the manager in hospitality industry

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  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    The Manager in



    Presented By Subroto Ghosh

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Hospitality Managers:

    Manage employees makingproducts and/or performing

    servicesManage first-line supervisors

    Often continue to work side-by-

    side with the employees theysupervise

    Are successful only to the degree

    their workers allow them to beSlide no. 2Subroto Ghosh

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    To Customers

    Fulfill their needs and desires

    Ensure employees positivelyrepresent the enterprise

    Respond to customercomplaints

    To Sub-ordinates

    Create a positive workenvironment

    Support and value employees

    who interact with customers

    To Employer Make the enterprise profitable Run it according to the owners rules Be sensitive to the owners expectations


    Slide no. 3Subroto Ghosh

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    Functions of Management




    Slide no. 4Subroto Ghosh

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    Functions of Management

    Controlling and evaluating


    Problems solving and Decisionmaking


    Slide no. 5Subroto Ghosh

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    Management TheoryTimeline

    1900s: Scientific ManagementFrederickTaylor/ Frank GilbertStandardized work procedures to find the

    one best way to perform a task1930s/1940s:Human Relations Theory


    Employees perform best when they feel

    they belong to the work group1960s/1970s:Participative Management

    Workers who participate in makingdecisions are more committed to theoutcome Slide no. 6Subroto Ghosh

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Management TheoryTimeline

    1980s/1990s:Total QualityManagement

    Empowers employees to determinebest ways to meet goals


    Selective blending of managementsystems according to the needs of thesituation, workers and the supervisors

    style of leadership Slide no. 7Subroto Ghosh

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    Managerial Skills

    Slide no. 8Subroto Ghosh

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    Managerial Skills

    Technical Skills

    Establish a manager's credibility

    with employeesAid in the management ofemployees

    Enable manager to select and trainpeople, plan and schedule work,and take action inan emergency

    Slide no. 9Subroto Ghosh

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    Managerial Skills

    Human Skills

    Affect their attitude towards their

    employees and determines theirlevel of success

    Should create an atmosphere

    where employees feel secure andare willing to do their best

    Slide no. 10Subroto Ghosh

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    Managerial Skills

    Conceptual Skills

    Incorporate the work of the

    managers employees with theneeds of the entire enterprise

    Recognize and deal with issues

    from a managerial perspective

    Slide no. 11Subroto Ghosh

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    Slide no. 12Subroto Ghosh

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    leadership developmentinvolves:

    Investing time, resources, and money tocreate a supportive culture

    Defining the differences betweenmanagement skills and leadershipabilities

    Developing quantifiable measurable

    that support leadership skillsFocusing on leadership skill duringmanagement training

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    leadership developmentinvolves:

    Encouraging continuous educationof leadership skills

    Recognizing leaders on all levelsRewarding all enthusiastic leaders

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  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Old-style Leadership


    Some workersrespond to a

    command-obeystyle of direction

    Can be effective

    Can be necessary


    Average American doesnot respond to thisautocratic method

    More likely to increaseproblems than to lessenthem

    Breeds resentment, lowmorale, and adversaryrelationship

    Customer service suffersand patrons go

    somewhere else Slide no. 15Subroto Ghosh

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Theory X - authoritarian,repressive style. Tight

    control, no development.Produces limited, depressed



    staff management


    Theory Y - liberating anddevelopmental. Control,

    achievement and continuousimprovement achieved byenabling, empowering and

    giving responsibility.

    Theory X Theory Y

    Theory X and Theory Y

    Slide no. 16Subroto Ghosh

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    Theory X and Theory Y

    Theory Xs Faulty Assumptions

    2. The average human being has aninborn dislike of work and will avoid it

    as much as possible.3. He or she must be coerced, controlled,

    directed, threatened with punishmentto get the work done.

    4. He or she prefers to be led, avoidsresponsibility, lacks ambition, andwants security above all else.

    Slide no. 17Subroto Ghosh

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    Theory X and Theory Y

    Theory Y Propositions

    2. Work is as natural as play or rest;people do not inherently dislike it.

    3. People will work of their own accordtoward objectives to which they feelcommitted without control or the

    threat of punishment.4. People become committed to

    objectives that fulfill their innerpersonal needs.

