the m. a. c. record. - michigan state...

The M. A. C. RECORD. YOLo 17. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. J\ 'o classes Oil flit 22.1. "Y. Ferris, pre sident of the Ferris Ins titutc t Bi g Rapi ds, will spea k i ll the arm ory ThufSd:1Y morning :11 ten o'cloc k. Hi s sub- ject will be '- Democracy." :Ind we can he assI1rct1 of the "right sort" fr om 1",Ir. Ferris. T hose who h;1\'C nev er hea rd Mr. F er ris cannot af· ford to mi ss this opportun i ty; those ,y ho hea rd him wou ld not t hink of miss ing it. The college b;\nd will furnish music for the occasion . MINNEAPOLIS ASSOCIATION. An M. A. C. Organiz ation iD the Twin Citi es Anticipated. T he ;-'1. A. C. nlu1llni in :ltld nc;]r the T win C ities w in together" at tbe \Y es t 1I 0td, }.! il111 ., on F eb. :q . Th ere will, of cou rse, be a dill- ncr) alIt! an "ttempt will .he made to form :l l\orthwcst:\1. A. C. Alumni Association . It is sincerely hoped lh:ll every alumnus in the li eiui t}' of these cities will be on ha ml :llld will 2:ire this mon,ment t he needed support. :\\. J. D orsey, '06, has Sent onl the call nlltl t he re is ill Ihe neighhor- hood of ..l5 or 30 alunlni \\'hoshould find it poss i ble to he present. BASKET BALL. HOPE WEDNESDAY - DETR01T " Y" SATURDAY. T his I, 'c l·k will mark rll(' closing of b,ISkl·t hall un thc hOllle !loo r. The winning" of the ::;ames will ,·i Illa lly l!il'e :\1. .t\ . C. the ch ampion. ship of the "t ,l t(·. If the kam i", to will Ihese t\\"o of the hardest g:ulles of the se :l son, the}" will need ou r nest support . L et .... COllle out ,md SCI: the last and best of thc se aSOll . Il opc won in the recent contcst by one point, :lnd tllis is s uni ciellt evi- dence th,lt th e t eams arc even!y Ill;ltch.ct\ . Th e game will be called at :30 vV ednesda y aftern oo n. T he gnrnc with Detroit Y :It S o'clock promisl's to be II winne r. The y ha\ 'e one of the strongest ag).!"regations in th e state, :lnu the contest w ill he fa"t and exciling. A cI,lss gHme will be played at 7 ns a p r elimimlry. :\1. A. C. wa ll over Alllla Friday, th e £inal sco re being 37 to 15. T he WIIS ;t some wh at rough an d tumble affair. \':ltz (,byed an except i onally strong ga me at for ward, :mel Spcnce r alld Goss halldled t he g uard positions finely. T he bo .... s wer e obli ged 10 remain o ve r ni ght, ami did not r each home ulltil 12 ;00 Satufl!ay. J. 1" . Nellist , o f G rllllci Rapid s, will speak at the Ha n. Club tonight 011 "Farming Unde r Glass." MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. EAST MIC HlG A ... '\, FEHRl'A HY W, CHICAGO MEETING. LEWI S FEB, 24. Pres . Gco rg-e E. Sim mo ns and Sec. J. E. I'oo le ;ltillOUllee that the 191:! Chi cago i\l. A. C. r eunion will be held Sall1rdny, F eb . :!4 , at the Lewis In stitute, 1955 \V. 1\la di· SO li =:it. Dillll ('r at 6 :30, and t he m:H1agt'lIIcn ! prom ise th e "club plan." Replies to inquiries "e nl out indio cate that the re wi ll be a r ecord un'lIking altend<lllcc - sO IlH:where in the neighborhood of 100 p('ople . T he C hic:l go alumni in tend to prOI ide entc rt:linill e nt in Ihe !;peech line hy talent fr OIll 1\1. A. C. Dr . \-\1. O. Il ed r ick, 1\1ayor Guns on, Prof. F. S. Ked zil', Pres. and the dea ns ;Are :llll on;; those who hal-e heen solic it ed, and It rousing j!ooll time is a ll who comc . The dinner will be at 6 :30 p. Ill. ; speakillg' at S :00; {\;tilting fronl 9 to E ve r yone, who h;lS in ;lily \\ ay ever been C OlHl eeled with the col· leg(', a mi who can possibly g:ct to Chica;;u for th(' mecting', will be warml}' w..,ko rned, supplil:d with :1 bou ntifu l llilllll'r. ,ll1d will rceeil e inspiration which will last th r ough. out the whole year . Adllress all COlllmunicat ions to P hilip B. \\ 'oodworth, 1955 \\ '. )/ ndisoll St .. Chic:tgo. ATTENTION, MICHIGANDERS I T he powe rs tl1at bc h:IVC set the evening: of :\l:l rch H, t91 2, for the sixth anrlu:tllove fea st of Ihe New Eng:l:md :lssociation of I he :\1 ich i- g-an .\ g-ricultllr:11 Collcg:e alum ni. This da te most available, since the :\ 'l'II' Enghmd co nfercnce on rUfOI1 prog: resS will ue bcld the evcning of nLtrch j :lml Ihe for noon of .i\lareh S. This usu:llIy takes many of the bo}'s to Bosto n, !lnd, as on forme r oC"::lsiollS, it :I P' pears t he most likeh " timC" fur our b:mquel. . An urgelll rC(Juest h as hee l) sent in 10 the effect thaI \\ '. O. H edrick be with us at this annual Ilin ll er. \V hile we calln ot promise this add tional in ecnti\'e for you r a ltelldallce, we arc confident it will bc iime well spent, cve ll t ho u gh we :Ire 1I0t s ucessful in having Professor lI e r ick with li S. T he ba nq uet will prob:,bl}' be held at Uell enlC H otd, ne ar the st ate ;\lId the di l lller is to cost :Ihollt $t. :! 5 pef plate. P lease advise at once if VOIl c:ln be with us, and whether may COllll t lipan one, two o r Illore. Do yo u know :my !lew :\1. A. C. 'men who arc. in Ne w England? If so, plc;lsc ad VIse the secretary, G. C. S£\'1';\", Spri ng field, :\fa ss . Car e o f /Vew Eugland i-/ olll estead. \V ,\ STE IJ- Rooms for "2 00 pe 50115 d uring ro und.up week ) fo' eb . 27- :\lar . J. II ALUMNIJ '74- Donald .:\lacplll'rsol1, :l !\ o rney·nt· law in \\"<l shing-ton . O. C .. wr ites an i.l c knowle(lgcmel\t upun receipt of his c opy of the aluJllni c;ltllloglie. li e speaks illt crl·s t ingl.r of his work in the capita! c it y, :lIul conce rning the old schuol a{lds ; '·1 :tIll extrcmely gratified with th e high positiun till" {"oliege h:ls a tt :1in l'( I, hath i ll Sii:l' :tnd qualit}". She !lOll" Ie:L{I!; all the r es t as an instit uti oll cll,g':t:.::ed i ll ag'rieu ]lUn :, ho rti cu lture, and al! thc arls and seiellCes hclpfulthe r cto . ·Sl. \\ ', :-). Oel:1I10, of Sl.'U .. ac knowlcdg-cs n.'ccipt of the :IIUlllni c atalog, alld adds the folluwing" : " :\1. A. C. mCI! :Ire d oing' their part hl're in for the ad· v:tn(Cemcnt o f those who lile il! the open count ry, :I S 11' (,11 :15 in tho.' up· builtiillg" of the St:lle. Dr. Bes;;c\ ' and lll)'sclf werc hOllor ed hr Oll'r execu ti ve with on the Lra s kn Rnral Life Commissioll, which now i" the cC lllnl] fig-u re in this mOI'emellt for bettc r farm life conditio/Js. .A s ch:lirlllall of 1 hI.' :tg'rinllluf;11 SdIOO]S sel,tion, the doctor thinks thaI he has the proh· 1t'1lI of gre:l\est ill1rieaCl allt! unlim- itl.'d houn(\:lrics that ever o f· fered him for solulion . 1 \: \(1 if Dr. Bessey can evolve an elemc ll t:l1 system of agricl1Itur,l1 edu c:ltioll th;lt will st'lIld tlte tests of experiencc and keep Ihc ml'n alltl women of the fulure h"ppy 011 the farm, il wi]1 nOl detr:lct f rom his )::re:)( n'p\!· tat ion. In fa ct i t' wi ll kel'p his Tlll'mory fre she r thall his IIOI)(krhd work :lS a hotllllist. " The write r is ;11;;0 :1 me m ber of t his sectio n, ami Ol'al\ BU rl lI.'tI i", :11\ :Itlv ison' mem be r. T heil. let· ter he:;d will sh o\\" you that the 1.'0 uHnissioll thoug-ht tha t Delano could handle the t ax problem, amI of course Oel UIlO is SlI re that he b:ls the pr ohlem of Inr;.:-t' st potentiali. t ics ." '93· :\lr s. D:lisy Coffen, fOrlllerlv principal of the L Og:lll tjl. ma rr ie(l, ahOllt th e mid dle of .I :wu:lry. ill Los Ang...!es, to )'Ir. Bryo n Hal! a re:1 1 tst:.te df.':llcr of th at c it y. ,I nd )Irs . 1l:L 1I :Ire now 0 11 ::tll exte lld ed trip through l\'lexico, whe re the gr oom h:ls busi· ncss int e rest:; . 'O J. In the im plelll(,lIt of Feb. is a pi ct ur e of II. R. Beckwith , Jr . SOil of o ur '07, man, who is shaWl! pu shing :l lIlinbturl' plow. T he roung Illall is s aid 10 shOll", ,01 a verr tende r :I ge, a )Je niu s for the plow bu siness , following- in the foots t eps of his illuSlrio us f:tther, wh o is gen e ral salesm an with the Ol iv er Chille(1 Plow Cu. . with he:ldqua r te rs at lIarri sbu r g, P a. Fletche r A. Gould h :l s vl.'en en, li S teacher? f cil'il cngiln'l.'r. Illg at Co r nllhs, Oregon, SIUC!.' '09. Hi s wo rk has bee n topo. :\0. '2 1 graphical dr awillg, railroad cng i. nec ri ug, roof s ::tnd bridg"es, and plauc Ilc h:ls also done conside r ahle work for Ihe l'o!lege, such as 1:lying out wulks and drives, the college farm, dc., :I\](] making map" :Ind eha rt s of saml'. 'oS. \V .. \/. Rider, fo r two )ears head of the (lepartll! cllt of animlll hus· h,lmlry and d:lin'ilw in \V illon;l (Ind.l. l;rts"'reCeUll\' hn'n e1ccted by the buard of tru"ices to the position of lice presidel1t of the f,leult} . The li r st numher of TI'l' IVi ll(ma F,"'lIlcr, of whio.:h H iller is cllitor. i f: at ham!, ,lIld is :t v(' ry nil'ely :;.:-otlen up shel.'t. ?l1r, Rider is assistl'd by :1 ,. taff co mposed I.'n · tirely of Among the con· trihutions notell on l' all "The \"alu c of a l ' r:Ll'til':d Knowledg-e of Plalll Di seas{''', hy Ikrt \\ '. Keith, '1 I, of the lion. Ucpt. of Ih;l\ insti· tution. 'oS. \\ ' hm :1Il . \1. A. C. {'U,::iUCl'f is ;Ihle to do i" niedy "hollll by :l ]l:u nphkt posted 011 the cn;.:-ineerillU' hulletin hO:lnl. The jl'lI11phlct full of illustrations of immcn51.' steel :lI1rl COllc r c1l' liuilding: ... Illany of t hell\ in pruCl'''", of COIIStrtlc li o ll. Thc I.'lwinerT 011 these hi" jl,hs wus nOlle thai' E. S. of ·os. :\Ir. :\!artill is the elLsk f ll rep' rC!:'('I!l:uin' of .:'Ilr. C .. \. I '. Turtle,-, tht: mu shroom co ncrete mali of :\Iinllcapolis. :\lillll. II i." "ddress is i3 . \I e .. Sl 'W Y ork. w. .\. L. Camphell, who rnelltly \i",itetl C()lIe;!e friends, hai' just heen prumotl.'d 10 tIle stlpl·rinten. de ll l.'\· of the I Sou :Icrl.' r:ludl at . \ ral;:l110c , \ \ . I 0 ., he ba<; llcted :IS a"siSl:illt 'Ihe 'car. The place lIas made l' aC:lIlt f,.\ the resig' nation of .\Ir. :\lc:\ l illall. Ilhu l"OlllI.'S to :\1 ichigan soon to 6pt'n, te :t dairy farm near Grand R :lpids. '10. I. D. :\\a cLachlan sends theen"i. . " llCcrtlll( tlcp:lrtrrwnt a number of ph otog: r:lph ", showing: the pro)(rcss made all the g-o\ernment lock;f at the ":-)00," whel 'e he i .. cnga!-{cd in engineering- work. This is one of Ihe larg-est projects of its kiud in the wo rld, :lll(! .:\fr. has become so thorou;:rhly intcr('!>It:<l in his work th:!t he has ).{iven lip al l Ihought of errtering the ann}" as was his oril:;"inal in((: nti Oll . <0. John Bidwell w rit es fr om S :l cn" . mento, Clll .. of his wo rk <I S an en. g"inecr ill the w cs t. I Ie stalt.'s l hat in SOUle loc alities the question of keepillg the w ate r off \-"III:lble !:In ti is quitc liS pr ohlematic as it i1:i to "ct it upon 01 he r ;::. The cngineer would /-:,0 west Inllst expect to be ma lly miles from r:lilro;lll :ltlll OftiCl'. T he re ar c plenty of wild lands to he surveyed, ran ches a nd f:trms to be 1:lid uUt, ctc ., :lnd there is amp le: opportunity for the man who would t ak e up t his line of work.

