the influence of photodynamic therapy on the immune response · photodynamic therapy; tumor;...

Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy (2005) 2, 283—298 REVIEW The influence of photodynamic therapy on the immune response Dominika Nowis, Tomasz Stokłosa, Magdalena Legat, Tadeusz Issat, Marek Jak´ obisiak, Jakub Goł˛ ab MD, PhD Department of Immunology, Center of Biostructure Research, The Medical University of Warsaw, ul. Chałubi´ nskiego 5, 02-004 Warsaw, Poland Available online 5 December 2005 KEYWORDS Photodynamic therapy; Tumor; Immune response; Inflammation; Dendritic cells Summary Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a clinically approved therapeutic modal- ity used for the management of several types of tumors as well as non-malignant diseases. Most of the effects of this treatment regimen result from direct action of singlet oxygen and reactive oxygen species. However, accumulating evidence indicates that antitumor effects are also mediated by indirect stimulation of inflam- matory and immune responses. These responses include rapid local infiltration of tumors by neutrophils and macrophages accompanied by systemic release of inflam- matory mediators. This early response can initiate and translate into a more precise immune reaction that involves activation of specific T lymphocytes that seem to be necessary for the ultimate control of residual tumor cells. Although still incom- pletely understood, PDT can not only activate but also suppress the immune response depending on several variables. This review summarizes the influence of PDT on the immune response and discusses its importance in the management of human dis- eases. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Abbreviations: 8-MOP, 8-methoxypsoralen; BCG, Bacillus Calmette-Guerin; ALA, 5-aminolevulinic acid; CD, cluster of differentiation; CHS, contact hypersensitivity; DBPMAF, Vitamin D 3 -binding protein-derived macrophage-activating factor; DC, dendritic cells; EAE, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; ECP, extracorporeal photochemotherapy; G-CSF, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophages colony-stimulating factor; GVHD, graft-versus-host disease; GVL, graft versus leukemia; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; HSP, heat shock protein; IFN, interferon; KC, keratinocytes-derived chemokines; MAC, membrane attack complex; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; MIP, macrophage inflammatory protein; MPO, myeloperoxidase; MS, multiple sclerosis; NK, natural killer; NO, nitric oxide; PDT, photodynamic therapy; PIT, photoimmunotherapy; SOD, superoxide dismutase; TAA, tumor-associated antigen; TGF-, transforming growth factor-; TLR, Toll-like receptor; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; TRAIL, TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand; UVA, ultraviolet A Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 22 622 63 06; fax: +48 22 622 63 06. E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Goł˛ ab). 1572-1000/$ — see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S1572-1000(05)00098-0

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Page 1: The influence of photodynamic therapy on the immune response · Photodynamic therapy; Tumor; Immune response; Inflammation; Dendritic cells Summary Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is

Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy (2005) 2, 283—298


The influence of photodynamic therapy on theimmune response

Dominika Nowis, Tomasz Stokłosa, Magdalena Legat,Tadeusz Issat, Marek Jakobisiak, Jakub Gołab MD, PhD ∗

Department of Immunology, Center of Biostructure Research, The Medical University of Warsaw,ul. Chałubinskiego 5, 02-004 Warsaw, Poland

Available online 5 December 2005

KEYWORDSPhotodynamic therapy;Tumor;Immune response;Inflammation;Dendritic cells

Summary Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a clinically approved therapeutic modal-ity used for the management of several types of tumors as well as non-malignantdiseases. Most of the effects of this treatment regimen result from direct actionof singlet oxygen and reactive oxygen species. However, accumulating evidenceindicates that antitumor effects are also mediated by indirect stimulation of inflam-matory and immune responses. These responses include rapid local infiltration oftumors by neutrophils and macrophages accompanied by systemic release of inflam-matory mediators. This early response can initiate and translate into a more preciseimmune reaction that involves activation of specific T lymphocytes that seem tobe necessary for the ultimate control of residual tumor cells. Although still incom-pletely understood, PDT can not only activate but also suppress the immune responsedepending on several variables. This review summarizes the influence of PDT on theimmune response and discusses its importance in the management of human dis-eases.© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Abbreviations: 8-MOP, 8-methoxypsoralen; BCG, Bacillus Calmette-Guerin; ALA, 5-aminolevulinic acid; CD, cluster of differentiation;CHS, contact hypersensitivity; DBPMAF, Vitamin D3-binding protein-derived macrophage-activating factor; DC, dendritic cells; EAE,experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; ECP, extracorporeal photochemotherapy; G-CSF, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor;GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophages colony-stimulating factor; GVHD, graft-versus-host disease; GVL, graft versus leukemia; HLA,human leukocyte antigen; HSP, heat shock protein; IFN, interferon; KC, keratinocytes-derived chemokines; MAC, membrane attackcomplex; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; MIP, macrophage inflammatory protein; MPO, myeloperoxidase; MS, multiplesclerosis; NK, natural killer; NO, nitric oxide; PDT, photodynamic therapy; PIT, photoimmunotherapy; SOD, superoxide dismutase;TAA, tumor-associated antigen; TGF-�, transforming growth factor-�; TLR, Toll-like receptor; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; TRAIL,TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand; UVA, ultraviolet A

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 22 622 63 06; fax: +48 22 622 63 06.E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Gołab).