    Slide no. 18Subroto Ghosh

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    Theory X and Theory Y

    Theory Y Propositions

    2. People can learn not only to acceptresponsibility but also to seek it. Lack of

    ambition, avoidance of responsibility, andthe desire for security are not innatehuman characteristics.

    3. Capacity for applying imagination,

    ingenuity, and creativity to solving on-the-job problems is widely, not narrowly,distributed in the population.

    4. The modern industrial organization uses

    only a portion of the intellectual potentialSlide no. 19Subroto Ghosh

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    Situational LeadershipStyles

    Directingclose supervision mosteffective for training or emergencies

    Coachingdirect supervision andsupport to build commitment

    Supportiveassists employees lackingcommitment to improve performance

    Delegatingbest for employees capableof making day-to-day decisions on theirown

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    Transformational leaders:

    Communicate the mission and

    objectives of the companyProvide workers with meaningful,interesting, and challenging jobs

    Act as coaches and mentorsLead by example

    Slide no. 21Subroto Ghosh

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    Unity In Diversity

    Slide no. 22Subroto Ghosh

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    Dimensions of DiversityPRIMARY




    Physical abilities andqualities




    Sexual preference







    Marital status

    Slide no. 23Subroto Ghosh

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    Cross-Cultural InteractionSkills

    1. Increase personal awareness

    2. Learn about other cultures

    3. Recognize and practice cross-cultural interaction skills

    4. Maintain awareness, knowledge,

    and skills

    Slide no. 24Subroto Ghosh

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Managing DiversityPositively

    Get to know your employees

    Treat your employees equitably,

    butnot uniformly

    Watch for any signs of harassment

    Foster a work climate of mutualrespect

    Encourage the contributions of

    diverse employees Slide no. 25Subroto Ghosh

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    Slide no. 26Subroto Ghosh

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    Types of Communication




    Small group


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  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Message distortion can occuras the result of:

    Differences insenders andreceivers:


    Past experiences





    Other Reasons




    Emotions of thesender and/or


    Slide no. 29Subroto Ghosh

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Five Principles of GoodListening

    1. Give the speaker your undividedattention

    2. Hear the speaker out3. Look for the real message

    4. Keep your emotions out of the

    communication5. Maintain your role

    Slide no. 30Subroto Ghosh

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    How to Give InstructionsEffectively

    Plan what you are going to say,including to whom, when, where, andhow.

    Establish a climate of acceptanceexplain the why of the task and whatis in it for the listener

    Deliver the instructions calmly andconfidentlyrequest, suggest, orcommand

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    How to Give InstructionsEffectively

    Verify that the instructions have beenunderstoodask people to repeat the

    instructions and/or see whether theycarry out orders correctly

    Follow upobserve people at workand measure results; offerassistance, and further direction ifnecessary

    Slide no. 32Subroto Ghosh

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    Slide no. 33Subroto Ghosh

    h i f

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    Some Theories ofMotivation

    Motivation Through Fear

    Carrot-and-Stick Method

    Economic Man TheoryHuman Relations Theory (SocialMan Theory)

    Maslows Hierarchy of NeedsHerzbergs Motivation-Hygiene


    Transparency 5-1Slide no. 34Subroto Ghosh

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    Biological and Physiological needsbasic life needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex,

    sleep, etc.

    Safety needsprotection, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc

    Esteem needsachievement, status, responsibility

    reputationBelongingness and Love needs

    family, affection, relationships, work group,etc

    Self-actualisationpersonal growth and fulfilment


    Slide no. 35Subroto Ghosh

    M l Hi h f

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Maslows Hierarchy ofNeeds



    Esteem Needs





    Slide no. 36Subroto Ghosh

    A li i f M i i

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Application of MotivationTheory

    Nature of many hospitality industry jobs

    Company policy, administration, andmanagement philosophy

    Extent of responsibility, authority, andresources

    Employees with personal priorities orthose with dependent personalities

    Constant pressures and lack of time

    Lack of motivational theory that iseasily and scientifically applicable

    Slide no. 37Subroto Ghosh

    How to Build a Positive Work

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    How to Build a Positive WorkClimate


