the irs extortion of the american people

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  • 8/8/2019 The IRS Extortion of the American People


    The IRS Extortion of the American People

    December 5, 2010 posted byJ. Bruce Campbell 80 Comments

    The income tax is a Zionistextortion racket. It is the duty of every American to resist ZionistPower by non-compliance with this anti-American stealing of our

    wealth by the most treacherous and merciless aliens in history, theZionists.

    The Internal Revenue Service is a collection agency for the private, profit-making corporation that calls itself the

    Federal Reserve System. The fools who still send money to this private company can prove this by examining the

    backs of their canceled checks to the IRS. It will say Pay to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It doesnt say,

    Pay to the US Treasury Department. Why do you suppose that is? Your hard-earned money goes to a private

    company that has never been audited, that was created by foreign Zionists for their own gain. The Federal Reserve

    Bank of New York is a private company, just like Goldman Sachs, both owned by pretty much the same people. See

    Lewis v. US (1982).

    Aaron Russo, a producer of feature films, made a documentary film called America: Freedom to Fascism. Russo

    has since died and his film can be seen online for free. It is based on a simple question: Is there a law that requires

    any private American to file a tax return or to pay income taxes? The answer, as we all know, is no.

    But, as we also know, the truth has no place in Zionist thinking. Russos legacy is not the Hollywood movies he made

    but rather the segment in his documentary in which he interviews the Jewish former commissioner of the IRS,Sheldon Cohen. He asks Cohen to name the law that requires an American to file a tax return or pay any money?

    Cohen is taken aback at his effrontery and says that he didnt expect such a question. Russo asks it again. Cohen

    then mutters something unintelligible, which he follows with, You know Yiddish and you know what that means:

    There is no hope for you. Russo later states that Cohen threatened him in Yiddish. For asking a simple question

    about the legitimacy of the income tax.

    Cohens reason for his anger and surprise is probably this: The entire Zionist criminal enterprise of fractional reserve

    banking depends on having the central bank, the ultimate and most lucrative monopoly, in Jewish hands. Its authority

    must not be questioned! To be most lucrative, it must inflate the currency supply at will and deflate the supply when

    the owners wish to take over property and businesses and homes. During the inflationary periods, much of the

    currency has to be recovered from the unaware people through the income tax, lest we have too much discretionary

    money to buy what we need or want. The whole idea is to keep us under control and the best way is to take away ourmoney. Thats all this is about.

    Naturally, awareness of the nature of this extortion has increased and millions of Americans dont bother to file the

    fake paperwork demanded by the Zionists and their running dogs in the IRS. So the Zionists are getting mad, as we

    see in this official document from the Department of Justice an official statement in the name of a Nathan J.

    Hochman, the Tax Divisions assistant attorney general. Hochman is, of course, a Zionist. The tone of this official

    document borders on hysteria:

    (Department of Justice Seal) Department of Justice
  • 8/8/2019 The IRS Extortion of the American People



    TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2008



    (202) 514-2007



    WASHINGTON Today Nathan J. Hochman, Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Departments Tax Division,

    announced the creation of the National Tax Defier Initiative or TAXDEF. The purpose of this initiative is to reaffirm

    and reinvigorate the Tax Divisions commitment to investigate, pursue and, where appropriate, prosecute those who

    take concrete action to defy and deny the fundamental validity of the tax laws.

    Millions of hard-working Americans take time out of their hectic schedules to perform a time-consuming and often

    arduous task of filing federal income tax returns. 130 million Americans voluntarily engage in this ritual every year.

    These individuals participate because they know that with the privileges that the United States has given them come

    the responsibilities and obligations of citizenship. Former Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes saying

    states it best: Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society.

    This initiative is aimed at stopping those tax defiers who do not meet their federal tax obligations and seek to transfer

    those obligations to their neighbors back. The tax defier is not someone who has a legitimate or factual dispute about

    the amount of tax due. The tax defier is not someone who is merely exercising his or her First Amendment rights to

    challenge the tax policy choices that Congress has made. Instead, the tax defier is someone who rejects the legal

    foundation of the tax system, despite decades of legal precedent upholding the systems constitutional and statutory

    validity, and who takes specific and concrete action to violate the law. It is this tax defier conduct, which results in

    fraudulent claims, frivolous returns and bogus schemes, that threatens the foundation of our tax system and must be

    vigorously countered. This activity not only wastes limited governmental investigative, administrative and judicial

    resources, but it also fundamentally undermines the publics confidence in the fairness of the tax system.

    Although the Tax Division and the IRS have been effective at times in combating tax defier activity, the problemdemands constant vigilance. Today I want to renew and revitalize the Tax Divisions commitment to combating tax

    defier activity by announcing the creation of the National Tax Defier Initiative, or TAXDEF. Jennifer Ihlo will serve as

    the National Director of TAXDEF and she will report directly to me. Her primary mission will be to ensure that we are

    using all of the tools in our enforcement arsenal to address this nationwide problem.

    The TAXDEF initiative will:

    Strengthen and expand coordination among the Tax Division, IRS and US Attorneys offices to

    ensure that both criminal and civil enforcement tools are fully considered and utilized.

    Leverage expertise and resources to enable agents and attorneys across the country to efficiently

    detect, investigate and where appropriate, prosecute tax defiers, viewing enforcement from a national rather

    than regional or local perspective.

    Expand our efforts to enjoin tax defier activity. Since 2001 the Tax Division has obtained over 300civil injunctions against tax promoters and preparers, over a third of which directly involved tax defier activity.

    Injunctions are a powerful method of stopping the promotion of tax defier activity at the earliest possible

    moment. We estimate that we have collected over $600 million in tax as a result of our efforts.

    Maximize our use of technology to detect, develop and prosecute cases. The explosion of the

    Internet in the last decade has greatly facilitated tax defier activity and turned what was once a paperbased

    local or regional enterprise into a click and download national operation. Our response must take full

    advantage of ongoing changes in technology.

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    Alert and educate the public to the falsity of tax defier claims and publicize the consequences of tax

    defier conduct. Simply stated, we want to pull back the curtain and show the public that the promoters of

    these schemes are not wizards imparting the secrets of a tax-free universe but are nothing more than

    garden variety hucksters and modern day snake oil salesmen peddling tax evasion schemes.