1572-1000/$ — see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S1572-1000(05)00098-0

Page 2: The influence of photodynamic therapy on the immune response · Photodynamic therapy; Tumor; Immune response; Inflammation; Dendritic cells Summary Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is

284 D. Nowis et al.


Introduction ................................................................................................ 284The role of the immune response in the antitumor action of PDT ........................................... 284

Early vascular effects induced by PDT .................................................................. 284The influence of PDT on complement activation........................................................ 285Induction of local inflammatory response following PDT ................................................ 286Systemic inflammation after PDT....................................................................... 287The role of neutrophils in PDT.......................................................................... 287The role of macrophages in PDT........................................................................ 288The role of adaptive immunity in PDT .................................................................. 289Combination of PDT with immunotherapy .............................................................. 291Phototargeting PDT..................................................................................... 291

Immunoregulatory effects of PDT ........................................................................... 292Direct influence of PDT on immune cells ............................................................... 292Systemic immunoregulation by PDT..................................................................... 293Therapeutic implications of PDT-mediated immunoregulation .......................................... 293

The use of PDT in the treatment of autoimmune diseases ........................................ 293The use of PDT in the treatment of graft-versus-host disease .................................... 294

Summary.................................................................................................... 294Acknowledgements........................................................................................ 294References ................................................................................................ 294




of inflammatory and antitumor immune responses.Several recent reviews extensively describe photo-

hotodynamic therapy (PDT) is a minimally invasiveherapeutic modality approved for the treatment ofeoplastic and vascular diseases. It consists of (i) ahotosensitizer that is applied topically or adminis-ered systemically; (ii) light in the visible range oflectromagnetic wave, usually generated by laserources and (iii) molecular oxygen, which is usedn the photodynamic reaction to generate singletxygen (1O2) and reactive oxygen species. PDT is awo-step procedure: after local or systemic admin-stration of a photosensitizer light of an appropriateavelength is precisely delivered to the target tis-

ue. Advanced fiberoptic systems enable light deliv-ry to virtually any site in the body including brainnd even small blood vessels.

PDT is frequently regarded as a dual specificityreatment. The selectivity is achieved by anncreased photosensitizer accumulation within theumor as compared to normal tissues and by theact that illumination is limited to a specified loca-ion. The local nature of PDT is both a drawback

sensitizers, basic photochemistry and mechanismsof antitumor effects of PDT [1—6].

The role of the immune response in theantitumor action of PDT

Early vascular effects induced by PDT

Direct endothelial cell damage accompanied byvessel contraction leads to exposure of basementmembrane and vascular leakage that subsequentlycontribute to early events of PDT such as edemaformation, platelet aggregation, thromboxanerelease and thrombus formation as well as activa-tion of the complement cascade [7,8]. Moreover,PDT inhibits the release of nitric oxide (NO) fromendothelial cells, thereby further contributing tovessel constriction [9]. The early vascular shut-down leads to ischemia-related cell death. Thecollapsed vessels may stay closed but in some cases

nd an advantage of this therapeutic modality. Aimitation of PDT is that it cannot be a curative

there is a reoxygenation of the treated tissuesslvpmiios

oon after completion of tumor illumination. Thisatter effect can be facilitated by the release ofasodilating mediators such as NO, histamine androstaglandins. In a poorly oxygenated environ-ent, xanthine dehydrogenase becomes converted

nto xanthine oxidase which converts hypoxanthinento xanthine in a process accompanied by a releasef large amounts of reactive oxygen species, mainlyuperoxide anion. This oxidative stress promotes

procedure for large and disseminated tumors.Nonetheless, even for advanced disease it canimprove the quality of patients’ life and prolongsurvival. For small and localized diseases, it can bea curative procedure with minimally invasive andexcellent cosmetic results. Antitumor effects ofPDT result not only from its direct action on tumorcells but also from its influence on the development

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Influence of PDT on the immune response 285

Figure 1 The mechanisms of antitumor effects triggered by PDT. PDT induces both direct and indirect antitumoreffects. It can directly destroy tumor cells that undergo apoptosis and necrosis accompanied by the release of numerousmediators such as eicosanoids, heat shock proteins (HSP) and tumor-associated antigens (TAA). These mediators inducea non-specific, inflammatory response that is facilitated by the destruction of tumor vasculature. The inflammatoryresponse is followed by a slowly developing adaptive immunity that can potentiate local antitumor effects and mightpossibly (at least in some experimental tumor models) induce systemic immunity.

complement activation and infiltration of a pre-viously ischemic area with neutrophils and otherinflammatory cells [10]. Therefore, after a briefperiod of ischemia a reperfusion injury occurswhich further contributes to PDT-induced tumorcell death [11,12]. Administration of a bacterialsuperoxide dismutase (SOD) or inhibition of xan-thine oxidase leads to attenuated antitumor effectsof PDT [11,13]. Accordingly, inhibition of SOD activ-ity by 2-methoxyestradiol potentiates antitumoreffects of PDT in two murine tumor models [14].

Direct induction of tumor cell death potenti-ated by ischemia and ischemia-reperfusion injuryis responsible for early tumor ablation. However,accumulating evidence indicates that these earlyevents trigger inflammatory responses that seemimportant in achieving long-term tumor control(Fig. 1).

The influence of PDT on complementactivation

As mentioned above PDT results in activation ofthe complement system. The activation of the

complement cascade, the major effector system ofinnate immunity, seems to play an important role inthe initiation and orchestration of the PDT-inducedresponse. Complement engagement is triggered byone of the three independent activation pathways,i.e., classical, alternative or lectin mediated.The likely pathway for complement activationafter PDT is an alternative pathway as PDT caneffectively activate a complement cascade in scidmice that do not have antibody-producing B cells[15,16]. Additionally, some recent studies indicatethat activated platelets can also contribute to theactivation and propagation of the complementcascade [17]. The generated cleavage products C3aand C5a are highly potent chemotactic factors thatattract and activate neutrophils, macrophages,mast cells and T cells. Activation of a complementcascade and generation of membrane attack com-plex (MAC) on vascular endothelium of PDT-treatedtumors is likely to contribute to the collapse ofblood supply. Complement activation has beenexploited in combination studies aimed at potenti-ating the antitumor effects of PDT. Treatment withzymosan, an activator of neutrophils, macrophages

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and alternative complement pathway reducedthe recurrence rate of PDT-treated tumors [18].In contrast, treatment with heat-aggregatedgamma globulin (complement activator throughthe classical pathway) was ineffective in achievingpotentiated antitumor effects of PDT, therebyconfirming that complement is activated via alter-native pathway. Moreover, systemic complementactivation with streptokinase had no detectableeffect on complement deposition at the tumor sitewithout PDT but it augmented the extent of com-plement activity in PDT-treated tumors. Neitherzymosan nor streptokinase influenced the effec-tiveness of PDT in complement-deficient mice [18].

