the omaha daily bee. (omaha, nebraska) 1874-10 …...the iv. omaha friday mornestg ootobsr 30, 1874....

THE IV. OMAHA FRIDAY MORNESTG OOTOBSR 30 , 1874. NO. 114. CHK DAILY Htth.tD- WABD . KOSEWATKB , Editor and Prop'i Office No. 13M Faruliam street , teetw.- Kl . nth nnd Teutli. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : copy , one year. In advance 87.00 six months. In advance . < -OJJ " three tnrnths IB advance 2.p- oWH not paid In advance , $8 per annum will ; colleteA PREMIUM HATTER Best and Cheapest Hats and Caps.- OMAHA. . . , OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTOR- . OBAOKEB MANUFAOTOET- .cClureA . Bmltn. 185 Hiirner street , bet- .Hth . and 12th. declitf BOOTS ADD SHOES- .TlUUIp . Lang. 155 Farnham at , between 10t- hj ni 115h febWrl 005FEOTIOHE- ST.Hlh . Later , corner 12th and Douglas streets , - od wholesale dealer in- omdjcsand confectionerf. Country trade so- ncetod. - . 'Pi" 0011. DEALEEB.- dA . Elliot , coal , lime , cetnen thalr etc. , 131 Farnham st. feblSmS PAWN BEOKEE- .Elgotter . , Ko. 200 Farnhua st. el7U- LAUHDET.. * new VmndrT opened at oil llth st. , bet- .A . Famine , rod Dongas. The washing and Coning will be done to oriT. first class work WV tAOTOET- .TJremlum . bo p WorVs , Powell t Co , still Jt7 mauufacftre tb ir Premium Soap. F v- eSfl premium *awardeJliy the Lougla county ab l State fairs , nd 1'oIUwatlamle county , la. Orders soli"Jled from the trade- ATTOBHEIS. . E. F. SilYTUE. O. C. GBAVE- S.SMYTHE . & GRAVES , Attorneysatiaw. . Boom 5 Crefghton Block. SAVAGE & MAND6RSON , Attorneys at 342 FAENHAM BTBEA- T.J01DJ . C. CO WIN , oy. ClolioitorCO- UNSELOR. - . OFFICE CREIQKTON'S Bi-OCK , OMAHA , KEUBASKA.- T. . . W. T. Kicnards , Attorney at Law Office 490 18lh St. , bet. Farnliam and Jlarnpy Oraaba * Neb. ' 0. Boi "i"41- 1G. . W. AMBUOSE , KEDICKJS OPERA HOUSE OMAHA - E. ESTAllKO- DE.ESTABROOK& . * . K. FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE Crcl ?hton Block , Omaha , Ke- b.DtXTER . L. THOMAS , Attorney and Connselor at Law.- OiTIOKBoom . Ho VIiMnBr1 ! Bios * . OMAKA - JOHN K. KKLLEY , Attorne 1 CounseloratLawltO- LLECTIOKS SOI JCTTED AKD PBOMP- Tli ly attended to , No charge unleu c'llec- tion are made. Uouwatolet and rents col- octed. - . Heal estate bought and sold. u7u- O. . HBALLOTT , Office n Crelebton'ii i w block , southeast per room , floor- .OMAHA. . . EB- .J. . . S. SHROPSHIR- E.Attorney . - at- Law Boom Ko , 18. E. Coiner 15th and Douglas Sta , OMAHA , - - NEBR. * . icrwrcurr- rSPAl'N ' & PRITCHETT , ind Counselors at Law. Address I-nrk KAT 4na Omaha , COlSTNXLt AND jjfj'trlct IttoruPf fer Sfcead Jnd- icial - District.- OKHCS . South side of Famham , between 16lh i > ifith ita. , opposite Cocrt Hou . .SO.X. O'SBIE- H.LDWIK . B * . O'BRIEST , ATTOENEYS5LAWO- Cce Caldwell Block , Pouglas Ptreet , KEBBAS- KA.PAKKE . OMAHA. - - - - GOD1VES , Attorney at Law * Illellman Bltck. ) 491 THIRTSESTI BTBBBT. OMAHA 2R 1m JOHN W. LTTLE , * at0rBer-ftt-Law and Salicitor IB- Eqalty. . . TtT Pint Kktleaal Baai , N. J. BURNHAM.AT- TORSEI . AND COUNSULLOB AT- UW , ' . S. E. Cor 15th n4 Douglas Street *. 01CAHA. fc- ,3r NEB. OMAHA TO CINCINNATI.- Chicaqo . , Financially and Commer dally Ihe .Difference between i- Qrain Speculating and a Manu factoring Centre Cincinnati JProRperous How her Hills an Graded On to Dayton. (From the Sacramento Eecord. ) CINCINNATI , Oct 27. EDITOR On AHA BEE : " Taking the C. B. & Q. train foi Chicago at Omaha , found our- selves in one of those magnificent palace cars , attended by the most accommodating conductors , and af- ter getting fairly under way , we were invited into the dining-car , where a bplendid supper was wait- ing ¬ a convenience found on very few roads. Arriving in Chicago on the next day , we took our "hash" ut the Palmer House , where nothing was wanting to make us happy and com ¬ fortable- .In . looking over Chicago and chat- ting with some of her enterprising business men , we could not help but notice the depressed condition of- affairs. . Financially , Chicago is in- a very bad condition and must be- in a worse one , when her December loans and interest on loans made two years ago become due. Much -valuable property that was damaged by the late lire , remains in the same condition , and seems to- be a monument to the owner to be- ware ¬ and make haste very slow- .Ihe . trade of Chicago is gradually being brought within narrower lim- its ¬ by the energy of such places as Milwaukee , Burlington , St. Paul , Kansas City and Omaha.- .Leaving . . Chicago , we took the Kanknkee route to Cincinnati at 7- i. . m. , and arrived at Cincinnati at- j45 ; next morning. This place , like ?jttshurg, is truly a smoky city, and . .vhere thp f uu hardly ever gets up 111 10 o'clock a. | i) . The numerous njmufactories of Cincinnati will ceep her financial condition good , ind furnish employment to thou- ands of people regardless of poor srops or grasshoppers Burnum has juat olospd a very iucyesbful season with his Immense ilppodrojneand his varied perform- inces - were calculated to draw large irowds of visitors. The tent cov- sred - some five a ° res of ground , > eiug large enough to furnish a goc > 4 ace track , which was a piluciple feature of the show. Theie were lorse rp es, elephant races , camel aces , oefr racs ? , buffalo races , In- Ijan - races and a econg of scalping ud many other such Bcenestqp fa- "ur - to a western man. Ciuclu- ati - is crowing lapjdjy, and instead f cutting dcnm her bills , as Omaha oes , she takes the cars ver the hill by means of a- tatjonary engine und inclined lane. Tuo Ohio river is very low ow. and at best , is not used niuch- r boatn. as in times past, Rail- > ads will Pupercede all river tr ns- ortation - in time , and the rivers ill hardly be used aa highways , he lower , or river front of tin's city enotes the decline of river bu - inesd.- 08)e . of her largest hotels , that were ipported by riyer men , are empty ow, and other are barely able to- in , while the uptvn hotels are 11 doing well and full. Business men here complain of- ard times and scarcity of money- .Tomorrow . , we take the train for laytou. Ohio , and the crusade dis- ict - and you may hear again from ' PIVER. WHAT is the Nebraska State range doing for the relief of the rasshopper sufferers ? An indiscriminate staugMer in- othing and geute' furnishing x >da regardless of prices at 208- arnham street Fine linen and levoit shirts of our wn make at 5.00 and S2.50 each- .Eattroad . Tickets mght and sold by p. Oottheimer , roker , at " 98 Fan.ham street. Unredeemed fledges fof Sale- .ay . Iy- 26Samlet Orura , GENERAL DEALER I- Ntaple and Fancy Dry Goods th st , between Jonea and i ivenworth its.- iFFEKS . TO TUB PUBLIC A MOST COM- plete - ' line of Drv Goods. Fancy Goods , olen and Cotton Flannels , Wrapper PeLains- wlen Shawls and all kinds of fall and winter terial for tad its' and cblldrens' dresses , Al- 3allcoe - * of all trades and descriptions a cpe- Ity. - . Boots and chocs fur ladies' gents' and Idreni' wear. tepUdSmo * DEKTIP- TEY.DKBITISTS . , VICE. No. 232 FARNHAM ST.- CP STAIRS , Jei ! 3lh &. Hth StsOMCA13A - tpuil ! ! > lcta in tlieclly- DR A S BILLIN- GS3ZE1TTTST1 - , , , , , Bet. inb and Hth , up sulrs.- th . extracted without pain , by use of SI- trous - Oxide Sas.