the nijc cardinal review vol 10 no 1 feb 13 1957

- .. llk" <o•I l'apor \OL l. •ll!: X. SO. J C'OSC'R lDAR O WED:-OT.IDA\ '. 13, .... , .... , "°"" munO) , of r,;.r .... paid for fn>U• "4•·<r- f6 1o&udent or both. tram ,.·hatflVC"r .IOVrtt' U\f'I oosn• ow rmblom rem&lm ab1nC lhr conlrlbuuu...- lh4"tr u t..Akt• umto and 10 .upplY Lhc m.aun• 1 ···•hich mlt) a "Mlt tlni.t lllN'" la...W:hftd \ ftroro and Student Union Board 0. K.'s Purchase Of Photographic Gear The po...ao1U1y u! purch..&.•!11.; phbl.c>it111rruc equ1p111(nt ror LUe t1&n .;'-· v.n .. <.U.M."1.1.a<C'CJ at ret_rnt •i.1.o Jrnt boaJ d of controi m"un' J.h- Yow:i.; ••" c .. .-cport on Ul"' NWWGl'af'.luc equipment of Junc:c "'"amp Kyu· \\ &Jkeor, a local pnoltJ•r•phcr, ha.a eaUmatH U• Henderson - Knudson Reign At Annual Volentine Dance Nominations For New Student Officers Will Be Made On Monday, Feb. 18 bUt hu dial it..rt'I .,., .. P'lt to b<'d ' \O th4" J0Um1dt11Ur np-n""•• nn I ... aJld ,,... .adrnintArahon eacll IPUf" "ith t'<lld rh1U,. .pptt.Mnahm I hgh an the ot"C"..a ha.vt mamtain· , ,...u .. 1y h•#h lll"11dord of y A p&J'f'r rnu .. t " at ...... ,, a <'omraarabJ,, or be- Laughr\I out l>f print t1a1rta1Jnna tG pnnt ln•.nlllf'• , ........ , Mmmtnta la J;r.-al It noqu1rl"• ltttlf'I t"!fr>rl on part of U)t)llt" wkn muat tum· tllf' ropy CoUt'J;4" I f"J)OtVt"ll rraltu th• t whftl h.,r °'"'Y p, nr nt>I thf' 14",.,dlnt:; 11au• " J:Q'MS or b,,,, 1mpreaton IJlir N'illtt:r tl"l'•n't ""hat th,.y nwmorr thf'y "'""'' ."llJtrt aftd m.a1ntaln " humblr llpm (If lt\l"lr Jt1U1n1ll U1· l'f'•l•,nJll· - \\'t> hv" In nn 1 b 1ht> hnhu to N). ·•J..Ait dll 11 · T1111• .....,f': W'ft•h ''"r of anv httlhrJ" rf'11ponJ1tl · Mm •nd WC'"'"" ,,, "")" 11f:" mrnll In t'olll's;.- nm11t )Unk 111nd ,,.,., on " htJ;tirt t tool lhnn •h ., f'111"Vlnu"1,- ll'd.. nthr,..,·t111r thrlr Uon \• 11 fallurt' Thi• .turlfonb too havr lhf' "'" Jitr of rf"•dln.t th«" Qf(t'r· ot frllw· 1n1uttnl1t nnt with •YmJlnlh,.tk un1tf"1-.1nn,I· hi •·tlh c-rHlral nnnl)'•lJt. M by thrlr ma\I hA\'f' 0 rl\M tn main· thl' IHs:h ... um1t.trtl111 ,,r U1f' all 11f ll11 wh•• 1 1C l J c.: fn an\' wuy put abt1uldtn tu thl'I Whf'i"I 1t,11d "'ho ll'lrr t r)'lnK lo rmr lln\I jf'iltnnh•m nt lhf' r; o Chapter Of 'neers Enjoys er Pro9rem •"f'hru•n• dmnN rn•·,•Un,; nf f'rth 1di.h11 Junl"1r ul 1h .. Anu•rir"n A•SM"ln· Of f'.n,,;ln("tt• .,..,_,. hf'ht nt 1 hr •nd , 111ff' on \\'t'od· . Ft-b. fl Th.- rros:n.m r«m· nf 1"·0 l'l\ov1.-•• ··of'N'n •n•I ·· >.tan. and F. 'rlh· Thir laHrr rtlm 4"10t....i :at th,• nlt>,·Unll: inentl loceJ prtu·ttr•na: t'n· 1\J1n \I tllrr "nd Bach .... \\hn \\llh lhf'I Hl(h"'a\· l'l<tr-rtrnrul f!hnn ll• and \\'UUan\ l'l..IF•hl UWi dlV t"R,::1ntt1lnj: rt.ti-rt• lhaaeal Thomru1on ot \.M1fntl l' .\ Mlrl.I· tna,)'or or \Of'nr d' All'l'e Ynun,,; "' 'hf'" St'rlh .haiuar C-nU•c:• c-nKlnf't'rtnt:- .. 1uc- .t1 J;>W The bOa.I d ap)\tU\ od n .. t'1ll1mat4 lll.nd w offer •lt'L CtillUp Ul.a-l AlllWnL In \/1f" JM.-' •.11 UIDJN,t pholo-- J;• •vha crC' ta.ken b)' prutr.w,, .. mAI A cia.M Jn photo- ,., 1phy " pl&n.m'd tor nea,l )"t'a.T 10 ptU\ ''' atudf!'l'lt• t.o ta.k• pit:lutea of MJCtal tuntuon.1 .nd for lhc yt J. uc atudt:tU buiit.riJ 11t wnlR1I la hr ,.1,\t•1rung bod) UL aJI OJ'fr'.UU• z..,.,l,on.t m Lhe co11tt;• Club1 a-uhnut a. rcp(lrt rTCfU'"•t,n; rurulA i.k'l1.1rC' tb.c! bou.rd :;rant monc; 1 rum U1<1 alud('nl. body fund. M vr .MtD M.r n.1tbc and Mra. \' oun;. 111u:ult)' ac.hiaiu1a. Uok Trlttrrt. &.Jf'DflY l't'lN .. IJJld JSA.rburA TOtlh, ru•.-Mlt body oftl(;cra. Han;llJ !:\.· lph 11n•J Blll :"'lr.r.·m(tn. aophu rnort; cJ1-....e orf1t4\tA, (Jc."Jn Knwl· •JI und Jtos•·r IJrown, frc hrn..n J , .,, ottir<'ra. .SArnlf'!11· II "'"' u. .. """ " " "enl 114 Enroll ed In o. Cl' Lbc .!Ulnu...&.I \ aknunc a.JI Lul ..,.,u, .... , mi;hL Eve n mg Cl one$ 11.• 11. fl"f'Sb..tuan .alu'\lcnl ln .1.dd.u.&on to "gula.r 1rum t•'a.Ua.- lJiran tuula Cron. ..,,,,Jd«nta a.t. NUC. 1.0 ..S.t.t U4 Hayd ..n l.,' ano &a a NlJC •dull.a and ..uuicnls have enrolled more m to\:ettui, ct..,..,. by Inn Ultmr 'S\\ U?llw•rl St-rotn- Uh.; Flf\y.w_,,ea ba\e en· t.Jf'I ., •. u e&mod out a.n fl!' l an.J ruilC'tJ in bu.._"lln.- coune.t tn &C· "'hale tl.«Ora.Uum Mw.i...: 1.uonlm.g. ahorth.Lnd. typin' and " .... pro'\1 fC.) Stone and OU:ti:e machlnea. \\flh :':O tu• t>-nd... Arthur \\: Hedge '"°" 1a.M. sp.nn1;- Mo.u ot Ul.Ck ttudcnt.8 pu.:l.uru. lake of cou..r.ea Thn:oe \.uDUIUlttt memou1 ..... ctt < U1 Wlonn,. \\'\U) :!6 t:nroll· 1ilhu1a. Sbaroo f.UAcll. t'd, ha\'t been Eacho! ... llitc.n<'U, Lota LL:1h.!04.tcr Lhe.c: cla.&am Js llmltcd lo lO u-...... MJIJer, Ulaon ,1ilt1dttot.L ;\denc Uendtl"'Mln. &.rb;Ua \\001.. $e'\"tr&1 c:l.UbH ha\·e -.:y Jcannct.t.e: Morua and Manl)u bttt1 st.arted. one t-xclu.m\•t:Jy !ot t...i..wolPh. prucnun Cheryl \ OLn Co.rmt"l'll. EAoh d._ l9 Umtled l.o ·"'Milt' d\.aJrman, Jan.a.. AW1tai and t!? •lUdtJU.s and 1.2 rnrolled n11Actlc CN\A·na Deann.a. ln.n A aev.·1ng daa i.... -::. rdrta.tunt"nr._ Hart:.. lnJ; th" B1ahop mt-lhod h.u 19 tha1rrn-.n. CJl.lon and Clautl.J.a ,\ rourwe. U1 J'C'd• r.c->r., poa«ra. t:J .. ·anor ,\mcm npa.1r a1JMJ bt..;::..n thll v.-crk but 11.nd Ju), pubhr1l)'. !-l•d.ln"' f'nr"1llmf'nl hCtJr('a ·.\tf'fl not com· Urwtt 11. plc:hit"ft., (.."h p11f'd 1n llme lo makt- .auc. l>t'1U. Bt.Llo.ra \\'ootpc). dltl.uman, Xadult'! 8.rovl.-.n, U.n· 1:a. ,\ 1IC'n" H.artz C..'laudla f•(J .. COEUR D' ALENE CIVIC GROUPS ANO A. A. U. W. GIVE NIJC ORGAN Two NIJC Grads 1 ,'.: •• 1 nc A.111C"ncan ')' \\otn('h haa unde1l&ktn a pruJtcl of raaLna;- rnonf'y to pny :ur .iir. ur;a.n 1or NU...: ans.l o be &bl<' to nu..- thr cnurc "'" tint ot 11rr,,,"-tn\ll'"h S.'lOOO U\ er ., tb.rff·)·ea.r penuJ. Tht tll"dt prognun "luch wu appro•·..i b) UW .,\ A tJ \\ .... ..._. oonrert by th• Hahu VandC"lCt't» whlch ""a..1 <"Otu:iudN tut l>f'.cC'mbtr Nearly $1 O<!oJ WU ral><d 0n lllArTh 19, •noUltr rrognun Will be glvtn, a.U pf'VCft'd.a or whlch "ill be opplltd to lh• or;-an t11n<l nu. J'W't'C1'll.m i.a in the nAU1rc of n d&M< .... ,,w and opon "°'""'· by °'" Jacqun Shafer Studio m Srolcan< which will toalu,.., arp.rox1malt1l,) so local young peoplC' U\ a prograot. ""' b<lll!; pl•Mcd by 'anou. orraruz.uans organ I• a Conn.. lhf' same modf"I U#d In pre&ld4•.nUAJ nomuu.Uona. ThLll l'l'Wlft V.111 iJJIO be t<•r pn""al" J(l80n11 for a.n-,y \"')llcg-c • 1 •-nta tntet'Wltt'd Now Members Of St t L . I t J•l&llr.t:-d b) llr 0 U' llft• a e eg1s a ure ulllC<al llUj)<r!Ol<Od<tll Ul ..,,und.I. ..; J J C 1• pruut.1 uf lv. u h•mh t l• lhr ....:quuilUon or &\') train 111tudunl.1 now &e:Li\'C!Jy U' ••Int' uf lllfl old 4"Jlatt"m CbUf 0 f"S._ 1t1N1ong Ul<' 01 uw .ttate. .