the many faces of histamine intolerance

28 The many faces of histamine intolerance By Shari Cheves on December 17th, 2012 I am astounded at how many of us unknowingy suffer from e!cess histamine" Some of us itch or snee#e whie others get headaches, migraines,  $oint %ain, or nausea & within minutes or severa hours after e!%osure' (ur )histamine bucket* fis u% based on factors such as genetics, aergies, medication, diet, environment, nutritiona deficiencies, intestina damage, and + e!%osure" -hen our body cannot break down e!cess histamine, we suffer with histamine intolerance and increased inflammation" -hen we reai#e what is reay ha%%ening, we can better %revent and treat this misunderstood condition' .ost of us know histamines through antihistamine drugs that reieve our suffering from aergies to %oen, insect bites, and even foods" /istamine is naturay %roduced in our body  by mast ces or white bood ces, and it %erforms different functions by bind ing with histamine receptors" De%ending u%on their ocation, histamine rece%tors contro very different  body functions  Hista mine H1 re ceptors: Smooth musce and endotheia ces affecting skin bood vesses Benadry and Caritin bock activity of these rece%tors3  Hista mine H2 re ceptors: Ces in the intestines contro acid secretion, abdomina %ain, and nausea heart rate /istamine /2 rece%tor antagonist drugs have been used to reduce sym%toms of dys%e%sia and 456D3  Hista mine H3 re ceptors: Centra nervous system controing nerves, see%, a%%etite and behavior  Histamine H4 receptors: hymus, sma intestine, s%een, coon, bone marrow and white bood ces immune function and infammation 8ee% in mind, histamine is essentia for us to  %ro%ery function and fight off invad ing to!ins" But when histamine accumuates faster than we can break it down, it triggers infammation in dreaded %atterns of histamine intoerance uni9ue to each %erson and e%isode" (ur batte with histamine can hide behind ess obvious sym%toms ike headaches, foggy thinking, diarrhea, arrhythmia, sinus congestion, or itchy skin a%%earing within minutes or even severa hours after e!%osure" 5!treme histamine eves can trigger breathing difficuty

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The many faces of histamine intolerance

By Shari Cheves on December 17th, 2012

I am astounded at how many of us unknowingy suffer from e!cess histamine" Some of us itch

or snee#e whie others get headaches, migraines, $oint %ain, or nausea & within minutes or

severa hours after e!%osure' (ur )histamine bucket* fis u% based on factors such as

genetics, aergies, medication, diet, environment, nutritiona deficiencies, intestina damage,

and + e!%osure" -hen our body cannot break down e!cess histamine, we suffer

with histamine intolerance and increased inflammation" -hen we reai#e what is reay

ha%%ening, we can better %revent and treat this misunderstood condition'

.ost of us know histamines through antihistamine drugs that reieve our suffering from

aergies to %oen, insect bites, and even foods" /istamine is naturay %roduced in our body

 by mast ces or white bood ces, and it %erforms different functions by binding with

histamine receptors" De%ending u%on their ocation, histamine rece%tors contro very different

 body functions

•  Histamine H1 receptors: Smooth musce and endotheia ces affecting skin bood

vesses Benadry and Caritin bock activity of these rece%tors3

•  Histamine H2 receptors: Ces in the intestines contro acid secretion, abdomina %ain,

and nausea heart rate /istamine /2 rece%tor antagonist drugs have been used toreduce sym%toms of dys%e%sia and 456D3

•  Histamine H3 receptors: Centra nervous system controing nerves, see%, a%%etite 

and behavior 

•  Histamine H4 receptors: hymus, sma intestine, s%een, coon, bone marrow and

white bood ces immune function and infammation

8ee% in mind, histamine is essentia for us to %ro%ery function and fight off invading

to!ins" But when histamine accumuates faster than we can break it down, it triggers

infammation in dreaded %atterns of histamine intoerance uni9ue to each %erson and e%isode"

(ur batte with histamine can hide behind ess obvious sym%toms ike headaches, foggythinking, diarrhea, arrhythmia, sinus congestion, or itchy skin a%%earing within minutes

or even severa hours after e!%osure" 5!treme histamine eves can trigger breathing difficuty

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and sweing caed ana%hya!is" he conce%t of histamine intolerance is rarey discussed by

doctors but ceary outined in scientific research"

So why haven’t we heard about this?

/istamine intoerance is hugey underestimated in the %o%uation" .ost %eo%e res%ond tosym%toms of histamine intoerance with an as%irin, antacid, or other 9uick:fi! %i that does

not address the root %robem" Sometimes histamine eves are raised due to aergy, but

histamine intolerance is not a true allergy and it won’t show up on allergy tests"

+nike aergy testing, confirming a serious histamine intoerance isn;t easy or %rofitabe for

doctors" <n eaborate study discovered that )histamine:intoerant sub$ects reacted with

different organs on different occasions"* 5ach %erson has a uni9ue set of sym%toms that may

not aways recur in the same ocation or intensity" he ony true test for histamine intoerance

re9uires a strict histamine:free diet foowed by a doube:bind food chaenge" -ith a true

diagnosis, the standard treatment is even more disma & a ow:histamine diet for ife" But

don;t give u% yet'

-hat causes histamine eves to rise=

Reduced or inhibited enzymes:

(ne of the more common reasons we suffer from histamine intoerance is the ack of en#ymes

diamine oidase !"#$% and  histamine&'&methyl transferase !(')T%" hese en#ymes

 break down histamine and kee% it in check" D<( and />. eves may be geneticay ow in

some individuas, bocked by drugs, or reduced from intestina damage or diseases such as

ceiac" hough human research is acking, caffeine inhibited D<( in anima studies" houghD<( testing has ty%icay been imited to countries outside of the +nited States, Dunwoody

?abs in 4eorgia a%%ears to offer D<( anaysis of bood tests shi%%ed from a %ractitioner"

.any factors affect the body;s histamine eves, and there are ways we can he% reduce the

oad" (ur e!%osure to aergens, diet, drug use, tem%erature, hormones, and nutritiona

deficiencies dramaticay im%act our histamine eves throughout the day" Imagine your

histamine as a )bucket* that fis u% and ony reveas sym%toms after overfowing"

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?arge amounts of histamine are %rom%ty reeased when we are e!%osed to our aergens, and

the most common aergens incude mod, dust mites, anima dander, %oen, medications,

insect stings, ate!, and food" Interestingy, scientists are beginning to sus%ect that theseaergies have deveo%ed in order to %rotect us from environmenta to!ins" It is im%ortant to

avoid e!%osure to known or sus%ected aergies, es%eciay when histamine eves are a

 %otentia %robem" 4et tested and avoid the triggers to start em%tying the bucket'

@ he most common food aergies incude dairy, wheat, shellfish, eggs, and nuts"

@ Contact aergies can incude a wide range of substances such as  rubber, nickel !in

 *ewelry%, acrylates !artificial nails%, pine resin, and sunscreen or shampoo ingredients

!such as benzophenone%+ 

Some %eo%e e!%erience an eary res%onse to aergens, whie others might ony notice a ate:

 %hase res%onse that can a%%ear u% to 10 hours ater" Sym%toms of this deayed res%onse can

ast u% to 2A hours"

If any ty%e of food aergy is sus%ected, consut with an aergist and start carefuy taking

notes about diet and sym%toms" Chart.ySef"com can he% you kee% onine records of your

heath" Bood tests for both immediate and deayed food aergies are avaiabe to doctors

from 4reat ains ?aboratory, +S Biotek , and many others" De%ending on the ty%e of aergy

e!%osure and reated damage, a body may re9uire days, weeks, or even months to fuy


#ir pollution and pollen:

 >ew research shows that air %oution contributes to cardiovascuar disease by the increase inhistamine and infammation" 4enetics aso %ay a roe in a %erson;s susce%tibiity to %oution"

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hese coective studies suggest that both short: and ong:term . inhaation can enhance

thrombotic and coaguation tendencies, %otentiay via increases in circuating histamine and

infammatory cytokines andor activated white ces and %ateets" & Circulation, 2010 

Interestingy, new research shows that some of us can e!%erience infammation from %oen

without any s%ecific aergy' uture studies wi undoubtedy revea how %artices in ourenvironment can affect our immune system beyond the cassic aergy res%onse"

ater pollution:

