the omaha daily bee. - nebraska newspapers€¦ · infested by nanus or looiuaus aim nouuiuiua, who...

JUNE 1871. OMAHA, FHIDAY MOBBING-- , DECJEMBEll M, 15)00-TWE- LYE PAGES. SINGLE COLT FIVE CENTS. CRIME IS RAMPANT Abnormal Criminal Conditions Create Alarm FiTen in Park THIEVES ORGANIZED INTO BOLD BANDS Van Stabbed and Ont by Eeardlesi Youths Out of Mere Wantonness. SERVICE ON SUBURBAN LINES TAKEN OFF Prefect of Police Details Two Policemen to Accompany Each Oar. HUNDREDS OF ARRESTS MADE IN RAID Fallen Account for the Condition by the Hepresalon Following the Kspoalllon, Over 200,000 Men llelnir Out of Employment. PARIS, Dec. 13. Tho closo of tho expo- sition, throwing thousands out of employ- ment, haB created abnormal criminal con-lltlo- In Paris. Tho sensation caused by tho murder of tho man whoso body was fouud In two parcels In tho strcots nero on December 4, and which Is still wrapped in mystery, nan uirccteo. auenuon iu iuu fact that tho outlying quarters of Paris aro infested by nanus or looiuaus aim nouuiuiua, who terrorize tnu residents, ino pupera uro filled with accountB of their nightly exploits. Two respectable workmen wero nttackod a few nights ago by four prowlers, who after picking a quarrel almost do- - capitated one of tho workmen and stabbed I tho other In tho abdomen. Nono of tho mur dercra havo yet been traced A fcaturo of these nocturnal attacks la that thoy aro very often not accompanied by robbery, but aro perpetrated, apparently, by bloodthirsty criminals, frequently boys In tholr tuens. Four boys, tho cldost of whom U 17 yoars old, gagged and outraged a young girl at La. Vllletto recently and at. .1.- - I A ,. .nnnlnlflA lit I ( ll rl A I vlow of drowning nor, whon passersby rescued tho girl Thu bands froquentlng Ilollovtllo and Monllmcntant stylo themselves "Apaches." They havo committed n number of ntroclous and cowardly nets. Anathor and similar band Is called thu "Amandlcrs." Tho police up to tho present time neom powerless to copo with tho situation. A gang of thloves recently hold up a stroet car In n populous southern district and robbed the passengers, whllo an Important electric car line serving tho suburbs of St Donls and St. Ouen has refusod to run Its cars later than 8:30 In the evening on ac count of tho danger. It was announced today that tho prefect f pollco had decided to place, a couple, of po- - llcomon on each street car running Into the - - - picked men to bo stationed in tho dangerous wards, such as; th5 ward.wboro thu ucvorod bedy was dlscoverod. Moreover, in order to securo murder clues, tho pollco for several nights havo raided tbo disorderly districts and havo mado largo hauls of criminals wanted on other charges. A raid yesterday evening led to no fewer than 317 arrests. In falrnois It must bu said that the pros- - ent condition of crlmo Is largely duo to tho I number of workmen, street hawkers and others who came to Paris attracted by tho exposition and who aro now walking tho streets out of work. It Is estimated by tho statistician of tho Central Inbor bureau that In twenty-fiv- o trades 212,000 out of C10.000 are out of work. Tho officials of tho prefecturo of pollco cal- - CUlate that 2,000 SUnororS from tno CIOBO Ot I the exnosltlon havo Joined tho criminal nrmv CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY Kwan ir Hu. Rnincror of China, Re ported to He nn Apoatnte to tho Fni Ih of Ilia Fnthera. BERLIN, Dec. 13. During today's session ot tho Reichstag, tho last before tho Christ mas holidays, Dr. Stoecker, former court chaplain, remarked with refcrenco to the iltuatlon In China, that ho had received prlvato letters asserting that tho reason tho empress dowager bates Emperor Kwang Su la that tho latter has actually liocomo a Christian, having been converted by British and American missionary books that came under his eye. At tho closo of the session Dr. Stoecker was lntervlow by a representative of tho Associated Press, to whom ho gavo a num- - of see, with whom Dr. Stoecker Is on forms of intimate friendship, INCITE CHINESE TO REBEL Placard Punted In lloujt Koii" Urge Native to llrlve Out Forulifiirra. HONG KONG, Doc. 13. The city was pla carded today with statements Inciting people and tho members of the secret societies to unite rlso during tho month ot January and drlvo out all foreigners. Crowds gathered around tho placards, but no outbreak Is reported. Reports havo boen rocelvod from Can ton to tho effect that Young Sung Po, tho reformer, has boon horribly tortured. Though bo was strung up by thumbs and tho toos, ho would coufess nothing. Tuun Snld to Have Kacnped VANCOUVER, B, C. Dec. 13. According lo tho North China Dally News, Prince Tuan escaped from Tung Kuan under tho dU guise of a Uuddlst bonze with shaven for wepturu Mongolia to Join tho ns nlstant delat lama nt Kokoner. Ho was traced to Lauchou, capital of Kansu, through which city he passed In the garb of tho nuddhlat pilgrim bonzo. Ho was last heard from at Ting Ilsla, the nntlvo city of Gon- - ral Tung Fun Slang, under whoso tlou be Is alleged havo traveled. lie Rellr lleturua to The llaacue. LISBON, Dec. 13. Count De Portu- - gueso minister to The Netherlands, has ro- - turned to Tho Hague, which ho left tern- - porartly owing to tho difficulties which aroso In connection with tho withdrawal of the otequatour ot the Dutch consul at Lor enzo Marques, has been received by tho of the council the minister of foreign affairs. I.lmerlck Heady to llecelve Krusrr, LIMERICK, Dec. 13. The corporation to- - dy conferred tho freedom of the city upon Mr. Kniger. Tho members who op posed the proposal wero howled down. NarireKlnti Conaulnr Trenanry Fcea. CHRISTIANIA, Dec. 13. The Norwegian consular treasury fees for tho year 1S99- - 1S0O amounted to 266,3.12 kroner, ot which Ner York furnished 33,186 kroner. The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTAJJLISItED IS artite pact ZJOM(lBKaiBto. linn AiinnntiPt- - hcrence to Principle of n LONDON', Dec. 13. The correspondence relating to tho Anglo-Gorma- n ngrccment been laid before Parliament. This shows the fact that the agreement Is now tripartite. Japan, nmong the powers In- vited, alone mndo special Inquiries of Ger- many and Great Ilrltatn concerning tho agreement. Japan then replied that "tho Imperial government having received assurances from tho contracting parties to the cltcct that In ndherlng to tho agreement In ques- tion they will bo placed relation to such agreement In tho name position they would have occupied If they had been a signatory Instead of an adhering state, does not hcfll- - tato to formally declare she will ndhcro to such agreement will accept the prlu-clpl- embodied therein," Tho assurances of Germany and Great tlrltaln alluded to are now given. Tho ro piles of tho otlicr powers clo not uincr irom mo previous announ omenta, nirrui'rrc! Clayton-Bulwc- r treaty to bo thus N FOR PATtN I CCD ously sot aside and tho good relations bo- - International Cnnlrrciice Adopta Ilea- - olutlona Hcuiilntliia; Foreign Infringement of Itlubta. BRUSSELS. Dec. 13. Tho International conferenco for tho protection of Industrial 0 property, at which United States Assistant Patent Commissioner Chamberlain and Minister Townaend worn tho American representatives, has adopted tho following resolutions: "First, tho period of exclusive rights, previously fixed nt six months for pntcnts una throo months for Industrial dcslgnB, models and trado marks, Is extended to a year for tho first named and four months for tho socond named "Second, countries signing the convention onjoy roclprocally tho .protection accorded by each country to Its own citizens against unfair competition. "Third, patents cannot lapso bocauso they aro not put In circulation, except after a minimum delay of three years, dating from first application In countries whero the patent is allowed, and In cases in which tho owners of the patent do not Justify causes of inaction. I fllSASTFR TO RRITISH ARM3 London I'nprr I'ubllahea Unconfirmed Story of fllirnnl Iloer Victory In Ilnrbcrtou Dlatrlct. LONDON, Doc. 14. The Dally Express publlshos n rumor of a serious disaster to tho Iirltlsh arms. According to this tho Boers attacked camp of Gen eral Clements In the Barborton district, capturing tho camp, killing a number of British officers and taking prisoners all tho British troops, Including four companies of tho Northumberland Fusiliers. The story Is not confirmed In any quartar and Is not generally believed. ""RE AUTHORITY FOR MILNER llaa lieen uaaettea at AOmlnlatrator at .the-Ornn- ne lllvr - Colony. CAPETOWN, J)oo. 13. Sir Alfred Mllner has been gazottcd administrator of the Orange River colony and tho Transvaal. General Kitchener has cabled to the authorities of South Australia, asking that tho wounded Imperial bushmcn who are now convalescent ho returned to South Africa, Anothor contingent of Canadian troops started on Its way homo today on board tho Boslyn Castlo. They received an en- - thustastlc sepd-of- f. Only Two Shlpa Icebound. BERLIN, Dec 13, An official of the Navy urpunimiiii. uh iuiuiuicu mo rciHi-asuiuuv- of tho Associated Press that tho Gorman second-clas- s cruisers Hereth, Hansa and ireno nave escapen Deing irozen in at ine Tnku roatl and that all tbo other German . mil Tco.cia hi u iu v. vj i uhiuuir nuu waters. Tho official added that only the hospital ship Savoya the transport Palatla wero at Taku. John Iledmond DUBLIN. Dec. 13. Tho members of the Irish parliamentary party today unani mously John Redmond chairman for tho present and coming session. The motion was made by Patrick McDermott and seconded by William O'Brien. On taking tbo chair, Mr. Redmond was warmly applauded. Messrs. Esmonde, Donelan, Patrick O'Brien and Burks wero whips. To Fix Price of Oils. LONDON, Dec. 13. A dispatch to tho p&ny ot Russia has Invited the Scotch oil companies to In fixing and con trolling tho selling of paraffin and Hussion petroloum. Tho Russian company, I it is auueu. is already in narmony witn tho Anglo-Americ- company. Hruent Meeta the Cabinet. CHRISTIANIA, Dec. 13. Crown Prince Gustav, who has been acting as regent dur lng tho illness ot his father, King Oscar, has arrived hero. A meeting of tho cabl not will bo held today, and Premier Steen will give a banquet tonight. The Antarctic expedition, hcadod by Dr. Otto Nordcnskjold, will lcavo In August. Still Hopca for Andre. COPENHAGEN, Dec. 13. Tho brother of Prof. Andre, tho missing Arctic ex- - plorer, who attempted to reach tho north polo In n balloon, resides at Gothenberg, from which placo It Is announced that, hop ing for Andre's roturn from tho polar regions, hu has deferred opening tho lat- - tcr's testament for twelve months. tienernl Urlbe ICacapea, COLON, Colombia, Dec. 13. (Via Gal. veston.) Cenoral Urlbe, after having been defeated nt Corozol, cscapod