the… · morning saints. this...

In this Issue Table of Contents Pastor s Greeting ........... 2 Up Coming Events .......... 3 Childrens Ministry ....... 4 Youth Group ................... 5 Working Together........... 6 Make a Difference ........... 7 Spirited 50’s ..................... 8 Womens Ministry .......... 9 A Prayer for America ... 10 Church Highlights ........ 11 Birthdays & Anniv ........ 12 Prayers ........................... 12 Staff ................................ 13 The Eagle January 2018

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Page 1: The… · morning Saints. This move blesses Coastal Christian as they will use the bus often for sports trips

In this Issue

Table of Contents Pastor ‘s Greeting ........... 2

Up Coming Events .......... 3

Children’s Ministry ....... 4

Youth Group ................... 5

Working Together ........... 6

Make a Difference ........... 7

Spirited 50’s ..................... 8

Women’s Ministry .......... 9

A Prayer for America ... 10

Church Highlights ........ 11

Birthdays & Anniv ........ 12

Prayers ........................... 12

Staff ................................ 13

The Eagle

January 2018

Page 2: The… · morning Saints. This move blesses Coastal Christian as they will use the bus often for sports trips


“Be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves.”

James 1:22

January, the month of lying to ourselves about what we’re going to change! Have you made up any lies (I mean resolutions) this month? Lose weight, run a marathon, hike Mount Everest? We tend to bite off more than we can chew. What about more spiritual goals? Praying for hours at a time? Reading the whole Bible in a week? Giving half your wealth away to the poor? We can overdo our goals and end up with no change at all. The journey of faith is about progress, not perfection. Believe me, God knows you’re not perfect. When he puts a nudge in your heart to make a change, he knows what you’re capable of. Most of us don’t go from zero to Mother Theresa in a week. But you might be surprised what God can do with you in a year. What might God be calling you do more of, or less of, in 2018? How might you get closer to Jesus this year (UP)? How might you grow deeper with your brothers and sisters in the faith (IN)? How might you share God’s love in word and deed to oweary world (OUT)? This month, you’ll see some great ways to do all these things. Life is more fun when we live it together. Come worship in a fresh way with our monthly bonfires at the beach. If you’re married, come enjoy our Marriage Tune-up on Sunday nights. Grab a new bookmark and read through the New Testament and the Psalms this year. Join up with a Bible Study small group or Crossways. Help out with the People’s Kitchen. These aren’t exactly Mount Everest. They’re small steps that lead to real change. Let’s keep listening together and faithfully going where He calls. God’s Peace, Greg

Pastor’s Page

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First Fridays Beach Bonfire and Worship Join us for a monthly time of fellowship and singing songs around the bonfire. All ages welcome! This is a great opportunity to invite friends for a low key time of hanging out with our great Saint John’s community. We will provide the bonfire, but you are responsible for bringing your own food, snacks, drinks, chairs, blankets or whatever else you might want at a beach bonfire. We’ll be at the end of Grand Avenue near the paid parking entrance. We’ll set up as close to the top of the sand as we can, on the parking lot side. Save the dates for First Fridays: January 5, February 2, and March 2 from 5-8 pm.

Six Week Marriage Tune-Up Starts Sunday, Jan. 14th Regular maintenance on your vehicle can feel boring, but let it go too long and you’re in a world of hurt. The same is true for our most important relationships. We need to “tune-up” our communication and get the oil changed to remove some of the gunk. Come join Pastor Greg and Cindi for a six week marriage class on Sunday nights from 5-7pm. It starts with a potluck feast and moves into an interactive (often humorous) topical study on how to make your good marriage even better. We’ll have childcare if you need it.

Adult Bible Classes at Saint John’s

Sunday Morning Adult Class 10am Starts Sunday, Jan. 14th

Come join our dedicated teachers for a great variety of Bible fun. The class runs from 10-1045am. Thanks to Mark, Rob and Frank for continuing this great group.

Crossways Bible Study With Pastor Greg Starts Tuesday, Jan. 9th

Join Pastor Greg on Tuesday mornings from 9-10:30am. We have coffee and treats and great fellowship and prayer. We dig deep into meaningful Bible topics and learn together. The mix of lecture and small group time gives everyone a chance to learn and grow. No experience necessary and there’s no dumb questions.

Bus Ministry to restart in February Greetings Bus fans. We have some exciting news. Jeff is working hard on getting his licensing back online and will hopefully be ready to drive for us in February. In the meantime, the transportation committee has recommended to the Council, and the Council has approved the donation of the bus to Coastal Christian School with the understanding that Saint John’s can use the bus for our Sunday morning Saints. This move blesses Coastal Christian as they will use the bus often for sports trips and retreats. It also blesses Saint John’s in that we’ll save about $4,000 in insurance and mainte-nance and taxes by not owning the vehicle. We’ll still pay for gas whenever we use it. Talk about win-win. Questions, talk to Ron Werner or Pastor Greg or any Council members.

