the kitchen language basic english

The kitchen’s language in Carnival Cookbook Written by BASIC ENGLISH ADULT LEARNERS

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The kitchen’s language in Carnival

Cookbook Written by BASIC ENGLISH


Page 2: The kitchen language basic english

Carnival in Galicia • Galician Carnival is called Entroido

and it marks the arrival of Spring.• People wear all kinds of outfits,

traditional and modern. • It is a time of irreverent fun, mock

authority and indulge. • It is also a time for eating delicious

dishes, most made with pork but also lots of sweet treats.

Page 3: The kitchen language basic english

Carnival Flowers

Ingredients  • 250 ml of whole milk• 1 egg• 1 pinch of salt• 200 gr of regular wheat flour• Flavor (anise, orange juice,

cinnamon, or lemon) • Sunflower oil for frying• Caster sugar for dusting

1. Beat the egg with milk. Add a pinch of salt and flavorings.

2. Slowly add the flour while we beat with a fork to get a thick texture, smooth and without lumps.

3. Let the mixture rest for 20 '. It will thicken slightly. 4. Heat the sunflower oil is a deep pan. 5. Dip the flower molds into the dough. 6. When the oil is very hot, place the mold into the

frying pan. The flower will come off after a few seconds.

7. Place the flower on a paper towel and sprinkle with sugar.

8. Do the same until the dough is finished.  9. Serve and enjoy them with your family and friends!

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FILLOASIngredientes:½ litro de leche250g de harina4 cucharadas de azúcar6 huevos2 cucharillas de anísZumo de una naranjaPizca de salMezclar todo.Reposar 10 minutos Hacer:Untar la sartén con tocino ibéricoHacer las filloas una a unaCon un cucharon verter la mezcla en la sartén, extender, dar la vuelta y colocar en un plato.Espolvorear con azúcar y canela molida.

FILLOASIngredients:½ liter of milk250grams of flour 4 tablespoons of sugar6 eggs2 teaspoons of aniseJuice of one orangePinch of saltMix everything.Stand 10 minutesTo make:Grease the frying pan with Ibérico bacon Making the filloas one to oneWith a ladle pour the mixture into the heat frying pan , spread , turn filloa over and place on a plate.Sprinkle with sugar and ground cinnamon.

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500ml milk 3 eggs 200 g flour 1 tablespoon sugar Pinch of salt A piece of butter

Making filloas

Put all ingredients in a bowl. To beat until dough is uniformWe keep the dough in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Once the dough has rested, we will prepare the filloas. We spread the base of the pan with a piece of butter, when hot, pour a ladle of pasta, and move the pan to spread throughout the base. When the edges begin to brown, with your fingers or a spatula, we turn them; let it be by the other side and ready to eat. The first filloa, almost always goes wrong, so do not worry that with a little skill, you will come out all right.

To place on top of each other in a dish, add a little sugar to each. They can be filled with chocolate, cream, honey, jam ...


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Ingredients:500 g flour1 egg100 g of lard or butter or margarineZest of one lemon. 100ml milk1 teaspoon salt sugar or cinnamon sugar Way to do:Put the flour in a large bowl, make a hole in the middle and add the salt, egg,

milk and melted butter. Mix and knead all, once we have all well uniform dough, to cover with a cloth, we let the dough sit for one hour. We put a pan fire with oil; put the dough on the counter. With roller stretch the dough until it is very fine. Cut in rectangular strips and cast to the pan.

Once the ears are brown, place them in a dish, you sprinkle sugar with cinnamon.


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Description of the activity Descritores • Ser capaz de pedir axuda e información sobre as tarefas a realizar.• Ser capaz de escribir un texto breve con pasos claros e sinxelos dando información precisa para

elaborar unha receita.Destrezas • Comprensión e expresión escritaObxectivo • Entender instrucións para levar a cabo unha tarefa na lingua que se esta a aprender• Elaboración dun receitario internacional na lingua materna e na segunda lingua. • Transmitir coñecementos da lingua materna á lingua que se está a aprender. Procedemento • Receitas típicas do Antroido. • Preparar unha introdución sobre a festa do Antroido en Galicia.• Receitas en español e inglés • Elaboración dunha presentación coas receitasFinalidade • A finalidade destas actividades e concienciar aos alumnos coa idea de que saber máis dunha

lingua, nos axuda a aprender outras linguas. • E por outra banda, coñecer os costumes e a cultura dun país facilítanos a aprendizaxe da lingua.


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Recipes made and personalized by Adult Learners: Maria , Asún, Fina, Lola and José
