the newsletter of st. james episcopal church february...

The Wayfarer The Newsletter of St. James’ Episcopal Church February 2016 Mission Statement As a Christian community, St. James’ Mission is ministering in God’s Love to the spiritual and physical needs of all people in the name of Christ. ______________________________ ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1026 South Washington Avenue Greenville, Mississippi 38701 ST. JAMES STAFF The Rev. Brandt Dick, Priest-in-charge 662-334-4582 [email protected] Betsy Bostic, Administrator 662-334-4582 [email protected] Denise Alpe Administrative Assistant 662-334-4582 [email protected] Dr. Mark Butler, Organist/Choirmaster 662-843-4344 [email protected] Ginny Cochran, Director, St. James’ Day School @ 662-334-4588 [email protected] Veronica Williams, Sexton VESTRY George Baird, Senior Warden Vance Nimrod, Junior Warden Betsy Alexander Ann Macvaugh Rick Byler Elizabeth Jones Amanda Cottingham Bee Stewart Warren Harper Bill Schaffarzick Margaret Wade Church Treasurer Finley Edwards Clerk of the Vestry Martin Mitchell Sunday Schedule: 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite I 9:30 AM Sunday School- all ages 9:30 AM Choir Practice 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II 5:00 PM EYC Red Lent-ils I do like red lentils. Green ones, too, for that matter. They are the only dried legume I know that do not require soaking before cooking. They are ready to go into the pot right out of the bag and are quite tasty to boot. But they have nothing to do with this month's newsletter article. I am going to talk about Lent and red doors, so I put them in the title. Our Lenten observance this year will start on February 9 (yes, that is awfully early this year). That is Shrove Tuesday, and we will be having a pancake supper. We are asking that folks pay $5/plate up to $20/family to go to the EYC fund. Additional opportunities to join together to eat will be on the Wednesdays of Lent as we resume our Lenten Soup & Salad Supper Series (LS&SSS). This year, we are going to tie in with a phenomenon called Lent Madness. (If you are reading this online, click here to go to their website; otherwise you can type into the address bar of your preferred internet browser.) Basically, LM pairs up thirty-two saints in a single elimination bracket to determine who will win the Golden Halo. We have accompanying booklets with hagiographies (holy biographies) for each of the contenders. If you wish to follow along with the series, you may pick up a booklet in the church office. As part of Lent Madness, you can fill in the blank bracket in the back of the booklet and turn it in along with a $5 donation. The person with the most accurate bracket will get to choose which charity receives the donations. These must be in the office by the end of the day on Thursday, February 11 in order to be eligible for the prize. This year's LS&SSS will begin on February 17 at 5:30 in the chapel. There is a sign-up sheet in the hall to make soup for the series. Remember, it is Lent, so simple is good. In addition to our Lenten series, we will, of course, have our Ash Wednesday observance. You will have two options that day, noon or 5:30. That is on Wednesday, February 10. That is the Wednesday after the Super Bowl if that helps you to remember. And on each Friday in Lent at 5:30 we will have Stations of the Cross. Actually, Lent falls rather nicely this year: after the Super Bowl but it ends before Zachary's birthday for once. At Winter Solstice this year, Zachary and a couple of other clergy kids did a skit about the joys of being the child of a priest. Having one's birthday fall in Lent was one of the joys. But I digress. Now let's turn our attention to the doors. Why did we paint the doors red? Red doors are a traditional sign of sanctuary. Buildings with red doors were havens for those in need. One knew one would be accepted and sheltered in a building with a red door. At least, that is the story; whether is it more apocryphal than accurate remains an open question. No matter the historicity, we intend for our church to be a place of sanctuary for those who enter our doors. Red is also traditionally associated with the Holy Spirit (think wearing red on Pentecost). Red doors also symbolize the (we hope) presence of the Holy Spirit in (continued on page 2)

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Page 1: The Newsletter of St. James Episcopal Church February Newsletter of St. James’ Episcopal Church