Studies have shown that common environmenta contaminants trichoroethyene and

tetrachoroethyene raised histamine eves in ab rats by increasing their sensitivity to


"rug interference:

Drugs can inhibit our vita histamine en#ymes even more than food, %ossiby increasing therisk of food %oisoning and other sym%toms of e!cessive histamine" <ccording to a research

re%ort, 'S#-"s such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproen can cause histamine levels to

rise" (%oid drugs and anagesics are the most common drugs used in hos%itas, reeasing

histamine that resuts in uncomfortabe itching for many %atients" 5!cessive histamine can

aso resut from drugs incuding but not imited to3 acetylcysteine, acetylsalicylic

acid, alcuronium, alprenolol, ambrool, amiloride, aminophylline, amitriptyline,

cefuroime, cefotiam, chloro.uine, cimetidine, clavulanic acid, cyclophosphamide, "&

tubocurarine, dihydralazine, dobutamine, isoniazid, metamizole, morphine,

pancuronium, pethidine, prilocaine, propafenone, metoclopramide, pentamidin,

thiopental, and verapamil"

/oods high in histamine :

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Symptoms can often be prevented by avoiding foods high in histamine:

• /ermented foods ike wine, aged cheese, aged or smoked meats, fermented soy

 %roducts incuding tofu and soy sauce3, vinegar incuding pickles, ketchu% and

 %re%ared mustard3, and sauerkraut

• /oods eposed to high amounts of bacteria such as fish0shellfish• 1eftover meats can 9uicky accumuate microorganisms which resut in histamine


• 2hocolate0cocoa , spinach, eggplant, nuts, pumpkin, tomato, strawberries, citrus

fruits, and seasonings ike cinnamon, chili powder, and cloves can stimulate the

release of histamine

• heat&based products

• Beverages such as tea !herbal or regular% and soy milk  are high in histamine

• <ny ty%e of alcohol interferes with the body;s abiity to break down histamine"

• 3repackaged meals

< usefu reference for foods and reated aergies and intoerances can be found at


/oods high in histadine  !over 4555 mg% may aso be %robematic, as histadine converts to


• 6ame meat incuding buffao, ek, moose, caribou

• 3ork  incuding oin, cho%s or other cuts, ham, bacon

• Soy protein

• 2hicken and turkey

• 7eal and beef , %astrami• 1amb

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• /ish including tuna, %ike, cod, sunfish, %erch, grou%er, and others

• 2ottage cheese

Source >utritiondata"sef"com

/oods high in fat

 >ew studies show that fat absor%tion may dramaticay increase the reease of histamine and

contribute to chronic infammation"

'utritional imbalances:

-hen the body is low in

8 9 vitamins,

8 vitamin 2, and

8 copper, histamine may not break down sufficienty to overcome sym%toms of intoerance"

oods high in Bs incude %otatoes, sunfower seeds, and soybeans" oods high in vitamin Cincude be %e%%ers, broccoi, brusses s%routs, kiwifruit, cantaou%e, and kae"

6esearchers found that

@ vitamin 2 may work by increasing the activity of the "#$ enzyme"

8 2opper is re.uired to form the "#$ enzyme and

: copper deficiency associates with low "#$ enzyme activity in animals+

.ore research is necessary to confirm that co%%er su%%ementation increases D<( activity"

/oods high in copper include 

fresh basi, cocoa %owder , cashews, soybeans mature3, herba tea, sesame seeds, sunfower

seeds, garban#o beans, and entis"

Some foods ike %otato are aso high in oalate  which can reease histamine in certain %eo%e"

8ee% in mind that whie citrus is high in vitamin C, it reeases histamine within the body and

can aggravate sym%toms" < food aergy to any of the above foods wi aso increase


(eat and 79 light:

Studies show that 79 light caused histamine release  in vitro, though it was %rotected by

ascorbic acid vitamin C3" Some %eo%e notice that rashes and skin conditions can worsen

with e!%osure to sun and heat"


Some e%isodes of ana%hya!is have been triggered by moderatey intense e!ercise,

 %articuary in warm environments" hese e!treme reactions are ty%icay reated to food

aergens that were consumed %rior to %hysica activity" Strict avoidance of aergens may he%

 %revent sym%toms of histamine intoerance that occur during e!ercise &   %articuary dynamic

e!ercises such as $ogging, running, and aerobics that invove ess resistance" 6ecent studies

indicate that the amino acid ?:carnosine is reeased during these e!ercises  and then converted

to histamine"

(ormones < including stress hormones:

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Rising estrogen levels have been associated with elevated histamine, and women might

notice increased sensitivity and sym%toms of histamine intoerance at different times in their

monthy cyce" eriods of high estrogen ink to sinus sensitivity to histamine"

5nvironmenta estrogens such as %esticides, agricutura growth hormones, and C in

 %astics may aso activate histamine reease" Conversey, histamine a%%ears to stimuate

estrogen eves as we and e!acerbate sym%toms""iamine oidase levels are much higher in the luteal phase of the menstrua cyce ,

theoreticay reducing the risk of e!cess histamine during that %hase"

he )stress* hormone cortiso a%%ears to increase histamine in stomach and intestines in ab

studies" Reducing stress can ower the amount of stimuating hormones that activate mast

ces which reease histamine and other factors of infammation"

(ow can we manage a histamine overload?

<t times we can reach a )%oint of no return* where our histamine eves start the cascade of

infammation and aggravating sym%toms" >ausea, diarrhea, skin rashes, headaches, andmenta distress are common ways our body e!%resses infammation from e!cess histamine,

though each %erson e!%eriences this differenty" Seek immediate medical attention for any

signs of anaphylais=

8 #void further triggers in diet and environment+ "on’t take risks until seeking medical

advice and getting tested for true allergies+

8 #dd a cold blast or slow warm&up" Ice %acks can reieve affected skin and reduce

histamine" Interestingy, cryothera%y is used to reieve %ain with arthritis through the

reduction of histamine" ro#en ge %acks even he%ed reieve migraines in E0F of %atients inone study  & a%%ied for 2E minutes & with benefits increasing in subse9uent tests" .ake it very

cod and 9uick, because a short:term moderate decrease  in tem%erature wi ikey increase 

any itching"

8 2ortisone cream and colloidal silver are .uick, simple remedies for skin reactions+

o%ica hydrocortisone cream reieves itching and may conse9uenty he% %revent infection"

<void com%e! medications or herba remedies that e!%ose the skin to more aergens and

harsh chemicas" Cooida siver s%ray is a natura antibacteria remedy that he%s %revent


8 $ral antihistamines do not reduce histamine, but they block histamine receptors tohe% us see%, hea, and fight infammation"

irst:generation antihistamines make us drowsy with occasiona side effects of insomnia and


Second:generation, newer antihistamines do not make us drowsy but may cause headache and

dry mucous membranes"

?ong:term use of ora antihistamines is associated with weight gain, and oral antihistamines

do not improve "#$ enzyme activity"

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@ 2orticosteroids are used ocay as in the case of nasa s%rays or systemicay in %i form"

-hie corticosteroids may %rovide immediate reief for some aergy sym%toms, their side

effects can be dangerous, cri%%ing, or fata with %roonged use"

@ 9ee propolis as a %owder  from ca%sues can be a%%ied to itchy skin to 9uicky reduce

infammation and histamine and reieve sym%toms" his su%%ement can stain cothing socover with a bandage or gau#e" Individuas with asthma or an aergy to %oen or bee stings

shoud avoid bee %ro%ois"

@ Stinging nette e!tract reduces allergic and inflammatory activity in vitro" Interestingy,

e!%erimenta to%ica treatment aso reieves osteoarthritic %ain "

8 3robiotics  show %romising signs for aeviating aergic disease, and we are beginning to

earn how these )good* bacteria strains can benefit the body in different ways"

robiotics ike L. reuteri   he% %roduce histamine in the gut that su%%resses infammation "

Studies aso suggest that probiotic  L. rhamnosus  reduces activation of mast ces and /A

rece%tors" In this manner, %robiotics can shift immune activity to a more )intraceuar* h1

res%onse rather than the )e!traceuar* h2 res%onse that characteri#es e!cessive histamine

activity in aergy, asthma, and autoimmune diseases"

