the old railroad bridge

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  • 8/11/2019 The Old Railroad Bridge


    The Old Railroad Br idge

    Gennae Angeli na

    Copyright 2013

    MATT ROLLED out of bed and slipped on his shoes.

    He walked down the stairs of his house and crunched into the night stand at

    the bottom of the stairs. He then doubled back up the stairs and got his

    glasses. His older brother was still asleep on the couch and the computer

    games were running. His food containers were scattered all over and Matt

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    kicked through them on the way to the door.

    His brother barely moved. Matt went out the front door of the old

    apartment and stepped into the goo that was the front yard, always wet since

    the pipes leaked and the land lord kept promising to fix them. He got on his

    small motorcycle and revved the engine and took off down the road toward

    his job. About the time he reached the small crossroads where he turned left

    to go into town he realized it was Saturday and he was off.

    Matt turned his bike around and puttered back up the road and as he did a

    sight caught his eye that he had not though about before.

    To his right the ground curved down into a stand of trees where some

    boards covered the entrance to an old covered bridge. Matt had heard the

    stories in school, and he stopped his bike for a moment, looking down into

    the trees. He could see bits of the boards through the overgrowth and he

    looked down toward them. Legend said that a railroad had once ran through

    here and crossed the river into the city. The confederates had wanted

    weapons that were on the train, and unknown to them there were two car

    loads of passengers. They blew up the tracks, the train crashed and all 137

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    passengers died, well almost.

    According to the story there was one little girl who had survived and she

    lived into her old age haunted by being the one person who had lived.

    There was a small cemetery down the road where the others were buried.

    Supposedly the train would come back now and then and pass through the

    old bridge. Matt didnt believe in any of that stuff.

    He eased his small cycle down the side of the road into the trees and drove

    toward the boards. As he moved the bridge loomed closer and he came to a

    raised area where there were old overgrown tracks leading into the huge

    door, big enough for two sets of tracks. Matt stopped. He had a knife on

    him, but no other tools.

    Matt walked toward the old bridge and saw some of the rotting boards

    had been pried loose. He went up to a large gaping hole and peered into the

    darkness. The old bridge was fascinating. He could smell wood and rot and

    see the tracks where they had been for decades.

    Matt decided to check it out. No one would miss him. Since his mother

    had sent him to live with his brother, no one cared about him coming and

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    going as he pleased. Matt climbed through the hole where the boards were

    off into the darkness. The stood inside of the bridge and waited to get

    adjusted to the light.

    Matt sat down for a minute and remembered the stories hed been told

    about the bridge and the old steam train that came roaring down it, one from

    one direction and another coming the opposite way. He had seen the little

    graveyard nestled between two sets of houses that had some of the people

    whos families had not claimed them.

    Matt got up and stepped into the looming darkness that was the bridge

    and he could see the old rails laying on the ground, torn loose over the years.

    There were pieces of wood all over and the smell of decay and mold in the

    air. Matt walked along the tracks and looked way down into the darkness, at

    the other end of the bridge. He began to enjoy the atmosphere like walking

    into a haunted house during Halloween. Matt saw the rusted rail spikes and

    the plates of metal on the ground, touched by streaks of light from the sun

    coming in through cracks in the boards. There were big fancy archways on

    both sides and wood carvings with cracked paint falling off of them.

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    Matt was walking along when a sudden explosion of noise came from

    overhead. He looked up and was terrified to see two huge black wings

    flapping toward him and he began to scream. He felt his stomach tighten as

    if he was about to pee in fear. Matt turned to run and a large black bird

    flapped around his head then went up into the dark. It crawled over some

    wooden ribs and vanished outside as Matt stopped running and fell to his


    In a few minutes Matt realized hed been scared by a bird, and once he

    collected himself and muttered in anger, he got up and continued to the other

    side of the bridge. Once he got to the barrier over the other door, Matt

    turned and looked at the wooden bridge and concluded that it wasnt really

    all that scary. He then strolled to the hole he had entered through, and now

    that he was satisfied with his adventure, he fired up his motorcycle and rode

    down the road to the house of a friend of his, Rex, who was into all sorts of

    weird stuff.

    Rex was in his front yard when Matt pulled up. He was trying to make

    his own small amateur haunted attraction and he was making gravestones

    and other things out of cement and wood.