\lr. ftrtdd.)' pLt.n 11 Lo lbt ul u.l1Utu. '") 1n JU&U.::o.a wh1 H can t.. hh_1l«!t t;en 1tur .I Ital' O>x AUtomJ· u.unt.,l tu cu' 'r IJ1o'Ulk \\Ah spate t'tto NIJC tn UHV Ilia AbJUL)' t.o on lhe- •Jm1n1 .. tra.\1on bmlding h·•U \\U.• U.t•111<1tta\lnled rarJ)' m h.t. T•) dalr onl) 011e .,.,(':f'Q Kbool \.'..&tt'.-r by hil df"C'ltd ha1 b«n df.l>'H•d Tt'.n...L&Ch .. lut.1\-Ul bod->' pr<'llUJtnl To (lnMH' PnilnrlOr .of Illa t'ilUlWUttn, J. K.a)' !Jlll)'t.J ttidDo Mtthanlca al tht" t:autfd !"taln .1l 1l luc&J t'lub aJX nJgl'\l,• a wff'k Ai a\h-tn) al \\ ril f'otnl rlua bu11y .,i hf'dult. 110\\, \Cl• 1htl M\&J I <'la.unate i0r llr nul tftleor httn trunt bl"(1-m1nt; • land. a rrombc ot Uo9'._¢n l'ht t<•f'll" tnt'mbt1 t\)' haa Mm Thf" foran· .,\t\('1 G'"'dn.atint: Imm la"" rt at Point Ii.a.A W\df'rt.-.kf'.a •rh•tUI at Mu11ruv. Jd.ithu, J ltay t1.1 .nad UA ao:n .. n.itW'lp or roe.LI o1t1 nt""\l hi• 11\\\ 01 flu· m (..'\>4"ur " " •n Al th<" pb .nUn.G ii Alf'll<' Th(' •lt-f' trum\C' atl1'\'H if\ ad1,.,I kU,·ur-. to Ir ... .xprrtmm1 ta 1\ll 1iJf1Hn \\". R MIUrAl Ofir Mt 1 fi.Ud) pbn1 to .. rUC'1l cnn- lul him lt1 IU:t."• J fta\ v. •• in· tnti lh ,. cAhC't lrtllll4"ttlnl In n lic.J) Vln1nt·,· dn,·e amr '";tr h1 \\.ta 1·ha1n1ut.n "'' lhtt F'ourlh of .luh nlrbt pUon ff'r lhf' f'•.·ond Un1t• At prt 4'nl J Ila" ...; •• ,_, ,,., rr<".9IJ• n1 of thf' rag" t•oun\l•llon Daytime Enrollment Passes Mark Set Last Year For Second Semester P('llltt·11Jh· c .... , ts •¥.Ah .il lftf' nttd• of lhr pt"f'r:t in U1b ,.,'".. 11(' Ul on rt"("Ord \\•lb hl p1-.lmlM to hdJ,. _..lvt' tht hnn 1\ntj ('CkH•AllOO rn .. •1.nlC" (If htAho. Sllllr John A J:fllduatt'\t 1a1t Junf' ft'l1m :-,: J J C at :c; hf' ta onti of' &hr n1tn In l"'hth.:a rn lhr lc..,"1•1-tun- Ji1hn wu on a rann u1 "ullAn an1..l ttmdr11 1n (°C'>f"ur d • Al· nr :r-tl \'f'tt "" yf'An in th,. t · S .\1m\, OOlh. in r,u,,...,.... ant h,,{t'f'ttA John W<1rkc-d al Rtntf'ltJ:f' milt nlt.-ndmi;: 9t'h«t) H• t••1k . 1n c:;o\ t"m• nw11t t , ... •nil \\ ., rnJl.ldrnt of the" ,.OltllJ' Orm .. ·rab C'lf KOl°'tf"nai C'1..1unh HI" f"ftliJ:n<"41 h'om lhl• Allhou•h tt.'lolllra .on dC':iO• ltnt"! h.u not )H "9>&rhrd. f'.r rolln1mt tnr lhC' t'-t S'UC n'l.:t. held SU\ '.\1lM ll..111Jk•· 1'\11tuo •Ul4'11 that ehft ,,.-l'«°U addiUODAJ , nrutlmf'nl brCOIY Uk M lhat all 1nibC'al1'm• fi01.nt to a tt:'.ad\ rt''" th for the ft'ltlt:!'-t Tht" ttr;un-'d abo'\f' (om pa.rr• -..ith '!:ti 1 •tUCll"nts IJu.t Y"' u (If t".-bruian 13 F\nal t"tll'Olimrttl wU1 bf> rtabh•.h· fd lalf'r E.nrullmC"nt • t C:t!'t Jl..4lfl't .J . t...-a at born• &1. XUC llw IWtlow i. 11"1· '" Lh• nam• aAl1 former At.u ell nttW rnroU.-a '"'" Jlll'fl Hr.all \\.alla.tir C\a.rwrt:e )h rJ MalJ.llolT Jame• MM;.;rt ,.,..., ltont&nc ft.Al' N.vr· , l'l'...i l:•JUndo IH•r™"' Lak• IBolfr1l"I Tllk4!"1' ,\ atchmalnng. Jun•'rtl, r"rt nm.. Clittord Smu.111Spiru Lah1 Oln-"r su.-..zuon John \\'1.-k.,. Jr.., .Sf'I ,,. E'p-prt"IY I Spirit i.....Su• I Dun Aahtt'ln Ju•Jn.h Aahton 1 Mn Don A hton Part Ttmf' Sludfint T ... &ker. Pllrt Ttmr. 0\#118\•t &rg 1runmaa W&&h Don 8'-rry Pullman 'Wuh ) Cle-tu. a ..... m<lJ.1111 ' Pun..,.,, W&&b. l. Ah'H C&nlt'r M•rk O.r11tnu1 ffh r. to nm l'!llN,.fol'fHlh fnr St.Alf" R4'1' MOl\"n.,.U.!\: !M'Utl' rdllraUon 1 Wrrfr •h•tt uf thf'I Jtatfl llbaol"' 11:.r. r°"'f'nt a.aid he tund.9 ""d ftt\a lh.4!' C"ducauon mon I c&n be-- 1111,\h·f';d In I.hi_. h·t:'hll\lllrt" wl'l1nt4'r toia.lM :ro: \ brt"a.kd<•wn tn nnd .. Lh< loll,,...lni: rt.-tUl'I' "1"""'11.9 Imm thr Junktor .11.11nrt.. or 'l :t' atUd4"nt.Ji frortl K1•1lf•nal unt" ou•,J114k th<' dt•• tn•'t ' Cir 1 :I 11t \ldt"nl• tmm .mtilidc Knnt.-na Olunh .6 ,,,,. 11 7r;. ilUld •tu<Hnt• from ou\. C>f at.a'<" H <'r H.a\•dni L.Ak" I B 8 Et1..-r11 , Hay· cif'ft t..Jc,., Lloyd Fanlf')' tKtOl'J;.ct'I. \faTl:'*r-t H•tC'h ( Atht>l I. Da\'ld 18oMf'Q! F""rryt Bruct Htari:<M. Stll RjOrt. Jr Rtt•.A.·,.,. To m•kto Ji t r nit··' Alonda)' • 1-"'tb. I b WW be ui. ._, H 1lu".uh ... u -. ........ lot t.rut Ulll-.:< o.U 1.."1w.Qt1\ bc>d)· PNt&ldt'JU. IOJ Ult •cJhNt )c.u of ts:,:.:.s, accoram,; OOU) preeuJc.n\, Ir II U:tl u" 01g qur.t-101' 10 UJO n..:n• 1ulun ,,-. ua oe the J..U.OJ\.."(;t <U LU\! i 1«:uuu an<1 ca.mpatgu ut pc.r.-10.a nu.r1:Uu .. 1.· ed for uua U1lponanL K.0004 011..c: top11.: Of MO.O)' COU\'C:nw.lil.IJ'l;. ut lh.o s. li. ana el.le\\ "' uu1 nf'..xt JC'' da.y. v. lU aroun•J U\t> •na Ulb.T qdabJtc:.&• Hon.s tor thf" otuce oi •tu\Jtftt GOU) pn; .. lcknl.. \\ hO WIU U Ot HO\\ ruJU\Y wtJI Thca.t: &na many ot.btr qucMJ.ona wtll be anawtn'd by Lb°"'""· nuucm . .i.: \\ho help 1n nom&n0.lll\G' and t!-lt"Cl· 1rq; lbe next alullcnt OOd,,\ pre.a· &nd tour menibtnt ot th!!! atudcnl bOAr<L 'thr rcaL OJ the otctctrw, u! lhf' •tudenl body ,., ID be t-lcctC'\l b3: hAJlot dt lbf' b<l,g>nnini; or lh• 1a11 ,.,,, .. ttt Tht <l .. uon of Uio otudent bod)'•nl. •• uoWLIJy hold n.-.r th• ""'J ut U..ho wcond &emesttr One rt'CLMUt for l.hC' nomlnal.lOn. utd 11 to lneurt a gnod at a Jn tho !1-t·ntt,tt'r whC"n both rAruUdate. 4.nd "'tectora &re 110L uadf'r th('I nf tht M"n1r&e:r do.c (l httll uut lha1 nomanatton.a m"y bt matJtt fl')r l\n unlunllf'lt;t 111111nbf'r or p'l'rao"" ft)r of •lUdf'nl bod)• h«11'cJ. but nomtNl.tlon. Mould bf pmC'L.IC'At loljlcal <andld&loa who wlll 1111 Ul• bill a.a r,.41 l"ftdl:"rs ,.,,,. pl,.n.nlnJ: •Ind progT•nunlnJ:" nf lhr nuct ... hoot Yt'Ar wUI lla 8UC(les9 OJ frulu,.... to th P""*'" b)• Nl.IC •ludonta &hd tlC'<'l "'I by ihe.m. All ah.uf.. nlJI &re to nomtn•llon.t of R.t.udtnu lh(I)' tttl u.- f[ood mntt'rtaJ. A rc>Htt'r of i;:ooct candt• date. wt11 lnJ1Utc • rood contr!'lt nnd a ht'aJLhly tlt'CUon.. Mondti )• ttudcnt bo4t.r oroara wtn ura.;.- a.ll studenl.9 lo nomlnalf' MIJ ,·ntc an lhf" forthcoming eltttlon FT A SENDS T HREE DELEGATES TO ST A TE CONVENTION For I 0&4J.'ZI 7. lh• Lal<aM .... Cb•pt('r nt F T A. hJu a.n off{tJal ot M How about u...t? plans '" the atr for \'JU10UI\ ACUV1lle:ll "J»OnitOrtd b)' th• P T A. ••tlh tho pu- be· iDg to make money and havt a lot of hm Watch tor turthtor DOUC'f'a Of UHM AU thf'et' c!c.lcg&tt.a to lhr &U\tc- F T A and I l.. A A.Uembly l\A\ .. been e.lcctNl Th<'Y o ro lta.rle MMrtuun Chf'r)•I Van $lalf' IU"id <:"h;\tf,., Jac.qon1 Thf' AllM'mbly wt11 P..-bn1ar.)' 11 o.nd nan thmurh F,.bm-U')' H. llnd wUl b"' brJtS lhl• )'UT tn 8olM PIM.Aant ,)Oumry ,,, yn11 ktda. Dcln'I pt ._ STATE TRAPPER ENROLLS Cliff Smltt hu ,, .. , i:nroU<d al NUC Cliff i. lrom Sptnt Lale• and Ls a pre-forutr)• 11tutltnt f.n ma1uagttmf'nl Ha l• a navy \"cter&n or th,.. KQrn&n con.rucL During lh"' wnt" h"' wv •tn.Uon"'l.1. on Mldwa)' lAJllnd In Lhr Paclnc Cllfr bu boen m.url•d tor tour months. Ht.a ,,.. Uf' tJI a.tao from Sptrlt Lakie to th&: Junj(l.I" Oollt"i:t'f', Cllt!