In fact, taking different  strains of %robiotics incuding L. reuteri, L. rhamnosus, L. casei, and

 B. biidum may work best to reduce the aergic res%onse  that can trigger e!cessive histamine"

8 /lavonoids : >aturay occurring favonoids fisetin, kaem%fero, myricetin, 9uercetin, and

rutin inhibited histamine reease in ab studies"

hese antio!idant com%ounds are found in kae, broccoi, ca%ers, buckwheat, onions, a%%es,

and as%aragus"

=====& )ast cell activity is also inhibited by flavonoid luteolin found in 

carrots, %e%%ers, ceery, oive oi, %e%%ermint, thyme, rosemary,

oregano, ettuce, %omegranate, artichoke, chocoate, rooibos tea, buckwheat s%routs, turni%,

ca%ers, and cucumber "

s>rgarpa, z@ldpaprika, zeller, olAvaola*, borsmenta, kakukkfB,

rozmaring, oregano, sal>ta, gr>n>talma, articsCka, csokol>d, rooibos tea, ha*dina

kelbimbC, karal>b, kapribogyC, s az uborka+

flavonoid 1uteolin:

 >atura occurrences

1uteolin can be found in erminaia chebua" It is most often found in eaves, but it is aso

seen in rinds, barks, clover blossom, and ragweed pollen" It has aso been isoated from

Savia tomentosa"

"ietary sources include:

  celery, broccoli, green pepper, parsley, thyme, dandelion, perilla,

chamomile tea, carrots, olive oil, peppermint, rosemary, navel oranges, and oregano+DEF

DGF -t can also be found in the seeds of the palm #iphanes aculeata+

  zeller, brokkoli, paprika, petrezselyem, kakukkfB, pitypang, perilla,kamillatea, s>rgarpa, olAvaola*, borsmenta, rozmaring, k@ld@k narancs, s oreg>nC+

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8 ;nzymes :

;nzyme diamine oidase !"#$%  breaks down histamine internay, and routine

intake of a food su%%ement ike D<(sin and /istame can he% %revent e%isodes in the ong:


hat other behaviors and health conditions are related to histamine?

@ /ood poisoning symptoms & .any outbreaks of food %oisoning are actuay caused by

e!cessive histamine consum%tion in certain high:histamine foods" Scrombroid food %oisoning

resuts from eating s%oied fish containing to!ic eves of histamine & not bacteria" /istamine

 %oisoning resembes a food aergy and is often misdiagnosed"

@ )igraines & here is much evidence to su%%ort the ink between aergy and migrain e, 

incuding the eevated eves of histamine in bood %asma of migraine %atients" Get ty%ica

antihistamine drugs that target histamine /1 and /2 rece%tors have not been effective for

migraine" uture studies may target histamine /H or /A rece%tors with better resuts"

@ #topic dermatitis & his infammatory skin disease can be reieved with a ow histamine

diet in some %atients who do not res%ond to food aergy tests"

8 )otivation, appetite, and addiction : /ascinating research describes how diminished  

histamine in the brain may relate to feelings of apathy  and increased appetite " In women

this behavior may be enhanced by hormones, as histamine rises with eevated estrogen and

uteini#ing hormone throughout the monthy cyce" Indeed, women generay e!%erience

increased a%%etite in the ast haf of their cyce as their estrogen and histaminedro%" Simiary, aergic sym%toms can be more %ronounced in mid:cyce"

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/istamine feedback oo%s may aso contribute to the success of very:ow:caorie diets" In fact,

histidine su%%ementation su%%ressed food intake and fat accumuation in rats" 5ven  chewing

 %ays a roe in triggering the histamine reease that reduces a%%etite" Chewing has even been

effective for reducing fat in obese animas'

oo much of a good thing= 5!cessive histamine in the brain is inked to addiction and acoho

de%endence in %reiminary studies" Interestingy, femaes have higher eves of brain

histamine and are more %rone to addiction than maes"

@ 2ancer < <though we may suffer from an e!cess of histamine and conse9uentia

infammation, e!citing new research shows that histamine contros some ty%es of cancer

growth" 6esearch shows that histamine and histamine rece%tors affect growth of cancers of

the stomach, %ancreas, coon, and iver  in different ways" Certain cancer ces %roduce a form

of histamine histidine decarbo!yase3 that re%resses infammatory ce activity" (ther studies

show that histamine and mast ces may both %romote and inhibit cancer   at different stages' Infact, meanoma skin cancer a%%ears to be stimuated by histamine in ab tests  and inhibited by

a to%ica drug that bocks histamine caed !" anta#onist " his ty%e of drug has been used to

treat acid refu!, ucers, and indigestion"

urthermore, histamine is being considered to %revent the damaging effects of cancer

radiation thera%y"

)histamine significanty %rotects two of the most radiosensitive tissues, sma intestine and

 bone marrow, from high doses of radiation" In addition, histamine has the abiity to %revent

functiona and histoogica aterations of saivary gands e!erted by ioni#ing radiation"* &

Current Immunoogy 6eviews, 2010

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@ 3arkinson’s "isease and brain degeneration & <ccumuated histamine in the brain can

cause damage to neurons through infammation" Studies on %atients with arkinson;s Disease

have shown abnorma, reduced abiity to break down histamine in the brain and an

accumuation of histamine methytransferase" urthermore, manganese e!acerbated this

atered histamine activity in ab rats"

@ )ultiple Sclerosis & 6ecent studies reveaed that muti%e histamine rece%tors are invoved

in muti%e scerosis, with some rece%tors %romoting the disease and others inhibiting it "

@ -nflammation & /istamine and its rece%tors are constanty engaged in a vita baancing act,

 %reventing e!cessive infammation whie %romoting homeostasis and heaing" < variety of

infammatory diseases invove histamine activity"

<nima modes indicate that mast ces, through the secretion of various vasoactive mediators,

cytokines and %roteinases, contribute to coronary %a9ue %rogression and destabii#ation, as

we as to diet:induced obesity and diabetes" & $rends in %harmacolo#ical &ciences, 2011 

3eriodontis  shows high eves of histamine in infamed gum tissue, and to%ica /2 antagonist

drug cimetidine dramaticay im%roves conditions" atients with infammatory rheumatoid3

arthritis have %ain reief from cryothera%y which has been shown to reduce histamine eves

for e!tended %eriods" Certain ty%es of histamine rece%tors in $oint tissues are sus%ected to %ay 

a roe in chronic conditions ike arthritis"

Get histamine may aso %rotect us by inhibiting <45 activity which contributes to chronic

infammatory diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and brain degeneration"

6esearchers found that histamine and /2 rece%tors inhibited <45 activity that increases

 %a9ue in diabetes, %ro%osing that stimuating /2 rece%tors might he% %revent


@ $steoporosis & .ast ces which reease histamine a%%ear im%ortant to bone heath, and a

deficiency or e!cess of them can be associated with osteo%orosis" It has even been suggested

that inhibiting mast ces might eventuay become a treatment for osteo%orosis' 5strogen

deficiency associated with cacium deficiency3 may contribute to increased mast ce activity

and ow bone voume that eads to osteo%orosis"

@ "ilated blood vessels & y%icay histamine lowers blood pressure and diates bood

vesses which leads to low blood pressure and increased %ermeabiity" 5ven hemorrhoids are

diated bood vesses associated with increased mast ces and histamine" <gain, histamine canswitch directions and constrict and diate arteries and cause chest %ain"

@ 'ausea and motion sickness & /istamine can %ay a roe in sym%toms ike vertigo, motion

sickness, and nausea, and vitamin C su%%ementation may %rovide reief" <ntihistamines have

aso been used to reduce %ost:o%erative nausea and vomiting"

@ Sleep disorders & irst:generation antihistamines made us drowsy, reveaing how histamine

he%s kee% us aert" >ormay, histamine /H rece%tors reduce histamine activity so we can

 %ro%ery fa asee% or stay awake" Studies suggest that damage or deficiency of these

rece%tors can resut in %ermanenty e!cessive histamine  which can contribute to chronic see% 


