the magnetocrystalline anisotropy of w- type hexagonal ferrites

1227 THE MAGNETOCRYSTALLINE ANISOTROPY OF W-TYPE HEXAGONAL FERRITE5 Y.Xu, G,L.Yang, H. Cai, H.R.Zhai ABSTRACT Single ion anisotropy of Fe3' ions at each site of the 7 sublattices 2d, 4e, 4f~, 4fv1, 68, 12k, and 4f in t h e ferrite Zn2W has been calculated by crystal field theory using point charge approximation. As expected, the results show that the contributions of different sites are different which may be positive or negative. This model can explain the experimental results of subs- tituted W-type ferrites. I. INTRODUCTION W-type f e r r i t e is a kind of hexagonal ferrites with its chemicalformula as BaM2Fe16027, i n which M repre- sents a di-valentmetalion. It has an abbreviation as M2W. For example, when M is Zn or Fe, theabbreviation is Zn2W or Fe2W. The generalproperties and thestruc- tures of W-type ferri-tes can be found in the famous book written by smit and wijn[l]. W-type hexagonal ferrito is a new candidate for oxide permanent magnet with mag- netization higher than M-type f e r r i t e . It has been re- ported that permanent magnet using Fe W type ferrites has been 'made with (BH),=3.7-4.3 x 10 GOe[2]. A number ofinvestigations on Zn2W have been conducted. !The measured value of magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant of ZnzW at O°K is K1=6.74 cm-l/molecule while its calcu- lated value due to classical dipole interaction is K,&=-0.26 cm-1/molecule[3]. Thus the magnetic anisofr- opy constant K =7.0cm-'/molecule from other origin should exist. ?t is considered to be from single ion mechanism. The e f f e c t of ion substitution on the pro- perties of Zn2W has been studied by G.Albanese et a1.[41 They find that for BaZnZFe16xMex027, where Me represen- ts Al, Ga, I n and Sc non-magnetic ions, different kinds of ions have different influence on the magnetocrystl- line anisotropy. They a r e a) for Ga3+, Kl increases slightly with x at first and than decreases gradually; b) for A13', as x is small, the change of X, is not evidentwhilewith x%, K1 increases notably; and c) for l 0 1 A I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~ Fig. 1 X, vs. x f o r BaZn2Fe,6_xMex027 at O°K with Me=Al, Ga, In and Sc. Manuscript received March 23, 1984. The aurthors are with the Institute of Solid State Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. The work was supported by the science foundation of the Academy of Sciences of China. 1n3' and Sc3', even small substitution leads to rapid decrease of KI. Fig. 1 shows the concentration depen- dence of K1 evaluated from the experimental results[4). They also gave the preference sites occupation of Ga,Al, In and Sc ions in Zn2W crystal. So f a r there has been no explanation in the literature for these observations. A possible explanation, in our opinion, is that since there are 7 different inequivalent lattice sites for Fe3' i n Zn2W with different local environments, Fe3' i o n s i n d i f f e r e n t sites may give different contributions to anisotropy which may be positive as well as negative with various absolute values. The substitutionof Fe3+ in different sites by various kinds of non-magnetic ions may be the reason of different appearance of concentra- tion dependence of K, shown in the above figure. To verify this assumption we carried out theoretical calcu- lations of single ion anisotropy of Fe3+ ions in the seven lattice sites in Zn2W by crystal field theory udngpointchargeapproximation. Our results show the validity of this assumption and the model. can explain the above experimental facts qualitatively. 11. METHOD OF CALCULATION Neglectingthespin-crbitcoupling,theHamiltonian of Fe3+ ion system can be expressed as H=Ho+IIc (7) where Ho is the Hamiltonian of free ion without spin- orbit coupling and He is the crystal field potential. Expressions for Ho and Hc are: The coefficients in He were calculated using point charge model according to the data of crystal structure of Zn2W measured by P.B.Broun[5]. The e l e c t r o n configuration of FeSf is 3d5. The first order perturbation of He does not lead to split- ting of spectral terms. Thus we have to perform the calculation of secondorderperturbation, which is equi- valent to diagonalizing & simul.taneously.Since these two terms do not include operator of electron spin, the calculation of diagonalization may be carried out separately with respect to the spectral terms of Fe3.t 'on with the ame m u l t i p l i c i t y . In our calculation only 'G,%,4D and f F terms were retained. The doublet terms with higher energy, 2I etc, we're neglected. energy of these four terms (considering 6s as zero) are: 4G=32b00 em", 4F=35100 cm-' , 'D=38500 em", 4F=52100 em-', respectively. Rased on Slaterradial wave function we have<r2>=9.03 x lO-17cm2, (r4>=1.311 x 10-~~cmL. Hence we determined the energy levels of S=3/2 terms of Fe3f ions and their wave functions at various sites. According to the data from optical spectrum, the The magnetocrystalline an' sotropy depends on the bined effect of crystal field and spin-orbit interac- tions. The ground state 6S is anorDitalslnglestate. The first order perturbation of Hsl does not lead to splitting of the ground state t, S of Fe3' under the com- removal of spin degeneracy and thus second order pertu- 0018-9464/84/0900-1227%01.0001984 IEEE

