the n.i.j.c. cardinal review 14 (14) apr 20, 1960

Interpretation Class To Offer Two Puppet Shows rupprita art" the lbrmcr ror apnm: I.ft tnterprt'Latlc: n cl&a M«>mben oC Earl Pridd>'• t.nt""l'rtl&Unn cluo Will _,,. "" \•'O .......... n.. nrsi llhoW .. 1u "" ..., on1:.,..1 play, "Cood Tnwnr. Oftr EYll'" from "Tm SISbU In A Banv«a , ... nttm In ID-f'I (>f lu\ year'•,.._ 1.&llon «"OUP Th.. pla7•n D thU. rM.lodnLma wW be &rt>& .... Kobs and Oar! O>rhnM Tlwro •10 "" ""stnal mu.le """ Jlll«'n• ch&nCt'&. Tile M«>nd play WIU I>< A.II r,.tJCfa Ch1Um .. , onr:tna) ocnpt It ,..,.. wrltlAln by M.t.ry McK.-nzJ• and 81evm It ton"<"rftl! lbti cu.rnnt 1nt .. _,.,.. Uon qu"°"'1 n- puPJWt v.111 be irivtn tn th# IJ>H<h mom durtns acuvity pt"riOdJl. Trn cent.a wUI b4' <har11«1 )l<'r Utk<t In ordtr to t:QVf'r Ult coat "' C011tumtnr Tho dale for tho flnrt •MW h .. not yt:t ltl. but ttudtnt.a; 1hQuld watth tor ti. announrf'· mrn1 tn •how• m.ak• 8MUna: ar· ran4•mf'nht ahMd bf Umt b) ' contal'tlfll' m,.mbPn nt lht- •Pff'<'h or tntl'rprci-t.aUt•n t'l&.eM'• Qr .Mr Priddy Th< t)l<'N:h u)l)m nnJy &t"commOdat• 3!\ pH1pl,. tor .. rh ptrfttrino.nce EWCE Re9istrar W ill Visit NIJC Friday Th" ttl1•trar'a nfh• • ha.a r.- C"•l\ f'J ""°'rd that Mr KC"nn11th Konn""Y· A.ala\.IUll 11.tSlalrar at Ea•ltm Coll•ir• t1t at CbrneJ. wtU vtllttor ht"r• al lhl Junil>r roJw on >"rtda)', Apr11 22 ,.,., v.m be avall•blfo to .. , .. i.nfom,atton t'> any atuJcnt.. •ho ar"' lnt.-rHlf"d tn l-rantirmnJ In .-...... lrm \\'u.hlnJton Cullf'l: to nt>Xl •ummtr '•r fall Thht 11 an upp.->rtunU)' tor .-iudrnta to uk ft.Uto9tt''"' ( N"nlna: IU1tnluloM. C"n"dlt.r c oul"IM'l8, elC" At thChf'n")' lf"ltt wUhttU\ to ttlft rul· l•ir• Frosh Mixer Held 8tudf'nt1 tumffl out In ton('! "' mak«" U'lf" r•-ctnt tl'\Ulh mlxtr n •Urttt1111 Thc)-.e1 who n.tcf'ndt>tl 11l1yftl blulmhtl""· ahuttlf'ba.rd ,.nd \'nllrybn11 .. IJ\ th"' dam tn U\l' •tudt>nl unlc•n. whlth la•lt .1 \lnlll •bi.>Ut 12 30 a m Good lhln11 to t:.itl v.·t-r.- ...-.n f'd 1n abundanc;., (..""uttt't:', c1uuJ:h· nub an1S 9ll41a P'J'I ,1f •n\· t)°lW .. .,,,.. un thn "mc-nu"' fur thf' attalr Mr IU•btl an•I Mr ar11l Mn Frank t;\ana V.f'r• Lhf\ char- c-ron111 VOLUME XIV NO. 14 Weenig Chosen As Student of Week Pa'11 .IL Weenllr a .aopbcmore tnaJONllr "' ..... re- cenlJy llti<Ctecl by the lll.Udent _,... or COlltrDI U "'Olmpw. Clll.un >f 1.11<! Wffk" Paul w1ll l"f'pr...-nt !\LJC m t.h11 SpokM- """'·lln1..,.. wh•ro bol plCt1ltt "''" publithed along ..,lb an account or ht. acUVUJea. H ta: many &CU\'1U• and •th1r\emenc.. tncJuck aen1n.g u the na Uonal ftnt \1C'if" premdcnt for Phi Kappa and ....... me- Al lbe \•it'f' Of lbe 0.-lta Kappa dapltt or !bl Paul aloe> pl&) .. lh• da.rinf't tn lbf" cotlf'l'C' band. •Jnp •·at.h lbe men·• cbon.1 tcrotlf>. &.nd Wt"\ a °'" Ulr Stu· d•nt l1ru"'1 <•f OonLn>I. An t nthu.WUr! •porta:ma.D .. Paul pl•) d on th< Cardlllal buk•t- ball 1 ... rn and aloo couh..S tn intramural ram.- SNEA Helps Give Tests To Seniors Mt•mtHlra ot the Sludcnt Na· U4'1\al AMO<'iaUon conLnbutf'd to lht- rt<.-ent K\Udant"f con!U"' rn('" by adm1nill«-f1nJ tmta to tht .,... hl&'h 11<'hnot •.n.h'»n •ho •Utn(tt'd c•onte.rencf' on C->MnUlleM Y:-a-e Nan<y RoM, D<>n lnako. ldJu'g't \\'lllla.auo. Barban W•bb. Dl>uS \\•II• Chari.. Cua4a. Bonnt< l"• rs11>10n.. Jo Neu M.t.ran. Mar) · l.t i; l<f'n. J.k. MJck,,. W"b.iltlty, °"'1')•1 Ja..,1-n. Sall) Burolm· Th- people htlpod to a <lllwUa- t•r lhr achtC\·tmft\t t ett. 1.u•J<Od L.ll•tr ru..u lh• ochonl COEUR 0-ALENl IDAHO WeDNESOAY. Al'lll :0 ''° 63 Students Have Term Average Of 3.0 Or A bove Slxty-lbree tull·Um• alt>u<:ni.. wen a\:U"al:\nJ:" B or btttitr- grad• at the mld-Ma:ui..r or u.-. 13 bad cndc-polnl ., .... ag .. or or Jusbu. Pull·Um• "'Ctbdenta are t.bNt who att carrymg 12 or more houn of &ca.demi(' work. Ac· Uvil)' counlel v. not oountN tn fl.J;Unn«" Lh• a\· 1-dlng th., gn>up v. tN Jud) Nancy Tani: tn, anJ Marjor1• Walton. •ch V.11h 3 S, 8111 Lt:no w1lh 3.i7, and )tanf' c;,..y 3 a Othf,.. -.1th •"·eraau o1 3:. and\'" "'f'ff! JIMUI C...bon. Robttt Crtrf1n Dean t.undblad. Ray I.yon. J•an• MILlllUlllr. l.ola Patncta and Ca.ylotJ Siec kma.nn Tbt"' " ett none TbOM" With a,,:era&• 3 and W<rt l..<IAnd Allel,... Earl• Allman.. r•m Alldtt- aon. Be\ •rly Ardlart c.rol• Aaptund. Matinle Ba.mum. Oouclu Bcn)amtn. Jam lknt• JP.)' Cl&.lr \\a Br. t• baupt &nr-.t: Oark :;.am manr;:a. Jam•• Edlr...:tt •-nd Enckn. l<f'TT)' £nclc.9on. piu.n. nnn•Y TI>omu n..1> man B<ft lAtTT C<»>d T•<ry · c.,.nt.. L)'addl c ........ c;,_r.u, J...,. Hooper JAMI Hoopu Joice t.t.mb Bob Uopold. ).l ldlael l&cKJm. Oonild;n- )lay Paula Y ll.-. DolJa Joan )l.IIl<r Ankn .)torTOW f'ranc• :sowadtl. :--:11 Onuond< Cari<llC RHd. i..ura JUchatda. Joel Roc-br. Nan " Rou. Rude , Ron&ld San· den. I.Ao s..l'Ch. Judy Spell· lrW\. t>uuw Waldram, &rbua W<bb. E1Dna WHlca, Paul \\'o•· 1111. F•rn W•pplcr, Don Wil- helm. B«wrty \\Intl"<'\', a11d J..... , Yandl Club Oh"' To l'TK TI>e Fr-<nch Club .. ·bid> b... h&d a Ttl)" acUvt> Mk! 'ltul )•r. YOl.d to S1Ye tW.,t)' dol.l&nl "' IAclr ..,,,1.. cli..b l\mdo to U.. Phi T!l#t& !Uppana to u.. aa coin muon apauwa.. n. Freach o..i. bu ..... Al Pbl TIM!la Kappau IA LI.a or• U. of Idaho Dean Addressed Seniors At Guidance Day Dr Bo,11 A. )t&TUI> Do n o th# Ooll"ll'• oC I..< tt or an 5'1en"" at tho UnlnN!ty or Idaho. a1 lbo r .. turod u al l.M l:?lb annUAl i;;uldsnco contn-enc. beld here lut wttk SNEA Chooses Four As IEA Dele9ates Tllo l.ako 1do Chaptor of lh• SNEA ha.I •lecled It.II rour dclc- ptc-• to the IEA Oontcrcncc In 8oiH A.pr11 Zl :?3. Ool•i:atea are· $111ly Buroker. Jano Hooper, JOAnn Skop\nd, and P....,11<-nt Dean Schrock. Dean anDOUnced thal he wlll bo to Allt!nd lhe mtttlnp. In and baa Cl\'cn L.11• power at hb vote to Viet-· pruldct &nni.. f'o'*"""n Tbe clolciratca wlll tn&v•I lo Boue wttb t he me-mtM-ra of t.lle 0...... If A.Im. ldabo Edu<aUon A-U-. Nominations For Student Otficers Set For Ap ril 25 Acco ling to Ut!cirn; t.mi ro- 'f"'l'1-•ealed by St I nt. Proa!dCllt John Ad=ul, Apr11 ls I.he dA.t act to: tho uumtly Cor :ho nonlWUD&' ar tho 19G0-61 •tud.n: body preJll- dt"nt. Jahn at.>ted th nomtntta muat be o! freshman •tandJn.g t.hla ) (;Ar And they mu!'lt M tull- ume atutlc..nta next H aid Ulo elate o! ll uaombly !I UswUl)>' announced the .wcond "-ttk a.!tcr the second acr:ncstel" mld·t•rm U1U11.1 Ho addtd l.b&t the ncmun&\l.J1i; ..-mbly la UStl all) lle.d the lt rel " ao:or.i. "'!:' to tho aU1>=t. n ot lbo lll"gc cor.31 tutJcn.. All) lc£l&l aluccnt q\allftc make c.omlna.Lons. Elect rui bo h•.d thr<c ,.,..1c5 ao't»r oc:ln:ltlans.. A.Iler tbo t b.u bff'n ol« lad. tho I') Of the •' d :it bo4y &! en.:. n boan1 ,,,.,.,.. wJJ bo ec by th" St" cnt Board ro:. Tlic rcmalnlng- ate · bod)' c!I th v cc PTU!· ' '4111 be tler• -• "all Spri ng Cotton Dance Set For Friday Night T n OJldldu.. for and , r or Lho annual Spring Colton Da.n« wcra nomln&l.*1 Apnl H during the acuvlty P<'rtod. Thoae nomtrua.te-ci \\('ro John Adamo, Cary flelll...., Art Ho- -.·eJI. Dean 1.undblad.. IC.n Pal· ton. Paul Petcraon, Barry Pry, A.I Rhondco, Dean Schrock, and Dick T&lo. A. k.lng and two princ.,. Wiii be 1cleclod rrorn lholl<! candlclal.,. lhA> day bcroro Tho Sprtni; Colton Dnnce la M annual a!la>r aponoorecl by the Aaoc!a.ttd \\'omen Studt.nt.a ror tho entire 1ludent body. at which U.e glrlll wear ccl\Dn d.._ and lbo boyo wear cot· ton aport ah.Ir\.!. Lho pYor the bt!tl•r Thia Y<-Dr Lhe cla.nce will bt! held Friday. A.pr11 2%, i..- i;IDnlng al S :Jll p. m. PTK Candlelight Initia tion Ceremony I mpressioe. !'\'"" 1 •INJCf'tll ht th,. f"hl Tb1•la Kuppn "t('hntru.Ue tu.100,... "')" """"" lalU•tftt hUb thf' ftN\11) at tht" ('UJd&¥ ('Un· for h.lrh -chot>l M' nl o,.. A11r U lS. lA thrt p1('hl,... Al"P, Ob lhiro "'•Cf\ It' ll to rlit1t. nwmb<'n,: Bill l);i.uJ1lnJ:'. Prwo.Jdl("nt , .,.....,. \ andt, Paul \\ f°'•nlc. , lce- P""""W4-nt , \I Sf'11 Il a.rm, Bob GrUOn.. l l arll' G"'l· La.ura RJchar'\I..,, J('aor .)f an· nlnsr • .1u'1.) Pltdet'!': Pat \luri•••_,·, :-.1l'k O" hlODdt', *kn Gerin11t. 1' om 1•1f' .. hmAJ•. Roo nuu.ll. l\ (' n C'n.mriro, K t".rr") Erkk"iOn. T om M '>'• J OIUl C"nrl"°"· tt.'f'd. UArba.ria \\ ? tbb, Gerry $\\--ank, J oseplt. lneo .N'6.nry D n.\·t", Sam CummJn,p. and l)nn \\ Uhf"lm. l t lsblng ..,,..• and Stan Cuumt"rtlb .. Snrra.t trom thl 1' t;TOUll CU't'! now lbf' nation.DJ t•tal Thrta. RAPPA aon\"11tlon ut San An· tonlo, Tt\A-lii..

