the new time, new rhythms family values is that important, valuably (a tautology, but differently in...


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• The new time, new rhythms• Family values is that important, valuably (a

tautology, but differently in any way!) Dear all members of a family, the general field of their interests. Family values are approximately identical to the majority: love, motherhood, fidelity, trust, communication with ancestors, the house... In a word, all without what a family and a family to name difficult. Moreover — a family, as a collective element of these factors, too value! But the named moments — not a constant, after all the society develops, to each stage there corresponds the type of relations between close people and that in these relations is appreciated. An example: when before the XX-th century manual skills prevailed, the possession of many children was important, or — residing of several related families together — someone should process the earths, to conduct a collective farm. With arrival of the XX-th century all has changed: its prosperity does not depend on quantity of members of a family, in the foreground — their "quality": education, the social status. Change of family priorities is available: The possession of many children and some generations or branches of a sort on the general square metres almost have left in last, their place have occupied the new: one-two child in a family and necessity to twist the family nest. One of similar changes — to the best, others — not so. Changes occur and today. Considering a modern rhythm of life is occurs more intensively. What values come in the stead old and how to keep best of them?

Problems in a family

• In any family there are problems between parents and children because of a big rupture between generations. Even people with a small age difference have seldom identical interests and outlooks on life what to speak about parents and children. Parents do not understand the children ,they teach to live and think in another way. I want to describe the most widespread problems between parents and children and to try to help to resolve them.

Problem the first: Realization

• All in the childhood dream of the future: someone wants to depart to space, someone to become the well-known musician, someone to establish an ideal family. But dreams they on that and dreams, what not all from them can be embodied in a reality.

• Parents in that case need to try to understand, that wanted by their child whom he wants to be in the future life and to use the best efforts, that the child independently chose the way. In my opinion, it is erroneous to think so – the child still small, whence to it to know that for it it is better, we already life have lived that, we know is better – in these words many parents learn themselves. And after all all the same it is impossible to disagree that the errors are better acquired.

• Children after approach of conscious age should learn independently operate the future life. If you want not that your parents try to impose to you, try to prove to them that your choice too has the right to existence. It is not necessary to say that you do so because you so want, try to prove, why you want it, and that for you waits in the future life at this choice. Collect the information, give to parents the facts, prove the point of view, do not forget that to you, instead of to your parents to live with this choice all life.

The second problem : Hyperguardianship

• Basically this problem borders on the first problem. Here again there is a favorite phrase of parents: «We have lived life, it is better to us to know». To parents I advise to think that has taken place time, the world has changed, and in this new world to survive and something to achieve, it is necessary to operate not as 10, and even 20 years ago.

• Children need to give a maximum of freedom. Strangely enough, the more freedom it is given not only to children, but also people as a whole, the it is less at them than desire this freedom to use and the will more strongly lock, the it is more desire to break this interdiction. If all of you want to avert your child from something do not forbid it, and simply explain, why it it is not necessary to do/try.

• To children I will advise to a thicket to show to parents that you possess any independence. Prove that you can independently study, after all to you it is it is necessary, learn to make a correct choice in any situation, earn additionally is more often, you will prove to these that in the future you can take care of yourselves. Believe, parents will respect you for such acts and will see in you the person, instead of is simple the child. You should not have thoughts that I have grown to these rights, and to these duties still was not present. About it I would like to tell that the more at you the rights, the more duties is and there is an adult life in which you so aspire, but do not forget that the childhood not such the big period of time and to become adults you still will be in time, though it is better early, than late.

Parents do not trust?

• Very many of us suffer because of mistrust from parents. "I want a dog!" You speak, but in the answer receive: "And who will walk with it?". Proving that you will carry out fairly-fairly the duties, parents as if by take in all it pass, and do not trust your words. Yes, can these promises indeed not truthful, but there are also exceptions. Nevertheless, same only one of many cases when parents do not trust you.

• So, what to us to do to correct a situation? This article will help you to overpersuade parents.