his pursuers. llulf n million dollars has Juit boen shipped to Europe Now York from the province of Antloqula, whero quiet Is re- stored. Everything points to an termination of tho rebellion. Tun Hundred Are Drovrnrd, CANTON, Dec. 13. Tho falling ovorbonrd of n mnn from a passenger boat on tho West river, near Ho Kau, led to a rush of somo 400 passengers to tho sldo ot tho voisel, which caused her to sink, over 200 persons being drowned Oppoae Policy of Government, BERLIN, Djc. 13 As the result of a mass meeting nt Hamburg, tho friends of the Boers at that place have sent Imperial chancellor, Count von Buclow, a strongly worded disavowal of tbo German govern- - ment s Transvaal policy. Hn-la- a Prealdcntlal F.lectlnn, BERNE, Dec. 13. Tho vice of the Federal Council, Ernest Brenner of Bale, has been elected president of Swltz. erland for 1901, In succession to Walter Hawser ot Lucerna, bor corroboratlvo details. His Informant Exchange Telegraphic company from Gins-l- a supposed to havo been Count von Waldcr- - gow says tho Consolidated Petroleum corn- - tho and the actual the Prince head, bound protco- - to Sellr, and president and two had In and the tho and appointed prices nnd early tho president roar COMES FROM THE LION Bcnato's Action on the Canal Touchei the British Sore Spot. LONDON PRESS TAKES GLOOMY VIEW One. Piper I.ooka on the Iteaolutlon aa nn Unfriendly Act and Another Thlnka a Second Cannl la ii Xcccaalty. (Copyright, 1000, by Press Publishing Co LONDON, Doc. 14. (New York World. Cablegram Special Telegram.) Referring to the somites decision concerning the Isthmian canal, the Chronicle says: "The news Is very serious indeed. What it means Is that tho Jingoes find nntl-Englls- h members of tho sennto have, triumphed. Wo aro bock again to tho day whero we wero at the tlmo of tho Venezuela quarrel nm, Ctevelamrg n80lcnt provocatlvo speech u - o cannot nosslblv stand bv and allow tho twotn tho two countries must of necessity bo gravely menaced." Tho Standard says: "That the Hay- - Pauncefote treaty should be nccpted by us as now amended Is out of tho question Wo had gono n long way In the direction concession when wo abrogated our Joint claim to construction and maintenance of tho canal In favor of tho United States. If th f. arn uritlaflmt rltti thin wn can only Bay with courtesy that we are sorry wo havo been unable to moet their wishes and must fall back upon the rights which belong to us undor interna tlonat law Tho Morning Post says: "If tho Unltod States should determine to seek military control of the canal, and if Nicaragua shculd consent to It then It will bo open to Great Britain alono or In conjunction with other maritlmo states to consider whether another canal, not undor the con- trol of tho United Stntes, may not bo worth making. In this matter tho Inter ests of Great Britain are Identical with those of all other maritlmo powers except tho United States SOUNDS nillTE LIKE A JOKE TlitwiHiT 1 1 r n I v Kntvrlv Innnlrea In Parliament How Mnny Ilonkeya Were Sent to Africa. LONDON, Dec. 13. A wide field was cov ered In the House of Commons today during question time, but tho matters touched upon wore largely uninteresting. Mr. Chamberlain said Great Britain proposed to establish cheaper postage with the United States, but Washington was not prepared to entortaln tho matter. Lord Cranborne, under secretary tor tho Foreign otneo, said ho regretted that Can ada was excluded from tho most favored nation treatment by Germany, but ex plained that In tho absence of a commercial treaty botween Great Britain and Germany 'iES sec retary of the War office, answering a ques tion, said 182,400 horp.29 and mules had been lnnded In South Africa during the war. Timothy M. Healy's Interpellation as to tho number of asses sent to South Africa was not answered. Mr. Hcaly asked how much of the now loan was to be floated In Wall stroet. He added: I strongly objoct to the association of Wall street In British national Intererts Wten wo have the unscrupuloslty of Wall Htrot on top of us we shall pay dearly for tho small sum Baved tho country In dis- count. The whole cost of the war Bhould bo placed on tho Transvaal." WILL ASK FOR REGFIVFR Auditor of State Hart Declarea Order of Chosen Frlenda to lie Inaolvent. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Dec, 14. The Sen tlnel this morning says: Attorney General Tuylor, on behalf of tho state of Indiana will file suit In the superior courts ot Marion county, this (Friday; morning, ask ing tho appointment of a receiver for the Order ot Chosen Friends, one of the largest fraternal associations In tho United States Tho filing of tho suit will affect thirty elates of the union, as the association has been authorized to do business In that num bor. Iu the application for a receivership. which Is a voluminous document, the fact Is set out that the association Is Insolvent and unable to meet the death claims now outstanding. These claims aggregate about 1300,000 and camo to light through an examination made by George U. Bingham, oxpert.of tho Indiana Insurance department, last Wednesday. Immediately upon bolng ad vised of tho condition of tho association, Auditor of State Hart notified T. B. Linn, supremo recorder ot tho Chosen Friends, that tho order was Insolvent and that ho would at onco mako application tor a re- ceiver. Tho utmost socrecy has been obscrvod In tho preparation of tho papor to be filed In tho superior court, becauso the audi- tor desired that Indiana bo the first stato to appoint a receiver, ns under tho law the first appointed takes priority over any that may be appointed In other states. According to the statement of the stato Insurance department last night an ex- - lamination of the condition ot the nssocl- - atlon was mndo at the beginning of tho present year and at that tlmo It was found In as good shapo as the ordinary run of fraternal organizations. The Order of Chosen Friends was founded In May, 1379, In Indianapolis, and after a short struggle for cxlstanco spread rapidly Into neighboring states nnd then to nearly every stato in the country, until at present It has n total membership of 22,140 In thlrty-on- o states. Thero are 651 local councils. Among the states that have councils California has 116, Nevada. 4: Arizona, 1; Colorado, 2: Illinois, 23: In diana, 29; Kansas, 3; Missouri, 47; Mon tana, 2; Nebraska, 2; New York, 75; On- tario, 3; Oreglon, 1; TexnB, 33, nnd Wash- ington, 1. Tho membership by statos in- cludes among the largest: California. 5,131; Illinois, 802; Missouri, 1,002; Indiana, 1,358; Toxa. 1,503. iho order was one of the first In tho country to make women eligible to full membership and entitle them to assurance and official position In the councils. This is one ot the features, It Is announced, that has been largely tho cause ot Its rapid growtn. Ilullnir tin Prepayment Mrtnra. INIHANAPOLIB. Dec. 13. The nnnnPntx . uui b luuuj ,ii n ui'prnieu rrom libation decided that rt natural gas com-pun- y when receiving pay In advance from a customer must furnish gas. The idea that the comnany nan no caa la tint mini. dent cauno to combat a damage suit, such tui hub wan. Smallpox Inereaara In NeT York, NEW YOIIIC. riM. IS Thn Tlnar.1 nf ueaiin (liywerou seven new cases or small pox toaa)?. ROBBERS HOLD UP MAIL CLERK - Ilea-lsterc- Pouch Broken Open nud .Mnny Pni'ltnirra of Orrnt Vnlne Taken. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 13. A special to the Post-Dispat- from Texarkana, Ark., says: A bold robbery on the Cotton Belt rail way occurred today nt Basset, Tex., thirty miles south ot Texarkana, on tho train coming north, In which Postal Clerk John N. Denulo was nlmost killed and the mall pouches of his enr rifled of their contents. The amount stolen Is not known. As tho trnln left the Bassctt water tank at 6 n. m. tho express and mall cars were separated from tho train, but tho train crow had them coupled up again. In tho run from thero to Texarkana tho coaches wero uncoupled twlco In a very mysterious manner. Upon tho arrival of tho train hero the United States transfer clerk went to tho door of tho mall car and knocked for the postal clerk to open it. No response was given from tho inside. Officials then forced an entrance to tho car and wero nstonlshed to find the clerk, John N. Dennis, stretched upon tho floor, apparently dead. A hurried examination showed that tho registered pouches had been ripped open nnd robbed of their con- tents, tho most vulunblo of which was the Wnco-Mcmph- through pouch, containing a largo number of valuable packages. A physician was sent Xor and It was found that Dennis was nllvc, but uncon- scious. An ugly wound lrf tho top of his head told the story. Two' hours nftor he was taken to tho hospital ho revived enough to glvo tho details of tho robbery. Just as tho trnln parted at B.isssett's tank Dennis went Into tho vestibule of thn mall car to stir up tho flro. When ho opened tho vestibule door hu saw two tncu standing by tho stovo, one of whom dealt him a torrtblo blow over tho head with a heavy flro shovel. Tho first blow felled him and ho was then quickly beaten Into a senseless condition. Ho know nothing moro until ho wbh removed to tho Texar- kana hospital. Ho Is In a critical con dition. Examination of tho car showed that the robbers gained ontrnnco by crawling through a small trapdoor through tho Hoof of tho vestibule, In tho vestibule Is n crank with which n person can uncouplu tho car from another, and It was tho in- tention of tho robbers to disconnect mid get control of both cars. It Is belloved. It Is lmposslblo to tell wliut tho robbers secured, but they mndo a good haul. Of- ficers aro on tho case, but thero la ltttlo to work on, ns tho men could havo left tho car nt throo different places bctoro the train arrived here. Word roached here at noon that two suspects havo been nrrestcd at Naples, near the sceno of tho robbery, but nono of tho stolon packages wero found. Donnls Is an old and trusted clerk. FACE TO FACE WITH DEFEAT Indlcatlona Point to Itejectlon of Plnsrcc'a Taxation Mcnsnrca by liCKlalatorc. i i LANSING. Mich., Deo. -- 13. The rccop- - tion that tho taxation hills which Governor Plngreo railed tbo'npectal tuslon to con- sider, will receive In tho upper house, was evinced this evening when tho sennto adopted a concurrent. resolution to adjourn tomorrow nnd Ieavo( consideration of all taxation measures to, tho Incoming legisla ture. Whllo the house refused to concur in the resolution and tublcd It, It is con sldcrcd by rnnny that tho senate's action presages suro defeat for tho measures when thoy come up In that body. Governor Picgrce, however, has not given up hope ol tho bill's passage In the senate. Tho resolution of tho commttteo to which tho taxation hills wero referred by tho houso after