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Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College


Interpretation Class To Offer Two Puppet Shows

rupprita art" the lbrmcr ror apnm: I.ft tnterprt'Latlc: n cl&a M«>mben oC Earl Pridd>'• t.nt""l'rtl&Unn cluo Will _,,. "" PftMZ>Un~ \•'O ..........

n.. nrsi llhoW .. 1u "" ..., on1:.,..1 play, "Cood Tnwnr. Oftr EYll'" from "Tm SISbU In A Banv«a , ... nttm In ID-f'I (>f lu\ year'•,.._ 1.&llon «"OUP Th.. pla7•n D thU. rM.lodnLma wW be &rt>& .... Kobs and Oar! O>rhnM Tlwro

•10 "" ""stnal mu.le """ Jlll«'n• ch&nCt'&.

Tile M«>nd play WIU I>< A.II r,.tJCfa Ch1Um .. , onr:tna) ocnpt It ,..,.. wrltlAln by M.t.ry McK.-nzJ• and 81evm l'\tanJ~)' It ton"<"rftl! lbti cu.rnnt 1nt .. _,.,.. Uon qu"°"'1

n- puPJWt -· v.111 be irivtn tn th# IJ>H<h mom durtns acuvity pt"riOdJl. Trn cent.a wUI b4' <har11«1 )l<'r Utk<t In ordtr to t:QVf'r Ult coat "' C011tumtnr Tho dale for tho flnrt •MW h .. not yt:t ~n ltl. but ttudtnt.a; 1hQuld watth tor ti. announrf'· mrn1 ~ lntt~11t~ tn th~ •how• m.ak• 8MUna: ar· ran4•mf'nht ahMd bf Umt b)' contal'tlfll' m,.mbPn nt lht­•Pff'<'h or tntl'rprci-t.aUt•n t'l&.eM'• Qr .Mr Priddy Th< t)l<'N:h u)l)m ~m nnJy &t"commOdat• 3!\ pH1pl,. tor .. rh ptrfttrino.nce

EWCE Re9istrar W ill Visit NIJC Friday

Th" ttl1•trar'a nfh• • ha.a r.­C"•l\ f'J ""°'rd that Mr KC"nn11th Konn""Y· A.ala\.IUll 11.tSlalrar at Ea•ltm Wuhltl~an Coll•ir• t1t Edu~Uon at CbrneJ. wtU ~ • vtllttor ht"r• al lhl Junil>r roJw I•~• on >"rtda)', Apr11 22

,.,., v.m be avall•blfo t o .. , .. i.nfom,atton t'> any atuJcnt.. •ho ar"' lnt.-rHlf"d tn l-rantirmnJ In .-......lrm \\'u.hlnJton Cullf'l:to nt>Xl •ummtr '•r fall

Thht 11 an upp.->rtunU)' tor .-iudrnta to uk ft.Uto9tt''"' n•n~ ( N"nlna: IU1tnluloM. C"n"dlt.r c oul"IM'l8, elC" At th• Chf'n")' rol~ lf"ltt wUhttU\ ~ulnr to ttlft rul· l•ir•

Frosh Mixer Held 8tudf'nt1 tumffl out In ton('!