The Wayfarer

The Newsletter of St. James’ Episcopal Church February 2016

Mission Statement As a Christian community,

St. James’ Mission is ministering in God’s Love

to the spiritual and physical needs of all people

in the name of Christ. ______________________________


1026 South Washington Avenue

Greenville, Mississippi 38701


The Rev. Brandt Dick,



[email protected]

Betsy Bostic, Administrator


[email protected]

Denise Alpe

Administrative Assistant


[email protected]

Dr. Mark Butler,



[email protected]

Ginny Cochran, Director,

St. James’ Day School @ 662-334-4588

[email protected]

Veronica Williams, Sexton


George Baird, Senior Warden

Vance Nimrod, Junior Warden

Betsy Alexander Ann Macvaugh

Rick Byler Elizabeth Jones

Amanda Cottingham Bee Stewart

Warren Harper Bill Schaffarzick

Margaret Wade

Church Treasurer Finley Edwards

Clerk of the Vestry Martin Mitchell

Sunday Schedule:

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite I

9:30 AM Sunday School- all ages

9:30 AM Choir Practice

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II

5:00 PM EYC

Red Lent-ils I do like red lentils. Green ones, too, for that matter. They are the only dried

legume I know that do not require soaking before cooking. They are ready to go

into the pot right out of the bag and are quite tasty to boot. But they have nothing to

do with this month's newsletter article. I am going to talk about Lent and red doors,

so I put them in the title.

Our Lenten observance this year will start on February 9 (yes, that is awfully

early this year). That is Shrove Tuesday, and we will be having a pancake supper.

We are asking that folks pay $5/plate up to $20/family to go to the EYC fund.

Additional opportunities to join together to eat will be on the Wednesdays of Lent as

we resume our Lenten Soup & Salad Supper Series (LS&SSS). This year, we are

going to tie in with a phenomenon called Lent Madness. (If you are reading this

online, click here to go to their website; otherwise you can type into the address bar of your preferred internet browser.)

Basically, LM pairs up thirty-two saints in a single elimination bracket to determine

who will win the Golden Halo. We have accompanying booklets with

hagiographies (holy biographies) for each of the contenders. If you wish to follow

along with the series, you may pick up a booklet in the church office. As part of

Lent Madness, you can fill in the blank bracket in the back of the booklet and turn it

in along with a $5 donation. The person with the most accurate bracket will get to

choose which charity receives the donations. These must be in the office by the end

of the day on Thursday, February 11 in order to be eligible for the prize. This year's

LS&SSS will begin on February 17 at 5:30 in the chapel. There is a sign-up sheet in

the hall to make soup for the series. Remember, it is Lent, so simple is good.

In addition to our Lenten series, we will, of course, have our Ash Wednesday

observance. You will have two options that day, noon or 5:30. That is on

Wednesday, February 10. That is the Wednesday after the Super Bowl if that helps

you to remember. And on each Friday in Lent at 5:30 we will have Stations of the

Cross. Actually, Lent falls rather nicely this year: after the Super Bowl but it ends

before Zachary's birthday for once. At Winter Solstice this year, Zachary and a

couple of other clergy kids did a skit about the joys of being the child of a priest.

Having one's birthday fall in Lent was one of the joys. But I digress.

Now let's turn our attention to the doors. Why did we paint the doors red?

Red doors are a traditional sign of sanctuary. Buildings with red doors were havens

for those in need. One knew one would be accepted and sheltered in a building with

a red door. At least, that is the story; whether is it more apocryphal than accurate

remains an open question. No matter the historicity, we intend for our church to be

a place of sanctuary for those who enter our doors. Red is also traditionally

associated with the Holy Spirit (think wearing red on Pentecost). Red doors also

symbolize the (we hope) presence of the Holy Spirit in (continued on page 2)

Page 2: The Newsletter of St. James Episcopal Church February Newsletter of St. James’ Episcopal Church

(continued from page 1) our midst. I have heard – third-hand

I think – that at least one person had said they had never

heard of a church painting its doors red. In rebuttal, I

offer this: (

doors-of-episcopal-churches/ for those offline).