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@ (ypothermia & /istamine reeased by the hy%othaamus he%s contro body tem%erature

which affects various body functions" 5!%eriments on mice showed that histamine in$ected in

the s%ina cord can even %roduce hy%othermia" /igher histamine eves that induced

hy%othermia were associated with ow vitamin B1  thiamine3 eves in another study"

@ "iverticulitis & Some ty%es of diverticuitis a%%ear inked to aergies and histamine activity which generate massive infammation"

8 )eniere’s disease < his condition invoves chronic di##iness, tinnitus ringing ears3, and

hearing oss which are associated with histamine eves" Betahistine works to reieve

sym%toms in a mi!ed manner by inhibiting histamine /H rece%tors whie enhancing /1


8 7ulnerability  to disease  & (istamine increases the %ermeabiity of the bood:brain barrier

which can leave us vulnerable to bacterial infections and other diseases " Disru%tions of

the bood:brain barrier %ay a roe in the deveo%ment of e%ie%sy, <#heimer;s Disease,

meningitis, and muti%e scerosis"

/istamine on the hori#on

-e can now begin to imagine how to change our diet, avoid certain drugs, and ad$ust our

ifestyes to better reguate our histamine eves" By first identifying our aergens through

thorough testing, we can reduce e!%osure and dramaticay em%ty our )histamine bucket* and

ower infammation" 5ven if we have no aergies to avoid, we can im%rove our abiity to

 breakdown non:aergic histamine with 9 and 2 vitamins" Ideay we can better %re%are our

 bodies to hande histamine )s%ikes* as needed for fighting disease, increasing motivation, or

sim%y toerating deicious eftovers"

-e des%eratey need a way to identify and )scan* histamine content in our food and

su%%ements %rior to %urchase and consum%tion" ackages can differ widey based on their

microsco%ic bacteria content & even within e!%iration dates" <ustrian scientists have made

suggestions for toerabe eves for certain foods incuding sausage, fish and cheese , but we

need goba standards for a foods and awareness of the risks surrounding fish, fermented

foods, canned meats, acoho, %re%ackaged meas, and other high:risk %roducts"

Simiary, daiy tracking of our own histamine metaboism woud he% guide our diet and

ifestye" 6ecogni#ing the triggers can he% us ma% our $ourney to good heath and beyond'

'pdate (uly "01) * $he !idden +ccomplices o !istamine ntolerance:

6esearchers are finding that histamine and its to!icity can be affected by reated substances in

its famiy of bio#enic amines  incuding %utrescine, tyramine, and cadaverine" 3utrescine and

cadaverine in foods can prevent the breakdown of histamine and contribute to

symptoms of intolerance+ 

8 3utrescine is highest in s%oied food, fruits and cheeses, whie

8 cadaverine can be high in aged meats, fish and cheese"

Some migraine sufferers have noted sensitivity to tyramine:rich foods which can accumuatetyramine in bodies with reduced eves of monoamine o!idase .<(3"

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yramine buids u% in foods such as aged cheese, meats, fish, red wine, and soy sauce as we

as high:%rotein foods that have been stored over time"

< imited but usefu food database was been deveo%ed that identifies %oyamines in food


4ra%efruit $uice, orange $uice and cooked soybeans showed higher eves of %utrescine,whie enti sou% and cooked soybeans showed higher eves of s%ermidine and s%ermine"

.ature cheddar cheese was high in a three %oyamines, demonstrating how fermentation and

storage can dramaticay affect eves in many %roducts"

# wide range of spices can reduce polyamine activity, though

some like curcumin !turmeric% may also inhibit "#$ according to animal tests " Gogurt

and high fat mik showed ower eves of %oyamines than other mik %roducts, though more

studies are necessary to find the reationshi% between fat, %oyamines, and histamine burden

on the body"

?ike histamine, biogenic amines can be %roduced by bacteria in food but cannot be broken

down by cooking or free#ing"

Substances like resveratrol !found in red grape skin% and green tea can reduce histamine

production and the aergic res%onse, and interestingy these substances are aso inhibiting

tumor growth"

6esearch has associated eevated %oyamines %utrescine, s%ermidine, and s%ermine3 in the

 body with cancers of the breast, coon, ung, skin, and %rostate"


<ddictions, <ergy, <sthma, <utoimmune disease, Caffeine, Cancer , Ceiac, Diabetes,

5nvironment, Infammation, .eanoma, >utritiona imbaance, (besity, anic, arkinsonJs,

robiotics, 6adiation, 6es%iratory difficuty, Skin cancer , Stress, race mineras, itamin Bs,

itamin C, -ater  

K acking aergy remedies and immunothera%y 

See% & a new ange of re%ose L

H4 comments to The many faces of histamine intolerance

K (der Comments 1 2

• mona

<%ri 2A, 201A at 1EM %m 

o Christine with the chronic hives I got chronic hives and found out through tria

and error it was -/5<" 5very time I ate wheat the hives woud show u% a few hours

ater and it took time for me to make the connection between wheat and hives" I

sto%%ed eating wheat and took Nyrtec which he%ed with the hives" <fter about a year

the hives were gone I was abe to eat wheat again and no %robems since" Don;t know

why my body suddeny decided it coudn;t take wheat anymore when I ate it a my

ife with no %robem" But giving it a rest for a year a%%arenty re:booted whatever in

my system that I coud eat wheat again" It coud be wheat in your case or some other

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food ike dairy or eggs" ry sto%%ing different kinds of foods for awhie to see if your

hives go down or go away"

• ste%han

<%ri 1H, 201A at O2E %m 

maybe avoid cotton cothes" its not the cotton but the way cotton is won industriay

chemic"3" Don;t eat %rocessed food or %asticbotted water" <fter doing this aong

with a histamine free diet for maybe H weeks, yes i know its hard & woud be better of

iving on a tro%ica isand, you sha start with intestina regeneration %rogramm

ohsamenschaen%uver, bentonit, castor oi3" Doing for 1 week" Continue for 2

weeks with the histamine free diet" >ow try histamine rich food again"

the %robem with histamin reease is that it became oversensitive over years of

unknown bc unnatura, antievo"3substances entering body" its a disease of civiisation"

it /<S some advantages but hey the disadvantages are too high to not be threatened"

• christine

<%ri O, 201A at 10HM am 

I have chronic +tica and is reay bad at minute have had steroids which haven;t" /e%

coud it be high histamine

• admin

.arch 2A, 201A at OA7 %m 

Dear ?inda,

Info on conditions ike )hy%er%arathyroidism* and )chronic kidney disease:associated

 %ruritus* may shed some ight" I wi aso share some %ersona e!%eriences beow" It is

im%ortant to ook underneath the sym%toms to find core imbaances"

he %arathyroid gand may be a key %ayer here, as it generates hormones that contro

cacium" /ave you had your %arathyroid hormone and vitamin D eves checked=

/y%er%arathyroidism has been associated with %ruritus itching3, a common sym%tom

of mastocystosis" itamin D, a ma$or hormone that he%s baance cacium, is usuaydeficient in kidney stone formers" his may e!%ain why narrowband +B

 %hotothera%y he%s reduce rena %ruritus as we as mastocytosis & check out this

 %a%er " itamin D is generated in the skin when it is e!%osed to +B ight, incuding

direct sunight"

here may be risks when taking su%%ements with these conditions" Daiy

su%%ementation with cacium P vitamin D was associated with an increase in urinary

tract stones" Get vitamin D su%%ements 20:100 ngm?3 did not associate with kidney

stones, and a%%eared to ower %arathyroid hormone eves in another study"

-hie I have not had kidney stones, crystas can form in my tissues, becoming %ainfu based on ocation" <fter a diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis, guten and mik

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intoerance, I was eating a ot of brown rice %roducts and aternative miks high in

o!aate3" here was a ot of suffering unti I found the o!aate connection, but it is

ony the to% ayer' .y histamine eves and sensitivity to o!aates both increase during

the utea %hase when estrogen dro%s" Some research %oints to disturbances in cacium

during this %hase" <nother %a%er discusses how the fa of estrogen around meno%ause

corres%onds to a rise in kidney stone risk " In men, eves of testosterone wereassociated with kidney stone formation"