"' mak«" U'lf" r•-ctnt tl'\Ulh mlxtr n •Urttt1111 Thc)-.e1 who n.tcf'ndt>tl 11l1yftl blulmhtl""· ahuttlf'ba.rd ,.nd \'nllrybn11 .. ~\N)'ont' J'lln~ct IJ\ th"' dam In~ tn U\l' •tudt>nl unlc•n. whlth la•lt .1 \lnlll •bi.>Ut 12 30 a m

Good lhln11 to t:.itl v.·t-r.- ...-.n f'd 1n abundanc;., (..""uttt't:', c1uuJ:h· nub an1S 9ll41a P'J'I ,1f •n\· t)°lW .. .,,,.. un thn "mc-nu"' fur thf' attalr

Mr IU•btl an•I Mr ar11l Mn Frank t;\ana V.f'r• Lhf\ char­c-ron111


Weenig Chosen As Student of Week

Pa'11 .IL Weenllr a .aopbcmore tnaJONllr "' p~ ..... re­cenlJy llti<Ctecl by the lll.Udent _,... o r COlltrDI U "'Olmpw. Clll.un >f 1.11<! Wffk" Paul w1ll l"f'pr...-nt !\LJC m t.h11 SpokM­"""'·lln1..,.. wh•ro bol plCt1ltt "''" ~ publithed along ..,lb an account or ht. acUVUJea.

H ta: many &CU\'1U• and •th1r\emenc.. tncJuck aen1n.g u the na Uonal ftnt \1C'if" premdcnt for Phi ~ta Kappa and ....... me- Al lbe \•it'f' p~&!nt Of lbe 0.-lta Kappa dapltt or !bl ~ri:an1zal.k>n Paul aloe> pl&) .. lh• da.rinf't tn lbf" cotlf'l'C' band. •Jnp •·at.h lbe men·• cbon.1 tcrotlf>. &.nd Wt"\ a °'" Ulr Stu· d•nt l1ru"'1 ~ <•f OonLn>I. An t nthu.WUr! •porta:ma.D .. Paul pl•) d on th< Cardlllal buk•t­ball 1 ... rn and aloo couh..S tn intramural ram.-

SNEA Helps Give Tests To Seniors

Mt•mtHlra ot the Sludcnt Na· U4'1\al AMO<'iaUon conLnbutf'd to lht- rt<.-ent K\Udant"f con!U"' rn('" by adm1nill«-f1nJ tmta to

tht .,... hl&'h 11<'hnot •.n.h'»n •ho •Utn(tt'd U1~ c•onte.rencf' Tho.~ on C->MnUlleM Y:-a-e

Nan<y RoM, D<>n lnako. ldJu'g't \\'lllla.auo. Barban W•bb. Dl>uS \\•II• Chari.. Cua4a. Bonnt< l"•rs11>10n.. Jo Neu M.t.ran. Mar)· l.ti;l<f'n.J.k. MJck,,. W"b.iltlty, °"'1')•1 Ja..,1-n. Sall) Burolm· Th- people htlpod to a <lllwUa­t•r lhr achtC\·tmft\t t ett. 1.u•J<Od L.ll•tr ru..u ~t lh• ochonl


63 Students Have Term Average Of 3.0 Or Above

Slxty-lbree tull·Um• alt>u<:ni.. wen a\:U"al:\nJ:" B or btttitr­grad• at the mld-Ma:ui..r or u.-. 13 bad cndc-polnl ., .... ag .. or 3~ or Jusbu. Pull·Um• "'Ctbdenta are t.bNt who att carrymg 12 or more c~lt

houn of &ca.demi(' work. Ac· Uvil)' counlel v. not oountN tn fl.J;Unn«" Lh• a\·

1-dlng th., gn>up v. tN Jud) ~ynol<Uo Nancy Tani:tn, anJ Marjor1• Walton. •ch V.11h 3 S , 8111 Lt:no w1lh 3.i7, and )tanf' c;,..y ~~•th 3 a Othf,.. -.1th •"·eraau o1 3:. and\'" "'f'ff!

JIMUI C...bon. Robttt Crtrf1n Dean t.undblad. Ray I.yon. J•an• MILlllUlllr. l.ola ~Lutcn Patncta ~......,,, and Ca.ylotJ Siec kma.nn Tbt"' " ett none

TbOM" With a,,:era&• ~l•ttn 3 and 3~ W<rt l..<IAnd Allel,... Earl• Allman.. r•m Alldtt­aon. Be\ •rly Ardlart c.rol• Aaptund. Matinle Ba.mum. Oouclu Bcn)amtn. Jam lknt• JP.)' Cl&.lr \\a • Br. t• baupt &nr-.t: Oark :;.am manr;:a. Jam•• Edlr...:tt •-nd Enckn. l<f'TT)' £nclc.9on. J~.-. piu.n. nnn•Y TI>omu n..1> man B<ft C.n~ lAtTT C<»>d ~ T•<ry· c.,.nt.. L)'addl c ........ S~ c;,_r.u, J...,. Hooper JAMI Hoopu Joice t.t.mb Bob Uopold. ).l ldlael l&cKJm. Oonild;n- )lay Paula Y ll.-. DolJa Joan )l.IIl<r Ankn .)torTOW f'ranc• :sowadtl. :--:11 ~ Onuond< Cari<llC RHd. i..ura JUchatda. Joel Roc-br. Nan " Rou. ~- Rude, Ron&ld San· den. I.Ao s..l'Ch. Judy Spell· lrW\. t>uuw W aldram, &rbua W<bb. E1Dna WHlca, Paul \\'o•· 1111. F•rn W•pplcr, Don Wil­helm. B«wrty \\Intl"<'\', a11d J....., Yandl

Club Oh"' ~'und.• To l'TK TI>e Fr-<nch Club .. ·bid> b...

h&d a Ttl)" acUvt> Mk! 'ltul )•r. YOl.d to S1Ye tW.,t)' dol.l&nl "' IAclr ..,,,1.. cli..b l\mdo to U.. Phi T!l#t& !Uppana to u.. aa coin muon apauwa.. n. Freach o..i. bu ..... Al Pbl TIM!la Kappau IA LI.a or• prua~

U. of Idaho Dean Addressed Seniors At Guidance Day

Dr Bo,11 A. )t&TUI> Do n o th# Ooll"ll'• oC I..< tt or an 5'1en"" at tho UnlnN!ty or Idaho. • a1 lbo r .. turod ~ak­u al l.M l:?lb annUAl i;;uldsnco contn-enc. beld here lut wttk

SNEA Chooses Four As IEA Dele9ates

Tllo l.ako 1do Chaptor of lh• SNEA ha.I •lecled It.II rour dclc­ptc-• to the IEA Oontcrcncc In 8oiH A.pr11 Zl • :?3.

Ool•i:atea are· $111ly Buroker. Jano Hooper, JOAnn Skop\nd, and P....,11<-nt Dean Schrock. Dean anDOUnced thal he wlll bo to Allt!nd lhe mtttlnp. In ~ and baa Cl\'cn L.11• power at hb vote to Viet-· pruldct &nni.. f'o'*"""n

Tbe clolciratca wlll tn&v•I lo Boue wttb the me-mtM-ra of t.lle 0...... If A.Im. ldabo Edu<aUon A-U-.

Nominations For Student Otficers Set For April 25

Acco ling to Ut!cirn; t.mi ro­~tly 'f"'l'1-•ealed by St I nt. llo~~ Proa!dCllt John Ad=ul, Apr11 ~ ls I.he tcnta~\"e dA.t act to: tho uumtly Cor :ho nonlWUD&' ar tho 19G0-61 •tud.n: body preJll­dt"nt.