Induction of local inflammatory responsefollowing PDT

Not only initial vascular damage, ischemia andischemia-reperfusion injury followed by plateletaggregation and complement activation areimportant in eliciting the early inflammation.PDT-mediated oxidative stress triggers a vastarray of signal transduction pathways that induceapparently protective responses. These include

Table 1 Selected target genes elicited by PDT-induced transcription factors AP-1 and NF-�B.


Target genes Function of targetgenes

AP-1 VEGFD AngiogenesisFas, FasL ApoptosisMMP1, MMP3, uPA,uPAR


EGF, HB-EGF, KGF ProliferationGM-CSF, IL-1, -2, -6,-8, TNF


NF-�B Chemokines (IP-10,KC, MIP-1� and �,eotaxin, MCP-1,RANTES)

Chemoattractantsfor leukocytes

IL-1�, IL-1�, IL-1RA,IL-2, -6, -8, -9, -11,-12, -15


IFN-�, IFN-� InterferonsTNF, LT-�, LT-�,TRAIL, Fas

Tumor necrosisfactorsuperfamily


Growth factors

ICAM-1, VCAM-1,P-selectin,E-selectin


MHC class I, B7.1,B7.2

Antigenpresentation andco-stimulation

Complementcomponents,C-reactive protein,SAA, TF-1

Acute phaseresponse

COX-2, iNOS Inflammation

Abbreviations: EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor;FASL, FAS ligand; G-CSF, granulocyte colony stimulatingfactor; GM-CSF, granulocyte—macrophage colony stimulatingfactor; HB-EGF, heparin-binding EGF; ICAM, intracellularadhesion molecule; IL, interleukin; KGF, keratinocyte growthfactor; M-CFS, macrophage colony stimulating factor; MHC,major histocompatibility molecule; MMP, matrix metal-loproteinase; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; SAA,serum amyloid A; TF, tissue factor; TNF, tumor necrosisfactor; TRAIL, TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand; uPA,urokinase-type plasminogen activator; uPAR, uPA receptor;VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; VCAM; vascularcell adhesion molecule.

A likely explanation for these effects is that PDTinduces different responses in different regions ofthe tumor. In areas proximal to the light sourcewhere the effects of PDT are the strongest, wemight expect complete vascular collapse with bloodflow stasis and no leukocyte attachment or recruit-ment. In distal regions, exposed to suboptimal laserillumination, there would be no endothelial celldamage but rather their activation followed by

expression of heat shock proteins, and transcrip-tion factors such as NF-�B and AP-1 [19—21]. Thesetwo alone can induce the expression of dozensof cytokines, adhesion molecules, co-stimulatorymolecules and immunologically important genes(Table 1). Additionally, photooxidative degradationof membrane lipids and generation of arachi-donic acid metabolites are themselves potentinflammatory mediators that precipitate a rapidand strong inflammatory reaction [22]. Theseprocesses together with the release of histamineand serotonin from damaged vasculature inducea sequential arrival of neutrophils, mast cells andmonocytes/macrophages that become activatedand engaged in the tumoricidal activity (see below).

Interestingly, despite almost complete bloodflow stasis leading to reduced wall sheer stresses,PDT does not induce increased leukocyte adhesionto postcapillary venules within the area exposed tolaser illumination [23]. Nonetheless, PDT inducesleukocyte adhesion in microvessels of normal tis-sues, not directly exposed to PDT. Therefore, itseems that the inflammatory mediators releasedfrom PDT-treated tumors are capable of induc-ing expression of cell adhesion molecules in nor-mal or minimally damaged endothelial cells butnot in tumor blood vessels directly exposed toPDT. These unexpected observations are difficultto reconcile in terms of intense tumor infiltra-tion by neutrophils, macrophages and mast cellsobserved within hours following PDT (see below).

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Influence of PDT on the immune response 287

the expression of adhesion and pro-inflammatorymolecules and recruitment of leukocytes.

Systemic inflammation after PDT

While, the inflammatory response is consideredan important priming event for the developmentof adaptive immunity it can also exert systemicadverse effects. Indeed, PDT itself induces a strongacute phase response dominated by neutrophiliaand the release of various cytokines [16,24].PDT-elicited, tumor-derived factors including C5acomplement component, interleukin (IL) 1�, IL-6,IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), granulocytecolony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), thromboxane,leukotrienes, histamine, prostaglandin E2, clottingfactors and a chemokine KC are all responsible forincrease in the number of blood neutrophils [15].Relatively high PDT doses (10 mg/kg Photofrin and200—500 J/cm2 light) confined to hind limbs ofmice caused high level of lethality induced by asystemic response that resembled traumatic shockinjury [25].

Such complications are probably irrelevantto most PDT applications in humans, where theioHgc

monitoring and therapeutic procedures [26].Increased systemic concentrations of IL-1�, IL-6,IL-8 and IL-10 have been detected in patientsundergoing extrapleural pneumonectomy followedby intraoperative PDT delivered to the entirethoracic cavity [27]. However, in both these studiesthe influence of surgical procedure has not beenexcluded as a possible source of systemic response.