their Introduction at tho first session today, thnt consideration of them bo postponed until Monday night was con curred In by tho houso this afternoon and tho bills were ordered out tomorrow morn- ing. The houso Joint committee decided tonight to report the bills out tomorrow without recommendation as to their pas sago, but with tho recommendation that they bo considered at once in commlttco ot tho whole. Tho Oran bill, which provides for the taxing ot railroads on an ad valorem basis Instead of upon earnings, as at present, was introduced in the houso today, as wa3 a similar bill covering railroad, telephone, telegraph and express companies. MAYOR JONES OF FARGO TALKS North Dakotnn Dlscouraea on Street Improvement at Convention of Mayora. CHARLESTON, S. C. Deo. IS. At tho opening session of tho Lcaguo of American Municipalities Mayor J. A. Jones of Fargo N. D., rcod a paper on "Street Improve monts" und Mayor John B. Weakloy of Florence, Ala., addressed tho lcaguo on Tho Best Methods for tho Assessment and Collection of Taxes and tho Limita tion on the Taxing and Debt-Creati- Powers of Municipalities." Health OBlcur William F. Brunnr of Savannah read a paper on "The Prevention of tho Introduction of Epidemic Diseases Into tho United States." The pnpor treated ot Asiatic cholera, typhus fever, yellow favor and bubonlo plague. In tho afternoon tho mombors of tho convention, their families nnd friends went on an excursion around tho harbor. At tho session this evening a paper was read by Superintendent Frank C. Mason o tho Brooklyn Telegraph on "Tho Flro Do partmonts of Our Cities Their Progress and Tholr Needs." Thn placo for holding the noxt convention will bo chosen on Saturday. BRYAN AND THOMPSON DENY IT Knch Speclllcnlly Dcclurca There la So Truth In thu Itcportrd Sen-utorl- nl Tleup, LINCOLN, Dec. 13. Doth W. J. Bryan and D. E. Thompson irake unqualified denials of tho truth of a story printed i New York wherein they aro alleged to hav arranged n republican fusion deal whereby they could bo elected to the United States senato from Nebraska. Mr. Bryan said: "Thero Is not a word of truth lu It. havo other plans." Mr. Thompson, who Is a republican and candidate for tho senate said: "The story Is not true. I nm making combination with no ono, certainly not with a demo crat. you cannot mauo my denial too strong." Short n arc ltuua Into Ilia- - I'luurea. CINCINNATI. Dec. 13.-- Tho shortnirn n Oeorgo It. Griffiths, deceased, clerk of the Hoard of Education for thirteen years, Is generally uiiiiiiiirii in uu i.jj.uuu, DIs cropancie-- j neiwren mo nnnual reports miiiio in iuu Bium nciiuui uumniissionor iy iuu uuiiiiiy uuuiiui uuu mo ni re. celpts by Griffiths to the Board of Educa. tlnn show an additional shortage of W15.827 Whether all of this latter dlscrenannv r... resents a downright stealing or whether intrn mm nviu kiubb in hook-keepi- Is ft matter which is now engaging the earnest attention of expert ucrnimimn. who are at work on thi formidable wruy TRY TO ROB A BOX OFFICE Masked Hon Make Desperate Attempt on Sioux Oity Theater Treasury. INCIDENT STAMPEDES THE SPECTATORS Pistol Shota Frlithten Audience nnd General Panic la .Narrowly Averted Treasurer llounda Injured, but .N'ot Seriously. SIOUX CITY, In., Dec. 13. (Special Tele- gram.) Two bold robbers entered tho box offico of tho Grand opera houso at 9:25 o'clock tonight and made a desperate at- tempt to hold up Harley Rounds, treasurer of the theater. Mr. Rounds and Wilson S. Ross, mnnager of tho "Shore Acres" company, wero count- ing tho tickets nnd the cash, which had been taken In during the evening, whon tho robbers appeared through a side door from tho street. They wero masked, nnd said nothing. Rounds grappled with one them nnd tho fellow cracked him on tho head with tho butt of his gun. Then o shot at him and tho bulict passed through Rounds' coatslcovo. Tho "Shore Acres man throw a small tablo nt ono of ths robbers and tho robber Ilrcd his gun, but ho bulict did no damage. Tbo strangers then dashed out tho Bamc door through hlch they hid entered and Into the dark ness. They aid not get n cent, uounus lost n great deal of blood and It wiu feared o was seriously hurt. Later ho rallied and Is not In danger. The excitement which followed this tragedy In tho box ofU5o nearly caused o. stampedo In tho opera house, Tho udtenco became possessed of tho Idea that tho houso was on flro. Thero wore screams and cries nud a rush mado for tho doors. Tho members of the company nnd tho coolor ones In tho audience finally suc- ceeded In securing quiet and with tho ns- - tstanco of Uio orchestra, which struck up lively nir, tho play proceeded. Every pollco officer on tho forco Ib working on tho caso. HELD UP BY TRAIN ROBBER Southern Itohhcr Fotlowa the Sleth- - oda of the Council ItlufTa Artlata In UaltiK Hynumlte. NEW ORLEANS, Doc. 13. Tho south bound Illinois Central fast mall, duo hero t 7:15 p. in., wns held up and robbed by lono tralnrobber about ono nillo nbove tho upper limits of the city tonight. Though somo of tho train crew say they saw four or five men concenled In tho bUBhcs, only ono man figured In tho action, and his booty consists of only ono registered mall pouch from Durant. Miss., and six other registered lotters from points between Cairo and New Orleans. Conductor Klnnabrow was shot In tho groin nnd J. C. Parker, railway mall clerk, had his left cyo powder-burne- d by a shot directed at his head. Tho robber got on the train, It Is supposed, nt some point abovo tho city, and after pass ing Kcnner, the last stop before the train arrives In Now Orleans, ho climbed over to tho engine. anTf covered', the t nglncer and fireman and brought' tbo train to n standstill. Whon the conductor camo for- ward to soo what tho troublo was, he was shot by tho robber. R. K. Goldsby, ono of the railway mall clerks, stuck his head out of tho door nnd was ordered to Jump down, which ho did. Then tho robber led tho engineer, fireman nnd Goldsby toward the express car and mado ono of them blow tho Bide out with a stick of dynamite which ho supplied. This trnln carries no money nnd has no aafo. Tho robber then mado for the mall car and thero discovered Pnrkor, who had hidden tho registered pouches. He shot nt him and then one of tho pouches was produced and he mado off with It. Ho uncoupled tho englno from the train and ran It to a point near nvenuo, whero ho abandoned It Tho route of tho englno was marked by mall pouches nnd letters which tho robber throw or dropped out ns ho escaped. Tho robbor was evidently well acquainted with railroading. Ills face was blackened and ho was a man ltttlo loss than six feet tall, weighing about 150 pounds. Ho took Con ductor Klnnobrew's watch after ho shot him. Two suspects wero arrested tonight, but tho mall clerks did not Identify thorn. One ot them, a tall man, when ho turned his back, struck Goldsby as being ot the robber's build. Hn wus captured on the outskirts ot the city and had a revolver and seemed to be acting suspiciously. HOLD WHOLE TOWN AT BAY Four Masked Itobbera Make. Shancs- - vllle Populnco Stnnd Hack. CANAL DOVER, O., Dec. 13. Four mnskod men held tho town of Shancsvlllo, four miles west ot here, at bay before dawn today while they blew tho safe In the prl vate bank of John Doerschuck. The ex plosion aroused tho cltlzons, who armed themselves and turned out, but were hold off by thu dotermlnod burglars until tho wrecked safo had been looted. Then, nmld a fusillade of bullots the four escaped on n Wheeling & Lako Erlo handcar, carrying with thorn botween $3,000 nnd $4,000. That somo ot tho bullots took effect Is evident by a trail ot blood. Tho conditions surrounding tho robbery aro tho same an those nt Seville, n tow days ago, and tho bollof is gonoral that the snmo men did tho work. The robbers abandoned tho car before reaching Baltic, flvo miles distant, and a posse is now in pursuit with bloodhounds, A man giving his namo as J. B. Crosblo was arrested hero nt noon, suspected of bolng Implicated In tho Shancsvlllo bank robbery. Ho had a largo nmount of monoy ou his person and tho pollco claim they havo ovldenco that before his arrest ho managed to conceal a largo roll ot bank notes. It Is also known that tho man disposed of n rovolvor. .WHEAT GROWING TOO RANK Farmer nf Arknnana Valley Ailver lliu to Take Stock Free lu Order to Keep (rain Katen Dimvii. WICHITA, Kan., Dec. 13, Wheat Is grow lng so rank In tho Arkansas Valley wheat belt, ombrnclng torrltory that produced over 40,000,000 bushels last yoar, that tho fanners aro advertising to tako stock free for tho purposo of eating it down. The Indication at this tlmo for tho crops aro 25 per ccn moro favorable than thoy wore at tho samo tlmo last year. It Is now estimated that Sedgwick, Sumner and Barton countlos Kansas, In connection with Kny county Oklahoma, will produco 20,000,000 bushels o wheat noxt year, lluniiiina .Spoil by Cnrlouda. iiiiuauu, i'pc mineiy ennnnun o hiinanoH belonging to what Is nailed thi trust nro Hpol'.lnir In tho Illinois Central yards because of th fight between tho trust nnd tho commission merchant'! of ciiicugo. The lot is saia to lie worth (15, vw. t CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair Friday: Colder In Western Portion; Saturday Fair; Vari- able Winds. Temperature nt Omiitin jeaterdnyi Hour. Dew. Hour. lice. R n. tu 21 1 p. m Ill n. in IT. '1 p. in.. 14 7 a. I'll !l p. in 1.1 S n. m ill I 4 p. in HI 0 n. iu t!S rl p. ni in 10 n. ill Ill O p. ill...... 411 11 a. in...... !I7 7 p. in...... !I7 Vi. in ....... , 4'2 S p. ill ..... . :.v o p, m :m FROM GRAND ISLAND, MAYBE Ilody Found .Vcnr Itochexter ThoiiKlit to He Thnt of a MclirusUa Fruit Drulrr. ROCHESTER, N. Y Dec. 13. (Special Telcgrnni.) nils morning, whllo on his way to tho upper cannl lock, Boatman B. 55. Doty discovered n c6rpso floating lu tho water. Tho body whs taken to tho morguo where, upon uearchlng tho clothing, tho following articles wero found. Small pcarl-handt- knife, linen handkerchief, laundry mark 8; gold necktie pin, letter addressed to tho Dolnu Fruit company, Grand Island, Neb., nnd n letter addressed to Lewis Schcmcrhcrn, Monroo street, Toledo, O. A bill for npples, mndo out to tho Dolan Fruit company by a Watertown firm, seems to Indlcnto that tho man wns a member of that Arm. The Initials nro M. L. D. A broken wntchchaln and tho absence of money lead tho pollco to think that thero wns foul play. Tho body Is that of a man apparently 3.1 to 40 years ot ago, weighing about 140 pounds. Tho clothes nro dnrk, patent leather shoes, woolen stockings, red black uegllgeo shirt, over which was worn a whlto bosom shirt with starched collar and four-in-ha- tie. A slight rnn-tUBl- on tho nbdomcn Is tho only mark of violonco visible. POLICE FOR FILIPINO TOWNS (ienernl MnnArthur Aiilhorlxcil to Force