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Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College


Page 1: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 1 Feb 13 1957

- .. llk" <o•I l'apor \ O L l.•ll!: X. SO. J C'OSC'R D•AL~T,. lDAR O WED:-OT.IDA\ '. ~ 13, 193~ ....,...., "°"" munO) , ro~ of ======================================================='======================================="""'====,,,;,~ r,;.r .... paid for fn>U• "4•·<r-

f6 1o&udent (~ or both. tram ,.·hatflVC"r .IOVrtt' U\f'I

oosn• ow rmblom rem&lm ab1nC lhr conlrlbuuu...­

~for lh4"tr l.J\\~un,.nt

u t..Akt• umto and 10 .upplY Lhc m.aun• 1 ···•hich mlt) a P9~r "Mlt tlni.t lllN'"

la...W:hftd ~·ilh \ ftroro and

Student Union Board 0. K.'s Purchase Of Photographic Gear

The po...ao1U1y u! purch..&.•!11.; phbl.c>it111rruc equ1p111(nt ror LUe

t1&n .;'-· v.n .. <.U.M."1.1.a<C'CJ at • ret_rnt •i.1.o Jrnt boaJ d of controi m"un' J.h- Yow:i.; ••" c .. .-cport on Ul"' NWWGl'af'.luc equipment of Junc:c "'"amp Kyu· \\ &Jkeor, a local pnoltJ•r•phcr, ha.a eaUmatH U•

Henderson-Knudson Reign At Annual Volentine Dance

Nominations For New Student Officers Will Be Made On Monday, Feb. 18

bUt ~.q>rrwnct«' hu dial .u«~n, l!llU~ it..rt'I

.,., .. P'lt to b<'d ' \O u~ th4" J0Um1dt11Ur np-n""•• nn I

... aJld ,,... ~nlhu.ti:Un'I

ni~ .adrnintArahon eacll IPUf" "ith t'<lld rh1U,.

.pptt.Mnahm I hgh ~h(JIQt

an the ot"C"..a ha.vt mamtain· , ,...u .. 1y h•#h lll"11dord of

y A <''111,.~t p&J'f'r rnu .. t " at ......,, a <'omraarabJ,, or be- Laughr\I out l>f print

t1a1rta1Jnna tG pnnt ln•.nlllf'• ,........, Mmmtnta la J;r.-al

It noqu1rl"• ltttlf'I t"!fr>rl on part of U)t)llt" wkn muat tum· tllf' ropy CoUt'J;4" I f"J)OtVt"ll

rraltu th• t whftl h.,r °'"'Y p, nr nt>I thf' 14",.,dlnt:; pohll~

11au• " J:Q'MS or b,,,, 1mpreaton IJlir N'illtt:r tl"l'•n't ""hat th,.y

nwmorr thf'y "'""'' ."llJtrt aftd m.a1ntaln " humblr llpm

(If lt\l"lr Jt1U1n1ll U1· l'f'•l•,nJll·

- \\'t> hv" In nn 11~t'

1 b 1ht> hnhu to N). ·•J..Ait dll 11 · T1111• .....,f': W'ft•h ''"r of anv httlhrJ" rf'11ponJ1tl · Mm •nd WC'"'"" ,,, "")" 11f:"

mrnll In t'olll's;.- nm11t bf-~ln

)Unk 111nd ,,.,., on " htJ;tirt t tool lhnn •h ., f'111"Vlnu"1,­ll'd.. nthr,..,·t111r thrlr 'otlr~c­Uon \• 11 fallurt' Thi• ~ .turlfonb too havr lhf' "'"

Jitr of rf"•dln.t th«" Qf(t'r· ot th~r frllw· 1n1uttnl1t nnt with •YmJlnlh,.tk un1tf"1-.1nn,I· hi •·tlh c-rHlral nnnl)'•lJt. M

by thrlr (IOll~l rn•·th., ~titlrh•m ma\I hA\'f' 0 rl\M tn main·

thl' IHs:h ... um1t.trtl111 ,,r U1f'

all 11f ll11 wh•• dr~ 1 unn~tNI 1C l J c.: fn an\' wuy put

abt1uldtn tu thl'I Whf'i"I 1t,11d ftll~•" "'ho ll'lrr t r)'lnK lo

rmr lln\I jf'iltnnh•m nt lhf' r; o

Chapter Of 'neers Enjoys er Pro9rem •"f'hru•n• dmnN rn•·,•Un,; nf f'rth 1di.h11 Junl"1r C""flllr,;~

ul 1h .. Anu•rir"n A•SM"ln· Of f'.n,,;ln("tt• .,..,_,. hf'ht nt 1 hr

•nd t\ad~tt"• , 111ff' on \\'t'od· . Ft-b. fl Th.- rros:n.m r«m· nf 1"·0 l'l\ov1.-•• ··of'N'n Htgh~ •n•I ··>.tan. ~tl'f'I and F. 'rlh·

Thir laHrr rtlm d~nlt 4"10t....i

• ~l"f'.,.r\l :at th,• nlt>,·Unll: inentl loceJ prtu·ttr•na: t'n·

mrhttltn~ 1\J1n \I tllrr "nd Bach .... \\hn •~ \\llh lhf'I

Hl(h"'a\· l'l<tr-rtrnrul f!hnn ll• and \\'UUan\ l'l..IF•hl

UWi dlV t"R,::1ntt1lnj: rt.ti-rt• lhaaeal Thomru1on ot \.M1fntl

~mf!An)' l' .\ Mlrl.I· tna,)'or or \Of'nr d' All'l'e

Ynun,,; "' 'hf'" St'rlh .haiuar C-nU•c:• c-nKlnf't'rtnt:-

.. 1uc- .t1 J;>W The bOa.I d ap)\tU\ od n .. t'1ll1mat4 lll.nd ucc~dat w offer •lt'L CtillUp Ul.a-l AlllWnL

In \/1f" JM.-' •.11 UIDJN,t pholo-­J;• •vha ~ crC' ta.ken b)' prutr.w,, .. mAI ••n~•n•ph~r&. A cia.M Jn photo­,., 1phy " pl&n.m'd tor nea,l )"t'a.T 10 ptU\ ''' atudf!'l'lt• t.o ta.k• pit:lutea of MJCtal tuntuon.1 • .nd for lhc yt 1trb:~k

J. uc atudt:tU buiit.riJ 11t wnlR1I la hr ,.1,\t•1rung bod) UL aJI OJ'fr'.UU•

z..,.,l,on.t m Lhe co11tt;• Club1 a-uhnut a. rcp(lrt rTCfU'"•t,n; rurulA i.k'l1.1rC' tb.c! bou.rd ~ :;rant monc; 1 rum U1<1 alud('nl. body fund.

M m~n1 vr th~ ~rd .MtD Nt-.b~«>. M.r n.1tbc and Mra. \' oun;. 111u:ult)' ac.hiaiu1a. Uok Trlttrrt. &.Jf'DflY l't'lN .. IJJld JSA.rburA TOtlh,

ru•.-Mlt body oftl(;cra. Han;llJ !:\.· lph 11n•J Blll :"'lr.r.·m(tn. aophu

rnort; cJ1-....e orf1t4\tA, (Jc."Jn Knwl· •JI und Jtos•·r IJrown, frc hrn..n J , .,, ottir<'ra.

~l®•ot..t .SArnlf'!11·

II "'"' u. .. """ " " "enl 114 Enrolled In o. Cl' Lbc .!Ulnu...&.I \ aknunc a.JI Lul • ..,.,u, .... , mi;hL Even mg Clone$

.\.den~ 11.• 11. fl"f'Sb..tuan .alu'\lcnl ln .1.dd.u.&on to "gula.r ~·-lJme 1rum r~.1 t•'a.Ua.- lJiran tuula Cron. ..,,,,Jd«nta a.t. NUC. 1.0 ..S.t.t U4 Hayd .. n l.,' ano &a a NlJC """~ •dull.a and ..uuicnls have enrolled more m to\:ettui, ct..,..,. c."OD'l.JU('l~ by

Inn Ultmr 'S\\ U?llw•rl St-rotn- Uh.; collr~ Flf\y.w_,,ea ba\e en· t.Jf'I ., •. u e&mod out a.n fl!' l an.J ruilC'tJ in bu.._"lln.- coune.t tn &C· "'hale \~a.ff'nlm,. tl.«Ora.Uum Mw.i...: 1.uonlm.g. ahorth.Lnd. typin' and " .... pro'\1 ~~d: t>~ fC.) Stone and OU:ti:e machlnea. \\flh :':O tu• t>-nd... Arthur \\: Hedge '"°" 1a.M. sp.nn1;- Mo.u ot Ul.Ck ttudcnt.8 pu.:l.uru. lake tiot\·~ of cou..r.ea Thn:oe

\.uDUIUlttt memou1 ..... ctt < d~ U1 Wlonn,. \\'\U) :!6 t:nroll· 1ilhu1a. Sbaroo f.UAcll. cha1.nn~n t'd, ha\'t been o~ Eacho! ~ ... llitc.n<'U, Lota LL:1h.!04.tcr Lhe.c: cla.&am Js llmltcd lo lO u-...... MJIJer, Ma~N't Ulaon ,1ilt1dttot.L ;\denc Uendtl"'Mln. &.rb;Ua \\001.. $e'\"tr&1 ~'Cldrn; c:l.UbH ha\·e -.:y Jcannct.t.e: Morua and Manl)u bttt1 st.arted. one t-xclu.m\•t:Jy !ot t...i..wolPh. prucnun Cheryl \ OLn Co.rmt"l'll. EAoh d._ l9 Umtled l.o ·"'Milt' d\.aJrman, Jan.a.. AW1tai and t!? •lUdtJU.s and 1.2 rnrolled n11Actlc ~Y'cnon, CN\A·na Deann.a. ln.n w~tlc A aev.·1ng daa r~tur· i.... -::. rdrta.tunt"nr._ ~\rlcn1: Hart:.. lnJ; th" B1ahop mt-lhod h.u 19 tha1rrn-.n. CJl.lon and Clautl.J.a .iurl~nLa. ,\ rourwe. U1 fiirnltu~ J'C'd• r.c->r., poa«ra. t:J .. ·anor ,\mcm npa.1r a1JMJ bt..;::..n thll v.-crk but 11.nd ~tly Ju), pubhr1l)'. !-l•d.ln"' f'nr"1llmf'nl hCtJr('a ·.\tf'fl not com· Urwtt 11. plc:hit"ft., (.."h '~'"u p11f'd 1n llme lo makt- lhl~ .auc. l>t'1U. u~n·up Bt.Llo.ra \\'ootpc). dltl.uman, Xadult'! 8.rovl.-.n, U.n· 1:a. ~ ,\ 1 IC'n" H.artz C..'laudla f•(J ..