    Get to know your people

    Deal with security needs

    Deal with social needsReward your employees

    Develop your people

    THE SUPERVISORSet a good example

    Establish a climate ofhonesty


    Provide anattractive jobenvironment

    Provide a safe andsecure workenvironment

    Put the right person

    in the right jobMake the jobinteresting andchallenging

    Slide no. 38Subroto Ghosh

    G id li f

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    Guidelines forRewarding Employees

    Always give recognition in a positive andsincere manner

    Contest should offer all employees an

    opportunity to winChampion average employees, as well asthe heroes

    Recognize employees using objective

    criteriaRecognize employees in a timely fashion

    Recognize employees when they leastexpect it

    Tie rewards to true accomplishmentsSlide no. 39Subroto Ghosh

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Important Terms

    PositionDuties andresponsibilities performed by oneemployee

    JobA group of positions with thesame duties and responsibilities

    Job analysisProcess that presentsa picture of how the world of worklooks for a specific job

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    Important Terms

    Job descriptionDescribes a fair dayswork, including performance standards

    Job specificationSpells out the

    qualifications a person must have inorder to get a job

    Job evaluationProcess of examining

    the responsibilities and difficulties ofeach job in order to determine whichjobs are worth more than others

    Slide no. 41Subroto Ghosh

    P d ti it d L

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    Productivity and LowEmployee Retention

    Workers do not know what they aresupposed tobe doing

    Workers do not know how to do whatthey are supposed to be doing

    Workers do not know how well they aredoing

    The supervisor has not given anydirection, help,or support

    Workers have a poor relationship with

    the supervisor Slide no. 42Subroto Ghosh

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  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Benefits of Training

    To the Supervisor

    More time to manage

    Results in less absenteeism and lowerturnover

    Reduces tensions between

    management and employees

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    Benefits of TrainingMakes it easier to maintain consistency ofproductsand services

    Lowers costsResults, ultimately, in happier customersand moreof them

    Helps supervisors advance their careers

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    Benefits of Training

    To the Employee

    Can eliminate the five reasons that

    people dopoor work

    Reduces employee confusion,

    allowing them towork independently

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    Why Hospitality Managers

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    Why Hospitality ManagersDo Not Train Their People

    1. Urgent need

    2. Training time

    3. Training time costs the companymoney

    4. High employee turnover

    5. Diversity of workers skills and abilities

    6. Great variety of jobs

    7. Not knowing exactly what managersexpect from employees

    Slide no. 52Subroto Ghosh

    Employees Learn Best

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    Employees Learn BestWhen:

    They are actively involved in thelearning process

    Training is relevant and practical

    Training material is well-organized andpresented in small, easy-to-graspchunks

    The learning environment is informal,

    quiet, and comfortableThey have a good trainer

    They receive feedback on theirperformance and are rewarded for doingwell Slide no. 53Subroto Ghosh

    How to Develop a Job

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    How to Develop a JobTraining Program

    1. Write a performance standard

    2. Write a training objective derived fromthe performance standard

    3. Develop standard procedures4. Develop unit training plan

    5. Pretest

    6. If the training results are negative,repeat training, try a simpler job, orterminate employee. If the trainingresults are positive, put the worker onthe job; evaluate and follow up

    Slide no. 54Subroto Ghosh

    Job Instruction Training

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Job Instruction TrainingSteps

    1. Prepare the worker for training

    2. Demonstrate what the worker is

    to do (show and tell)3. Have the worker do the task as


    4. Follow through (put the worker onthe job, checking and corrected asneeded)

    Slide no. 55Subroto Ghosh

    Before correcting an

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Before correcting anemployee, ask:

    Does the employee know what issupposed to be done and why?

    Are there any reasons for poor

    performance that the employee cannotcontrol?

    How serious are the consequences of

    this problem?Have you previously addressed theconcern with the employee?

