the miami hurricane -- september 9, 20101

1 MHMC- Commercial Template Doc Size 11.25” X 14” Image Area 10.375 x 11.75 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK T he roller coaster of emotions that occurred in the final seconds of regulation in the 2003 Fiesta Bowl still creep through the minds of many Hur- ricane players and fans day in and day out. But vengeance is finally at the doorstep. Now, the No. 12 Miami Hurricanes have to rise to the occasion and show the country the Canes are a perennial pow- erhouse. Frustration and anger has built inside Hurricane nation for nearly a decade and finally the Miami Hurricanes have an oppor- tunity to extract some revenge in Columbus, Ohio at the Horseshoe against No. 2 Ohio State, Saturday at 3:40 p.m. Head coach Randy Shannon has downplayed the matchup against the Buckeyes since the start of fall camp but is eager to get things rolling. “This is great for us in football season because you have an oppor- tunity to play such a good team in a great place the second game of the season,” said Shannon, whose team is a 9.5-point underdog. “It’s a great opportunity for us. There’s a lot of enthusiasm from the crowd.” In the 2003 Fiesta Bowl, considered one of the best national champion- ships of all time, Ohio State was a two-touchdown underdog to the Miami team that had won 34 straight games. SEE OHIO STATE, PAGE 10 STOP, DROP AND ROLL STOP, DROP AND ROLL MOCK DORM GOES UP IN FLAMES AT FIRE SAFETY DEMONSTRATION PAGE 3 BECK EFFECT BECK EFFECT FOX NEWS PERSONALITY COULD BE OUR SAVIOR OR DOWNFALL PAGE 6 HOMETOWN REMIX HOMETOWN REMIX YOUTUBE PARODY VIDEO BY SENIORS GOES VIRAL PAGE 7 COURTESY UM SPORTS PUBLICITY Flip the script Miami seeks revenge from Fiesta Bowl at Ohio State BY LELAN LEDOUX | SENIOR SPORTS WRITER . The Miami The Miami Vol. 88, Issue 30 | Sept. 9 - Sept. 12, 2010 HURRICANE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI IN CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA, SINCE 1929 com . 88, Issue u u u 3 3 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Sept p p pt p p p p p p . 9 - Sept . 12, 2010 88, Issue u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u 3 3 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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The Miami Hurricane -- September 9, 20101


  • 1MHMC- Commercial Template Doc Size 11.25 X 14 Image Area 10.375 x 11.75 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK

    The roller coaster of emotions that occurred in the final seconds of regulation in the 2003 Fiesta Bowl still creep through the minds of many Hur-ricane players and fans day in and day out.

    But vengeance is finally at the doorstep.Now, the No. 12 Miami Hurricanes have to rise to the

    occasion and show the country the Canes are a perennial pow-erhouse.

    Frustration and anger has built inside Hurricane nation for nearly a decade and finally the Miami Hurricanes have an oppor-

    tunity to extract some revenge in Columbus, Ohio at the Horseshoe against No. 2 Ohio State, Saturday at 3:40 p.m.

    Head coach Randy Shannon has downplayed the matchup against the Buckeyes since the start of fall camp but is eager to get

    things rolling.This is great for us in football season because you have an oppor-

    tunity to play such a good team in a great place the second game of the season, said Shannon, whose team is a 9.5-point underdog. Its a great

    opportunity for us. Theres a lot of enthusiasm from the crowd.In the 2003 Fiesta Bowl, considered one of the best national champion-

    ships of all time, Ohio State was a two-touchdown underdog to the Miami team that had won 34 straight games.






    Flip the scriptMiami seeks revenge from


    .The MiamiThe Miami Vol. 88, Issue 30 | Sept. 9 - Sept. 12, 2010


    com. 88, Issueuuu 3330000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000 || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Septppptppppppppppppp . 9 - Sept. 12, 201088, Issueuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 3330000000000000000 0 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Septpppppppppppp . 9 - Sept. 12, 2010


  • 5MHMC- Commercial Template Doc Size 11.25 X 14 Image Area 10.375 x 11.75 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK

    September 9 - September 12, 2010 THE MIAMI HURRICANE OPINION 5


    What did you do on Labor Day weekend?