Two NIJC Grads 1,'.: •• :.!',"\~'~:u~ ·~~::.1~,.

1 nc A.111C"ncan ~talion ')' ~IU\> \\otn('h haa unde1l&ktn a pruJtcl of raaLna;- rnonf'y to pny :ur .iir. ur;a.n 1or NU...: ans.l ~pea o be &bl<' to nu..- thr cnurc

"'" tint ot 11rr,,,"-tn\ll'"h S.'lOOO U\ er ., tb.rff·)·ea.r penuJ. Tht tll"dt prognun "luch wu appro•·..i b) UW .,\ A tJ \\ .... ..._. • oonrert by th• Hahu VandC"lCt't» whlch ""a..1 <"Otu:iudN tut l>f'.cC'mbtr Nearly $1 O<!oJ WU ral><d 0n lllArTh 19, •noUltr rrognun Will be glvtn, a.U pf'VCft'd.a or whlch "ill be opplltd to lh• or;-an t11n<l nu. J'W't'C1'll.m i.a in the nAU1rc of n d&M< ....,,w and opon "°'""'· by °'" Jacqun Shafer Dane~ Studio m Srolcan< which will toalu,.., arp.rox1malt1l,) so local young peoplC' U\ a da.n~ prograot. Olh~r ~"'JmUDI ""' b<lll!; pl•Mcd by 'anou. orraruz.uans Th~ organ I• a Conn.. lhf' same modf"I U#d In ~lb pre&ld4•.nUAJ nomuu.Uona. ThLll l'l'Wlft V.111 iJJIO be &\'•dabl~ t<•r pn""al" J(l80n11 for a.n-,y \"')llcg-c

• 1 •-nta tntet'Wltt'd

Now Members Of ~~~J,~: "~~· !:"J7h~ 1~.:0,~ St t L . I t J•l&llr.t:-d b) llr 1~14dV 0 U' llft• a e eg1s a ure ulllC<al llUj)<r!Ol<Od<tll Ul ..,,und.I.

• ..; J J C 1• pruut.1 uf lv. u h•mh t l• lhr ....:quuilUon or &\') train 111tudunl.1 now &e:Li\'C!Jy C'fl~ogcd U' ••Int' uf lllfl old 4"Jlatt"m CbUf


1t1N1ong Ul<' puhc:f~ 01 uw .ttate. .\lr. ftrtdd.)' • pLt.n 11 Lo lbt ul u.l1Utu. '") 1n JU&U.::o.a wh1 r~ H can t..

hh_1l«!t t;en 1tur .I Ital' O>x AUtomJ· u.unt.,l tu cu' 'r IJ1o'Ulk \\Ah spate t'tto NIJC tn UHV Ilia AbJUL)' t.o on lhe- •Jm1n1 .. tra.\1on bmlding h·•U \\U.• U.t•111<1tta\lnled rarJ)' m h.t. T•) dalr onl) 011e .,.,(':f'Q Kbool <.o11ts;~· \.'..&tt'.-r by hil ~Ul,£: df"C'ltd ha1 b«n df.l>'H•d Tt'.n...L&Ch .. lut.1\-Ul bod->' pr<'llUJtnl To (lnMH' co.~mrl n~1bt"ra;~ PnilnrlOr .of Illa t'ilUlWUttn, J. K.a)' !Jlll)'t.J ttidDo Mtthanlca al tht" t:autfd !"taln .1l 1l luc&J t'lub aJX nJgl'\l,• a wff'k J.~1hl•t') Ai a\h-tn) al \\ ril f'otnl rlua bu11y .,i hf'dult. 110\\, \Cl• 1htl M\&J I <'la.unate i0r llr Md~ar­nul tftleor httn trunt bl"(1-m1nt; • land. a rrombc ot ISOftl~ Uo9'._¢n

l'ht The~ t<•f'll" tnt'mbt1 t\)' haa Mm ~Cl\C'Cl Thf" foran· .,\t\('1 G'"'dn.atint: Imm la"" rt at \\'~ Point Ii.a.A W\df'rt.-.kf'.a

•rh•tUI at Mu11ruv. Jd.ithu, J ltay t1.1 .nad UA ao:n .. n.itW'lp or roe.LI o1t1 nt""\l hi• 11\\\ 01 flu· m (..'\>4"ur " " •n Al th<" pb • .nUn.G ~n ii Alf'll<' Th(' •lt-f' trum\C' atl1'\'H l"1tt11-•lp~11uu if\ ad1,.,I kU,·ur-. to Ir th~ ... .xprrtmm1 ta ~UL • 1\ll 1iJf1Hn \\". R MIUrAl Ofir Mt 1 fi.Ud) pbn1 to .. rUC'1l cnn-lul him lt1 IU:t."• J fta\ v. •• in· tnti lh • ,. cAhC't cNleo~C"

lrtllll4"ttlnl In n a.t.Ut~..Cul lic.J) ~·uut Vln1nt·,· dn,·e Th~ amr '";tr h1 \\.ta 1·ha1n1ut.n "'' lhtt F'ourlh of .luh nlrbt pUon ff'r lhf' f'•.·ond Un1t• At prt 4'nl J Ila"

...; •• ,_, ,,., rr<".9IJ• n1 of thf' rag" t•oun\l•llon

Daytime Enrollment Passes Mark Set Last Year For Second Semester

P('llltt·11Jh· ~natnr c .... , ts •¥.Ah

.il lftf' nttd• of lhr pt"f'r:t in U1b ,.,'".. 11(' Ul on rt"("Ord \\•lb hl• p1-.lmlM to hdJ,. _..lvt' tht hnn 1\ntj ('CkH•AllOO IU"\~.ftfha r•~i;vmJ;' rn ..

•1.nlC" (If htAho. Sllllr R.C"p~ntft?l.\'f" John A

Mul\Ut'IUI~ J:fllduatt'\t 1a1t Junf' ft'l1m :-,: J J C Tt~Y at :c; hf' ta onti of' &hr )OUA'~"t n1tn In l"'hth.:a rn lhr lc..,"1•1-tun-

Ji1hn wu ~rn on a rann u1 "ullAn an1..l ttmdr11 1n (°C'>f"ur d • Al· nr H~ :r-tl \'f'tt "" yf'An in th,. t · S .\1m\, OOlh. in r,u,,...,.... ant h,,{t'f'ttA John W<1rkc-d al Rtntf'ltJ:f' milt "h•l~ nlt.-ndmi;: 9t'h«t) H• t••1k . ,1.,t1htt~ tnt~t'C'St 1n c:;o\ t"m• nw11t t , ... ~_. •nil \\ ., rnJl.ldrnt of the" ,.OltllJ' Orm .. ·rab C'lf KOl°'tf"nai C'1..1unh HI" f"ftliJ:n<"41 h'om lhl•

Allhou•h ~ tt.'lolllra .on dC':iO• ltnt"! h.u not )H ~ "9>&rhrd. f'.r rolln1mt tnr lhC' ~d tirmnt~r t'-t S'UC n'l.:t. held ~ SU\ '"'~.k

'.\1lM ll..111Jk•· 1'\11tuo ~rar •Ul4'11 that ehft ,,.-l'«°U addiUODAJ , nrutlmf'nl brCOIY Uk dM1U.1n~ M

lhat all 1nibC'al1'm• fi01.nt to a tt:'.ad\ rt''" th for the ft'ltlt:!'-t

Tht" ttr;un-'d abo'\f' (om pa.rr• -..ith '!:ti 1 •tUCll"nts ~nrolt.,j IJu.t Y"' u (If t".-bruian 13 F\nal t"tll'Olimrttl f1~itta wU1 bf> rtabh•.h· fd lalf'r

E.nrullmC"nt dunn~

• t C:t!'t Jl..4lfl't .J • . t...-a at born• &1. XUC llw IWtlow i. 11"1·

'" • Lh• nam• aAl1 former At.u ell nttW rnroU.-a

'"'" 'IUdt>~ll' ~d ~tbr'!!lff'r Jlll'fl Hr.all \\.alla.tir C\a.rwrt:e

)h rJ B~<e MalJ.llolT Jame• MM;.;rt ,.,..., ltont&nc ft.Al' N.vr· , l'l'...i l:•JUndo IH•r™"' Lak• Jam~ R~U IBolfr1l"I Tllk4!"1' ,\ atchmalnng. Jun•'rtl, r"rt nm.. Clittord Smu.111Spiru Lah1 Oln-"r su.-..zuon John \\'1.-k.,. Jr.., .Sf'I ,,. E'p-prt"IY I Spirit i.....Su• I Dun Aahtt'ln Ju•Jn.h Aahton 1 Mn Don A hton Part Ttmf' Sludfint T ... ~ &ker. Pllrt Ttmr. 0\#118\•t &rg 1runmaa W&&h • Don 8'-rry Pullman 'Wuh ) Cle-tu. a ..... m<lJ.1111 ' Pun..,.,, W&&b. l. Ah'H C&nlt'r M•rk O.r11tnu1

ffh r. to nm l'!llN,.fol'fHlh fnr St.Alf" ltirl't'f'Mnl•U~

R4'1' MOl\"n.,.U.!\: !M'Utl' rdllraUon ~·tun,; 1 Wrrfr •h•tt uf thf'I Jtatfl

llbaol"' 11:.r. r°"'f'nt a.aid he tund.9 ""d ftt\a lh.4!' C"ducauon mon I "~b1('P\ c&n be-- 1111,\h·f';d In I.hi_.


wl'l1nt4'r toia.lM :ro: \ brt"a.kd<•wn tn nnd ~n.ta;;r f!tl~t'A .. Lh< loll,,...lni: rt.-tUl'I' "1"""'11.9 Imm thr Junktor «'Gil~~ .11.11nrt.. ~ or 'l :t' atUd4"nt.Ji frortl K1•1lf•nal (~ unt" ou•,J114k th<' dt•• tn•'t ' Cir 1 :I • 11t \ldt"nl• tmm .mtilidc Knnt.-na Olunh .6 ,,,,. 11 7r;. ilUld •tu<Hnt• from ou\. C>f at.a'<" H <'r 5.~~

H.a\•dni L.Ak" I B 8 Et1..-r11 , Hay· cif'ft t..Jc,., Lloyd Fanlf')' tKtOl'J;.ct'I. \faTl:'*r-t H•tC'h ( Atht>l I. Da\'ld R~ld"'m.a.n 18oMf'Q! F""rryt Bruct Htari:<M. Stll RjOrt. Jr Jt.n~ Rtt•.A.·,.,. To m•kto Ji t'l'l••~r t r nit··' $lud~

