the ksp news - › newsletters › 2014 › nov 2014...

NOVEMBER 2014 The KSP News E s t a b l i s h e d 1 9 8 5 Upcoming Events Katharine’s Birthday Sunday 7 December 11.00am—4.15pm Join us at Katharine's Place for our special end-of-year celebration. You are warmly invited to take part in the Awards Ceremonies of three annual competitions, namely the KSP Speculative Fiction Award, the Karen W Treanor Poetry Award and the KSP Short Fiction Award. Many of these winners will share with us extracts of their winning stories. The day will also present feature performances, a tribute to Katharine and give free tours of the heritage listed house and garden. A delicious lunch and afternoon tea will be available for a gold coin donation, plus a range of giftware and raffles will be on sale. Please visit the website for a schedule of events: Events > Katharine’s Birthday Everybody is welcome to join us for this special occasion! Member’s Choice Workshop— as voted by YOU! Wring the Paranormal Saturday 15 November, 1.00pm—4.00pm $30 members, $45 non-members Please book early as there is a minimum number required to proceed. Join paranormal romance author Shona Husk as she digs into world building, transconnental lore and myths from around the globe, as well as how to bring romance to the creatures that lurk in the shadows. Bring your note pads and pens, your imaginaon and an open mind as the author who made goblins sexy takes you out of the suburbs and into a world where anything is possible. Upcoming Workshops Booking in advance is essential for all workshops and events. Please see the KSP website for payment details. 9294 1872 / [email protected] Crime Ficon Saturday 8 November, 1.00pm-4.00pm Take a journey with David Whish-Wilson into the murky world of murder, mystery and drama. You will learn how to create atmosphere and tension in your story with the use of real events, and techniques such as seng, mulple viewpoint, and careful plong. David Whish-Wilson currently teaches creave wring at Curn University. He is author of three novels featuring detecve Frank Swann, has published various short stories and novels, along with seng up wring programs in prisons. "David Whish-Wilson is a force to be reckoned with in crime ficon." JustAGuyThatLikesToRead blogspot hp://www.davidwhish- Costs: $30 for KSP-members and $45 for non-members.

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Page 1: The KSP News - › newsletters › 2014 › nov 2014 newsletter.pdf · SOIAL MEDIA MARKETING: a workshop with Writer-in-Residence Annabel Smith


2014 The KSP News

E s t a b l i s h e d 1 9 8 5

Upcoming Events

Katharine’s Birthday

Sunday 7 December 11.00am—4.15pm

Join us at Katharine's Place for our special end-of-year celebration. You are warmly invited to take part in the

Awards Ceremonies of three annual competitions, namely the KSP Speculative Fiction Award, the Karen W Treanor Poetry Award and the KSP Short Fiction Award. Many of

these winners will share with us extracts of their winning stories. The day will also present feature performances, a

tribute to Katharine and give free tours of the heritage listed house and garden. A delicious lunch and afternoon tea will be available for a gold coin donation, plus a range

of giftware and raffles will be on sale. Please visit the website for a schedule of events:

Events > Katharine’s Birthday

Everybody is welcome to join us for this special occasion!

Member’s Choice Workshop—

as voted by YOU!

Writing the Paranormal

Saturday 15 November, 1.00pm—4.00pm

$30 members, $45 non-members

Please book early as there is a minimum number required to proceed.

Join paranormal romance author Shona Husk as she digs

into world building, transcontinental lore and myths from around the globe, as well as how to bring romance to the creatures that lurk in the shadows. Bring your note pads

and pens, your imagination and an open mind as the author who made goblins sexy takes you out of the

suburbs and into a world where anything is possible.



Booking in advance is essential for all workshops and events.

Please see the KSP website for payment details.

9294 1872 / [email protected]

Crime Fiction

Saturday 8 November, 1.00pm-4.00pm

Take a journey with David Whish-Wilson into the murky world of murder, mystery and drama. You will learn how to create atmosphere and tension in your story with the use of real events, and techniques such as setting, multiple viewpoint, and careful plotting.

David Whish-Wilson currently teaches creative writing at Curtin University. He is author of three novels featuring detective Frank Swann, has published various short stories and novels, along with setting up writing programs in prisons.

"David Whish-Wilson is a force to be reckoned with in

crime fiction." JustAGuyThatLikesToRead


Costs: $30 for KSP-members and $45 for non-members.

