the low carb diet blueprint  · web viewsurely we have all heard of the famous low carb diet....

Sarah Hall Good Vibes Enterprises goodvibesent11@gmail .com THE LOW CARB DIET BLUEPRINT

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Page 1: THE LOW CARB DIET BLUEPRINT  · Web viewSurely we have all heard of the famous low carb diet. Perhaps you heard of it from a friend and it got you all excited. Perhaps you heard

Sarah Hall Good Vibes Enterprises [email protected]


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Surely we have all heard of the famous low carb diet. Perhaps you heard of it from a friend and it got you all excited. Perhaps you heard of the long term benefits and how you can lose weight by following a low carb diet. Whatever the case and what ever was your reason for being interested, you should know that the world of low carb eating plan is highly beneficial to more than just health. With a low carb, high protein diet, one can eliminate a ton of illnesses associated with eating processed foods, increase longevity by slowing the ageing process, balance moods due to increased minerals in your diet and a lot more.

This blueprint is written for those who would want to taste the healthier side of life where they are fully in control of their health and life. Imagine having the energy to do all your daily activities and then some, Imagine living your life without ingesting pills, imagine that your brain function was significantly increased and you had an easier time remembering things and concentrating. This is everyone's dream and here is the good news; it doesn’t have to stay a dream. With a low carb meal plan, this is attainable.

As you read deeper into this, you will not only learn the unbelievable benefits of a low carb-high protein diet, you will also uncover secrets about the way your body reacts to the foods you eat and in doing so, you will not be surprised when you see those amazing results.

This is all so exciting isn’t it? So before we proceed, get ready to unlearn some of the dietary theories you may have been exposed to in the past and move with an open mind to this new experience in your eating plan.



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Here to better health and living.


Remember I just said you are going to need to unlearn some things you have learned? It starts here. We were taught that carbs were energy giving foods and we needed a lot of it of we were to go through our day effectively. That may have been the case in the Stone Age but it doesn’t work like that anymore. Carbs are energy-giving foods no doubt but we do not do the kinds of strenuous work our ancestors used to do back in the day so there is really no need to stock up on carbs.

These days, with the advent and rampant influx of processed foods, and the nature of our jobs, we take in a lot of these processed foods on the go because we are too busy to eat natural, then we sit in offices with little or no physical exercise. The result is the diabetic and obesity epidemic which has been sweeping the world.


A low carb diet is low on carbohydrates, like sugary foods, pasta and bread. This meal plan encourages high intake of natural foods such as proteins, natural fats and vegetables. The benefits of eating these foods and maintaining this lifestyle are plenteous; research has shown that low carb diets improve health and help the weight loss process, and we all probably know someone who has successfully done it with amazing results.

A low-carb diet means that you would be eating fewer carbohydrates and more proteins and natural fats. When we say ‘Fats’, some of us find it uncomfortable and that is because of another error we learned in the past. We were told that all fats were not good for us and this is just not accurate. The natural fats we find in oils and other similar foods are healthy and do a lot in boosting the performance for different parts of the body including eyes and hair. Fats also help with the stomach lining thus preventing conditions such as ulcers.



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Basically, carbohydrates are the starches and sugars found in fruits, grains and other foods. Carbohydrates are one of the three major energy-giving foods along with proteins and fats – these are also called macronutrients.

With the way our bodies are designed, we all need macronutrients to function optimally and guess what? The body does not produce macronutrients so we must get them through our diet.

Breaking down these macronutrients, we get the following.

Protein – These are the building blocks of the body and they are quite essential for life. Proteins are mainly gotten from meat, dairy products such as milk, eggs and beans. Consuming animal food would give you the protein your body needs.

Carbohydrates - These are what the body can quickly convert to energy and they are used to fuel the body in cases of high intensity workouts. If weight loss is your goal, then limit the intake of carbs.

Fat – This is another wonderful source of energy for the body and the body needs a good amount of it. Of course it is not all fat that is healthy. Healthy fats are saturated or monosaturated – also look for those containing Omega 3. Trans fats are to be avoided.