The role of neutrophils in PDT

Neutrophils are among the first cells of theinnate immune system to enter PDT-treated tumors(Fig. 2). These cells adhere to the vascularwall within 5 min after the start of PDT [28].Their migration into the tumor is regulated byPDT-induced expression of E-selectin, chemokines(MIP-2 and KC) and possibly other mediators[15,18,29,30]. Neutrophil-derived myeloperoxidase(MPO) is detectable within tumors barely 2 h follow-ing PDT and by 13 h it increases to values almost200-fold greater than in non-treated controls [29].MPO increase has been calculated to account for anumber of 9 millions neutrophils infiltrating every100 mg of tumor tissue after PDT [29]. It is likelytttce

F te. Tf withw(

lluminated area is too small to induce expressionf mediators capable of inducing systemic toxicity.owever, it was reported that patients under-oing intraperitoneal PDT develop a significantapillary-leak syndrome that requires accessory

igure 2 PDT induces recruitment of neutrophilic infiltrarozen tumor sections obtained from C-26 tumors treated

ere detected with anti-Gr1 monoclonal antibodies. The nucl

B) 4 h after PDT, (C) 8 h after PDT, (D) 24 h after PDT.

hat phagocytic cells are attracted to the PDT-reated tumors to remove cell debris followingreatment. These cells might also be a source forhemotactic and immunoregulatory factors nec-ssary for further propagation of inflammatory

he immunofluorescence studies were performed on snap-Photofrin-based PDT. Fluorescently labeled neutrophils

ei of cells are stained with Hoechst. (A) Control tumors,

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response [31]. Moreover, neutrophils can help PDTto damage tumor stroma that separates immuneand inflammatory cells from neoplastic cells byextracellular matrix proteins [32,33], thereby ren-dering tumor cells ‘‘exposed’’ to their direct cyto-toxic effects.

In different tumor models neutrophil depletiondecreases the antitumor effectiveness of PDT[34,35]. Interestingly, reduced skin phototoxicityhas been observed in leucopenic animals [36].Similar effects are obtained after depletion ofneutrophils with anti-Gr1 antibodies [35] or byblocking the activity of G-CSF [24]. Interestingly,a decreased tumor cure rates have also beenobserved after blocking some of the mediators ofneutrophila, including complement, IL-1�, IL-6, his-tamine, thromboxane, chemokines or xanthine oxi-dase, an enzyme induced by ischemia-reperfusioninjury [15,29,37]. On the other hand, administra-tion of G-CSF [35,38], granulocyte macrophagecolony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) [39] oranti-platelet serum that increases neutrophil accu-mulation in the tumor [40] improves tumor responserates of PDT. The results of these studies imply thatneutrophils are not merely innocent bystanders,

large tumors is subjected to a combination of vari-ables that result in inhomogeneous light distribu-tion to various regions of the tumor. Moreover,tumor tissue distant from the light source receivessuboptimal light doses. Therefore, in clinical PDTproximal tumor regions receive light at high fluencerate and the illumination conditions are optimal fordirect and anti-vascular effects of PDT. However,deeper regions of the tumor receive suboptimal PDTdoses that might elicit inflammatory response. Itshould also be stressed that tumors in experimen-tal animals constitute a much larger percentage oftotal body weight than tumors growing in humans.Therefore, systemic effects of PDT are possiblymore pronounced in experimental setting.

The role of macrophages in PDT

PDT-treated tumor cells do not seem to be moresusceptible for macrophage-mediated cytotoxicityin in vitro studies [43]. However, several stud-ies indicated that PDT-treated macrophages exertpotentiated phagocytic activity, produce increasedamounts of TNF and NO and exert antitumor effects[44—47]. For example, macrophages isolated fromPamtbp


attracted to the site of PDT treatment to phago-cytose tumor cells remnants but they activelyparticipate in the destruction of tumor cells.

Other critical factors that determine the induc-tion of an inflammatory response following PDT arelight fluence and fluence rate [41]. These studies,however, did not confirm the role of the inflamma-tory cells in achieving maximal antitumor response.Optimally curative PDT regimen (high fluence[128 J/cm2], low fluence rate [14 mW/cm2]) pro-duced minimal inflammation and yielded 70—80%tumor cures. Highest production of inflammatorycytokines and neutrophilic infiltrates were inducedby suboptimal PDT regimen (low fluence [48 J/cm2]and low fluence rate [14 mW/cm2]) that producedonly 10—20% tumor cures. PDT at high fluenceled to a strong destruction of tumor vasculaturewhile PDT at the same fluence rate but at lowfluence produced virtually no vascular damage. Themechanisms of these effects have not been studiedin detail. One can hypothesize that as leukocytesemigrating from blood vessels to tissues requireinteractions with endothelial cells mediated byselectins, chemokines and immunoglobulin-likemolecules on the surface of inflamed endothelium[42], destroyed endothelial cells are unable tosustain effective tumor infiltration by neutrophilsat vascular-damaging PDT regimens.

In clinical PDT, we are frequently confrontedwith much larger tumors than those induced inexperimental animals. Light penetrating through

DT-treated SCCVII squamous cell carcinomas werelmost five times more effective in killing tumorice than those cells obtained from untreated

umors [48]. Moreover, macrophages were found toe indirectly stimulated for tumoricidal activity byhotodynamically killed tumor cells [49].

The relevance of these in vitro studies forDT efficacy in vivo is unknown. PDT induces anncreased tumor infiltration with macrophages.acrophages are efficiently accumulating mostf the photosensitizers which might render themighly susceptible to PDT-mediated lysis. More-ver, PDT induces regions of hypoxia which haveeen shown to attract macrophages subsequentlyxploited for the production of pro-angiogenic fac-ors [50]. Therefore, macrophages might also playnegative role. This issue merits further studies.

onetheless, sublethal damage to tumor cells inivo might render these cells more susceptible foracrophage-mediated cytotoxicity [51]. Indeed,acrophages were able to kill those tumor cells

hat recovered from PDT-induced damage [51]. Itemains to be resolved what changes are inducedn tumor cells that lead to their increased killingy macrophages. The influence of low doses ofDT in in vitro studies that lead to stimulationf selected effector mechanisms of macrophagesight be relevant for the induction of tumoricidal

ctivity of macrophages at deep tumor regions,here suboptimal tumor killing doses of PDT mighte insufficient for tumor cells killing but might be

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Influence of PDT on the immune response 289

sufficient for the activation of tumoricidal activityof macrophages.

