the influence of hegemony toward animal’s life as


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Submitted to the Board of Examination in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for Literature Degree

at English Literature Department





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I am who signed on this letter:

Name : Filyadi Gusti Zamzami

Nim : AI. 140230

Supervisor I : Dr. Moh. Yusuf, M. Ed

Supervisor II : Firdiansyah. MA

Department : English Literature Department

Faculty : Adab and Humanities

By signing this letter, I state that the thesis entitled “The Influence of

Hegemony Toward Animal’s life as Reflected in Animal Farm Novel by

George Orwell” is my original work. If this thesis is not original or cheating from

other people’s thesis, I will be ready to be take responsibility and get punishment

based on the role of Adab and Humanities Faculty of State Islamic University

Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Therefore, I make this statement in good health and mind.

Jambi, June, 2019

The writer

Filyadi Gusti Zamzami

NIM: AI.140230

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Meaning: Go to Firon, surely he has exceeded all limits.

Artinya: Pergilah kepada Fir’aun; Dia benar-benar telah melampaui batas.

(Thaahaa: 24)1

1Al-Qur’an Tajwid, Terjemahan, dan Transliterasi (2010). (Bandung: Kementerian Agama RI Syamil Qur’an)

Thaahaa: 20

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حِيم حْمَنِ الره ِ الره بِسْمِ اللَّه

I thank to Allah SWT who has blessed and strength on me so I can accomplish

this thesis. Shalawat and Salam to Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought

human’s life to a better life and to a beautiful world.

Proudly, I dedicate this thesis to my house-love Mother (Suryani) and

Father (Isnaini) who always loves and support me to keep live the life of my

dream and my education. I also dedicate this thesis for my supervisors Dr. Moh.

Yusuf, M. Ed and Firdiansyah, MA who always support, guide, open my mind

and provide a great input for my thesis, I am much obliged for your time, ideas,

advices and patience those you gave me during writing and finishing this thesis.

Without Allah SWT and them, I might not be able to finish this.

جَزَاكُمُ اللهُ خَيْرًا

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Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘aalamiin.

All praises be to Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful, who

has given me the mercy, strength, health, and guidance in accomplishing the thesis

entitled The Influence of Hegemony Toward Animal’s life as Reflected in

Animal Farm Novel by George Orwell which is submitted to fulfill the

requirements for bachelor degree (S1) in English Literature, Adab and

Humanities, State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

I would like to thank those who have assisted me in writing this thesis. My

sincere gratitude goes to:

1. The Rector of State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi,

Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA. The vices of Rector, Prof. H. Suaidi, MA, PhD;

Dr. H. Hidayat, M.Pd; and Dr. Hj. Fadilla, M.Pd,.

2. The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd.I. The

vices of dean, Dr. Alfian, M.Ed.; Dr. H.M. Fadhil, M.Ag.; and Dr.

Raudhoh, M.Pd.I

3. The Chairman of English Literature Department, Ulfatmi Azlan, M.A. and

the Secretary of English Literature Department, Dian Mukhlisa, M.A

4. My Supervisors, Dr. Moh. Yusuf, M. Ed and Firdiansyah, MA who have

given me ideas and provided great inputs to me in finishing this thesis.

5. My Mother and Father who always understand, support and pray for me.

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6. My Moon; Yanda Pratiwi, SS who are always willing to help and support

me so that I can complete this thesis. curiosity, and never bored in

supporting me.

7. My sister; Fadilah Gina Azahra and Fatma Gita Zuraidah who always

reminded me to immediately complete my final assignment so that I could

quickly work and make them happy.

8. My friends, Witri, Gufran, Bahtiar, Rian, Ridho, Rifqi, Joka, Rahmat and

Arvian who never bored in listening to my worried and

9. My community Jari Menari that has made me understanding social life and

love books more.

10. All of my BSI 14 A and BSI 14 B friends. Thank you for your support.

Finally, I admit this thesis is not perfect. Therefore, I very need the

comments and critics from the readers in order to make this thesis better. Beside I

hope this thesis can give contribution for the readers especially students of

English Literature Department in Adab and Humanities Faculty in The State

Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Jambi, June, 2019

The Writer

Filyadi Gusti Zamzami


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Zamzami, Filyadi Gusti, 2019 : The Influence of Hegemony Toward Animal’s

life as Reflected in Animal Farm Novel by

George Orwell. English Literature Department.

Adab and Humanities Faculty. State Islamic

University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Dr. Moh. Yusuf, M. Ed

Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, MA

Hegemony power is one of the social phenomenon that is often found in

literary works. It derives from Ancient Greek ‘eugemonia’ means to show the

dominance of leadership in a region led. The writer interested in discussing

hegemony power because in Animal Farm novel by George Orwell tells the story

of the Old Major as animal leader on Manor farm when it uses hegemony power

to eliminate the suffering of animals on the farm from human oppression. But

after the hegemony power moved to Napoleon, Napoleon suppressed more than

humans against humans even though he was an animal on the farm. The aims of

this research are: (1) to elaborate how hegemony power operates in the novel, (2)

to know the negative effects of power hegemony for other animal’s life in the

Animal Farm novel by George Orwell.

On this research, the writer applies the theory of hegemony by Antonio

Gramsci as the grand theory and the theory of power by Max Weber as supporting

theory to answer the problem of the research. This research approach is a

sociological approach. This research is qualitative research that focused on

qualitative research by Taylor. This Research uses documentation method by

Atkinson to collect the data in this research. This research uses descriptive

analysis techniques by Miles.

In this research, the writer found a form of hegemony power that operates

creating an integral state region, namely that between civil society and the

political society of each region, they do hegemony and become victims of

hegemony. Civil society is character by the movement of hegemony power by Old

Major and Snowball, while the political society is character by Napoleon and Mr.

Jones. The writer identifies three impact of the hegemony power on other animal

life are: 1) the loss of personal right, 2) work harder and decrease in food rations,

3) the killing of fellow Animal.

Keyword: Hegemony power, Antonio Gramsci, Integral State, Novel.

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Zamzami, Filyadi Gusti, 2019 : The Influence of Hegemony Toward Animal’s life

as Reflected in Animal Farm Novel by George

Orwell. English Literature Department. Adab and

Humanities Faculty. State Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Dr. Moh. Yusuf. M. Ed

Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, MA

Hegemoni kekuasaan merupakan salah satu fenomena sosial yang sering

terdapat di dalam karya sastra. Hegemoni berasal dari bahasa Yunani Kuno

“eugemonia’ yang berarti untuk menunjukkan dominasi kepemimpinan terhadap

suatu wilayah yang dipimpin. Penulis tertarik untuk meneliti hegemoni kekuasaan

karena didalam novel Animal Farm karya George Orwell menceritakan Old Major

selaku pemimpin binatang di peternakan Manor saat itu menggunakan hegemoni

kekuasaan untuk menghilangkan penderitaan binatang yang ada di peternakan dari

penindasan manusia. Tetapi setelah hegemoni kekuasaan itu pindah pada

Napoleon, Napoleon melakukan penindasan melebihi manusia terhadap manusia,

sekalipun dia merupakan binatang yang ada di peternakan. Tujuan dari penelitian

ini ialah (1) untuk menguraikan bagaimana hegemoni kekuasaan beroperasi yang

terdapat di dalam novel, (2) untuk menemukan dampak negatif dari hegemoni

kekuasaan untuk kehidupan binatang lainnya dalam novel Animal Farm karya

George Orwell

Di dalam Penelitian ini menggunakan teori hegemony Antonio Gramsci

sebagai teori dasar dan teori power Max Weber sebagai teori pendukung untuk

menjawab permasalahan di dalam penelitian. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian

kualitatif yang berfokus pada penelitian kualitatif oleh Taylor. Dalam proses

menganalisa dan mengumpulkan data, penelitian ini menggunakan metode

dokumentasi Atkitson. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik

deskriptif analisis oleh Miles.

Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menemukan bentuk hegemoni kekuasaan

yang beroperasi menciptakan wilayah Negara integral, yaitu antara masyarakat

sipil dan masyarakat politik, masing-masing wilayah melakukan hegemoni

maupun menjadi korban hegemoni. Masyarakat sipil diwakili oleh gerakan

hegemoni kekuasaan yang dioperasikan Old Major dan Snowball sedangkan

masyarakat politik diwakili oleh hegemoni kekuasaan yang dioperasikan oleh

Napoleon dan Mr Jones. Penulis mengindetifikasi ada tiga dampak negative dari

hegemoni kekuasaan terhadap kehidupan binatang lain: (1) Hilangnya hak pribadi,

(2) Bekerja lebih keras dan mengurangi jatah makan, (3) pembunuhan sesama


Kata Kunci: Hegemoni Kekuasaan, Antonio Gramsci, Negara Integral, Novel

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COVER ..............................................................................................................................

APPROVAL ...................................................................................................................... i

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT .............................................................................. ii

MOTTO ............................................................................................................................. iii

DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................ v

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... vii

ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................................... ix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... .1

A. Background of Problem .......................................................................................... 1

B. Formulation of Problem .......................................................................................... 5

C. Limitation of Problem ............................................................................................. 5

D. Purpose of Problem ................................................................................................. 5

E. Significance of Problem .......................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER II THEORITCAL FRAMEWORK ............................................................ .7

A. Sociological Approach ............................................................................................ 7

B. Theory of Hegemony from Gramsci ....................................................................... 8

C. Power ...................................................................................................................... 15

D. Review of Related Research ................................................................................... 17

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METODHOLOGY .......................................................... 20

A. Design of Research ................................................................................................ 20

B. Source of Data ......................................................................................................... 21

C. Technique of Data Collecting ................................................................................. 22

D. Technique of Data Analysis .................................................................................... 24

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND ANALYSIS .................................................................. 27

A. The Power Hegemony Operate in Animal Farm Novel .......................................... 27

1. Integral State ..................................................................................................... 28

a) Leader Full Power ................................................................................. 29

b) Becoming of Napoleon Leader ............................................................. 33

c) Conflict Began ...................................................................................... 36

d) Maintain Power ..................................................................................... 38

e) Resign to the Ruler ................................................................................ 42

B. The Impact of Power Hegemony ............................................................................ 42

1. Loss of Personal Rights ..................................................................................... 44

2. Work Harder and Decrease in Food Rations..................................................... 46

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3. The Killing of Fellow Animals ......................................................................... 47

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................................... 48

A. Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 48

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................................... 49

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 50




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SWT : Subhanahu Wata’ala

SAW : Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

UIN : Universitas Islam Negri

STS : Sultan Thaha Saifudin

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A. Background of the Problem

Every people feel many events in their daily life. Unaware, those events

are deliberately and not deliberately. Whatever as the human need leadership

to guide them toward perfect improvement. Thus, the human who can thinks,

people should be made their leader have done as an orientation and lesson for

their knowledge to their future. Sometimes literary works as a demolisher of

others facets of a life that people do not know.

Novel is one of the literary works and it can give knowledge to the

readers. Rene Wellek and Austen Warren define creative literature activity, a

work art.1 Jonathan said literature has been the activity creative of human

being and has been what is sometimes called culture capital.2 It means that

literature is a creative activity of human from his or her imagination and

through to become an art like novel, film, short story, and other literary works.