Jahn at.>ted th~l th nomtntta muat be o! freshman •tandJn.g t.hla ) (;Ar And they mu!'lt M tull­ume atutlc..nta next )"~. H aid Ulo elate o! ll • uaombly !I UswUl)>' announced the .wcond "-ttk a.!tcr the second acr:ncstel" mld·t•rm U1U11.1 Ho addtd l.b&t the ncmun&\l.J1i; ..-mbly la UStl

all) lle.d the lt rel " ao:or.i. "'!:' to tho aU1>=t. n ot lbo

lll"gc cor.31 tutJcn.. All) lc£l&l aluccnt q\allftc make c.omlna.Lons. Elect rui

bo h•.d thr<c ,.,..1c5 ao't»r oc:ln:ltlans.. A.Iler tbo

t b.u bff'n ol« lad. tho I') Of the •' d :it bo4y

~ &! en.:. n boan1 ,,,.,.,.. wJJ bo ec by th" St" cnt Board

ro:. Tlic rcmalnlng- ate · bod)' c!I ~r. th v cc PTU!·

' '4111 be tler• • -• "all

Spring Cotton Dance Set For Friday Night

T n OJldldu.. for ~ and , r or Lho annual Spring Colton Da.n« wcra nomln&l.*1 Apnl H during the acuvlty P<'rtod.

Thoae nomtrua.te-ci \\('ro John Adamo, Cary flelll...., Art Ho­-.·eJI. Dean 1.undblad.. IC.n Pal· ton. Paul Petcraon, Barry Pry, A.I Rhondco, Dean Schrock, and Dick T&lo. A. k.lng and two princ.,. Wiii be 1cleclod rrorn lholl<! candlclal.,. lhA> day bcroro lh~ dMC"~.

Tho Sprtni; Colton Dnnce la M annual a!la>r aponoorecl by the Aaoc!a.ttd \\'omen Studt.nt.a ror tho entire 1ludent body. at which U.e glrlll wear ccl\Dn d.._ and lbo boyo wear cot· ton aport ah.Ir\.!. Lho pYor the bt!tl•r Thia Y<-Dr Lhe cla.nce will bt! held Friday. A.pr11 2%, i..­i;IDnlng al S :Jll p. m.

PTK Candlelight Initiation Ceremony I mpressioe.

!'\'"" 1•INJCf'tll h t th,. f"h l Tb1•la Kuppn "t('hntru.Ue tu.100,... "')" """"" lalU•tftt hUb thf' ftN\11) at tht" ('UJd&¥ ('Un· '•"'•~ for h.lrh -chot>l M'nlo,.. A11rU lS. lA thrt p1('hl,... Al"P, Ob lhiro "'•Cf\ It'll t o rlit1t. nwmb<'n,: Bill l);i.uJ1lnJ:'. Prwo.Jdl("nt, .,.....,. \ andt, ~~tary, Paul \\ f°'•nlc. , lce­P""""W4-nt, \I Rh~Mh &o<K'IAlo.Cblnnan~ Sf'11 Ila.rm,

Bob GrUOn.. l larll' G"'l· La.ura RJchar'\I..,, J('aor .)fan· nlnsr • .1u'1.) ~..)"ft'ulcb: Pltdet'!': Pat \luri•••_,·, :-.1l'k O" hlODdt', *kn Gerin11t. 1'om 1•1f' .. hmAJ•. Roo nuu.ll. l\('n C'n.mriro, K t".rr") Erkk"iOn. T om M '>'• J OIUl C"nrl"°"·

~~':~~l>~U:~, ~f."*~~,;~~~C!~~'.'rg;,,~~!

tt.'f'd. UArba.ria \\?tbb, Gerry $\\--ank, J oseplt.lneo .,,,m~y. .N'6.nry TtUl~n. D n.\·t", Sam CummJn,p. and l)nn \\ Uhf"lm. l t lsblng ..,,..• \~'a.Jdn.uu and Stan Cuumt"rtlb .. Snrra.t trom thl1' t;TOUll CU't'! now att~ndJn1t lbf' nation.DJ t•tal Thrta. RAPPA aon\"11tlon ut San An· tonlo, Tt\A-lii..

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW r.ww...i S...1-Mo .. ~ly Dw"'11 HM c.n.9 • Y • • •

., .iow-r- Stu.I- •• '"" NORTH IDAHO JUNIOR COU£GE


Co. fcfiton Pkoto9raphy Editor Circ:ulattoft Mat1•9• '

J u ne Meentr1.9 • Dd Jvdy R.-ynokh _ lob Grit-fin I

Oel.e FUtt1itb

Lerry Gooclal• Jvd7 SpetltM1

8ol. U.pol·

Ad•erlit i r19 M•n•v•' 8.itlneu M• M9H Ph.oto9raplrter SiaH Membe~ Sylv-ia w •• t. rl1.1nd. ...., "'•'"'"· FrHCH NowoK-'4,

Ween ig, N•nc.y Ta ngen, W•lly Ad ._ma, O .. n Schtod Oowg W• fl&. and Oi• n• W alcham.


ASB Elo~ons Aro Coming Up

'Doosn t onybody hove ony original 1deos? Why don t we evor do anything oround here?

··say, who oro OtJr student officer:. o~ywoy? lot , hope comploinh such oo this will not be vo Ced o •h

school ne.d year. os they hove been in .Yeo" post. If st~ont wont a moro odive ilud&nt 9ov~tnment. 1t they wbnt on e-'1~.cn1

responsibl<> dudonl govommont ond if they wont more o' o vorioty of octivitio •. thay will hovo lo insuro their gett•"9 •n,._ oc:tivitios by olocling officer• who will obtoin rhem ·or •he sludt>nli.

Studenh IWill soon hovo o cllonc.o to e•om • the r riq•l ·o eloet their c:hoico of rapr~u.ontoltvM 1n 1•udent gover~men' when 0 •fudcnt body pro>idont will be oloded for no•t yeor Lot's hopo thot o sludont will be elected •o th<t of• co "ho " poness tho proper quolifocotions for o compe!ont. "' oi>le p<e don!, such o> our pr<l'ent >ludont body p,,<>n• don

Ono of tho "'°'' juvenile. unfunny 1okM --liid\ s•.der• e• ploy is golting up ot o nominoting osi.embly lo _,, ooto """e one who would mole o poor student officer "·' "' the• !"4. per1on doing the nominotin\'l c.on got o laugh ond .ome. o•te-1 en The joko would grow >tole ,f th~ pronl1t"" "ho .ofe •o• tho • quolifiod person hove lo 0!1end o school w 1h "" ""'D ob., •, dent qovommcnl ne.t yoor.

Ono of the most imporlonl quolificotion> which o '"°°"' o'i cer con possess is initiative. tf o meotln9 rteeds to De Ct! ec ~., president connot just woit until someone tel< him 'ho• he d coll o meeting, he m"\t to~o the init1ot1vo ham e: co 'l"I"' mtt• 1ng. oppoint peop' e to help w'1h the pro' oct o • hond """" ec lhc wO"~. ond \t!<I tho! things do got dono. Ong no 'y or..d onthu,ioun are el~ very good and eisontior quetitiM.

!'.tudonh ,hould ihin\ <O'IOusly, before tho nom;not ng •• om bly. obout who would bo copoble of being o competert eoQer for the 'tudonh ood yeor, and would of~ bo re1:0Dto ond ma r tain cnthu~io·.m ·hroughout the whole: yeor - Jeonc Ma,,n1r:9

St~ff Member Musu On Spnn9 vs. Studlftt Spr1nq hos prung: The qro' ho' n, -I .. ondor whoro The llowcn. is?

The seo•on hos iinotl~ or ""d. Tho !'me ' now r P<l b Jh1nl1"g thoughts or lummor dothe porf•OS. 'O.O' Dn 0"0 cour.o. love, The worm sun hon ng lhrough tho .. ndo~ mo•e you drow.-y. You turf\ your eyoi 4woy end clo-se yotJr C-' •.o whot 1$. being ~1d. 1 ou're droom1nq of w aeohon "'!'lo port e ond love - bul wo11! Th n not Jome to ot your If a• It owo 1 There oro only fi, u more "'"oh of don• before semeuer ton• bo91n II you let YG""ell qet behind now. vou • ena>0gor•oo your chencos of dong well n your ub ects The I mo du nq tho ec:ond !.Gmoster ct-ms to qo f~ufer thon du"in9 1ne fir t oec·

iolly loword tho end Abo you ore confronted with •o•m popor ond roportl !hot hovo to be done. Hoving o lo• oi ""''""P WO'I lo do os well cs hovin9 to do o term 1>4per · • hO" more di ff c" • when the spr ng "'eathor ts tho·o Jo temp' you Youd '"loch rot her b., of! following your p•1ng impulses Jhon ,,•f nq •' o do<l wor<1n9. Bui r you DUI off your schoo wor~ '" iovo• O' other octiv1t'cs you '"I i1nd tho! soon you woll be so r.:.hod to got all your worr on !hot you won I hovo "'"" to do o good job. /\nd, you11 miss out on " lot of olher thing< boccuso you re too busy co•ch1nq up on your neg.oded stud e•.