A circumstantial evidence for the role ofmacrophages in PDT has been provided by in vivostudies. Administration of silica, which is frequentlyused to inactivate macrophages in vivo [52],also markedly decreased the curative response oftumors to PDT [34]. It is important to note thatadministration of macrophage activating agentssuch as GM-CSF, Vitamin D3-binding protein-derivedmacrophage-activating factor (DBPMAF) or BacillusCalmette-Guerin (BCG) was effective in potentiat-ing the antitumor effects of PDT [39,53,54].

The role of adaptive immunity in PDT

Development of an effective adaptive immuneresponse requires prior engagement of innateimmunity. The most important cells that linkthe non-specific and specific immune responsesare dendritic cells (DCs) [55]. According to the‘‘danger hypothesis’’ DCs act as sentinels thatmonitor the presence of infectious microorganisms,tissue stress, damage or transformation and elicita specific and highly effective immune response[ppta(mcsHutPpcCcTnbbntartltc(c

of CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, macrophages and NKcells. Th2 cells, secreting IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10and IL-13 drive development of humoral immunity.Different subsets of regulatory T cells (Th3, Tr1)secrete various combinations of IL-10, transforminggrowth factor-� (TGF-�) and other cytokines thatdownregulate an immune response [64]. During aneffective immune response, activated CD4+ andCD8+ T cells are required to migrate from lymphoidorgans to the tumor site where CD8+ T cells attacktumor cells directly, and CD4+ T cells dictateother cells of the immune system (including NKcells and macrophages) how to effectively destroytransformed cells [65,66].

Although direct tumor and vascular damage areresponsible for most of the initial antitumor effectsthe long-term tumor control can be attained byconcurrent activation of the immune response.During effective PDT, over 90% of tumor cellsbecome lethally damaged within several hours ofillumination. Thus, large amounts of tumor celldebris becomes available for phagocytic cells in arelatively short time interval. These cells becomeloaded with released tumor antigens and, in theinflammatory microenvironment, become acti-vphbma[ircntt


56—58]. Danger signals, in the form of microbialroducts, inflammatory cytokines or heat shockroteins (HSPs) act on DC precursors and influenceheir differentiation [59,60]. In the context of thentitumor immunity, tumor-associated antigensTAA) are captured by DCs by several differentechanisms including ingestion of apoptotic tumor

ells, fragments of necrotic tumor cells, or releasedoluble tumor antigens, especially associated withSPs [61]. Antigen-loaded and appropriately stim-lated DCs undergo final maturation and migrate tohe local lymphoid tissues (lymph nodes, spleen oreyer’s patches) where they present TAA-derivedeptides in the context of major histocompatibilityomplex (MHC) class I and II molecules to CD8+ orD4+ T cells, being cytotoxic or helper lympho-ytes, respectively [56,62]. Effective activation ofcells requires the presence of at least three sig-

als: recognition of antigenic peptides presentedy MHC molecules, co-stimulatory signals deliveredy CD28 molecules and some members of tumorecrosis superfamily, i.e., OX40, 4-1BB and fineuning by local release of cytokines. Cytokines playspecial role in regulating the type of an immune

esponse that will develop after antigen presenta-ion. Depending on the local milieu in the secondaryymphoid organ, helper T cells (Th) will differen-iate into Th1, Th2 or regulatory subsets [63]. Th1ells, through the secretion of IL-2, interferon-�IFN-�) and TNF are responsible for development ofell-mediated immunity that involves the activity

ated to produce more inflammatory mediators, torocess and to present tumor-derived antigens toost lymphoid cells (Fig. 3). In this aspect, it shoulde emphasized that not only dendritic cells andacrophages but to some extent also neutrophils

nd mast cells can become antigen-presenting cells67,68]. Of these, only DCs are capable of gettingnto local lymph nodes to initiate an immuneesponse. The remaining antigen-presenting cellsan function locally to sustain an effective immu-ity. Interestingly, neutrophils from PDT-treatedumors express more MHC class II molecules onheir surface [29].

Normally, apoptotic cells are swiftly clearedy phagocytic cells without inciting inflammatoryr immune responses [69,70]. Phagocytosis ofpoptotic cells can rather stimulate toleranceather than immunity [71]. However, accumulatingvidence indicates that ‘‘stressed’’ or oxidativelyodified apoptotic cells may provide endogenous

‘danger signals’’ triggering inflammatory response72,73]. Dendritic cells loaded with such stressedumor cells elicit protective antitumor immu-ity [73,74]. Co-culture of DCs with PDT-treatedumor cells leads to their effective phagocytosishat promotes maturation of DCs, the releasef pro-inflammatory cytokines and expressionf co-stimulatory molecules [75,76]. Oxidativetress generates a variety of modified membraneipids and lipid—protein adducts. PDT was showno induce an almost instantaneous translocation

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Figure 3 Mechanisms of PDT-elicited induction of antitumor adaptive immune responses. (A) Tumors are illuminatedfollowing administration of a photosensitizer. (B) Tumor cells undergo apoptosis and necrosis. (C) Some oxidativelydamaged and apoptotic tumor cells are phagocytosed by immature dendritic cells that infiltrate peripheral tissues(including tumors themselves). (D) Immunofluorescent images of dendritic cells (stained in red with anti-MHC class IImolecules) that phagocytosed CFSE-labeled (green) tumor cells or their fragments (C-26 colon adenocarcinoma) thatunderwent PDT procedure. (E) Dendritic cells, loaded with tumor-associated antigens (TAA), home to the local lymphnode (F) where they present TAA to immature T cells (G). (H) Those T cells that effectively recognized TAA undergoclonal expansion and acquire the capacity to leave lymph nodes and get into peripheral tissues including the tumor (I).If these activated T cells can specifically recognize TAA presented by tumor cells, they can either directly kill tumorcells or release inflammatory cytokines that will recruit and activate other effector cells of the immune system (J).

of cellular HSP70 (and other heat shock proteinsHSP60 and GRP94, but not GRP78) from the cytosolto the plasma membrane of tumor and endothelialcells [77]. The surface HSP70 expression was stableand persisted for at least 18 h. This transloca-tion was followed by the release of HSP70 fromtumor cells. The released HSP70 could stimulatemacrophages to secrete TNF in a Toll-like receptor

(TLR) 2 and TLR4-dependent manner. The findingthat higher levels of HSP70 are found on apoptotictumor cells is concordant with our hypothesis thatPDT induces generation of stressed immune cellsthat might be efficiently taken up by professionalantigen-presenting cells [75].