    This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Tax Division, and throughout its history its mission has been marked by

    the full and fair enforcement of the nations tax laws. As long as there has been a Tax Division, there have been taxdefiers willing to subvert our nations tax system for their greedy self-interest. This TAXDEF Initiative should send an

    unequivocal message to honest taxpayers that to the extent that any of their neighbors engage in tax defier conduct,

    those neighbors will go to bed knowing that tomorrow may be the day when their crimes will be prosecuted to the full

    extent of the law.

    This righteous Zionist uses his police power to intimidate us into giving his Zionist bosses our money, promising to

    prosecute us to the full extent of the law for knowing the law.

    What law? Jewish Law? Zionst Law? The income tax law? Pretty much all law is Jewish Law, especially including the

    income tax law. The income tax law is the best example of bogus Jewish law, which is law based only on deception

    and enacted by fraudulent methods.

    Hochmans announcement is a sign of pending defeat, of desperation. This is how the Zionists wind up treating

    everyone under their control. First they seize control and then they lose control. They always lose control aftertheyve wrecked everything. And then they take off, pretending they had nothing to do with the catastrophe theyve

    created. They even claim to be its victims!

    This Hochman threat shows that they will make vicious demands for obedience, just as they did in Russia. Theyll kill

    anyone who opposes them, as they tried three times to kill me. Theyll put millions of people in gulags who dont

    oppose them and wont know what they did to be put in there. They took the Russians by surprise in 1917, then the

    Germans and Hungarians in 1919.

    They took the Palestinians totally by surprise in 1948. Nobody could believe the little harmless, pious Zionists could

    be so horrible if they ever got total power over others. Hochman shows how it will work here when were under Zionist

    Rule. Were almost there. Well actually be under Zionist Rule (Communism) soon if this worm doesnt turn even


    Anyway, the income tax is the key to overthrowing the Zionists. How?Well, who likes to pay income taxes? Do you? I dont and havent since 1976, once I caught on to the scam. I didnt

    actually understand the scam until 79, but in 1977 I saw a real anti-IRS guy in action in Bakersfield. My pal had an

    auto repair shop.

    One day, two IRS agents, a man and a woman, came into the shop and found him under a car. They introduced

    themselves and asked why he hadnt responded to their letters and demands for payment? He came out from under

    the car, wiped his hands and invited them into his office. They followed as he got to his desk, reached under it and

    produced a shotgun. What do you want to talk about?

    Are you threatening us?!

    What do you think?

    They made some counter-threats and then took off. He never heard from them again. That was my introduction to the

    real tax rebellion, the one you never hear about. But thats how you got the IRS off your back in the good old days.

    My buddy showed me that the IRS was a criminal operation. The agents just moved on to tamer prey. I didnt file

    that year or any other.

    Nathan Hochmans threats are extremely valuable to us, as is Sheldon Cohens threat. They show how important the

    income tax is to the Zionists. Its not so much that the Zionists get our tax money (they do) as much as the income tax

    proves to us that we are not in control of our lives. The income tax takes our lifeblood away from us along with our


    Mention of the IRS has the same effect on Americans as KGB had on Soviet citizens. A letter from the IRS produces

    a loosening of the bowels in almost every American, especially an American who has been in full compliance. The

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    only reason you voluntarily comply with the IRS is fear of prison. The big scary stories about outrageous and illegal

    IRS assaults and taxpayer suicides and Wesley Snipes and Al Capone are acts of war against the American people.

    We just have to wake up and smell the gefilte fish, that is, recognize that the IRS is scientific Zionist aggression and

    mind control, not to mention grand theft.

    The big Zionists, the big Warburg and Rothschild Zionists that stuck us with their Federal Reserve and their IRS, owe

    us a lot of money. The little Zionists like Hochman and Cohen owe us their stinking lives. How many of our lives havethey destroyed? How much of our treasure have they stolen? The true figures are beyond our imaginations.

    Hochman has dreamed up a typically Jewish label for those of us who understand the scam: Tax Defier. Sound

    familiar? Rhymes with Holocaust Denier. Tax Defier makes tax rebellion a hate crime with special circumstances.

    Zionists hate defiance against their demands.

    Tax Defier. Thats me, except Im not selling anything other

    than revolution, so maybe I dont actually qualify as the sort of con-man Hochman wants you to associate with his

    smear job. No Im something totally different. I think we need to take the IRS on.Not legally, in court. Physically, when they actually threaten us. And theyve threatened each and every one of us.

    The IRS is the terror arm of the government. Its time to face this ugly fact and deal with it.

    Ive been preaching revolution for a long time. A real revolution not the sort that replaces the British royal tyranny

    with an American Masonic tyranny, nor the sort that replaces a Czar with a Jewish tyranny, nor the sort that replaces

    a harmless king with a Committee of Public Safety that cut off everyones head.

    Im talking about a revolution against the Jewish rulers of this country, represented by the Jewish organizations such

    as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve, AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League and the Department

    of Justice, to name a few.

    Organizations too powerful for the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, as I have written over and over. They have

    to be destroyed before we can ever gain control of our lives, our savings, our future and our dignity. Not regain

    gain. Weve never had any control of any aspect of our lives as long as weve been alive. And we never will unless

    we do this.

    Another Zionist organization that we should destroy is the Internal Revenue Service. Not legally physically. Theres

    no legal way to do it because the ABA satraps are mostly Zionists and Masons our deadly enemies. Any

    organization that would let a renegade Zionist represent it and threaten to show us the consequences of tax defier

    conduct must not be tolerated.

    What will a real revolution produce for us?

    It will remove the scum who have sucked us dry for as long as weve been alive. Imagine a country with no Zionist

    influence, no obscene Zionist poison in our entertainment, no more billions in foreign aid to Israel and all the other

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    countries, no more kosher food tax, no more illegal aliens plaguing us and consuming our savings, no more Chinese

    junk products made by slaves, no more jobs sent overseas, no more Federal Reserve Notes and paying interest to

    the Jewish Federal Reserve to borrow our own currency. And of course, no more Jewish income tax.