- WOffir . * oren ztrli err eSti VAN CAMP M. D.l- ispensw . his own medicine * , and beside * alar practice , makes tpeclalltfcs of Derange- at - * and Irtsoaw * Peculiar to Women , > litu- Ptl - and other Diseases of the Roctuin.- VFICE . : Corner Farnh'm and 14th streets , t dwr to the right , up a'lr . BMidenc *. Douglas street , between 12 and 11th. next Lutheran Church Omaha , Feb. AtMnwa- it Box > . SIRS. J. K. VANDKUCO- OK.oleotio . Physician * idence and omr< 250 Dodge st bet Hth nod 15th Bis. pedal attention paid to obstetrics and dls peculiar to women and children. fStf. ENOCH HENNEY , ustice of the Peace ' See over the SUte Eaai , .cornwol Fan. land Hth street * . VERY LA ! MIDNIG-HT. THE SOTJTH.- A . New Deal. The Democrat Now Propose to Arrest and * Jug Kellogg and the En- tire ¬ Republican Out- fit ¬ * on the Charge of Murder. CINCINNATI , Oct. 29- .Mrs. . . Anna Mosby , wife of CoJ. R- M Mosby, and grand daughter o- exGovernor Deweling , of Virginia committed suicide at Anchorage Kentucky , yesterday , by throwinc herself in fr ut of a railroad train L'ause, temporary insanity. SLu had been married ten days. SALT LAKE , Oct. 29. Brigham Young went south to- duy. - . He expects to spend the win- ter ¬ at St. George. The grading of the Utah and Western railroad is nearly complet- ed. ¬ . The iron for it is now on the way here , and track-laying will commence immediately on its arri- alhere. - . ORLEANS , Oct 29. Governor Kellogg , in a letter tn- he Democratic Conservative Com- mittee ¬ , declines to accede to their reposition in regard to separate > allot boxes in certain wards. This afternoon , as Governor Kel- logg ¬ was riding home his carriage was stopped , near the corner of Ca- nal ¬ and Rampart streets , by Mayor E. A. Burke. A conversation en- sued ¬ , and Burke drew a pistol from his breast and attempted to strike Kellogg , who thereupon drew a pis- tol ¬ and tired at Burke , grazing his body. Burke fired three or four shots , which failed of their mark , is the cabman drove rapidly away- .rhe . accounts given by the two men , Kellqgg and Jburke , to the Associ- ated ¬ Press agent to-night , do not differ materially. Burke was ar- rested ¬ , but was released at the in- stance ¬ of Kellogg. The difficulty irose from correspondence in the papers relative to the naturalization jf citizens. CHICAGO , Oct. 29.- P. . . H. Tubbs , Esq. , formerly su- perintendent ¬ of telegraph , has been ippointed assistant superintendent if the Chicago , Burlington & Quln- y - : railroad , and will enter on his luties on November 1st- .Tiie . following dispatch was re- .efved - : . nt 'headquarters to-day from 3en. Slleri'dau wlio is at the }YpJ"- agpncy } - # , Indian territory : ' "fhe fpdjau war in this section is- apidly collapsing Gen. Davidson eporU through the scout bevenjng hat Major Sohofield , with his col- imn - , has captured on Elk Creek 60- foconee warriors and 2,000 ponies , 'his party Js one of the worst char- cter - , and are accompanied by their ainilie *. I met Captain Carpenter dth his columns to-day hi hot pur- uit - of a large party of Jviowas who cere trying to get to Fort Sill to- urrender before he can overtake hem. He had been in pursuit two The party Is thought to be at- Wolf. . SAN FBANOISOO , Oct §9. The Cypherens brings Honolulu ates to October 17th. The king- om - was quiet. John P. Zephyrlna , of Kahoadu , f'the leaders in the riotous demon- tratloiiS - in favor of Queen Emma , ras convicted of treason and sen- nced - ; to be hanged on the 1st day f March next. The King was considering the uestiqp pf the entire reconstruction ( ' 'his cabinet. Honolulu papers say that th.e per- nalje - > of the embassy is absenfand bout to go to yyashjngtop fo nego- ate the reciprocity treaty whfch ( (3- ot all that could be desired , still a umber are well qualified for the oalnent mission. The names are ot published. Among thepassengers just arrived om Honolulu , is Elisha H. Allen , jjancellor of the Hawaiian King- pj. - ? . Judge Alien is ft special en- w - to vVaahfngtop , and entrtisieu- ith the p5Fer * 0 negotiate'a rpci- ocity - treaty between the ± ilau- vernmeut > and the United States.- Hon. . . Henry A. P. Curler , a prom- eut - citizen of that country , is also sociated with this mission. It is- w > known that the King will ar- vo - at this port via Fenecia , reach- g - here about th } ast of Novems- r. - . He , together with the ajnbas.- dor . , will spend some time in- rasbngton. } . They will prooably- i there upon the opening of the jxt term of Congress. NEW YORK , Oct. 20. The Herald publishes the follow- g - , dated New Orleans , October th : The conservative leaders held.a- eeting . last evening and decided commence criminal proceedings ; alnst Kellogg , Ixmgstreet , Badger id all radical leaders for murder , le charge will be conspiracy , on- e 14th of September , against the res of citizens while in die exercise then : rights guaranteed under the nstjtution in removing and pro- oting - arms , Affidavits are being enared to day , and two of the tilted States Commissioners agree issue the warrants when the affi- ivits - are filed. The warrants .will t be issued before tbe eleotiun urt- 33 - further arrests of whites are ade. As the offence charged is- urder , all who are arrested must ( in the parish prison. The bark Abbey Bacon.from Mal- &, arrived hi this port yesterday , tying on board Capt. Leary, with 9 wife and child , and crew , inolu- ng - eeveh men , of the schooner wntleds , which left Bt. Thoma- stober 3d with salt , forliuensburg , . S. , and went down in tuegule of- tober23d. ; . Tbe rescued persons are four days in an open boat , llv- g - on Jialr o biscuit and little iter each" day.- An . application was made in the 8. Court to-day on the part bf Os- ild - Ottendorfer and others , for the tnoval of Commissioner Daven- rt - , on the grounds of malfeasance office and improper and arbitrary e of the powers vested in him as- pervigor of elections. He Is also .arged with causing the arrests of- spectahle cltUena without any evocation , committed persons un- r excessive bail , and refused part them an examination legally eira. It was also charged that he- ed bis authority for the purpose assisting political friends and to- rtfeer hj persocg } Interests , TELOTAPHie , 4 O'CLOCK P. M. ' Specially Reported for th Ociaht Dally B i br the Ati.ntlc and Pacific TelezraPh C- o.Miscellazisous. . . Dan Gallagher and Jim Holder Engage in a Friendly Prize- Fight , Wherein the For- mer ¬ is Polished off in- a Truly Artistic Manner. Senator Matt Carpenter Sick Nigh Unto Death , But Comes Out on Top , As Usual. BERLIN , October 29. The trial of Kuhlmau charged with an attempt to assassinate Bis- marck ¬ is commensed. The prison- er ¬ pre ented a calm and selfposses- sed ¬ appearance. PORT LEENV , Oct. 20- .A . prize fight took place near here yesterday , between Dan Gallagher and Jas. F. Holdeu , $100 a "bid- e.Twentyone . rounds were fought in- fiftyeight minutes Holden won. Both Gallagher and Holden were badly punished. JSEW XORK , 29. Frank Shaw , the champion veloci- pedist - , and H. Naylor, champion of England , raced at the Westchester county fairgroundsyesterday. Nay ¬ lor broke down on the first half mile. Shaw won the first mile in 6:14. The second heat was a draw , in 7:30. Shaw won the third heat and match In 7:45- .DENVER . , Col. , October 2S | . A box car attached to a western bound passenger train on the Kan- sas ¬ Pacific Kailroad , containing for ¬ ty-one pieces