto it each day in theexistence of every one. And, whenon this blessed day, something morei» done lor other;; than we ever at

tempt to do for ourselves, and sacri¬fices are made for others in act or infeeling, that we would not consent tofor ourselves, then do we begin tounderstand the mission of Christ, andenter into the fullness of the spirit ofthis most gracious time.

It is something to give a day or anhour to beholding one's own j >y inthe bliss of others. Such is Christ¬mas. But it serves little, at last,:ifthe kindliness of to-day be followedby harshness to-morrow, if grudgingcome swiftly afUr giving, if unchari-tablencss go fast after tenderness andmere}*, if the whiteness of these fewhours make more distinct the black¬ness of daily life 1 To bo a truoChristmas, this day, whatever itscourse in former years, must be theprccurser of a round twelve mouthsof gracious acts and kindly thoughts,of bearing and forbearing. Restingamid the leaves, unnoticed if not for¬gotten, such a Christmas will giveIragrance and benediction to thebook of our life. So let us think ofChristmas this time, if never before,and if the day when Christ was borncome only once a year, the lesaonsHe taught will be with us each andevery day, and, in our hearts andlives, there will be peace and goodwill, renewing and renewed forever..A'etoa and Courier.

The private hearing of Edison'selectric light patent case was resum¬ed yesterday. Tho solicitor generaldecided that Edison should be allow¬ed to proceed with his application.It is expected that the Edison patentwill Sie sealed in a few days, unlc:further opposition is offered.

The]Chanflo a Plan*.General Grant* it is J&>w announc¬

ed, has concluded to gf'dto Asia, andto remain abroad U present.This is as wj^Ho fto expected.When it was given oc,-v thnL ho wasabout to come !i K that a sue-1cession of entert bad beenprepared to be ., u alter bisarrival,there wer indicationsof popular dlsserit.The construction put? vv the mana¬

gers upon these signs <;>(>iliaapproba¬tion was that they rofoirryTl merely tothe lime of Gericrr:3, ijpvui'o return,and they drew (he concision that itwould bo more pru/jenuitor him topostpone his coming.

Herclu they err. There is no un>-fricndlincss to General Gigant, and noone objects to his reiUriVl\p What dif¬ference does it raakptj.J)) anybwlywhether he be in Asia/)- America-^whether he bo tanninim-Ioather orhauling wood?The hostility rests lijson}something

more substantial. It fa t<t having alltho usagos and traditions!which havecontrolled the elecliona'pf Presidentset aside.

This objection will retain perma¬nently, and wiil apply'Jb GeneralGrant as a candidate .au ill times.Whether he come homo m\Vt' or go toAsia first will not make tl\e sligbestditference.. New York'SvU.

-r~0$-The Distress in England.The distress in Knglaodinnd Scot¬

land, says the News and .Courier, isalarming. Through the dullness andunprofitableness of trade tens of thou¬sands of persons, in evcry^branch ofbusiness, have been thrown out ofwork, and this unavoidable! injury hasbeen aggravated by strike underta¬ken in the hope that employerswould bo willing to make/goods tosell at a loss. Relief fur. h; are incontemplation, but this wi ll be a hardwinter in Great Britain at^well as inthe United States.

In Great Britain there 1 is been noc ntraction of the currency, and thegold-bug is as unknown a&f.ho silverlunatic. Yet tho distress tho fail¬ures, and the paralysis jpr? manufac¬tures are fully as 8CYC.ce 3*.in thiscountry. If tho Greenback partywere in the habit of loekiiW boyoudtbr.eml/.nj.^rv-v-^:"1^ -V.V.^.V,'lead them to doubt the truth; of theirdoctrine that the preparatio ns fur resumption are the causes o!f all ourtroubles. The whole world Urns beenadvancing too rapidly, and ifxpansionwould,Vt best, have only postponedthe evil day. The country Uias seenthe woist, and will soou Begin tomend.

