the man and the music

Marques Toliver Read About The Man And The Music Mechelle Davis Inspired Chelle Davis To Tell Her Story More Stories To Inspire You In This Issue August-October, 2010 Inspirational Moments Magazine Stories That Inspire

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Page 1: The Man and the Music

Marques Toliver Read About The Man

And The Music

Mechelle Davis

Inspired Chelle

Davis To Tell

Her Story

More Stories

To Inspire You

In This Issue

August-October, 2010

Inspirational Moments Magazine Stories That Inspire

Page 2: The Man and the Music

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Dear Reader,

I would like to thank each of you who purchased

and/or read our first issue. Your responses have been

great! May God cause men to give to you as a result of

your support of this magazine. Each of you have sown a

seed into this magazine’s continued life. It is a blessing to

publish stories that cause others to examine their own lives

and make positive changes or find encouragement to stay

on their chosen path. It is in you that we find our stories.

Keep living inspirational lives and we will keep writing inspi-

rational stories.

My former neighbors told me of an encounter they

had while in another state. The husband noticed a home-

less women and offered her something to eat. She gladly

accepted and shared with him that she had prayed for

someone to give her something to eat for that day. He

was the answer to her prayer. Later, that same day his

wife called for him to meet her so she could purchase

clothes and intimate apparel for a homeless women. As

fate would have it, it was the same women! Random acts

of kindness still exist today and offer inspiration to those

who learn of them.

Remember, these are real stories about real peo-

ple. If you have a story to tell or know of someone with a

story that will inspire others, contact us so we can feature

the story.

I pray that something that you will read will bring

new inspiration into your life. Read on and be inspired!

Jennifer M. Hudson




Sabrina Smith


Jennifer M. Hudson

Senior Writer

JT. Hud

Contributing Writers

Chelle Davis

Lauren M. Ellis

Graphic Designer

JT Hud

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Inspirational Moments Magazine Page 3


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Sabrina’s Editorial Page 4

More Than Conquerors Page 5

It’s The Artist In Me (cover story) Page 7

Events That Inspire Page 9

Chelle Davis’ Story Page 10

Who’s Been Inspired Page 14

Mechelle Davis’ Butterfly Garden Page 15

Unfortunately, Michael Maddox had to decline on his article.



Page 4: The Man and the Music

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Sabrina's Editorial

The Book of Seeds

Saturday, June 26, 2010 at 4:30 P.M. I received the call that my seventy-plus-

year-old Aunt Heddie Mae had to be rushed to North Broward Hospital in Fort Lauder-

dale, Florida because her kidneys had completely shut down, and her hemoglobin level

had dropped to four, but needed to be raised to twelve. I thought to myself “easy medi-

cal solutions”; at this point, the doctors must put Aunt Heddie Mae on dialysis and simply

do a blood transfusion to raise her hemoglobin,… right? Well, by now we know some

things in life are not always as simple as they seem. My Aunt Heddie is a Jehovah‟s Wit-

ness and committed to never partaking in a blood transfusion due to her religious beliefs.

With this in mind, her children were upholding her wishes.

There were Christian members of my family who became very disgruntled and repeatedly asked, “Why

won‟t her children just let her get the blood transfusion?” Disappointed at some of my family‟s first response to

this situation, I closed off from them, “went into my closet,” and only claimed prosperity upon my aunt‟s life, for I

did not need to hear the nay-sayers when I know the Word and how to not only read and hear it, but to lean on and

have faith in it, for the there are promises in this “book of seeds” that must be harvested. And I was determined

to hold God accountable to His Word.

That next morning the doctors announced to the family to come see Aunt Heddie Mae immediately, for

her health was declining even more quickly as a result of her children rejecting the doctors‟ „strong‟ directives to

do a blood transfusion; the alternate medicine was not working, and her hemoglobin was steadily dropping. To

some, it a p p e a r e d that Aunt Heddie Mae was drifting away from us. Holding on to my faith in my “book of

seeds” the Holy Bible, I sent out a phone text to my prayer partners, “ My aunt‟s kidney have failure, and she has

a hemoglobin level of four; doctors have called family to come now if they want to see her alive. Do not call me;

please just pray right now! Thanks.” Today, Aunt Heddie Mae is alive; thanksgiving for her hemoglobin having

risen to six without the blood transfusion, and she is doing kidney dialysis.