of through baggage , was discovered to bo on fire about eight wiles west of "Wallace , Ks. , the fire had gained such headway before it was discovered that all ef- forts to subdue It proved futile ; the car and contents were totally de- stroyed. ¬ . Claims of passengers for damages amount to between nine and ten thousand dollarsJ- KDIANAPOLIS , Oct. 29- .A . fire at Greencastle , Ind. , last night , destroyed half of the town , including about 'twenty houses- .Putnani . & BJcket's hotel , the Ban- ner ¬ printing office , the hall'of'th'e Societies or tie I egaluandKerna'8 | Hour miUs , were 4estroyje (} : Tbe town was without a fire department , and though engines were sent from surrounding places no water could be had. The amount of insurance ;aiinot , as yet , be afcuertainpd , butt | is thought tq be light. The loss ivill amount to about $400,000 , The iieavieat losers are Gus Williamson , Stevenson & Dunnington , T Bow- nan , Bherfy & Sou , M. Burke and others. Qctober 29. Considerable exo jtem' nt was tiaus- d - ; here to-day by the announce- nent - thatSenatorM&ttH.Carpenter vas lying at the pointof death at- Senosha. . It appears that last Sat- irday - night , after speaking in that own , he was taken seriously ill , rom the effects of a scrofulous boil in the back of his neck. Yes- erday - the boil was lanced , but apidly became much worse , intil it was thought his illness vouffj terminate fatally , when Mrs. Carpenter and hs } law partner , N. > . Murphy , were sent for. 'They- eft here forKenosha , and found the euator mucfi Improved. | e was irought to his home in this city st night. It is probable that he rill recover , but not Ijkeiy that he rill be able to go upon the stump gain before election , WASHINGTON , October 29- .Thp . Prpsjdent liJjs. Issqed the foj > wing proclamation ; iy the President , of the United States of Arnerlca-r-A Proclamat- ion. ¬ . Reminded by the changing sea- ms ¬ that it is time to pause in our ally vocations and offer thanks to- ilmlghty God for the mercies and Ifupdance of the year , which is- rawing to a cjosp : tje ) blessings of a- ee government continue to tjo- ouchsafed ; tlie earth has responded > the labor of the husbandman , IB land has been free from pesti- inco - , internal order is maintained , ad peace with other powers has revailed. It is fitting th it at stated ertods we should cease from ourac- istomed - pursuits and the turmoil of- nr daily lives , and unite in- lankfuiness for the blessings of the- ist and cultivation of kindly feel- igs - towards each other , now there- ire recognizing these considerations U. S. Grant , President of the Uni- d - States , do recommend to all tizetis to assemble in their respee- ve places of worship on Thupday" ic 20th day of November'nextj nil pxpress their thanks it merpy ancl favor of the Al- ilghty - God , and Jayng | aside all :> litlcal contentions , an4 all sepuarj- oupatlons ] , and to observe such as day of thanksgiving anj praise- .In . witness whereof , I have here- ith set my band and caused the : al of the United States to be af- xed. . Done at the City of Washington a the 27th day of October , 1874 , id of the independence of the nited States the 99th- .SIgnpd . ( ) .U. S. GRANT- .y . the President ; HAMILTON FISH, Secretary of State. The President appointed Geo. H.- ard . [ of Dakota to be Secretary of- akota , vice Qscar Whitney , re- gned - ; J. Lespetasso of New York , . S. Consul at Meroeda , Mexico ; jhn Bolll , resident of Cayenne , rench Guinea , U. S. Consul at Ca- anne. - . The safe burglary case Is continu- 1 to-day. Gusto ve Zirth was cross- camlned - , he swore he never wan Tested for burglary , but that a received the money from ettleshlptoglvehlswlfej bemad * full report of the whole case to a porter of the eun. Michael Hayes as not called , when Riddle moved tat a nolle prosequi be entered in LOOTSVJLI.F , KV- , Oct 29- .Gfovernor . Leslie has issued aproc- Jaination offering a reward of ?9,00 for the capture of the masked nil flans who recently shot a young ue- gro girl in Shelby county. He ap- pends an injunction to local author- ities to discharge their duty faith- fully , and strive to check these fre- quently occuriug crimes , and ad- monLshes the citizens to sustain th- laws. . YORK , Oct. 29. The Episcopal delegates assem- bled this forenoon at St. John' * church , and after the usual exer- cises ¬ the House of Clerical and Lay delegates were informed that Bos- ton ¬ would be the next place ol meeting.- Eesolved . , That the house should still have closed doors from 2 p. m. until the confirmation of the mis- sionary ¬ bishop. Chares W. Andrews asked that a prayer to memorialists he granted in this respect. Dr. Adams objected te any such alteration. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. NEW VOKK , October 29. Money Easy on call at 2 } per cent- .'Exchange . Weak , lower ; 4 84J for 60 days and 4 88 } for sight.- Qold . Dull and stagnant ; opened at 110 }. Governments Steady ; and small business ; 10-40s , registered 113 ; cou- pons ¬ , 112. Stocks Irregular ; weak in the morning , but stronger in the after- noon ¬ : market devoid of any special tone ; Pacific Mail most prominent , 451 ; WU , 79f ; LS , 80 ; UP34& ; Erie , 281. New York Produce Market.J- NEW . " YORK , Oct. 29. Breadstuffs Heavy. Flour The market is more active superfine , state -and western 420 © 4 25; extra 4 S04 50. Wheat More active and 1 cent better ; No 2 Chicago ,1 121 14 ; No 2 Milwaukee 1 05@1 06 ; No 1 spring 113@1 10. Corn Steady ; Western .mixed , 86 } afloat. Oats Easy ; western mixed , 5059.- Hye . Dull ; 9294. Barley Firm ; 1 31. Pork * irm ; 20 00@20 25. Lard Firm ; 2123. Whisky 1 05 } . Leather Quiet. Iron Dull. Wool ii ominal. Chicago Pruuuce market. CHICAGO , Oct. 29. Flour Dull and unchanged and very little doing. Wheat Steady ; cash , 83 ; Novem- ber ¬ 83 J@83 }; Deceraber84year83. ; Corn Unsettled ; cash 71 } ; No- pember - , 79 } ; for year, 64J. Oats Firm ; cash , 48 }; Novem- aer - , 45 J ; year44f. Barley Firing cash , 117 } ; No- fpinber - , 1 18jl 19r ' ' Bye ftujer. ; 83. , HighwJnes 93. }, Pork Steady ; cash , 19 50 ; year, 169017 00 ; February , 17 60@17- LanJ > o Stpady ; cash. new. 13 50j rear , 11 3011 35. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Unchanged- .Whisky97. . . . . St. Louis Produce iviarket.- ST . Loms , October 29. Flour Very dull and weak for ewer grades. Wheat Dull and lower ; No 3 red all , 93 ; No 2 red , 1 06. Corn Dull and drooping ; No 2, Oats Higher ; 5051 cash ; 51 } jr December. Barley Dull. Bye Dull at 8382. Pork Quiet at 20 50. Whisky -Steady at 99- .hicago . Live Stock Market. CHICAGO , October 29, Cattle Receips , 2,447 ; fairly ac- ve - for low grades , others dull and eak ; advices from the east are Dry favorable and little shipping ock railed for; quotations nearly ominal and opens full ; Texaus , 102 75 ; stockers , 2 25a3 60 ; good > choice steers 5 QOaS QO. Hogs Receipts , 1,400 ; firm and stive , quality of receipts fair , 5 to- i cents hjghen common to medium 50a5 80 ; fair to choice , 5 90a8 30 } ilk sales sold at 5 80aU 10. Sheep Receipts , 1,400 ; active and rm | sales , 3 07a.3 75 , St. Louis Live Stock.- ST. . . L ouis , Opt. 29. Hogs Receipts , 2,430 ; priqes- nchangcd. . Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ; dull and eak and only low grades offering , WANTED , 15,000 , LITE [ am now ready to coutract for fat Hoes to delivered on and alter tbe 5th da ; of No- mter - next.