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The Keygen To ThePanopticon

Pt 1

The KeyMaker

Noble Knowledge



1. The Artifact

2. Reprogramming

3. The Shape Of The Universe

4. Rise The Engender

5. One Zero Eight



The issues of self and individuality has always been age-oldquestions that those who enlist on the search for self willinevitably come across,

Where do I believe my current beliefs stem from?Do they currently serve my needs as they once did?Is my belief system conducive to where and who I want tobe?

A Philosopher by the name of Abu Hamid Al-Ghazalibeautifully expressed this sentiment for the environment ofhis era. In his teenage years, he wanted to know the naturalstate of the human mind without social and environmentalprogramming.

These influences come from many places, society, parents,religion; whose aim is to program you with theirconfiguration of environmental, cultural, and social norms.The Artifact framework intersects the lens in which a personreads and responds to their current environmental input.

The passive nature of the Artifact means it is very adaptableand pervasive. Just by the very experience an individualencounters the Artifact is the layer of the activesubconscious in the mind that takes control to make surethe individual is acting within accordance with theenvironmental, social rules.

The main dissemination of the Artifact framework is syntax,branding, movies, stories, news, and simulated combat viasports.


The foundations of the average modern environment arebased on a relatively new system, around 200 years old, ledby the current corporate/educational diction.

Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali:

“consequently as I drew near the age of adolescence, thebonds of mere authority ceased to hold me and inheritedbeliefs lost their grip upon me, for I saw that Christian youthsalways grew up to be Christian, Jewish youths to be Jews andMuslim youths to be Muslims. My innermost being wasmoved to discover what this original nature really was andwhat the beliefs derived from the authority of parents andteachers really were. and also to make distinctions amongthe authority-based opinions and in distinguishing betweenthe true and false in them. Therefore I said within myself, tobegin with, what I am looking for is knowledge of whatthings really are so I must undoubtedly try to find whatknowledge really is.”

Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali was a philosopher born AH 450 [450BC] (1058/9), under the Islamic lunar calendar. 

Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali wanted to know the natural state ofthe human mind without the artifact, the state of mindbefore external influences such as religion, parentalexpectations, and teachers who aim to program you with


their truths. The framework these systems base theirknowledge.

To get around the need for a linear chapter by chaptersequence, each chapter will contain all and any informationrequired to understand its content. Each chapter containsthe same essence of the book and with the repetition of thesame core concepts throughout each chapter. This formatallows for the mind to take note of the patterns beingunveiled. This system of following the patterns is conduciveto learning new concepts that at first glance may seem like itrequires a high level of acumen or intellect but the repetitiveuse of the same core concepts in each chapter will show youjust how you can retain information easily even if theinformation comes from specialists sources.

Familiarity with the information from each chapter will helpyou see how the wisdom in this book can help you ineveryday life. This is because daily we are exposed toUniversal Law through a variety of sources, language,ideograms, music [Frequencies], and food. This book will alsoexplain how this is all framed via the environment weinhabit.

The overall arc of this book is unclear, 'all is self'.Consciousness is one, this theory is being backed up evermore by scientific principles such as chaos theory,mathematics, geometric physics, and even particle physicswhere observant changes the way photons travel whenobserved.

If consciousness is the internet, then each device thatconnects to the internet can be seen as a living being. Eachdevice holds local data that the user curates. Although thedevice is connected to the internet it would be overloadedand run out of local storage if all the information on the


internet was to be downloaded to it. It takes the user tosearch for specific patterns of knowledge and decide if theyare going to save that date for later recollection or not.

Through the example above, consciousness then comes intwo forms: active consciousness and passive consciousness.

Active consciousness is the choices you make during the daysuch as what clothes to wear, what tv program to watch.

Passive consciousness can be characterized as familiaritywith something that doesn't have any correlation with theindividual. Different names have been attached to this suchas Deja Vu?, heightened awareness, Kinesiology, Genius,synchronicity, dreaming, and lucid dreams. Each differentway is how humans can tap into the shared consciousness.


Richard R Hawkins

"I have been tasked, therefore, the problem of presenting thedata in a manner that will satisfy both approaches. This bookis therefore oxymoronic in style, written to facilitate so-calledleft-brain, right-brain comprehension. 

In actuality, we know things by holistic pattern recognition.The easiest way to grasp a whole new concept is simply byfamiliarity. This kind of understanding is encouraged by astyle of writing characterized as closure. Instead of usingsparse adjectives or examples to express thoughts they areinstead run out and completed by use of repetition.

The concept is then done and the mind is left at ease. Suchan approach is also desirable because the mind that reads


chapter three will not be the same as the mind that readschapter one. 

For that matter, the idea of having to start from chapter oneand read progressively to the end is merely a fixed left brainconcept. This is the pedestrian path of Newtonian physicsbased on a limited and limiting point of view on the world, inwhich all events supposedly happen in a sequence, A causesB causes C. This form of myopia rises to form an outdatedparadigm of reality, our wider and for more comprehensiveview draws not only upon the essences of the mostadvanced physics, mathematics, and nonlinear theory but aswell upon intuitions that can be experientially validated byanyone. In general, the challenge in presenting this materiallies in the paradox of comprehending nonlinear concepts ina linear sentence by sentence structure. The fields of sciencein which emerged are themselves complex and difficultenough.

such as advanced theoretical physics and the mathematicsthereof, nonlinear dynamics, Chaos theory, and itsmathematics, advanced behavioural kinesiology,neurobiology, turbulence theory as well as the philosophicconsiderations epistemology and ontology. Beyond this, itwas necessary to address the nature of humanconsciousness itself, an uncharted area at the perimeter ofwhich the sciences have all drawn back. 

To conclude, simply comprehending such subjects from apurely intellectual viewpoint would be a staggeringenterprise requiring a lifetime of study. Instead of essaying soformidable of a task, I have tried to extract the essence ofeach subject and work only with these essences., even arudimentary attempt to explain the workings of the testingtechnique fundamental to this book, which seems initially totranscend known knowledge of the universe, inevitably leads


us to the intellectual territories of advance theoreticalphysics, nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory, I havetherefore attempted as much as possible to present thesesubjects in non-technical terms, there is no need to worrysome area in intellectual capacity is required to digest thismaterial; It is not. we will circle around the same conceptsover and over until they are obvious. Each time we return tocomment on an example, greater comprehension will occur. 

This kind of learning is like surveying new terrain in anaeroplane, on the first pass it all looks unfamiliar, the secondtime around, we spot some points of reference, the thirdtime it starts to make sense, and we finally gain familiaritythrough simple exposure. The inborn pattern recognitionsystem of the mind takes care of the rest.

To quell my own fear that perhaps despite my best effortsthe reader might not get the essential message of the studyI will spell it out in advance.

The individual human mind is like a computer terminal,connected to a giant database. The database is humanconsciousness itself of which our own consciousness ismerely an individual expression but with its roots in thecommon consciousness of all of mankind. This database isthe realm of genius because to be human is to participate inthe database everyone by virtue of birth has access togenius. The unlimited information contained in the databasehas now been shown to be readily available to anyone in afew seconds at any time and at any place. This is indeed anastonishing discovery bearing the power to change livesboth individually and collectively to a degree never yetanticipated.

The database transcends time and space and all limitationsof individual consciousness, this distinguishes it as a unique


tool for future research and opens as yet, undreamed ofareas for possible investigation. it holds for the prospect anestablishment of an objective basis for human values,behaviors and belief systems. The information obtained bythis method reveals a new context for understanding humanbehavior and a new paradigm for validating objective truthbecause the technique itself can be used by indigenouspeople anywhere at any time, it has the capacity to initiate anew era of human experience based on observable andverifiable truth. We have at our fingertips an accurate meansof distinguishing truth from falsehood, workable fromunworkable, benevolent from lying. We can illuminate thehidden forces, hither, too, overlooked that determine humanbehavior. We have at our disposal a means of findinganswers to piers the unresolvable, personal and socialproblems, falsehood needs no longer holds sway over ourlives." 

Power Vs Force, Richard R Hawkins, M.D, PhD.