The basic thing to take home in terms of defining a low carb diet is that you consume proteins and fats and eat less than 100 grams of carbohydrates each day.

Foods to eat – A low carb diet requires you to eat eggs, fish, meat, nuts, seeds, good fats such as avocados and olive oils and finally fruits and vegetables (fruits however should be had in regulated quantities.

Foods to avoid –

Fizzy Drinks Ice Cream Candy Bread and Pasta Artificial sweeteners All Vegetable oils Processed foods with trans Fats – hydrogenated oils



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Low-Fat foods


Before one starts any kind of dieting program, they are advised to detoxify first. Believe it or not, our bodies have become literally addicted to food (especially the bad ones) and when you decide to exclude these foods from your diet, you may experience terrible withdrawal symptoms. This is one of the main reasons why people fail to go through with a dieting plan.

The best way to detox is by using a Superfood Cleanse juice as this cleans your system, gets rid of those traces of toxins left by the processed foods you may have gotten used to and gets you ready for the journey ahead. It will also cleanse your fat cells of years of built up toxins from everything they’ve stored over time, such as chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and more. Apart from that, you feel refreshed and expectant of what is to come.

During the detox period (Usually anything between 1-2 days), you should be using our Superfoods Cleanse Juices. Think of it as an intermittent fast if you will. The benefits are as follows:

1. You improve insulin sensitivity.

Regularly practicing Cleanse Days can help to tune up your metabolism. During a Cleanse Day, the body becomes more sensitive to the action of insulin, which is essential for maintaining normal blood sugar levels

2. You not only burn more fat, but burn the worst kind of fat.

When you are fasting, the body mobilizes stored energy in the form of body fat. That should be more than enough reason to do regular Cleanse Days. Cleanse Days are shown to go further by helping reduce visceral fat. Visceral fat is the type of fat that surrounds internal organs and has been strongly associated with poor health.

To get started on our Superfoods Cleanse Juice system, please contact us at [email protected] and we will be able to get you in contact with your coach and get you set up for success straight away!



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Each time you are about to have a meal, you should think about the contents of that meal. You want to keep it as balanced and as nutritious as possible. Each meal should be structured as follows.

1. Meat or Poultry: Here we are talking about things like Beef, Hamburger (no bun), stake, turkey, chicken. Fish and other Seafood: Salmon, shrimps, trout, tuna, and mackerel – any kind of fish really is a good candidate for this but the fattier fishes would have more omega-3.Eggs

2. Fats and oils – These are natural and nutritious oils such as coconut oil, lard and olive oil. Grass-fed butter is another good source of fats.

3. Low-Carb Vegetables – Broccoli, Carrots, Spinach, lettuce, cabbage, kale, cucumber, etc.


As earlier stated, a low carb diet can be something completely new and strange to some people and although it has become so popular these days due to its benefits, it is still a matter of controversy. To ease our minds a bit, we need to know exactly how it works as this will bring some clarity.

The majority of food intake in a low-carb diet is protein and fats. When you consume a high amount of carbohydrates as in a carb diet, the glucose in the meals are converted by your body and stored in the liver. When the liver reaches its storage limit, the extra carbs gets stored as fat.

When you reduce the amount of carbs you consume, it means that your body will have to use the stored fats as energy while limiting glucose to your muscles. When carbohydrates are reduced, your body activates ketones to break down fats as a source of fuel.



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So far we have duelled on the fat-burning capabilities of a low-carb diet but what else do you stand to gain by staying off carbs?

Your insulin level reduce wen you are on a low-carb diet and that is because insulin regulates blood sugar levels and sends a message to the fat cells to build and store fat. With a low-carb diet, it doesn’t need to do this. When insulin is not asking the body to create and store fat, it is easier for the body to use the already created fat as energy.

Cravings which come from the artificial ingredients of processed foods will reduce substantially when you go on a low-carb diet. When these cravings reduce and you want these bad foods less, you enjoy a healthier being, free from fatigues, and weight gain.