- tS1eod4wtI . J. E. BOYD- .X3 . INT.- VASTUIUUI . OP ASD DKALKE I- Nirabrrt - nliisYnd TV Shades , 0- UBuMOS , ENGRAYINGS AND PICTURE FRAMES. B 270 Fsrnham street , corner fteenth p 1. OKXBB. O. J. KABBA'- B16BEHE & KARBACH , Ji st. between Farnham sn arney n't OMAHA , - - NEB.V- ASUFACTtJBIR . O- Jpring and Farm Wagons , BUOGIKS AND CARIUt.G B8. Dealers in and manufacturers of- 3RICCLTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! | ABXICrjL&R JT ENTION PAID TO HOKSESTIOEIVO.- WRepairing . of wajon end blacksmithln- guaptlr done st rouooablg crlosi. * ' I . HOTE- IS.CEJSTRA.I . 51IAHA , - - HEBEA8KJ The largest and best hotel between Cbicagi- in l San Francisco. Opened new fceptember 30th. 1S73.- sSO . tf OKO. TIULALL. Propriet- or.UniledfrStates . Hotel , COK. DOUGLAS AND TENTH STREETS- .milEUNDEKMONED . respectfnlly announ JL rea that he has purchased and refitted th ( above lintel, and Id cow ready to accommodate th ? public , vitU board br day or wek. . at reas- onable rates. WILLIAM LEHE , Prop. 2 ' 74 1 HOTJSE.O- n . , let. Farnham and Jfarney Struts , HAS been entirely refiitted and re'urniahed. will accommodate all to the best of board at 81,50 per day ; 40c per single meal.- C . , V. & S , M , HARRYMAN , JyZSdlj. Propr etors. Central House o. 630 f-iiteentli Street , Opp. Jefferson fcquore , OMAHA , KEB- .JOsKPH . DOTE. Prop'r. Day and week Board at reasonable rates. Flrst-.lass bar attached to the house.- Je27 . 3n _ Southern Hotel. fronting oa 4th , 6th ud Wmlsatiti,, St. Louis , - Mo.- Laveille . , "Warner & Co. , The Southern Hotel is first-class In all Its api olntmenU Its table- are at all times sup- plied ¬ ( n the greatest abundance , with all th- lellcacies the markets afford , Its clerxs anc- employes are all polite and attentive to th want of tbfgu'stsof the hotel , 1h re is an Improved elera or leading from the fir> t floe to the upper one, Railroad and pUwnhoa- Icketoffiits. . news etind. nd wesierrfiiion telegraph offli-e in the hotunJa of hotel. California House.F- BITZ . HAFMEE , Prop'r.- No. . . 170 Douglas Street , corner llth , Nebraska. Board by the day or week , iune 1. vl CROSSING THE KUBICON- .Czsar . crossed tbe Rubicon , In search of sunny skies , Beneath Ittalla's cental sun , Behold his standard riae. Across the sweeping Rhine , Nape Ie n led'hfs men , " To pl&ce upon hit aching brow Another kingly dladim.- We've . cro'sed the Douglas Rubicon , As all tbe West should know. And now upon the corner , We've opened up our show.- W . had not room within our store For all the crowds which came ; We git e you now a larger one With prices just the same- .We've . hsts to suit tbe million , From h.'gh to law d wee. With Caps and Mores for all the West , As one can plainly see, BUNCE , the 1st premium Hatter , 242 Ponc- f Street , corner of 14th. eepSO- dtfCTOTOISr MARKET B. A. HARRIS , 37 Tifteenth Sreet , bet Douglas and Dodge. BEEF , FORK , j ' j- i tfcorv aiid , Veal , Fish , FcmltryBGame , ag26 ly AN- Dheap Cash. Store. Groceries and Provisions , AMES H , PLATZ & BRO. , 207 Dougjnsj Srect , 2LLS FOH CASH at RETAIL at WHOLE- ILE - RATES. Best Spring Wheat Flour at $2 50. Best Rio Coffee , four pounds for one dollar.- Qood . Rio Coffee , 4 % to 4 % pounds for one Uar. lea of every quality and In any quantity VEXTY per cent. SELOW PRICES of any use In the city. ct9d3m- BHES ! 6 ES [ ! BEES !!! 1 HE TJnderMgned has slxtr swarms of na- tireand - Italian bs for sale , in hi ea of 3 American and Buckeye patents Strong arnu at nix to right dollars earn , with tttjal- 't of Uvi added. Light swarux , from four to : iloilars each. I have mjra Uo than Ue- atjon will support , and must sell- .Iddreu . : HIR.VM . CRAIG Fort Calhoun , Neb SPENCER'S ruit am ConfectioTiaryo- r. . I3tii uuu UaTenworlh Si .f 1 NEW TRIBUNE EXTRAS. ' { o. XXI. Whitney , Hlggtnion , Elliott. LOT- ng - , Le Conte. MaraU , Uunt , etc. , etc. 10. ( XXII. Bayard Taylor. ( Letters ironi- ypt and Iceland , ID sheet form only. ) s'o.XXIII TyndallHuxley , OwenMiCci- hrreby ? ! mall , postpaid , in sheet form , 10 its each ; in Pamphlet. 20 cents. FIFTEEN EXTRAS FOB SlOq , e' d fnr full catalogue, with contents oi- h number. Addreii , ' THE "TBIBUNE , " New o . ) ct20JAwtl TOE- TAIL CASH PURCHASERS For Sewing Machines.- n . order to make room for our new styles , we- re put In FEBFECT order all of our old ck , Including second-hand , and offer them at- IEATLEY BEDUCED prices , for CASH. BEAR IN MIND 'EBY " HOWE " BOUGHT OF US and r ATJTHOBIZED canrassers Is VAEBANT- , and JNSTBUCnON given , as Vi'E have a- DOTATION TO SUSTAIN. Experience ves a machine WITHOUT Instruction is- BSE ) than NONE at a, iAUTJON. We know of large lots of worth- i machines bought at low figures , that are be- palmed off on tbe public for nearly as good uw. Persons that do not want to run the c of being swindled shonld NEVEB buy of- SESPONSIBLE poarties , as they have NO- atation AT STAKE , as have old established * npanles. ' M ' , . ( ' A' . C M. HELLMAN & OO. , CLOTHIERS , -AND DEALERS IN- OOOIDS , 221 and 223 FARNHA.M STREET , COR. 13TH ST- f - W& Call the Attention of the Public to our Extensive And Well Selected Stock for the S FALL AND WINTER SEASON ) Comprising The Latest Styles in Clothing Furnishing Goods.- I . I HATS AOT ) CAPS , TEUNKS AND VALISES , ETC. Our Prices are Very "Iow" to suit the Times. Can socn at- j tf. _ _ _ 4 _ M. HELLMAN & C- O.TOOI . , 1873. T- R. . A. BROWN , 248 Douglas Street , WH < > LESALEIANPRE PA 11, DRY GOODS , CARPETS , AND OIL CLOTH.- An . Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to ba sold lower than any other house in the city , consisting of MERINOS , EMPRESS GLOTHi , RSPSLLliTO ALPACAS & MOHAIRS , also YELVET & BEAVEH OLOAKLYG- Si FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS , BLANKETS , FLANNELS. MERINO TiNDERWEAR AND WOBSTED G-OODS TABLE LIVEN IN RHT TAKIETY. A PULL LIVE ( IF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS , OIL GLOTES , HATOQ Rn g AND L. WuODWOKTJI , S38 Douglas St.Ornaha , Neb. Wood Stock.V- AGON . HARDWARE , Patent Wheels , Pinlshed Gearing, 4c- .xles . , Sprinsrs {| n ( Skeins HAHDWOK 'JJMBER , ! 2LlTiages , Hacks H * Buggies Stiulebacker Vagonj Depot. mcbfi- ttG. . STHIFFLER DEALER m 3 B. O C EE.IES , royl'Inus Fruits , Xms, Confpctlonerj , Tobacciv- M'gars , E. COR. or TEHTH and FABHHAH- .mt . JACOB 1 Farnham St. , bet. 14th and 15th , J , ROBINS , 7 Farnhirn *> t.j i PI. 9 h - ud 10h ( , (Opposite Bee Offlc > . ) IONm LOAN-5U ON ATCHE3 , JEW ic. Clothing bought and s Id dim Omaha Sblrt Factory. CHARLES H. PLATZ- jUILLINERY Manufacturer o- fLadies' , and Gents' ' AND or- FlaJIFLOWEKS , Klcs Oraamgnti for ladles.- OKDEKd . PROMPTLY FILLED' 216 Douglas St. , Yisclier's Bloclc , Omaha , JT- clb.WHOLESALE. . . I am ow manufacturing all varieties orcandiesg- and.will IE JL Dealers la this State tiped not wint fej o fast t i CAVDIUS , A trial la solicited.- mchltt . Oor- B. - - . & J. WILBUR , Books and Stationery , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Fourteenth Street . Oma2a = u, ITeb GENERAL AGEXI'S FOIl ALL 8UHO > L AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. and aras7 Streets , Pall And Winter Styles.- A. . . POLACK , CLOTHIER.i- ne . 233 FarnJaam St. Hear * and Clothing , and Furnishing Goods- .T . .AN" : THE , . . r * ri - ? - v