Studies in immunodeficient mice or in animalsdevoid of leukocyte subsets or immune effector

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Influence of PDT on the immune response 291

molecules after depletion with monoclonal anti-bodies are frequently used as experimental modelsto validate or disprove the role of the immune sys-tem in basic research studies. Such experimentshave also unequivocally shown that the immuneresponse participates in the antitumor effectsinduced by PDT. Selective depletion of CD8+ T cells,CD4+ T cells or NK cells showed no demonstrableeffect on the initial ablation of PDT-treated tumorsbut promoted tumor re-growth [34,78].

At defined PDT conditions, long-term tumor abla-tion is observed in BALB/c mice inoculated withEMT6 mammary carcinoma cells. Identical PDTregimen in scid mice was not curative despitean initial complete response (no palpable tumorafter treatment). Importantly, adoptive transfer ofsplenocytes obtained from normal, i.e., immune-competent mice that have been previously cured oftheir tumors, enabled a full tumor control in scidmice treated with PDT. Removal of CD4+ or CD8+T cells partially abrogated development of protec-tive immunity in scid animals [79]. Similar resultswere observed in nude mice that have no thymusand do not produce �� T cells [78]. The inductionof immunity against PDT-treated tumors has alsob2rtmtc



in antitumor effectiveness of PDT. Although itseems that specific immune responses are notparticularly effective in the initial tumor ablation,they might contribute to long-term control over thetumor cells. It can be hypothesized at the momentthat optimal antitumor treatment involving PDTwill include combinations with immunotherapeuticapproaches that will facilitate development ofconcomitant immunity.

Combination of PDT with immunotherapy

PDT has been combined with a number of non-specific immunostimulatory substances. Effectivepotentiation of the antitumor effects of PDT havebeen observed after administration of recombi-nant cytokines (G-CSF, GM-CSF, TNF, TRAIL, FasL,IL-7), bacterial vaccines based on Corynebac-terium parvum, BCG or bacterial and syntheticimmunostimulants (endotoxin, glycated chitosan,schizophyllan, OK-432 and mycobacterial cell wallextract) [35,38,39,54,85—90]. Unexpectedly, wehave not observed any potentiation of antitumoreffects of PDT by IL-12, IL-18 or bacterial CpG inBalb/C mice inoculated with C-26 cells and treatedwwa





een shown in a weakly immunogenic murine MS-fibrosarcoma, where tumor-free animals rejected

e-inoculated tumor cells 100 days following cura-ive PDT [80]. In EMT-6 mammary fibrosarcomaodel, rechallenge studies also revealed retarda-

ion of secondary tumors inoculated after initialure [78].

Clinical studies revealed that in patientsesponding to PDT, there is a significant post-reatment tumor infiltration with CD8+ T cells.ecreased expression of MHC class I molecules dueo infection with human papillomaviruses (HPV) wasssociated with poorer responses [81]. It should alsoe emphasized that at least in one experimentalodel PDT was observed to decrease MHC class I

xpression on tumor cells [82], thereby renderingumor cells insensitive to specific lysis mediated bycells. There are also studies that indicate lack of

ystemic immune response induced by local PDT. Inrat model of colon carcinoma growing in the liver,DT was effective in causing necrosis of illuminatedumors but it did not affect the growth of neighbor-ng, non-illuminated tumors [83]. In another study,DT was even associated with accelerated progres-ion of non-illuminated metastases [84]. It woulde of great translational significance if we coulddentify factors that determine induction of con-omitant immunity after PDT in some tumor modelsr its absence in other.

Altogether, most of the observations indicatehat adaptive immunity is effectively participating

ith Photofrin-based PDT (our unpublished results),hich have previously been shown to induce strongntitumor effects [38,91—93].

Potentiated antitumor effects against IL-6xpressing tumors suggest that this cytokine canomehow sensitize tumor cells to PDT [94]. How-ver, other studies have shown that PDT-treatedumor cells become unresponsive to IL-6 [95] or thathis cytokine protects tumor cells from PDT-inducedpoptosis [96]. These observations cast doubt onhe potential application of IL-6 in combined pho-oimmunotherapy.

An interesting approach to induce an antitumormmunity involved selective photodestruction ofuppressor T cells that were targeted by con-ugates of a photosensitizer and a monoclonalntibody [97]. The antitumor effectiveness ofDT has also been potentiated by adoptivelyransferred NK cells engineered to produce IL-298].

hototargeting PDT

he phenomenon of PDT is based on the limitedctivation of cytotoxic prodrug only in the tumornd surrounding area after systemic injection ofhotosensitizer via delivery of light. As alreadyentioned, photosensitizing agents tend to accu-ulate preferentially in the tumor as compared

o normal tissue, although the mechanisms ofhis phenomenon are not well understood. New