    I went to the beach with my friends and had a



    I went home to NY.


    I turned 21 and bought my fi rst bottle of alcohol.

    Speak Up answers are edited for clarity, brevity and accuracy.

    Check out video Speak Ups at

    compiled byBrielle Buckler



    I hit up the clubs.

    The Miami Hurricane is published semi-weekly during the regular academic year and is edited and produced by undergraduate students at the University of Miami. The publication does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of advertisers or the universitys trustees, faculty or administration. Unsigned editorials represent the opinion of The Hurricanes Editorial Board. Commentaries, letters and cartoons represent only the views of their respective authors. The newsroom and business offi ce of The Hurricane are located in the Norman A. Whitten University Center, Room 221.

    LETTER POLICYThe Miami Hurricane encourages all readers to voice their opinions on issues related to the university or in response to any report published in The Hurricane. Letters to the editor may be submitted typed or handwritten (please make your handwriting legible) to the Whitten University Center, Room 221, or mailed to P.O. Box 248132, Coral Gables, FL, 33124-6922. Letters, with a suggested length of 300 words, must be signed and include a copy of your student ID card, phone number and year in school.

    ADVERTISING POLICYThe Miami Hurricanes business offi ce is located at 1306 Stanford Drive, Norman A. Whitten University Center, Room 221B, Coral Gables, FL 33124-6922. The Miami Hurricane is published on Mondays and Thursdays during the universitys fall and spring academic terms. Newspapers are distributed free of charge on the Coral Gables campus, the School of Medicine and at several off -campus locations.

    DEADLINESAll ads must be received, cash with copy, in The Miami Hurricane business offi ce, Whitten University Center, Room 221B, by noon Tuesday for Thursdays issue and by noon Friday for the Monday issue.

    SUBSCRIPTIONSThe Miami Hurricane is available for subscription at the rate of $50 per year.

    AFFILIATIONSThe Miami Hurricane is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press, Columbia Scholastic Press Assoc. and Florida College Press Assoc.

    Founded 1929 An Associated Collegiate Press Hall of Fame Newspaper

    NEWSROOM: 305-284-2016BUSINESS OFFICE: 305-284-4401FAX: 305-284-4404

    For advertising rates call305-284-4401 or fax 305-284-4404.

    2010 University of Miami

    EDITOR IN CHIEFChristina De Nicola


    ART DIRECTORBrittney Bomnin

    NEWS EDITORAlexandra Leon

    PHOTO EDITORLindsay Brown

    SPORTS EDITORJustin Antweil

    EDGE EDITORDanielle Kaslow


    COPY CHIEFAlexa Lopez

    ONLINE EDITORSteve Pierre

    ASST. NEWS EDITORSParker Davis Nicolette Roque

    ASST. SPORTS EDITORErnesto Suarez

    ASST. PHOTO EDITORAdrianne DAngelo

    DESIGNERS Allison Goodman Felipe Lobon Demi Rafuls Katharine Wyatt




    PUBLIC RELATIONSJames Borchers


    ACCOUNT REPS Isabel Gonzalez Shoshana GottesmanMIsha MayeurJack Whaley

    WEBMASTERIvan Rocha Nicole Collazo



    FACULTY ADVISERBob Radziewicz

    COPY EDITORSAmanda Gomez Stephanie Parra Sagette Van Embden

    To reach a member of the staff visit themiamihurricane.coms contact page.

    The MiamiHURRICANE

    . com

    Under tremendous pressure from 17 state attorneys general and several public advocacy groups, Craigslist removed their Adult Ser-vices section in the United States on Saturday, replacing it with a black bar that says censored. The attorneys general stated that this section of the Web site was fa-cilitating prostitution, exploitation and human trafficking.