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    Sup? Rex called as Matt came to a stop. Not much. I thought I had

    to work today, but since I dont Im just messin around. I went to that old

    railroad bridge and walked around.

    Oh the old one that is supposed at be haunted?

    Yeah while I was there I found a rotting old woman hanging from the roof

    With a rope.

    That stinks.

    Yeah she kinda did but I needed the rope so I cut her down.

    That was nice of you.

    I know, Im naturally heroic.

    After the two boys had a laugh, Matt became involved in helping Rex

    make props for his project. There was a big long stretch of grass next to his

    house and Rex wanted to use that and the old barn that was there to set up

    his attraction. He expected to make a nice profit from all of the neighbors

    coming to visit each fall.

    As they worked, another motorcycle came down the road, an old one that

    had some body damage here and there and ran a bit rough. It was another

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    neighborhood weird person named Mike who lived down the road in a very

    old house that was in need of repair. Mike pulled in the yard and Rex sat

    back, covered in cement dust, and relaxed for a minute while Matt went up

    to the bike.

    Whats up man? Matt asked as Mike got off the bike. Just curious as

    to how things were coming on the house. Rex exhaled and a bit of cement

    dust puffed into the air. Mike looked surprised. Wow. You take the project

    very seriously dont you? He asked.

    Rex smiled and blinked his eyes. Theres good money to be made scaring

    people. They enjoy it. Theres something about being scared out of your

    pants that makes the average person into a happy person.

    Mike smiled. Its the thrill of danger since they know the things cant hurt

    them for real. Mike looked over the gravestones and Rexnoticed that Matt

    was giving him sour looks. He wondered why, then he noticed Matts

    expression change.

    Hey Mike you ever been to that old bridge the trains used to cross?

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    Never been there, but I know what one you mean. Its neat. Ive gone

    Down and shot pictures. Its boarded up though, so you cant get in.

    Oh the boards are loose. I looked in a few times, it has some old junk in

    An old train.


    Yeah. Matt said, starting to grin. Rex knew what he was up to but he

    Kept to himself. He wasnt overly fond of Mike to begin with, he was a

    nerdy kid with little education and lived in a run down house. He had few

    friends if any.

    Matt was still grinning. We could go down there and check it out if you

    want, we need a break anyway, right Rex? Rex looked worried. I guess.

    Matt picked up a hammer and some nails and said yeah that would be cool.

    We can board the place back up. Mike thought a minute and decided it

    would be fun, so he agreed.

    The boys didnt leave right away though, they took some time to make a

    few more stones and eat lunch as the sun crossed the sky into the afternoon.

    At one point Mike went to the bathroom in the house and Rex asked Matt

    Whats up with the bridge thing? Matt took off his ball cap and laughed.

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    I just figured wed have a little fun. I dont plan on doing anything much,

    just scaring him a little. I dont even like him.

    Rex knocked cement off some tools. Why not just tell him to get lost?

    Matt smirked. Why not have some fun instead? He asked. Rex shook his

    head. This is your idea.

    Mike came back out and the boys put away the tools as they talked. Rex

    filled Matt in on what he knew about the bridge.

    The bridge is really old and we know that a lot of trains went on it. Ive

    been to the cemetery and seen the graves of the people who died there. They

    all have various birth dates and its creepy to see all the death dates being the

    same. They say the train comes down the tracks still from time to time.

    Mike got excited as they talked and finally they got on the motorcycles

    and drove down the road to the stand of trees where the old bridge was.

    They got off their bikes and walked into the trees, and the nails dug into

    Matts leg through his pant leg. He endured the poking and kept chuckling

    to himself.

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    The sun began to get low enough in the sky so that the shadows were

    long and it illuminated the front of the railroad bridge and made it look

    much bigger and more menacing. The boys advanced to the front of the

    bridge and the hole where boards were missing looked like a doorway into a

    great abyss, with blackness on the other side.

    Rex, Matt and Mike stood at the mouth of the hole and looked in. Mike

    grinned. Its just an old bridge. Nothing so terrible about it. He stepped

    through the hole, and Matt joined him for a moment. To his surprise and

    delight, Mike began walking right into the bridges interior. This is neat. I

    always wondered what it was like in here.

