the lamb - 6th may 2016

01 May 6 2016 St John’s School Weekly Newsletter Issue 89 It was a pleasure to welcome the Court of the Merchant Taylors' Company. I was particularly pleased that the Master, Mr Peregrine Massey, was able to discuss the history of the Company with Year 4 highlighting to the boys the importance and relevance of the motto Concordia Parvae Res Crescunt which translates to In Harmony Small Things Grow. The boys listened intently and asked some excellent questions including asking him about his love of gardening. The Court and Governors were treated to a musical concert which included the marvellous rendition of 'A Windmill in Old Amsterdam' by the Junior Choir. I would like to congratulate our musicians for their two super concerts this week. As I said last night, the variety of music, level of performance and enjoyment were clear for us all to see. Thank you also to all the parents who attended and made it so special. There has been huge excitement this week with the arrival of our own chicks with the Robins and Squirrels witnessing the first hatching. I was impressed with Year 1 as they researched and wrote about chameleons. Year 7 enjoyed an exceptional field work day in Epping Forest. Year 8 have been preparing for their Business Enterprise Sale which has taken place today. In assembly each group gave a short marketing presentation about their product and it was interesting to compare the different styles. Finally, I would like to wish Years 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 boys and staff all the best for their residential trips next week. I look forward to hearing about them on Friday. From the Headmaster The Court visits St. John’s Every year St. John’s receives an official visit from the Court of the Merchant Taylors’ Company and this Wednesday we welcomed over twenty distinguished guests including Mr Peregrine Massey, the Master of the Company. He spent time meeting our Year 4 boys and surveying the Gardening Club area (he himself is a very keen gardener) before the whole group listened to a lunchtime concert given by many of our instrumental groups. After lunch the glorious summer weather meant that they could see our 2nd XI in action against Belmont where we managed to beat our challenging opposition by 30 runs. Hopefully all our visitors enjoyed their time with us.

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01 01 May 6 2016

St John’s School Weekly Newsletter Issue 89

It was a pleasure to welcome the Court of the Merchant Taylors' Company. I was particularly pleased that the Master, Mr Peregrine Massey, was able to discuss the history of the Company with Year 4 highlighting to the boys the importance and relevance of the motto Concordia Parvae Res Crescunt which translates to In Harmony Small Things Grow. The boys listened intently and asked some excellent questions including asking him about his love of gardening. The Court and Governors were treated to a musical concert which included the marvellous rendition of 'A Windmill in Old Amsterdam' by the Junior Choir.

I would like to congratulate our musicians for their two super concerts this week. As I said last night, the variety of music, level of performance and enjoyment were clear for us all to see. Thank you also to all the parents who attended and made it so special.

There has been huge excitement this week with the arrival of our own chicks with the Robins and Squirrels witnessing the first hatching. I was impressed with Year 1 as they researched and wrote about chameleons. Year 7 enjoyed an exceptional field work day in Epping Forest.

Year 8 have been preparing for their Business Enterprise Sale which has taken place today. In assembly each group gave a short marketing presentation about their product and it was interesting to compare the different styles.

Finally, I would like to wish Years 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 boys and staff all the best for their residential trips next week. I look forward to hearing about them on Friday.

From the Headmaster

The Court visits St. John’s

Every year St. John’s receives an official visit from the Court of the Merchant

Taylors’ Company and this Wednesday we welcomed over twenty distinguished

guests including Mr Peregrine Massey, the Master of the Company. He spent time

meeting our Year 4 boys and surveying the Gardening Club area (he himself is a very

keen gardener) before the whole group listened to a lunchtime concert given by

many of our instrumental groups. After lunch the glorious summer weather meant

that they could see our 2nd XI in action against Belmont where we managed to beat

our challenging opposition by 30 runs. Hopefully all our visitors enjoyed their time

with us.