Having gone through this guide up until this point, one may think that we are totally against carbohydrates – this is not the case. We are discussing a low-carb diet not a no-carb diet.

When talking about carbohydrates, we should know what there are the good kinds and the bad kinds of carbohydrates and knowing the difference would help with our food choices.

Surely there is a difference between a salad made with vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, and broccoli and Ice Cream or Bread. They all contain carbohydrates but in the case of the salad, it is in its natural state unlike what you would find in the ice cream.

It is easy to tell the difference really but what of the health benefits? Natural carbs are high in fiber and are slowly absorbed into our blood stream thus preventing high sugar levels. Bad carbs have little or no fiber due to the fact that they have had the life processed out of them. This being said, if you are going to eat carbs, then eat the good carbs.

If you are trying to lose weight, then you should watch it when dealing with whole grains, tubers, and high sugar fruits. Refined sugars are to be avoided as well as artificial sweeteners such as high-fructose corn syrup.

Added sugars do not give any nutrients and yet they have a lot of calories



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You want to keep the carbs at a bare minimum of say 100 – 150 grams a day. This is fine if you are active and you exercise. This depends on your metabolism though, if you are dealing with some issues with your metabolism, then this should reduce to like 50 grams a day.

BOTTOM LINE – With little or no carbs in your diet, your appetite reduces naturally and you can eat till you are satisfied and still lose weight. That is everybody’s dream isn’t it?

Here is something you can consider.

Several pieces of fruit per day Limitless vegetables Starchy vegetables like potatoes

This would help you maintain your weight if you are not so active but if you are actively working out; you would still lose weight with these in your daily diet.

If you want to lose weight without loads of workout, then you can reduce to about 50-100 grams of carbs in a day. This would look like:

2-3 pieces of fruit per day All the vegetables you want Minute amounts od starchy vegetables

For those who want to go extreme, 20 – 50 grams of carbs in a day will do the trick. This amount of carbs is also recommended for those who are obese or diabetic.

Going on 20 – 50 grams of carbohydrates per day quicken ketosis and Ketones are released into the body and this, as earlier explained, causes your body to look for stored fat and burn as energy. You can eat:

All the vegetables you want Some berries – choose organic Avocados, nuts and seeds (good fats)



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Dieticians have a saying – ‘Eat everything in moderation”. So when the talk about a low-carb diet, It is usually dismissed. They give this impression like it may be harmful on the long-run.

The fact is that eating a low-carb diet is not as extreme as they make it seem especially when considering the science behind it. Low fat diets are even more harmful when you take into consideration the fact that your body needs fats to function optimally.

Balanced diets which require calorie-counting and feeling hungry almost all the time make no sense at all. If you do get hungry on a low-carb diet, you can go for your proteins and fiber and that is not as extreme as dieticians make it seem.

Low carb diets lead to Ketosis which can be harmful – Well, this is a misconception because most people who say this are actually referring to Ketoacidosis (which is not Ketosis). Let’s explain.

Ketosis is what happens when your body is not seeing carbs – if you are eating less than 50 grams f carbs in a day, your body releases ketones and these cause the fat in the body to be burned up and used as an energy source.

Now Ketoacidosis is something which happens in some cases of Diabetes (Mainly Type 1). It is when the blood stream is flooded with Ketone bodies and glucose in high amounts. While this is dangerous, it hasn’t the slightest thing to do with low-carb diets.

All the weight loss on Low Carb diets is water weight – Well this is not entirely untrue but it is misleading. When you begin a low-carb diet, in the first week, you lose water weight (this is also the case when you use a sauna for the first week). This is what happens; glycogen stored in the liver and muscles reduce including the water they hold on to. WE mentioned earlier that insulin levels also reduce and as such the kidneys also release some of the water hey have been holding on to,

However, with continued low-carb eating, the fats start to go – especially those in the abdominal region where the dangerous fats go in the body.



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Low-carb diets can lead to deficiencies in Nutrients – This is another common misconception about low-carb diets. Some say it leads to deficiencies in vital nutrients but the opposite is actually true. Grains in most cases hinder the absorption of calcium, Zinc, and Iron.