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Page 1: The magnetocrystalline anisotropy of W- type hexagonal ferrites



Y.Xu, G,L.Yang, H. Cai, H.R.Zhai


Single ion anisotropy of Fe3' i o n s a t each site of the 7 s u b l a t t i c e s 2d, 4e, 4 f ~ , 4fv1, 68, 12k, and 4f i n t h e f e r r i t e Zn2W has been calculated by c r y s t a l f i e l d

theory using point charge approximation. As expected, t h e r e s u l t s show tha t t he con t r ibu t ions o f d i f f e ren t s i t e s a r e d i f f e r e n t which may be pos i t ive o r negative. This model can explain the experimental results of subs- t i t u t e d W-type f e r r i t e s .


W-type f e r r i t e i s a kind of hexagonal ferri tes with i t s chemical formula as BaM2Fe16027, i n which M repre-

sen ts a di-valent metal ion. I t has an abbrevia t ion as M2W. For example, when M i s Zn o r Fe, the abbreviat ion

i s Zn2W o r Fe2W. The general propert ies and the struc-

tu res o f W-type f e r r i - t e s can be found i n t h e famous book wr i t ten by smit and wijn[l]. W-type hexagonal f e r r i t o i s a new candidate for oxide permanent magnet with mag- net izat ion higher than M-type f e r r i t e . I t has been re- ported that permanent magnet using Fe W t y p e f e r r i t e s has been 'made with (BH),=3.7-4.3 x 10 GOe[2]. A number of invest igat ions on Zn2W have been conducted. !The

measured value of magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant of ZnzW a t O°K i s K1=6.74 cm-l/molecule while i t s calcu-

la ted va lue due to c l a s s i ca l d ipo le i n t e rac t ion i s K,&=-0.26 cm-1/molecule[3]. Thus the magnetic anisofr-

opy constant K =7.0cm-'/molecule from o the r o r ig in should exist. ?t i s considered to be from s ing le i on mechanism. The e f f ec t o f i on subs t i t u t ion on the pro- p e r t i e s o f Zn2W has been studied by G.Albanese e t a1.[41

They f i n d t h a t f o r BaZnZFe16xMex027, where Me represen-

ts Al, Ga, I n and Sc non-magnetic i ons , d i f f e ren t k inds o f i ons have d i f f e ren t i n f luence on the magnetocrystl- l ine an iso t ropy . They a r e a ) f o r Ga3+, Kl increases

s l igh t ly wi th x a t first and than decreases gradually; b) f o r A13', as x i s small, the change o f X, i s not evident while with x%, K1 increases notably; and c) f o r

l 0 1 A


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~

Fig. 1 X, vs. x f o r BaZn2Fe,6_xMex027 a t O°K with Me=Al, Ga, I n and Sc.

Manuscript received March 23, 1984. The aur thors a re wi th the Ins t i tu te of Solid State

Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. The work was supported by the science foundation of the Academy of Sciences of China.

1n3' and Sc3', even small subs t i t u t ion l eads t o r ap id decrease of KI. Fig. 1 shows the concentration depen- dence of K1 evaluated from the experimental results[4). They a l so gave the preference s i tes occupat ion of Ga,Al, I n and Sc i o n s i n Zn2W crys ta l . So f a r t h e r e h a s been no explana t ion in the l i t e ra ture for these observa t ions . A possible explanat ion, in our opinion, i s tha t s ince t h e r e a r e 7 d i f f e r e n t i n e q u i v a l e n t l a t t i c e s i t e s f o r