Gov. Hampton's Kind fiVart.Governor Hampton's fcjlings for

the colored, race is illustrated bywriter in the Springfield Repnblican,who declares that the Gorcrhor is'.all soul." This writer ikys thatHampton, when riding, during thecampaign of 187(3, amonu^ihe ricefields, hod bis carriage' stopped by afurious colored, woman wl,o held a

pine knot in her.hand, and swore shewould kill him. "The Govector tooka-five dollar notp and banned it tothe wretch. £»ue',ga/.ed atfiiim andthen ut his money.'" * «Yunty \ he paid,'that is not to buy yourVOM.' 'Whatis it for?' asked the stupefiu woman,'I, as a child, slept many ail hour inmy old colored nurse's arms, a'iJü^.Ifeel kind for your race. I^m yourfriend, but you do not know it.'Tears ran down that swarthy face ;she ran to the field near by with allher speed, and led her husband backby the hand. 'Man,' sho said, 'Gov.Hampton gib ine dis five dollars.'Tis de fust money 1 bad gib to mesince freedom. Rebel or no rebel,God bless him. If you don't votefor him, I'll quit yon.' Such is thoman. He is all soul."

Senator Butler's Maiden Speech.The Record brings us nisi* the full

report of Senator Butler's mahlenspeech in the Senate on Monday.As an instrument for tho confusionof Mr. Blainc the speech w»fr* admira¬bly prepared, but it was somethingmore than that. It was not only a

manly and clear defence of Mr. But¬ler's own State, but a cool and cour¬teous one also; and a Senator fromSouth Carolina is entitled to unusalcredit who could letain bis coolnessand his courtesy in defending hisState front charges so monstrous ashave been brought against hor for thepurpose of subjecting her again tothe odious and scandalous despotismto which she was for ten years sub¬jected. Governor Hampton willhave a worthy colleague, as SouthCarolina a real representative, inMr. Butler...Yew York World.

Wert thou never in straits before,!and did He not deliver thee? Go tothe river of thine experience; and pullup a few bulrushes and plait theminto an nrk, wheiein thine infantfaith may lloat safely on tho stream.Forget not what God has done forthee ; consider the days of old. Guback then a little wuy to the choicemercies of yesterday, and though allmay bo dark, light up tho camps oft.'.ie past; they auoll glitter] throughthe darkness, and thou shall trust intho Lord until the day breakjs and theshadows fleo away..Spurge^n,Speak ttie truth ahvay


SOUTH CAROLINA.Tho following clipping take

from tho Richmond Dispatch. Itwill doubtless bo gratifying to SouthCarolina to know that the UnitedStates Government owes her 8200,000in cash, whethor she ever receives acent of it or not. This matter showshow true South Carolina was to theGovernment in the past and how trueshe may be in the future. If Democ¬racy controls she will doubtless berepaid the full amount:"Last session General IIonton, of

Virginia, introduced a bill for a re-computation of the amounts due bythe Federal Government to the Statesol Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia,Delawure, Pennsylvania, Tennesseeand Now York, and money advancedto carry on the war of 1812. Thebill was referred to tho .Military Committee, and by it turned over to asub-committee, of which Mr. Evfns,of South Carolina is chairman. Mr.Evins has, after an exhaustive inves¬tigation, prepared a report, whichhaving met the approval of the com¬mittee, he will lay beforo the Housefor its action whenever the MilitaryCommittee shall be culled. In thishe shows that a most arbitrary andunjust mode of computation was

adopted by the officers of the UnitedStates in settling with the States.For instance, instead of letting anypayment they doled out going to¬wards keeping down the interest, theyactually credited the principal by it,and when they made the next p*3'-ment they calculated tho interest onthe last payment in order to otlsetthe interest due a Slate. In 1857the State of Maryland rebelledagainst this and obtained a resettle¬ment of her case on legal principals,and the result was that she secured3270,000. In 1858 Congress directedSecretary Howell Cobb to report whutamounts would be due the rcmainin:States upon a similar recomputation,and he showed that Virginia was en¬titled to 81,07G,600, South Carolinato 8202,000, Pennsylvania to 8218,-000, and the other States alreadynamed to much smaller sums. Noth* <

