the national forest create a farm woodland

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  • 8/8/2019 The National Forest Create a Farm Woodland


    A toolkit to help you plan and plantA toolkit to help you plan and plant

    From experiences in The National ForestFrom experiences in The National Forest

  • 8/8/2019 The National Forest Create a Farm Woodland


    Create a farmwoodland

    A toolkit to help you plan and plant

    Compiled by Hugh Williams

    The National Forest Company

    From experiences in The National Forest

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    Funding for this guide has been obtained from the National Forest Company, the

    Forestry Commission and the Leicester Shire Economic Partnership. The

    preparation and advice provided by Ian Thompson and Chris Wait (both from

    ADAS) is gratefully acknowledged. Lastly, but most importantly, this guide has

    been prepared with advice and experience obtained from many landowners who

    have created and continue to manage their woodlands in The National Forest.

    Copyright The National Forest

    First published in 2003 by The National Forest Company, Enterprise Glade,

    Bath Lane, Moira, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE12 6BD

    ISBN 0 85538 464 6

    Editing and design: Jenny Claridge, Forest Research, Farnham, Surrey

    Studio design and printing: Colourgraphic Arts, Bordon, Hampshire

    Cover photos: View over just-planted woodland at East Hill, Tatenhill, 1998.

    Marking out using a spray boom; a redstart; trees establishing in weed-free rows.

    Photo credits: Christopher Beech, Rob Fraser and Martyn Pitt;

    Forest Research Photo Library; Forest Life Picture Library

    Illustrations on pages 22 and 26: John Williams, Forest Research



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    Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

    Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    Why plant a farm woodland? . . . .Timber production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    Shelter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Game cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Wildlife habitats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Landscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    Woodland design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Type of woodland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    Woodland layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    Tree spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Tree suitability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Planting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .How to plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    Types of trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    When to plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    Site preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    Marking out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    Types of hand planting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Weed protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    Protection against animal damage . . . . . . . . . . 26

    Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Keeping the trees growing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    Replacing dead trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    Ongoing management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    Looking ahead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

    Sources of further information and advice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33



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    Inviting children to help plant new woodland is an

    excellent and popular way of involving local people. Over

    150 local schoolchildren took part in this planting at

    Chestnut Woodland, Moira.

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    Farmers dont make foresters is one of the many myths that have been

    shattered by the creation of The National Forest and other community forestry

    projects throughout the country. In The National Forest, some of our finest

    young woodlands are now being planted and managed by landowners and

    managers who have never before even contemplated such an enterprise.

    Nevertheless, it is not reasonable to expect such newcomers to have

    immediately to hand all the knowledge, techniques and skills needed to create

    and look after a new woodland.

    Whether the primary purpose of woodland is for growing quality timber, for

    nature conservation or for amenity, good management is both essential and

    rewarding. A viable market for woodland products is the best driver for this

    management and that is something we are working towards in The National

    Forest. But knowledge of best practice is also vital.

    We have had many pleas from owners considering a woodland scheme, andfrom those who have already taken the plunge, for a clear, practical manual

    covering the basics of designing their woodland, getting it well established and

    its longer-term management.

    Creating a woodland is a real commitment but enormously satisfying. We hope

    that this book will provide a helping hand and reassurance.

    Susan Bell, OBE

    Chief Executive, The National Forest Company



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    The extensive new woods at Grangewood (60 ha) and

    adjoining Park Farm (82 ha) show the part woodland

    can play in assisting farm diversification and

    enhancing the landscape.

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    All woodland, regardless of where it is located, provides opportunities that far exceed

    the trees alone. It can help landowners to diversify their landholding and business

    interests, create commercial and/or amenity benefits and can be linked with work

    that enhances or creates opportunities for recreation, public access and tourism.

    The National Forest is creating, through working partnerships and with community

    participation, a new 200 square mile multi-purpose woodland for the nation in the

    heart of England. Ultimately 30 million trees will be planted which will cover a thirdof the Forest area. The National Forest is steadily turning what was once one of

    the least wooded parts of England into a sustainable forest for the 21st century

    and beyond.

    The aim of this book is to provide information for landowners who are thinking

    about creating new woodland. Although every woodland scheme may have its

    own set of unique particulars, the extensive experience of landowners within The

    National Forest has demonstrated that there are robust guidelines that can beapplied to most situations. This book draws these guidelines together.

    For more information on The National Forest contact

    Helping you to achieve your woodland

    When you decide to create a new woodland first thoughts should be about why

    you want one. The first section in this book looks at some common objectives for

    planting a woodland. Having decided on your objectives, you need to design thewoodland, thinking about tree species and how the individual trees are laid out.

    That is also the time to consider future management tasks, such as weeding,

    because they will influence your decisions. When it comes to planting your wood,

    there are a number of factors to consider; the middle section of the book looks at

    various factors, from the choice of young (nursery) stock through to the tools used

    in planting, to help ensure success. Getting the trees into the ground is a great

    achievement but only the start of the story. So finally, we look at ways of protecting

    them from damage (such as browsing), controlling weed competition andmaintaining them so that the wood you thought about at the planning stage

    materialises successfully.



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    Well before a single tree is planted, it is very important to think about the

    purpose of the woodland. Your aims will affect what woodland species will be

    planted and how they will be managed. It is also essential to think of how the

    woodland will fit into the wider context of the landholding. For example:

    Will the woodland maximise the non-woodland benefits of the landholding?

    Could the woodland provide a setting for other interests such as lakes,

    caravan parks, game shooting?

    Factors such as these fundamentally affect the nature of the woodland created

    and must be given careful and thorough consideration. Seeking early advice is

    recommended. Sources of further information and advice are provided on

    pages 3336.

    We need to start somewhere

    There are many reasons for planting woodland. These include:

    timber production provision of shelter


    game cover

    Timber production

    Timber production can be for use on the farm, for example fencing posts, or for

    commercial purposes, or both. Most (70%) of the current national timber demand

    is for softwood (coniferous trees) but this market is subject to major pressure from

    imports. The longer-term strategy within The National Forest is to produce high

    quality timber. The majority of trees (in excess of 80%) planted in The National

    Forest are hardwoods (broadleaved trees).


    Shelter can provide increased productivity for agricultural crops or livestock

    enterprises through improvements in the local microclimate. Opportunities for

    new or earlier crop production may be possible. The working or living environment

    around homesteads or workplaces can be enhanced.