    After the jailhouse suicide last month of medical student Philip Markoff, who was awaiting trial in the killing of a masseuse he met through Craigslist, the ad list-ings were questioned.

    This dispute is one of the most prominent in the controversy over free speech on the Internet. We ask ourselves, how much re-sponsibility does a Web site like Craigslist have for these illegal ac-tivities and for their users posts?

    Instead of seeing this situ-ation as an obstacle to their site, Craigslist should realize the prob-

    lem at hand and use it as an op-portunity to tackle this ongoing haunting issue.

    Currently, Craigslist still has 250 other erotic pages globally where children and women are still being sold for sex. If Craigslist is committed to ending human trafficking, the Web site should shut down the other adult services sections that are available world-wide.

    Blocking all adult ads on Craigslist is the first step in the right direction; however, this ac-tion by itself will not solve the ma-jor issue.

    Just because the Adult Ser-vices section disappears does not mean the ads will too. This will have no impact on the amount of prostitution that occurs globally because there are many other ser-vices out there. These prostitution ads will simply link to other sites.

    Rather than going after just the advertisements, officials need

    to push for law enforcement ef-forts to use information from services like Craigslist to go after human traffickers and those who profit off of harming others. We severely need to urge sites like Craigslist to work with law en-forcement, as well as devise new plans to fight this abusive industry and find more resources to control the visibility of the Web.

    In order to commit to end-ing the use of this Web site as a platform for trafficking and the sexual enslavement of children and young women, we must take further action to solve the prob-lem. If we care about eradicating the misery that exploited women and children experience, and want to stop this exploitation, we need to stop disregarding this and be aware of the actual issue.

    Editorials represent the majority view of The Miami Hurricane editorial board.

    Craigslist cracks down on Adult Services section

    MATT ROSEN // The Miami Hurricane


    Total Voters: 141


    POLL RESULTS: Who is your favorite Hurricane football player?

    Beck argues that our country needs some sort of awakening.

    With this, I agree.

    - Josh Kornfi eld Staff Columnist


    Allen Bailey15%

    Damien Berry11%

    Matt Bosher21%

    Jacory Harris33%

  • 6MHMC- Commercial Template Doc Size 11.25 X 14 Image Area 10.375 x 11.75 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK

    6 OPINION THE MIAMI HURRICANE September 9 - September 12, 2010

    Glenn Beck will save this country. I dont know if Becks screaming nation-alistic rhetoric and frantic arm-waving conjures up the same images for you as it does for me. Still, we all know Beck is but a humble TV person-

    ality just trying to awaken this country, the land we all love.

    He manages to craft a caricature of liberals who demand reform, painting them as hippies who hate their country, and implying that those who truly love our country understand that were in some sort of secular stupor. America has wandered in darkness Beck tells us, and only he can lead us out.

    Luckily, theres a light at the end of the tunnel. All we have to do is watch Beck drop books on his desk and appreciate that this is a man who reads. He reads books!

    Seriously though, I fear for my coun-try- seeing Beck mischaracterize the words of our founding fathers and knowing that many of his viewers are buying it. Witness-ing the Tea Party pick Sarah Palin, a hock-ey mom who compared herself to Shake-speare for inadvertently coining the word refudiate, as their national mascot. Beck

    and Palin used to amuse me. Their grow-ing influence over a substantial number of Americans currently worries me.

    Beck argues that our country needs some sort of awakening. With this, I agree. However, we certainly dont need a reli-gious or spiritual awakening. Children arent malnourished in this country be-cause of a lack of religion. States inabil-ity to pay their bills, our growing national debt, falling educational standards and our unsustainable American lifestyle are not problems that will disappear if Americans pray more.