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The M. A. C. RECORD. YOLo 17.


J\ 'o classes Oil flit 22.1.

"Y. ~. Ferris, president of the Ferris Institutc

t Bi g Rapids, will

speak i ll the armory ThufSd:1Y morning :11 ten o'cloc k. His sub­ject will be '- Democracy." :Ind we can he assI1rct1 of the "right sort" from 1",Ir. Ferris. T hose who h;1\'C never hea rd Mr. F erris cannot af· ford to miss this opportunity; those ,y ho Ila~'e hea rd him would not think of missing it.

The college b;\nd will furnish music fo r the occasion .


An M. A. C. Organization iD the Twin Cities Anticipated.

T he ;-'1. A. C. nlu1llni in :ltld nc;]r the T win C ities w in "~(·t together" at tbe \Y est 1I 0td, ~Ii n lwapolis,

}.! il111 ., on F eb. :q. There will, o f cou rse, be a dill­

n c r ) alIt! an "ttempt will .he made to form :l l\orthwcst:\1. A. C. Alumni Association. It is sincerely hoped lh:ll every alumnus in the lieiui t}' o f these cities will be o n haml :llld will 2:ire this mon,ment the needed support.

:\\. J. Dorsey, '06, has Sent onl the call nlltl the re is ill Ihe neighhor­hood of ..l5 or 30 alunlni \\'hoshould find it possible to he present.



T his I,'cl·k will mark rll(' closing of b,ISkl· t hall un thc hOllle !loor. The winning" of the ::;ames will ,·i r· Illally l!il'e :\1. .t\ . C. the champion. ship of the " t,l t(·. If the kam i", to will Ihese t\\"o of the hardest g:ulles o f the se:lson, the}" will need ou r nest support . Let e~·eryhod .... COllle out ,md SCI: the last and best of thc seaSOll.

Il opc won in the recent contcst by one point, :lnd t llis is sunic iellt evi­dence th,lt th e teams arc even!y Ill;ltch.ct\ . The game will be called at .~ :30 vV ednesday afternoon.

T he gnrnc with Detroit Y :It S o'clock ~at urd :ly el"l~ l\ing promisl's to be II winner. They ha\' e one of the strongest ag).!"regations in the state, :lnu the contest w ill he fa"t and exciling. A cI,lss gHme will be played at 7 ns a p relimimlry .

.\ J .~I ,\ G,\~IE.

:\1. A. C. w a ll over Alllla Friday, the £inal score being 37 to 15. T he g~Jnle WIIS ;t somewhat rough and tumble affair. \':ltz (,byed an exceptionally strong g ame a t fo r ward, :mel Spcnce r alld G oss halldled the g uard positions finely. T he bo .... s were obliged 10 remain o ver night, ami did no t reach home ulltil 12 ;00 Satufl!ay.

J. 1" . Nellist , of G rllllci Rapid s, will speak at the H a n. Club tonight 011 "Farming Unde r Glass."


EAST L.-\~Sl~G, MICHlG A ... '\, T Uf~;';IJ.\Y , FEHRl'A HY W, l!H~.



Pres. Gcorg-e E . Sim mons and Sec. J. E . I'oole ;ltillOUllee that the 191:! Chicago i\l. A . C. reunion will be held Sall1rdny, F eb. :!4 , at the Lewis Institute, 1955 \V. 1\ladi· SOli =:it. Dillll('r at 6 :30, and the m:H1agt'lIIcn ! prom ise the "club plan." •

R e plies to inquiries "enl out indio cate that the re w ill be a record un'lIking altend<lllcc - sO IlH:where in the neighborhood o f 100 p('ople .

T he C hic:lgo alumni in tend to prOI ide entc rt:linill ent in Ihe !;peech line hy talent frOIll 1\1. A. C . Dr. \-\1. O. I led r ick, 1\1ayor Gunson, Prof. F. S. Ked zil', Pres. ~Ilydcr and the deans ;Are :llll on;; those who hal-e heen solicit ed, and It rousing j!ooll time is promi~ed all who comc.

The dinner will be at 6 :30 p. Ill. ;

speakillg' at S :00; {\;tilting fronl 9 to I~.

E ve ryone, who h;lS in ;lily \\ ay ever been COlHl eeled with the col· leg(', ami who can possibly g:ct to Chica;;u for th(' mecting', will be warml}' w..,ko rned, supplil:d with :1 bou ntiful llilllll' r. ,ll1d will rceeil e inspiration which will last th rough. out the whole year.

Adllress all COlllmunicat ions to P hilip B. \\ 'oodworth, 1955 \\' . )/ ndisoll St .. Chic:tgo.


T he powe rs tl1at bc h:IVC set the evening: of :\l:l rch H, t91 2, for the sixth anrlu:tllove feast of Ihe New Eng:l:md :lssociation of Ihe :\1 ich i­g-an . \ g-ricultllr:11 Collcg:e alum ni.

