the oklahoman real estate

F REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, JULY 31, 2010 THE OKLAHOMAN | NEWSOK.COM INDEX Carter 3F Stone 4F Harney 5F Permits 7F The Gerard’s rear elevation has the look of a vacation retreat, but its front and interior make it suited for year-round residency. PAGE XF HOUSE PLAN Vacation at home The Listing of the Week is a two-story brick house just off the golf course in the Fairways at Surrey Hills addition in northwest Oklahoma City. PAGE XF LISTING OF THE WEEK Golf course is nearby A reader’s “inde- pendent listening room” is an interest- ing place to come and relax. But it could use some features to soften things up a bit. PAGE 3F IN BRIEF MORTGAGE PROFITS INCREASE Independent mort- gage bankers and subsidiaries made an average profit of $1,135 on each loan they originated in 2009, compared to $305 per loan in 2008, according to the Mortgage Bank- ers Association Annual 2009 Mort- gage Bankers Pro- duction Survey. The increase was driven by a drop in total loan production expenses to $3,685 per loan in 2009 from $4,717 per loan in 2008. Total loan production income dropped slightly to $4,820 per loan in 2009 from $5,023 per loan in 2008. Profits increased in 2009 over 2008 as higher origination volumes, particularly in refinancing, re- duced per-loan pro- duction expenses, said Marina Walsh, the association’s associate vice presi- dent of industry analysis. WD-40 IN RETRO CAN WD-40 lubricant is celebrating its histo- ry by offering a Now & Then Twin Pack of an 8-ounce WD-40 Collector’s Can along with an 8-ounce Smart Straw can. The black-and-yel- low retro can harks back to the 1950s, when WD-40 was used in the aero- space industry. The company also is offering customers the chance to win weekly contests and a $2,500 grand prize by joining the online WD-40 Now & Then Group and sharing how they first used the product. To join, go to The twin pack sells for about $7 in the automotive depart- ment of Walmart and at other partici- pating retailers. STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS BETHANY — Martin and Pennie Vandenbroek found their Rock- well Oaks home the way new resi- dents of the neighborhood have for years. A friend — in this case Pennie’s sister — sent out the alert: A house had come onto the market, a nice one. “We saw the pictures and bought it,” said Martin Vanden- broek, who in 2008 retired from the University of California at Santa Barbara, where he operated the instructional clean room, teaching students how to build semiconductors. Pennie, who loved Bethany’s “small-townish feel” with “ev- erything you need” right next door in Oklahoma City, sold the Lompoc, Calif., tea shop she oper- ated — Penelope’s Teas and Gifts — to a customer. In the summer of 2008, the Vandenbroeks moved halfway across the country into their new home. Rick Farmer, president of the Rockwell Oaks Neighborhood As- sociation, said he sees a common interest among all the families in the shaded, hilly enclave. “We want to build bonds,” he said. “A bunch of people living next door to each other is not the same as a neighborhood.” Rockwell Oaks includes about 60 to 70 homes on Divis Avenue, Briarwood and Timber Avenue, bounded on the north by NW 31 and on the south by NW 30, just west of Rockwell Avenue. Neigh- borhood bonding is done at ice cream socials, cookouts and at the neighborhood Christmas party — events supported by neighbor- hood association dues. Farmer said one additional event has recently been organized, an all-neighborhood garage sale scheduled for late September. Lately, a few more houses in the neighborhood than usual have be- come available as longtime elderly residents have moved into assisted living or died, he said. “We hate to see empty houses,” Farmer said. “Now we’re eager to meet the new families that are go- ing to discover these homes.” Farmer’s wife, Marjean, said she chose Rockwell Oaks in 2007 be- cause she was looking for a Colo- nial-style house, and because of “all the vacant land around.” “I love hearing horses at night on all the pastureland around here,” she said. Bill Cunningham picked his Timber Avenue house in 1998 “because we loved the pool,” he BETHANY’S ROCKWELL OAKS AREA PROMOTES NEIGHBORLY FEELING Pennie and Martin Vandenbroek, who moved from California, learned the Bethany home they now own was on the market from a neighbor in the Rockwell Oaks neighborhood, near NW 30 and Rockwell Ave. PHOTOS BY DAVID MCDANIEL, THE OKLAHOMAN BY TIM FALL Special Correspondent [email protected] Bill Cunningham is outside his home in the Rockwell Oaks neigh- borhood in Bethany. SEE OAKS, PAGE 2F Foreclosures are still unusually prevalent in many neighborhoods throughout the country. And prospective home sellers who live in such communities often fear they’ll face stiff competi- tion from bank-owned properties offered at deep discounts. But Sid Davis, a veteran real estate broker and au- thor, said that with hard work and small sums of money, many sellers can make their properties out- shine those that lenders have repossessed and put back on the market. “A tremendous number of foreclosed homes were in junk condition when the banks took them back. Though the banks do hire contractors, most will only pay for basic restoration work, like replacing ap- pliances that were ripped out,” said Davis, author of “Home Makeovers That Sell.” He said that several properties he’s listed re- cently received multiple, strong offers and sold quickly, despite their loca- tions in neighborhoods with high foreclosure rates. These sales were suc- cessful, he said, because the owners invested their time, money and energy to make their domains more appealing than the fore- closed homes. Here are several pointers on how to get started: Start by gaining con- trol of your home envi- ronment through plan- ning. Vicki Norris, a profes- sional organizer and au- thor of “Restoring Order to Your Home,” said many sellers find the home sale preparation process over- whelming because they fail to plan ahead. In addition to the essen- tial “to do list,” which should include all the pre- sale tasks itemized by your listing agent, you should also create a realistic time- line for completion of all the steps, Norris said. To keep yourself from running aground in pur- suit of your goal, Norris said it’s also critically im- portant that you schedule periodic work breaks and small rewards to help you maintain your momen- tum. Zero in on your kitch- en. Is your kitchen showing signs of wear and tear? If so, Davis recommends several low-cost ways to improve its appearance without hiring a contrac- tor. “Most wood cabinets look vastly better after you clean them with Murphy Oil Soap and then rub them down with lemon oil. If they still need help, sand and re-stain them or paint them in high-gloss white paint. Also, for less than $50 you can improve the looks of your cabinets with new handles and hinges,” he said. In addition, you can re- place a worn kitchen floor inexpensively by laying new tile, a skill Davis said is easy to acquire through a free or low-cost class of- fered online or through a home center store. “Your kitchen is the most important space in your house because that’s where the action is. Sellers who invest modest amounts of money there can usually recoup most, if not all, of their outlays,” he said. Count on painting to improve your odds. One proven strategy for adding appeal to your inte- rior is to paint the walls and trim throughout. For advice on painting tech- nique, consult the web- sites of major paint com- panies, or borrow a manual or video on the topic from the library. “The only major ele- ments to good painting in- volve solid preparation — mainly sanding and sur- facing — and attention to detail,” Davis said. Find contractors for the most challenging pro- jects. Nowadays many home sellers have limited funds to call in contractors for complex or hazardous re- pairs, such as roofing or electrical work. But that doesn’t mean they should attempt such projects themselves, Davis said. To maximize your scarce funds for necessary home improvement work, Davis suggests you seek three to four competitive bids from contractors who come highly recommended, and you could get the work done at “a very fair price.” E-mail Ellen James Martin at [email protected]. UNIVERSAL UCLICK Inexpensive fixes can hasten home sale Ellen James Martin SMART MOVES Mi-Ling Stone Poole ASK MI-LING Listen to new ideas

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The Oklahoman's Saturday residential real estate news




Carter 3FStone 4FHarney 5FPermits 7F

The Gerard’s rear elevation hasthe look of a vacation retreat,but its front and interior make itsuited for year-round residency.PAGE XF


Vacationat home

The Listing of the Weekis a two-story brickhouse just off the golfcourse in the Fairwaysat Surrey Hills additionin northwest OklahomaCity.



Golf courseis nearby

A reader’s “inde-pendent listeningroom” is an interest-ing place to comeand relax. But itcould use somefeatures to softenthings up a bit.



MORTGAGEPROFITSINCREASEIndependent mort-gage bankers andsubsidiaries madean average profit of$1,135 on each loanthey originated in2009, compared to$305 per loan in2008, according tothe Mortgage Bank-ers AssociationAnnual 2009 Mort-gage Bankers Pro-duction Survey. Theincrease was drivenby a drop in totalloan productionexpenses to $3,685per loan in 2009from $4,717 per loanin 2008. Total loanproduction incomedropped slightly to$4,820 per loan in2009 from $5,023per loan in 2008.Profits increased in2009 over 2008 ashigher originationvolumes, particularlyin refinancing, re-duced per-loan pro-duction expenses,said Marina Walsh,the association’sassociate vice presi-dent of industryanalysis.

WD-40 INRETRO CANWD-40 lubricant iscelebrating its histo-ry by offering a Now& Then Twin Pack ofan 8-ounce WD-40Collector’s Can alongwith an 8-ounceSmart Straw can.The black-and-yel-low retro can harksback to the 1950s,when WD-40 wasused in the aero-space industry. Thecompany also isoffering customersthe chance to winweekly contests anda $2,500 grand prizeby joining the onlineWD-40 Now & ThenGroup and sharinghow they first usedthe product. To join,go twin pack sellsfor about $7 in theautomotive depart-ment of Walmartand at other partici-pating retailers.


BETHANY — Martin and PennieVandenbroek found their Rock-well Oaks home the way new resi-dents of the neighborhood havefor years. A friend — in this casePennie’s sister — sent out thealert:

A house had come onto themarket, a nice one.

“We saw the pictures andbought it,” said Martin Vanden-broek, who in 2008 retired fromthe University of California atSanta Barbara, where he operatedthe instructional clean room,teaching students how to buildsemiconductors.

Pennie, who loved Bethany’s“small-townish feel” with “ev-erything you need” right nextdoor in Oklahoma City, sold theLompoc, Calif., tea shop she oper-ated — Penelope’s Teas and Gifts— to a customer.