After painting the doors the chosen color, some

concern was expressed about the exact shade of red that

was used. Personally, I like it. It definitely pops as

they say. You can see them through the magnolia tree,

even. One person told me that our painting our doors

red had caused more discussions about the Holy Spirit

in Greenville than anything before. That being said, the

vestry did realize that they may be a bit too much. We

deliberately mulled it over for a couple of months. At

our January meeting, it was decided that we would

make a final decision in February as to what the final

shade will be – the shade it is, or one of two other

colors that the vestry decided would be appropriate.

The Buildings and Grounds Committee will have an

opportunity to comment at their February 7 meeting

(after the 10:30 service in the Davidson room). Please

note, this is not a debate or a vote, but an opportunity

for more people to have input before the vestry makes

their final decision.

As long as we are here, let me address another

issue. If there is something that bothers you about

anything that goes on at St. James', I am the appropriate

person to talk to about it. Several parishioners have

availed themselves of that opportunity and much good

has resulted from it. I cannot address what I do not

know. If one has something good to say about St.

James', by all means, shout it from the rooftops – or

Facebook as the case may be. If you have concerns,

talk to me. My door is literally always open when I am

here (the one off the hallway, that is; the door to the

volunteer’s office not so much, but that is because the

light switch is near the hallway … you know, that is

probably more than you want to know, but do please

call or stop in). We have a wonderful situation here at

St. James', and I look forward to our relationship

continuing for years to come. I hope that you do as



Fr. Brandt+

Mardi Gras Madness Mardi Gras Madness, benefiting living water of the

world, will be Feb. 8 at 1st Presbyterian Church.

Featuring Shopping from 4-8 PM, Silent Auction from

4-7 PM and a Mardi Gras meal from 5-7:30 PM. Dinner

tickets are $15.00.

at St. James Tuesday, Feb. 9 – Shrove Tuesday

5:30 PM--EYC hosts Pancake Supper

Wednesday, Feb. 10 – Ash Wednesday

12:00 PM--HE & imposition of ashes

5:30 PM-- HE & imposition of ashes

Wednesdays during Lent: (Feb. 17–March 16)

5:30 PM--HE Rite II

6:00 PM--Supper and Program in Parish Hall

Fridays during Lent: (Feb. 12 – March 18)

5:30 PM – Stations of the Cross

Simple Suppers begin Feb. 17 During Lent we will have Holy Eucharist each

Wednesday evening at 5:30 PM followed by a simple

supper (Soup & Salad) then program in the Parish Hall.

There are 5 Wednesdays to meet and a sign-up sheet on

the hall bulletin board if you would like to cook for a

supper. You may also call or e-mail the church office

and we will be glad to sign you up. You may get up a

team or cook alone. Remember, simple is the whole


Lenten Lunches at First United Methodist This year marks the 30

th year that 1

st United Methodist

Church has hosted their Lenten Luncheons. The

luncheons will begin Wed., Feb. 10 - March 23. Lunch

served @ 11:30 AM followed by an inspirational

program. Father Brandt will speak on Feb. 17. Cost

$8.00 per person.

February 2016 The Wayfarer Page 2

The EYC will

have their annual

Shrove Tuesday

Pancake Supper

beginning at 5:30

PM, Feb. 9th. ($5.00 per person,

$20.00 for family of 5

& up)

Page 3: The Newsletter of St. James Episcopal Church February Newsletter of St. James’ Episcopal Church

ECW ECW is an organization open to all ladies of St. James.

The group meets for lunch on the second Tuesday of

each month (Sept. through May) at 11:45 AM at the

Greenville Country Club. The next meeting will be

Feb. 9. ECW continues to support the Global

Scholarship Project with contributions which help

provide annual scholarships to young students in

Uganda and Panama.

Day School News St. James Day School

will begin priority

registration for the

2016-2017 school

year. Current students

and parishioners will

have priority until

March 15. If you

know of anyone

interested in enrolling

their child in the

school, please contact

Ginny at 334-4588 for

an application.