According Jacob Sumardjo and Saini, “Novel adalah cerita berbentuk

prosa. Di mana cerita dengan plot (alur) yang kompleks, karakter yang

banyak, tema yang kompleks, suasana cerita-cerita beragam setting cerita

yang beragam pula”.3 It means novel is one of the genre in literary works

1 Rene Wellek and Austen Werren, (1990). Theory of Literature, (United State of America:Harvast Book Harcount, Brace & World INC), p 152 Jonathan Culler, (2000). Literary Theory, (New York: Oxford University Press Inc), p. 403 Sumardjo, Jacob dan Saini K.M (2007). Apresiasi Kesastraan, (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka),p 29


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which gives more complex problems of event an event. Novel can be a

reflection of people's lives that may not be realized.

According to Gramsci the supremacy of a social group manifest itself in

two ways, as ‘domination’ and as ‘intellectual and moral leadership’ A social

group dominates antagonistic groups, which it tends to ‘liquidate’, or to

subjugate perhaps even by armed force; it leads kindred and allied groups.4 Its

subsequently becomes dominant when it exercises power but even if it holds it

firmly in its grasp, it must continue to ‘lead’ as well. This is called hegemony

by Gramsci.

Hegemony relates to attitudes and strategies in coordinating and

obtaining power carried out by certain organizations or groups in power

practices. Max Weber’s definition of power, power as being: “the ability of an

individual or group to achieve their own goals or aims when others are trying

to prevent them from realizing them”.5 It means that power as something is

owned by individuals or groups to control others. In addition, power does not

always run smoothly because in society there must be those who disagree or

fight either openly or covertly to power.

In this thesis the writer interests to analyze novel where there are many

aspects in novel such as economy, social, ideology, and culture. Literature or

novels will be closely related to society, both are like a unit that goes hand in

hand. Cerrtainly in literature a life and life presented that comes from social

4 Nezar Patria dan Andi Arief (2015). Antonio Gramsci Negara dan Hegemoni, Yogyakarta: PTPustaka Pelajar, p 1175 C H Thomps (2013). Weber’s Definition of Power. Retrieved from Accessed on October 22, 2018.


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reality. Literature which is described the social life of the people, of course in

it will go hand in hand with power, the power that exists in society becomes

one of the social phenomena that exist in literature.

One of the novels is related to the statements above novel is the media

that has information and also as a type of communication that uses words to

tell stories. The writer interests in choosing novel in this research for some

reasons: First, Animal Farm novel by George Orwell is a fictional story about

the social situation of the community, injustice, and about the dominating

power of the weak. Moreover an animal rebellion gone awry to critique the

real-life events that follows the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Second, this novel gives us several moral messages. One of the biggest

morals in the story, and the one that it can be captured the most through the

phrase is “Absolute power corrupts absolutely. In Addition we can be see

many choices that cannot be used at the time. The last, this novel is a

phenomenal classic novel by British-born great author George Orwell, which

is read by many readers and this novel has been translated into European

languages, as well as Persian, Telugu, Icelandic, Ukrainian, and Asian

languages.6 The novel won several awards starting from the Retro Hugo

Award in 1996, for the best novel to the Prometheus Hall of Fame Award in


6 George Orwell, Animal Farm, p.V7 Muhammad Harir (2018). George Orwell: Animal Farm. Retrieved from Accessed on October 22, 2018


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Based on the explanations above, the writer interests in analyzing this

novel because it won many Awards and also many people around the world

read this novel.

Animal Farm a novel which brings readers to the story to make people

curious. This research will be discuss about the power hegemony found in the

Animal Farm novel. This novel also tells a illustrate the reality of a leader who

strives to continue to maintain his leadership through power possessed by

doing everything in his power not to be lost or replaced. People find many

such lives in the reality of society, but not many people see with “open eyes”

that these conditions cause certain effects on people who are victim of the

power of leaders whose ideologies try to gain power for personal gain.

The Animal Farm novel was chosen and used the focus of the study of

power hegemony because this novel clearly illustrates the reality of social life

regarding power hegemony, cultural depiction of the dominant parties in

conflict for the sake of maintaining power even though many people dislike

their leadership policies. It creates conflict between dominant rulers and lower

rulers. Reflections on authoritarian power are clearly illustrated through the

figures in power in the novel, through the power they have to act arbitrarily,

oppressing weak animals and acting beyond the limits of other animals. Not

only that, those who hegemony brings misery for themselves so they prey on

each other.

The purpose initial goal of the dominant party was represented by the

Old Major so that animal life at the Manor Farm's was free from the misery


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they had experienced together. It should be the culmination of the success of

Old Major to hegemony other animals, so that all animals at the Manor Farm’s

will be detached from the tyranny of humans who have been very torturing


Finally, based on the reasons above, the writer will analyze this thesis

entitled “The Influence of Hegemony Toward Animal’s Life As Reflected in

the Novel Animal Farm by George Orwell”.

B. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problems above, the writer makes the

formulation of the problems, they are:

1. How does the hegemony power operate in novel Animal Farm by George


2. What is the impact of hegemony power on any animals in Manor’s Farm

as seen in novel Animal Farm by George Orwell?

C. Limitation of the Problem

In this research, the writer focuses on animal’s life the after math of the

rebellion reflected in George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm and then the power

hegemony of Napoleon’s leadership.

D. Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this research, are:

1. To find out the way hegemony power operates in Manor’s Farm as seen in

novel Animal Farm by George Orwell.


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2. To find out the impact of hegemony power on any animals in Manor’s

Farm as seen in novel Animal Farm by George Orwell.

E. Significance of the Research

This thesis analyzes a novel written by an England author named George

Orwell entitled Animal Farm. On this research, the writer would like to find

out the power of hegemony operates in Manor’s Farm and the impact of power

of hegemony toward other animals in Manor Farm as seen in novel Animal

Farm by George Orwell. The writer hopes this research will develop the

writing ability and give additional information and knowledge to the writer

and the readers, especially to the students and lectures in English Literature

Department who wants to read the novel and even who wants analyze the

same novel. The writer hopes this research will make other people easier to

identify the hegemony power to impact the other animals in this novel and

takes positive side of this novel.


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A. Sociological Approach

Sociology talks about society. It relates to people, relationship, norms,

pride, economy, class status and anything else. As the opinion of Soekito in

literary journal Indonesia that: “sosiologi merupakan studi mengenai

masyarakat dalam suatu system sosial.”8 It can be described that in their

society, people cannot separate from relationship to each people and economy.

Economy becomes something crucial in society, not only as determine as

advance country or developed country but also as determine of class social


According Harrington:

“Sociology can be defined as the study of scientific ways of thinking.About social life, it encompasses ideas about how societies change anddevelop, about methods of explaining social behavior, about power and socialstructure, class, gender and ethnicity, modernity and civilization and utopiasand numerous other concept and problems in social life.”9

Generally, sociology is everything about all part that includes in society.

Between social, society, and people there is a relationship that cannot be

separated. It is same as people in their society needs another people to do

everything; to communicate, to relate, and to do something that each profitable.

Society can give great influence to people that make relation in there. Nyoman

said, “Dasar filosofis pendekatan sosiologis adalah adanya hubungan yang

8 Soekito in Anang P, Doyin Mukh, dkk (2013). Jurnal Sastra Indonesia: Bentuk Konflik dalamKumpulan Cerpen Kembang-Kembang Genjer Karya Fransisca Ria Susanti, (Semarang:UNNES), p. 29 Harrington Austin (2005), Modren Social Theory An Introduction, (England: Oxford UniversityPress), p. 1


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hakiki antara karya sastra dan masyarakat.”10 It means that sociology is a study

and the object human itself in the society and also study about the process

society in environment. The sociological approach can help in understanding

gender, feminist, role status, social discourse and so on.

The approach defined as a way approach the object of study. The

approach is the first step in the effort to realize the objectives of the research

conducted. This sociological approach is used because this approach has

methodological implications in the form of fundamental understanding of life in

society. Moreover, the sociological approach is used also for the relationship

between literature and society.

This approach is used to help understanding the theory of hegemony in

novel Animal Farm. This will be sustainable because in the novel element that is

so visible is the social interaction of the various of society. So, this sociological

approach is used because this approach has methodological implication in the

form of fundamental understanding of life in the community and the writer will

use this approach to find out that the way hegemony power operates in novel

Animal Farm by George Orwell.

B. Theory of Hegemony From Gramsci

Antonio Gramsci is a great intellectual a mong the left, who is called the

greatest thinker after Karl Marx. Gramsci’s ideas are contained in many articles

published in the mass media, and in his works such as; Prison Notebook, The

Modern Prince and Other Political Writing, Selection From Prison Notebooks,

10 Nyoman Kuta Ratna, (2011). Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, (Yogyakarta:Pustaka Pelajar), p.60


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Letters From Prison, Selection From Political Writing, Selection From Culture


The theory of hegemony is actually a critique of the concept of thinking

that reduces and considers the essence of identity as the only absolute truth,

especially reductionism and essentialism inherent in the ideas of adherents to

Marxism and Non-Marxism. Among Marxists there has been debate about the

concepts of basic structure (economics) and superstructure (ideology, politics,

education, culture and leadership), where the interpretation of Classical

Marxism believes that the basic structure of the economy determines the

superstructure. The class struggle was reduced to just an economic class

struggle, so that it only became a mere movement of workers, and ignored

other movements such as the civil rights movement, women's movements,

cultural movements, the environment and other social movements.11

Gramsci’s theory of hegemony is a complement to Marx’s class theory

which has not success in formulating an adequate political theory. “Titik awal

konsep Gramsci tentang hegemoni adalah bahwa suatu kelas dan anggotanya

menjalankan kekuasaan terhadap kelas-kelas di bawahnya dengan cara

kekerasan dan persuasi”.12 The way of violence (repressive) carried out by the

upper class against the lower classes is called the act of domination, while the

way of persuasion is called hegemony. The intermediary for acts of domination

is carried out by state apparatus such as the police, the army and judges, while

11 Roger Simon (2004). Gagasan-gagasan Politik Gramsci, terj. Kamdani dan Imam Baehaqi,Yogyakarta: PT Pustaka Pelajar, p 10312 ibd, p 19


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the hegemony is carried out in the form of instilling ideology to dominate the

class or society below it.

The term hegemony originating from ancient Greek ‘eugemonia’ literally

expresses the dominant and oppressive status of one element in the system over

the other. The concept of hegemony greatly contributes to a better

understanding of current international relation and power relations. Antonio

Gramsci has significantly contributed to the articulation of this concept

suggesting that power is not only dependent on force but also on ‘consent’.