When we avoid such grains in our diet, we can improve our Vitamin D levels. Low-carb diets so not include grains such as wheat which steal nutrients from the body so there is nothing to worry about.

To add to this, the high vegetable quantity in low-carb diets gives the body loads and loads of nutrients and antioxidants. Not to mention the fact that since you are eating whole – unprocessed foods, your body will have all the nutrients it needs.

Low carb diets are high in saturated fats – This claim comes from the misconception that foods that are high in fats lead to heart diseases and this is just untrue, there is no association between heart diseases and saturated fats according to a 2010 study. Cholesterol and saturated fats are not bad for you and here’s why; on a low-carb diet, these become a major source of fuel so your body burns them almost immediately to give you energy.


WE have been taught that fats are the root of all evil in the body (and the world). One of the things we were told in fact what that “Fat makes you fat”. The result of this talk was that we all jumped into low-fat diets and all sorts but did people stop getting fat? No! Did the rate of heart diseases reduce? No! And that led a new wave of scientists to rediscover that FAT IS NOT YOU ENEMY!

As a fact, In Europe, countries that eat the most saturated fat have the lowest risk of heart disease (you better believe it). Data from Hoenslaar R. Further response from Hoenselaar. British Journal of Nutrition 2012 read thus:

We actually need fat in our diet for the following reasons:

Absorption of Vitamins and minerals from the food we eat such as vitamins A, D, E and K.



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Omega 3 essential fatty acids are precursor to many hormones and chemicals produced in the brain.


Good sources of monosaturated fats include

Almonds Avocados Olive oil Coconut oil Hazelnuts Peanuts

Coconut oil for example has immense health benefits such as skin and hair care, tooth whitening, support for the brain, heart, immune system and more.

Fats add a certain texture to food that makes you stay full for longer periods. Surely you must have noticed that a low-fat, high-carb meal makes you hungry about an hour later. So moderate fat, good protein and low-carb is the winning formula to keep you full and make it harder to overeat.


You need to understand that the difference between these two diets is based on the results you hope you achieve. On a high protein diet (not minding anything else you eat), you get to build lean muscle tissue and when this is combined with exercise, the results are amazing.

A low-carb diet is aimed mainly at starting Ketosis so this is used mainly to burn up fats and the results are amazing with or without workout. Adding high protein intake to a low-carb diet keeps you full while losing weight.



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If you want to get on a low-carb diet, then you should think in the line of proteins and fiber. Low carb diets reduce the risk of diseases generally and support the weight loss process better than a straight-up low-fat diet.

That being said, a low-carb diet is not a one size for all kind of thing – you have to adjust and fine tune it to fit you. There are people who are simply not wired to adjust to this eating plan and they do not like it. There is no need to force something that doesn’t sit well with your own body chemistry.

An example of people who may not need this kind of diet are athletes. Due to the strenuous work they do, they need more carbohydrates than average people.


If you are looking to lose weight, then exercise is not necessary but it is advised because exercise is good for the body. A good exercise plan may be going to the gym about 4 times in a week and doing a 1-hour combination of cardio and light strength workouts. Remember that is important to stretch before and after you workouts.

If you are uncertain of what exercises to do, most gyms have certified trainers who can put you through on the best workouts for your body size and your weight and fitness goals.

Lifting weights is a great way to build form and muscle strength, burn calories and boost metabolism.

Exercise also has positive effects n brain function and moods and with exercise, you can reduce anxiety and depression. Other things exercise can do for you include

Reducing high blood pressure Building and maintaining strong bines, joints, and muscles Preventing cancer Reducing the risk of heart disease Reducing the risk of diabetes Improving psychological well-being Lowering cholesterol Maintaining a healthy body weight



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On this matter, studies are usually done along the lines of health complications such as diabetes, heart diseases, and obesity. The criteria for measurement are usually weight loss, blood sugar levels and cholesterol.

1. Foster GD, et al. A randomized trial of a low-carbohydrate diet for obesity. New England Journal of Medicine, 2003.

The New England Journal of medicine (2003) randomly placed a little over 60 individuals in either a low-carb or a low-fat group that had calorie restrictions. This study lasted for about a year.