    Why plant a farm woodland?


    an educational resource formal and informal recreation opportunities

    creating wildlife habitats

    creating a landscape feature

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    Woodlands can act as a screen to existing or proposed development, reduce

    traffic noise or protect an area from dust and smells. Creating a woodland as a

    screen can enhance recreational activities and accommodate high numbers of

    people while minimising the impact on the local environment.

    Game cover

    Many existing mature woodlands were originally planted for game cover. Newlyplanted woodland can provide high value for game and wildlife improvement. A

    mixed conifer and broadleaved woodland with a significant proportion of woody

    shrubs usually provides the best game wood. A carefully designed woodland is

    required to maximise shooting potential. For example, the woodland must not be

    draughty so good ground cover is required and perimeter hedging could be

    planted. The positioning and location of glades and rides is also important. Seek

    specialist advice from organisations such as the Game Conservancy Trust who

    have a range of helpful information.


    Woodlands can provide a wide range of

    educational opportunities, from a half

    day tree planting event involving local

    schools to focused programmes that

    involve aspects of the national

    curriculum, university studies or specificarts projects. Woodland tasks such as

    tree planting, weeding, thinning and use

    of timber products can provide an

    opportunity to train volunteers or new

    entrants to the industry in forest skills. In

    the wider context the general public

    often enjoy being involved in woodland

    projects and can learn a great dealabout their local environment.


    Tree planting is a great community activity, often

    involving local schools, and provides an opportunity to

    learn about and improve the local environment.

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    Woodland recreation can take many

    forms. Game shooting has already

    been mentioned, but there are many

    opportunities that a woodland setting can offer from informal walking to specialist

    organised events. These may include horse riding, carriage driving, mountain

    biking, paint balling, motorbike scrambling, four-wheel drive courses, caravan

    sites, timber cabins, camping, show arenas for specialist events, nature watchingand fishing. There are opportunities to make money from all these activities.

    Wildlife habitats

    Planting woodland creates habitats for a variety of

    plants and animals. These range from the invertebrates

    such as beetles and spiders that live on the forest floor

    to birds and mammals, and from mosses and flowering

    plants to lichens that will inhabit the mature woodland.Ancient woodland (where there has been continuous

    woodland cover since at least 1600 AD) is the most

    diverse woodland habitat. If ancient woodland exists on

    or adjacent to a site then extending and protecting this

    feature will be of utmost importance.

    Broadleaved woodland has a greater wildlife value than

    coniferous (see page 6), but a compromise can befound with the creation of mixed woodland. Shrub and

    coppice and open ground areas all provide useful

    wildlife habitats. Woodland schemes make provision for

    both of these habitats so they should be considered in

    the design. Indeed, unplanted land can provide great

    opportunities for wildlife and can add significant value.


    The redstart a BAP species which

    ikes a mosaic of woodland habitats in

    which it can feed and nest.

    stalling boxes for the Noctule bat is one

    feature of the National Forests

    Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) and is

    equently part of new woodland schemes.

    From arable fields to fishing lakes in just 1 year.

    Beehive Farm at Rosliston is one example of the

    way private landowners can use woodland creation

    to help in farm diversification.

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    Many additional features can be provided within a woodland context. These

    include open water, wetlands, scrapes, reed beds, coppice, existing riverside

    trees, ancient hedgerow trees, parkland trees, avenues, reinstating hedgerows,

    planting of wildflowers and the creation of traditional hay meadows.


    Using available information and

    studying the existing landscape willhelp determine the scale and type of

    woodland that may be appropriate.

    Large-scale woodlands may suit

    large open arable landscapes

    whereas discrete woodlands may fit

    better where small fields create a

    more intimate setting.

    The choice of species can also be

    influenced by the surroundings.

    Using natural regeneration in preference to planting should be considered next to

    existing ancient and semi-natural woodlands. Traditional native species are

    appropriate next to ancient woodland sites, whereas more exotic species may be

    considered in a parkland style woodland. In an arable landscape single species

    plantations can be appropriate.

    Maintaining views to and from a

    woodland are very important,

    particularly where there are

    interesting landmarks such as

    church spires, and unusual or

    special natural features, and should

    be allowed for in the design.

    Well-designed, well-managedwoodlands can increase the value

    and desirability of a property.


    The land around Bagworth in the Midlands Coalfield

    has seen a significant increase in new woodland.

    Mature hedges, boundary trees and church spires,

    as seen here at Lullington, are important landscape features

    to consider when planning new woodland.

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    Woodland design

    There are many different aspects to consider when designing a woodland plan.

    The main aspects are:

    1. Type of woodland 2. Woodland layout 3. Tree spacing 4. Tree suitability

    Type of woodland

    Broadly there are four types of woodland that can be planted. A scheme may

    consist of one, some or all of the four main types described in Box 1.

    BOX 1 I Main woodland types and additional elements

    s BroadleavedTypically consisting of major (dominant) species such as oak, ash, wild cherry and sweet chestnut.They can be grown for commercial reasons and if managed correctly will produce high value cropsin the long-term (60 years). Certain broadleaved species may need pruning to maintain their quality.Thinnings will be taken throughout the life of the woodland and will start when the woodlands are2025 years old.

    s ConiferousTypically Scots or Corsican pine, larch or spruce, these are commercial crop trees. They are fastergrowing and have the potential to provide early saleable timber. Typically the first crop, the thinnings,will be taken from approximately 20 years of age and then every 7 to 10 years until the cropreaches maturity (at 4060 years old) when it can be felled.

    s Mixed broadleaved and coniferousThis type of woodland mixes the two types and provides a compromise giving the increased wildlifebenefits of broadleaf woodland with the quicker timber production associated with conifers. There ishowever a need to consider the scale of the woodland, as small mixed woodland can negateeconomies of scale, providing insufficient amounts of either hardwoods or softwoods to beeconomic to manage.

    s Fast growing broadleavesThese are fast growing trees, usually poplars, grown under very specific planting and management

    regimes to provide a final crop in a relatively short time frame of between 20 and 30 years.

    Additional woodland elements

    s ShrubsShrubs form an important component of any woodland planting, providing cover for game birds,wildlife habitats and nesting sites for a variety of species. Some, particularly hazel, provide minortimber products.

    s HedgerowsAn important feature of the landscape, hedgerows act as corridors for wildlife, link woodlandstogether, provide natural barriers and, where they encircle the woodland, add warmth to thewoodland floor.

    s Individual treesPlanting unusual tree species (such as wild service tree, holm oak, wellingtonia) in small groups inan avenue or parkland style in open ground can provide a unique feature to the woodland.Be a little different!

