the morter report june 2015

M rterReport JUNE 2015 I TM f you want to accomplish something great, commit to excellence. Yes, to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack, you must be dedicated to doing what others only wish for, only hope for. Commit to being the best at what- ever it is you are doing. It could be to be the best health care provider, the best car mechanic, the best realtor, the best life coach, the best teacher, the best gardener, the best chef, or the best YOU on this planet! Excellence, and the pursuit of being the best, is not topic dependant. There is plenty of room at the top of the pile for unlimited success for everyone. To accomplish this “greatness,” get up and immerse yourself in something you are passionate about! Be your BEST, and watch how it will spill over into every area of your life. Study more; read more; watch more; and be more. And, when you set yourself up for success, when you truly immerse in your passions, you will be liſted to greater heights than you ever dreamed possible. And when you get your act together, your example will inspire others to reach their greatest levels of success, too. Let’s get moving, people! We have work to do! Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

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The June edition of the official newsletter of Morter HealthSystem.


Page 1: The Morter Report June 2015

M rterReport

JUNE 2015


f you want to accomplish something great, commit to excellence. Yes, to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack, you must be dedicated to doing what others only wish for, only hope for. Commit to being the best at what-ever it is you are doing. It could be to be the best health care provider, the best car mechanic, the best realtor, the best life coach, the best teacher, the best gardener, the best chef, or the best YOU on this planet! Excellence, and the pursuit of being the best, is not topic dependant. There is plenty of room at the top of the pile for unlimited success for everyone. To accomplish this “greatness,” get up and immerse yourself in something you are passionate about! Be your BEST, and watch how it will spill over into every area of your life. Study more; read more; watch more; and be more. And, when you set yourself up for success, when you truly immerse in your passions, you will be lifted to greater heights than you ever dreamed possible. And when you get your act together, your example will inspire others to reach their greatest levels of success, too. Let’s get moving, people! We have work to do!

Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

Page 2: The Morter Report June 2015

Dream BIG & GET GOING!I think it was Winston Churchill that said, “Never, never, never give up!” And, I believe it whole-heartedly. I never quit; I never give up; and I strive for that next opportunity just around the corner.

Most don’t though. That’s right. Most people seem to just take the “no” as a given and give up or give in. I say, “Bunk!” to that! If I had listened to everything others have thought of me and some of my ideas in the past, well, Morter HealthAlliance would not be the success it is today for sure. Sure, we’ve made some mistakes and course corrections, but all of those decisions have brought us up to where we are. It’s about conviction and dedication. It’s about purpose and focus. It’s about listening and leading. Giving up is just not an option.

I like the challenge of it all. Heck, not so long ago, I bought a wrecked front grille for my 1951 Farmall tractor. What a great piece of American history lies inside that tractor. Well, I bought this grille on eBay and, truthfully, it was a mess! It looked like it had been run over by a renegade herd of buffalo! Bent up, smashed in and twisted almost beyond belief! But, I didn’t see that. No, I saw the perfection. I saw the beauty, and I saw the opportunity to turn an authentic, original tractor part back into a thing of beauty.

When I finished restoring that part to perfection and put it on that now beautifully restored tractor, I felt the sweetness of success. To succeed when the odds are against me always makes me stronger. To be able to make something beautiful out of a pile of scrap, well, it’s a lot like being a healer!

Don’t be afraid of a tough path to success. Go ahead and “climb that steeper hill” and celebrate like crazy when you achieve your goal – when make your dream come true. That which takes more effort, has a better payoff every time. Dream bigger; stay positive; and get going!

Dr. Ted Morter, III


Let’s take a look at where you are right now, review the basics a bit, teach you some new ways to get ahead, and balance your mind and body to whole new levels of health, happiness and success! Join your BEST friends for this ALL NEW 2-day Live Event! Seating is limited to give you the personal attention you deserve! Reserve your spot today! Call 800.874.1478.

Keep LivingYour B.E.S.T.

July 17-18 in Toronto

Advanced Training for Mastering Your Success by Synchronizing Your Mind to Your Dreams!

Join Dr. Ted for the Keep Living Your B.E.S.T.

Free TeleseminarWednesday, June 10, 2015

8:00 PM CTTelephone: 1-860-970-0300

Access Code: 16752


Page 3: The Morter Report June 2015

Come and celebrate 40 Years of B.E.S.T. with us!Every year, the B.E.S.T. family of practitioners gathers together to celebrate their craft – to join with others who bring this powerful work to the world. This is a very special year! Come and join us as we pull out all the stops and celebrate 40 amaz-ing years of the Morter Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique!

Dr. Morter was such an inspiration to so many, which awakened us to the theme “I Inspire!” From inspiring yourself, to inspiring your friends and family, to inspiring the world – this energy is the energy of change and growth so appropriate for 2015 and beyond. Join us for this fabulous event, and become inspired again to the greatness of YOU! Call today to register at 800.874.1478. Tickets for Homecoming are $99 each, and B.E.S.T. Study Program Members come FREE!