In the summer of 2008, the

Vandenbroeks moved halfwayacross the country into their newhome.

Rick Farmer, president of theRockwell Oaks Neighborhood As-sociation, said he sees a commoninterest among all the families inthe shaded, hilly enclave.

“We want to build bonds,” hesaid. “A bunch of people livingnext door to each other is not thesame as a neighborhood.”

Rockwell Oaks includes about60 to 70 homes on Divis Avenue,Briarwood and Timber Avenue,bounded on the north by NW 31and on the south by NW 30, justwest of Rockwell Avenue. Neigh-borhood bonding is done at icecream socials, cookouts and at theneighborhood Christmas party —events supported by neighbor-hood association dues.

Farmer said one additionalevent has recently been organized,an all-neighborhood garage salescheduled for late September.

Lately, a few more houses in theneighborhood than usual have be-

come available as longtime elderlyresidents have moved into assistedliving or died, he said.

“We hate to see empty houses,”Farmer said. “Now we’re eager tomeet the new families that are go-ing to discover these homes.”

Farmer’s wife, Marjean, said shechose Rockwell Oaks in 2007 be-cause she was looking for a Colo-

nial-style house, and because of“all the vacant land around.”

“I love hearing horses at nighton all the pastureland aroundhere,” she said.

Bill Cunningham picked hisTimber Avenue house in 1998“because we loved the pool,” he


Pennie and Martin Vandenbroek, who moved from California, learned the Bethany home they now own was on the market from a neighborin the Rockwell Oaks neighborhood, near NW 30 and Rockwell Ave. PHOTOS BY DAVID MCDANIEL, THE OKLAHOMAN

BY TIM FALLSpecial [email protected]

Bill Cunningham is outside his home in the Rockwell Oaks neigh-borhood in Bethany.


Foreclosures are stillunusually prevalent inmany neighborhoodsthroughout the country.And prospective homesellers who live in suchcommunities often fearthey’ll face stiff competi-tion from bank-ownedproperties offered at deepdiscounts.

But Sid Davis, a veteranreal estate broker and au-thor, said that with hardwork and small sums ofmoney, many sellers canmake their properties out-shine those that lendershave repossessed and putback on the market.

“A tremendous numberof foreclosed homes werein junk condition when thebanks took them back.Though the banks do hirecontractors, most will onlypay for basic restorationwork, like replacing ap-pliances that were rippedout,” said Davis, author of“Home Makeovers ThatSell.”

He said that severalproperties he’s listed re-

cently received multiple,strong offers and soldquickly, despite their loca-tions in neighborhoodswith high foreclosurerates.

These sales were suc-cessful, he said, becausethe owners invested theirtime, money and energy tomake their domains moreappealing than the fore-closed homes.

Here are several pointerson how to get started:

› Start by gaining con-trol of your home envi-ronment through plan-ning.

Vicki Norris, a profes-sional organizer and au-thor of “Restoring Order toYour Home,” said manysellers find the home sale

preparation process over-whelming because theyfail to plan ahead.

In addition to the essen-tial “to do list,” whichshould include all the pre-sale tasks itemized by yourlisting agent, you shouldalso create a realistic time-line for completion of allthe steps, Norris said.

To keep yourself fromrunning aground in pur-suit of your goal, Norrissaid it’s also critically im-portant that you scheduleperiodic work breaks andsmall rewards to help youmaintain your momen-tum.

› Zero in on your kitch-en.

Is your kitchen showingsigns of wear and tear? Ifso, Davis recommendsseveral low-cost ways toimprove its appearancewithout hiring a contrac-tor.

“Most wood cabinetslook vastly better after youclean them with MurphyOil Soap and then rubthem down with lemon oil.

If they still need help, sandand re-stain them or paintthem in high-gloss whitepaint. Also, for less than$50 you can improve thelooks of your cabinets withnew handles and hinges,”he said.

In addition, you can re-place a worn kitchen floorinexpensively by layingnew tile, a skill Davis saidis easy to acquire through afree or low-cost class of-fered online or through ahome center store.

“Your kitchen is themost important space inyour house because that’swhere the action is. Sellerswho invest modestamounts of money therecan usually recoup most, ifnot all, of their outlays,” hesaid.

› Count on painting toimprove your odds.

One proven strategy foradding appeal to your inte-rior is to paint the wallsand trim throughout. Foradvice on painting tech-nique, consult the web-sites of major paint com-

panies, or borrow amanual or video on thetopic from the library.

“The only major ele-ments to good painting in-volve solid preparation —mainly sanding and sur-facing — and attention todetail,” Davis said.

› Find contractors forthe most challenging pro-jects.

Nowadays many homesellers have limited fundsto call in contractors forcomplex or hazardous re-pairs, such as roofing orelectrical work.

But that doesn’t meanthey should attempt suchprojects themselves, Davissaid.

To maximize your scarcefunds for necessary homeimprovement work, Davissuggests you seek three tofour competitive bids fromcontractors who comehighly recommended, andyou could get the workdone at “a very fair price.”E-mail Ellen James Martin [email protected].


Inexpensive fixes can hasten home saleEllenJamesMartin




Listen tonew ideas


said. In his shaded front yard, Cunningham’s fivesons, ages 7 to 17 years old, “build forts, campout, you name it,” he said.

Homes in Rockwell Oaks were built primarilyin the late 1960s and 1970s, according to resi-dents.

“This was known as the fancy part of Bethany,”Cunningham said. “Lots of the houses havegranite floors, or slate, or terrazzo tiles.”

On a hot, humid mid-July day, Rockwell Oaksfelt comfortable, its streets shaded and lawnssunlight-dappled by mature trees.

Jerry Griffin, who moved to Timber Avenuewith his wife, Debbie, in the mid 1990s, recentlyretired after 31 years at Putnam City North HighSchool. Griffin served as offensive coordinatorfor the Panthers — coaching, among many oth-ers, a pretty good quarterback named Sam Brad-ford.

He said they moved into their home, whichhad belonged to Debbie’s mother, “because wecouldn’t find a better one anywhere. Or betterneighbors.”

The Vandenbroeks, whose 2,700-square-foot,three-level home was built in 1970, love showingCalifornia friends “our million-dollar house,”Martin said. “You put this house where we usedto live, we couldn’t touch it.”

Now, Martin said, he is enjoying the house, hisneighbors and his retirement.

“Look at me, I’m the idle rich,” he quipped.


Oaks: Shady streets, lawns beckon

Left: Rick and Marjean Farmer’s Colonial-style housein the Rockwell Oaks neighborhood, which residentssay was known as the “fancy part of Bethany” whenhomes were being built in the 1960s and 1970s.


Marjean Farmer says the Colonial-style home she and herhusband, Rick, bought in the Rockwell Oaks neighborhood in2007 suits them perfectly.


Residents of Bethany’s Rockwell Oaks addition gather for a recent picnic in the shade of the neighborhood’stall, mature trees. PHOTO PROVIDED BY RICK FARMER

Left: Home for sale at3109 Timber Ave. in theRockwell Oaks neigh-borhood in Bethany.More homes than usualhave been put on themarket in the neigh-borhood lately as olderresidents move into as-sisted living, residentRick Farmer says.


Right: Tall, mature treesshade Bethany’s Rock-well Oaks neighborhood.



DEAR MI-LING: Myhusband and I started anindependent listeningroom. Singer/songwriters,comedians and spokenword poets come and per-form at our venue. It’scalled the “Green Room.”The walls are painted a softgreen. We have tables andchairs and a love seat forseating. I would love to getsome suggestions on howto make the place morecomfortable and homeyfeeling to get and keepcustomers.

We are working with an

almost nonexistent bud-get, but want to get themost bang for our buck.Since we have wifi andhave a few snacks that wesell I really feel that weneed to keep our tables. Wehave some old album cov-

ers and paintings on thewalls and hope to getmore.

Toni M.DEAR TONI M.: Sounds

like an interesting place tocome and relax. Here are afew suggestions to softenthings up a bit.

Go to a thrift shop or ga-rage sale and buy a few oldinstruments, guitars,drum sticks, tambourines,and so on and hang themon the wall. Instead ofbuying a frame, paint asquare on the wall to ac-cent the instrument. You

could paint the main wallbrown or leave it a softgreen and then paint thesquares purple, gold,brown or a rose pink color.Use a painter’s tape thatwon’t bleed to outline thesquares.

You could also add a fewarmchairs and an inexpen-sive thrift store table andjust paint it black. The keyis to create comfort zones

by positioning the furni-ture close together to en-courage intimate conver-sations. If you’re handy,build a few platforms fromwood and paint and placeoverstuffed cushions onthe platforms and placethem against the walls.

Don’t forget to createcomfort with scent —bring in comfort food andserve tea or coffee. Warm

homemade pies and muf-fins would work. If youcan’t do food, light candleswith a coffee or chocolatescent!

Now go out and createyour own unique comfortzone!

Mi-Ling Stone Poole is the author of“Ask Mi-Ling! When You Want theTruth About Decorating.” If you have adecorating dilemma, contact herthrough her website,

All listening room needs is a homey vibeMi-LingStonePoole


Q. I heard that housingprices have never drop-ped so much as they haverecently, not since afterWorld War II. Sixty yearsseems like an awfullylong time. The problemsstarted in 2006 andhaven’t subsided. Howdo you account for this?

A. It’s amazing. We’vehad regional real estatebooms and busts, one inFlorida in the 1920s andone in southern Californiain the 1880s, but never a se-vere cycle that affected theentire nation.

During the savings andloan crisis in the 1980s, forinstance, very high interestrates made housing expen-sive; almost all Americansmust borrow to own ahouse. But this was noth-ing like the boom in hous-ing prices from about 2000to 2010. Likewise, housingprices during the Depres-sion dropped significantlybecause all property lost

value.Robert J. Shiller, of Yale

University, has done themost to put the housingboom into perspective. Hisindex of American housingprices dates back to 1890,presenting housing values(as a personal investment)in consistent terms over 116years, factoring out infla-tion.

