the kai8ert0take a be8t. are orderyour sprin? suit grandg ... · pi-evs«l."iyba-illa li°...

THE KAI8ERT0TAKE A BE8T. REICHST.V.; AND LAND1AG TO V.V. I'RO- KOGUED AI <)M K PROOABLl. B-_.U1.I- Ol IHI PR-gB-AR MIMS A-DfRX. CHAROE_>--lir__R__TlR_ DISCTJ- SION |R TBi: REtCBSTAG 1HF EH- ¦MORrH ___TVR*1 TO HI8 CAP1TAL. Copynaf't: ist*-'. Hj r..-.v. .<¦ Porl Aeteetetei Pwaa. Roilii). Mitriii 30..Tfca Bmperor Bieant u> glve lilm aolf and his new MinMer- period "1 re t from l*ar gaaaaatary **,>iik'. hy th<- laaaiedla-e pt?o*_B-aUoti of both tl.e H.i batag and tfce La Mtag. Tbe 'ormet bodj *-ill be pt-togasjd ne_1 weeh for an hadeflnll period. The Ixindta- --il! Is* ndaaiaaUj pro-jogned Bntll the end aCOetabet. bai 11 WlU :'«>< bmoI agaln fm until ii aew Hon - ek led In vlew ol the -u*.pen eion of Puril:.!;..' itary Hfe H wUl bt futlk lo ttady Ihe Bratakpi waj .n wfckh tfce polBkal gronp "i^i re anaiigr Ifceaaelvea Bndet the Pruaslan HlnlBtertal Bfcanpa The awmb-ra <,f Ih. Ceatre pnrtj la the Rclcb,t«(* ara Hli<-;*ly m luvolt, and sjv read) i" vole any w_y in o-dei to defeal iii- ii-arerBmeni; bul tbay ur- i/uxerl'.. ... tl:- remalnlng bu-.lne-**. \ :.--. lo »I HK.rc th_n H_.a_>i iu ibe reJecUeti ni palaor Itemaol tke ovdrrt. Wfwn Ckaal von EhUenbtu-g, tbr iwu pi*. denl of tl.e Pni-siit:. OotBBcM uf Minlfltan, and Ur. von Bowe, the new Mlni-t.-i uf a> '( 1__-B_U< ul Alfoira, Pafcllc In btru-Uon ai.d Mediriin.1 Afli-i-. ..,.l Ike fc*WBt bouae .f tho lYti-lun I'l.-t ..-i Muii'l-.v. their nttituil-. il r. be pn-dir-w. wlll a-Utnettvely trlendly towar_ Ike Con-s-rvjtlvr aad CautrlBl groapa. Oatinl roa Men- buri-v arfcola recarg i- _tt*4*a__l_-B-*1 with aay p<>ii--v trndlirc to .-in Blttaac. "f 'tlie Cka-ervatlvtBi wlUi lfc« NatJonal LiU-:.!-. Boacr nsiditiii:,- glvlng .' Llberal tnipi-lnt to -kNMB-BBBnl I-_ eMttoB. Both bB uml Dr. \..n Uosse- nre b»ut on tind'i*t* -«nie m-tl.o<l "f iv-on- ciiini* Uie rjalfcoBaa "it'iiu ti.- parlod betweea tin- -,ui Joariiuient of l'i. LaOdtag aad ilic etocUon*. '<". von F,nle.nb\.i_'H aneanMt mv lhal I'- baa Hw aupple noss ot .ui .-.-!. aad thin be wlll work t«> win wlth a C*e-a_rv_Uv« an4MoeereAc Uberal, ¦¦. onservaUve s *d C.'erlonl alBantT In UM moanliini- '.t is ;.-" -n.-i:,-; tliat he nienra to try 1" pv-wnt an e-lrongrmenl wlth the Oterkali eon emli - hk relattont with Clinmcilor \on Caprivi. Tl.e CobbI i- an afctrr orator than i.-n eral von C-prlvl. Tbe dmatioii of tke praaaal Beavl-lonal Brrange- ni-nt i.fu-r Um Proaelan atecttoaa i- koprobable. rkoae be-t aeqaalnted wRh CotMB voa Buknburg back him as BMOtictidlng lu UBathig General voa Caprivi rroai tho Frn.-mn Mlnlin aad traa. tb- taperlal Chancol it,r-.)iip "liliiii tfca Birenl year. The Bmperor --¦ l-d Ur. voa Baaag aa balag ayaapath-e wlth hi- so. rellpl'H.s rafataM. II" is ptona xvith nt belng o plellst. Cotwen-aUve, imt nol a RcacUouUt. 10 BOtabk aanong tbe mlnlsten os an eager -:pi>"itc! of tho auli drlak 1' |_-k*_0B. Hc i- an uiitaslu-lliM BUd s soclal 1'iirity BMB. THK CRARCELLOB OR TMI EDCCATIOS BILL. Tnero wtw u i.ii.-i.iv bakne-Mng dl_e4-**_toa !.> tfce Keirhnag b'-day on llerr Rlchter't queslloning Chaa- relbrr von c'aprivl ragar-lBg tbe atUtude "f Uie Uo" crimicnt a- io th- probobk abondonmenl of the Priinniy BdaeaRoaal biH. The Cbaneellor repllad that he found it laapos-lbJe t" eairy onl the pdtoy of bartar kapaad ra Hw do al des dectaratlont of Princc nk.iilr He -ni'l it would b.- atnalBg agalnal tho Gernian Eini'ii-o to purahaae benaftta for it nt Uw expen-o al Praaara, Tke anzletlea be had endiirad as naalllBl of tfca ITui-in'i Mn.i-i.v lu"' beeti i! -rreatc-t of hi- Ufe it would att-ogUMB tb- atabUlty of the F.nii-lre t.. BBafce tb" Hnperinl t'linnc-llor linle pendent of Prnx.i.-.n afBlra. i.erniur.v. be d-.-lar.;!. wonld come o-it of tl.e pneenl .n-i. wlth rt-newed forve, _-t_ag friuii Um -ot-ktaiial ebanget. Herr v,,ii l.-url- - n n-M tookcwdll f-r aucceasfully loading tl.-. oppoatRaa aBRinal tfca edaeal n proposala. The rtaUonal aud Uw n-embert _J i';- FreUlo- nige party kaaiillj applanded fcla ivlerenceai to Ike __it-ii,ii agakiBt tb- bUl. Herr Lkbhnecht exp*wae.*il for tl«- Soflallak Uwh rejolrlngj ovei Ihe co'lap*- oi :i mnra~~ wbieh had -tenaced religlou-gfrccnom ia l*ru9>iu. THI'. BMPEROR BACB IS BERLl*. The taperor retnrnad lo UerHn thk avenlng Iroai llubertu-to U. 11- ¦«.'- bmI _t tfce atatlon I.v Ike Empr-.-.> an-.i !.y Oeneral von RltUeh nnd other uflli'lalt. Ue xv_> entbn-duiitkuU] rlwered by the peopk oii Ike strvets he drove to the i'**tM*. lie l¦*¦';--i "'''¦ ihoxniic vo trares .f bt- i-eeenl lllne_B. Iiu att-nd ..¦ta «av ttxai Ibn ruloi fr 'rn whlrh be BUflered only BRgbUj- BfT.t.-l bi. r.- ii.ri.t;..' ll« dniix K«>k l_:xl nn'.l<.p- _br..uah tl.o l.>r_M ro.da »t H«*M_UMMtacB. 11- liss mrt beeii troobled -rlUj bk e*r malaay, UM aMtatl ants s-.y. f... waeai rnngomii rote* op irrricar?. Cktoaal L)r-x-l. Dr. BMAle and Mr. Ml. ol PWlaael pliia, j.h-hsI Un- iu-1. li-rl.'i lo-daj fi-": RubbIb. Tfcey are rrtnrninz fcoaae. Mr. Btere, "I Miii'i'-.-ts. rna eone to Bnatla i" awaH Uw errlvsl Ihere of tii- f"*-i suniUes fnr th- vii-f "f rhe fBmine -ntb-i-i-. Itb-iI, DonaUson. of New-York, has aeen a nnmbei ,f pron.l t.eiit i.-n.-.n. I'ior- on i.-.'nlf ol ull Anierkan Artor* Fand eoihUdUon. Tbe tiermant (1-.U..-.1 thei wlillu- to asskl In Uw projeet. FUANti'- MAY KXri.I. Al.l. AN AT.'i I1I-7-. a coriuct ariTM pouce at it. disi. prixi l RRAPOTRIR- IBSP.RnOX. Paiis, Match 88..Tfca "Bolell" ho-daj aaya Ifcal the i.oxvr:i.':.-!it l.*- declded I" expel i-l Aaar frora lY-iii". -. »: Um BmhattadOT- :n rnn1-. it add*. have rarv-afced M. Rlbot, Ibe Foreign Hlnkter, with a Ral of tfceir (xmntrymaa m i'nri-, xx'bo -rc aaa- peci->U of eln- Aaai-BfcBa, The aoRee bave arraatfld anotker ao_arloaa Aa »r.hl.-t. a frieirfi of Ravaehol, tfca raan a o pt'.tt*'i o#krtngtheaaUior of tn> Boak\_i*d -t aermaln -jnaaalln B-atrage He marie geaperoU resl-tanea, Twentv-two AnarehUU ara bow Ib enatody Ior »in plirity in tbe ovtragi tfcal bave recaBtly occarred ln llil- elty. gavat-al Anarehkl al -' Denl i few mil BOrtk oi I'liris. wfco wera relanUng troai tbe runcrai af * fon;ra-«, fcr.-ri-'l la l'i ' " and mai. !ied B_on| tra-rtag rai Baga aad aettng ganerall] ln « **erl} -aaaaar. Tfca p":i"* orgered t'le... to tUaperae, bul thrv i-taatd to Bbay; and » wai only after .. « ft-i that th- --'i.i ii-...-'. -n".'d-d in breaklng up thelr puik.s and BCatteting them. i.r.u krat-oUln. ti- well-known Rusilan Anji iu *n iBta-rvtew io-tey »M i,lf" U" -"r.!:;1 "".'" lnt'ioii *-_* oii tbe polnl of bwahlua ont. rhe "op- pi-evs«l." li° d-.lsred. " aM Bxtanatvely empioj iyBa-illa iii Uw cause of freedom. SL1GIIT F1I1F. ON TIIE BTJNTC. London, March BB..A Bre broka out n.diiy la Um -v; it< Btar Uae rteamer Ranle, captala Tkotnpaon, whiti. arrlved at Uaorpool ye-Oerday froan Kew York. The fl.-iiii"-- wtaa -"'"» estlngBlafcea. Tlio laaage ls not kaowa._ INDIANA AND l-BTTORIC JN COLLIS10X. livarpool, Mareh 28..Tha Amerlcan iteamer Ib gjana, CBptala Barfent, troa Ubaa, Mareh -:o, while docklog here *o*_ay, eama Inlo eoRMoa wlth u.e Wlilh 8tar Line a-_aiaar Teul mlc, Ca-Raln IrvRig, al i*>i- do'1 ^.r Rtrw.York, B*a*eoUag IRn.I ber ptatea. Tha li-_iMii_> alao nini'k aud Berlonaly daaaaged .. oeaRer. The ludi.r.ii i- Ike kteamer wMch racaaUy took a carp. <>f provklona frora PhUaBelpbla ta tba rtarvlng pcaianli <>i Ba__a, RECIPRiXMTY DKCI.INF.D BT TIIF. ABOB?aTIWE. London. Mareh BeX-"Tfca _l_aea*B" laaBBI Jtyra corT<-.i«.:i<iei;t Mjai "Tb- OovernBienl aai beea obllged to d'4-iine Mr. Blalne's -i" Ial i*-cl->*raatty prapo-al, wblch, lf arcei.ted. wonld bBV. Ii'.wn -mlflMU Bgalnal Ult, main::'! innrki-t I «>.' ArganUBB ln K'li-oi.r. N.NT ran \rg'!.n rl-k il.- cxperfment of Mlevlng Amerlca of pait ol ber aui-plui niv... koWevec Mmpllog Ihe rondlii'iii-. Bnggeatetl." BBABT T.. T.'W TIIF. DOBR OPF TIIF, UEDOm tmUma. March _«_..__ Iha ataiBBmtloaa lo bH Um Nortl. ..< i-T-u.n I.l"vd lt.B-B8f l-<ler «.ir iho Rt_ar_eM Ledge h.iv-5 baaa aoaapkaat. Ti.e -aBRatpal balea u her botlom baaa befcn teinpornniv paRBM-, nnd to-<.y th.- wa. B-oal iu H- im bj bed oa wkleh ahe "" . Ioi.k leaaaa. Tl.e -B-vtaa art_ aaake tfca Bttetapt: t. low tfca I_<lrr o.t on Moml-v. Bffcea .*.¦ l.l-!i.i tld« will prevall. Tl.e fciot Ifcal -*he ls BOW BaaUag k flue ba Uie use. of BBW un<l powerful pampfl Ifcal baaa ¦maaaaaiaaaaaa «»»»i..*_-rri-i*--»-«;, 2 WOHTH rSAkW-P*. * B*^" j * HOTICE %. Complyin^ with general re-# quest, BEECHAM'S PILI.S 1 will in tiiturr ior tlie United* Statcs be covcred with A Tasteless and ; Soluble Coating, completely disguising thej; taste af the Pill without in any.; way impairing its efficacy x Price 2 4" ctnts a Bor. JJja7aV^\a1^-^ryrVSr*g^"*T ARE WE IH DANGER? A BSBIOI .. QUBBTIOH AFFKi.TINIi AMM«ICAB8 Thr WatOt, Iba MaBi IbMMBBB BtB of Anrlf-n. BT Madera Tltaee. Tbe Bew-YorB t*i* -ra....- ... .,.-.:;.n- al (be Md 01 Mr. r.1«ln m. Fleld. My. "la UM pa " .tv pare-ia ar ta ll i... MeC-llBBgh BBttley CampbeOl. IBW Hertr-a l*' ¦ad bul j Ie* 1 ara "¦¦' v'- -..,,. io mi iMlvr*. rhata the *») ot tl part** tlien nt. raelteinenfc nothlna bot ewltemeat, aad tb »«. baustion and At-th. b- It to i . ¦-,,, - iima ¦¦ ' nwagea l the ..,vi- tceptlon "f lep.o-,r, perbap* pa noat i .-.- '- -aaoara to bbbB-BB ... si, .1 l.,-|,ro-v la ino-tlv hnowa throaiph boabar, and exM ¦¦ motc parta ol tbe tarta, Imi pai -- le__B«__ni ¦¦ ..' ,..,,-. .,.«:,-, ea - .' ':' br. ''. ririit ln tt.. bany aad wll aad * '.> ": a_aertran .¦>-. .....*...,, ai a -.. -J "i BUBd ar.d body. ll-i convaleaoeol pateWe patJnita. TM* Bevei b re a never * be Appaia-nUy. jual Lv-f-i Ibe ..,;. re, , lo the full HiMraeat "J bttttlt aad .,.., .., ,,,.< ..,- ... U rn-: tta- -. ;'"' rbara _1 tbadiaeaae !. tha Baaaaal pbyaleal Maltb at (M ru m .Tbe i«m. wbea Biat aOacbed dot* Wbbb taa a e ,.l: iu .:,,-- i tticai MegerBttoB fl- .... i- ,,.., _, be MO-Barbai Irrlttbj. "' ' >' \ ,. ,., , imi* .areleat In bk 4nm. Tbe doei la «l*ed I ,,. ..... _-..-.¦ haa ni.t propra-aed m lai bal tbal tta rty-lelan reeommead* e geed «* ln Ua* tb. *yi u-'ouie more aad man ....-. l olM tt*. -- tbai Bm beadeehi - Mbbmb¦-. aad tbe BB_lmi aono-j. a fey Ibat be i.--*i« BOBderfnlly well, or tbal h. a. mmmt bowetar. aml toea Iba bealtaaey of tpeerh. tb. tbleb taih *4.i.i .taminerlOB, nnd tbe aldelona -_«m. oi MBMhle. _., aoueed. Ibe bm b round bla eyea Mlteh, aad tb- uuail llttle kuaer thaa B*e otber, hh. '¦.".. Uucbea too. wbea kt nm II _*-*, nl. akla li -Ifc- I) MM and bot, tb. paM. - mn. aad lb« (aaenf. ..-, UOM an allghBy d-.iicd. II. eaaaot dla_lB_ul h betwt-en rol-TB -BBBBt beal dlotMetly, and b_«- tbe «n*.' M ta-te^ The pbyalelaa diair. _..i.-.:- orit* dot w tha a_k_ th. -aaa m -.'-._. Um potol Bf Ibe pencll dowa per* Moetcularlf apaa Ib. ta*. the bmb b|1I bri~B .'¦¦- a.,.,,, tood «-.. ftaai Ibe do. .to .- - mi'i b. geotiy. aad .' leHta. Ueb ol .trol avei ,,,. .,,,. te. i- rrldcat. Ibe patlenl Ib add lo i alk noor, ind be Utee M do m Ue tt.M tMn '""'"'.i'l,' ia tb. .uBdeaaM vi. w M tWa lairlMe cetapli \viui facta BtaiMg aa n. tbe taee aad tbe »fdlr»i profeaaloa pewerleaa M an M IbcM, wbal eaa be 4 N.ti.,.,,- but ." trmat Ie bbom dtae-awty. gbitunatelj la ti.. beM -.-- M'"-"- bbara b u dlaeoverj aad i ** n«B. ¦aa, tbal Blll eare pareaB Tbe _tte I'rofeaaoi l.p* ol _-__.aK.u_h CoUege, reaU.Ing tbe need ol boiw ¦. rMoedy i..i ew_r_mideo-d Amcslcaaa, hegaa e_.i__rlBH aad al Mat dteco.ered Ika aU rated Palnev ompoaad Aa IM bbbm iMplle* Uw baala af tbU t>va ;- we of th.- grealeal Borvi realorera, bu newera, kaowa to Me BrotM, _M_uely, eeleiT. TbU greal element la rarefnlly eeaiMaed altb otbM _-.--11 _____. n pn parBea aad Mialakaa Me aoly abaolataly earMlB. pn _<,d telealUk Nanedy i.t paiaal. M all IM maay Mrrtble Meaaa BBawa u> mb8mb aettaee. It la not Bemn ¦a s_i4.api.rnlo 01 . ... bal .1 dIflCOTI rv. .,, 1 II BM i-'iuiiif-tr iBdoraanwal ol thi beat nerre aad bra .... .., -j,. i.uid. i" Md. eaaaoB no are _.'¦ 1 II Ib I.-.-,.- .1 evarywbarB, aad la dolaa aaeb greal good. Bar. lt b. < roeby, * prondncnt Near-Torb -s'-'' m\n "1 mra reiy badly ot and auffered uni Id ml«ery foi a lonp BBM.BB ....rvo'i- 1 rooM no. aleep, and bmmi.1 -i nlshl \<r_r. nbllltial t., bB ap, fnr 1 hnd tttefc ibMbi 11,1 Ue d.,wn l Maeorety bellcare that bad it aol bta i,,, j*,,..!,. ,, ,1, ronpooad l -rould nol ba lo.da; l an. bow perMelly «oi. bara bo im ... aad aie -U riBht. a/baa l begaa p,.ur.d i t-atgbad ll*. aaa i "--|: !-*." JfoMlag can l»- mbw, tJiu-i abaohite of tin* e."i" fli-ronreiy B ol! raeea of net ,. my and eren Mai gieal dread ol madern elvl mBob m ».--. i..'. v."i aabard M nefleel ai b a ««* .' beea BM al worlt on ber. r..,,t;.in Helnccfc* l- t.board Oto auanier, nnd i^ aupertnteiKtlng th- arora ol aai DEEM INO A 8 J A CK TIIE R1PPER. ALLEGED TO 11 WL CO»FE?S___D TU \T UE K1I.I.KU TWO WOMEN IN UTJIli. IIA1 i.!>. THE LOBDON ror.I- i. BCEPTl m. IDOCT Tlir. STul'.Y STII.I. IBOTBEABEBXBSOFMVBOEBI (-H.l1V.Kn T*.*ON THF. rRtW)X.'R .Mcihinuiie. Mareb 8d..ConaMeral M txrlie .