This date seem~ most available, since the :\'l'II' Enghmd confercnce on rUfOI1 prog: resS will ue bcld the evcning of nLtrch j :lml Ihe fo re· noon of .i\lareh S. This usu:llIy takes many of the bo}'s to Boston, !lnd, as on forme r oC"::lsiollS, it :I P' pears the most likeh" timC" fur our b:mquel. .

An urgelll rC(Juest h as heel) sent in 10 the effect thaI \\ ' . O. H edrick be with us at this annual Ilin ll e r. \V hile we callnot promise th is add i· tional inecnti\'e for you r a ltelldallce, we arc confident it will bc iime w el l spent, cvell though we :Ire 1I0t s uc· cessful in having Professor lI ed· r ick with liS .

T he banq uet will prob:,bl}' be held a t UellenlC H otd, near the s tate hou~c, ;\lId the di llller is to cost :Ihollt $t.:! 5 pef plate.

P lease advise at once if VOIl c:ln be with us, and whether ~'e may COllll t lipan one, two o r Illore.

D o you know :my !lew :\1. A. C. 'men who arc. in New England? If so, plc;lsc ad VIse the secretary,

G. C. S£\'1';\", Spring field, :\fass .

Care o f /Vew Eugland i-/olllestead.

\V ,\ STEIJ-Roo m s for "200 pe r· 50115 d uring round.up week ) fo' eb. 27- :\lar. J.


Donald .:\lacplll'rsol1, :l !\o rney·nt· law in \\"<lshing-ton . O. C .. w rites an i.lcknowle(lgcmel\t upun receipt of his copy of the aluJllni c;ltllloglie. li e speaks illtcrl·s t ingl.r of his work in the cap ita! c it y, :lIul conce rning the old schuol a{lds ; '·1 :tIll extrcmely gratified with the high positiun till" {"oliege h:ls a tt:1inl'( I, hath i ll Sii:l' :tnd qualit}" . She !lOll" Ie:L{I!; all the rest as an instit utioll cll,g':t:.::ed ill ag'rieu ]lUn:, horticulture, and al! thc arls and seiellCes hclpfulthe rcto.


\\' , :-). Oel:1I10, of Li n~·oln. Sl.'U .. acknowlcdg-cs n.'ccipt of the :IIUlllni catalog, alld adds the folluwing" :

" :\1. A . C. mCI! :Ire doing' their part hl're in Sebra~ka for the ad· v:tn(Cemcnt o f those who lile il! the open count ry, :I S 11' (,11 :15 in tho.' up· builtiillg" of the St:lle. Dr. Bes;;c\' and lll)'sclf werc hOllored hr Oll'r execu ti ve with pl:lee~ on the ~c· Lras kn Rnral Life Commissioll, which now i" the cClllnl] fig-u re in this mOI'emellt for bettc r farm life conditio/Js . .A s ch:lirlllall of 1 hI.' :tg'rinllluf;11 SdIOO]S sel,tion, the doctor thinks thaI he has the proh· 1t'1lI of gre:l\est ill1rieaCl allt! unlim­itl.'d houn(\:lrics that \~'as ever o f· fered him for solulion. 1\: \(1 if Dr. Bessey can evolve an elemcll t:l1 system of agricl1Itur,l1 educ:ltioll th;lt will st 'lIld tlte tests of experiencc and keep Ihc ml'n alltl women of the fulure h"ppy 011 the farm, il wi]1 nOl detr:lct f rom his )::re:)( n'p\!· tat ion. In fact it' w ill kel'p his Tlll'mory fre sher thall his IIOI)(krhd work :lS a hotllllist.

" The write r is ;11;;0 :1 me m ber o f this section, ami Ol'al\ BUrllI.'tI i", :11\

:Itlv ison' mem be r. T heil. Ihi.~ let· ter he:;d will sh o\\" you that the 1.'0uHnissioll thoug-ht tha t Delano could handle the tax problem, amI of course OelUIlO is SlI re that he b:ls the p rohlem of Inr;.:-t'st potentiali. t ics."

'93· :\lrs . D:lisy Coffen, fOrlllerlv

principal of the L Og:lll tjl. ~chool:, \\'~IS ma rrie(l, ahOllt th e middle of .I :wu:lry. ill Los Ang...!es, to )'Ir. Bryon Hal! a re:1 1 tst:.te df.':llcr of that city . ~ Ir. ,I nd )Irs. 1l:L1I :Ire now 0 11 ::tll extellded trip through l\'lexico, whe re the g room h:ls busi· ncss inte rest:;.

'OJ. In the implelll(,lIt A~.![c o f Feb.

! ~ is a picture of II. R. Beckwith , Jr. SOil of o ur '07, man, who is shaWl! pushing :l lIlinbturl' plow. T he roung Illall is said 10 shOll", ,01 a verr tende r :Ige, a )Jenius fo r the plow business, following- in the footsteps of h is illuSlrious f:tther, wh o is general salesm an with the Ol iver Chille(1 Plow Cu. . with he:ldqua r te rs at lIarrisbu rg, P a.

Fletche r A. G o uld h :ls vl.'en en, ~lIged li S teacher? f cil'il cngiln'l.'r. Illg at Co rnllhs, Oregon, SIUC!.' '09. His w ork h as been topo.

:\0. '2 1

graphical d rawillg, railroad cngi. necri ug, roofs ::tnd bridg"es, and plauc ~un' t')'illg. Ilc h:ls also done conside rahle work for Ihe l'o!lege, such as 1:lying out wulks and drives, ;;u r vc}'i n~ the college farm, dc., :I\](] making map" :Ind ehart s of saml'.

'oS. \ V .. \/. Rider, fo r two )ears head

of the (lepartll!cllt o f animlll hus· h,lml ry and d:lin'ilw in \V illon;l Culleg~', (Ind.l. l;rts"'reCeUll\' hn'n e1ccted by the buard of tru"ices to the position of lice presidel1t of the f,leult} .

The li rst numher o f TI'l' IVill(ma F,"'lIlcr, of whio.:h I~rof. H iller is cllitor. if: at ham!, ,lIld is :t v(' ry nil'ely :;.:-otlen up shel.'t. ?l1r, Rider is assistl'd by :1 ,. taff composed I.'n · tirely of swdent~. Among the con· trihutions i~ notell onl' all "The \"aluc of a l ' r:Ll'til':d Knowledg-e of Plalll Diseas{''', hy Ikrt \\ ' . Keith, '1 I, of the lion. Ucpt. of Ih;l\ insti· tution.

'oS. \\ ' hm :1Il .\1. A. C. {'U,::iUCl'f is

;Ihle to do i" niedy "hollll by :l

]l:unphkt posted 011 the cn;.:-ineerillU' hulletin hO:lnl. The jl'lI11phlct i~ full of illustrations of immcn51.' steel :lI1rl COllcrc1l' liuilding: ... Illany of thell\ in pruCl'''", of COIIStrtlclio ll. Thc I.'lwinerT 011 these hi" jl,hs wus nOlle o~IH:r thai' E. S. ~[:Irtili, of ·os. :\Ir. :\!artill is the elLsk f ll rep' rC!:'('I!l:uin' of .:'Ilr. C .. \. I '. Turtle,-, tht: mu shroom co ncrete mali of :\Iinllcapol is. :\lillll. II i." "ddress is i3 :\ l ~llh:lt(an . \I e .. Sl'W Y ork.

w. .\. L. Camphell, who rnelltly

\i",itetl C()lIe;!e friends, hai' just heen prumotl.'d 10 tIle stlpl·rinten. dell l.'\· of the I Sou :Icrl.' r:ludl at . \ ral;:l110c, \ \ . I 0 ., wh~'re he ba<; llcted :IS a"siSl:illt 'Ihe p:l~t 'car. The place lIas made l'aC:lIlt f,.\ the resig' nation of .\Ir. :\lc:\ l illall. Ilhu l"OlllI.'S to :\1 ichigan soon to 6pt'n,te :t dairy farm near Grand R :lpids. •


I. D. :\\acLachlan sends theen"i. . " llCcrtlll( tlcp:lrtrrwnt a number of ph otog:r:lph ", showing: the pro)(rcss made all the g-o\ernment lock;f at the ":-)00," whel'e he i .. cnga!-{cd in engineering- work. This is one of Ihe larg-est projects o f its kiud in the w o rld, :lll(! .:\fr. ~f:lc Laehlan has become so thorou;:rhly intcr('!>It:<l in his work th:!t he has ).{iven lip al l Ihought of errtering the ann}" as was his oril:;"inal in((: ntiOll .


John Bidwell w rites f rom S :lcn" . mento, Clll .. of his work <I S an en. g"inecr ill the w cst. I Ie stalt.'s lhat in SOUle localities the question o f keepillg the w ate r off \-"III:lble !:Inti is quitc liS p rohlematic as it i1:i to "ct it upon 01 he r ;::. The cngineer 1\~lO would /-:,0 west Inllst expect to be mally miles from r:lilro;lll :ltlll pos~. OftiCl'. T he re arc plenty of wild lands to he surveyed, ranches a nd f:trms to be 1:lid uUt, ctc., :lnd there is ample: opportunity for the man who would take up this line of work.

The M. A. C. RECORD ~uu, . .. <o . ... ~ .. ,. T U • • OU o u"" O" T'" COCLt " _

U • • • • T .. . ,. 'e"'''''' u n . U."'CULn , " .L CO LLu,e

B . • • r A U I'ICE . M ... . .. , ,,,, Eb ,TO",


Ent"r\l(l IU !eeond.~I"u tU,,1l "'"tt\"r !It """,uilll<. !oUch .