The housing price indexstarts at 100 in 1890 and va-ries above and below the100 mark until about 1920.The index stays below 100until about the end ofWorld War II. After that,the housing index staysabove 100 to the present.

Looking at a graph ofShiller’s housing indexfrom about 1947 until now,three episodes are immedi-ately noticeable. Housingvalues bumped up beyondan index value of 120 duringthe 1970s, during the 1980sand after about 2000.

The housing indexreached 200 in July 2006and then came back to alevel of about 110 in 2010.Obviously, something hap-pened during the past 10years that had never hap-pened before. Shiller calls it“the bubble mentality.”

Charles Carter specializes in real estateanalysis after years of experience as aprofessor, real estate lawyer andappraiser. He is a consultant at HaintBlue Realty in Mount Pleasant, S.C.Readers may send questions [email protected]. Pleaseinclude full name and city.


Collapse of home pricesis historically unique



Joseph Wehagen has joinedPrudential Alliance Realty,1500 SW 104, as a residentialreal estate sales associate.

The California native haslived in Oklahoma City thepast eight years. He hasworked most of his career insales and the customer ser-vice industry, including fiveyears as a sales representativefor Premium Beers.

Wehagen joins Prudential

Joseph Wehagen


Six Realtors associatedwith Paradigm AdvantEdgeReal Estate, 16301 N MayAve., have been awardedthe Accredited Buyer’sRepresentative profession-al designation by the RealEstate Buyer’s AgentCouncil of the National As-sociation of Realtors.

They are Mike Cassidy,

Don Cashman, KimiGeorge, Carlo Pacione,Laura Selby and AmandaFinch. All were required tocomplete a comprehensivecourse in buyer represen-tation and an electivecourse focusing on a buyerrepresentative specialty, inaddition to submittingdocumentation verifyingtheir professional experi-ence.

Mike Cassidy Don Cashman

Kimi George Carlo Pacione

Laura Selby Amanda Finch

Six Realtors awardedspecialty designationFROM STAFF REPORTS

DEAR BARRY: Six months ago,we purchased our first home. Thehouse passed inspection, but withinweeks of moving in we discovered as-bestos in the base-ment, some of whichneeded removal toreplace a failing fur-nace. After this, wenoticed that rain wasgetting behind theroof gutters and wet-ting the ceilings,walls, and basement.

Three contractors have told us thatthe siding, gutters, and some shingleswere installed to conceal problemsand sell the house. Why are home in-spectors unable to find such prob-lems? And when they don’t findthem, do we have legal recourse?

What’s the point of having a $300inspection, if the inspector overlooksserious problems? Had we known intime, we would not have purchasedthis home.

KurtDEAR KURT: One thing that is of-

ten overlooked about home inspec-tors is their relative inequality withregard to knowledge, experience andforensic skills. The purpose of a homeinspector is to discover and report de-fects. The ability to do this effectivelyinvolves skills that take many years to

develop and refine. Some inspectorsare far better at this than others.

Unfortunately, most people don’trealize this when they hire a home in-

spector and spend lit-tle, if any, time selec-ting one. In most cases,people hire the inspec-tor who is recom-mended by their agent.Those recommenda-tions are sometimesgood ones, but some-times they are not.

Another problem is price shop-ping. Some homebuyers simply call alist of inspectors to see who chargesthe least. No consideration is givenfor possible quality differences, justprice variations.

Instead of asking for a price quote,buyers should inquire about experi-ence and qualifications. Questionssuch as “How long have you been ahome inspector?” and “How manyhomes have you inspected?” are farmore important than “How much doyou charge?” In fact, the home in-spector with the highest price maycost the least in the long run.

If your inspector missed seriousdefects that were visible at the time ofthe inspection, you probably did nothire the best inspector available inyour area. A home inspection can be a

highly beneficial experience or a lowdisappointment. It all depends onwhich inspector you hire. Whetheryou have recourse against the inspec-tor depends on whether the defectswere visible during the inspection.

Here’s a tip for next time. Real es-tate agents know who the best homeinspectors are. Some recommend thebest inspectors, but others will notrisk the deal on a thorough inspec-tion. So take the time to check outhome inspectors. Find one who ishighly experienced and who has areputation for thoroughness.

DEAR BARRY: How many layersof asphalt roofing shingles are OK be-fore it becomes an illegal amount?

TwylaDEAR TWYLA: The building code

allows no more than three layers ofcomposition roofing material. How-ever, some building departments setthe limit at two layers. Therefore,check with your local building officialto see what is required. On the otherhand, the best way to replace a roof isto remove the old roofing first. Thislimits the amount of weight on theframing structure and ensures moresecure nailing of the shingles.

To write to Barry Stone, please visit him on the Webat


All inspectors not created equal




WASHINGTON — Call itthe great real estate dis-connect of 2010: Mortgagerates have been at half-century lows and homeprices have stabilized, butapplications for mortgagesto buy houses have de-clined most weeks duringthe past three months, asmeasured by the MortgageBankers Association.

What’s going on here?Shouldn’t 30-year fixed-rate loans well below 5 per-cent be flying off the shelf?Economists say part of thereason is the expiration ofthe federal home purchasetax credits, which encour-aged thousands of buyersto accelerate their transac-tions — starting withmortgage applications —into the early springmonths to qualify for theApril 30 contract deadline.

But other key factors areat work: More stringentunderwriting standardsimposed by private lend-ers, declining consumercredit scores in the wake ofthe recession, and rulechanges by Fannie Mae,Freddie Mac and the Fed-eral Housing Administra-

tion have all combined tomake qualifying for a newmortgage more challeng-ing than it has been inyears.

Take credit scores.While most lenders haveraised the bar on minimal-ly acceptable scores, FairIsaac Inc., creator of thewidely used FICO score,said there has been a dete-rioration in millions ofAmericans’ scores duringthe past two years. Morethan 25 percent of all con-sumers who have activecredit files — roughly 43million people — now haveFICO scores of 599 andbelow. On Fair Isaac’sscale, which runs from300 (highest risk) to 850(lowest risk), a 599 score isconsidered unacceptableby most lenders.

In fact, since the hous-

ing boom went bust, lend-ers prefer to see minimumscores well into the 700s.Fannie Mae, for instance,gives its best combinationsof rates and fees to appli-cants with 740 FICOs orhigher.

How can buyers dealwith the tougher rules oneverything from minimumscores to debt-to-incomeratios? Tops on the list: Beaware that there are work-arounds and creative solu-tions to some of the road-blocks. For example, sayyour credit scores appeartoo low to qualify for themortgage you need to buy ahouse. Ignore the onlineand junk-mail “credit re-pair” come-ons thatpromise miraculous FICOscore improvements over-night. They are often rip-

offs and may not even belegal in some instances.

However, an experi-enced mortgage broker orretail loan officer can getyour credit file into a “rap-id rescoring” program thatjust might get you the le-gitimate lift you need toqualify. Rapid rescoringsperformed by independentcredit reporting agencies— most of them membersof the National Credit Re-porting Association — useprocedures approved bythe three national creditbureaus to make directchanges to the informationcontained in credit files.

If there are documentederrors in the file, or omis-sions that are draggingdown your scores behindyour back, the rescorersconnect you, your cred-

itors and the national bu-reaus — Equifax, Experianand TransUnion — to getthe problems fixed. Insome cases, rescorers caneven spot steps you cantake, such as cutting yourutilization percentage on aparticular account, thatwill boost your score im-mediately.

Marty Flynn, presidentof Credit Communica-tions Inc. in San Ramon,Calif., a credit reportingfirm, said most rescoringstake from three to five daysand cost an average of $30per “tradeline” or creditaccount per borrower. Atypical rescoring may costanywhere from $90 to$200. Though extensiverescorings can push FICOsup dramatically, Flynn saidthe average increase ismore like 25 points to 32points. If you’ve been anirresponsible deadbeat, ofcourse, rescoring your fileswon’t help much or at all.

Dale Di Gennaro, presi-dent of Custom LendingGroup, a mortgage broker-age in Napa, Calif., said heuses rapid rescorings tohelp clients raise their

scores enough “to getthem into the loan pro-gram that’s best for them.”In one recent case, he said,homebuyers whose scoreshad been in the mid-600sboosted them into the700s when rescorershelped eliminate a latepayment dispute on theirthree bureau files.

Steve Stamets, a loanofficer with Union Mort-gage Group in Rockville,Md., said rapid rescoringcan rack up transactioncosts — and even pinchloan officers’ revenue —when an applicant’s scoresare being depressed by is-sues in multiple accounts.One recent applicant hadproblems with three sepa-rate credit tradelines,throwing the entire mort-gage application into jeop-ardy. Straightening themout cost $270.

“We got (the client)above the 620 FICO heneeded” to be approved forthe mortgages, said Sta-mets, “but believe me, ittook some work.”

E-mail Ken Harney at [email protected].


Qualifying for mortgages more challengingKennethHarney


More than 25 percent of allconsumers who have active creditfiles — roughly 43 million people —now have FICO scores of 599 andbelow.

WASHINGTON — The adminis-trator of a $20 billion oil spillcompensation fund said he’sbeen besieged by real estateagents and brokers, demandingthat they become eligible forpayments.

Kenneth Feinberg, in con-gressional testimony, singledout the real estate agents’ de-mands as one of many tough eli-gibility decisions he’ll have to

make in the coming weeks.Feinberg told the House Judi-

ciary Committee he’s workingonly for victims, not BP or theObama administration.

Operations of the independ-ent fund will begin next month,starting with six-month emer-gency checks that will be proc-essed within a day and paid outwithin the next two days.

The emergency payments willnot require a release from futureclaims. Long-term settlements

— for current and future injuryor loss — will require agree-ments to accept the offer as finalpayment.

Victims can reject the moneyand pursue claims independent-ly in court.