Alonda)' • 1-"'tb. I b WW be ui. ._, ~1JC.. •lUU.:-.n~ H 1lu".uh ... u -. ........ c.ll~l- lot t.rut Ulll-.:< o.U 1.."1w.Qt1\

bc>d)· PNt&ldt'JU. IOJ Ult •cJhNt )c.u

of ts:,:.:.s, accoram,; ~ "'""~~-'U OOU) preeuJc.n\, UAI~ Ir II U:tl • u" 01g qur.t-101' 10 UJO n..:n• 1ulun ,,-. ua oe the J..U.OJ\.."(;t <U LU\! i 1«:uuu an<1 ca.mpatgu ut pc.r.-10.a nu.r1:Uu .. 1.·

ed for uua U1lponanL K.0004 011..c: th~ top11.: Of MO.O)' COU\'C:nw.lil.IJ'l;.

ut lh.o s. li. ana el.le\\ a~ "' uu1 nf'..xt JC'' da.y. v. lU aroun•J U\t> •na Ulb.T qdabJtc:.&• Hon.s tor thf" otuce oi •tu\Jtftt GOU) pn; .. lcknl.. \\ hO WIU U Ot • HO\\ ruJU\Y ~a.ndld&t.e& wtJI ~

Thca.t: &na many ot.btr qucMJ.ona wtll be anawtn'd by Lb°"'""· nuucm . .i.: \\ho help 1n nom&n0.lll\G' and t!-lt"Cl· 1rq; lbe next alullcnt OOd,,\ pre.a· d~nt &nd tour menibtnt ot th!!! atudcnl uruo~ bOAr<L 'thr rcaL OJ the otctctrw, u! lhf' •tudenl body ,., ID be t-lcctC'\l b3: hAJlot dt lbf' b<l,g>nnini; or lh• 1a11 ,.,,, .. ttt Tht <l .. uon of Uio otudent bod)'•nl. •• uoWLIJy hold n.-.r th• ""'J ut U..ho wcond &emesttr One rt'CLMUt for l.hC' ~a.riy nomlnal.lOn. utd ol~tlon 11 to lneurt a gnod d~Uon at a Jn tho !1-t·ntt,tt'r whC"n both rAruUdate. 4.nd "'tectora &re 110L uadf'r th('I p~uno nf tht M"n1r&e:r do.c

(l httll ~n poLrU.~ uut lha1 nomanatton.a m"y bt matJtt fl')r l\n unlunllf'lt;t 111111nbf'r or p'l'rao"" ft)r 1h~ o<tt~ of •lUdf'nl bod)• h«11'cJ. but nomtNl.tlon. Mould bf pmC'L.IC'At loljlcal <andld&loa who wlll 1111 Ul• bill a.a r,.41 l"ftdl:"rs ,.,,,. pl,.n.nlnJ: •Ind progT•nunlnJ:" nf lhr nuct ... hoot Yt'Ar wUI ow~ lla 8UC(les9 OJ

frulu,.... to th P""*'" nomJnat~ b)• Nl.IC •ludonta &hd tlC'<'l "'I by ihe.m. All ah.uf .. nlJI &re uri;~ to plat'~ nomtn•llon.t of R.t.udtnu lh(I)' tttl u.- f[ood lt'lld~ndup mntt'rtaJ. A rc>Htt'r of i;:ooct candt• date. wt11 lnJ1Utc • rood contr!'lt nnd a ht'aJLhly tlt'CUon.. Mondti )• ttudcnt bo4t.r oroara wtn ura.;.­a.ll studenl.9 lo nomlnalf' MIJ ,·ntc an lhf" forthcoming eltttlon


For I 0&4J.'ZI 7. lh• Lal<aM .... Cb•pt('r nt F T A. hJu a.n off{tJal mtm~nih.Jr ot M How about u...t?

Th~rt- plans '" the atr for \'JU10UI\ ACUV1lle:ll "J»OnitOrtd b)'

th• P T A. ••tlh tho pu- be· iDg to make money and havt a lot of hm Watch tor turthtor DOUC'f'a Of UHM 8Cll'\1U~-

AU thf'et' c!c.lcg&tt.a to lhr &U\tc­F T A and I l.. A A.Uembly l\A\ .. been e.lcctNl Th<'Y o ro lta.rle MMrtuun Chf'r)•I Van $lalf' IU"id

<:"h;\tf,., Jac.qon1 Thf' AllM'mbly wt11 h'"S,~n P..-bn1ar.)' 11 o.nd nan thmurh F,.bm-U')' H. llnd wUl b"' brJtS lhl• )'UT tn 8olM PIM.Aant ,)Oumry ,,, yn11 ktda. Dcln'I pt ._

STATE TRAPPER ENROLLS Cliff Smltt hu ,, .. , i:nroU<d al

NUC Cliff i. lrom Sptnt Lale• and Ls a pre-forutr)• 11tutltnt ~l%1.n:g f.n ran~"' ma1uagttmf'nl Ha l• a navy \"cter&n or th,.. KQrn&n con.rucL During lh"' wnt" h"' wv •tn.Uon"'l.1. on Mldwa)' lAJllnd In Lhr Paclnc Cllfr bu boen m.url•d tor tour months. Ht.a ,,.. Uf' tJI a.tao from Sptrlt Lakie \\"~kom~ to th&: Junj(l.I" Oollt"i:t'f', Cllt!