• * the First that you can make, it to try to talk to parents once again. But not with snivels as "Mummy, I truth-truth will fulfill the duties. Well please, allow to arrange to me a party! I promise, all will be, as you want. I beg!". Such should not be. You are obliged to speak with mum as the adult person with the adult person. To result powerful arguments. Also remember, any I "Beg", etc.

• * If the first step has not justified hope, offer parents the transaction. For example, if you will clean in a room every week throughout three, they will allow to make to you that you asked.

• * the Following your action, this eyewash. Yes, it is bad, but not in our case. While parents are not present, you can clean in a room, wash ware and other, for what will receive a praise. Who knows, it can will work?

• * If above written has not worked, show, how you want it! Search about it for different articles, and read to parents. Periodically approach and speak about it.

• * And last, concluding step on which all hopes fall. You can fulfill all requirements of parents by which earlier you refused to do. "Lena, at the computer it is necessary to sit less, sight you spoil". "Lena, would be time to undertake study!" And other that you refused to do. By the way, thus do not forget to carry out above written (excepting serious conversation and the transaction).

• But if parents do not trust you not particularly any business, and in general, try to be simple more responsibly. Help mum about the house, periodically go shopping. Clean behind itself after meal, and try to argue and quarrel with parents less.

Brothers and sisters: problems

• There are different families: where there is a brother/sister or where you’re alone. In this article we will tell you how to avoid dispute, and what to do some ways if you’re the only child.

Unpleasant situation

• Home life never proceeds easily and simply, especially if a family big. To survive in such conditions, from you huge stocks of patience, fast reaction and ability to smile even in the most difficult situation are required. But if already late: you have flown into a rage, have lost patience and "have blown up", - that stop and think, as it would become boring, if was not a number of brothers and sisters. Make a deep breath... Also try to calm down!

• • What to do if there was sudden "attack" from the younger brother or the sister?

• The best exit from this situation … to enter at itself in a room so-called "prohibited zones". Explain to the younger brother or the sister that some things cannot be touched. Develop the arch corrected; who will cross - them that awful punishment waits. And on small infringements simply close eyes … But if in your room nothing can be touched, and the small mischievous person does all on the contrary, means, you need to give to it/it of attention.

• • What to do if you the only child in a family? • If you the only child in a family, you, probably, have already

understood that with many duties it is necessary to consult alone. Certainly, you will be helped by parents, but you will be deprived support from the sister or the brother which are closer to you on age and spirit. But in it there is also plus: overcoming difficulties you you develop self-trust.

• • How to avoid quarrels? • o If the brother or the sister in bad mood, keep from it/it far away. • o do not touch its/its "sick" places. • o Even if at you does not remain patience, restrain and do not tell

words about which you then will regret.

How to conduct peace talks?

• If you are right: • 1. Remember that people can be mistaken. Next time you can admit

a miss. • 2. Soften! Then it will be easier to "guilty" party to recognize the

error and to apologize. • 3. Try to analyze easy the reasons of your quarrel that more than the

such has not repeated. • If you are not right: • o smile More often, render it small services, be the darling - so you

can receive a pardon from "the suffered" party. • o Write to the brother/sister the letter with a recognition that you

were not right. • o If you do not like any variant, behave easy while your brother/sister

will not thaw! Or simply ask pardons is usually works! • And if home life boring, and be desirable more emotions, we can offer

you some bad advice how to anger the brother or the sister. • • How to anger the sister/brother? • 1. When your brother gathers for appointment and wants to take a

shower, lock in a bathroom and read there the favourite magazine. • 2. Your sister waits for an important call? It is time to chat with the

friend by phone. • 3. Borrow at the brother / of the sister a thing without demand. • 4. If the brother goes with friends on walk, try to be imposed to them

in the company. • 5. The sister has decided to take a nap among day? Include the

musical center on a total power! • I hope, our councils have helped you! Good luck also try not to

quarrel with native on trifles!