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approach called photoimmunotherapy (PIT) maybecome an interesting alternative to furtherincrease concentration of photosensitizer in thetumor while sparing normal tissue and thus, reduc-ing phototoxicity of PDT. This treatment strategycombines selectivity of monoclonal antibodies orother targeting molecules such as growth factorsor peptides binding to growth factor receptors withcytotoxic properties of photosensitizer [99,100].An antibody is coupled to photosensitizer in suchway that biological properties of antibody as wellas photophysical activity of photosensitizer arepreserved. Although the first report employing suchstrategy has been published in 1983 [101], PIT hasexpanded only recently with the advent of mono-clonal antibodies in cancer treatment and discoveryof several tumor-specific antigens. Numerous anti-gens present on the surface of tumor cells havebeen described and may serve as a potential targetfor PIT. Such approach may be especially effectivein tumors, which are not well localized, thus lim-iting classical PDT and may allow delivery of PDTto large areas [102]. Additionally, photosensitizerscan be coupled to such targeting molecules thateither remain attached to plasma membrane recep-

Immunoregulatory effects of PDT

The influence of PDT on the immune response isenormously complex. PDT can either stimulate orsuppress immune reactivity. Which effect is dom-inant depends on many factors that include butare seemingly not limited to factors such as partic-ular photosensitizer, fluence, fluence rate, wave-length (tissue penetration) and the total surfacearea exposed to the treatment. Depending on thesevariables, PDT can alter the balance between stim-ulation or regulation of the immune response bythe release of certain cytokines, expression of heatshock proteins or the release of antigens from thetreated tissue. In this context, it should be stressedthat although PDT seems to make tumor cells moreimmunogenic its direct effect on immune cells isgenerally harmful.

The first observation that PDT can be immuno-suppressive came from the animal studies. It wasnoticed that skin exposure to the light after aphotosensitizer administration resulted in the sys-temic immunosuppression manifested by the inhi-bition of contact hypersensitivity (CHS) response[105]. Similar observations were made using dif-fsafPpd[la



tors or become internalized and routed throughendocytic pathways to lyzosomes where they maybe released and redistributed to various cellularcompartments.

One of the major problems in the developmentof PIT is the choice of the photosensitizer. Espe-cially important is its hydrophilic or hydrophobiccharacter. Hydrophobic photosensitizers, such asmeta-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (mTHPC) pene-trate well to the cell after binding of immunocon-jugate to target cell [103]. However, poor solubilityin water hampers their bioavailability and furtherdevelopment. On the other hand, hydrophilic pho-tosensitizers would be much better partners forantibodies and would have better pharmacokineticproperties, but they are not able to enter targetcell through phospholipid cell membrane. This clas-sical dilemma of being caught between Scylla andCharybdis may be solved by coupling of hydrophilicphotosensitizer to internalizing antibodies. It hasbeen shown that hydrophilic photosensitizer cou-pled to internalizing antibody presented 1000-foldincrease in toxicity in comparison to its free form[104].

Photoimmunotherapy awaits further evaluationand despite significant advances in specific deliveryof photosensitizer, still remains an experimentalapproach. However, successful introduction ofseveral monoclonal antibodies and radioimmuno-conjugates to clinical protocols in recent yearswarrants extensive studies on PIT in near future.

erent photosensitizers [106,107]. Exposure of skinections to PDT in vitro prolonged the survival ofllografts [108]. The same results were observedollowing the pretreatment of recipient mice withDT. In the study mentioned, in PDT-treated miceeritoneal lymphocytes were nearly completelyepleted and unresponsive to different mitogens109]. PDT of the peritoneal cavity caused pro-onged systemic immunosuppression [110], medi-ted by macrophages [111].

irect influence of PDT on immune cells

here is evidence that immune cells can accu-ulate diverse photosensitizers and undergohotodynamic reaction [112]. Resting lympho-ytes exposed to 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) doot accumulate protoporphyrin IX (PpIX). Whenctivated, lymphocytes not only respond to ALAreatment by accumulation of PpIX but also dieue to the photodynamic therapy [112]. Similaresults were obtained using different photosen-itizers [113]. In resting T-cells exposed to PDTnly a slight decrease in the expression of MHClass I molecule was observed [113], while in thectivated ones lower CD25 levels and a temporarylock in cell cycle transition were found [113].ntigen-presenting cells such as dendritic cells andacrophages, even resting, immediately accumu-

ate ALA and exposed to the light have decreasedbility to activate lymphocytes [112]. PDT reduces

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Influence of PDT on the immune response 293

the expression of HLA-DR antigens (MHC class IImolecules) on human peripheral mononuclear cells[114] and decreases the ATPase activity of murineepidermal Langerhans cells [115]. PDT alters sur-face receptors of the murine splenic dendritic cells.Decreased expression of MHC class I and II anti-gens, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1and CD54), the co-stimulatory B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2(CD86) molecules, leukocyte common antigen CD45and Fas receptor (CD95) as well as integrin CD11cwas observed [116]. All these changes may con-tribute to the immunomodulatory effectiveness ofPDT.

Macrophages acquire photosensitizers predom-inantly by phagocytosis [117]. It was shown thatsystemic immunosuppression induced by photody-namic therapy is adoptively transferred to the naıverecipients by these cells [111]. PDT inhibits thehigh-affinity Fc receptor (Fc�RI) on human mono-cytes, probably due to the generation of superoxideradicals [118]. The inhibition is caused by a struc-tural alteration of the receptor rather than theloss of the molecule from the cell surface [118].Fc�RI takes part in the antibody-dependent cellu-lar cytotoxicity and immunophagocytosis, both cru-cItwt[



Therapeutic implications of PDT-mediatedimmunoregulation

The use of PDT in the treatment of autoimmunediseasesAll the observations mentioned above have ledscientists to the use of PDT in the treatment ofsome animal models of the autoimmune diseases,e.g. adjuvant-enhanced arthritis and experimen-tal autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an ani-mal model of multiple sclerosis (MS). PDT treat-ment in mice delayed onset, reduced incidence aswell as severity of arthritis. PDT also preventedthe inflammatory damage to cartilage and bonetissues. The effect was probably due to the selec-tive destruction of adjuvant-activated lymphocytesin the bloodstream as well as in the joints [126].PDT can be used for the synovectomy with no riskof damage to non-pathologic tissues, which is anadvantage comparing with traditional synovectomytechniques [127]. In a murine model of EAE, tran-scutaneous PDT using verteporfin as a photosen-sitizer and whole-body light exposure attenuatedsymptoms and delayed the onset of this disease[128]. Extracorporeal photochemotherapy with 8-miisaTfistsnatglgmicmtpdburq


ial events in the efficient immunological response.FN-�-activated macrophages are more proneo PDT-induced damage than the resting ones,hile treatment of macrophages with LPS makes

hem resistant to the cytotoxic effects of PDT119].