According to Gramsci, hegemony represents the status of the most powerful

country in the international system or the position of a dominant state in a

specific region. For Gramsci hegemony entails ‘cooperation ensured by force’,

combining social and political supervision, force and consensus.13

Hegemony in the sense of Gramsci is a consensus organization.14 When

Gramsci talked about consensus, he linked psychological spontaneity which

included various acceptance or sociopolitical aspects or other aspects of the

rule. Consensus can occur on several things; 1) because of fear of

consequences if they do not adjust, 2) because they are accustomed to

following goals in certain ways, and 3) because of awareness or agreement

with certain elements.15 It means that consensus through hegemony arises

through active commitment to social classes that have historically been born in

13 Peter D. Thomas (2009). The Gramscian Moment: Philosophy, Hegemony, and Marxism,Leiden Boston: BRILL, p 3814 Roger Simon (2004). Gagasan-gagasan Politik Gramsci, terj. Kamdani dan Imam Baehaqi,Yogyakarta: PT Pustaka Pelajar, p 2015 Nezar Patria dan Andi Arief (2015). Antonio Gramsci Negara dan Hegemoni, Yogyakarta: PTPustaka Pelajar, p 125-126


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production relations. For this reason, Gramsci said indirectly consensus as

"active commitment" based on the view that legitimate high positions. This

consensus was historically born due to the growing achievements in the world

of production.

“According to Bellamy, hegemoni juga merujuk pada kedudukanideologi satu atau lebih kelompok atau klas dalam masyarakat sipil yang lebihtinggi dari lainnya.”16

It means that hegemony is the relationship between class and other social

forces. Hegemonic class, or a hegemonic class group, is a class that gets the

approval of other forces and social classes by creating and sustaining alliances

through political and ideological struggle. Hegemony takes place when lower

society including the proletariat has accepted and imitated the way of life, ways

of thinking, and the views of elite groups that dominate and exploit them.

Hegemony, according to Gramsci, will give birth to obedience, an attitude of

accepting the situation without questioning it critically because the ideology

exposed by the hegemonic class is only swallowed up.17

There are three levels of hegemony that are expressed by Gramsci,

namely integral hegemony, decadent hegemony, and minimal hegemony. First,

integral hegemony is characterized by mass affinity that approaches totality.

The community shows a strong level of moral and intellectual unity. This is

evident from the governmental and governed organic relations. The

relationship is not colored by contradictions socially and ethically. Second,

decadent hegemony is characterized by the existence of integrated potential or

16 Ibd, p 12117 Nezar Patria dan Andi Arief (2015). Antonio Gramsci Negara dan Hegemoni, Yogyakarta: PTPustaka Pelajar, p. 117


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potential conflicts hidden under the surface of social reality, meaning that even

though the masses are not truly in harmony with the dominant thoughts and

subjects of hegemony. Therefore, cultural and political integrity easily collapse.

Third, minimal hegemony is hegemony that relies on the ideological unity

between the economic, political and intellectual elite, which goes hand in hand

with the aversion to any mass interference in state life. Hegemonic groups do

not want to adjust their interests and aspirations to other classes in society.18

Gramsci, in discussing hegemony provides three limits of

conceptualization, namely economics, civil society, and country (political

society). Economy is the limit used to interpret the mode of production which

is the most dominant in a society. The production method consists of

production techniques and production social relations that grow because of the

emergence of differences in social classes, in the sense of ownership of


Political society is the place where the state bureaucracy takes place and

the place of the emergence of practices of state violence. State bureaucracy, in

understanding Gramsci, was identified as a civil servant, welfare and

educational institution.20 It means that Gramsci uses the term political society

to denote coercive relations manifested in various state institutions, armed

forces, police, legal institutions and prisons, together with all administrative

departments that deal with taxes.

18 Nezar Patria dan Andi Arief (2015). Antonio Gramsci Negara dan Hegemoni, Yogyakarta: PTPustaka Pelajar, p 12819 Ibd, p 13620 Ibd, P 137


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Civil society refers to other organizations, other than the state and

outside the material and economic production systems, which are supported

and carried out by people or components outside the production system and the

state, as a major component of civil society can be identified as a religious

institution.21 Civil society is a forum for class struggle and the struggle for

democracy.22 It means that civil society is a place where dominant social groups

regulate consensus and hegemony, and are a place where subordinate social

groups can formulate their resistance and build an alternative hegemony or

counter hegemony.

The strategy of building a large group consisting of various social

forces which were united with the same conception of the world was referred to

by Gramsci as the ‘War of position’.23 In analyzing the war of positions

between the two main classes to achieve hegemony, Gramsci distinguished the

strategies carried out by the bourgeoisie and the workers. Passive revolution is

a strategy applied by the bourgeoisie to achieve hegemony where the main

players are not the people, but the revolution from above. On the contrary, the

working class carries out an anti-passive revolution as a strategy to achieve

hegemony by strengthening the democratic class struggle continuously.24

The aim of creating new hegemony can only be achieved by changing

awareness, mindset, understanding and conception of society about the world,

21 Peter D. Thomas (2009). The Gramscian Moment: Philosophy, Hegemony, and Marxism,Leiden Boston: BRILL, p.18322 Roger Simon (2004). Gagasan-gagasan Politik Gramsci, terj. Kamdani dan Imam Baehaqi,Yogyakarta: PT Pustaka Pelajar, p.2823 Ibd, p.2424 Ibd, p.25-26


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and changing the norms of moral behavior. Gramsci called this movement an

intellectual and moral revolution. According to Gramsci intellectuals and moral

revolution are all people who have functions as organizers in all levels of

society, in the areas of production, politics or culture.25

The intellectuals are the dominants group’s ‘deputies’ exercising the

subaltern function of social hegemony and political government. These


1. The ‘spontaneous’ consent given by the great masses of

population to the general direction imposed on social life by the

dominant fundamental group; this consent is ‘historically’ caused

by the prestige (and consequent confidence) which the dominant

group enjoys because of its position and function in the world of


2. The apparatus of state coercive power which ‘legally’ enforces

discipline on those groups who do not ‘consent’ either actively or

passively. This apparatus is, however, constituted for the whole

society in anticipation of moments of crisis of command and

direction when spontaneous consent has weakened.26

From the various explanations above, it can be concluded several

propositions can be formulated to describe the theory of hegemony Gramsci’s.

First, hegemony is the victory of the ruling class which is obtained through the

consensus mechanism of various socio-political forces. Second, in maintaining

25 Nezar Patria dan Andi Arief (2015). Antonio Gramsci Negara dan Hegemoni, Yogyakarta: PTPustaka Pelajar, p.15526 Antonio Gramsci (1999). Selection From The Prison Notebooks, London: ElecBook, p.506


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the power and dominance that they have, the bourgeoisie (history bloc)

continues to develop a continuous effort to revise the consensus and submission

of the proletarian class, especially through education and institutional

mechanisms. Third, the crisis of hegemony in the ruling class can only bring

action. The development of the consciousness of this hegemony class which is

believed to produce revolutionary change. The writer will use this theory by

Antonio Gramsci to find out the way power hegemony operates and impact of

power hegemony toward animals life in novel Animal Farm by George Orwell.

C. Power

Humans certainly have various kinds of desires and goals to be achieved.

For this reason, often feel the need to impose his will even though on other

people or groups, this creates a feeling for him that controlling others is an

absolute requirement for his own safety. As opinion of Muriam Budiarjo said

that: “kekuasaan adalah kemampuan seseorang atau sekelompok manusia

untuk mempengaruhi tingkah lakunya seseorang atau kelompok lain

sedemikian rupa, sehingga tingkah laku itu menjadi sesuai dengan keinginan

dan tujuan dari orang yang memiliki kekuasaan itu”.27

According to Max Weber Power as being: “The ability of an individual

or group to achieve their own goals or aims when others are trying to prevent

27 Artikelsiana (2018). Pengertian Kekuasaan dan Jenis-Jenis Kekuasaan Menurut Para Ahli.Retrieved from Accessed on November 19, 2018


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them from realising them”.28 It means that power is the ability of a person to

change another person or group in a specific way.

Weber identified power as being either authoritative or coercive.

Authoritative power is exercising power which is seen as legitimate. By being

legitimate it is effective because those who are subject to the power do so with


In contrast coercion is where someone exercises power through force –

you are forcing someone to do something against their wishes.

While authoritative power is not coercive Weber argues it manifests itself in

three forms:

1. Charismatic authority – this type of authoritative power is based on

‘charisma’ – for example the personal qualities an individual has in

order to influence a group or person.

2. Traditional authority – this form of authoritative power comes from

established customs passing power down on a hereditary basis.

3. Rational-legal authority – this form of authoritative power comes

from certain groups having certain positions of power

over subordinate groups.

Weber's concept of chance or probability, the opportunity can be related

to economics, honor, political parties or anything that is a source of power for

someone. Power does not always run smoothly, because in society there must

28 C H Thomps (2013). Weber’s Definition of Power. Retrieved from Accessed on November 19, 2018


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be those who disagree or fight, either openly or covertly.29 In fact, according to

Amitai Etzioni, power is the ability to overcome some or all of the resistance,

to make changes to the party that gives the opposition.30

From the explanation above it can be known that power can be

everywhere, it can be about anything even though power cannot be easily

obtained, but power will be something that anyone can have for others for

survival. The writer uses this theory to find out the time of Napoleon’s

leadership in Animal Farm novel by George Orwell where after successfully

expelling Snowball from the animal farm.

D. Review Related Research

The writer is not the first person who does a research about hegemony

in English Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty State Islamic

University Sulthan Thaha Saefuddin Jambi. However, this study is not just a

try, but there are some studies that together with selected research by the


First, Agus Rahmansyah the student of The State Institute Islamic

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, and Adab and Humanities Faculty, 2010 by his

thesis entitled “The Hegemony of Black People as Reflect in J.M Coetzee’s

Novel Disgrace”. This research discussed about the black people hegemony

over the white people in South Africa by using postcolonial analysis by Leela

Ghandi and hegemony approach by Gramsci. This research use qualitative and

29 Ashley Crossman (2018). Power Definitions and Examples in Sociology. Retrieved from Accessed on November 20, 201830 Hendra W (2015). Kekuasaan. Retrieved from Accessed on November 20, 2018


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descriptive method. The result of this research, shows the description about

postcolonial society. They are black and white people as the former colonist,

which is life in postcolonial country as reflect in the cultural problem. Their

position in society is equal but in economic case black more higher. The

hegemony of the black people over the white people happen as the process of

shifting in the postcolonial era. People wrest again the power in their country

after the colonization of white. They should receive the hegemony of black

people as the concequence in postcolonial country.

Second, Rusmaidi the student of The State Institute Islamic Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, and Adab and Humanities Faculty, 2012, by thesis

entitled “The Hegemony Issues of American toward Indegenous People as Seen

in Avatar’s Movie”. This research use structuralism approach and postcolonial

theory and use descriptive method and documentation technique to explain an

analysis the data. This research is analyze the issues of American’s hegemony

and way of the Na’vy Clan Face it; resist the ex American navy and analyze the

impact of American’s hegemony toward the Na’vy clan in Pandora Planet.

Third, “Cultural Hegemony of English Toward Americans as seen in

Wild Child Film by Nick Moore”. This research title also done by Rabiatul

Adawiyah in 2016 IAIN STS Jambi. In this research use hegemony theory and

sociological approach and use qualitative research and descriptive method. The

are two result of this research, the first is cultural hegemony depicted in Wild

Child film, through norm, values and language. The second result is cultural

hegemony influence both American and English, which is Poppy as the object


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has some influences, through; American: stress and happiness, and English:

Angrier and Proud.