To get around the need for a linear chapter by chaptersequence, each chapter will contain all and any informationrequired to understand its content.

Each chapter contains the same essence of the book andwith the repetition of the same core concepts throughouteach chapter. This format allows for the mind to take note ofthe patterns being unveiled.

This system of following the patterns is conducive to learningnew concepts that at first glance may seem like it requires ahigh level of acumen or intellect but the repetitive use of thesame core concepts in each chapter will show you just howyou can retain information easily even if the informationcomes from specialists sources.

Familiarity with the information from each chapter will helpyou see how the wisdom in this book can help you ineveryday life. This is because daily we are exposed toUniversal Law through a variety of sources, language,ideograms, music [Frequencies], and food. This book will alsoexplain how this is all framed via the environment weinhabit.

If the overall arc of this book is unclear, 'all is self'.Consciousness is one, this theory is being backed up evermore by scientific principles such as chaos theory,mathematics, geometric physics, and even particle physicswhere observant changes the way photons travel whenobserved.


If consciousness is the internet, then each device thatconnects to the internet can be seen as a living being. Eachdevice holds local data that the user curates.

Although the device is connected to the internet it would beoverloaded and run out of local storage if all the informationon the internet was to be downloaded to it.

It takes the user to search for specific patterns of knowledgeand decide if they are going to save that date for laterrecollection or not.

Through the example above, consciousness then comes intwo forms: active consciousness and passive consciousness.Active consciousness is the choices you make during the daysuch as what clothes to wear, what tv program to watch.Passive consciousness can be characterized as familiaritywith something that doesn't have any correlation with theindividual. Different names have been attached to this suchas Deja Vu?, heightened awareness, Kinesiology, Genius,synchronicity, dreaming, and lucid dreams. Each differentway is how humans can tap into the shared consciousness.


Chapter One: The Artifact

Each chapter in this book will outline how Universal Law stillapplies in modernity. Each chapter focuses on explaining theways Universal Law principles are applied to form an artifactto reinterpret the environment.

The following chapter will outline the Artifact framework andhow it intersects with modernity to build the knowledgebase of a 'secondary' framework playing within the mind tobe led by consumers made companies to be consumed indaily life.

An insignificantly small concept planted the mind. It has tobe small like a seed, compact with the necessary frameworkto grow and distort the environment it is planted or itwouldn't grow to be such a pervasive rhizome that the hosthas no knowledge of it. In esoteric terms, I believe it was theconcept of 2! as this is the beginning of duality.

The number two is dualities numerical symbol. As itsrepresentative, it confirms what the eyes quantify, thisdivision where an individual ends and the rest of theenvironment begins.

This pervasive feminine energy in its carefree state shadowsthe masculine light of mind which is the unifying forceneeded to bring feminine energy into focus.

Actively in the environment, the people are given guidelinesto follow, most importantly how to be a productive part ofsociety and the role you will play.

This duality is brought in as early as childhood. A child maybe taught the rules of the environment through force, but


that force should only be one way, and the instinct to fightback should be quelled.

Tell the truth at all times as lies are bad. Until that truthbecomes an embarrassment for the parent.

In pre-teenage years, importance is placed on speaking thetruth. Up to the teacher’s ability to maintain order then it is anuisance and the child who is literal with the rules becomesthe problem.

In the teenage years, reporting wrongdoings is fullypromoted. But this acts in a vacuum and they can provide nohelp or assistance outside of their environment nor do theycare for the implications! As long as they can balance thebooks at the end of the year they give little to no regard.

After spending 18 years composing the truth as the height ofall good the child is now seen as an adult. And in the adult,corporate environment truth is a price point. Bringingpersonal or higher truths to the workplace will get you fired!!

Even in fame, expressing a personal truth can result in beingsued. Oprah Winfrey was sued by the meat industry forsaying she will never eat meat again on her TV show.

“Give me a child until the age of seven and I will show youthe man”

- Jesuit quote

This hypocritical behavior becomes the only way a personcan survive in the mainstream culture or environment. Thusthe Artifact is implanted and weighs and measures in whicha person puts their energy instinctively off.


The Artifact is the framework that resonates with the societalnorms of the external environment and converts that intothe appropriate feeling currently required by the mind.

It manifests as a filter frequency of acceptance and denial.Man in a suit, listen to him. Policeman, here to help,politician, he has my best interest at heart, billionaireanything that he says must be right because he made somuch money!!!

It’s the need to share your environment with others, to seeluxurious and exotic things. Trends, challenges, viral posts,meme culture are all parts of the Artifact finding ways tocultivate its existence through culture and social norms.

The Artifact is the crowning glory of those able to use it totheir end. It can be used to sway nations, the world, or evensimply upgrade your projection to the current narrative inplace of the people you interact with daily!

This Chapter will explore just how this Artifact frameworkintersects with modernity to build the knowledge base a'secondary' framework to be consumed in daily life.

This publication came about out of a requirement for thetruth. How did the modern world come about? What wasthe series of events that led to how modern society is set up?Where do the traditions and rituals we encounter originate?

This type of programming only requires that you participatein the illusion for the Artifact to grow.

Cultural HegemonyCulturenoun


The arts and other manifestations of human intellectualachievement are regarded collectively."20th-century popular culture"The ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular peopleor society."Afro-Caribbean culture"

Hegemonynounnoun: hegemony; plural noun: hegemoniesleadership or dominance, especially by one state or socialgroup over others."Germany was united under Prussian hegemony after 1871"

Cultural hegemony is the main avenue that keeps theArtifact alive and programmed to the norms required.Properly executed it requires no policing to maintain, oncethe resonance of the Artifact has been programmed itenforces the perpetual cultural resonance program itself.

Each society has its unique cultural habits that promotepositive cultural norms. Cultural norms are introduced tokeep the individuals of society on mass healthy and safe.Not talking with your mouth full, or eating with your mouthopen as an expression to those around you that you areenjoying your food, wearing clean clothes, covering one'smouth when sneezing. Christmas, Easter, Bonfire night, areall examples of cultural norms that serve as a false positive byappealing to the self-interest of the individuals of a society.

Where once Christmas was a deeply religious undertaking isnow a vehicle to sell goods to children predominantly.

Easter once stood for fertility and abundance. Only in a sicksociety would this be deduced down to hyperbole of rabbits


and eggs signifying the fertility component and the sheernumber of chocolate eggs signifying abundance.

Bonfire night was the brutal execution of the last rebelliousforce in the UK. The actions of Guy Fawks were that of one ofa conquered man, the last lights of ember over a conqueredand socially subjugated peoples. This country that we callthe UK was conquered by Willahelm the conqueror! And theformer people's existence pushed them to the far reaches ofhistory.

Once introduced monopoly capitalism inflates the necessityof these to its end and to the detriment of the individualsinvolved.

Christmas and Easter once played a crucial role in ancientsocieties, now overlaid with modern-day religiouscelebrations.

At the foundation of the industrial revolution, smallagricultural communities became farmland for the massproduction of food. Jobs became abundant in centraldensely populated areas forming the bases of the large citieswe currently see. As the industrial revolution grew so did therequirement for jobs and skilled workers. All this growthcreated disposable income for the likes of people who livedoff the land and traded for what they needed. Now they havethe money to explore outside of their current skill set andenjoy good crafted to enhance your environment in the eyesof those in your environment.

The large variance in class and education within thepopulace at the time meant that the lower classes weresaving their money because the industrial revolution up untilthis point framed them as workers.


To get the lower classes to spend their money the merchantswith the government's input created the economy. Likewise,this period in history gave birth to the advent of modern-day“capitalism” [monopoly capitalism] With “Economy” in theleft hand [Feminine energy] and Capitalism in the right[Masculine energy], the new barons of the emerging worldwere able to further promote the Artifact using these newrepurposed words to take advantage of the existing socialinfrastructure.

Unlike the requirements needed to be in the presence of thehigher classes, the social/environmental decorum has nowbeen established within the lower classes, predominantly toget them to re-class themselves as workers and consumers.Modern-day traditions pay testament to the self-assertingArtifact and how social/environmental norms can be curatedin a Populus. Mo-venmber, Dryanuary, simulated combatevents, are evidence of how pervasive and convincingadhering “norms” can be in the lives of the populace within aspecific economical capitalistic structure.

