the n400 in exact and approximate mental...

The N400 in Exact and Approximate Mental Arithmetic Eric C. Anderson ([email protected]) School of Cognitive Science, Hampshire College 893 West St., Amherst, MA 01002 USA Joanna Morris Florack ([email protected]) School of Cognitive Science, Hampshire College 893 West St., Amherst, MA 01002 USA Introduction Recent evidence suggests that people may rely on different mental representations and brain regions when completing certain number processing/tasks (Dehaene Spelke, Pinel, Stanescu, and Tsivkin 1999). For example, solving arithmetic problems that require exact calculation is thought to rely on verbal processing while approximate calculation is thought to rely on visuo-spatial processing. Event-related potential research has shown that when participants are presented with multiplication problems followed by incongruent possible answers, an N400 component is generated similar to those elicited in language paradigms when subjects are presented with sentences ending with semantically inappropriate words (Niedeggen, Rosler, and Jost, 1999). This study was designed to combine these two areas of research by trying to elicit an N400 in both exact and approximate addition tasks. If exact arithmetic relies on verbal pathways, it makes sense that a linguistic-like N400 could be generated. However if approximate arithmetic relies on different visio-spatial pathways, it seems likely that approximate addition would not generate an N400. Methods Two different mental arithmetic tasks were used to trigger exact and approximate calculation. Addition problems were presented in either Arabic digit (exact condition) or dot quantity (approximate condition) format. A 32 channel NeuroScan cap was used to gather ERP from ten participants who were asked to verify possible solutions that were either correct, incorrect but close to the actual answer, and incorrect and far from the actual answer. For instance, 7 + 9 = 16 would be a correct answer; 7 + 9 = 14 would be a near incorrect answer, and 7 + 9 = 24 would be a far incorrect answer. Each condition used the same problem set of 42 simple addition problems. Problems were presented on a computer running SuperLab. Timing of stimulus presentation was adapted from Niedeggen et. al (1999). Results The ERP data was epoched, baseline corrected, artifact rejected, and averaged for each subject for each electrode in each condition before being analyzed. To test for an N400 effect, the mean voltage amplitude was calculated for the 375-425 ms time window after the possible answer was presented. A three-way ANOVA revealed significant negativity after both foils (near and far) in exact addition but not to foils in approximate addition. -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Voltage Correct Far Near Exact Approximate N400 Effect Figure 1: Mean amplitude from 375 to 425 ms. Discussion As expected, incongruous exact addition problems produced an N400 component similar to N400s observed in linguistic paradigms (figure 1). However, the approximate addition task did not show the same pattern of negativity. These results suggest that exact and approximate addition tasks were represented and or processed in different ways. The presence of an N400 also suggests that solving exact addition problems shares certain properties with language processing that approximate addition does not. Acknowledgments Special thanks to Neil Stillings and Loel Tronsky. References Dehaene, S., Spelke, E., Pinel, P., Stanescu, R., and Tsivkin, S. (1999) Sources of Mathematical Thinking: Behavioral and Brain-Imaging Evidence. Science, 284, 970-974. Dehaene, S (1997) The Number Sense: How the Mind Creates Mathematics. New York: Oxford University Press. Niedeggen, M., Rosler, F. (1999) N400 Effects Reflect Activation Spread During Retrieval of Arithmetic Facts. Psychological Science, 10, 271-276. Niedeggen, M., Rosler, F., and Jost, K. (1999) Processing of incongruous mental calculation problems: Evidence for an arithmetic N400 effect. Psychophysiology, 36, 307-324. 1314

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Page 1: The N400 in Exact and Approximate Mental · The N400 in Exact and Approximate Mental Arithmetic Eric C. Anderson

The N400 in Exact and Approximate Mental Arithmetic

Eric C. Anderson ([email protected])School of Cognitive Science, Hampshire College

893 West St., Amherst, MA 01002 USA

Joanna Morris Florack ([email protected])School of Cognitive Science, Hampshire College

893 West St., Amherst, MA 01002 USA

IntroductionRecent evidence suggests that people may rely on differentmental representations and brain regions when completingcertain number processing/tasks (Dehaene Spelke, Pinel,Stanescu, and Tsivkin 1999). For example, solvingarithmetic problems that require exact calculation is thoughtto rely on verbal processing while approximate calculationis thought to rely on visuo-spatial processing.

Event-related potential research has shown that whenparticipants are presented with multiplication problemsfollowed by incongruent possible answers, an N400component is generated similar to those elicited in languageparadigms when subjects are presented with sentencesending with semantically inappropriate words (Niedeggen,Rosler, and Jost, 1999).

This study was designed to combine these two areas ofresearch by trying to elicit an N400 in both exact andapproximate addition tasks. If exact arithmetic relies onverbal pathways, it makes sense that a linguistic-like N400could be generated. However if approximate arithmeticrelies on different visio-spatial pathways, it seems likely thatapproximate addition would not generate an N400.

MethodsTwo different mental arithmetic tasks were used to triggerexact and approximate calculation. Addition problems werepresented in either Arabic digit (exact condition) or dotquantity (approximate condition) format. A 32 channelNeuroScan cap was used to gather ERP from tenparticipants who were asked to verify possible solutions thatwere either correct, incorrect but close to the actual answer,and incorrect and far from the actual answer. For instance, 7+ 9 = 16 would be a correct answer; 7 + 9 = 14 would be anear incorrect answer, and 7 + 9 = 24 would be a farincorrect answer. Each condition used the same problem setof 42 simple addition problems. Problems were presentedon a computer running SuperLab. Timing of stimuluspresentation was adapted from Niedeggen et. al (1999).

ResultsThe ERP data was epoched, baseline corrected, artifactrejected, and averaged for each subject for each electrode ineach condition before being analyzed. To test for an N400effect, the mean voltage amplitude was calculated for the

375-425 ms time window after the possible answer waspresented. A three-way ANOVA revealed significantnegativity after both foils (near and far) in exact addition butnot to foils in approximate addition.











Correct Far Near



N400 Effect

Figure 1: Mean amplitude from 375 to 425 ms.

DiscussionAs expected, incongruous exact addition problems producedan N400 component similar to N400s observed in linguisticparadigms (figure 1). However, the approximate additiontask did not show the same pattern of negativity. Theseresults suggest that exact and approximate addition taskswere represented and or processed in different ways. Thepresence of an N400 also suggests that solving exactaddition problems shares certain properties with languageprocessing that approximate addition does not.

AcknowledgmentsSpecial thanks to Neil Stillings and Loel Tronsky.

ReferencesDehaene, S., Spelke, E., Pinel, P., Stanescu, R., and Tsivkin,

S. (1999) Sources of Mathematical Thinking: Behavioraland Brain-Imaging Evidence. Science, 284, 970-974.

Dehaene, S (1997) The Number Sense: How the MindCreates Mathematics. New York: Oxford UniversityPress.

Niedeggen, M., Rosler, F. (1999) N400 Effects ReflectActivation Spread During Retrieval of Arithmetic Facts.Psychological Science, 10, 271-276.

Niedeggen, M., Rosler, F., and Jost, K. (1999) Processing ofincongruous mental calculation problems: Evidence for anarithmetic N400 effect. Psychophysiology, 36, 307-324.