¦* a aaoaed bere h^-day b_r a aMMaaaal pabBabed ln "Tbe Alfjaa," "iiti.ii deeMred IMM Deemlag, Bm mnrfl rtr, bad BMde i ". Ie* b>»- T1"'r'-' ba* baeo n ni plrloo bere aod ta -SagMod Ual i.nlag '¦¦ *h^ Blpper." and Iblt -aaplek-a ''. ,,t,iv by Dectnng'a uppearanca, arhlcl cloael) tallb'i altb tba deai rip-i-.n glron af ibe WWte-'b ipel mai bat abo bj bb tJle -i ' Tbe Argn " li _.,,,;., ;po| .. -| U ,¦... Httle .1 .. ii iu..* it- .UteBMnl De< ndng lhal be Ulled hli oife and roor rhUdren al Mnnan vill.i. nt BMnhlll, BQBr Uverpooi, and tbal he mar nd motilatad Iba taal two aroaien trboae bodle um; f'.nrd ta Ibe parBaoi '.f B_ltechapel. He do ri- tbal he kBkd tbe -ther w__n_n, trboae murdera M Me Bbm atttaeted ihc atteotlon M tbe arbole «'<,rld. ln bl.ifeaaton, "The \:-.-n-" Bdda, Deemli .n il e n i.illon ,,f niutll ,_- ,,i hh Wt <. "l""l *-"'. t;r11- lt is -aid tli-it Deeadog b ide Me conf. n oMctal i't P-nii. Weal AuatraBa, al thh i. ptara be van a-.rir-'-ri i>B tbe rbarfa uf bartng murdeiad bla all. m BlL-Mor, «* mbarb uf Melboarne. He loM ni- ivrth oMetol t.) arbom ba n...i'- bl ronft tbal ha nol gnllty -<f iba Wtndaor mnrder. Hla wlle, ha aaatrted, bad etaped arttb Bootbe. bmb. it baa baea learaed '''i't Hm traaiaa ahoae b :.. war iiiind. lOfBthar with tin bodtea "f ber four chiidien. uiid-r tbe lo« "' ,l'' Ratahlll ho« a, araa t ,r Deemtng- Bnd adM. bavaial yeara ago a ,;,,:. v; reated ta A latratta by tbe aiyaMrioui dl ap pearaoea M Ua artla aad taa eMMren '.f a bbb arbo than «ent by 'he BBBM ol bul trho tuni u ,i ... be Deemlag. The farnlly then llv-d In Bydney, There araa gmre aaaplelOB of toul pMy at tba tlme; bal t'.e bodtafl aara bM foand, nnd tbe matter »ob allowad M drop. i>winit)e anbaeqaeatU weBl M Ki.Ki-nd. where li* iituned tbe aomab arboae mm-d.-i h^ now eaadaeaea. Loadoo, Marah -jo.-The papart bare to itay pnbl iMd Iha atan ol P-a_Btag*i eoofaeaton. »Mrb waa rabk*d fivtu MMboume. Tba rton nomoA ibe noai lni«_h_e egrltemaat in MMteebapei Tberali mnch .iifbu.ii. ln iixint: Ihe iv.'. Whlteehapel ertaMa to whi'h Deei MaaM ta hav,- uaafcaiad AfMaatkar lan _aai_ar are iittrit.iit.d ta .i..«k tbe Blpper.- bal there l_ maeb goaM trbetber tba Mai taa taeia eaaualMed bi tha tama band tbal rotnndtMd tbe other elgbt. Tbe _t»i whii- ehapel laardar, 'imt M Franeea u>i--. oeeanad ta isao. Her bodj wai atBtllated In tha naaie bmbbci aa arere th- inui.*-, of nn- i.'iM*-r rlettaM. Tbe poHee M the Leaun-I aMUea aaaerl lhal ber aiBiderer v.-t nol D*c-.nii>;. Thei admlt that. If tbe confe-Mon irfei ln the niurdar of aii - Macbantde, wblch ocrurred ln leaa und of Mar- Bell), whlch waaconiniltted iu H.i-8, ll li aoaalble i.c-.-mini: l- Mlling t'- Irnth. .1 Um Unie Ftaiifi^ Cole wua klfled, Ihe pollca <m\, Deemlim wa* -.ervlni; a nine mootba1 aentraec al lluil tu- tba th-li -.f joweln Tlu' -c.itUi.d Vaid BBtborlUet hnv- recaved no pn vut<^ inMrmaBon fruni MelboorBe lagaiallng Ibe eon fp-*iun aml thej utiu..h iitik- ImparUnca tv Uc--n.iiigV atalemenl thnt he MHed two of ihe Mblterhapel wom«-n. Tbej aai thev MUere Deemtag- objecl u. nukbig nml .nn ir. '" .-».( ni* ii irmaiid and iu t"- lii-iiir-'iii i" l.ii-iiiid. Tlil_, they udd, i- a \.( ll'.iio.'.ii iiM. id crlmlpalB. , , ,.,.,. TlM Urerpool pollca, who haa-. cliaige of n.e t. . i.> hin ,n*'-. hav. no .'.uahi-,- gnowledge "t Om nif* l«n made br Deemhig than onntained In Ihe preaa dls pateh from Nfel-_nrue. Tbe »t»rj' ol tbe mtt lon I..-.- cauted bd Immanae nan-attoa In the Ralnblll di trirt. 0 MBB. PAIKKLL TO KCBP MORK TIIAV HALF, Londae, Mareb SM..II is reported thal Iha lltl a tl,.!, i,ver tbe Wood wlll. ta wldeh ln-trumi-nt Mra ()..-!...;., now the v.idow uf Charlea Btewarl ParaeB, wa i.ain'd ;.» -.nil** baaeBetary, nnd wbleb wbb eoate ted by Un- otber beJn al*Mw ol Ibe taaMtrlx, waa kd by Mi i. ParneU aoaaaattBg M haad orer ta ber bruthera BBd M-i'T- the -airn of tOOjOOO, retainlng lor h-i-.lf tlie re^l "1 thi; etate. iitivD.ntii.i,' in valoe lo ..Ti) om T'> SA1T. TIIK RA!.-_._ YACHT TO KB0LA5O, Loadoo, Mi Ircb 8d, CapMta Oower aad a Bo porl erew baaa st.irted for ki-1 ta Barlgaic Bmpei * wiiiiani'i. ya.-ht Meti-or ta Bngtand, wher. ahe la eiit.rod to tnlie jiiirl ln Uie rtic-. ri.,- .M-tcnr w i. loiniei_V the well Irnnwii llrlll-ii laehl Thl-tl.-_ A BIO I'AIl.t Kl". IN BBGLANO, f.findon, Mareb -.;. -Oarl Halekow, efaalman «.f gaMBow. VaagbBa d OB. di.nit.-di. lioa BMMter Iron und Bbb I manufaiHim r wid coliniy ownera innr UMdleabarougb, hn- tallad. Ha is alao chMftaaa of oihfr ggggfanMa. Um faHareJbaajpaBaed :. greal ...ii i.tloi. ln il" V!tld'...|...!..".,.'. dl trlct. THK PRI-SIAN* I'KIMAKV HM7CATI0B Uctlltt. .Msrcli ^(l.-Connf vnn BoMnbarg, Ihe ti*w President of Ha PiaaaMa MlMaMy. arlB aa Monday ¦aaa iu the fcaoar Haaaa of tiie Wei & rtataaaaM m r-K-rd lo poliUcnl affidr^. lt lh bclle.f- ln parlltir uMiilary clrclea tlu*--. owtng to tbe rle-vt af Ur, von t he new Prn slan Mlnl ter "f -MucoUon. tho o_n_.U-i.ol polky ... .h-'-.v.-:-...-.t wlll ..ndcrttono prli ple. -1 Ibe Mtne Ume a de.tor._ion ...;.,! Bk ¦¦¦¦ "'' '' 'vernmciii no _.«. ;,...'- -.;,;..- to lurtker con kk-Btlon -1 '¦.. luliK-T [.rimury Ednrallon blll AV EARTHQt'AKE IN OBEAI BR1TAIV .,,,. ,, ._:,,....\ Mvere earthquake was xi month. li ,... ----I mnch ilnrm. tlHM-g v. t tbat I. -' hooae. pl Ihrown rrom the « 11 The eorlhqBafce wai ah ,,i Abemirn, ln ^ i* .i he f.'lt IX UEUORY OF COMEXIVS. 1 HE ,,,,,.. 01 PEDAG ,V Ll BBATES TIIK -jHKi UITXDRI I»lll ARX1V1 B8ARY ma BiRTH. . The i-niv-M'v -,'i'.'i "f r*-dagogy. -rlth Ihe Oer- man-Aiaorlran TeaeherV A.k-tlon. ¦:-i-.- ".** innlveraary ol ihe blrth ol Oomenlua oi th« , ,,,:v Mrtl «ll Eptsropal -hnrrh te-tcrday tmer .,, chancell .- llenrj M. MarCrnrkci. pr«UIIng. -,.,,,,.,, o.pnrlt, of Uie rhnrch aaa tcsted to Ita Dtmost, and a Inrge nnmber were rompelkd ata dnrlng the raerrlB, rhe Rev. wim..,. . Wro. a M-rnivhw mlnlster, opened '.r**kw wlth proyer. ,.., im, Mar. .;-,', i, ln i..- Intrtrtnctor* r mni incd <' menlnt th. .Inmbn ofknrnlng. a d »how-*d ........ whlrh be bad eaertcd upon rnodern etmcDttoa. Tbe .-I.i "f Peda ogy. the onb oveat IU klnd in .'¦ erira, roanded on Ibe aai prk> !;,,.. :,i,v,,:,..-ib'- ifcal lte.1 olinan. Dr. Wllltam i Brfcofl r-x i.-xx -.t the hlatory ol Ibe Uaoaa of conienin-. nnd Bbowed iv- rlrrnmalancca thal bad developed thal graal raan. Ulsa Josephlne B. H -dgdon, 'bo wai Ihe arai woman wbo ever rvalved ihe denree rd Maaler of l'.,ii,.,-.v. BaM. ln part: -Word have *m.l - wben inere Is a man bohlnd ihem, Bnd rhe word ol .rntn- had b ecntn behlnd them. *> are hera , da, io mimrmoral ibe an Iver arj Um MrUi .t fl man who aaa a arknUal. nWlo i''"'1'- »',I||HI Ihropl ind .lmaatar. II wa. a arorld ol rha.** into whleh thi yoong ihtnkcr «..- born. md I « <- dM « to mi. li tne mtelllir. nt -.,,-,1 -r,.,-M i. i- lo-day. "i '!»¦ ..I.' ,..,.... .;,, ntUc i- hm.w-i .'"l't tbal Ue *n* ... -K,,.-,, .¦.:.|].:ir,,dl:.-.irt UtlB ln IkB .,. year. Ma IfcV was i rrk nf |* r erutlon n ¦> -,t i,i- death be waa rtdlrnled a an Idealkl and dns. ii mlfrtii bava been Uie l irfkbearer ol i,,.,i, m Amerlra, foi In l< ',; td Iho preslU.i 'i llan ird :i' "'. '" ,., gweden. He wa the Bi I -. Ider a wotm.n .a i- and to l»w '' "V; ..,i dwolopmenl ol Ihe body wlUi ihe mlnd. 01 his to.ay. II.' dled In his -iv- rv.. 'y..,v ,,,. v rartor In ike evolnUon .f nedasney. md ihe falticr.'l edtiratl mai ti to Kxry.' .,,, r D lei Kl :,-..,:,. Lt >¦. ;«l .. ,,, |. ,\. '. llenrj Bar-ard. " i-- ..¦ J Ut I'ha BHIe Ml Bmll- Bntlrr. Mra. W. 1 ,; ..'..¦ Mra i n M l*.*wner, M x ii" H.M- Mi- V. n-ii'i. Mr "biil Mrs' Iienjanil'n II. i>|d, W ., im 11 ttlre, Ma_lmll ,. t ,, ,- ,. ., ... ..- . ¦¦ nn. ¦jfCfl BTrT-TTS tt iPtTSQ DBE8S OOOm '.Y,..i BhonM ¦'.. ihe beanUfnl new dreat lhal ki ., ,, i,t- ...i.i -he. -Wkal lt IU WeU, u-,,,,-, deaeribe It. Ifi madt ol blaek agnred Ure, over Uut lovelj ihangeabte anlln, and tha |,lnj ,ii u rtrange, beontlfnl vx ". k trlmmed wlth l«nd« -f Pw -,; rv- li" " '' -' ' :it'" -'"' ihe walst, rntlrely ol Fkralan emlwoldery, bai 1"--. \,-rx lii.ii leeve, rhe bell ll "I mUu, Bnd the . ,. ,,f aimy i:."- ovei Ifca ame klnd ol di 'v ¦¦:.. d d he ."» rl P/hy, md Mn.-ti"! l.i.t il,.;. bnve rt c : -. ¦ pj, n,,.., (. ,,¦ ... :, ¦¦ ' !:.¦ BTaM-a aatln, lll) il Ii green and bhto, Bgnred wi,,., i ,v nember 1 ineaa a grean thal li .i d Ueate, » d ara donl rrn blng of bloe and e~*-n rii * lt, 'J araati aai d Ing tn bow s-d aAtii. trot ' , . rok ai tfce ba.'.. R -I f :..-.¦' .-' ., li ¦:- ol the ,-. .,, top It Ib nnlshed wtl -adlng and caagM wltfc b"« "f i'. and It v ,,,,., tba -..'.' There at-otber b*»aa«tlfiil ¦own lhal wanl yoa M *"¦ II tnaae ..f ekang*a ¦l>to green «n(i brown ,-un.ii Blk. ^ -. Iha ahanR II..).- -lt*,- ttrr .hr f;.v..H... I..- lt lui. -.Ill-U. WblK tlgure i"i i' at hall wltfc doabk psrB /.,ii wai i i- HnlBhod aith BerlfcateJeee i_e.-. nnd Um ,1 ,.,1,1. are «»u -lit wltb bn." liowi ol -.' and : k of tfce « ': I ¦''' -,,:, -i-i--. n ,!,,., ;.,,. ,:, i. t dali ty Pr. i II 1,1,1 T.. X nil h*v. II iii.i.ui, k. for tba , , i, lln wltl. .. .-"H ." -: lt ,-. ,, |H.e. ..!". r< lloa B'.w. r* ai d la*w. il oni . ,..(, mn ion a.mld b. U< r rome *it'i m. , lir* r..ii ' ¦' ¦. x parloi it Altrna 1 n,. . ihi n- are u.e in_»t woad. il pai .¦¦ i irnrifE ni i /'i'" "*' i '¦"'' '¦'''¦'' it. \ ie - I. t al Ibe N- 1 i Ho ,,...:. ; ron ,., -... i. li .i ,.i Kii-l *»' and. I wrth in. ni t" PuBee Headiin irtet lli. x, -... -1. i..i:ii- P. RIIH ¦'" wlth i-.i.ii.i-x ...inniiitiai in Pblto-elp Al ...I'lni-h' be f m -_ an en into ii..'"<-- of U ii.l-x .'¦ <"."-¦ I..-I i.. i Mbtdelphla, and lok ihi i,.r, <i... I.- and mn-: " .'i 'i ta bD at bv.isi II uu. round lhal b- bad rome tu Ke* fork, and In r .: iiyi ue a dgned Kn h u id i ilttl -ii. in ti. I.hiU fur ..| ;, -,, ,1 .1.1 ¦¦¦, I,' ,',.-. li f. I.-V.lllll./ liiin -hll.-S, lll- 'I' t" "'' ... -I IWt ll ,,,,,- ,:, V I,.' I Ullll.,11 '!'-' |' ll .i l\ j.. v. Illel -i 1 -41 U l '' ll' I .. Ul '-'Iv .... _:..! 11,._i lu: had -iv.-n nn ii'i'li. ¦ .t Ib. .. \"'" ll'it-l. W.rh Ihla il."-. the 'l.-ii-iili'-- bs'l llttle dlfllruJti ,n ndlng A'llllnin wbo, 11 I. aW, roim .1 wi Khll nd, l),luii rnrnlly. To-dai be wlll b. rrmanded Ui awall Uie arrivul >i cxtradltloo pai«-r-. PRE ST. tltnOLAfl CLUJn IfEET/Jri Tbe'l rneeUng "I ihe aH *sTrbobi Clnb ''lll Ce h-id "ii Mun'lax evenlug, Ajirll 1. An -lia-ii'i'i of iilne iiii-i-'- wlll I,- h-i'i. and rertaln pr'.in-..<i amendment* b. Ike eon-tltuUoB wUl i«- voted oa. Tka iiomlnatloni for irn '. are i" .:.¦- ihi - ye n -. jnmes Wllllam Beokman, Bdwi.rd a Qabitard mA w i,. -i Idinui-: terve two yeara. <'r«*orge M. Van ll.i. Oortlandl 8. Van Ben-welaer and N. \v. **Hscrol< i" -rv- "ii- year, W'llltani II. \ aing, Pran ,i, ii Davtea Bnd Ufred Rai tntT, Then k no ,i,|H.-iti',ii to thi- ti-io-i in'iii.-.' v.iii, tbe a .i.i.. ..f Ihe rhtb, il-- newlj i- t-.i Iru-teea vuii i.. .-nul appolnl tbe oflteetn nnd commltteet lur tbe i nsulng rear, fi an am te th. m elve Jamea tVUlhiru *^% eW V+-BKMeEE» Tvoth tlit* Tne'iio'is an.l rcanHa when Byrap at n_s i-, t !:<Mi: i b- bImsbbI i;nl "t.fR*8_lng to the t.urtt*, uiiil bcIb gently, <¦. promptly, oa Iha Kldneya, Liver antl l^r'< la leaiMlng iIm ayaterai eff-otaally, ilUpela ol -I-., I.i i'i:i'-lies and fevera an I Baraa hal*- ii i.l conattpation. Syrnpol Flga I tbeoBlyi-in (.i|\ ol lla _____ ever pro li: . -!. |i|,; .- ',. I 09 1 _.-._. ;, ,i it-eptable to the Btomaeb. Prorapl la Ita ae. tion, nml tnil.v is-iieiiri,1 in ita effaata, Brrpaia-J only ii'.'n Um mete bcalthy aad a_rr-_aale aab- atancea, IU nany eaccllem ijuaUtita eomnMBd Itto al!, and bave -M*le il tlie aaaat papuhar ret-aedy knov.'ii *jyrup of 1 i::*. is for sjlr i:i SOe, and gl bottira b all bjadlng ilmg Ial Anj rellable 'li rjal tvbo BB] BOl hiivr it uii hi.ii'l xvill pro- np it prompt/ foi BB) OBf wl.o \vi-._r) to ti.V r. 1).. uot :.<. cpt an.v Babatltnta CAUFORNIA FI6 SYRUP CO.. >AN I IIA.NtlM 0. t Al... C LOt'iavi-.i.R. hv. m:u -. oiiK, s. Ta Order your Sprin? Suit Now! //ave ii teady for Easter. Snils to «.*. de* xfront $20.00* Trousers Ij order from Sj.oo. Our Selcction of Scolch ond /rish C//EV/OTS a:c :."/// immciise. Kcwcst designs and s/utdes in Fancy Wersteds /,' dford Cvrds, Spring Oi ercoaiings. Our Trouscriiig:- muslbe secn to »<¦ ap* preciated; itotenough spac8 hcrc to de cribe them. iBroddway, 771, T. K. W. Cor. Ninth St, '14; & 147 Bowery, New York. Op«jntvrni:i._i'' till B o'ckvrk Saturilay iu o'clock. 1,.,.- .,- v 11 tl. !. pre .''..'?' ." ,t., ..m1 DbvM I B Tb. ' Bdward 8. I will al .- :..-.. p mai nl fond a I -1 M-¦ - ea ... lu cluaUna llu fund, ar»" 8_SI,_Of. 10, a' .i Ibe liuliilltl. .. .-.,i._l .1 l...---- tl-nt flioln ii, ,r,- thnn ...m. ,.->,i f.. uuilntoln h ,. m< -r '. ¦' H. m Vorb' K.t .->. lu I-. .... .ni/iir i'. i i-i ¦aamberehlp la __»»a i fl OVD ol BOI VI V W/T/. I \i w. \ :. * r t i. \. r ii i 11 ' i' r i . -. .. 4. -, _. .|. Jll.tlil-llt l.f 11., -. .. ii I1 44.I-. Um 4 " I-. u thl. norn ... b\ wbleb Iim r. M]ared, four >'i wMmb n .-ii \. .. N .-.- ... mar :,. .1 Al - rt -flll rted , ii..1,. .i i'. ¦- '.'."¦«'-. nuu ..¦'¦ ¦. Ita I'-'. i ranb .bal aud Joba .ull.ri. i ;. t ..! arara MMIly Injnred. Thr acrMenl ba| paell t ¦¦. nvericr, and ,. , .ball, "T debrla, fail l .1 |,. ,| ,,¦, t PT .¦' l*f r,<-. ln .. i.i .- ihe I |- .- ,,....! Ul- VI- -I. V. i. 4< _t :,,.