The company coca-cola with the correct application ofeconomy, capitalism, and marketing; has embedded itselfwithin the cultural Christmas celebrations. This union is sostrong and pervasive in the minds of those who give it theirenergy that it will have the individual heavily associating thebrand with the cultural event.

What made a person healthy, wealthy, and wise was dictatedby the educated, those of high class, and governmentguidelines. These avenues became less and less used as thetrinity of economy, capitalism, and media began to branchinto areas of medicine, food, and textiles mass production.The doctor was replaced by the brand, the cook replaced bythe street vendor and the seamstress of the family nowmaintains clothes rather than creating them from scratch.



Chapter Two: Reprogramming

Who Am I!

I Am Me!

But who am I really! as a child I was given clothes to wear.

As I got older I was presented with things that pleased me.

I was able to get all manner of things with the faces of thethings that I was exposed to and pleased me.

the older I got the more I was able to pick and choose thethings I saw that looked pleasing to have.

Now I have my own way of curating the environment ofthings that please me. Now I can obtain all the things that Ibelieve I require.

To continue this pleasing feeling I cast a net into the seas ofentertainment and trawl through indiscriminately, all to findmore artifacts that bare the signs and symbols of the thingsthat spark that now ember that once was a pleasing glow.


Who Is Me!

I am the reflection that I see in the mirror. It confirms myexistence. I can see my facial features, my teeth, my ears areall confirmed by my eyes that I can see too. I am also thecreek and squeaks I feel echo throughout my body. These allaid to confirm my existence.

I Am Who I Am!

I am an amalgam of all the experiences I have processed tofunction within a given presented environment. Actively Itake on activities, patterns of behavior, thought processes toalign and survive with the constant parts of my environment.Any thoughts, behaviors, patterns that are not conducive tomaintaining the constant norm I relegate to my "down" time.unmeasured the line between these can becomeunbalanced and environments collide.

Who am I! I am a product of my environment, living induality to maintain balance.

Where Am I!

The Shape Of Existence

I exist in oddly shaped objects sectioned off by rules andregulations, the land I sleep under at night has a border, thearea in which I live has an area, which has a postcode thatdenotes yet another oddly shaped area. then there's villages,


towns, cities, precincts, counties, countries, continents! Thenit is the globe, set in a solar system, within a galaxy amidstinnumerable other galaxies.

I can process all of this, I have access to visuals, mathematics,decades of research the sciences have curated to bring us allthat we know about our environment and our place withinthe larger universe! but to what end.

How does this science serve you other than a curiosity youallow into your environment so you can purchase things thatconform to your curiosity to further the confirmation of yourexistence and that you like small ornaments that expressyour interest in a particular curiosity.

If you're lucky enough to graduate this curiosity into a careeryou can apply it to make a living, researching, cataloging,calculating and creating data to be stored, each anaccomplishment in a way something can be achieved.

The continents are divided into countries, one step and it isto cross into the next country, one step. Once you step into anew set of rules and regulations one step into a differenteconomic environment one step and your ability to read yourenvironment and the changes is all it can take to survive.

The Shape Of Reality

In reality, the division is perceived, separation, hostility. Thenumbers are NUMBing, the science is speculative and theconclusions come from an environment of hostility-drivenduality so unbalanced.


The reality is, our perception of our environment iscompromised, our perception of each other is compromised.The reality is, 300 years of scientific endeavor and themainstream perception of our existence hasn't yelledanything the community is willing to call the new normal.

We can crunch data faster, create more elaborate modelsand synthesize youing modern-day technological arts, butthe core reason seems to have lost its way as now the dataand the visuals are just fetishized until the next new visualdata model is presented.

The reality is, this science is unveiling nothing, all it serves isto further confirm your environment to be that of a box in abox in a box in a box.

In reality, this knowledge serves you nothing more than arough outline to adhere to, the morse code of the stars, and aguide of what to expect from the beings across the border.

In Ancient Times!

Before our environment became so conflated, our timebecame more brokered, before our becoming dualistic bybirth rite. our ancestors were born into a world whereelectricity was still tamed within its elements. The Sunilluminated the day and the stars brightened the night.

This environment of our ancestors was entertainment and afascination. Generation after generation cultivatingknowledge of the environment to such a degree where theysee the cycle restart and it repeats, carefully noting down. It


is why anthropomorphized stories of our ancestors relate tothe stars.

Birth Rite

This ancient wisdom was curated by our ancestors for us all.It was to be the core truth that the environment grew,allowing you to understand your fixed grounded positionwithin any given environment because the map was alwaysabove you!

somewhere in the evolution of our environment thisknowledge was lost in the minutia, relegated to superstitionand subculture past times. At some point the knowledge ofbeing in alignment with the greater nature becameunbalanced and we became more in alignment with the ME!

And Now!

The universal truths our ancestors curated are paid tribute tothrough a medium that doesn't acknowledge just howbeautiful and meaningful the transition of the stars aboveare. The time and efforts are brokered out to other factorswhich further disconnect us from our wisdom.

In society, our ancestral traditions, rituals, and ceremoniesare metered out in an unbalanced manner. seasonal ritualsinto daily traditions, weekly ceremonies relegated to yearlyand traditions that no longer serve as they fail to grow withthe environment causing imbalance.

we still pay tribute should you believe this or not. theuniverse will always be a map should you accept to use it ornot. Only through understanding like our ancestors did can


we start to build a better understanding of what it means tobe we again.




Being born into this world today is contingent on so manymitigating factors which take away from the majesty of achild entering into existence. Through the process of birth,no credence is given to your true potential of knowingyourself. All information is more to serve the system not youor the light you have just brought into the world.

Your time and date of birth are important. important enoughfor your ancestors to understand the difference in degrees tocome up with an accurate map of which energies of thestars will serve you from birth.

We pay into a system that guarantees that our best interestsare held. The government is supposed to curate the bestknowledge for all that pays into the system. Along the waywe all have the same ancestors who utilized this knowledgeso how do we get to modern society and see no trace of thatin the establishments built to serve the public.

"The newnationalhealthservice

your national health service begins on5th July. What is it? how do you get it?it will provide you with all medical, dental, and nursing care.everyone rich or poor, man, womanor child-can use it or any part of it. there are nochanges, except for a few special items. there are noinsurance qualifications. but it is not a "Charity".you are all paying for it, mainly as taxpayers, and


it will relieve your money worries in times of illness."

Input Expression!

Modern society as of 2020 has set into the environment a setof guidelines. those who mediate their experience out to anexternal entity are subject to its influence. Theses apreparatory state took on then a reactionary move followedby the experienced reality.

To someone not plugged into the mediated environment,their experience of the environment is that of one righttaken away. The street they live on is now full of life, theenvironment nature is providing is glorious. to such a personthe perception that their livelihood is being taken away dueto a concept. The conversations and the images and thewords of others didn't really meet up with the environmentpresent.

This is the unease felt when the information doesn't fit theenvironment so, like the ancestral knowledge we encounter,it is attributed to the unknown therefore evil and cast aside,held back by a shield of fear and perception of safety.

There is something about the configuration of the modernworld environment that transcends all the boxes erected inthe division that makes each and everyone one of ussusceptible to the trappings of an environment that aims toremove the ancestors and replace them with ME!

Believe It!

There is this disconnect between what we are told and howwe perceive it. Its thin veil of acceptance leads to a void of


discrepancies. what was once informed information is castaside when fear and survival are activated.

Each time a new government is elected off the backs ofpromises they always fail to meet but yet we allow suchbehavior to carry on then the next election comes along thesimilar promises are made and not met and that the cycle.

Wanting better requires user input and the system providesconvenient outlets for such people, generating enough"Feeling" to contribute to the greater good. but it gets put inthe void of discrepancies to continue the cycle.

I create my own environment!I choose to allow what informs me.I can only make those decisions to the best of my ability withthe information that I take in.I choose to believe the information that is presented to meI made a choice.