Finally, from the preview related research above, only one analyzed

about novel, due were films, but in this thesis proposal the writer analyzes in

novel Animal Farm by George Orwell. The writer uses the power of hegemony

operation and in fact the power of hegemony. And this research uses qualitative

research, descriptive method, documentation technique to analyze the data.



A. Design of Research

Method is a process or procedure used for approaching problems to find

the answer. In this thesis proposal, the writer uses the qualitative descriptive

method to accelerate in analyzing the problem. Qualitative research is tending


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to be used in analyzing. In the qualitative the data will be explained with the

words in the sentences.

According to Bodgan and Taylor, “Penelitian kualitatif adalah prosedur

penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis dan

dari orang-orang yang dapat di amati”.31 It means that, qualitative research is a

research procedure that produces descriptive data in form of written words and

from people that can be observed. In addition characteristic of the qualitative is

analytic descriptive and produce descriptive data spoken words of the person or

behavior being researched.

Accourding to Nawawi, “Metode deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagaiprosedur pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan menggambarkanatau melukiskan keadaan subjek atau objek penelitian (Novel, drama,cerita pendek, puisi) pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yangtampak atau sebagaimana adanya.”32

Descriptive method can be interpreted as problem solving which is

investigated by picture or depict the state of the subject or research object

(novel, drama, short story, poem) at present based on visible facts or

unification. It means that descriptive method can be defined as a problem

solving procedures investigated by describing the state of the subject or object

in the research.

The writer used qualitative descriptive method to explain the materials

because it analyzes the nature of objects, to describe a situation systematically,

problem, phenomenon, or provide information about living condition of a

31 Margono (2007). Metodologi penelitian. (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta), p. 36 32 Siswantoro (2010). Metode Penelitian Sastra. (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar), p. 56


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community, or describe attitude towards an issue. The form of data are

described from how can the process of power of hegemony which initially to

get freedom and independence becomes misery. So, the analysis explained in

form of words.

On this research the writer focused on the power of hegemony carried out

by Napoleon in Animal Farm novel. So as stated below, the qualitative

descriptive research is u sed to analyze about the leadership of Napoleon in her

daily life.

B. Source of the Data

The sources of the data in this research are:

On this research the writer takes the source of primary data from Animal

Farm novel, a novel written by George Orwell, with 104 pages. This novel was

published in 1995 by Penguin Books.

The secondary data is the data with support this research are taken from

books, articles, journals, cyber data, other source and website that related to the


C. Technique of Data Collection

There are some techniques of the data, and effort to get the data and fact,

in this research the writer uses qualitative research, the techniques in qualitative

research. There are many ways to collect the data, like Chaterine Marshall and

Gretchen B. Rossman stated that: “The fundamental methods relied on by

qualitative researchers for gathering information are, participation in the


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setting, direct observation, in-depth interviewing, document review.”33 It means

that in the qualitative research the are some method to collect the data, there are

participation in the setting, direct observation, interview and document review.

The writer used documentation to get the information and analyze the problem

of the research.

According to Atkinson and Coffey stated that “Documents contain text

(words) and images that have been recorded without a researcher’s

intervention. For the purposes of this discussion, other mute or trace evidence,

such as cultural artifacts, is not included. Documents as ‘social facts’, which

are produced, shared, and used in socially organised ways”.34 In addition

Sugiono said that “Dokumen merupakan catatan peristiwa yang sudah berlalu

dan dokumen ialah setiap bahan tertulis, film ataupun dari record yang

dipersiapkan karena adanya permintaan seorang penyidik.”35 Documentation

is a record of past events. documentation may be in the form of writing,

drawing, or monumental works of a person. Documents in the form of literary

works, in the form of works such a novels, poetries, films, short stories and


It means that, documentation refer to how to record the events in form of

document, a note or file that saved. It is about events or something that has

occurred in the past. There some forms of them as kinds of documentation are

33Sugiyono (2009). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, (Bandung: Alfabeta), p.30934 Glem A Bowen (2009). Document Analysis as a Qualitative Research Method, (Western Carolina University), p.135 Sugiyono (2009). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, (Bandung: Alfabeta), p.309


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picture and literary work by someone. Document in the form of literary works

such as novels, poetries, films, short stories, and etc.

The writer used documentation method to collect the data in this

research, because based on the statement above, the form of documentation can

be a text, picture or literary work. Writer collects data from Animal Farm novel

and it is one of the literary works that part of document. The writer took the

data by reading the novel.

The writer has some steps in collecting the data, in order to make this

research more specific.36 They are:

1. Prepare data collection sheet, after getting all important sources, the writer

read it to make sure that the data are correlating with the research.2. Select the data from the Animal Farm novel and articles in the cyber data

as many as possible which show a form of problem.3. Give a description, the writer make description or brief information about

the data. Making a note of data, after reading the sources carefully, the

writer marks any important statements to make the writer easier in the

analyzing process for the research.4. Draw the conclusion, efforts to obtain certainty about the correctness of

primary data. The writer processes the data to analyze them. Finally, the

writer made a good arrangement for the thesis proposal itself as the last in

finalizing research.D. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the writer analyzed the data. In qualitative

research, technique of data analysis is applied to answer the formulation

36 Siswantoro. (2010). Metode Peneliian Sastra, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar), p. 73


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problem.. According to Sugiyono, “Data analisis adalah proses mencari dan

menyusun secara sistematis data yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara,

catatan lapangan, observasi dan bahan-bahan lain, sehingga dapat mudah di

pahami, dan temuannya dapat di informasikan ke orang lain”.37

Data analysis is the process of searching and arranging systematically

data obtained from interviews, field notes, and other materials, so that it can be

easily understood, and findings can be informed to others. It means that

analyzing data means looking for the data related to problem formulation

through interviews, field notes and o ther materials and then organizing them

systematically to be easily understood and informed to others.

On this research, the writer used technique of descriptive analysis

because this research is descriptive form. Descriptive analysis technique is used

to describe the object of research from the data or sample which has been

collected and make the conclusion.38

Miles and Huberman stated three phares of analyzing data in qualitative

research,39 they are:

1. Data Reduction

Miles and Huberman described this technique as the first of three

elements of qualitative data analysis. Data reduction refers to the process of

selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that

37 Sugiyono (2009). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, (Bandung: Alfabeta), p.24438 (2017). Analisis Data Deskriptif. Retrieved from,html39 Gunawan Imam (2013). Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Teori dan Praktek. (Jakarta:Bumi Aksara), p. 210


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appear in written up field notes or transcriptions. The writer chooses the

important data only from all of the data. The writer identified the data which

has correlation with power of hegemony in the Napoleon character.

2. Data Display.

According to Miles and Huberman, data display is an Organized,

compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing. A

display can be extended piece of text or diagram, chart, or matrix the provides

a new way of arranging and thinking about more textually embedded data.

The writer will make the narrative display by retrieving data from the text,

action, and conversation which has correlation with problem of research.

3. Conclusion / Verifying

Conclusion or verifying is the result of analyzing that answer the

research problem based on data analyzing. The conclusion is presented in

descriptive or in the form of sentences. This phase is last phase of research.

The writer concludes the result of analysis and the answer the formulation of

problem in the form of descriptive data.


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In this chapter, the writer wants to show how the power of hegemony

operated in Animal Farm novel. After describing the power of hegemony in

this novel, the writer would like to show the impact of power hegemony in

Animal Farm novel. The writer uses hegemony theory by Gramsci to find the

power of hegemony.

A. The Power of Hegemony Operate in Animal Farm Novel

In this discussion, the writer want to analyze about the power of

hegemony operate in Animal Farm Novel. Hegemony is a domination of the


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power of a social classes, the practice of hegemony is usually done by a group

of people who have authority in society. This kind of people is called the

dominant group, hegemony obtained through two ways “intellectual and

moral leadership” and through “domination”.40 Intellectual and moral

leadership is the dominance of power by emphasizing moral awareness,

where one is made aware of the purpose of the hegemony.

Domination is the way hegemony in which sustained by physical

strength. Dominant is done by providing work tolls that are capable of

committing violent acts that are compelling or in other words power requires

work tools that are nuanced by law enforcers. This first set of work is usually

carried out by state institutions through institutions such as law, military,

police and even prisons.41

In Animal Farm novel by George Orwell, the writer found operates one

area of hegemony namely integral state which later from the one area found

forms of operating hegemony.

1. Integral State

Integral state is the result of a combination of sources of coercion in

society and a place of hegemonic leadership, an integral state is hegemony

which is coated with a veil in the form of coercive power of hegemony.42 So

an integral state is a political society plus civil society.

40 Nezar Patria dan Andi Arief (2015). Antonio Gramsci Negara dan Hegemoni, Yogyakarta: PT Pustaka Pelajar, p. 11741 Nezar Patria dan Andi Arief (2015). Antonio Gramsci Negara dan Hegemoni, Yogyakarta: PT Pustaka Pelajar, p. 14542 Nezar Patria dan Andi Arief (2015). Antonio Gramsci Negara dan Hegemoni, Yogyakarta: PT Pustaka Pelajar, p. 143


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Civil society is a forum for dominant social groups to organize

consensus and hegemony.43 Become a civil society is an area that becomes an

agreement and an action carried out by the territory it controls in order to win

the agreement of the community controlled by the will.

Political society is region of violence, coercion and intervention carried

out by the authorities. It could be said as the area of forming leadership in

civil society.

Hegemony operating within the integral state has two aspects; First,

means of coercion. Second, means of establishing hegemonic leadership.44

The form of power hegemony operating on integral state in Animal Farm

novel can be found in the following forms.

a) Leader in full Power

In the Animal Farm novel, almost all the characters who play a role as

leaders make full power of the territory under their control. This power is

owned by humans and animals. But of course their ways of power have

differences. Mr. Jones has a role as very powerful Manor Farm owner. For all

animals on the farm, Mr. Jones is not only a farm owner but a lazy person

who likes to drink alcohol and is very cruel to his farm. Mr. Jones does not

care about the state of farm, the most important thing is that he can still get

the results from the farm he has at will. Mr. Jones has workers who have the

same nature, namely lazy people. This is seen in the quote below:

43 Roger Simon (2004). Gagasan-gagasan Politik Gramsci, terj. Kamdani dan Imam Baehaqi, Yogyakarta: PT Pustaka Pelajar, p. 2844 Nezar Patria dan Andi Arief (2015). Antonio Gramsci Negara dan Hegemoni, Yogyakarta: PT Pustaka Pelajar, p. 144


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“for whole days at a time he would lounge in his Windsor chair in thekitchen, reading the newspapers, drinking, and occasionally feedingMoses on crusts of bread soaked in beer. His men were idle anddishonest, the fields were full of weeds, the buildings wantedroofing, the fields were full of weeds, the buildings wanted roofing,the hedges were neglected and animals were underfed.”45

Manor farms as a region of the world of violence and coercion. For Mr.