| wu iti :. .. tu toi on .. Ini ibi-- luy ii,,. .,,.,. ii.t., Um i'"- The talllnn nelul eovered Khtfull) bamlng four Ul tbOtfl _ palotally lojurina ib. ¦¦. >'' a Inlurod n< relved .-.nv po -i. nnd wlih ihe e*«*_p i ihe ]..,,. H,. i.t'.. .' .:, be al oal .-,,i ,,( ii,.- bijured were reBtoved _.> thclr butai la 11, I. ¦. w. |_ Abboti, i of tbe 4. ay tba nrrbtcnl wa. nn nnaatiM and miav-ld-ibU oae it ru ihc t.i .i' I'l'-ni "i tbe Mnd Mat bad bvm bap* pened .1 t m t ", he U. ar .1. 11 i a 1- i.., I.,,:, .,f .iiiii-.. rniii partlcleB ol ateel aad otber mniter tbal I throwti trotfl the roaverttog Mraaca hy tbe l.'iivv i'iv-.ine 01 air l- (BrtBjd IMoagl UM Bielllna ...< I..1. Mr. Abboil t-iv lt :_- Bt- ..pln|..ii ih-l ,,,, .,|. eon tta rharaed wlth mrel nieaa, a. Iha tutn, a- arail n the meu, bad laaaa every precontloB I,. all dangi. ffiffl OTFtClAlA OBDEB iBBB9T. c: v, iiimi. Mareh g_..l-tatManl noiaea Kieele. of ibe Pulne-vtlle iMvtnga and Loau i-aaocMUon, waa rreaied aboal mMnlghl il l-lnewllle, nnd bfoaghl ii, tm. elty ihN mornlng, where, Bftar :. brlef d*4ay, ha ... ,. ,,|,..i on glU.000 ball. Al nooB Bulpb K I, ,_¦. ¦.'.;,iii.-ii imi) tbe bheriB. oBce and gare MnueU .ii,. ii,. i.iin,' dlrectl) fi* m tl ti.iit. on vbb b ba arrlved tram New-Yort* He la bow Ib tbe -herlB'e cottody. [.tt.burg, Mareb 20. lienry \V. Ollvor eoBftm tbe ,....:, I, in iv.ii.'- vllle. Ohlo, .i lil naiae lutvlug been forged to auBMrclal paper, Hl udvlce ara thal ,,. name Imi beou algned a< preaMent i" r*ut>-' pur portlng to be ned b) Ibe Penn jrlvaBla and Lake t_rte D.i.k Uompany, He Miowt nothing ln regarl te the aimmnt. He ttaled thal tba dtmh tompany, f.f -hi. a pre-l<i.-ni. tin- _t« thoMei uf wl* h ara the Mr re-owDer. ...i Ihe llne ol the ..ttehnrg nnd We lem Itiillroad, ba exp. nded about |_00,000ul Falrport. naar !'.,iii.viii". to j aivkle doehago Im Iheli «. Pbe IMnn -, i\ .iin.i nr.'i Lab. I- - U-eb tnp mj Im bb HBb paj ibM oat. ba. noiaey b. i1- traaaary, and It |.a>inix iiif.ntiiiv dlvldend* ihnl nre atl Ia. lon lo its io. k- h'llii.T '. U- -.taled UmI IIm l" Ihe (-iirpam .-. ;,l.,Mt i-s.OOO, III prnreed* ,.f a draffaenl L.) Ibe h¦¦¦. urer ln h-tlalium lu pmrlde for Um m.Mithli pn) t"U li diafl ha.1 e n d. i"-1 lu Ihe I'all.iot*. Illc s* iv ni- aud la-tii ( itn| ii) lir. »llv« [Ted tlwl notM .,[ ihe mp-inlc "f whl. li he :.t. ufll i. Ind ..'..,1 v. ii. ,,i.v pap. -t an] inon. urruwed II! l-illllr filte*_ /./ /¦; IO '. 11 CVRED OTTH r.i fk iMmtoga, Mairh UO (_peeii.l), Tbomoa Dougl inN.,1. ii. st.nfi.i-ii bave-been appolnted ______ (....- ij nnei bj \ Hloge l'i- hi.-'' Deyoe Uohna 4 .,111 1111 ihe vacanrlee it. tbe Koard oc-mdooed by the re-tgnaUon ..! t-oaimlw-Marra U'lllimn 11. <:..[¦. m.d i.'.vti i". kunpp, «ii" aere Brrmaad ..f oMrlal bi .-in.t I.. hnrlng bat bmnlled .Ibei. tpencer Rle-hard CriAter, TIiobmi \. «¦¦.-t-iic :.u.i other aaaible. "f ;..-'.. .1!, <iti. t, tba BawBB. *af -Bveral Uonaand ii.ii;..- nnd ruaninte-dna Ibem "pn.Mnn'' or .)..- v Iluin i.ii*;1. li< IMWlj .i|i|i..l:.t-d OOOMIlU oni ;,\, epted tl.f-h- t»li..-f«. «. hi h roVB /(' ta i-i\:. UBB 1 af<Og_r., chti :,_... Mareh -.«.. Tl..- Indlan ebUI Kcdst«t,r>, wi. - expen bere froai Var\ !*«-«... DakoM, M hnr ii ic... i-ni'.v -.1 from in eye, wera paid h> n.o itad nlutea tHH'erunienl la ratarn for raluabM tarv by bim agatn Ibe Moni, trat oparateg bbob initv ti Ibe Hahfl mana ilo-jiitui i.v Dr B'alry ¦nd a. 1,. Mi.ith. Tha rhkrf nid ha eeaM atoad pala, and Iha'doetort de. ded uut to rhlomfonu Ma. Con "V. .V «..* Ml. k l.l.ui-l.e. Ackiiuwi._|.jd to b. _n>- ir.'Mf. puiiuiai b__od. *.: u » g_H_l-M-> a m Grand Street, New-York. OPENING SPRfMC f-OVELTIES Tuesday, Irlarch 29th. Wednesday, March 30th. MILL1NERY. COSTUMES. WRAPS, MANTLES, JACKETS, &o. exhisiting'TarTsTan styles and itiniil ttOm cB-K.«'-"- "<"" <"" "wn ".rhro-mj tn llie Largest and Handsomest SVULLINERY PARLOR In tbe Clty. Grand Display in Every Department, {.__, Btnnet*. Ftawef, °.^£&bmt,t .,.., <:.0)U, SUk», tnepeetUm Inrited. EDWARD RIDLEY & SONS, 309, 311, 311' to 321 Crand Street, N, Y. tUe rran ,.,.. ¦V'.r;--"-- Ztfoort .;.,"yl;.l:^r;;ru.V;,:v,.-.-" been entlrel* -<"-< '"I. JTOffJ! CBtCAGO ALDERUBB tXDU TBD. -,,',v -:i i' Dl RRD THM_S1 LVB. OB -¦" PR] -.¦*. Liilcago, March -.- "." >': ."!"11 """',", IrtBicBl "l Aldermcn Uowlei and Nl. B .. were dl-app laiad io_ajr. Wa '->¦. new la-W BbbIU pa »tBd I,.' <£* ,il »h.aai now .ucc-e«l«ll> d ,,.¦.,ivea b'-:"ie jndga and Jarj ... doa it-laad clotblng. ... i .1 perlfle -:.--, lhal he U i.-mpted i" blachmall real e-tate «rwm .l ,io,000 it pnllitiB <¦' ..-' a Btre-'l cai »rdl ,,.,, woald enhun.. Mllwankeeave. propart} valne Aldern.un mi.i...-- ¦' ¦-.."- h ,'1''1 '"* Iried -,. blachm-ll a ronJ mercbanl wbo wa led per ij (4-anr.l tu i-v :. nva *»"<*".« ,i:.,.n. rru-i and ... pravad onanl th" h ler__tti rll i-'i'i ti"- '"'»"' -1"-' U;" "u;: "! ¦'¦¦¦¦ iu.ti.rl the mai who ..__.' ::-.':¦' d .in:-. atrnih > - ¦' " " \ :; ...',- mnti tm x.1 Ihe H ... Nt" ' " Vv. riM .. ..- -."¦ " ., .. .. .. wh«i i* nn «.--**'¦ * - ... Kdm-aUnn. ll -.-* l»"« ¦*.."-" *''* ¦.¦ puvp.-a-a.ol ,.,l,,,.,|,,,..i ,-. Ihe Ma ;I ud i al.l.b _lv4*n t" ..,- Ib.ard ' ... ,. ....'-.-.. II i.'.-lrl' ...,,-. ..I Ih- Ma ouutal. K**anal ( Inb. bul thejn ,'uiplo) n "'.- -; . ui.,|. i I .bl .- i-' . m 'I .¦¦¦ H...I Mr. II- ..; :'" li '. I" ' . J ..... ._. li, .!_¦ ..ri.i-l J'> x lajora he b '...¦'!, a- .1 . nmma-llo.i ¦' - tt»e Jurora. ue ***'¦' ..... ¦ i'\M IXD VAV1 tXTKtuQixrr. vv.. rt< i, Man :. -¦'. Pae eat 11 li Lrtcnm, .,.-¦¦¦¦ red "i Han .'':¦¦ on Man h _i. ,,,, f ,.. .... \ :.. -bi n rhe Y. rktot !. ... ii urrlvi it ..i .-, *"¦ " rtlnrned Irutn Ho lolahi and tti!l |.- put .,ii: Ol i.>:.... -i lu t Bra <la\.. .-; ,.,,,,.-,. c, _£_*-*) haa b en utdared t<> d.nv , ,. | V.inl. I'..rt-... ath, V II ..'! Mll, ,., |.. .i ,|.- -. and Dewlll i .*" man bi*. dada. hed (ron Bb. P d ..".'¦. r*'d '" mi ibe Adaraa. LI eh nH Maar) ¦'; ,*..,,i,..i Irom Ihe i''-' ¦;>. ¦...' and orda-ri-d lo < the Coaal Mnrv-j la H mter. liewt-naal A. W. l. .. ., ,-. r .i the l'irhTii'i.i.l. A] (~-:il U ¦. l-aal 'I Itj "11 tlltj \; ,;] 1 |.|. ¦:'.:. t E D l'i tlCk lr- OV- _, ^ t.. h i Nhw lf ln '. .¦;i-'' *a for ,. , r li i n llollli -fderad > ,i,,.v ,,', f .- Ud :-" md, \| l Paaaed 4 - K lleevea oi_er**d 1" -lntv ln th. ited -i tt--- Flah i......-rn i,-. "ii. "ii i_ IJ / R ,1 / r/i'tr," ir QUXrCBBTl R El namden, N. ¦. Narrh ._'. A prtrRoa waa Uxlav ,. .- |ed to ind .. Onrrl ". ¦¦' IRa - 'I'1"" ... .i ....-r. the IttaaiiB' rartdM .te f«r Mai - li tne rar. nt 01. " ¦"",l " '* ,,ii.-i!i'.i lhal -'"- "¦'.*''1 wt***- voted Ittegally. Tba lietltion f.i.tiu-i al-N-rd thei Joha K, Jucl. ..-, u wm nn ,i. Ttiompaon, ot r_..- tr.tch "araa, aad Iball __-.ii. li.ilmM_tod x-i.t'i- dnrlng tl.*- alarriiai. tbe "ii.N inr fii i '.-<-.'. Provldeooe, B. I., Harrh -.. In the Darnal ,.! n i..,. ,|- r. :I. ¦¦ nl' ." ttinl "': hir :i perti .,;..-.. ...i.i _- in- pLilntlfl lo -«t Iha Maae nnd .,;,,_. ,;,,. :,,...,; ,,. ., ... BUdlie UtflOBO H Bttd l_W Impllcatcd. .1 / fflUJ r/l ED Bl i BAI TIAXEAXE rnnrlnnall, II \n li _B. v >'¦ i"' b liorn Weal ..,T iii ,1 xri.ll. .I.-.., I IlltlC d lll .iiK-r nt Wlll i,.ii r.i\i.>r. waa tearrhlna imona Iha roelu bi .. mh.iII rreeh far -i.-ii- ihe aa -nn k Ib laa M'e b* a mttlc Mi.ile whleh niK lli ''"-'- i'-1 h a*aali. r__ hild'i rreama bi atahl her lalher. who klllt. llie -v> II me iitr.1 fmii fca - md had »n ...i ,1 |.... |)d dl.«1 re ¦- '. ': >. -'!¦'¦¦ .% FLINT'S Fl?._ FURJ^ ITURE. HOJMPPLE PROFITS. DIRECT FROM WORKSHOP CONSUMEB. Tl.r -il vlr- iirr »» rui-r.'i-l nml xt oi l.iii.iii-liln n.-uiil «.. -iiiiii...- xvmra -niii BBBewhtra aflta .u ihwa» iiriic. Bea tii,- rjuB-itn. bi deeign u i- Deartma 8-lu la prte* ta ul mj pw \er* nttraeilvalat_adtaada* wemmmeht artlclaa tee I'.ii Im .tn.I l.kbri.i-v Im..ial.i.._. Hnlta i-hiI oilil t'l<- <... um nn....nn, rliKli.l. BBd .'.»l i-x|ii-:i-.|i r !(.h|ii .i,i, .,,,-,. ..r .ii ii, ani i-i. -'.:,- iii r> nn.- ii.. ...i Kurnli ure, al v*iy n i- Par w lam >-. n l'j.-i. i,;.iniji I.I...H-- .1.1.1 18.78, 4. I'laiu iijjuir^-. nu eraglta .. u., .ii..-oun.-. a**t_ geWtat'i bj oxi.. .. ii'li- ln i.n.. Uu. I( II. .ri'i-liia un. |iri-|iiii,l ur nliiixvril. .. iii v OV TM M" GEC. C. FLINT GO., BaaraatM. Hdjaad ItMWaai ii.i. **.. RA.N.1-. roRT, lil, 1.. WXMt 1.111 ai_ LOVELY FACES, VVHITE HAND3. Nothing will VVli.TB-- and CLKAR tba _.k.14 ao qmckljr ao Derma-Royale na ,|t... ran I t m i Th« ii»w .lt...'-" f»r8dt-aalvtofaad ,..-T,.»»,t... ,l.r,t -'r,.f. .m.i.- ....-.*.'«"'! I.l*«rl...,«*nd ngbl- ,,_,,, ail (i.n la-tr*rt-"Btiti« m Ib* lanadu il. » . ... ........_, adrh.l .llv... frwb. la* imi ml B.b-1 ili.'-olvr-tra.* wr* .bMM| r«M vd MM tba £-*.«* u.i-li^uttb-i^.^ ,,, .yr^ri-n ~a 1>. r.i.Ht' ¦..-* aaa rni.*- ,._.«b¦¦ Bifaer-d far aa fi* for*-_aof fha B,ar»»l<4.n l).r_*». N , "...ll im *.»* BBttBMM 11.. IT. lt b Hrfa-flf .arWUfr-a aaa ll ..».!..» __. IM ;,, .. afi*. .-...-. -iH- ..¦.>¦ trftlea rarl.4 UlTabl .<»-. 1' l-Ubll _.*.. Iv- ""',"'"'."'".'^ _V", ' ,,,n'." ? ,-. ..-...,.. _r lt».i av*. M, frarbl*., t.i_r-_*-.)« ,. _U-..«- -"I ¦¦¦".«. ua»ul.4.-r, ....-I -rat.I tba ,,,',.T.-.,_ -UI.-...IV r*i«-.a.dl ,',raa tl,. .,,,.' ¦*«""*¦;« >.,,. wt.ii.... nnd b-aal-B*. tb* _.- ,,..., hbaaa rtalta itcaaa ....*...-.- u -..I-I I.) ."b.-ttl-O* ..) I lUB-l- .-*-lt« -*u_ut nt ln .B-tl.B *____!_ BtWABD T _-.,.*. fb.ini.ii "f it.n-.ii- -*-*:._ f..r _ur eaa. of M»»h.aal_. .;*-**» ¦_»*_¦ _->¦ aBBtB, >'_*h"A ,.r > ... ufl-Mr Mla, Mi.iur.1 .. .***¦* taaoraaj ib-r . '.,7r_.rTC'''r:"r'wl 'V--V ' .: '- .'¦«« i-n.-.B-^.^i.l Uu,i_r...l i) ll-f -. aar r*'*«'i> »'«'. ¦'¦ antMl KhttM|^-aiaMMr.a. " "»».-».* - - »;-"'«. ¦¦¦,¦. ¦¦_ minBaa t-Wl**Bdlll*« ll a..r I- -'¦.'" ^.hJ_--' .>""."¦. laabrBrfMflBBlWaaBBM '¦> ¦ - ''."¦.". " ,*1'- i _r» up ta ttiaaa.«.. tr in bMga BB^ooaaaa b.Maa ..rloe. gl.BB. ETFRT POTT1.B OTAKANTEBTl. r-.r_ae.Bor_-. Mai ?". ar. .!' .. ¦.' » N*rbfdai 1 ."*.'.[r -nei' *- a_f- -i llt-rf 8-BraaMad. »a ¦_** "f i Ire.» !>" mottte. *>-n mfina; br r*«l*»«-*d I'lltr * na ..- rl. r -Ti'i-'irlnil j**.- ¦ . .ftm. wHtMB rl».nt». b* ,ar_i ,-'-. 4 n' MtdOM-ti J_.biaB.jaBB i-tiMauataaaara AGENTS WANTED £nt ^V^T SIO A DAY. i -Tho OEr-MA-ROYALE company. _,_,.. ll-k«. -y.l l U. »lr--a_. l IM n>.ITI. OUIB. FAT FOLKS REDUCEO BY DR. SNYDER, TheSucoossful Obesity Spocialiat. ^T, Mra M-ttiu U-ttenT-M l_-f r* and Ut. r fretvu Bt Ur It Bnrdi r -. \ \ ir. \m i*-' n Mareb 10, laB*..DB. BNYOCBl Ii .r .. V. t.. .¦. »._.:. tiisiii ."'ir r_*dl**M. I *..tih'-4 _-. ryilltld' lail fooi ,1,'B- ir*__-.-iit-lUt ron r--I. I ., . -.. i.i. , .od* i Ue. bad i«l|'iu(.'i) t ,1 uft. - __-»"'W V'"ir -. «_¦ .r.i Of ... .,. -ii Of 1 | .. I -a» -rVJJ 'J I .1 njt Ur bnd to |<t ap and ¦__. t».. . -.. a* i <- . b aa I ._.--. nU ir ( v V .. .- a ... i- I. i\.. M inr-h*a 11 lil. .- . ' -r ' I * 1 - .. \. t t.k-H.r,-.! . . , i . il h»4. ii,.-. .ii l r- __. .. abllllnl I ,.t. ... .f ..(/.' I MKI. Il Al.Vl *< lAM M.i nn da. PATIEMTS TREATED BY MAIL. Ka -unin. Ineo .- ¦. ..n «- aad - 1-1 . s ¦. »-. iiial. Tor etreuian 1 bM* call ..|.'i a. altb M hl d M DR. O. VV. F. SNYDER, McVicker's Theatre Bidg., Chicago, III. b*,39wl4-'STT */N-WYORi' Atotli ICB-IBMBTa. .-.r.'.t tkii-omattf baeba ara oa evenr -srAVi) \T.n*» i., a ...'..ta mpo-fill Man] fi 4* tn-'.ii m itu-.i...... uf oui mH"i» ir.* iu tb. naaifeat. ...'l am y 'i ivera h in _*._ tb c laed wrM far atali i-i ilnriaN 11 Wl-T 27TII r-T BfiJ l'« EXBIBIT \T TBE WAIB. Barrb ___ (dpacMll. Dr. ll JsraBtBM, a .i i';,- UraMllan l..t>>¦ -nc-n Mr Iho --;.. t. ¦. of I'.nn BBd Ai..:./. -nn i ;iin- t tba B'arM_ ead .__art_*t-to-do] to aiabe irraiigMnanta Ml Uie roeopt'tm ol tba BroMIMo axhBdta - l.r:>_il aill baaa uwu bulMlng nt tbe BxpoatUoo." add Ur. J«ra- iniil,. l< wlll Ih" UluMtraUve ul Ibe arrblt-e ara of i-nuntry, and largi ei aigb to accoBiatodaM tha i_li,l,.t-. fr -in tha Bl-udlluii .1_»t.--. rbe ,i-'_r.'.nta bpi.r»pitotloa foi U aaU «IH bbiombI i > Btar .'"' '. ..,r eshlMI wlll be Mrge, _eo BMttjr, M iBfraaaag ll the vartoUB prodarta and ludi_-tr_r. of an v.i-t a nuntry. I ii UMiral fenbire ul Ihe ethlMt. t'.a ,, i. ifoua "I .n.!i<iuii»e wlll Ire ._ luU-rual.* H'vik Foi; TBB Ol-T COlLBTTtOW. ....,.. pn 'tn ittl M (*tilat_a II ,,,,i, ,-rii.n uf .-t '»l fi.f MetropoUtBB BBaaaBl ot ,,. mragrd al IN aoMe - "f IBaB aaaaal ta ti.. pabUe MBd. Ib baa '¦¦ m IraqaaBtli etaMi l. -pi,. ii,i,:- Bodttee b.-'.ti-M*-. lhal M-0S8MB wlll ba .'iii'! in parrhaae a r-ltorftoa uf .-aaa .,u ... ,-. aaa ettant, .. d tbal 9MM-M «Ul bring lo tbe Mmmm Um t rottrrtlaa "i UM unB ;, I,,,. «.,;i I. Ml -III.-4. .i|it|iiii- f .. Ihl- lairi-rae, >8. .r ...-. wlll be waleoaae t iha i-taaMttaa, '*aS ttll I- pi' li -ed ft'tii ilne r. tii.ic in t'fi MboaM ..-iiii in -i-i! to Bdwaad l> ABbbm, Mmmmbbb .\',,. IMI Biaadway. l_-i-. 4»..*h tl.e MHowtOg aldttional miiiis .if nn'ii-\ rara raretrad Bdtrard n K.-ndjlL, BMl; V""^r. -. \.i:v_* .. ( WH*. MaMg B, Ko*BeJ_, ¦50 Mra, Joarpl B. MUdM ra laddlBonal), fl°_j ui.ll.-.m ii. **i inc .-'i..bk» i.adaali w. Maaaaa, r*«{ l,. i, Wni'di: a _. rif-a* 11 .. f.ind now an.'iiit.t. tn B>iO.-*Ti>. rhe n.i.iM nl 'his inai-ellou a|ii- La tjio l.tur-ea Hate l-pifss ul Uio Ne- \urk C«iiti_l a C.vlag luaury. aa

