the life and mission of cfc singles for family and life session 9

The Life and Mission of CFC Singles for Family and Life Session 9

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The Life and Mission of CFC Singles for

Family and Life

Session 9

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What is

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CFC SFL is a family ministry of the Couples for Christ Foundation for

Family and Life (CFC-FFL), that specifically consists of single adults,

with ages between 21 to 39 years old.

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CFC-FFL is a Christian evangelistic and missionary community committed to

family life renewal.

It started in June 1981 in Manila, Philippines,

with 16 couples.

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CFC-FFL has ministries for kids, youth, singles, widows/separated,

widowers/separated. CFC FFL has a “womb-to-tomb” ministry.

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CFC-FFL also engages in the social dimension of the gospel. We have our work with the poor, work for justice, and work for life.

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What are we called to do?

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Vision CFC-FFL is an evangelistic

and missionary community committed to become families empowered by the

Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth.

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We strive for holiness of life, as we commit to

renew the temporal order through our work with the poor,

our work for justice, and our work for life.

We are a servant of the Church, working to renew her children

through every generation, until the Lord returns once again.

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CFC Singles for Family and Life

Core Values

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1. Centered on Christ.

• “Be holy because I [am] holy.” 1 Pt 1:16

• Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect. Mt 5:48

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2. Evangelistic and missionary.

“Go into the whole world and proclaim the

gospel to every creature.” Mk 16:15

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3. Focused on the family.

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4. Being community.“ the truth in love, we should grow in every way into him who is the head, Christ.”Eph 4:15

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5. Living a preferential option for the poor.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to

the poor”. Lk 4:18

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6. Exercising servant leadership.

“Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be

your servant.” Mt 20:26

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7. Being a servant to the Church.

• We conform to Catholic values and ideals.

• We are consecrated to Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace.

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We exist to provide an environment for single men and women to:

Honor God through holiness of life.

Empower men and women to witness God’s love and faithfulness.

Act out God-given skills and talents in the service of others.

Relate with excellence in all areas of life through meaningful fellowship.

Testify God’s love by allowing them to be used as His instruments.

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JOHN 15 “Planted, Rooted and

Bearing Fruit in Christ”

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Monstrance. Circle. Green.White.

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SFL is aLife Direction


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CFC-SFL, together with the other ministries of CFC FFL, has been raised by God to

defend his work. Our task is to strengthen family life. This is

our reason for being.

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How do we accomplish our mission?

By working for the renewal of single men and women, families and the Church on a global basis.

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Different Life Situations of Singles

Members who are in a romantic relationship

Members who are engaged to be married

Members who are solo parents

Members who are discerning a life of celibacy (religious or single-blessedness)

Members who are in transition from CFC YFL to CFC

SFL; or from CFC SFL to CFC HFL or CFC SvFL

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How do we support one another in CFC SFL?

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By being planted, rooted and bearing

fruit in Christ

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By having committed relationships.

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CFC SFL COVENANTTrusting in the Lord's help and guidance:

1.  I shall live as a follower of Christ.

 •Pray and read the Bible daily.•Strive for holiness and Christian perfection.

2.  I dedicate myself to the task of building a strong family for Christ.

   •Invest myself in time and effort for home and family.•Live out and defend the culture of life.

3.   I shall be a committed and active member of Couples for Christ.


•Faithfully attend meetings and participate in community events.•Give generously of my time and finances for the furtherance of our mission.•Undergo all formation courses.•Relate in love, loyalty and respect with all members of the CFC family.

4.  I shall be a witness to the world of God's love.

 •Actively evangelize and do mission.•Love and serve my parish.•Love and care for the poor. 

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Through households.

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Formation Tracks.Covenant Recollection

Vineyard WeekendLive Pure Overnight

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By reading inspirational books.

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Regular activities of our community.

Monthly prayer assemblies (in lieu of the household meeting).

World Singles Congress, Community

Conference, Family Day, Leaders Conferences, etc.

Life Direction activities

Fellowship activities

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What Happens


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This is not the end. It’s really just the