Page 2: The KSP News - › newsletters › 2014 › nov 2014 newsletter.pdf · SOIAL MEDIA MARKETING: a workshop with Writer-in-Residence Annabel Smith

Writing the Wild by Mardi May

They have been doing it for centuries - walking and writing - poets from Basho to Wordsworth and writers like Dickens, using the connection between walking and writing to produce great works of literature.

In her workshop, ‘Writing the Wild’, poet Nandi Chinna explored this practice of ‘poepatetics’ as a creative tool through a sensory connection to the environment. Her recent book, ‘Swamp, walking the wetlands of the coastal plain’, was created using the practice of walking as a research methodology. Nandi mapped on foot the ancient wet- land sites of Perth noting their decline due to urban progress, and documenting her findings in poetry.

It is not only the slowing to walking pace, allowing us time for more acute observation, but the rhythm of the pace which acts like a metronome, that are important to poetry writing. This connection to nature and the environment deepens our experience of the world around us and also connects us to our inner landscape. As Basho, the seventeenth century haiku master noted, ‘learn about the pines from the pines, and about bamboo from the bamboo’.

Participants in the workshop walked around the KSP garden, mapping their experience not only with their feet, but with their senses. As we walked, we translated the sensory world around us into the poetic voice of the natural world. Some keenly observed poetry resulted from this poepatetic ramble and we felt, along with Nandi, a closer relationship to nature in the wild, wonderful garden, which was no doubt a source of inspiration to Katharine herself.

What others thought of ‘poepatetics’:

‘Felt inspired, deep gratitude and nourished’

‘Nandi you have a beautiful voice’

‘Loved it!’

‘Such an inspiring and feel-good workshop’

‘I love KSP’

‘Thank you so much, Nandi. I so appreciated this.’





Poetry Kitchen, Fremantle

Thursdays 10-12pm Details here

Grouch Online Magazine is

currently seeking submissions of

poetry and creative writing.

Details here

Online Poetry Feedback with

Jackson 0406624578. Details here

Online Poetry Magazine Uneven

Floor currently seeking

submissions. Details here

Highlight Publishing currently

open for submission of

manuscripts. Details here

Freefall Writing Retreats

Nov., 2014. Details here

Summer Supper Club spoken

word performances: monthly dates

Nov., Dec. 2014. Details here

Online Poetry workshop with

P.S. Cottier Star ts 6th

November Details here

Creatrix Poetry and Haiku

Journal now accepting

submissions Submission

deadline 10th Nov. Details here

Perth’s Shortest Short Story

Competition Closes 14th Nov.

Details here

Society of Women Writers WA

event on 15th Nov. Contacts for


FAWWA Poetry Writing with

Jackson Cost $45, 16th Nov.

Details here

Author talk with Richard

Rossiter At Bookcaffe, 20th Nov.

Details here

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One Day Creative Writing

Course with John Harman

22nd Nov. Details here

Rhonda Jankovic Poetry

Award Closes 25th Nov.

Details here

Ron Pretty Poetry Prize

$5,000 first prize, closes 30th

Nov. Details here

Magic Oxygen Literary Prize

Closes 30th Nov. Details here

Blackened Billy Verse

Competition 2015

Closes 30th Nov Details here

Cuttlefish Literary Magazine

seeking poetry, and flash

fiction Due by 5th Dec.

Details here

Aurealis Speculative Fiction

Awards $10 entry fee, closes

7th Dec., Details here

2014 Hal Porter Short Story

Competition Closes 12th Dec.

Details here

Tom Collins Poetry Prize

Closes 15th Dec. Details here

Peter Porter Poetry Prize

$7,500 first prize, closes 15th

Dec. Details here

Somerset National Poetry

Prize For secondary school

students, closes 19th Dec.

Details here

Writing to the Wire Poetry

anthology is seeking

submissions, closing 31st Dec.

