the nature of intercultural communication

The Nature of Intercultural Communication

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The Nature of Intercultural Communication. Definitions. Intercultural communication: communication between persons of different cultures. Intercultural business communication: communication within and between businesses that involves people from more than one culture. Culture, I. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Nature of Intercultural Communication

The Nature of Intercultural Communication

Page 2: The Nature of Intercultural Communication

Intercultural communication: communication between persons of different cultures.

Intercultural business communication: communication within and between businesses that involves people from more than one culture.


Page 3: The Nature of Intercultural Communication

Riol (read it out loud) (p. 5, last paragraph): “Whereas communication is a process, culture is…”

Culture, I

Page 4: The Nature of Intercultural Communication

Riol (p. 6, last paragraph): “Another way to describe culture is by using the cultural metaphor…”

Culture, II

Page 5: The Nature of Intercultural Communication

Subcultures are groups of people possessing characteristics traits that set apart them from others within a larger society or macroculture.

The U.S. macroculture is white (66%). Subculture examples: teenagers, baby

boomers, African Americans, Latin Americans, etc.


Page 6: The Nature of Intercultural Communication

Riol (p. 7, last paragraph): “Stereotypes, perceptions about certain groups of people or nationalities, exist….”


Page 7: The Nature of Intercultural Communication

Riol (p. 13, first paragraph): “When encountering someone from another culture…”

Communication barriers

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Riol (p. 14, last paragraph): “In order for managers to be successful interculturally…”

Global mindsets

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Riol (p. 24, 3rd paragraph): “ The U.S. economic system is capitalistic…”

The U.S. economic system

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Riol (p. 25, 3rd paragraph): “The Chinese government is supporting the growth of the private sector…”

The Chinese economic system

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Riol (p. 25, 5th paragraph): “Germany in one of the largest economies in Europe…”

The German economic system

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Riol (p. 45, 2nd paragraph): “In the United States, People like to believe …”

The U.S. Social behavior

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Riol (p. 45, 5th paragraph): “The Chinese are a hospitable, yet reserved, people…”

The Chinese social behavior

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Riol (p. 46, 1st paragraph): “As an individualistic culture….”

The German social behavior

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The attitude of valuing ourselves as separate individuals with responsibility for our own destinies and our own actions.

Believe in self-interest, independence, creativity, curiosity, assertiveness, and self-esteem.

Examples: Germans, European Americans, Dutch.


Page 16: The Nature of Intercultural Communication

The attitude to emphasize common interests, conformity, cooperation, and interdependence.

Believe in responsibility, politeness, and respect for elders and family.

Examples: Japan, China, India, and Puerto Rico.


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Values form the core of a culture. Values are social principles, goals, or

standards accepted by persons in a culture. The family value in China vs. the family

value in U.S. Attitudes are our likes and dislikes to certain

people, objects, or situations.

Values vs. attitudes

Page 18: The Nature of Intercultural Communication

Riol (p. 52, 2nd paragraph): “Some val;ues held by people in the United States are …”

American values

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Riol (p. 56, 5th paragraph): “This attitude toward a woman’s role …”

Attitudes toward women

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People in the U.S. value work and tend to subscribe to the work ethic.

Japanese work even harder, and they are expected to be so by their families.

Attitudes toward work

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Riol (p. 60, 5th paragraph): “Truth, according to U.S. beliefs…”

Riol (p. 61, 2nd paragraph): “Although many U.S. Americans are inclined to believe that …”

Attitudes toward ethics

Page 22: The Nature of Intercultural Communication

The trauma that you experience when you move into a culture different from your home culture.

Riol (p. 74, 2nd paragraph): “Engholm (1991) has identified …”

Cultural shock

Page 23: The Nature of Intercultural Communication

Please share the cultural shock happened to you.

Now, it is your turn