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Page 1: THE KAI8ERT0TAKE A BE8T. ARE Orderyour Sprin? Suit Grandg ... · pi-evs«l."iyBa-illa li° d-.lsred. " aM Bxtanatvely empioj iii Uw cause of freedom. SL1GIIT F1I1F. ON TIIE BTJNTC






¦MORrH ___TVR*1 TO HI8 CAP1TAL.Copynaf't: ist*-'. Hj r..-.v. .<¦ Porl Aeteetetei Pwaa.Roilii). Mitriii 30..Tfca Bmperor Bieant u> glve lilm

aolf and his new MinMer- .» period "1 re t from l*ar

gaaaaatary **,>iik'. hy th<- laaaiedla-e pt?o*_B-aUoti ofboth tl.e H.i batag and tfce La Mtag. Tbe 'ormet bodj*-ill be pt-togasjd ne_1 weeh for an hadeflnll period.The Ixindta- --il! Is* ndaaiaaUj pro-jogned Bntll theend aCOetabet. bai 11 WlU :'«>< bmoI agaln fmuntil ii aew Hon - ek led In vlew ol the -u*.peneion of Puril:.!;..' itary Hfe H wUl bt futlk lo ttady Ihe

Bratakpi waj .n wfckh tfce polBkal gronp "i^i re

anaiigr Ifceaaelvea Bndet the Pruaslan HlnlBtertalBfcanpa The awmb-ra <,f Ih. Ceatre pnrtj la theRclcb,t«(* ara Hli<-;*ly m luvolt, and sjv read) i" vole

any w_y in o-dei to defeal iii- ii-arerBmeni; bul tbayur- i/uxerl'.. ... tl:- remalnlng bu-.lne-**. \ :.--. lo »I

HK.rc th_n H_.a_>i iu ibe reJecUeti ni palaor Itemaol tkeovdrrt.