Tho best thing to do ~o combat sp• ng fever ond " Const'· quen<.01 ;, lo leoo pushing yourself. Sot up o qool oi 9ottin9 )Our school wor\ done when i' should bo done. Budge' vou• time so tho! >ou'll be able to finish your wor'c end •ill he•e time for othor mont onjoyobla octivities. The re>ult w1 be eu •cn1'on ond pre»ure on vou ond better grodto end mote letSu•e time - Noney Tongen

On Doydrooms Whot · o deydre~m? /\ bold ,.,;), ior Ire iuture succeu? /\

ploosonl roncction of tho pe t? Defin.tions ore never ode<1uo1e for doydrecms for thoy co•• s"c:h o vo t oreo ol fnough• ond u:leo,. They ero mechon .ms of the mind which enoble lhe ind'. ,.;duol lo llon1porl him.elf to o soec1ol domain where conlemplo· tion i~ •t;ptem&.

Thoro oro lh0$0 who scom the drl'Omer: but his purj>O'e •houkl not be undorcsfimofod. Ant not dream •ho "stuff' ol life? Croom o~ lho origin of pion• end idoos. oi ph;l0>0phy ond hope.

In foci, ii one hould tole !he timo to onolyze dreams. he "'ould be omo:od with his finding - omozed !hot ony one preo<:cupo· lion could do so much for mon. II is 1n o dreom tfio• man sees him101f o~ on oxa<:ut-ivo os. .., leodcr o: hit peop~ os o 'ofoer ond o husbond. It is o droom that tcmpk mon to try to ottoin ucll qools, which once '""med olmosl delusion> of grondeur It

is lo droomt Ibo! mon owos qralitude for oil hi< modem eon. veniontes.. Those dovic.c: wore first conceived in thn mind of

N 1. J . C. REVIEW, Coev" cfAJ•ne. lde ho. W ed .. April 10, '960

N l]C President Addresses Area Seniors

Dr. G. O. llOdo·"· !\orth lcltt.ho .l unlor C'uUr1:-" pN!"Jclrtat.. 1<1. 1'"bo\\ a aOOn· llllklA~ to 4"'ft "'l(":nl""" \\ho \.\rn" at th,. <'IOUf"p ~( 1H•1t•k f o r- UH annua.I ~nrc-~ntt. ~'\f"'f'9J bontlmt hJJrb ~bool .....-nlon ... pmt lhf' CIAS tmulnc lb'"

C"Ollf'Jtf' and tu.kl~ \'\\Mou.... tt''"'t' to df' t.-nnln" "1nn .. ,.... uf &C"Udf'mlf' w bola ,..h.IP' offf'"'il b) ,-a.rfoo.... rommunlt$ JrT'OUIK bu,1~-n1._.n and lndhtdn.uJ ... \\1nn(",... \\Ut ~ nnnoun~ lJilf'f' tn o;.prlDK·

Interview of the Week By ,...,.. llaAlll.OI

,.,,. ...U.)eet !or UU. ,..., If • .n .... not niad.Uy oval!· ~ ...,. wu ll• ... ~11m1; to I.all< ta lit• p..-. &•en Lhla paper'• most dUIC'ft'l ~ruro had • hard umr l.rappt...~11: him ltuo an 1ntcmcw He wu Cmally •bu· <'<! "''° the m.rc tumac• ,..,.,.,, and caught lh"tt. He etcmtd rli;'>lcn«I &a t.boup bf' bad

tom.n:uttt'd MJmf' cnm~ &.rhl haJ _,, dlf«>"•r-ed.

HJ.• \\"ell. aw wouldn l '1\'tt tl. but • ~ 11 call hJm • Buck • u he- ha.a rather lArlC ... typo, protruclu>l; tttt.b, you ...., H~ ha.A • pulDlttd nDM, to tLdd to hlo at""'~ op_....,.ce. He 1.9 qw:e ilbon. ()( •tature. .... alb awAU ~ n,-:ti and al.J Tb.: F•&lher • We~bl Type you kng\\ Thui la wMt you C'&U e ltlformal. 'Pf'.tlklna.l ch.atty· IYP<' ar"..Jd• I "Buck~ -"" to t>.. lrylni:

to mAkt' up t Jr hts u.npleuant­neu uf pt"non&I appt•ran~t' by J;ru• 1ng tone silk) "'h..i.6ken lO

~ r.r UJI bb dJn)' chfflua. Pu· tu1.p. ht' ta alao tryang lo cum· pen•&.. t r hll 111Ulll build by t:l"'O"ing ..., tualcn1 90 lhat ht­can bavt 8Qrocl.hing bc&uUtuJ and 1\.: about htm.M'l! Thia, ol ·ourar ta no rdf"M!D~

to lit• oUICi&l bear<l·ft'OWlnll' t 1nle.l at .XUC' The Ullk chap "' hom we tnte:rvini.·ed 11 nut <''m ID thia c:onie.t.I

Buc.k i. not t!"'cn enrollt-d ln !'IJC, although he i. pl"UcJtl c\try day. exttpt on da)"I when h~ ta on b.1a Job 11.-..t.h. tbe C"lty .aa..n.ltauon d:ep&n.mcat. 1 H~

\\'~ at the city dump.• Buck baa Ir!«! got.og LO c~ many umtt Lili. y..,.. bul be 1n•·arlab1y J:•t.8 locked out ~Ing ruo out of oo man)'

<"'-1 "- had <iu•te A bl\d et· tt'Ct on Butk"I pe_rsnnallly and hlL8 gt\'Cn him an lnC,.r1or1t.)' «>mpl .. x, dolwlloM or P<ro«U· uon. and to\'tn a touch u1 P")'t'ho9ia He i. to blltor that he- hu f\'~n 'brfon known to bll~ llOOPl<>1

Wh•n uked bow tboy rould JU..Ut'\' Lhci tnbumnn" mll.J\nN" ID .. hl<h lh•Y had U...l<'ll am·k NUC a.II mumbled nth<"r tneob.., civ·uh·•. rt.nJ f\"fll ~h.lli)' b)•attnc:-a.I tUUWOr. '.\tr rMddy h•d th!• to "">'• "l ha'..-n t an.)lhtn.: spl.n•\ th ... poc1r hllle firHa, m'atr bnt hfl rra.tly doa Jarupt m) cltt•M."11 So on• "111 consent tv all Aft)'· "ht",... niro.r hlm • •

Mn. Slnna.ha.n a.Id, .. Hr. al· ._..., • 1~ta into lhe> tood 1nyUnu• he-• ln lhe bonlt' tt room, 1.1.nd. nftrr all ht(a r•ll.y not \'t'I'')' .