UeuilJiiKlliiK Civil OIHcltil inlurlcN. MANILA, Dec. 13. The Taft commission has passed nn net authorizing General Mac-Arth- to establish police In the cities nnd towns and appropriating $150,000 for their maintenance. Commissioner Wright, who Is assigned to supcrvlso tho establishment of n con- - tabulary, nmong other dulcs, said the establishment of u local police force was a necessary fenturo of civil government and wns approved by tbo military government An act wns also passed providing for tho retention lu offico of tho municipal council ors elected under order ot tho military gov ernor until n general municipal law was passed. The terms of somo of tho council lora cxplro In January. Tho elections for councillors aro suspended. Finally, n bill was passed directing tho civil servlco hoard to exnmlno nnd report on tho readjustment ot the salaries of civil mploycs. General Kobbc, with the Twonty-olght- h Volunteer regiment. Colonel Blrkhslmcr commanding, landed nt Kagayan on tho northern coast of Mlndanoa on Monday und reinforced tho six companies of tho ortleth Volunteer regiment stationed In tbo town. An aggrosslvo movement had been planned. From Hollo It Is unofficially reported thnt tho insurgents In that portion of tho Island ot Pnnny nro swearing nlleglanco nt tho rnto of 1,000 a day. Tho arrcstB of many iromlncnt Insurgents started tho move ment, which seems to bo becoming univer sal at Jaro, Molo, Arovelo and lllolo. Con- - sldornblo sums of monoy nnd quantities of supplies havo been captured by tho Amcr leans. MANILA, Dec. 13. Tho United States cablcshlp Burnsldo will next week proceed to Damugueto, Island of Negros, to begin tho laying of 000 miles of government cablo to connect Negros, Mlndanoa nnd Jolo Negros nnd Cebu already havo cablo con nection with Hollo nnd Manila. The now lino will extend from Damugueto to Orom.t- - uuta, Mlsamls, Hlgnta and Tagoloan, nil on tho north coast of Mlndnnou. A land lino will connect Mlsamls and Tlgum and tho main. MANY MEN OF MANY MINDS Juror a In Morrison Cuun Tell tho Court They Are Hupeleaaly Apart, but Aro Not Ilscuacil. ELDORADO, Knn Dec. 13. Judge Shlnn sunt tho Morrison Jurors to tholr hotels at 9:30 tonight nnd instructed them to re sumo their deliberations nt 8:30 tomorrow The twelve men looked tired nnd faded as they camo out of tho court room. Thoy havo Informed tho court that they nro hopelessly of different minds as regards Miss Morrison's guilt nnd that they havo stopped balloting In tho Jury room. Judgo Shlnn will give out no Intimation na to tho length of tlmo ho will permit tho Jury to deliberate, It Is considered likely that ho will lot them stay out tho remainder of tho week. Miss Morrison's day was without lncl dont. Her family, as usual, was with her and a few other friends called. Sho given special privileges which tho other prisoners In the Jail do not enjoy. She looked nnd apparently folt as woll today as over. Sho Is bearing up remarkably well. THREE K'LLED IN A WRECK Woman Thrown TJiroimli Car "Win dow nud Her Throat Cut by (Hiiaa. HELENA, Mont, Doc. 13, Coast train No. 3, westbound, on tho Great Northern, was wrocktd at Brocktrn,235 miles east ot Havre, early today. Throo persons were killed and sovornl slightly injured. Tho dead MRS. WATSON of Indianapolis. MRS. D. C. CAMERON of Indianapolis. UNKNOWN RUSSIAN CHILD. Mrs. Watson was thrown through a win- dow, tho glass soverlng hor Jugular vein, nnd she bled to death. Her mother and tho child woro crushed to death. Tho ac- cident wns caused by tho breaking of a truck as tho train passed over a switch. The engine and thrco cars passed over tho switch In safety and tho four cars which followed wont down an embankment. Tho sleepers remalnod on tho track, All tho Injured will recover. Civil Service Reformer Gather. NEW YORK. Dec. 13.-- Tho twentieth un-nu- ul meeting of tho National Civil Service Reform leairuo began today In this eltv. There was a Joint meeting of the general nnd executive committees and u publlu meeting this afternoon, At tho afternoon session tho nnmtuntlnnH for ofllco wero made. Tho election will tultM phiccj tomorrow, Tho report of thn legislative commltteo won nlso deferred tin tomorrow. rtinrleM J. Honnporto rend tho rejiort of tho special commttteo on tho civil servico in uepcnuenciiiH. Allowed lllotera Indicted. MANHFIELD, O.. Doc. 13 Allen Androwii and Elmer Hart worn Indicted todav liv tho grand Jury for participating In tho recent mou troubles auinut uowieitvs. BUILDING OF CANAL Senate Adopts Darii' Amendment to Hay. Fauncefote Treaty. MATTER DEBATED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION Eight of United States to Use Force for Order and Defense Asserted. RESOLUTION CARRIES BV GREAT MAJORITY Sererfll Senators Want to Go Still Farther in Deolaring American Independence. LKINS AGAINST FOREIGN INTERFERENCE Senator from Weat Vlrululn Artrua that Prccedenta In KiikIInIi nud Other lllatory Wnrrnnt Re- pudiation of Compncta. WASHINGTON, Dec 13. -- In accordnnen with previous agreement tho senuto lu ex ecutive scpslon took n voto at 3 o'clock to- day on tho amendment to tho Hay-Paunc- e- loto treaty, authorising tho Uulted States to defend Its Interests In tho cannl. Tho Bcnuto did not closo Its doors until 2 o'clock, nnd incro wns left only one hour'H tlmo for discussion of piovlslnns of tho nniendnipnt. Tho voto wus taken by yeas and nays, sixty- - live votes being cast In favor of tho amend- ment and seventeen ngnlnst it. Tho nega-tlv- o votes were ns follows: llalrd, Iloverldgp, Fryc, Foster. Hans- - brough, Llndsoy, Mason, McCumber, Mc- - Knery, Mcllrldc, Morgan, Money. Stewart. Tillman, Wellington. Wolcott nnd Gnlllngor. After tho amendment offered by tho com mittee wus passed upon various other amendments received the nttcutlon of tho sennto for n brief time, but nono of them was acted upou. Tho committee nmrndment, which was adopted ns n provision to bn Inserted nftel section 5 of nrtlclo II of tho treaty Is al follows: It Ih nirreed. however. Hint linnn nf llm Immediately foregoing coiulltlons rind stlp-illatio- In .ueotlonn numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 unit 5 of this nrtlele nlmll apply to mtiuMire.i which tho I 'nlted StiiteH may llnd It to tiiko for Heeurlng by Its own forces uio neicnco or mo I'liiteu males anil tno maintenance of publlu order. Klklua Orlera Amendment. The amendment which probably attracted most attention was offered by Senator Ki- lt Ins and Is as follows: Nothing In HiIh treats- - shall bn construe, 1 to prevent tho United Htutes from acquir- ing sufficient security nnd sovereignty, or to prevent u irom nuiiaiug, operutlug, maintaining, cotitrollni: mid ilnfciullni; dm said canal (referring to tho proposed Nicaragua, canal), or for nny other pur pose tnai tnu I'tuieu amtea may deem for Is best Interests. Otlicr (intendments wero suggested by Senntors Tlllmun, Allen, Monoy nnd Thurs ton. Senator Thurston's suggestion pro- vides thnt tho Uulted Htaleo may defend the cuunl und Senator Tillman's makes tho commlttco amendment adopted by today's vote apply to nil provisions of article II. This would havo tho effect, it is bollcvod of nullifying tho provision of section 7 of thn nrtlele providing ngulnst tho forll-flcatl- of tho canal. Other amendment!) wero offered striking out sections 3 nnd 7 ot nrtlclo 11. Senator Tillman said thnt If Senator Elklns' amendment should be adopted ho would not press Ills amend- ment for tho modification of section 7 so as to omit provision ugalast tho formica- tion of tho canal. Senator Lodge, In chnrgo of tho bill, was not slow to rocognlzo tho futility of try- ing to securo further consideration of tho treaty, bh amended, during todny's session, nud ns soon as thu amendments wero all submitted ho moved nn adjournment until tomorrow, which motion prevnllcd. United Ntntea Muat Control. Previous to taking tho voto on tho com- mlttco amendments Senator Elklns occu- pied tho greater portion of tho senate's tlmo with a speech advocating radical alter- ation of tho treaty. Ho announced himself ns favorablo to tho committee amendmont, but snld thnt to his mind that amendment did not go far enough to meet tho wIshoB of tho American people. Ho believed, he said, that if tho cunnl was to bo constructed by tho government of tho Uulted Stntes tho peoplo would demand complcto and nbsolutu control over tho canal Itself, and nlso tho right to excrclso their own Judgment ns a nation, not only In acquiring property In connection with tho cauul, but, If noed bo, In securing sovereignty over It. Ho con- tended that to pursuo this course Involved no violation ot international rights, and In defenso of this position said tho United States had mado an offensive nnd defensive treaty with France In 17D3 and soon after- ward had repudiated that obligation. II nlso cited other precedents and authorities, somo of them being from Engllsti sources, In support ot this position, Ho argued, In short, that changed conditions warrant a chango In conduct and In position. The speech wns listened to with much tnterost, and at Its conclusion a motion was mndo to havo It made public. Objoctlon, however, was raised and tho order was not mado. Aftor tho senate ndjournod for tho day tho republican committee on order of busi- ness held a session to decldo upon tho fu- ture lino of action with rofcrenco to tho treaty as amended. After this committee had coucludod its conforenco Sonator Lodge, who wuo with tho commlttco, stated that tho senato would proceed with tho treaty nnd that ha would contlnuo his efforts to havo It ratified. DE ARM0ND WANTS DETAILS Hecrctnry of Wur Aalced to Fiirnlah Full Information aa to ('hiiffce-Vo- n Wulderaee Incident. WASHINGTON, Dec. 13. Representative DcArmond of Missouri today Introduced a resolution requesting tbo secretary ot war for information as "to what, if any, pro- test, objection, criticism or suggestion Gen- eral Chaffco or any other American officer In China mado or offered concerning looting or other action of conduct doomed Inhuman, dishonest, dlsplcablo or Improper; to whom dlrocted or addressed, and on account ot what fncts or information, nnd how rocclved or replied to, and with what result; nnd what, If nny, thing tho War department did or suggested to General Chaffco or other officers, or directed to bo said or done In reference thereto." Tho resolution refers to tho roporlcd In- cident between General Chaffco and Count von Wnldersco. PnpulMr InlercHt lu Forealry. WASHINGTON, Dec. 13. Tho Amcrlcnn Forestry association today oponcd Its con- vention hero. Tho board of directors sub- mitted Its report, which was accepted by tho association. Tho report says that dur- ing tho last yonr popular Interest in forestry hns grown remarkably. Tho con- dition of tho country's forests Is In gonoral markedly Improved, j

