the news according to google how does algorithmic infomediation frame the work of french...

The News According To Google How Does Algorithmic Infomediation Frame the Work of French Journalists ? Nikos Smyrnaios, University of Toulouse Guillaume Sire, University of Paris 2 JSS-ECREA Conference, Thessaloniki, March 27-29 2014.

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Page 1: The  News According To Google How Does Algorithmic Infomediation Frame the Work of French Journalists ?!

The News According To Google How Does Algorithmic Infomediation

Frame the Work of French Journalists ?����

Nikos Smyrnaios, University of Toulouse Guillaume Sire, University of Paris 2

JSS-ECREA Conference, Thessaloniki, March 27-29 2014.

Page 2: The  News According To Google How Does Algorithmic Infomediation Frame the Work of French Journalists ?!

Research question & method�

What does Google do to journalism ?

More than 50 interviews with French journalists, SEO specialists in news organizations & Google employees

Analysis of 252 online news items of 6 news websites

Study of patents related to Google News

Longtime observation of of the relationship between

French news websites publishers and Google (2003-2013)

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News infomediation ? “Connecting information supply with information demand and helping both parties involved determine the value of

that information” (Hagel III, Rayport, 1997, p. 9).  

Infomediaries operate a mix of aggregation & distribution of 3rd party content Based on algorithms and social interactions, financed by ads and/or commissions Google but also Facebook, Twitter, Apple, ISPs etc.

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Coopetition = simultaneous cooperation & competition between publishers & infomediaries

Mutual dependency: Google needs publishers for the

content, publishers need Google for the traffic

But the balance of power largely in favour of Google.

Competition for online advertising revenue and symbolic antagonism: who’s rules follow the news ?

In France: 2003-2008 conflicting period

2013 Google agrees to pay €60M over 3 years

In the meantime publishers

“enslave themselves to Google”    

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Newsworthiness for Google

Ranking in Google news For news sites: productivity, reactivity, popularity, completeness For news topics: cluster size, novelty, sources For news items: novelty, originality, click-through rate, mentions in social media, sources

2 traffic sources: Google for archives Google News for hot news

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Journalistic practices Proliferation of “Keyword:…” style headlines (Google loves them) e.g.

2 headlines (rarely used) : 1 for Google, 1 for readers

Shovelware: re-writing of press agency and PR material

(time consuming, low value for journalists)

Use of Google Insights to know most searched subjects

Use of analytics to appreciate audience performance

These are mandatory practices that depend on the context. But they are on the rise

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SEO for news Insourcing : SEO specialists inside all main French

publishers’ online newsrooms

Internal position: close to management, better paid than journalists, no hierarchical power over journalists but

“technical” influence (through management)

External position : represent publishers towards Google

-  use of Sitemaps, meta-tags, microdata -  articles behind a paywall become free access via Google, -  massive use of internal links, -  influence on publishing timing -  Keyword centered landing pages -  Re-publishing with changing headlines

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Business strategies Le Conjugueur : top news websites intensely use

(hidden) links towards their own dictionaries

Publishers can be tempted to sell outgoing links with high PageRank In France not yet In the US & the UK it is already a market

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Business strategies Publishers’ business strategies towards Google as a

compromise: revenue /dependency/deontology

Does Google privilege his advertising partners ? G

Market share on Google News’ Top Stories (February


Google Ads

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Organic reach on Facebook diminishes drastically

Facebook pushes paid reach

Launch of Public Content

Solutions (PCS) dedicated to media partners

Apple imposes draconian

Terms & Conditions

Gets 30% commission

Newsstand dedicated to publishers

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Conclusions Online media are highly dependent on infomediaries

Google is still the most important one for publishers

SEO specialists are mediators between journalists,

marketers, managers & Google

There is an important impact of SEO on journalism (practices, work routines, editorial choices)

Nevertheless this impact depends on the context

(journalists capacity of negotiation, business models, professional ethics)