Page 2: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 1 Feb 13 1957

~~~.~~ s.~.~~:.!i; ~ .. ~~ l~E~1~~~~. ~- 11 ly Jcuu·1'1•1i""•"h A• lt••



Meft•9ln9 Editor N•"" Edito~,,eu t-.4•"•9.,, C4rc:ul•Hon M111~•9•r

Ad••rtiiln9 M•"•tJ•" Rfporlen; flor•"c• S..fv,

R c COVINGTON I Ro•eld Y .. •?m" c .... ,~ "'• 0.1.

M1•0,.. l• .. '1·c. JoJ.-n P:c:."4u.

0..f• Tt•tf•' a11d c. Cotb • C!oi•11ter a.,,n Ho• •td l hl:i.-r J•llM1 C~'"°"

Tom K•"•· &l•" ln9•1l1

N I. J . C. Cnrdinttl Rcvi"" Rc•um1...; Publication After about seven y1·ars. lhr Cardinal Rc"1cw Ls once

aC'Bm In l'irculallon and will bi mg you news conccmln:; you, your st·hool. and youi Jello" SlUd('nt.s Nol smcc 1050 has a bo11a!1dc prlnlld m·wspapc1 been published al NorLh Idaho Jumor Colleg" Smee Lhcn 1:v rat munoographcd m•wspapers have appeared al NIJC, but nom have shown much quality nor wrre U.-·y publ1>hld r('i;ularly Publis mg a school newspnper as qwl< = w1d1 rtaklng. rcqu1rm much lune and gutdanct.> and lhe 1>ludrnla lihould rcalir that no single group can publish a good ne\1.-spaj.)('r Thi. paper 1s being published boy lh" Journalism da&. but thnt does nol mean Lhnl any student who desires to help in

any way cannot do so bccaw;c he 1s not a member or thnt class. We hope to mcludc cvrrytlung or ml<·resL to ~ou lhe students. in our rorthcommg t.SSues Ea.:h ume we pub\bh a new edition we wilt t?ndl•3\'0r lO malw It bella than the one before. We Int.end to publlsh a n'"spa!lf'r with quality rather than <>nc thaL atms only to !LU space. If any or you would like t.o comment on Uus. our 11rst cdillon. we would ccrtamly be glad to hear rrom you Ir you'd like to. and can hdp us many wny, let us kno14.

Orguniiecl f; rh>rl Lead~ To uc,·es>o

W1t11 the ><econd semester or the 1956-57 school year now underway al Norlh ldnho Junior College. many of the students arc wond~r1ng how the) \\ lll go about trym:; t.o maintain Lh1'tr grodc averag~s or how to do better ln their schoolwork. lf I may offer o word or advice. I'd hk•

PHYSICIST H 0 N 0 R ED­WHt Cumao.Y 1 post ol!I« de­partment b.u !slued Ille: stamp pictu~. above', lo CUlltllmlO­ra !.: lb<: IOOtl> anni•trarY of Olrlh of ltt1nl'IC:h Hert:. F'eb. :u. a.. .. known "" th• <i*:o•orw ot the wave propa­oUon at tlecvomalnttic 1n­dllcl1an. KIDch mali:a polS4bl• tltctroalc IDAS'tla "" ~.


t.o suggest to each student that h(' g1v1: more or h1mS('.! Utan his job has n right. to d1•mand In ord<'r to kam anything whi.le m college the student must learn Lo U>< what Is orrorcd by pulling organlzcd ('(Cort tnlo "hal<'H'r he does Do not make lhc mil>t.tkl' or thmkmg that doing JUSL ~nough work LO "gel by" will kad you through a ..., succcs><rut hie arLcr colleg(-. Till' \\Orld Is dcspemtt'ly m need of men and women who can do whal is bemi; done and who can do nobly whnl 1s )Cl lo come

Consideration Shoulcl Jk Accorded RC\ ie" ,\ d\'crliscr.; Bow do renders tcrl about ad\'urllsmg m ncwspapt-r;,?

Actually most ads arc inlerestmg and mionnative We hope that you fmd this true of the adl; we pr1nt l.n th!? Cardmal Rc\•tcw because we would cert.amly Ilk" LO help our advertisers like they have helped us. We feet that Lhe pcoplt> who advertise through the Cnrdmal Renew deserve an extrn plug because they help meet the cost or pub­hshmg. Due to ccrlalll pohcies which we maintain. we arc hmilcd m Lhe amowi.l of space we can US<! ror adver­t1s111g and realizing thnl our ad\'ertisers art unable to supply all or your nreds. we cannot ask lhnl you palroruze them only We should like to suggest. how.ver, lhal tr vou anucipal1: purchasing a product which one or our ;dverLlscrs might bC able to supply you w1lh consider tum before d~1dmg to buy elsewhere. We are Lrymg 10 be or scr,·1ce to our ad,·ertiser, and t.o you ------

Blank Verse

(,( ~ i;ttO l<sl " ... .i. ~ pte!rnl l m~ lB: IM p.4ho t.a.k~n b) ~udni t boo ...... lWl\u•s_ PiclulTJI may bto Ji' ,.n to I' all.Ir )llU<r or Xax SmlU.

S1ud nu Q ... ~ ... ~"" lO I Ip all at ad\: C't"l serncru.a. Su b r.ra ewt.abhshmt11la h.D:\"r hem c.:.n­U.r-t~ and dforta -.111 be" ma.ik ., t..o cont.act lb,,. tt".al. '.\tax Sr •th ta ln ~·ruu~f'I of ho dYtr· t C""CDC"nt et'CUon..

a~ to Na'A Omnc 1 lOll lh~

l'lllhppln .\flrr lhr '"'" h1• cu ln1.1r\ll-.I lhei Yl«."hl Artlllc-ry I u:hJht-nt• .ntJ thr Ot11c• r C1rn• 1t1nt~ IK'hn••l Rt ••vrt ~di r J t1' l'"-nl lhr• , yt!.41'• lfl

Um J•nna. oa m1htJuy Att.a.rhe to th~ t• S l-:int!Cl5») 111.9 n,.xt- ••·

nn r.c\. w., al lhl'I 1'f"nta1t<1n u1 \\uhnJ;Wn u c..:.. \\hifC hrt \\4,lN

ft lnldhe• nc~ of(1tu In lht ~'"u~ anf1 I trr vUh NATO Jotr M1 • r:u1i&llcJ r-..Uh"-J ln 1 h~·+i at S11n l"r:&n(i9i'O u~·n comph l1ou .. r :JO .)' 'n at UJmtnt.uJon.....t ~rv11 t"

ant1 nune d1r("(·tly tn NlJC The \f cl-·artand." tu' tT l .._ o llbna

John A Jr IT<1ny I la m1dloh1p· un nt lh"" Sll\·aJ A•·a1J1-m) "'

Ann.~puli. Jim 01\<"'4 tll" I H )I At:Ddc-r y "'11 !"t'I h,. ut n .,.n~or Hf'! iatcr.da lu ~nler tJl('I Naval J\c:ul• r.m.) also. I.MT .)1cf.~arlanrl r-rCU!,



Th clulo


Tbt• eat a annUA.J :..all ln dl1'!9 H "I~ ~llllrr ~Ian.. .\IC'a nam '''"" "mill>, £1..,,ao )lwlcr Sh•nnon ll1tdld!. \\.lll'T'f"%li .Ander ...,, K~ th HMI B.ubam Tooh Ir======----=---~

You can't belie' c J tJ muf\'J~r mv own U"tf"nf1

ll Jtat that Lhf'ft ht" wu nnd I could ~

\Vath hJm l~r~ Ll t.'OUhl f~ .. r be- JU. t U!l.

·rw kJ'vty,, he v.·nnt lhal oM bM"'-n COAt nf hta. And well, a cwld hAV<' brt-n an &C'c;.-1d<-nL

1 thtnk n. """.a.. H~ look.flt "° hk" a dH:r Thf' woy he! moved thf" bnuh IU1d •11 and ~ h .. n

l .l'hol be !c-ll d ru."n d•!A'l cirlU' 0.lJ. dfon.r dcit11


Ula 01"'1n, N"'11n• BroGI""- l..or­ra1nr .)! '•ii" Kav O*'meo. ,..\rlt"'T\"" Har1z. flh"'n~ a.tu. fl.'*1tnil

11.- Rl't'llArd r.ood:wm arul ••Im lni:aJls, \tr 8->la i. th.. Ad­




lo. N F"•"h ~'· • C 4 A•M

Buy H..,. Rowe., From




'""" °" VAN'S

the only mil J011 • ..,

tft••'• pr...; "' Coeur ~,..


Page 3: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 1 Feb 13 1957

I French Banquet

for Feb. 25 N ondaiY. F ""b 2:.. at ~ Jn 1n th,. nomr <•r Mr F.lm"r

a t 801 9 J::lr'rnlb St lh,. Jct.ho Junl<rr Cutl.-K f."r,.nrh

WUI ""'d th«-lr lfllrJ •MUal The f>rqt:ram lll'Mt m"'nu

r\f'Rln& <flJI OUT\ ad« rt'"d JI t h.n1t! Thf" pmxrom brs.n;:

w&U ("nnklat ot •·N"wh 1QftP to ~ 11&.fh' b}' IJ\fl

and a J:'ruup of f.~nnrtt wtU be' 1nmc b,. ruJJy

..opra.oo ~"11•l HO\\"'ar.-t ••U &"""" ,. n-odJr.~ and l'At

and K•J O"h-·mr wan s:wt" dUf"(• ~·f'1•I 1Lk1t.9

cnanrwat.,,n.-1 lntt .ltnt• In wllJ b-C- J:"\'tn hv ~vrral

,. c.t th,. ,;TOUp to ~mnp1f'te ,....... .... of th,. Fr ... nd\ l"Jub :.n­

rd &,.bf> rr"".s1dr.n t M• udt• n, r.p<.ort«'r ffrlf'n "BrTJC'

ry o.nny f'f'te-n. .ong Bartwora T""'1 wtll II<' In

Ot rttportni:; lhr mf'AJ •nd Nfl"llm•n .rt11d ["l..n r"ohn,.r

111 <"hanrf' ot arra.ncin,: thtt

dub h.u JU t n»fllplrt,,.•1 1u In l~llt>r "-"titlnK Na•n"'t

drawn at Chflattnu nnd ,.A,.h a h•tt..-r tn F"ttoc.h Th"'

la IOl)klnf:' ,,,,..,am to trarta· I>tanf'y·1 ''Tb" t-AtJY and th,.,

p ll'll'' f:ngllsh Thia WP

I •Jurin~ t'1• hnl1day• pm<M'lbl rrom tl.t• t'lub

1'°ht" IN"IU'lr)' l"N"t"JV,.d rll'("C"ntly wh•n n d1ty wu

u6dt- u ••Frt'nrh Onty·• day ~ w~ rfli'\·rn..- I mrnn..-n­

'1 ln Y...ns:U-.h Y.·f'tr fJnNt

atch For Jewelry Ceramics Display"4n' Art :-=.1n>rtut11

J,,..&,a:n dn1t h i\'r tw•,.n +"n· tM oppnrtunll\r •it t ff'f4.llns;-

an•1 f'~r.mlc• 11 th,., Ct·r­C°Pntt>r ... J:'Ur-Alfl or lh• clly Uon d"P•rt,mf"nt Mr t;thf'I I I• Jhn •Uftt'r"Vlllor' ut Um1 nlrnt Rt"w·ro.I tnv("l) lf rnn\

fl•J>P'"T rnamrlr1I Jt Yt'••ln nnrS or wt ht v. urk wOI ,_.,n ~

v .. t In U1,. "'"'" h11ll nf lhf' •dmlnlatr111t1on bnlhlrnr.

Mc-h,f"rn\nn. on ,,( Mr """ A J ~· htt•• mnn ur tion:!