Come early and stay late!Elite Diplomate Program September 10-11Homecoming Event September 12-13Huge 70s Theme Celebration at Morter Farm Saturday evening

• Learn the latest advancements with technique and dialogue from the Personal Care Programs and Inner Circle to you! • Marry your finances with your dreams with the insight of best-selling author Garrett Gunderson! • Get first shot at exciting new products to advance your B.E.S.T. practice and your life! • Become your INSPIRED BEST with Ed Foreman and Earlene Vining! • Leverage your energy with the powerful BEST of the B.E.S.T.!


Get MovingWhat a great topic! I believe this topic is important for so many reasons. It can mean many different things. For instance: get started, move your body, move forward, start your exercise program, get on with life. Let’s briefly address each of these and how you can apply B.E.S.T. principles to change your life!

Get started. Often the most difficult step to changing any aspect of your life is this one – getting started. Take an action step to begin to create a new habit or way of life. I talk in Personal Care about taking a single step in each of the Six Essentials to begin a healthier lifestyle. This actually applies to ALL aspects of your life: health, wealth, and relationships.

Move your body. We are designed to move. Motion is critically important to your physiological function. Movement helps with the circulatory system, lymphatic system, muscular system, skeletal system, hormonal system, respiratory system, nervous, system, etc. Surely you get the point! Begin with a Morter March at least two times per day to get your body moving in the right direction to reach your genetic potential.

Move Forward. Chart a course for your success. Dream, imagine, desire. Build a vision board. Get muscle tested to sync your vision into your reality. This actually works, if you apply these principles! Life is ahead of you; make a change in this microsecond to move forward into your perfect future!

Start Your Exercise Program. This sounds so easy! It actually is, if you begin with a few simple steps, gradually. Start walking, do your Morter March and Releases. Pick a time of day when exercise is congruent with your circadian rhythm. This will produce endorphins and enkephalins to make you FEEL better while you are truly GETTING better!

Get on with life. We spend so much of our lives living in the past – coming out of memory. We deal with recurring thoughts, feelings, and emotions that we allow to impact our present, which determines our future! Sometimes we must know what we don’t want in order to identify what we DO want! Focus on what you desire your future to be, stop living in the past. Get moving!



Page 4: The Morter Report June 2015


If we are to improve the health of mankind worldwide, we need to get moving. This task is not only the responsibil-ity of Dr. Ted and Dr. Tom or the Morter HealthAlliance staff. It is up to each and every one of us.

We are in a health care crisis, and the common solution is to throw more money at it. However, is there enough money in the world to improve health when the popular medical model of health care is broken? We need to fix or change the model, not our spending.

I know this seems so obvious and common sense to you. But, it is not obvious or common sense to your practice members. You need to be the voice of common sense and reason. I have been a health care practitioner for almost 25 years, and the problems are worse than when I started in 1991. This is not the future I envisioned when I started treating patients.

If you are not doing Evening with B.E.S.T. talks, start. If you are not doing community talks, start. If you are not com-municating with your local leaders, start. If you are not communicating with government officials, start. If you are not addressing the tough questions and topics head on, start. We must be a voice in our community that inspires thought, communication and action.

Insure that practice members know our core beliefs about health care vs. disease care. Insure that practice mem-bers know how to be healthy and ACTIVE! Insure that practice members make informed health-enhancing, buying decisions.

We’ve got this! I know we can do this. I know we can step up our game and serve more people at a higher level. We can come up with educational materials, articles, blogs, posts, tweets, talks or whatever it takes to inspire change.

Let’s get going! Let’s create some momentum. Let’s stop fretting and start creating change. Most importantly, let’s have fun helping more people feel better than they’ve ever imagined!


This! Can DoDr. Bruce Phillips

In order to build a successful, thriving practice, it is essential that you have the passion, intent and desire to help others. This is the process that gets you “out of your head and into your heart.” You might ask, “What is so magical about the heart?” My concept is that all hearts are connected to one source, the creator of all things. If your heart is full of intent to help, people searching for help will receive your desire and ability to help. They will be attracted to you and your practice. The law of attraction is not a conscious “head action,” but a subconscious “heart action.” This subconscious heart action is a projection of love. - Dr. M.T. Morter

Page 5: The Morter Report June 2015


In 2010, I had the privilege of going on a Cruise sponsored by Global Information Network. I was invited to sit at the Captain’s Table one night for dinner, quite a leap for a kid who grew up in a very overcrowded post-World War II veterans’ housing project. When I took my seat, The Amazing Kreskin was on one side of me and the late Dr. Milton T. Morter on the other.