When it comes to weight loss, the results are not always so significant but it is almost always greater on low-carb diets. The effects are glaring though when you see that the low-carb group are allowed to eat till they are full while the low-fat group are restricted as to the amount of food they take in.

When both groups eat the same amount of calories, the low-carb group tends to lose even more weight but the effects are not enough to make a statistic out of.


When the low-carb group stay unrestricted but the low-fat group is, they tend to eat the same amount of calories. Something else which is of interest is the fact that those on low-carb diets did not eat more fat that they did before they started dieting.


Low-carb dieters tend to have a decreased appetite and this is one of the reasons why people know low-carb diets lose weight without having to restrict their portions; they simply do not feel like eating so much.



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Some people tend to increase their carbohydrate intake after a few months of being on a low-carb diet and with that increase, tend to add weight again. That leads to the conclusion that weight loss on a lo-carb diet requires people to stick to it for life.

Sticking to a low-carb diet is easier than many dieticians say. From their point of view, since a whole food group is somewhat eliminated, they say one will get bored easily but this is not the case seeing as people seem to stick to it more than they did low-fat diets and this is mainly because they can eat till they are full and still lose weight.


Those on low-fat diets tend to decrease their cholesterol levels in the first three months of their diet and then it goes right back up. On low-carb diets however, this is not the case. Low carb diets regulate cholesterol levels and they do not get higher than before. HDL cholesterol (the ‘good’ cholesterol) levels usually go up on a low-carb diet, while it may even go down on a low-fat diet.


We will admit that when you change your diet, your body goes through withdrawal symptoms similar to those of someone who is getting off drugs. Symptoms such as headaches, fatigue and insomnia are not uncommon in the first few days of embracing a low-carb diet but as stated, it lasts only the first few days and honestly there is nothing to worry about.



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Honestly speaking, if you are not used to having a lot of proteins in your meals, this may sound like a big deal at first and you may find yourself wondering if you can stick to it – it is normal but what you should know is that people have done it and a low carb diet works wonders . The following are some tips and tricks which will make it easier to stick to your low carb diet.

Leftovers – This is one of the things which would help. Eating leftovers makes it a whole lot easier to remain consistent with your diet but what is th3 science behind it? When you do not have to cook your food from scratch all the time, the prep time for your meals reduce and that makes it less likely for you to crave instant foods like pastas which are processed anyway.

So what do you do? Cook your meats and vegetables separately and refrigerate. Before you know it, you will have a variety of meals to choose from and they will be readily available the next time you want to eat.

Mix it up – Go for variety. It could get boring if you have to eat the same thing everyday. Some people on a low carb diet could have chicken all through the week and surely this would get boring along the line.

So what do you do? Have a selection of meat. You could have beef, steak, chicken, fish, bacon and some others and that isn’t all. You can add a touch by making a variety of salads as well. With a good number to select from, you would find that you do not feel limited as to what you eat and when you eat.

Get healthy snacks – It can be a bit difficult to stick to a low carb diet if you have to eat in 4 – 6 hour intervals. This makes you hungry and increases the chances of your falling of the wagon.

So do you do? Get snacks which are healthy and these will keep you full till it is time for your next meal.

Here are some quick and healthy snacks you could have handy.

Hardboiled eggs Handful of nuts



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Plain Yogurt*The great thing about these snacks is that they are low in calories and high in fiber so they can keep you full.


While we are still on the matter of sticking to a low-carb plan, let us discuss superfoods. There are two main reasons why people fail to follow through on a diet plan. One is a lack of motivation and the other is a lack of enjoyment. When it is a lack of motivation, a dieter can have only a vague notion of what to eat and not know exactly what they are getting from the foods. When it is a lack of enjoyment, it is that the foods just don’t taste as nice as the unhealthy junk out there and let’s face it – that is not fun. Whatever the case is, Superfoods can fix that.