Up Coming Events

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Thank you to all of our fabulous kiddos for your hard work, fun energy and fantastic job on our Emoji Christmas play! Special thanks also to Mandi Goldie for making our adorable new Emoji Costumes. Thanks to George & Carol Erikson, Shelley Malcom, Theresa Shultz and Paula Reitsma for your work on the backdrop and props. Thank you David Immel and Mark Ravera for leading music and Heavenly Handbells for your beautiful special music. Thanks to Greg Wallace and Valerie Reilly for stage direction! And to all our KidsChurch teachers, moms, dads and grandmas for your extra hours of practice help. Thank you to Jeffrey, Samantha & Alexander for playing our Holy Family! We are so very thankful to Rena Weiger for sharing her time and dedication to the children teaching Sunday School the past several years. Thank you, Rena, for the love and investment you have given! You will be missed! While we will greatly miss Ms. Rena, we are also excited to have Chrissy Ravera increase her KidsChurch teaching rotation. She will be leading our kids on the 2nd and 5th Sundays. Welcome Ms. Chrissy and many thanks to you both!

Family Camp Weekend It may seem like a long time away, but Spring will be here before you know it! Please mark your calendars and save the date now for our all church Family Camping weekend at Lopez Lake: May 18-20, 2018


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It’s a shiny new year and with it comes opportunities and changes. We’re going to continue to enjoy the things that we love like Youth Nights and monthly Game Nights while looking forward to the big events like Winter and Summer Camps. Dates that should be on your calendar: Our next Game Night is on January 12th from 6-9 pm. These are tons of fun and open to everyone from 7th grade up to college. High School Winter Camp is at El Camino Pines on February 2nd -4th . The theme verse is Titus 3:12 “Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives.” Our upcoming High School Summer Trip on July 22nd -28th, 2018

To RSVP, Volunteer or Ask Questions for any Youth Event Contact Rob Mees at (805) 489-1259 or at [email protected]

Youth Group News

College Night Every Monday 6 pm - 9 pm

6 pm - 7 pm: Dinner 7 pm - 9 pm: Bible Study & Games

Youth Night Every Sunday 6 pm - 8 pm

6 pm - 7 pm: Dinner 7 pm - 8 pm: Bible Study & Games

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Dress A Girl “Make A Dress Challenge” Update In November, our goal was to

make at least 30 dresses – we beat that goal by 15! Thanks to everyone who stitched up a storm. Our total goal is 200 by the end of May. It’s not too late to participate in the challenge – just sign up on the board in Ouimette Hall. If you’re not sure how to make a dress, I have

put together kits with fabric and step by step instructions. The kits are available now in the Church office or call Pam . Our next scheduled Workshop is Saturday, March 3, 2018. But I am always available by phone if you need help, or if several people are interested, I would be

happy to schedule another workshop prior to March. Call me and let me know of your inter-est.

O Christmas Tree! Thanks to Jens and Anna Dybdahl for once again picking out a beautiful Christmas tree to grace our Sanctuary. This one is a true beauty! There are many people involved with our Christmas tree once it’s picked up from the Dybdahls. It takes many hands and faithful helpers to bring the tree into the Sanctuary. First, Jens had to put flame retardant on the tree two days before it was brought to the church by Frank Drake with his truck and trailer. Then Frank was met at the church by these helpers who carried in the tree and set it up together with Frank. They were Jerry DeVos, Rob Mees, Ron Werner, and Merlin Wil-son. The lights were then put on by Rob Mees, Tyler Drysdale, and Alex Miller. Lastly, the Chrismons were put on by our ladies Louise Frye, Marcy Richardson, Irene Rodin, Jan Shav-er, Lorraine Sundquist, Mona Hart, and Kay Werner. Beautiful job everyone! Beautiful tree!

Working Together

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Five Cities Food Ministry Bring your Contributions to the wagon in the Commons that is waiting to be

filled. Call Joanne, Food Coordinator for Five Cities Food Ministry, 270-4218. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you: To Saint John’s Congregation for its support of Five Cities Christian Women’s food Pantry. The final count on the canned food drive is 247 cans. Just a reminder that you do not have to wait for a special drive to help, as our food wagon is always in the commons. Thanks to Sandy Lebens, Kerry Wood and Jerry DeVos for counting and also a a special thank you to Jerry, who delivered the cans.