Wfwn Ckaal von EhUenbtu-g, tbr iwu pi*. denl oftl.e Pni-siit:. OotBBcM uf Minlfltan, and Ur. von Bowe,the new Mlni-t.-i uf a> '( 1__-B_U< ul Alfoira, Pafcllc In

btru-Uon ai.d Mediriin.1 Afli-i-. ..,.l Ike fc*WBt bouae.f tho lYti-lun I'l.-t ..-i Muii'l-.v. their nttituil-. il r.

be pn-dir-w. wlll b« a-Utnettvely trlendly towar_ IkeCon-s-rvjtlvr aad CautrlBl groapa. Oatinl roa Men-buri-v arfcola recarg i- _tt*4*a__l_-B-*1 with aay p<>ii--vtrndlirc to .-in Blttaac. "f 'tlie Cka-ervatlvtBi wlUi lfc«NatJonal LiU-:.!-. Boacr nsiditiii:,- glvlng .' Llberaltnipi-lnt to -kNMB-BBBnl I-_ eMttoB. Both bB uml Dr.\..n Uosse- nre b»ut on tind'i*t* -«nie m-tl.o<l "f iv-on-

ciiini* Uie rjalfcoBaa "it'iiu ti.- parlod betweea tin- -,ui

Joariiuient of l'i. LaOdtag aad ilic etocUon*. '<".

von F,nle.nb\.i_'H aneanMt mv lhal I'- baa Hw aupplenoss ot .ui .-.-!. aad thin be wlll work t«> win wlth a

C*e-a_rv_Uv« an4MoeereAc Uberal, ¦¦. onservaUve s *dC.'erlonl alBantT In UM moanliini- '.t is ;.-" -n.-i:,-;

tliat he nienra to try 1" pv-wnt an e-lrongrmenl wlththe Oterkali eon emli - hk relattont with Clinmcilor\on Caprivi. Tl.e CobbI i- an afctrr orator than i.-n

eral von C-prlvl.Tbe dmatioii of tke praaaal Beavl-lonal Brrange-

ni-nt i.fu-r Um Proaelan atecttoaa i- koprobable. rkoaebe-t aeqaalnted wRh CotMB voa Buknburg back him

as BMOtictidlng lu UBathig General voa Caprivi rroaitho Frn.-mn Mlnlin aad traa. tb- taperlal Chancolit,r-.)iip "liliiii tfca Birenl year. The Bmperor --¦ l-d

Ur. voa Baaag aa balag ayaapath-e wlth hi- so.

rellpl'H.s rafataM. II" is ptona xvith nt belng o plellst.Cotwen-aUve, imt nol a RcacUouUt.


i» BOtabk aanong tbe mlnlsten os an eager -:pi>"itc!of tho auli drlak 1' |_-k*_0B. Hc i- an uiitaslu-lliM BUds soclal 1'iirity BMB.

THK CRARCELLOB OR TMI EDCCATIOS BILL.Tnero wtw u i.ii.-i.iv bakne-Mng dl_e4-**_toa !.> tfce

Keirhnag b'-day on llerr Rlchter't queslloning Chaa-relbrr von c'aprivl ragar-lBg tbe atUtude "f Uie Uo"

crimicnt a- io th- probobk abondonmenl of thePriinniy BdaeaRoaal biH. The Cbaneellor replladthat he found it laapos-lbJe t" eairy onl the pdtoyof bartar kapaad ra Hw do al des dectaratlont of

Princc nk.iilr He -ni'l it would b.- atnalBg agalnaltho Gernian Eini'ii-o to purahaae benaftta for it nt Uwexpen-o al Praaara, Tke anzletlea be had endiiradas naalllBl of tfca ITui-in'i Mn.i-i.v lu"' beeti i!

-rreatc-t of hi- Ufe it would att-ogUMB tb- atabUltyof the F.nii-lre t.. BBafce tb" Hnperinl t'linnc-llor linle

pendent of Prnx.i.-.n afBlra. i.erniur.v. be d-.-lar.;!.

wonld come o-it of tl.e pneenl .n-i. wlth rt-newed

forve, _-t_ag friuii Um -ot-ktaiial ebanget.Herr v,,ii l.-url- - n n-M tookcwdll f-r aucceasfully

loading tl.-. oppoatRaa aBRinal tfca edaeal n proposala.The rtaUonal aud Uw n-embert _J i';- FreUlo-nige party kaaiillj applanded fcla ivlerenceai to Ike__it-ii,ii agakiBt tb- bUl. Herr Lkbhnecht exp*wae.*ilfor tl«- Soflallak Uwh rejolrlngj ovei Ihe co'lap*- oi :i

mnra~~ wbieh had -tenaced religlou-gfrccnom ial*ru9>iu.

THI'. BMPEROR BACB IS BERLl*.The taperor retnrnad lo UerHn thk avenlng Iroai

llubertu-to U. 11- ¦«.'- bmI _t tfce atatlon I.v IkeEmpr-.-.> an-.i !.y Oeneral von RltUeh nnd other uflli'lalt.Ue xv_> entbn-duiitkuU] rlwered by the peopk oii Ikestrvets a» he drove to the i'**tM*. lie l¦*¦';--i "'''¦

ihoxniic vo trares .f bt- i-eeenl lllne_B. Iiu att-nd..¦ta «av ttxai Ibn ruloi fr 'rn whlrh be BUflered onlyBRgbUj- BfT.t.-l bi. r.- ii.ri.t;..' ll« dniix K«>k l_:xlnn'.l<.p- _br..uah tl.o l.>r_M ro.da »t H«*M_UMMtacB. 11-liss mrt beeii troobled -rlUj bk e*r malaay, UM aMtatlants s-.y. f... waeai

rnngomii rote* op irrricar?.Cktoaal L)r-x-l. Dr. BMAle and Mr. Ml. ol PWlaael

pliia, j.h-hsI Un- iu-1. li-rl.'i lo-daj fi-": RubbIb. Tfceyare rrtnrninz fcoaae. Mr. Btere, "I Miii'i'-.-ts. rnaeone to Bnatla i" awaH Uw errlvsl Ihere of tii- f"*-isuniUes fnr th- vii-f "f rhe fBmine -ntb-i-i-. Itb-iI,DonaUson. of New-York, has aeen a nnmbei ,f i.-n.-.n. I'ior- on i.-.'nlf ol ull Anierkan Artor*Fand eoihUdUon. Tbe tiermant (1-.U..-.1 theiwlillu- to asskl In Uw projeet.

FUANti'- MAY KXri.I. Al.l. AN AT.'i I1I-7-.

a coriuct ariTM pouce at it. disi. prixi l

RRAPOTRIR- IBSP.RnOX.Paiis, Match 88..Tfca "Bolell" ho-daj aaya Ifcal

the i.oxvr:i.':.-!it l.*- declded I" expel i-l Aaarfrora lY-iii". -. »: Um BmhattadOT- :n rnn1-. it

add*. have rarv-afced M. Rlbot, Ibe Foreign Hlnkter,with a Ral of tfceir (xmntrymaa m i'nri-, xx'bo -rc aaa-

peci->U of eln- Aaai-BfcBa,The aoRee bave arraatfld anotker ao_arloaa Aa

»r.hl.-t. a frieirfi of Ravaehol, tfca raan a o

pt'.tt*'i o#krtngtheaaUior of tn> Boak\_i*d -t aermaln-jnaaalln B-atrage He marie geaperoU resl-tanea,Twentv-two AnarehUU ara bow Ib enatody Ior »in

plirity in tbe ovtragi tfcal bave recaBtly occarredln llil- elty.

gavat-al Anarehkl al -' Denl i few mil BOrtkoi I'liris. wfco wera relanUng troai tbe runcrai af *

fon;ra-«, fcr.-ri-'l la l'i ' " "¦ and mai. !ied B_on|tra-rtag rai Baga aad aettng ganerall] ln « **erl}-aaaaar. Tfca p":i"* orgered t'le... to tUaperae, bulthrv i-taatd to Bbay; and » wai only after .. «ft-i that th- --'i.i ii-...-'. -n".'d-d in breaklng upthelr puik.s and BCatteting them.

i.r.u krat-oUln. ti- well-known Rusilan Anjiiu *n iBta-rvtew io-tey »M i,lf" U" -"r.!:;1 "".'"

lnt'ioii *-_* oii tbe polnl of bwahlua ont. rhe "op-pi-evs«l." li° d-.lsred. " aM Bxtanatvely empiojiyBa-illa iii Uw cause of freedom.

SL1GIIT F1I1F. ON TIIE BTJNTC.London, March BB..A Bre broka out n.diiy la Um

-v; it< Btar Uae rteamer Ranle, captala Tkotnpaon,whiti. arrlved at Uaorpool ye-Oerday froan Kew York.The fl.-iiii"-- wtaa -"'"» estlngBlafcea. Tlio laaage lsnot kaowa._

INDIANA AND l-BTTORIC JN COLLIS10X.livarpool, Mareh 28..Tha Amerlcan iteamer Ib

gjana, CBptala Barfent, troa Ubaa, Mareh -:o, whiledocklog here *o*_ay, eama Inlo eoRMoa wlth u.e Wlilh

8tar Line a-_aiaar Teul mlc, Ca-Raln IrvRig, al i*>i-

do'1 ^.r Rtrw.York, B*a*eoUag IRn.I ber ptatea. Thali-_iMii_> alao nini'k aud Berlonaly daaaaged .. oeaRer.

The ludi.r.ii i- Ike kteamer wMch racaaUy took a

carp. <>f provklona frora PhUaBelpbla ta tba rtarvlngpcaianli <>i Ba__a,

RECIPRiXMTY DKCI.INF.D BT TIIF. ABOB?aTIWE.London. Mareh BeX-"Tfca _l_aea*B" laaBBI Jtyra

corT<-.i«.:i<iei;t Mjai "Tb- OovernBienl aai beea obllgedto d'4-iine Mr. Blalne's -i" Ial i*-cl->*raatty prapo-al,wblch, lf arcei.ted. wonld bBV. Ii'.wn -mlflMU BgalnalUlt, main::'! innrki-t I «>.' ArganUBB ln K'li-oi.r. N.NTran \rg'!.n rl-k il.- cxperfment of Mlevlng Amerlcaof pait ol ber aui-plui niv... koWevec Mmpllog Iherondlii'iii-. Bnggeatetl."

BBABT T.. T.'W TIIF. DOBR OPF TIIF, UEDOmtmUma. March _«_..__ Iha ataiBBmtloaa lo bH Um

Nortl. ..< i-T-u.n I.l"vd lt.B-B8f l-<ler «.ir iho Rt_ar_eMLedge h.iv-5 baaa aoaapkaat. Ti.e -aBRatpal balea u

her botlom baaa befcn teinpornniv paRBM-, nnd to-<.yth.- wa. B-oal iu H- im bj bed oa wkleh ahe "" .

Ioi.k leaaaa. Tl.e -B-vtaa art_ aaake tfca Bttetapt: t.

low tfca I_<lrr o.t on Moml-v. Bffcea .*.¦ l.l-!i.i tld«

will prevall. Tl.e fciot Ifcal -*he ls BOW BaaUag kflue ba Uie use. of BBW un<l powerful pampfl Ifcal baaa

¦maaaaaiaaaaaa «»»»i..*_-rri-i*--»-«;,2 WOHTH rSAkW-P*. * B*^" j

* HOTICE %.Complyin^ with general re-#


will in tiiturr ior tlie United*Statcs be covcred withA Tasteless and ;Soluble Coating,

completely disguising thej;taste af the Pill without in any.;way impairing its efficacy x

Price 2 4" ctnts a Bor.JJja7aV^\a1^-^ryrVSr*g^"*T


Thr WatOt, Iba MaBi IbMMBBB BtB of Anrlf-n. BT

Madera Tltaee.

Tbe Bew-YorB t*i* -ra....- ... .,.-.:;.n- al (be Md01 Mr. r.1«ln m. Fleld. My. "la UM pa "

.tv pare-ia ar ta ll '¦

i... MeC-llBBgh BBttley CampbeOl. IBW Hertr-a l*'

¦ad bul j Ie* 1 ara "¦¦' v'-

-..,,. io mi iMlvr*. rhata the *») ot tl part**tlien nt. raelteinenfc nothlna bot ewltemeat, aad tb »«.

baustion and At-th. b- It to i.

¦-,,, - iima ¦¦ ' nwagea l

the ..,vi- tceptlon "f lep.o-,r, perbap* panoat i .-.- .¦ '- -aaoara to bbbB-BB ... si, .1

l.,-|,ro-v la ino-tlv hnowa throaiph boabar, and exM ¦¦

motc parta ol tbe tarta, Imi pai -- le__B«__ni ¦¦ ..'

,..,,-. .,.«:,-, ea - .' ':' br. ''.

ririit ln tt.. bany aad wll aad * '.> ": a_aertran .¦>-.

.....*...,, ai a -.. -J "i BUBd ar.d body. ll-i

convaleaoeol pateWe patJnita. TM* Bevei b re a

never * be Appaia-nUy. jual Lv-f-i Ibe..,;. re, , lo the full HiMraeat "J bttttlt aad.,.., .., ,,,.< ..,- ... U rn-: tta- -. ;'"' rbara

_1 tbadiaeaae !. tha Baaaaal pbyaleal Maltb at (M ru m

.Tbe i«m. wbea Biat aOacbed dot* Wbbb taa a e

,.l: iu .:,,-- i tticai MegerBttoB fl-

.... i- ,,.., _, be MO-Barbai Irrlttbj. "' ' >' \,. ,., , imi* .areleat In bk 4nm. Tbe doei la «l*edI ,,. ..... _-..-.¦ haa ni.t propra-aed m lai bal tbal tta

rty-lelan reeommead* e geed «* ln Ua* tb. *yi

u-'ouie more aad man ....-. l olM tt*. --

tbai Bm beadeehi - Mbbmb¦-. aad tbe BB_lmi aono-j. a fey Ibat be i.--*i« BOBderfnlly well, or tbal h. a. -¦

mmmt bowetar. aml toea Iba bealtaaey of tpeerh. tb. tbleb

taih *4.i.i .taminerlOB, nnd tbe aldelona -_«m. oi MBMhle._., aoueed. Ibe bm b round bla eyea Mlteh, aad tb-

uuail llttle kuaer thaa B*e otber, hh. '¦."..