What are superfoods? This is a great question. Superfoods are just as the name implies. These are foods packed in nutrients which your body will thank you for and they also taste great.

The best thing about superfoods is that they are mostly proteins and fiber so they are awesome for a low-carb diet. They are high in nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins, but low in calories, so what else could you want?

We recommend getting started with our scientifically developed Superfood System, which has been proven over the past 15 years to aid in weight-loss, healthy aging, gaining more energy and over-all health. It is a convenient way to get the best possible nutrients into your body, and our vitamins have been specially formulated by a scientist that won a Noble Prize for his discoveries in Telomere Support. Telomere is what makes us age more youthfully, that’s why we refer to our Superfoods Systems as the Fountain of Youth. The superfoods in our system are of the highest quality, from sources that you cannot find at your grocery stores or local farmer markets etc.

Here are some examples of sources of very common Superfoods:

Blueberries – These are high in vitamin C and fiber. They also protect your body from different kinds of cancers.



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Salmons – These are great as a source of Omega 3 and they reduce the risk of heart disease. Salmon is so super that all your body needs is two servings a week for maximum benefit.

Greek Yogurt – This superfood is full of probiotics that keep your digestive health in top shape. Also it can be used as a substitute for sour cream.

Coconut Oil – This is one of the sources of healthy fats which balance your body weight. They can also be used in baked goods, smoothies, and as a substitute for butter.

Kale – Even the name sounds like something super. This superfood has more Iron than beef and more vitamin C than an orange. Kale also has high levels of Omega 3 acids which alleviate arthritis and autoimmune disorders.

Eggs – We have not been fair to this superfood; their cholesterol is actually good for you. Eggs are great for the eyes and slow the eye-aging process.

Cocoa – This reduces blood pressure and releases endorphins which make you feel happy and excited.

Sweet Potatoes – One sweet potato gives your body more than the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A. It is also packed with antioxidants and fiber.

Olive oil – Apart from being another good source of healthy fat, Olive oil works on the bones to reduce the risk of bone diseases like osteoporosis. Also, a bottle of olive oil can stay fresh for up to a year – after that, the benefits start to decrease.

Avocado – Great for the skin and hair due to its high amount of vitamin E. Also, Avocados help the body to absorb important nutrients from other foods.

Chia Seeds – Wait for it! One tablespoon of Chia seeds has more Omega 3 than Salmon, More antioxidants than blueberries, and more calcium than a glass of milk. They also improve cognitive ability and provide hours of energy.



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Cauliflower – Pregnant women are advised to consume cauliflower regularly as it aids in fetal development. Cauliflower also detoxifies the liver.

Pumpkin Seeds – These are high in potassium and that is great for the heart and muscles.

Flax Seed – High in calcium and lowers bad cholesterol in the body. Also, flaxseed stabilizes blood sugar. In order to reap maximum benefits from flaxseed, it must be ground before consumption.

Acai Juice – This is a natural mental stimulator and it aids with concentration and memory. As a precaution, read the labels before purchase as some of the products on the shelves have added sugar.

Spinach – This superfood strengthens the immune system to fight diseases. Spinach is healthiest first when juiced, then when cooked, and lastly when eaten raw. That should be good news because eating spinach raw is just...


We have seen a good amount of superfoods. So how do we make the most of them? One way is to make them into smoothies and drink them. Because it is in liquid form, it works faster and keeps us fuller for longer. Just take a couple of items e.g. Greek Yogurt, banana, spinach, milk and Chia seeds. Put them into a blender and there you go. Or for a better method and more cost efficient, you can contact your coach at [email protected] to use our specially designed Superfoods Shakes and save the hassle of hunting down and paying for expensive ingredients!


Some of us enjoy a good sit out at a restaurant and feel we may not be able to do that because we are on a low-carb diet. It doesn’t have to be this way. The next time you are at a restaurant, order a fish or meat based entrée with vegetables on the side instead of rice or potatoes. Keep in mind that the idea is to stay on whole foods and get away from processed foods.