Feinberg said he’ll need towork out a system for those whodevelop illnesses from the clea-nup years afterward.

Feinberg said he has heardfrom many real estate agents andbrokers about their lost income,

and promised to address theirconcerns.

“The Realtors and real estatebrokers are a major politicalforce,” he said.

“I’m hearing from themconstantly. I’m not surewhether they have a valid legalclaim. I’m not sure they canwin if they litigate.

“If I am going to do justicehere, we’ve got to do some-thing.”



Kenneth Feinberg is the appoint-ed independent administrator ofthe Gulf Claims Facility for the$20 billion BP Deepwater Hori-zon oil spill compensation fund.



The Listing of the Weekis a two-story brick housejust off the golf course inthe Fairways at SurreyHills addition in northwestOklahoma City.

The 3,380-square-foothouse has four bedrooms,4½ baths, three livingrooms, two dining areasand an attached three-cargarage. The main livingroom has a cathedral ceil-ing, stone fireplace and abuilt-in bookcase. Thestudy has French doors, abay window, built-in

shelves and a wood floor.The kitchen has eatingspace, a pantry, work is-land and stainless-steelappliances. The masterbedroom has two walk-inclosets, a bath with doublevanities and access to thecovered patio. Two sec-ondary bedrooms havewalk-in closets and ceilingfans and one has a fullbath. The upstairs game-bonus room has a full bath.

Built in 2005, it is listedfor $319,900 with LindaFinch of Paradigm Advan-

tEdge Real Estate. Openhouse is from 2 to 4 p.m.Sunday. From NorthwestHighway and Sara Road,go west to Surrey HillsBoulevard and go south,then left on MustangRoad, right on NW 112 andright on Fiddlesticks,which turns into NW 114.For more information, call348-4422.

Nominations for Listing of the Weekare welcome. Send information onsingle-family homes to The Oklahoman,Richard Mize, P.O. Box 25125, OklahomaCity, OK 73125. Nominations may befaxed to 475-3996.


The Listing of the Week is at 11517 NW 114.

Spacious Surrey Hillshome offers 4½ baths

While the Gerard’s rear elevation has thewindows and A-frame look typical of a va-cation retreat, its front facade and full-featured interior make it equally well-suit-ed for year-round residency.

Painted shutters and a covered porchgive a welcoming look. An old-fashioned,wooden porch swing can fit in nicely here.The wide-railed porch wraps around tospan the entire left side, and transitionsinto a V-shaped deck at the rear.

If toddlers live here or come to visit, allor part of the porch and deck may be gatedto create a safe outdoor play area.

Entering, you’ll see a stairway on yourright, and an expansive, vaulted, two-sto-ry great room to your left. A handsomesquare post connected to an exposed beammarks the passageway into the L-shapedkitchen, straight ahead.

Cupboards and counters wrap aroundtwo sides, and lazy-Susan shelving pro-vides easy access to the corner. A raisedeating bar rims one side of a work island,

which has a built-in range and oven.Abundant natural light washes into the

great room through a bank of sparklingwindows, stacked three high, plus twoatrium doors that provide deck access.Across the room from the doors is a homeentertainment center. There’s plenty ofroom for a wide-screen TV at center, overthe direct-vent gas fireplace.

A nice-size utility room and full bath-room are on opposite sides of the shorthallway leading to two bedrooms at therear. Utility room amenities include cabi-nets on two sides, a deep sink and a longcounter, handy for folding clothes. TheGerard’s owners’ suite is upstairs, as is astudy linked to the vaulted loft.

For a review plan, including scaled floorplans, elevations, section and an artist’sconception, send $25 to Associated De-signs, 1100 Jacobs Drive, Eugene, OR,97402. Please specify the Gerard 30-288and include a return address when order-ing. For information, call (800) 634-0123.


Gerard ideal as retreator full-time residence


Oklahoma CityBockus Payne Associates,

12777 N Rockwell Ave.,training center, erect, $14.5million.

Clark Construction, 5500NW 5, warehouse, add-on,$400,000.

Manchester GreenHomes LLC, 14416 York-shire Lane, residence, erect,$340,900.

Thornbrooke HomesLLC, 15217 Grayson Drive,residence, erect, $300,000.

Scott Kettler, 5401 Run-way Road, residence, erect,$300,000.

D.R. Horton, 7501 Run-ner, residence, erect,$288,700.

Stoneridge EnterprisesInc., 14701 SE 75, residence,erect, $285,000.

Renaissance CustomHomes LLC, 3133 SW 139,residence, erect, $270,000.

D.R. Horton, 9013 NW86, residence, erect,

$264,600.Jeff Click Homes LLC,

15816 N Pennsylvania Ave.,office, erect, $250,000.

Trails End Homes Inc.,10201 SE 54, residence,erect, $250,000.

D.R. Horton, 11332 NW96, residence, erect,$241,500.

Ideal Homes of NormanLP, 2116 NW 182, residence,erect, $238,000.

Claud Cypert Construc-tion Co., 9301 NW 97 Cir-cle, residence, erect,$237,000.

The Roberts Group, 17308Clove Hill Place, residence,erect, $225,000.

Coy League Homes Inc.,10804 NW 34, residence,erect, $210,000.

Brass Brick III LLC, 19117Summer Grove Ave., resi-dence, erect, $204,000.

D.R. Horton, 6204 NW162, residence, erect,$202,400.

Kenneth Wooten, 7300 NWestminster Road, resi-dence, erect, $200,000.

Oxford Homes LLC, 17125Royal Troon Drive, resi-dence, erect, $200,000.

Cedarland Homes LLC,4905 SW 123, residence,erect, $181,900.

Caliber ConstructionInc., 7609 Jesse Trail, resi-dence, remodel, $175,000.

First Star Homes, doingbusiness as Turner & SonHomes, 12401 S Pottawato-mie Road, residence, erect,$170,000.

Seagull Homes, 5321 NW132, residence, erect,$170,000.

Lyn Davies, 1715 Belle IsleBlvd., retail sales, remodel,$169,000.

Allenton Homes & De-velopment LLC, 7005 NW161, residence, erect,$160,000.

Allenton Homes & De-velopment LLC, 6913 NW161, residence, erect,$160,000.

Melvin Hart, 12 N Ri-chland Road, residence,erect, $160,000.

Ideal Homes of NormanLP, 2313 NW 180, residence,erect, $147,000.

SWM & Sons Inc., 7701Deer Meadow Drive, resi-dence, erect, $146,020.

Cutter Homes, 11745 SW

19, residence, erect,$135,000.

Ideal Homes of NormanLP, 2413 SW 137, residence,erect, $123,000.

JJ&R Roofing & Con-struction LLC, 11200 NW 6Terrace, duplex, erect,$120,000.

JJ&R Roofing & Con-struction LLC, 11204 NW 6Terrace, duplex, erect,$120,000.

JJ&R Roofing & Con-struction LLC, 11208 NW 6Terrace, duplex, erect,$120,000.

JJ&R Roofing & Con-struction LLC, 11212 NW 6Terrace, duplex, erect,$120,000.

JJ&R Roofing & Con-struction LLC, 11216 NW 6Terrace, duplex, erect,$120,000.

JJ&R Roofing & Con-struction LLC, 11220 NW 6Terrace, duplex, erect,$120,000.

Petra Roofing Co. LLC,doing business as PetraCustom Homes, 14824 SE75, residence, remodel,$104,000.

Ideal Homes of Norman

LP, 400 Partridge RunRoad, residence, erect,$103,000.

Ideal Homes of NormanLP, 2612 NW 182, residence,erect, $102,000.

Ideal Homes of NormanLP, 2328 SW 136, residence,erect, $102,000.

Alan Stuck CustomHomes, 9220 NW 77, resi-dence, erect, $100,000.

McAlister ConstructionInc., 9713 Crooked CreekLane, residence, erect,$100,000.

Monarch ConstructionCo. LLC, 3016 BrookstoneLakes Drive, residence,erect, $100,000.

Quality Construction,2719 W Interstate 240 Ser-vice Road, apartment, firerestoration, $100,000.

John Duran, 401 S Merid-ian Ave., hotel-motel, add-on, $100,000.

Ideal Homes of NormanLP, 13308 SW 3, residence,erect, $97,000.

Home Creations, 19620Adagio Lane, residence,erect, $91,000.

Jeff Click, 15816 N Penn-sylvania Ave., office, re-



model, $90,000.Ideal Homes of Norman

LP, 9536 SW 26, residence,erect, $86,000.

Ideal Homes of NormanLP, 9544 SW 26, residence,erect, $85,000.

Abel Homes, 14000 Ox-ford Drive, residence, erect,$80,000.

Abel Homes, 14004 Ox-ford Drive, residence, erect,$80,000.

Grace Contracting, 7400W Reno Ave., retail sales,remodel, $80,000.

Midland Classic HomesInc., 533 NW 169, resi-dence, fire restoration,$80,000.

Fred Quinn, 3022 North-west Expressway, hotel-motel, remodel, $75,000.

DLG Construction, 2408SW 34, residence, add-on,$60,000.

Formed ConstructionLLC, 805 N Hudson Ave.,restaurant, remodel,$60,000.

Marchese Design & Con-struction, 1305 Kenilworth


Road, residence, remodel,$60,000.

Buchanan Construction,6021 N Barnes Ave., resi-dence, add-on, $59,920.

Bailey Construction Inc.,3812 SE 104, residence, re-model, $50,000.

Dandy Homes, 18729Twilight Road, manufac-tured home, move-on,$50,000.

Jeff Click Homes, 15816 NPennsylvania Ave., office,remodel, $50,000.

Jeff Click Homes, 15816 NPennsylvania Ave., office,remodel, $50,000.

Kevin Spaeth, 16001 Per-simmon Creek Road, barn,erect, $50,000.

Universal Mobile Homes,20340 Misty Glen Drive,manufactured home,move-on, $45,839.