A ddr" .... 1I1l ~"I)!<~'·,pUO"B FInd "<l\'ertl~h\ 1< ""'tter to th .. ~1. A", l{f;{'l'''''. ~~"st LIlli' • lnl{, M kb . .\ddre •• all COlltrlhutlon" to t h e :'l .. "FlJI'lng ~:dltor.

Remit by P. O. :\loll~Y tl,'dU. i'r"n Or R.e ll' l~tere<l l.,·ner . 1", not ~end ~t"!llP8. BII~llIe~~ Ofl\(O~ "" ", l.ol\wrenc" ,t \' ,, "

B llr"n I'rlntllll< 00 .. ~1'~~1~ (;mnd :\,.~. !'o .. Lansln .. . )I!eb.

T UESDAY, FE8RUARY 20, 1912.


:'II r , Coburn, with the Cohu rn Company, playill;':- :"./:lC},dh ill LHIl ­sing F rida~' lIig ht , spoke· in the co! ­lcg-c chapel Frilby ,It 10 :45 to about 300 shl(k'n1S ami friends 011 the '- T he EdlicatiOIl:11 \ "alul· of the Dr:una." The :l\ltln:ss \\-:1;; one o f lhc most pleasill:::: ;lnd illstructi,·e heard at :'I I. A . C. this winler. ami tbe idc:1s presclltc(1 o f the moden l " playhouses" is well wo r th ou r consi,ler:ltiOIl.

i\ [r. Cohurn 5talc(lll1at llw :lu(li" e nce plnYl·l[ about 50 per cent. of all.'· p roduelilHl: therefore tIl\; more appreci;ltivc the audicnee. the mort" perk":: l the actillg: W ;I" SII TC to hI!.

\ \'hell ~ au stcp lip 10 the bo .... and lit'posit ) our mOllt·y thc 111an:lg<.:r det<.: r lllin~·s I·Oll r ., ]lulse." :Uld 1·01l pa.' fo r Wh:·11 YOll g:ct. Two lilln" dreuni,:,:ht5 in :-': CII" York :tnd OIlC hundred ill Chicl1;..:"O does nut 5pdl SllC":l·SS, hut it dOl·S spdl Ihe (IC'" mand" of the people, amI :In "1111"

thinking" lkuple" al that. T he {k­malld tod;l\· is fo r :Hnu5eUlellt, hCl1t·e the m:I!JaK~menl who is ill the husi· neSs for thl· mOlln· therc is in it secks tu prol· idc that class of en ter· t",illll)ent whkh will fill his house and his purse. T he people must he! educated to ~ppred;Il-C )(voll plays a n d g-ovd ;'~·Iillg. :-':0 Icss th.m six collegcs or unive rsities arc IlOW

cOllstru..:tillg audiruriums II itll st;lg· ing: :lI1d st"cllcr~ c·quipmctl t ill which will be presl·n ll·!! tlw right Sort of dra llHltic ;I r l.

T he Coburn I~\;'.\"c r s hal·e Iil1ctl Illall\" engagemcnts in unin· rsi,,· 101l"1IS, Chautauquas, erc .. amI. wh cnevc r possible, h:I\'c pres.:nt..-d the plays ill the opell. A lar~e nu mber o f colleg:l' people heard 1\lacbc th F rid~y cn:ning.


F ony pbtes were sct in th" Il<.:at · Iy appointed (lining- room of the collcgc t"3fe "'SI T hu rsd ay <':I-<':Iling, when Ihe 19t1 sho rt course !nt·1I in hort iculture assembled fo r th c b:m · quet thaI nhlrket! the te r mi na till~ :lssernhl:lge o f the w imer course Olen in fru it g rowing . A t cighl o 'dock p ro prielor H iggs \\"3S prc · p ared to :ien·c ;I tem ptin g- li l·e· cou rsc ll inneT. which was fi nished only whcli the lI. ppetitcs of all h;ld b een destroyc(l, and w h ell the a l·

mosphere W:IS stratified w ith a fog of bluc.

M r. Paul R ohns, a fo r mer che m· istand graduate o f Chic;lgo U ni ver· s ity, who is p res iden t o f this y ear's class, introduced 1\lr. \ Vhitney , a fo rmer iron and s teel m anufac ture r o f Detroi t w ho h as turncd f rui t g rower, as toas t m;tstcr o f the even · ing . l\<Jr. W h i1ney's abili ty as poet and joke ma ke r made hi m a most

The M. A. C. RECORD.

efficient nJ ilSlC r o f ceremonies . T he responses that he reccived frOIll the lllcmhers of the cbss, the Icach il1 \.!: for~·~·, :Ind from Ihe rc;;ubr I lort . cll1b werc o f both J:\U;.:h.prol'oki ng and thought·producing ch:lracter. Somc ycrs<.: of :'Il r. \\" hiln"" 's ":0111 ·

POSilioll is g i\cll bclow,ll:hich h" gavc liliring thc cI·clling, and w hich 1·l) i..:cs a tine s~·nl;m~·m uf the short course mall .

T h<.: ass()(:i:lliolis Ihal c:!1l1e ill this shOrl tilll!: h.1 till· meeting of theSe II1CI1, who h:.n: \)""11 hene '· pr~·p:lrcd to IHke a shari courscth:ln :t Il'· in the hlslor.\· of the college, found si)it:ndid te r mination :It Ihis h.lIlqllct. Kat IIntil ll1id11ight , wl1("11 (·: I..:h had p ro­lilln.'d his s tor.l· o r joined in thc songs th;\t r"n~ Oll t imo Ihl· nig-ht, did they s<.:pa rate. The fecling that ther c a rri",d with them \I· llS onc o f per h:c t ;;a tisf:\ct ;on1 anti olle Ihal is to make bette r frui t ;tnd' better farms for <>11 1' st;lIe,

TilE ':)JOlrTJ)QHX

1 'his is the en · of tht! Shorthorn . frrlm f!l r lll,· from I illag-e and range;

From :1 life th:l1 is hed:;<--<I by preju. dice :llld narrowcd f rom want of ch:mge :

F rom lhc ci ty dweller tired of worldly, tcmpesluous "lri fe,

This is the cn- of the: ShorlhOTll : ::;how \IS a h roade r Iifl-.

Down althe roots o f lI :1 l l1 r (". life and l-it:llitl· lie.

Show us the W.1Y 10 hril1g them forth and strl"ld\ them up 10 lhesky .

Show us the Iyay to hC;lIili fr 111C rO~Hls th:i\ l·llc;rd(" Oll r Helds :

~how us Ih<.: W:II' tv frllclifv with c ' ·<.:r inc reasill~£ yields. .

Sho\\" liS" Ihe w:ly tu plenty . th:l! for reCOliljlense we mil)' I rr-

:-':ot fo r thc !e"·l' of ,nOlln' , bUI for the things thaI money \\· ;11 bur ­

.\ m! \\"(-'11 :;r:ltdulh la ke the know!· c,l;..:"e f n.Jlllyotl, thc mel I tll:,t know,

Anu hear the hond of hll!l1:1llitv to the Ihings that g ruw. .

Sh()rl I;; thecOllrse of the Shl"l rt honl . thcn lct till· fricIIIIship hc Jon~;

The lie to otlr:llm:1 1l1<llcr weak, tb(-n let Ih.: fril·lldship be stron;!.

B:l ck to Ihc mines for thc miner, bill ha..:: k \0 Ihecoulllr.1 fo r ollrs,

\ \ "ilh it~ ple:lsallt nook~. b;lhhling­h rooks. and its smiling fields ;llId


\'"c lI"ill work like a Tu r k in dIe sprin~time, and plant on a Ilorth­!:rll" slope.

• \ nd ·smc·a r ou r pOlTlological growth with sulphu rous arscnkal dope.

" .... lI"ill knock Ihe tar Ollt o f thc fungi, 'l1Id kick the slats in on the scales,

And put a dust mu lch o f py re thrum 011 thc fcsti ' l· cu rculio',.I:lil!;.

T hen face to face with our :'II ake r we'll wor k llcath the rays of the sun;

\ \ ·ith pcrs is tence :111(1 ear llcst en· de:lvor, w e'l! wor k t ill the r;lce has becn ru n.

Ami b:lck to the de l' p w oo<1cd c,ml­p us will com e swing illg a b reeze that is rifc

W ith the hca rtfelt th;lllks o f the Shor tho T11-tha nk s fo r a broad­f;r tife.

[W ritten by Mr. George E . \ Vh itney , of Det roit , and read by him at the b:Hlq uct of Ihe membe rs o f the S hor t H ort. Cluh, Feb. t 5 , 19 11 . ]

P lan to attcnd the R ound_Up Ins t itute F eb. 2i ·.Ma rch I.


L. L . J alles, who compldc(\ his college work in lJet"el1lbcr, amI has s ince. bet-ll :!ssisting Instructor Lill· lon , le:!l"!:s this 1\ eek fo r (jeor~i:1,

whl'rc he hi lS cha rge o f the poult ry dcpartment of the agricilitur;ll col· I~~t: of Ihll l state.

-In hOllur o f :\l r . Jones, a srnoker was held T hllrsdal"· (",·elli u)..!: of 1;.51

week ;It th<.: '·chick~l1r ... ," \\-l1ich was attendcd hI" :Ihout -10 of his st:1I11Kh friends . .

