the most holy body and blood of · june 26...

Rev. Shouraiah Pudota: [email protected] Rev. Joseph Previtali: [email protected] Twitter : @FatherPrevitali Rev. Charles Onubogu: In Residence Deacon John McGhee The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 7, 2015 Our Parish Clergy Parish Coordinators and Staff Mass Schedule Monday through Friday: 8:00 am Saturday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm - 8:00pm (Spanish) 4:00 - 4:45 pm - Reconciliation / Confessions (bilingual) Sunday: 8:00 am - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Spanish) - 6:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Every Friday after 8:00 am Mass - Benediction 12:00 pm First Friday of the Month after 8:00 am Mass - Benediction 6:30pm St. Anthony's — Pescadero 696 North Street, Pescadero, CA 94060 Saturday: 6:00 pm (Spanish) - Sunday: 9:00 am Our Lady of Refuge — La Honda 146 Sears Ranch Road, La Honda, CA 94020 Sunday: 10:30 am As a Catholic community, we strive to grow in faith together through the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. FOUNDED 1868 May God Bless you all, Fr. Shouraiah Pudota Reflecting on God’s Word It might be surprising to listen to the three readings that all have to do not just with shedding blood, but sprinkling it on people, as Moses did out in the desert, and presenting Jesus as the great high priest who goes into the sanctuary bearing His own blood, which will “cleanse our consciences from dead works” (Hebrews 9:14) so we can worship the living God. And then there is the more familiar reading of Mark’s account of the Last Supper, when Jesus tells His disciples to drink His blood. Perhaps we have gotten used to hearing these words since they are spoken at every Mass. But if you stop and think about it they are rather shocking. In the biblical world blood is sacred, blood is life. From the beginning animals were offered in sacrifice. But with the offering of the body and blood of Christ, a new relationship has been entered into with our God. Through Jesus’ gift of His body and blood, salvation was won for us and is present to us when we gather in His name to praise the Father. Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios Pudiera sorprender que las tres lecturas que escucharemos hoy tienen que ver no sólo con la efusión de sangre, sino tam- bién con rociarla sobre la gente, como hizo Moisés en el de- sierto; y después se nos presenta a Jesús como el sumo sacer- dote que entra en el santuario dando su propia sangre, que “purificará nuestra conciencia de las obras que conducen a la muerte” (Hebreos 9:14) para que podamos dar culto al Dios vivo y verdadero. Y además tenemos la lectura más familiar de la narración de la Última Cena por Marcos en donde Jesús les dice a sus discípulos que beban su sangre. Quizás nos hemos acostumbrado a oír estas palabras, ya que se pronun- cian en cada Misa. Pero si les prestamos una cuidadosa aten- ción veremos que son bien estremecedoras. En el mundo bí- blico la sangre es sagrada, la sangre es vida. Desde los meros comienzos los animales eran ofrecidos en sacrificio. Pero con el ofrecimiento del cuerpo y la sangre de Cristo ha comenza- do una nueva relación con nuestro Dios. Por medio del don que Jesús nos ha dado con su cuerpo y sangre la salvación fue ganada para nosotros y la tenemos presente cuando nos reuni- mos en su nombre para alabar al Padre. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. RCIA | Adult Faith Formation: Christopher A. Devcich (English) Carlos and Celina Rivera (Spanish) Religious Education K-6 th Grade: Claudia Miramontes Ext 210 Wedding Rehearsal: Juana Ruano Youth Confirmation: Elizabeth Neapolitan Ext 209 Parish Office: Monday–Friday 9:00am-1:00pm ;1:30pm- 7:00pm 650-726-4674 FAX: 650-726-0980 Religious Ed 650-726-5587 Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: The Most Holy Body and Blood of · June 26 7:00pm Portuguese Mass June 27 7:00pm-7:30pm Rosary for St. Anthony @ OLP June 28 11:00am

Rev. Shouraiah Pudota: [email protected] Rev. Joseph Previtali: [email protected] Twitter : @FatherPrevitali Rev. Charles Onubogu: In Residence Deacon John McGhee

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 7, 2015

Our Parish Clergy

Parish Coordinators and Staff

Mass Schedule

Monday through Friday: 8:00 am Saturday:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm - 8:00pm (Spanish) 4:00 - 4:45 pm - Reconciliation / Confessions (bilingual)

Sunday: 8:00 am - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Spanish) - 6:00 pm

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Every Friday after 8:00 am Mass - Benediction 12:00 pm

First Friday of the Month after 8:00 am Mass - Benediction 6:30pm

St. Anthony's — Pescadero 696 North Street, Pescadero, CA 94060

Saturday: 6:00 pm (Spanish) - Sunday: 9:00 am

Our Lady of Refuge — La Honda 146 Sears Ranch Road, La Honda, CA 94020

Sunday: 10:30 am

As a Catholic community, we strive to grow in faith together through the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. FOUNDED 1868