As Christians, we cannot just go to church on Sunday, bible-study on Wednesday and only be readers and

hearers of the Word; that is only part of command, we must be doers who first believe and look to God for guid-

ance, strength, healing, deliverance, and prosperity in all aspects of our lives. When those challenging times come,

instead of speaking the negative, the Word will first surface to handle our battles. Sometimes, our faith is so chal-

lenged, and situations look so grim until we cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel; however, Hebrews 11:1

teaches that “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Unlike some, I never saw

my aunt not being the victor in this situation; I only pictured her being healed. If I had listened to those with little

faith who looked at the present condition, I would have been speaking the negative, speaking against John 10:10

which clearly lets me know that “He came to give us life so that we may have it more abundantly.” Life is so beau-

tiful and too short to „sweat the small stuff,‟ as they say. Although much talk focused on whether or not Aunt Hed-

die should have the blood transfusion, in reality, we all just needed to plead the blood of Jesus, for there is healing

in the blood! And I would only know that from my book of seeds.

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Page 5: The Man and the Music

Inspirational Moments Magazine Page 5

More Than Conquerors By Lauren M. Ellis

Life’s tapestry of events is often woven together in the most interesting way. Many

times we are not quite sure about how our present day experiences will work in God’s

overall plan. The enormous challenge of those experiences often leads us to question God’s

motive and purpose. We determine that if somehow a reason is divinely revealed for our

suffering, then perhaps we can withstand the intensity of the struggle. Sometimes whether

we have total understanding or not, much can be learned from hardships.

In the fall of 2004, Lisa Barnes confronted one of the most difficult challenges of her life. She

sat in Dr. Kirk’s office in Bethsaida, Maryland and barely heard him say, “Hodgkin’s Lymphoma stage 4”.

The words were definite, but difficult to embrace. There were virtually no signs. The persistent fever

could have been the result of anything; some flu like virus, stress or maybe a common ailment that

could be treated over time. However, Dr. Kirk’s words, “Hodgkin’s Lymphoma stage 4” had not changed.

Through teary eyes and a heavy heart, Lisa knew that another level of faith was required for this


Her move to Washington, DC was for a new start. Atlanta was a good place, and it had been

her home since childhood. Suffering from Type 1 Diabetes created some health challenges, but over

time the adjustments were made to maintain a normal life as a teen and young adult. Life was truly a

blessing!!! The most memorable blessing was on September 11th, 1999. It was on this day that Lisa

received her pancreas and kidney transplant from a cadaver donor. Nothing could describe the feeling

of God’s favor and personal freedom. It was a new beginning. Lisa could finally eat most foods, travel

with few restrictions and participate in a variety of physical activities. For five years there were great

new experiences in this season of Lisa’s life. In August of 2004, Lisa made the decision to move to

Washington, DC to pursue greater opportunities that would utilized her administrative and interpersonal

skills. Lisa moved and accepted a position at George Washington University in the Department of

Pathology. This place of new beginnings offered Lisa a wonderful church home family, a great

relationship with her aunt and a job filled with new opportunities. Unbeknownst to Lisa, the challenge of

Hodgkin’s Lymphoma stage 4 would require a new level of faith in God. A faithfulness that would inspire

her personal ministry to those dealing with cancer. Lisa’s team of doctors decided that immediate action

must begin. Six rounds of chemotherapy were recommended for treatment. Initially, the thought of

chemotherapy did not appeal to Lisa. It seemed like a death sentence and she thought it might be too

much to put her body through. Perhaps, if she was suppose to die, then she would just die. But,

through the assurance of her Oncologist and Dr. Kirk, Lisa began her chemotherapy treatment

December 2004. continued on page 15

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Marques Toliver

Making His Dream A Reality

Marques Toliver, 23 years young, was introduced to the violin and fell in love with

it. So much so that playing it has become his career. Who knew that an elemen-

tary school orchestra would produce such a great musician.

