the most advance functional nutraceuticals

Functional Nutaceuticals Stem cell Anti-Aging/Longevity Recharge AM and PM

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Post on 17-Jan-2017




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Functional Nutaceuticals Stem cell Anti-Aging/Longevity

Recharge AM and PM

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Stem cell Anti-Aging/Longevity

• Stem– cell activator, 60 caps• Recharge AM, 60 Chewable Tablets• Recharge PM, 60 capsules• YouthVitali Oral Spray, 30ml• Replenish– Superfood Herbal Powder, 290


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Recharge AM and PM

• The AM contains everything that the PM contains, but additionally……

• AM contains DMG (dimethylglycine) HCL, Collards Leaf, Eurycoma Longifolia (Long Jack) fruit extract, Oat straw extract (Avena Sativa), Muira Puama, Stinging Nettle Leaf, Green Tea Extract, White Quebracho bark

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Definition of a Nutraceutical

• a foodstuff (as a fortified food or a dietary supplement) that is held to provide health or medical benefits in addition to its basic nutritional value—called also functional food

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Function of Cells• Every cell in our bodies is like a mini person. It functions with its own

digestive system, circulatory system, immune system and disposal system.

• There is also an assembly line within every cell that directs all the key elements needed to make enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, and even new cells.

• Within the complexity of the systems, there are pathways that are compromised with aging and stress. This is when it becomes incumbent to find specific nutrients or foods from Nature to reestablish those pathways for repair of the synchronized orchestration of the trillions of metabolic functions happening every second.

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Cascade of Events• All of the biological processes defining the activity of cells,

such as division, differentiation, metabolism and even cellular death can be attributed to signal proteins and their ability to maintain intercellular connections and communication.

• The initial stage of the development of any pathological process can be traced back to a breakdown of the genetic signaling under extreme stress to interrupt or block the instructions to the cell’s internal assembly line known as the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) and to the Golgi Apparatus.

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Cascade of Events (continued)

• The rough ER makes protein chains and the smooth ER makes lipid chains.

• Inside the Golgi Apparatus of the cell, the proteins and lipids are further modified with biological sugars to identify or tag them so they can be targeted to a particular site in, on, or outside the cell.

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Disruption in Healthy Cell Metabolism

• The biological sugars configure themselves and function like antennae or receptors for the proteins to be able to link and communicate instructions to other cells.

• The signaling between the receptors initiates the behavior. • If there is a defective antenna or malformed protein

sequencing, then there's no communication and subsequently no actions can be taken or behavioral responses carried out.

• Over time, this all can lead to a loss of function and a disruption in healthy cell metabolism.

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Stem Cells

• Our bodies are loaded with stem cells and as we age they lose their ability to regenerate and repair the tissue. The main reason is due to a breakdown in the signaling needed to activate these stem cells. The signaling is diminished by environmental stressors, aging, and limited number of growth factors available.

• Therefore, the stem cells stay dormant in spite of their constant signaling for help sent out by your aging and damaged tissue.

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Stem Cells and Growth Factors

• The stem cells actually produce growth factors, which may rejuvenate skin and address many signs of ageing. Growth factors are protein segments (peptides) that act as chemical messengers and allow communication between cells in our body and are the control mechanism for wound healing and regeneration of cells.

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Benefits of Recharge

• Telomere Support

• Nitric Oxide (master neurotransmitter)

production Support

• Intimacy Support

• Sleep support

• Free of Soy, Dairy, Artificial Coloring, Gluten, and


• Easily Chewable tasty Dissolvable tablet

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Nitric Oxide (NO)

• the master neurotransmitter (in gas form) from which the

other neurotransmitters are made. Simply put NO is our

biological “internet” sending messages to and from cells.

• NO have three known forms: endothelial (referring to the

cardiovascular system), neuronal (referring to the nervous

system), and inducible (referring to the immune system).

• Functions of NO include cardiovascular relaxation of blood

vessels (the 1998 Nobel Prize of Science).

• Benefits of cardiovascular relaxation of vessels or vasodilation

include improved sleep, circulation and male/female genital


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• Many scientists and formulators believe Nitrous Oxide can

only be produced through amino acid precursor L-Arginine

and booster amino acid L-Citrulline.

• However, increasing research is supporting the use of

nitrogenous based foods containing not only nitrogen

(stored in the body as L-Arginine) but other nutrients which

support the safe and cyclic production of NO from natural

plant nitrates.

• These include flavonoids and antioxidants, found in rich

amounts in such super foods as kale, beets, astragalus,

spinach, blueberries, pomegranates, and Hawthorne


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• Soy Free Sunflower Lecithin Powder is increasingly used by forefront formulators in place of

soy lecithin, which is not only allergenic, but often comes from GMO (genetically modified) soy.

The sunflower lecithin powder and phosphatidylcholine in this formulation comes from non-

GMO sunflowers and is non allergenic.



• in recombination-competent telomerase mutants, telomeric RNA-DNA hybrids promote

recombination-mediated elongation events that delay the onset of cellular senescence.

• The regulation of TERRA transcription and telomeric RNA-DNA–hybrid formation are important

determinants of both telomere-length dynamics and proliferative potential after the

inactivation oftelomerase.

• The regulation of TERRA transcription and telomeric RNA-DNA–hybrid formation are important

determinants of both telomere-length dynamics and proliferative potential after the

inactivation of telomerase.