Jones take the domain of everything. At the Manor farm, Mr. Jones did all his

wishes while the animals on the farm were often not fed. The existence of a

party of beasts who wanted to liberate oppression from humans was unknown

to Mr. Jones. So that Mr. Jones still behaves as usual, even cruel to animals in


On the character of Old Major. Old Major, the dear Middle White boar

on Manor farm she had a strange dream the night before and wished to

convey it to other animals. As a respectable boar, all animals on the Manor

Farm will be willing to follow all the orders delivered by Old Major. This can

be seen from the following quote:

“Old Major (so he was always called, though the name under which he hadbeen exhibited was Willingdon Beauty) was so highly regarded onthe farm that everyone was quite ready to hear what he had tosay.”46

From the quote above shows that the power possessed by an old animal

to other younger animals must be carried out and obeyed considering that

they are only young animals. Even though they are both animals but there are

still boundaries between the Old Major and other animals that are not much

45 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P 1146 eorge Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P 1


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different from Benjamin’s age on the Farm so that the highest power remains

at the Old Major.

After the Old Major died and the success of the rebellion by all animals

in the Manor farm. Everything about work of teaching and organizing the

others fell naturally upon the pigs, who were generally recognized as being

the cleverest of the animals. Preeminent among the pigs were two young

boars named Snowball and Napoleon. Napoleon was a large, rather fierce-

looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not much of talker

but with a reputation for getting his own way. This can be seen from the quote


“What is going to happen to all that milk? Said Someone.”“Jones uses sometimes to mix some of it in our mash,’ said one of

the hens.“Never mind the milk, comrades!’ cried Napoleon, placing himself in

front of the of the buckets. “that will be attend to. The harvestis important. Comrade Snowball will lead the way. I shallfollow in a few minutes. Forward, comrades! The hay iswaiting.”47

From the quote above shows that the all animals follow what

Napoleon said. Thus is used by Napoleon to take the opportunity so that he

can be satisfied to drink milk alone. Napoleon’s cunning as one of the rulers

on the farm. Napoleon had revealed that he ignored animals other that

himself. So that milk should be drunk together, but it is spent by himself. And

no animal is aware of Napoleon’s cunning. Napoleon’s cunning is seen in the

quote as follows.

47 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 16


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“So the animals trooped down to the hayfield to begin the hervest, andwhen they came back in the evening it was noticed that the milkhad disappeared.”48

Because Napoleon always disagrees with what Snowbell suggests for

the good of animals. This can be seen from the quote below:

“Napoleon took no interest in Snowball’s committees. Hesaid that the education of the young was more important thatanything that could be done for those who were alreadygrown up. It happen that Jessie and Bluebell had bothwhelped soon after the hay harvest, giving birth betweenthem to nine sturdy puppies. As soon as they were weanedNapoleon took them away from their mothers, saying that hewould make himself responsible for their education. He tookthem up into loft which could only be reached by a ladderfrom the harness-room.”49

From the quote above shows that the word education meant by

Napoleon is actually an indoctrination process. Napoleon never really intends

to teach other animals, because if another animal is as smart as Snowball then

it can again cause danger in its position as ruler. This educational process is

carried out as early as possible so that dogs are raised with a high value of

loyalty to the leader, Napoleon.

“At this there was a terrible baying sound outside, and nineenormous dogs wearing brass-studded collars came boundinginto barn. They dashed straight for Snowball, who onlysprang from his place just in time to escape their snappingjaws. In a moment he was out of the door and they were afterhim.”50

From the quote above shows that the indoctrinatory process carried

out by Napoleon to the puppies was successful. At the right time, the dogs

come out from sometime and follow all Napoleon’s orders. It is not so

48 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 1649 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P 2250 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 35


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difficult to drive one opponent for Napoleon to get what he wants. The

incident is certainly a question for all animals at animal farms and not a few

are aware that there is an oddity after the Snowball is expelled from the farm.

But this is certainly anticipated, by utilizing the traditional intellectual role of

the Squealer to influence the confidence of others animal in Napoleon’s

leadership. This is seen in the quote below:

“’Comrades,’ he said, I trust that every animal hereappreciates the sacrifice that Comrade Napoleon has made intaking this extra labour upon himself. Do not imagine,comrades, that leadership is a pleasure! On the contrary, it isa deep and heavy responsibility. No one believes more firmlythan Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He wouldbe only too happy to let you make your decisions foryourselves“51

From the quote above shows that, Napoleon as the dominant owner of

power, animals as a group that is dominated. Napoleon has not used the threat

of violence, but uses the role of the Squealer as a traditional intellectual to

convey ideas that have been determined by the dominant group to groups that

are dominated. All of this was to facilitate Napoleon’s desire to become a full

ruler and extend the power he had gained.

b) Becoming of Napoleon Leader

According to Max Weber, “Power is the ability of an individual or

group to achieve their own goals or aims when others are trying to prevent

them from realising them”.52 Power is the ability of a person to change

another person or group in a specific. Napoleon and other animals that

51George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 3752 C H Thomps (2013). Weber’s Definition of Power. Retrieved from Accessed on November 19, 2018


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followed him played a role as leaders on farms with high power. For some

animals, Napoleon is not only a comrade who leads a farm but also as a king,

a king on small ruling farm at will. He did not care about the state of the other

animal, the most important thing being to remain a ruler. As seen from the

qoute below:

“Throughout the spring and summer they worked a sixty-hour week, and in August Napoleon announced that therewould be work on Sunday afternoons as well. This work wasstrictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself fromit would have his rations reduced by half.“53

“Napoleon was now never spoken of simply as ‘Napoleon’.He was always referred to in formal style as ‘our Leader,Comrade Napoleon’, and the pigs like to invent for him suchtitles as Father of All Animals, Terror of Mankind, and thelike.”54

From the quotes above shows that area of hegemony. Napoleon uses a

way of spreading a life view and a way of thinking about the struggle of life

for animals to work on the basis of consciousness. Napoleon has full power

because on that farm he lives without ever losing food. While other animals

work hard to get food. This shows that Napoleon has not used violence and

coercion against other animals, but uses the common sense of animals that are

not critical but thy consciously do what Napoleon commands and regard the

order as the struggle of all animals.

“He announced that from now on the Sunday-morningMeetings would come to an end. They were unnecessary, hesaid, and wasted time. In future all questions relating to theworking of the farm would be settled by a special committeeof pigs, presided over by himself. These would meet in

53 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 4054 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 62


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private and afterwards communicate their decisions toother.”55

And from the quote above shows that Napoleon’s conscience was

closed due to his pleasure in having power, he did not even accept and feel

offended when other animals expressed a desire that did not agree with

Napoleon. For Napoleon, it is position is the highest of any other animal,

even though the animal that gives the opinion is a pig of the same type as it

does not deserve to express an opinion. This is clearly the act of authoritarian

rule being played by Napoleon. Besides that Napoleon as a leader uses his

full rights in all matters. Included in made cooperate with humans, even

though this violates the teachings of animalism. This is seen in the quote


“Napoleon announced that he had decided upon a new policy.From now onwards Animal Farm would engage in trade withthe neighbouring farms: not, of course, for any commercialpurpose but simply in order to obtain certain materials whichwere urgently necessary.”56

“…. He was therefore making arrangements to sell a stack ofhay and part of the current year’s wheat crop, and later on, ifmore money were needed, it would have to be made up bythe sale eggs, for which there was always a market inWillingdon.”57

“Finally Napoleon raised his trotter for silence andannounced that he had already made all the arrangements.”58

From the quotations above it is clear that Napoleon not only

dominates power but also dominates in terms of decision making which

55 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 3756 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 4257 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 4258 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 43


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should be carried out in a deliberative manner. Napoleon does not want a

decision that is different from what he wants. Even though the decision he

made had violated the resolution that they had agreed to together since the

collapse of Mr Jones’s power, that animals should not cooperate with humans

and should not live as humans who need money and clothes. Napoleon does

not accept any form of opinion because Napoleon considers all decisions to

remain in.

“It was about this time that the pigs suddenly moved moveinto the farmhouse and took up their residence there. Againthe animals seemed to remember that a resolution against thishad been passed in the early days, and again Squealer wasable to convince them that this was not the case. It wasabsolutely necessary, he said, the pigs were the brains of thefarm, should have a quiet place to work in. It was also moresuited to the dignity of the Leader to live in a house than in amere sty.”59

“They just finished singing it for the third time whenSquealer, attended by two dogs, approached them with the airof having something important to say. He announced that, bya special decree of Comrade Napoleon, ‘Beats of England’had been abolished. From now onwards it was forbidden tosing it.

The above quote can be explained, the change of place of residence

for Napoleon and other pigs out of the cage to the house will not change the

state of animal farm to be better but it becomes increasingly worse, with the

prohibition of singing Beast of England and the reception of Napoleon’s

dwellings and animals feel that there are some that are not in accordance with

the values of resolution agreed upon by all animals, because everything was

decided by Napoleon himself. Besides that other animals in animal farm have

59 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 45


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been able to by Napoleon will be good, although basically there some animals

that goodness from the results of decisions made by Napoleon.

c) Conflict Began

On animal farms quietly emerged opponents who began to dare to

criticize Napoleon’s power. Four young pigs that are young and good at

speaking. They dare say what they think is wrong before Napoleon. This is

wrong before Napoleon. This is involved from the quote below:

“Some of the pigs themselves, however, were morearticulate. Four young porkers in the front row uttered shrillsqueals of disapproval, and all four them sprang to their feetand began speaking at once.”60

“The four young pigs who had protested when Napoleonabolished the Meeting raised their voice timidly, but theywere promptly silenced by a tremendous growling from thedogs.”61

Through the above quote it can be caught that the four young pigs

have ventured to process what Napoleon said. Because the power held by

Napoleon does not always run smoothly, because in an animal farm there

must be someone who does not agree or fight, whether open or hidden. The

courage of the four pigs certainly influenced other animals who would dare to

work together against his power. This can be seen in the quote below:

“….. Led by three young Black Minorca pullets, the hensmade a determined effort to thwart Napoleon’s wishes. Theirmethod was to fly up to the rafters and there lay their eggs,which smashed to pieces on the floor”62

“….Then a goose came forward and confessed to havingurinated in the drinking pool – urged to do this, so she said,

60 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 3661 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 4362 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 51


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by Snowball-and two other sheep confessed to havingmurdered an old ram, an especially devoted follower ofNapoleon, by chasing him round and round a bonfire when hewas suffering from a cough.”63

Through the above quotation, it can be proven that the impact that

Napoleon will experience as a result of the emergence of opponents is the

threat of the position of power that has been held. One again the power

possessed by Napoleon does not always run smoothly because in Animal

Farm husbandry there must be someone who does not agree or fight, either

openly or covertly. The courage of some animals such as the three young

Black Minorca pullets, a goose and a two sheep who began to oppose what

was done by Napoleon with their respective abilities showed that not only

four young pigs dared to oppose Napoleon’s decision. The form of resistance

carried out by other animals was considered Napoleon’s betrayal, because he

had dared to oppose the decision he had set. Napoleon did not want his power

to slip form his grasp.

d) Maintain Power

In order to maintain the power hegemony in order to continue to run

smoothly according to his wishes, Napoleon cooperated with humans. This

was done by Napoleon so that Animal Farm Looks fine by the outsiders,

especially humans. If animal farming does not look fine, the leadership

position obtained by Napoleon could have been taken over by humans,

especially Mr Jones as the owner of the farm. The following excerpt found:

63 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 57


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“There would be no need for any of the animals so come incontact with human beings, which would clearly be mostundesirable. He intended to take the whole burden upon hisown shoulders. A Mr Whymper, a solicitor living inWillingdon, had agreed to act as intermediary betweenAnimal Farm and the outside world, and would visit the farmevery Monday morning to receive his instructions.”64

“Napoleon was well aware of the bad results that mightfollow if the real facts of the food situation were known, andhe decided to make use of Mr Whymper to spread a contraryimpression. Hitherto the animals had had little or no contactwith Whymper on his weekly visit: now, however, a fewselected animals, mostly sheep, where instructed to remarkcasually in his hearing that rations had been increased.”65

From the above quotations it shows to maintain and strengthen the

authority of power possessed by Napoleon. Mr Whymper was used as a

liaison between Napoleon and his apparatus with outsiders. This shows

Napoleon as the dominant group trying to maintain his power by lying to

outsiders about the real situation. It can be seen here if only the sheep can

speak to Mr Whymper when going to the show about the state of animal

farming is still fine. Sheep is a very loyal follower of Napoleon, so only sheep

can speak. Lamb must lie to Mr Whymper about the real a situation, if not

then the future of his life is like any other animal. The thing that was done by

Napoleon was not only for short-term economic and political problems, but

also as a persistent and tireless effort to maintain and preserve the system that

Napoleon had made. So that the current dominant system still looks stable

and successful in the eyes of humans and other animals. However, if this is

64 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 4365 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 50


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not done by Napoleon, then the crisis of hegemony will be seen by outsiders

and will have an impact on the power he has.