Page 7: The Man and the Music

It’s The Artist In Me By J T Hud

In The Beginning

Years ago Marques’ mother, Michele Tolver allowed him to visit his aunt in Fort

Lauderdale, Florida. He was out of school for the summer, but his aunt’s school was still in

session. She took him to school with her since she was a teacher. He sat in on a third grade

class where the teacher was a personal friend of his aunt. As the third grade teacher prepared

her class for their talent show, Marques volunteered to be in the talent show. He auditioned

and made the show. All of the adults who witnessed him rehearse assured his aunt that

Marques could sing since she had not heard him sing at that time. His aunt went to a re-

hearsal and was pleased to know that he could sing; however it wasn’t until the night of the

talent show that she was astonished by the gift that lied within Marques. He sang with so

much emotion that there wasn’t a dry eye in the audience. That was his first performance in

front of a large audience of people he didn’t know and he was barely 9 years old.

The Journey

Marques’s vocal talent was well received at his elementary school back in Daytona

Beach, Florida., As apart of his school’s curriculum, he had to take orchestra. When he en-

tered the class there was only one seat left. That seat had a violin in it. That is how he was

introduced to the violin. While in the fifth grade, under the direction of Andrew Spar,

Marques sat to the back of the room hiding his violin sound. He was rather fearful at the age

of ten when he stood up to play his first solo in front of his class at Turie T. Small Elementary.

Marques admits that he “messed up” on that day. From that point he was determined to mas-

ter the violin. He received private lessons and gained the confidence to play in front of large

crowds just like he sang in front of them. As a teenager he played with the Daytona Beach

Youth Orchestra and traveled to Italy. As he prepared to go to Italy he performed in front of

crowds at the Olive Garden, Wal-Mart and weddings. He was no longer hiding in the back of

the class; Marques was now front and center. With his violin skills polished and his singing to

match, the two talents combine to make soulful music. He was even requested by the late

Congress Women Shirley Chisholm to perform before she spoke at an event in Daytona. Ul-

timately, his musical talent won him the title of Mr. Seabreeze in 2005 at his high school.

After graduating high school, Marques was awarded a music scholarship to attend Stet-

son University. There he began writing music. Marques’s passion for music overrode his need

Inspirational Moments Magazine Page 7

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Conti. From Page 7

for a college degree, so he left college to pursue his music. A short time after leaving college Marques

landed in Brooklyn, New York where he proclaimed, “I found refuge in the Williamsburg music scene”.

Prior to arriving in New York, he often played on the streets (busking), so New York was no different.

While playing in the subway Marques found himself featured in the New York Times. New doors

began to open and opportunities started knocking. People began to notice his music and many found a

connection to his music. Local musicians began to hire him for session work and other gigs. He has

been featured in a K-Swiss ad via the internet and performed in Ashford and Simpson’s night clubs in

New York. Eventually, he found his way to London, England through his encounter with Kyp Malone

and Dave Sitek, two artists from TV On The Radio; where he was given the chance to work as a

session violinist for a few projects where he was apart of a music tour of the United States and the UK.

The Music

Marques’s music is much like poetry. His lyrics provoke you to thought and reflection. He

admits, “Most of the songs I’m writing are finding a focus centered on the elements within nature and

also the human struggle”. He writes things like “Like to the moon am I, that can not shine alone”. He is a

violinist that infuses his soulful voice with hints of classical overtones. He has worked with the likes of

Grizzly Bear, Holly Miranda, Bat For Lashes, and Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson. When asked

where he gets his inspiration, Marques responds, “My inspiration comes from within and also the

things around me”. He often relies on interaction with nature by doing things like gazing upon a bird

on a telephone wire or conversations with music buddies to influence his writing. He still gets

nervous when he performs in front of crowds, but when that happens he envisions himself in another

place and he just lets the music flow!

What’s Next For Marques?

Breaking into the music industry hasn’t come over night for Marques. Marques is very content

just playing his music and he will play it anywhere he is given the chance. He has received a publishing

deal from Universal Publishing London which was like icing on his cake. Later after getting the deal

with Universal, he was put in contact with a representative from Sony Records who has shown interest

in his music. Marques is now perusing a recording deal. Thousands of people continue to admire

Marques Toliver’s music as evidenced on Facebook, Twitter, My Space and his blog

( If you enjoy soulful music you should check out Marques

Toliver’s music.