Jim Abernathy Con-struction, 15008 LaurinLane, residence, remodel,

$30,000.John J. Griffin, trustee,

6526 N Meridian Ave., tow-er-antenna, install,$30,000.

Travelers IndemnityGroup, 211 N Robinson Ave.,office, remodel, $30,000.

Levi Evans, 7901 S Coun-cil Road, manufacturedhome, move-on-mobilehome park, $30,000.

Emily Taylor, 1201 NW178, medical clinic-office,remodel, $30,000.

Cody Mays, 208 NW 22,storage, erect, $27,000.

Kim Thompson, 906 NLeroy Drive, accessory,add-on, $26,000.

Tri Stone ConstructionInc., 3501 Partridge Road,residence, remodel,$25,000.

Wesley Roddy, 4520Northwest Expressway, re-tail sales, erect, $25,000.

Scott Lasiter, 11413 Burn-ing Oaks Road, supplement,supplement, $25,000.

Allen Porter Associates,125 Park Ave., office, re-model, $20,000.

Covenant RenovationsInc., 2817 NW 21, residence,

fire restoration, $20,000.Coy League Homes Inc.,

1309 Sunway, residence,erect, $20,000.

Dolese Bros. Co., 7100 SSunnylane Road, parking,install, $20,000.

One Cut LLC, 8321 NMilitary Ave., residence,fire restoration, $20,000.

Susan Unbach, 1 Santa FePlace, office, remodel,$20,000.

Steven G. Jones, 11501Willow Way, residence, re-model, $20,000.

Callahan Steel Buildings(Curt), 7701 SW 74, storage,erect, $19,000.

Santa Fe Station MobileHome Park, 504 SE 44,manufactured home,move-on-mobile homepark, $18,900.

Better Built Homes, 3415SE 89, storage, erect,$18,561.

Chase Buck, 3345 WHefner Road, concession,move-on, $15,000.

DLG Construction, 2408SW 34, accessory, erect,$13,000.

Reginal J. Strafford, 736NE 34 Terrace, residence,

add-on, $13,000.Four Seasons Sunrooms,

8809 NW 113, residence,add-on, $12,000.

Jeff Click Homes LLC,17500 Iron Lane, residence,add-on, $10,880.

La Vang LLC, 7208 NWestern Ave., business, re-model, $10,750.

Casey Dunham, 13301Cedar Hill Road, accessory,add-on, $8,500.

Maria Hernandez, 1016SW 33, residence, add-on,$8,000.

Rickey and Nicole Tait,17717 Prairie Sky Way, resi-dence, supplement, $7,800.

Hobby Lobby Stores Inc.,2836 SW 88, residence, re-model, $7,000.

Ken August & Sons Con-struction Co., 31 NE 65,storage, erect, $5,800.

Pablo Velasquez, 2408SW 41, storage, erect,$5,000.

Smith & Pickel, 606 SE6, temporary building,move-on, $5,000.

Tho Van Nguyen, 1113 NW43, residence, remodel,$5,000.

E&L Drywall, 713 SW 49,

residence, fire restoration,$4,300.

Barlow Building Services,504 Town View Drive,manufactured home,move-on-mobile homepark, $4,000.

Barlow Building Services,644 Moore Estates Drive,manufactured home,move-on-mobile homepark, $4,000.

Barlow Building Services,647 Moore Estates Drive,manufactured home,move-on-mobile homepark, $4,000.

J&R Construction & Re-modeling, 3329 NW 24,residence, erect, $4,000.

Terri Ashworth, 10105Maypole Court, storm shel-ter, install-storm shelter,$3,995.

Emmitt and Ina Deather-age, 11300 NW 105, resi-dence, install-storm shel-ter, $2,800.

Derek Husley, 8713Woodbend Drive, stormshelter, install-storm shel-ter, $2,700.

Shari and Doug Moeckel,1425 NW 181, storm shelter,install-storm shelter,

$2,600.Ideal Homes of Norman

LP, 18105 Allora Drive, stormshelter, install-storm shel-ter, $2,500.

Mike Assef, 1952 NW 11,residence, remodel, $2,500.

Shirley Ferguson, 9800Summerset Lane, resi-dence, install-storm shel-ter, $2,400.

Iram Herrera, 2300 SW27, residence, add-on,$1,700.

Nicki J. Dennis, 9700Oakview Road, residence,add-on, $1,500.

DemolitionsMidwest Wrecking, 15417

SE 71, residence.L&S Demolition, 1229 NE

20, residence.Randy A. Page, 2923 SW

9, residence.K&M Dirt Services LLC,

1224 NW 18, vacant.Kendall Concrete, 147 NE

15, residence.Kendall Concrete, 4633 E

Wilshire Blvd., residence.Terry Davis, 8113 Dripping

Springs Lane, residence.



When you’re looking fora way to keep just part ofyour house cool this sum-mer, you might want toconsider a mini split air-conditioning system.These systems strike ahappy median between in-dividual window or wallair conditioners and cen-tral air conditioning, interms of size, installationcost and operating cost.

All air conditionerswork the same way,whether they’re self-con-tained in a small windowunit or set up in a largersplit system. There arethree basic components tothe system: a compressor,a condenser and an evap-orator.

A refrigerant materialenters the compressor as acool, low-pressure gas. Inthe compressor it is com-pressed, changing it to ahot, high-pressure gas. Itthen enters the condenser,where the heat dissipatesand the gas changes to acooler, high-pressurefluid.

It then passes into theevaporator through a tinyhole, causing the liquid’spressure to drop. The liq-uid changes back into agas, and as it does so, it ab-sorbs heat from the airaround it. Now a low-pressure gas again, it re-turns to the compressor,and the cycle is repeated.

How does a mini splitsystem work?

Unlike central air condi-tioning, mini split systemsdon’t have any duct work.Systems such as these havebeen popular in Europe,Japan and other parts ofthe world for a long time,

and are just starting to gainpopularity here in theUnited States. They cancool one or more interiorspaces, without the cost ofcooling the entire house.They’re perfect for keep-ing the bedrooms cool atnight without spendingenergy dollars to cool therest of the house, or forcooling just the familyroom, living room, mancave or other areas of thehouse where a lot of activ-ity takes place.

Basic componentsThere are three basic

components to the minisplit system. An outdoorunit houses the condenserand compressor. It sits on asmall poured or prefabri-cated pad, alongside thehouse in a location that’sconvenient to the locationof the interior unit(s). Thisis also one of the big ad-vantages over window orin-wall air conditions,since it isolates all thenoise outside of the house.

Inside the house, there’san evaporator unit thatgets mounted on the wall.Since cool air naturallyfalls, the evaporator unit istypically mounted fairlyhigh on the wall, usuallyjust a short distance downfrom the ceiling, so itdoesn’t disrupt furnitureplacement. And unlike

window air conditioners,it doesn’t disrupt naturalventilation or views, orcreate potentially danger-ous obstacles to egress inan emergency.

Depending on the sizeand design of the system,two or more interior evap-orator units can be con-nected to a single exteriorcondenser unit, and somesystems can handle up tofour. For example, in athree-bedroom house youcould install one in each ofthe bedrooms, operatedoff a single exterior unit.The interior units arewhisper-quiet, so they’reideal in a bedroom envi-ronment. And the otherbig advantage is that theoccupant of each bedroomcan set his or her own tem-perature, regardless of thesettings of the other units.

The third component ofthe system is the line setthat connects the interiorand exterior units. For eachindoor unit there are twopipes — one for the liquidrefrigerant and one for thegas — plus a condensatedrain line, an electrical lineand a thermostat line. Allof these are usuallybunched together in one 3-inch or larger flexible con-duit, which simplifies theinstallation.

What are thedisadvantages?

Nothing’s ever perfect.With the mini split system,the primary downside isthe cost. If you alreadyhave a central heating sys-tem, you’ll probably findthat it’s actually less ex-pensive to simply add cen-

tral air conditioning toyour existing system.However, if you’re startingfrom scratch, these sys-tems should prove less ex-pensive than central airwhen you factor in all theduct work.

If you’re an avid do-it-yourselfer, you may findthis to be another disad-vantage. These aren’t real-ly designed with the home

handyman in mind. Infact, in some cases doingthe installation yourselfmay adversely affect yourwarranty. However, run-ning the line set betweenthe interior and exteriorlocations can often requiredrilling, removal of dry-wall, patching and paint-ing, and other tasks thatyou might want to under-take yourself to save mon-

ey. Same with trimminglandscaping and pouringthe pad for the exteriorunit. Talk with the contac-tor and see what tasks youcan handle on your own,and how much the savingsmight be.

Remodeling and repair questions?E-mail Paul Bianchina [email protected].


Split air system can cost less, target roomsPaulBianchina


Nice 1bd liv NW 18/Pennstove/frig, $475 all billspd. 557-1288 301-5979

Sharp Spacious 4bed2-story home, great area,large dry basement (candouble for storm cellar),new carpet, fresh paint ch/a

Seller will pay all ofbuyer's closing costs

$99,750. Fidelity RE692-1661, 417-1963

3218 SW 23rd, 3bd, 1 ba2 story, 1 car garage$525/mo • 408-5836

MOVE IN SPECIAL!$250 Visa Card


MacArthur Apartments5001 NW 10th St.


Nice 2bd condo with2 car garage, garden bath,

good condition, cleanonly $59,900. Fidelity RE

692-1661, 417-1963

Nice remod 2/2 din, ap-pls, w/d hkup, 2816 NW20th, $510mo. 557-1288

Grand Pointe, 2/1K /2,ch&a, pool, tennis, lease,deposit $950, 831-4371.

2428 SW 39th, 4bd, 2 bacomplete remodel, 1 cargarage, $675/mo 408-5836

3014 Dutch Forest Lane,Edmond. Gorgeous

Custom home, 1.4 acres,4 bed, 3K bath +!

$649,000 409-7877


Rockwell Arms, 787-1423

1N to 10A, E. of OKC,pay out dn. before 1st pmt.starts, many are M/H readyover 400 choices, lg trees,some with ponds, TERMS

Milburn o/a

REDUCED TO SELL!Cash Flow Rental Prop.