I can avoid most sym%toms by reducing or eiminating high:o!aate foods, avoiding

drinking hard ta%3 water, and consuming utra:%urified water enta3" I aso seem to

 benefit from reguar cacium intake through %robiotic:rich yogurt and kefir" (ne very

recent %a%er discusses how the intestines normay breaks down o!aate through

different actic acid bacteria, and deficient activity of these bacteria may aow the

accumuation of o!aate" -hie we wait for a thera%eutic formua, we can add some of

this bacteria from %robiotic su%%ements, yogurt, and kefir" ?ifeway;s 8efir %robiotic

 %roduct offers more ty%es of strains than yogurt, and heath food stores have numerous

high:9uaity, refrigerated %robiotics"

horough )scientific* ists of food o!aate content are avaiabe at the Gahoo 4rou%

)rying ?ow (!aates*


he )C+665> ood ?ist* contains the s%readsheets that you want to downoad and

use' Susan Costen (wens has done a ot of research on o!aates and associated

 %robems, and an interview with her is %osted onine"

(mega:H fatty acid su%%ementation aso reduces risk of cacium o!aate

crystai#ation" I have %ersonay noticed im%rovements with evening %rimrose oi

su%%ementation" Studies showed ato%ic dermatitis was im%roved with evening

 %rimrose oi, hinting at an underying deficiency in certain fatty acids in certain

autoimmune conditions" itamin 82 .8:73 is a new wea%on for fighting

cacification and im%ro%er cacium de%osition"

/y%er%arathyroidism increases risk of heart disease and mortaity as we as metaboic

 bone disease, so it is im%ortant to e!amine the hormone factor" I had obvious signs of

hormone imbaance when I was consuming guten without knowing my ceiac status"

here are some genetic susce%tibiities for these conditions, but it is difficut to %iece it

a together" <ddressing aergens and intoerances is reay im%ortant to reduce e!cess

histamine and infammation in the body" -e cannot yet measure every %ossibeintoerabe substance, so we must track diet, environmenta e!%osure, and associated

sym%toms to he% identify the rest"

?et me know what you find'

• ?inda

.arch 2H, 201A at 1120 %m 

I;m so confused on how to %ut a this together" I was diagnosed with Cutaneous

.astocytosis 10 yrs ago" I don;t reay have any sym%toms e!ce%t the reddishbrownfreckes caed a rash around my torso area" .y Dr recommended I take antihistamines

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Benadry3 every night before bed" <fter a few months I sto%%ed" She never mentioned

a diet" 6ecenty I had surgery to remove a 1 inch kidney stone odged in my right

kidney" <fter anaysis, it came back cacium o!aate crystas" /e handed me a sheet of

 %a%er and tod me I have to go on a ow o!aate diet & it has foods to avoid and foods

to eat moderatey, a of which are foods I eat and ove and what I know as nutritiona

and gives me energy" -hen I saw s%inach on the <(ID ist & Dr said )there;saways kae* & I started 4ooge:ing around and have found kae on the high o!aate

ist as we as many other foods that are on his moderate ist" <nd even found some

foods on a ow ist that are on the high andor moderate ist" I read where foods that are

eaten raw are higher in o!aic acid, when steamed, owers the o!aic acid but when

 boied becomes ?(- in o!aic acid B+ then boiing takes out the nutritiona vaue

in foods" <>D then $ust recenty read where high o!aate foods reeases histamine"

 >556 knew that or read that before in a my 4ooge:ing around 10 years ago when

I was diagnosed with C." I;ve had 2 Dr;s te me to eat those foods in moderation and

 $ust yeterday met a guy who is su%%ose to aso be on a ow o!aate diet but eats a

those avoid and moderate foods in moderation" So now I;ve become confused about

what to do and how to get nutrition and sti be ha%%y and heathy" I reay needsomeone who reay and truy knows what they;re taking about to guide me" here

sure are a ot of mi!ed signas out here on the Internet"

• admin

.arch 1M, 201A at RAM %m 

<n aergy doctor might recogni#e histamine intoerance, but it is a rather new

consideration" < 5uro%ean ourna %ubished info about using D<( eves to indicate

histamine intoerance in .arch 201H" .any aergists rey on %ractices of

desensiti#ation aergy shots3 or cortisone shots to treat aergies" Gou may have better

uck with a naturo%ath or chiro%ractor who recogni#es integrative or hoistic medica

 %ractices" If you want something s%ecific, %hone:screen %ractitioners before %aying

them a visit" -e need to stay in charge of our heath care, and we want to work with

doctors who are wiing to coaborate"

Some %eo%e have indirecty determined a D<( deficiency by successfuy using

/istame before high histamine meas & it is an en#yme su%%ement that can he% us

)cheat* with mider cases" ?et us know if a D<( en#yme su%%ement works if you

choose to try it"

• Brenda

.arch 17, 201A at OE2 %m 

-hat is the best way to find a Dr who deas with /istamine Intoerance and the D<(

test= Is it an <ergist or is there another s%eciaty better suited for this=

hank you

• admin

.arch 17, 201A at 1ER %m 

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4ood to%ic' rogesterone strongy infuences the histamine and mast cell activity in

fertie women, which may e!%ain the cases where De%o synthetic %rogesterone3

e!%osure caused a reaction" In fact, the condition caed )autoimmune %rogesterone

dermatitis* describes something simiar" < very usefu research %a%er discusses how

the monthy swings can contribute

htt%www"ncbi"nm"nih"gov%mcartices.CHH77OA7 It is not cear how this isha%%ening, but there is a strong hormone connection"

In reading your bog, it a%%ears that your %ath is not unike my own severa years ago"

I became extremely reactive to %rogesterone cream an attem%t to normai#e my

hormones3 before discovering that I was aso guten:intoerant" < hormone activity

was bit#ed for a few years unti I removed guten and eggs both identified in bood

Ig4 tests3" hen it took months to fee better but years to regain baance and greater

awareness" <ny accidenta e!%osure to guten can skyrocket my sensitivity to things I

can normay toerate & often for weeks" /eat and e!ercise make sensitivities worse,

 but you may not want to hear that" his is a more com%icated than ceiac,

uncovering dee%er underying %ermanent3 autoimmune vunerabiity"

Sensitivities aways go u% near my %eriods, corres%onding to the rise in %rogesterone

and %robaby my )histamine oad"* 5ven as I ti%toe around guten as we as cross:

reactive foods such as coffee and other grains, I end u% snee#ing more in the ate utea

 %hase" In this manner, I beieve that histamine burden is a %rimary cause of certain

sym%toms of ).S,* and each %erson e!%resses it differenty"

< desensiti#ation treatment was successfu for some %atients, though you may have to

hunt far and wide for an agreeabe doctor" I am not yet sure if we are making

com%romises by desensiti#ing the body there is no research on how aergy or

intoerance might act as some form of %hysica %rotection"

8ee% in mind that vitamin C and vitamin BR can he% break down the e!cess

histamine" .any %eo%e cannot utii#e B vitamins uness they are in active or

methyated forms" yrido!a:ET:%hos%hate or E is the active form of vitamin BR" I

recommend methyated B vitamins to anyone with aergic disease, as maabsor%tion

is a common reated condition" .y autism artice wi describe more detais ater this


8ee% your story running strong & it can he% so many others'

• Cassandra

.arch 17, 201A at E0M am 

his is such a great resource' I was wondering if anyone has come across research

s%ecificay inking histamine intoerance and De%o rovera%rogestins= I think I;ve

aways had mid histamine intoerance I aways itched at night, es%" during undergrad

when I was consuming acoho3, but A years ago I was %ut on De%o rovera and my

 body went /<G-I65" I didn;t ink the two things because the sym%toms buit over

time, starting with $ust a constant cough, but it got to a %oint where I was barey

functioning" I;ve been off the De%o for 200 days now and am sowy feeing better, butmy endocrine system is reay out of whack" I;ve seen the inks between estrogen and

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histamine, but was wondering if %rogestins coud be in the ist of medications that

cause histamine intoerance, too=



• admin

ebruary 17, 201A at M0O %m 

/i enni,

Some %eo%e have re%orted reactions to water kefir or dairy kefir, whie others rave

about im%roved sym%toms" he enormous benefits of heathy bacteria in kefir may

outweigh the %robems with histamine for certain individuas, es%eciay if histamine

can be owered in other ways" Best thing to do is try the kefir without any other

)variabes*3 and document sym%toms for any sign of intoerance" If kefir is not

working, consider high:9uaity %robiotic su%%ements for gut heath and %ossibe

reduction of aergy sym%toms & we are sti waiting for more research to confirmwhen and how %robiotics work for these com%e! conditions'