02 02 May 6 2016

The Master meets Year 4 boys

Mr Peregrine Massey, Master of the Court at the Merchant Taylors’ Company, took some time out of his busy schedule to

pay a visit to the boys in Year 4 on Wednesday morning. He was accompanied by the Clerk of the Company, Rear-Admiral Nick

Harris who plays such an integral role in the smooth-running of the Master’s duties. Mr Massey chatted with the boys about his

seal of office and the Merchant Taylors’ crest and the boys proved to be quite knowledgeable about the crest, motto and history

of the Livery Company. They were even able to hold and observe his gold seal. Many boys had the opportunity to ask the Master

questions about his role, his life and the Merchant Taylors’ Company, which he answered graciously. His easy, friendly manner

made the minutes fly by and our time was over too quickly! The boys were particularly interested in the story of sixes and sevens,

the origin and continued adherence to the ruling handed down by the Lord Mayor over six hundred years ago!

03 03 May 6 2016

The sun shines on our summer concerts

As the summer weather finally arrives, so do our main summer term concerts. The boys were pleased to entertain the

Court of the Merchant Taylors’ Company at their annual visit to the school on Wednesday, with a repeat performance, enhanced

by further musicians and more ensembles for our wonderful concert to family and friends on Thursday 5th May. We entertained

‘al fresco’ for the first half and for the second half were indoors. The Junior Choir were joined by the Senior Recorders for their

performance of ‘A Windmill in Old Amsterdam’ and then they finished off with the entertaining Terry Scott song, ‘My Bruvver’.

The seventy-strong Senior Choir were joined by Year 7 and 8 musicians for our rendition of Georgie Fame’s fabulous song,

‘Sunny’, before Daniel Odejinmi sang the moving opening solo of ‘One Voice’, joined by Marcos Kantaris and Benjamin

Macdonald. Then the whole choir joined in, leading into a rousing and dynamic performance of ‘Do You Hear the People Sing?’

from Les Misérables. The Chamberlain Ensemble, String Quartet, Chamber Choir and Flute Quartet showcased the very best of

our musicians with music from Fauré, Lennon & McCartney, Handel and the hit show Chicago, whilst the Brass Band,

Drumming Group, Tabla Tappers, Guitar Group and Cello Octet combined the very best and experienced musicians with

relative beginners playing music by Williams, Lalo Schifrin, Stevie Wonder and also their own compositions. Our Junior

Recorders and Blown Away wind ensemble demonstrated how even our newest and youngest members are given a chance to

perform with music from Mexico and a blues number. The evening came to a wonderful conclusion with the string players in our

orchestra performing Zadok the Priest in honour of the Queen’s 90th birthday, Wind Band playing Satin Doll by Duke Ellington

and ….5…4…3…2…1…, Barry Gray’s title music to ‘Thunderbirds’ from our full orchestra.

04 04 May 6 2016

Summer concert in pictures

05 05 May 6 2016

Summer concert in pictures

06 06 May 6 2016

Year 8 Business Enterprise sale

This year’s Year 8 Business

Enterprise sale was formally opened in the

Norman Hall by Mr Robinson at midday

today. The cutting of the ribbon was

performed by Mr Robinson and two Year 3

boys. What a success it was too! Each of the

six teams appear to have made a very healthy

profit and once this has been tallied up, will be

donated to this year’s charity, Great Ormond

Street Hospital. In the next issue of The Lamb

the takings will be revealed! Over the past

seven weeks, the boys have learnt a great deal

about running a company of their own. Our

grateful thanks to the team from School

Dynamics, led by Sharon Pink.

Well done to all of the Year 8 boys – Year 7

boys you have this to look forward to next


07 07 May 6 2016

Year 7 cross-curricular trip to Epping Forest

On Tuesday our Year 7 boys travelled to the Epping Forest Fieldwork Centre in Essex. The main aim was to give the

boys an understanding of fieldwork and carry out various surveys in order to gauge the visitor impact on Epping Forest. In the

morning we concentrated our study on an area known as the Pillow Mounds where a great deal of erosion and soil compaction

has taken place. The boys worked in groups of six, using 30 metre tapes, metre rulers, quadrats and penetrometers. They certainly

got stuck in and enjoyed it! They will complete a project on their findings by the end of this term.