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Page 1: The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1874-10 …...THE IV. OMAHA FRIDAY MORNESTG OOTOBSR 30, 1874. NO. 114. CHK DAILY Htth.tD- WABD. KOSEWATKB , Editor and Prop'i Office No. 13M





KOSEWATKB , Editor and Prop'i

Office No. 13M Faruliam street , teetw.-


nth nnd Teutli.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION :copy , one year. In advance 87.00

six months. In advance . < -OJJ

" three tnrnths IB advance 2.p-oWH not paid In advance , $8 per annum will;colleteA


Best and Cheapest

Hats and Caps.-






.Bmltn. 185 Hiirner street , bet-


and 12th. declitfBOOTS ADD SHOES-


Lang. 155 Farnham at , between 10t-hj ni 115h febWrl




Later , corner 12th and Douglas streets ,

- od wholesale dealer in-

omdjcsand confectionerf. Country trade so-



. 'Pi"0011. DEALEEB.-


Elliot , coal , lime , cetnen thalr etc. ,

131 Farnham st. feblSmS



, Ko. 200 Farnhua st. el7U-

LAUHDET..* new VmndrT opened at oil llth st. , bet-


Famine, rod Dongas. The washing andConing will be done to oriT. first class work

WV tAOTOET-.TJremlum

.bo p WorVs , Powell t Co , still

Jt7 mauufacftre tb ir Premium Soap. F v-eSfl premium *awardeJliy the Lougla countyab l State fairs , nd 1'oIUwatlamle county , la.Orders soli"Jled from the trade-






Attorneysatiaw. .

Boom 5 Crefghton Block.


Attorneys at342 FAENHAM BTBEA-



C. CO WIN ,oy. ClolioitorCO-UNSELOR.






. W. T. Kicnards ,

Attorney at LawOffice 490 18lh St. , bet. Farnliam

and Jlarnpy Oraaba * Neb.

' 0. Boi "i"41-

1G. . W. AMBUOSE ,





. * . K.


ATTORNEYS AT LAW.OFFICE Crcl ?hton Block , Omaha , Ke-




Attorney and Connselor at Law.-



Ho VIiMnBr1! Bios *.



Attorne 1 CounseloratLawltO-

LLECTIOKS SOIJCTTED AKD PBOMP-Tli ly attended to, No charge unleu c'llec-tion are made. Uouwatolet and rents col-


. Heal estate bought and sold. u7u-


Office n Crelebton'ii i w block , southeast perroom , floor-


.. EB-



. S. SHROPSHIR-E.Attorney


-at-LawBoom Ko , 18. E. Coiner 15th and Douglas Sta ,


* . icrwrcurr-

rSPAl'N' & PRITCHETT ,ind Counselors at Law.

Address I-nrk KAT 4na Omaha ,


jjfj'trlct IttoruPf fer Sfcead Jnd-





.South side of Famham , between

16lh i> ifith ita. , opposite Cocrt Hou .





ATTOENEYS5LAWO-Cce Caldwell Block , Pouglas Ptreet ,



.OMAHA. - - - -


Attorney at Law *

Illellman Bltck. )



at0rBer-ftt-Law and Salicitor IB-

Eqalty. .. TtT Pint Kktleaal Baai ,



UW,' . S. E. Cor 15th n4 Douglas Street *.

01CAHA. fc- ,3r NEB.




, Financially and Commerdally Ihe .Difference between i-

Qrain Speculating and a Manufactoring Centre CincinnatiJProRperous How her Hills anGraded On to Dayton.

(From the Sacramento Eecord. )



Taking the C. B. & Q. train foiChicago at Omaha , found our-

selves in one of those magnificentpalace cars , attended by the mostaccommodating conductors , and af-

ter getting fairly under way , wewere invited into the dining-car ,

where a bplendid supper was wait-ing


a convenience found on veryfew roads.

Arriving in Chicago on the nextday , we took our "hash" ut thePalmer House , where nothing waswanting to make us happy and com¬



looking over Chicago and chat-ting with some of her enterprisingbusiness men , we could not help butnotice the depressed condition of-

affairs. . Financially , Chicago is in-

a very bad condition and must be-

in a worse one , when her Decemberloans and interest on loans made twoyears ago become due.

Much -valuable property that wasdamaged by the late lire , remainsin the same condition , and seems to-

be a monument to the owner to be-


and make haste very slow-


trade of Chicago is graduallybeing brought within narrower lim-its


by the energy of such places asMilwaukee , Burlington , St. Paul ,Kansas City and Omaha.-


. Chicago , we took theKanknkee route to Cincinnati at 7-

i. . m. , and arrived at Cincinnati at-j45; next morning. This place , like?jttshurg, is truly a smoky city, and..vhere thp f uu hardly ever gets up111 10 o'clock a. |i) . The numerousnjmufactories of Cincinnati willceep her financial condition good ,

ind furnish employment to thou-ands of people regardless of poorsrops or grasshoppers

Burnum has juat olospd a veryiucyesbful season with his Immenseilppodrojneand his varied perform-



were calculated to draw largeirowds of visitors. The tent cov-


-some five a°res of ground ,

>eiug large enough to furnish a goc >4ace track , which was a piluciplefeature of the show. Theie werelorse rp es, elephant races , camelaces, oefr racs ? , buffalo races , In-



races and a econg of scalpingud many other such Bcenestqp fa-


to a western man. Ciuclu-ati


is crowing lapjdjy, and insteadf cutting dcnm her bills , as Omahaoes , she takes the carsver the hill by means of a-

tatjonary engine und inclinedlane. Tuo Ohio river is very lowow. and at best , is not used niuch-r boatn. as in times past, Rail-

>ads will Pupercede all river tr ns-


in time , and the riversill hardly be used aa highways ,

he lower , or river front of tin's cityenotes the decline of river bu -inesd.-


of her largest hotels , that wereipported by riyer men , are emptyow , and other are barely able to-

in , while the uptvn hotels are11 doing well and full.Business men here complain of-

ard times and scarcity of money-.Tomorrow

., we take the train for

laytou. Ohio, and the crusade dis-


and you may hear again from' PIVER.