What is the ideal family?

• For everyone an ideal family. Basically a family represent as smooth water where all love each other where mutual understanding and respect where each of members of a family has possibility to develop as the person reigns. In real life very often image of how it should be does not coincide with how it is actually. Why so occurs?

• Psychologists assert that all imaginations about an ideal family are not deprived common sense and give the chance to us to represent a certain image to which it is necessary to aspire. They can be compared to fairy tales, reading which we, certainly, we see a certain picture something ideal, ideal heroes, ideal mutual relations and, eventually, the ideal end. The good wins harm, meanness is punished, diligence is remunerated and so forth.

• All it is remarkable, as well as imagination about an ideal family only with only one difference that in our real life, unfortunately or fortunately, unlike fairy tales there are no magic wands and the gins, granting three desires and not always the good wins harm.

• In a family conflicts which from the point of view of psychologists not always are destructive are possible. More often hushing up of discontent with someone or something leads to increase of internal anger which will escape sooner or later outside with such force which is capable to destroy even the strongest family.

• In any family except love, it is unconditional, possible some kind of rivalry, display of anger, irritation or even hatred. Without supposing thought that such is possible, we thus do not allow to be shown to emotions that is in turn destructive for our soul.

• Idealization of the partner leads to disappointment in it if he suddenly leads not how we from it expected. If it flares up or will become angry, which we test the first feeling - us have betrayed - that is it is necessary to leave.

• It is very important to understand, where the imagination comes to an end and the reality begins.

• Love to you, wisdom and happiness.

Tendencies of a modern family

• Certain characteristics of a modern family for each society get the lines connected with history, specific development, social and cultural conditions of residing.

Family tendencies, – what they now? Let's look at the sociological data.• Trusting population census for 2001, number of the Russian family

approximately makes 3 persons. Most often there is a family structure: the wife and the husband (it is possible their parents), children.

• More often reproductive orientation is reduced on one-two children.• Some tendencies of a modern family revealed by statistics, are rather often discussed in a press.

Them concern: financial position deterioration, death rate growth, birth rate decrease in the country. Last ten years constant falling of absolute indicators on birth rate and fruitfulness is observed, the most part of young families is content with a birth of one child or remain at all without children. As a result of it, birth rate can compensate death rate only half.

• One more negative tendency modern the family, by data statisticans, is increase in factor of divorces. So if to compare to 1989 factor divorce has grown with 0,4 to 0, 58, it turns out, in 2002 from prisoners of 100 marriages 58 broke up. From this it is visible that more than half of created families break up. Sociologists also mark increase in the conjunctions between steams out of marriage, growth of quantity of incomplete families, homeless children etc.

• Huge problem of modern families is the conflictness and cruelty following from it and violence in a family. As have shown results of researches which were spent by National university of internal affairs, 88 % from the interrogated families have intrafamily conflicts which become the violence reason, basically concerning women and small children in a family. So, in general it is possible to tell that family tendencies are rather unfavourable, and without serious interventions the situation can only will worsen.

Children on the InternetCouncils for parents

1. Talk to your children. You should know, they visit what sites, with whom they communicate that they like to look etc.

• 2. Train itself and share this knowledge with your children. It is very important to know about those utilities which the Internet offers children, about risks which they can bear in themselves, and also how they can be avoided.

• 3. Establish rules for use of the Internet. You should establish accurate and clear rules which describe the schedule of Internet connection, the maximum operation time on the Internet, and also a way of its use. Also be convinced that your children follow these rules.

• 4. Forbid children to give the confidential information. You should instruct your children that they cannot give someone on the Internet such data, as the a name, the address or photos.

• 5. Teach the children to be careful. Frequently on the Internet many things look not how they are represented to us. Teach your children to be careful and accustom them not to do anything such that could threaten their safety and confidentiality.

• 6. Establish Panda Internet Security 2012. It protects you from viruses, spies, hackers, online swindlers, theft of personal given and other Internet threats. Panda Internet Security 2012 contains function of Parental control which provides to your children safe use of the Internet.