As this was a combined Geography and Science trip, the afternoon session was devoted to pond-dipping. A great deal of fun was

had here! The ponds were alive with creatures and the boys found many of them, including newts, dragonfly larvae and even a

water scorpion! A great day was had by all and we all agreed that our Tutor, Abi, was outstanding. She was a great advert for the

Fieldwork Centre!

08 08 May 6 2016

Epping Forest in pictures

09 09 May 6 2016

Merchant Taylors’ School Science Challenge

Last Friday we took a team of four boys; Matthew Hodes, Zain Ahmed, Yuri Zykov & Shivank Chhabra to Merchant

Taylors’ to take part in a Science Challenge against five other schools. The competition comprised of three challenges in each of

the three science subjects. Each team was marked on various components including practical and analytical skills, working as a

team and completing a question paper. Each challenge lasted about 1 hour and whilst they were taking place the teams were being

constantly assessed by Merchant Taylors’ staff.

Biology was based on studying a Daphnia under a microscope and investigating how caffeine and aspirin had an effect on heart

rate. Chemistry involved exploring a chemical reaction between marble chips with hydrochloric acid. Physics saw us making an

electromagnet with appropriate materials such as iron rods and wire and building a load-bearing bridge with rudimentary

materials. At the end, the scores for each school were added up and we were delighted to come runners up, only losing by one

single point. In fact the winning margin was so close the papers were checked several times to ensure absolute accuracy.

A wonderful result and performance by our star studded team who performed admirably.

10 10 May 6 2016

More BBC 500 word success


8.30am – THEY were coming today. The foreigners. We were ready. My name is D - that’s what I’m known as. Me and my boys

from the Estate control things at this school. We took our positions in the middle of the playground. This is our spot. We starred

at the gates, waiting eagerly. A large van pulled up outside; one by one they unloaded. Olive skin, thick black hair. Uniform – try-

ing to look like us. But they can’t. We are white and this is our country. They are foreigners. We don’t like them. They’ve come to

take our jobs my dad says. They’re crowding our classrooms, my mum says. They should go back where they came from my

granddad says. I agreed of course. We didn’t want them here and we were ready to tell them. We counted twelve; 8 boys and 4

girls. They walked sheepishly round the playground escorted by the Headmaster into the building.

9.00am – The bell rang, we all filed in in our usual rowdy way. Chatty. Taunting. Aggressive. The foreigners sat at the front. We

took our place at the back. As usual, the teacher droned on. We got down to our usual antics – throwing paper balls, kicking

chair legs, only this time, we directed our assaults at THEM. The day was more interesting than usual. We loved to hate the

foreigners. This was going well.

4.00pm – As I walked home, it happened. THE CHANGE. You see my name is D. D for Duality. As hinted in the word ‘dual’

in my name. I, Duality have two parts, like love and hate,

peace and war. At this time every day, I change - I’m never

with my boys at this time. My heart softens. My mind opens.


raging fire inside me is extinguished. I’m like two sides of the

same coin - I feel anger, hate and jealousy, but also sympathy,

kindness and love. I could hear footsteps behind me. I turned

apprehensively. As I saw them, I relaxed and smiled. To my

surprise, they stepped back in fear. Sullen faced and sad. I

took a step towards them. Hello, my name is D. I saw you at

school today. Can I walk you home? Timidly one of the boys

stepped forward and introduced himself as Munzer.

My walk home was enlightening. Through broken English, I

learnt all about another culture, language and a struggle to

survive. At Munzer’s house, I was welcomed in to the aroma

of spices, excited chatter , interest and love. We sat together,

talked and ate. This was different to anything I was used to. I

am white. This is my country. But, I am glad it is Munzer’s

country too. My new friends are more varied – they are keen,

curious and grateful. They add to my life without even

realising it!

9.00pm –Did you see them foreigners’ yelled dad? Yes, we

got them dad, they know they’re not welcome!