    The government at all levels will have to shrink drastically to the point where it hardly exists and where it must exist it

    will live in fear of us, the opposite of what we have now, thanks almost entirely to the Zionists.

    The key is to tie the IRS and the income tax to the big Zionists who gave it to us and to the little Zionists such asCohen and Hochman who threaten us with being gang-raped and maimed and murdered in prison. Thats how they

    run the IRS racket, with our fear of their prisons. So lets not be afraid and lets get with a new program: Connect the

    hated income tax to its operators, the Zionists. This will eventually do two things: it will destroy the IRS and it will

    create hatred of illicit Zionist Power such as AIPAC and the Federal Reserve.

    Hatred of evil is a good thing. Destroying evil is even better.

    * The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views and opinons of the Veterans Today

    Network or the We offer these writers in the spirit of free speech and free communication of

    differing points of view.

    Filed underGovernment, Legislation Tagged withBanking, extortion,irs, money, zionist

    Senator Nelson W. Aldrich of Rhode Island, who was singled out for special attack because of his connection with

    the Rockefellers and because of his tariff legislation, which, it was charged, favoured the oil and tobacco trusts.

    Aldrich, a Republican, was called the right arm of the interests, and Senator A. P. Gorman of Maryland, a Democrat,

    was called the left arm. Phillips, referring to this interest in business affairs which Democrats and Republicans alike

    displayed, spoke of the Senate merger. -The Era of the Muckrakers, C. C. Regier

    This Hochman threat shows that they will make vicious demands for obedience, just as they did in Russia. Theyll

    kill anyone who opposes them, as they tried three times to kill me. Theyll put millions of people in gulags who dont

    oppose them and wont know what they did to be put in there. They took the Russians by surprise in 1917, then the

    Germans and Hungarians in 1919. They took the Palestinians totally by surprise in 1948. Nobody could believe the

    little harmless, pious Jews could be so horrible if they ever got total power over others. Hochman shows how it will

    work here when were under Jewish Rule. Were almost there. Well actually be under Jewish Rule (Communism)

    soon if this worm doesnt turn even sooner

    Taken from the above article of JB Campbell.

    JB Campbellm,

    You write the truth and it is so much fun to read your articles. Yes, the Jews like to kill people who expose their

    fraud, corruption, deception, lies and crime. They have friends in the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security and police to help

    them and not to forget the SPLC and ADL as well as ACLU.

    Nelson Aldrich is David Rockefellers grandfather. Jews also use a lot of ugly language and cannot take any

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    They get indignant when people get really disgusted with them dont they?


    A lot of American wealth that was looted from our pocketbooks, using the FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB of 9/11 as

    smoke screen MADOFF to Israel with the help of the New York Federal Reserve branch, then headed by current

    Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.

    As they say in the movies, Follow the Money, and youll see the money and the 9/11 perps lead to Israel.

    Last summer, when the bill to audit the Fed was gaining some traction in the Congress, and all of a sudden one day,

    the stock market drops nearly 1,000 points in a matter of minutes?

    That was the Too Big to Fail Wall Street banks and the Fed letting Congress know if they proceed any further with

    the Fed audit bill, theyll totally crash the economy.

    The bill was killed a few days later.

    Does anyone at Veterans Today know that this writing calls for the hanging of Jewish people? Does any here at

    Veterans Today know that this writer has called all American service men and women Communists that are enemies

    of the nation? Do you really want this writer representing you to the American public? If your answer is yes, you are

    in very serious trouble. No wonder there is no profile on your site for this writer. Then the truth would be known to

    your readers.

    Mistake. I meant this writer has called for the hanging of Jewish people. Just Google it. Its easy to find on the


    I just did and couldnt find that link on GOOGLE.

    Could you post here?


    Ill tell you what, Greg, its been a few hours since I received an email from this member and he hasnt been on

    the forum nor here since. He made the same claim to me, which Ive passed along to my boss here on VT, and

    Im afraid it appears what this individual has written is correct.

    Its the last paragraph in an article posted here

    Now that article seems to be primarily about Communism, but the last paragraph adds the Zionist element to the

    mix and I guess thats what the member is referring to. Regardless, that article does clearly state that a problem is
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    our members of the armed services and we cant abide by that here at Veterans Today, can we? It doesnt seem

    to me like we can, but well see what the Bossman has to say about all this.

    Oh yes, the paragraph:

    The first thing we must do is get it in our minds that all war criminals must be hanged. We must stop acting as we

    have been programmed to act for generations, which is to acquiesce in every evil policy and law made up by

    these sadistic criminals. We, too, have been part of a huge Zionist program in mind-control. So far, we have not

    broken the spell cast by these masters of horror. They have millions of Americans believing that American

    brutality is a good thing. I believe the only way to break the spell is to call for their hanging.

    John seemed to have gotten your email. He put the article on the top of the page and made a graphic for it.

    For editorial issuesperhaps you might want to see who chairs the editorial board. That information is on the


    Tell me what the punishment for treason is? Do the actions (crimes) described rise to this level?

    Thanks for finding this Savage Nation piece. Ive been looking around for it.

    Hanging of Jewish people? Please. The Bush gang, yes. They all need to be hanged, according to the War

    Crimes Act of 1996. Tell me if Im wrong. This is the prescribed and traditional punishment for war crimes and for

    treason. And for just plain torture, rape and murder, which are being done as we speak.

    If they are Jewish, and their crimes are against Goyim, then anything they do is legal.


    I can see how right you are.

    Whats wrong with hanging criminals who collectively, have murdered millions? I dont care who they are. The

    men and women in our military are responsible for educating themselves and this site is extremely helpful in

    doing that. Then they can decide for themselves if they want to continue assisting rich men in slaughtering

    innocent people.

    of one accord when condemning politicos (one clear and certainly verifiable element of the equation of

    criminality foisted on countless nations around the globe under the red, white and blue banner), but yet scream

    and rail like prissy schoolgirls as soon as anyone demands consistency of principle by pointing out the FACT

    that our soldiers are RESPONSIBLE for their actions too.