    Mike moved along the old tracks and looked up at the old wooden top of the

    building and he turned to see Matt coming along slowly, smiling. Rex stayed

    at the door to the bridge and as they moved, Matt was slightly startled when

    the same bird that had scared him launched itself from the ceiling again. He

    saw Mike put his arm up as if reaching for the bird, which hovered and

    flapped over him then turned and flew into the darkness.

    As Mike moved, Matt turned and walked back to the opening, then

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    stepped out into the waning sunlight and grabbed two boards and fitted them

    over the hole in the barricade. Rex was surprised. What are you doing?

    He asked. Mike will be terrified, he might not even get out!

    Matt put a nail to the first board. Hell get out. So what if he doesnt like

    me anymore. He just wont come around bugging me.

    The sound of Matt hammering the nails echoed through the bridge and as

    he finished, the angry voice of Mike was on the other side. Rex walked

    away quickly as Mike roared in anger at Matt, who chuckled and kept


    Matt and Rex got on their bikes and left, and in a few minutes they had

    forgotten about Mike.

    Matt rode home after dark and as he rode past the trees where the old

    bridge was he glanced to the side and noticed that the bridge was black and

    invisible in the dark. He stopped his bike for a moment, but not hearing any

    noise told him that Mike had found his way out. He knew Mike would hate

    him, but he really didnt care about he kid from down the road.

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  • 8/11/2019 The Old Railroad Bridge


  • 8/11/2019 The Old Railroad Bridge


    The two boys turned to leave when they felt the ground begin to tremble.

    They stopped in their tracks and just stood frozen. The flashlight blinked

    out and the boys stood in the pitch black. Rex whimpered and Matt tried to

    speak but could not. He was frozen with terror, which got worse as he heard

    the echo of a chugging engine. Matt thought of all the places he would

    rather be than rooted to this spot.

    The entire bridge was bathed in blackness and they could no longer see to

    get out. Rex stammered that they should follow the tracks, but neither could

    get their legs to respond. As tears of fear welled up they heard a phantom

    chugging sound echo through the bridge and their legs shook in terror. The

    front of the bridge began to glow blue and suddenly a light appeared in the

    center of the old barricade and got brighter and brighter till they could tell it

    was the phantom light from a ghostly train.

    Matt and Rex stood in the tracks and began to cry out as the phantom

    outline of a train appeared and the roar of old steam engines became louder

    and louder. They saw clouds of steam roll to the side from the train which

    was therebut at the same time was not.

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    The train roared down the tracks and the light in front of it blazed down

    on the boys who gave vent to screams of terror. The train loomed bigger and

    bigger in the dark and the rails trembled, the sound of the engine drowning

    the screams of the boys.

    Down upon them it bore till they could see the engine and it instantly

    was upon them, then passing through them in a powerful rush of exploding

    air. Matts hat flew away and the flashlight flew back as if it was weightless.

    Rexs jacket flew like bird wings and was torn off of him, flying behind into

    the bridge.

    As the specter of the ghost train blasted through them, the two boys could

    see into its pale interior, men and women outlined in transparent darkness,

    misty figures of men in tall hats and women in large dresses.

    The train roared down past them and the end of it came, passed through

    them and rumbled to the end of the tunnel. Both boys ran for the barricade

    in a mindless panic. They almost jumped over the wood, and as sweat

    streamed off of them, they mounted their motorcycles and took off down the


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    Rex disappeared toward his house and Matt rode home, still shaking as

    he went into the house, glad that his brother was gone, and hoping he would

    be gone for a while.

    Matt sat down in his bedroom and after some time he began to calm

    down. Matt wondered what had become of Mike, and he went to the

    bathroom, shaky, almost afraid to turn on the light.

    When light illuminated the bathroom, Matt was about to wash the sweat

    off his face, then he saw his image in the mirror. His hair was white, as if

    bleached. He just stood and stared at it for a moment.

    Eventually Matt saw Mike in town, rolling along on another motorcycle

    and looking normal. For a brief moment he turned and saw Matt. Mike

    stared for a moment, and without a word or nod of his head he rode off and

    vanished. Matt never saw him again and Rex never brought up the subject

    of the bridge after that.

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