T\Jkt at.ate-it lhat. ··well. In the tirn plat"~. hC' Jll'\·c-r hua JHUJ u. a C«'nl for n·,;-lelrAUon, tuJlton or an)' olher frtia •

JJ.n. Clirtauo.n.oon •d~•<I. • Sul. ) !JU know, he t.-..Uy '°90C'll In\'~ book.•' Ht' JU•l ci\ta lht•f1\

"P:" \Ira F•tz Mid. ·Y~. but I

oan'l at.and 1\1.1 llhlfly. b""d\' ~YH' r ah~"'ni)'• Chuo ham nKhl t ul tbC' minute! bt' ut.. fool in on" o! my dLUN11'"

Mn.. Knder ha4 an c\'cn mort" \'loltnt tt.a.ctlon wb•n ••lc~d tt>r hC'r tcellng- on .. Buck"' She Ju~t P''~ a liUlt.• ec:-r-ean1. 1hucJd•rt"d .. nd raa out "' the 1oom'

You may wonder why wt don l uk Buck luauelt. U>•· r~n tor bt.t lack of aC-adC'mlc: llnd IOCiaJ aucc~ SUL WC

ca.o t.. You ace. Buck la dead. R.e.mrmbPr Wt" aid we

had a llllrd um.. tn&pplftl( l\lm lor an tnLt-rnew'! Well. mome--trap we u.aed proved LO bt too mueh ror poor Buck Our Khoo! """'" i. dead.

s.6erof S" - they .... ti rt' mere reflections er.d ponderin9 ... - im perfec· •houqh•s. Then O> rhe K·enf•rs beqon to roohze tho po•ent;o •"et ot the·r drobms they se: ooout ;n oorr:esf 10 per· iect •heir •houghts. ond rhey .,e<e no lonqe• dreom• i:>u 1 roo olo ns with o purpose,

Jr .... o:: on a dre:tm too •na1 Out" l"l&tion weJ fou~ed - o O"'Bom of freedom from re-t0·;c~ on ond dom not.ion. Tl-aot dreern becomt' o drive, ono men with stron9 c°"'v'cfioni ~roded ~ in for c plen of .. epcesen•ot"ve il'lmcx,-ocy.

So • ~ tho· every con.en once .,;,;ch .. e enjoy eve'Y ph lo­iophy tho• ._.e proren. ond evey oo'Kt whidi we revere fr\t oeqon w th o E-..rer: we ovri.elvM are re1u t'!. of e dream - " o~om of lo«e.

Those dreom< wl-:Ch .... norbor one chern.h ••• 0 most nolore par+ oi' o~r ·..,e They ore 'n focr 4 nOGess;ty~ Tt'ley 9·ve hope dele'7!1'no•;on end CO"roge !O ••die 1fe Tney q"ve moments of celm and pleosu~ e1 ooe "'°"'emolotes noopy e•erih no"' pas• They provide o refuge for the nd.v;.J"o - the r.,fugo of h · .,,;no Wi>en de Iv even•> don• s.u:• hi> needs rhe ;nd'v:cl"el con so..t •nrou~h •he t'lyrtoa comportrneots of n1s mind· he con pion o better T•..-t-ure or ~se h mse f 'n reflecf()tl or devt:lop no"' philosophies

One- 1hould ne ... er be without a dreern: to be ...,;•hout o dreom to be ..,,fho"t a purposo - Judy Paynolch.

Roy Conniff Bond Will Ploy Concert At Moscow Sunday .Att~nuon dwru.a Md b1.u1.t

"'tudcnCA &ml mu1tc lovora \n ,:tn('ral' N:tillunall~· lcnown rtay (•unnlCt and hll ol'Cl1'.,lll1l will J:t\·e o lh·o cc.nct>rl In atfr~ rhonlc eoumJ tn the M~mr1ri•I Cymnoidum •t lht' Unh•tiralty nf I daho h\ MOIK'OW on Sunda)' Arru ~1 RI 7 :~0 p.m

Tho CtUl lnCIUcJ("I li'.I ... ntfl -tl\lntr11.. 10 mu.alclnn.a and 10 mUu!d·\'(jlct• chorua wllh fl"A\ut• td boy •nd !l'lrl vo<nlllll. In· 1.trunu•nln l t101ul•t• and \'O<'lt l


Only t .00 """'" will '"' 11vall· oblc TJ~knt... wbJdi art' lwu doll u1 tnch, •rt now on aiaJ~ In 1 ... tu• 1turJttn' unmn.. ur Lin': Um· -.rail)' at ldnlu> tlnd w .. hln~ ­tan 61 Hlf' Unlverdty Jn M"· row, Llok"UI 11t<" cm Mh• ftl tlw MU81<' t"enter, lla.ddoek a..1uJ lJUJghhn In P\Jllmon, tlcketn rsr-c· ""11.U•blc- al \VllllQma Ah1J1tr 1 EmpJral Tkl«>l• m•y bo pur· d\l\.llO'd in Le\\ S.ton ond Cln rk• ''"'" rRim TuUrnur•a Pholo. \\'UllA.rn..- MUJ1le Ccnttr, Lc\\11 .. ClArlC Normo.I Sdt1>0l, Wu• ... om·• Drug-

LQ\\ U Colu Oll>la. JC H«:.-lf'crtf'd

l J>wer COlumbta Junior COi· loge hna be•n ..,fe<ted by Bew· Ing AlrplAno Co. for A pllul •ludy In 1ndurtry~ll•g• coop t"rallon In tcchnJcoJ r<Jucauun. and a Bo«tnr e:n,.,'1nreJ' wau a.ct u coor<Dna.t.or and ln•tnlctor •n d«"Vclopln" a currlcuJum to • uJt nttd1 ot mod,..m andu.etry

Wod01119 lnvitetiom

Off'ice Suppli..

Leader Publishing Co. 21~ N. Fowrflo St. • MO"-l 4-2 109


INTERSTATE TYPlWAITER Co. 417 SJ.erm.o Awe. • ,,,..,,.. 4.)411




LAUNDRY Coeur d 'Alene Laundry

& Dry C leaners l07 FToot • MOhowt 4-J516

m. p;c:mp •"" o.r;_.,

Destination: Sa.n Antone

" <Join• lo Kan~ .. Ci t).,. Kantt&-. tll.) I" Ju•t uor or ..... dlk"tt lhl-. c-roup \\Ill \l.Jl durlnit lhf"lr lr11• t o th(" nallonllJ Phi Th,.l a Knp1w f'ttn,,.nUflft In San Anl1;nlo, T t")&.". Thf' c-roup lrfl 'J)()kant • ·r14a.) nJJht and arrhf"d al '8n \ nlnnlo ~o •loncla). 'rt.-) \\ Ill Arrht h) tnln In .,pok•u>" ""'' Tu~.) ntchl. 11•r...,. f'"l:tflf"d drlrpl""- at¥". 5rrt l o r1&ht. frotH ro\\: '"" Ha~ ''•~ (i,....,.

.Sant") Ta.n#C""'"- Laura We-bard.'- U&c.k ron: ~11, .. J.on-lta Dwu:tll"&ll. q>on..."Or. \\"aJIM" !')rt". Ron \ andt, J......,. :\lannlnr;. BW Ot-nnllli;. and l'aul \\.f"f':nlr:. )U,,,,.~a' L, J MW> l 'andt. ~ b&nnrr tn front of tbr -ult..._..,,. ...a.s,.. .. .....,. \atva ··• ( , o. thJo t:'l"'f'n d"''"P-""" a.t't "t'OT I' La« to II'"' out or on.- ,uJtca."'f'" f1Jr ™rlu· d.a,r· \\f' ,.....,..,

lh4:"' "UJ p,,. ~mr Wt t.aJ~ to '"" "'°'' \\f"'f'k

Library Is B usy P lace These Days I

I \ LJ

\ , the- plN u,..._, ahu' ~ .JJ+.m lhf' UhC"a.I') l1t bt ... oomlnJ In< .....,.Inell popula.r "" Ule ...i of l.b<' ~.1 , ..,., • r rruach•' \\llh f'\lt.rl\1-\lo•"- C"Om-

tni; up a"'1 t~rm papr" ~ """· n... .,.... .... ..ii .... ,, ....... .. - ~ - - ., lb. librar).

Annual Plant Sale Scheduled Again

,,,.,.. "•II bo a plant i&I• •pin thl• epnn, t :11)0~\n'-' ~ •l&bllahtd CUOIOm al lh• col· The ale ,..tll ti. ..,moume •ftfr £aat~r and anyone Ln· ,....,.,«! In obUUnlnl" l\&lwn, EIAdJola bull•• 1'"""1ftW rtania •nd auort.ment.a ot ~ trom th• <Oil•!;• pn1<1U r.hould ch«'k \n th9 •tudent union tor intu~ mauon about lhe al<"


Nip & Kurl Beauty Salon and School

111 c.r ....... · MOh ... l 4-5055


FRENCH CLEANERS Ft,.. Pidup ond o.r ..... ry

JJO N. "-Ii SI • MOi...t 4-S' 11

Dodl<ata. i.""' cam-Sbtna..n CoJ-s Ln W) Clal1ng

~nil) dNitat.., ne...- mll1-doll&r campua 11.a n rot t'MI born Uk• ~"UC It f<>r m&a)

)e&.r'll mod \-a.nous Cl) build• • campua

'IUd.-Al~.Dl~ Tiit Dept. or a. & &Del w.