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    Woodland layout

    The layout of the woodland has to consider a number of important factors:

    1. Reasons for the woodland 2. Surrounding landscape

    3. Existing surrounding woodland 4. Areas of sensitivity (such as watercourses,

    archaeological features and nature conservation interest).

    The types of woodland will have been decided at the design stage, taking intoaccount the aims of the woodland and its site conditions. The mix of species

    within woodland types and their distribution now needs to be decided. There are

    three options for the establishment of the trees. They can be planted as groups,

    in lines or in an intimate mixture.


    The advantage of this system is that in a mixed planting tree groups (varying

    from 20 to 60 of each species) will grow at the same rate, ensuring survival of allthe species and resulting in a woodland that has all species represented. This is a

    robust and straightforward technique which can maximise the long-term value of

    the wood.


    This option is the easiest to manage and suits mechanised planting and

    harvesting. However, care must be taken to avoid planting different species in

    alternate rows, especially on sloping ground, as this can create what is known asthe pyjama pattern, because of the obvious stripes that are visible from a


    Intimate mixture

    This is a random mix of the major tree species. In appearance this mix is the

    most desirable but in management terms it is the most difficult to achieve. Failure

    to manage correctly will result in the faster growing species shading out the

    slower ones and the desired design will fail to materialise.

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    Tree spacing

    Tree spacing can vary according to the types of species being planted and the type

    of woodland desired and will affect future management practice. Examples of

    spacing are shown in Box 2; the one selected will depend on your objectives.

    Regular spacing is much easier to manage especially when the trees are small as

    it is easier to find them when they are in rows. It also allows the site manager to

    consider management techniques such as mechanised inter-row swiping and

    motorised spraying to control competing vegetation, methods which are fast and

    efficient (see pages 18 and 25).

    Tree suitability

    The suitability of a tree species to a particular site will depend on a number of

    factors. These include: soil condition, location, altitude and exposure. Tables 1 and

    2 on pages 1011 indicate the suitability of different tree and shrub species to

    location and soil conditions. Table 3 on page 11 shows the suitability of trees and

    shrubs for shelter. Possible end-uses for their timber are shown in Table 4, page 12.

    BOX 2 I Examples of tree spacing

    s 1 m x 1 mThis spacing is preferred for withies, a type of willow coppiced and used for weaving material. In thepast it was a traditional planting distance for oak trees and results in 10,000 trees per hectare.

    s 2.1 m x 2.1 mThis is the normal minimum spacing for larger woodlands where timber production is an objective.This equates to 2,250 trees per hectare. To grow quality timber, planting at greater density isfavoured. For example, a spacing of 2.1 m x 1.5 m will increase density yet still allow access formaintenance between rows.

    s 3 m x 3 mThis spacing is acceptable for small woods and in cases where the prime objective is to createaccessible community woodland. This equates to 1,100 trees per hectare.

    s 8 m x 8 mThis is an option often used for poplar plantations. The trees are carefully pruned and grown throughto a single crop without thinning. This results in 156 trees per hectare.

    s IrregularThis may be random within rows and/or random between rows. It is preferred if a more naturalappearance is desired or if wildlife and conservation are prime objectives. This variable spacing alsoallows space for natural regeneration to supplement the planted trees. To ensure successful creationof new native woodland a density of 1,600 trees per hectare should be achieved.

    Note: 1 hectare = 2.471 acres. 1 hectare has dimensions of 100 metres by 100 metres.

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    For woodland where nature conservation is important, the number of species

    can be increased. Advice is contained in FC Bulletin 112: Creating new native

    woodlands, based upon the National Vegetation Classification (NVC) see

    page 35. Each wooded NVC type (there are 19) is related to a particular

    climatic zone and soil condition and represents the type of vegetation that would

    develop if natural succession was allowed to take its full course.

    When considering what species are suitable, also think about the overall

    balance of the woodland and what the woodland is for. Where timber is

    a main aim, concentrating on a smaller number of species may be

    desired. For example, consider planting three principal timber species

    (about 70% in total), two to three medium height species (20% in total)

    to provide balance and colour and three to four species of woody shrubs

    (10% in total) to give low cover.

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    Table 1 I Suitability of selected tree species to site conditions



    Black poplar

    Common alder

    Common walnut

    Crab apple

    Cricket bat willow

    Downy birch

    Field maple

    Goat willow


    Large leaved lime

    Pendunculate oak



    Sessile oak

    Silver birch

    Small leaved lime

    Sweet chestnut


    Wild cherry


    Wet / Heavy Neutral / Acid Light / Exposed Shady Contaminatedmoist alkaline dry

    Soil typeSpecies

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    Table 2 I Suitability of selected shrub species to site conditions

    Wet / Heavy Neutral / Acid Light / Exposedmoist alkaline dry

    Soil typeCommon name

    Alder buckthorn

    Almond willow

    Bay willow


    Dog rose


    Eared willow


    Field rose

    Guelder rose





    Osier willow


    Purging buckthorn

    Purple willow


    Wayfaring tree

    Table 3 I Suitability of trees and shrubs for shelter

    Narrow-crowned broadleaves foredges (many coppice well)

    Tall broadleaves for heightand longevity

    Shrubs for dense lower storey

    Alders: common, red and grey Ash Blackthorn

    Ash Oak Buckthorn

    Birches: silver and downy Sycamore Dog rose

    Poplars Sweet chestnut Elder

    Rowan Hawthorn

    Whitebeam Hazel

    Willows: white, goat and crack Holly

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    Table 4 I Tree species and possible end-uses for their timber

    Broadleaved species Possible end-use

    Coniferous species Possible end-uses

    Alder: black and grey Turnery work, medium priced furniture and hardwood pulp.Good firewood fuel.

    Ash Specialist market for sports goods, also tool handles.Burns well even when green makes excellent logs.

    Birch: downy and silver Useful furniture plywood and veneer. Poorer quality timbers usedfor particleboard and pulp. Potential to create birch coppicefor fencing hurdles.

    Cherry In great demand for furniture, veneer and turnery. Consider theuse of specialist species such as Wildstar; seek advice.

    Hazel Traditionally used for hedge stakes and binders a developingmarket. Also used as a thatching material. Nuts are still harvested but a niche product.

    Lime: small and large leaved For turnery and carving. Some furniture applications.

    Maple: field Musical instruments. Wavy grain maple sought after for appearance.