    When militaristic boondoggles encompass (as they always have) innumerable crimes against humanity under

    US ratified international law (not least of which the Nuremberg Principles crafted by the US), those who swear

    oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution and then subsequently comply with patently illegal orders to invade,

    occupy and subjugate nations and peoples who never so much as threatened us, let alone actively set out to

    invade OUR SOIL are accountable for every man woman and child murdered, raped, beaten, tortured or

    wrongfully detained.

    The corrupt politicos are guilty of launching these crimes, but those who bear the arms in the furtherance thereof

    are BY LAW complicit.

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    The true heroes who deserve medals are these:

    I do NOT, however, believe that hanging would solve anything. Better that they brought to face their criminal

    acts and their obligation to make restitution and reconciliation for them. That is the fundamental principle behind

    Common Law.

    Of course Penumbra, bringing them to justice is the more humane thing to do. Unfortunately, that would give

    them the opportunity to go free since the system is rigged, it is corrupted. Someone mentioned on another post

    to start with three people and make examples out of them to scare the rest. I really liked that idea. I think we

    have no other choice unfortunately.

    you are filtering my comment and its recommendation through the filter of present da facto judicial reality not

    COMMON LAW to which I expressly and purposefully referred.

    That reference is more than just a simple nuance, it is a systemic indictment in and of itself, precisely because

    our legal system does NOT operate under the COMMON LAW principles intended as the ONLY LAWFUL

    judicial system by our founders.

    What we DO have is the result of an IMPOSITION of a legal framework adapted from COMMERCE and

    COMMERCIAL LAW into The Law of the Land, which it is not. That is to say, what is currently popularly

    accepted as LEGAL, is not truly LAWFUL. (find Blacks Law Dictionary 5th Ed. for the difference between the

    two terms and/or try to find Bouviers Law Dictionary 6th Ed.).

    Common Law has but two essential foundational principles which can be boiled down to:

    1. Do no harm to individuals or property (the root of civil society)

    2. Do what you say you will do fulfill contractual obligations (the root of commercial transactions)

    Instead with the perversion of our organic Constitutional Republican framework as enumerated and delimited

    by the Constitution into a CORPORATE entity with a de facto CHARTER designed to mimic the Constitution

    whilst altering it it slightly so as to be another document altogether came the superimposition of ROMAN civil

    code (the basis of European jurisprudence locating sovereignty in the state to judge by decree) and ADMIRALTY

    LAW (the Law of Sea) for all, even on land.

    The significance of these usurpations from the COMMON LAW of our founding is not trivial. They were designed

    to relegate the private individual to the status of both subject and chattel (property) of the ruling oligarchy.

    All this was done under the fog of the Civil War, aided and abetted directly by Lincoln (dishonest Abe) and

    sealed as de facto with the fraudulent insertion of the 14th Amendment (which was not to give blacks equal

    rights but rather to declare ALL Americans, identified now as American citizens, to be EQUALLY chattel and

    subjects to the presumptions of Washington (which through martial law enacted by Lincoln simultaneously

    usurped the de jure sovereignty of the Several States into a homologous corporate entity as politicalsubdivisons, a term you will find throughout US Code citations).

    Thus, my point is that those who VOLUNTARILY align themselves with an exposed criminal fraud by taking up

    arms and willingly visiting aggression upon other nations in defiance (ignorantly or not) of unambiguous legal

    precept (duly ratified as US Law by act of Congress) and moral principles should be judged according to

    COMMON LAW by de jure Grand Juries, not commercial courts serving the criminal bankster syndicate.
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    If it were done in this way, only two outcomes could be possible:

    1. Being clearly at verifiable fault for aiding and abetting criminal destruction of lives and property, they would be

    offered the opportunity to make restitution and reconciliation to those they injured (or in many case the families


    If the individual belligerently refused to acknowledge their wrong in the conciliatory manner afforded them to

    regain their personal honor and right standing before God and man:

    2: They would be adjudged as OUTLAW (outside the law and its protection and avenue of rectification for

    wrongs committed) and thus as in times long past in this country as well as found in cultures going back

    throughout time they could be maltreated, enslaved or even killed by whomsoever deemed it appropriate,

    without lawful recourse.

    In such a system few individuals would choose to defy the chance afforded them to make things right. Being an

    OUTLAW holds no bright future for anyone, only fear of being hunted and on the run for the rest of their lives.

    I do not concur with any suggestion of making examples of even a few for the very reason I do not concur with

    the legitimacy of the present legal system nor the fraudulent corporate mockery of de jure government it isdesigned to reinforce.

    I hope that both clarifies my position and offers you food for research on the difference between the systems and

    the purposes they serve.

    That was brilliant Penumbra, thank you! I understand and agree. If only we could get that back. I didnt know that

    about Lincoln, not common knowledge, Common Law.

    Maybe it is time. Rebel? I think Americans must. If I dont put my life on the line, who will? Refuse to pay tax. If

    everyone does that the government will fail. A new government may be just what we need. It is worth a try. We all

    are going to die, might as well make it for a worthy cause.

    Another Jewish extortion racket that hardly anybody knows about is the Kosher Tax. Watch this video below,

    Zionist Kosher Tax and the symbols on YOUR food supporting Israel

    The numbers work out to be something like for every 30 dollars you spend at the grocery store, 1 dollar goes to the

    rabbis who certify the food Kosher. But Jews only make up 2% of the population so why is the other 98% of the non-

    Jewish population paying for the bulk of the Kosher Tax? Because the Goyim has no idea that their grocery bill is a

    little bit more expensive than it should be.

    I try to avoid kosher- its impossible! Almost all coffee is kosher. I just bought some honey dates with the COR in an

    oval (kosher) and the dates are

    product of Iran.
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    the Jews recently went ape shit when Campbell talked about introducing a halal soup. They may be afraid of a

    consumer revolt. Most consumers dont even read labels, and for those who do the Jew invents hieroglyphs hide

    his pickpocket activity, It would be nice to see a zio free logo on products

    I would love to see class action law suit to try an recoup some of the money extorted by kosher.

    Not all Jews are Zionists and NOT all Zionists are Jews.

    I think when one confuses the two, it can border or even cross over into religious racism. I dont not think the author

    intends to paint all people who practice Judaism with the same brush as the intent of his position seems to suggest

    that Zionism is the driving forces behind the grift and thats where his, and our beef, should be directed.