, l1m&lft that lh~ number ot,

> oun&" r-rle '""*"" lD collqoe Ln 11170 wtU ti. S.H3.000 - al· mo.I double lho nwnbtt In 1959


Pepsi-Cola· ~he.s~.,_~~

MANN BOTil.JNG CO. Coe"' 4'AI .. • Id. ho

Provisional Certificate Holders Can't Deduct Educ~tion Expenses

A - l,.. !'Im Lt. \.aJt ~ '!" s:. ci:n-J.- 'It ,f t.Aeo IP.S 6lal .. tl>at boldnw of pr'O-D• al ~ CW'WIOlta ID l­ma1 not claim u taJ< cleduttiou

tlvlr -- tncwnd '" mttL· "'I: mlzumwn e<lueatiDA req...,._ men I.a. ,,,.,. m&), bOW<\ er, cMo duct oducauon OXpt'J\919 ontc1 lb~' ha\·e met .vcb marumu.m req;,1,,_nl.a for U.. Sl&Nl&nl ~rtmcate,

Tl>• rullnj; wu requ .. tod by ~• I.EA OffLC~·· Ill> thAl pro"·t.aionaJ hoJdC.1'11 iA"'OUld know b.ow to tlll out lh<"lr tax return.a.

HERBES CITY DRUG Ph.on• MOh• w\ 4..ll61. J09 SJii• rm• l\

PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Cot.m• tiu. Gifh. Slation• rr

•"d s.. .. on .. .,,,.. ft,.ftd)y S•or•·

N J. C IEVIEW C..v• d A.lo•• ld•~o. Wed~ .. phi ZO. lt40

College Bond Was Featured During Guidance Conference

Tl O•I ~ b .J 1Jft1 r o&.11 i1 ,f ~t,. J Burt< lnbu l!d to lhe succa.s ot th• 1rc-f'nl annual guhSanc~ confer •M• by pla)'lni; 13 ..,1..:uon t r tht" .. nJoynu:nl of at..a htch Khool aie-n o.n1 wh.o •pc'nl a day at :ilJC taktng adlle\f'm~nt .. ~am1naUoru an'I l1.At~n1ng to Lhfl coll~i;;t onmtaUon program

Tbe M"lttUon.1 \\ hl('h lhl' banJ pla) ed tn<ludl'd "F:nlry or th• Cbd •ton• ·Sorftnto.. \\ilh Joi\!\ Showen rla)'lftJ a trumpet 11Clo, •' lhl' JacJc" 'E C!lnclo • "8.u1n Strttt Siu ... W\Lh Paula M11.. \'oca.llZJng

\\'O«khoppcrs Ball·. "&nll· menta! O\·~r You• wtlh Tum May pla)'ln( a trombone '°lo. Lnnaom• Road" Wllh DiAnn

Wrtcht voca.lls,nr" ··Haatrn.u'.111· «r • .March".. ..You Madto Mr 1-• You'•, with Dl1tnn \\'M~ht \'(JC".3.JWllK -ratn "'Htl\A'l'llllln

"ar • with Cr-n& Moran takll1.; th• ao1o port, ··s1. Lout. r. ~t -h'" and •·eumvan"

Doy of Recollection Held By Students From NIJC, EWCE

A ) t 0..1 of fl<o<OOt<'llon - ~ b1 U.. HIJC and

Eutem \\'ulu.aston Cnllep of Educ:&Uon N trWmA.ft Clube on btmday, Apnl 10 .Aboot 30 •t-1.a rrvm lh• two achoo!• attended. F'aUler llut•na. :-: ... -man Club c:baplaJJI al ICWCE, WU In chatS• and con· ducted conf•ren- w1lh the •tudcnla. 'Ibe Day of R.ecol· loct.lon luted from l ::SO lD 8:30 p m.. and lunch wu .. rved by the !'"UC a1uden1.a.

'Ibe Newman ClulM)Jc>UOnld -t •Tip on Ute Oancewana bari;c -.111 be h•ld on May S \Jiii year Ttclceia can be pur­e~ from NllWINU\ Club mcmbero for only $1.SO Liii.ii y...,. Lall )'<61' Uclcel.a cost $3 .60 a pcNOn, bul lunch w1lJ nol be ..,._,ed Lbta yoar: lhc otudentl w1JI bnng' tholr own lunch.._

THE PIN CUSHION y~··~·y~~g;·S&c;p' ................................. ................ ....... .. 102 N. ~ SI • • MOiia_. ...,..


Successful People Hove A Number Of Qualities In Common

I EclJtor'e Note: Dr Chari .. Reigner. ed.wr ot ~ RO\ni DudC"I. recenuy ncluded tlto rollov. lftl: c:anunent.1 In hlo \Ve fttl Lbcry are a rimcty n'rnlndtt tor atude\ta.)

Nov.· and r try to IUJTI·

""'""' fo• mysetr the cbanc· t '1a tlClt of J>COpl• ,.'ho ha VO

made a l.uUnJ lmpftMlon on m.,, Tb- people have cerl&in q1.&a1111 .. tn common

t'lrat or all, th•y work wall w1Lh Othera They COIUll&nUy team trom t.boti~ \\1Lh whom Lhlo:V work They ..,... al>lo to •dJUllt Lh~h·.., quickly and h•ppUy boLh t.o conclltson. M4 IO peoplf!. Tiley .....<!nUy chttrM and bappy They look !or the but In other people.

Next, t.hoac people tnjoy re. "l>Ont.:1bttfty. The! Rn.ti of ~ •ponAJblllty m&k.,. thorn ro­M>U.,,•!\11. Tho b<!at ltaCllC... ( knu'4 arr Lh~ who pul 1tu· d~ntJt on lh~lr own. U a •ludcnt dof'• eomelhtng on hla own ~ sporunblllty, b• lt"l.t n f<dlng' of inward M.l lsfacUon and adtlevo­meont. whlc:h •pun btm an to l•ke on mQrt' ttJtPOftlllbUlty.

Tbtre a.n- time. wh~ we att ubJected lo p,_.,re l ll&ve

nou....i that the people l have In mt.nd can. tum out good work even under pr,..\u•t. They don•t .KO lo pl<CU

SOUVENIR RECORDS l'hoee Moi.-l 4-5591

226 sa..r... A ... COEUR D'~E. 10-.MO







Also ON.. Te &o


"Mtt>.,... four tur.k' srtrl" \\111 br Chf" ~<,od-fookln~ tlrlf':J:1ll ('~ from S"IJ ('I l o thr 'Htd,.nt <\;alt<.m:.:ll Educ:-nUon ,U,looe)C'lttUcm tonH'fltloD lo 6'>1M- Af1rU ! 1. 21. n.ncJ 23. Thto l(trt.. a~. ldl to rh;hl : Uon..

nJ .. r('rru~n. .fa.or lloop<"-r. ~5 Burokr r. ud .lo Ann ' .k"tr"'t:3d. .lllDf'. ~1, and J.o ,\ nn •'1' "')pbomo,.,._: tkmnlr l!& a t~ aod 'Ll'f'­p~ldf"nt.