• 4ene

December 2R, 201H at 11A0 am 

/i everyone, sorry I haven;t checked in for a itte whie"some great additions here"

Ironicay, before I had even checked back, I;ve been ooking into the SIB(

connection with 6?S, interesting that it was brought u% here

wo %oints I;d ike to bring in to the 6?S %art of discussion

1" or most sufferers, antihistamines can both trigger and 465<?G increase the

intensity of 6?S" )Baistic* is a term often used when someone with 6?S

inadvertenty takes an antihistamine"

2" .any 6?S sufferers note that during some inesses, such as a cod or fu, 6?S

sym%toms can disa%%ear com%etey"

I;m a case in %oint for U2, I had waking biatera %neumonia that went undiagnosedfor R months, my 6?S was in com%ete remission the entire time, I even sto%%ed a

my 6?S meds" <side from the occasiona %neumonia:caused chest %ain, I;d never fet

 better" (nce the %neumonia was diagnosed and treated, 6?S came back" It was ike

someone threw a switch"

• admin

December 2E, 201H at EHM %m 

4reat coection of notes .ike' /o%efuy we can %u our research together to make

 better sense of the histamine situation"

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• .ike

December 2E, 201H at 1112 am 

Indeed, the best artice on histamines I;ve found"

I;ve accumuiated ots of histamine reated web:ci%%ings during my research"

I;ve shared them out as a %ubic evernote notebook


he most recent bunch of highighted web ci%%ings are from this very artice V

comments & so much great info here'

hanks again,


• admin

December 12, 201H at EA2 %m 

here is no information on %ermanent contro of histamine reease" he body is aways

changing" /istamine is not aways a bad guy, it is im%ortant for many body and brain


ry to identify any aergies that are triggering the urticaria" Skin %rick tests and Ig5 bood tests can he% find aergens" I;ve seen cases where %eo%e have suffered for

years without knowing they had aergies to nicke in $ewery or herbs in otion & even

wedding rings, gasses, or favorite %erfume may have to go" 6emoving the triggers are

much better for the body than taking drugs indefinitey" < s%eciaist shoud be abe to

he% determine if the urticaria re%resents a dee%er issue ike systemic mastocytosis" <

technica %a%er on urticaria is avaiabe at


4ood uck"

• ara

December 7, 201H at 12A7 %m 

I wi be greatfu if anybody coud suggest me how to sto% the reease of /istamines

 %ermanenty"n aso woud ike to know how ong does +rticaria %ersists""because

I am suffering this from 10 months

• admin

December R, 201H at EHA %m 

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I woud first rue out indoor aergies with chronic sinus infections" /istamine is %art

of the aergy:infammatory res%onse in an airborne aergy, but the origina trigger is

the aergen" I e!%erienced severa years of chronic sinusitis over a decade ago, and the

ony soution that worked was the diigent ceaning of inens and bedcovers with hot

soa%water" (f course, this was after ruining my gut with every ty%e of antibiotic on

the market' he aergen dust mites in my case3 wi cause the )histamine bucket* tofi, and additiona high histamine foodsbeverages wi cause it to overfow and

 %roduce sym%toms" ungus is aso a common indoor aergen" Gou must identify and

eiminate the aergens that kee% your histamine bucket fu'

/ave you tried a skin %rick test=

• 4enn 4roh

December R, 201H at 21O %m 

I have suffered from Chronic Sinusitis for years, and it %rogressivey gets worse, asignificant increase in drainage and coughing" I began getting sinus infections after the

Christmas>ew Gears hoidays drinking more acoho than usua3" So, I assumed it

was due to histamines, but never reai#ed that histamines are aso in foods, %ossiby in

medicines, and %ossiby in vitamins" I have seen H different 5>s and they sim%y say

we do not know the cause of Chronic Sinusitis, but with my history I sus%ect it to be


Coud you %ease comment=

• ?eah

 >ovember 2O, 201H at A2M am 

I;ve suffered from acute intestina %ain foowed by nausea and vomiting, off and on

for five years" ?ast night was the first time in a ong time" he doctors I;ve seen have

gone between )we have no idea* to )it;s IBS*" I was sure that it;s something more"

<fter a %articuary heinous e%isode ast night I;m once again scouring D6" 4ooge to

find answers" I suddeny decided to ook u% histamine res%onse in the sma intestine"

I;m %retty sure that is what I have going on" >ow to figure out why" hanks for the



 >ovember 20, 201H at O0M %m 

4reat seuthing, 8im" Some issues are dee%y com%icated" .y first 9uestion is & have

you tested for a %ossibe aergens= Constant e!%osure to something, even if it;s a bit

of nicke on a watch or mint in tooth%aste can eevate histamine and create a constant

 batte for certain individuas" It is the first, most im%ortant ste% in tacking the dee%er

imbaances" he nutritiona su%%ort hasn;t been strong enough to overcome aergy in

my imited3 e!%erience, but it does strengthen the body for accidenta e!%osure"

he methyation %rocess you mention is at the core of the histamine %robem, anddemands a much more technica re%ort' .ethyation re%airs D><, assists in

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deto!ification, and %ays %rotective roes in brain function and infammation" eo%e

who have high histamine eves may be genetic undermethylators, eading to troubes

with do%amine, serotonin, and reated %sychoogica sym%toms" he ./6 gene

mutation is %retty common, so it;s no sur%rise that %eo%e strugge with these


"D" .oyer %ut together a great artice on this


< %harmacy in <ustraia describes ty%ica treatment for histadeia with higher doses of

cacium, magnesium, vitamin BR, C, #inc, and methionine" hey suggest imiting foic

acid, manganese, and foods high in histidine meats3"

I read conficting information about the use of foic acid, %robaby due to the

differences in the different forms of the B vitamins" he methyated B vitamins a%%ear

to be recommended for undermethyators" If the B vitamins aren;t methyated, they

re9uire methyation in the body which burdens the undermethyators, %ossibyworsening sym%toms" .ethyated B12 woud be isted as hydroycobalamin or


It may be im%ortant to avoid fortified foods ike cereas that may have some of these

non:methyated vitamins" he best way to consume more foate is through green eafy

vegetabes" ersonay, I have e!%erienced aggravated sym%toms by using B vitamins,

 but I have not used the methyated versions and am eager to try them"

I have aso not seen any su%%ort for niacin a%%ied to undermethyation" In fact, niacin

is known to raise histamine eves which may e!%ain why you aren;t getting the

resuts yet"

I woud guess that undermethyators are e!tremey sensitive to to!ins and may e!hibit

 behavior changes due to e!%osure and consum%tion" 8ee%ing a heath $ourna wi he%

determine %atterns with sym%toms and triggers" +ndermethyators may aso show

signs of Candida overgrowth more than others" he Candida treatment woudn;t hurt,

though it grows back rather 9uicky with a few %i##as and cookies" Dr" ?ynch %osted a

great artice on treating methyation by reducing Candida and im%roving the gut" /e

su%%orts the use of methyated B vitamins and BR" I think an e!tremey strict diet

avoiding corn syru%soda, sugar, and wheat:based %roducts is essentia for

undermethyators who may aso suffer from gut bacteria %robems" <nd avoidingknown aergens is essentia'

I woud take a ook at Damian <e!ander;s %rotoco for taking S<.e with the %ro%er

methyated B vitamins" I aso have seen im%rovement in my son;s attitude and skin

conditions by daiy oi %uing with e!tra virgin coconut oi" Swish 1 tbs% first thing

in the morning, s%it out after 1E minutes3" /igh 9uaity fish oi can he% with interna

infammation and %robiotics he% break down histamine"

8ee% me %osted on the %rogress'

:Shari Cheves

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• 8im

 >ovember 1O, 201H at 121A am 

I think I have stumbed on to another factor in histamine intoerance" .y son has been

suffering from de%ression for 2 years and I have recenty figured out that thede%ression is caused by histamine" I have ong known that it was reated to a eaky gut

and that itamin C in arge 9uantities he%ed im%rove his sym%toms, but ony for a

short whie"