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Page 9: The Man and the Music

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Page 10: The Man and the Music

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Chelle Davis’ Story By Chelle Davis

am the proud mother of an eight year old daugh-

ter that the doctor said I would not be able to

conceive due to complications from chemotherapy.

She is one of the many miracles that have occurred in

the last 11 years of my life since I was diagnosed with

cancer in my right lung. Before illness struck my life, I

was a professional singer, traveling the world singing

for hundreds and even thousands of people. I was liv-

ing my dream. When I was not traveling I was in the stu-

dio singing on other singers records. Some of those singers include Monica, Cece Winans,

Tamia, Tevin Campbell, Millie Jackson, Diana Ross, and Boney James to name a few.

When I was traveling I got a cough that would not go away. I eventually went to the

doctor and tests were run. It took about a month of tests to diagnose lung cancer. I am not

and never have been a smoker, nor a drinker; but I was exposed to many night clubs with sec-

ond hand smoke. I always worked out and ate right, so just imagine my surprise when I be-

came ill. The doctors said my cancer was 75% curable so I was hopeful and wanted to get

started with chemotherapy. I got my first dose of chemo and every major organ in my body

shut down. The thing about chemo is that doctors never know how much to give you, so you

become their “guinea pig” in a sense. After all my organs started to fail, I was in a coma and

my blood was poisoned by the chemo. I was swollen and looked like I weighed about 300

pounds. This was a dramatic change, since I have always been petite. My family was ad-

vised to take me off life support because they were told I was suffering. Six months before,

we had buried my father. He had died of a heart attack.

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No More Chains Binding Me

He also was on life support until the very end. His heart gave out and he passed away. My

sister decided that she would give me every chance possible to recover how ever long it took.

I was on every life sustaining drug possible, and still in a coma.

A friend secretly brought my sister a herbal tea to give me. The FDA had not ap-

proved this tea so it was not accepted by the hospital. That is why my family secretly gave it

to me. Little by little I started showing signs of life. The first day I was breathing a little more

on my own. By the second day, my bowels started moving. On the third day I started stir-

ring around in my bed. Each day things just got better and better. I finally opened my eyes

and people were standing over me in awe and crying,. This included people I did not even

know. Strangers, doctors, nurses and even patients were all looking at me like they could

not believe I had come back to life. I was still on life support but doing much better. I said to

the nurse I felt like I had been sleeping a long time and she replied that I had.

The miracle that God pulled me from death back into life was scary for me. I had no

idea that I was so close to death. I as grateful to be alive, but my next question was for how

long? As I said, I was grateful, because I love life, but I was scared because I owed God so

much and did not want to disappoint him. It was a lot to live up to. All I kept thinking was, “If

I could just go home then everything will be okay.”

On September 8, 2000 I left the hospital after almost a six month stay. I remember

getting into the car and not looking back. I was afraid if I looked back that I would be back.

By December 2000 tests proved that cancer was growing again. I was told by the doctors if

I did not go back to chemo that I would be dead by August 2001. I opted for radiation ther-

apy, because I saw the damage that chemo would do. I did 38 days of radiation. It made me

so weak that I almost lost my will to fight to live. In order to eat, I had to take a pain killer be-

cause the radiation was making my digestive system feel raw. Raw meaning that it felt like

scraping an open sore every single time I ate. After all the

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Chelle Davis’ Story Conti.

radiation was done, I spent time just recovering from the radiation treatments. During my

hospital stay, I was told I would never be able to have children. The chemotherapy had done

some damage to my body preventing child birth. The month that the doctor predicted I

would die (August 2001) I delivered a healthy baby girl.

Doctors go to school for a long time. They learn a lot of important information, but

some things…like miracles can not be taught or learned. Being a miracle or considered one

was a tall order., but we are all miracles in our own right. I had to get busy living and stop

worrying about how much time I had and treat each day like a gift because that’s surely what

it is! This, what I first considered a tragedy in my life, has in many ways become a blessing to

my life. The dreams you dream for yourself God can make them much bigger and better. I

am many more things than the singer I thought I was. I AM CANCER FREE! I have

also become a model and a writer: I write songs, poetry and articles. You are reading my

first assignment and another miracle in my life. I am no longer living in fear because that is not

of God. I am living, I am fighting, I am loving, I am breathing, I am laughing and trusting…..God!