    Oak: pendunculate and sessile Furniture, panelling, high-class joinery and veneers.Low grades fencing and gates.

    Poplar Particularly good for veneers and can be used for internal furniture.Fast growing and can be harvested within 25 years but quantity

    and quality determine potential value. Seek advice.Sweet chestnut Can be split easily to make cleft fencing and stakes. Alternative to

    oak in furniture products.

    Walnut Potential for veneer quality timber if high quality stock planted andtrees are managed for quality. A specialist species, seek advice.

    Sycamore Furniture, joinery & flooring. Quality determines price- wavy grainis particularly prized. Dont dismiss as a weed but consider riskposed by squirrel attack.

    Willow: cricket bat and goat Cricket bat willow is a specialist crop so seek advice. Goat willowhas niche uses for sculpture, craft and arts work.

    Larch: European and Japanese General framing, deckboards, baseboards, sometimes leading edgeboard. Fencing, gates and posts, some joinery use

    Pine: Corsican and Scots Trussed rafters and general framing. Deckboards and baseboards.Fencing, gateposts, space boarding and purlins. Some joinery uses.

    Spruce: Norway A species that can be used as a nurse crop, felled early and usedfor Christmas trees. However consider the increasing popularity ofvarieties more resistant to dropping their needles; seek specialistadvice.

    Yew Specialist use in high quality furniture and crafts, such as yew bows.

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    Now that you have thought about the design of your woodland, its time to get

    some trees into the ground! In addition to planting techniques and the types of

    trees, you need to consider site preparation and the best time of year to plant.

    Seven main elements are involved in the initial planting of a wood.

    1. How to plant

    2. Types of trees

    3. When to plant4. Site preparation

    How to plant

    There are four options: self-planting, hired help, professional tree planting

    contractors or mechanical planters.


    This is the cheapest option in terms of direct cost, and can be done at your ownconvenience. Be realistic about the amount of time that it may take, time which

    may not be readily available or would be better used elsewhere. Typically someone

    who is not used to planting will manage to plant about 400500 trees in a day.

    Hired help

    Using hired help will greatly reduce the physical workload but will still necessitate

    organising the planting team. This requires a high level of personnel management

    and the ability to interpret and implement the carefully considered design planseffectively.

    5. Marking out

    6. Type of planting

    7. Tools

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    Professional tree planting contractors

    This is the more expensive option, but it does move some of the responsibility

    from the owner/advisor to the planting contractor. Choose recommended

    contractors who can demonstrate that they are well organised and know how to

    handle delicate planting stock. It is advisable to see if they have carried out work

    locally and, if they have, to speak to the landowner and visit the site. Professional

    tree planters work much more quickly and can often plant up to 1,000 trees per

    day. They are experienced in implementing written planting specifications. Onedisadvantage with good contractors is that everybody wants them at the same

    time and availability may be an important factor.

    It is accepted practice to put a tree replacement (or beat-up) clause into the

    initial contract, making the contractors responsible for replacing any trees that fail

    to establish over a specified time (usually the first two growing seasons). This will

    encourage contractors to take better care with the initial planting.

    Mechanical planter

    Using a mechanical planter is cheaper than hand planting and can give significant

    savings in time. A machine planter can plant as many as 10,000 trees per day in

    large new woodlands with a simple layout. They are less labour intensive thanmanual planting but are not ideally

    suited to sloping ground and are

    dependent on drier and more friable

    soil conditions. If conditions are not

    perfect there can be problems with

    the trees not being planted

    completely upright. Drying out and

    cracking of the ground can occur

    where the planter has travelled,

    leading to exposed roots and tree



    Tree mortality of 56% at the end of one growing season is consideredreasonable. If the mortality is greater than this then possible causes (suchas poor planting, poor maintenance and pests) need to be investigated.

    Machine planting at Grey Lodge Wood, Ratby. Note the raised

    spray booms (front) and the planting machine (rear)

    mounted on the tractor.

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    Planting designs have to be very simple to accommodate mechanised planting. In

    practice a design which has too many species is unlikely to be accurately

    replicated. Hand planting may be required to plant special tree species, areas of

    trees at specific places or at awkward areas where the machine could get stuck.

    Types of trees

    There is a range of planting stock types to choose from and the choice will

    depend on species and situation. The stock types include bare root transplants,cell grown, whips, feathered whips, standards and setts. Box 3 describes the

    different types and explains the advantages and disadvantages of each. As a

    general rule, for most large-scale woodland planting, it is most cost effective to

    use 1520 cm cell grown conifers and 4060 cm bare rooted broadleaves. It is

    recommended that the trees are sourced from a reputable forest nursery.

    The National Forest is committed to the use of trees of local provenance, i.e.

    those grown from British seed, which have improved growth, better chances ofsurvival and support native wildlife.


    Bare rooted oak transplant. Cell grown oak transplant.

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    Box 3 I Different types of planting stock

    Bare root transplantsTree height will vary between 15 and 90 cmand trees will be priced accordingly. Up to 90cm in height young trees are classed astransplants and will be categorised by the timespent growing in a nursery bed and the timehardening off outdoors. For example a 1 + 1transplant is one year in a nursery bed and one

    year planted out. A 1 u 1 transplant is a plantgrown for one year in a nursery bed, the rootsare then undercut in situ and grown for afurther year. This technique creates large fibrousroot systems.

    Cell grownThe trees are grown from seed in trays of smallplastic cells. They are grown rapidly in plastictunnels and then hardened off outside onconcrete or raised trestles. They can vary in ageand the length of time they have been hardenedoff very young trees should be avoided.

    Whips, feathered whips and standardsThese are larger trees that range from 90 cm(whips and feathered whips) to 3 m (standards).They can be purchased bare rooted (at thesmaller sizes) or rootballed. Rootballing meansthe trees come with soil attached. This improvestheir chances of survival but increases the cost.

    SettsSetts are cuttings of species (typically willowand poplar) which are planted directly into theground. Willow setts are about 20 cm in lengthand can be planted at great speed and highdensity. Poplar setts are generally about 0.5 min length and can be bought with or withoutroots; unrooted poplar setts are generallypreferred and tend to establish more quickly.

    AdvantagesCheapest, most widely available stock, easiestto plant and have the shortest planting season(Novemberend of March).

    DisadvantagesFragile, need to be handled gently and prone todrying out. Ordering trees to be delivered in

    specially made black and white bags allowsthem to be stored for up to 4 weeks in a cooland shady place prior to planting.