th R1, \'h1llf'•I NJJ(" h··~wN•n "' OOn 1~ " 5'ntnr QI lhl' h ttr hUahl'l ttUO•iMl\J; 11'\

nt: llf" &,.'t'nduftlttl ff'\•111 J Ith.-, Don '"' • mt>mllf"r or

•e1n C"'luh An•t VII r rrr11i• of Claun l litll •lunni: \hf' ru••t

Hf! wa" ,.,.,..,., 1 h11lrm m hall 111111. )'fl'lir 1tn•I I• nn\\ tl

nf thfl' ~ ... , ,,,. c• ... 111.-llnft

1'11 OJ'\ thf' c·,10111111~ I km'fl t1 ln ""''rk with p.-.-..:1n11~1


• ,

4-Hour Se rvice


Grandpa Stolt· .'1y Heart Awa~· f'"°PI<' l,lll&MlJl> f"f"f<-r lu th••~

.:r•.ndpattnta \Uth ~p aff«U«m 1:mn1Jf1C!irMUa u.:o lht" UpJ"f:r l"f'•d~ ~Ir tJ\1!1 f"hanntJ (.)( h(~

Tn.t t•N •Jone aboukt be auctl r ('nt ~...,.., ff)r dt1PJM~ lon•b nf lnn1tn~ d,.Jl .. ,r~ lo lbietr 1.Jn<:r. llff'Jl& I! It IA not lrl Ull t.h•n ~

"'""'""'"' lh~ ~,. a1Q;Jl)tJnt prvpon.- Lil• old l'f'OP!r. ho au·wcula1rd throu1:hn-ut u./':ir 11110 twhh·h "'11'.'f"na eom ~ to &f"" 1·~Jtt"leom1ty1

S..!ng .a.n tndav Ju-1 my ~ n !"~t anti bdn,; a "'"I')' ,roctlhf 11 nnc-, I "'htlf"f! o~aJ111t normahtv l ll'Jl\lbt_ttl tn) C:ra.ndd&d :;,. ammanl r1f f)f'"MY t"and!irw and oo­ n1ck,aU ff'l)fll Cran.JJli;l , .. atrm 1«tur fn-1m ~tchful pat• en Lt, cnuhf i ,,.lt my h1rty aloof• n~ -brn t;ra.n'lf'Oi wuuJd ~ to Sunday dlnnf'r

t:nunpa l""OU1d -=uma tnU~s: lntu ' h4!> ~ anlJ pradtcat11 bf. lm(Jt.hrN"d ln loVlni: l':mbr:a ~ and gr-n1 ~ but hf'arty tuui:di:'.bJIJ:iS. r "ouM a. t ir.) iciand1~ of' n "c .. th t-f'>1d pohl•.nn:a Alld U'wr. ,..,... In-al to my ronro •o dt'Your thr I lbll I had <llllmc4 put th• mf'ln 'I ln m)" b11: plnic dllna ~·~ '.\'Mn I •-oi:dtJ J,.-,J> tht:r n r)c,..J in anit hrilr t 1rnall clmk f M tJIUIJ TA"f10fl,..r how • b1$:;' vrr dollar 'W'101d llt'>Utld. I \\"U •lln:: tt WOUltS ,....untt much bitlt .. r

A• tht' Y<'•t'W tiribbl..,1 h) ''"" Crampe tottf'rf!d tin I 'ould hf':tr lov.-.. Yt)\C'rd rhN:u inn• brtw-n )fom nn.S r> d •nd 11(.tJn • &mrs m) 1 'nrlt Clyc1,. Th .. y t•Jk~J abot1t hll'l't\' <;i•mpe "'"~ erun-iy ha.n.:lnj; on altho11c:h nr COOrM': tt w' \try ntl"•t ,.,, h'm to S:h,. th,.m • lit'Je r: · ·t • '" b1rtM 1\ ard t rhri 1

u. U1lurin1urnl "potl• n1n.rua;:er C•I •;nult H•11 l,.(un l9 aJ90 n m~m IW"r "' th11 U ••f ·, ch11r•h r 1! thtt /\ tnrru An ln•lllltltt of F.f• (tr f"A1\nffn&. H,. u\• lit- ""111 prnb-­hhh ttrk \\ork "llh • r~~r

• ut11pn.1t} In 1ttftui11t r'V Wht"n hr ha.I 1 • '11111• t fd hi rour .,. I hi 1>Mn



!rcne's Becuty Nook US w G•' ~ .... •r-•

$20.00 L•nolin lor SI 0.00

$10.00 Cro•m lor Sb.SO


A"'OINIMlNl .. ..

\"'f't 11 old m • 41 a man r bu "'-.. "' would rftllrb Uw.t htt w:i Loo oM ,_, t-nJtt)• mllny th n,;• ft .. m n y rnuld bt.I~ o .. hy not I:'"~ th(' tnatn u.mount .,, h orhpnn1tie. • tnle \ht'y ~ .. r-

~c ~gb to ~nJc'tr ''" ,..,.~ t'Onw~nr:H . .on& 1r.-.nt htU~

to me unu wh,.n Cram~ ~a\:f" my -c.ouatn Sllftl a .,f!"lt. t»kf' tor h1I tll~\ tl:r !(',J: o! )01Jl-h W&r1.l'd tu rtac:" •nd r f8('t!'IJ to~ !ad with n m rn: m..tuh' Pf'JC"t'pu.on. r noliff'd that and l Wt!I"": \.hf"

Pirne •J:ie &m v.-u cnjoytnK" a nt!'IA: bncf' and l •"lll-'I nc~t Sam ...... nlC"• to f~n1mJ"'S u·d I wu Mt. r tu-m4'd l.h~r tuts O'\'Pf" a coupl.­r l1mca_ n.o.d tbe. light bmk~

tl>n><1a;tl That llll:l>l I f•ll uJ...,p ' !.h b. \\'arm, wtnOr CX2. tr\1 !Aat. l vrrould ~ ,::lad t.o ~ Ommpt. Sund.>)" ~ ndav '\ Cramps oame to

c1 nnf':r r nut...-d to Ou: door to i:rtt' him. I WU ,_ """jn\"'1

ftt' thP <;Id boJ Gr&mJ>I' '°"'" Jll'CS.Wd LI niurb vnotkm ot· .. r~ u•.d ple:u1..1r-r ... hM 9t.N'n;th 'W'nt a11"! ThMl,,, han1f Ill band.. W~ W'ftlt to ~ dlnr.,.r tablt­<;ra Pl ar.t l u •• n~ .. ·~r h:ut bf.! •r-e on vanou.a .ubJ«U' tftc10d..n~ blkH Of COWYr \\ brn GrunlJll I-rt !hat alkmoon. ~ nmi rkf'd on .... hat a s::ood h91t.hy ctdLJ J <\"1Lli. and .o.uuktn"t 1 lik• to

ftl~ •IO"lln1 to\t.'Ti tom"'~ .111nd r k <n•t a. n.k',. .of"l· bi.eyclf'. !>:atumUy I did.

Gramrt and J rnJo~ td • much W&J"mrr l'T'lahOMtnp from t.bat day nn I alM •.njf>)cd thf" tr.r~ 1n h'"1J<la And C'llrVI~ J;tl'b Urn had tnl"1 mY hqrt a• i\\"


\.Jconr \ ... rltl.r rt";tnrtrr ere'\ Y pc9

Lbla \a aJI '4°TC'ftt' and -..d •bin ...- nCt"l'd • hart- rt,cM" Of


f """~ rr &Jd<Sy B:t.:lrt:Jt"'

Ta·~I f,...:tm\An ..-;~ m


10S It·••' A•• • C.c.P d ~ OPEN SUNDAYS

)'.. I . • {'. Rt:vnm . ("""" d'Nr ..... ......... " ""- ...... I I . , .. , Tlll&SE

Engineering Club Schedules Spring Jaunt To U. of I.

:-ilJC ~ I •b Nu ..-~ul ... • numbu at 11ttJv1ll• t9 r- t.ho

" ..rl1•lt:•7 acad.c.n'Ui.: )"f'ar. lindrr tn Wl"KUun Of ~~th !J.ruat.. I rr.Suornt. IJ'hJ: ~!r lJ.owt • .auh &a-­

Vf. Lbr ciub baa •in~ °"-.0.1.Jobrr •PQfUIOf-ed. monU\ly dtnnn rucctifl;p.. S"PM.kcra a.t th1I .) or• 1 ff"llnp ..nc1udc A.. S Ja.nacn.. ~an of Eni;tn""'11li; .u U. •t I. •n<I •"- J Sachl<o, DM.olon En· '-'n~cr -.if St&Le H1gbv••Y Drrt

In ad<lttlc.n. club mcmb<TP plan lo lAk• dw1r..i; .apnn,c .. ,., raJ f1('ld tnp. "'' local rnginecrtng lnalAllaUona. aJtd. U\ _\prtl to \"t.8il Lb< Sd>ool of t:ni;inttr1ng lactllt1 .. al U!< l:r.JYf"l"Olly of Club mdnbe"' an aJ.oo looking fo n"'rd to 9'.:':k'Cun~ pnnc~ n.od ~ qut-en ltt nlJP1 over l.h""&r annual dJ.nnc.r Oance. lfont.a.U\'dv -<hf"duJrd to be hl'JJ in )J.ay "' lho C:Wk llou ..

Tht; manbt'nlhtp ot the En· J;IAffnni; Club. "" .. rtw.:i.t.. or lb• Anu·ru:a.n A.-..:11.U.on or En· a;in.ttra. UI N'Stnctfd to slud~t.. In ""~· foA!lllry and In· dugnal Artt ~\·~t)'•SlX .tudent.. att t:nn:>Ur:<l w,- year Mr Bru11:a i~llow oChcen ~ Joe Bt<Mlej'". \"'loe Prelldent. M.At\'ln Sr.even&. S..:rotary aD<S Dut.n• Hob<r. ....._."' urer.

Home Ee Students Organize Club

Ind. Arts Prof Offers Hints For Technicians

1n JJl &nt~rvtcw wlth. Mr. RJc.b... .. lndua.t.rud an. \run.ruc·wr. M.r R1e-bc oUtt'C!d • Rtovacw n11>0rtcr lh~ follo-...·~ oNitn-.uona.

'lla.ny of the cnpttnni' oprr•· uo.n. o! our modun Lndunry Ah•

perfonne.d b)' LKhn.H:t.ana ln IP«'· IAl relAl.o!d ftdtll Th- lftdU.l.rlal t.echnla&na m\l.ll hA\."e tBJn.tnf( ~U)· almU.a.r lo th.'\t Qf an rn• t.~nff'r, without thc- ad ... anOC'd pbao. C>C loclUllc:al. ""°""mlc onJ 'K"ic:nUlt<" 1tud1e..

Btca.UR a.n rngtn~r mUAl doe.I \A:ath "h.'· and how th1~ work.. h• mim ""''• "-.nd bo~d m the tdence. ot mAlhClmaUae., pbysca and chomlstr)·. tn tuld!Uon l1> ha rtold·~led wbjeci.. oucll u dn.v.m,:. economJct and -00101· oC)· Sin« th,. ~nleia.n m~·

b concerned wUh IHm Uunc• v."Ork. ralhe.r lh.&n " hJ° they ., .. oric, tht" a.chanced ~1.IJd.t~• not "" to him u.s tho SUbJt-et.a .... 1a:<d 10 iu. pnrttc:ular

·· ~l&ny locl>nJclAno att "°" •n· i;ai:«I 1n evory IYP" O( lndll&U')' m such •-ark u dra-.1ng. tee:Un.J:'. ('l)mpmn$:" #l-&tl!lluc._ ce>d'l or Ml· mn.lC'ie.· work., ad'V~rU. 1nir. Rllln~ and ••P"rvllory pool· Uoo.1. ln anl>· a faw. Tbt: numbC'r or 'f'<'hn.l\'! *> employf"'S la alf'JUJlly In~. bul tho df'­mnnd tor thun la lncrt>.&..'1ng much (PtC!'.f'

'1"hrou('h Lhc lC'<'hnl(GJ opUon nr the- 1ndUJJt.rta.l ti.TU coune-, which muat bt mAlnt.alnC'<I throug.h th'" f"dut'21.l1onal option lhose ln· dm•I rW .....,hnlotana aro bcln,r JI~· r-"""1 &o tAke lhclr plAcC" ln our m•xltm lndustriJ\l 80cl,l.)· ·•

RF..\llNl)EJl. T O ORIYER.<: "11\f' bc>"l safe-ly de\ tet't an DU.lo·

mnbJlc 1".A.n hA\.,,. LI a Cl\t't,ful drh·· "r Lrl''I o.11 lh·• to .Ptt ft blJ:s;-,.r and ~ttfr NIJC

Como In •nd Su Our

New Spring Materials All Populor Brond

* Your Exclusive Ya rdage Shop

The Pin Cushion Pt. MOft.e.I 'ii-..~

111 N kurllt S• • Co•"' d'AI• "'•



Page 4: The NIJC Cardinal Review Vol 10 No 1 Feb 13 1957

~ }fW-~!Li I .... 11.lcvE KEGLERS IN MIUUl.t Of SEASON Annual AAU Hoop

Tourney Held At NIJC Feb. 11 -13 K~DOJJ Elle.... ,undnal('(i "!.~

Oardlual• ~tond•l al1:ht. GW•· Oit'nh&l'dl I~ Lbt ('a,nh. " Ith 7