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• Enhance Energy by improving Metabolism of liver


• DMG improves liver function, supporting over 20 important

natural chemical reactions in the body.

• This will improve oxygen uptake to the cells. Reduce lactic

acid will enhance energy associated with exercise.

• Immune function is supported by DMG.

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• there is evidence of supporting the stability and length of telomere integrity using these herbs

along with a healthy lifestyle, proper sleep and wholefoods nutrition.

• Astragalus Root (Astragalus membranaceus) has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

for thousands of years. It was often combined with other herbs to strengthen the body against


• Rich in antioxidants and polysaccharides Astragalus is an adaptogenic herb, meaning it is thought

to help protect the body against various stresses, including physical, mental, or emotional stress.

• Recent research in China suggests that Astragalus’ antioxidant properties may help people with

heart disease, helping to alleviate symptoms and improving heart function.

• It appears that Astragalus has certain properties that assists in the metabolism of Estradiol, to

safer estrogen forms. This helps to magnify the benefits of having more bio available testosterone

released by this formula.

• At low-to-moderate doses, Astragalus has few side effects. However, it does interact with a

number of other herbs and prescription medications. Astragalus may also be a mild diuretic,

meaning it helps the body get rid of excess fluid.

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Pomegranate Extract

• Pomegranate fruit contains polyphenols, tannins, and anthocyanins—all beneficial

antioxidants. Compounds known as punicalagins also found in pomegranate extract

benefit arterial health by virtue of their ability to regulate healthy endothelial


Spleen Amaranth (Red Spinach) leaf Powder

• Spinach is store house for many phyto-nutrients that have health promotional and

disease prevention properties. Spleen Amaranth is nutritionally similar to beets,

Swiss chard and spinach, but are much superior. Although Spinach is usually thought

of as a food product, it can also be used medicinally and for its nutritional properties.

It is excellent source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, builds red blood cells,

boosts the immune system, provides energy, and contains chlorophyll. Spinach helps

keep those blood vessels open enabling blood to flow easily. Red Spinach contains 3x

the calcium and 5x the niacin content of regular spinach.

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Beet Root Extract

• has a high Nitrate content that is said to improve physical performance secondary to

Nitric Oxide. The benefit likely comes from the naturally occurring nitrates in beets,

which are converted into nitric oxide in your body. Nitric oxide, in turn, helps to relax

and dilate your blood vessels, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure. Beet

Extract are a unique source of betaine, a nutrient that helps protects cells, proteins,

and enzymes from environmental stress. It's also known to help fight inflammation,

protect internal organs, improve vascular risk factors, enhance performance, and likely

help prevent numerous chronic diseases.


• is a substance called a non-essential amino acid. Your kidneys change L-Citrulline into

another amino acid called L-arginine and a chemical called nitric oxide. These

compounds are important to your heart and blood vessel health. They may also boost

your immune system. L-Citrulline boosts nitric oxide production in the body. Nitric

oxide helps your arteries relax and work better, which improves blood flow throughout

your body. This can be helpful for treating or preventing many diseases.

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Long Jack fruit Extract

• is an excellent source of vitamin C, a powerful nutrient which helps protect against

viral and bacterial infections. Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system

function by supporting the white blood cells function. One cup of jackfruit can supply

the body a very good amount of this powerful antioxidant. Jack fruit extract is also rich

in phytonutrients such aslignans, isoflavones and saponins which have anti-cancer and

anti-aging properties. These phytonutrients may help eliminate cancer-causing free

radicals from the body and slow the degeneration of cells that can lead to degenerative



• has also been used as a tonic for nervous conditions and depressions. It has been used

to promote overall nerve function and to relieve nerve pain. This herbal supplement

has also been shown to improve mental focus and clarity. It may also help improve

concentration and short-term memory.

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• is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin K and fiber. The color of blueberries, from deep

blue to purple, is caused by a group of flavonoids called anthocyanins, which have

remarkable antioxidant power. Anthocyanins may help to prevent degenerative

diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and stroke and memory loss. Blueberry

anthocyanins may protect humans and animals from the effects of a condition known

as oxidative stress, which underlies the common disorders associated with aging.

Oxidative stress increases with high fat meals and with exposure to environmental



• The root and leaves of the plant contain several identified compounds that are

biologically active, including flavonoids such as quercetin that have antioxidant

properties. Antioxidants help remove free radicals from your body; these unstable

chemicals can damage your cellular membranes and DNA. Nettle also contains several

other compounds, including beta-sitosterol, a plant chemical with a structure similar

to cholesterol that can benefit your heart by lowering absorption of dietary fats by

your blood.

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Collards Kale leaf powder

• occupy similar niches in a healthy diet. Both belong to the family of cruciferous

vegetables. Kale and collard greens both provide rich sources of two fat-soluble

vitamins, A and K, although kale boasts higher vitamin content. These antioxidants

help to lower the risk of oxidative stress on your cells, which is cell damage that

can occur when your nutrient intake is low and when toxic chemicals and

environmental pollutants enter your body.

Hawthorne Berry Extract

• has been used in traditional medicine since the first century, and contains

phytonutrients called anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins, antioxidants that

have a variety of therapeutic effects including strengthening the walls of blood

vessels. Extracts of hawthorn berries, leaves and blossoms also contain compounds

that have a tonifying effect on the heart and vascular system.