ing was done, however, towards pay-< '-ahfeak-JkWQ MaJnj»^tHtafcu \chuseUs were paid nearly. 8800,000for their advances on the precedentset in the case of Maryland, and nowthe committee say it is just and properthat Virginia and the ether Statesshould be treated in the same way.Tho committee only made one

amendment to General Hunton's bill,and that was that scrip of the denomi¬nation of 8100, 8500 and $1,000, run¬ning ten years and bearing interest atthe rate of 3.G5 per annum, shall beissued in payment of these war claims.It is claimed that the Govcrnmcut hasan offset, but not to a very largeamount, against Virginia's claim.Our delegation is very earnestly inter¬ested in the bill, and will do theirbest to secure its passage.

What a Woman's Glove Hoids.A woman's glove is to her what his

vest pocket is Lo a man. Hut it ismore capacious,*-and in ni .ety-nineinstances out of one hundred it ismuch better regulated. A man wiilcarry two dollars' worth of smallchange, four matches, half a dozentooth-picks, a short pencil and a packof business cards in his vest pocketand yet never be able to find a nickelor a match or a-tooth pick or a pencilor a card, when he wants it. Not sowith a woman. She has the leasthit of a glove, and in that glove shecarries the tiniest little hand and awad of bills and memoranda for herintended purchases and dress goodssamples and car tickets and maybe adiminutive powder rag. We have noidea how she does she man¬

ages to squeeze those thousand andone things into that wee space. Butshe does it every time, and the gloV'*never looks the least bit discomposedor plethoric or ruftled. And whenthe woman wants any article conceal¬ed about that glove she doesn't seemto have the least trouble in the worldgocting at it. All that is required isa simple turn of tho wrist, the mo¬mentary disappearance of two fairyfingers and the desired article isbrought to light. It is a wonder thatno savant can explain !.St. LouisJournal.

A Thirty-Six Pounder.The Wilmington Star says : "Talk¬

ing about big potatoes, Mr. W. T.Moore, of Marion County, S. C,writes to a friond in this city, as saidfriend informed us, that he has a po¬tato, raised on his farm, which turnsthe scales at the enormous weight ofthirty-six pounds, and it was not a

g(»od day for 'diggin' tater»' cither,when that was brought to the surface.That is what may tie called a combi¬nation of a whole patch in one hugepotato." Tho man who started theabove tale is certainly eutitlcd to thechampionship."Brave men, wise men, true men 1"

shouts the Newark Journal, "to thofront 1" Thank you, thank you kind¬ly. Now if the usher will pleaseshow us right up to tho orchestrachairs.

This is the cheapest paper everpublished in Orangeburg.

A Romanoe of the War.A gentleman well acquainted with

Colonel Realf (who recently commit*ted suicide in California), and an ar¬dent admirer of his poetry, relates a

story told by himself when the twospent a night in conversation, criti¬cism and recollections, so dear to hiskind, ovor a cosy Are and warm de¬coctions. He spoke of tho night be¬fore the battle at which General W.S. Lylle fell. The two (Realf andLytle) lay together in the general'sten*. They were both given to wri-ing poetry at such times, and eachttiad in unfinished poem on hand, andthey read and criticised each otherseifortb humorously for some time,when said Lytle:

M 'Realf, I shall never live to finishthat poem.' "

"Nonsense," said. I, "you will liveto write a volume of sncli stulf."" 'A feeling hn9 suddenly come

over me,' continued the general, sol¬emnly, 'which is more startling thana prophesy, that 1 shall be killed into-morrow's fight. As I spoke toyou 1 saw the green hills of the Ohioas if I stood ninong them. They be¬gan to recede from mo in a weirdway, and as they disappeared the con¬viction flashed through me like thelightning's shock that I would neversee them again.'"