You see my name is D. D for Duality.

Danial Sayani in 7T has been successful in reaching the second round of this prestigious national competition and he

would like to share his story with you.

11 11 May 6 2016

Those camouflaged chameleons

As part of their topic on ‘Rainforests’, Year 1 have been learning about chameleons. They enjoyed researching facts about

these interesting reptiles and especially liked the fact that chameleons are able to swivel their eyes around and view two things at

once. They thought it useful that chameleons can camouflage themselves with their surroundings. In ICT, the boys designed and

printed their own camouflage backgrounds. Then they cut out and coloured their own chameleons to match their background


12 12 May 6 2016

Meet the Graptor!

The Pre-Prep Eco Council have been thinking of ways to help the environment. They decided to start with small projects

around the Pre-Prep. Having made signs for every room to remind boys and teachers to switch off the lights they have now

moved on to the playground. We have acquired a small composting bin to collect food waste at break time and there is a rota for

litter collection. The boys have particularly enjoyed wearing the high-vis jackets, gloves and using the litter collectors,

affectionately known as the Graptor!

13 13 May 6 2016

Chick chick chick chick chicken…...

………...Lay a little egg for me! It is spring time and Robins and Squirrels are enjoying their topic about ‘Living

Things’. We have been lucky enough to have 10 fertilised eggs delivered to St John’s from a farm. We have been excited to

watch some little fluffy tired chicks emerge from cracked shells – wow…how amazing! Some chicks are bright yellow males and

others are cinnamon-coloured females. We look forward to watching them grow and change over the next two weeks.

14 14 May 6 2016

The sounds of Science in Year 4

In Science this week, our topic of sound culminated with an exciting experiment investigating the pitch made by different

amounts of water in test tubes. The boys blew across the top of the test tubes to create different notes and considered whether

they created a high or low pitch. Our flautists did particularly well with this experiment and at one point it felt as if Year 4 had

transformed into the Music Department! Perhaps your son can tell you why this change in pitch occurs!

15 15 May 6 2016

A day at the Acropolis Museum

Panagiotis Giannoulopoulos in 3C was fortunate enough to visit this amazing museum in Greece over the Easter holidays

and he has shared his impressions with us…

‘One sunny warm evening in Athens I went to the Acropolis Museum with my dad. When I first saw it I felt very excited. I

couldn’t wait to get in and learn about all the ancient Greeks and the 12 Gods. I remembered at that moment a fact my teacher

Miss Cooke taught me - that the Greeks believed in many Gods but that

many English people, let’s say, believe in only one God.

When I went in I immediately discovered what my favourite thing was. A

glass floor at the main entrance. If you looked down, you could see an

ancient city. We also stopped in the first room to watch a video that I

found very fascinating. It showed that when Parthenon marbles crumble

people restore them. The thing that impressed me the most was restoring

the statues with a laser and it did work. We then went in the lift and it

took us to the last floor. There were many statues. The most frightening to

me was one where a Centaur had stabbed a man with his horse-like leg.

We also found out that a school had come along from the island of Crete.

I sat down with them and listened to the tour guide. I learnt about

materials the ancient Greeks were using. They had ancient Greek names

so unfortunately I can’t remember any of them now.

My dad also told me about the disagreement over who should own the

Parthenon marbles. The disagreement was with the British Museum. A

person who was working at the Museum told me that an English Lord

took the marbles to England while Greece was at war. 52 percent of the

marbles are now in the British Museum and 48 percent are in the

Acropolis Museum in Greece.

This was a magnificent evening. I hope I will be visiting the Museum again


Badminton hero

Salman Mukhtar in 4M had a busy weekend. He

was presented with this lovely trophy for winning the

badminton doubles finals at Aldenham School. He

also received the singles trophy. Well done, Salman.

Under 10 Cricket vs St Benedict’s

16 May 6 2016

U10 A vs St. Benedict’s

St John’s 65 for 4; St Benedict’s all out for 45

St John’s won by 20 runs

Shivam Sangani 17 runs. Reece Jones 2 for 7, Shane

Patel, 3 for 8. Chirayu Shah, 2 for 4.