In order to save the crisis of hegemony which when disturbed,

Napoleon used the power of domination by trying to get rid of other animals

that did not agree on what he wanted. This was evident when there were pigs

who did not agree to Napoleon’s decision to abolish the Sunday Morning

Meeting. Eventually Napoleon sought a way so that no one would oppose

him to maintain power. The following excerpt found:

“Napoleon stood sternly surveying his audience; then heuttered a high-pitched whimper. Immediately the dogsbounded forward, seized four of the pigs by the ear anddragged them, squealing with pain and terror, to Napoleon’sfeet. The pig’s ears were bleeding, the dogs had tasted blood,and for a few moments they appeared to go quite mad.”66

“They Were the same four pigs as had protested whenNapoleon abolished the Sunday Meeting.”67

“When they had finished their confession the dogs promptlytore their throats out.”68

“The three hens who had been the ringleaders in theattempted rebellion over the eggs now came forward andstated that snowball had appeared to them in a dream andincited them to disobey Napoleon’s orders. They too wereslaughtered.”69

From the quotations above, it is explained that in order to maintain the

power he had, Napoleon had to get rid of the opponents. Napoleon mobilized

the dogs to bite the pigs who opposed his policies to get killed. Not only pigs,

other animals participating in resistance were also killed simultaneously. This

66 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 55-5667 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 5668 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 5669 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 56


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was done by Napoleon so that no animal would dare to challenge all the

systems that had been made to achieve the desired goal. If by means of

intellectual means and moral leadership cannot be used, then Napoleon uses

domination as a tool of violence and threat. Napoleon as the dominant group

has created a region of domination with violence and threats by utilizing dogs

that have been indoctrinated to obey him.

“Napoleon acted swiftly and ruthlessly. He ordered the hens’rations to be stooped, and decreed that any animal giving so muchas a grain of corn to hen should be punished by death. The dogssaw to it that these orders were carried out. For five days the hensheld out, then they capitulated and went back to their nestingboxes. Nine hens had died in the meantime”70

From the above quotation, it shows the operation of domination in

Animal Farm. So that threats are given to subordinate groups. Such as subtle

threats such as not going to give food to a pullets until the threat of being

sentenced to death for animals that help pullets that do not carry out orders or

launch what is desired by Napoleon as a leader. Things done by Napoleon and

his officials use one of the means owned by the political society, namely a

means of coercion or violence in the form of threats and dogs as police.

“Some of the animals had noticed that the van which tookBoxer away was marked ‘House Slaughterer’, and had actuallyjumped to the conclusion that Boxer was being sent to theknacker’s. It was almost unbelievable, said Squealer, that anyanimal could be so stupid. Surely, he cried indignantly, whiskinghis tail and skipping from side to side, surely they knew theirbeloved leader, Comrade Napoleon, better than that? But theexplanation was really very simple. The van had previously beenthe property of the knacker, and had been bought by the veterinarysurgeon, who had not yet painted the old name out. That was howthe mistake had arisen.”71

70 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 5171 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 83


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From the quotation above, Napoleon continues to try to maintain his

authority as a moral leadership in front of all animals, which of course is

assisted by the Squealer as a traditional intellectual. Events though at that

time he had actually sold the boxer to slaughterhouses in Willingdon. If this is

known by all animals, then the power he has had for years will disappear

instantly. Napoleon intelligently manipulated lies into truth itself to maintain

the power hegemony he carried out.

e) Resign to the Ruler

Napoleon’s figure is a leader who has had power for years. Napoleon

became an arbitrary leader and changed the text of the Seven Commandments

for his own happiness. Even so, none of the other animals dared to fight it

again. It was the resignation of the animals to receive all the treatment from

Napoleon against them. As in the quote below:

“All Animal are Equal but Some Animals are More Equal thanOther”72

“After that it did not seem strange when next day the pigs whowere supervising the work of the farm all carried whips in theirtrotters. It did not seem strange when Napoleon was seen strollingin the farm-house garden with a pipe in his mouth – no, not evenwhen the pigs took Mr Jones’s clothes out of the wardrobes and putthem on.”73

From the quotations above, it shows how strong the power Napoleon

has so that he can change the Seven Commandments. Napoleon and his

72 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 9073 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 90


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subordinates behaved like humans who needed clothes, telephones and

cigarettes. The animals have been living in submission to the behaviour of

Napoleon as a leader. Although all animals felt disappointed and did not like

the decision of the leader, all animals still respect him, even every Napoleon

came to make a speech, they always listened and obeyed what was ordered. If

not followed automatically the animal will get a punishment.

B. The Impact of Power Hegemony

Impact is the influence that occurs from an action carried out by

individuals or groups that carry out certain activities. Negative impact is an

act that is detrimental and tends to worsen the situation. In this research, the

dominant group exercised hegemonic power which had a negative impact on

the subordinate group.

When all animals on the Manor Farm fell very bored with their lives

under the tyranny of humans. Animals feel exploited by their eggs, feathers,

milk and energy for the sake of humans. After that’s? They will end up at

human dining tables.

Because, feeling oppressed, finally rebellion against humans happened

too. With all the power and effort, these animals consisting of pigs, horses,

birds, geese, sheep, hens and other animals managed to deal with weapons

and humanity. Because the power of animals cannot be defeated, you must

force the owner of the farm and his men to leave their own land. Since that

victory, Manor Farms belonged to animals.


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The leadership Mr Jones was replaced by two intelligent pigs named,

Snowball and Napoleon. Snowball and Napoleon compiled a view that was

held firmly on an equal and equal basis, which was named ‘Animalism’. Such

is the principle and value of the struggle of the animals. It’s time to rule over

himself, even work whole day and night for himself.

However, the democratic life of the animals did not last long. It is

impossible in a group to have the two highest leaders. So even between

Snowball and Napoleon had to move quickly to get rid of each other. On the

cunning nature of Napoleon, on the appointed day Snowball was removed

from the Animal Farm. The farm life that had been equal and same taste now

turned into tyranny again.

The effect of Napoleon’s leadership can be long and short term. The

life experienced by Napoleon was very different from other animals, although

they both suffered when fighting humans who wanted to reclaim animals

farming. Other animals suffer from threats and cruelty that are said

specifically or not. There is trauma caused by the violence and suffering

experienced by other animals, this is result of the tyrannical rule of Napoleon.

The following creates extensive emotions and psychological stress. In this

analysis the writer found that the impact of Napoleon’s power hegemony was

the loss of personal rights, work harder and cuts in food rations, and finally

the killing of fellow animals.

1. Loss of Personal Rights


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At the beginning of Napoleon’s leadership, he immediately held a

Sunday morning Meeting. According to Napoleon, the Sunday morning

Meeting is not important and a waste of time. Because in the future all

questions relating to work on the farm will be determined by a special pis

committee, chaired by Napoleon himself. The committee will hold a closed

meeting and after that convey their decision to other animals. Furthermore, all

animals can only receive orders without any being able to oppose.

Napoleon became an anti-critic leader. An anti-critic leader is a self

and selfish group leader, so passion will always be a guide in policy making.

The negative impact of the dominant group which is anti-criticism is that

other animals as subordinate groups must not convey their personal rights in

the form of the right to express their opinion. The loss of freedom in

expressing something is a negative impact that is directly felt by other

animals. Because other animals must accept all policies mad by Napoleon.

This can be seen in the below:

“Some of the pigs themselves, however, were morearticulate. Four young porkers in the front row uttered shrillsqueals of disapproval, and all four them sprang to their feetand began speaking at once. But suddenly the dogs sittinground Napoleon let out deep, menacing growls, and the pigsfell silent and sat down again.”74

Not only pigs that cannot convey the right to freedom of expression,

but some animals also lose the right to express their right of opinion. When

Napoleon collaboration with Mr Whymper in the fields of economic and law.

Napoleon as the ruler mad an agreement to sell for hundred eggs a week to

74 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 36-37


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Mr Whymper. The proceeds from selling these eggs to pay for wheat and feed

are enough to keep the farm in order to survive until summer arrives. But

Napoleon’s policies were only for the sake of himself and his group. In fact,

other animals as subordinate groups are prohibited from expressing the right

to express their opinion that they do not agree with the policies mad by

Napoleon as the leader in Animal Farm. This can be seen from the quote


“When hens heard this they raised a terrible outcry. They hadbeen warned earlier that this sacrifice might be necessary, buthad not believed that it would really happen. They were justgetting their clutches ready for the spring sitting, and theyprotested that to take the eggs away now was murder.”75

“Napoleon acted swiftly and ruthlessly. He ordered the hen’srations to be stooped, and decreed that any animal giving somuch as a grain of corn to a hen should be punished bydeath.”76

From the quotation above, the writer analyses if any decision made by

Napoleon must be obeyed by all animals. There is no more freedom owned

by subordinate groups. If anyone gives an opinion, then the animal will be

given a threat by Napoleon as the dominant group in Animal Farm.

