the nobody

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  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody


    The Nobody


    Perry M. Dabbs

  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody


    INT. A Quiet Street - Day

    An empty, quiet street with houses lined up on each side of it. One

    character is walking down in the middle of the road wearing a mask and

    holding a knife with blood on it. The mask is plain white and is held onto

    his face by a piece of elastic string around the back.


    The camera is first zoomed into the knife as the character is walking

    along the road. Next theres a cut to a mid-shot of the boy in front of


    The boy continues to walk along the road and takes off the mask. The

    camera then cuts to his hand as he drops the mask to avoid the audience

    seeing his face. He then walks off into the distance with the camera

    focused on the mask and him in the background. The screen fades to black

    and cuts to the next scene.

  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody


    INT. School - Day

    In a classroom at a school and there is a boy (Jay) sitting at a desk on

    his own with other people around him. The classroom is an art class with

    work around on the walls. There is sound from outside the room which is

    other student who are late to the lesson. The scene cuts to outside the

    classroom as the students are walking in and talking about what they are

    going to do that night.


    Next theres a shot of Jay with the camera looking straight ahead at him.

    The camera, being handheld, gives the impression that this is not a

    popular child in the school and is also lonely. It then cuts to outside

    the classroom and there is a mid-shot of the student that are late to



    So my mum and dad are out all night, wanna come round?


    Yeah sure




    Well there's no point if there isn't, You coming?


    Free drinks, why not


    What do you mean free drinks? You're buying them


    In your dreams


    Don't worry, Ill just take some from my dad's garage

    The four students walk into the classroom and walk straight to their


  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody


    TeacherExcuse me


    Sorry i'm late

    (Overlapping Dan) Kelly

    Sorry we're late

    (Directly after Dan and Kelly) Michael

    Yeah sorry about that

    (Overlapping Michael) Max



    I'll let you off this time as the bell's not working

    They all walk past Jay as Michael hits him as he passes. Also Dan and

    Kelly start to bully him verbally.


    Oi oi cock muncher



    Jay looks at them as they walk past and then looks at his desk with his

    head in his hands.

  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody


    INT. SCENE School Day

    The teacher leaves the room to go and hand something to another teacher.

    The class are all doing art work in the classroom and Dan, Kelly and

    Michael bully Jay by throwing paint at him, calling him names and hitting

    him. Meanwhile Max is sitting behind them feeling guilt but does not

    intervene and does not try to help Jay. He does not retaliate to them, he

    just sits there whilst they bully him.


    Okay i need to go and give this year 7 trip money to reception and won't

    be back till the end of the lesson, which isn't an excuse to leave. I

    would like it if you stayed for another 15 minutes at the least.

    Teacher Leaves the room


    Oi... oi Jay Jay. Look.


    Michael throws paint at Jay and there is going to be different shots of

    them bullying him in different ways and the camera is going to be

    handheld. The camera is hand held to make the scene more emotional so

    there is sympathy felt by the audience. Another shot of them bullying him

    with Max in the background watching. the camera then cuts to Max looking

    up at her as she is looking at Jay and the others.


    The lesson ends and the pupils are leaving the classroom and the bully's

    exit the room by walking past Jay and leave him in the room alone.


    See ya Monday Jay Jay


    Take care, wouldn't want you to get hurt no would we


    Nah of course we wouldn't


    Come on let's just go

    The camera looks at Jay sitting there in the room alone. The camera then

    pans down from Jay to his bag and shows he has a white mask peering from

    out of the bag.

  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody


    INT. SCENE In Maxs houses - Day

    It cuts to the bully's at the weekend as Dan knocks on the door and Max

    answers it to let him in. Music starts to play and then there is multiplefast shots of the four of them having drinks, smoking and having a "good


    Dan (just after max answers the door to him)

    You alright?


    Yeah, you alright?


    Yeah i'm alright


    Alright then

    Dan (overlapping "then")

    Alright then


    Max closes the door and the camera is looking at them as they are walking

    away to the front room.


    Ooo drinks

    Music is playing as a soundtrack and the four are dancing whilst passing

    round a roll up. They are also drinking and there are different angled

    shots of them in time with the music.

  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody


    INT. SCENE In Maxs house - Day

    The four are sitting down on the floor whilst Michael is rolling up as he

    is explaining how a cross roll up works. They are still drinking and Kelly

    is Getting another drink as she has just finished hers. Dan stands up and

    leaves the house to go to the shops. The music has changed to set the mood

    so it is more mellow but still under the genre of rock.


    See what you do is put one here, then you put one across here.

    Kelly (as she walks back from getting a drink)

    What's this?


    Some crappy cross joint




    What? how dare you. A cross joint is the best thing in smoking history,

    with its amazing center vortex of .... amazingness


    Well as interesting as this is, i'm going shop. Anyone want anything?

  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody



    But dude... I just rolled one


    Well i'm pretty sure that you'll be rolling another one when i get back


    Fair play man


    So did anyone want anything?


    Nah i'm cool




    no thanks


    The camera shows Michael looking slightly confused as Den walks past him

    and then you hear the door closing behind him.