T he. rcfn.:"hmeJlI;; cOll sistcd of or:ulg:es, cig"ar;; :I1HI cofk<-', aftl· r which a 10:lSt feM w ai; e ll;::-a;.! .... t1 in, :It which .:'Ilr. Gu nson IH.:ted a,; to~st· 1Il;\;;lc r .

:'I lr. [ones has not 01111' h~·en all <': :lrnesi.loy :11 stude nt, l\ul-h;I" prOl'l·1l himsd ~ perfcctly c:lpahlc as a tcachcr during: tht: laSI ci~ht II"ceks.


" T he Adaplahili ty of E"pand .... d :'Il e t .. l to R einfo re.:d Concn·lc Con stru..:tion."_N. lJ ausell, [ I. \\ . . R ow1.-y.

" D .:sign of D am on G rand RiI'c r a t D imom\ale."_I . [. ll ard s.

/)eSi~11 of Coa i li andling Sl"stel1l fo r R .... tail Coal Y:lrd:'-J . -]:". jonas, G. A. \ \"Ilile.

"Topo~n1phieal \1 :1]1 of LtII!'ill}::; ." -\ .. L. K..tchulll . li. I I. 1-':lllI1e'·.

" :'II ichigml _ \ Il'n'\le Bridgl·, L:\1I· sing, :'Ilkh .'·_D. A. Hl:iir, C. " .. P a rsons.

'·rllVl·!,;li~:ltions of COIlt"rl!te A rdl Bridt:c at ·(>rlilifl Ll' tI;!C. :'Ilidl." j{ .. \. (inor1ell,J. 1\ . :'I l iller.

'·lllIT;:li:.::-atioll of the S e we r s y s t e III of the City uf :'11 :1~11Il, :'Ilich ." - C. E. \\ 'ehll_ [ " ·,,:oten·clt!.

· - An:.ll·si~ of l ' f)\\"l' r I'lal1t ;It Cbre, "jich."- E. L, 11MSI . F . A . S tO ' I~· .

· ·.·\ nal\·"i" of G rowd I /;rl·ell \ Llter ~lIpply ;lnd Design for ;Ill Exten· SiOl1." '- l:. [ J. Dickinson, L. J. Knapp.

' - Des;vll of ( ,'·11111:15illl11 fo r :'11. .:-\ . C ."..:, . A. ::-l1Iith . R. ). \ ·;ltl­\\' inkk . .

.. !.lI·cstit:"at iuIl uf the \\· a ter Supply of ;l' ra ...... rse City. :'I l i..:h."_ I J. II. COpl:Ul.

" I<.c;r;).~ed C<.:I1ll'll t l\ lortars." _ \ \ .. :-l. I' edcrse ll, II. E . " ·ilcox.

"Propo rtions of G :IS I' rodu..:c r P'a r ls ." -E. E. Ii otdlir" :\. Iddk·".

" lI eal ill).!" and \ ·cntilatillg" of I-'il· g r im Church , Lansill~ ."_E . R. Bell(k· r.

" D(-s i ~ll, C onslruetioll ;! lId Test· ing of Thrce. Stagl: Cellt ri fug-a\ Pump."_L. O. Benll.:r, II. G roo· IhI I1 S, R. J. T <.:llkollohy. II. \ Y . Sl' idcr.

" !listory o f ~ \lr\"c)"s ill :'Ilich i" g an."-.:'II. J. Ge aring-.

" T es t o f ll ot Blas t I h.:ati ng A p. p<lrl'll us ."-D. :'11. [knllc H , C. " ' . Kn:lpp.

"luvcstig-,It ion o f ~cw Theon · fo r C as t Iron 11c:l IllS."_ II. E . BOlle, F . H . I-::ane .

"Desig n of Electro.:'Ilag nc!s . ,,_ R. D. C arl.

" D esign of S lcam Hammer fo r },'1. A. C. Forg e S hop."- E. G . Cul ve r , M . \ - :m 1\iett' r.

" P lan fo r the E qu ip ll1ent o f an A . C. Laborato ry ."_R. B. D e ll"in , O. 13 . H olley.

"Stud .. o f Losses ill a ~I oto r Generator Set."-S. F. Delvin , R . A. \Var ner. .

" Desi g n of E lec t ric P ow er and Pu mping P lant."- E . C . Arm · s trong , C. R. Giffo rd.

,. Domestic lIot \ rall'( Ilelltiug Syslcm: '-\ · . G .. \ nrinson, I t L. l-J allllllOnd.

" EHidency Tcsts o f . \ . C. :'III)· toTS"."_ A . U. :'II carl .

" ll e:'t Treatment of Stcels." ­F . 1.. BmTows, G. :'II. 1) ·l)d!.

,- Elliricne., of II Gas El1~in..: :IS DCh:rl1li1]e,1 hI' Fuel :'Ili .... ll1rc:'­A . Ii. ShulIrt. k . .I . W a(ld .


Thc neWspape rs hcg,Ul to dlrOll· ide the ;Irril'lll of '·sprill:'; rollins" in l)c·cemhc r, !lnd hal·c hec n a! it l·\ er si llce . . \ 10:;1 of the .. ..:portcrs :Ire hOI1l'st :IlHI th<.: robi!!s arc ,)!cllllin..: : thc only lIlist~ke lnade is i1l suppos· i1lg: thaI the hi rds ,Irc Il<.:W .. 'Otlll:n; frOlll the sOllth. T hous:lIl dsof rob· ins wimer ill :'I l ichij.!:11l c\"c r.'· .I·ca r , ;;ing-I.r . ill pairs, ;111.1 s 'o:.l1 ~qllads , o r sO! I'dimcs illlar}!;c tlocks. 111 the hHtcr l·lIse thc)" usu:llIy Seld·t Some dellse SI\;U1'p. or 1:ir~~:t"· str<.:tch o f 1I'00(ls in \\"hich fooll is plClllifui. and con Ii nC' r h ": Il1:s~·1 I ~.:S prct 1 y closl·ly to thi;; pl ' rti~·\\lar rc:.; ioll . It mallers littk hUll" ..:old thc wcathe r lIla\· bl·, clin'pt as il interfercs lI"ith thc·food supply .

K obin:; in lI"int<.:r kcd 111:,illll· on such hcrril'~ ;111<1 SUI!!ll fTili ls ,,:; ·din!o:" to the I,ines, "h r uh" Illl,] trees. ..-\ IlIOIl j.! the;;<.: t h<.: ("01l1l11011<.:"t are h:K·kherries, jUllipe r hl"fril·"' . \, ild hall s, or so·ealkd '·dHlnt ;Ipples,·' :tlld berries of the ca t·hriar. hinl· r · swel· l, SUIl1:K', poi"o(l -"uma,·, puison il)", frO,.I.;.:-r:'lll". hlack al(l~· r ~holly) alld a kw olhcr~. So lUll;":: ilS the SilO\\" is !lor n·n· (kqJ ;Hld f~· \\ · or IIV icc ,.to r lllS "Ol·,·lIr. ~Udl fOl)d is ul·ec:ssihk, nlld ruhin,,; d u III.t "'lIffer. \ \" !ll'II. ho'\e\"l' r. such {,>od h<': ~· Ollll·S SC;lIY<.: in OIIC plaCL'. tlw 1oird.:; .~o ,·b,·\\"hcrc in "'~·;Ir<.:h uf it . :lIld it i" this s .. ·;!\h"l"ill;.!" of the tlncks ill 1"1<-" wintl·r whidl ~h l·S ri"l· 10 the rc· pUTlS uf :spring anil als. Duri l!;.!: thc past l'l;!htcell willl<.:rs ;11 the 0;:01· k].!e th.: re h;,,·c heell 0111) 1hr~·~· or fOllr whel! rohins wc r<-' e l~!ird} ;,b· Sl'nt . .:\ lmo,. t ,II " :1\'1; from 1 W " to :;i" rollins Ita,-c wi\lllT·ed on thl' Lampus o r in Ihe \ i.-init)", mill during ,.ncr;t! winter" "corc:; (,f rohins hili c b~·en preS~- I't .

.\I ost pe" pk· 11'0111(1 hl: slll"jJri"'cil to kilO\\' huw 1IIUIl\· SUll1ltl~·r hi r'!" r .. ·1II:,i rl in .\l idlig::I·n (Ilirillg willt~· r . [) urin!o:" laSI J :IIl U;l r.,· we II\)t~·d U Il

the .:alllplls ;..:oldtilll"lles. ptl r ]>lc linche;; or red li lll ,," I:';. IT,l:.rhirds, rohin:;, c:~ rdinals . \Ivodpceke rs (1.1\"0 specie;; ' . lll1lhll tdles (t wo ", pecies) . brow n cree pe rs, chieka(kes, gul,leJI " crowm·d kingk ts, n'tip()lls , hlut·j;l) S

;111<1 c rows. O f I ll .... :>c, the red pOlis :lIlrl ki ng-le ts ;l rc the an i .. d isli ll Ctil' non h l"T 1l bi rds : t h<.:I' :Ir,,- here olll~· for the will \L"r. the remainder eitltl:r st av here thc " nt ire I·l·<tr o r otht· rs o f the S;II 11C kinds ta kc thei r pla.:<.:s .