2. Work Harder and Decrease in Food Rations

“All that year the animals worked like slaves.”77

“Throughout the spring and summer they worked a sixty-hour week, and in August Napoleon announced that therewould be work on Sunday afternoons as well. This work wasstrictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself fromit would have his rations reduced by half.”78

75 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 5176 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 5177 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 4178 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 41


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From the quotes above shows that other animals that became

subordinate classes fell victim to the power hegemony by Napoleon. It shows

that all other animals will work harder day and night. All this is done by all

animals consciously, because they think what they are doing is not for

humans but for themselves. This common sense was used by Napoleon to

hegemony all animals. From the quote above, the writer analyses that what

was done by Napoleon had a negative impact on the lives of other animals. If

they did not work, the ration was reduced. Even after the rebellion against Mr

Jones, they actually did not lack food at all. This can be reinforced from the

quote below:

“He believed that he was right in saying that the loweranimals on Animal Farm did more work and received lessfood than any animals in the country.”79

3. The Killing of Fellow Animals

Their views of life for the first time when rebellion against humans is

the same taste and equal. After the rebellion succeeded, there would be no

killing of fellow animals. There is even a commandments, whatever goes

upon two legs is an enemy, whatever goes to upon four legs or has wings, is a

friend and no animal shall kill any other animal. But this changed when

Napoleon came to power. This can be seen from the quote below:

“Since Jones had left the farm, until today, no animal hadkilled another animal. Not even a rat had been killed.”80

79 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 9280 George Orwell (1995). Animal Farm, (London: Penguin Books Ltd), P. 57


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From the quote above shows the killing of fellow animals during the

Napoleon leadership. In order to maintain the power he has, Napoleon will do

anything even if he has to kill fellow animals. The atrocities committed by

Napoleon exceeded the cruelty that Mr Jones had carried out to them. All

animals are afraid and disappointed when they see a massacre that they never

expected to happen after a rebellion against humans. From the quotation

above the writer analyses the final negative impact of the power hegemony

carried out by Napoleon is to kill other animals without any good reason. This

made all animals afraid of Napoleon.



A. ConclusionBased on the results of research and discussion on power hegemony in

Animal Farm novels in the previous chapter, some conclusions can be drawn

as follows.

1. It was found that the form of power hegemony that operates in

Animal Farm is in an integral state, namely a combination of civil society

areas plus political communities. The integral region carries out its own ways

to achieve the goal of hegemony. It can be said that the subordinate group fell

victim to the power by the dominant group controlled by Napoleon and his

committee. Not all of figures who are in the dominant group carry out

hegemony by coercion or violence but in more subtle ways to achieve the


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objectives of the dominant group. Napoleon used violence and threats more

often to maintain the power he had.

2. The impact of power hegemony on subordinate groups has a

negative impact. Some story events that have a hegemonic role in Animal

Farm novels have a negative impact on the character of the story. A negative

impact was seen when Napoleon carried out power hegemony. As the

dominant group, Napoleon tried to maintain the power he had so as to create

regulations that were not in accordance with the principles of animal life, but

in accordance with his own goals. The negative impact of Napoleon’s power

hegemony are the loss of personal right, hunger felt by animals as a

subordinate group, and the killing of animals.

B. SuggestionBased on conclusions and referring to the benefits of research, it is

suggested as follows:

1. This research is expected to be used for the development of literary

science, the development of literary science, especially the study of

hegemony as one form of analysis of literary works in which various

values contribute to human life.

2. This research is only limited to the power hegemony found in the

Animal Farm novel. Therefore, there is a need for further research on this

novel by using another approach or perspective. In addition, it can also

discuss other aspects that are also interesting to display, for example

about aspects of equality of power in the novel with conditions in society


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in general, or it could be comparing Animal Farm with other works of

George Orwell, who also know existing social problems.

3. By using the study of hegemony, this research is expected to be a

reference in other studies regarding the behavior or state of society. It it

relates to leadership and its influence on other communities that relate to

the effects of leadership that hegemony.


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This Appendix is about the synopsis of the novel entitled Animal Farmwritten by George Orwell. This novel was first published in England on 17 August1945. Consist of 104 pages and 10 chapters include Epilogue. George Orwell isnovelist and Indian police, best known for her political allegory, Animal Farm.The Animal Farm novels have gained worldwide recognition and sold over 100milion copies, with translations into 30 different languages. Animal Farm novelwas the bestselling of 1950 in America.

In Indonesia the title of this novel is usually not translated. For example inthe 2001 edition of the translation, the title of the novel is still Animal Farm,different from in Malaysia where the title of the novel is usually translated as theAnimal Field. Originally Orwell gave this book the title Animal Farm: A FairyStory, but the United States issue did not use the phrase "A Fairy Story", becauseit was not suitable for the children's market. Only Telugu translations were madeduring Orwell's life, which still use the phrase "A Fairy Story". In othertranslations, the subtitle is removed or replaced with the word "A Satire" (ASatire), "A Contemporary Satire" (A Modern Satire), or described as an adventureor story. Here are the synopsis and the information of the author:

The Animal Farm novel written by George Orwell was a political allegoryduring World War II as a satire for the totalitarism of the Soviet Union. The storyin this novel begins when one night at Pak Jones's Manor Farm, there was an oldpig named Major, the honorable Middle-white pig gathering animals to tell theirdreams. Before conveying his dream to the animals attending the meeting, he toldof his reflection on the nature of animal life. They are only fed to keep their breaththen forced to work hard and when it is useless - they are slaughtered in a cruelway.

Major asserted that such actions were not part of the natural order. Nor is itbecause of the arid water so it does not provide a decent life for those who live onit. Because the land is too fertile and able to produce abundant food for allanimals. However, all the products of the hard work of animals are robbed byhumans. So he concluded that humans are the real enemies of animals. Getting ridof humans means removing the root causes of hunger and exploitation forever.

His statement was not made up. For a long time living under the tyrannyof man raises his awareness that humans are creatures that bring infinite sufferingto animals. Humans can only consume without producing. Humans just enjoy thework of animals, drink milk, eat eggs and so on. Animals plow fields with theirenergy and fertilize the soil with their manure, but they do not own land.

This makes Major feel the need to make animals aware on the farm. Heconveyed plainly that all crimes in animal life emerged from human tyranny. So

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enough to subvert human power, the work will belong to animals. Even though hesaid, in order to achieve this - a rebellion was needed. And he also reminded thatin fighting humans, they must not resemble humans. If they succeed in defeatinghumans, they must not imitate their crimes. No animal can stay indoors, or sleepin bed, wear clothes, drink alcohol, touch money or engage in trade. In addition,animals must not oppress fellow animals. All animals are equal.

Then the Major began to tell his dream about the state of the earth afterhumans became extinct. The dream reminded him of a song he had forgotten. Thesong is titled "British Beast" with poetry that is full of rebellion against humantyranny. He sang the song and was followed by other animals happily. Threenights later, Major died peacefully while sleeping. After his death, the animalsbegan to organize themselves led by two intelligent pigs named Snowball andNapoleon. In addition, there is also another pig named Squealer, he is known as asmart speaker. Other animals believe that they are able to convert black to white.

Then the three pigs elaborated on the old Major's teachings into completethinking - which they gave the name animalism. The principle of animalism is thatevery two-legged is an enemy and every four-legged and has wings is a friend.Then they propagated the animal principle to all animals. Initially there was a lotof ignorance and apathy. But they can overcome it with a rational explanation.

The pigs also struggled against the deceptions posed by Moses, PakJones's favorite crow. He is a spy and a reporter, besides that he is also good atspeaking. He said that there was a mysterious country called Mount Candy Gulalocated in the sky. The mountain is the last destination when an animal dies. Onthe Mount Candy, there are abundant foods and various other pleasures. The pigsstruggle to convince other animals that there is no such place. Moses only lied.

At night, because he was too hungry a cow broke into the door of a strawbarn with its horns and all the animals began to devour the straw. Then Pak Jonesarrived with several of his employees carrying whips that were whipped in alldirections. The animals did not remain silent, even without the previous plan -they jointly jumped towards the whip. Mr. Jones and his people were helpless andran away. Finally, animals are taken over by animals. The farm was changed from"Ranch Manor" to "Animal Farm".

Then they make sure the Animal Principle on the wall they call the SevenCommandments. The seven commands contain; anything that runs on two legs isan enemy, anything that runs on four legs and has wings is a friend, not an animalcan wear clothes, sleep in bed, drink alcohol, kill other animals and all animals areequal. They made the seven commandments in their lives. After that, the animalscarried out collective activities in managing the farm for their shared needs.

However, this did not last long. The pigs began to deviate from theprinciple of animalism. They apply elitist - privilege themselves from otheranimals. Milk and fruit were only intended for pigs even Snowball and Napoleon

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agreed. Then Squeler was asked to provide an explanation as needed regardingthis matter. Squeler said that milk and fruit are needed by pigs to maintain health.To be able to keep thinking for the sustainability of the organization of livestockand mutual welfare. All this so that Mr. Jones does not return to the farm. Becauseanimals don't want Pak Jones to return, they finally believe and attach importanceto keeping the pigs in good health.

While in other places, Mr. Jones asked for help from other farmers toreclaim livestock. Mr. Jones carried a rifle and the others were armed with clubs.They attacked ranch fields. However, they were defeated thanks to the leadershipof Snowball who was assisted by the Boxer the Horse. Snowball had studied theancient book from Julius Caesar so that he was able to anticipate and prepareeverything when the attack occurred. After defeating Mr. Jones and his men, theanimals celebrate the victory. The flag was raised and the song "British Beast"was sung, then the deceased animal was given a solemn funeral, with flowerbushes planted on his grave. Then Snowball made a short speech about the needfor all animals to be ready to die for the Animal Farm.

For the continuity of Animal Farming, it is agreed that clever pigs mustdecide all policies on the farm, even though the decision must be ratified by amajority vote. However, there was always a debate between Snowball andNapoleon. In meetings Snowball often won majority support because of hisspeech skills, but at certain times Napoleon was more skilled at getting support.He was especially very successful with sheep and asked him to motto "Four goodfeet, bad two feet", both during the harvest season and not, and they ofteninterrupted Snowball's meetings and speeches with the song.

The conflict between Snowball and Napoleon continued. Snowball advisesanimals to make windmills so they can save energy in work. So that one dayanimals only have to work three days a week. Whereas Napoleon argued that thegreat need now was to increase food production and if they spent energy on thewindmill idea, they would starve to death. Then the animals form two groups withthe slogan, "Choose Snowball and three working days a week" and "ChooseNapoleon and troughs full of food". Benjamin the Donkey, the only animal thatdoes not favor any faction. He does not want to believe that food will abound orthat windmills will save labor. For him, whether or not there is anything, life willcontinue to run like what has happened - that is, badly.

Besides these debates, there are questions about maintaining livestock.Because even though humans have been conquered in previous wars, it is verypossible that they will make efforts to seize power again. Then Napoleon told theanimals that what had to be done was to get a firearm and train themselves to useit. Whereas Snowball argued that they had to send more post pigeons andstimulate animals on other farms to rebel. Napoleon again argued that if theycould not defend themselves, they would be conquered. Then Snowball denied his

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opinion by saying that if rebellions were everywhere, they did not need to defendthemselves. The animals cannot decide who is right between Napoleon andSnowball. The animals always feel in agreement with those who are talking at thattime.

When the next meeting arrived, Snowball spoke eloquently about theimportant needs of the animals in the future and received much support from theanimals. Then it was Napoleon's turn, he only called the dogs he had kept for along time. The dogs immediately hit Snowball, which avoided the jaws of thedogs at the right time. Then ran to save himself and the dogs chased him. Theanimals were shocked and disappointed by Snowball's expulsion, but could onlybe silent in fear. Even the Boxer said nothing. Since then, animal farming hasbeen under Napoleon's leadership with dogs as loyal followers.