WHAT is the Nebraska Staterange doing for the relief of therasshopper sufferers ?

An indiscriminate staugMer in-

othing and geute' furnishingx>da regardless of prices at 208-

arnham street Fine linen andlevoit shirts of our wn make at5.00 and S2.50 each-




mght and sold by p. Oottheimer ,

roker, at "98 Fan.ham street.

Unredeemed fledges fof Sale-




26Samlet Orura ,GENERAL DEALER I-

Ntaple and Fancy Dry Goodsth st , between Jonea and i ivenworth its.-



-' line of Drv Goods. Fancy Goods ,olen and Cotton Flannels , Wrapper PeLains-wlen Shawls and all kinds of fall and winterterial for tad its' and cblldrens' dresses , Al-3allcoe

-* of all trades and descriptions a cpe-


. Boots and chocs fur ladies' gents' andIdreni' wear. tepUdSmo *






Jei !3lh &. Hth StsOMCA13A-tpuil! ! > lcta in tlieclly-


-, , , ,


Bet. inb and Hth , up sulrs.-



extracted without pain , by use of SI-trous

-Oxide Sas.-



* oren ztrli err eSti




his own medicine * , and beside *

alar practice, makes tpeclalltfcs of Derange-at

-* and Irtsoaw * Peculiar to Women , > litu-


and other Diseases of the Roctuin.-


.: Corner Farnh'm and 14th streets ,

t dwr to the right , up a'lr . BMidenc *.Douglas street , between 12 and 11th. next

Lutheran Church Omaha , Feb. AtMnwa-

it Box > .





idence and omr< 250 Dodge st bet Hth nod15th Bis.

pedal attention paid to obstetrics and dlspeculiar to women and children. fStf.


ustice of the Peace'

See over the SUte Eaai , .cornwol Hth street *.





New Deal. The DemocratNow Propose to Arrest and


Jug Kellogg and the En-



Republican Out-



on the Chargeof Murder.

CINCINNATI , Oct. 29-.Mrs.

.. Anna Mosby , wife of CoJ. R-

M Mosby, and grand daughter o-

exGovernor Deweling , of Virginiacommitted suicide at AnchorageKentucky , yesterday , by throwincherself in fr ut of a railroad trainL'ause, temporary insanity. SLuhad been married ten days.

SALT LAKE , Oct. 29.Brigham Young went south to-


. He expects to spend the win-ter


at St. George.The grading of the Utah and

Western railroad is nearly complet-ed.


. The iron for it is now on theway here , and track-laying willcommence immediately on its arri-



ORLEANS , Oct 29.Governor Kellogg , in a letter tn-

he Democratic Conservative Com-mittee


, declines to accede to theirreposition in regard to separate

>allot boxes in certain wards.This afternoon , as Governor Kel-


was riding home his carriagewas stopped , near the corner of Ca-


and Rampart streets , by MayorE. A. Burke. A conversation en-sued


, and Burke drew a pistol fromhis breast and attempted to strikeKellogg , who thereupon drew a pis-


and tired at Burke , grazing hisbody. Burke fired three or fourshots , which failed of their mark ,

is the cabman drove rapidly away-.rhe

.accounts given by the two men ,

Kellqgg and Jburke , to the Associ-ated


Press agent to-night , do notdiffer materially. Burke was ar-rested


, but was released at the in-


of Kellogg. The difficultyirose from correspondence in thepapers relative to the naturalizationjf citizens.

CHICAGO , Oct. 29.-


. H. Tubbs , Esq. , formerly su-


of telegraph , has beenippointed assistant superintendentif the Chicago , Burlington & Quln-y

-: railroad , and will enter on hisluties on November 1st-


following dispatch was re-


: . nt 'headquarters to-day from3en. Slleri'dau wlio is at the }YpJ"-

agpncy} -

# , Indian territory :'"fhe fpdjau war in this section is-

apidly collapsing Gen. DavidsoneporU through the scout bevenjnghat Major Sohofield , with his col-


, has captured on Elk Creek 60-

foconee warriors and 2,000 ponies ,

'his party Js one of the worst char-cter

-, and are accompanied by their

ainilie*. I met Captain Carpenterdth his columns to-day hi hot pur-


of a large party of Jviowas whocere trying to get to Fort Sill to-

urrender before he can overtakehem. He had been in pursuit two

The party Is thought to be at-Wolf. .

SAN FBANOISOO , Oct §9.The Cypherens brings Honolulu

ates to October 17th. The king-om

-was quiet.

John P. Zephyrlna , of Kahoadu ,

f'the leaders in the riotous demon-tratloiiS

-in favor of Queen Emma ,

ras convicted of treason and sen-


; to be hanged on the 1st dayf March next.The King was considering the

uestiqp pf the entire reconstruction(''his cabinet.Honolulu papers say that th.e per-nalje

-> of the embassy is absenfandbout to go to yyashjngtop fo nego-ate the reciprocity treaty whfch ((3-

ot all that could be desired , still aumber are well qualified for theoalnent mission. The names areot published.Among thepassengers just arrivedom Honolulu , is Elisha H. Allen ,

jjancellor of the Hawaiian King-pj.


? . Judge Alien is ft special en-


to vVaahfngtop , and entrtisieu-

ith the p5Fer *0 negotiate'a rpci-


treaty between the ± ilau-vernmeut> and the United States.-Hon.


. Henry A. P. Curler , a prom-eut

-citizen of that country , is also

sociated with this mission. It is-

w> known that the King will ar-


at this port via Fenecia , reach-g

-here about th } ast of Novems-


. He , together with the ajnbas.-dor

., will spend some time in-

rasbngton.} . They will prooably-ii there upon the opening of thejxt term of Congress.

NEW YORK , Oct. 20.The Herald publishes the follow-g

-, dated New Orleans , October

th :The conservative leaders held.a-eeting

.last evening and decided

commence criminal proceedings;alnst Kellogg , Ixmgstreet , Badgerid all radical leaders for murder ,le charge will be conspiracy , on-

e 14th of September , against theres of citizens while in die exercisethen : rights guaranteed under the

nstjtution in removing and pro-oting

-arms , Affidavits are being

enared to day , and two of thetilted States Commissioners agreeissue the warrants when the affi-


are filed. The warrants .willt be issued before tbe eleotiun urt-


-further arrests of whites are

ade. As the offence charged is-

urder , all who are arrested must( in the parish prison.The bark Abbey Bacon.from Mal-& , arrived hi this port yesterday ,

tying on board Capt. Leary, with9 wife and child , and crew , inolu-


eeveh men , of the schoonerwntleds , which left Bt. Thoma-stober 3d with salt, forliuensburg ,

. S. , and went down in tuegule of-

tober23d.; . Tbe rescued personsare four days in an open boat , llv-


on Jialr o biscuit and littleiter each" day.-


application was made in the8. Court to-day on the part bf Os-


Ottendorfer and others , for thetnoval of Commissioner Daven-rt

-, on the grounds of malfeasance

office and improper and arbitrarye of the powers vested in him as-

pervigor of elections. He Is also.arged with causing the arrests of-

spectahle cltUena without anyevocation , committed persons un-r excessive bail , and refused part

them an examination legallyeira. It was also charged that he-

ed bis authority for the purposeassisting political friends and to-

rtfeer hj persocg } Interests ,


4 O'CLOCK P. M. '

Specially Reported for th Ociaht Dally B i

br the Ati.ntlc and Pacific TelezraPh C-




Dan Gallagher and Jim Holder

Engage in a Friendly Prize-

Fight , Wherein the For-



is Polished off in-

a Truly ArtisticManner.

Senator Matt Carpenter SickNigh Unto Death , But

Comes Out on Top ,

As Usual.