Dll r ing" thc c:st rc1l1eh· cold w ea ther mOSt o f Ihese lii rds 'I re comp<lrativd.\· si lent, but wh cn ;\ wa r m r:by cnrnes th <.: }" bccomc more :l eti .. e and noi 51·, so Ih:l\ the\" all ract g-cnc nl l !I \l e n t i~ ll. T he n ll th a lChcs, b lllej:'rs and ca rd inals ill paTt it"ul:l r beco mt: q ui tt: Illu s ieal, amI peo ple wh o a rc d ea f nt ot hl' r tim es to s uch sounds s uddcnly s it up :lllll tllke no t ice, and the ll p rocla im th;lt the ~irds ;!re cOllling huc k f ro m the South!

\ V ALT F. lI B . B A RII O W S.

i\I . A. C., Feb. 16, 19 1!.

P rof. B arro ws spo ke to the F ores try Club at its las t meeting on "Forest Birds o f M ich igan ."


Tne M . A. C. RECORD.

ROBERT SMITH PRINTING CO. An Assemblage of Lovely Spring Silks Si lk ~ with Sprill~time'~ ow n lo,"eliness e mbOOied in t hem , lIud pre-

senting lUI infinit e '-ariety of ... eo<"ea. de~igns and <"OInTing I!-: all wilh th~

FACILITIES ARE COMPLETE FOR ndded Charll;! of exclnsi"'''I1''~~.



All of exce llent models. tlistim:ti'-e with t ouches uf the new :;eason,

\\" c C:lrr.,· c\'c r)'lhing '" the line of A FINE SHOWING OF TH E DAINTY

Announcements, Programs, Invitations, Etc. ANDERSON ZEPHYRS To the "'"01lli' 1l who wisely ha,"e thei r summer sewing Joue in wi n ler

\Ye spcciaJi7. i' on ilHliyidual orders for thi~ message is ..ant. Ju"t at presellt we takt' o rJ r rs in QUI' (h"t'!'smaking

Filll: Stationer) - cmbossl.':U or primed dep:lrtllltmt gUllrantueiug to finish gowns in one week.

The Mills Dry Goods Co. LANSING. - MICHIGAN

In Illi s City ours is tile Store Illat sells WOOL TEX

I Do You Want H [ RY KIND Of

I 4 MIFFLIN ' S l.h I FURNITURE I~air Shears Knife S :1fcty ILl zor_ FO~ YOUR ROOM

HAT S you buy " Mifflin's help you to i ; 11I~tt~. :\" to "I '<)P. ~:,-".-lt'· f"l)" "",I ~:f1't~rs

"look vour best" because they're lO_"'I<'t'l fr"",

I-Iones :lnd Strops Cots Folding Beds always authoritatively sty Jed and so Snws

carefully made that they retain that" new llamnwrs Matresses Hatchets

looking" appearance that has made them the Chisels Book Cases Desks (worne of particular m e n. Screw Dri"ers

In fact, anything you ne~{1 in Caps, Sweaters, R ain Coats, Shirts - in fact all hardware you will nnd _ and

the late furnishings . at prices to S \lit - :tt ALL GOODS DElIVEREO fRE E

ELGI N MfFFLfN Nortons Hardwar6 M. J. « B, M. BUGK

-, ~~ ABOUT THE CAMPUS """"""""" ~

Pres. Snnkr attended farm ers' institutes at i\larshall. 10Ili;., ;l!ld

H owell the past weck ,

Edw in ~ie~, of the Clmr!(ltic Tri61111c. ,"is iled his h l·othe r. \\'. L. Nics, '13. T hllrsda.1' of la!';! wec:k, ami immediately took in the poultry show.

G, Di1llmi..:k, ' II, sto pped (It the col1<!ge Thursday of Jast week, 011 hi s way to Toledo, wh ere he has accepted II position in cem en t con­st ruction w ork.

The short course students COrll ­plete their work this week, and diplomas will be granted those who have done cn:ditable work . MallY of them al ready have good offers for the coming season,

P rof. Eust ace attended a llleet­ing ut H artford, Mich., \ Vednesd ay, of the original Fruit Belt Growers ' Association. The territory em· b raced in this association includes counties o f \- an B uren, Barry and Allegan.

T he M . A. C . G lee Club w ill make its first ;\ppearance on the eve ning of F eb. 22, in the armory. T he club is com posed o f ..-:o ,"oi..:es, included in which is ;1 splendid quartette. T he conce r t is under the di rection o f Prof. Ki lleen, w ho will be assisted by Mr. Ralph \ Vtl f11e r , baritone, and Prof. E . S. King' as reader. T he boys h ave been hard at w or k, unde r the efficient leade r· ship of ~h. Killeen , and "An evening of har mony" is prom ised , An ad mission fee of 25 cents will be ch arged .

Bert Keith. ' I I, o f \\,ill on a Ag­r ic ultural college. was a college \ is· itor the pas t week,

l ' rat..:hner, 'II, te:lcher o f ag-ri ..:ul­ture at Nortln ille , vis ited colJegc fri elllis Satunh!)" ;lIld promiscd to co me :Ignin ~[ar("h ~ and bri ng his whole class.

Dr. R llth Allcn, of the Botanical Dep:l rtm~nt, is in Stcrgeol! Bay , \\·is ., having: hecl1 ca lled th~re on accounl of the se rious illn ess of her fath e r.

Geo. E. Dewe)' , 'II, writes from \\"ashington that hl' is ,'cr} much ph:ased with his work in the capital city, :md is looking fo rward with interest to the corning :'\1. :\ . C. banq uet.

M rs, E. C. ].;:u ll"l.e cnte rt(lined :It tea at he r home W ednesda,' afte r· noon of last week, in honor -of i\l rs . Joh n \Villard Bolte, '05, of Win· netka, 111., who, w ith her four-),e .. r old son , was visiting college friends. Mr, and ~Irs . Bolte wt!re both graduates of '05.

~l r. J - C . Th. Uphof, who is to have ch:lrge o f the bolanic g:l rJcll, and also have som e w ork ill the he rbarium, arrived fr om Amste r­dam Thu rsda\' of last wee k . Mr. Uphof is the' author o f D ie PRall­ze ngo\tu nge n, fl ~)ublielttion giving a lis t of the g eneral fam ilies of seed plants and fe rn, w ith the nu mbe r of species in each g.r9up. The w ork WliS publ ished in Lei pzig in 1910.

Mr. U p ho f, w ith his b r ide of a month, a re stopping wit h Dr. and Mrs. de Zeeuw fo r a few days.

i\l clbou rJte I !ewell , '11,0 £- Ru sh ­ton. has Leell obliged 10 drop out o f eolleg:e on :lIxount o f illllcs,..

l-' r<'s, SlIyder is in \\-ashi ngtoll this week, and will spe:tk at the an­nunl hanque t o f the :\1. ~\. C. ;11 Ull1 l1i toni~h1.

Prof. J eff(· r} ellg-ag:ed i ll instillJ1e wo rk at L:lill}:!"sburg I:rst wce k, allli wi!! be ill vr:lnd Ra pids, Friday ;11111 Salurday o f this wcek.

The I Tort, d~'!)artmellt has (lur­ch ased :t n ew rcflec loseope from the 13:tusch s.: Lomb C o. T he instru · meJ1\ is l1scd in transferring photo. g:rHphs o n screen ,

The sophomore class edit the H o/cad this week. T he class in agricII!turnl joumalis lll will h;u'e charge of the paper next week, while the juniors tak e a hand in the same wor k the week following.

The s tudents comprising the "Short H ort, Club" han: issu ed a neat little folder , which gives the !l ame of cach stuuent taking the fruit course this ye,lr, log:ethe r with his address and something of his interests.

T he conce r t given under the au· spices o f the \ Vomen '3 Society of the People's chu rch T hnrsday night w as a success f rom evt'ry st,mJ­point. T here was a good attend­ance, and each and every numbe r was received with t!nthusiasrn,

E ast L ans ing residents and col­lege s tude nts a rc assured of quality in any ente r ta inmen t given under the auspices o f the \ Vomen's Socie­ty of t he P eople's Chu rch .

E. F . Fishe r, 'I ~, \\;IS ohliged to " take to the hospil:ll" laSt Il el·k. wi th a ~e\·ere case of 10llsil i1 is.

IJr, \\·m. C. Il owc, presidellt of Case SdlOoJ of Applied S..:ience at C le\"el(!ml. '\'a~ :t collcg:e I i~itor the lKlst week. l'reS. l[ u\,e h as two SOli:; in the shor t w illt 'l' r cou rses.

:\Ir. J oh n ~Iichds. fonned), ill ­st ru{'tor in (lairyill~ at :\1. A. C ., now of Ith;lea, ~. Y .. ha", ju"t heen ell-cted to:l PQ"itivn as he:1I1 of the deparlmellt of (biryiug and ;tIli lll:l1

h usband ry of Ihe ~I ihl :rukn: County A );ricultural SchooL

T here is to he a band prollle lwdc in the armo ry T hursday afternooll , at :! :30. Ladies arc to he ad mitted frce, and :In admi",siOIl of onl\' '~5 cents will be t:h ar~ed for the ~eu. tlemen. An excdle nt p rog ram has been :lrr:lIlgcd, ;1I1 t! six dances arc to be giv~· il.

Th e :\1. A. C , P oultry Club hcld their :m uu"l banquet in the College Cafe Inst c \'en in g, in honor of sen. iors and short co urse mc n who meet fo r the last time this y .. ar. At this time the prizes for the winnings in the s tudent ju{lging comest were awarded . A short progranJ was rend e red.