Through the year animals work like slaves. However, they are happy to dothe work, because they think that everything they do is for themselves and forthose born after them, not for a group of people who are lazy thieves. Even duringspring and summer, they worked sixty hours a week and in August Napoleonannounced that there was work Sunday night too. This work is truly voluntary, butwhoever is absent, the ration will also be reduced by half. One Sunday morning,Napoleon announced that from now on, Animal Farming would work withneighboring farms. Napoleon's dictatorship violated the animalism principle thathad been agreed upon. He began to deal with humans, was involved in trade, didnot take advantage of the use of money - which was the earliest resolutiondelivered during the first victory meeting after Jones was removed. The animalsremember the resolution, but chose to be silent for fear of Napoleon's dogs.

However, at one time, led by three black Minorca chickens, the hensrebelled against Napoleon because their eggs would be sold. This rebellion wasthe first time since Jones was removed. Napoleon acted quickly and cruelly. Heordered that chicken rations be stopped and stated that anyone who gave a chickencorn would be sentenced to death. The hens only last for five days, then they giveup and return to the nest box. Meanwhile, nine hens are dead.

Furthermore, Napoleon spread slander about Snowball. He said Snowballwas a secret agent from Jones and among the animals there were conspiring withhim. Then he ordered all the animals to gather. Napoleon appeared with nine ofhis dogs jumping around and growling so that all the animals shivered in fear.Napoleon stood fiercely then issued a high-pitched whimper. The dogs jumpedforward, snatched four pigs in their ears and dragged them to the feet ofNapoleon. They were ordered to admit to crimes they had not committed and thenwere killed. Even with three chickens that rebelled before and several otheranimals. The air in that place becomes tight and smells of blood. All animalstrembled and sad, then left the place to the hill. Clover the mare realized that thething they had just witnessed was not what they expected at night when the old

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Major encouraged them to rebel. They expect an animal society free from hungerand whip, all equally, each working according to his capacity, who is strong atprotecting the weak. They then sang "British Beasts" with excessive enthusiasm,but slowly and full of sadness, in a way they had never sung before.

They just sang, then the Squealer escorted by two dogs approached themand said that the song was forbidden to sing. He also said that the "British Beast"was a song of rebellion and the rebellion had ended. They have lived in anestablished society, so the song has no purpose. Actually the animals want toprotest, but don't have the courage to do it.

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The power of hegemony has operated those found on George Orwell

Animal Farm novel can be seen on tables below:

No Utterance Chapter & Page Description


“Napoleon took no interest in Snowball’s

committees. He said that the education of

the young was more important that

anything that could be done for those who

were already grown up. It happen that

Jessie and Bluebell had both whelped soon

after the hay harvest, giving birth between

them to nine sturdy puppies. As soon as

they were weaned Napoleon took them

away from their mothers, saying that he

would make himself responsible for their

education. He took them up into loft which

could only be reached by a ladder from the


Chap. III p,22

Leader in




“At this there was a terrible baying sound

outside, and nine enormous dogs wearing

brass-studded collars came bounding into

barn. They dashed straight for Snowball,

who only sprang from his place just in time

to escape their snapping jaws. In a moment

he was out of the door and they were after


Chap. V p,35

Leader in




“’Comrades,’ he said, I trust that every

animal here appreciates the sacrifice that

Comrade Napoleon has made in taking this

extra labour upon himself. Do not imagine,

comrades, that leadership is a pleasure! On

the contrary, it is a deep and heavy

responsibility. No one believes more

firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all

animals are equal. He would be only too

happy to let you make your decisions for


Chap. V p,37

Leader in




“Throughout the spring and summer they

worked a sixty-hour week, and in August

Napoleon announced that there would be

work on Sunday afternoons as well. This

work was strictly voluntary, but any

Chap. VI p,40

Leader in



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No Utterance Chapter & Page Description

animal who absented himself from it

would have his rations reduced by half.“


“Napoleon was now never spoken of

simply as ‘Napoleon’. He was always

referred to in formal style as ‘our Leader,

Comrade Napoleon’, and the pigs like to

invent for him such titles as Father of All

Animals, Terror of Mankind, and the like.

Chap. VIII p,62






“He announced that from now on the

Sunday-morning Meetings would come to

an end. They were unnecessary, he said,

and wasted time. In future all questions

relating to the working of the farm would

be settled by a special committee of pigs,

presided over by himself. These would

meet in private and afterwards

communicate their decisions to other.”

Chap. V p,37






“Napoleon announced that he had decided

upon a new policy. From now onwards

Animal Farm would engage in trade with

the neighbouring farms: not, of course, for

any commercial purpose but simply in

order to obtain certain materials which

were urgently necessary.”

Chap. VI p,42






“…. He was therefore making

arrangements to sell a stack of hay and part

of the current year’s wheat crop, and later

on, if more money were needed, it would

have to be made up by the sale eggs, for

which there was always a market in


Chap. VI p,42






“Finally Napoleon raised his trotter for

silence and announced that he had already

made all the arrangements.”

Chap. VI p,43






“It was about this time that the pigs

suddenly moved move into the farmhouse

and took up their residence there. Again

the animals seemed to remember that a

resolution against this had been passed in

the early days, and again Squealer was able

to convince them that this was not the case.

It was absolutely necessary, he said, the

Chap. VI p,45





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No Utterance Chapter & Page Description

pigs were the brains of the farm, should

have a quiet place to work in. It was also

more suited to the dignity of the Leader to

live in a house than in a mere sty.”


“Some of the pigs themselves, however,

were more articulate. Four young porkers

in the front row uttered shrill squeals of

disapproval, and all four them sprang to

their feet and began speaking at once.”

Chap. V p,36 Conflict



“The four young pigs who had protested

when Napoleon abolished the Meeting

raised their voice timidly, but they were

promptly silenced by a tremendous

growling from the dogs.”

Chap. VI p,43 Conflict



“….. Led by three young Black Minorca

pullets, the hens made a determined effort

to thwart Napoleon’s wishes. Their method

was to fly up to the rafters and there lay

their eggs, which smashed to pieces on the


Chap. VII p,51 Conflict



“….Then a goose came forward and

confessed to having urinated in the

drinking pool – urged to do this, so

she said, by Snowball-and two other

sheep confessed to having murdered

an old ram, an especially devoted

follower of Napoleon, by chasing

him round and round a bonfire when

he was suffering from a cough.”

Chap. VII p,57 Conflict



“There would be no need for any of the

animals so come in contact with human

beings, which would clearly be most

undesirable. He intended to take the whole

burden upon his own shoulders. A Mr

Whymper, a solicitor living in Willingdon,

had agreed to act as intermediary between

Animal Farm and the outside world, and

would visit the farm every Monday

morning to receive his instructions.”

Chap.VI p,43 Maintain



“Napoleon was well aware of the bad

results that might follow if the real facts of

the food situation were known, and he

decided to make use of Mr Whymper to

Chap. VII p,50 Maintain


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No Utterance Chapter & Page Description

spread a contrary impression. Hitherto the

animals had had little or no contact with

Whymper on his weekly visit: now,

however, a few selected animals, mostly

sheep, where instructed to remark casually

in his hearing that rations had been



“Napoleon stood sternly surveying his

audience; then he uttered a high-pitched

whimper. Immediately the dogs bounded

forward, seized four of the pigs by the ear

and dragged them, squealing with pain and

terror, to Napoleon’s feet. The pig’s ears

were bleeding, the dogs had tasted blood,

and for a few moments they appeared to go

quite mad

Chap. VII p,55 Maintain



“They Were the same four pigs as had

protested when Napoleon abolished the

Sunday Meeting. Chap. VII p,56



19 “When they had finished their confession

the dogs promptly tore their throats out Chap. VII p,56




“The three hens who had been the

ringleaders in the attempted rebellion over

the eggs now came forward and stated that

snowball had appeared to them in a dream

and incited them to disobey Napoleon’s

orders. They too were slaughtered.

Chap. VII p,56 Maintain



“Napoleon acted swiftly and ruthlessly. He

ordered the hens’ rations to be stooped,

and decreed that any animal giving so

much as a grain of corn to hen should be

punished by death. The dogs saw to it that

these orders were carried out. For five days

the hens held out, then they capitulated and

went back to their nesting boxes. Nine

hens had died in the meantime

Chap. VII p,51 Maintain



“Some of the animals had noticed that the

van which took Boxer away was marked

‘House Slaughterer’, and had actually

jumped to the conclusion that Boxer was

being sent to the knacker’s. It was almost

unbelievable, said Squealer, that any

Chap. IX p,83 Maintain


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No Utterance Chapter & Page Description

animal could be so stupid. Surely, he cried

indignantly, whisking his tail and skipping

from side to side, surely they knew their

beloved leader, Comrade Napoleon, better

than that? But the explanation was really

very simple. The van had previously been

the property of the knacker, and had been

bought by the veterinary surgeon, who had

not yet painted the old name out. That was

how the mistake had arisen.

23 “All Animal are Equal but Some Animals

are More Equal than Other Chap. X p,90

Resign to

the ruler


“After that it did not seem strange when

next day the pigs who were supervising the

work of the farm all carried whips in their

trotters. It did not seem strange when

Napoleon was seen strolling in the farm-

house garden with a pipe in his mouth –

no, not even when the pigs took Mr

Jones’s clothes out of the wardrobes and

put them on.

Chap. X p,90 Resign to

the ruler

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The impacts of power hegemony on George Orwell Animal Farm Novel

are listed below:

No Utterance Chapter &


The Impact

Neg Pos


“Some of the pigs

themselves, however, were

more articulate. Four

young porkers in the front

row uttered shrill squeals

of disapproval, and all four

them sprang to their feet

and began speaking at

once. But suddenly the

dogs sitting round

Napoleon let out deep,

menacing growls, and the

pigs fell silent and sat

down again.”

Chap. V p,36-37 ✓


“When hens heard this

they raised a terrible

outcry. They had been

warned earlier that this

sacrifice might be

necessary, but had not

believed that it would

really happen. They were

just getting their clutches

ready for the spring sitting,

and they protested that to

take the eggs away now

was murder.

Chap. VII p,51 ✓


“Napoleon acted swiftly

and ruthlessly. He ordered

the hen’s rations to be

stooped, and decreed that

any animal giving so much

as a grain of corn to a hen

should be punished by


Chap. VII p,51 ✓

4 “All that year the animals

worked like slaves Chap. VI p,41 ✓

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No Utterance Chapter &


The Impact

Neg Pos


“Throughout the spring

and summer they worked a

sixty-hour week, and in

August Napoleon

announced that there

would be work on Sunday

afternoons as well. This

work was strictly

voluntary, but any animal

who absented himself

from it would have his

rations reduced by half.

Chap. VI p,41 ✓


“He believed that he was

right in saying that the

lower animals on Animal

Farm did more work and

received less food than any

animals in the country

Chap. X p,92 ✓


“Since Jones had left the

farm, until today, no

animal had killed another

animal. Not even a rat had

been killed.

Chap. VII P.57 ✓