People’s Kitchen Every day at noon, a meal is served indoors at Life Point Church in Grover Beach. The host church leads a worship time before the meal. Saint John’s serves the 2nd Tuesday of the

month. Call Linda McNair or Peggy Droste for more information.

Social Out Reach Services Ministry Says Thank You Thank you so much for your support of the Alternative Gift Fair on Sunday, Dec. 3. Through the combined efforts of the congregation, $1,798 was donated to help our brothers and sisters around the world and locally. Through your BIG HEARTS we are making a difference this Christmas. Thank you also for continuing to fill the little wagon with food for our 5 Cities Christian Women’s Food Pantry. During the winter months the shelves at the pantry get low so your assistance is deeply appreciated. Beginning in February, the first Sunday of each month at Family Worship Sunday we will have a “Canned Food of the Month” drive. The February emphasis will be “Canned Soup Month” so remember to bring your cans of soup on Sunday, February 4. Let’s fill the tummys of the needy with a tasty soup!! A big thank you to Patti and Stan Roberts and Lynn Kaloian for their hard work in making the thanksgiving feast at Saint John’s so successful. Everyone participating enjoyed the great food and fellowship. Thank you to Pam Glenn and Cindi Wallace for their work coordinating the Dress-a-Girl program and to the sewers. Many of these dresses will be taken to Uganda this summer for the girls at Solid Rock Christian School. Many thanks also to Pam and Cindi for their Knit-a-Scarf program supplying scarves to the needy in our community. Lastly, thank you to all who volunteered this year to be Salvation Army Bell Ringers. Your efforts are most appreciated.

Make a Difference

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JANUARY 13, 2018, 6:00 P.M.

We thank the hosts for the evening the Miner’s and the Keck’s who furnished a delicious dessert of cake and ice cream. We also thank Louise Frye for playing the piano with Christ-mas songs to welcome our group as they arrived and for playing Christmas songs that we could join in, sing and enjoy the season. It was a special evening of rejoicing the birth of our Lord Jesus. We all have so much to be thankful for. We ended the evening with our gift exchange program which saw just about every gift taken from the original selector. We’re almost set for our gathering on JANUARY 13 STARTING AT 6:00 P.M. Our hosts for the evening will be the Lebens, and I would appreciate if another couple would volunteer to help them also. Frank Lebens has a program in mind and if it falls into place I’m sure it will be an informative and enjoyable evening for our group. So either sign the sign up sheet or give the Lebens a call at 474-9484 to let them know you are coming or you can call me at 343-2200, so our hosts can plan accordingly. We need hosts for the months starting in February for the year 2018. Please let me know if you are able to host. IF YOU CAN HOST PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I know you want to meet and enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow Christian brothers and sisters. So step forward and be a host/hostess. Without your help we won’t meet. Please think about hosting so we don’t miss our opportunities to gather. The host sign up sheet for 2018 is posted on the bulletin board, and is located adjacent to the phone in the entrance hall to the Ouimette Hall. Please either sign the Host sign up sheet or call Frank Drake . Please consider hosting twice a year, and try to limit hosts to two couples, or 4-5 people, so we’ll have plenty of hosts to share the fun time. We have posted several suggested activities on the bulletin board so the hosts would have some type of activity to choose from if they did not have one they would like to present. You’ll find the suggested activity list posted in our area. If you can not make a decision as to what the program will be, ask Frank Drake for help. Remember there really isn’t anyone too young or too old to join us and enjoy the fellowship period we have together. If you have not attended our gatherings you do not know what you have missed. It’s light and fun time. Come and find out for yourself.


Spirited 50’s

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Blessings for the New Year from Women's Ministry.

Women's Ministry wishes Joyful Blessings to all for the New Year! Thank you to the 41 people who attended the eighth annual Christmas Luncheon. Many thanks to Shar TerBorch for arranging the Celebration Chorus for our Entertainment. Reminder: No meeting in January. Circle your calendars for Wednesday February 14 at 1:00 P.M. for the annual Valentine's Celebration and Secret Pal Gift Exchange. Think about any special memories of Valentine's Day you would be willing to share. Please Contact Roseann Carroll at 805-343-0352. Thank you from the Board: Louise Frye, Ethel Lenz, Roseann Carroll, and Rena Weiger On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 10:13 AM, Louise Frye <[email protected]> wrote: Blessings for the New Year from Women's Ministry. Thank you to all who attended the Christmas Luncheon. 39 people--wow what a record. Many thanks to Shar TerBorch for arranging the Celebration Chorus to sing for our Entertainment. There will be no meeting in January. Circle your calendars for Wednesday February 14, at 1:00 P.M. for our annual Valentine's Celebration and Secret Pal Gift Exchange. Think about any special memories of Valentine's Day and if you would like to share them. Thank You from the Board: Louise Frye, Ethel Lenz, Roseann Carroll, and Rena Weiger