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The challenge with diets like this is usually not having enough meals to keep you from feeling bored – right? So what we have done here is to give you awesome recipes and meals which are creative as they are nutritious. Mix them up and find that there is variety in this thing called a low-carb lifestyle.


Recipe One

Egg Breaky


1. Coconut oil2. Spinach3. Mixed Veggies (carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans) 4. Spices.


1. Add coconut oil to frying pan and turn up the heat.2. Add vegetables. In my case, I use a frozen mix so I need to let it thaw in the

heat for a few minutes.3. Add the eggs (3 or 4).4. Add spices. I use a spice mix, although salt and pepper work great too.5. (Optional) Add spinach.6. Stir fry until ready.



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Recipe Two

Chicken Wings a La Greens and Salsa


1. Chicken Wings2. Spices3. Mixed Greens (kale, spinach, dark leafy greens etc.)4. Salsa


1. Put spice on chicken wings (I use a chicken spice mix).2. Insert into oven, heat at 180-200°C (356-392°F) for about 40 minutes.3. Grill until wings are brown and crunchy.4. Serve with some mixed greens and salsa.



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Recipe Three

Classic Bacon & Eggs


1. Bacon 2. Eggs


1. Add bacon to pan, fry until ready.2. Put the bacon on a plate; fry a few eggs (I use 3-4) in the bacon fat.3. (Optional) If you want to add some flavor to the eggs, put a bit of sea salt,

garlic powder and onion powder on them while frying.



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Recipe Four

Ground Turkey Stir Fry


1. Coconut Oil2. Onions3. Ground Turkey4. Spinach5. Kale6. Garlic7. Spices8. Bell Pepper


1. Cut an onion in little pieces.2. Put coconut oil on pan, turn up the heat.3. Add onion and garlic to pan, stir for a minute or two.4. Add ground turkey.5. Add some spices you enjoy, some I use are chilli’s, pepper, salt, thyme, paprika

and garlic powder.6. Add spinach and kale and bell pepper.7. Stir fry until ready.



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Recipe Five

Bun-Less Cheeseburgers


1. Butter2. Hamburgers3. Cheddar Cheese4. Cream Cheese5. Salsa6. Spices7. Spinach


1. Put butter on pan, turn up the heat.2. Add burgers and spices.3. Flip until close to being ready.4. Add a few slices of cheddar and some cream cheese on top.5. Turn down the heat and put a lid on the pan until the cheese melts.6. Serve with some spinach. I like to pour some of the fat from the pan on top of

the spinach.7. To make the burgers even juicier, add some salsa on top.



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Recipe Six

Cauliflower Mac & Cheese


Cauliflower Base

1. 6-8 cups cauliflower2. 2 cloves garlic finely chopped3. 2 slices bacon thick cut4. 1/2 medium Onion diced

Cheese Sauce

1. 2 tbsp. Butter2. 1 cup Cheddar Cheese shredded3. 1/4 cup Heavy Whipping Cream4. salt and pepper To Taste

Baked Topping

1. 1/2 cup Cheddar Cheese shredded2. 1/2 oz. Pork Rinds crushed (optional)


Cauliflower Base

1. Heat a skillet on medium heat and preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

2. Dice the bacon and separate the cauliflower into "macaroni" sized pieces. We do this by hand, but you can also use a knife. Add bacon and cauliflower to the skillet and allow to cook for 5 minutes, or until the bacon is nearly fully cooked.



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3. Dice the onion, finely chop the garlic and add items to the skillet. Cook for 10 more minutes or until the cauliflower is cooked and the onions are translucent. You'll want to cauliflower to be slightly al dente so that it cooks the remainder of the way in the oven.

Cheese Sauce

1. Combine butter, cheddar cheese (1 cup), and heavy cream in a small saucepan. Cook on low heat until everything is melted and combined. Season with salt and pepper.