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Page 1: The Omaha Daily Bee. - Nebraska Newspapers€¦ · infested by nanus or looiuaus aim nouuiuiua, who terrorize tnu residents, ino pupera uro filled with accountB of their nightly exploits



Abnormal Criminal Conditions Create AlarmFiTen in Park


Van Stabbed and Ont by Eeardlesi Youths

Out of Mere Wantonness.


Prefect of Police Details Two Policemen to

Accompany Each Oar.


Fallen Account for the Condition by

the Hepresalon Following theKspoalllon, Over 200,000 Men

llelnir Out of Employment.

PARIS, Dec. 13. Tho closo of tho expo-

sition, throwing thousands out of employ-

ment, haB created abnormal criminal con-lltlo-

In Paris. Tho sensation caused bytho murder of tho man whoso body wasfouud In two parcels In tho strcots neroon December 4, and which Is still wrappedin mystery, nan uirccteo. auenuon iu iuufact that tho outlying quarters of Paris aroinfested by nanus or looiuaus aim nouuiuiua,who terrorize tnu residents, ino puperauro filled with accountB of their nightlyexploits. Two respectable workmen weronttackod a few nights ago by four prowlers,who after picking a quarrel almost do- -

capitated one of tho workmen and stabbed I

tho other In tho abdomen. Nono of tho murdercra havo yet been traced

A fcaturo of these nocturnal attacks lathat thoy aro very often not accompaniedby robbery, but aro perpetrated, apparently,by bloodthirsty criminals, frequently boysIn tholr tuens. Four boys, tho cldost ofwhom U 17 yoars old, gagged and outrageda young girl at La. Vllletto recently andat. .1.- - I A ,. .nnnlnlflA lit I ( ll rl A I

vlow of drowning nor, whon passersbyrescued tho girl

Thu bands froquentlng Ilollovtllo andMonllmcntant stylo themselves "Apaches."They havo committed n number of ntroclousand cowardly nets. Anathor and similarband Is called thu "Amandlcrs."

Tho police up to tho present time neompowerless to copo with tho situation. Agang of thloves recently hold up a stroetcar In n populous southern district androbbed the passengers, whllo an Importantelectric car line serving tho suburbs of StDonls and St. Ouen has refusod to run Itscars later than 8:30 In the evening on account of tho danger.

It was announced today that tho prefectf pollco had decided to place, a couple, of po- -

llcomon on each street car running Into the- - -picked men to bo stationed in tho dangerouswards, such as; th5 ward.wboro thu ucvorodbedy was dlscoverod. Moreover, in order tosecuro murder clues, tho pollco for severalnights havo raided tbo disorderly districtsand havo mado largo hauls of criminalswanted on other charges. A raid yesterdayevening led to no fewer than 317 arrests.

In falrnois It must bu said that the pros- -

ent condition of crlmo Is largely duo to tho I

number of workmen, street hawkers andothers who came to Paris attracted by thoexposition and who aro now walking thostreets out of work. It Is estimated by thostatistician of tho Central Inbor bureau thatIn twenty-fiv- o trades 212,000 out of C10.000are out of work.

Tho officials of tho prefecturo of pollco cal- -

CUlate that 2,000 SUnororS from tno CIOBO Ot I

the exnosltlon havo Joined tho criminalnrmv


Kwan ir Hu. Rnincror of China, Reported to He nn Apoatnte to tho

Fni Ih of Ilia Fnthera.

BERLIN, Dec. 13. During today's sessionot tho Reichstag, tho last before tho Christmas holidays, Dr. Stoecker, former courtchaplain, remarked with refcrenco to theiltuatlon In China, that ho had receivedprlvato letters asserting that tho reason thoempress dowager bates Emperor Kwang Sula that tho latter has actually liocomo aChristian, having been converted by Britishand American missionary books that cameunder his eye.

At tho closo of the session Dr. Stoeckerwas lntervlow by a representative of thoAssociated Press, to whom ho gavo a num- -


see, with whom Dr. Stoecker Is on forms ofintimate friendship,


Placard Punted In lloujt Koii" UrgeNative to llrlve Out


HONG KONG, Doc. 13. The city was placarded today with statements Incitingpeople and tho members of the secretsocieties to unite rlso during tho monthot January and drlvo out all foreigners.Crowds gathered around tho placards, butno outbreak Is reported.

Reports havo boen rocelvod from Canton to tho effect that Young Sung Po, thoreformer, has boon horribly tortured.Though bo was strung up by thumbsand tho toos, ho would coufess nothing.

Tuun Snld to Have KacnpedVANCOUVER, B, C. Dec. 13. According

lo tho North China Dally News, Prince Tuanescaped from Tung Kuan under tho dUguise of a Uuddlst bonze with shaven

for wepturu Mongolia to Join tho nsnlstant delat lama nt Kokoner. Ho wastraced to Lauchou, capital of Kansu, throughwhich city he passed In the garb of thonuddhlat pilgrim bonzo. Ho was last heardfrom at Ting Ilsla, the nntlvo city of Gon- -ral Tung Fun Slang, under whoso

tlou be Is alleged havo traveled.

lie Rellr lleturua to The llaacue.LISBON, Dec. 13. Count De Portu- -

gueso minister to The Netherlands, has ro- -

turned to Tho Hague, which ho left tern- -porartly owing to tho difficulties whicharoso In connection with tho withdrawal ofthe otequatour ot the Dutch consul at Lorenzo Marques, has been received by tho

of the council the minister offoreign affairs.

I.lmerlck Heady to llecelve Krusrr,LIMERICK, Dec. 13. The corporation to- -

dy conferred tho freedom of the city uponMr. Kniger. Tho members who opposed the proposal wero howled down.

NarireKlnti Conaulnr Trenanry Fcea.CHRISTIANIA, Dec. 13. The Norwegian

consular treasury fees for tho year 1S99- -1S0O amounted to 266,3.12 kroner, ot whichNer York furnished 33,186 kroner.

The Omaha Daily Bee.ESTAJJLISItED

IS artite pactZJOM(lBKaiBto.

linn AiinnntiPt- - hcrence toPrinciple of n

LONDON', Dec. 13. The correspondencerelating to tho Anglo-Gorma- n ngrccment

been laid before Parliament. Thisshows the fact that the agreement Is nowtripartite. Japan, nmong the powers In-

vited, alone mndo special Inquiries of Ger-many and Great Ilrltatn concerning thoagreement.

Japan then replied that "tho Imperialgovernment having received assurancesfrom tho contracting parties to the cltcctthat In ndherlng to tho agreement In ques-tion they will bo placed relation to suchagreement In tho name position they wouldhave occupied If they had been a signatoryInstead of an adhering state, does not hcfll- -

tato to formally declare she will ndhcroto such agreement will accept the prlu-clpl-

embodied therein,"Tho assurances of Germany and Great

tlrltaln alluded to are now given. Tho ropiles of tho otlicr powers clo not uincr irommo previous announ omenta,

nirrui'rrc! Clayton-Bulwc- r treaty to bo thus N

FOR PATtN I CCD ously sot aside and tho good relations bo- -

International Cnnlrrciice Adopta Ilea- -olutlona Hcuiilntliia; Foreign

Infringement of Itlubta.

BRUSSELS. Dec. 13. Tho Internationalconferenco for tho protection of Industrial 0property, at which United States AssistantPatent Commissioner Chamberlain andMinister Townaend worn tho Americanrepresentatives, has adopted tho followingresolutions:

"First, tho period of exclusive rights,previously fixed nt six months for pntcntsuna throo months for Industrial dcslgnB,models and trado marks, Is extended to ayear for tho first named and four monthsfor tho socond named

"Second, countries signing the conventiononjoy roclprocally tho .protection accordedby each country to Its own citizens againstunfair competition.

"Third, patents cannot lapso bocauso theyaro not put In circulation, except after aminimum delay of three years, dating from

first application In countries whero thepatent is allowed, and In cases in whichtho owners of the patent do not Justifycauses of inaction.



London I'nprr I'ubllahea UnconfirmedStory of fllirnnl Iloer Victory In

Ilnrbcrtou Dlatrlct.

LONDON, Doc. 14. The Dally Expresspubllshos n rumor of a serious disaster totho Iirltlsh arms. According to this

tho Boers attacked camp of General Clements In the Barborton district,capturing tho camp, killing a number ofBritish officers and taking prisoners all thoBritish troops, Including four companiesof tho Northumberland Fusiliers. Thestory Is not confirmed In any quartar andIs not generally believed.


llaa lieen uaaettea at AOmlnlatratorat .the-Ornn- ne lllvr -


CAPETOWN, J)oo. 13. Sir Alfred Mllnerhas been gazottcd administrator of theOrange River colony and tho Transvaal.

General Kitchener has cabled to theauthorities of South Australia, asking thattho wounded Imperial bushmcn who are nowconvalescent ho returned to South Africa,

Anothor contingent of Canadian troopsstarted on Its way homo today on board thoBoslyn Castlo. They received an en- -

thustastlc sepd-of- f.

Only Two Shlpa Icebound.BERLIN, Dec 13, An official of the Navy

urpunimiiii. uh iuiuiuicu mo rciHi-asuiuuv-

of tho Associated Press that tho Gormansecond-clas- s cruisers Hereth, Hansa andireno nave escapen Deing irozen in at ineTnku roatl and that all tbo other German

.mil Tco.cia hi u iu v. vj i uhiuuir nuuwaters.

Tho official added that only the hospitalship Savoya the transport Palatla wero

at Taku.

John IledmondDUBLIN. Dec. 13. Tho members of the

Irish parliamentary party today unanimously John Redmond chairmanfor tho present and coming session. Themotion was made by Patrick McDermottand seconded by William O'Brien. Ontaking tbo chair, Mr. Redmond was warmlyapplauded. Messrs. Esmonde, Donelan,Patrick O'Brien and Burks werowhips.

To Fix Price of Oils.LONDON, Dec. 13. A dispatch to tho

p&ny ot Russia has Invited the Scotch oilcompanies to In fixing and controlling tho selling of paraffin andHussion petroloum. Tho Russian company,

I it is auueu. is already in narmony witntho Anglo-Americ- company.

Hruent Meeta the Cabinet.CHRISTIANIA, Dec. 13. Crown Prince

Gustav, who has been acting as regent durlng tho illness ot his father, King Oscar,has arrived hero. A meeting of tho cablnot will bo held today, and Premier Steenwill give a banquet tonight.

The Antarctic expedition, hcadod by Dr.Otto Nordcnskjold, will lcavo In August.

Still Hopca for Andre.COPENHAGEN, Dec. 13. Tho brother of

Prof. Andre, tho missing Arctic ex- -plorer, who attempted to reach tho northpolo In n balloon, resides at Gothenberg,from which placo It Is announced that, hoping for Andre's roturn from tho polarregions, hu has deferred opening tho lat- -

tcr's testament for twelve months.

tienernl Urlbe ICacapea,COLON, Colombia, Dec. 13. (Via Gal.

veston.) Cenoral Urlbe, after having beendefeated nt Corozol, cscapod his pursuers.

llulf n million dollars has Juit boenshipped to Europe Now York from theprovince of Antloqula, whero quiet Is re-

stored. Everything points to antermination of tho rebellion.