Curate Life!

Life is curation! Physically you curate the things that yourequire from the resources available to you. food, clothes,trinkets, toys, amusements, devices. Mentally we curate thethoughts in our head from what is perceived by us to be themost informed source!

The ease at which information that guides an individual isoutsourced can only be met by expressed limitingviewpoints. HIsTORY is a particularly narrow view by thosethat have the means to influence on mass, ParLiment Offersyou


Chapter Three: The Shape Of TheUniverse

Sacred geometry is an informational system that is formedas part of the tripartite of frequency, amplitude, andspectrum.

Sacred geometry is the ideogram for universal law. Unlikeconventional ideograms which are based on context, sacredgeometry is an energy-based ideogramic system.

The ideograms that sacred geometry create hold theinformational system in which our environment is basedupon such as light, sound, dimensional space, particlephysics, EVERYTHING!!

Each major ideogram that appears in the unfolding of sacredgeometry can be seen as an informational system. Eachmajor ideogram contains parts of the information in whichour environment is made, containing more information ateach level built up to form the levels that preceded it.



Phi is known as the genesis of all numerical sequences as itonly requires a minimum of two digits to compile.

Phi is also known as the Golden ratio/Golden mean. It is anumber system that determines the "proportional ratio" ofeverything that builds our environment. 

Being the most basic of numerical systems it can be foundwithin the first motion of sacred geometry which containsthe informational systems of light and dimensionalproportions, Phi adds the ratio.

1,61803..... is a ratio sequence that continues ad-infinitum. 

A + B is equal to the overall ratio of A + B 


A and B can only be plotted out in a way as to calculate A + Bratio and create an ad-infinitum number. 

This formula is the cohesion that keeps the light containedwithin the set ratio guiding the other mathematicalprinciples that proceed from it. and is expressed in sacredgeometry as straight masculine energy lines.

This compartmentalized view on varying informationalsystems at play can account for the vast variety expressed inthe natural environment.



The Fibonacci sequence is an ad-infinitum number that isexpressed as the curved lines within sacred geometry,Feminine energy. 

The ad-infinitum nature of the Fibonacci sequence is createdby adding the previous number to the current number:

1 + 1 = 21 + 2 = 32 + 3 = 53 + 5 = 8


This sequence is the force behind Phi, continually driving theratio to its incalculable end but in the process becomingmore refined.


Frequency - Phi is the masculine energy component, thedrive of light.Amplitude- The Fibonacci sequence is the feminine energy,the power of light


A pole graph is made up of both curved and straight lines.

There are 36 masculine lines spaced at 10-degree intervals tomap out a 360 circle.

The feminine concentric circles are evenly spaced from thecenter to the outer rim, forming 8 circles in total.


By plotting Phi over the pole graph from 0 to the center, thePhi ratio will converge with the straight and curved lines ofthe pole graph lines at five pivotal points.

The points of convergence are:

120° 190°240°280°360°


As previously stated Phi and Fibonacci are intrinsicallyconnected. This connection can be further comprehendedvia the pole graph.

When the Phi increments of the radial lines are plotted fromthe center:

[Radial step from centre] [Angle] [Distance from Pole]1 0° 1 12 120° 2 23 190° 34 240° 45 280° 58 360° 8 8

[Phi] [Fibonacci] [Binary]


The binary sequence found within Phi when plotted outacross the pole graph, yet uncovers another ideogramcontaining another functional information system.

By connecting the binary angles to the binary system usingmasculine energy [lines], the formation of an equilateraltriangle is formed.

This equilateral triangle holds the informational system for allknown harmonics and can be mapped out by addingadditional masculine energy lines.


By drawing a line from down the middle of the equilateraltriangle it is split into two halves, the top and the bottom.

From the top half of the equilateral triangle, all harmonicscan be mapped out. This includes the points pole graphnodes.

A line is drawn up from the centreline towards a pole graphnode or the outer edge of the triangle. From this point, a lineis drawn to the corner of the lower corner of the equilateraltriangle.

This process is repeated at the point where the line returningto the lower corner meets the centerline, going one way.Following on from the initial line the first line to be drawn infrom the lower corner of the equilateral triangle to the point


in which the initial line meets the centerline, following up toeither a pole graph node in its trajectory or the outerequilateral triangle wall before drawing the final line down.

Inner Kleptocracy

By duplicating and turning the ideogram depicting theequilateral triangle 60° the next pivotal informational systemis formed.


This duplication can be expressed as a binary sequence. Inthe newly formed ideogram, the idea of binary transcends tohigher informational expression, energy. This is now afeminine and masculine energy system.

To understand the essence of all things the knowledge mustbe un-compartmentalized and rebuilt.

Serve and Protect

This new ideogram is a hexagram, a six-pointed star. 

In modernity, its secular synonyms are The Star Of David,Megan Star. Star of Bethlehem, Shield Of David, Solomon'sSeal.


Sacred Ideograms

“This is truly the geometry of being.

Solomon fell and lost the seal when he forgoes his truth forthe pleasures of his environment”



Circle Of A Snake

The first and recurrent ideogram in varying weights andmeasures is the circle. 

This ideogram represents the information of how UniversalLaw unfolds to create the environment around you.

As the circle represents everything, the only path toexperience is to attempt to break it down to its base level ofhow it came to be.


By taking in the mathematics and the geometry of theenvironment around, noting common factors you can startto break down how the circle came to be along with all theinformation systems created at each step.

Light Manifest


By plotting the center of a circle to its outer edge andreproducing the exact dimensions of the original circle,using the outer edge of the original circle as the center pointfor the new central point and following the path through thecenter of the original circle the first major informationalsystem is formed The Vesica Pisces.

The Vesica Pisces is created when the two outer edges of thecircles meet at the top and bottom. to complete the imageand balance out the all-female energy pattern, a masculineenergy line is drawn from the apex to the bottom.  

The informational system of the vesica pisces consists of 

Width proportion


depthsquare roots of 2, 3, 5 ad-infinitum Light

When you add the information together in the correctweights and measures the light spectrum is formed.

This is accomplished primarily by the resonant forcebetween amplitude feminine energy and frequency,masculine energy creating a spectrum that containsharmonics and light.

The ideogram in full contains the two circles that parted tocreate the vesica pisces. These two halvescompartmentalized, the masculine and female energies fuelthe next major ideogram. The feminine and masculinecomponents of energy are also expressed mathematicallyproportioned equilateral triangles at the apex and bottom.


The Children Of The Beginning

The next stage the circle moves one radius away from thecircles that preceded it. 


This creates an ideogram that displays four distinctiveReuleaux triangles [circular triangles] to create the image ofthe tripartite, commonly known in modernity by itssynonyms, trinity, triquetra, The Holy Trinity, Trefoil knot,triplets, The Sacred Trinity, three, trilogy, trine.


These Three outer branches contain the next elevation ofinformation from the previous ideogram, the vesica Pisces.

The Reuleaux triangle holds the shape of the vesica Piscesviewed tip onward.


The Reuleaux triangle displays how the Vesica Piscessupports a constant euclidean distance along each of itssides. This principle is also known as an orbiform, amathematically perfect solid that maintains constant width.


Through this form, the Reuleaux triangle can perform theduties of a circle in another form.

The three petals on each side of the central Reulauuxtriangle contain the informational systems of Vibration,Light, Matter. This is the form of the vesica Pisces viewedfrom a 90° perspective, point to point. It contains theinformational system of the Vesica Pisces but from adifferent dimension of perspective to reveal a new orbiformshape and the elevation of the base informational systemsinto the three compartmentalized information systems nowcontained in the outer petals.

The next unfoldment of the informational system containedwithin a circle is the ideogram of four Reulauux trianglesarranged around the central petal shape.


Black Goo

Conforming to the pattern of moving one radius away fromthe circles that preceded it, an ideogram of four conjoinedcircles is formed. In biology, this is referred to as the Carnegiestage 2.


The next ideogram to appear is a large central Vesica Pisceswith four Reuleaux triangles, two at its apex and two at thebottom the upper and lower circles cross within the largerVesica Pisces to create a smaller Vesica Pisces across itswidth. 