Outstanding performances: The whole team.

St. John’s team batted first and the opening pair of

Shivam Sangani and Reece Jones put on a good total with

Shivam Sangani scoring 17 runs. We never really

accelerated the scoring but we eventually scored 65 runs

with the loss of four wickets. Our bowling and fielding

was excellent and Chirayu Shah with his leg spin bowling

caused numerous problems for the opposition. In the

field, we managed to get three good runs outs with Rahul

Pau doing an excellent role behind the stumps. In the end

we bowled St. Benedict’s out for 45 runs with Ashok

Rodrigo taking the last wicket.

U10 B vs St. Benedict's

St. Benedict's 68 for 6 ; St. Johns 69 for 1

St. John's won by 9 wickets.

Oliver Atkins 10, Skye Pagnini 14

Outstanding performances: The whole team.

St. Benedict's batted first and scored 68 for 6 in their 20

overs. St Johns then chased down these runs by getting 69

runs for only 1 wicket thus meaning we won by 9 wickets.

All the bowlers bowled well and accurately, keeping the

extras total low. This was then followed up with

encouraging batting from the first four batsmen. To gain

some practice all other players batted after the game was


Colts Cricket vs St Benedict’s

17 May 6 2016

Colts A v St Benedict's Ealing

St John 's 153-2

St Benedict's 97-9

St John’s won by 56 runs

Armaan Popat 49 Niyam Shah 51 not out shared a

partnership of 102 for second wicket.

Yuvraj Bajaj 3-16

Outstanding performance: Armaan Popat and Niyam


Batting first St John's began briskly before Daniel Barnett

was well caught with the score on 19. Thereafter Niyam

and Armaan took charge running very well between the

wickets and dispatching loose deliveries to the boundary.

Armaan was very unlucky to be run out from a direct hit

when on 49 but Niyam duly completed an accomplished

maiden 50. Although St Benedict's showed some

enterprise when batting they soon fell behind the required

rate and lost wickets steadily with Umair Cheema and

Yuvraj Bajaj the pick of our bowlers. An encouraging start

to the season especially in the conditions!

Colts B vs St. Benedict's B

St. Benedict’s won by 5 wickets

St. John’s 117 for 8; St. Benedict’s 118 for 5

Jake Prior 5 for 2

Outstanding performance: The whole team

A close, tense, exciting and entertaining match. Almost

every boy got to bat and everyone got to bowl. This was a

good team effort and the focus during the match from all

boys was excellent. I was really impressed with the boys’

willingness to learn and to improve in the main areas of

the game whatever their current skill level. Quite a few

boys discovered that through some minor technique

changes their bowling, batting or fielding can improve

tremendously. Well done to Jake Prior who got two

wickets of his two overs. Also a mention to Ben

Hellewell, Cyrus Limki, Max Barnbrook and Prashant

Pandya who took wickets. Ben Hellewell and Alex

Bainbridge showed off some solid batting skills.

Spectacular fielding from Louis Rich, reminding me of

Jonty Rhodes when he still played for South Africa. A

great start to the cricket season. Bring on the next match!

Senior Cricket vs Belmont

18 May 6 2016

1st XI v Belmont

St John’s won by 2 runs

St John’s 99 for 6. Belmont 97

Shiv top scored with 28 and Matt was 15 not out.

Shalin took 4 wickets for 14 and Aadam 3 for 15.

St John's batted first and set a total of 99 with Shiv scoring

28 and Matt 15. The top order produced a solid start on a

tricky wicket and scored at around 4 runs per over for the

first 10 overs. Shiv added real momentum with a total of

five 4s and all the later batsmen pushed to take more tight

singles. The Belmont chase was always a little behind the

required rate, and the pressure started to really tell when

St. John's then began to take wickets. Shalin took 4 for 14

and Aadam 3 for 15. The last few overs were really tense

and a late 4 coupled with 4 byes made the last over

extremely nervy with Belmont needing 11 to win. They

finally fell short and St John's won by 2 runs.