Tun Hundred Are Drovrnrd,CANTON, Dec. 13. Tho falling ovorbonrd

of n mnn from a passenger boat on thoWest river, near Ho Kau, led to a rush ofsomo 400 passengers to tho sldo ot thovoisel, which caused her to sink, over 200persons being drowned

Oppoae Policy of Government,BERLIN, Djc. 13 As the result of a mass

meeting nt Hamburg, tho friends of theBoers at that place have sent Imperialchancellor, Count von Buclow, a stronglyworded disavowal of tbo German govern- -ment s Transvaal policy.

Hn-la- a Prealdcntlal F.lectlnn,BERNE, Dec. 13. Tho vice of

the Federal Council, Ernest Brenner ofBale, has been elected president of Swltz.erland for 1901, In succession to WalterHawser ot Lucerna,

bor corroboratlvo details. His Informant Exchange Telegraphic company from Gins-l- a

supposed to havo been Count von Waldcr- - gow says tho Consolidated Petroleum corn- -







protco- -to


andpresident and















Bcnato's Action on the Canal Touchei theBritish Sore Spot.


One. Piper I.ooka on the Iteaolutlon aann Unfriendly Act and Another

Thlnka a Second Cannl laii Xcccaalty.

(Copyright, 1000, by Press Publishing CoLONDON, Doc. 14. (New York World.

Cablegram Special Telegram.) Referringto the somites decision concerning theIsthmian canal, the Chronicle says: "Thenews Is very serious indeed. What itmeans Is that tho Jingoes find nntl-Englls- h

members of tho sennto have, triumphed.Wo aro bock again to tho day whero wewero at the tlmo of tho Venezuela quarrelnm, Ctevelamrg n80lcnt provocatlvo speechu- o cannot nosslblv stand bv and allow tho

twotn tho two countries must of necessitybo gravely menaced."

Tho Standard says: "That the Hay- -

Pauncefote treaty should be nccpted by usas now amended Is out of tho questionWo had gono n long way In the direction

concession when wo abrogated our Jointclaim to construction and maintenance oftho canal In favor of tho United States. Ifth f. arn uritlaflmt rltti thin wncan only Bay with courtesy that we aresorry wo havo been unable to moettheir wishes and must fall back upon therights which belong to us undor internatlonat law

Tho Morning Post says: "If tho UnltodStates should determine to seek militarycontrol of the canal, and if Nicaraguashculd consent to It then It will bo opento Great Britain alono or In conjunctionwith other maritlmo states to considerwhether another canal, not undor the con-

trol of tho United Stntes, may not boworth making. In this matter tho Interests of Great Britain are Identical withthose of all other maritlmo powers excepttho United States


TlitwiHiT 1 1 r n I v Kntvrlv Innnlrea InParliament How Mnny Ilonkeya

Were Sent to Africa.

LONDON, Dec. 13. A wide field was covered In the House of Commons today duringquestion time, but tho matters touchedupon wore largely uninteresting. Mr.Chamberlain said Great Britain proposed toestablish cheaper postage with the UnitedStates, but Washington was not preparedto entortaln tho matter.

Lord Cranborne, under secretary tor thoForeign otneo, said ho regretted that Canada was excluded from tho most favorednation treatment by Germany, but explained that In tho absence of a commercialtreaty botween Great Britain and Germany

'iES secretary of the War office, answering a question, said 182,400 horp.29 and mules had beenlnnded In South Africa during the war.

Timothy M. Healy's Interpellation as totho number of asses sent to South Africawas not answered.

Mr. Hcaly asked how much of the nowloan was to be floated In Wall stroet. Headded:

I strongly objoct to the associationof Wall street In British national InterertsWten wo have the unscrupuloslty of WallHtrot on top of us we shall pay dearly fortho small sum Baved tho country In dis-count. The whole cost of the war Bhouldbo placed on tho Transvaal."


Auditor of State Hart Declarea Orderof Chosen Frlenda to lie


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Dec, 14. The Sentlnel this morning says: Attorney GeneralTuylor, on behalf of tho state of Indianawill file suit In the superior courts otMarion county, this (Friday; morning, asking tho appointment of a receiver for theOrder ot Chosen Friends, one of the largestfraternal associations In tho United States

Tho filing of tho suit will affect thirtyelates of the union, as the association hasbeen authorized to do business In that numbor.

Iu the application for a receivership.which Is a voluminous document, the factIs set out that the association Is Insolventand unable to meet the death claims nowoutstanding.

These claims aggregate about 1300,000and camo to light through an examinationmade by George U. Bingham, oxpert.of thoIndiana Insurance department, lastWednesday. Immediately upon bolng advised of tho condition of tho association,Auditor of State Hart notified T. B. Linn,supremo recorder ot tho Chosen Friends,that tho order was Insolvent and that howould at onco mako application tor a re-

ceiver.Tho utmost socrecy has been obscrvod In

tho preparation of tho papor to be filedIn tho superior court, becauso the audi-tor desired that Indiana bo the first statoto appoint a receiver, ns under tho law thefirst appointed takes priority over any thatmay be appointed In other states.

According to the statement of the statoInsurance department last night an ex- -

lamination of the condition ot the nssocl- -atlon was mndo at the beginning of thopresent year and at that tlmo It wasfound In as good shapo as the ordinary runof fraternal organizations.

The Order of Chosen Friends was foundedIn May, 1379, In Indianapolis, and after ashort struggle for cxlstanco spread rapidlyInto neighboring states nnd then to nearlyevery stato in the country, until at presentIt has n total membership of 22,140 Inthlrty-on- o states. Thero are 651 localcouncils. Among the states that havecouncils California has 116, Nevada. 4:Arizona, 1; Colorado, 2: Illinois, 23: Indiana, 29; Kansas, 3; Missouri, 47; Montana, 2; Nebraska, 2; New York, 75; On-

tario, 3; Oreglon, 1; TexnB, 33, nnd Wash-ington, 1. Tho membership by statos in-

cludes among the largest: California.5,131; Illinois, 802; Missouri, 1,002; Indiana,1,358; Toxa. 1,503.

iho order was one of the first In thocountry to make women eligible to fullmembership and entitle them to assuranceand official position In the councils. Thisis one ot the features, It Is announced, thathas been largely tho cause ot Its rapidgrowtn.

Ilullnir tin Prepayment Mrtnra.INIHANAPOLIB. Dec. 13. The nnnnPntx

. uui b luuuj ,ii n ui'prnieu rromlibation decided that rt natural gas com-pun- y

when receiving pay In advance froma customer must furnish gas. The ideathat the comnany nan no caa la tint mini.dent cauno to combat a damage suit, suchtui hub wan.

Smallpox Inereaara In NeT York,NEW YOIIIC. riM. IS Thn Tlnar.1 nf

ueaiin (liywerou seven new cases or smallpox toaa)?.


Ilea-lsterc- Pouch Broken Open nud.Mnny Pni'ltnirra of Orrnt

Vnlne Taken.

ST. LOUIS, Dec. 13. A special to thePost-Dispat- from Texarkana, Ark., says:

A bold robbery on the Cotton Belt railway occurred today nt Basset, Tex., thirtymiles south ot Texarkana, on tho traincoming north, In which Postal Clerk JohnN. Denulo was nlmost killed and the mallpouches of his enr rifled of their contents.The amount stolen Is not known.

As tho trnln left the Bassctt water tankat 6 n. m. tho express and mall cars wereseparated from tho train, but tho traincrow had them coupled up again. In thorun from thero to Texarkana tho coacheswero uncoupled twlco In a very mysteriousmanner.

Upon tho arrival of tho train hero theUnited States transfer clerk went to thodoor of tho mall car and knocked for thepostal clerk to open it.

No response was given from tho inside.Officials then forced an entrance to thocar and wero nstonlshed to find the clerk,John N. Dennis, stretched upon tho floor,apparently dead. A hurried examinationshowed that tho registered pouches hadbeen ripped open nnd robbed of their con-tents, tho most vulunblo of which was theWnco-Mcmph- through pouch, containinga largo number of valuable packages.

A physician was sent Xor and It wasfound that Dennis was nllvc, but uncon-scious. An ugly wound lrf tho top of hishead told the story. Two' hours nftor hewas taken to tho hospital ho revived enoughto glvo tho details of tho robbery.

Just as tho trnln parted at B.isssett'stank Dennis went Into tho vestibule of thnmall car to stir up tho flro. When hoopened tho vestibule door hu saw two tncustanding by tho stovo, one of whom dealthim a torrtblo blow over tho head with aheavy flro shovel. Tho first blow felledhim and ho was then quickly beaten Intoa senseless condition. Ho know nothingmoro until ho wbh removed to tho Texar-kana hospital. Ho Is In a critical condition.

Examination of tho car showed that therobbers gained ontrnnco by crawlingthrough a small trapdoor through tho Hoofof tho vestibule, In tho vestibule Is ncrank with which n person can uncouplutho car from another, and It was tho in-

tention of tho robbers to disconnect midget control of both cars. It Is belloved.

It Is lmposslblo to tell wliut tho robberssecured, but they mndo a good haul. Of-

ficers aro on tho case, but thero la ltttloto work on, ns tho men could havo left thocar nt throo different places bctoro thetrain arrived here.

Word roached here at noon that twosuspects havo been nrrestcd at Naples,near the sceno of tho robbery, but nonoof tho stolon packages wero found.

Donnls Is an old and trusted clerk.


Indlcatlona Point to Itejectlon ofPlnsrcc'a Taxation Mcnsnrca

by liCKlalatorc.i

iLANSING. Mich., Deo. -- 13. The rccop- -

tion that tho taxation hills which GovernorPlngreo railed tbo'npectal tuslon to con-sider, will receive In tho upper house, wasevinced this evening when tho senntoadopted a concurrent. resolution to adjourntomorrow nnd Ieavo( consideration of alltaxation measures to, tho Incoming legislature. Whllo the house refused to concurin the resolution and tublcd It, It is consldcrcd by rnnny that tho senate's actionpresages suro defeat for tho measureswhen thoy come up In that body. GovernorPicgrce, however, has not given up hopeol tho bill's passage In the senate.

Tho resolution of tho commttteo to whichtho taxation hills wero referred by thohouso after their Introduction at tho firstsession today, thnt consideration of thembo postponed until Monday night was concurred In by tho houso this afternoon andtho bills were ordered out tomorrow morn-ing. The houso Joint committee decidedtonight to report the bills out tomorrowwithout recommendation as to their passago, but with tho recommendation thatthey bo considered at once in commlttco ottho whole.