Uucbea too. wbea kt nm II _*-*, nl. akla li -Ifc- I)MM and bot, tb. paM. - mn. aad lb« (aaenf. ..-,

UOM an allghBy d-.iicd. II. eaaaot dla_lB_ul h betwt-en

rol-TB -BBBBt beal dlotMetly, and b_«- tbe «n*.' M ta-te^The pbyalelaa diair. _..i.-.:- orit* dot w thaa_k_ th. -aaa m -.'-._. Um potol Bf Ibe pencll dowa per*Moetcularlf apaa Ib. ta*. the bmb b|1I bri~B .'¦¦- H«a.,.,,, tood «-.. ftaai Ibe do. .to .-


mi'i b. geotiy. aad .' leHta. Ueb ol .trol avei

,,,. .,,,. te. i- rrldcat. Ibe patlenl Ib add lo i alk

noor, ind be Utee M do m Ue tt.M tMn

'""'"'.i'l,' ia tb. .uBdeaaM vi. w M tWa lairlMe cetapli\viui facta BtaiMg aa n. tbe taee aad tbe »fdlr»i

profeaaloa pewerleaa M an M IbcM, wbal eaa be 4N.ti.,.,,- but ." trmat Ie bbom dtae-awty. gbitunatelj la

ti.. beM -.-- M'"-"- bbara b u dlaeoverj aad i ** n«B.

¦aa, tbal Blll eare pareaB Tbe _tte I'rofeaaoi l.p*ol _-__.aK.u_h CoUege, reaU.Ing tbe need ol boiw ¦.

rMoedy i..i ew_r_mideo-d Amcslcaaa, hegaa e_.i__rlBHaad al Mat dteco.ered Ika aU rated Palnev

ompoaad Aa IM bbbm iMplle* Uw baala af tbU

t>va ;- we of th.- grealeal Borvi realorera, bunewera, kaowa to Me BrotM, _M_uely, eeleiT. TbU grealelement la rarefnlly eeaiMaed altb otbM _-.--11 _____. n

pn parBea aad Mialakaa Me aoly abaolataly earMlB. pn_<,d telealUk Nanedy i.t paiaal. M all IM maay MrrtbleMeaaa BBawa u> mb8mb aettaee. It la not Bemn¦a s_i4.api.rnlo 01 . ... bal .1 dIflCOTI rv. .,, 1 II BM

i-'iuiiif-tr iBdoraanwal ol thi beat nerre aad bra^¦.... .., -j,. i.uid. i" Md. eaaaoB no are _.'¦ 1 II IbI.-.-,.- .1 evarywbarB, aad la dolaa aaeb greal good.

Bar. lt b. < roeby, * prondncnt Near-Torb -s'-''

m\n"1 mra reiy badly ot and auffered uni Id ml«ery foi a

lonp BBM.BB ....rvo'i- 1 rooM no. aleep, and bmmi.1 -i nlshl\<r_r. nbllltial t., bB ap, fnr 1 hnd tttefc a« ibMbi11,1 Ue d.,wn l Maeorety bellcare that bad it aol btai,,, j*,,..!,. ,, ,1, ronpooad l -rould nol ba lo.da;l an. bow perMelly «oi. bara bo im ... aadaie -U riBht. a/baa l begaap,.ur.d i t-atgbad ll*. aaa i "--|: !-*."

JfoMlag can l»- mbw, tJiu-i abaohiteof tin* e."i" fli-ronreiy B ol! raeea of net

,. my and eren Mai gieal dread ol madern elvl mBobm ».--. i..'. v."i aabard M nefleel ai b a ««* .'

beea BM al worlt on ber. r..,,t;.in Helnccfc* l- t.boardOto auanier, nnd i^ aupertnteiKtlng th- arora ol aai



THE LOBDON ror.I- i. BCEPTl m. IDOCT Tlir.


.Mcihinuiie. Mareb 8d..ConaMeral M txrlie .¦* a

aaoaed bere h^-day b_r a aMMaaaal pabBabed ln "TbeAlfjaa," "iiti.ii deeMred IMM Deemlag, Bm mnrfl rtr,

bad BMde i ". Ie* b>»- T1"'r'-' ba* baeo n

ni plrloo bere aod ta -SagMod Ual i.nlag '¦ '¦¦

*h^ Blpper." and Iblt -aaplek-a ''. "¦

,,t,iv by Dectnng'a uppearanca, arhlcl cloael) tallb'ialtb tba deai rip-i-.n glron af ibe WWte-'b ipel mai

bat abo bj bb tJle -i ' Tbe Argn " li_.,,,;., ;po| .. -| U ,¦... .¦ Httle .1 ..

ii iu..* it- .UteBMnl De< ndnglhal be Ulled hli oife and roor rhUdren al Mnnanvill.i. nt BMnhlll, BQBr Uverpooi, and tbal he mar

nd motilatad Iba taal two aroaien trboae bodleum; f'.nrd ta Ibe parBaoi '.f B_ltechapel. He dori- tbal he kBkd tbe -ther w__n_n, trboaemurdera M Me Bbm atttaeted ihc atteotlon M tbearbole «'<,rld. ln bl.ifeaaton, "The \:-.-n-" Bdda,Deemli . n il e n i.illon ,,f niutll

,_- ,,i hh Wt <. "l""l *-"'. t;r11-

lt is -aid tli-it Deeadog b ide Me conf. n

oMctal i't P-nii. Weal AuatraBa, al thh i. ptara bevan a-.rir-'-ri i>B tbe rbarfa uf bartng murdeiad blaall. m BlL-Mor, «* mbarb uf Melboarne. He loMni- ivrth oMetol t.) arbom ba n...i'- bl ronfttbal ha nol gnllty -<f iba Wtndaor mnrder. Hla

wlle, ha aaatrted, bad etaped arttb Bootbe. bmb.

it baa baea learaed '''i't Hm traaiaa ahoae b :..

war iiiind. lOfBthar with tin bodtea "f ber four

chiidien. uiid-r tbe lo« "' ,l'' Ratahlll ho« a, araa

t ,r Deemtng- Bnd adM. bavaial yeara ago a

,;,,:. v; reated ta A latratta by tbe aiyaMrioui dl ap

pearaoea M Ua artla aad taa eMMren '.f a bbb arbo

than «ent by 'he BBBM ol bul trho tuni

u ,i ... be Deemlag. The farnlly then llv-d In Bydney,There araa gmre aaaplelOB of toul pMy at tba tlme;bal t'.e bodtafl aara bM foand, nnd tbe matter »ob

allowad M drop. i>winit)e anbaeqaeatU weBl M

Ki.Ki-nd. where li* iituned tbe aomab arboae mm-d.-i

h^ now eaadaeaea.Loadoo, Marah -jo.-The papart bare to itay pnbl iMd

Iha atan ol P-a_Btag*i eoofaeaton. »Mrb waa rabk*dfivtu MMboume. Tba rton nomoA ibe noai lni«_h_e

egrltemaat in MMteebapei Tberali mnch .iifbu.ii. ln

iixint: Ihe iv.'. Whlteehapel ertaMa to whi'h DeeiMaaM ta hav,- uaafcaiad AfMaatkar lan _aai_ar are

iittrit.iit.d ta .i..«k tbe Blpper.- bal there l_ maebgoaM trbetber tba Mai taa taeia eaaualMed bi tha tama

band tbal rotnndtMd tbe other elgbt. Tbe _t»i whii-

ehapel laardar, 'imt M Franeea u>i--. oeeanad ta isao.

Her bodj wai atBtllated In tha naaie bmbbci aa arere

th- inui.*-, of nn- i.'iM*-r rlettaM. Tbe poHee M theLeaun-I aMUea aaaerl lhal ber aiBiderer v.-t nolD*c-.nii>;. Thei admlt that. If tbe confe-Mon irfei lnthe niurdar of aii - Macbantde, wblch ocrurred ln leaaund of Mar- Bell), whlch waaconiniltted iu H.i-8, ll liaoaalble i.c-.-mini: l- Mlling t'- Irnth. .1 Um UnieFtaiifi^ Cole wua klfled, Ihe pollca <m\, Deemlim wa*

-.ervlni; a nine mootba1 aentraec al lluil tu- tba th-li -.f

jowelnTlu' -c.itUi.d Vaid BBtborlUet hnv- recaved no pn

vut<^ inMrmaBon fruni MelboorBe lagaiallng Ibe eonfp-*iun aml thej utiu..h iitik- ImparUnca tv Uc--n.iiigVatalemenl thnt he MHed two of ihe Mblterhapel wom«-n.

Tbej aai thev MUere Deemtag- objecl u. nukbig .nn ir. '" .-».( ni* ii irmaiid and iu t"- lii-iiir-'iii i"

l.ii-iiiid. Tlil_, they udd, i- a \.( ll'.iio.'.ii iiM. idcrlmlpalB. , , ,.,.,.

TlM Urerpool pollca, who haa-. cliaige of n.e t. . i.>hin ,n*'-. hav. no .'.uahi-,- gnowledge "t Om nif* l«nmade br Deemhig than onntained In Ihe preaa dlspateh from Nfel-_nrue. Tbe »t»rj' ol tbe mtt lonI..-.- cauted bd Immanae nan-attoa In the Ralnblll ditrirt. 0

MBB. PAIKKLL TO KCBP MORK TIIAV HALF,Londae, Mareb SM..II is reported thal Iha lltl a

tl,.!, i,ver tbe Wood wlll. ta wldeh ln-trumi-nt Mra()..-!...;., now the v.idow uf Charlea Btewarl ParaeB, wai.ain'd ;.» -.nil** baaeBetary, nnd wbleb wbb eoate tedby Un- otber beJn al*Mw ol Ibe taaMtrlx, waa kdby Mi i. ParneU aoaaaattBg M haad orer ta ber brutheraBBd M-i'T- the -airn of tOOjOOO, retainlng lor h-i-.lftlie re^l "1 thi; etate. iitivD.ntii.i,' in valoe lo ..Ti) om

T'> SA1T. TIIK RA!.-_._ YACHT TO KB0LA5O,Loadoo, Mi Ircb 8d, CapMta Oower aad a Bo porl

erew baaa st.irted for ki-1 ta Barlgaic Bmpei *wiiiiani'i. ya.-ht Meti-or ta Bngtand, wher. ahe laeiit.rod to tnlie jiiirl ln Uie rtic-. ri.,- .M-tcnr w i.

loiniei_V the well Irnnwii llrlll-ii laehl Thl-tl.-_

A BIO I'AIl.t Kl". IN BBGLANO,f.findon, Mareb -.;. -Oarl Halekow, efaalman «.f

gaMBow. VaagbBa d OB. di.nit.-di. lioa BMMterIron und Bbb I manufaiHim r wid coliniy ownera innr

UMdleabarougb, hn- tallad. Ha is alao chMftaaa ofoihfr ggggfanMa. Um faHareJbaajpaBaed :. greal...ii i.tloi. ln il" V!tld'...|...!..".,.'. dl trlct.

THK PRI-SIAN* I'KIMAKV HM7CATI0B .Msrcli ^(l.-Connf vnn BoMnbarg, Ihe ti*w

President of Ha PiaaaMa MlMaMy. arlB aa Monday¦aaa iu the fcaoar Haaaa of tiie Wei & rtataaaaM m

r-K-rd lo poliUcnl affidr^. lt lh bclle.f- ln parlltiruMiilary clrclea tlu*--. owtng to tbe rle-vt af Ur, von

t he new Prn slan Mlnl ter "f -MucoUon. tho

o_n_.U-i.ol polky ... .h-'-.v.-:-...-.t wlll ..ndcrttono

prli ple. -1 Ibe Mtne Ume a de.tor._ion...;.,! Bk ¦¦¦¦ "'' '' 'vernmciii no

_.«. ;,...'- -.;,;..- to lurtker con kk-Btlon -1 '¦..luliK-T[.rimury Ednrallon blll

AV EARTHQt'AKE IN OBEAI BR1TAIV.,,,. ,, ._:,,....\ Mvere earthquake was

xi month. li ,... ----I mnch ilnrm.tlHM-g v. t tbat I. -' hooae. plIhrown rrom the « 11 The eorlhqBafce wai ah,,i Abemirn, ln ^ i* -¦

.i he



1 HE ,,,,,.. 01 PEDAG ,V Ll BBATES TIIK


The i-niv-M'v -,'i'.'i "f r*-dagogy. -rlth Ihe Oer-

man-Aiaorlran TeaeherV A.k-tlon. ¦:-i-.- ".**

innlveraary ol ihe blrth ol Oomenlua oi th«

, ,,,:v Mrtl «ll Eptsropal -hnrrh te-tcrday tmer

.,, chancell .- llenrj M. MarCrnrkci. pr«UIIng.-,.,,,,.,, o.pnrlt, of Uie rhnrch aaa tcsted to Ita

Dtmost, and a Inrge nnmber were rompelkd .» ata

dnrlng the raerrlB, rhe Rev. wim..,. . Wro. a

M-rnivhw mlnlster, opened '.r**kw wlth proyer.,.., im, Mar. .;-,', i, ln i..- Intrtrtnctor* r mni

incd <' menlnt th. .Inmbn ofknrnlng. a d »how-*d

........ whlrh be bad eaertcd upon rnodern

etmcDttoa. Tbe .-I.i "f Peda ogy. the onb oveat

IU klnd in .'¦ erira, roanded on Ibe aai prk>!;,,.. :,i,v,,:,..-ib'- ifcal lte.1 olinan. Dr. Wllltami Brfcofl r-x i.-xx -.t the hlatory ol Ibe Uaoaa of

conienin-. nnd Bbowed iv- rlrrnmalancca thal bad

developed thal graal raan.Ulsa Josephlne B. H -dgdon, 'bo wai Ihe arai

woman wbo ever rvalved ihe denree rd Maaler of

l'.,ii,.,-.v. BaM. ln part: -Word have *m.l -

wben inere Is a man bohlnd ihem, Bnd rhe word ol

.rntn- had b ecntn behlnd them. *> are hera

, da, io mimrmoral ibe an Iver arj o» Um MrUi

.t fl man who aaa a arknUal. nWlo i''"'1'- »',I||HIIhropl ind .lmaatar. II wa. a arorld ol rha.**

into whleh thi yoong ihtnkcr «..- born. md I « <-

dM « to mi. li tne mtelllir. nt

-.,,-,1 -r,.,-M i. i- lo-day. "i '!»¦ ..I.'

,..,.... .;,, ntUc i- hm.w-i .'"l't tbal Ue *n*

... -K,,.-,, .¦.:.|].:ir,,dl:.-.irt UtlB ln IkB

.,. year. Ma IfcV was i rrk nf |* r erutlon n ¦>

-,t i,i- death be waa rtdlrnled a an Idealkl and

dns. ii mlfrtii bava been Uie l irfkbearer ol

i,,.,i, m Amerlra, foi In l< ',; td Iho

preslU.i 'i llan ird :i' "'. '" *°

,., gweden. He wa the Bi I -. Ider a wotm.n

.a i- and to l»w '' "V;

..,i dwolopmenl ol Ihe body wlUi ihe mlnd. 01 his

to.ay. II.' dled In his -iv- rv..

'y..,v ,,,. v rartor In ike evolnUon.f nedasney. md ihe falticr.'l edtiratl mai ti to Kxry.'