    As for his call for physical violence against IRS agents. I strongly denounce this call. Violence against a soldier in the

    IRS army may harm the soldier but the leaders just get another to replace him and march on. Thats not a solution.

    Moreover, violence is against the law and we, the American people, who stand for law and justice must stay true and

    do right even if others do wrong. We must stand for something better, something we can aspire to, something wecan tell our children to be and do it with integrity.

    In my view, non-violent Ghandi-esque resistance is the only way.dont pay, protest, get arrested, go on strike,

    encourage your bosses at work to join you and protest more, dont pay again, tell your neighborsit must be a

    political overthrow, not a violent one. I believe that if we try to win this war by violent means, we become the same

    oppressors that we tried to replace and I am NOT for becoming a Zionist myself.

    Ghandi and his movement of non-violence against oppressors got rid of the British and we can get rid of the Zionists

    in the same manner and then jail them in a court of justice just like we did with Nazis during WWII. We need to do

    this thing right..


    o eddy says:

    December 6, 2010 at 2:11 pm

    agreed. re banks, all merchants who take credit cards should be encouraged by consumers to give a small

    (perhaps 1%) discount for cash- buyer and seller benefit, banks lose. Also, people should remove cash from banks.


    2. D Costa says:

    December 6, 2010 at 4:43 pm
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    Our enemy is someone who pretends to be on our side, but you dont find out that they arent until the worst possible

    time. A lot of internet personalities fit into this category, and sad to say, most of

    you havent figured out who they are.

    Our enemy is all dual Israeli-American citizens, who are committing treason by definition, and are the principal

    architects and engineers of the destruction of America, beginning with the constant causing of financial panicsthroughout the 19th century as justification for the creation of the Federal Reserve, which is the legendary war

    machine created, imposed and always owned by Jews, that has ravaged the world

    ever since.

    Our enemy is anyone who blanches at the loud use of the word Jew in connection with

    Systemic crime that seems to have originated in Babylon, financial tyranny that got them kicked out of 82 countries

    before Rothschild was able to buy every single system in the world and thats exactly the tyranny that is oppressing

    the world right now. The main fallacy is that a private organization should control the welfare of every person on the

    planet with no oversight. No genuine freedom is ever possible

    under this system.

    Corrupt government means no oversight on a medical community more interested in creating diseases than curing

    them, as recent mass murder attempts like AIDS and swine flu have tragically demonstrated. The biowar now

    underway against every person on the planet continues to be understood by increasing numbers, but governments

    remain locked in the callous grasp of the Jewish money machine, and people die so bogus debts can be repackaged

    and used as a basis for more bogus loans, while Americans remain deliberately misnourished and Israel fattens

    itself further into a morbid moral obesity with all the cash it has stolen from America and everywhere else.

    Taken from the article Identifying our enemy by John Kaminiski

    Feel free to use the word Jew freely where it is applicable.


    4. adeUK says:

    December 6, 2010 at 6:13 pm

    Is money the Budda Finger ?

    Silver now $30.00 oz

    Anthony J Hilder reveals how the public is controlled by the use of money. Money that is created out of nothing and

    is not backed up by precious metals any more. He interviews a man, Kevin (the Liberty Dollar), who has minted

    genuine silver coins (not us coins) but was arrested for doing so by the FBI. Most of our money is digitalthat is

    ones and zeros on computerised storage. Kevin states: We are controlled by what we desire. We have a

    Corporate State. if they control what we desire..we are controlled indirectly by them. If we desire Federal Reserve

    Notes, and are willing to compromise our ideals there are all kinds of changes that take place in society.a drop

    in values. We have a Corporate State A Fascist type of model The Corporations are running government like a

  • 8/8/2019 The IRS Extortion of the American People



    o Kate says:

    December 7, 2010 at 10:56 am

    Max Keiser, a financial expert (hes also on youtube), is saying that if each person buys 1 oz of silver, we can

    bankrupt JP Morgan. Theyve been manipulating the price of silver for a long time. Currently, theyre under

    investigation and are being watched closely, so its likely they cant get more air dollars from Bernanke right no to

    cover their short poisiton on silver.


    o Kate says:

    December 7, 2010 at 11:25 am

    From the RoadtoRoota newsletter

    Millions now know that the simple task of BUYING SILVER will destroy the entire banking system and all those

    who control it. The ANGER is gaining momentum around the world and the next problem we encounter with our

    big banks will land squarely on the shoulders of Jamie Dimon and Blythe Masters of JP MORGAN!

    Now just think for a minute about the RAMIFICATIONS of a JP Morgan implosion. Will ANYTHING financial be left

    standing after the LARGEST ELEPHANT IN THE DERIVATIVE CHINA SHOP is blown to bits?

    I dont think anything will survive the crash.

    5) The Dec 7th Bank Run

    The Eric Cantona Bank Run has gone viral and global. Banks and governments around the world are making

    statements of how irresponsible it is.


    5. Kelli says:

    December 6, 2010 at 11:58 pm

    How do we know they didnt pull a false flag on themselves and set that fire?
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    6. Penumbra says:

    December 7, 2010 at 12:58 am

    Palestinians arent terrorists, Israelis are. Palestinians have been the victims since the first Zionist took up arms to

    ethnically cleanse a land that they never had any legal or moral right to inhabit.

    Begone Hasbarah prostitute. You and your periodically appearing ilk are the only mouthpieces of crimes against

    humanity here. Take your holohoax lies with you when you go.



    o Jack says:

    December 7, 2010 at 9:07 am

    Them old book sez an eye for an eye. Expel the Hebrew from America, take his land and bank accounts and pay

    off the debt. as the debts are all owed to other Hebrews the money would just go back to the citizens.


    7. Warren says:

    December 7, 2010 at 7:02 am

    Dont forget their other crimes. 9/11 and Israel, here:


    8. Dave USMC 1983-87 says:

    December 7, 2010 at 8:15 am

    When the IRS commissioner was asked where in the entire tax code book does it show that Americans are obligated

    to pay taxes, he laughed nervously and muttered something about how all of us have to.
  • 8/8/2019 The IRS Extortion of the American People


    The worst part of the interview was that the mainstream media who were recording the exchange laughed and

    snickered at the question as well, that is the reason that Americans dont know any better.