    Slide no. 56Subroto Ghosh

    When conducting

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    When conductingcoaching sessions:

    1. Speak in private to the employee

    2. Calmly express your concern about thespecific aspect of the job

    3. Ask the employee for his or herthoughts and opinions, includingpossible solutions

    4. Ask the employee to restate what has

    been agreed upon to check onunderstanding

    5. State your confidence in theemployees ability to turn the situation

    around Slide no. 57Subroto Ghosh

    Steps in the Performance

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    Steps in the PerformanceEvaluation Process

    1. Prepare for the evaluation

    2. Make the evaluation

    3. Share it with the worker4. Provide follow-up

    Slide no. 58Subroto Ghosh

    Rating Employee

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Rating EmployeePerformance

    Be objective

    Evaluate the performance, not the

    employeeGive specific examples to back upratings

    Slide no. 59Subroto Ghosh

    Rating Employee

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    Rating EmployeePerformance

    Where there is substandardperformance, ask Why?

    Think fairness and consistencywhen evaluating performanceGet input from the employeescoworkers

    Note and discuss ideas on how theemployee can improveperformance.

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    Slide no. 61Subroto Ghosh

    Essentials of Successful

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Essentials of SuccessfulDiscipline

    1. Complete set of rules that everyoneknows and understands

    2. Clear statement of the consequences

    of failing to observe the rules

    3. Prompt, consistent, and impersonalaction to reinforce the rules

    4. Appropriate recognition andreinforcement of employees positiveactions

    Slide no. 62Subroto Ghosh

    The Hot Stove as a Model

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    The Hot Stove as a Modelof Administering Discipline

    1. Warning: You can feel the hot airaround it.

    2. Immediate: The instant you touch

    it, it burns your finger.3. Consistent: It burns your finger

    every time you touch it.

    4. Impersonal: It reacts to the touch,not the person who touches it.

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    Negative Versus Positive

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    Negative Versus PositiveApproach to Discipline


    Discipline equalspunishment

    Used by:Autocratic, X-stylemanagers

    Effectiveness:Does not workvery well

    Four-stageformula fordisciplinary

    action:2. Oral warning

    3. Written warning

    4. Punishment5. Termination

    Slide no. 64Subroto Ghosh

    Negative Versus Positive

  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Negative Versus PositiveApproach to Discipline


    Disciplineequals rule

    complianceUsed by:

    Theory Y-style

    managersEffectiveness: works verywell

    Four-stage formula fordisciplinary action:

    2. Oral reminder

    3. Written reminder

    4. Suspension

    5. Termination/complian


    Slide no. 65Subroto Ghosh

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    Administering Discipline

    1. Collect all the facts

    2. Discuss the incident with the

    employee3. Decide on the appropriate action

    4. Take the appropriate action

    5. Write down all pertinent details6. Follow up

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    Planning Process

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    Planning Process

    1. Define the purpose or problemand set objectives

    2. Collect and evaluate data relevant

    to forecasting the future3. Develop alternate courses of


    4. Choose the best course of action5. Carry out the plan

    6. Control and evaluate results

    Slide no. 68Subroto Ghosh

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    Qualities of a Good Plan

    Provides a workable solution to theoriginal problem and meets the statedobjectives

    Comprehensive; it raises all relevantquestions and answers them

    Minimizes the degree of risk involved inmeeting the objectives

    Specific as to time, place, supplies,tools, and people needed to carry it out

    Flexible; it can be adapted if thesituation changes, or replaced by a

    contingency plan Slide no. 69Subroto Ghosh

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    Planning for Change

    Define the problem and setobjectives

    Gather data to forecast possible

    solutionsGenerate alternate plans andweigh the risks of each

    Decide on the best plan to meetobjectives

    Make the change and follow up

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    Your Time

    Is the amount of time spent per dayappropriate to the activity?

    How does the time spent on

    unimportant activities compare to thetime spent on highly importantactivities?

    Are you doing things that are not really

    necessary?Are you doing things that you coulddelegate to someone else?

    Slide no. 71Subroto Ghosh

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    Your Time

    Can you group activities better asto time and place?

    Was time wasted that could havebeen avoided by better planning?

    Did you spend any time at all oncertain important but time-consuming activities you should bedoing?