    AdvantagesArrive with a small amount of soil, so are moreresistant to dry conditions and can be stored forlonger than bare rooted material before planting.Planting season can be extended from Octoberthrough to May.


    More expensive than bare root transplants. Takelonger to plant. Good planting technique isessential, as poor planting can lead to cellsbeing forced out of ground by frost. Heavier tocarry.

    AdvantagesBest used in specialist situations (such asparkland, formal avenues) where an instanteffect and low numbers of trees are required.

    DisadvantagesMore expensive and higher risk of losses (canbe up to 40%). Larger and heavier so more

    difficult to move around and plant. May requirepit planting, the installation of drainage and (forvery large trees) specialist anchoring.

    AdvantagesQuick and easy to plant. Willow setts growquickly in damper ground to give an immediatewoodland.

    DisadvantagesA damp (not dry) spring is needed followingplanting otherwise many trees can die.

    Type of tree Advantages and disadvantages

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    When to plant

    Trees should be planted between November and the end of March and before

    they start coming into bud. Budding can be suppressed by nurseries that keep

    trees in cold storage. The season can be extended from October and into May by

    using cell grown stock. Planting late in the season increases the risk of tree mortality.

    This is particularly critical with bare root trees as they are prone to drying out.

    Site preparationIt is vital to determine whether the ground has any innate restrictions to tree

    establishment. If there is any doubt, soil pits (to about 1m in depth) should be

    dug at different points within the field. If restrictions (such as a plough pan,

    compacted soils or very heavy clay soils) are present this could result in limited

    root growth of the trees, poor growth, high mortality and possible long-term

    vulnerability to being blown over. Before planting, the plough pan should be

    broken up by ripping or sub-soiling.

    The site preparation is dependent on the current use of the field (pasture or

    arable). For example, whether the field is rough, if there is a high incidence of

    weeds, and what method of future management you are contemplating.

    If planting into pasture you have to decide whether or not to keep the existing

    grassland sward and plant trees into it or whether to plough the field and then

    re-seed with a low productivity grass or a grass/wildflower mix before planting.

    Planting straight into the grassland is the cheaper option. However, establishedgrassland often harbours small populations of field voles. Closing off the site to

    stock or ceasing a cutting regime can result in a vole population explosion that

    will put young trees at risk (see pages 2327).

    On arable fields it is important to decide whether to leave them in stubble or to

    plough, cultivate and re-seed before planting. Leaving as stubble may mean

    leaving tramline ruts and an uneven surface that will require remedial works and

    may affect future management plans. It will also allow any weeds to colonise thesite and may make future weed control more difficult. Re-seeding provides the

    advantage of knowing exactly what grass mix is present (and therefore how to

    control it) and reduces colonisation by weeds.

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    Marking out

    Marking out is done for two purposes. The first is to locate the boundaries of the

    planting, open space and any changes in species, for example from trees to

    shrubs. This can be simply done using canes, chalk or marking paint and makesplanting easier and quicker. The second reason for marking out is to achieve

    correct stocking rates and assist future management. The following methods can

    be used:

    1. Full grid

    2. Half grid

    3. Poles and string

    4. Canes

    Full grid

    This is the quickest method of

    marking out and can be done in

    advance of the planting operation.

    It requires a grid to be marked out

    at the required spacing, both

    up/down and across a field. This can be achieved by scoring the ground with a

    bar attached to the back of a tractor or quad. Some sites are marked out by sub-soiler and planting undertaken at the sides of the rip lines. Both techniques will

    facilitate the mechanical cutting and spraying of the weeds between the trees but

    the latter can leave an uneven and sometimes cloddy surface.

    Half grid

    This is the same principle as a full grid but marking out is only in one direction.

    This method may be used on difficult or steep terrain (which makes marking out

    in two directions dangerous) or where a simplified management regime isintended. Maintenance can only be carried out in one direction the direction of

    the row. Planting rods can be used to mark the distances of plants within the row.

    If you decide to re-seed it is essential to use a specialist low-vigour

    grass mix. Many suppliers sell specific forestry mixes. You can increase

    the diversity of the grass sward by adding wildflower seed.

    Spray boom being used to apply marking

    out spray prior to ground being scored at

    Roecliffe Wood, Packington.

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    Poles and string

    This involves marking out the

    planting area with poles and

    indicating the rows by string

    running between them. Once in

    place the string will ensure that the

    row spacing is constant in one

    direction. Marked planting poles arethen used to establish the distance

    within the rows. This provides

    accuracy between rows; although

    moving long lengths of string is

    cumbersome, and in windy conditions accuracy can be reduced as the string

    blows away or bows in the direction of the wind.

    CanesThe planting area can simply be marked out with rods or canes. This is the

    easiest and fastest to set up but has the greatest room for error. The planting

    distance between rows and

    within rows can vary greatly.

    One advantage of this

    method is that it is ideal for

    achieving an irregular

    planting pattern. Conversely itis the worst method for

    enabling future inter-row

    cutting or mechanised weed


    Scoring spike mounted onto rear of quad.

    Ground scored in both directions at 2.1 m spacing at Park Farm,

    Ibstock. The chessboard pattern allows for subsequent management

    in either direction.

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    Types of hand planting

    If you have decided to plant the trees yourself, you will need to use the correct

    technique to ensure successful establishment. There are two types of hand

    planting technique: notch planting and pit planting, as described in Box 4.


    Box 4 I Types of hand planting

    Notch plantingThe spade is used to cut a T- or L-shaped slit inthe ground, which is then rolled back and theroots of the tree are inserted. The tree is thenfirmed in.

    Pit plantingA hole is dug in the ground, the tree insertedand the soil replaced and firmed in around it.This method is suitable for larger trees or rootsystems.

    AdvantagesA fast process.

    DisadvantagesAs this method is designed to be quick, thequality of planting can suffer. In particular, theplanting slit can be too small to accommodatethe roots, so do check.

    AdvantagesBetter care of the roots. Ideal for smallerplantings or when tree planters areinexperienced.

    DisadvantagesA much slower process.

    Type of planting Advantages and disadvantages

    The four main stages of notch planting

    1. The spade is used to make a first slit

    in the ground.

    2. A second slit is made and levered back.

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    General tips for planting

    Whichever method is selected the following tips are important.

    Planting The spade should be fully inserted into the ground and rolled backover the boot (steel toe-capped boots are advisable). This opens the cut and liftsthe soil out of the notch. When the tree is inserted particular attention should be

    paid to the roots. It is important to ensure that the tree is planted at the correctdepth: the soil level should be flush with the root collar, i.e. the point on the tree

    where the root changes into the shoot.