Handyman SpecialsOwner financing avail.

1224 NE 19th $28,000107 SE 41st $38,5002118 N Prospect $28,000740 NE 36th $28,500Prices Negotiable Kruger Inv.Call Jim 235-9332/812-1657

Nice 1 bed downstairsW/D hkup, ch&a,

NW 23rd & MacArthur$460+$200dep. 370-0278

Briargate 1718 N IndianaK Off Move in Special!

800sf 1bd 1ba, cha, all elec,wood floor, $475mo, $200dep. No sec 8 409-7989

1 & 2 BEDROOMS,QUIET! Covered ParkingGreat Schools! 732-1122

NEW DALLAS STYLEHOME Lovely 3 bd 2 baw/open flr plan. Fenced

yd w/sod $142,500.Richard 313-1726

Cleaton & Assoc 373-2494

BEST LITTLE VALUE INNW OKC Lrg rms 3/2.5/2tri-level, gamerm, officespace. Lots of updates,cov patio, outbldg &more approx 1679'$112,900 Cindy CheatwoodCleaton & Assoc 373-2494

1704 NW 34th 3/1 $495681-7272

3/2/2 on 2K ac, 30x40shop, 424 Sherwood Ln,

Edmond $170K 436-3055

The Plaza 1740 NW 17thK Off Special

1bd, 1ba 750sf, woodfloors, all elec, $450 mo,$200dp. No sec8 409-7989

$ FREE RENT 1ST MO $2BR $395+, 3BR $495+,

MWC NO PETS 427-0627

CLOSE IN NOBLE5 wooded acres, $173.71per month. 226-2015co

Section 8 Okay429 NW 88 3/1.5/1 $695


541 E Elder Lane, 4 bed,2 bath, 2 car, $148,000obo, 405-464-1204

New Rivendell ExecHome 408-4168

Luxury indoor pool & spaFully equip'd media &wrkout rooms $5500/

640 NW 109th, 3bd 2ba2car 1300sf $850mo$800dp 409-7989 no sec8

2528 N.W.40 +16X20SHOP By owner to pre-

qualified buyer. 2/1,788#mol,+conv gar

210#mol,new roof paintcpt STOVE+REF $58,850


Walford Apts 518 NW 12MIDTOWN District

Amazing! All electric,1bd 1ba, ch/a

Studio $500mo $400dpEfficiency $425mo $325dp

409-7989 no sec 8

1014 Chowning 2/1/1 hrdwd flr near UCO $620 +dep 285-0305 823-6550

PRICE SLASHED! WAYUNDER MARKET! Hardto find 5/3/3 w/two liv,office xtra lrg lot w/bas-ketball ct! Only 1.5 yrsold approx 2956'$259,900. Near Sara Rd& SW 15th. Seller loveshm but transferring.

Cindy CheatwoodCleaton & Assoc 373-2494

Access to PRIVATE 110ACRE LAKE, OKC limits,Piedmont schls on approx1 acre corner lot. Likenew & stunning. 4/2.5/3gorgeous woodwork,gourmet kit w/lrg island,just 3 blks to boat dockapprox 2658' $264,900

Cindy CheatwoodCleaton & Assoc 373-2494

New Custom Built, 2416sf, 4bd, 2.5ba, 30x36'shop. 608 NW 34th,

Newcastle.OPEN HOUSE Sun. 2-4


Oakwood Apts 5824 NW 34K off Move in Special

1bd 1ba, 750sf $335mo$175dp 409-7989 no sec8

•ABC• Affordable, Bugfree, Clean » 787-7212»

3bd 1ba 1car ch&afenced yd $600mo + dep.1825 Rythm » 412-7013

80 Acres W of PiedmontEasy access, aprx. 1/2 miS. of Waterloo Rd, 7 miW. of Piedmont . Greatpastures, good fences,pond, plenty of buildingsites & lots of wildlife.Deer, Turkey, Bobcats,Coyotes & Quail! Pro-tected land surroundedby wheat fields. $300,000.Serious inquiries onlyplease. 405-517-9989.

160 acres, 5000 sq fthome, irrigation system,25 minutes to downtown

OKC, 850-0532.

Executive Home 4bd 2.5ba3car, 737 Martina Ln$1500/mo $1500/dep

2000sf 409-7989

1401 SW 34th 3bd 1badetached garage $5751033 SW 63rd 2-bed1bath 2 living $475633 SW 33rd 2/1 $3502401 SW 43rd #7 1bdapt, total elect, waterpaid $325


JUST LISTED! 3bd 2ba +office on K ac MOL

approx 1883' Like new inwonderful neighborhood$189,000 Carmen 833-0106Cleaton & Assoc 373-2494

For Sale By Owner 320ac, Lincoln County, OK.405-258-3634/918-740-3197

5215 HART DR//5 AcUpdated 5Bd, 3K Ba, 2Liv, 1 Din, Pipe & Cable

Fence $375KLeon 373-4820

Overland Ex Realty, Inc

1120 NE 19th, 3bd 2ba,detached gar. Sec 8 ok $650


800 N. Meridian: 1bd, allbills paid & weekly ratesavailable. 946-9506

2bd, new remod, attachgar, w/d hkup, lg yard,

all elec, 4 ceil fans, 850sf$400+$300dep. 401-9819

6405 Anderson Dr.

3 bd 2ba 2car FP No sec8. 7911 NW 14th $900mo + deposit. 831-1197

JUST LISTED! Beautifulhm on 2.5 ac. 3bd 2.5ba +office + bonus rm. 30 x

40 shop w/concrete flr &elec. Kit is lrg w/brkfst

bar, walkin pantry,stainless appl $259,900.

Carmen 833-0106Cleaton & Assoc 373-2494

1 bed $465 + efficiency$450. All Bills Paid &Furnished. 427-7566

9100 Jennifer Pl 3bd 1ba1car $525 mo, $350 dep


3600 SW 38, 5K dn 600 moLg homeK A lot

10307 Greenbriar PkwyS OKC 2 suites 1,107sf

each »» 405-364-5300

2 bed washer dryer hkup,$475mo, $250 deposit


1-28 acres » All AreasOwner Financing

Woodlake Properties405-273-5777

Nice Nantucket Condo3200 W Britton Rd. 2bed,2ba, $89,900. 659-1079


Easy financing with nocredit needed. Yukon schls405-815-7245

Price Reduced! New3bd/2ba Mobile Homesalready on land located

in Shawnee, Prague,Cromwell & HarrahOwner Financing

Woodlake Properties405-273-5777

V-Nice, 1 mi E of Tinker,3/1/2 ch&a, util rm, $525+$300, no pets, 732-4351

Furnished/UnfurnishedBills Paid» Wkly/MonthlyWes Chase Apts, Elk HornApts, Hillcrest 943-1818

Lease/Purch, Nice 3/2/2brick, ch&a, fenced, lowdn, no credit chk 630-0649

Rental HelperCurrent Home Rental

Listing $39 at the GoldDome (405) 605-5551

3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, newpaint, new carpets, newvinyl. CAC/Heat. Readynow. $750 + $650 dep.


Rent/Option to Buy - 2bd/1ba, brick. All new: roof,ch&a, carpet, tile, appls2132 NE 19th 816-8582

Large 2-3 bed, 2 bath,2 car garage, TH,

all appls, gated, pool,Yukon Schools,

from $800/mo. 789-3705

Repo 3bd 2ba $19,900Del. 301-2454/517-5000

ATTENTION! $185,000 3bd2ba Home for $119,950

Patrick@Allied 740-6616

2 bd, 1 ba, ch&a, K blkfrom UCO, all appls, $600824-8954 or 348-9405.

2747 SW 64, 3 bd, 1carCH&A, appl, total remod.

$775. 721-3757

3x2 DW handyman $24,900Del. 301-2454/517-5000

Warehouse/OfficeI-40 & Meridian,

2200-4819sf, 946-2516

GUTHRIE 10-40 AcresTranquil, secluded beau-tiful building sites. High

pasture great views,lush woods, 5 min to I-35

& Hwy 33. 1/4 mi topaved road. Restrictions

call 315-7060, 255-2369

Full line grocery storefor sale

Established business lo-cated on busy highway incounty seat. Motivatedsellers. Priced to sell.580-362-2779 or 580-762-8613 Ask for Jim

16x32 Modular 1 bed Log301-2454/517-5000

ATTENTION! $179,000 3bd2.5ba Home for $110,000Patrick@Allied 740-6616

601 Whispering Oak 2 bd1ba 1c remod $625wat/garb pd 721-6458

3bd 2ba DW on acreagew/pond. Less than $500mo, WAC 631-3609

Quiet Casady!Low rents $440 751-8088

Country Living in Town!Lg. lot w/access to back,spacious 3bd, 2ba, newmaster ba, open kit-din-liv, frpl, 2car!Seller help

w/closing $127,500!Malones M-F 670-1411


Furnished/UnfurnishedBills Paid» Wkly/MonthlyWes Chase Apts, Elk HornApts, Hillcrest 943-1818

617 NW 51st, 3 bed/util,ch&a, no Section 8, no

smoke, no pets, $750 moOpen Sat 1-3, 842-8389.

Furnished/UnfurnishedBills Paid» Wkly/MonthlyWes Chase Apts, Elk HornApts, Hillcrest 943-1818

1207 Tedford Way3/2, formal dining $1600

TMS Prop 348-0720

Exec styled 3bd 2ba in exclocation! $1400 moCall Kathi 850-5862

Giant 2 story, 3bdr, 2ba,garage, 2 fireplaces,$525 mo. 596-8410

3 bd, 2 ba, 2 car, 1700 sf,ch&a, $1350 mo + $1350dep, 824-8954/348-9405.