Fe3' i n Zn2W with different local environments , Fe3'

i o n s i n d i f f e r e n t s i t e s may g ive d i f fe ren t cont r ibu t ions to anisotropy which may be p o s i t i v e as well as negat ive with various absolute values. The subs t i t u t ion o f Fe3+ i n d i f f e r e n t s i t e s by var ious kinds of non-magnetic i o n s may be the reason of different appearance of concentra- t i o n dependence of K, shown i n t h e above f igure. To ver i fy this assumption we car r ied ou t theore t ica l ca lcu- la t ions o f s ing le ion an iso t ropy of Fe3+ i o n s i n t h e seven l a t t i c e sites i n Zn2W by c r y s t a l f i e l d t h e o r y

udng point charge approximation. Our r e s u l t s show the validity of this assumption and the model. can explain the above experimental facts quali tatively.


Neglecting the spin-crbit coupling, the Hamiltonian

of Fe3+ i o n system can be expressed as H=Ho+IIc (7)

where Ho i s the Hamiltonian of free ion without spin- orbi t coupl ing and H e i s t h e c r y s t a l f i e l d p o t e n t i a l . Expressions for Ho and Hc are:

The c o e f f i c i e n t s i n He were calculated using point charge model accord ing to the da ta o f c rys ta l s t ruc ture of Zn2W measured by P.B.Broun[5].

The electron configurat ion o f FeSf i s 3d5. The f i rs t order per turba t ion of H e does no t l ead t o sp l i t - t ing of spectral terms. Thus we have to perform the ca lcu la t ion of second order perturbation, which i s equi- va len t to d iagonal iz ing & simul.taneously. Since these two terms do not include operator of e lectron spin, the ca lcu la t ion of d iagonal iza t ion may be car r ied ou t separately with respect to the spectral terms of Fe3.t 'on with the ame mul t ip l ic i ty . In our ca lcu la t ion on ly 'G ,%,4D and f F terms were retained. The doublet terms with higher energy, 2I e t c , we're neglected.

energy of these four terms (considering 6s as zero) are: 4G=32b00 em", 4F=35100 cm-' , 'D=38500 em", 4F=52100 em-', respect ively. Rased on S l a t e r r a d i a l wave funct ion we have<r2>=9.03 x lO-17cm2, (r4>=1.311 x 10-~~cmL. Hence we determined the energy levels of S=3/2 terms o f Fe3f i o n s and t h e i r wave func t ions a t var ious sites.

According to t he da t a from o p t i c a l spectrum, the

The magnetocrystalline an' sotropy depends on the

b i n e d e f f e c t o f c r y s t a l f i e l d and spin-orbi t in terac- t ions. The ground s t a t e 6S i s an o rDi t a l s lng le s t a t e . The f i rs t order per turba t ion of Hsl does not lead to

s p l i t t i n g o f t h e ground state t, S of Fe3' under the com-

removal of spin degeneracy and thus second order pertu-

0018-9464/84/0900-1227%01.0001984 IEEE

Page 2: The magnetocrystalline anisotropy of W- type hexagonal ferrites


bation modification was considered. The energy modifica- t i o n by second order per turbat ion was determined by the following 6x6 matrix: 2 <%,&I HslI %,sA)<$&l %I I%,@> d 5.L LEX65 ) - €4

where E i corresponds to the energy levels of the four terms 'G, %, %, 'F a f t e r c r y s t a l f i e l d s p l i t t i n g , w i t h t h e i r wave functions and X, g=f1/2, i3/2, f5/2.

In case tha t on ly the e f fec t o f neares t ne ighbors i s con-

of the seven s i tes for Fe3f. Taking t h e axis o f three- sidered, an axis of three-fold symmetry e x i s t s i n e v e r y

fo ld ax is as Z-axis, the above matrix diagonalizes auto- mat ical ly , and the energy modification of second order perturbation simply equals:

i, si,

Now the s p l i t t i n g o f ground s t a t e can be described by the spin Hamiltonian:

Hs=DSz 2 (5)

i n which D=1/4[E( Sz=5/2)-E( Sz=3/2)] and the magnetocrys- ta l l ine anisotropy constant of a s ingle Fe3+ i o n a t O'K i s K1=-5D.

<pi, s~ I Hsl 1 %SYSz> can be car r ied ou t in the represen-

ta t ion with Slater determinant as i t s base. For conve- nience the HS1 i s expressed as:

The calcul t ion of the matrix element

<%(Mz=l,Sz=1/2)[ H s l ( 6 S ( S z = 3 / 2 ) > = - . 3 ( f i ) 2 ~

and so on.

take <3(r)> =440 em-' (experimental value) in the ca lcu- l a t i o n .