"I rallied him for his superstition,but the belief had become strangelyimpressed upon his mind, and be suc¬ceeded in so far thrilling me with hisown unnatural fear that I beggedhim to finish his poem before he slept,that such tine work might not be lostto the world.""In the small hours the general

awakened me from a slumber intowhich 1 ha*! fallen to read to me thatbeautiful poem, which must live uslong as literature survives, begin- -

oing:""I rtm dying, E:rypr,»dyhijr; 'Ebb* the criiiMou life blood fast."

"My eyes filled with tears as heread. He said not a word as he con¬cluded, but placed the manuscript inhis pocket and lay down to sleep.""Before dawn came the call toarms. When I next saw poor Lytleho was cold in death among the heapsuf slain. 1 thought of the poem, and,searching the pocket where I had

;Ay&RW Vwas forwarded among other thingsto his friends."

Can't be Done.The latest sentimental ballad is

entitled "Give me the homo of mvchildhood." Bicss your soul, we'ddo it In a minute, but.why, haven'tyou heard? Old Tndgers closed outthree mortgages on it in 1867 and '8,and the next year it was seized fordebt in the summer following, thenyour oldest brother claimed that itbelonged to bis wile and brought suitin her name to recover, and beforethat was through they found an oldHaw in the title and in trying tostraighten that out, it transpired thatyour grandfather, bad no governmentpatent on it all, but bad stolen itbodily from the Indians ; and nowtwo half-breeds have brought suit torecover the property as the heirs.Tho house was burned down abouttwo years ago and the neighbors haveused the fences for kindling wood ;your wife's cousin is trying to gethold of the lot and your half-brotherjumped the property one night, putup a little shanty on tho alley corner,and is now in possession. Theredoesn't seem to be much show foryou, but you might flic your "papers,buy a lawyer and sail in..Ilaiokeye.

Tin: Appropriation Bill as passedappropriates $150,525 for the Janua¬ry and July, 1879, interest on theConsolidation securities, recognizedby the Bond Commission, and thosewhich have been found valid by theCourt of Claims, and those whichhave been issued during the pastyear in exchanue for bonds an *

stock issued prior to 18G6. The In¬terest fund now in the Treasury is tobe appl cd iirst to the payment of thisinterest, and to the interest on theDeficiency bonds and stock, amount¬ing to 827,350. There is, therefore,no reason why the interest onthe acknowledged Consolidation debtishall not be promptly and regularly!paid. Indeed the failure to acknowl¬edge the bulk of the Consolidationdebt enhances the value of the deinwhich is acknowledged by all parties.

[iWuM ami Courier.

WoKOKitrui. are the beauties of ourlegislative appointments. Philadel¬phia with 70,000 Republican voterselects thirty-one members of the Leg¬islature, and the Democra'a with56,500 elect seven. That is, 2,300Republicans votes elect a member ofthe House, while it tuke 8,000 Demo¬cratic votes to secure a like resu)t.And yet the Republican talk of dis-franchiseraent South. We have it inPennsylvania..Montrose Democrat.

It having been discovered that theexclamation "Dear me 1" is a corrup¬tion of a cuss word, the ladies are atu loss to give proper expression totheir feelings on important occasions.We would suggest, when they wantto bo particularly emphatic, to say,"By George Francis Train's brains 1"This Would not tft conti ary to theBible, for it worrUT not be swearing by«TVything that exists*.'


Philippopolis corf'e&pomgraphs on tho highest atilrattaches no imporVance tothat Gen. Grant has beenas a candidate for th" Bithrone. It seems, however,there Is some foundation forport. Under the provisions offirst and third articles of thoof Berlin, Bulgaria is constitutedautomatic tributary principality, ider the suzerainty of tb'J Sultan, williga Christian govern ment and a nnluiti-al militia. The Prince is to be elect¬ed by the population, and their choiceis to bo opproved and continued hy*the Porte, and by England, FranceGermany, Russia, Austria and Italy.No member of any reigning Europeandynasty is eligible to the post, anil'this provision of the treaty has great¬ly limited the number of eligible can-"didato*. Gen. Grant's reputation asa so dicr and a ruler, it is said, hasled the Bulgarian nobles, who nfi-debating among themselves the ques-'tion of a ruler and detail* of tho newconstitution, to look upon him as ti;most desirable Prince. It is nrged.that he is eminently fitted fur thopost. Under the provisions oft lieftreaty of Berlin, perfect equality inpolitical and religious rights is to lie.extended to all the inhabitants ofBulgaria, and it is thought that t?wholly impartial foroigner like Gen¬eral Grant can best secure the execu¬tion of laws designed to secure tbhfequ al ity..Graphic.