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    Organized and Efficient

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    Organized and EfficientUnit

    Lines of authority andresponsibility are clearly drawnand observed

    Jobs, procedures, and standardsare clearly definedand followed

    People know what to do and how

    to do itand they do itStandards of quality, quantity, andperformance are clearly setandmet

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  • 8/14/2019 The Manager in Hospitality Industry


    Control Techniques

    Require records and reports

    Develop and enforce performance

    standardsDevelop and enforce productivitystandards

    Develop and enforce departmentalpolicies and procedures

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    Making a Conscious

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    Making a ConsciousChoice

    Recognize alternatives rather thaninfluences

    Choose a course of action to fulfilla specific result.

    Put the choice into action andmake sure it is carried out.

    Slide no. 76Subroto Ghosh

    Factors to Examine When

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    Factors to Examine WhenMaking a Decision

    RiskWhich course of action provides themost benefit with the least risk?

    EconomyWhich course of action will give

    the best results with the least expenditureof time, money,and effort?

    FeasibilityIs each course of action

    feasible?AcceptabilityWill each course of action beacceptable to the people it will affect?

    ObjectivesWhich course of action will best

    meet Slide no. 77Subroto Ghosh

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    Problem-solving Pattern

    1. Define the problem and setobjectives

    2. Analyze the problem3. Develop alternative solutions

    4. Decide on the best solution

    5. Implement the decision6. Follow up

    Transparency 12-3Slide no. 78Subroto Ghosh

    Participative Problem

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    Participative ProblemSolving


    More information and expertiserelevant to the decision

    More good ideas and betteralternatives

    People thinking together can arrive at

    better decisions because of thestimulation and interplay of differentpoints of view

    Slide no. 79Subroto Ghosh

    Participative Problem

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    Participative ProblemSolving


    People who have participated in making thedecision are generally committed to

    carrying it out.The coordination and communicationnecessary to carry out the decision aresimpler and better because everyonealready understands what is happening.

    Slide no. 80Subroto Ghosh

    Participative Problem

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    Participative ProblemSolving


    It takes longer for a group to decidesomething than it does for one person tomake the decision

    The process takes everyone away from theirother work

    Groups are often dominated by one person

    Group participants often get involved in

    winning arguments or showing off ratherthan working to make the best decision.

    Slide no. 81Subroto Ghosh

    Participative Problem

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    Participative ProblemSolving


    If consensus is required, people might goalong with a decision they do not like tofinish the process quickly

    Consensus leads to mediocre decisions thatwill appease everyone rather than the bestdecision.

    Consensus can lead to groupthink or

    conformity rather than to the creativity thatgroup decision making is supposed to spark.

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    ob e so gPossibilities

    Win-lose stance (supervisor wins,worker loses)

    Lose-win posture (retreat and

    appeasement)Lose-lose compromise (nobody issatisfied)

    Win-win approach (everyone issatisfied)

    Slide no. 83Subroto Ghosh

    How to Build Decision-

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    Making Skills

    Make sure that the decision is yours tomake, that you have both the authorityand the responsibility.

    Accept your responsibility fully.Sort out the important decisions fromthe inconsequential ones.

    Calculate the risks.

    Adapt your decision making so that thetiming is right.

    Slide no. 84Subroto Ghosh

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    Three Essentials of

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    1. Responsibility

    2. Authority

    3. Accountability

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    Steps in Delegation

    1. Delegate responsibility for the task and theresults expected

    Delegate the authority necessary to complete

    the taskEstablish accountability

    4. Follow up

    Train employees as needed

    Communicate the new status to everyoneconcerned

    Slip into the coaching role

    Slide no. 89Subroto Ghosh

    Delegating to the Right

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    g g gemployee

    Employees Who Are:

    Able but unwilling need motivation

    Unable and unwilling are not goodcandidates

    Unable but willing need training

    Able and willing are the bestcandidates

    Slide no. 90Subroto Ghosh

    Common Mistakes in

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    Not communicatingclearly

    Over supervising

    Not taking enoughtime to trainemployees

    Not givingemployees enough

    supportDelegating withoutsetting up controls

    Job loading

    Assigningunchallenging taskswithout offering anincentive

    Delegating to thewrong people


    unpleasant parts ofthe job such as firing

    Setting upoverlapping

    responsibilitiesSlide no. 91Subroto Ghosh

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    Subroto Ghosh Slide no. 92

    Any Questions

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