polnL-. AU.- 'J'k> "..._._. ho nM rd out ullh a &4·~ I~ I v Krll••" · dr-ipllr \tan 8" ·· !!5-polllt ..,1,~. Tu~l.b' nlf:ht l 'h llllP" n)('f r o•oi l t •au .. and k f'UnJ:t; ,.,.,J l'rlNtl Rh'f'r. The NUC f:)'m WU th(' Ill r-n•· ~f

I ht North JdAhu \ A U a,u1kt1lblllt tou.mamt ni f°f'bruacy 11 ~ 13 Thf\ touru.amc-nt ~\:A.II fftlllft·

Af:"td b>· R~ HA.lfK'"1 rlt)' "",...

tl(\n di.l:'fftor Th(" cqllrgr "''"" "'cU l't'Jlr'-"~ nl•

NI In 0.f" toum.amt'J1.l tut '-'lnJot °'" cant1na.l111 and ALlaa T1r fl\'t:a ('c)n;pettn;:. Othtr teerm• rltlflf«'CJ ~,.,."' PhlU1ps 6t1 or lht' r1ly tn~~Jc, Pnctl ruvc-r CUld t-:CM·port. ft.'J'""' >cnUns tht' l'J"TC, \\'hh.'h Pn<rJll Rwer won. Xewporl '"A.I M'C· ond The KrUOf:J: Elk• rnU')'

brwrht th~ tntal numbtr or tf'MU

le> all< Newport 1.a dtrcndtni: ''ha.tnpl<'n

•If Uu• lQUmn.mmt.. hO\ lnf; rl~fnt­Nl Pl\IUtJlO 66 by n 08 • 00 <OUnl

in lhf' t\na.IJ,. Tb..- wlnntr w1U rt"'C."f"l\'~ n btrlh

sn U\• Spoka.n .. Re~nt Touma· 111c-nt Pt"bruAJ") 2:? • 2·1.

Coach Keating To Set Up Intramural Basket ba ll Prog ram

lntrarourMI buk ... U:>all w11J

\.•r..,,1111u t..r,e=:H:n. nau• tm 111uipu1nl uJ lhf'u bcn'-hnfi;, ,.. .t.wn Jlt\•1r ICA.f;"UO pt....) b\:~4'1n

1n U\:LotllVr u..d cont.mu__.» u.ndJ loa m1udlr o! Ma.,\ They b¢tl Ool(I\

r ra\l•.)' 111tt>mwn ;al _. :iU Tb(' lr,.~uc Juu ei;ht lt•m..._ t•ch

1c.11m h•n mG 'vur mcmb(ora Th , •iu• ruJta call tur o1l lrut vht

,::111 cm f'llUI tc.1111 o .• t •m c t •• naH h\'o bt•ys and twQ ;tr~ T run I tua mu"'Cl ·~~ tb~ DO~ ft'f'I hd\"f" Ult( lit(J acH:raJ C•fll•

trrlt ltll) Cranllon, rtmtJrnt uJ tiaJ,.h 1$.aJrrJ o f('l.t •t.f(.1 rt'r


·'"ta ~UOI I c (.~ t\.1n,; ttina 'IOU \ 81Jll

.HI(,) C..l•

JI •IJ l"ma ..... L.°Jlolt.a 1>c lA I.. Ho-.k n 1Wue'D UU) .uid l>•

\ \ on t

.1 I'

\ \ t..JL \ (., f,;.' C 60 \ ""' ' ..A>n hf'yn UA\'t- ::Sn11U1 JAl'J l{ell.)

Huu J""~:k:-.a u.:nn~ 1 •ctN• f1f'rO MtUhNaf.ln h.t"IUI ri'4• runi F\.1mt J•~ I l('ruJ,•y Jun H<'.'.ruJr~

1\.1rl t;lli:r"I f-.:,t)' ,\l>P<'lbtl'J;

,, .... U•, J. H. .. ~ 1 .... ...... 13' 13:! JJ~

131 1:. 1 •• IZ.. I.•

Students Invited To See Facilities In T rode Depts.

,\II U lf"nl• !'UC: 11 Uc-tt \'ftll the "A .. tt"htfUlMl,_I: ~001

:!U'irJ ,..t't u·q~tntr.d with tnr n1n..,. :1lltl.lirrit "att:nma..ktt"9. A<."C'(lt"\ to T ~c-r R"1Uy. of the •14!part• n1ml \lto .... ..,. drmonau·-.t~ lbe ", tf'lt)ntt' W":\l<'h urr.1n1: "'"' htnu Tin• achool I• ""l.Wf'PM w~th l\\·o d1tlrrrnt ru.Ktun,.I'. th"' \\'nt~h nUtA\ttr: ma,i .. by W~C'f'ft FJtttn~ Co>. and thf!' r.:tut->n 1"1m .... o Craph di Uibo'td "-" Ht>nry 1 .. au1-,,.,;m Co ,.,,eon": ,.,.. on cla.Mr~ • ('b! 1ur ,UJ,.Mlll\ '"nn~l. a ... t,.11 at art)* tim. ... m ~ n K

,.~rrshtnAr: ztuarnt. ndtJcki I- i

'"""' 11 t • nt: wb('I' ""'"'- frnm f~nn~r .,.,m Jo'tulc: ll. l"'u k1 n• from 1.lbb) ~lnnt J111m-o J

~ Rog<'! r1u1.1»on gl\·t11 ,. Lt)"OUl at N<•rlh l duho ti.tent c..•uni Jun•or CQtlt"gc thl• •t"meal(lr lt U.d~ Jnruw•i\ Ltl~ t.umout- 1a s;ood • IHl:llt Gh..nn JnpJI~ 1rhc-dulr- wtll bl" drn.wn up a.nd AJlut lna.ko

'dU Llktt ttbout t.brt-r \\'<'t"l<• lo Sol.I So\·,1k rl•y off Mr KoAtlnt hoJW'• thAl Krn l.lrwil anyon.- who 'NiJl:hai ln rla)' tntra­rnuraJ b!Ylktlbe.11 wlll lum oul whrn lht- Cftll l11 mndf" ror plllytra

M\lluu l..1u1ghut RJ\y l"tnn.AWI' l.'lou~ Razor

119 Cardinals Almost 1,,_ Spring Upset of l ' 11.



In " hotly conte-if'd '"'m"" .fan· UAry 31, lhf' AtW Titt ba.l'kc-lb&ll tf'-.m, C"Oechtd b~ JftC'k Orc&nC'')'• •WAmpo<I th< Collri:~ C..rdlnll!Jo 61 lo M Thr two ttft.rnS \\ U1 mttl onCl" more an teegut" pla\ Both t<"nm.1• =-ri" members ol the Cny I l'rtili."ll" 1n Coeur d'Alene

A-. of OO\\'. t.h(' hlt:h-tlytn,: rtulli~ Olleni fltt "" tor Md hn.\•t nU11•h.' I hf:' M\CI" a runaw1"'' front \.he •l:trt AUA• Tir ttnd the- Ci1'>1lrgil" O.nhn11l!1 ~ "*1:1.rint; lhr nurnbt'r two wpot \Vhrn they phw lht"y ld\\":l~~· rl'\· .. nt lht' (tnC"!\l ("f>mfW'll• tlan \..ft\'Wbtrt

\\ b it \ t:r.i- l l •llll..' I lk•r..•th!o' Heyn l. h~r):·a Van ~lat<" Munlyn )1tt.rsha.U l>.•ndy &1rd ArJt11r· Hintz. Bonni~ ~twcomb

Fltir('O('t' Balu.1

Jana..~ C'nunp S..rbua ~A.."'( Sm1lh huln Jl\.qu1U\

U lt•H (,J\ '1t ....... ( HO\ ' ) Uo.\(' Smilh

°''" Ht')"n Rnn P'ct~l"ll

f U (oH <••\\I C."'\ 01C"n·t \"nn Slat,. D<>n)lhy .,.., •• Ma.nh•n MA.nhllU Sand" Ba1td

IU(.11 't:R U>• (UOY' ) Durt Hryn

1~~ Season Before losing \lt • n ;t1tnt 'b) hf'1s.I

nJ t..11.J' h• NUC t..:.:snhn..t P\• I.,,. hl~hly luUlod T'hU11i- 56 e-ae, .. r• then dmucst glilJll"' uf lhtr ~n In nty 1 ... 1;.1 .. etimpdtl1on

bY bt•" ln~ to Lhtm ~ti· :",.&. lly lhrtr 1u·curalt: shnohn; I h,.

J C lw~.1ft.tte>n fOft~ thf" f"hllhp t>6c1• lo clLAn{:'t" from D :tone" 'Q i man-tt>-man dt:tcn.k' Tbr Ir•

It.? I.JI l:IO 1li 10• 105 101 Ill.I 101 dt~~ed ha..nda man\ thnh •I ' 1~ ~5 th(" J:":t.ntit. lbf': t-.r,r.1t ni&r~n bt-87 10s:- a I i-rumt kild .-nJOVNi h) th

C•rdutAls t;:oinJ: 1ntn lht1 fourth qua.rtn

Coach \\"anrn K,-.tan,; w:a 'tlJ\ ptt'&k'd \\Ith the' J\t,Y!i 1tJ,.. (If h1 C:ndm.o.b a;-a1n;..• th,. .t.rv1 ~ GG l4"1nl "h1rh ha1t l\\:ttt JiR'\iutU.I dtfr.ll"' XUC b:, ZO-pt.11nl ui:tr

J:•IUL I 1-l:J.~ llQ>Mnr: honor• Wl"n• lo lt1 n

f'f'tt"ril of C1trd1nal1 "'alb J f •"d Rt" Kall , nk r;

In•ll pla,y t"<broary ~. :it thr C"()llC-S::f' 1:)11n, AllAl'I Ti,. tfumJW"d thf' $pt'tt ·.,. Ct"ntc.•r tn lh,. tun., n! 53. 3-4 Bfnn<-U "'""'" l'ut:h 1t'nnor fnr> "'1nnf'n wnh 13: ptttnlJI whtlC" Hjort talhf"d 16 !"Wllnlt f('lr thf' IN>t"rs.. t>avt- Snulh .--------------,1~'rr Mi:Koon

t1•r 1 ht< PhYttr -qu•' oox -.coat~-. :>'JJC C•rdlni•h

Youn~a.n f '(, t'T

: ... 1

Carnation Company F.c•h Milt & Ice Croom

Pl-i°"'• ~OJr. . ... l 4.7711 C:OEU~ 0-A~fNE IDAHO

Rosebud Sport Shop Koolonoi Counly

Sportsmon s Heodquorio<>

Gw!"1 F;_s~;,..1 llodt. t. ltffk A.4p•if.d.

JIM and AL MC •

Ill N. Fo1o1rtlt St • Coew, d" AJ•-

fll (Jll 'l::RJ &.' [)on-1lh)' H_.:'"n '.\1An1.)n Mat21h..U °''"r'\'1 \'nn Sl•t"

tH 470 ~60

lllCHt T&,..\i.'I 8 fS( •L £ t , ~\ ' f£ Nou Qurit~ Cha.ts 7Sn Quu \'114t 781 °" .d l'ln.o 781

m c. 11 Tt:\'1 -.wn:., N,nu Qui:t.trf' Cha.t... o .. ad r1n Alll"v CAtJl

SOUVENIR RECORDS ..... .. .... (. .. ,.,

21S S~.-r"'•" ...... . COEUR D'ALENE IOAHO

Bnr.'n Kout.tion St:f"mor<" D1f'nbart KA..n' Cllbori rcte.ra Boughton Bt'IUUDn

Ha«•rd lo\aUY.1f'k Smlth Full,.r Fnrd H•~'nl".a Ferirer

0 I ~

G n II

"'' 0·(1

O·I t'·lU G·IO 0.1 J .J 0-o ~-0

~o 16 'z-' :di

l "hllllr-- GG F C: . ,. ... TP : .... 10

;.~ 17

~· 3·\i u :i :t4 3


:.-. : 0-2

111 2: 1; ·.q

111 l;.•1 • 1m 1 H '' H• COLL.EGE SKI Cl UI DI h..t!'Uoa.oa:. I dltbu IS PttOMOTING

::-;rcuuJ sf'(u lll\lf'nt....,· Mt'rlr WINTER SPORTS I l11nrua frum &n1m~tL.. lduh•

J1un 1... Uulrt ~ fro"' Kuu:11..1, Vt'fl t:l•h."111 l.. St lhu tr-om \tiu~

I''"- l I Gin lnf'1 J l'h• IHf"'Oll I f\•Ul .\lhol. Maho and f::.J.'A •rd fl: \ o~c-1 hom )Jo~" Ee.I f"lot. lhl" httl~ td \"olkll\\Af=un ba.C"k a.nd forth

rru Spvl~e ( '· ~ryi mo11Urtf: int f'\>en1ns:

ln lh~ UX• ~ nti i~nUt "ttr\'U.'."h''" Cm t H•\:r• hOMA forth lo lun.11· tOi l• ll-nd 'tli a.lirb r-zt• Thfl rn· ~ rut lt'r • Pr~"C"i- l.-. Rmlh ft'r

} CJ S:pcllt int

\\\ \lt U 1 0 IU \ •I\ • . ,

\ m~thf" 1t

Rnn " m•. lt T IU. ( 1111 ,l>Rt:' . 11\f" ~ lUJ"' """""'' \HU m •n• lr =" lln\'l'f"' ln hr u.. 1t1 tdul

Y. hllt- •rprva.dunJ;" th... l"amp1t t

('A"1 St"''·rin.u1 l;'r<i•df" "' honl Th~ hl"1T1o n all hfitcan1: ti) m1• f'1nr

They compliment each other when they're


A.ocl they complimau )'"" .. ha. they' tt Kai>dol ....,eaurs ! Wbethtt in =tdting or contrasting coloi:s, the Kandel .. combo .. cln:sses you for a.oy oa:uioa. Tbac f"O ··sofc ·o lOYdt" swearus giw added ..a.,• 1«U wardrobo .. . they wash be:mtilally.

Sius 34 ID 42 No. 250, Cordloon

No. "°' Slloo<i

SI0 .9$ 7.H