Tho Oran bill, which provides for thetaxing ot railroads on an ad valorem basisInstead of upon earnings, as at present,was introduced in the houso today, as wa3a similar bill covering railroad, telephone,telegraph and express companies.


North Dakotnn Dlscouraea on StreetImprovement at Convention

of Mayora.

CHARLESTON, S. C. Deo. IS. At thoopening session of tho Lcaguo of AmericanMunicipalities Mayor J. A. Jones of FargoN. D., rcod a paper on "Street Improvemonts" und Mayor John B. Weakloy ofFlorence, Ala., addressed tho lcaguo on

Tho Best Methods for tho Assessmentand Collection of Taxes and tho Limitation on the Taxing and Debt-Creati-

Powers of Municipalities."Health OBlcur William F. Brunnr of

Savannah read a paper on "The Preventionof tho Introduction of Epidemic DiseasesInto tho United States." The pnpor treatedot Asiatic cholera, typhus fever, yellowfavor and bubonlo plague.

In tho afternoon tho mombors of thoconvention, their families nnd friends wenton an excursion around tho harbor.

At tho session this evening a paper wasread by Superintendent Frank C. Mason otho Brooklyn Telegraph on "Tho Flro Dopartmonts of Our Cities Their Progressand Tholr Needs."

Thn placo for holding the noxt conventionwill bo chosen on Saturday.


Knch Speclllcnlly Dcclurca There laSo Truth In thu Itcportrd Sen-utorl- nl


LINCOLN, Dec. 13. Doth W. J. Bryanand D. E. Thompson irake unqualifieddenials of tho truth of a story printed i

New York wherein they aro alleged to havarranged n republican fusion deal wherebythey could bo elected to the United Statessenato from Nebraska. Mr. Bryan said:

"Thero Is not a word of truth lu It.havo other plans."

Mr. Thompson, who Is a republican andcandidate for tho senate said: "The storyIs not true. I nm making combinationwith no ono, certainly not with a democrat. you cannot mauo my denial toostrong."

Short n arc ltuua Into Ilia-- I'luurea.CINCINNATI. Dec. 13.-- Tho shortnirn n

Oeorgo It. Griffiths, deceased, clerk of theHoard of Education for thirteen years, Isgenerally uiiiiiiiirii in uu i.jj.uuu, DIscropancie-- j neiwren mo nnnual reportsmiiiio in iuu Bium nciiuui uumniissionor iyiuu uuiiiiiy uuuiiui uuu mo ni re.celpts by Griffiths to the Board of Educa.tlnn show an additional shortage of W15.827Whether all of this latter dlscrenannv r...resents a downright stealing or whetherintrn mm nviu kiubb in hook-keepi-

Is ft matter which is now engagingthe earnest attention of expert ucrnimimn.who are at work on thi formidable wruy


Masked Hon Make Desperate Attempt on

Sioux Oity Theater Treasury.


Pistol Shota Frlithten Audience nndGeneral Panic la .Narrowly Averted

Treasurer llounda Injured,but .N'ot Seriously.

SIOUX CITY, In., Dec. 13. (Special Tele-gram.) Two bold robbers entered tho boxoffico of tho Grand opera houso at 9:25

o'clock tonight and made a desperate at-

tempt to hold up Harley Rounds, treasurerof the theater.

Mr. Rounds and Wilson S. Ross, mnnagerof tho "Shore Acres" company, wero count-ing tho tickets nnd the cash, which hadbeen taken In during the evening, whontho robbers appeared through a side doorfrom tho street. They wero masked, nndsaid nothing. Rounds grappled with one

them nnd tho fellow cracked him ontho head with tho butt of his gun. Then

o shot at him and tho bulict passed throughRounds' coatslcovo. Tho "Shore Acresman throw a small tablo nt ono of thsrobbers and tho robber Ilrcd his gun, butho bulict did no damage. Tbo strangers

then dashed out tho Bamc door throughhlch they hid entered and Into the dark

ness. They aid not get n cent, uounuslost n great deal of blood and It wiu feared

o was seriously hurt. Later ho rallied andIs not In danger. The excitement whichfollowed this tragedy In tho box ofU5o nearlycaused o. stampedo In tho opera house, Tho

udtenco became possessed of tho Idea thattho houso was on flro. Thero wore screamsand cries nud a rush mado for tho doors.Tho members of the company nnd thocoolor ones In tho audience finally suc-

ceeded In securing quiet and with tho ns- -

tstanco of Uio orchestra, which struck uplively nir, tho play proceeded. Every

pollco officer on tho forco Ib working ontho caso.


Southern Itohhcr Fotlowa the Sleth- -oda of the Council ItlufTa Artlata

In UaltiK Hynumlte.

NEW ORLEANS, Doc. 13. Tho southbound Illinois Central fast mall, duo hero

t 7:15 p. in., wns held up and robbed bylono tralnrobber about ono nillo nbove

tho upper limits of the city tonight. Thoughsomo of tho train crew say they saw fouror five men concenled In tho bUBhcs, onlyono man figured In tho action, and hisbooty consists of only ono registered mallpouch from Durant. Miss., and six otherregistered lotters from points between Cairoand New Orleans. Conductor Klnnabrowwas shot In tho groin nnd J. C. Parker,railway mall clerk, had his left cyo powder-burne- d

by a shot directed at his head. Thorobber got on the train, It Is supposed, ntsome point abovo tho city, and after passing Kcnner, the last stop before the trainarrives In Now Orleans, ho climbed overto tho engine. anTf covered', the t nglncerand fireman and brought' tbo train to nstandstill. Whon the conductor camo for-ward to soo what tho troublo was, he wasshot by tho robber. R. K. Goldsby, ono ofthe railway mall clerks, stuck his head outof tho door nnd was ordered to Jump down,which ho did. Then tho robber led thoengineer, fireman nnd Goldsby toward theexpress car and mado ono of them blowtho Bide out with a stick of dynamite whichho supplied. This trnln carries no moneynnd has no aafo. Tho robber then madofor the mall car and thero discoveredPnrkor, who had hidden tho registeredpouches. He shot nt him and then one oftho pouches was produced and he mado offwith It. Ho uncoupled tho englno fromthe train and ran It to a point near

nvenuo, whero ho abandoned ItTho route of tho englno was marked bymall pouches nnd letters which tho robberthrow or dropped out ns ho escaped. Thorobbor was evidently well acquainted withrailroading. Ills face was blackened andho was a man ltttlo loss than six feet tall,weighing about 150 pounds. Ho took Conductor Klnnobrew's watch after ho shothim.

Two suspects wero arrested tonight, buttho mall clerks did not Identify thorn.One ot them, a tall man, when ho turnedhis back, struck Goldsby as being ot therobber's build. Hn wus captured on theoutskirts ot the city and had a revolverand seemed to be acting suspiciously.


Four Masked Itobbera Make. Shancs- -vllle Populnco Stnnd


CANAL DOVER, O., Dec. 13. Fourmnskod men held tho town of Shancsvlllo,four miles west ot here, at bay before dawntoday while they blew tho safe In the prlvate bank of John Doerschuck. The explosion aroused tho cltlzons, who armedthemselves and turned out, but were holdoff by thu dotermlnod burglars until thowrecked safo had been looted. Then, nmlda fusillade of bullots the four escaped on nWheeling & Lako Erlo handcar, carryingwith thorn botween $3,000 nnd $4,000. Thatsomo ot tho bullots took effect Is evidentby a trail ot blood.

Tho conditions surrounding tho robberyaro tho same an those nt Seville, n tow daysago, and tho bollof is gonoral that the snmomen did tho work. The robbers abandonedtho car before reaching Baltic, flvo milesdistant, and a posse is now in pursuit withbloodhounds,

A man giving his namo as J. B. Crosblowas arrested hero nt noon, suspected ofbolng Implicated In tho Shancsvlllo bankrobbery. Ho had a largo nmount of monoyou his person and tho pollco claim theyhavo ovldenco that before his arrest homanaged to conceal a largo roll ot banknotes.

It Is also known that tho man disposedof n rovolvor.


Farmer nf Arknnana Valley Ailverlliu to Take Stock Free lu Order

to Keep (rain Katen Dimvii.

WICHITA, Kan., Dec. 13, Wheat Is growlng so rank In tho Arkansas Valley wheatbelt, ombrnclng torrltory that produced over40,000,000 bushels last yoar, that tho fannersaro advertising to tako stock free for thopurposo of eating it down. The Indicationat this tlmo for tho crops aro 25 per ccnmoro favorable than thoy wore at tho samotlmo last year. It Is now estimated thatSedgwick, Sumner and Barton countlosKansas, In connection with Kny countyOklahoma, will produco 20,000,000 bushels owheat noxt year,

lluniiiina .Spoil by Cnrlouda.iiiiuauu, i'pc mineiy ennnnun o

hiinanoH belonging to what Is nailed thitrust nro Hpol'.lnir In tho Illinois Centralyards because of th fight between thotrust nnd tho commission merchant'! ofciiicugo. The lot is saia to lie worth (15,vw. t


Forecast for Nebraska Fair Friday: ColderIn Western Portion; Saturday Fair; Vari-able Winds.

Temperature nt Omiitin jeaterdnyiHour. Dew. Hour. lice.

R n. tu 21 1 p. m Illn. in IT. '1 p. in.. 14

7 a. I'll !l p. in 1.1

S n. m ill I 4 p. in HI0 n. iu t!S rl p. ni in

10 n. ill Ill O p. ill...... 41111 a. in...... !I7 7 p. in...... !I7Vi. in ....... , 4'2 S p. ill ..... . :.v

o p, m :m


Ilody Found .Vcnr Itochexter ThoiiKlitto He Thnt of a MclirusUa

Fruit Drulrr.

ROCHESTER, N. Y Dec. 13. (SpecialTelcgrnni.) nils morning, whllo on hisway to tho upper cannl lock, Boatman B.55. Doty discovered n c6rpso floating lu thowater. Tho body whs taken to tho morguowhere, upon uearchlng tho clothing, thofollowing articles wero found. Small pcarl-handt-

knife, linen handkerchief, laundrymark 8; gold necktie pin, letter addressedto tho Dolnu Fruit company, Grand Island,Neb., nnd n letter addressed to LewisSchcmcrhcrn, Monroo street, Toledo, O. Abill for npples, mndo out to tho DolanFruit company by a Watertown firm, seemsto Indlcnto that tho man wns a memberof that Arm. The Initials nro M. L. D.A broken wntchchaln and tho absence ofmoney lead tho pollco to think that therowns foul play.

Tho body Is that of a man apparently3.1 to 40 years ot ago, weighing about 140pounds. Tho clothes nro dnrk, patentleather shoes, woolen stockings, red

black uegllgeo shirt, over whichwas worn a whlto bosom shirt with starchedcollar and four-in-ha- tie. A slight rnn-tUBl-

on tho nbdomcn Is tho only markof violonco visible.


(ienernl MnnArthur Aiilhorlxcil toForce UeuilJiiKlliiK CivilOIHcltil inlurlcN.