.,,, r D lei Kl :,-..,:,. Lt >¦. ;«l .. r»,,, |. ,\. '. llenrj Bar-ard. " i-- ..¦ JUt I'ha BHIe Ml Bmll- Bntlrr. Mra. W. 1

,; ..'..¦ Mra i n M l*.*wner, Mx ii" H.M- Mi- V. n-ii'i. Mr "biilMrs' Iienjanil'n II. i>|d, W ., im 11 ttlre, Ma_lmll,. t ,, ,- ,. ., ... ..-

. ¦¦ nn.

¦jfCfl BTrT-TTS tt iPtTSQ DBE8S OOOm'.Y,..i BhonM ¦'.. ihe beanUfnl new dreat lhal ki., ,, i,t- ...i.i -he. -Wkal lt IU WeU,

u-,,,,-, deaeribe It. Ifi madt ol blaek agnredUre, over Uut lovelj ihangeabte anlln, and tha

|,lnj ,ii u rtrange, beontlfnl vx ". I« k trlmmed wlthl«nd« -f Pw -,; rv- li" " '' -' ' :it'" -'"'

ihe walst, rntlrely ol Fkralan emlwoldery, bai 1"--.

\,-rx lii.ii leeve, rhe bell ll "I mUu, Bnd the. ,. ,,f aimy i:."- ovei Ifca ame klnd ol

di 'v ¦¦:.. d d he ."» rl P/hy,md Mn.-ti"!

l.i.t il,.;. bnve rt c : -. ¦

pj, n,,.., (. ,,¦ ... :, ¦¦ ' !:.¦ BTaM-a aatln, lll) il

Ii green and bhto, Bgnredwi,,., i ,v nember 1 ineaa a grean thal li

.i d Ueate, » d ara

donl '¦ rrn blng of bloe and e~*-n rii* lt, 'J araati aai d

Ing tn bow s-d aAtii. trot '

, . rok ai tfce ba.'..

R -I f :..-.¦' .-'., li ¦:- ol the

,-. .,, top It Ib nnlshed wtl -adlngand caagM wltfc b"« "f i'. and Itv ,,,,., tba -..'.' There i« at-otber b*»aa«tlfiil¦own lhal wanl yoa M *"¦ II tnaae ..f ekang*a¦l>to green «n(i brown ,-un.ii Blk. ^ -. Iha ahanRII..).- -lt*,- ttrr .hr f;.v..H... I..- lt lui. -.Ill-U. WblK

tlgure i"i i' at hall wltfc doabk psrB/.,ii wai i i- HnlBhod aith BerlfcateJeee i_e.-. nnd Um,1 ,.,1,1. are «»u -lit wltb bn."

liowi ol -.' and :

k of tfce « ': I ¦'''

-,,:, -i-i--. n,!,,., ;.,,. ,:, i. t dali ty Pr.

i II1,1,1 T.. X nil h*v. II

iii.i.ui, k. for tba, , i, lln

wltl. .. .-"H ." -: lt,-. ,, |H.e. ..!". r< lloa B'.w. r* ai d la*w. il oni

. ,..(, mn ion a.mld b. U< r rome *it'i m.

, lir* r..ii' ¦' ¦. x

parloi it Altrna1n,. . ihi n- are u.e in_»t woad. il pai .¦¦

i irnrifE ni i /'i'" "*' i '¦"'' '¦'''¦'' it.\ ie - I. t al Ibe N- 1 i Ho,,...:. ; ron

,., -... i. li .i ,.i Kii-l *»'

and. Iwrth in. ni t" PuBee Headiin irtet

lli. x, -... -1. i..i:ii- P. RIIH ¦'"

wlth i-.i.ii.i-x ...inniiitiai in Pblto-elpAl ...I'lni-h' be f m -_ an en

into ii..'"<-- of U ii.l-x .'¦ <"."-¦I..-I i.. i Mbtdelphla, and lokihi i,.r, <i... I.- and mn-: " .'i 'i ta bD at bv.isi

II uu. round lhal b- bad rome tu Ke* fork, and Inr .: iiyi ue a dgned Kn h u id i ilttl-ii. in ti.

I.hiU fur..| ;, -,, ,1 .1.1 ¦¦¦, I,' ,',.-. li

f. I.-V.lllll./ liiin -hll.-S, lll- 'I' t" "'' ... -I IWt ll,,,,,- ,:, V I,.' I Ullll.,11 '!'-' |' ll .i

l\ j.. v. Illel -i 1 -41 U l '' ll' I .. Ul '-'Iv .... _:..!11,._i lu: had -iv.-n nn ii'i'li. ¦ .t Ib. .. \"'" ll'it-l.W.rh Ihla il."-. the 'l.-ii-iili'-- bs'l llttle dlfllruJti ,n

ndlng A'llllnin wbo, 11 I. aW, roim .1 wi Khllnd, l),luii rnrnlly. To-dai be wlll b. rrmanded Ui awallUie arrivul >i cxtradltloo pai«-r-.

PRE ST. tltnOLAfl CLUJn IfEET/JriTbe'l rneeUng "I ihe aH *sTrbobi Clnb ''lll

Ce h-id "ii Mun'lax evenlug, Ajirll 1. An -lia-ii'i'i ofiilne iiii-i-'- wlll I,- h-i'i. and rertaln pr'.in-..<iamendment* b. Ike eon-tltuUoB wUl i«- voted oa. Tkaiiomlnatloni for irn '. are i" .¦ .:.¦- ihi - ye n -.

jnmes Wllllam Beokman, Bdwi.rd a Qabitard mAw i,. -i Idinui-: terve two yeara. <'r«*orge M. Vanll.i. Oortlandl 8. Van Ben-welaer and N. \v.**Hscrol< i" -rv- "ii- year, W'llltani II. \ aing, Pran,i, ii Davtea Bnd Ufred Rai tntT, Then k no

,i,|H.-iti',ii to thi- ti-io-i in'iii.-.' v.iii, tbea .i.i.. ..f Ihe rhtb, il-- newlj i- t-.i Iru-teea vuii

i.. .-nul appolnl tbe oflteetn nnd commltteet lur tbei nsulng rear, fi an am te th. m elve Jamea tVUlhiru



Tvoth tlit* Tne'iio'is an.l rcanHa when Byrap at n_si-, t !:<Mi: i b- bImsbbI i;nl "t.fR*8_lng to the t.urtt*,uiiil bcIb gently, <¦. promptly, oa Iha Kldneya,Liver antl l^r'< la leaiMlng iIm ayaterai eff-otaally,ilUpela ol -I-., I.i i'i:i'-lies and fevera an I Baraa hal*-ii i.l conattpation. Syrnpol Flga I tbeoBlyi-in(.i|\ ol lla _____ ever pro li:. -!. |i|,; .- ',. I 09 1 _.-._.;, ,i it-eptable to the Btomaeb. Prorapl la Ita ae.tion, nml tnil.v is-iieiiri,1 in ita effaata, Brrpaia-Jonly ii'.'n Um mete bcalthy aad a_rr-_aale aab-atancea, IU nany eaccllem ijuaUtita eomnMBd Ittoal!, and bave -M*le il tlie aaaat papuhar ret-aedyknov.'ii

*jyrup of 1 i::*. is for sjlr i:i SOe, and gl bottirab all bjadlng ilmg Ial Anj rellable 'li rjaltvbo BB] BOl hiivr it uii hi.ii'l xvill pro- np it

prompt/ foi BB) OBf wl.o \vi-._r) to ti.V r. 1)..uot :.<. cpt an.v Babatltnta


C LOt'iavi-.i.R. hv. m:u -. oiiK, s. Ta

Order yourSprin? Suit

Now!//ave ii teady

for Easter.

Snils to

«.*. de*

xfront $20.00*Trousers

Ij order

from Sj.oo.

Our Selcction ofScolch ond /rishC//EV/OTSa:c :."/// immciise.

Kcwcst designs and s/utdes inFancy Wersteds

/,' dford Cvrds,Spring Oi ercoaiings.Our Trouscriiig:-

muslbe secn to »<¦ ap*preciated; itotenoughspac8 hcrc to de cribethem.

iBroddway, 771,T.K. W. Cor. Ninth St,

'14; & 147 Bowery,New York.

Op«jntvrni:i._i'' till B o'ckvrkSaturilay iu o'clock.

1,.,.- .,- v 11 tl. !. pre .''..'?' ."

,t., ..m1 DbvM I B

Tb. ' Bdward 8. Iwill al .- :..-..

p mai nl fond a I -1 M-¦ - ea ... lucluaUna llu fund, ar»" 8_SI,_Of. 10, a' .i Ibeliuliilltl. .. .-.,i._l .1 l...---- tl-nt flioln

ii, ,r,- thnn ...m. ,.->,i f.. uuilntoln h,.m< -r '. ¦' H. m Vorb'

K.t .->. lu I-. .... .ni/iir i'. i i-i ¦aamberehlp la __»»a

i fl OVD ol BOI VI V W/T/.

I \i w. \ :. * r t i.

\. r ii i 11 ' i' r i .

-. .. 4. -, _. .|. Jll.tlil-llt l.f11., -. .. ii I1 44.I-. Um

4 " I-. u thl. norn... b\ wbleb Iim r. M]ared, four >'i wMmb

n .-ii \. .. N .-.- ... mar:,. .1 Al - rt -flll rted ,

ii..1,. .i i'. ¦- '.'."¦«'-. nuu ..¦'¦ ¦. l¦ I'-'. i ranb .bal aud Joba.ull.ri.

i ;. t ..! arara MMIly Injnred. ThracrMenl ba| .« paell t ¦¦. nvericr, and

,. , .ball, "T debrla, fail l.1 |,. ,| ,,¦, t PT .¦' l*f r,<-. ln .. i.i .- ihe

I |- .- ,,....! Ul- VI- -I. V. i. 4< _t

:,,.| wu iti :. .. tu toi on .. Ini ibi--luy ii,,. .,,.,. ii.t., Um i'"- The talllnn nelul eovered

Khtfull) bamlng four Ul tbOtfl_ palotally lojurina ib. ¦¦. >'' a Inlurod n<

relved .-.nv po -i. nnd wlih ihe e*«*_pi ihe ]..,,. H,. i.t'.. .' .:, be al oal

.-,,i ,,( ii,.- bijured were reBtoved _.> thclr butai la11, I. ¦.

w. |_ Abboti, i of tbe 4. ay tbanrrbtcnl wa. nn nnaatiM and miav-ld-ibU oae itru ihc t.i .i' I'l'-ni "i tbe Mnd Mat bad bvm bap*pened .1 t m t ", he U. ar .1. 11 i a 1-i.., I.,,:, .,f .iiiii-.. rniii partlcleB ol ateel aad otbermniter tbal I throwti trotfl the roaverttog Mraaca hytbe l.'iivv i'iv-.ine 01 air l- (BrtBjd IMoagl UMBielllna ...< I..1. Mr. Abboil t-iv lt :_- Bt- ..pln|..ii ih-l,,,, .,|. eon tta rharaed wlth mrel nieaa, a. Ihatutn, a- arail n the meu, bad laaaa every precontloBI,. all dangi.

ffiffl OTFtClAlA OBDEB iBBB9T.c: v, iiimi. Mareh g_..l-tatManl noiaea Kieele. of

ibe Pulne-vtlle iMvtnga and Loau i-aaocMUon, waa

rreaied aboal mMnlghl il l-lnewllle, nnd bfoaghlii, tm. elty ihN mornlng, where, Bftar :. brlef d*4ay, ha... ,. ,,|,..i on glU.000 ball. Al nooB Bulpb K

I, ,_¦. ¦.'.;,iii.-ii imi) tbe bheriB. oBce and gare MnueU.ii,. ii,. i.iin,' dlrectl) fi* m tl ti.iit. on vbb b baarrlved tram New-Yort* He la bow Ib tbe -herlB'ecottody.

[.tt.burg, Mareb 20. lienry \V. Ollvor eoBftm tbe,....:, I, in iv.ii.'- vllle. Ohlo, .i '¦ lil naiae lutvlugbeen forged to auBMrclal paper, Hl udvlce ara thal,,. name Imi beou algned a< preaMent i" r*ut>-' purportlng to be ned b) Ibe Penn jrlvaBla and Lake t_rteD.i.k Uompany, He Miowt nothing ln regarl te theaimmnt. He ttaled thal tba dtmh tompany, f.f -hi. a

pre-l<i.-ni. tin- _t« thoMei uf wl* h ara the Mrre-owDer. ...i Ihe llne ol the ..ttehnrg nnd We lem

Itiillroad, ba exp. nded about |_00,000ul Falrport. naar!'.,iii.viii". to j aivkle doehago Im Iheli «. Pbe IMnn

-, i\ .iin.i nr.'i Lab. I- - U-eb tnp mj Im bb HBbpaj ibM oat. ba. noiaey b. i1- traaaary, and It |.a>inixiiif.ntiiiv dlvldend* ihnl nre atl Ia. lon lo its io. k-h'llii.T '. U- -.taled UmI IIm l" Ihe (-iirpam .-.

;,l.,Mt i-s.OOO, III prnreed* ,.f a draffaenl L.) Ibe h¦¦¦.urer ln h-tlalium lu pmrlde for Um m.Mithli pn) t"U

li diafl ha.1 e n d. i"-1 lu Ihe I'all.iot*. Illc s* ivni- aud la-tii ( itn| ii) lir. »llv« [Ted tlwl notM.,[ ihe mp-inlc "f whl. li he :.t. ufll i.Ind ..'..,1 v. ii. ,,i.v pap. -t an] inon. urruwedII! l-illllr filte*_

/./ /¦; IO '. 11 CVRED OTTH r.i fk

iMmtoga, Mairh UO (_peeii.l), Tbomoa DouglinN.,1. ii. st.nfi.i-ii bave-been appolnted ______ (....-

ij nnei bj \ Hloge l'i- hi.-'' Deyoe Uohna 4

.,111 1111 ihe vacanrlee it. tbe Koard oc-mdooed by there-tgnaUon ..! t-oaimlw-Marra U'lllimn 11. <:..[¦. m.di.'.vti i". kunpp, «ii" aere Brrmaad ..f oMrlal bi.-in.t I.. hnrlng bat bmnlled .Ibei. tpencer Rle-hardCriAter, TIiobmi \. «¦¦.-t-iic :.u.i other aaaible. "f;..-'.. .1!, <iti. t, tba BawBB. *af -Bveral Uonaandii.ii;..- nnd ruaninte-dna Ibem "pn.Mnn'' or .) v Iluin i.ii*;1. li< IMWlj .i|i|i..l:.t-d OOOMIlUoni ;,\, .¦ epted tl.f-h- t»li..-f«.


hi h roVB /(' ta i-i\:. UBB 1 af<Og_r.,chti :,_... Mareh -.«.. Tl..- Indlan ebUI Kcdst«t,r>,

wi. - expen bere froai Var\ !*«-«... DakoM, M hnrii ic... i-ni'.v -.1 from in eye, wera paid h> n.o

itad nlutea tHH'erunienl la ratarn for raluabM tarvby bim agatn Ibe Moni, trat oparateg bbob

initv ti Ibe Hahfl mana ilo-jiitui i.v Dr B'alry¦nd a. 1,. Mi.ith. Tha rhkrf nid ha eeaM atoad pala,and Iha'doetort de. ded uut to rhlomfonu Ma. Con

"V. .V «..* Ml. k l.l.ui-l.e.Ackiiuwi._|.jd to b. _n>- ir.'Mf. puiiuiai b__od.

*.: u

» g_H_l-M-> a m

Grand Street, New-York.


Tuesday, Irlarch 29th. Wednesday, March 30th.MILL1NERY.

COSTUMES. WRAPS, MANTLES, JACKETS, &o.exhisiting'TarTsTan styles

and itiniil ttOm cB-K.«'-"- "<"" <"" "wn ".rhro-mj tn llie

Largest and Handsomest


Grand Display in Every Department,{.__, Btnnet*. Ftawef, °.^£&bmt,t .,.., <:.0)U, SUk»,

tnepeetUm Inrited.