    Were little more than sheep and sheep eventually get slaughtered.

    Anyone who pays all of their taxes that can get away with not doing so is a sucker.


    9. Jack says:

    December 7, 2010 at 8:59 am

    Send em all to Canada. One more complaint bout a Christmas tree and off you go Hebrew.


    o Ken Barber says:

    December 8, 2010 at 11:53 pm

    Dont send those bastards here weve got too many of them already !


    10. Slade Jefferson says:

    December 7, 2010 at 9:35 am

    Well and truly said!! Some of your comments I dont 100% agree with, but they are minor things. You and I think very

    much alike on this issue. My wife gets very annoyed with my rants and comments about the IRS being an illegal

    entity. Well said again!!!


    11. Slade Jefferson says:

    December 7, 2010 at 9:36 am
  • 8/8/2019 The IRS Extortion of the American People


    Well and truly said!! Some of your comments I dont 100% agree with, but they are minor things. You and I think very

    much alike on this issue. My wife gets very annoyed with my rants and comments about the IRS being an illegal



    12. WhiteRose says:

    December 7, 2010 at 9:50 am

    Good article. Thanks for a well written, detailed article.


    13. Kate says:

    December 7, 2010 at 10:26 am

    GREAT ARTICLE! I already knew most of the information and have seen Aaron Russos film America: Freedom to

    Fascism on youtube. But Ive never seen this information written so well and so vividly right from the first paragraph.

    I will send the article to friends. By the way, Russos film and other patriotic films can be purchased for friends at $2

    each (or in bulk $1 each) at:


    14. Tom Wilkins says:

    December 7, 2010 at 10:50 am

    Money from nothing and the shiksas free!


    15. Kate says:

    December 7, 2010 at 11:06 am

    Russos film shows a jury discovering there is NO LAW requiring income taxes. Only corporations are required to

    pay them. The jury was all set to convict before learning the truth. We should spread the word to family and friends

    that if they are ever on a jury in a Tax case, they should NOT convict.

    The judges know there is no law, but they will convict you. Juries will also normally convict, because if THEY have
  • 8/8/2019 The IRS Extortion of the American People


    to pay taxes, so should YOU. Therefore, education of family and friends about this issue (and maybe giving them the

    Russo CD) is a good idea.


    o Ron Neil says:

    December 10, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    Hey, thanks for promoting my project. Lots of folks read these pages and come to my site.

    Ron Neil


    16. Free American says:

    December 7, 2010 at 11:08 am

    Check out Dave Champion


    17. Elvin Diablo says:

    December 7, 2010 at 11:33 am

    It becomes very apparent that U.S. Government Zionist terrorists are going to have to be searched out and

    destroyed by lethal force wherever they may be hiding. take no prisoners, kill them all.


    18. Diane, Cerrillos,NM says:

    December 7, 2010 at 11:41 am

    Please be aware of the Tax Relief hucksters on tv. They have taken $$ from people claiming to bring relief from

    back taxes unpaid but not followed through.

    Employers require one to fill out a w4 when it is voluntary, thus aiding and abetting these criminals. They do so out
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    of fear and they go on collecting and paying taxes for employees.

    Ask your congressperson if they have paid their taxes. Geithner didnt and was appointed anyway. Wonder who

    controls the govt?


    19. Joe Lunchbucket says:

    December 7, 2010 at 12:33 pm

    The IRS and the Fed are both gigantic frauds. Anyone who continues paying is a total fool. I have been screwing the

    Zionist pigs for nearly 30 years and Im not writing this from a jail cell. Wesley Snipes the actor should flee the

    country if he has the resources to do so.

    My understanding is that 25% of the population no longer files or pays.The number is somewhere between 60-75

    million NOT counting the illegals who work off the books for cash.


    20. BCubbins says:

    December 7, 2010 at 2:53 pm

    your gross income is subjuect to tax only if you are engaged in trade or business. Trade or business is defined as

    the functions of a public office or Federal employee. Do you work for the Fed govt? Are you an elected official? If not

    your income is not taxable.

    to learn more goto SEDM.COM

    The IRS brown shirts need to be abolished once and for all.

    Bravo. Lacking the political will to address this steady dissolution of civil society, the Zionazi Hijacked ZOG U.S.

    faces increasing instability. How Americans respond will define what America becomesTime to really

    RESEGREGATEall idiots scream and HOLLER ANTI-SEMITISM !!


    Should the union of jew worshipers dissolve, the seeds of its destruction will be traceable to this shared mindset

    Talmudically Tranced Moronsrepeating the same lies Everyday No Matter What.

    []why just the other day the forked toungued JEWISH economic

    Terrorist BERNANKE was saying they were in fact NOT PRINTING CURRENCYtheyll lie to the last

    breath.Commies BOLSHEVIKS ***Flag This**** Zionazified U.S. to Burn $100 Billion in Flawed $100

    FRNs..called $ Bills


    In these ECONOMIC TERRORIST CONTRIVED difficult financial times, the ZOGLING U.S. faux-government is

    about to burn $100 billion in cold hard cash because the bills werent printed properly. The cost to taxpayers? $120

    million..Go aheaddo some figuring.[]
  • 8/8/2019 The IRS Extortion of the American People


    a little birdy reports there are serious printing problems with the new high-tech $100 bills that were supposed to

    begin circulation in February. It seems the paper folds over during production, leaving a portion of the face of the bill

    blank.resembling the stupefied braindeadgoy talmudIvision watchers who still believe 911 was not a Jewish

    terrorist Inside Job.because all false flag ATTACKS like PEARL HARBOR are contrived to start WARS so the

    Moneychangers can lend Money/Credits to FAUX-GOVERNMENTSwell for OBVIOUS reasons.

    There is something drastically wrong here, concluded a bright FOURTH GRADER who understands simple math,

    and does not really study Algebra and trigonometry YET.. The frustration level is off the charts.