The outer petals each represent the four elements, Fire,Earth, Air, Water


The two central Reulaux making up the apex and thebottom of the large Vesica Pisces are masculine andfeminine energy.

The central Vesica Pisces, which crosses the width of thelarger Vesica Pisces at 90°, is the point of wholeness intolight, manifesting within the contained, dimensionalobservable, spectrum. 

Within this informational system is the manifestation of theenvironment around you. 

In the full ideogram of the Carnegie stage 2 with all thecircles displayed. There are four isosceles Reuleaux trianglesdisplayed in position at each cardinal direction of the outercircles. 


The northern isosceles Reulaux triangle is positivemagnetism, the southern pole represents negativemagnetism. 

The two-outlying isosceles Reuleaux triangles are themagnitude of the northern and southern poles.

This ideogram configuration is the building blocks of thetorus filed for the third dimension.


The next step completes the first half of the full flower of lifeideogram. The next stage of the fifth circle follows thecontinuing pattern, of moving one radius away from thecircles that preceded it leave.


When this ideogram is viewed from the perspective with thetwo outer circles at the apex and the three circles at thebottom. This ideogram Key Of The is the full display ofmasculine energy in the male form.


The central circle where all the circles meet two VesicaePisces can be seen. These two that meet at the center pointof the original circle represent the pineal gland. An image ofan inverted Reuleaux triangle can be found between theVesica Pisces is the harmonic zone that sits between thelarger Vesica Pisces created by the two apex circles.

The larger Vesica Pisces is representative of the light of themind created by the harmonics between the smaller VesicaPisces ether side. 

The bottom inverted Reuleaux triangle located in the lowerpart of the original circle represents the lower part of thelight of the mind, representative of both the lower harmonicsand physicality. This forms the harmonics required togenerate a torus field. With the masculine Positive pole inthe apex inverted Reuleaux triangle and the femininenegative pole located in the bottom inverted Reuleauxtriangle. 


The four larger Reuleaux triangles that can be seen in theoriginal center circle represent the four noble elements thatattribute temperament to the light of the mind.

The apex Reuleaux triangles are fire and air, the activeelements. The lower are Earth and Water, the passiveelements. As indicated in the upper half of the ideogram,from the center of the original circle is masculine positiveenergy as are the elements Fire and Air.

The Bottom Reuleaux triangles are Earth and Water, thepassive elements. The lower half from the center line andbelow is feminine negative energy and so are the elementsEarth and Water.


Two isosceles Reuleaux triangles remain in the bottom outercircles. These represent the lower harmonics creating thelight and sound frequency spectrum in part with the torusfield.  


The two smaller isosceles Reuleaux triangles at the apex ateither side of the top two circles represent the harmonics ofthe masculine positive pole of the mind and the femininenegative pole of the mind.

In this context the masculine pole directs its light energy tothe 6th dimension, the astral plane and the feminine energydirects to the 5th dimension, where the combined energy ofthe subconscious of all the 3rd-dimensional entities curates. 



Following on from the previous Light Of Mind ideogram,following the continuing the pattern, of moving one radiusaway from the circles that preceded it.

The newly revealed ideogram, viewed from the perspectivewith the two circles taking the apex position and the threecircles at the bottom. This ideogram is Of Harmonics.

As the informational systems become more refined, thecompartmentalization of the system becomes furtherdivided, each informational system becomes increasinglyspecialized.


The two uppermost circles are taken up by large isoscelesinverted Reuleaux triangles. These represent thetransmission of information [light] to higher dimensions.

On the positive masculine pole which is the left circle, is thequadrant that is intrinsically linked to the 7th dimensionwhich is the information that shadows the 2nd dimension.

The 2nd dimension contains all the foundational informationthat can be conceived in the 3rd dimension, the buildingblocks.


The 7th dimension contains all the same information but itcan only be conceived in the 6th dimension.

The 6th dimension in modernity is secularly known as theastral plane.

The feminine negative pole, identified as the right circle, isthe quadrant that is intrinsically linked to the 8th dimension.This is the shadow of the 1st dimension.

The 1st dimension in modernity has many names due to thecomplexity of describing it in the 3rd dimension. Some of theattempts to describe it in its full form are:

Aeon, Shakti, Chi, Qi, Mana, Vital, Orgone, Monard, Ki.

The 8th dimension brings in further confusion because it isthat which cannot be measured from the 3rd dimension.This has given it the connotations of its primary synonymdeath. Other synonyms are:

Black Hole, Vacuum, Repleteness, Void, Inane.


The apex of the center circle is divided into a central VesicaPisces with two smaller Reuleaux triangles on either side.

The Vesica Pisces in the middle of the two Reuleaux trianglesrepresent light. The Reuleaux triangles are the breakingdown of that light into its basic masculine and feminineprinciples to become part of the 7th and 8th dimensions.

The two bottom circles are in line with the two at the apexwith the third ring that makes the ideogram centered at thevery bottom.

Where the bottom two circles cross the two at the apex ofthe ideogram running horizontally through the ideogramtwo large Vesica Pisces can be seen.

These two Vesica Pisces contain the informational system ofall harmonic spectrum, where resonance resides.

Where the center circle and the lower center circle crosspaths through the ideogram three smaller Vesica Pisces can


be seen. The central Vesica Pisces follows from the smallerVesica Pisces created by the two apex circles.

This tripartite of Vesica Pisces is the compartmentalizedenergies that form the whole harmonic spectrum system,amplitude, frequency, and spectrum.

In between the Vesica Pisces' are two small Reuleauxtriangles that form the energy of the Vesica Pisces. Themasculine positive energy is formed between the amplitudeand the spectrum to form a container for the informationrequired in light. The feminine negative energy is formedbetween the frequency and the spectrum to form acontainer for the information required for vibration.

These two smaller Reuleaux triangles are the apex of largerVesica Pisces, these can be seen in the bottom half of thewhole ideogram.


The lower central circle is where the two larger Vesica Piscesare formed in the bottom central circle. The lower parts ofthe Vesica Pisces are the manifestations of thecompartmentalized knowledge contained in the Reuleauxtriangles in the apex of the Vesica Pisces

In the central lower circle at the bottom is a large isoscelesinverted Reuleaux triangle. This isosceles inverted Reuleauxtriangle is created by the bottom half of the two VesicaPisces.

The left Reuleaux triangle is light, masculine positive poleand the left is vibration, feminine negative pole. These twobottom Reuleaux triangles are the informational systems ofvibration and light that are intrinsically linked to the 4thdimension.


The two outer circles that occupy the bottom half of theideogram contain isosceles inverted Reuleaux triangles.These isosceles inverted Reuleaux triangles are the bases ofthe two Reuleaux triangles that are the manifestationaspects of their apex Reuleaux triangle that serves as thecontainer for the information.

The bottom left isosceles inverted Reuleaux triangle, themasculine positive pole is built upon the informationalsystem of harmonics and light. These systems areintrinsically linked to the 5th dimension.

The bottom right isosceles inverted Reuleaux triangle, thefeminine negative pole is built upon the informationalsystem of harmonics and vibration. These systems areintrinsically linked to the 6th dimension.


This ideogram, Of Harmonics, is the energy form that bindsthe Light Of Mind to all dimensions and dwelling within allthe manifestations of the 3rd dimension.


The light Being

I am pure energy.

To be that what I am not I must compact my energy intosuch a form that retains my wholeness.

I am the tripartite

I am pure energy, light, geometry, and frequency.

I am lines and curves

I am pure energy, light, geometry, and frequency. I manifestin lines and curves in every conceivable configuration.

I am the Projected

I am pure energy, light, geometry, and frequency. I manifestin lines and curves in every conceivable configuration. I nowperceive I am the projected.

I am the projector

I am pure energy, light, geometry, and frequency. I manifestin lines and curves in every conceivable configuration. I nowperceive I am the projected and that I am now a projector.

I curate the world

I am pure energy, light, geometry, and frequency. I manifestin lines and curves in every conceivable configuration. I nowperceive I am the projected and that I am now a projector.