2nd XI vs Belmont

St John’s won by 30 runs

St John’s 128 for 5; Belmont 98 for 7

Matthew Crow 37; Zachary Garner-Patel 25; Har-

jeevan Sandhu 2 for 4; Viraj Anand 2 for 25

Matthew and Zachary for their batting.

On a glorious afternoon the 2nd XI went into bat on a

good wicket looking to set a big score. In a similar fashion

to the Davenies match last week we lost some early

wickets but with Matthew Crow and William Robinson at

the crease they steadied the ship. Matthew batted really

well and scored a great 37 and Zachary Garner-Patel

weighed in with a handy 25 which included two massive

sixes. Setting a target of 129 to win we bowled well

although we could have limiting our wides. However,

Belmont never really got a hold on the game and struggled

to keep up with the required run rate. In the end a pleasing

win by 30 runs proved that we were too strong and we

should be confident in our next match that we can keep

this winning streak going.

Senior Cricket vs Belmont

19 May 6 2016

3rd XI vs Belmont

St John’s won by 56 runs

St John’s 101-6

Belmont 45 all out

Michael Ohio-Ezomo 29 runs, Jordan Hui 23 runs

Aaron Meghani 3 wickets

Outstanding performance: Aaron Meghani for

bowling a 3 wicket maiden

St. John’s won the toss and elected to bat, with Michael

Ohio-Ezomo and Aaron Meghani forging a strong

opening partnership and making several boundaries. The

performance continued as Jordan Hui came to the crease

and made 23 runs. Danial Sayani and Rohan Dasgupta

closed out the St. John’s innings, making a grand total of

101 runs. The Belmont innings was short lived. Excellent

bowling from all quarters dismissed all of the batsmen for

45 runs, with Aaron Meghani delivering a superb

three-wicket maiden. Our fielding was also strong with

great catches taken by Danial Sayani and Michael

Ohio-Ezomo, who also dismissed Belmont’s second

batsman with a direct run-out. Max Davies took an

excellent catch from the last batsman off Rayan Devani’s

over to win the match. The boys all played very well as a

team, especially those who did not get to bat or bowl this

time and endured it with such good grace.

4th XI vs Belmont. St John’s lost by 6 wickets.

16 16 May 6 2016

Old Boys win U15 Herts Plate Last weekend six of our newer Old Boys ( Brett Posner,

Ben Salkeld, Lucas Golding, Josh Jordan, Charlie

Bridgewater and Thomas Boyle) played rugby for Chess

Valley in the Herts Plate Under 15s final at Old Albanians. They

played Harpenden (a team in the division above) and won in a

great match with a score of 14-12. At half time our boys were

losing 0-12 and so the second half was very exciting and an

amazing come-back with 2 tries and 2 conversions (the final one

being a great kick from Lucas just 5 minutes from the end).

The parents are convinced that their success is down to the great

start they had from their coaches at St. John’s, including Mr

Robinson who coached them at senior level.

Success for Northwood FC

Year 5 boys Jamie Wood, Ollie Atkins and Mason

Harding all represented Northwood FC Under 10s at a

football tournament in Selsey over the bank holiday weekend.

Teams came from all over country and they got to the final but

lost to the previous year's winners, who were the only team they

lost to over the two days accumulated matches. The medals and

trophy were presented by Marc Pugh of AFC Bournemouth so

Jamie (as a season ticket holder) was particularly thrilled. Last

year (at Gt Yarmouth) they received the fair players award so

picking up awards as a team two years in a row was a special

honour. Well done boys.

17 17 May 6 2016

1. Year 3 has been learning about ancient Greek

pottery. Freddie Ellis in 3C has been using

terracotta clay to sculpt his pot.

2. Noah Lomas in 3C is carefully painting

decorative detail onto his Greek pot.

3. Here are the finished pots ready to go home.

4. Ethan Nwankwo in 6V is working very hard

on his op art cube. Is it making you feel dizzy?