Spirit Tent Volunteers needed for the

Mississippi River Marathon

The Mississippi River Marathon is right around the

corner. St. James will host a spirit tent in the front yard

of the church from 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM on Feb. 13. All

members are invited to cheer on the runners, especially

needed are noise makers, cow bells, etc. We will have

snacks and drinks. If you are unable to stay, maybe you

could come at 8 AM and help set up the tent. If you can

do any of these things please call the church office or

Father Brandt. In years past we have had parishioners

running the full and half marathon and they are truly

glad to see & hear their church members cheering them



Sr. High DOY Friday, Feb. 12 - Sunday, Feb. 14

DOY is divided into two

sessions– Junior High (grades 6–

8) and Senior High (grades 9–

12). The DOYs are planned and

executed by DOY Council, a

group of high school youth and

adult advisors. Both are held on

the grounds of Gray Center at

Camp Bratton Green. This is a

great introduction to Camp

Bratton Green and diocesan activities for those who have

not been previously involved. The weekend is theme-

based and provides an opportunity for exploration of our

spiritual journeys. The weekend begins at 7:00 PM on

Friday and ends at 11:00 AM on Sunday.

For more information visit

Jr. High DOY is coming up

Friday, Mar. 11 - Sunday, Mar. 13

Registration for Summer

Camp at Bratton Green is

open now. For Schedules and

all information go to

February 2016 The Wayfarer Page 3

The Rev. Dr. Arvid Straube, a

Unitarian Universalist

minister, will be the featured

speaker for this weekend

event. Attendance at this

conference will satisfy

requirements for renewing a

lay reader license in the

Episcopal Church. For more

information and to register, go


Seeds of Faith Conference

The Episcopal church of the Mediator, Meridian

Feb. 19-21, register by Jan. 31.

Cost $55.00 per person

Page 4: The Newsletter of St. James Episcopal Church February Newsletter of St. James’ Episcopal Church

Prayer List For parishioners: Dorothy Jordan, Linda Owens, Jo Ann Lee, Charlie Mitchell, Ellen Frye, Sonny & Shirley

Mitchell, Haley Holbrook, Elizabeth Smith, Saundra Lane, 6 Anonymous.

For friends and family: Becky Stewart, Macy Williams, Howard Brent, Liz Workman, Gary & Betty Lang,

Holly Campbell, Gayle Simpson, Carry Coleman, Lloyd Breeding, Peggy Rice, Clint Herron, Hazel Provis,

Mickie Bennett, Helen Toler, Dixie Stearns, Spivey Gault, Connie Burford, Terry Burford, Maxine Caulfield,

Bob Eskay, Brad Morgan.

For those serving in the Armed Forces: Eric Crews, Barry Crosby, Dan Gibbons, Thomas Griffin, Barry

Jackson, Todd Lane, Don Maraska, Charles McGraw, Landon Marony, Nathan Miles, Martin Mitchell,

Houston Sievers, Benji Sparks, Beau Swain, Matt Williams.

For expectant couples: Meg & Michael Naaman, Ashli & Justin Bixler, Karen & Douglas Weissinger

Feb. Birthdays Jan Sanders 2/01

Betsy Bostic 2/02

Dorothy Jordan 2/02

Betsy Alexander 2/03

Betty Fullilove 2/03

Leila Wynn 2/04

Patrick Bolls 2/05

Laurie Bridewell 2/08

Paxton Nimrod 2/08

Peter Nimrod 2/09

Stan Ingram 2/11

Susan O’Neal 2/11

Andrew Tominello 2/14

Hal Holbrook 2/16

Brad Jones 2/17

Will Ayres 2/19

Thorne Crosby 2/23

Sharon Gault 2/24

Allyn Roulhac 2/25

Caroline Horn 2/26

Brad Buchberger 2/28

Sign Up for Flowers

Please review open dates

(which are many) to give

altar flowers in memory or

honor of someone. Just call

the church office or sign up

on the flower list on the hall

bulletin board. It’s that easy

and it makes our worship

more beautiful.

Feb. Wedding Anniversaries Fay Prince & Kenny Alexander 2/01

Laura & Faris Buchberger 2/06

Ginny & David Cochran 2/08

Debi & Robert Hendrix 2/09

Susan & Jimmy Sutherland 2/14

Cyndi & John Ross Underwood 2/14

Brister & David Lee 2/19

Mary Lynn & Bill Andrews 2/22

Libba & Bill Burle, Jr., 2/26

Transitions: We pray for the repose of the souls of:

Eugene Owen “Butch” Mitchell, Jr.

who died Dec. 12

son of Shirley & Sonny Mitchell.