Dr. Morter, in my experience, was all business. He was focused on what he came here to do, even at a casual meal. He talked about his work and what it took to bring a person into balance. The reason I recall this event to you right now is that Dr. Morter was very, very precise in his descriptions of what it took to bring a person into balance. He talked about the importance of balance and that, in the end, nothing else matters because without inner balance life is very challenging at best.

Dr. Morter was clear about the fact that balance was not achieved randomly. To be honest, I loved listening to him. I did not want the meal to be over. I think the reason was that he was the first person I had I ever spoken with outside of our own research group who saw the transformation process as so defined and so precise. As a former clinical social worker (many years ago) I can tell you that modern mental health views the achievement of inner peace and balance as a random process. In that system, you choose a therapist or a therapist is chosen for you. You make an appointment, and you go and sit down and talk about your challenges with the hope that you might get to the bottom of a problem.

In that situation, the client does not go with the expectation that he or she will be fixed. We go with the expectation that someone will listen to our problems and possibly help us diagnose our condition. Freud believed that if you could talk about your problems in a safe environment that this would be enough to solve them. It turns out that this is not true. In fact, for some people talking about problems only makes them more important in the person’s life. Many of us have come to identify with our problems to such an extent that we do not know who we are naturally, what we want or what we have come here to do.

This Freudian system itself is not built on the idea that a person can be “fixed” and returned to a life of inner balance. In fact, it is built on the idea that if you talk about your problems long enough you might have some insights that will help you manage those problems better. It is almost as if clients are hoping to “get lucky” and maybe uncover the problem or problems that are driving the distress in their lives. I have said many times in seminars that we have greater expectations for our cars. When we hear a loud grinding sound every time we put out foot on our brakes, we get concerned that we need new brake pads. We go to a mechanic who diagnoses the problem and says yes you need to have new brake pads. You pay the mechanic to fix your car with the expectation that you will drive away without that grinding noise.

But in western mental health, we are programmed to think it is okay to drive away with that grinding noise. It is difficult for people to imagine not having that noise. Most of us have been trained, in a way, to accept our problems and challenges and work around them, or learn to live with them. Finding the exact, precise mathematical solution is outside our expectations. Finding this solution and expe-riencing inner balance is not the same as getting high or excited. The perfect balance point is the place where we use the least amount of resources to sustain the highest level of vitality.

What I loved about that dinner with Dr. Morter was that he had a defined idea about the concept of perfect balance and how to achieve that state of being. We had spent decades following those same principles, that balance was a highly specific state achieved through very precise measures.

In our view, the transformation process must take place in the world of Einstein. This is the world where particles of damage and harm can be converted into particles of well-being. It is a process of converting particles of a lower frequency to particles of a higher fre-quency. Many meditation systems are built on this principle. That pathway of particle conversion might be effective for some people, but can also take a very long time.

Transformation is also a process of quieting the internal background noise. In our research, we could see that many people, including ourselves, did not know how much inner background noise we have until the noise is quieted down. The quieter we are inside, the more our natural voices can be heard. These natural voices and impressions are often very different from what we heard from parents and teachers in the process of growing up.

Remember, you are the creator of every event in your life, as I am in mine. The mental, emotional and spiritual condition of each cre-ator determines the quality of each person’s life. And again, we do not become balanced human beings randomly. Transformation to a balanced condition is an extremely precise process that achieves a very specific outcome.

Copyright: Mary E. Miller. All rights reserved.

Transformation Mary E. Miller, MSW

Page 6: The Morter Report June 2015


One of the most important subtle lies we must combat – one that lies at the root of so many other myths – is that prosperity is nothing more than the accumulation of material wealth. The elusive obvious is that true prosperity is different for every person and rarely has much to do with how much money she has in the bank or how many cars he has in the garage. Prosperity and happiness are closely related. They are both dependent upon two key elements: Soul Purpose and human life value.

Each of us was born for greatness, and every one of us has what I call “Soul Purpose.” Soul Purpose is your unique set of talents, abilities, and passions applied productively and effectively, making tremendous impact upon the world and bringing the highest levels of joy and fulfillment for you and everyone you touch. It’s the mission that you were born for; it’s what you would do every day even if you didn’t get paid for it. When you’ve truly found your Soul Purpose, you create so much value for others that you’re almost inevitably paid very well indeed. My friend and colleague Steve D’Annunzio says of Soul Purpose, “Living you Soul Purpose does not mean that you have to own your own business or be famous. It means that you are doing what you are naturally passionate about doing every day, whether working for yourself or as an employee. Many people know their Soul Purpose but refuse to acknowledge it because doing so may require uncomfortable decision. The real pain and suffering from human existence come from not making these decisions.”