1449 NW 99, UpdatedNice 3/1.5/1 417-2176

4 bed, 1 bath.10725 Lejean, $550 mo +$550 deposit, 769-2328

Edmond Office Spaces625sf, $835; 275sf, $400;or both $1200. All inclu-sive. 359-7100, 641-0468

Ultra Nice 3/1.5/1. ch&aRefs req'd. No pets.

$775 + dep. 650-9684

2 bed brick, 1.5 ba, 2 liv,fireplace, $650. 3805

Chetwood Dr. 672-2120

3 bd, 2 ba, 2c gar, 1400sfby UCO, $1000 mo. forinfo call Alex, 990-0488

Lg 3 bed, 2 bath, centralheat/air, $800 + dep.799-9579 or 206-2377

Huge Inventory home sale!Own Land or have FamilyLand use land to purchasenew home! Need Land?Land/Home I-20 acresavailable. 3, 4, 5 bedrmManufactured & Modularhomes. Turn Key, we doit all! 1000 furniturepackage with purchase888-878-2971 405-204-4163

Furn 1BD most billsPaid + EMSA, no sec 8and no pets, 524-2730

Income Producing 2/1 fullyupdated duplex, 2674sf,brk $129.5k Arlene414-8753

Real Estate AuctionSat, Aug 14th, 9:30 AM2240 N Henney Road,

Choctaw, OKOpen House Sat 7/31 12-3RC May & Assoc

3bd 1ba ch&a eat-in kit,fnc yd 3309 Cox $90,000Call for appt. 412-7014

11705 N. Francis2/1.5/2. No pets $625

TMS Prop 348-0720

1 bed, clean, new appls,3031 NW 14th, $395/mo,$250/dep, ‘ 748-6830.

MAYFAIR GARDENS His-toric Area! Secure, wash/dry hardwd flrs 947-5665

BANK OWNED brick 4/2/21803sf, .31 acre, PC sch,$99.9K Arlene 414-8753

4 yr old house, 4 bd, 3 ba,2400 sf, 3 car $1450mo,$1450dep. 405-205-3328

Beautiful new 2763 sfhome, 3/2/3, 2 fp, hard-wood floors, granitecounter tops, oak cabi-nets, patio, on 7 acres,$425,000, 405-373-3642.

3bd 1ba ch&a gas stv MWCschls View 11a-12p Sunday$600+deposit‘ 412-7013

NICE 2BR, 2BA, garage,W/D hook-up, stove,dishwasher. 691-2536


SINCE 1982Spectrum Management

Beautiful 3 bd 3.5 ba 3car garage on 1.5 acres.Great location possibleowner carry, no bankqualifying. 413-2711

1408 Sandra Nice 2 bd1 ba $475. 732-3411

3 bd, 2 ba, garage, ch&a,large yard $715mo,

W Enterprises, 732-2285

Brand new duplexes, 3 bd2 ba, 2 car, gated comm,call Rick, 405-830-3789.

$201 Total Move-In CostEnergy Eff., $301 movein/1 bd, $401 move in/2bd. $1 First Week RentWeekly Avail: Effic $115

1bd $125, 2bd $165Disability & Social Security

recipients welcome616 SW 59th, between

Western&Walker634-4798Drug free environment

Not all bills paid

Section 8 OK, 3 bed,336 NW 85th, $675 +

deposit, 942-3552.

BY OWNER - totalremodel, 3bd 1.5ba 1carch&a, many extras, $83K705 Holoway Dr. 787-8099

5205 Creekwood Terrace4 bed, 1.5 bath,

$650 month, 317-6411

First Time Homebuyer.New & repo homes avail-able. Move to your landor to community. Tradein homes are welcomed.888-878-2971 405-602-4526

For lease/For sale, 4 BR,2200sf, Mustang Schls,$1700 mo 405-820-6607

3 bed, 1 bath, 2 liv area,1200 sf, ch&a, $700 mo,$600 deposit. 691-5479

4/2 bath set up with2.5 acres 405-631-7600

OWNER FINANCING$2000 down No Credit Ck2516 Murray 3/1 $52,000

596-4599, 410-8840

Sparkling Ing. Pool 3/2/3+ study, blt 03, Moore Schl$179K Arlene, CB 414-8753

$99 Move-In Special1bd 1ba $295-350, stove,fridge, very clean 625-5200

$200 OFF RENT1&2bedrooms. Spring TreeApartments. 405-737-8172.

Hunting & RecreationTracts. 330 & 160 acs,timber, deer, turkey,

hogs. 75 mi from OKC.Agent, 800-256-8511

3/2 bath set up quiet parkCall for details405-631-7600

Well Established. Hun-gry Traveler Restaurant.Seats 150, I-40, Exit 237Henryetta, Ok, 918-652-7603, 918-652-1789

OWNER FINANCING$2000 down No Credit Ck4104 SE 23, 3/1 $53,000

596-4599, 410-8840

Rural Blanchard - 1920's2-story, 4 bed, 4 ba, 1.7ac, barn, $275K 485-3200

New, nice, brick, 3, 1.5,1c, quiet street, ch&a,

new carpet & paint,Western Hts Schls,$635 mo, 787-1598

$99 SPECIALLg 1bdr, stove, refrig.,clean, walk to shops.$325 mo. 632-9849

Putnam Heights Plaza1 & 2bd, ch/a, Dishwasher1830 NW 39th 524-5907

PC schls, no sec 8, 3/2/21600' 6418 Galaxie Dr.Appt only $800 843-5853

Owner financing. Newmanufactured housing.

Call 405-326-5728 details

EUFAULA LAKE / S.E.Oklahoma / 8 Lake FrontFully Furnished Cabins

Investment Opportunityw/ Income 3 docks. Pack-age deal or priced seper-ate. $875,000 Karen @ERA Real Estate 918-

617-3901 or452-3900 Owner/Assoc

JUST LISTED! spaciousall brick K duplex in greatlocation. 2/2/2 approx1508' liv huge w/fp &builtins, kit w/brkfst bar& tons of cabinets.$99,900 Carmen 833-0106Cleaton & Assoc 373-2494

Guthrie, family com-pound, (2) 3 bed, 2 bath,5 acres, 850-0532.

5AC Harrah schls, horseset up, barn 30x40, shop30x40, house 2300 sqft,fp, 3 Bd, 2 Ba, 203-9612

FOR SALE: 3 bd 2 ba DblWide on acreage, HarrahSchls. P&I $398 W.A.C +

taxes & Ins. 405-412-6236

Westoaks MHP, 7200 NW10, Okla. City, 5A $795,000Retiring. 405-789-0163

1320 NW 82 2 or 3bd $5001418 NW 98th 3bd $550

FLESHMANS INC235-5473 or 314-3551

YOU WILL LOVE IT!'06 16X76 Clayton, per-fect cond. 3bd 2ba, allthe extra, must sell

$23,000 405-834-4235

1 bd, ch&a, W/D hook-up, 750 sf, 343 NW 96th

843-1408, 478-3910

2 bed, ch&a, stove & re-frig, no pets/no smoke,$500 month, 386-3362.


& APARTMENTS• Washer, Dryers, pools• PC Schools, fireplaces

Williamsburg7301 NW 23rd


Beautiful Home!472 NE 23rd Terrace

Must See! 3bed, 2ba,2 Car Garage, 1842

1FP, 1-story Tradition-al Home, 2006 cen-tral heat, central A/C,city sewer, $159,900Gayle 405-514-7289

3340 NW 30th, 3 bd, 1 bagarage, ch&a $700/mo,$600/dep ‘ 812-6461

See Class 503,Moving Auction

Reding's Auction Service

I BUY HOUSESAny condition. No cost

to U 495-5100

3 bd, 2 ba, 2 din, 2 c, fp,1640 sqft, nice houseand nice neighborhood,8034 NW 32nd. $1100month+deposit 250-6254

3/2 Mobile Home, 5 acresstorm shelter $775 + depHome&RanchRlty794-7777

$99 Move In Special!!!Lg 1 and 2 Bdr, $325 to

$395 mo. 632-9849

Heard of a SHORT SALE?SELL YOUR HOUSE TODAY!Foreclosure/behind Pymts340-9879/

S. QUAIL: 6100 SF, POOL3 CAR GARAGE, 4 BED,4 BATH, 850-0532

$199 MOVE IN SPECIAL2BED Townhomes $599

Windsor Village 943-9665

GREAT SpaceOFFICEConvenient

NW Locations:I-40 & Meridian

NW Expressway & MayBritton/Lake HefnerParkway 200-6000sf


SW 51st & Penn, 3/2/2,fireplace, 1900sf $800+depHome&RanchRlty794-7777

15 min to TAFB, 2 acresbarn, 3 bed, 2 bath, ch&a

stove, fridge, W/D,$800/Mo, $500/Dep,

1 year lease, 386-3362.

DO NOT Call Unless…Foreclosure/Behind PaymtOverleveraged/Repairs


NANTUCKET May & Britton2bd ba upstairs gated,

pools » 488-4951

1219 Leslie Ln., 2 or 3 bd,1.5 bath, 2 car, lawn bylandlord. $500dep, $825/mo. 1 yr lease 245-1282

56 NW 59 3 bed 1K bath2 living. CH&A no pets,

no sec 8. $800mo$400dep » 495-6446



Mustang Open HouseSun. 2-4 2616 Kingsley.


2908 NW 46th Nice 2 bd,ch&a, W/D hkups. NoSec 8 $550+dep 255-1075

4912 N Woodward, 3 bd,1 bath, 1 car, ch&a, $800mo, $600 dep, 413-4252

EXEC HOME For Rent,gated, 3216 sq ft, MooreSchools, built in 2008, 3

car gar, 3BR, ofc, theaterrm, 4BA, some furnish-ings, no pets, min 1 yr.