William Thomas Wynn, II

who died Dec. 19

Son of Leila Clark Wynn

brother of Martha Weissinger

Kevin Flowers

who died Dec. 25

son of Russell Flowers.

We give thanks for the birth of:

Lucas James Brown,

born Jan. 12

to Lacey & Jeremy Brown.

Grandparents: Beth & Mickey Naaman

Scout Sunday Feb. 21 will be Scout Sunday at church.

Our troop and pack 4044 will be at the

10:30 service. Be sure and welcome our

scouts to St. James.

Outreach Committee On Wednesday, Feb. 3, at 5:30 PM in

the Davidson room, we will have an

organizational meeting of the

Outreach Committee. The purpose of

this committee is to identify and

suggest ministries that the members of

St James' might be able to form,

continue, or otherwise support with

their time, talents, and treasure. In

addition, the committee will make

recommendations to the vestry as to

how outreach funds might best be

spent. St. James' parish is in very

sound financial shape, and we are in a

wonderful position to facilitate real

transformation in the lives of those in

or community. If you have a heart for

outreach, please try to make every

effort to be at this meeting.

February 2016 The Wayfarer Page 4

Mission Mississippi meets

every Tuesday at 7 a.m. Feb. 2: Maranatha Assembly of God,

556 Cypress Lane

Feb. 9: New Hope 1st Baptist Church,

705 Nelson Street

Feb. 16: St. Paul M. B. Church,

350 South Poplar Street

Feb. 23: Washington Co. Ext. Bldg.,

148 North Edison

Page 5: The Newsletter of St. James Episcopal Church February Newsletter of St. James’ Episcopal Church

Service Ministries for Sunday, Feb. 7, 2016

8:00 AM Worship Leader: Betsy Alexander

Lector: Jack Lowry

10:30 AM Worship Leader: Ann Macvaugh

LEM: Finley Edwards

Lector: Dudley Stewart

Ushers: Nolan Andrews, George Baird,

Jimmy Sutherland, David Skelton

Acolytes: Zach Dick, Paxton Nimrod, Thomas Jones

Altar Guild: The Renfroe Team

Vestry Assignment: Betsy Alexander, Rick Byler

*S.A.S.K., February 8: Jean Nimrod

Service Ministries for Ash Wednesday Feb. 10

12:00 PM Worship Leader: Dot Meeks

LEM: Noel Harris

Lector: Sonya Bixler

5:30 PM Worship Leader: Rick Byler

LEM: Martha Renfroe

Lector: Tim Bixler

Service Ministries for Sunday, Feb. 14:

8:00 AM Worship Leader: Jim Martin

Lector: Mickey Naaman

10:30 AM Worship Leader: Ashley Hines

LEM: Sonya Bixler

Lector: Penny Byler

Ushers: Bill Andrews, Tommy Hart, Brad Jones,

Todd Lane

Acolytes: Lawler Horn, Lawler Horn, Rebecca Jones

Altar Guild: The Baird Team

Vestry Assignment: Amanda Cottingham,

Warren Harper

*S.A.S.K., February 15: No Volunteers

Service Ministries for Wednesday, Feb. 17

5:30 PM LEM: Martha Love Bradley

Service Ministries for Sunday, Feb. 21:

8:00 AM Worship Leader: Betsy Alexander

Lector: Bill Burle

10:30 AM Worship Leader: Dotti Lowe

LEM: Finley Edwards

Lector: Carl Cottingham

Ushers: Harley Metcalfe, Martin Mitchell,

Peter Nimrod, Bill Schaffarzick, Ralph Owens

Acolytes: Joe Hinton, Eva Wade, Brantley Nimrod

Altar Guild: The Mitchell Team

Vestry Assignment: Elizabeth Jones, Ann Macvaugh

*S.A.S.K., February 22: No volunteers

Service Ministries for Wednesday, Feb. 24

5:30 PM LEM: Noel Harris

Service Ministries for Sunday, Feb. 28:

8:00 AM Worship Leader: Jim Martin

Lector: Jack Lowry

10:30 AM Worship Leader: Ann Macvaugh

LEM: Martha Renfroe

Lector: John Daniels

Ushers: Dudley Stewart, Doug Wade, David Cochran,

William Owens

Acolytes: Katie Hinton, Hannah Hinton, Mary Mesa


Altar Guild: The Macvaugh Team

Vestry Assignment: Bill Schaffarzick, Bee Stewart

*S.A.S.K., February 29: No Volunteers

The church Office will be

closed Mon., Feb. 15 for

President’s Day

February 2016 The Wayfarer Page 5

Deadline for

the March

Newsletter is

Feb. 19.

Next Dates for Baptisms The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is appropriately administered within the Eucharist at the chief service on a Sunday. The next dates for baptism at St. James are Easter Vigil, March 26, the Day of Pentecost, May 15 & All Saints’ Sunday, Nov. 6. To schedule a baptism, please call Betsy Bostic at the Church Office or speak to Father Brandt.

Page 6: The Newsletter of St. James Episcopal Church February Newsletter of St. James’ Episcopal Church

February 2016 ►

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

Noon: Pastoral Care Mtg.

2 7:00 AM Mission MS Prayer B'fast @ Maranatha Assembly of God, 556 Cypress Lane 6:00 PM-Boy Scouts

3 8:30 AM: Day School Chapel 10:30 AM: Bible Study

5:30 PM: Outreach Committee

6:30 PM: Choir Practice


5 Clergy Sabbath 6 PM Al Anon

6 10:00 AM: AA Mtg.

7 8:00 AM H.E. Rite I 9:30 AM Choir Practice 9:30 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM H.E. Rite I 11:30 AM Bldgs & Grds

8 12:15 PM: Staff Meeting 3:30 PM Harvest

9 7:00 AM Mission MS Prayer B'fast@ New Hope 1st Baptist Church, 705 Nelson Street 11:45 AM ECW Luncheon@ the GGCC 5:00 PM Delta Cotton Belles 5:30 PM Pancake Supper 6:00 PM-Boy Scouts

10 Ash Wednesday 8:30 AM: Day School Chapel 10:30 AM: Bible Study Noon: HE II & Imp. Of Ashes 5:30 PM: HE II & Imp. Of Ashes

7:00 PM Choir Practice


12 Clergy Sabbath 5:30 PM Stations of the cross 6 PM Al Anon

13 8:30 AM-2:30 PM Spirit team for Mississippi


10:00 AM: AA Mtg.

14 8:00 AM H.E. Rite I 9:30 AM Choir Practice 9:30 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM H.E. Rite II 5 PM EYC


Office Closed

16 Shrove Tuesday 7:00 AM Mission MS Prayer B'fast @St. Paul MB Church, 350 South Poplar Street 4:45 PM: Finance Cmte. Meeting 5:30 PM: Vestry Meeting 6:00 PM-Boy Scouts

17 8:30 AM: Day School Chapel 5:30 PM: HE II 6:00 PM: Supper & Program 7:00 PM: Choir Practice


19 Clergy Sabbath 5:30 PM Stations of the cross 6 PM Al Anon

20 10:00 AM: AA Mtg.

21 Scout Sunday 8:00 AM H.E. Rite I 9:30 AM Choir Practice 9:30 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM H.E. Rite II 5 PM EYC

22 12:15 PM: Staff Meeting 3:30 PM: Harvest

23 7:00 AM Mission MS Prayer B'fast @ Wash. Co. Ext. Bldg, 148 North Edison 6:00 PM-Boy Scouts

24 8:30 AM: Day School Chapel 10:30 AM: Bible Study 5:30 PM: HE II 6:00 PM: Supper & Program 7:00 PM: Choir Practice


26 Clergy Sabbath 5:30 PM Stations of the cross 6 PM Al Anon

27 10:00 AM: AA Mtg.

28 8:00 AM H.E. Rite I 9:30 AM Choir Practice 9:30 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM H.E. Rite II 5 PM EYC