    Dare I say this? Sometimes, I worry that if Americans arent enlightened to the fact that our national problems arent the result of Mexican migrants and Muslim mosques, our political system may soon cause our eventual demise. A national ef-fort, one I suggest should be borne out of our universities, should investigate prac-tical solutions to Americas widespread problems.

    Beck argues that our country suffers from a disease. He calls that disease pro-gressivism; I call it a lack of progressivism. There are inadequacies that need reform-ing in this country. Palin can refudiate that idea till the glaciers start to melt.

    Josh Kornfield is a junior majoring in international studies and political science. He may be contacted at [email protected].

    Beck: U.S. suffers from disease






















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  • 7MHMC- Commercial Template Doc Size 11.25 X 14 Image Area 10.375 x 11.75 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK

    September 9 - September 12, 2010 THE MIAMI HURRICANE EDGE 7

    Forget about Empire State of Mind. For two University of Miami seniors, its all about Nassau County.

    In mid-August, Nash Prince and Evan Krumholz created a YouTube video spoof of Jay-Zs hit, along with two friends who also hail from Long Island, Tyler Gildin and Cody Milch. The video went viral over-night.

    We all grew up on Long Island so we were just taking all the different stereo-types... and going with it, Prince said.

    New Yorkers, and even those from out of town, connected instantly with the paro-dy, referencing familiar Long Island restau-rants, shopping areas and inside jokes.

    There are always certain truths- like there is a large Persian population in the

    Great Neck area and Matteos is the spot to eat; we just put all the things weve been saying all along in the song, said Krum-holz, who co-wrote the lyrics with Gildin. If youre from the area it strikes a cord on a very personal level.

    Once Krumholz and Gildin perfected the lyrics, they approached Milch to direct and Prince to work with the music for the project. The four began by recording the track in Princes home studio, where he later produced it.

    [The recording] was pretty rough at the time. I just helped smooth it out and low-ered Tylers voice so he sounded more like a rapper, Prince said with a laugh. I also sang on it, added in a few effects here and there and, when we had finished, we started filming.

    After three days of shooting and two days of editing, the four posted their finished

    product, with a runtime of 4 minutes and 37 seconds, onto YouTube on Aug. 13.

    Our main goal was to get 5,000 hits in one week, Prince said. Instead we got 200,000 in three to four days; I was just blown away.

    The boys were immediately featured on the NBC New York news program, the Howard Stern H-100 radio show and also on many popular blogs and Web sites, like

    YouTube is the best vehicle to get stuff out. We had a feeling it would be popular with our friends, but had no idea how big it would get, Krumholz said.

    According to YouTubes analytic in-formation posted below the video, it has received over 656,679 hits as of Sept. 7, has been viewed on almost every continent and is most popular with people in their early 40s to mid-50s.

    The biggest surprise has probably been the age demographic of the people who view the video, Prince said. Its a lot of people sending it to all their friends, people who still live in Nassau County and ones that have moved away but enjoy the memo-ries of home.

    Senior Dana Bornstein found the same to be true with her mother, who is originally from Long Island.

    I sent the video to my mom on Fa-cebook, Bornstein said. She doesnt re-ally know how to do Facebook, so she just kept posting it on her own wall. But all her friends kept commenting on it, that they had either been to all those places to eat or shop or that they thought it was funny and could not wait to post it.

    2 UM seniors hit it big Browse Upload Create Account Sign in

    Nassau (County) State of MindTjGildin 8 videos

    0:19 / 4:27 360p


    MARLENA SKROBE // The Miami Hurricane

    WHERE DREAMS ARE MADE OF: Seniors Evan Krumholz (left ) and Nash Prince created a parody of their hometown in Nassau County sung to the tune of Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z featuring Alicia Keys.

