the magic numbers


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Post on 16-May-2015




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Page 1: The Magic Numbers
Page 2: The Magic Numbers

This video is very similar to the one we wish to create in the sense that it uses both real actors and drawn characters. The majority of this video is stop animation- characters drawn to represent their desired meaning. However, there are also real actors in the video, in the sense that there are clips of the band playing their instruments. The stop animation characters play out a narrative. The narrative fits in with the song in the sense that they are both about loss. However, the lyrics to the song are about a love affair- which is not portrayed in the narrative. The clips of the band playing their instruments is typical of a music video in the indie genre.

Page 3: The Magic Numbers

The video begins with close-ups of the two band members in stop animation. This introduces us to the characters in the video and establishes the video as being in stop animation and as being about these two characters. The backgrounds of the two close-ups are different, showing that the two characters are in different environments and originally it seems that they are suggesting a separation between them.

Page 4: The Magic Numbers

In this shot, the bed is unmade, there is a poster on the wall and the floor is littered with records. This gives the room the look of a teenager’s solace and reflects those who the video is aimed at. The majority of those that listen to “The Magic Numbers” are teenagers and so by creating this shot they are appealing to their target audience and are ensuring they can relate to the characters. This shot is done using a medium long shot and so we can see the character and the room they are in.

Page 5: The Magic Numbers

Usually, videos of the indie genre show the band and their instruments. However, this video has taken a different approach by showing the instruments in stop animation and in a different way- such as accidentally dropping the drums down the stairs. This is comical and gives a light feel to the video.

Page 6: The Magic Numbers

The video pictures the characters putting up posters in order to advertise their upcoming show. This is typical of an indie video as it mentions their live performances as a band. The comical value is also present here, as they stick a poster to a mouse’s back.

Page 7: The Magic Numbers

The characters pass an electrical shop on their walk, which shows them performing as a band on the television. This creates contrast between the stop animation and the real band members, emphasised by the close up used of the singer’s face on the television. This is also a good way to lead into the next clip- of the band playing their instruments.

Page 8: The Magic Numbers

When we see clips of the band playing their instruments, the background is plain white. This ensures that we focus solely on the band and their music as they play. We are shown close-ups of the band members whilst they play. This provides a sort of intimacy and we begin to feel as if we know the band members a bit better.

Page 9: The Magic Numbers

After the clips of the band playing their instruments, the video takes a different turn. Instead of the optimism of the first half of the video, this half shows their posters being ruined/covered by other band posters. This saddens the atmosphere of the video slightly and also fits in with the idea of loss, suggested in the title. The image of

the rat is used again for comic relief, but is a sadder image this time as the poster of the band has been replaced by another poster. All the shots used here are medium shots in order to establish what is happening within the frame.

Page 10: The Magic Numbers

Comedy is used throughout the video. For example, this shot of a fish with The Magic Number’s poster on it is being eaten by a larger fish with a different band poster on it. We can also refer to the comedy of the mouse used twice in the video, and the bullfighter using the band’s poster to entice the bull. This adds comic relief and gives the video a positive feel to it- making the viewer laugh.

Page 11: The Magic Numbers

The video ends in a happy atmosphere. Despite the posters being ruined and replaced, the video ends with the band with a select group of fans. This video seems to praise their supportive fans and thank them for their loyalty, despite the introduction of other bands.

The majority of shots used in this video are long shots and medium shots as these are the best shots to use in order to establish what is happening and what we are viewing. Close-ups are used in the video in order to create an intimacy and so we can relate to the band.