The one week cou rse in Dairy Farming, in COllnection with wh ich is givcn instru..: tion in the tuberculin test, is in p rog ress this week. In­d ications a re th:ll there will he some 75 dairy me n d uring the week, and a canvass was made of availab le rooms in o rder to a":COmmod:He all in East L ansi ng.



The M. A. C. RECORD.


It completely con.~ rs the field of local news, polit ics, and the woritl of sports.

ilCC;lUSC it s tclcjinlph and corrcspondt' llce se n ire cl1:lbh: it \0

~i\e its rL':Hl .,rs 1I1e b lest g eneral news of the cl .. y in ad-\:IIlCC of :Ul~ oth ... r newspaper coming inlo Lan sing .

Have THE STATE J OURNAL delivered to your home by ca rrie r


l'rof. 2\I:.cklin, with fourkl'!1 track IlH:n , wcrc in Detroit T hurs· day, whe re Ih~'\' ellg-a:.:- .. '\! the 0 .. " troit " Y" '" an inl"rcsl ill;': track meel. The outcome W:lS in </ lll·;I· l ioll IIntil the YCT\ 1;'51 "f the COil'

tC~I, till" filla l COUllt showing' 10 to 3i points. in f:nor of th..: "Y " t..,:\ln.

. \1 .• 4.. C, show ed up CXCl'pt ion;lily Siron:;. ho\\,,·\cr . and hu t fo, the fact that Gcih W;lS cntircl~ o u t of condition. fhe hVnle le:lnl would h,l\'c h"d Ihe long ('nd uf th c Sl·on'. T h.;: outc<Hn~' i.ii l·xt rClllch · "ra1it,,· ," ,

illg', hv\q·lcr. for th .. · tl':l111 hus h:ld little I raillin;,!, liS cO lllpan:tl \\ illl their opponcnt;;;. 13(" ;11\.1 . a frcsh· 1ll:1I1, ,:whed 10 ff. .) ill ., whid1 is a splendid mark for indour \Iork,

l\J. .\. C. \\on the re1:t~· h:lIulily . :llld led in the IIIl111h.-r of poi1lt".

", , .. C, II 1~~hH;;;.

,,0 ~ ,I. d:l~h-li:lT\ ey, .!Iul ; Bel·hc. . ~\1. .!~, lilT .

Shf)1 P ut- Day , ~~1 : F ri: lr. ~lId .

" " .q ill. lIi~h Jump-- LlII'Il. I ;.1. ,; f<. 9

i 11.

J'ole \ ' r1UI, _ H~·al l .\. 1'1. '0 f" :\ ill.

'::'l)o·\{1. ]{ ulI- BrowlI. I",: H Oi>cn. ,

. 1' 1. ! mill . ~ __ ; ;:l·C.

. \Jik· H IlIl-ItOSl' ll, ~wl : ( ;\·ih, . :;11. 1 111 i 11 • ~ IJ "cr .

l<. ~I;1\ ,,' bp"·, yds. e:Tdl \_ 51' \\' 011 h\ :\I..\.c. \ \ . ;Lr r~ll , I.koelle, S:lllfor,·I, :-"",·I·d". T illIe, , 111111. ,6 l'4,·C.


--T h ... ill~lih lt ... ;;::h CII li,,>t \\'e('k W:li

1I1,,_t ~:l\i~LL~t ... n. T Ill' nUULh~'r in :lIlell.iancc :1' C':""""11 morc Ih:lIl ':;0 ,11 ~·"dl "..:~~il)n . 71 hidl II :1 .• :1 -Ii],. _Wlllial inln::l"c o,·,,·r 1<1"1 Il·;lr. Th ... spe:lkcrs were •• 11 o f the -hl·SI. im.! ":I\e liherall\' of IIml,: '11111 1:1.1· elHs~" th..: bl' l1~ril1 :.o.: I.>f ,'ondi l iOllb ill :-'1 idli:.!':lI1.

Four of Ih~· speak c rs IIl'n' fr01LI \llIt~i,lc. !'rof. lirah am . (.f {;l1clph . ,\ tiS here durin~ Ihe cnl i,'", "cl'k , :I1lt1 li.udh",1 upon 111 :lI1y Jlha~cs of il1h:reSI to I> r:1\.·lic;l1 poullry mcu.

I~rof. .\. J. Philli l)S, of P Urdlll: l · n i,·cr"il\ . 'nwdc hi~ firs t \isi t 10 ).1. A. C:. :11111 hrought wilh him the principles of po ultr) culture which. if fvllClwcll. should brin~ the be;;1 posbible res ults.

!\I rs. ' ''. U;\\\ son, of LOII(lon. Ontario. g:al e a "cry inl('rcs ling: lec1u rc ami ,lelllQIl-. tn1\io n on cond i· tion in~ fowls fur the .iihow.

r. L. Sewell. o f :,\,iles, was p re· senl again this YC:lr, :11111 !"loth enter· tnined ,lIld ins tructed with h is "chalk t:llks.· ' Il is talk ollll1e progrc~sof

the plYll10uth rock W:lS cM'eptiomt lly gOO\t .

Scve r:lIIVC:11 s pcakcr~ :ld\1cd much to thc value of the course, am1.takCI1 :tS a whole, Ihe o lle·week poultq' courS{" W:1S a d .. cided succcss.

On :ICl'O\1II1 of the ex treme cull l wheo e ll l \'\' hl:lIlks were to be filed. the exhi b it' \1":1.5 not so Inrg'e as th:1\ of /:tSI year. !:iome fine birds were

Hart. Shaffner &

Marx Clothes

Spalding Sweaters Imperial and Knox Hats

Heid Caps

'"' Men's W ear that proves itself tbe world O'l'er.

5r~(:"~111 5a;tn'IIII Sall,.-days

The Mapes CO . , 2() ' . 2011 So",11 Wuhl" ~ ' o .. An.

For pars Lall$l1Il's L~odillr Clali:iffS.



THE HII'LL:: r .( GRAr PRI.\"TJ.\"(; CO.1IPA.\· r

Engraver. P ri nters St ation.., ...

1 •• IX'1I .1"I) • .l/I (· "Hi.~.Y

showll . hlll\ c,·.' r, ,Llld the sl'orill;,! :T lld judj.!' il lg- h~ :\l ~~"r~. T lI ck~r :lnd \r isc W:1S cnirc1.\· ~illi -{actt> r.l.

---E.I'. [3u~hncll: IQ. ill 1!1(: ~1I1p!~)

of the L', S. fnn·-t ,cn IC, ' '" , G eorgia, h'b h.,·cn 011 " mOl1th s fur· loug'h. I1c c,tll .. d at :-'1. .-\. C. l:ls1 wcck. o n hi;;; return 1'1 dul\ in Ihc Soulh.

.I. 1-.:. Ln;'::111 :111.1 R .,ltt. lI ()ld~ · \\ortb. hOlh 'II . :Ire in thc L"l1i\·L' r· "il l' of \\· ;I"hill'.;\I'11, at SL·llttle. ~tiunln . \,ith 'I." and J-.lcKibhin, spt:\'i;,1 wil h thc Sl1lll<" class, il re also takillj.!' forestr\' w o rk in thc same in· stitulion . .

S. V . Knig-h t, '09. :/111\ E. E. '\" :\1 . hlce wcre l·olle:;! ... \i~itors Fri.!:!\' . :\Ir. Klli::ht i" \\ilh the Amerk:;n Brid<'e Co . . alld ha" rccclIth- 1 .... ~11 pro1ll~tcd :}" chec ker. Lha;. Dun· lap, 'og, is :llso \\ ilh the sanw COllI.

!lany, :1;;; Ile~ig'lIcr.

Those :ltlCllIling' the junior hop \\'(:ilucsu :I\, cvc:ling :Ire to he :IC· corded th'c ~:mle pri\· ilcg'cs :IS gr:Ullell hen·lO forc. T IL" c1IlSS \\"il1 be gi\'c l1 a holiday \'·edncsday . Ihe :! I st. :lnd al l those outsil\e o f juniors who arc i1ll'i lcti will hc excuse"U fr0111 classcs \\ 'ec1ncsd:ty I1fto:rnoon.

A hholl j.!'h o ur rille duh \e:T1ll mnde its best sco re of the S;>;ISOIl. it los t to thc crack Iowa te:lll1 1)\· II score of 9 -14 to 901 . 10W :1 now leads bolh eastern ;1ml II eStern leagues hy ;t gooll lll: lr:::in,-Iha\ is, in h igh scorcs. Our (C;I111 scored as fol· lows : Scrnnlli n, I J. \\ ' . 183; I-I <.:.h ­ard, F. r., tS3: Il a1llmOll.\, II., 183 : A seltine, L. u. . I i7; Cll1 r k, K . ::i . 175· TOlal, 90I.

J. w . KNAPP CO • O~' FI:tIl SPECI ,\ I.

Inducements on Winter Merchandise

Underwear. UO"ier~' , aaudk~rchiefs ror Men.

MlI llsing Wool Union Suits, the best S3grade. Sale priGe , S.2. 25 :\Iun~in!!, Wool Gnlon Suits, the regular ~c2 )iO quali ty . Sale price t .98 MUllsing Fleeced (Juioe Suit.'r-.!IeIJs lit 81.·-.1}, Special Mle price 1. f 9 Fleeced U,IiOD Suiu, worth 51. Specinl !!fi le priee , iSt Silk U.~le ~ock~, ~!ic ~al\li!-Ihn:tl pai r , , , , 50, P url:! Silk So<-k.<!. all colors. 50c \'Blue-three p:tir , $1.00 I.I Bnclktrchier,. ,

Uath robe Blankets.