EDWARD RIDLEY & SONS,309, 311, 311' to 321 Crand Street, N, Y.


rran ,.,.. ¦V'.r;--"-- Ztfoort.;.,"yl;.l:^r;;ru.V;,:v,.-.-"been entlrel* -<"-< '"I.


-,,',v -:i i' Dl RRD THM_S1 LVB. OB -¦"

PR] -.¦*.

Liilcago, March -.-

"." >': ."!"11 """',",IrtBicBl "l Aldermcn Uowlei and Nl.

B .. were dl-app laiad io_ajr. Wa '->¦. new la-W

BbbIU pa »tBd I,.' <£*,il »h.aai now .ucc-e«l«ll> d

,,.¦.,ivea b'-:"ie jndga and Jarj ... doa it-laadclotblng. ... i .1

perlfle -:.--, lhal he U

i.-mpted i" blachmall real e-tate «rwm

.l ,io,000 it pnllitiB <¦' ..-' a Btre-'l cai »rdl

,,.,, woald enhun.. Mllwankeeave. propart} valne

Aldern.un mi.i...-- ¦' ¦-.."- h ,'1''1 '"*

Iried -,. blachm-ll a ronJ mercbanl wbo wa led perij (4-anr.l tu i-v :. nva *»"<*".«

,i:.,.n. rru-i and

... pravad onanl th" h ler__tti rlli-'i'i ti"- '"'»"' -1"-' U;" "u;: "!


the mai who ..__.' ::-.':¦'d .in:-. atrnih > - ¦' " "

\ :;...',- mnti tm '¦ x.1 Ihe H ... Nt"

' " Vv.riM .. ..- -."¦ ,¦ "

., ..

.. .. wh«i i* nn «.--**'¦ *-

... Kdm-aUnn. ll -.-* l»"« ¦*.."-" *''*

¦.¦ puvp.-a-a.ol,.,l,,,.,|,,,..i ,-. Ihe Ma ;I

ud i al.l.b _lv4*n t"

..,- Ib.ard'


....'-.-.. II i.'.-lrl'...,,-. ..I Ih- Ma ouutal. K**anal ( Inb. bul thejn,'uiplo) n "'.- -;


ui.,|. i I .bl .- i-' . m 'I .¦¦¦

H...I Mr. II- ..; <¦ "¦ :'" li '. I" '


J ..... ._. li, .!_¦ ..ri.i-l J'> x lajora he b '...¦'!, a- .1 .

nmma-llo.i ¦' - tt»e Jurora. ue ***'¦'


i'\M IXD VAV1 tXTKtuQixrr.vv.. rt< i, Man :. -¦'. Pae eat 11

li Lrtcnm,.,.-¦¦¦¦

red "i Han .'':¦¦ on Man h_i. ,,,, f ,.. .... \ :.. -bi n .¦ rhe Y. rktot!. ... ii urrlvi it ..i .-, *"¦ "

rtlnrned Irutn Ho lolahi and tti!l

|.- put .,ii: Ol i.>:.... -i lu t Bra <la\...-; ,.,,,,.-,. c, _£_*-*) haa b en utdared t<> d.nv

, ,. | V.inl. I'..rt-... ath, V II ..'!

Mll, ,., |.. .i ,|.- -. and Dewlll i .*"

man bi*. dada. hed (ron Bb. P d ..".'¦. r*'d '"

mi ibe Adaraa. LI eh nH Maar) ¦';

,*..,,i,..i Irom Ihe i''-' ¦;>. ¦...' and orda-ri-d lo <

the Coaal Mnrv-j la H mter. liewt-naal A. W.

l. .. ., ,-. r .i .¦ the l'irhTii'i.i.l. A](~-:il U ¦. l-aal 'I Itj "11 tlltj

\; ,;] 1 |.|. ¦:'.:. t E D l'i tlCk lr- OV-

_, ^ t.. h i Nhw lf ln '. .¦;i-'' *a for,. , r li i n llollli -fderad >

,i,,.v ,,', f .- Ud :-" md, \| l Paaaed 4

- K lleevea oi_er**d 1" -lntv ln th.ited -i tt--- Flah i......-rn i,-. "ii. "ii


IJ / R ,1 / r/i'tr," ir QUXrCBBTl R El

namden, N. ¦. Narrh ._'. A prtrRoa waa Uxlav,. .- |ed to ind .. Onrrl ". ¦¦' IRa - 'I'1""

... .i ....-r. the IttaaiiB' rartdM .te f«rMai - li tne rar. nt 01. " ¦"",l " '*

,,ii.-i!i'.i lhal -'"- "¦'.*''1 wt***- voted Ittegally. Tbalietltion f.i.tiu-i al-N-rd thei Joha K, Jucl. ..-, uwm nn ,i. Ttiompaon, ot r_..- tr.tch "araa, aad Iball__-.ii. li.ilmM_tod x-i.t'i- dnrlng tl.*- alarriiai.

tbe "ii.N inr fii i '.-<-.'.

Provldeooe, B. I., Harrh -.. In the Darnal,.! n i..,. ,|- r. :I. ¦¦ nl' ." ttinl "': hir :i

perti .,;..-.. ...i.i _- in- pLilntlfl lo -«t Iha Maae nnd.,;,,_. ,;,,. :,,...,; ,,. ., ... BUdlie UtflOBO H Bttd l_W


.1 / fflUJ r/l ED Bl i BAI TIAXEAXErnnrlnnall, II \n li _B. v >'¦ i"' b liorn Weal

..,T iii ,1 xri.ll. .I.-.., I IlltlC d lll .iiK-r nt Wllli,.ii r.i\i.>r. waa tearrhlna imona Iha roelu bi .. mh.iII

rreeh far -i.-ii- ihe aa -nn k Ib laa M'e b* a mttlcMi.ile whleh niK lli ''"-'- i'-1 h a*aali. r__ hild'irreama bi atahl her lalher. who klllt. llie -v> IIme iitr.1 fmii fca - md had »n ...i

,1 |.... |)d dl.«1 re ¦- '. ': >. -'!¦'¦¦ .%




CONSUMEB.Tl.r -il vlr- iirr »» rui-r.'i-l nml xt oi l.iii.iii-liln n.-uiil

«.. -iiiiii...- xvmra -niii BBBewhtra aflta .u ihwa»

iiriic.Bea tii,- rjuB-itn. bi deeign u i-

Deartma 8-lu la prte* ta ul mj pw\er* nttraeilvalat_adtaada* wemmmeht artlclaa tee

I'.ii Im .tn.I l.kbri.i-v Im..ial.i.._. Hnlta i-hiI oilil t'l<- <...

um nn....nn, rliKli.l. BBd .'.»l i-x|ii-:i-.|i r

!(.h|ii .i,i, .,,,-,. ..r .ii ii, ani i-i. -'.:,- iii r> nn.- ii.. ...i

Kurnli ure, al v*iy n i- Par w lam >-. n

l'j.-i. i,;.iniji I.I...H-- .1.1.1 18.78, 4.

I'laiu iijjuir^-. nu eraglta .. u., .ii..-oun.-. a**t_ geWtat'ibj oxi.. .. ii'li- ln i.n.. Uu. I( II. .ri'i-liia un. |iri-|iiii,l ur

nliiixvril... iii v OV TM M"

GEC. C. FLINT GO.,BaaraatM. Hdjaad ItMWaai ii.i. **..

RA.N.1-. roRT, lil, 1.. WXMt 1.111 ai_


Nothing willVVli.TB-- and CLKAR

tba _.k.14 ao qmckljr ao

Derma-Royalena ,|t... ran I t m iTh« ii»w .lt...'-" f»r8dt-aalvtofaad,..-T,.»»,t... ,l.r,t -'r,.f. .m.i.- ....-.*.'«"'! I.l*«rl...,«*nd ngbl-,,_,,, ail (i.n la-tr*rt-"Btiti« m Ib* lanadu il. »

. ... ........_, adrh.l .llv... frwb.

la* imi ml B.b-1 ili.'-olvr-tra.* wr* .bMM| r«M vd MM tba£-*.«* u.i-li^uttb-i^.^,,, .yr^ri-n ~a 1>. r.i.Ht' ¦..-* aaa rni.*-,._.«b¦¦ Bifaer-d far aa fi* for*-_aof fha B,ar»»l<4.n l).r_*».

N , "...ll im *.»* BBttBMM 11.. IT. lt b Hrfa-flf.arWUfr-a aaa ll ..».!..» __. IM

;,, .. afi*. .-...-. -iH- ..¦.>¦ trftlea rarl.4UlTabl .<»-. 1' l-Ubll _.*.. Iv- ""',"'"'."'".'^ _V", ' ,,,n'." ?

,-. ..-...,.. _r lt».i av*. M, frarbl*., t.i_r-_*-.)«,. _U-..«- -"I ¦¦¦".«. ua»ul.4.-r, ....-I-rat.I tba,,,',.T.-.,_ -UI.-...IV r*i«-.a.dl ,',raa tl,. .,,,.' ¦*«""*¦;«>.,,. wt.ii.... nnd b-aal-B*. tb* _.-

,,..., hbaaa rtalta itcaaa ....*...-.-u -..I-I I.) ."b.-ttl-O* ..) I lUB-l- .-*-lt« -*u_ut nt ln .B-tl.B*____!_ BtWABD T _-.,.*. fb.ini.ii "f it.n-.ii- -*-*:._

f..r _ur eaa. of M»»h.aal_. .;*-**» ¦_»*_¦ _->¦ aBBtB, >'_*h"A,.r > ... ufl-Mr Mla, Mi.iur.1 .. .***¦* taaoraaj ib-r

. '.,7r_.rTC'''r:"r'wl 'V--V '.: '- .'¦«« i-n.-.B-^.^i.l

Uu,i_r...l i) ll-f -. aar r*'*«'i> »'«'. ¦'¦ antMlKhttM|^-aiaMMr.a. " "»».-».* - - »;-"'«. ¦¦¦,¦. ¦¦_minBaa t-Wl**Bdlll*« ll a..r I- -'¦.'" ^.hJ_--' .>""."¦.laabrBrfMflBBlWaaBBM '¦> ¦ - ''."¦.". " ,*1'-

i _r» up ta ttiaaa.«.. tr in bMga BB^ooaaaa b.Maa..rloe. gl.BB. ETFRT POTT1.B OTAKANTEBTl.

r-.r_ae.Bor_-. Mai ?". ar. .!' .. ¦.' » N*rbfdai 1 ."*.'.[r-nei' *- a_f- -i llt-rf 8-BraaMad. »a ¦_** "f

i Ire.» !>" mottte. *>-n mfina; br r*«l*»«-*d I'lltr *

na ..- rl. r -Ti'i-'irlnil j**.- ¦ . .ftm. wHtMB rl».nt». b*,ar_i ,-'-. 4 n' MtdOM-ti J_.biaB.jaBB i-tiMauataaaara


_,_,.. ll-k«. -y.l l U. »lr--a_. l IM n>.ITI. OUIB.


DR. SNYDER,TheSucoossful Obesity Spocialiat.

^T,Mra M-ttiu U-ttenT-M l_-f r* and Ut. r fretvu Bt

Ur It Bnrdi r

-. \ \ ir. \m i*-' n Mareb 10, laB*..DB. BNYOCBlIi .r .. V. t.. .¦. »._.:. tiisiii ."'ir r_*dl**M. I *..tih'-4_-. ryilltld' lail fooi ,1,'B- ir*__-.-iit-lUt ron r--I. I

., . -.. i.i. , .od* i Ue. bad i«l|'iu(.'i) t,1 uft. - __-»"'W V'"ir -. «_¦ .r.i Of

... .,. -ii Of1 | .. .« I -a» -rVJJ 'J

I .1 njtUr bnd to |<t ap and ¦__. t»... -.. a* i <- . b aa

I ._.--. nU

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a... i- I. i\.. M inr-h*a 11

lil. .- . ' -r ' I* 1 - .. \. t t.k-H.r,-.! .

., i . il h»4.

ii,.-. .ii l '¦ r-__. .. abllllnl I ,.t. ... .f ..(/.'

IMKI. Il Al.Vl *< lAM M.i

nn da.

PATIEMTS TREATED BY MAIL.Ka -unin. Ineo .- ¦. ..n «- aad - 1-1

. s ¦. »-. iiial. Tor etreuian 1 bM*call ..|.'i a. altb M hl d M

DR. O. VV. F. SNYDER,McVicker's Theatre Bidg., Chicago, III.

b*,39wl4-'STT*/N-WYORi'Atotli ICB-IBMBTa.

.-.r.'.t tkii-omattf baeba ara oa evenr -srAVi) \T.n*»i., a ...'..ta mpo-fill Man] fi 4*

tn-'.ii m itu-.i...... uf oui mH"i» ir.* iu tb. naaifeat. ...'l am y'i ivera h in _*._ tb c laed wrM far

atali i-i

ilnriaN11 Wl-T 27TII r-T

BfiJ l'« EXBIBIT \T TBE WAIB.Barrb ___ (dpacMll. Dr. ll JsraBtBM, a

.i i';,- UraMllan l..t>>¦ -nc-n MrIho --;.. t. ¦. of I'.nn BBd Ai..:./. -nn i ;iin- t tba B'arM_

ead .__art_*t-to-do] to aiabe irraiigMnanta Ml Uieroeopt'tm ol tba BroMIMo axhBdta - l.r:>_il aill baaa

uwu bulMlng nt tbe BxpoatUoo." add Ur. J«ra-iniil,. l< wlll Ih" UluMtraUve ul Ibe arrblt-e ara of

i-nuntry, and largi ei aigb to accoBiatodaM thai_li,l,.t-. fr -in tha Bl-udlluii .1_»t.--. rbe ,i-'_r.'.nta

bpi.r»pitotloa foi U aaU «IH bbiombI i > Btar .'"' '.

..,r eshlMI wlll be Mrge, _eo BMttjr, M iBfraaaagll the vartoUB prodarta and ludi_-tr_r. of an v.i-t a

nuntry. I ii UMiral fenbire ul Ihe ethlMt. t'.a,, i. ifoua "I .n.!i<iuii»e wlll Ire ._ luU-rual.*

H'vik Foi; TBB Ol-T COlLBTTtOW.....,.. pn 'tn ittl M (*tilat_a

II ,,,,i, ,-rii.n uf .-t '»l fi.f MetropoUtBB BBaaaBl ot,,. mragrd al IN aoMe - "f IBaB aaaaal ta

ti.. pabUe MBd. Ib baa '¦¦ m IraqaaBtli etaMil. -pi,. ii,i,:- Bodttee b.-'.ti-M*-. lhal M-0S8MBwlll ba .'iii'! in parrhaae a r-ltorftoa uf .-aaa

.,u ... ,-. aaa ettant, .. d tbal 9MM-M «Ulbring lo tbe Mmmm Um i» t rottrrtlaa "i UM unB;, I,,,. «.,;i I. Ml -III.-4. .i|it|iiii- f .. Ihl- lairi-rae, >8.

.r ...-. wlll be waleoaae t iha i-taaMttaa, '*aSttll I- pi' li -ed ft'tii ilne r. tii.ic in t'fi MboaM

..-iiii in -i-i! to Bdwaad l> ABbbm, Mmmmbbb.\',,. IMI Biaadway. l_-i-. 4»..*h tl.e MHowtOg aldttionalmiiiis .if nn'ii-\ rara raretrad Bdtrard n K.-ndjlL,BMl; V""^r. -. \.i:v_* .. ( WH*. MaMg B, Ko*BeJ_,¦50 Mra, Joarpl B. MUdM ra laddlBonal), fl°_jui.ll.-.m ii. **i inc .-'i..bk» i.adaali w. Maaaaa, r*«{l,. i, Wni'di: a _. rif-a*

11 .. f.ind now an.'iiit.t. tn B>iO.-*Ti>.

rhe n.i.iM nl 'his inai-ellou a|ii- La tjio l.tur-eaHate l-pifss ul Uio Ne- \urk C«iiti_l a C.vlagluaury. aa