BERLIN , October 29.The trial of Kuhlmau charged

with an attempt to assassinate Bis-marck


is commensed. The prison-er


pre ented a calm and selfposses-sed



PORT LEENV , Oct. 20-


prize fight took place near hereyesterday , between Dan Gallagherand Jas. F. Holdeu , $100 a "bid-e.Twentyone

.rounds were fought in-

fiftyeight minutes Holden won.Both Gallagher and Holden werebadly punished.

JSEW XORK , 29.Frank Shaw , the champion veloci-


, and H. Naylor, champion ofEngland , raced at the Westchestercounty fairgroundsyesterday. Nay¬

lor broke down on the first halfmile. Shaw won the first mile in6:14. The second heat was a draw ,in 7:30. Shaw won the third heatand match In 7:45-



, Col. , October 2S| .A box car attached to a western

bound passenger train on the Kan-sas


Pacific Kailroad , containing for ¬

ty-one pieces of through baggage ,was discovered to bo on fire abouteight wiles west of "Wallace , Ks. ,the fire had gained such headwaybefore it was discovered that all ef-

forts to subdue It proved futile ; thecar and contents were totally de-stroyed.


. Claims of passengers fordamages amount to between nineand ten thousand dollarsJ-



fire at Greencastle , Ind. , lastnight , destroyed half of the town ,including about 'twenty houses-.Putnani

.& BJcket's hotel , the Ban-


printing office , the hall'of'th'eSocieties or tie I egaluandKerna'8|Hour miUs , were 4estroyje (} : Tbetown was without a fire department,

and though engines were sent fromsurrounding places no water couldbe had. The amount of insurance;aiinot, as yet , be afcuertainpd , butt|is thought tq be light. The lossivill amount to about $400,000 , Theiieavieat losers are Gus Williamson ,

Stevenson & Dunnington , T Bow-nan , Bherfy & Sou , M. Burke andothers.

Qctober 29.Considerable exo jtem' nt was tiaus-


; here to-day by the announce-nent


vas lying at the pointof death at-Senosha. . It appears that last Sat-irday

-night , after speaking in that

own , he was taken seriously ill ,

rom the effects of a scrofulous boilin the back of his neck. Yes-erday

-the boil was lanced , but

apidly became much worse ,intil it was thought his illnessvouffj terminate fatally , when Mrs.Carpenter and hs} law partner , N.> . Murphy , were sent for. 'They-eft here forKenosha , and found theeuator mucfi Improved. |e wasirought to his home in this cityst night. It is probable that he

rill recover , but not Ijkeiy that herill be able to go upon the stumpgain before election ,

WASHINGTON , October 29-


Prpsjdent liJjs. Issqed the foj> wing proclamation ;

iy the President , of the UnitedStates of Arnerlca-r-A Proclamat-ion.


.Reminded by the changing sea-


that it is time to pause in ourally vocations and offer thanks to-

ilmlghty God for the mercies andIfupdance of the year, which is-

rawing to a cjosp : tje) blessings of a-

ee government continue to tjo-

ouchsafed ; tlie earth has responded> the labor of the husbandman ,

IB land has been free from pesti-inco

-, internal order is maintained ,

ad peace with other powers hasrevailed. It is fitting th it at statedertods we should cease from ourac-istomed

-pursuits and the turmoil of-

nr daily lives , and unite in-

lankfuiness for the blessings of the-

ist and cultivation of kindly feel-igs

-towards each other , now there-

ire recognizing these considerationsU. S. Grant , President of the Uni-d

-States , do recommend to all

tizetis to assemble in their respee-ve places of worship on Thupday"ic 20th day of November'nextjnil pxpress their thanksit merpy ancl favor of the Al-


God , and Jayng| aside all:>litlcal contentions , an4 all sepuarj-oupatlons


, and to observe such asday of thanksgiving anj praise-.In


witness whereof , I have here-ith set my band and caused the:al of the United States to be af-xed. .Done at the City of Washingtona the 27th day of October, 1874 ,id of the independence of thenited States the 99th-


( ) .U. S. GRANT-.y

.the President ;

HAMILTON FISH ,Secretary of State.

The President appointed Geo. H.-


[ of Dakota to be Secretary of-

akota , vice Qscar Whitney , re-


; J. Lespetasso of New York ,. S. Consul at Meroeda , Mexico ;jhn Bolll , resident of Cayenne ,rench Guinea , U. S. Consul at Ca-


.The safe burglary case Is continu-

1 to-day. Gustove Zirth was cross-camlned

-, he swore he never wan

Tested for burglary , but thata received the money fromettleshlptoglvehlswlfej bemad *full report of the whole case to aporter of the eun. Michael Hayesas not called , when Riddle movedtat a nolle prosequi be entered in

LOOTSVJLI.F , KV- , Oct 29-


Leslie has issued aproc-Jaination offering a reward of ?9,00for the capture of the masked nilflans who recently shot a young ue-gro girl in Shelby county. He ap-pends an injunction to local author-ities to discharge their duty faith-fully , and strive to check these fre-quently occuriug crimes , and ad-monLshes the citizens to sustain th-laws. .

YORK , Oct. 29.The Episcopal delegates assem-

bled this forenoon at St. John' *

church , and after the usual exer-cises


the House of Clerical and Laydelegates were informed that Bos-ton


would be the next place olmeeting.-


, That the house shouldstill have closed doors from 2 p. m.until the confirmation of the mis-sionary


bishop.Chares W. Andrews asked that a

prayer to memorialists he grantedin this respect. Dr. Adams objectedte any such alteration.


New York Money Market.NEW VOKK, October 29.

Money Easy on call at 2} percent-


Weak , lower ; 4 84Jfor 60 days and 4 88 } for sight.-


Dull and stagnant ; openedat 110}.

Governments Steady ; and smallbusiness ; 10-40s , registered 113 ; cou-pons


, 112.Stocks Irregular ; weak in the

morning , but stronger in the after-noon


: market devoid of any specialtone ; Pacific Mail most prominent ,451 ; WU , 79f ; LS , 80 ; UP34& ;Erie, 281.

New York Produce Market.J-


."YORK , Oct. 29.

Breadstuffs Heavy.Flour The market is more active

superfine , state -and western 420©4 25; extra 4 S04 50.

Wheat More active and 1 centbetter ; No 2 Chicago , 1 121 14 ; No2 Milwaukee 1 05@1 06 ; No 1 spring113@1 10.

Corn Steady ; Western .mixed ,86 } afloat.

Oats Easy ; western mixed ,5059.-


Dull ; 9294.Barley Firm ; 1 31.Pork * irm ; 20 00@20 25.Lard Firm ; 2123.Whisky 1 05} .Leather Quiet.Iron Dull.Wool ii ominal.

Chicago Pruuuce market.CHICAGO , Oct. 29.

Flour Dull and unchanged andvery little doing.

Wheat Steady ; cash , 83 ; Novem-ber


83 J@83 } ; Deceraber84year83.;

Corn Unsettled ; cash 71 } ; No-pember

-, 79} ; for year, 64J.

Oats Firm ; cash , 48 } ; Novem-aer

-, 45 J ; year44f.

Barley Firing cash , 117 } ; No-fpinber

-, 1 18jl 19r ' '

Bye ftujer. ; 83. ,HighwJnes 93.} ,

Pork Steady ; cash , 19 50 ; year,169017 00 ; February , 17 60@17-


Stpady ; cash. new. 13 50jrear , 11 3011 35.

Butter Unchanged.Eggs Unchanged-.Whisky97.

.. . .

St. Louis Produce iviarket.-



Loms , October 29.Flour Very dull and weak for

ewer grades.Wheat Dull and lower ; No 3 red

all , 93 ; No 2 red , 1 06.Corn Dull and drooping ; No 2,

Oats Higher; 5051 cash ; 51 }jr December.Barley Dull.Bye Dull at 8382.Pork Quiet at 20 50.Whisky -Steady at 99-



Live Stock Market.CHICAGO , October 29,

Cattle Receips , 2,447 ; fairly ac-ve

-for low grades , others dull and

eak ; advices from the east areDry favorable and little shippingock railed for; quotations nearlyominal and opens full ; Texaus ,

102 75 ; stockers , 2 25a3 60 ; good> choice steers 5 QOaS QO.