The environment I place myself within the projection, Iproject to my subconscious.

I have the shoulders of giants

I am pure energy, light, geometry, and frequency. I manifestin lines and curves in every conceivable configuration. I nowperceive I am the projected and that I am now a projector.The environment I place myself within the projection, Iproject to my subconscious which informs my Theda whichbears the weight of the fourth floor.

We co-create

I am pure energy, light, geometry, and frequency. I manifestin lines and curves in every conceivable configuration. I nowperceive I am the projected and that I am now a projector.The environment I place myself within the projection, Iproject to my subconscious which informs my Theda whichbears the weight of the fourth floor.

Now we co-create our projection which informs our projectorthat reacts to the projected environment.We refine the tripartite

I am pure energy, light, geometry, and frequency. I manifestin lines and curves in every conceivable configuration. I nowperceive I am the projected and that I am now a projector.The environment I place myself within the projection, Iproject to my subconscious which informs my Theda whichbears the weight of the fourth floor.

Now we co-create our projection which informs our projectorthat reacts to the projected environment.


We align our projected environment to refine our energyanew to take to astral form.

I am an astral projector

I am pure energy, light, geometry, and frequency. I manifestin lines and curves in every conceivable configuration. I nowperceive I am the projected and that I am now a projector.The environment I place myself within the projection, Iproject to my subconscious which informs my Theda whichbears the weight of the fourth floor.

Now we co-create our projection which informs our projectorthat reacts to the projected environment.

We align our projected environment to refine our energyanew to take to astral form.

I project to the astral form, I am pure energy. Here is where Iwill build the foundations to time.

We see the tiny terminal into time

I am pure energy, light, geometry, and frequency. I manifestin lines and curves in every conceivable configuration. I nowperceive I am the projected and that I am now a projector.The environment I place myself within the projection, Iproject to my subconscious which informs my Theda whichbears the weight of the fourth floor.

Now we co-create our projection which informs our projectorthat reacts to the projected environment.

We align our projected environment to refine our energyanew to take to astral form.


We project to our astral state, we are pure energy. Here iswhere we will build the foundations to time. We built aterminal to peer into the vastness of the triple black terminaland it responded.


Chapter Four: Engender

The body is host to a multitude of frequencies that lay outthe mind and body of an individual. Classically the zodiac hasbeen used as a catch-all archetype attribute. This has led tothe current state of astrology being labeled a pseudoscience.

The life's work of William Schreib goes in-depth on thezodiac attribute referring to the physical features and body ofthe person and how each body [archetype] will act out withthe common stimulus from the environment, the femininematter, the energy that binds it.

Parallel to the zodiac archetypes is the numerical archetypesof Vedic numerology/Jyotish astrology. The importance hereis that this knowledge is written in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is alanguage of energy, the words in Sanskrit were all seen invisions by those meditating high in the mountains. Eachletter is inscribed on the petals of each chakra, visible withinthe meditation.

When Vedic numerology speaks on the temperament of abeing it is talking about the direct light of mind thatanimates the person, the masculine component to the mainenergy of the body.

This conforms to the dualistic nature of how we ultimatelyperceive things. good or bad, right vs wrong, red or blue, it'spart of the same dualistic plays out within.

Bringing these two informational systems together to createa full map of engender expression.


Vedic Numerology:

Vedic numerology is an informational language based onSanskrit.Sanskrit is an energy-based language working with tonesand vibrationsfound within the energy centers of the body.

Psychic:This calculates how the energy of the mind acts fromenvironmental input. This is calculated using the numericalday of your birth.

Destiny:This calculates the energy that your mind will become. Thetranslated energy from your mind to your actions. Thisnumber is an indicator butcan change with the environment.

Natal Birth Chart:The Zodiac refers to the path the celestial bodies take over 12months.These celestial energies work on the physical experience andenvironmental aspects.

Ascendant:The Ascendant sign is the lens through which you see theexpression of others as well as your own. It’s what cultivatesthe external objects that you use to show people ‘Who’ youare.


The Vedic numerology Psychic attribute is yourtemperament mind, initial reaction, and how information isprocessed.

The natal birth sign signifies how the attribute calculated bythe Psychic number acts out in the physical environment.

Example:Aries of mind, and Gemini in body. When the energy of themind isoveractive anger and rage will result in active displays ofangertowards things rather than fighting another person.The natal birth sign also controls external temperament,physicalattributes, and perceived nature.


Chapter Five: One Zero Eight

Vedic numerology is a base-level information system thatutilizes the number system 0 through to 9 to curatecommon attributes to a single archetype.

The only numbers in existence are 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. anyproceeding numbers are just combinations of the former 0through to 9. Vedic numerology attributes its archetypes toenergy. Each attribute under an archetype is placed sobecause of its energy resonance s with that number

Any number that is double has the energy of the twoinherent numbers. These numbers are to be added again tocreate a whole new energy a whole new number throughthe attributes of the base number

[Example]27 = 2 + 7 = 9

In the example above the 9 energy was created using theenergy of the two and the seven. These energies inform theenergy of the nine creating a more complex culture ofenergies within the light of the mind.


Cosmogonic Egg

Number = 1

Day = Sunday

Days : 1,10 [1+0=1]19 [1+9=10 = 1+0=1]28 [2+8=10 = 1+0=1]

Friendly Numbers: 2, 3, 9

Enemy Numbers: 3, 4, 8

Words Of Power: Strength/Greatness

Celestial= Sun

Dharmic lesson: let go of control, renunciation, when successis achieved seek spirituality

Professions: Leaders, Managers, Politicians, Influencers

Symbolic: A figure that is seen by others as a source ofpower, a person to ask for guidance and question. Ability tobring out the best in someone just by association orproximity.

They like to see people take action, activity. This may not befor them personally in all areas but they enjoy knowing thatthe people around them are taking action and are embroiledin some form of activity.


In balance, they bring great organizational skills for thosewho look to them for guidance and support. They givepeople the confidence to take the necessary steps to asolution or situation.

When unbalanced, the organizational skill becomes ordersand a stubborn direct approach is taken, things must bedone in a particular way because this is how they takecontrol of a given situation, and to keep that controleveryone must follow the exact methodology.

Psychic: Is calculated by using the Day of the birth dateThose who are in worship of the sun and number one willinherently have these feelings of grandeur. They will knowthat they are natural leaders and helpers. This in balanceputs them right in the middle of the conversation, a bridgethrough which people will want to know their answersbefore forming their own opinion.

Unbalanced these innate feelings are actively acted uponand there is this demand for leadership, demand forattention, and that without their input the conversation isuseless making them stubborn and hard to please.

Destiny: Is calculated by using the full date of birthThose new to Sun Worship may not show an externalrequirement to be seen as a leader or a person of influence,but in their daily life may exhibit those qualities. People willlook to this person for answers or direction rather than thenormal method. People will see their input as valuable andworth taking note of, their actions and patterns may beemulated too.

As an inspirational figure, passive leadership traits will beseen by others. Working smarter, not harder is an accuratestatement about destiny number one. Achieving more and


working less are hallmarks of a Sun worshiper in the making.This is drawing on the intelligence of the Suns’ energies ofnumber one and focused around the brain and the nervoussystem. In balance, a harmony of concentration andendurance are the benefits of this energy.


Number = 2

Day = Monday

Days : 2,2 = 211 [1+1=2]20 [2+0=20 = 2+0=2]29 [2+9=11 = 1+1=2]

Friendly Numbers: 1, 4, 7

Enemy Numbers: 3, 5, 8

Words Of Power: Love/Nourishment

Celestial: Moon

Dharmic lesson: Dependency, become self-sufficient.Helpless, void of personal power

Professions: Sales, artists, Teachers, Arbitrators, Reformersdiplomats,

Symbolic: Moon qualitiesLike the Moon, the number two represents the waxing andwaning of the feminine energy of a number two. Strongemotional feelings come and go just as the moon comesand goes in the sky. This also translates to views andthoughts, a number twos’ mind is always open fornegotiation.

The Moon is connected to strong psychic connections, thosewho are aspected to number two will have very strongintuition and premonition about their lives.