2. Bake3. Place the cauliflower mixture into a baking dish. We use an 8x8.4. Pour the cheese sauce over top and mix everything together with a spoon.5. Top with crushed pork rinds and the remaining cheddar cheese.6. Bake at 425 for 10 minutes and then broil for 3-5 minutes to crisp up the




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Recipe Seven

Eggplant Alfredo


1. 1 pound bacon2. 1½ pounds eggplant3. 1 cup heavy whipping cream4. 2 tablespoons butter5. 2 cloves garlic, grated6. 1 tablespoon white wine7. 1 tablespoon lemon juice8. 1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese


1. Chop up the bacon and fry over medium heat in a large skillet.2. When the bacon has rendered out and becomes crisp then remove it from the

pan and drain on paper towels. Save all of the bacon grease.3. Peel and julienne the eggplant. Cook it in the bacon grease until it softens. In

the pictures you can see that I changed pans because the first one wasn’t going to be big enough. You can use the same pan if it’s large enough for all the eggplant.

4. As the eggplant cooks it will soak up all the bacon grease. Create a well in the center then add the 2 tablespoons of butter. Stir all the noodles so that they become coated with the melted butter then mix in the grated garlic.

5. Pour the cup of heavy whipping cream into the pan. Add the white wine and lemon juice then stir together.

6. Add the cup of shredded Parmesan cheese and stir.7. Mix in about half of the bacon.8. Serve with the remaining bacon sprinkled on top. Chopped up fresh basil also

makes a great garnish.



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Breakfast – Superfood Shake Lunch – Chicken salad with some olive oil Dinner – Eggplant Alfredo

Day 2

Breakfast - Superfood Shake Lunch – Handful of almonds with greek yogurt and blueberries Dinner – Cauliflower Mac & Cheese

Day 3

Breakfast – Superfood Shake Lunch – Shrimp Salad with some olive oil Dinner – Egg Breaky

Day 4

Breakfast – Superfood Shake Lunch – Superfood Shake Dinner – Bun-Less Cheeseburgers

Day 5

Breakfast – Superfood Shake Lunch – Mixed vegetables and Hardboiled eggs Dinner – Chicken Wings a La Greens and Salsa

Day 6

Breakfast – Superfood Shake Lunch – Superfood Shake Dinner – Ground Turkey Stir Fry

Day 7



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Breakfast - – Superfood Shake Lunch – Cheeseburger (no bun) and a handful of almonds Dinner – Classic Bacon and Eggs


It wouldn’t be fair if we go through this whole blueprint without hearing a personal story. I used to be on the big side growing up and it wasn’t even like I overate. I settled for the fact that fat was in my genetics and there was little or nothing I could do about it.

As I grew up, at about 17 I thought I should start exercising to keep my body active – not because I though I could lose any weight after all I though tit was in my DNA somehow. Sure I lost some weight but I wasn’t going for anything special so I was satisfied with the fact that my body was being worked.

Years down the line I got to see the actual reason I was on the big side for so long. Technically all my meals where carbs and I didn’t know how detrimental that was. I was used to having a large portion of rice and a tiny piece of chicken and that is how my diet had been all my life. It was sad.

I decided to explore a low carb diet and the results were amazing. I started losing weigh without stressing over it and it looked like I wasn’t doing any work at all. After about six months of following a low carb diet, I went out to a restaurant with a friend and I decided to have a go at my old eating habit. I ordered a portion of rice and to my surprise, I couldn’t even finish it. My stomach size has so shrunk that if I attempted to overeat, it wouldn’t even work.

From my experience I would say if you are looking to lose weight, or curb your appetite, or just be all-round healthier and more functional, then give low-carb diets a run and I can say you will also get a run for your money – along with great results.


The ball is in your court really. Low-carb diets have been tried and tested. They have been found to be useful in both weight loss cases and all round health improvement. The next time you are in a grocery store, you want to head first to the area where you have whole foods and not the processed foods corner. Whole foods are the foods which still have their nutritional value intact and they are the ones which would be beneficial to you.



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Superfood shakes are a great way to start your days and you will be feeling energized all day long.

So if you have been contemplating going on a low-carb diet and you had questions, we sure hope this little guide has thrown more light as to what you are expecting and the benefits to be gained by following through.

The ball is in your court. Your health is your responsibility. Make the right decisions.