1. Do not press references. When you communicate in a chat by means of exchange systems instant messages or if you have received the letter, never press directly the reference, especially if it has come from the unknown person to you of the person.

• 2. Do not download and do not open files from suspicious sources.

• 3. Do not communicate with strangers. Using chats and exchange systems instant messages, you never know, with whom you communicate actually.

• 4. Do not extend through the Internet the confidential information. Never send the personal information (your data, photos, the address and so forth) by e-mail and through exchange systems instant messages, and also never publish the such information in blogs and forums.

• 5. Be vigilant. If the program which you do not remember that established, starts to show you emerging windows with the sentence something to buy, be vigilant.

• 6. Do not start suspicious files. If your decision of safety tells to you that the file can contain (or contains) the harmful program, do not open this file. Simply remove it.

• 7. Talk to your parents or teachers. If you had questions on all it if you have faced something suspicious if you have received offensive or dangerous letters discuss it with adults. They can help you.

Councils for teachers

• 1. Learn more in detail. Find and study the information on Internet threats. Learn that they themselves represent, and what consequences from them can be. Think, as you can inform this information to the pupils and students.

• 2. Develop the educational plan on IT Safety. Since young men study how to address with computers and to work on the Internet, they should know also and about potential dangers.

• 3. Make your stories interesting and practical. The best way to inform this information is to use practical examples.

• 4. Teach them to protect itself. During a practical training tell about how to adjust anti-virus programs, to create difficult passwords and so forth

• 5. Practise that you teach. To help children to avoid risks, it is important, that you have been informed on these risks and avoided them. Therefore we suggest you to use Panda Internet Security 2012 – the decision of safety which comprises function of the Parental control, providing safe use of the Internet by your children.

The review of books

Alexander Volkov «the Wizard of an emerald city», a series «Open the book», the Labyrinth, 2011 Who does not know a strange story of girl Elli and wizard Goodwin?! This story – one of the most favourite books of children of several generations. Going to travel on the world of the fantastic country, the young reader learns a lot of interesting and will understand, how it is good to have friends and as it is important to be purposeful. After all only then treasured desires will be executed. And V.Chizhikova's cheerful and kind illustrations will give to the child representation about shape of the fallen in love heroes.

• Robert Ingpen "Wonderland", the Alphabet – Attikus, Mahaon, 2012

• This magnificent edition will decorate library of each judge of books. In it amazing illustrations are reproduced. Their author – outstanding modern artist Robert Ingpen. He was born in 1936 in Australia, in the city of Geelong. Since 1970 Ingpen has written and has illustrated more than hundred books for children and adults. Its drawings have decorated, and at times have given the second life to many great products of the world literature, among them «to Alisa in the Wonderland», «Round the world for eighty days» and "Peter Pan". In the book tens reproductions of the most known works of the master created for are collected weigh its long and fruitful career.

«Adventures of Tintina», Mahaon, 2011 The protagonist of a series – young newspaper reporter Tintin and its loyal friend a dog the Snowball. Thanks to the trade Tintin travels all over the world and becomes the participant of fascinating adventures. «Adventures of Tintina» are translated on 50 languages and have dispersed by huge circulation worldwide, having brought the hero, its four-footed favourite and their founder an international recognition. In a series leaves: «Runaway with« Karabundzha "," the Secret of captain Heddoka ";" Adventures of Tintina »(novel);« the Dexterous pickpocket »; an album on a film; an album with games, riddles, labels.

Tatyana Lazareva «the World at first sight», Mahaon, 2012

• The book «the World at first sight», written to known TV presenter Tatyana Lazarevoj, is necessary to liking not only small, but also to adult readers. After all she allows to see the world eyes of the child, to return to a happy time under the name "Childhood". The telestar and remarkable mum Tatyana Lazareva has done the big work, having collected thousand children's ingenious statements and children's memoirs of the well-known writers, artists, directors, actors and TV presenters. And personal many stars have shared the most expensive. In the book it is a lot of pictures of known pictorialists, and also meeting of children's secrets: notes, the maiden albums, remarks in school record books, fantastic inventions and etc.