    Reactions to Nassau (County) State of Mind[The parody] is a perfect portrayal of the Long Island lifestyle and its very entertaining. Senior Dana Bornstein

    If youve never been to Nassau before, then either watch this video to sum up your [trip] or go and see [the places featured in] the video in real life. I will say that if you are brave enough to enter Nassaus own little world, you must eat at Marinara. Sophomore Tali Shapira

    I fi rst saw the video on Nashs Facebook. Im not from Nassau County but I have multiple friends from there so over the past four years, Ive been hearing all the jokes and I just think its hilarious. Senior Greg Orgel



    edgeedgeOne burrito, two burritoBring a study buddy (and your Cane Card) to the Chipotle on U.S. 1 on Thursday between 11 a.m. and 10 p.m. to buy a burrito and get one free.

  • 8MHMC- Commercial Template Doc Size 11.25 X 14 Image Area 10.375 x 11.75 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK

    8 EDGE THE MIAMI HURRICANE September 9 - September 12, 2010

    Despite the fact that everyones free time just significantly decreased with the start of classes, theres always time to read for pleasure. Maybe you just want to avoid your assigned reading; maybe you are simply sick of Oprahs Book Club selections. Here are a few of the book worlds most recent releas-es.

    The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest (Stieg Larsson; Knopf) is the last entry in the authors Millennium Trilogy. Released May 25, it concludes the saga of Lisbeth Salander, expert hacker and recent gunshot vic-tim, and journalist Mikael Blomkvist, who has made it his personal crusade to prove Salanders innocence in the face of double murder charges. Starting with Hornets Nest isnt recommended, but Larssons world is so engrossing that the series is more than worth your time. The Millennium Trilogy is particularly noteworthy for its realistic view of Sweden, proving the country is not all Ikea and ABBA.

    The Rembrandt Affair (Daniel Silva; Putnam Adult) is the latest ad-dition of Silvas series about Gabriel Al-lon, Israeli spy and art restorer. This time, Allon follows the path of a Rembrandt painting stolen during the Holocaust that leads to a Nazi fugitive in Argentina all the way to a seemingly benevolent bil-lionaire. Silva is a worthy successor to John le Carr. The novel, released July 20, is accessible and so engrossing that one does not have to read the series in sequence to have a stake in the outcome.

    Freedom (Jonathan Franzen; Farrar, Straus & Giroux) was recently the sub-ject of a huge publicity blitz during which President Obama accepted an early copy while vacationing in Marthas Vineyard. The story of how a married couples idealism gives way to disillusionment and disappointment, Fran-zens novel, released Aug. 31, might just be the book of the year. Also notable and mildly entertaining is the authors ongoing feud with authors

    Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Weiner.

    The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents Earth (The Book): A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race (Jon Stewart; Grand Central) follows in the same vein as America (The Book), Stewarts previous entry in the satirical guide genre. This time writing for any potential extraterrestrial visitors, Earth, to be released Sept. 21, promises to be just as irreverent and hilarious as America.

    Hurricane Bookshelf: September picksBY SARAH B. PILCHICKSENIOR EDGE WRITER

    While older viewers greatly identified with the video, younger generations still found a hu-mor in the spoof.

    Sophomore Tali Shapira, who attended high school with Gildin and Milch, had similar sentiments.

    Everything they sing about represents my hometown of Hewlett to the tee, Shapira said. There isnt one detail they missed in their rap.

    While the four boys have received a mul-titude of encouraging feedback, not all of it has been positive; some responses include death threats and anti-Semitic comments.

    Its easier to hide behind a computer screen and say those things, Prince said. For the most part, I think its people who dont get the joke, that were poking fun at all the different stereotypes.

    Despite the occasional off-putting comment on YouTube, Prince and Krumholz remain opti-mistic and find their situation humorous.

    Ive been approached a couple times at parties and have taken pictures with people, Prince said. Its funny actually, one girl came up to me and asked if I was the guy with long flowing hair from the video... and if she could take a picture with me. Its been a wild ride.

    Not only has Nassau (County) State of Mind provided Prince, Krumholz and their two friends with a one-of-a-kind experience and newfound fame, but they have also created a platform to further their careers.