BOWLI NG 1 Wron.,,.Jn,y Lcuj:u.-1

T<i3m w I.. 'fl' Lucky Ulj;cr 4 26 H 21 ,724 Sideswipes :?5 J5 :?J. 7&. Black Ballo 23 17 21.1111 High Balla 22•, li t; Zl,U9 Serewballa 22 17 21,677 Odd Ballll 22 18 2 1.1P2 T-Roadcrs :?l 19 21,317 Cherry Pickers 16 24 2 1,l 2~ Clown. u Iii ~I> 20.0!>2 s.,..,.... 0 31 20.~97

Top T en A\·<'ru.c"'' Rlck Boyd ! GS. C:u')' Heal.a

160. Terry Smith 1117. 0AIT)'I Jacot..on 156. Jim Johnalon 1$3. Richard Wynecaop 1&2, LA1't')' Scllt 152. Cary BAl<holdor 152, J""k !!<:hole 152, Richan! E~~· 1ro0

lllp l odhlllual C:une. OA.rryl J..,Ob .,n 211 T<rry Smith 201

H ieb lndMd•ml ;..·rk G~ry Real"" •r.:, Dlln')'I Jl\CObllOn "3~

N r'll \Vttk'!i

T""m Lucky La&tr • Clown.

uu,.... l~ll

1111cr . 136 J!\';:

('lbunodar IA-.,...,. 1 T """" W I.. T f' Hot"·ln-Onu ':!l l'l ;,,\6 .. r~ro Balta 2• l ~ ii o~:a The PeoM 23 13 17 3;3 Lucky! SLJ1l<ca '20 1» 1•La17 1!'!'1 Co Dad.a 19 Ji l': Ob~• $Wt''-'~ + Thrtt l& 3 ) ';, 1 IZ Flllh)' Four 17 111 17,3~ Fowt-<'.n 16' :?O 1e.e~ Pin 11<'4d!I 14. Z'2 16.-ttt, 3 Blank' Spart 6 31 15.~;:

Tup Tea -'''Cr&Jr!ll. R<ld 160. Llppo loU, Rln1ni:.,

l:lS WI~!· ir.s. Cttn!tll 1:'>:1 Cuurnorllh ls:!, Eberl 1113. M1l­

r 1~"\ \~IUJ'"han J~: B :.nJam1n HO

IL!Kh lodl\ ldwil tl ..,_ B<:.j2lnlll 23$ C"ocm nlh :1-1 ~ agn &: Rl!l!ni;.r ~u

lll;;h 1"41..Woal ::.-rt... Lpp& ~ u !lot•


ia!i 73'*

;,'\ t.s PIWI Thttc ;3; th)' Four . ;31

Ul,tb T<a.m :ic'n .. L"clrl" I " St.rtlcos Z.000 (;O l>..ds



~. -..o~.,.,\ +.-lHS o• +.6416 l ll g..,....,. A••· • C..w 4"AJen•

SNEA Hosts FT A At Potluck Dinner

N'UC SNP!A r mb.:nr u r ho. LO I' Lb• hi~ -' F'TA on Mt.tth 24 ~ poUuclc-«t)'I• dlnn~·r 'ft &a A bl~ SU CCU., With approxlmatel~ M Ln a ' tcndanc:e.-

The g"UC'!St •pcak"r ,,....,. li!r K•n Campbell wbo SJ'Olc~ an I.he lmportanco <>I a ~ <'!uca­uon Pa('ully ml!.m~n and \l.'\Vea tn alt.enclLoc.: ~ue Mr and Mn. li.arold E \'LU& from t.bit high achoo!. and Mr and ~rs. Raymond Stone.

Special recoi;n1uoa and ,;<..tu w~rc f;Wt'n Sa.JI}· Buroker for h•r "plrndld c!fo.rt In )U.0

NlJC oantc•l aa a r~reacnta· II\'• ot I.he s.-:EA.

SN EA P"""dull Dean S<hl:\>Ck v... th• ln!ormal .\IC for t.hf' ""'C'ntng Otb~r com· m1Uc:c htadll. "rre Sally Bun>­k<r. gon<ral ch&i,.....,, Jud) l>p.•llman. Sluu'on S1•1n.·a1. and J"" \nn SkOS"•tn.d. dt.'C'OratJoru . Jntwphlnc J."\nru·y. fOlld cum• mtttc."f'· Blnck and l>arrcl C" '>I' l:tblr o.ntJ C' ('<>mnllltfll"

Adult Tailoring C lass Has Style Show, Tea

.\ l)le a.ho ....nJ r A \lo-.·1 aht .n T\J4 clay C'\ctiU1); Arr11

111 in Room -P of tbc- )un•or ool· Jr1;."• b\ tht: mcmbt'r. ot tht AJUll I llvrlng ~la.MK T!w) hod JU.St con1plt"tf'd b-" ... ~k 01Jnca t.n tAl onn;: undrt lh""

uu.tnaclloo 01 Mra Helen l:lrandt, who baa cunUu(tC'J thf'M evmin,:; cla.»c1 at th" col· ~e tor lhc aio\et'J )ean

ThoS<." whOH p.m1cnts \\~ft aodirJ<'d or displayed "".:n- ;\lts.

Mt'I \Cktm an, Mra. X«"Al Bak· r Mni Roy BamWC'll MD.

Frida &cka~:om, )lra. Carlaun l l rs. °"' 1d L>llwort1>, :!d111 l'>lln<\3 H1nn. .lllra Ron­nld Jacoblon. Mrs. Alld& J,.... i:tr. )lro Slt<rrl Jkgrr lln1. Tht."0110 Jolla. Mn.. \"1olt't K..n<k. Jdro. Doren• Kurdy,> .Joyco t...u.. ).!ro. Ronald :O.ln.. John :O.IcTti;h<-. l>fnt l'llyW. :'>•1-m Mro. l.uc:tllt O'Conndl, l.IML J<4n 0 • Oonn•ll :>tni. R•ubm P<dcnm\. )In.. P•. Rli;p. John To)· lor and Mn. o,.,, Tngi:

Tastes better


It 's fresher

1fllltl FR ESH MILK

Students Dance To Biq Band Music

\{• t It lJ>. Pl- Tbrt& IU.,>paAJ .f ~ tbr ~ n1 ~Uoa and lhrtr

mDMY ,..,.."«' pro Jee l• •"OUnd up fetr a whil~. u.. :-0.'1.IC otu­.,.,., bodT •nJoyfd anothtr t\~ ol da.Dt.ot • ,,.... QDf:

i.....i th4 mumlan.o unlcm r-nmdod U... c:ulkor .,.., th a l~l"tt'O daMr .,.,..!.. •hid• llcpn pbpni; a: cij(hl p m.. Wl<kr lit<' dorKtl<>n t llr Cil· ~rl &Ima

"nlC trtt a4mlalon and tho t;ood muaic ct..... a 1a.ri:~ <Til'lod o! appnd&Uvo oftud<nla 10 thll aff a.:r. •.\ b.ich wa, .pt!nlOTed t­th,. IOpbomo"' ,..,

Four Debate T earns Formed From Class In Advanc£d Speech

'l"o ..., .n l ~


Thz-c.e ot.hrr t "llh tout

SPORTS CENTER 300 Sherm.n Awa.

SPOd;,.,9 Good.~," Me9•titlin. 1 • .._. .,.,d C..f•

For a Lifetime of

PL EASU RE Learn to

BOWL While You Are Y oul'lg

Lake City Lanes, Inc. ?•I• NT Fowtia St - eo.., G'A.L.,.. •

N. l. J .C. RE.VIEW. C.0.ut d'Al• "'•• Id.ho. Wed ... Apftl 20. 1960

Dill T aJts:'"n """"'m .. quU.t• Urd ut> ln ht"- pm('.. 11e' 1, llla3 htl' 1 .. nnl"' 410 th .-. , .. u r1 b~ th"" ~h .. mmn <•nult• 't•h11oUl. tu·fd"'"' from t~ ,..,11......,. Th'" 'lif( rlrl..,' l'E C"ln i\.."'(~ ... umlrr thf' ttlrtNlua ot ' ' " tathrrot• ....,.., ....__ ln .. tntN•ir. n"C'lt'nU.,\• f'Ct.lntnt thr lf'nnh. t"Durt-.., aad "'tuJrnC111 a•t ruocJ U'4"' ou t M the"4' rourf, \\IH.•n tht" \\rttlhtor P"rnril'- ''"'lrnt' and tm•·h'°"' nn n•i lhf' nn1> c•n.-.. "ho U'f' th"' MU.rt, l hourh.."l' • .. 0~ to\'n"f'NlP1t:' hA\f IW'f'n ~ltchlf'd 1tl"ln1 t "'ftnh. . .. r-arl) •~ 1 :tm •· m .





O p .. 1 • · '"· to I p. m. 1 o."' • w •• ~

%Mfftt * ~ .}Hf ++H -Wt -4+1 + mt Mi fflt ~ ~mt -H-ft t/-H-tt +tH

Statistic! _ ____ _ Tbe other ~ oar vice preoideut In chazce of eood ..... &m>oullced that llOIDl!JOn&, IOMeWhere, eojoya Coke 68 million timee a day. You can look at tbla 2 wayw:

E!tbe: we've Cot an in.credlhly thiaty • individual On Out handa. Or Coe11.Cola la the ~ aparlding dri.nk In the world.

We lean to IJie latter ~tatlon. Z


loaSod - ... c..-ity ol Tbo Coco-Colo Compoh)' by