5. Junior Art clubbers are painting flowery

landscape pictures.

1 2


4 5

18 18 May 6 2016

An evening with ex England supremo

Mike Atherton

Enjoy a 3 Course dinner, welcome cocktail and

dancing to great music

Guest Speaker Mike Atherton (Ex England and Lancashire)

Fantastic auction prizes including a safari holiday to Kenya

Signed cricketing memorabilia, Tickets to top sporting events,

Masterclass with ex international players

Saturday 14th May – 7 to 11.30pm

Tickets £40 per person

Please contact Vip Amin at [email protected] to reserve your ticket or book a table for:

An evening with Mike Atherton on Saturday 14th May

Son’s Name……………………………. Form………………………..

Your name……………………………… Email………………………………………………….

I/We would like …….ticket(s) at £40 each and enclose cash or a cheque for £……… made payable to “Longstops”

I/We would like to be seated with ……………………………………………….

Number of Vegetarians………………………………………

19 19 May 6 2016

Updates: please continue to visit for all the latest

information on sports fixtures and results.

The website will have

announcements in case of

emergency. You can also

follow us on twitter


Mailings: if you have received The Lamb

from someone else and would like to be

sent your own copy direct each week,

please email: Lamb Editor. Let us know

your contact details and you will be added

to the list.

Photographs: Do please continue to send

in any photographs which could be

included in The Lamb.

Monday 9th May: Year 5 Examinations

Year 6 Residential Trip to Northumbria departs

Year 7 Residential Trip to Normandy departs

Year 8 Residential Trip to Knapp House departs

Artist Visit to Year 4

Information Evening for New 3+ Parents (7.00pm)

Tuesday 10th May: Year 5 Examinations

Years 3, 4 & 5 Maths Workshop

Wednesday 11th May: Year 2 PGL Trip departs

Year 4 Residential Trip to Whitemoon Lakes departs

Year 5 Outing to RAF Museum, Hendon

Thursday 12th May: Year 3 Outing to Ashridge Estate

Year 5 Victorian Workshop

Friday 13th May: Years 2, 4, 6, 7 & 8 Residential Trips return

Cricket v UCS: U10A, B (a) (2.15pm)

Saturday 14th May: Belmont U13 Cricket Festival (8.45am)

Calendar and important dates Contact details

ISI Inspection Report. You should have received a copy of

this report via email but there is also a link to the document on

the front page of the school website.

Residential trips. Next week is our activities week when the

school timetable is completely altered so that each year group in

the Prep School takes part in different activities. Years 6-8 will

be away in Northumbria, Normandy and Devon respectively all

week and we are hoping to upload their travels onto the

website. There will be a link on the home page to these ‘diaries’.

In addition, hopefully you will be able to follow your boys via

twitter. Years 2 and 4 will be away from Wednesday until Friday

and their expeditions can be found on the website too.

Senior Drama rehearsal. There will be a rehearsal next

Thursday, 12th May after school for Year 5 actors until 5.00pm.

Please note the earlier pick-up time.

Open Morning. This takes place on Wednesday 25th May at

9.15am. Please invite any friends or family to this event who are

considering sending their son here. It is a fabulous opportunity

to see the school in action!

GOSH. The retiring collection after last night’s Summer

Concert raised £308 which will be sent to our charity for this

year, Great Ormond Street Hospital. Thank you very much for

your amazing generosity.

After-School Activities. Next week there will be a revised

programme of after-school activities during activity week. Mr

Brown has emailed the list to all boys who are affected.

Exam Revision Sheets. These are all available via the school

website for Years 5-8.

House Point Totals. At the end of this week the current totals

are as follows: Churchill 7.4, Lawrence 8.4, Oates7.4, Lincoln


All the best to our boys departing on Monday and Wednesday

for their various trips and we look forward to hearing all about

your time away.

Enjoy a warm weekend and some early nights for Year 5 before

their exams next week.

Notices and Reminders