    We knew [the video] would be funny and definitely a good way to show people what we can do, Krumholz said. We are all creative in different ways, like Nash is an aspiring musi-cian, Im a writer and do standup, Cody wants to direct and Tyler wants to be do standup. The vid-eo was just a really good vehicle... And a musical tribute to Long Island was clearly well-needed.

    Danielle Kaslow may be contacted at [email protected].




    GET YOUR OWN NASSAU (COUNTY) STATE OF MIND T-SHIRT; a percentage of the sales will benefi t local Nassau charities. Log on to and pick out your favorite design.

    WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT PRINCE AND KRUMHOLZ? Check out Princes music site ( and Krumholzs blog (




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    September 9 - September 12, 2010 THE MIAMI HURRICANE SPORTS 9

    The X factor: Tight endsFOOTBALL

    Everyone knows the historical implications dating back to the 2003 Fiesta Bowl (or Fiasco Bowl as some Cane fans call it). Everyone knows the Heisman hype surrounding junior quarterbacks Terrelle Pryor and Jacory Harris. Everyone knows the NFL Pro Bowlers that OSU and UM produce year after year. Everyone knows Buckeye coach Jim Tressels traditional game day sweater and Hurricane coach Randy Shannons stoic sideline demeanor.

    But what the common fan does not realize is that the X-factor of Saturdays showdown will involve two players that have a combined five NCAA catches. The impact players are Miami junior tight end Chase Ford and Ohio State sophomore tight end Jake Stoneburner.

    Ford is a junior college transfer who was only a target for one play last Thursday during Miamis 45-0 rout over FAMU. That may have been by design though as Miami didnt want to expose its game plan to the No. 2 Buckeyes.

    Ford is expected to thrive in offensive coordinator Mark Whipples schemes, which features a lot of passes to the tight end especially in the red zone. Last year, Miami receivers caught 25 touchdown passes and 40 percent of those were caught by tight ends.

    I love the system, Ford said. I like how it works. Good mix of everything. You need to look over playbook every night to make sure you know everything.

    Ford is the unknown, while receivers like senior Leonard Hankerson and junior Travis Benjamin are proven.

    Meanwhile, Ohio State has Stoneburner who is eager to take the field at Ohio Stadium in front of over 100,000 fans on Saturday at 3:40 p.m.

    I couldnt be more excited, Stoneburner told The Miami Hurricane in an exclusive interview. There is no way Miami can prepare or has seen an atmosphere like theyll experience Saturday.

    There have been loud speakers blaring at 6 a.m. all week on Green Tree Practice Field in anticipation for the hostile environment.

    While Miami is trying to emulate the noise it will have to endure, Stoneburner is trying to emulate the same success fellow Big Ten school Wisconsin had last year against Miami in Champ Sports Bowl.

    Ive watched that game a couple of times and Wisconsin tight ends had a field day and were all over the place. I think they had 13 or 14 catches, Stoneburner said. Its a different year so it will be a challenge though.

    Linebackers are going to be responsible for covering the tight ends and need to play assignment football. But UM redshirt senior linebacker Colin McCarthy, who visited Columbus in 2006 on a recruiting trip, has other thoughts.

    He would love for tight ends to challenge the middle of the field.

    We have to stop the run and neutralize the run game and make them one dimensional, McCarthy said.

    McCarthy is referring to Pryors mobility outside the pocket. The 6-foot-6-inch, 233 pounder was the Rose Bowl MVP last year.

    Everyone knows Pryor is extremely athletic and fast but no one realizes how good of a leader he is, Stoneburner said.

    Meanwhile redshirt sophomore defensive tackle Marcus Forston says going up against Pryor wont be a challenge because Pryor wont even be the best quarterback on the field come Saturday afternoon.

    We go up against the best quarterback in the nation every day, Forston said of his longtime teammate Jacory Harris. So by going up against Jacory every day, we can be ready for anybody.