Competition "My first friend"

• Not a secret that soft toys are so favourite by children that become their very first friends. Teddy bears and hares help kids to learn the world and to make the first discoveries.

• Expensive fathers and mums, grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles! Magazine "Family" invites you to take part in competition «My first friend».

• Send photos of your kids with their favourite toys to ****** *****.ru address till March, 1st, 2012.

• First five readers who have sent photos, will receive magnificent prizes from the company ***. Wonderful soft toys *** will serve as a fine gift for your child. They are absolutely safe, executed from high-quality materials, not deformed and do not lose appearance. Soft toys from the company *** throughout many years are the best friends and favourites of kids, and also a fine ornament of a children's room.

Horoscope for February


In February typical representatives of your zodiac sign are not recommended to begin heavy repair in the house or apartment. Now you can be too hasty in such affairs or simply inconsistent because of what much should be altered anew. First half of month is better for using for reception of new knowledge, training. It is possible to register in any courses or easier more deeply to study that information which you receive in educational institution or on work. In second half of February you can prove most advantageously in career. Good luck in this area will appear on your party.

Successful days: 2, 3, 11, 12, 20, 21, 29.

Intense days: 9, 10, 15, 16, 22, 23.


Within this month it is recommended to refrain from excessive activity on work. Now you are inclined to operate quickly and thoughtlessly. The probability of that it is necessary to alter any things, is high enough, therefore it is necessary to be more consecutive in the activity. First half of this month will bring more dialogue with friends. It is not excluded that you can have new hobbies which will allow you to expand the circle of adherents. It is desirable to devote second half of February to rest, and also reflexions in loneliness. It is rather probable that you can understand a solitude is better with difficult situations, and also will think up interesting projects.

Successful days: 7, 8, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26.

Intense days: 4, 5, 11, 12, 17, 18.

• Taurus• The arrangement of planets within this month specifies that

you can become inconsistent in love relations. A bycicle probability of unreasoned acts about which you will regret subsequently. For this reason try not to force novel development, before each important stage in relations it is necessary to take a small break. So you can avoid especially ridiculous errors. First half of February will help you to realize better the purposes and problems, to surround itself with adherents. New plans and ideas will arise is more often in second half of February. It is possible to consider this period also favorable for any collective activity.

• Successful days: 1, 9, 10, 17, 18, 27, 28.• Intense days: 7, 8, 13, 14, 20, 21.Сancer

Within last winter month typical Cancers are recommended to be more careful during trips and small travel. If plan to go somewhere, it is necessary to work the route in advance. It will help to avoid loss of time. Try to avoid also within February of disputes. Someone will convince in something not so simply, and you can be now inconsistent that also will complicate search of true. First half of month, most likely, will bring to you new thoughts concerning investments or idea how to use extra means in the business. Second half of February approaches for training and travel.Successful days: 4, 5, 13, 14, 22, 23.Intense days: 11, 12, 17, 18, 24, 25.

Horoscope for FebruaryMaiden

The arrangement of planets in February specifies that you can become inconsistent enough. For you long preparation for resolute action is characteristic, thus during the moment "X" you can lead rather spontaneously. Such approach now needs to be avoided, though will make it very uneasy. Probably, it is necessary to wait a little while with excessive activity and too frequent display of the initiative. In first half of February you can successfully prove on work, in intellectual and theoretical areas. In second half of month it becomes easier to adjust business ties, your propensity to compromises will raise.

Successful days: 1, 9, 10, 17, 18, 27, 28.

Intense days: 2, 3, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29.