I woud ike to suggest that histamine intoerance is often caused by

?+C+<I(>S in histamine" During the day more histamine is being %roduced

than at night, either by gut bacteria being fed %roteins or by food sensitivities, both of

which are caused by gut dysbiosis" I have discovered that I can eiminate my son;s

sym%toms by giving him high eves of B12 and foate, which are needed in order to

recyce S<.e, the methy donor for histamine > methytranferase, which degrades

histamine, as you state in your artice" But after a day or two the su%%ements noonger work & so what is ha%%ening= I woud suggest that the fuctuations in histamine

are causing fuctuations in eves of avaiabe S<.e, with the S<.e eves shooting

u% during the night when ess histamine is being %roduced" Since high S<.5 eves

inhibit the %roduction of the en#ymes which recyce S<.e, ./6 and methionine

synthase1, S<.e %roduction becomes inhibited during the %art of the night whie

S<.e eves are high" he changes in the amounts of en#ymes to make S<.e a%%ear

to take over a day for a significant change" his creates a situation where S<.e eves

are ow during the day, making it im%ossibe to degrade enough histamine when eves

are high, because S<.e %roduction cannot be ad$usted 9uicky enough" his is why

su%%ements to increase S<.e recycing ony work for a day or two & the amount of

time it takes the body to ad$ust the amount of the en#ymes that recyce S<.e"

-e are working on figuring out how to overcome this %robem, by taking niacinamide

to create a buffer or by taking oi of oregano and actoferrin to create die off to kee%

histamine eves u% at night, but athough it is he%ing we sti haven;t got the resuts

we want 9uite yet" If you have any suggestions I woud be interested in hearing them"


1" " D" inkestein he metaboism of homocysteine %athways and reguation, 5ur

ediatr 1OOM3 1E7 WSu%% 2X SA0&SAA

• admin

 >ovember 1A, 201H at 111E %m 

4reat contribution' .edications can certainy trigger histamine reease, and there

seems to be some connection with 6?S for certain cases" /istamine a%%ears to make

things worse or better with 6?S which makes it tough to draw concusions" <s

mentioned before, 6?S is most strongy inked to iron deficiency in the brain"

+nfortunatey I cannot find any research connecting iron imbaance with histamine

reease or mast ce conditions, though iron deficiency may actuay reate toundetected food intoerances and subse9uent maabsor%tion"

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I have %eriodicay e!%erienced restess egs during the day since I was a teenager" It

has never been a %robem at night, but there is a 10:R0F subset of 6?S %atients with

daytime sym%toms" Interestingy, I seem ony susce%tibe at times of my monthy

cyce when I crave iron:rich foods" he condition is aso worse with ess %hysica

activity and more research3"

I strongy advise additiona aergy tests for metas, additives, and medications &

 %articuary the ones in your %robem drugs" Do!ycycine and cefadro!i contain

 %ossibe aergens ceuose and %oyethyene gyco 543" Do!ycycine and

nortri%tyine contain coorings, with do!ycycine incuding auminum:based coors"

 >ortri%tyine contains notorious sodium aure sufate S?S3 and %arabens" 5ven

Benadry contains 54" 54 and S?S are 9uite common in the cosmetics, soa%,

detergent that you %reviousy identified"

?et us know what you find & and kee% u% the good work avoiding environmenta


• atrice

 >ovember 1A, 201H at AHM %m 

hank you for a the current info on histamine, this is a great artice'

6egarding 4ene;s 9uestion about 6?S" .y 6?S is triggered by mast ce activation

syndrome .C<S3 s%ecificay tied to consuming foodsdrinkmedication that I have

recenty become )aergic* to though a my tests are nirma, a skin %rick Ig5 tests

are negative and mast ce try%tase eves are a beautifu A"E" I have that diagnosis

directy from nationa mast ce e!%ertguru, Dr" Castes, of Brigham and -omen

<fter many nights of anay#ing and testing mysef I have a background in a%%ied

functiona science3 what seems to ha%%en is that when the mast ces cosest to the

nerves in the ower umbarsacrum are triggered they degranuate en masse causing

overwheming and im%aired nerve messaging into rhe egs resuting in a those weird


I have successfuy sto%%ed my steadiy increasing 6?S through diet, carefu contro

of environmenta triggers ike medications, chemicas think make u%, hand otion,

soa%s which are a huge triggers3 and by using a heavy combo of Benedry andCaritin Benedry is the heavyweight key3" < ow histaminetyramine diet as

described by htt%www"mastocytosis"ca  %ays a significant roe as we as using the

mast ce stabii#er Cromoyn Sodium aka 4astrocrom A vias A times a day3 as we

as taking a daiy /1 inhibitor ?oratidineCaritin3 and increasing itamin D to

E,000iu which kee%s me at norma eves" itamin su%%ementation seems to aso be


.edications and their fiers %ay a huge roe as triggering agents for my 6?S" I take

very ow dose nortri%tyine and finay figured out that the coorfu ca%sue she was a

trigger whie the medication itsef was fine" <s of yesterday, I hadn;t had a night of

6?S for about 2 months and thought I was )cured*"" /aha""definitey not so"

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Gesterday I woke u% to find a tick having breakfast on me and after removing it took

200mg of do!ycycine we ive in a high ?yme disease area3" ?ast night I had a

humbing e!%erience, it seems that my )cured* 6?S was $ust taking a na% waiting for

another idea o%%ortunity to visit"

< year ago I had my first sur%rise ana%hya!is occurrence with Cefadro!i when Ideveo%ed ceuitis from a bee sting I have never been aergic to anything, never

even had hay fever3 so do!y seemed ike a safe aternative to %eneciin" >o%e, guess

not'' I had to take megadoses of Benedry and another 2A hour ?oratidine which

finay sto%%ed the overa itching and cra#y making 6?S so I coud get to see%"

-e are a different but I can;t be the ony one who sees and e!%eriences such a cear

reationshi% between histamines etc reeased by degranuating mast ces and 6?S and

how by reducing histamine oad we significanty reieve 6?S"

• admin

 >ovember 1H, 201H at 7EM %m 

I reate to this story because I had a simiar reaction to %rogesterone cream a%%ied

 behind the knees as we as an herbay medicated bandage" In both cases, the itching

continued for weeks, and the skin %reviousy under the bandage a%%eared swoen and

 burned for a month" I woud not take antihistamines but used cod %acks and a

homeo%athic cream caed orasone to tem%orariy ease the itch" See%ing was a


emae se! steriod hormones do ater the activity of mast ces which reease

histamine" or e!am%e, asthma an aergic, autoimmune condition3 is known to

worsen around the menstrua cyce, and %ostmeno%ausa women taking hormone

re%acement thera%y are more at risk for deveo%ing asthma" /ere is a great %a%er

describing the hormone:mast ce reationshi% that we have ony $ust started to


he reease of histamine during surgery with anaesthesia has been baffing doctors for

decades" his %a%er from the O0s indicates that significant reactions to anesthesia were

not uncommon" < more recent %a%er describes the range of severe reactions & from

mast:ce controed to Ig5:antibody controed reactions during and after surgery"

Surgery heightens the immune res%onse which can be troubing in certain individuas,and our ack of research and guideines in this area is even more frustrating'

It is interesting that one research %a%er  recommended that %eo%e who e!%erience

ana%hyactic reactions need to wait H:A weeks before undergoing skin tests, though

there is no cear e!%anation for this" <s I mentioned in a %revious %ost, Ig5 antibodies

to an aergen may ony ast hours roaming freey in the bood %asma, but once they

attach to mast ces, it coud be weeks or months'

I woud imagine that many sensitive %atients might e!%erience different aergic:

immune res%onses that hy%ersensiti#e the body for weeks or months" I am not aware

of any treatment to %revent aergic reactions to the numerous chemicas, drugs,metas, and other materias introduced to the body during surgery" /owever, I