~ E ne especiill~' wdl equipped r 10 supply you with anything

),OU ma~' need in the \ine of



Lawrence & Van Buren I Printing Company

Jacob Reed's Sons of Philadelpbia

Arc llw larg-cs! rll:tnlJ fat;turers

o f CO LLEGtJ UNIFORMS ill the l" nilcd :-;,; . and lI:ll e w on :IIU! llt:1i lllain Ihe 1m"';. ness I" ,.heer fo rce of merit.

The L' ll ifo rms ,,' u rl1 :1 \

michigan Jt:grltllllUrl1l \l.II.g. :,re lillishcd c xampk"

Ilf (IUr prQdu,·t.

Jacob Reed's Sons .1f.d·,·" s "f

" Gold Mo:dal Uniforms"

l424.2(l Chellnut St, Philadelphh.

DIRECTORY LA:,\, !-.I:\'G IlC~I.'\E~:-; .\:,\,I)

I~I( OFE::)~IU:'\'..\L ),1 E:'\'.

Th(' nil""'" III 111l~ [l,rcctor,.. ft" W,,11 II. lho~t of " It Ollr othl'r nd'·ertb~r~. "r;> 01 ... lInl.>I ,· p~run. W" !tupe thlll III .. t/l(·,,11Y II llU .Iutll'll! ' "'III "'~~ p"l lls to patronize thO"\I ",11o plltron l~1! ,,~,


COLL~:\a: I!AllllUt SHOI'. \ .. liMb Ih'u~ .. , \\·"rrt'u - llo·nr)·-A mly. \"ou 1<;>1 thf' ",""I work ht'.". Try II "n,\ ~j>" •.

N E\I ' !t,\lUn: ll 1< 1101'. III {'I",~,· 1I",W· I"". "''''''r Htl ,,..,,·~ Pmlt "",, (;ro"CCy

"tor". If) ul1 "d_h" _lyU'h hul. I'U\ ,,11' e Ib ~~:. E. 1\"),110\11 _. ,'~"'O"'C' _____ _


A M .• :ll ": lIY.I!GWII,.h .. " · ... s. Rook •. • Yin .. ~U.tJOll"'''' .;"ltno'·<'<1 O"IUIUf

{'a.rd •. • ·ountaln p .. ,,~. I""tur"8. "no"' .... P'1"e . ·rllmlnll' II SpreillIIY. t"p.lo .. d"le n,.If" . (·U1HI ... -.ut 1" l."n'."I".


G~:o.o. BI.1TIlJo:"'U.t roo Hookblnll ...... ac~ou " l bool< Lnlll< .. rs. I><lp<:r n,Unli .

IIbtnl'J' lind IIn(' II r~ blndll1lts. ute OO x .... mnp "'o"nUult ~. IIIt>u", •. J1()Cket IlOQk~ . .. I~. Olth"",' phonl! NO.~!liI. In <'lly :>1111011111 BlInk HulhH"jI' ~=",::-:=c::--'=­


E LOn; :'>01'1'1.1;0;. l..o.dl ml lIud (J eMie. n\(',,·. Furnlslll"" Gond!l.. See "d .

l~HJo: iIIAI·t: ..: ("n. Il "rt. Sh"lTu\!r .JI:'>I" rx O IOlht'~lln c\ )1~,, '~ t'ur"bhl""~, ~r."")10 W .... lllnjl'\OI1 A'· ... Soul h.

, , , 50. lOt . 20 t . 2Sc

B:lthrobes )Iade to Oruer

CROCKERY AJ.'lD GLASSWARE . H H . I.AR~ ~;Il.~ · blllll . (itAU • t ... mp" · I'''' Wll.hl"ltl ... ... A'· ... !'l. - -DENTISTS.

N If. ~r O!l Il ":. ' ). P. f;. nlli ... : {II·I!;I Ilo[· · IIHer Bulldl"lI. 1~1 "~I"It. ~11 '·h . (.·ltI·

t",,~ "IIO"~ . A,lInn,"lk I' ,,,,, = - ~ D ~:, P.\H~I~;!.E~: . l 'enU<I. ]1,', W"sh.

' ' '' ''I ... " .",·e. "" 1",,,.lnll . ~11(" hl ll" n. AutOm"tk pho,,". "me ... :ul':!: f ... ldcll ... ~. a t/t!.

J f-:. sro,,·,,· t:lt. I '. n. "'. nttl~"~ ~~~ " ll 1 • ;o;" \I{,mal I~n" ""tlf .. "I1IO"'IH1 ... phont'

MI: k<' 11 phOl1<" ~I. t'OI''''' 'r ~I. ,I." . <,udt'n l . - - ~


RO"S":R~ (· ... I'/TAI. IIHt·" t· p 10 d ste. "orn~f ~tor .....

~T"RE. tlpPG>lle

II 0Il18t.·. "'ocI<. - DRY GOODS .

J 1\'. ""'.\I·P (,i •. l'ry r ~, ~,,,. flll,1 Fill', "l,hlllll,. :~~I II·II-hl" .. "", A," • "". 1\1 11.1." I,II Y ,;lIUI'", "',.--I'ry (;,w •• !,.

1 "' lIlt •• , "I61-. Wal_l_ . . l t', :"\ .... ',1),. \\" ' rk. El,·. ), .... 1\" Wn.IlI1",\"" .1\ , '. ~"llh.

ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. -- --C AI>I 'N'L t:I.};CTIII , · ES{.lS"'.:1I1 S(;

\"\J.- F ull 11, ... u( ~:IH'\rh-"1 :-'''Ill>li ... ~. hll"h,,\1,, " ~lUd~,,'" .It".'f-> "nd ..... rd·. ,·nr. '.o". ,",,\,,1111" lint.! '''''' .• 111 "'n,Unlt h"II"~. II • • :. ~1 ,,"h\ lO"ft" .\n· . -- - - -

FURNITURE DEALERS. --- --ivI J. '" 1l , )1. I1n ·" .- t·IIr"IIlI.". \·Qrn .... • W". llI" lft<m .-\'.". '''HI 1.",1" Mr.·~1. ",.,. ",/, --

HARDWARE, STOVES & TINW' RE . ---- - -Net I( Til:>'" II ... t-: 1)1\"'" ti t:.- , ; ,." ,.";:;i

It" ,.,I,,·u '''. 1'1""'" .... ''''''''11'''' n,". ('U!. I.' r,.. 1' \"'."' . • ·I~. III \\'''- hlll l< I''' ' A\' .... S. 1' .... ·II't.


'1 [ III'. ( I. T. ' · A,.. t:.- M"""'IH'lnrlnit !\ ," I"""po~'I"It,' H"lrtt ' ''" jull 1"', h.r': 1' " '11,·,, .·, ",11,1" or ,'III bltlr 'If ,·"",hl"" •. 111-0 ,~,t" r">l Il 1T.t .. ·"",nlt·d In 1,.,1< II' " ..... 1 ,,~ "~". Th .. ~" rll1l'· ... A'''.·r''·,,,, II., Itl~,,'" T,. II" t 11"",,1_1'.·, , ~~n" 'L'I' . .\"")"""I~ pho",· ~.\1. ~ • ..., \\·".hl,"fl '", A,,·. ".


G ill S:>t:I.I. HI{' '!'l. ··ltJ.-hl"""·.I .Nutl,,. ~Iu, \(" 11 "",,·: ' IIhlll ",."",. l' lI' " o~

nlld I'IA.'·H I'I"no_ ... lid "~to c .. " .... '.lrnt ,,,r.,,_. t;'· .... ylll."1< In """Ie " lid ",,,-kill ""'r.· llft"'I\·.·. l,uo_ll1'" ttmu\"ll . ~II' S. Wft 'hl1"'[O," .1,,·. - - ---


0 11. O:'OQAR H, Illtl· tXH: I •. l1 u".~. 7 to 8:.'11'", m. : ~ to I " ,UI .1". P. ,n. 1" 111) '

dll)'~. I tIOI Il"d !> 1 0~p.m. t:"'1 '~Il ,"l " .. ~I kh . l' I1I~~"~vhon .. I;~".


ALI.t:~ "P.I.'i'TJSO CI ).-/l/ (lr" "d An', DU" .<oulh. lOoott prl"litur. \'111<-... ,,,p,

pll~ •.• :nlt rll'·"o1 " .. rd •. Ill'011rnm'. ~tn , ... ), II'IO!J~. 100_" ,,·.r lj(l()I<~. fOll ll1l1l" Pt·"" lWlI phone lUI". A"to"'''\ I~ phnnt' I"".

Rr>H ERT iS~11T\I 1'T'; .I't •. \ ·or. WII~h. In,,lon .-\'· ..... nd ' (>nl" :0<1.


' 1'ltY IO::snAL!,'S Sflr>1' for I"hOt' H ... ""1,1",, . .\11 wo,I< ItUII,·""l"",I. ~I".

cl,I"" or H"",] S .. wed "ol ,,~. It"lth.·,· lI e,'I! "'hl1\' )'0" ",,,It. FI "" Iln,'of OoUfe.·UOl' .. r,' W"II<' r·. 01<1 Slflnd. lll c-lLllflln A,·e .. - UNIFORMS. J A(!(,B HE~:IJ'~ SOSS.-II~~~ CIlt' I~

~:;d:I'l:~~r~~~,':.'- I.". ll lll<t'rs of "'\;old

... :l • •