May God Bless you all, Fr. Shouraiah Pudota

Reflecting on God’s Word It might be surprising to listen to the three readings that all have to do not just with shedding blood, but sprinkling it on people, as Moses did out in the desert, and presenting Jesus as the great high priest who goes into the sanctuary bearing His own blood, which will “cleanse our consciences from dead works” (Hebrews 9:14) so we can worship the living God. And then there is the more familiar reading of Mark’s account of the Last Supper, when Jesus tells His disciples to drink His blood. Perhaps we have gotten used to hearing these words since they are spoken at every Mass. But if you stop and think about it they are rather shocking. In the biblical world blood is sacred, blood is life. From the beginning animals were offered in sacrifice. But with the offering of the body and blood of Christ, a new relationship has been entered into with our God. Through Jesus’ gift of His body and blood, salvation was won for us and is present to us when we gather in His name to praise the Father. Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios Pudiera sorprender que las tres lecturas que escucharemos hoy tienen que ver no sólo con la efusión de sangre, sino tam-bién con rociarla sobre la gente, como hizo Moisés en el de-sierto; y después se nos presenta a Jesús como el sumo sacer-dote que entra en el santuario dando su propia sangre, que “purificará nuestra conciencia de las obras que conducen a la muerte” (Hebreos 9:14) para que podamos dar culto al Dios vivo y verdadero. Y además tenemos la lectura más familiar de la narración de la Última Cena por Marcos en donde Jesús les dice a sus discípulos que beban su sangre. Quizás nos hemos acostumbrado a oír estas palabras, ya que se pronun-cian en cada Misa. Pero si les prestamos una cuidadosa aten-ción veremos que son bien estremecedoras. En el mundo bí-blico la sangre es sagrada, la sangre es vida. Desde los meros comienzos los animales eran ofrecidos en sacrificio. Pero con el ofrecimiento del cuerpo y la sangre de Cristo ha comenza-do una nueva relación con nuestro Dios. Por medio del don que Jesús nos ha dado con su cuerpo y sangre la salvación fue ganada para nosotros y la tenemos presente cuando nos reuni-mos en su nombre para alabar al Padre. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications.

RCIA | Adult Faith Formation: Christopher A. Devcich (English) Carlos and Celina Rivera (Spanish) Religious Education K-6th Grade: Claudia Miramontes Ext 210 Wedding Rehearsal: Juana Ruano Youth Confirmation: Elizabeth Neapolitan Ext 209 Parish Office: Monday–Friday 9:00am-1:00pm ;1:30pm-7:00pm 650-726-4674 FAX: 650-726-0980 Religious Ed 650-726-5587 Email: [email protected]

Page 2: The Most Holy Body and Blood of · June 26 7:00pm Portuguese Mass June 27 7:00pm-7:30pm Rosary for St. Anthony @ OLP June 28 11:00am

Parish Announcements

PARISH REGISTRATION FORM Please complete and return form to the parish office, or simply drop it in the collection basket. Name (s):________________________________________ Name (s):________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ City & Zip ______________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________ Email:___________________________________________ Sunday Envelope: Yes______ No ________ _______ Updating Current Parish Registration _______ Moving/ Please remove from mailing list. _______ This is a new registration ____ Please call me.

TO REGISTER IN THE PARISH If you are a new parishioner or you recently changed you address, please fill out the form above. You can also visit the Parish office or if you have any questions please call: (650) 726-4674.

Pray for Our Parishioners Who are Sick

Pray that God’s healing power will fill them with strength and hope.

Glenn Gonzales Daniel Corona Joe Ashe Virginia Shea Jim Manning Gram Sommers Earl Madieros Raul Bautista Leslie Henry Mary Donovan

Mary Garcia Alteamor Espejo Abby Franco Rosario Salas Mel Schwing Nancy Madieros Rachel Thein John Romero Sheila Marks Alan Deese

Mary Elliot Jena Losch Sam Reynal Sarah Santana Graciela Martinez Duncan Harter Carmen Garcia Beth Diggs Loretta Duran Tammy Endsley


1st. Reading: Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40 Psalm: 33: 4-5, 6-9, 18-19, 20,22 (12b) 2nd. Reading: Romans 8: 14-17 Gospel: Matthew 28: 16-20

UPCOMING EVENTS JUNE June 7 9:00am-12:00pm Breakfast for the Parishioners sponsored by Knights of Columbus June 7 1:00pm Solemn Eucharistic Procession June 12 7:00pm Marriage Mass June 19 7:00pm Spanish Mass June 26 7:00pm Portuguese Mass June 27 7:00pm-7:30pm Rosary for St. Anthony @ OLP June 28 11:00am Mass for St. Anthony @ OLP

Solemn Eucharistic Procession for Corpus Christi

Sunday, June 7, 2015 1:00 pm

If you are not attending the 12:00 Mass, please wait for Our Lord on the perimeter of

the church property. Kneel down as He passes and then rise and join the procession as it continues around the church property

and back into the church.