Hogs Receipts , 1,400 ; firm andstive , quality of receipts fair , 5 to-

ii cents hjghen common to medium50a5 80 ; fair to choice , 5 90a8 30 }

ilk sales sold at 5 80aU 10.Sheep Receipts , 1,400 ; active andrm | sales , 3 07a.3 75 ,

St. Louis Live Stock.-



. Louis , Opt. 29.

Hogs Receipts , 2,430 ; priqes-nchangcd. .Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ; dull andeak and only low grades offering ,




[ am now ready to coutract for fat Hoes todelivered on and alter tbe 5th da; of No-



.J. E. BOYD-








nliisYnd TV Shades, 0-



270 Fsrnham street , corner fteenth p


B16BEHE & KARBACH ,Ji st. between Farnham sn arney n't

OMAHA , - - NEB.V-




Jpring and Farm Wagons ,BUOGIKS AND CARIUt.G B8.

Dealers in and manufacturers of-




of wajon end blacksmithln-guaptlr done st rouooablg crlosi. * '





51IAHA , - - HEBEA8KJThe largest and best hotel between Cbicagi-

in l San Francisco.Opened new fceptember 30th. 1S73.-


tf OKO. TIULALL. Propriet-





respectfnlly announJL rea that he has purchased and refitted th (

above lintel, and Id cow ready to accommodateth? public , vitU board br day or wek. . at reas-onable rates. WILLIAM LEHE , Prop.

2 ' 74 1


., let. Farnham and Jfarney Struts ,

HAS been entirely refiitted and re'urniahed.will accommodate all to the best of

board at 81,50 per day ; 40c per single meal.-



, V. & S, M, HARRYMAN ,JyZSdlj. Propr etors.

Central Houseo. 630 f-iiteentli Street ,

Opp. Jefferson fcquore , OMAHA , KEB-


DOTE. Prop'r.Day and week Board at reasonable rates.Flrst-.lass bar attached to the house.-



Southern Hotel.fronting oa 4th , 6th ud Wmlsatiti, ,

St. Louis, - Mo.-Laveille

., "Warner & Co. ,

The Southern Hotel is first-class In all Itsapi olntmenU Its table- are at all times sup-plied

¬( n the greatest abundance , with all th-

lellcacies the markets afford , Its clerxs anc-employes are all polite and attentive to thwant of tbfgu'stsof the hotel , 1h re is anImproved elera or leading from the fir> t floeto the upper one, Railroad and pUwnhoa-Icketoffiits. . news etind. nd wesierrfiiiontelegraph offli-e in the hotunJa of hotel.

California House.F-BITZ


HAFMEE , Prop'r.-No.

.. 170 Douglas Street , corner llth ,

Nebraska. Board by the day or week ,iune 1. vl




crossed tbe Rubicon ,In search of sunny skies ,

Beneath Ittalla's cental sun ,Behold his standard riae.

Across the sweeping Rhine ,Nape Ie n led'hfs men , "

To pl&ce upon hit aching browAnother kingly dladim.-



cro'sed the Douglas Rubicon ,As all tbe West should know.

And now upon the corner,We've opened up our show.-



had not room within our storeFor all the crowds which came ;

We git e you now a larger oneWith prices just the same-



hsts to suit tbe million ,From h.'gh to law d wee.

With Caps and Mores for all the West ,As one can plainly see,

BUNCE , the 1st premium Hatter , 242 Ponc-f Street , corner of 14th. eepSO-


37 Tifteenth Sreet, bet Douglas and Dodge.

BEEF , FORK ,j ' j-

i tfcorv aiid, Veal,Fish , FcmltryBGame ,

ag26 ly AN-

Dheap Cash. Store.

Groceries and Provisions ,


207 Dougjnsj Srect ,





Best Spring Wheat Flour at $2 50.

Best Rio Coffee , four pounds for one dollar.-



Rio Coffee , 4% to 4% pounds for one


lea of every quality and In any quantity

VEXTY per cent. SELOW PRICES of any

use In the city.ct9d3m-

BHES ! 6 ES [! BEES ! ! !

1 HE TJnderMgned has slxtr swarms of na-tireand

-Italian bs for sale , in hi ea of

3 American and Buckeye patents Strongarnu at nix to right dollars earn , with tttjal-'t of Uvi added. Light swarux , from four to: iloilars each. I have mjra Uo than Ue-atjon will support , and must sell-




Fort Calhoun , Neb

SPENCER'Sruit am ConfectioTiaryo-

r.. I3tii uuu UaTenworlh Si .f1

NEW TRIBUNE EXTRAS. '{o. XXI. Whitney , Hlggtnion , Elliott. LOT-


, Le Conte. MaraU , Uunt , etc. , etc.

10.( XXII. Bayard Taylor. (Letters ironi-ypt and Iceland , ID sheet form only. )

s'o.XXIII TyndallHuxley , OwenMiCci-

hrreby? ! mall , postpaid , in sheet form , 10its each ; in Pamphlet. 20 cents.


e' d fnr full catalogue, with contents oi-h number. Addreii , '

THE "TBIBUNE ," New o .)ct20JAwtl



For Sewing Machines.-



order to make room for our new styles , we-

re put In FEBFECT order all of our old

ck , Including second-hand , and offer them at-




, and JNSTBUCnON given , as Vi'E have a-


ves a machine WITHOUT Instruction is-

BSE) than NONE at a ,

iAUTJON. We know of large lots of worth-

i machines bought at low figures , that are be-

palmed off on tbe public for nearly as good

uw. Persons that do not want to run the

c of being swindled shonld NEVEB buy of-

SESPONSIBLE poarties , as they have NO-

atation AT STAKE , as have old established*

npanles. '


' , . (

' A' .




f -W& Call the Attention of the Public to our ExtensiveAnd Well Selected Stock for the

S FALL AND WINTER SEASON) Comprising The Latest Styles in

Clothing Furnishing Goods.-I



Our Prices are Very "Iow" to suit the Times. Can socn at-j tf. _ __




, 1873. T-

R. . A. BROWN , 248 Douglas Street,WH < > LESALEIANPRE PA 11,




Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to basold lower than any other house in the city , consisting ofMERINOS , EMPRESS GLOTHi , RSPSLLliTO



L. WuODWOKTJI ,S38 Douglas St.Ornaha , Neb.

Wood Stock.V-



HARDWARE ,Patent Wheels , Pinlshed Gearing, 4c-



, Sprinsrs { |n ( Skeins

HAHDWOK 'JJMBER ,!2LlTiages , Hacks H* Buggies

Stiulebacker Vagonj Depot.mcbfi-


3 B. O C EE.IES ,

royl'InusFruits ,

Xms,Confpctlonerj ,

Tobacciv-M'gars ,

E. COR. or TEHTH and


JACOB1 Farnham St. , bet. 14th and 15th ,

J , ROBINS,7 Farnhirn *> t.j i PI. 9 h - ud 10h( ,

(Opposite Bee Offlc >.)

IONm LOAN-5U ON ATCHE3 , JEWic. Clothing bought and s Id


Omaha Sblrt Factory.CHARLES H. PLATZ-

jUILLINERYManufacturer o-


and Gents'' AND


FlaJIFLOWEKS,Klcs Oraamgnti for ladles.-




216 Douglas St. , Yisclier's Bloclc , Omaha , JT-


.I am ow manufacturing all varieties orcandiesg-


IE JLDealers la this State tiped not wint fej o fast t i CAVDIUS ,

A trial la solicited.-





- -

. & J. WILBUR,Books and Stationery ,


AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTSCor. 13th. and aras7 Streets ,

Pall And Winter Styles.-A.




.233 FarnJaam St. Hear

* and Clothing,

and Furnishing Goods-


.AN": THE, . .r*


- ?- v