    The network said 1.1 billion of the new bills have been produced, and they will all have to be destroyed. At 12 cents

    per bill, thats $120 million wasted.another big fat whopper..!!!

    that means With $930 billion {really?} in Zionazi contrived U.S. cash {M1} in circulation, the flawed notes

    represent more than 10% of (non-counterfit) greenbacks on the entire planet.Read that one again.

    In the meatime, Zionazi Economic TERRORISTS called printers are pumping out the old $100 bills, with the

    signature of former President Bush on them.{is there a LAW against deliberate FRAUD?}

    The new high-tech Zionazi credit/debt units called bills {FRNs} were supposed to be the first with a Porch

    Munkeys signature on them. They have new sophisticated security features such as a 3D security strip and a

    color-shifting image of a bell in an effort to thwart counterfeiters.{the biggest WHOPPER}Guess who the real

    conterfeiters are ? ? ?

    [;article=134530;title=APFN] just now listening to Max

    Kaiser talk about the Bolshevik terrorists putting people in ovens here in AMERIKA.he wasnt speaking in Yiddish

    on the Alex Jones show..the champion in avoiding the Jewish terroristsAmazingreally.


    21. D Costa says:

    December 7, 2010 at 4:19 pm

    J Bruce Campbell,

    Please continue to write the truth. There are many people who appreciate your honesty and courage. You are doing

    the difficult thing. It is easy and cheep to defend the terrorist state: Israel and perpetrators of crime on humanity.

    It is worth losing everything on behalf of the truth. Your words have power because they have been written by a

    courageous person and courage is a soul quality and the words you have written out of courage will outlive you.

    Your gift to the world by speaking out against the tyrant Israel and Zionist criminals will be an everlasting one. You

    are giving the utmost gift not only to your children and grandchildren but to the world.

    You are a shining star and the star quality you have depicted will never fade. You are a true hero!


    22. Dave Ambleton says:

    December 7, 2010 at 4:24 pm
  • 8/8/2019 The IRS Extortion of the American People


    Zionist arithmetic the incredible numbers

    Have a look at a typical account by one of the seemingly endless number of survivors: Olga Lengyels Five

    Chimneys: a woman survivors true story of Auschwitz (Granada/ Ziff-Davis, 1947, 1972).

    According to Lengyel, After June, 1943, the gas chamber was reserved exclusively for Jews and Gypsies.. Three

    hundred and sixty corpses every half-hour, which was all the time it took to reduce human flesh to ashes, made 720

    per hour, or 17,280 corpses per twenty-four hour shift. And the ovens, with murderous efficiency, functioned day and

    night. However, one must also reckon the death pits, which could destroy another 8,000 cadavers a day. In round

    numbers, about 24,000 corpses were handled each day. An admirable production record, one that speaks well for

    German industry. (Paperback edition, pp80-81). [No trace of any remains of or in death pits has been found.]

    This implies almost 100,000 corpses per four working days, or a million in 40 days, or six million in 240 days (eight

    months). Notice the bald precision of the figures without any explanation, the utter confidence in the readers


    The blurb on the cover of the book quotes the New York Herald-Tribune: Passionate, tormenting. Albert Einstein,

    the promoter of the US construction of the bombs used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is quoted as offering You have

    done a real service by letting the ones who are now silent and most forgotten speak.

    Could this claim be a misprint?

    Kitty Hart, in spite of her name a Jewish survivor born in Poland, fully confirms these figures:

    Working around the clock, the four units together could dispose of about 18,000 bodies every twenty-four hours,

    while the open pits coped with a further 8,000 in the same period. (p 118; Return to Auschwitz paperback edition

    by Granada (1981, 1983).

    According to the cover blurb, The subject of the award-winning Yorkshire television documentary of the same

    name. Both engaging and harrowingan important addition to the growing holocaust literature, very little of which

    conveys so courageously both the daily torment and the will to survive Martin Gilbert, The Times.

    Sir Martin Gilbert, indefatigable Jewish campaigner on behalf of the Holocaust and biographer of Winston

    Churchill, adds to the rich flavour and makes his own numerical claims, certainly not without chutzpah:

    In his book Auschwitz and the Allies (1981) he states

    The deliberate attempt to destroy systematically all of Europes Jews was unsuspected in the spring and early

    summer of 1942: the very period during which it was at its most intense, and during which hundreds of thousands of

    Jews were being gassed every day at Belzec, Chelmo, Sobibor and Treblinka. (p.26).

    If we assume a minimum figure of 200,000 per day, this amounts to say a million a five-day working week, or 6

    million in six weeks, and this does not include the truly awe-inspiring claims for Auschwitz put forward by Hart and

    Lengyel with Gilberts blessing.


    23. Dave Ambleton says:

    December 7, 2010 at 4:25 pm
  • 8/8/2019 The IRS Extortion of the American People


    Elie Wiesel vs Encyclopaedia Britannica

    Wiesel has been one of the most prominent spokesmen for the very sizable group of people known as Holocaust

    survivors. [According to Norman Finkelstein of the City University of New York in his book The Holocaust Industry

    published in the year 2000, The Israeli Prime Ministers office recently put the number of "living Holocaust survivors"

    at nearly a million (p.83)]. Wiesel has chaired the US Holocaust Memorial Council and has been the recipient of aCongressional Gold Medal and Nobel Peace Prize..

    Time Magazine, March 18 1985:

    How had he survived two of the most notorious killing fields [Auschwitz and Buchenwald] of the century? I will

    never know Wiesel says. I was always weak. I never ate. The slightest wind would turn me over. In Buchenwald

    they sent 10,000 to their deaths every day. I was always in the last hundred near the gate. They stopped. Why?

    Compare this with Encyclopaedia Britannica (1993), under Buchenwald:

    In World War II it held about 20,000 prisoners.. Although there were no gas chambers, hundreds perished monthly

    through disease, malnutrition, exhaustion, beatings and executions.

    Ive checked out the six volumes of Churchills Second World War not a single mention of Nazi gas chambers, a

    genocide of the Jews, or of six million Jewish victims of the war.

    Eisenhowers Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; Churchills Second World War totals 4,448 pages; and De

    Gaulles three-volume Mmoires de guerre is 2,054 pages.

    In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from

    1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi gas chambers, a genocide of the Jews, or of six million

    Jewish victims of the war.


    o izzy says:

    December 8, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    and therefore what? its a fact recorded by eisenhower and hitler himself that the gas chambers were used. whats

    your point?