To typical Lions in February of a star recommend to wait a little with decision-making concerning the finance. Now it is necessary to address more attentively with personal money. To postpone also fulfillment of large purchases is recommended. There is a risk to get not absolutely that you wanted, or at the goods latent defects after a while will be shown. In first half of February it is better to direct the activity on personal relations. Now you can discuss is easier any themes with the loved one, it becomes easier to find compromises. It is more than harmony of a star promise and in intimate life. In second half of February any questions connected with debts, taxes or any obligations will be successfully solved.

Successful days: 7, 8, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26.

Intense days: 1, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28.

ScalesDuring this period you can test internal contradictions. Returning of last fears, especially what are anyhow connected with loneliness is not excluded. Try to use this period for the analysis of the past. It is not excluded that some errors to you will manage to be corrected. Even if it will not occur, all of you equally can to understand better the reason of former successes and failures. It is recommended to devote first half of February to intellectual creativity. It will be now easier to you to express itself through dialogue. Second half of month will bring luck in personal relations, will allow to fasten new acquaintances. The success also waits for you on work.Successful days: 2, 3, 11, 12, 20, 21, 29.Intense days: 4, 5, 17, 18, 24, 25.

ScorpionIn February of typical Scorpions the meeting with old friends and adherents wait. There will be an aspiration to return to last ideas, hobbies. However to a descent to try to realize similar plans it is not recommended. Most likely, you simply repeat former failures. It is better to direct the activity on search of the reasons which have prevented your projects in the past. Already then it is possible to make one more attempt which after so detailed study will make much more chances of success. First half of month is favorable for adjustment of relations with the native. Romantic acquaintances are more probable at the very beginning of February, and also during all second half of month.Successful days: 4, 5, 13, 14, 22, 23.Intense days:1, 7, 8, 20, 21, 27, 28.

Horoscope for FebruarySagittarius

The arrangement of planets in February specifies that you can show haste or inconsistency in achievement of the purposes. It is not excluded that you will achieve something one, and as a result decide that you need absolutely another. For this reason before to begin the project, it is necessary to be convinced that efforts are put in the necessary direction. The similar situation can develop and in career. Aspire to achieve only that is really necessary for you. First half of month will be successful for small trips. Begins to develop harmoniously and daily dialogue. In second half of month of more time give to a family, and also romantic relations.

Successful days: 7, 8, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26.

Intense days: 2, 3, 9, 10, 22, 23, 29.


February will bring to you bent for to new knowledge and carrying out of own researches. However it is not excluded that interest will be to variables: that you with all eagerness begin to study any subject be at all switched to absolutely opposite class. Now it is necessary to choose more accurately a direction in which you want to move, and to be more consecutive in the researches or experiments. In first half of month activity can be shown in monetary questions. Most likely, you will have interesting ideas concerning management of the personal finance. Second half of month is more favorable for small trips, reception of visitors and dialogue.

Successful days: 1, 9, 10, 17, 18, 27, 28.

Intense days: 4, 5, 11, 12, 24, 25.

AquariusIn February typical Aquarius should be more careful. The probability of reception of traumas because of haste or a carelessness now raises. You can become more absent-minded, as becomes the reason of troubles. Try to be consecutive in private life, and also in management of extra or another's money. If you are engaged in business in February do not accept risky decisions. In first half of month show the erudition is more often, it will draw to you people. Second half of February will allow you to analyse some new ideas in financial area, and also can lead to revision of some vital values.Successful days: 2, 3, 11, 12, 20, 21, 29.Intense days: 1, 7, 8, 13, 14, 27, 28.

FishesThe arrangement of planets in February specifies that to typical representatives of your zodiac sign is recommended to refrain from decisive steps in personal and business mutual relations. Now you can be inconsistent in the acts. Therefore it is recommended to be defined at first, that you want to achieve, but only after that to operate. In first half of February show personal charm is more often, choose a correct mode of work, do not forget about rest. Second half of month will allow you to shine with erudition. It is not excluded that you become more inquisitive and sociable.Successful days: 4, 5, 13, 14, 22, 23.Intense days: 2, 3, 9, 10, 15, 16, 29.