    To find the root collar, rub the tree stem near the root; the root collar isthe point where the colour changes.

    Soil After planting, the soil should be firmed back down with the boot heel toensure that no air gaps are left.

    Roots The roots should be completely covered by soil to avoid damage to the tree.

    Ash and sweet chestnut trees tend to have larger root systems and canbe poorly planted. If you can see the root or if too much of the root collaris exposed, then the planting is poor. Also check other species to monitor

    quality. Walnut has unusually large root systems so it is important todouble check that they are planted well.

    Alignment The trees should be vertical; if they are leaning over when plantedthey will continue to grow at an angle, resulting in poor form and shape, and mayeventually fall over.

    3. The tree is placed at the slit apex and

    positioned at the correct depth with the

    soil level flush with the root collar.

    4. The soil is gently firmed in while

    holding the tree straight.

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    This is a normal garden spade,better suited to pit planting.

    Pole or dibble

    As its name suggests, this isjust a long straight pole usedwhen planting willows andpoplar.

    Planting spade

    This is a much narrower spadefavoured by the planting gangs.It is much lighter and fasterand designed to be just theright size for notch plantingsmall bare rooted trees.

    Figure 1 I Useful planting tools.


    Figure 1 shows a selection of useful planting tools and explains their suitabilityfor hand planting.

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    Trees need to be protected from two main threats: weeds and pests.

    Weed protection

    Weed protection is an essential part of tree care. It is important that this is

    carried out immediately after planting and again each year after that (for about

    35 years) in order to reduce competition for water and nutrients from weeds

    and grasses. The timing will vary depending on the method. There are three

    possible methods: mulching, mechanical and chemical; these are described inBox 5. On all but the smallest sites chemical weeding is likely to be the most

    economic technique. Mechanical or mulching techniques may be preferred on

    organic registered sites and may provide less risk to wildlife.

    A clear, weed-free circle following spot application

    of herbicide at Seale Lodge, Overseal.

    When to weed

    Mulches should be applied straight after planting and should be inspected

    regularly and reapplied as necessary.

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    Box 5 I Weed protection methods

    MulchesMulching smothers weeds or prevents themfrom germinating. There are two main types ofmulch: natural such as wood or bark chips orman-made such as polythene mats.

    Mechanical weedingMechanical weeding is the cutting of vegetation,usually with mowers and strimmers.

    Chemical weedingThe guidelines for chemical weeding areconstantly being updated. You arerecommended to refer to up to date sources ofadvice and always check the label on thecontainer to ensure that it is suitable for yoursituation. You can contract out the work; thecontractors then become responsible forensuring that the correct mix and type ofchemicals and rate of application are used.

    A wide range of chemicals are currently

    available. Broadly speaking these forestherbicides fall into two categories: pre-emergent(also known as residuals) and emergent (mostlyfoliar acting).

    Pre-emergent (residuals)Pre-emergent herbicides can be applied prior toplanting or immediately afterwards as thechemical goes into the soil and is then absorbedby the roots. Examples include products basedaround chemicals such as pendimethalin andpropyzamide.

    Emergent (mostly foliar acting)

    Emergent herbicides must be applied after theweeds have had time to grow and establishthemselves. Examples include products basedaround chemicals such as glyphosphate,triclopyr and paraquat.

    AdvantagesCan make chemical treatment unnecessary somay be appropriate on sensitive sites. Can beinstalled by volunteers without specialist trainingor certificates.

    DisadvantagesOrganic mulches must be rotted down. Mats

    must be fitted and fixed correctly. Loosemulches may require an occasional top-up (orherbicide spray). Expensive and mats can beprone to pest infestation (voles and mice buildtheir nests underneath).

    AdvantagesRequires no special skills. Easy to see wherethe work has been carried out and can bephysically rewarding.

    DisadvantagesNeeds to be repeated several times a year to betruly effective. Easy to get too close to the treesand damage them (particularly when usingstrimmers).AdvantagesRelatively cheap. Very effective if appliedproperly and at the correct time.

    DisadvantagesRequires knowledge and training in theuse of sprays and their application. Most treesrequire protection from sprays. Can damagetrees and the wider environment if usedincorrectly.

    Type of weed protection Advantages and disadvantages

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    Chemical weeding should be undertaken immediately after planting and then

    again in the spring of each subsequent year for at least 3 years. The time of year

    varies with the substance being applied. Februaryearly April can be an ideal time

    to spray while weeds (such as grasses) are just emerging. It may be necessary to

    use at least two applications within a planting season. Should this be the case

    then foliar acting herbicides could be applied from August to September and/or

    residuals in DecemberJanuary. As a general rule a minimum area of 1.2 m

    diameter around each tree should be kept weed free from AprilSeptember, for35 years after planting, or until trees are well established.

    Failure to control weeds in the early years will significantly restrict tree

    growth for many years to follow. The presence of weeds also makes the

    trees more vulnerable to other damage as it is simply harder to see and

    control pests such as voles and rabbits.

    As with planting it is possible to hire professional contractors to carry out this work.

    For help with invasive weeds, such as ragwort, specialist advice should be sought.

    Mechanical spraying of rows with herbicide at Buildings Farm Woods, Hartshorne.

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    Protection against animal damage

    New trees are very attractive to animals looking for

    young growth to browse. They need protection against

    common mammals, including deer, rabbits, hares and

    voles, and against stock such as sheep. The four main

    methods of protection are

    fencing, tree shelters,

    grass cutting and raptorposts, as described in Box

    6. Individual tree shelters

    are needed on a number

    of sites. They are very

    useful but it is essential

    to install them correctly

    see Figure 2.



    Used to protect the plant frompest attack and enhancesgrowth by acting as agreenhouse. There is a widerange of products (spirals,sleeves, shelters, mesh guards)so check that the selection iscorrect for each species andthat it provides sufficientprotection.


    Used for knocking in thestakes to the required depth.


    If tree shelters are requiredthen a firm stake or cane isneeded to ensure that theshelter stays in place. Stakesshould be driven at least 20 cminto the ground, but this doesvary with the type of shelterand stake being used. If tubesare used, the stake should beinserted so that it is just belowthe level of the shelter(otherwise the tree rubsagainst the stake and can bedamaged).

    Figure 2 I Tree protection and tools.

    Clear evidence of vole

    damage: removal of the bark

    and underlying growth layers

    at the base of this poplar tree.