    Dan walks outside and then the film cuts to him walking down a road past a


  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody


    INT. SCENE Just outside a park - Day

    Dan is walking past the park on the phone with Jay on a hill in the

    background looking at him. Dan is on the phone to Max talking about a

    media project.


    The camera is looking at Jay on the hill following behind Dan. The camera

    then cuts to a front view of Dan and then cut's back to the shot of behind

    him with Jay no longer at the place on the hill.

    All of a sudden Jay jumps in front of Dan and stabs him in the stomach.

    The camera is first behind Dan when he gets stabbed and then a second

    after Jay remains to push the knife into him and the camera is looking at

    Dan straight onwards as he spits out blood from his mouth.

    With Dan dying it then cuts to the next scene back at the house.

  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody


    INT. SCENE In Maxs house - Day

    Michael, Max and Kelly are sitting around in the front room and Max gets

    up to go a toilet whilst Michael goes into the kitchen to make some food.

    There is a knock at the door and Kelly answers to find no one there.


    Gah this kid is taking forever


    Yeah-well girls gotta pee, so if he does comeback tell him he owes me


    (Max walks up the stair and is out of the scene)

    Michael (as Max is walking up)

    Maaaax, is it okay if i make a sandwich?

    Max (shouting from upstairs)

    sure, just help yourself


    Thaaank youuuu


    There is a knock at the door and the camera is looking at the door with a

    figure shape through the glass on the other side. Kelly gets up to answer

    it. When she answers it the camera cuts to the outside where no one is

    there. Kelly is shouting to see if there is anyone there whilst looking


  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody




    I'll get it shall I

    (Kelly opens the door)


    And there's no one there

    (Pause as she walks out of the house more)


    Hello? ... This isn't funny! ... Dan? Come on hurry up, it's cold out



    The camera is looking at the house head on with Kelly as she is walking

    out. A black figure flies past the screen first hiding her for a second

    than revealing her. when she is revealed she has a slit throat. The

    camera is still looking at her as she falls to the floor.

    It then cuts to inside the house looking out as Jay is dragging her body

    along out of shot and then shuts the door and cuts to the next scene.

  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody


    INT. SCENE In Maxs house - Day

    Michael is in the kitchen making a sandwich and looking out into the other

    rooms when Jay subtlety appears into the shot from round the corner. Jay

    picks up an Ipod and changes the music that is playing from a mellow song

    by Lynyrd skynyrd to a song that is heavier by Behemoth.


    Hey who changed the music man


    The camera looks at Michael's hand as he picks up a cigarette and then

    goes to a mid-shot as he takes some of it. He puts it down and then drops

    a knife on the floor. as he bends down to pick it up the camera remains

    where it is and reveals Jay in the room behind him.

    Michael (when he drops the knife)



    Michael gets back up from picking the knife up and the shot angle is

    looking behind Jay as he walks into the kitchen. Jay and Michael look at

    each other and then Jay grabs Michael making him fall on the ground.


    Fucking nice mask dude... so what happens now? You kill me whilst I scream

    for help but never end up getting it?

    (They both look at each other in silence)


    Max? Nahh you're too small to be max.

  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody


    (Michael turns to make the rest of his sandwich when Jay grabs him and

    throws him on the floor)


    What the hell dude, that hurt man...


    As the killing is happening the music is becoming more of a soundtrack and

    louder rather than background music.

    The camera is looking up from the ground where Michael is and Jay gets on

    top revealing a knife from behind him. The camera is then a close up of

    Michael's face as it is splattered with blood and he slowly dies. Once

    Michael is dead Jay picks up the cigarette and takes in some of it and

    puts it back down. It then cuts to the next scene.

  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody


    INT. SCENE In Maxs house - Day

    Max walks down the stair and then wonders where everybody had gone. She

    walks into the kitchen and finds Michael on the floor. In a panic she runs

    out screaming. As she gets outside of the house Max sees Kelly and Dan

    sitting up outside on a step and looks at Jay who is standing behind them

    and then points at her.


    The camera is at the bottom of the stairs as she runs up them and is

    looking at her as she is near to the top. It then pans round following her

    as she runs into her bedroom. The camera is looking at her as she is

    looking at the door. the camera looks at the bottom of the stairs as it

    sees feet underneath on the other side.

    Max looks down into her lap and looks back up. When she looks up see sees

    Jay sitting next to her. The screen turns black and all that is heard is


  • 7/30/2019 The Nobody


    INT. A Quiet Street - Day

    An empty, quiet street with houses lined up on each side of it. One

    character is walking down in the middle of the road wearing a mask and

    holding a knife with blood on it. The mask is plain white and is held onto

    his face by a piece of elastic string around the back.


    The camera is first zoomed into the knife as the character is walking

    along the road. Next theres a cut to a mid-shot of the boy in front of


    The boy continues to walk along the road and takes off the mask. The

    camera then cuts to his hand as he drops the mask to avoid the audience

    seeing his face. He then walks off into the distance with the camera

    focused on the mask and him in the background. The screen fades to black

    and cuts to the next scene.

    End Credits