Solemne Procesión Eucarística para Corpus Christi

Domingo, 7 de Junio 2015 1:00pm

Si ustedes no asisten a la misa de 12:00, por favor espere a Nuestro Señor en el períme

tro de la propiedad de la iglesia. Arrodillese cuando la procesion pase y luego siga la procesión, ya que continúa en torno a la

propiedad de la iglesia y de luego regresara a la iglesia.

BIBLE STUDY GROUP Our Lady of the Pillar Bible Study will begin a

reading of the Gospel of John in early June. We meet on Tuesday 7:30-9:00pm. If interested in joining us, contact

the Parish office.

Page 3: The Most Holy Body and Blood of · June 26 7:00pm Portuguese Mass June 27 7:00pm-7:30pm Rosary for St. Anthony @ OLP June 28 11:00am

Your Offerings | Supporting Our Parish Mass Schedule and Intentions

Visit us! Like us! community

Parish Organizations

1st Collection 2nd Collection Our Lady of the Pillar $ 4,510 $ 1,869 Our Lady of Refuge $ 131 $ 81 St Anthony’s $ 228 $ 64 Second Collection this week: Collection for Nepal Victims June 14: Annual Appeal June 21: Building Fund June 28: Peter’s Pence (Holy Father) July 5: Building Fund July 12: Annual Appeal

Opportunity to learn more about our Catholic tradition!


Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 8:00 pm at St. Anthony’s in Pescadero

All are welcome!

Opportunidad para profundizar su conocimiento de nuestra tradicion Catolica!


Jueves, el 18 de junio, a las 8:00 pm en la iglesia de San Antonio en Pescadero

Todos son bienvenidos!

CHILDREN’S BAPTISM/ BAUTIZO DE NIÑOS Children’s baptisms in English are held the Second Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM.. Los Bautizos de los niños en español son: Primer Saba-do y Tercer Sabado de el mes a las 11:00 AM.

WEDDINGS/ BODAS Wedding Masses are celebrated on Saturday at 1:00pm or 3:00PM. La Misa de las Bodas se puede llevar a cabo los Saba-dos a la 1:00 PM o a las 3:00 PM.

Saturday EVENING June 6, 2015 5:00pm Joaquin Balbina & Maria Gomes + Olivia Silveria + 8:00pm Manuel & Maria Ferreira + Sunday June 7, 2015 8:00am Maria & Eduardo Silveira + Joe Lopes & Isabel, Jose Gabriel + 10:00am Serafin & Maria Livramento Lopes + Manuel & Diolinda Teixeira + 12:00pm Jesus Hernandez & Maria Cortez + 6:00pm Frank Vaz Jr. + and Family Maria & Frank Vaz Sr. + Monday June 8, 2015 8:00 am Adelina & Francisco Costa + & Family Joe Goulart + & Family Tuesday June 9, 2015 8:00 am Maria Machado & Family (Int.) Sr. Kathleen Murphy SND + Wednesday June 10, 2015 8:00 am John Costa + and Parents & Jose Maria Leonardo + Thursday June 11, 2015 8:00 am Antonio Sr. and Virginia Coelho + Rosalina Del Rosario + Friday June 12, 2015 8:00 am Diana Lopes + and Family Jesus Hernandez & Maria Cortez + Saturday June 13, 2015 8:00 am Manuel Ferreira & Antonio Costa & Family 5:00pm Antonio Simas & Maria Simas + Giulia Garbini + 8:00pm Por la Parroquia Sunday June 14, 2015 8:00am Frances Kinney + Michael Rodrigues + 10:00am Adelina & Francis Costa + Pedro and Ignacio Guzman + 12:00pm Manuel & Maria Ferreira + 6:00pm Manuel & Albertina Veredas + John & Belmira Vaz + and Family St. Anthony’s 6:00pm June 6, 2015 Por la Parroquia 9:00am June 7, 2015 Gilles Felix 6:00pm June 13, 2015 Ed and Candace Lilly + 9:00am June 14, 2015 The Burns Family + Our Lady of Refuge 10:30am June 7, 2015 Dorothy Wylie + 10:30am June 14, 2015 Dorothy Wylie +

Page 4: The Most Holy Body and Blood of · June 26 7:00pm Portuguese Mass June 27 7:00pm-7:30pm Rosary for St. Anthony @ OLP June 28 11:00am


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