As the malefic Moon moves the oceans, so too does it movethe four humours within us! This is especially felt by thosewho are of number two.

Psychic: Is calculated by using the Day of the birth dateThose who are Moon aspected number two will have astrong connection to their emotions! The Jewels which comewith strong emotions are adaptable to any environment andsituations that occur.

The changeability of the is duality at play within a numbertwo. In balance, the choice becomes a creative narrative thatyields the unknown! No good nor bad just the result. Inbalance, the psychic abilities of number two come into playallowing for confidence in one’s own decisions and abilities.

Unbalanced this duality of what path to take ,what choices tomake can castrate a number two from their divine feminineenergy. When the psychic link is disconnected, confusionand decision making become impaired, conflating the weakhold of your emotional state, leading to outbursts andextreme displays of the emotional spectrum.

Destiny: Is calculated by using the full date of birthYou will grow to become more emotional and connected tothose around you. The simple view of duality of black, white,red, blue, good, bad can be a comforting reality if life hasbeen one of constant mental use. In balance, you will havethe fortune of tapping into the deep feminine pool ofemotion rather than being bathed in it from birth like apsychic number two.


Number = 3

Day = Thursday

Days : 3,3 = 2312 [1+3=3]21 [2+1=3]30 [3+0=30 = 3+0=3]

Friendly Numbers: 1, 2, 9

Enemy Numbers: 3, 5, 6

Words Of Power: Knowledge/Guidance

Celestial: The Jupiter

Dharmic lesson: selfless service, service to others, gratitude,Ego

Professions: Teacher, Philosopher, Writer, Painter, Sculptor,Ayurvedic Doctor, banker, Scientist, Actor

Symbolic: Jupiter qualitiesJupiter the largest of the malefic is representative of thewelcoming nature, the capacity to accommodate. Like themany satellites of Jupiter, people will be drawn to the energyof the Jupiterian number three.

Entertaining those who are drawn in by their strong energy,a Jupiterian number three will use this to make space forthem within the influence they hold. In balance, the manywill appoint the Jupiterian as host to allow them to be morethan what they are with respect given where due.


In unbalance, the large malefic become self-conscious andunable to grasp the intangible nature in which people aredrawn to them. This will demand that any who use theirpower to prostrate themselves before them like a sigh ofrespect.

Psychic: Is calculated by using the Day of the birth dateThrees are lovers of the arts, ceremony, and tradition. Theseexperiences lay the foundations for the drive to organizethemselves and those who look to them to create aconstructive environment.

In balance, a successful three can elevate themselves frompoverty to prince-hood to king because the people theyserve see value in being part of the future the three have invision.

Unbalanced, the Jupiterian takes the role of the mad king,with an uncontrollable thirst for power. The micromanagerthat lost confidence in themselves and sees everyone as apotential replacement for their management position. Therespect that is usually commanded will be demanded in anunbalanced three.

Destiny: Is calculated by using the full date of birthThose moving towards becoming a three will show anoticeable change. People will want to be around them andsee their value as they will be open to facilitate the needs ofothers, doodling is an excellent sign to show the energies ofthree is present.


Number = 4

Days : 413 [1+3=422 [2+2=4]31 [3+1=4]

Friendly Numbers: 1, 6, 8

Enemy Numbers: 2, 5, 9

Words Of Power: Let the Heart Feed the mind

Celestial: Rahu - North Node - Femanine/Masculine - [Moon]

Dharmic lesson: Gratitude to others and the things they haveattained

Professions: Government workers/officials, Business Owners,Lawyers, Politicians, Accountants.

Symbolic: Rahu Retrograde qualitiesRahu is a point on the ecliptic that always crosses the moon’sorbit. It moves counter to the moon. This means it is inretrograde. In a four, this movement represents thehard-working aspect! As in retrograde the opposition spin tothe earth takes more effort than just going with the flow!This hard work culminates into drive, competition, andexternal things to verify that hard work.

In unbalance, this malefics’ hard work can cause anunforeseen change, as hard work in a negative environmentbreeds catastrophe.

Psychic: Is calculated by using the Day of the birth date


Four represents stability. Hard-working with logic andstructure as their foundations. They are loyal and dedicatedindividuals who will endure any obstacles before them if theyhave a sense of purpose, for this they can endure mental andphysical pressure. Fours are trusted individuals, their natureto secrecy makes them great friends you can trust andemployees you can empower. Keen observers, number fourlikes things to be systematic, predictable.

In an unbalanced state, the number 4 misfortunes have aseeming stacking effect! This is also true for its cognate 13[1+3=4]. When the hard-working machine is offline, thecascade of misfortune follows.

Destiny: Is calculated by using the full date of birthThose who are in balance who have a density number fourcan count themselves among the fortunate. The changesthey embrace within themselves will allow them to see thechanges in the environment they want to see! Entering yourdestiny with balance and hard work will provide results.

Entering into destiny number four in imbalance will requireyou to have endurance! Embracing the density number fourwithout addressing your current “state” maintaining thelevel of hard work required in sometimes stressful situationswill untimely cause burnouts, illness, mental and physical.


Number = 5

Day = Wednesday

Days : 514 [1+4=523 [2+3=5]

Friendly Numbers: 1, 4, 6

Enemy Numbers: 2, 7, 8

Words Of Power: Wisdom/Ambidexterity

Celestial: Mercury

Dharmic lesson: Simplicity and Sobriety Luxury

Professions: Scientist, Programmer,

Symbolic: MercuryMercury is related to swiftness energetically. The malefic ofwisdom and with that wisdom curiosity. The allure toall-knowing keeps mercury out of sight in the flames ofcurated knowledge.

The curious nature of wisdom through a mercurian iswielding that knowledge in a variety of ways to witness theoutcome of a plan to fruition.

In unbalance, the malefic toxifies' wisdom. Great ideas tocause destruction. When offline a Mercurian sharpmultifaceted mind can become blinded, stuck, repetitious, orin its worst form slow and ineffective.

Psychic: Is calculated by using the Day of the birth date


Five is the wisdom of humans. In antiquity it representsphysical swiftness, energetically it represents the cunningmind at play. The heavy burden of wisdom is made light bythe curious nature of the energy at play. In Balance the fiveinnovate the world, they are the problem-solvers and fringethinkers. The naivety they exhibit regarding the worldaround them is debt that fuels the creative nature of genius.

Unbalanced, this playful naive genius can become blindedby their own ambitions or the ambitions of others who allowthem the freedom to explore their curiosity. Wisdom breedscuriosity and a number five will always find a means toexplore their highest needs along with fame and wealth fortheir efforts.

Destiny: Is calculated by using the full date of birthWith the endeavors of the mind ticking, loved ones or thoseclose will have to take a back seat to the calling of wisdomand its curiosity.

Entering onto a five in balance will unlock your mind to newheights in whatever you focus your mind too. Memoryrecollection increases unlocking old forgotten memories andan increase in the exploration of one’s own self and mentalstate are signs of growth.

When imbalanced on the path to five relationships can behard to keep. Wisdom becomes a tax on the body and mindrather than an energizing factor.


Number = 6

Day = Friday

Days : 615 [1+5=624 [2+4=6]

Friendly Numbers: 4, 5, 8

Enemy Numbers: 1, 2, 9

Words Of Power: Liberty/Passion

Celestial: Venus

Dharmic lesson: Discipline, Temptation

Professions: The collective arts, Scientists, Futurists,Spiritual/religious, Herbalists, journalists.

Symbolic: VenusVenus is the parent of passion and freedom. Bathed in thefiery backdrop of the sun, the flames of passion burn brightlyand the liberty gives vision and drive to the passions.

Venusians ate the epitome of creativity, pure divine feminineenergy. Packed with power and a changing nature doesn’tcut off a Venusian from compassion, it energizes it. A trueVenusian knows that to be truly free you have to unlock thepassion and liberties of others.

A warning to those who cross the path of venus unbalanced.Be prepared to be antagonized in ways you never thoughtyou could be provoked!


Psychic: Is calculated by using the Day of the birth dateSix are the passions’. Connected to the heart chakra, this iswhere the power of the passions flows from culminating intoliberty and freedom of expression for all.