    December 7, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    Dirty Little Secrets

    The hidden, awkward origins of World War 2
  • 8/8/2019 The IRS Extortion of the American People


    Well its about time someone had the balls to tell what needs to be done with these slimeballs I have read other

    sights like Devy, and revaro and when push comes to shove they fold under as usual I have always said never fight

    a man on his own turf by his rules you will lose every time. The founders gave us the way and means to take back

    this country and its time we used it.

    When I was growing up it was always about today DECEMBER 7, a DAY which will live in INFAMY.

    Probably 2000 years ago it was 33AD, a YEAR which will live in infamy, etc.

    These pricks have been at this game for a long time and they probably are tracking our every move on these sites. I

    wish these pricks would just go to hell and leave us alone.

    Ive got my black rifle and waiting for the muster point.

    There already are two patriots languishing in federal prison, as we speak, over the unconstitutional Internal

    Revenjew Service; Ed and Elaine Brown. Ed was tortured according to some sources and its not certain that Elaine

    has been treated very well. Both are in solitary confinement and God Bless them, both will probably die in prison,

    again, from one of the thousands of Jewish lies that create our laws.

    This is not to say that we should not fight this injustice in a non-violent manner, but remember, especially in the

    beginning, enormous sacrifices will be demanded like feet to the flame. The tree of liberty will be requiring blood

    from its patriots. Ed and Elaine lost everything confiscated by IRS bastards that could care less.

    Many patriots will lose their lives, livelihood, families, everything that is usually important to any civilized human

    being. And that is only one battlefront of several that need to be fought against criminal Jewry.

    If America is ever taken back and returned to its pre 1871 glory, it will require extraordinary sacrifice from decent,

    god-fearing men and women ready to lay down their lives for a cause greater than themselves for the sake of future

    American generations.

    Up to now, except for the courageous people at VT, I have not met anyone in the real world ready to make that kind

    of commitment. They simply do not care.

    Its all about DISPOSSESION of the white race. Some say Jews are the propaganda and lying masters, but really

    its only about dispossesion, always was, always will. Theyve done it times and times again.

    this is ridiculous as saying lets stop paying taxes.

    Dont just stop paying taxes, get a refund for the past few years too! Lets bankrupt the already bankrupt Fed.

    For details, visit

    The Most Significant Whistleblower on Government Malfeasance in American History Languishes Unsung in a

    Federal Prison After a Corrupt Trial.

    FAQs here:

    Despite all the fanfare with which the government tried to make much of its civil action against Hendrickson, no

    dent was put in his readership, or its activism. Indeed, the bogus assault had the opposite effect. Anyone who

    actually read through the filings in the case quickly saw that the government complaint was a corrupt ploy, and

    therefore just another admission that it has no legitimate argument to make against Hendrickson.

    Consequently, this backdoor admission of the accuracy of Hendricksons revelations about the income tax simply

    joined the thousands of obvious and straightforward varieties represented by millions of dollars of complete refunds
  • 8/8/2019 The IRS Extortion of the American People


    of withheld, paid in or seized property routinely and continuously being made to Hendricksons readers by the

    federal and, so far, 33 state governments as well, sometimes even only after extended resistance by balky tax

    agencies trying to turn back the tide. Hundreds and hundreds of the checks, closing notices and lien and levy

    releases, along with the complete filings leading to all these results are posted on Hendricksons website,, which by the time of the civil government attack had grown to routinely logging 1.25 million hits

    every month from Americans stepping up to learn the liberating truth about the tax.

    Inevitably, they will be tossed out. The question then is, what fills the void? People are foolish, and mercantilism has

    dulled the skills of us all. We can buy things and sell things, every instance of which lends power to the very

    system we seek to dismantle. It is not about hangings, although I would have to play devils advocate here and point

    out that many Nazis escaped during Operation Paperclip to the U.S. and helped those who wield suffering as a

    weapon refine their arts, along with contributing to myriad nightmare policy decisions for all anyone knows. Indeed, it

    seems we singled out the ruling figureheads and small-timers and imported the masters of the horrid trade to ourown shores.

    Its about that inevitable question: How are we going to teach people to live without money? Barring that, how will

    we allow them to reclaim control of their currency? Its hard for the average person not to simply give up such

    machinations up to third parties, as its so very complicated in the best of senses, and the indoctrinating

    programming demanding the necessity of money has a very strong hold on the peoples psyche.

    The very foundations of society are crumbling, and chips are going to fall fast now, but things have not turned into a

    perfect endgame for us or them. It seems the whole of humanity has become at last sickened by its own lack of

    empathy for the suffering of others, and we dwell now in the doldrums of the knowledge of such a revelation. If we

    want to create a world wed be proud to pass on to our children, we must first acknowledge that the mess we

    possess now is no such thing. Stop pretending that your little contribution to the Empire isnt enabling death,

    destruction, and ultimately, your own robbery as well. You write their paycheck, for them to come rob you. And they

    are VERY scared that folks are realizing that. Thats why all the big talk from a bully. One in a truly strong position

    speaks softly with confidence, for he has no need to prove the soundness of where he stands. Cowards coasts by

    on cruelty and bravado and the hope that everyone else is a greater coward than he.

    You can read the court case General Tire -v- IRS and see that the IRS is a private corporation registered in Peurto


    I love to pay income taxes, when I pay a lot, that means that I have had a good year. Just remember, food, shelter,

    safety, and health are important, the rest is bullshit.

    24. ays:

    December 11, 2010 at 11:57 pm

    The banks, the IRS and the courts are all corrupt. Stop using the banks, this included credit cards (plastic slavery),

    savings accounts, no reporting how much interest you earn, Get paid in cash or keep little or no money in banks.

    Stop the corruption. There is a reason the mattress was used to save money, it made it softer, and the owner could
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  • 8/8/2019 The IRS Extortion of the American People


    December 9, 2010 at 5:20 am

    [...] (VeteransToday) The IRS Extortion of the American People Read More Here [...]


    3. Anonymous says:

    December 13, 2010 at 12:39 am

    [...] [...]