MANILA, Dec. 13. The Taft commissionhas passed nn net authorizing General Mac-Arth-

to establish police In the cities nndtowns and appropriating $150,000 for theirmaintenance.

Commissioner Wright, who Is assigned tosupcrvlso tho establishment of n con- -tabulary, nmong other dulcs, said the

establishment of u local police force was anecessary fenturo of civil government andwns approved by tbo military governmentAn act wns also passed providing for thoretention lu offico of tho municipal councilors elected under order ot tho military gov

ernor until n general municipal law waspassed. The terms of somo of tho councillora cxplro In January. Tho elections forcouncillors aro suspended.

Finally, n bill was passed directing thocivil servlco hoard to exnmlno nnd reporton tho readjustment ot the salaries of civil

mploycs.General Kobbc, with the Twonty-olght- h

Volunteer regiment. Colonel Blrkhslmcrcommanding, landed nt Kagayan on thonorthern coast of Mlndanoa on Mondayund reinforced tho six companies of tho

ortleth Volunteer regiment stationed Intbo town. An aggrosslvo movement hadbeen planned.

From Hollo It Is unofficially reported thnttho insurgents In that portion of tho Islandot Pnnny nro swearing nlleglanco nt thornto of 1,000 a day. Tho arrcstB of manyiromlncnt Insurgents started tho move

ment, which seems to bo becoming universal at Jaro, Molo, Arovelo and lllolo. Con- -

sldornblo sums of monoy nnd quantities ofsupplies havo been captured by tho Amcrleans.

MANILA, Dec. 13. Tho United Statescablcshlp Burnsldo will next week proceedto Damugueto, Island of Negros, to begintho laying of 000 miles of government cabloto connect Negros, Mlndanoa nnd JoloNegros nnd Cebu already havo cablo connection with Hollo nnd Manila. The nowlino will extend from Damugueto to Orom.t- -uuta, Mlsamls, Hlgnta and Tagoloan, nilon tho north coast of Mlndnnou. A landlino will connect Mlsamls and Tlgum andtho main.


Juror a In Morrison Cuun Tell thoCourt They Are Hupeleaaly Apart,

but Aro Not Ilscuacil.

ELDORADO, Knn Dec. 13. Judge Shlnnsunt tho Morrison Jurors to tholr hotels at9:30 tonight nnd instructed them to resumo their deliberations nt 8:30 tomorrowThe twelve men looked tired nnd faded asthey camo out of tho court room. Thoyhavo Informed tho court that they nrohopelessly of different minds as regardsMiss Morrison's guilt nnd that they havostopped balloting In tho Jury room. JudgoShlnn will give out no Intimation na totho length of tlmo ho will permit tho Juryto deliberate, It Is considered likely thatho will lot them stay out tho remainderof tho week.

Miss Morrison's day was without lncldont. Her family, as usual, was with herand a few other friends called. Shogiven special privileges which tho otherprisoners In the Jail do not enjoy. Shelooked nnd apparently folt as woll todayas over. Sho Is bearing up remarkablywell.


Woman Thrown TJiroimli Car "Window nud Her Throat Cut

by (Hiiaa.

HELENA, Mont, Doc. 13, Coast train No.3, westbound, on tho Great Northern, waswrocktd at Brocktrn,235 miles east ot Havre,early today. Throo persons were killed andsovornl slightly injured.

Tho deadMRS. WATSON of Indianapolis.MRS. D. C. CAMERON of Indianapolis.UNKNOWN RUSSIAN CHILD.Mrs. Watson was thrown through a win-

dow, tho glass soverlng hor Jugular vein,nnd she bled to death. Her mother andtho child woro crushed to death. Tho ac-

cident wns caused by tho breaking of atruck as tho train passed over a switch.The engine and thrco cars passed over thoswitch In safety and tho four cars whichfollowed wont down an embankment. Thosleepers remalnod on tho track, All thoInjured will recover.

Civil Service Reformer Gather.NEW YORK. Dec. 13.-- Tho twentieth un-nu- ul

meeting of tho National Civil ServiceReform leairuo began today In this eltv.There was a Joint meeting of the generalnnd executive committees and u publlumeeting this afternoon,

At tho afternoon session tho nnmtuntlnnHfor ofllco wero made. Tho election willtultM phiccj tomorrow, Tho report of thnlegislative commltteo won nlso deferred tintomorrow. rtinrleM J. Honnporto rend thorejiort of tho special commttteo on tho civilservico in uepcnuenciiiH.

Allowed lllotera Indicted.MANHFIELD, O.. Doc. 13 Allen Androwii

and Elmer Hart worn Indicted todav liv thogrand Jury for participating In tho recentmou troubles auinut uowieitvs.


Senate Adopts Darii' Amendment to Hay.Fauncefote Treaty.


Eight of United States to Use Force for

Order and Defense Asserted.


Sererfll Senators Want to Go Still Fartherin Deolaring American Independence.


Senator from Weat Vlrululn Artruathat Prccedenta In KiikIInIi nud

Other lllatory Wnrrnnt Re-pudiation of Compncta.

WASHINGTON, Dec 13. -- In accordnnenwith previous agreement tho senuto lu executive scpslon took n voto at 3 o'clock to-day on tho amendment to tho Hay-Paunc- e-

loto treaty, authorising tho Uulted Statesto defend Its Interests In tho cannl. ThoBcnuto did not closo Its doors until 2 o'clock,nnd incro wns left only one hour'H tlmo fordiscussion of piovlslnns of tho nniendnipnt.Tho voto wus taken by yeas and nays, sixty- -live votes being cast In favor of tho amend-ment and seventeen ngnlnst it. Tho nega-tlv- o

votes were ns follows:llalrd, Iloverldgp, Fryc, Foster. Hans- -

brough, Llndsoy, Mason, McCumber, Mc- -Knery, Mcllrldc, Morgan, Money. Stewart.Tillman, Wellington. Wolcott nnd Gnlllngor.

After tho amendment offered by tho committee wus passed upon various otheramendments received the nttcutlon of thosennto for n brief time, but nono of themwas acted upou.

Tho committee nmrndment, which wasadopted ns n provision to bn Inserted nftelsection 5 of nrtlclo II of tho treaty Is alfollows:

It Ih nirreed. however. Hint linnn nf llmImmediately foregoing coiulltlons rind stlp-illatio-

In .ueotlonn numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 unit5 of this nrtlele nlmll apply to mtiuMire.iwhich tho I 'nlted StiiteH may llnd It

to tiiko for Heeurlng by Its own forcesuio neicnco or mo I'liiteu males anil tnomaintenance of publlu order.

Klklua Orlera Amendment.The amendment which probably attracted

most attention was offered by Senator Ki-

lt Ins and Is as follows:Nothing In HiIh treats- - shall bn construe, 1

to prevent tho United Htutes from acquir-ing sufficient security nnd sovereignty, orto prevent u irom nuiiaiug, operutlug,maintaining, cotitrollni: mid ilnfciullni; dmsaid canal (referring to tho proposedNicaragua, canal), or for nny other purpose tnai tnu I'tuieu amtea may deem forIs best Interests.

Otlicr (intendments wero suggested bySenntors Tlllmun, Allen, Monoy nnd Thurston. Senator Thurston's suggestion pro-vides thnt tho Uulted Htaleo may defendthe cuunl und Senator Tillman's makes thocommlttco amendment adopted by today'svote apply to nil provisions of article II.This would havo tho effect, it is bollcvodof nullifying tho provision of section 7of thn nrtlele providing ngulnst tho forll-flcatl-

of tho canal. Other amendment!)wero offered striking out sections 3 nnd7 ot nrtlclo 11. Senator Tillman saidthnt If Senator Elklns' amendment shouldbe adopted ho would not press Ills amend-ment for tho modification of section 7 soas to omit provision ugalast tho formica-tion of tho canal.

Senator Lodge, In chnrgo of tho bill, wasnot slow to rocognlzo tho futility of try-ing to securo further consideration of thotreaty, bh amended, during todny's session,nud ns soon as thu amendments wero allsubmitted ho moved nn adjournment untiltomorrow, which motion prevnllcd.

United Ntntea Muat Control.Previous to taking tho voto on tho com-

mlttco amendments Senator Elklns occu-pied tho greater portion of tho senate'stlmo with a speech advocating radical alter-ation of tho treaty. Ho announced himselfns favorablo to tho committee amendmont,but snld thnt to his mind that amendmentdid not go far enough to meet tho wIshoB oftho American people. Ho believed, he said,that if tho cunnl was to bo constructed bytho government of tho Uulted Stntes thopeoplo would demand complcto and nbsolutucontrol over tho canal Itself, and nlso thoright to excrclso their own Judgment ns anation, not only In acquiring property Inconnection with tho cauul, but, If noed bo,In securing sovereignty over It. Ho con-

tended that to pursuo this course Involvedno violation ot international rights, and Indefenso of this position said tho UnitedStates had mado an offensive nnd defensivetreaty with France In 17D3 and soon after-ward had repudiated that obligation. IInlso cited other precedents and authorities,somo of them being from Engllsti sources,In support ot this position, Ho argued, Inshort, that changed conditions warrant achango In conduct and In position. Thespeech wns listened to with much tnterost,and at Its conclusion a motion was mndoto havo It made public. Objoctlon, however,was raised and tho order was not mado.

Aftor tho senate ndjournod for tho daytho republican committee on order of busi-ness held a session to decldo upon tho fu-

ture lino of action with rofcrenco to thotreaty as amended. After this committeehad coucludod its conforenco Sonator Lodge,who wuo with tho commlttco, stated thattho senato would proceed with tho treatynnd that ha would contlnuo his efforts tohavo It ratified.


Hecrctnry of Wur Aalced to FiirnlahFull Information aa to ('hiiffce-Vo- n

Wulderaee Incident.

WASHINGTON, Dec. 13. RepresentativeDcArmond of Missouri today Introduced aresolution requesting tbo secretary ot warfor information as "to what, if any, pro-

test, objection, criticism or suggestion Gen-

eral Chaffco or any other American officerIn China mado or offered concerning lootingor other action of conduct doomed Inhuman,dishonest, dlsplcablo or Improper; to whomdlrocted or addressed, and on account otwhat fncts or information, nnd how rocclvedor replied to, and with what result; nndwhat, If nny, thing tho War department didor suggested to General Chaffco or otherofficers, or directed to bo said or done In

reference thereto."Tho resolution refers to tho roporlcd In-

cident between General Chaffco and Countvon Wnldersco.

PnpulMr InlercHt lu Forealry.WASHINGTON, Dec. 13. Tho Amcrlcnn

Forestry association today oponcd Its con-

vention hero. Tho board of directors sub-

mitted Its report, which was accepted bytho association. Tho report says that dur-ing tho last yonr popular Interest inforestry hns grown remarkably. Tho con-

dition of tho country's forests Is In gonoralmarkedly Improved, j