    No matter which angle you take, this matchup is poised to be an instant classic, but look for the tight ends to be the difference makers.

    Justin Antweil may be contacted at [email protected].

    Player position could be the difference makerBY JUSTIN ANTWEILSPORTS EDITOR


    Quarterbacks Defensive Line

    Running Backs Secondary

    Wide Receivers/Tight Ends Special Teams

    Off ensive Line Coaching

    Matt Reed may be contacted at [email protected].



    ANDY GOTTESMAN // The Lantern

    RUN AND CATCH: Jake Stoneburner gets tackled by a Marshall defender.

    SPORTS 2003the last time

    Miami and Ohio State

    faced each other. OSU

    beat UM 31-24 in double OT


    crowds of at least 100,000 fans at

    Ohio Stadium for Ohio State

    football games

  • 10MHMC- Commercial Template Doc Size 11.25 X 14 Image Area 10.375 x 11.75 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK

    10 SPORTS THE MIAMI HURRICANE September 9 - September 12, 2010

    While senior Lici McGee is predominantly recognized for playing above the net on the volleyball court as the teams 6-foot-3-inch middle blocker, not many are aware of how she excels off it.

    The redshirt middle blocker has already earned her degree in sports administration and also interned last spring semester with the womens basketball team as an assistant for day-to-day operations.

    Her responsibilities ranged from keeping an inventory of supplies for the team, to running pre- and post-game errands, to making sure all the players pre-game meals are prepared.

    As an athlete, I see how our team works, but when you work in the office, you see how the coaching works, the recruiting, how it all comes together, McGee said.

    She explained that the value of

    learning everything about the backbone of the athletic department, in addition to the connections she made, cannot be measured.

    McGee spent her summer recovering from offseason elbow surgery, and the savvy veteran is now prepared to make her final year of eligibility count.

    You can see how its all clicking together finally. I really have very high expectations for us, McGee said.

    Last season McGee registered a team-high 117 blocks and was second on the team with 243 kills. As one of the upperclassmen on the team, she hopes to continue leading vocally and by example.

    Im the loudest person youd probably ever meet, she said. I definitely bring the enthusiasm and the comic relief to the team.

    For her efforts, she was selected to the preseason All-ACC team.

    She is picking up this season right where she left off. Miami is 7-1 and has beat some quality opponents due to McGees presence on the net.

    She is averaging 2.17 kills per set, good for third best on the squad while also tallying 18 total blocks thus far.

    McGees team leadership doesnt go unnoticed by head coach Nicole Lantagne Welch.

    Shes coached McGee since she first walked through the Hecht Athletic Center door as a freshman from Warr Acres, Okla. and has witnessed both her confidence and assertiveness develop.

    She brings a great deal of energy into our gym and a lot of fire and spirit, Lantagne Welch said. Its something thats contagious to the rest of the team.

    That kind of enthusiasm transcends her relationships with her teammates on and off the court, and Lantagne Welch has taken note of how it has benefited the team.

    McGee not only partakes in developing the teams chemistry, but Lantagne Welch also speaks highly of her athletic abilities on the court.

    She can really overtake a game when she gets hot. Her ability to both attack and shut down opponents is something that can be felt and feared, she said.

    David Furones may be contacted at [email protected].

    The Buckeyes stunned and upset Miami in a thrilling double overtime win, 31-24. The game was blemished by a late penalty on Mi-amis cornerback Glenn Sharpe for pass inter-ference on Ohio States Chris Gamble in the end zone on fourth-and-three from the five yard line.

    Miami thought they won as fireworks ex-ploded and the Hurricane players celebrated the back-to-back national titles.

    Shannon has previously stated that was the last time he has celebrated during a game when he thought Miami won the national title. But the late flag ruined all of that. Ohio State went on to win after Maurice Claretts rushing touchdown in the second overtime.

    The Hurricanes are still haunted by that call.