Chelle Davis found the courage to tell her story. If this story has been an inspiration to you

please let us know. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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More Than Conquerors (continued from page 5)

Often, life’s challenges can seem like a death sentence. The struggle of the circumstance can

deplete our physical, emotional and spiritual strength. The great thing is that God is still in complete

control and always has our best interest at heart. Financing for this was not completely covered by

Lisa’s insurance, however it was the spirit of God that moved the hearts of others to take care of Lisa’s

overall expenses and spiritual needs. First, Dr. Kirk made a phone call to the National Institute of Cancer

and arranged for Lisa to be a patient. He created a protocol to determine that this treatment would be a

critical research trial for lymphoma. Lisa would be identified as a transplant patient with cancer. With

this in place, she would not be responsible for treatment expenses. Additionally, there was an expense

for her mom to take a leave from her job and travel to Washington D.C. from Atlanta. However, through

the kind efforts of her employer and church family, Lisa’s mother was able to travel to Washington, D.C.

and spend to spend several weeks with her daughter. Finally, the effects of chemotherapy caused hair

loss, appetite loss, and severe weight loss. Even Lisa’s efforts in prayer were difficult from time to time.

In the midst of this painful place, God moved and encouraged her through the many cards, phone calls

and visits. In fact, Lisa was inundated with so many cards that her hospital room was renamed as the

Hallmark room. One night, Lisa experienced a spiritual breakthrough. She determined that the fear of

death was really a ploy of the enemy and the only way to counteract such a fear was to have an atti-

tude of trust. She believed that God’s plan for healing could be manifested in many ways. Lisa reflected

on the Romans 8:37-39, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor future,

nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us

from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord”. This passage gave Lisa the support, confidence

and courage to face that God’s ultimate plan would be for her good. She experienced a revised attitude

of gratitude, knowing that her illness would positively impact others and God’s overall mission. By Feb-

ruary of 2005, Lisa had undergone 2 rounds of chemotherapy. Her doctors conducted a bone marrow

test to determine how much cancer still remained in the body. To their surprise the tests revealed that

there was not a trace of cancer in her body. The bone marrow test was repeated and the same results

were rendered. To be certain, her doctors ordered another round of chemotherapy and discontinued the

remaining treatment rounds. Her total hospital stay was for 8 months after which she returned to At-

lanta. In those months and the next couple of years, Lisa gradually progressed. Unfortunately, she was

unable to maintain the transplanted pancreas and kidney. Due to the aggressive form of chemotherapy,

these two organs were rejected by the body. This meant that though Lisa was in remission she needed

dialysis 3 days a week and would have to be listed again for a kidney donation.

Lisa believes that her struggle has opened the door to minister to cancer survivors and their

care-takers. Soon after her returned to Atlanta, Lisa partnered with a church member to begin a cancer

support ministry at her church. The mission of this organization is to support cancer survivors and their

caretakers in the church and in local health facilities. This ministry has transformed the lives of many

and given hope to the discouraged. God really heals our broken situations in the most creative ways.

Yes, we are more than conquerors through God who loves us.

Page 14: The Man and the Music

Tameka Bonner of Douglasville, Georgia was inspired to

pull her business plan off the shelf after seeing the first issue of


Sheila Smith of Atlanta, Georgia was inspired to activate her webpage

and move forward with her non-profit. It only took her a moment to be inspired!

To Order Call: 404.667.6812 Page 14

Who’s Been Inspired?

An Event Planning Firm in the Washington DC Area

Wedding~ Social Events ~ Corporate Events ~ We do it all!

Annise Carter of College Park, Georgia found inspiration in the start of I’M Magazine. She

watched the vision become a reality in the matter of a few weeks. This gave her the inspira-

tion to stop procrastinating and start putting things into action when opportunities are pre-


Page 15: The Man and the Music

Inspirational Moments Magazine Page 15

Nova Middle School Fort Lauderdale, Florida

(In Honor of Mechelle Spencer Davis)

Page 16: The Man and the Music

Phone: 404.667.6812

Web Address:

P.O. Box 366092

Atlanta, Georgia 30036

Inspirational Moments

Prepared by MagCloud for Jennifer M. Hudson. Get more at