In balance, the Venusian is creative in any way it can beapplied. Variety is life for a number six and it will be exploredin harmony with self and the environment.

When unbalanced, a six can become a grave liability tothemselves. The passions become overpowering, enslavingrather than liberating. In this position, a six will make thegrave sacrifice of the liberties of others for their own.

Destiny: Is calculated by using the full date of birthThose on the path to becoming a Venusian number six areopening up their world to life. Where once people were seenas a means to an end they are now met as uniqueindividuals. This new vision will manifest as sin interest in thepeople they meet about their daily lives or a deeperunderstanding of those classed as friends and family. A partof this newfound power will require an outlet to share withthe world through some artistic manner.

Entering into a Venusian six in imbalance will encounterroadblock after roadblock. It’s the writer who cannot finish astory, a musician that has the talent to perform but cannotperform consistently, or the talented artist who struggles toconnect with their audience.

Those who come into six-hood for their liberty will habituallyuse those in their environment for their own bettermentindiscriminately in its most unbalanced.


Number = 7

Days : 716 [1+6=725 [2+5=7]

Friendly Numbers: 2, 4, 6

Enemy Numbers: 1, 5, 9

Words Of Power: Mind resonates with the heart

Celestial: Ketu - South Node - Masculine/Femanine - [Moon]

Dharmic lesson: Mental and emotional calm, Practicality

Professions: Writers, Speakers, Coaches, Producers.

Symbolic: Ketu Waxing qualitiesKetu the auspicious aspect of the moon. It pertains topsychic abilities and un-quantified feelings such as “luck”and “awareness”. The people of the moon who are in Ketus’favor are granted deeper access to all things through theconnection of the moon to all living things, the psychic link.

Those who are in unbalance will feel the full burden of themoon’s power by its lesser-known name, The recycler ofsouls. The psychic link through the moon will haunt them,forgoing their own way to fit in will inevitably cause dis-easewithin the mind followed by the body of an unfortunatenumber 7.

Psychic: Is calculated by using the Day of the birth dateConnected to the light of the mind, number 7s are solitarythinkers, they can sustain themselves on their own thoughtsbecause they interact with people on a psychic level.


Isolation gives the number seven time to find themselvesand create an environment conducive to their balancedexistence to form their own unique way of thinking.

In balance, those who are of number seven will know thatthere is true power in allowing yourself to express the deepemotions that stir inside them. Empathic powers will bestrong, allowing the emotions and feels of others to be feltand not be overwhelmed.

In unbalance, the powers of Ketu can be overwhelming. Thepsychic link bestowed becomes a burden of awareness,empathy becomes a caged dumping ground from those intheir environment. At its peak, consistent folly will fog themind and lady luck will have seemed to abandon them.

Destiny: Is calculated by using the full date of birthThose destined for a seven will start to look at the world froma different degree. Philosophy, psychology, religion,spirituality, and esoteric knowledge will become of interest.Family and friends will become new people to explore asyour empathic side starts to pick up on more details aboutthe people in your environment.

In unbalance, the solitary nature of the seven can turn a onceoutward social person into a seldom-seen member of theirrespective environments. The onset of the deeper emotionsfrom the empathic nature of the number 7 fuels the isolationfrom people and crowded areas. An unbalanced 7 finderstheir place in the emotional world with self-proclaimedexternal “goods” that litter their ever-changing environment.


Number = 8

Day: Saturday

Days : 817 [1+5=626 [2+4=6]

Friendly Numbers: 4, 5, 6

Enemy Numbers: 1, 2, 9

Words Of Power: Order/Power

Celestial: Saturn

Dharmic lesson: Forgiving/Friendly

Professions: Skilled labour, Government Jobs, Social Work,Spiritualist

Symbolic: SaturnFather time, promoted from prince when his father Saturnfell to slumber. The price of kingship is eternity as the crown.Saturnalian, those born to the number 8 are forever plaguedby the hardships of Kingman. The Saturnalian that embracesthe hardships of infinity will find the rewards of refinementand poise.

The order and power bring with it the necessary powersrequired to be appointed by your peers. The struggles of theSaturnalian become the benefit of those who pay tribute.

Power and the order in which it is metered in all instancesshould be executed wisely. These powers are easily abused,


burdening your struggles on others is a sure way to sourthose who look to you for anything!

Psychic: Is calculated by using the Day of the birth dateEight is the strength of rulership. Those who are fortunate tobe blessed with Saturnalian number eight know the laborsof hard work, mentally and physically. Hard work will alwaysreap the rewards. In balance, the quintessence of luck is witha number eight. They will become seemingly lucky wherethey focus their hard work. Hard work requires resiliencewhich the eternal Saturnalian knows by its very nature.Obstacles and overcoming them make the rewards all thesweeter.

Should a Saturnalian befall unbalance, metal and physicalnature will deteriorate. The body knows only hard work andwhen the mind doesn’t have the strength to push through,the Saturnalian will become short and quick to find thefaults of those around them. Their once lucky naturestripped to the luck of others as they constantly lose money,break objects, and unavoidable loss.

Destiny: Is calculated by using the full date of birthThose coming into their Saturnalian favors will have themgranted in full swing at the age of 28. This is the Saturnalianenergy cycle when the energy centers move within, This is toready the body for the next stage in life. An increase inmental and physical activity can be expected. The way inwhich you view yourself in regards to work and reward willbe questioned. Those with a density of number eight will belooking to elevate their standings in their work orintelligence in their given field. Taking on new tasks, learningnew skills will pay off with hard work.

Entering into Saturnalian energy unbalanced can causemajor issues and disruptions in your current environment.


There will be a great aversion to the path that will yieldresults. A Saturnalian in balance will tap into the infinite tomove forward. The unbalanced Saturnalian will cling to theirinfinite comforts rather than forget for the future.


Number = 9

Day: Tuesday

Days : 918 [1+9=9]27 [2+7=9]

Friendly Numbers: All

Enemy Numbers: All

Words Of Power: Honour/Protection

Celestial: Mars

Dharmic lesson: Patience

Professions: Athlete, Manager, Army, Speakers, SpiritualAdvisors

Symbolic: MarsThe honorable protector! The Martian warrior fights for thenoble cause of the King and brings back the rewards to stirthe Queues' passions. The idealistic Martian will live for theirideals and any King that grants the guidance to fulfill theseideals will find themself fortunate beyond their expectations.

A word to the wise! Should a Martian find themselves undera king whose intentions are less than pure the king shouldsteady their walls thereafter because an unbalanced warriorrequires sacrifice.

Should a Martian fall folly to their own mind. It's onlyKingship will seemingly quench the hunger for power and


recognition. Alliances become transient and trust a trick ofthe mind. You stand behind them or under them no noquarters given.

Psychic: Is calculated by using the Day of the birth dateThe Martian nine brings presence to a room! Courageous inevery aspect, unafraid to take on and tackle challenges forothers however they come up. While Martian nines arehappy to help in all aspects when they meet a task out oftheir experience, the frustration felt is a fuel for them toovercome the obstacle and come out victorious. For the rightcause, sacrifice is an acceptance to manifest their ideals.

In Unbalance the Martian ego has a foundation to take root.Where ambitions for the great good once reside now livesthe greed for all worldly things. Power, wealth, fame, successall become the focus of self-elevation. When all resemblanceof balance is lost the Martian will become the aggressor,fanning the flames of anger. Their downfall finds them in therole of the aggressor rather than a defender.

Destiny: Is calculated by using the full date of birthThe path to nine-hood is one of evolution. In balance, thosewho are under Mars will become endowed with wisdom. Thisnewfound wisdom is required to execute the lofty ideals thenumber nine will bring. In the work or personal opinion, theirideas and ideals will come from the fringe, cultivated tobring about the change required for such ambitious ideals.

Becoming a Martian in unbalancing makes them folly totheir own petty requirements. These requirements willhinder all and any hope for their ideals to come to fruition.Putting themselves before the causes are destined to failbecause their ambitions block the wisdom needed to fulfillthose desires.