    I was a little young, but I remember it, said sophomore defensive end Olivier Ver-non, who had a career-high 3.5 sacks against FAMU. Its revenge time. Nobodys forgotten about it. I feel like I was playing that game.

    On the other hand, most of the players on the rosters where in middle school when the last time these two schools played.

    It is another game on our schedule, redshirt sophomore defensive tackle Marcus Forston said. We have to play it. So were just going into the game and prepare like any other team.

    One goal Shannon has this week is to keep the focus on as a total team, not on the two Heisman hopefuls. It will be hard for Shannon to do that as both sidelines will have elite quarterbacks on them.

    Ohio State junior quarterback Terrelle Pryor threw three touchdown passes last week as they smashed Marshall, 45-7. Junior quarterback Jacory Harris was just as impres-sive as he completed 12 of 15 passes for 210 yards and had three touchdowns in his first and only half in a 45-0 thrashing against over Florida A&M.

    Shannon is ready for all eyes to be focused in on his team.

    Everyone in the country will be watch-ing this game. Its not Terrelle Pryor against Jacory Harris, said Shannon, who has fresh-man Stephen Morris playing Pryor on the scout team. Its players being the best they can be, and understanding the process of the game and staying focused.

    The players havent forgotten what it would mean to knock off Ohio State.

    This is a great rivalry that goes back, said redshirt junior defensive end Adewale Ojomo, who had two sacks last week after missing the entire 2009 season. Were giving it our all. Its hard to say its a normal game week. Its not important, its critical.

    Lelan LeDoux may be contacted at [email protected].


    Senior player returns to courtVOLLEYBALL PROFILE


    AT THE NET: On Aug. 31, senior Lici McGee prepares to block the opposing teams spike during the game against Florida Atlantic University. The redshirt middle blocker helped lead the Canes to a 3-0 victory against the Owls.

    ALEX BROADWELL // The Miami Hurricane

  • 11MHMC- Commercial Template Doc Size 11.25 X 14 Image Area 10.375 x 11.75 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK

    September 9 - September 12, 2010 THE MIAMI HURRICANE DEAR V 11

    dear ...Dear V: Steve Jobs gets more action with my boyfriend...Dear V,

    I blame the iPhone 4 for the complete and utter demise of my sex life.

    Since my boyfriend purchased his, weve gone from hav-ing sex every day, to 4-5 times in the past month. You might think this sounds like speculation, but it started the day he bought the iPhone.

    The device never leaves his hand when were spending time together-- he is constantly on Facebook or playing with his dozens of apps. If I try coaxing him into putting the phone down, he gets fussy; like a toddler, but with a snazzy gadget.

    So, whats a deprived girlfriend left to do? Taking things into my own hands to spice things up has proven pretty use-less.

    Incidentally, its hard to keep his attention long enough to talk to him about the problem. Do you think that things

    could go back to the way they were, or should I accept the fact that my boyfriend has taken up a newfound love in technol-ogy, and walk away?

    Cock blocked by Steve Jobs

    Dear Cock blocked,

    Im sure the iPhone is great and all, but youd think the novelty would wear off by now. It can do some pret-ty amazing things, but it cant offer what you can in the bedroom (unless Apple has come up with an app for that stuff too, in which case Im ditching my blackberry for good).

    I have to think this isnt going to be a permanent fixation. After all, technology changes pretty quickly these days and no one can stay

    excited about one thing for long. What he SHOULD be getting excited about is YOU, and things should go back to the way they were soon

    enough. If we want to speed up the process, try spicing things up first thing in the morning before he gets to his phone and starts thinking about the tasks in the day ahead. Im sure hed rather wake up to a hand in his pants than an iPhone in his pocket.



    Have a question for V? Hit up [email protected] or send your tweets to @Dear_V.


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    12 ADVERTISEMENT THE MIAMI HURRICANE September 9 - September 12, 2010


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