Details here

E. J. Brady 2014-15 short

story competition Now

accepting submissions, closes

1st Jan. 2015 Details here

Upcoming Book Launches KSP’s Poets Group anthology launch—’The Light Painters’ At KSP Centre, Sunday 23 November, a free sundowner from 4.30pm Finger food and wine provided. Launched by Nandi Chinna. RSVP to: [email protected]

Pre-order KSP’s Anzac Centenary book Blackboy Hill is Calling by downloading the order form the KSP website or picking one up from the Centre. Blackboy Hill is Calling is the never-before recorded social history of Western Australia’s most significant World War I training camp. We join former Blackboy Hill soldiers on their journey preparing for the

Great War, with humorous and touching stories of marching, firearms training, camp folklore and sufferance through countless bowls of dreary stew. New research suggests that Blackboy Hill camp training was integral in creating the ‘spirit of mateship’ now synonymous with the legend of the Anzac. Blackboy Hill is Calling is suitable for all ages, and includes optional Teacher’s Notes for educators. Book release date: March 2015. Cost: $15 posted or $10 pick-up.

Limited print run at this price: certain to sell out quickly! Be sure to secure your copy early.

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: a workshop with Writer-in-Residence Annabel Smith

Saturday 22 November, 1.00-4.00pm, $30 members, $45 non-members. Only a few seats left

With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, this workshop will get you to: Define three aspects of your social media 'identity'; Identify which social media properties you plan to use; Select 'fixed pages' for your website/blog; Write the text for an 'about' page; Experiment with writing different types of blog posts; Practise 'tagging'; Create a blogging schedule; Experiment with writing Facebook posts; Decide which additional 'tabs' to add to your 'page'; Set Facebook goals and create a strategy to meet goals; Experiment with writing tweets, including hashtags; Set Twitter goals and create a strategy to meet goals; Create a Goodreads profile 'blurb'; Identify groups and forums of relevance/interest; Write a review; Define your top ten social media goals.

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Katharine Susannah Prichard Foundation News

KSP verandah repairs, from this...

To this!

There’s still some work left to do, such as painting the new beams and lattice, however the important thing is that it is NOW OPEN, LEVEL and SAFE to walk on! A big thanks to local carpenter Jon Toobey for his fantastic work. On a related note, if any member has a nice outdoor patio set you’d like to donate to KSP, please email us on [email protected]

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Glad McGough for winning second place in the

2014 ECU Talus Prize for her short prose piece

‘Whajuk Booja’.

Member Renewals winner

Fay Dease

Fay has won a voucher for a standard $30 KSP

workshop funded by DCA. Congratulations Fay!!!

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Patron Dr Glen Phillips

Public Fund Chairperson KSP Treasurer KSP Clive Aldridge Denis McLeod Christopher Oakeley

Literary Advisory Board Dr Glen Phillips David Caddy Prof. Brian Dibble Kathleen Dzubiel Mardi May Dr Melissa O’Shea Karen Treanor Dr Amanda Curtin Juliet Marillier

Blackboy Hill Project

Valerie Everett

Management Committee Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Robert Perks Newsletter Ed. Shannon Coyle Committee Renee Hammond

Mardi May Andrew Levett Valerie Everett Tabetha Beggs

Margot Lowe

Coordinator Shannon Coyle

Competitions Secretary Jemimah Halbert

Write-a-Book-in-a-Day Christopher Oakeley



Regular Writing Groups

Open for Everyone to Join (Per class: $5 members/$10 nonmembers)

Poetry Writing Group (Poets@KSP) 2nd, 4th Mondays 1.00-3.00pm

Writers’ Circle Tuesdays 10.00-12.00pm

Writefree Women’s Writing Group Wednesdays 9.45-11.45am

Young Writers’ Group (8-16s) Thursdays during school term 4.00-6.00pm

Home Schoolers Group (9-16s) Thursdays during school term 10.00-11.30am

Thursday Night Group Thursdays 7.30-9.30pm

Romance Writers Group Fridays 9.30-11.30am

Marathon Writers Group Fridays 12.00-4.00pm

Non-Fiction Writers Monthly 1st Saturday 10.00-12.00pm

Past Tense (Social History) Monthly 2nd Saturday 10.00-12.00pm

Speculative Fiction/Fantasy Monthly 2nd Sunday 10.00-12.00pm

Avon Valley Writers Group Wednesdays 10.00am & Thursdays 7.00pm

NaNoWriMo Support Group Mondays during October and November only,

9.00am - 12.00pm

Katharine’s Place

11 Old York Road


WA 6056


Phone: (08) 9294 1872

Fax: (08) 9294 1872

Email: [email protected]