According t o Fuchikami[6] and o u r own work[71 we


Our resu l t s o f ca lcu la t ion a re l i s t as fol lows:

S i t e s hf 12k 6g l+f 4.f 4e 2d 4.07

cm-I 0.29 -0.39 -0.18 -0.02 -0.27 0.21 4.85 K1

cm-I 0.06 -0.18 -0.02 -0.21 -0.24 -0.19

the upper row re fe r s t o t he r e su l t s on ly cons ide r ing t he effect of nearest neighboring 02- i o n s i n c r y s t a l f i e l d ca lcu la t ion and i n t h e lower row the ca lcu la ted resu l t s considering further the next nearer neighboring metal i o n s a r e shown. Among the next neighbors o f the three s i t e s 6g, 12k and 4f, there are Zn2+ ions. With the supposition of random d i s t r ibu t ion o f Znzt i o n s i n t h e two t e t r a h e d r a l s i t e s 4e and 4fiV, we ca l cu la t ed t he e f f ec t of a l l the poss ib le d i s t r ibu t ion of ZnZt and found l i t t l e difference. Therefore we took the d i f fe ren t d i s t r ibu t ions as equal probabi l i ty and made the average. In the case of including the next nearer neighbors z-axis i s s t i l l approximately three-fold symmetrical.

of 2d and 4f s i t e s t o an i so t ropy a r e pos i t i ve and the rest s i tes give negat ive Contr ibut ions. Only the calcu- la ted value of 4e s i t e s changes sign when d i f f e r e n t l a y e r s of neighboring ions are considered. The contr ibut ion of 2d s i t e i s h igher than tha t o f the o ther s i tes by one order of magnitude. However, the number of ions of the o t h e r s i t e s p e r u n i t c e l l i s larger than tha t o f 2d. Thus the e f f ec t o f t he o the r s i t e s canno t be neglected. This

Our ca lcu la t ed r e su l t s show tha t the cont r ibu t ions

i s ju s t s imi l a r t o t he ca l cu la t ed r e su l t s fo r M-type hexagonal f e r r i t e s done by usI73. Our recent calcula- t ion of the anisotropy o f C02t i o n s u b s t i t u t i n g i n t h e 12k s i t e i n BaM gave a very large negative value as ob- t a i n e d i n a number o f experiments. The d e t a i l s a r e t o be published elsewhere.

With our t heo re t i ca l r e su l t s we can tentatively ex- plain the experimental results obtained in[&]. (a) Acco- rding to the analysis of Albanese 141, In3' and Sc3+ ions e n t e r mainly i n t o 2d and 4f s i t e s . The contr ibut ions of Fe3+ i n these two s i t e s a r e p o s i t i v e w i t h a very la rge va lue for 2d s i te . Tnis may be the reason why K1 decreases rapidly with increasing concentration of subs- t i t u t i o n o f In3' and Sc3+. (b) For A13+, when the subs- t i t u t i o n o f x<5, Al3+ i ons en t e r mainly i n t o 6g and 4f s i t e s and then to 1%. Owing to the compensation effect of 6g and 4f s i t e s (when they are occupied by non-magne- t i c A13+ ions) the value of K 1 changes very l i t t l e when x<3 and then K 1 increases gradually with x. Around 4<x<6, K1 increases conspicuously and reaches a maximum, which may be accounted for by the occupation of A13' i n 1% where the contr ibut ion of Fe3' i o n i s r e l a t i v e l y l a r g e anti negative. The decrease of K1 upon fur ther in - crease of x can be explained when a fur ther information about the d i s t r ibu t ion of Al3+ i o n s f o r l a r g e x i s avai- l a b l e . ( e ) Ga3+ i o n s a r e s a i d t o d i s t r i b u t e randomly among the oc t ahedra l s i t e s and the probabili ty of ente- r i n g 2d s i t e i s small when x<5. According t o o u r r e s u l t s the contr ibut ions of Fe3+ i o n s i n a l l o c t a h e d r a a r e ne- gative except that i n hf , which may expla in the s l igh t increase of K1 f o r small x. When x35, the p robabi l i ty f o r Ga3' t o occupy 2d s i t e i n c r e a s e s and thus the value of K1 decreases with a r e l a t i v e l y l a r g e r a t e .


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