ystemic immunoregulation by PDT

he site of irradiation as well as its area are cru-ial for the immunosuppressive effects of PDT. In aurine model, shielding of the internal organs fromDT did not cause the suppression of CHS, suggest-ng that internal organs rather than skin are theource of the immunosuppressive agents [120]. PDTnduces production of IL-10 in the skin [121]. IL-10 isn anti-inflammatory cytokine that predominantlyuppresses cell-mediated immune response [122].his observation suggests that IL-10 may be respon-ible for the immunosuppressive effects of lacking IL-10 expression were found resistant

o PDT-mediated inhibition of CHS and treatment oformal mice with anti-IL-10 antibody as well as withecombinant IL-12 reversed the immunosuppressiveroperties of PDT [123]. The activation of the IL-0 gene promoter in murine keratinocytes exposedo PDT has also been described [124]. Neverthe-ess, there is a contrasting observations that IL-10ay not be responsible for the PDT-induced sup-ression of the contact hypersensitivity response125].

ethoxypsoralen (8-MOP) and ultraviolet A (UVA)rradiation of the suspension of mononuclear cellsn EAE-bearing rats resulted in the reduction of EAEeverity, possibly due to the downregulation of thectivity of the T-helper 1 (Th1) lymphocytes [129].he same method was used in the treatment ofve patients suffering from the secondary progres-ive form of MS. Unfortunately, only transient cura-ive effect was observed, suggesting that furthertudies for this treatment method in humans areeeded [130]. Immunosuppressive effects of PDTre used in the treatment of psoriasis, a derma-ological disease with a strong autoimmune back-round. ALA-mediated PDT induced apoptosis of Tymphocytes infiltrating the psoriatic plaques, sug-esting a promising role for this treatment in theanagement of psoriasis [131]. Furthermore, PDT

nhibited the secretion of some proinflammatoryytokines (e.g. IL-1�, TNF and IL-6) by peripheralononuclear cells, but with a lower effectiveness

han PUVA—–a standard method of the treatment ofsoriasis [132]. Unfortunately, recent results of ran-omized, observer-blinded studies of topical ALA-ased PDT in the management of psoriasis revealednsatisfactory clinical response and frequent occur-ence of pain suggesting that this method is inade-uate for the treatment of psoriasis [108].

Although there is a strong immunosuppressiveotential of PDT, the use of this therapeutic methodn humans needs further studies of its effectiveness,afety and mechanisms of action involved.

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The use of PDT in the treatment ofgraft-versus-host diseaseGraft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a serious com-plication of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cellstransplantation. In immunocompromised host, itmay be fatal and is a major obstacle in pre-venting higher curative rate of allogeneic bonemarrow transplantation. Therefore, developmentof an alternative treatment to suppress thisunwanted effect becomes a priority in hemato-logical transplantation, especially in the severe,steroid-refractory form of the disease [133].

Current approaches with PDT as an alternativetherapeutic modality in severe GVHD compriseextracorporeal photochemotherapy (ECP) andphotodynamic purging. The first approach requiresisolation of patients’ blood mononuclear cellsby apheresis, subsequent photosensitization with8-MOP and irradiation with UVA. Similar treat-ment has been used with a limited success incutaneous T-cell lymphoma (mycosis fungoides)and selected autoimmune diseases [134,135].ECP has shown some efficacy in the treatmentof steroid-refractory chronic GVHD in adults andalso in acute pediatric GVHD [136,137]. There


Photodynamic therapy has become a focus ofintense research in the last decade. Multiple mech-anisms of its molecular mechanisms have beenidentified in animal models. Experimental studiesrevealed that curative PDT directly kills not morethan 1—2 logs of tumor cells, far too less than 8-log reduction required for tumor cure [144,145].We are now aware that PDT leads to both directas well as indirect antitumor effects. The latterinclude destruction of blood vessels and activa-tion of early inflammatory response followed bythe development of effective concomitant immu-nity. In contrast to chemotherapy and radiotherapy,which in their current use are inherently immuno-suppressive, PDT offers a remarkable advantage ofstimulating an immune response. These powerfulmechanisms have not yet been effectively trans-lated into clinical practice. The time is now toexploit the potency of the immune system in moreeffective therapeutic regimens of PDT.




his work was supported in part by grants:M19/M2, 1M19/NK and 1M19/W1 from the Med-cal University of Warsaw; grants K099/P04/2005nd PBZ-KBN-091/P05/54 from the State Commit-ee for Scientific Research, Poland.


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are several unresolved issues. One is the timingof ECP. Current data suggest that the treat-ment should be applied before the onset of thedisease.

A positive aspect of GVHD that validates the useof bone marrow transplantation as a treatment ofchoice in a number of hematological malignanciesis a phenomenon called graft versus leukemia.This effect is mediated by alloreactive T cellsthat act as tumor-specific effectors not involvedin GVHD reaction. Selective elimination of thealloreactive population of lymphocytes responsiblefor GVHD and not for GVL would be desirable.Promising results have been observed in preclinicalstudies with photoactive rhodamine derivative,which requires visible light for activation and isselectively retained in mitochondria of activatedcells. Activated alloreactive T cells were selec-tively depleted without hampering other T cells[138]. To translate these results into humans,donor leukocytes need to be stimulated exclusivelyby host T cells in order to avoid depletion of allbeneficial anti-leukemic T cells [139].

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