"Tho Nation's Wards."'""Tire.New York Gjuirddn Jtäjjfj^jj hT ~

a significant fact that there is not a Isingle negro elected to the next Con¬gress, although there are undeniableRepublican majorities in several ofthe Southern St ilcs. f ,

And what of it? Why, nothing but.this i The white Republicans do not;care to give place to their coloredbrethren. In the only two Districtsin this State where a Republican has;'any chance of election to Congress^'.]'two white, men, e;u p;;<-baugcra at'that, were nominated* andthe c was elected. But there arc

Republican majorities and many col-'

ored men in the Northern States. la.Pennsylvania, there are thousands of"American cit'uiCriS of African de


"cent," and as a Cirtss" IHcy rt>c far^superior to the Southern rfCgV/jes! e'£"specially those of the Cotton Statea.

If, therefore, the Republicans haveso much sympathy for, and desire1asee colored men advanced, Wlty d,o%they not elect them to Congress inthe Northern States, where they havethe power to do it, and lack only theinclination?The fact is not a negro comes from'

the North, where they have Fred.*Douglas, Prof. Langston, ami divers''others that nre a credit to the nice ;nor is it likely that one ever will besent from that section to Congress.These fellows remind us very much

of the patriotism of Artenias WarjlVwho was willing to sacrifice all of'his"wife's relations" to sustain theUnion cause. They want the fVegWto go to Congress ; hut they see to it'that he shall represent none but1Southern constitunencies, since riotae"of "t'je free and enlightened*' wtbfe'rfVof the Northern Republican States'are willing to have stich Representa¬tives-in ^'ongrers..iiiVicA6«'gr Vir-''yinian.The Bill to facilitate the collectioir-^

of taxes, which is now a law. will pro.vent it is believed, the tendering ofConsolidation coupons^tad of bills ofthe Bank of the State for taxes/Holders of the coupons or bank'hills can pay their taxes, in'monoy, under protest and bring ao-.lion against the County Treasurerfor the monoy so paid. The grant¬ing or issuing of any writ of manda¬mus, compelling the reception for*taxes of any funds, currency or bankbills not authorized to be received bylaw, is prohibited, and the collectionof taxes shall not be stayed by rfny^.Court..JYeito anu Courier.

Horses are absurdly cheap fn ITm-'s'u just now, for, owing to l]ie demo¬bilisation of the army, the surpluscavalry horses' are fnerfig goto off rtf/auction at ridiculous prices. par-*ty from Prussia; recently attended 'the'sales and recrossed the frontier with'1,000 htfsea,' which they had pur¬chased for ?85* roubles, or rather leas*than 25'öffrits"eacn."

Tb* Kftisslan Invalide puts tnänriW'her of troops engaged in actual fight¬ing during the last war at 282,000 in¬fantry, 37.000 cavalry, or 319,000men with 1,288 field guns. The artil¬lery used 204,923' charg3s, and tho/infantry and cavalry 10,057,764 car-"fridges. The Turks'are reported tohave lost altogether' rieafly' 150,000'killed atftS'woftidedv

A\\ editor recently Attended' the"funeral of a delinquent, subscriber.'As the cbffru was opened at the grave'he BÖlehYhty atnf tearfully advhficcd'and deposited in it a atraw hat,'a*linen duster, a palmetto fan and such*other" ai rlcies as may he needed in awarVrf climaio. Do you sec' the point,*delinqntn'tj?