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encourage everyone to undergo aergy testing for as many of these %otentia triggers

as %ossibe & many weeks before a schedued surgery" -e need %roactive %oicies in

 %ace to %revent these %otentiay fata and certainy ife:atering reactions"

robiotics shoud he% reduce mast ce activity" Bee %ro%ois %owder from ca%sues3

a%%ied as a soothing %aste mi!ed with a hy%oaergenic cream or oi base3 has beenhighy effective for caming my recent skin reactions" I have not taken %ro%ois

internay for reducing histamine or mast ce degranuation, but research is ooking

very %romising'

• 4aene

 >ovember 12, 201H at EAR am 

I have been des%eratey searching for the cause of my systemic itching and ha%%ened

u%on this site" I have been on >a%ro!en 6> for a cou%e of years take Nyrtec 12

tab3 6> for runny nose, watery eyes V snee#ing I occasionay take Su%er BCom%e! V B 12 subingua dots E00mcg I take A when I take them&2000mcg3"

I had a hysterectomy 1 month ago" rior to the surgery my surgeon had me sto% my

 >a%ro!en V take Ceebre! short term for a few days %rior to surgery and a few days

 %ost o%" <s a side note I do fee i was overmedicated with anesthesia and had a very

hard time waking u% and was very groggy even for severa days after surgery" I had a

sco%aamine %atch on to %revent nausea which I took off a cou%e of days %ost o%" I

fet it coud have been contributing to my continued drowsiness3" (n the Ath day %ost

o% I started wearing an estrogen %atch which I %ut on twice a week" wo weeks %ost

o% about H0 min to 1 hour after %utting on my Eth estrogen %atch I started itching a

across my abdomen a few inches above where the %atch was" his aso coincided with

me getting very briefy an!ious and scared that something had ha%%ened to one of our

daughters which was unfounded3"

(ver the ne!t severa days the itching continued and woud move around" It woud

start where I coud fee sma %in%oint bum%s and after I woud scratch I woud turn

 bright red and had wets" Initiay this was mosty trunk and u%%er e!tremities but aso

was on the %ams of my hands and the soes of my feet"

I s%oke to %harmacist who said I shoud not be aergic to 5strogen but coud be the

adhesive on %atch and to remove which I did" AM hours ater sti had very intense

itching and was having to use Benadry or started back on Nyrtec to reieve itching"

<fter a week of this miserabe ordea I saw my Dr" who had me sto% a medicationse!ce%t Nyrtec 6> which by the way I use a generic -agreens brand3 and he %ut me

on a Steroid a%er" I saw my Dr" 1 week ago tomorrow" he Steroid ta%er is

com%eted and I am sti itching" he #yrtec contros the sym%toms the best as o%%osed

to Benadry or C/or tabs" /owever, I have seen some bogs that %eo%e itch

des%eratey when )coming off* Nyrtec" <fter taking a 2A hour Nyrtec 12 tab Y Emg3

it usuay works we and usuay about 12 hours after time I coud have taken another

one I start itching bad again"

I $ust now broke down and had to take E0mg Benadry because I was so red,

infammed V ithing a over my breasts, around my a!ia, and arms"

I am des%erate for an answer as to what might be going on with me" I fee it has to do

with the surgery and woud ike to know what I can do about it"<n!iousy awaiting some good answers"

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4aene ."

• admin

 >ovember M, 201H at R2E %m 

hanks for your in9uiry" ease consider sharing your resuts of treatment if you are

diagnosed with mastocytosis or histamine intoerance" here seems to be a fair number

of sufferers who sus%ect mastocytosis or mast ce activation syndrome behind

histamine intoerance" .astocytosis can be detected through bone marrow or skin

tests, though there may not aways be high eves of histamine %resent" Itchy

sym%toms are common with eevated histamine, so you may want to tak to the doctor

about ways to reduce your histamine e!%osure as a management techni9ue" he first

ma$or ste% in reducing histamine invoves testing for s%ecific aergies and

aggressivey reducing e!%osure" If you have noticed that high histamine foods are

making things worse, it makes sense to avoid these unti the condition is we under


oods .atter is a great resource describing aergies, foods and their interactions "

• Goanda ores

 >ovember E, 201H at AER %m 

hank you for this artice" I am seeing an immunoogist ne!t week and am going to

discuss my sym%toms that I beieve to be very %ossiby histamine intoerance" .y

 body constanty itches, many foods infame the itching and a burning sensation

throughout, stuffy nose, $oint %ain, etc" etc" I aso know I have bad aergies to the

outdoors and dust mites" <t first it was thought that I had a neuroogica %robem, but

every test has come back negative sti %ossibe3" -hat I find frustrating is that

different sites ist different foods to avoid" Is there a site that you woud recommend

that is most accurate regarding food avoidance"

(ne other thought, is it %ossibe that Systemic .astocytosis and /istamine Intoerance

are intertwined=

• it

 >ovember 1, 201H at 21O am 

.ary Scott

I use C/(B<>I it has severa the bacteria discussed here I make fruit smoothies with

it every morning and I have been hive free"

• admin

(ctober 22, 201H at E20 %m 

I agree that there are some missing inks between histamine and 6?S" 6esearch

 %ro%oses that histamine:based stimuation is needed to %revent 6?S sym%toms"/istamine aso he%s kee% us awake & the do%amine connection"

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It a%%ears that our biggest cue with 6?S is iron deficiency which aso associates with

histamine:based hy%erres%onsiveness" In two recent %a%ers, iron su%%ementation

reduced sym%toms, but this treatment shoud be carefuy su%ervised by a medica

 %rofessiona" Interestingy, !. pylori infections ink to iron:deficiency anemia  and

deserve more research as unsus%ecting triggers in 6?S" .ast ces in the gut he% fight

 bacteria and %arasites and histamine is reeased in the %rocess" >ew research suggeststhat !. pylori  stimuates the reease of histamine which, in turn, might activate a

certain set of nerves" his %rocess actuay contributes to ow bicarbonate %roduction

and %e%tic ucer formation"

here are many gastrointestina conditions that may ead to iron deficiency and

theoreticay 6?S in some cases" here may be bacteria overgrowth in the sma

intestines in many 6?S cases that ead to other bacteria growth and iron deficiency"

?ike so many other conditions, we need to dive dee%er to identify the triggers of

sym%toms" /ere is the best review %a%er I found 6estess ?eg Syndrome &

mechanisms" ?et me know if you have any success with 6?S by investigating gut and

minera imbaances"

• 4ene

(ctober 2, 201H at 100A %m 

I;ve gotta got through this more in:de%th, but what an e!ceent artice'

I;m a ong:time sufferer of severe %rimary 6?S, to the %oint that it is essentiay ife:

atering" -e have an assortment of meds to he% us but nothing is more than )/ere, try

this*" his incudes 4<B< agents ike >eurontin and /ori#ant, do%amine agonists,

and o%iods" Some work for some %eo%e, some for others, some can make the

sym%toms worse in many cases" here is aso evidence that suggests high gutamate

activity e!acerbates our sym%toms" It seems ike there is a missing ink in the research,

in that it;s %ossibe a number of conditions coud set of the sym%toms" hen I read the

artice inked beow that seems to im%icate histamine in 6?S, and further research

suggests histamine has a reationshi% with do%amine activity and 4<B<gutamate

 baance= <ny thoughts=



(ctober 1, 201H at 2HM %m 

Intestina %ermeabiity increases within 2A hours of taking the >S<IDs, but the

duration of change and %otentia %ermanent damageimmune ateration is uncear and

definitey different based on underying conditions" or e!am%e, IBS %atients had a

more negative res%onse to >S<IDs than heathy sub$ects" It is not cear when

 %ermeabiity starts & if it;s before the drug or acoho damage or after" >ew studies on

animas show that air %oution can aso increase gut %ermeabiity, so it;s not $ust what

we eat" or a more in:de%th ook at %ermeabiity and ways to nutritionay su%%ort it,

 %ease review my re%ort ) >utritiona hera%y for 4astric ermeabiity"*

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• <nne

Se%tember H0, 201H at 121H %m 

hanks so much for res%onding to my comments" /ow ong does the increased gut

 %ermeabiity from as%irin and >S<IDs ast= <re there %ermenant changes to the gutor is it transitory=

In res%onse to the ast comment, interestingy enough, I am aso taking ?amicta and

have been taking it reguary for a number of years" I wi think twice before I ever

decide to reduce the med'