MOVE IN NOW!Pd. water/garbage Quiet.Try Plaza East•341-4813

2132 Westchester nice2 bed ch&a no sec 8

$650 +deposit 255-1075

BUILDING SITES PIED-MONT 3/4 and 1 AcreLots, Close In-Good

Streets Leon 373-4820Overland Ex Realty

Hemingway Condo - 2bd2ba, $800 No smoking834-7172 or 823-2453

Westoaks MHP 1 blk WNW 10 & Rockwell 3b$450-2b $370-1b $350

Best Park OKC 787-1030

Town House, 2/1K /1, PCschls, appls, w/d, fp, secsys, $600 + dep 210-3903

1 BR, 1 BA, newly re-modeled, washer/dryerhkup, central heat/air,

fenced yd. 405-478-3910Land/Home Repo’sMany locations around OK.E-Z Qualifying405-787-5004

New Luxury Duplex13516 Brandon Place3/2/2, fp, Deer Creek

Schls, near Mercy. Modelopen 10-4 842-7300

$201 Total Move-In CostEnergy Eff., $301 movein/1 bd, $401 move in/2bd. $1 First Week RentWeekly Avail: Effic $115

1bd $125, 2bd $165Disability & Social Security

recipients welcome616 SW 59th, between

Western&Walker634-4798Drug free environment

Not all bills paid

Clean 2 bed 2 bath 1 car,1420 A SW 35 St. $600mo, $300 dep. 550-8059

3245 NW 50th #2442 bed 2 bath $550 mo

TMS Prop 348-0720

Brick, 3 bed, 1 bath, 2 carch&a, Western Heights,

$700 + dep, 7813 S.Miller, 580-263-0075

Britton & May- luxurious2 bd townhouse in pri-vate-secure community,2K ba, double gar, pool,1518 sf, $1220 + electric+ dep. No smoking/pets.255-1889, for appt.

RENT TO OWN, SW OKC4 bed, 1K bath, O acre

$975/mo; low down pay-ment. 275-1745

Bills pd clean quiet furneff/1bd $100/wk&up 10&Penn 751-7238/640-9413

3624 S Woodward 2bd $400FLESHMANS INC

235-5473 or 314-3551

1617 SW 31st, 2bd 2-cardetached garage, fenced,fresh paint, clean, $495

Fidelity RE 692-1661

3bd 1.5ba 2-car, remodkitchen, close to I35 &I240, $850 mo 221-3193


Tuscany 1+Ac Moore Schls» Olde Tuscany III

5-10 ac Moore Schools» The Timbers 5 ac

Moore Schools» Montecito 1+ ac

Norman Schools» Belleau Wood

1+ ac Edmond Schools» Stillbrook Glen 2.5-10ac Bridgecreek Schools

Call Mike

Visit one of our fullyfurnished model homes

today! *We build onyour lot or ours*

3.5A 5K down 4/3/2Like new, Permanentfoundation 417-2176

www.homesofokcinc.com3771 Washington Ave E5 Ac, 3 Bd, 3 Ba, 1 Liv,

2 Din + office 3 Car.Custom Built $297.5K

Leon 373-4820Overland Ex Realty, Inc

JUST ARRIVED $19,900FREE Delivery & A/C

3bd w/vinyl sidingshingle roof 405-470-1330

2100 S Air Depot 5bd 2bach&a 1795sf no pets $950m

$800dep. 741-1201

3912 S Harvey, 2bd1-car, basement, fresh

paint, clean, $495Fidelity RE 692-1661

1127 NW 97th, 2bd, 1 baNew paint inside & out-side, new carpet, Verycute home $425/mo


Acreage For Sale 302

Condominiums,TownhousesFor Sale 304

RE for sale

Choctaw 312

Del City 313

Edmond 314

Harrah 315

MWC 317

Mustang 319

OKCNorthwest 324

OKCSouthwest 326

Piedmont 327

Tuttle/Newcastle 329

Open Houses 334.2

IndustrialProperty 336

Mobile Home Parks Community/Acreages 338

Mobile Homes, Manufactured Houses 339

Oklahoma Property For Sale 340

Real EstateAuctions 342

Real EstateNotices 345

Real EstateWanted 346

Commercial RE

Established Business For Sale

Investment Property For Sale 355

Industrial PropertyFor Rent 361

Offi ce SpaceFor Rent 363


Edmond 422

MWC 424

OKCDowntown 429.5

OKCNortheast 430

OKCNorthwest 431

OKCSouthwest 433

OKCSouthwest 433

Condominiums,TownhousesFor Rent 441


Choctaw 443

Edmond 444

OKCNorthwest 453

OKCSouthwest 455

Yukon 460

Garage Apartments 461

Hotels/Motels 462

RE for rent

Bethany/Warr Acres 464.5

Del City 465.5

Edmond 466

MWC 468

Moore 469

Mustang 470

Newalla 471

Norman 473

OKCNortheast 474

OKCNorthwest 475

OKCSoutheast 476

OKCSouthwest 477

OKCSouthwest 477

Tuttle/Newcastle 481

Village/Nichols Hills 481.5

Mobile HomeRentals 483

Rental Services 487


WICHITA, Kan. — An Internetresidential real estate scam thatresurfaced in Wichita has grownout of control, local brokers said.

Tessa Hultz, the new chief ex-ecutive of the Wichita Area As-sociation of Realtors, nearly wasvictimized by it.

“It’s more than a little frus-trating,” Hultz said. “Law en-forcement can’t do a lot about itbecause there’s evidence to sug-gest that the people responsiblearen’t even here. They’re over-seas.”

Known as the Craigslist Scam,it works like this:

The scammers lift a Wichita

home sales listing from the In-ternet and use Internet tax re-cords to identify its seller.

After creating a Yahoo e-mailaccount with the seller’s name,the home — usually an upscalehouse with a substantial pricetag — is offered for rent onCraigslist for somewhere be-tween $800 and $945, a relativebargain in the Wichita market.

All the prospective renter hasto do to land the property is wire$500 to the scammers.

Hultz said she’s run acrossmore than 50 incidents of theCraigslist scam in her eightmonths in town.

The bogus listings nearlycaught her as she looked for aWichita rental late last year as

she prepared to move her familyfrom St. Louis.

“You know, I use Craigslist,”she said. “And back then, wewanted to rent for a while whilewe looked for a new home. Andevery single thing I’d come upwith in Wichita, I’d get the sameanswer: That listing is not forrent. I’ve never seen anythinglike it before.”

Real estate agent Murray An-derson with J.P. Weigand & Sonssaid the scammers are persist-ent.

“I guess you can say I’ve onlyhad one, but Craigslist keepstaking it down, and they keeptrying to re-list it. They’re re-lentless. It makes me wish I wasin the rental business because if

you have a half-million-dollarhouse in this town, you couldrent that thing every day of theweek for $800 a month,” Ander-son said, chuckling.

Anderson provided an e-mailfrom the scammer’s Yahoo e-mail account, dated June 24. Init, the scammer relates the stockstory offered to prospective vic-tims: He and his family are mov-ing to West Africa after winninga bid for petroleum land. Thescammer wants to keep thehouse, he claims in broken En-glish, and wants to rent it with-out paying a real estate profes-sional middleman.

He asks for a $500 securitydeposit to be wired.

And about that pesky for-sale

sign in the front yard, the scam-mer advises: “I will not want youto worry your self about it be-cause we are not selling thehouse anymore and also do notcontact any information you seein it because we are not dealingwith any agent or third partyagain that is why we are lookingfor a caring tenant by our self.”

Hultz said she’s attempted toget local law enforcement in-volved in the issue, but becausethe perpetrators likely are not inWichita, there’s little that can bedone.

The bottom line for prospec-tive Craigslist renters is simple,Anderson said: “If it seems toogood to be true, it probably is.”


Craigslist home rental scam spreads in WichitaBY BILL WILSONThe Wichita Eagle

LOS ANGELES — A mam-moth French chateau on2.2 acres in Los Angeles’Bel-Air neighborhood hasbeen sold for the highestprice of any U.S. residencethis year.

Although he wouldn’trelease the sale price, sellerMohamed Hadid con-firmed that it was in excessof the previous record ofmore than $46.5 millionset this spring in Colorado,falling between $50 millionand the asking price of $72million. In Los AngelesCounty, sale prices cantake more than a month toappear in public records.

Designer-developerHadid had listed the walledand gated estate 15 monthsago at $85 million.

The 48,000-square-foot estate, called Le Bel-vedere, was bought in thename of a limited liabilitycompany, not an individu-

al. “Even I don’t know whobought it,” said Hadid,who has built Ritz-Carltonhotels, office buildings andking-size estates nation-

wide during his 30-year-plus career.

The mansion, built in2006, has 19 fireplaces, 10bedrooms, 14 bathrooms

and a three-flight elevator.There’s a 5,000-bottle

wine cellar and tastingroom, a grand ballroom, acommercial kitchen, ascreening room, a gym, aTurkish steam bath and agame room. The garagecan hold 10 to 12 vehicles,and a motor court providesoutdoor parking. A swanpond, fountains and rosegardens grace the mani-cured grounds.

The exterior uses morethan 30,000 pieces oflimestone mined in France.The entry, living room, li-brary and master bedroomare gilded with 24-karatgold. The average roomsize is about 1,100 squarefeet, bigger than entirehomes in less fancy neigh-borhoods. Lighting in-cludes 90 sconces and 120chandeliers made in

France.The sale is the first

among a few ultra-expen-sive Los Angeles-areahomes that patiently havebeen sitting at the top ofthe real estate market,weathering the down cycle.

Hadid, who declined tosay where he was moving,spared no expense on hispersonal residence. In-spired by the architectureof the Palace of Versaillesand other French cha-teaux, Hadid designed thehouse to be “true to its ori-gins inside and out.”

The intricate details inthe design and decor makethe house feel like a home“rather than a big hotellobby,” Hadid said. “Youhave to make it warm, or itbecomes like a warehouse.”


L.A. chateau sells for year’s top priceBY LAUREN BEALELos Angeles Times

Le Belvedere, a mammoth French chateau on 2.2 acres in Los Angeles’ Bel-Airneighborhood in California has been sold for the highest price of any U.S. resi-dence so far this year. MCCLATCHY-TRIBUNE PHOTO