    Raptor post a cost-

    effective and natural

    method for pest control

    in establishing woodland.

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    Box 6 I Main ways of protecting against animal damage

    FencingIt may be necessary to erect some form offencing around the woodland to keep out stocksuch as sheep.

    Individual tree protectionDifferent types of individual tree protection areavailable, from spiral guards, sleeves, wraps todouble skinned tubes. All provide a physicalbarrier to prevent mammal damage andenhance growth through a greenhouse effect.Individual protection methods have the addedbonus of clearly marking tree locations, offering

    a barrier against pests and giving a degree ofprotection to the trees when spraying weeds orcutting unwanted vegetation.

    Grass cuttingThis is important in areas of high volepopulations. Voles can enter through rabbitfencing and under tree shelters. By keeping thegrass short between the rows they are deprivedof cover and more easily seen by predatorssuch as kestrels and owls.

    Raptor postsEncourages birds of prey into the woodland asthey can perch on the posts and use them asplatforms from which to hunt.

    AdvantagesFor larger sites this is significantlycheaper than fitting individual tree guards. Lessobtrusive in the landscape. No broken guards torefit or tidy up when no longer needed. Helps tochannel public access.


    Once breached the woodland is vulnerable.Fencing does not protect trees againstvole damage. Trees can be hard to find ifcompeting vegetation is not kept under control.

    AdvantagesOffer greater protection to individual trees.Easier to find young trees. Weed control easierif installed correctly (no other vegetation inside).

    DisadvantagesHigh initial cost. Too many tubes can give agraveyard appearance. Pests can make nestsin tubes. High maintenance cost: ongoing

    adjustment/removal of damaged guards andstakes. Some protection degrades too slowlywhich can strangle and kill the trees.Long-term costs of removal/disposal haveto be considered.

    AdvantagesHelps pest control. Can make site look neater,although not necessarily better.

    DisadvantagesPlan timing carefully to minimise disruption toground-nesting birds. Cutting can increasecompetition for nutrients and make the sitemore exposed, thereby slowing treeestablishment.

    AdvantagesNatural, effective, cheap and quick to install recommended.

    Type of protection Advantages and disadvantages

    Voles seem to particularly like ash trees so if the ash are showing

    signs of vole damage then use this as an early indication that they are

    present, pose a threat and need controlling.

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    Several aspects are involved in the maintenance of a new woodland. The

    following is a useful checklist.

    Keeping the trees growing so they establish successfully

    weeding around the trees

    general grass control

    control of competition

    Replacing dead trees

    Ongoing management

    Keeping the trees growing

    Weeding around the trees

    It is critical that weeding is carried out at the

    appropriate time (see page 23) otherwise the

    weeds will out-compete the trees for available

    nutrients and water before they becomeestablished. The single largest cause of dead

    trees is the lack of adequate weed control.

    Grass control

    Controlling the grass by cutting makes

    managing the woodland easier but does not

    directly make the trees grow faster or

    establish easier these aspects are more greatly influenced by proper weedingand general maintenance. Indeed, cutting vegetation can encourage it to grow

    back more vigorously, thus increasing the competition for nutrients and water, and

    slowing tree growth. However, there may be conditions, such as the need to

    control areas of noxious weeds (although spraying is preferable on smaller

    patches), to show paths, glades and open areas and to remove surplus vegetation

    in order to make weeding easier, where some grass control is necessary. Some

    woodland owners like to cut the grass to make the woodland look neater, but this

    is largely a matter of personal preference. Two main methods can be used tocontrol grass: mowing and strimming.



    Weed-free rows at Frankies, Alrewas. At this stage no

    further herbicide control is necessary to ensure that

    the trees become established, but ongoing shelter

    maintenance will need to be considered.

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    Mowing This is the most effective and

    least likely to cause damage to the trees. It

    is also a lot cheaper, faster and less labour

    intensive than strimming. A number of

    tractor-based flails and sit-on mowers are available.

    Strimming This is labour intensive and frequently results in damage to the bark

    at the base of the tree. However, strimming may be the only option if the treesare planted in a pattern that is inaccessible for a machine-based mower.

    Here there is a need to consider the benefits of grassland and unplanted

    ground for nature conservation; controlling only selected parts of the grassland

    may be required. Farmland birds have declined seriously over the last 25 years

    yet new woodland creates ideal habitat for many farmland birds such as skylark,

    snipe, curlew, lapwings, partridge and pheasant. Each species has its own bird

    nesting season (lapwings nest from April to mid August, snipe from mid May tomid July) but as a general rule mowing should be avoided between April to mid

    August. When mowing wildlife friendly practices should be used such as setting

    a high mower height, manoeuvring around nests and, wherever possible, leaving

    areas unmown.

    Control of competition

    This includes weed and pest control (see pages 2329). It is vital to determine the

    current level, and future levels, of pests. This will influence the type of protectionused (e.g. individual guards, fencing) and determine management practices.

    The creation of The National Forest is resulting in the expansion of suitable deer

    habitat within a wider context of increasing deer numbers. Without adequate

    control of the population, serious damage is likely to be caused to woodlands,

    crops and groundflora. Appropriate woodland design (including deer fencing,

    deer lawns) needs to be considered when planning a new woodland. Culling

    deer offers the potential for income (stalking, game products). Management isalso important to maintain the health of deer populations. The National Forest is

    encouraging landowners to work through Deer Management Groups to ensure

    wise and sustainable management.


    Muntjac deer are a threat to woodland and its

    associated groundflora. Deer numbers are increasing.

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    As the woodland area expands and matures, so the grey squirrel will need

    control. Grey squirrels can seriously damage trees and can compete with and

    predate on native fauna, such as dormouse and woodland birds. Trapping or

    shooting are ways of control, but neighbouring landowners will need to work

    together in order to be truly effective.

    Replacing dead trees

    Tree numbers need to be counted in August to assess success rate and calculatenumbers required for restocking (beating-up). When replacing losses, it is best to

    replant with the species that are establishing best while considering the overall

    aim of the woodland. Any natural regeneration can be used to offset the number

    of new trees planted.

    Ongoing management

    This involves regularly checking the site to monitor the progress of tree growth

    and looking out for potential problems. The following brief checklist may behelpful.

    Spring in a young woodland time to enjoy

    and to plan ahead.

    Weed infestation observed

    and controlled

    Growth rate of grass and other

    competing vegetation monitored

    Fences repaired if damaged

    or collapsed

    Tree guards repaired, replaced

    or removed

    Raptor posts in place

    General site maintenance, such as

    litter collection and checking signage

    Mowing paths and glades

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    Creating new woodland on farmland is both a challenge and an opportunity.

