the national budget 16. the national budget the national budget is a document which gives a detailed...

The National Budget 16

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Page 1: The National Budget 16. The National Budget The National Budget is a document which gives a detailed breakdown of Government income and Government expenditure

The National Budget


Page 2: The National Budget 16. The National Budget The National Budget is a document which gives a detailed breakdown of Government income and Government expenditure

The National Budget

• The National Budget is a document which gives a detailed breakdown of Government income and Government expenditure for the next year.

• It is prepared by the department of finance


Page 3: The National Budget 16. The National Budget The National Budget is a document which gives a detailed breakdown of Government income and Government expenditure

The National Budget

• Government income comes from a number of sources: current income:


Income tax

Corporation tax

Value added tax

Deposit interest retention tax

Customs and excise duties


Page 4: The National Budget 16. The National Budget The National Budget is a document which gives a detailed breakdown of Government income and Government expenditure

The National Budget

2. Other Sources

European Union Grants

Sale of Semi-State Company

Dividends from Semi-State Company


Page 5: The National Budget 16. The National Budget The National Budget is a document which gives a detailed breakdown of Government income and Government expenditure

Current Expenditure

• Day to Day spending

Wages to army, Gardai, nurses, teachers and others working in the public sector

Social welfare e.g. Unemployment benefit,

Hospital supplies

Interest on the national debt

Page 6: The National Budget 16. The National Budget The National Budget is a document which gives a detailed breakdown of Government income and Government expenditure

Capital Expenditure

• Long term spending of once off

Building new school, hospital

Building roads, motorways

New trains for CIE

Page 7: The National Budget 16. The National Budget The National Budget is a document which gives a detailed breakdown of Government income and Government expenditure

The National Budget

The national budget can be either a:

•Balanced Budget

Planned total income is equal to planned total expenditure  

•Surplus Budget

Planned total income is greater than planned total expenditure

• Deficit Budget

Planned total income is less than planned total expenditure


Page 8: The National Budget 16. The National Budget The National Budget is a document which gives a detailed breakdown of Government income and Government expenditure

The National Budget

• Income and expenditure can be either “capital” or “current”

• Capital refers to “long term” or “once off” income and expenditure such as:

1. Receiving money from the sale of an asset


Page 9: The National Budget 16. The National Budget The National Budget is a document which gives a detailed breakdown of Government income and Government expenditure

The National Budget

• Capital refers to “long term” or “once off” income and expenditure such as:

2. Spending money on the purchase of an asset


Page 10: The National Budget 16. The National Budget The National Budget is a document which gives a detailed breakdown of Government income and Government expenditure

The National Budget

• Current refers to “day to day” or “regular” income and expenditure such as:

3. Receiving wages each week or each month


Page 11: The National Budget 16. The National Budget The National Budget is a document which gives a detailed breakdown of Government income and Government expenditure

The National Budget

• Current refers to “day to day” or “regular” income and expenditure such as:

4. Spending money on the weekly groceries