Human life value is our own particular combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities – everything that we are when we take away all of our material resources. It is our character and integrity, our ability to think creatively and uniquely, our relationships, our faith – or the lac of each of these things. It is our knowledge and ability to shape materials and information in new ways that are valued and utilized by others and ourselves. Every material thing we enjoy today came from the utilization of individual human life value. The materials in our homes already existed in the earth, but until human life value was applied to natural resources, that matter was nothing but potential value. When human life value is applied to physical matter, it becomes shaped an manipulated into something valuable to us.

If we think of prosperity in terms of achieving and applying our greatest human life value in order to live our Soul Purpose, many of the myths that we labor under instantly come into question. If our new goal is to create value in the world, not simply build our net worth, then how we go about becoming prosperous changes forever.

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. - Albert Einstein

Redefining Prosperity

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

B.E.S.T. Process Alka•Line Supplements help your body restore its natural alkalinity, put you back on the road to health, and help return your body to its natural state – healthy and func-tioning perfectly! They are not heat treated, so the enzymatically active ingredients remain alive for maximum effectiveness.*

Call 800-443-BEST (2378) to order!

An excerpt from the best-selling book, Killing Sacred Cows – Overcoming the Financial Myths that are Destroying our Prosperity by Garrett B. Gunderson

Page 7: The Morter Report June 2015


“Fine” is what is called a bad, “four-letter word.” How many times have you been at dinner and the waiter asked you if you were enjoying your meal and you answered with, “Yes, It’s Fine”? Many times do we give a positive response even when things are not “fine.”

Our upbringing teaches us to either not complain or just accept things as they are. So unless something is dreadfully wrong, we accept it. Sometimes it’s just a hassle to complain, and few of us want to deal with it anyway.

Most men have learned from experience that if they ask a woman a question and she answers with “Fine,” nothing could be further from the truth. Fine is code for “Things are not okay and you better look out.”

In your business when you hear a response “Fine,” it’s time to get busy. Your relationship with your clients is in trouble. People don’t build long-lasting emotional attachments, develop loyalty, or rave about a company, product or service that is just “Fine.”

What’s wrong with “fine”? After all, your clients aren’t spreading negative word-of-mouth. True, but let’s face it, when your customers tell people that a restaurant or a hair salon is fine, they are not exactly giving it a raving endorsement. Would you frequent a business that is only “fine”?

A response of “Fine” is equivalent to “Badvertising.” And while you may argue that “fine” is not so bad, it’s probably not bringing you new or repeat business. Which is exactly why it’s imperative that you take action and change it, and create the WOW factor.

Excellent client service is the key to changing “fine” to WOW. Experts agree that excellent client service gets talked about and helps spread your reputation through positive word-of-mouth. Good news travels fast . . . but bad news travels even faster!

Achieving the WOW factor isn’t easy. The magic formula for excellent client service just doesn’t exist. Businesses with the WOW factor recognize that service is a daily commitment. It only happens when you get it right every day – day in, day out.

Here is some food for thought to start your journey to WOW client service.

Ask clients what they want. - Rather than focusing on what your competitors are doing, talk to your clients first. Ask them what great service means to them. Listen to what your clients tell you. Make changes based on what you hear to provide better service and accommodate their needs.

Give that little something extra, “Lagniappe.” - When it comes to WOW client service, always be prepared to go the extra mile. “Under-promise and over-deliver” should be your mantra for success.

Encourage complaints. - Not getting complaints is bad for business. Only 4% of clients take the time to tell you about problems. The rest just grumble, go away and stop doing business with you. You can’t stop clients from defecting if you never hear about their problems. Encourage clients to tell you what you’re doing wrong. Ask for feedback at every client contact.

But perhaps most importantly, make sure that you understand that “Fine” is a bad, bad four-letter word!

by Dr. Ralph LeBlanc“Fine”is a 4-Letter Word!

Page 8: The Morter Report June 2015


All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please call or visit our website for updated information.

June12-13 Animal B.E.S.T. – Rogers, AR

14 Animal Mastery – Rogers, AR

20 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Rogers, AR

26-27 B.E.S.T. Training – Chicago, IL

July5 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

10-12 B.E.S.T. BootCamp – Dallas, TX

17-18 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Toronto, Canada

24-26 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

August1 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Rogers, AR

14-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY

28-30 Personal B.E.S.T. – Chicago, IL

30 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

September10-11 Elite Diplomate – Rogers, AR

12-13 Homecoming 40th Year – Rogers, AR

19 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Rogers, AR

25-27 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

October2 Personal B.E.S.T. II – Paris, France

3-4 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France

4-5 Personal Care – Paris, France

23-24 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

November6-7 Personal Care – Noosa, Australia

8 B.E.S.T. Training – Noosa, Australia

13-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Atlanta, GA

14 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Seattle, WA

December4-5 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Orlando, FL

11-13 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

Bio EnergeticSyn


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Celebrating 40 Years of B.E.S.T.!

1975 – 2015