    Some landowners look at their newly planted woodland and feel a sense of

    disappointment the trees resemble little green twigs and their neighbours

    wheat field looks so tidy. Yet, as the trees develop and the opportunities that

    the woodland provides become more apparent, so these feelings change. Many

    landowners comment on how they enjoy seeing the trees grow, the increase in

    wildlife and how they find something different in their woodland every time they

    go through it. The change from a twig to a recognisable tree is not, as manypeople think, a slow process. By the time that the trees are 5 years old they

    can be 2 metres tall and the character of the woodland is emerging.

    Successful woodland creation rests upon thorough planning, implementation

    and maintenance. There is a lot of work involved. In particular the first 5 years

    are the vital time for tree establishment and weed control all of which can

    influence the future direction of the woodland. Experience shows that keeping

    things simple, robust and sustainable results in greatest success. A considereddesign is paramount to avoid future conflicts, concerns and costs. Maintaining

    woodland carefully, and carrying out operations at the right time, is imperative.

    Not looking after woodland only serves to accumulate problems for the future,

    so if there are any concerns, advice should be sought.

    Like the trees, woodland-related opportunities can grow quickly. In The National

    Forest, leisure and tourism are becoming increasingly popular and an attractive

    source of income for many landowners. Markets for the timber are developing existing outlets are rejuvenating and new ones emerging. A woodlands first

    timber supplies will be the lower grade materials, called thinnings, that will be

    produced when the trees are 20 years old. This low-grade material can be

    converted into products such as logs, charcoal, rustic furniture or woodchips for

    equestrian purposes or woodfuel. The development of installations that need

    wood as a fuel in order to provide heat and/or electricity is a real opportunity,

    both within the Forest and on a wider, national scale.

    Looking ahead


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    There is, however, no standard formula for maximising the products that can be

    taken from the wood. In the past, woodland owners have sought to sell timber

    as a raw, unfinished commodity. This benefits the buyer, not the grower. In The

    National Forest every encouragement will be given to landowners to think

    differently, to add value and to maximise opportunities. So, a maxim should be:

    think beyond the trees.


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    National Forest Company

    Bath LaneMoiraSwadlincoteDerbyshire Tel: 01283 551211

    DE12 6BD www.nationalforest.orgResponsible for creating, through working partnerships and with community

    participation, a new 200 square mile multi-purpose forest for the nation in theheart of England. The National Forest Company offers advice, grants and supportfor projects that can help contribute towards the creation of the Forest.

    Forestry Commission

    Willingham Road

    Market RasenLincolnshire Tel: 01673 842644LN8 3RQ

    Regional office for Forestry Commission advice, grants and forestry policy.

    The Game Conservancy Trust

    FordingbridgeHampshire Tel: 01425 652381

    SP6 1EF charity that promotes for public benefit the conservation of game species,

    conducts research and advances the education of the public in game biology andconservation. This is also the contact address for:

    The British Deer Society Tel: 01425

    Sources of further information and advice


  • 8/8/2019 The National Forest Create a Farm Woodland


    Forest Research

    Alice Holt LodgeFarnhamSurrey Tel: 01420 22255GU10 4LH

    Research, development and surveys relevant to the forest industry in Britain.

    Information and advice via publications, webpages, consultancies and contracts.

    Much of the research effort is directed at increasing the environmental and socialbenefits of trees, including biodiversity and recreation, and ensuring integratedland management.

    Northmoor Trust

    Little WittenhamAbingdonOxfordshire Tel: 01865 407792

    OX14 4RA charity that promotes wildlife and countryside conservation. It offers specialist

    expertise and advice regarding walnut for quality timber production.

    Royal Forestry Society

    102 High Street

    TringHertfordshire Tel: 01442 822028

    HP23 4AF UKs largest and cosmopolitan educational forestry charity, organising fieldtrips, study tours and publishing the Quarterly Journal of Forestryfor its 4,400members.

    Small Woods Association

    The CabinsMalehurst Estate

    MinsterleyShropshire Tel: 01743 792644SY5 0EQ

    Aims to advance education in the conservation of small woodlands. Offersinsurance advice and packages, open days and woodland events.


  • 8/8/2019 The National Forest Create a Farm Woodland


    Further reading and references

    Forestry Commission publications and website

    Ellis. J. and the SE England Conservancy Team (2003). So, you own awoodland? Getting to know your woodland and looking after it.

    Forestry Commission, Cambridge.

    Kerr, G. and Williams, H.V. (1999). Woodland creation: experiences from TheNational Forest. Forestry Commission Technical Paper 27. Forestry Commission,Edinburgh.

    Morgan, J.L. (1999). Forest tree seedlings best practice in supply, treatmentand planting. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

    Rodwell, J. and Patterson, G. (1994). Creating new native woodlands. Forestry

    Commission Bulletin 112. HMSO, London. Reprinted 2001: Forestry Commission,Edinburgh.

    Willoughby, I. and Clay, D. (1996). Herbicides for farm woodlands and shortrotation coppice. Field Book 14. HMSO, London.

    Willoughby, I. and Clay, D. (1999). Herbicide update. Technical Paper 28. ForestryCommission, Edinburgh.

    Willoughby, I. and Dewar, J. (1995). The use of herbicides in the forest. FieldBook 8. HMSO, London.

    Many other useful publications are listed on the Forestry Commissions website: They can all be obtained from: ForestryCommission Publications, PO Box 25, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7EW.Tel: 0870 121 4180 [email protected], contact your local Forestry Commission office.


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    Other publications

    ADAS (2002). Creating native woodlands on farms. Defra, London.

    Miles, A. (1999). Silva: the tree in Britain. Ebury Press, London.

    Beautifully produced and photographed, this coffee table book will inspire andfascinate all woodland owners and users.


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  • 8/8/2019 The National Forest Create a Farm Woodland


    Based upon the experiences of

    landowners within The National Forest,

    the toolkit:

    considers the advantages of

    farm woodland

    describes what type of woodland

    can be planted

    highlights how to plant andmanage woodland

    gives handy hints and compares

    different techniques

    points to other sources of information

    fits in a jacket pocket so that it can

    be used in the field.

    Creating your own farm

    woodland can be a

    challenging and rewarding

    experience. This toolkit

    provides, in a concise and

    practical style, information

    that can be used by all

    landowners who are

    considering creating

    new woods on farmland.