Women’s Ministry

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Almighty God, In all history, there has been only one nation like America - founded by pilgrims seeking freedom to worship, established on a vast continent between two oceans, dedicated to the proposition that we are created equal and endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights: One Nation Under God. You delivered us in war, prospered us in peace, and raised up generations willing to offer the last full measure of their devotion for the preservation of liberty at home and abroad. We have been a light for the world. From our shores has gone the greatest missionary force in history. Save us from falling into darkness, disobedience, and indifference. We have sinned; and we, your people, Lord, humble ourselves, and pray and seek your face, and turn from our wicked ways. Please forgive our sin and heal our land. Give us leaders who understand the times and know what we should do. May the torch of liberty burn brightly, inflamed by the goodness of your people. God, Bless America In Jesus’ Name Amen

Submitted by Elizabeth Blank

A Prayer for America

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Annual Congregational Meeting Part 2 January 21, 2018

Between Gathering at 10:30 To elect new 2018 Church Council Members

Caught Serving! A tall elf named Rob was seen decorating the Commons last week before the Advent Night Celebration. Thanks Rob for the excellent decorating. To the Good People of Saint John’s, thank you for the many people you have helped to get

sober in providing AA with a room to meet and learn together. I have led this meeting for thirty-two years here at Saint John’s and I am thankful for thisIt is with great sorrow that I need to close this meeting due to heath issues. Many, many thanks all of you who supported us here at Saint John’s . We appreciate your time and commitments to help us endue these many years. Thanks again Bob Klinkenberg.

MANY thanks to all who so generously contributed toward our Staff Christmas gift!! More

importantly, we thank you for your prayers and loving support as we face our health crises. Together with God, we are joined as family in Him, and are so richly blessed with all of you. Happy New Year to all!! Shari & Myron

"Thank you Saint John's for sending me the lovely Advent Gift filled with cookies and my

card. I miss all of you and I am grateful for your thoughtfulness and visit. Bev Kovall

WOW! It's been two long years, since I have been on the prayer chain, and I just want to say a BIG thank you for all the prayers that were said for me, I know that the prayers that were said for me got me though the last couple of years and all that happen to me. So now I am doing well and my health is good. Thanks again Sharline TuggeyOur

Income/Expenses: November, 2017 YTD *Income 61,037 442,559 Expenses 39,843 446,175 21,194. (1,616) *Income includes transfer of Investment funds earned.

Family Sunday Kids Church Program Choir Cantata

Dec 3 179 Dec. 10 189 Dec 17 149 13

Church Highlights

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Our friends & family: Flo, Skylar, Clar-ence, Dave, Swede, Aram, Erma, Rose, Maxine, Kevin, Steve, Dustin, Sandy, Myron, Shari, Dakota, Susan, Jim, Paul, Teri, the brother of Janet Forsha, the family of Brenda Critzer in the loss of her brother, the family of Mel Paul & all those in need of healing and lifted spirits. Pray also for the fire fighters and all the folks affected by the fires.






















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2017 Church Council PRESIDENT Tim Myer VICE PRESIDENT Lynn Kaloian TREASURER Patti Roberts SECRETARY Cal Wood Christian Education David Immel Good News Team Diane Yops Property Donna Gillette David Goodwin Social Ministry Lynn Kaloian Stewardship Ralph Miner Worship & Music Cal Wood


Saint John’s Office Phone 805-489-1259 Pastoral Emergencies. 310-613-0283 General E-mail [email protected] Greg Wallace, Pastor [email protected] Cheryl Apfel, Office Admin [email protected] Rob Mees, Dir. Youth Ministry [email protected] Cindi Wallace, Children’s Ministry Dir cindi@saintjohnsagcom Tim Myer, Council President [email protected]

Church Website

Office Assistant Pam Glenn Bookkeeper Cheryl Apfel Coord. Music Ministry Shari Bowman Chancel Choir Director Janice Goodwin Handbells Director Shari Bowman Songfest Co-Directors Cal Wood & Myron Bowman Choir Accompanist Shari Bowman Organist Dawn Russ Custodian Janet Forsha Nursery Attendant Brenda Critzer Financial Secretary Kerry Wood

A Stephen Ministry Congregation

February Newsletter

Deadline is January 15th Thanks to all the volunteers who have been such a blessing to the office. It would be impossible without you!

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